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HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 12-15-11Cen tral Con Costa Protecting public health and the environment 50791177hoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 BOARD MEETING ACTION SUMMARY Board Room Thursday December 15, 2011 2:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: McGill, Nejedly, Williams, Hockett ABSENT: Members: Menesini a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. BOARD ACTION: Said Pledge of Allegiance. b. Introductions. Human Resources Analyst, Selina Zapien. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BARBARA D. HOCKETT President JAMES A. NEJEDLY President Pro T em MICHAEL R. McGILL MARIO M. MENESINI DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX. • (925) 676 -7211 BOARD ACTION: Welcomed new employee Selina Zapien. President Hockett presented the District pin. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve minutes of Board meetings held on the following dates: 1) November 17, 2011; 2) November 21, 2011; and 3) November 28, 2011. b. Approve expenditures dated December 15, 2011. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. December 15, 2011 Board Action Summary Page 2 C. Adopt Resolution 2011 -063 setting January 26, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider the establishment of a St. Mary's Road Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2011 -1 in Lafayette. d. Confirm publication of a summary of District Ordinance No. 269 (uncodified) establishing reimbursement fees for the properties which could connect to Job 9476 (Sunnybrook Road CAD No. 2010 -1) in Alamo. e. Adopt Resolution 2011 -064 accepting a grant of easement from Stanley Gerry and Nannette Wyler Rand, property owners at 119 El Centro in the Calle del Casarillo neighborhood in Diablo, District Project 5953, Parcel 13, and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Accept the contract work for the Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization, District Project 7281, performed by Elevator Technology, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. g. Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Maintenance Crew Member it David Quintero through June 13, 2012. BOARD ACTION: Adopted the Consent Calendar as recommended. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Conduct a public hearing to consider adopting Resolution 2011 -066 to (1) declare the District's Kiewit property located off Imhoff Drive in Martinez (APN 159- 140 -051) as currently unneeded; and (2) consider amending the current lease with County Quarry (for use as a clean fill site) to extend it to December 31, 2012. Approval recommended by Real Estate Committee. BOARD ACTION: Adopted Resolution 2011 -066 declaring the District's Kiewit property located off Imhoff Drive in Martinez (APN 159 - 140 -051) as currently unneeded, and amending the current lease with County Quarry (for use as a clean fill site) to extend it to December 31, 2012. b. Conduct a public hearing to consider adopting Resolution 2011 -067 to (1) declare the District's property located at 5501 Imhoff Drive in Martinez (APN 159- 140 -052) as currently unneeded; and (2) consider amending the current lease with County Quarry (for use as a concrete /asphalt operation and for the storage of crushed rock) to extend it to December 31, 2012. Approval recommended by Real Estate Committee. BOARD ACTION: Adopted Resolution 2011 -067 declaring the District's property located at 5501 Imhoff Drive in Martinez (APN 159 - 140 -052) as currently unneeded, and amending the current lease with County Quarry December 15, 2011 Board Action Summary Page 3 (for use as a concrete /asphalt operation and for the storage of crushed rock) to extend it to December 31, 2012. 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None. 6. REPORTS a. General Manager 1) Update on pension reform legislation. BOARD ACTION: Received the report. 2) Report on potential El Toyonal -Alta Vista -Dos Osos Contractual Assessment District (CAD). Reviewed by Capital Projects Committee. BOARD ACTION: Requested that staff provide the Board with additional data clarifying which properties can be expected to connect if a sewer is installed and which properties may remain undeveloped, and possible phasing of the project. 3) Report on possible installment payments of past due connection fees. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. BOARD ACTION: Received the report and directed staff to continue with the current practice of bringing any installment payment recommendations to the full Board for consideration. 4) Announcements a) General Manager vacation schedule for next week b) Retirement of Dr. Gail Chesler, PhD, PE effective December 16, 2011 c) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) Compliance Evaluation Inspection held December 12, 2011 d) San Ramon City Council approves new HHW Collection Facility Agreement e) Update on NPDES Permit matters f) Anticipated receipt of annual RWQCB outfall maintenance letter December 15, 2011 Board Action Summary Page 4 g) Transportation assistance for Member Menesini BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements. b. Counsel for the District None. C. Secretary of the District None. d. Board Members 1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses; recent meetings for which they received the stipend; and meetings or conferences for which the District paid their expenses. Member Williams Member Williams reported on his participation as President of National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) as moderator of a panel on the Environmental Protection Agency's initiative on Integrated Planning. Member Nejedly Member Nejedly reported on the December 12, 2011 Budget and Finance Committee meeting which was also attended by President Hockett. The Board received the report without comment. BOARD ACTION: Received the reports. 2) Receive proposed 2012 Board Committee and other assignments - President -Elect Nejedly. BOARD ACTION: Received the proposed Committee assignments. 3) Announcements Member McGill provided a written report covering Announcements. BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements. December 15, 2011 Board Action Summary Page 5 7. ADMINISTRATIVE a. Adopt Resolution 2011 -065 setting forth and delegating certain authorities to the General Manager and rescinding prior Resolution 2010 -090; authorize revision to Table 3, "Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits ", of the 2011 -12 Capital Improvement Budget; and authorize revisions to the chapters entitled "Approvals and Authorizations" and "District Projects" of the District's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual. Approval recommended by Capital Projects Committee. BOARD ACTION: Adopted Resolution 2011 -065 setting forth and delegating certain authorities to the General Manager and rescinding prior Resolution 2010 -090; and authorized revisions to the District's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual and Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). b. Approve updated Administrative Overhead Percentage of 194% for Fiscal Year 2012 -13. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. BOARD ACTION: Approved updated Administrative Overhead Percentage of 194% for Fiscal Year 2012 -13. 8. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PLANNING WORKSHOP a. Receive presentation and discuss development of draft Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2012 Capital Improvement Plan. Reviewed by Capital Projects Committee. BOARD ACTION: Received the presentation and discussed Draft Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Capital Improvement Budget and 2012 Capital Improvement Plan and approved suggested expenditures for use in developing financial planning documents. 9. ENGINEERING a. Authorized the General Manager to execute an amendment in the amount of $275,000 to a professional engineering services agreement with KPFF Consulting Engineers, for a new cost ceiling of $406,580, for seismic improvements for the Headquarters Office Building (HOB), District Project 8226. Approval recommended by Capital Projects Committee. BOARD ACTION: Authorized the General Manager to execute an amendment in the amount of $275,000 to a professional engineering services agreement with KPFF Consulting Engineers, for a new cost December 15, 2011 Board Action Summary Page 6 ceiling of $406,580, for seismic improvements for the Headquarters Office Building (HOB), District Project 8226. [3 -1; Nejedly, No.] 10. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None. 11. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 12. ADJOURNMENT- at 4:13 p.m.