HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a.2) CCCERA Update9. OL. 2..-) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 26, 2011 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER W tl Q%NN� FROM: RANDALL M. MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (CCCERA) 8/10/2011 BOARD MEETING Attached is a copy of the August 10, 2011 CCCERA Board meeting agenda, an August 12, 2011 memo from CCCERA regarding the Five -Year Projection of Employer Contribution Rate Changes, and the August 17, 2011 CCCERA Board meeting agenda. As reference for the Board, I have attached the August 9, 2011 Board memo and letter to CCCERA. This provides the Board with a complete packet of information. August 10, 2011 CCCERA Board Meeting Attached is the agenda and the attached material for each relevant item. Items #5, #6, #7, and #8 are of interest to the District. Item # 5 Presentation from Segal regarding the December 31, 2010 Valuation Report - The Segal Company staff presented the Valuation Report. As previously discussed with the Board, the District's UAAL is proposed to increase by $29.5 million due to two factors; (1) Investment losses spread to the District of $18,178,489 and (2) Assumption Change of $11,479,648. The investment losses are understandable and were previously reported at the June 15, 2011 meeting under the Market Stabilization Account item. However, the $11.5 million increase in the District's UAAL for "Assumption Changes" is due to the change of "terminal pay assumptions are now based on cost groups." This is an additional cost or component of de- pooling that the Actuary never raised in the previous discussions. The District's Actuary, Mr. Bartel, was not made aware of the assumption in his prior review. The total cost of de- pooling to the District is $31,504,719 not the $20,037,235 as discussed up to this point. Staff expressed to the CCCERA Board that this was unfortunate. When the CCCERA Board directed the Actuary, Segal Company, to de -pool by employer, or "cost group ", the District understood they did so, and thus the de- pooling impact was approximately a $20 million increase to the UAAL. At no time during the discussions did the Actuary clarify that terminal pay was calculated at the Tier average and not by cost group. This oversight only reported two- thirds of the total de- pooling costs, or $20 million. The other one third, or $11.5 million, is now identified in this report. Staff expressed to the CCCERA Board the District's frustration with implementing a two year rate increase, significantly influenced by the de- pooling impact, only to find another significant increase to the District's UAAL and employer contribution rates. The District has contracted with John Bartel to once again review.000ERA's data and evaluate the appropriateness and accuracy of the data, assumptions and methodologies. He is currently analyzing the data in an effort to provide an answer and report by the end of September. The CCCERA Board has requested to review the implementation of the rates at their October 12, 2011 meeting. Staff has notified the CCCERA Board that the District is requesting a meeting with District staff, Mr. Bartel, CCCERA staff and Segal staff to evaluate the findings to ensure that no future surprises occur. There are three items that staff is aware of at this time that will impact the District's UAAL. 1. There will be another $18 - $20 million increase due to the final year of decreased interest income primarily due to the 2008 loss of $1.8 billion in asset market value. This was identified in the June 15, 2011 presentation of the Market Stabilization Account. 2. There will be a small impact due to the need to calculate the impact of cash out and service credit for sick leave. This assumption is still at the Tier average and needs to be calculated at the cost group, or employer, level. A small impact is in terms of the current $20 million impact and then the $11.5 million dollar impact. Mr. Bartel has been asked to estimate the financial impact. 3. GASB is proposing to modify the way the retirement UAAL is reported on the balance sheet. Upon receipt of their guidelines, staff will evaluate and report regarding the impact of such a change to the current practice. Item # 6 Consider and take action to adopt contribution rates effective July 1, 2012 - The CCCERA Board deferred taking action due to the District's letter requesting them not to until we can evaluate the issues and impacts. The matter has been tentatively set for the October 12, 2011 CCCERA Board meeting. Mr. Bartel believes he can complete the work and review of the data, assumptions and methodologies by that time. Item # 7 Consider and take possible action on Policy on Requests for Actuarial Information - The CCCERA Board adopted the CCCERA staff's recommendation. The policy, attached, has already allowed Mr. Bartel to receive the data within a couple of days as compared to weeks or months. District staff had written a letter in support of the policy to delegate authority to obtain the data. Item # 8 Update from Board Chair on meeting with Central Contra Costa Sanitary District — The Board Chair, Maria Theresa Viramontes, reported to the full CCCERA Board a summary of our meeting. CCCERA staff was directed to prepare administrative guidelines addressing several of the District's requests through letters and the meeting. Staff will continue to monitor and evaluate this matter to ensure the Board is accepting of their proposals and changes. I did not get the sense that all of the District's proposals will be accepted and or implemented. August 12, 2011 Memo from CCCERA regarding the Five -Year Projection of Employer Contribution Rate Changes The following projections are based upon the information provided in the Segal letter regarding five -year projections of employer contribution rates for the District. Fiscal Year Employer Contribution Total 2011 -2012 Current annual payment 2012 -2013 $3,502,660 2013 -2014 $ 746,760 2014 -2015 $ 711,200 2015 -2016 $ 38,100 2016 -2017 $ (210,820) 2017 -2018 $ (129,540) $12,186,480 $15,689,140 $16,435,900 $17,147,100 $17,185,200 $16,974,380 $16,844,840 Exhibits from Segal's letter are provided below to assist with your review. Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Estimated Employer Rate Change by Cost Group (CG) Based on December 31, 2010 Valuation CG #3 Enhanced CCC Sanitary District Tier 1 Market Value of Assets (MVA)* $167,463,823 Projected Payroll for 2011 $24,445,315 Volatility Index (VI) = MVA/Payroll 6.85 Relative Volatility Index (VI) = CGVI/Total Plan VI 0.94 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2011 2.94% Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2012 2.80% Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2013 0.15% Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2014 - 0.83% Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2015 -0.51% Tier 1 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2011 2.94% Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2012 5.74% Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2013 5.89% Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2014 5.06% Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2015 4.55% Reconciliation of Recommended Employer Contribution from December 31, 2009 to December 31, 2010 Valuation Cost Group #3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Tier 1 Recommended Employer Contribution Rate in 40.30% December 31, 2009 Valuation Effect on investment (gain) /loss(l) 3.23% Effect of difference in actual versus expected contributions due to delay in implementation of contribution rates calculated in 0.66% 12/31/2009 valuation Effect of actual versus expected salary increase including total 1.74% payroll growth (2) Effect of net other experience (gains)/Losses(3) 1.81% Effect of changes in actuarial assumptions and methods (4) 6.17% Total Change 13-61 —% Recommended Employer Contribution Rate in 53.91% December 31, 2010 Valuation August 17, 2011 CCCERA Board Meeting The meeting focused on a review of investments and selection of another investment management group. There was nothing significant impacting the District. Staff will be available to answer any questions the Board may have. Employees' Fbtirement Association 1355 willow way suite 221 concord ca 94520 925.52 RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING FIRST MONTHLY MEETING 9:00 a.m. August 10, 2011 1.3960 fax 925.646.5747 Retirement Board Conference Room The Willows Office Park 1355 Willow Way Suite 221 Concord, California THE RETIREMENT BOARD MAY DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE FOLLOWING: Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Accept comments from the public. Approve minutes from the July 27, 2011 meeting. 4. Routine items for August 10, 2011. a. Approve certifications of membership. b. Approve service and disability allowances. c. Accept disability applications and authorize subpoenas as required. d. Approve death benefits. Presentation from Segal regarding the December 31, 2010 Valuation Report 6. Consider and take action to adopt contribution rates effective July 1, 2012. 7. Consider and take possible action on Policy on Requests for Actuarial Information. Update from Board Chair on meeting with Contra Costa Central Sanitary District. CLOSED SESSION 9. The Board will go into closed session under Gov. Code Section 54957 to consider recommendations from the Medical Advisor and/or staff regarding the following disability retirement applications: Member Type Sought a. Tracy Hudson b. James Mulhem c. Kevin Mariolle d. Charlene Barnes Non - service connected Service connected Service connected Non - service connected Recommendation Non - service connected Service connected Service connected Non - service connected The Retirement Board will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings who contact the Retirement Office at least 24 hours before a meeting 10. The Board will continue in closed session under Govt. Code Section 54957 to consider recommendation from the Medical Advisor and/or staff regarding the disability application of Linda Wells. 11. The Board will continue in closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(c). OPEN SESSION 12. Consider and take possible action on staff recommendation on Goldman Sachs Credit Opportunity Portfolio. 13. Consider and take possible action on recommendation from Milliman regarding Medley Opportunity Fund H LP. 14. Consider and take possible action on recommendation from Milliman regarding an investment in Selene Residential Mortgage Opportunity Fund H LP. 15. Report from staff on semi- annual rebalancing. 16. Consider authorizing the attendance of Board and/or staff. a- Roundtable for Consultants and Institutional Investors, Institutional Investor, October 17 —19, 2011, Chicago, IL. b. 57h Annual Conference, IFEBP, October 29 — November 2, 2011, New Orleans, LA. c. Certificate of Achievement in Public Plan Policy Part 1, IFEBP, October 29 — 30, 2011, New Orleans, LA. d. PIMCO Conference, PIMCO, September 8, 2011, San Francisco, CA. e. Annual Conference, Public Pension Financial Forum, October 2 — 5, 2011, Portland, OR- f. 21 ' Annual Northern California Public Retirement Seminar, Public Agency Coalition, October 13, 2011, Sacramento, CA. 17. Miscellaneous a. Staff Report b. Outside Professionals' Report c. Trustees' comments The Retirement Board will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings who contact the Retirement Office at least 24 hours before a meeting Item #5 SEGA,r- A c tuart"aCVaCuatt" on .And R.evietiv As of December 31, 2010 AvaiCa6Ce at tivtivtiv.cccera.orq or at Board,'lleeting Memorandum Date: August 2, 2011 To: Board of Retirement Marilyn Leedom, Retirement Chief Executive Officer From: Karen Levy, General Counsel Subject: Policy On Handling Requests For Actuarial Information Recommendation MEETING DATE AUG 10 2015 ITEM Consider adoption of the enclosed Policy On Handling Requests For Actuarial Information, as requested by the Board of Retirement. Background The Retirement Board has requested that guidelines and procedures be established for handling requests for the release of actuarial information from the Board's actuary. Recently, the Board authorized such the release of actuarial data to actuaries retained by participating employers in relation to the depooling process as well as in response to the County's request. Enclosed is a Policy On Handling Requests For Actuarial Information, as requested by the Board- -A F, W E CONTRA COSTA COUNTY ENIPLC}YEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION 1355 willow way, Suite 221, Concord, CA 94524 -5728 TeleRhone: (925) 521 -3960 Fax: (925) 646 -5747 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION POLICY ON HANDLING REQUESTS FOR ACTUARIAL INFORMATION (Adopted 011=91-- The Board of Retirement ( "Board ") of the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association ( "CCCERA ") adopts this policy to establish guidelines and procedures for handling requests for authorizing the release of actuarial information from the Board's actuary. The Board recognizes that from time to time, Contra Costa County and other participating employers (each, an "Employer ") and employee