HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. (Handout) Benvenue8.a.
June 7 2012 4
Dear Honorable James A. Nejedly and Members of the Central Sanitary Board, (SenvencLe_)
This is a request to reverse the May 17th Board decision to allow exceptions to the CAD policy in favor of
installing the sewer in the El Toyonal, Alta Vista, Dos Osos, etc., streets of Orinda, California.
1) The decision is based on false assertions that septic systems in the area pose a threat to human
• The April 5th meeting minutes quote several people, making claims that septic systems in the
area are faulty. As an example, Russell Cohn is quoted as saying, "existing septic systems have
been polluting the water supply downhill from this area and continue to pollute the
environment with no abatement." This, and all similar assertions made by the CAD proponents
are patently false.
• The 2011 East Bay MUD Water Quality Report is attached for your consideration. This report
indicates the water quality is consistently superb within and outside of the watershed in the
proposed assessment district. EBMUD conducts weekly testing of raw water from the San Pablo
reservoir. There has not a single biological contaminant found, including fecal coliforms,
cryptosporidium, etc.
• EBMUD's District Watershed Manager is Scott Hill, and is happy to discuss the matter further.
2) The decision was based upon a majority of community support
• Attached is a list of all the homes and lots in the proposed CAD. I have personally interviewed
90% of resident homeowners and find there is a maximum of 3 committed participants, out of
29. (Attachment A).
• Mr. Robert Cheasty is quoted in the April 5 Meeting Minutes as saying, "the city's building
requirements would prohibit extensive development." This has been my experience as well,
which means some percent of the supporting lot owners will be denied building permits.
Therefore, they would have no use for the sewer and would likely withdraw their participation.
• 1 moved to the area 25 years ago, when anti -sewer sentiment was both historic and prevalent,
as it remains now.
• If CCCSD forges ahead without community support, they would be building the 'Sewer to
Nowhere' - an expensive piece of infrastructure. This project favors two non - resident lot
owners, and two non - resident homeowners seeking to maximize profits on property sales, in a
neighborhood they won't live it. Supporting them is not being community /customer focused.
3) The real threat to public health is deteriorating sewer pipes.
• It is well documented the District faces challenges maintaining the existing infrastructure and
elsewhere. Please note Attachment D, one of thousands of articles on the internet about aging
sewer pipes that rupture, cause sinkholes and spew gallons of toxic waste over large areas.
Noted is the District's North Orinda Phase 4, where a ruptured pipe is being addressed along
Honey Hill Road in Orinda, showing CCCSD is not immune from these events. We respectfully
suggest that repairing these areas is a far more prudent use of District limited resources.
The CAD opponents strongly urge the Sanitary District to reverse the May 17 exception to CAD policy for
this proposed CAD. if a few developers want the sewer, they should pay for it. They can secure their
own financing, rather than compel the District's rate payers to underwrite their development venture.
We recommend using District funds to improve aging infrastructure, which benefits thousands of
people, demonstrates CCCSDs customer focus, shows CCCSD respects local communities, and serves
your mission to preserve the environment.
Thank you for your kind consideration of the above.
