HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a.2) Report on potential El Toyonal-Alta Vista-Dos Osos CAD(P .a.z)
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
December 8, 2011
NOTE: This memo was reviewed by the Capital Projects Committee at its December 6,
2011 meeting.
SUMMARY: Mr. Russell Cohn, a coordinating property owner for a potential CAD in the
El Toyonal area of the City of Orinda, asked that the Board consider providing greater
District financial support for the CAD than is allowed under the current CAD policy.
Specifically, Mr. Cohn requests that the District (rather than the initial participants) cover
the non - participants' shares of sewer main construction costs, as is done in the
Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs). Greater District support would reduce
the cost to initial participants, which would likely increase the chances of forming a
successful CAD. Consideration of this request is scheduled for the December 15, 2011
Board meeting.
BACKGROUND: The potential CAD to serve the El Toyonal -Alta- Vista -Dos Osos
neighborhood in Orinda currently has about four to six potential Initial Participants. The
CAD would install 1,600 to 2,300 feet of new sewer in El Toyonal, Alta Vista and Dos
Osos (on the El Toyonal hill). Staff has been working with this group since before
2005. Mr. Cohn recently requested the District cover CAD non - participants' shares (as
we did for AVADs) to improve the likelihood that a CAD could be formed and that
sewers could be installed next year. Mr. Cohn has stated that those willing to initially
participate cannot afford the $60,000 to $100,000 per owner that it would cost for them
to pay for the non - participants' share. Staff informed Mr. Cohn that the AVADs were a
special case; the District extended a trunk sewer into the valley and covered non-
participants' shares in tributary AVADs to encourage a more rapid rate of connection
and reimbursement of the District's trunk sewer costs.
Potential El Toyonal -Alta Vista -Dos Osos CAD
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Depending how far up the hill a project extended, costs are estimated to range between
$312,000 to $533,000 (to reach the Cohn property and the 10 -12 intervening properties
between the existing public sewer and the Cohn's property), and $540,000 to $825,000
(to reach the last property on Alta Vista and the 20 -25 intervening properties, including
those owned by the Cohn's group). With the addition of more side streets, the total cost
to serve the 25 developed and 20 vacant properties identified on Figure 1 would be
about $1.4 million.
While Section 6520.5 of the Sanitary District Act of 1923 states: "...(District) Revenues
may be used for any purpose except the acquisition or construction of additional local
street sewers or laterals which are an augmentation to an existing sewer system ",
Section 6.20.400 District Code addresses this issue by requiring reimbursement of any
District funds used to "...design and construct public sewage facilities for an existing or
proposed development" (including local street sewers). It states:
In certain cases, the public interest and public safety may require the
District itself to design and construct public sewage facilities for an existing or
proposed development. In order to comply with applicable law concerning use
of District revenues, the District shall adopt a reimbursement fee structure to
provide for full reimbursement of any and all costs associated with installation of
local street sewers. Reimbursement fees to reimburse the District for other
sewer facilities may also be imposed. Reimbursement fees for District costs
shall be calculated in the same or similar manner set forth in this chapter for
installers in order to provide for full recapture of District costs. Such costs shall
be placed in reimbursement accounts, pursuant to the same provisions and
requirements for installers. (emphasis added)
Mr. Cohn's group believes that the El Toyonal -Alta Vista -Dos Osos CAD can be
considered a "special" case because:
1) The project is in the EBMUD drinking watershed (San Pablo Reservoir);
2) Existing septic tanks perform poorly due to the El Toyonal hill's clay soil and
steep topography;
3) Contra Costa Environmental Health has had a moratorium on development of
new septic tanks in the area since 1970 (repair and replacement of existing
septic systems is allowed);
4) Extending public sewers before property owners replace old septic systems with
new "enhanced" (high cost) systems is an advantage to all (property owners and
the District). Once an enhanced system is installed the owner of that property is
unlikely to participate in a future sewer extension project, making it even more
difficult for remaining property owners to afford extending the public sewer;
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5) Sewer installation in El Toyonal is exceptionally expensive since the road is
steep, narrow and windy, and City encroachment permits require severely limited
working hours as it is the only practical route up and down the hill for upslope
Note: In this area, El Toyonal is a public (City of Orinda) road and the other
roads (Alta Vista, Camino Del Monte and Dos Osos) are private.
Generally, we rely on the participants "appurtenant" access and utility
easement rights for installation and maintenance of District sewers.
Participants are required to sign a road maintenance agreement that
ensures that the road will be adequately maintained for sewer
maintenance access. While pavement restoration in the area of the sewer
trench is considered an allowable CAD project cost, any extraordinary
road reconstruction undertaken at the time of sewer installation are paid
for by those property owners with access and utility rights in the road.
County Environmental Health, the City of Orinda, EBMUD and District staff agree that
elimination of septic tanks on the hill would be beneficial to public health and the
Fiscal Impact — If the District were to cover the non - participants' share of project costs,
as requested and as it has done under the AVAD Financing Program, the financial
impact would be one of extended cash flow, rather than one of initial funds needed for
project construction. The total amount needed for an El Toyonal CAD (if approved)
would be the same, regardless of the Board action on Mr. Cohn's request.