representative bargaining units (each, an, "Employee Group ") may request that actuarial information be released to their respective actuaries (each, a "Third Party Actuary") for their own purposes. The Board is willing to consider providing access to CCCERA's actuarial information to such Third Party Actuary, provided that members' personal confidential information is protected from disclosure in the process, and provided that the cost of the release of such actuarial information does not exceed the incidental cost of redacting confidential information and transferring the remaining data to the Third Party Actuary. To the extent personal confidential information is requested and necessary for the Third Party Actuary to accomplish its task, the Third Party Actuary must confirm in writing that it will strictly maintain the confidentiality of the information. The Board wishes to establish these guidelines for CCCERA to follow when a request is made for actuarial information, and to publish those guidelines for the benefit of Employers and Employee Groups who may request such information. All appropriate staff should be familiar with these guidelines so that the process of responding to requests is efficient, consistent and compliant with all applicable laws. In many circumstances, these guidelines will enable staff to respond to requests without the need for substantial analysis or the assistance of legal counsel. However, situations will likely arise where a simple application of the general guidelines will not provide a definitive answer. When such a situation arises, the Chief Executive Officer should seek guidance from CCCERA's legal counsel. In addition, to the extent that any requests made to CCCERA under the Public Records Act pertain to records in the possession of CCCERA (rather than the Board's actuary), responses to such requests should follow the guidelines set forth in CCCERA's Accessibility of Records Policy. II. GUIDELINES A request of an Employer or Employee Group to authorize the Board's actuary to release actuarial information must be made in writing to CCCERA's Chief Executive Officer. Staff should always be aware that a request, no matter how informal it may appear, must be analyzed under the principles outlined in this Policy (or analyzed by legal counsel in more complex situations). The general guidelines for the Policy may be summarized as follows: 1. Confidentiality of an individual member's records must be protected. In accordance with Government Code section 31532, applicable court rulings, and the Board's Accessibility of Records Policy, the following information is not public information and shall not be disclosed: a member's, beneficiary's or annuitant's social security number, date of birth, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, email addresses, age at entry into service, spouse's and /or beneficiary's names, disability application, medical records, or other personal information provided by the member or beneficiary. 2. Notwithstanding Par. 1 above, the Board recognizes that certain confidential personal member information may be necessary for the Third Party Actuary's analysis. Examples may include age at entry into the system, or age at a certain time period. In such cases, the necessary confidential personal member information may be provided solely to the Third Party Actuary upon its written commitment not to disclose the information to any other person or entity, pursuant to a an executed confidentiality agreement between CCCERA and the Third Party Actuary in the form attached hereto. 3. The logistics of providing the requested data should be worked out by CCCERA Staff on a case -by -case basis in cooperation with the Employer or Employee Group making the request and the Board's actuary. 4. incidental costs incurred in connection with the CCCERA's actuary's preparing and transmitting the requested information, not to exceed $1,000, shall be borne by CCCERA. Any costs beyond that amount must be paid for by the party requesting the release of actuarial information on or before obtaining the information. 5. For consistency and efficiency, the Chief Executive Officer shall be the responsible individual for requests for actuarial information. Staff shall promptly refer all requests to the Chief Executive Officer, or his or her designee(s). -2- CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT This Confidentiality Agreement is entered into by ( "Third Party Actuary ') and the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association ( "CCCERA "), and is effective on the date it is last signed by one of the parties hereto. Recitals. has engaged Third Party Actuary to perform certain actuarial services with reference to . Third Party Actuary has requested and CCCERA has agreed to permit CCCERA's actuary, the Segal Company ( "Segal ") to make certain electronic data files and other information available to Third Party Actuary for review (the "Data "). Third Party Actuary and CCCERA anticipate that the Data may contain information regarding current or former members or beneficiaries of CCCERA that contain confidential personal information, including a member's, beneficiary's or annuitant's date of birth and age at entry into service, that is protected from disclosure under applicable laws and regulations, and CCCERA's Accessibility of Records Policy (collectively, "Protected Information "). Third Party Actuary and CCCERA are mindful of CCCERA's statutory obligation to maintain the confidentiality of such Protected Information under Section 31532 of the California Government Code. Third Party Actuary and CCCERA wish to insure that Third Party Actuary does not disclose any Protected Information contained in the Data to anyone other than CCCERA and its designated agents and representatives. Agreement. Third Party Actuary represents, warrants and agrees, on behalf of itself and each of its officers, employees, agents and representatives that they will treat any and all Protected Information which comes into any of their possession or knowledge as strictly confidential and shall not disclose it at any time, to any other person or entity, including the party that engaged Third Party Actuary and that party's agents or representatives, other than to (a) CCCERA and its agents, representatives and attorneys or (b) in response to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Third Party Actuary further agrees to take all necessary and reasonable precautions to prevent the unintended disclosure of Protected Information Third Party Actuary represents, warrants and agrees, on behalf of itself and each of its