Louise Benvenue
25 Alta Vista Drive, Orinda CA 94563
510 - 495 -2506 (days) and 925 - 253 -1352 (evenings)
In favor of CAD
exceptions NOTES
no Shrieve
no Wendi
yes Sharifedeh - vacant
1 maybe
1 1yes
1 1 yes
1 dyes
1 ino
7 Alta Vista
8 Alta Vista
10 Alta Vista
18 Alta Vista
no Cowles
no Kjar
no Bowen
no lBenvenue
19 Alta Vista
23 Alta Vista
1 I
25 Alta Vista
1 1
28 Alta Vista
42 Alta Vista
62 Alta Vista
67 Alta Vista
43 Dos Osos
49 Dos Osos
I 2 lyes
no ICasiarc
yes Lieber - vacant
no Sgro
no Henderson
no Gregerson
no Farrell
"unbuildable" JMM
9 Los Norrabos
2 Camino del Monte
42 Camino del Monte
I 4
49 Camino del Monte
I no Voelker
no Holmes
no Malmberg
no Leech
no Leech
no Leech
maybe Kidd
maybe - vacant
no Tucker
no Ruhland
no Vincent
yes Peischl
no Rich
6 Via San Inigo
8 Via San Inigo
10 El Rincon
In Favor
16 El Rincon
21 El Rincon
Max in Favor
244 El Toyonal
255 El Toyanal
259 El Toyonal
263 El Toyonal
300 El Toyonal
301 El Toyonal
77 Tres Mesas
6/7/2012 11:52 AM C: \Louise - Misc \Sewer \Resident Homeowners.xlsx
vvater innha,trUcnu•e ivetworK
http: win - water .org /news /O81106ai-ticle.shtml
Aging Sewage Pipes Pollute
Legislative Activity i'
By Nancy Trahan
WIN Reports
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
ITS the pipes, stupid
Still Living without th
Water IN
The UCLA and Stanford professors got part of it right: Many of the more popular
Basics in the 21st
'� Now
beaches in Southern California are polluted with sewage as often as one out of every
Century: An Analysis of Gaps in
Clean 8
three days
for the 2'
Accessibility and her
Much of it from storm drains full of untreated runoff
Challenges for the New
�i Dawn of
""' Replacer
But missing from their analysis is another major source of coastal sewage pollution
Water In,
the sewer pipes
Clean Water is
Threatened bv- Budget
They are bursting all over California and the rest of the country as well. Every mayor
local government in Southern California is under some kind of state or federal
mandate to fix their aging, bursting sewer pipes. The city of Los Angeles agreed in
2004 to spend Million to upgrade one of the leakiest sewer systems in America,
averaging one spill a day for decades. Same with San Diego and Orange County
You name the city or county, and chances are the public officials most vociferous
about the environment are often the ones most inattentive to the worst source of
pollution in their waters. sewage
It is a national problem. Over the last two years, dozens of places throughout
America have had their worse sewage spill in decades, if not ever
Just a few months ago it was Waikiki, Hawaii. Last month it was Spokane, Wash
Before that it was Annapolis, Md., Raleigh, N.0 Boston. Key West, Fla.,
Wilmington, Del, Durham. N.C.; and on and on
Last year there were 73,000 sewer spills in America, many caused by the same
thing. Its the pipes, stupid!
Major sewer spills are now so common that local officials often treat them with a kind
of seasonal resignation, as if to say, "If its summer, it must be time for sewage "
Yet let some hapless boater drop a quart of oil in the water by accident, and these
same officials are threatening him with jail time for being an environmental outlaw.
1 ..f 2 4- di7(111 A•27 DKA
Baler Infiastructure Network http:/ /win- water.org/news /081 106article.shtunl
That just isn't going to work anymore, because the sewer pipe problem is getting
worse. Most of the sewage pipes in America were installed 60 years ago in the great
post -war building boom. They were meant to last for 50 years. Do the math. Read
the clips. Sewer pipes are breaking at an unprecedented rate.
Just a few days ago, the biggest news story in Dallas was about the search for a little
boy who disappeared and may have fallen into a large sinkhole above a sewer pipe
They are still looking for him. But we get the same holes and few seem to know
where they come from.
Every couple of weeks, the local and national news carry stories on sinkholes -
much like the one in Dallas - that mysteriously appear, seemingly at random,
swallowing cars, sidewalks and even homes.
Only these sinkholes are not random: Its the pipes, stupid!
Hare's why: When sewer pipes corrode, dirt falls in. Soon it is whisked away, much
like an underground escalator Whether it is one grain a day, or several teaspoons a
day, soon enough, the ground near the pipe - but below the surface - is gone.
The next time it rains, voila, instant sinkhole, instant pipe break. And wa are often told
the sinkhole caused the pipe break and sewage spill instead of the other way
Mystery solved.
The only question left is why we let so much of our sewage infrastructure rot away
when we know people will get sick by the tens of thousands, when we know that
sooner or later we will have to fix them, as the EPA demands.
Some places figured it out. San Diego, for example, had some of the leakiest sewer
systems and sickest surfers in America.
