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Board Strategic Planning WorkshopCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Meeting Agenda November 3, 2011 — Noon Multi- Purpose Room • Strategic Planning 2011 Purpose: Review and update CCCSD Priorities from a Board Policy Perspective Outcomes: • Agreement on current Board strategic priorities • Consensus on what the Board strategic planning process should look like going forward • Review of and renewed commitment to the adopted Mission, Vision, and Values of the organization TIME ITEM 12:00 pm Lunch and Introductions 12:30 pm Convene Special Board Meeting and Adopt Consent Calendar 12:35 pm Welcome and Review Today's Agenda Additions /Deletions to Agenda 12:40 pm Review themes derived from recent Board interviews 1:00 pm Prioritize themes for discussion 1:15 pm Discuss themes in priority order 2:30 pm Wrap up discussion and summarize Board policy priorities 3:00 pm Discuss Board Strategic Planning Process What works /doesn't work/ can be improved? 3:15 pm Revisit District MissionNisionNalues Are any refinements necessary based on current priorities? 3:30 pm Agree on Next Steps and Adjournment N:\ADMINSUPWDMIN \DIST- SEC \STRATEGIC PLAN\2011 workshop \Board SP AGenda 11- 3- 11.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OCTOBER 27, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD �o FROM: JIM KELLY GENERAL MANAGE ANN FARRELL(�I&"/ DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER /DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SUBJECT: STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP To facilitate the discussion on November 3,d, we have consolidated the Board's response for each strategic planning question below. We have presented a digest of the comments in an effort to identify common themes and issues, except for the follow - up section, which was included verbatim. In addition, we will forward an expanded agenda to you on Tuesday based on input from Marilyn Manning. 1. What do you believe should be the role of the Board and the General Manager /staff in defining the District's Mission, Vision and Goals? Three Board members believe the role should be collaborative. One believed the Board should set policy (Mission, Vision, Values) with input from staff, and staff developed goals and objectives, and inform the board for concurrence. Another believed the District would benefit significantly from a robust strategic planning process. In short, the member believed the Board should set policy and key performance indicators that staff would measure and report back to the Board on. That member also suggested a list of goals for consideration as part of the strategic planning process: • Water quality and environmental protection • Long term infrastructure investment • Long -term financial stability • Customer Service • Workforce staffing and development 2. Looking at the Mission, Vision, Values; do you think they still serve? What would you add or change? ■ Three members stated that they still serve. One suggested more focus on pollution prevention /education, new technology, and suggested we need to review if we should consider continuing incineration. Another suggested considering a vision that was loftier. 3. In the next 10 -20 years, should the District continue to strive to be an industry leader or to be in the "middle of the pack ?" All agree that the District is and should be a leader. The District may need to move away from the status quo and become more innovative in order to continue to be a leader. 4. What are the major issues you seethe District facing in the next 5 -10 years? The following issues were identified by Board members: Meeting Current and New Regulations — 4 members Funding /Reasonable Rates — 4 members Funding Pensions — 2 members Be More Efficient — 1 member Better Use of Technology — 1 member Sea Level Rise — 1 member Recycle All Effluent — 1 member MOU Negotiations — 1 member 5. What new policies would you like to see the District consider? Two members suggested changing laws to allow /promote increased water reuse. One suggested better outreach and feedback so we can serve customers better. Another suggested a more robust strategic planning process as well as a process to ensure the Board limits its role to setting policy and makes staff responsible for developing procedures that implement the policy. 6. What are the core services that you believe the District should be providing? All members agree that collecting all sewage, treating and meeting all permits, etc, are core, except there is not agreement on recycled water being core. One member would like to see an expanded emphasis on public education. One member stated that core services should be defined, and measures be developed to determine if service goals are being met. 7. Are there any additional services that you believe the District should be providing? All members believed that no additional services needed to be provided. Two suggested more focus on customer service and satisfaction. One suggested being more inclusive in setting fees. Another suggested additional water recycling, but one questioned how involved the District should be in water recycling. 8. What do you believe the District does well? All members made favorable comments. 9. Are there any things you believe the District could improve or change? Two members thought the District could be more aggressive in its efforts to recycle water particularly through trying to initiate legislative change that would remove institutional barriers to recycling. One thought the District should be more involved in science to shape regulations, do more public education outreach, and do more customer service surveys. One thought staff should have a more effective management style (greater accountability and solve personnel problems more efficiently), and one member thought that there might be different technologies that would be more efficient that the District should consider, and that pension spiking needs to be looked at. 10. Are there any specific improvements that you would like the District to accomplish during your tenure? Two members would like better use of technology. One would like to have a plan to pay off UAAL at CCCERA and to generate power or revenue with byproducts or land. One would like the District to host a Mayors' Conference, get SWRCB /RWQCB involved in CCWD recycled water discussions, and to conduct customer service surveys after outreach. One sees a need to manage succession, and another would like the District to pursue cost effective innovation. 11. Does the District have all of the necessary resources (organizational structure, staff, culture, incentives) to properly support all of its services? Generally, yes. One member suggested pursuing grants, being prepared for the next wave of retirements, and using technology to match how the next generation will work. Another suggested considering an in -house attorney. 12. Does staff provide appropriate support for the Board to function in the Committee system? What is staff doing well? Where could staff improve? Generally, all members agree that staff supports the Board's committees. One suggested staff could help the Board evaluate how successful policies have been and help the Board be certain they are asking the right questions. Follow -Up Section 13. How should staff follow up on this Strategic Planning effort to support the Board's policy direction? Board President Barbara Hockett's Comments The District needs to have recycled water projects paid for in a certain amount of time to profit. Educating the public on sewer overflow protection device installation. The District is in good shape. It has been replacing infrastructure and has millions in reserve that will take the District through the next 10 years. An outside firm should perform an IT audit to assess where the District stands and ideas for improvement. Then staff could possibly establish a benchmark of how to be better at managing, record keeping, creating efficiencies throughout the District. Consider new marketing efforts through social media. Now HR is using this for classified ads, through Chris Ko. Board President Pro Tern Jim Neiedly's Comments No comment Board Member Michael McGill's Comments The retreat will be helpful in discussing various issues, including reclaimed water and pension issues. The Board can see where they agree and where they need to talk through some differences. Dave Williams wants a more definitive strategic plan — that could be a follow -up activity for staff to develop and bring back to the Board for concurrence. Philosophy on pensions: "What will we offer, especially with the issue of spiking? What do we do with the unfunded liability and the over projection of future earnings at CCCERA. Board Member Mario Menesini's Comment Board self - evaluation needs to be a discussion topic. Board Member David William's Comments Establish a true strategic planning process and develop the District's Strategic Plan. Review of the plan with the Board with comments provided by the Board, not directives. Would prefer to see staff come up with the main goals, the strategy to peruse the goals and the key indicators to prove their progress. Closer planning cycles — every 2 years. cc: Marilyn Manning, The Consulting Team, LLC Elaine Boehme, Secretary of the District