officers, employees, agents and representatives that they will use the Protected Information solely for the purpose of performing its agreed -upon services for the party that engaged it. At the conclusion of its services, Third Party Actuary agrees to destroy any and all Protected Information in its possession, in whatever manner or media it is maintained; provided, however, that Third Party Actuary may retain an archival copy of such Protected Information for evidentiary and record retention purposes, such to remain subject to the terms of this Agreement until returned or destroyed. Dated: I' M Dated: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION Central Sanitary District MEETING DATE LOARD OF DIRECTORS Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 F 1355 Willow Way, Suite 221 wFAX. (925) 11 nvw. cPntraisan. fsan. org Concord, CA 94520 Dear Members of the Board: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) Board of Directors appreciated Board President Maria Theresa Viramontes' attention to the District's views and policy issues at the July 20th meeting, and how they may be addressed. The Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association's ( CCCERA) consideration of the District's concerns is important to the District. We further appreciate your plans to bring our concerns to your full Board on August 10, 2011, and to agendize a discussion of the implications of AB340. We also reiterate our position that draft policy language should be considered by your Board to address the issues we have raised, and that we are willing to work with CCCERA to accomplish that. As a general rule, we firmly believe that the CCCERA Board should be required to meet and confer with member agencies before there are changes made in settled policy. This would ensure CCCERA is able to administer a retirement system that is fiscally and politically sustainable by its member agencies and better provide member agencies with an adequate planning horizon. We appreciate the open dialogue between CCCERA and the District. We thank you in advance for working with us as we seek to address these issues. Sincerely, im e s A. N e 'edly, Ch it CCCERA Ad Hoc Committee JMK:sIc Michael R. McGill, Member CCCERA Ad Hoc Committee J"X"'4 D. HOCKM. AUG 1 Q 2011 He$ -&H1 July 27, 2011 NEZEMY AGENDA ITEM �; ,�"�' tt MfRIOM. MFNEWHI DAM RUJAMS Honorable Members of the Board Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 F 1355 Willow Way, Suite 221 wFAX. (925) 11 nvw. cPntraisan. fsan. org Concord, CA 94520 Dear Members of the Board: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) Board of Directors appreciated Board President Maria Theresa Viramontes' attention to the District's views and policy issues at the July 20th meeting, and how they may be addressed. The Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association's ( CCCERA) consideration of the District's concerns is important to the District. We further appreciate your plans to bring our concerns to your full Board on August 10, 2011, and to agendize a discussion of the implications of AB340. We also reiterate our position that draft policy language should be considered by your Board to address the issues we have raised, and that we are willing to work with CCCERA to accomplish that. As a general rule, we firmly believe that the CCCERA Board should be required to meet and confer with member agencies before there are changes made in settled policy. This would ensure CCCERA is able to administer a retirement system that is fiscally and politically sustainable by its member agencies and better provide member agencies with an adequate planning horizon. We appreciate the open dialogue between CCCERA and the District. We thank you in advance for working with us as we seek to address these issues. Sincerely, im e s A. N e 'edly, Ch it CCCERA Ad Hoc Committee JMK:sIc Michael R. McGill, Member CCCERA Ad Hoc Committee cc: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Kenton Aim, District Counsel Scott Kivel, Special Counsel Jim Kelly, General Manager Randall Musgraves, Director of Administration Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Marilyn Leedom, CCCERA Chief Executive Officer Karen Levy, CCCERA General Counsel Harvey Leiderman, Reed Smith LLP Fiduciary Counsel r cq� Employees' 1355 willow way 925.52 1 August 12, 2011 Retirement Association suite 221 concord ca 94520 .3960 fax 925.646.5747 Randy Musgraves Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Five -Year Projection of Employer Contribution Rate Changes Dear Randy Musgraves, At the August 10, 2011 Board meeting, The Segal Company presented the Actuarial Valuation and Review as of December 31, 2010. After this report was accepted by the Board of Retirement, The Segal Company provides our office with the Five -Year Projection of Employer Contribution Rate Change, derived from the December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation. As provided last year this document includes additional information by cost group, due to the depooling approved by the Board of Retirement in October 2009. In addition, this year The Segal Company has provided an additional document, showing the Employer Contribution Rate Reconciliation by Cost Group, which is also based on the December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation. We have provided copies of both documents with this letter. Again, please note that both of these documents are based on figures from the December 31, 20010 actuarial valuation results. Please let me know if you have any questions on this information. Sincerely, Marilyn LUdom Retirement Chief Executive Officer -IT THE SEGAL COMPANY 100 Montgomery Street Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 -4308 T 415.263.8260 F 415.263.8290 www.segalco.com August 11, 2011 Ms. Marilyn Leedom Chief Executive Officer Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association 1355 Willow Way, Suite 221 Concord, CA 94520 John W. Monroe, ASA, MAAA, EA Vice President & Associate Actuary jmonroe @segalco.com Re: Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Five -Year Projection of Employer Contribution Rate Changes Dear Marilyn: As requested, we have updated our five -year projection of estimated employer contribution rate changes for CCCERA. This projection is derived from the December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation results. Key assumptions and methods are detailed below. Results The estimated contribution rate changes shown on the next page apply to the recommended average employer contribution rate. For purposes of this projection, the rate changes