With EPA sanctions looming, the city hired a company out of St. Louis that fixes
sewer pipes from the inside - removing a favorite excuse for inaction, the disruption
of traffic.
This same company did the same thing beneath the White House. And, yes, when
they are fixing pipes they do find alligators down there in the sewers.
Pretty soon, the leaks were almost gone. The surfers were happy. But there are still
a lot of pipes left to fix
With apologies to Al Gore, broken sewer pipes are the most immediate and
damaging threat to our environment - not rising temperatures at the North Pole. Its
sewage on our beaches from leaky pipes. Right here in California. Right now
Nancy Trahan is a freelance writer.
She lives in Winchester.
cinv»nl') n•11 DNA
Request to Reverse CCCSD Board Decision to allow exceptions to the CAD policy in favor on istalling a
sewer up El Toyonal, Alta Vista, Dos Osos, Camino del Monte, etc. area of Orinda CA
Scott Hill, District manager of East Bay MUD for the proposed CAD was contacted by telephone on June
5, 2012. He stated the impacts associated with development and hardscaping are of great concern to
EBMUD. Further, he added the issue is complicated, and EBMUD does not have a clear -cut preference
for sewer over septic systems. EBMUD has expressed concern that additional traffic on the single lane,
winding, roads with several blind spots poses a measurable risk to all drivers.
The decision to support the exceptions was in part based on the El Toyonal Orinda Hills area as being
the same as Alhambra Valley, yet the two are remarkably dissimilar.
Unlike Alhambra Valley, the area under consideration is hilly and prone to seismic activity and slides. In
1955, a heavy rainy season launched a mudslide that destroyed several homes and took one life.
Subsequently, smaller landslides occurred. According to the most elderly and long term area residents,
fault zones and soil instability were the basis for the 1970 Moratorium on Septic tanks. Large, excavated
areas created for the placement of septic tanks or weighted with homes, have resulted in slumps,
downhill damage, and lawsuits.
(see Muth v. Urricelqui at http: / /www.lawlink.com /research /caseleve13 /44311.)
4, jlr. t.
Prepared /'_►.
fir r'j tt Uz4m.Ke is
Management Direction
Water Quality
SP.1 Collect data on water quality impacts of horse stables and other concen-
trated animal facilities within the watershed. Coordinate with agencies and
other responsible entities to develop, select, and implement BMPs.
SP.2 Assess potential water quality and supply concerns at the PG &E substation.
SP.3 Monitor the amount and quality of runoff after heavy rainfall from historic
quarries near the east portal of the Caldecott Tunnel and the Gateway area.
SPA Coordinate fire and fuels management activities with other agencies in the
Caldecott Tunnel corridor to maintain the biological viability and integrity
of the corridor for wildlife movement, especially for large mammals.
SP.5 Continue annual monitoring of the population size and location of the
Aleutian Canada goose in the Oursan Valley and San Pablo Reservoir in
coordination with the USFWS. Continue the current grazing management
regime in the areas of the upper Oursan Valley utilized by the Aleutian
Canada goose. Continue to prohibit public access, including trails (except
for valid scientific research), in the Oursan Valley to ensure the long -term
protection of the Aleutian Canada goose.
SP.6 In cooperation with universities and other agencies, evaluate adequacy of
oak regeneration in oak woodland habitats and identify those factors that
limit oak regeneration; initiate restoration if necessary and financially
Fire and Fuels
SP.7 Explore the possibilities of entering into a CRMP for roadside vegetation
management activities within the San Pablo Reservoir watershed. Consider
water quality and other resource protection measures during the planning
process. Other participants (and suggested roles) include:
■ EBRPD and Richmond Fire Department (San Pablo Dam Road/
Kennedy Grove area),
■ Moraga -Orinda Fire Protection District (enforcement and leadership
role), and
Watershed Management Area Direction —San Pablo Reservoir 95
Section 4
• treatment by Caltrans of the fuels within 50 feet on both sides of
Highway 24,
• treatment by Caltrans or appropriate landowners of the fuels immedi-
ately over the east tunnel opening, and roadside fuels 30 feet on each
side of Old Tunnel Road, and
• continuation of the 30 -foot road treatment along each side of the road
connecting Old Tunnel Road to Skyline Boulevard.