Under the current CAD policy, the District's investment in the CAD would be reimbursed
to the District by the initial participants within ten years. (The Initial Participants then
would receive reimbursement from any non - participant that connects within twenty
years.) If the District were to cover the non- participants' share, however, each
participant's share would be reduced to the lowest possible amount. It is possible that a
lower cost would encourage more property owners to participate. As is generally the
case with CADs, some participants would pay off their assessment upfront and some
would finance over ten years. There would be no predetermined end -date for
reimbursement to the District from non - participants; that is, reimbursements to the
District would continue until all non - participating properties had connected to the public
Since some properties adjacent to proposed CAD sewer routes may not connect to the
public sewer for many years (or ever), it is possible that the District would not be fully
reimbursed by non - participants unless the number of properties assumed to benefit
from the project are limited and the calculation of the "project- cost - share - per - property"
includes only those lots that are reasonably likely to connect in the next 10 -20 years.
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To compensate for lost investment opportunity costs, the District could annually
increase the non - participants' reimbursement fee by the annual yield (interest rate)
earned by funds placed in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), plus one percent
(the same approach that is used for AVADs).
The District could consider increasing the rate of reimbursement by requiring payment
in full upon sale of participating properties, and offering financing to non - participants
beyond the initial signup period for the CAD (as was also done with AVADs).
It would also be possible to reduce the cost of annual assessments for those
participants who finance their share of project costs by extending the financing period
beyond the 10 -years allowed under the existing CAD policy. For example, AVADs are
financed over 15 years. As an example, a $30,000 assessment at 6 percent interest,
would cost $4,033 per year over 10 years, $3,061 per year over 15 years, and $2,596
per year over 20 years. A longer repayment period might encourage more property
owners to participate, but would also extend the period for repayment of the initial
participants' share of project costs. Extending the CAD repayment period could be
offered instead of, or in addition to, Mr. Cohn's requested District coverage of non-
participants' share of project costs.
Financial Status of CAD and AVAD Programs — By the end of this fiscal year, the
District will be fully reimbursed for 12 of the 23 CADs approved by the Board between
1997 and 2004. The remaining principal owed from the other 11 CADs is $757,000,
which will be completely reimbursed to the District by the end of fiscal year (FY) 2014-
The District has also funded six AVADs, which have a 15 -year financing period,
compared to the 10 -year financing period for CADs. Of the approximately $5 million the
District has funded in AVAD expenses (including the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer), the
District has been reimbursed about $700,000. The remaining principal owed from
current AVAD participants is about $1.7 million, which will be completely reimbursed to
the District by the end of FY 2025 -26. The balance of $2.6 million will be paid by AVAD
non - participants and future, indirect connectors to the Trunk Sewer beyond the
boundaries of existing AVADs, as they connect over time.
Going forward, the District has identified the potential for about $5 million of future CAD
projects and those funds are included in the District's 10 -Year Capital Improvement
Plan. Changing the CAD policy as discussed in this memo would not change the total
cost of future CADs, only the rate at which the District is reimbursed for the CAD funds
Precedent — If the Board chooses to cover the non - participants' share of project costs in
this case, other future CAD participants could request a similar consideration. These
requests could be handled on a case -by -case basis, though the Board may want to
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establish criteria for evaluating these requests. These criteria could include proximity to
a drinking watershed, elimination of septic systems, Environmental Health septic system
moratorium areas, high sewer construction costs, high cost - per - property, necessity for
individual residential pumps (added property owner expense), and /or urgency of project
CEQA — Historically, District CADs have been exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) due largely to the relatively short distances involved and required
compliance with District mitigating construction specifications. The method of CAD
financing would not affect its CEQA status.
Maintain the existing CAD policy that requires participants to cover the cost of
non - participants.
2. Grant the Cohn group's request that the District cover the non - participants' share
for an El Toyonal -Alta- Vista -Dos Osos CAD only.
3. Review the CAD policy to identify criteria under which the requested level of
District participation would be acceptable for other future CADs.
Figure 1
November 17, 2011 Letter from Russell Cohn, Orinda Property Owner
Potential El Toyonal -Alta Vista -Dos Osos CAD
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November 17, 2011
RE: Agenda item for December 15, 2011 meeting — El Toyonal Area Update
Dear CCCSD Board Members,
We are asking for your consideration to provide financial assistance in building the long- overdue
sanitary sewer system for the El Toyonal area in Orinda. This area is unique in that a septic
moratorium was imposed in 1970 due to concerns about failing septic systems fouling the drinking
water held in the local reservoirs.
However, since 1970 many pre - existing septic systems continue to operate in the area. Furthermore,
the existing home owners with septic systems have opposed bringing a sewer system into the area
due to their opposition to developing the relatively few remaining open lots. The financial burden
of building a sewer system in the area has therefore been placed largely on the backs of the owners
of vacant lots. This situation has led to a 40 -year period of gridlock with regard to moving ahead
with the public health issue of providing a sanitary sewer to the northwest section of Orinda.
We, the pro -sewer homeowners in the area, have just now culminated another two -year cycle of
meetings with CCCSD, organizing property owners and the examination of multiple CAD's to try to
piece together a sewer system to serve the area. The final result of this effort, as the many that have
come before, is that the financial burden to build the system is too prohibitive for the initial
subscribers. After examining the options, we are asking the Board to consider a financing structure
that has previously been used in the Alhambra area where the CCCSD provided financing for the
property owners who chose to delay their participation in the sewer project.
We greatly need your leadership to complete this project and thank you for your consideration.
Russell Cohn, Orinda Property Owner