are assumed to be from asset gains and losses that are funded as a level percentage of the Association's total active payroll base. The asset gains and losses are due to: (1) deferred gains and losses from the actuarial asset smoothing methodology; (2) losses due to investment income not earned on the differencel,between the Actuarial Value of Assets (AVA) and Market Value of Assets (MVA); and (3) contribution gains and losses which occur from delaying the implementation of new rates until 18 months after the actuarial valuation date. The following table provides the year -to -year rate changes from each of the above causes and the cumulative rate change over the five -year projection period. To obtain the estimated average employer contribution rate at each successive valuation date, these cumulative rate changes should be added to the rates developed from the December 31, 2010 valuation. These rate changes become effective 18 months following the actuarial valuation date shown in the table. Benefits, Compensation and HR Consulting Offices throughout the United States and Canada M G Founding Member of the Multinational Group of Actuaries and Consultants, a global affiliation of independent firms A C Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 11, 2011 Page 2 The rate changes shown below represent the average rate for the aggregate plan. Rate Change Component Valuation Date (12/31) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (1) Deferred (Gains)/Losses 2.43% 2.56% -0.06% -0.91% -0.46% (2) Loss of Investment Income on Difference 0.22% 0.03% -0.12% -0.09% -0.02% Between AVA and MVA (3) 18 Month Rate Delay 0.48% 0.39% 0.34% 0.12% -0.06% Incremental Rate Change 3.13% 2.98% 0.16% -0.88% -0.54% Cumulative Rate Change 3.13% 6.11% 6.27% 5.39% 4.85% The rate change for an individual cost group or employer will vary depending primarily on the size of that group's assets and liabilities relative to its payroll. The ratio of the group's assets to payroll is sometimes referred to as the volatility index (VI). A higher VI results in more volatile contributions and can result from the following factors: • More generous benefits • More retirees • Older workforce • Shorter careers • Issuance of Pension Obligation Bonds (POBs) The attached exhibit shows the VI for CCCERA's cost groups along with the "relative VI" which is the VI for that specific cost group divided by the average VI for the aggregate plan. Using these ratios we have estimated the rate change due to these generally investment related net losses for each individual cost group by multiplying the rate changes shown above for the aggregate plan by the relative VI for each cost group. These estimated rate changes for each cost group are shown in the attached exhibit. Note that because we have estimated the allocation of the rate changes across the cost groups, the actual rate changes by group may differ from those shown in the exhibit, even if the plan - wide average rate changes are close to those shown above. 5144786v1/05337.001 Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 11, 2011 Page 3 Key Assumptions and Methods The projection is based upon the following assumptions and methods: > December 31, 2010 non - economic assumptions remain unchanged. > December 31, 2010 retirement benefit formulas remain unchanged. > December 31, 2010 1937 Act statutes remain unchanged. > UAAL amortization method remains unchanged (i.e., 18 -year layers, level percent of pay). > December 31, 2010 economic assumptions remain unchanged, including the 7.75% investment earnings assumption. > We have assumed that returns of 7.75% are actually earned on a market value basis for each of the next four years after 2010. > Active payroll grows at 4.25% per annum. > Deferred investment gains and losses are recognized per the asset smoothing schedule prepared by the Association as of December 31, 2010. They are funded as a level percentage of the Association's total active payroll base. > Deferred investment gains are all applied directly to reduce the UAAL. Note that this assumption may not be entirely consistent with the details of the Board's Interest Crediting and Excess Earnings Policy. > The VI used for these projections is based on the December 31, 2010 Actuarial Valuation and is assumed to stay constant during the projection period. > All other actuarial assumptions used in the December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation are realized. > No changes are made to actuarial methodologies, such as adjusting for the contribution rate delay in advance. Finally, we emphasize that projections, by their nature, are not a guarantee of future results. The modeling projections are intended to serve as illustrations of future financial outcomes that are based on the information available to us at the time the modeling is undertaken and completed, and the agreed -upon assumptions and methodologies described herein. Emerging results may differ significantly if the actual experience proves to be different from these assumptions or if alternative methodologies are used. Actual experience may differ due to such variables as demographic experience, the economy, stock market performance and the regulatory environment. 5144786v1 /05337.001 Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 11, 2011 Page 4 Unless otherwise noted, all of the above calculations are based on the December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation results including the participant data and actuarial assumptions on which that valuation was based. That valuation and these projections were completed under the supervision of John Monroe, ASA, MAAA, Enrolled Actuary. Please let us know if you have any questions. Sincerely, n"p� ?*- John Monroe CZI/hy Enclosure cc: Rick Koehler 5144786v1/05337.001 Exhibit Contra Costa Countf Employees' Retirement Association Estimated Employer Rate Change b`- Cost Group (CG) Based on December 31, 2010 Valuation * Excludes Post Retirement Death Benefit reserve. These rates do not include any employer subvention of member contributions or any member subvention of employer contributions. Total Plan 55,013.007,758 S687,443,206 719 1.00 3.1346 2.9846 0.1640 - 0.8845 -0.54% 3.1346 6.11010 6.27010 5.390A 4.85% CGttl & CG 92 Combined CG#-3 CG 44 CG#5 CG" Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced *ton - Enhanced General CCCSanitaryDistrict Housing Authority CCCFPD District Tier 1& 3 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Market Value of Assets( IVA)* Projected Payroll for 2011 S2,764,282,879 5498,826,811 $167,463,823 $24,455,315 S32 ;33,750 $5;334,523 534,471,858 54,010,138 53,784,636 5725,188 Volatility Index (NT)= 11VA/Payroll Relative Volatility Index T = CG 11 I Total Plan 17 554 0.76 6.85 0.94 6.10 0.84 8.60 1.18 5.22 0.72 Volatility Index (11) = EI'VA/Payroll 11.90 17.29 14.63 9.99 3.43 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2011 2.3896 2.9490 2.62% 3.69% 2.240/6 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2012 2.2650 2.80110. 