Roadside fuel treatment should involve a combination of goat grazing, hand
pruning and thinning of vegetation, and roadside mechanical brushing. The
rest of the open space area can be left in its natural state.
SP. 15 Work with responsible agencies to implement strategic closure of Fish
Ranch Road, Wildcat Canyon Road, Upper Grizzly Peak Boulevard, and
Lomas Cantadas Road during extreme fire weather.
SP. 16 Evaluate opportunities to reduce fire ignitions and risks by partially or com-
pletely closing portions of the watershed to public use during very high to
extreme fire weather conditions.
SP. 17 Prohibit public access on the east side of San Pablo Reservoir beyond the
shoreline fishing boundary to reduce the likelihood of accidental wildfire
Developed Recreation and Trails
SP. 18 Maintain shoreline fishing control at the San Pablo Reservoir recreation
area to reduce trespass in restricted shoreline areas. Control measures
include posting signs and installing barriers to clearly delineate the appro-
priate area available for shoreline fishing. Consider measures to stabilize
and revegetate eroded areas.
SP. 19 Locate picnic areas away from steep shorelines in wooded settings. Plan the
circulation in picnic areas carefully to provide relatively direct access to
destination points (e.g., fishing docks and cleaning facilities, restrooms, and
open -play meadows). Locate in cnic pads away from shoreline to discourage
uncontrolled traffic down steep shoreline embankments.
SP.20 Maintain and enforce a 25 -mph boat wake zone and a 5 -mph no -wake zone
currently designated at San Pablo Reservoir.
SP.21 Modify concessionaire contracts as needed to correct practices that may
be inconsistent with the District's water quality and natural resource
protection goals.
Watershed Management Area Direction —San Pablo Reservoir 97
Section 5
Some land uses in the areas that surround District -owned East Bay water-
shed lands can have substantial adverse impacts on District water quality and
watershed management. Development and use of these adjacent lands require
special management consideration because the jurisdictions involved have differing
land use goals and objectives. In addition, allowable uses of District -owned water-
shed lands are influenced by the local land use policies of jurisdictions whose
planning boundaries coincide with District ownership. District watershed lands are
located primarily in unincorporated portions of Alameda and Contra Costa Coun-
ties. Small portions are located within the Cities of Orinda, Lafayette, and Oakland
and adjoin the incorporated Cities of Hercules, Lafayette, Moraga, Oakland, Orinda,
Pinole, Richmond, and San Leandro and the unincorporated communities of Castro
Valley and El Sobrante. In addition, substantial portions of District land are bor-
dered by EBRPD lands (Figures 5 -1 and 5 -2).
Each of the eight incorporated cities and both counties set their local land
use and development policies through the general plan process. County land use
and development policies apply to unincorporated areas, just as city policies apply
to incorporated areas.
In addition to these local jurisdictions, regional agencies can also affect
management of District lands. The California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission enact the plans and
policies of the state and federal governments. The Regional Water Quality Control
Board, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and CDF set policy for fire
management throughout the state. EBRPD also has numerous parklands that adjoin
the District's watershed lands. Because EBRPD is the largest adjacent landowner,
its actions can have a substantial effect on management of District watershed lands.
The history of cooperation and coordination between the District and EBRPD has
been important in addressing issues of concern.
Major Management Issues
Management direction for lands adjacent to District -owned watershed lands
recognizes that some of these areas are within the hydrologic basins of District
reservoirs and drain into them and that others do not. Issues related to the use and
development of adjacent lands extend well beyond land use, but these issues can be
addressed nonetheless through a land use and management coordination program
involving the District and the various agencies responsible for adjacent jurisdic-
tions. The major management issues resulting from the use and development of
adjacent lands are the following:
Section 5
El Toyonal Interface. A portion of the City of Orinda extends into the area
generally between El Toyonal Road (to the north) and the District's deLaveaga Fire
Road (to the south). This area is developed with residential uses and has minimal
new residential development. Access to this area is very limited because of a road
closure at the north end of El Toyonal Road. Land configuration, limited access,
narrow roadway, vegetative cover, and fire risks associated with this area and with
urban development in general make management of this area extremely important.
