HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. (handout) Olmer8 o nd o ai)-, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Meeting June 7, 2012 (01 mer) President Nejedly, Board Members! My name is Ksenija Soster Olmer and I reside at 28 Alta Vista in Orinda Today I would like to address to issues in support of the appeal: No. 1 Fire Danger No. 2. Neighborhood opposition in the form of Petition 1 st issue: Fire Danger Concerns in Upper El Toyonal Area Ksenija Soster Olmer 28 Alta Vista Orinda am very concerned with the fire safety in conjunction with this project. The density of the old oak groves and Bay Laurel trees in upper El Toyonal area increases the fire danger and fire can spread very quickly. In the light of what happened in the last big Oakland fire which was just on the other side of our hill, I am very concerned that additional development fostered by the sewer would render our evacuation road blocked. One of the roads that we could take to evacuate from our house has already been closed due to a landslide, so we are left with only one other evacuation option. To learn more about the fire issues in our area I had an extensive conversation with Assistant Fire Marshal of Moraga - Orinda Fire District Kathy Leonard. I paraphrase the gist of her concerns with increased development: "The upper Toyonal area was build up at a time when people did not think about fire fighting logistics and accessibility so it is a very challenging area to fight fires. The fire hydrants are orange which means of only medium flow. Any additional development would put in jeopardy the existing residents and our firefighters unless significantly more water resources and bigger water pipes were brought in." 2nd issue Neighborhood opposition of Residents and empty Lot Owners I have taken the time, effort and expense to obtain the Contra Costa County Assessors maps and the names of all the lot owners in our area. I have personally spoken to every resident and some lot owners. I was dismayed to find that some elderly residents did not make their decisions based on accurate information, but initially supported the idea of the sewer because they thought it will cost $3000 or be entirely free to them. Faced by the daunting estimated amount in the district's position paper they are now in opposition. Therefore I would like to point out to you that the support for the proposed sewer you were let to believe was so substantial is in fact very small. The assumption was made on part of your engineer that most empty lot owners will support the sewer, but this is not factual. Additionally some of the empty lots are on slide areas or over creeks and unbuildable. If you would look at these color coded maps you would notice that the red areas in opposition outweigh the green areas in support. BRIEFLY SHOW PAGE 8 and 10 Because of the short notice for this meeting date I was not able to track down and contact all absent empty lot owners, therefore I am asking for a contingency till the next board meeting on June 21 st to present the final accurate picture. Therefore consider the Petition in opposition of the formation of a new Assessment District as provisional. 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