2.4990 3-91010 2.1340 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/3112013 0.120/6 0.1590 013% 0.19% 0.1140 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2014 - 0.670/5 - 0.8345 . 0.7445 - 1.0440 - 0.6335 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12131/2015 -OAI" -0.51" -0.450/o -0.640/o -03946 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12 /31/2014 - 1.444xo - 2.0940 - 1.77% - 111% - 1.02015 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12 /31/2011 2380/o 2.940/b 2.624b 3.694b 2.2446 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2012 4.64" 5.744/b 5.1190 7.204% 43745 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12 /31/2013 4.76110 5.894'0 51440 739% 4.4840 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2014 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12 /31/2015 4.090/a 3.68% 5.0690 4.55% 4SO0/0 4.0540 6 1590 5.7106 3.35010 3.4646 * Excludes Post Retirement Death Benefit reserve. These rates do not include any employer subvention of member contributions or any member subvention of employer contributions. Total Plan 55,013.007,758 S687,443,206 719 1.00 3.1346 2.9846 0.1640 - 0.8845 -0.54% 3.1346 6.11010 6.27010 5.390A 4.85% CG97 & CG 09 Combined CG#S CG #10 CG#11 CG912 Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced Non- Enhanced County CCCFPD/East CCCEPD b-toraga- Orinda ED San Ramon Pallet ED Rodeo - Hercules FPD Safety Tier A & C Safety Tier A Safer- Tier A Safety Tier A Safety- Tier A 'Market Value of Assets (SR :3)* Si,038,683,813 5642,267,640 5115.535,117 S194942,706 $19,041,536 Projected Payroll for 2011 $37,286,098 $37,147,936 57,894,991 Sl9_G04,281 52457,925 Volatility Index (11) = EI'VA/Payroll 11.90 17.29 14.63 9.99 3.43 Relative Volatility Index I) = CG V1 /Total Plan 17 1.63 2 37 2.01 1.37 1.16 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12 /31/2011 5.1146 7A2 4b 6.28010 4190/6 3.6246 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/201' 4.8646 7.07010 5.980/b 4.08% 3.4545 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2013 0.260/0 0.380/b 032% 012% 0.1946 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12 /31/2014 - 1.444xo - 2.0940 - 1.77% - 111% - 1.02015 Estimated Incremental Rate Change as of 12/31/2015 0.8840 - 1.28410 - 1.09% - 0.74110 - 0.62016 Cumulative Rate Change as of 1213112011 S lI "o 7.42 " /o 6 28" 4190/6 3.6240 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2012 9.9746 14.4946 12.2695 8.3790 7.0740 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2013 Cumulative Rate Change as of 12 /31/2014 10.2346 8.7946 14.87 0 12.784/0 11.5846 10.8145 8.5995 7380 6 7.2646 614% Cumulative Rate Change as of 12/31/2015 7.910:5 11.50% 9.73010 6.6445 5.6245 * Excludes Post Retirement Death Benefit reserve. These rates do not include any employer subvention of member contributions or any member subvention of employer contributions. Total Plan 55,013.007,758 S687,443,206 719 1.00 3.1346 2.9846 0.1640 - 0.8845 -0.54% 3.1346 6.11010 6.27010 5.390A 4.85% -A-SEGAL THE SEGAL COMPANY 100 Montgomery Street Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 -4308 T 415.263.8283 F 415.263.8290 www.segalco.com August 11, 2011 Ms. Marilyn Leedom Chief Executive Officer Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association 1355 Willow Way, Suite 221 Concord, CA 94520 Re: Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Employer Contribution Rate Reconciliation by Cost Group December 31, 2010 Actuarial Valuation Dear Marilyn: As requested, we are providing a reconciliation of employer contribution rate changes separately for each of the twelve cost groups. The attached exhibit details the changes in the recommended employer contribution rates for each cost group from the December 31, 2009 valuation to the December 31, 2010 valuation. OBSERVATIONS > The average employer rate increased from 30.49% of payroll as of December 31, 2009 to 34.49% of payroll as of December 31, 2010. As discussed in our December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation report, this increase was primarily due to the investment return on actuarial value that fell short of the 7.75% assumed rate. This investment loss increased the average employer contribution rate by 3.44% of payroll. This loss was allocated to each cost group in proportion to the assets for each cost group. The estimated impact of this loss varies by cost group with the Safety cost groups experiencing larger rate increases. > The changes to the terminal pay assumptions increased the average employer contribution rate by 0.28% of payroll. The terminal pay assumptions were changed to be now based on cost groups and are generally based on the actual terminal pay experience by cost group during the three -year period from 2008 to 2010. Here again, the impact varies by cost group with some cost groups experiencing no impact, while other cost groups like Cost Group #3 (Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) experiencing a significant rate change. Benefits, Compensation and HR Consulting Offices throughout the United States and Canada *MCC; Founding Member of the Multinational Group of Actuaries and Consultants, a global affiliation of independent firms Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 11, 2011 Page 2 > Note that there were also changes in the employer rates caused by the 18 -month delay in implementation of the contribution rates calculated in the December 31, 2009 valuation and the effect of actual versus expected salary increases including the impact of total payroll growth. Please let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to discussing this with your Board. Sincerely, Paul Angelo, FSA, EA, MAAA Senior Vice President and Actuary AW/bgb 5144768v1/05337.001 M(i I I John Monroe, ASA, EA, MAAA Vice President and Associate Actuary EXHIBIT Reconciliation of Recommended Employer Contribution from December 31, 2009 to December 31, 2010 Valuation Cost Group #1 Cost Group #2 Cost Group #3 Cost Group #4 Cost Group #5 Cost Group #6 General General Central Contra Contra Costa Contra Costa Small Districts County and County and Costa Sanitary Housing County Fire Non - enhanced Small Small District Authority Protection Tier 1 Districts Districts