In addition, the general plan designates a proposed collector street in this
area to connect El Toyonal Road to Wagner Ranch School. This proposed collector
street has not yet been constructed and its location is not defined, but it appears to
bisect a District -owned parcel. Construction of the proposed collector street has
serious implications for managing the District -owned property, and the acquisition
will be strongly opposed.
California Shakespeare Festival Facility. The California Shakespeare Festival
leases a portion of the District's watershed lands in Siesta Valley (north of the
Gateway Boulevard interchange on Highway 24) as a site for the California
Shakespeare Festival and Bruns Amphitheatre. This permanent facility is currently
used for performances primarily during the summer months. Management activities
required under the lease address wildfire ignition and public encroachment onto
adjacent District watershed lands.
Gateway Property. The District -owned Gateway property is located south
of Highway 24 at the Gateway Boulevard interchange and is within the San Pablo
Reservoir basin. This property has and continues to be associated with the City of
Orinda's infrastructure and residential development plans for the area directly to the
The Gateway property also is contiguous with the Caldecott Tunnel
corridor, an undeveloped strip of land that serves as a critical avenue for wildlife
movement between large, publicly owned open space areas north and south of
Highway 24.
The Caldecott Tunnel corridor and environs also form an important visual
backdrop for the considerable number of people traveling west toward the Caldecott
Tunnel on Highway 24, and they provide motorists a dramatic last view of the
eastern slopes of the Oakland Hills before they enter the tunnel.
Any proposals submitted to the District for use of the Gateway property
should be reviewed carefully. This review should comprehensively address
potential effects on water quality, the functioning of this area as it relates to the
Caldecott Tunnel corridor, and urban/wildland interface issues (e.g., fire and
fuels management). Any potential future fire mitigation must be borne by the
Gateway developer.
Orinda's general plan seeks
to preserve the semirural
character of the city by
keeping development densi-
ties low, limiting develop-
ment on highly visible,
undeveloped ridges and
hillsides; and protecting the
open space north and west of
the city.
Section 5
M.1 Coordinate with the City of Moraga on the planning and development of
the Larch Avenue area to limit water quality effects, risk of wildfire, and
degradation of views on the Upper San Leandro Reservoir watershed.
M.2 Coordinate with nonpoint- source control programs to address water quality
OR.1 Coordinate with City of Orinda staff on planning and development within
the El Toyonal interface to limit the effects of development on water
quality, fire and fuels management, public encroachment, degradation of
views, and street extensions and to improve public access and egress and
emergency access to this area. Support a coordinated county- and city -
sponsored process to provide important transportation improvements in
this area.
OR.2 Review proposals for use of the Gateway parcel, parcels adjacent to the
Gateway parcel, and Bear Creek parcel based on the District's master plan
priorities, and deny or discourage proposals that are not consistent with
these guidelines.
OR.3 Coordinate with the City of Orinda, EBRPD, and other agencies on use of
the Caldecott Tunnel land bridge to encourage preservation of its function
as an important wildlife corridor.
ORA Coordinate with the City of Orinda to ensure that District priorities regard-
ing water quality and fire and fuels management are considered in plans for
development of the Castlegate area.
OR.5 Coordinate with the City of Orinda on the planning and development of
ridgeline land uses in the Black Hills and to limit the risk of water quality
effects, wildfire hazards, and visual resource degradation in the Briones
Reservoir watershed.
OR.6 Coordinate with nonpoint - source control programs to address water quality
In 2011, EBMUD water met or surpassed every public health requirement set by the
California Department of Public Health and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Ninety percent of EBMUD's water comes from the
577 - square mile watershed of the Mokelumne River
on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. This
area is mostly national forest, EBMUD -owned lands
and other undeveloped lands little affected by
human activity. The Mokelumne watershed collects
snowmelt from Alpine, Amador and Calaveras
counties. The snowmelt flows into Pardee Reservoir
near the town of Valley Springs.
Three large aqueducts carry water more than 90
miles from Pardee Reservoir to the East Bay and
protect it from pesticides, agricultural and urban
runoff, municipal sewage and industrial discharges.
When water demand is high or during times of
operational need, EBMUD also draws water from
protected local watersheds.
Regardless of source, all raw water is treated and
filtered at one of EBMUD's water treatment plants
before entering the East Bay's distribution system
and reaching your tap. EBMUD takes many steps to
ensure water quality including managing watershed
lands and reservoirs, treating the water, operating a
complex distribution system, maintaining facilities
and addressing customer concerns.
In laboratories and in the field, EBMUD samples and
tests your water extensively to make sure it is safe
to drink. We look for more than 100 substances in
the water including microorganisms, pesticides,
herbicides, asbestos, lead, copper, petroleum products
and by- products of industrial and water treatment
processes. More than 20,000 annual laboratory tests
ensure the safety of your drinking water.
Constituents with primary MCLs
In 2011, EBMUD water met or surpassed
° Cryptosporidium in source water # /liter 2008 TT
every public health requirement set
o Total Coliform — 2011 5%
by the California Department of Public
Turbidity NTU 2011
95 %150.3
Health and the U.S. Environmental
> Gross alpha in source water' pCi /L 2006, 2007 15
Protection Agency.
o Gross beta in source water pCi /L 2006,2007 50b
Uranium in source water a pCi /L 2006, 2007 20
The five tables show the measured levels of constituents
detected in 2011 or in the most recent required year at
Aluminum ppb 2011 1000
EBMUD source waters, water treatment plants or in the
o, Chloramine as CIZ ppm 2011 [41
distribution system.
5 Fluoride in source water ppm 2011 2
Table 1 – Health - Related Standards
Acrylamide — 2011 TT
Constituents with primary maximum contaminant levels
W Control of DBP precursors/TOC — 2011 TT
(MCLs) are regulated to protect your health.
0 Haloacetic acids, 5 species ppb 2011 60
Table 2 – Aesthetic Standards
Trihalomethanes ppb 2011 80
Constituents with secondary maximum contaminant levels
(MCLs) are regulated to maintain aesthetic standards for
drinking water, such as odor, taste and appearance.
2Constituents with secondary MCLs sampled
Table 3 – Unregulated constituents
Aluminum ppb 2011 200
Water agencies are required to report these substances if
Chloride ppm 2011 250
detected, but no maximum contaminant levels have been
Color color units 2011 15
Foaming agents (MBAS) ppb 2011 500
Table 4 -Lead and copper
Lead and copper are regulated at the customer's tap and
Odor TON 2011 3
were most recently sampled in 2011 as required.
Specific conductance NS/cm 2011 900
Table 5 – Other water quality parameters
Sulfate ppm 2011 250
These water measurements, such as pH, hardness and
Total dissolved solids ppm 2011 500
alkalinity, may be of interest to some consumers.
Turbidity NTU 2011 5
DBP - Disinfection by- products. These are formed when chlorine and /or ozone
i =1: Year
• • constituents I sampled
reacts with natural constituents in water. Trihalomethanes (THMs),
haloacetic acids (HAAS) and bromate are disinfection by- products.
Boron ppb 2011 1000
MCL - Maximum contaminant level. The highest level of a contaminant that is
Chlorate ppb 2011 800
allowed in drinking water. Primary MCLs are set as close to the PHGs or
MCLGs as is economically and technologically feasible. Secondary MCLs
N- Nitrosodimethylamine f (NDMA) ppt 2011 10
are set to protect odor, taste and appearance of drinking water.
MCLG - Maximum contaminant level goal. The level of a contaminant in
• •
drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health.
4 , • • copper
MCLGs are set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
• • •
MRDL - Maximum residual disinfectant level. The highest level of a disinfectant
Copper ppb 2011 1300
allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a
disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.