Tier 1 Tier 1 District Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 1 Recommended Employer Contribution Rate in 26.06% 23.77% 40.30% 34.94% 20.44% 23.85% December 31, 2009 Valuation Effect of investment (gain) /losslll 2.62% 2.62% 3.23% 2.88% 4.07% 2.61% Effect of difference in actual versus expected contributions due to delay in implementation of contribution rates 0.27% 0.27% 0.66% 0.32% 0.48% -0.28% calculated in 12/31/2009 valuation Effect of actual versus expected salary increase including o -0.35 /o -0.35% 1.74% -0.04% -0.46% 1.76% total payroll growth(2) Effect of net other experience (gains) /losses(3) 0.67% 0.19% 1.81% -1.27% 1.29% -0.57% Effect of changes in actuarial assumptions and methods (4) -0.11% 0.00% 6.17% -2.87% -0.11% 0.00% Total Change 3.10% 233% 13.61% -0.98% 527% 3.52% Recommended Employer Contribution Rate in 29.16% 26.50% 53.91% 33.96% 25.71% 27.37% December 31, 2010 Valuation Note: These rates do not include any employer subvention of member contributions, or member subvention of employer contributions. (1) Return on the valuation value of assets of 1.80% was less than the 7.75% assumed in the valuation. (z) This item represents the net impact of lower than expected individual salary increases and total payroll growth. Lower individual salary increases decrease cost while lower total payroll growth increases the UAAL contribution rate, since the remaining UAAL is amortized over a lower payroll. Other differences in actual versus expected experience including (but not limited to) mortality, disability, withdrawal, retirement and terminal pay experience. (4) The Board approved changes in actuarial assumptions. Terminal pay assumptions are now based on cost groups. 5144768v1/05337.001 - I - SEGAL EXHIBIT Reconciliation of Recommended Employer Contribution from December 31, 2009 to December 31, 2010 Valuation Cost Group #7 Cost Group #8 Cost Group #9 Cost Group #10 Cost Group #11 Cost Group #12 Total Average Safety County Contra Costa Safety County Moraga- San Ramon Rodeo- Recommended Tier A and East Fire Tier C Orinda Fire Valley Fire Hercules Fire Rate Protection District District Protection Districts Safety A Safety A District Tier A Non - enhanced Safety A Recommended Employer Contribution Rate in 52.42% 43.98% 45.88% 37.72% 56.24% 46.02% 30.49% December 31, 2009 Valuation Effect of investment (gain) /loss(i) 5.62% 8.16% 5.62% 6.89% 4.72% 3.98% 3.44% Effect of difference in actual versus expected contributions due to delay in implementation of contribution rates 0.84% 1.63% 0.84% 0.88% 0.02% 1.13% 0.43% calculated in 12/31/2009 valuation Effect of actual versus expected salary increase including 0.33 / -0.06 / 0.33 / - 0.21% - 0.67% 1.21% -0.23 / total payroll growth l2) Effect of net other experience (gains) /losses(3) -0.32% -0.28% -0.64% - 2.37% -0.11% 2.22% 0.08% Effect of changes in actuarial assumptions and methods (4) -0.02% -0.65% 0.00% 1.79% 3.35% 3.48% 0.28% Total Change 6.45% 8.80% 6.15% 6.98% 7.31% RMN R ° 4.00% Recommended Employer Contribution Rate in December 31, 2010 Valuation 58.87% 52.78% 52.03% 44.70% 63.55% 58.04% 34.49% Note: These rates do not include any employer subvention of member contributions, or member subvention of employer contributions. (1) Return on the valuation value of assets of 1.80% was less than the 7.75% assumed in the valuation. (Z) This item represents the net impact of lower than expected individual salary increases and total payroll growth. Lower individual salary increases decrease cost while lower total payroll growth increases the UAAL contribution rate, since the remaining UAAL is amortized over a lower payroll. (3) Other differences in actual versus expected experience including (but not limited to) mortality, disability, withdrawal, retirement and terminal pay experience. (4) The Board approved changes in actuarial assumptions. Terminal pay assumptions are now based on cost groups. 5144768vl/05337.001 - 2 - SEGAL ro Employees' Retirement Association 1355 willow way suite 221 concord ca 94520 925.521.3960 fax 925.646.5747 RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING Retirement Board Conference Room SPECIAL MEETING The Willows Office Park 9 :00 a.m. 1355 Willow Way Suite 221 August 17, 2011 Concord, California * ** *AMENDED * * ** THE RETIREMENT BOARD MAY DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Accept comments from the public. 3. Small Cap Value Equity Manager Presentations: 9:00 a.m. — 9:15 a.m. Introduction and overview by Milliman 9:15 a.m. —10:00 a.m. William Blair & Co. LLC 10:05 a.m. —10:50 a.m. Brandywine Global Asset Management 10:50 a.m. — 11:05 a.m. Break 11:05 a.m. — 11:50 a.m. Wellington Management Company 11:55 a.m. — 12:40 p.m. Ceredex Value Advisors LLC 4. Consider and take possible action on Small Cap Value Equity Manager. 5. Consider and take possible action on staff recommendation regarding the expansion of office space. CLOSED SESSION 6. The Board will go into closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(c). OPEN SESSION 7. Miscellaneous a. Staff Report b. Outside Professionals' Report c. Trustees' comments The Retirement Board will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings who contact the Retirement Office at least 24 hours before a meeting. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 9, 2011 T O: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ANN FARREL, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER FROM: RANDALL M. MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION �AA SUBJECT: MEMO REGARDING THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (CCCERA) ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORT FOR JULY 1, 2012 RATES District staff reviewed the CCCERA Actuarial Valuation and Review Report on Friday, August 5 and Monday, August 8, 2011. This report is used to set retirement rates for July 1, 2012 (fiscal year 2012 - 2013). Upon our review, we were surprised to find that the CCCERA Actuary, Segal Company, is recommending another $29.5 million increase in the District's unfunded liability (UAAL). This means that the District's UAAL has gone from $35 million to $71 million to now $100 million over a two year period. The District's UAAL increase is due to two factors; (1) Investment losses spread to the District of $18,178,489 and (2) Assumption Change of $11,479,648. The investment losses were understandable and were previously reported at the June 15, 2011 CCCERA meeting under the Market Stabilization Account item. However, we are struggling to understand the $11.5 million for "Assumption Changes ". According to the Actuary, the change is that "terminal