Lead 9 ppb 2011 15
MRDLG - Maximum residual disinfectant level goal. The level of a drinking
water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to
health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to
Regulatory action level - The concentration which, if exceeded, triggers treatment
control microbial contaminants.
or other requirements that a water system must follow.
Notification level - A health -based advisory level established by the California
TOC -Total organic carbon. A measure of organic compounds that could form
Department of Public Health for chemicals in drinking water that lack MCLs.
by- products after disinfection.
Primary drinking water standard -These standards regulate contaminants that
Turbidity- A measure of the cloudiness of water. Turbidity is monitored because it is
affect health by setting MCLs and MRDLs along with their monitoring, reporting a good indication of the effectiveness of our filtration systems.
and water treatment requirements.
TT - Treatment technique. A required process intended to reduce the level of a
PHG - Public health goal. The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there contaminant in drinking water.
is no known or expected risk to health. Public health goals are set by the California
90th percentile - A measure that indicates 90 percent of the samples had a
Environmental Protection Agency.
lower result.
:r :
Typical sources
, •
• • . r
• •
(0) NA 0
Naturally present in the environment
(0) NA zero detections found in more than
4,500 samples
from the distribution system
Naturally present in the environment
NS 0.03 0.02 -0.10
0.02 -0.09
0.02 -0.10
0.02 -0.10
0.03 -0.10
NS 100% 100%
Soil runoff
(0) <3 <3
<3 -11
Erosion of natural deposits
(0) <4 <4
<4 - 9
Decay of natural and man -made deposits
0.43 NA <1
Erosion of natural deposits
600 <50 <50
<50 - 83
<50 - 57
Erosion of natural deposits; water treatment residue
[4) 1.9 `
<0.05 - 3A'
Drinking water disinfectant added for treatment
1 <0.1 <0.1
Erosion of natural deposits'
(0) NA met req.
Added to water during water treatment
met req.
met req.
Various natural and man -made sources
NS 25 ` 14-34
By- product of drinking water disinfection
NS 44c 37-60
By- product of drinking water disinfection
® .•
Aalnut Creek
Typical sources
__5P_"r nte
NS <50 <50
<50 - 83
<50 - 57
Erosion of natural deposits; water treatment residue
NS 9 3
Runoff /leaching from natural deposits
NS 1 2
Naturally - occuring organic materials
NS <50 <50
<50 -140
Municipal and industrial waste discharges
NS 2 2
Naturally - occuring organic materials
NS 177 42
Substances that form ions when in water
NS 16 0.6
Runoff /leaching from natural deposits
NS 106 33
Runoff /leaching from natural deposits
NS 0.03 0.02-0.10
Soil runoff
treatment plants
NS <100 <100
Runoff /leaching from natural deposits
NS 143 120
By- product of sodium hypochlorite decomposition
3 2 <1 -7
1 - 3
1 - 4
<1 -6
By -product of drinking water chlorination
® '• • Sites
level i
Typical sources
300 66 0 out
of 51
Internal corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives
0.2 7 3 out
of 51
Internal corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits
a) Uranium was detected at 1.1 pCi /L and gross alpha was detected at 4.6 pCi /L in Chabot
Reservoir. This is an emergency standby reservoir that has not been used for water supply
in more than 30 years. b) CDPH considers 50 pCi /L to be the level of concern for gross beta
particles. c) Highest running annual average. d) Chloramine residuals in the distribution
system are measured as an equivalent quantity of chlorine. When the chloramine residual
cannot be detected, the sample is further analyzed to ensure that microbiological water
quality is in compliance with the regulations. e) Fluoride is also added to help prevent
dental decay in consumers. Current regulations require that fluoride levels in the treated
water be maintained between 0.7 to 1.4 ppm with an optimum dose of 0.8 ppm.
Information about fluoridation, oral health and current issues is available from
www.cdph .ca.gov /certlic /drinkingwater /pages /fluoridation.aspx. f) Sampling locations
are chosen to represent worst -case scenarios. g) See Water Quality Regulations page
for additional information about lead in drinking water. h) Grains per gallon (gpg) is
a measure of water hardness. Knowing the amount can help improve the function of
dishwashers, cooling equipment and other industrial processes.