pay assumptions are now based on cost groups." It appears to us that it is an additional cost or component of de- pooling that the Actuary never raised in prior de- pooling discussions. If it is de- pooling costs, then the total cost of de- pooling to the District is $31,504,719 not the $20,037,235 discussed up to this point. It was District staff's understanding that the purpose of the December 31, 2009 calculation and report was to establish an accurate accounting for employer, or Cost Group, assets, liabilities and UAAL as a benchmark for which to go forward. However, it appears that terminal pay was calculated at the tier level and NOT the cost group or employer level. Staff is sending a letter to the CCCERA Board stating the District's concerns. We have been very clear that we must know the cost of CCCERA's actions. It is extremely difficult to address financial planning, District options, benefits and rates when we are provided only partial information. We want to understand the calculations and /or methodologies used to determine that the District's UAAL should triple to $100 million within a one to two year period of time. However, given the limited time to review the report and the lack of supporting data, we have not been able to conduct a thorough review. The District is formally requesting from CCCERA to receive all of the data needed for the District's Actuary to perform the evaluation described above in a timely manner. In addition, the District is requesting the CCCERA Board to seriously consider contracting with the Actuary to provide a five to ten year forecast of assets, liabilities and UAAL at the cost group, or employer, level to enable us to more accurately plan for the future. Staff will be attending the August 10, 2011 meeting and will also verbally ask the CCCERA Board not to implement the rates until we have had an opportunity to evaluate the data, calculations and methodologies used. cc: Kenton Alm, District Counsel Ann Farrell, Deputy General Manager Elaine Boehme, Secretary of the District Central Contra Sanitary District PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX- (925) 676 -7211 www.centralsan.org August 9, 2011 JAMES M. KELLY Genera! Manager KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District Honorable Members of the Board (510) 808 -2000 Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association SeELApryoft eDEHMfi 1355 Willow Way, Suite 221 Concord, CA 94520 Dear Members of the Board: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) is strongly requesting the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) Board not adopt contribution rates at its August 10, 2011 meeting. The Actuarial Valuation Report, available Thursday, August 4, 2011, has only superficially been reviewed by District staff. The District's Actuary, John Bartel, was unavailable to assist and a change of this magnitude requires a thorough evaluation. Quite frankly, we were surprised to find that the CCCERA Actuary, Segal Company, is recommending another $29.5 million increase in the District's unfunded liability (UAAL). This means that the District's UAAL has gone from $35 million to $71 million to now $100 million. The District's UAAL is proposed to increase by $29.5 million due to two factors; (1) Investment losses spread to the District of $18,178,489 and (2) Assumption Change of $11,479,648. The investment losses are understandable and were previously reported at the June 15, 2011 meeting under the Market Stabilization Account item. However, we are struggling to understand the $11.5 million increase in the District's UAAL for "Assumption Changes ". Pages iii and 75 of the actuarial report indicate that it is due to the change of "terminal pay assumptions are now based on cost groups." This sounds like an additional cost or component of de- pooling that the Actuary never raised in the discussions. If it is de- pooling costs, then the total cost of de- pooling to the District is $31,504,719, not the $20,037,235 discussed up to this point. Was terminal pay by employer used to determine the cost of de- pooling? If not, why? It was our understanding that the purpose of the December 31, 2009 calculation and report was to establish an accurate accounting for employer, or Cost Group, assets, liabilities and UAAL as a benchmark for which to go forward. However, it appears that terminal pay was calculated at the tier level and NOT the cost group or employer level. The District is VERY CONCERNED with the information being received from CCCERA and your Actuary. The District was and has been very clear that we must know the cost of your actions, not piecemeal but in total. It is extremely difficult to address financial planning, our options, benefits and rates when we are provided only partial information. ® Recycled Paper Something is wrong with the data, calculations or methodologies used to determine that the District's UAAL should triple to $100 million within a one to two year period of time. However, given the limited time to review the report, we are not sure if our understandings are correct. Again, the District is requesting the CCCERA Board NOT adopt the rates until we have had the opportunity to receive and review the data. After review, we would like to meet with the Segal staff, CCCERA staff, Mr. Bartel, and District staff to ensure an understanding of the data and findings. The District is formally requesting to receive all of the data needed for the District's Actuary to perform the evaluation described above in a timely manner. In addition, the District is requesting the CCCERA Board to seriously consider contracting with the Actuary to provide a five to ten year forecast of assets, liabilities, and UAAL at the cost group, or employer, level. On July 20, 2011, two District Board Members, District Counsel, and staff met with CCCERA Board President, Counsel, and staff and the meeting provided a forum to discuss several of the District's concerns. We clearly attempted to communicate that there should not be any more financial surprises. Unfortunately, we already face another multi- million dollar surprise. Sincerely, s� a Randall M. Musgraves Director of Administration cc: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors Kenton Alm, District Counsel Scott Kivel, Special Counsel Jim Kelly, General Manager Ann Farrell, Deputy General Manager Elaine Boehme, Secretary of the District John Bartel, Actuary Marilyn Leedom, CCCERA Chief Executive Officer Karen Levy, CCCERA Counsel Harvey Leiderman, Reed Smith LLP Member Agencies Board of Directors and General Manager /Executive Officer LAFCO Board of Directors