HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 08-29-1111 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair Nejedly Member Hockett Monday, August 29, 2011 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA BO4RD OF DIRECTORS BARBAR 4 D. HOC'KETT Presldent J. 4AIESA. AEJEDLY Presldent Pro Tem AITCH.4EL R. A1('GILL AL 4RI0 AL ,1IE. \ESL\ I DAT7DR. TILLIAAIS PHOAE: (925) 228 -9500 F II: (925) 676 -7211 www centralsan.org Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a fixture agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303. Budget and Finance Committee August 29, 2011 Page 2 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Public Comments *3. Receive Internal Audit Report on the Household Hazardous Waste program (presentation by Wallace Rowe of Wallace Rowe and Associates) Staff Recommendation: Provide input to staff if needed and recommend that the full Board receive the Report. 4. Risk Management *a. Review Loss Control Report Staff Recommendation: Review the report and provide direction if needed. b. Discuss outstanding claims Staff Recommendation: Discuss outstanding claims and provide direction if needed. C. Discuss new claims 1) Review new claims received, and of significant financial and /or legal impact. 2) Review Position Paper denying claim for damages submitted by Connie Easterly, 15 Green Street, Martinez (Item 4.m. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Discuss new claims and provide direction if needed. Recommend Board denial of the claim. *5. Discuss development of District policy regarding expression of sympathy for death or illness of employees and Board Members Staff Recommendation: Provide direction to staff. 6. Review adjusted Period 13 Operations and Maintenance (O &M) June 2011 Year - End Financial Statements and Investment Reports (Item 10.a. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board approval. Budget and Finance Committee August 29, 2011 Page 3 7. Review Position Paper adopting Resolution No. 2011 -050 establishing the Sewer Construction Fund appropriations limit in the amount of $80,226,515 for Fiscal Year 2011 -12, in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and select the change in the California per capita personal income percentage for use in computing the appropriations limit (Item 4.c. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board adoption. 8. Review the Statement of Investment Policy for District assets and the Investment Guidelines Document for the GASB 45 Trust (Item 4.d. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board approval. 9. Expenditures a. Review Expenditures (Item 4.b. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Review and recommend Board approval. *b. Review Legal Expenditure Summary Staff Recommendation: Review Legal Expenditure Summary. *c. Review P -Card expenditures Staff Recommendation: Review P -Card expenditures. 10. Reports and Announcements 11. Suggestions for future agenda items 12. Closed Session a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation - significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) — One potential case 13. Report out of Closed Session 14. Adjournment * Attachment CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REPORT ON EXAMINATION OF SPECIFIC INTERNAL CONTROLS AND COMPLIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF VARIOUS CONTRACT AGREEMENTS WALLACE ROWE & ASSOCIATES Accounting Finn 430 Verbena Court (925) 229 -1950 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Fax (925) 229 -1952 wroweassoc @aol.com To the Members of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District We have performed a limited internal control and compliance audit of various programs administered and procedures performed by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (the District). The internal audit of these programs and procedures included a study and evaluation of internal controls, and compliance with specific contract agreements to determine the adequacy of the internal controls, compliance with internal control objectives and stated procedures, and tests to detect any control weaknesses. The study and evaluation was more limited than would be necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal controls taken as a whole and was specifically designed to determine compliance with the District's requirements with respect to policies and procedures for the various controls and documents examined. The specific controls we examined and the compliance tests we performed are as follows: 1. Examined the system of internal controls over monetary collections from small businesses and recycled materials collected at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. 2. Examined the contracts between the District and three individual cities and one other sanitary district to determine if the terms and conditions of the contract agreements are being met. We also performed procedures to determine if the terms of the contracts are being fulfilled and that any billings submitted to the cities and other sanitary district by the District are accurate and the amounts remitted to the District appear correct. 3. Examined and determined that the terms and conditions of the contract between the District and 21" Century Environmental Management, Inc. of Nevada (a wholly owned subsidiary of Philip Services Corporation) were being followed and complied with. During this process we also examined agreements for disposal and labor associated with the contract. 4. Reviewed the controls and procedures for the "Request for Proposal" process and the awarding of the contract agreement between the District and 21s' Century Environmental Management Inc. of Nevada (the Corporation). Management of the District is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of internal controls. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system of controls are to provide management reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that any transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal control, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected in a timely manner. The study and evaluation made for the limited purposes described in the first and second paragraph would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses in the system. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control of the District taken as a whole. The procedures we performed did not reveal any material errors or noncompliance issues. However, the items discussed on the following pages are procedures or controls that we believe could be revised to strengthen the District's internal controls over the various areas of internal controls that we examined and compliance tests that we performed. w ogees,,,— d - Wallace Rowe & Associates July 8, 2011 2 1. Examination of the System of Internal Controls Over Monetary Collections And Recycled Material Collected at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility Hazardous wastes are deposited at the District's Household Waste Facility located in Martinez, California and there are also periodic special pick -ups at various sites within Contra Costa County. The hazardous waste deposits at the facility in Martinez and at the special pick -ups are free for individuals and families. However, there is a minimal charge to business for their hazardous waste deposits at the Martinez facility. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 the revenue collected for the hazardous wastes disposals made by businesses totaled $31,408. In discussions held with employees of the District, and specifically at the waste facility, they explained that an internal procedure ( "Standard Operating Procedures for Accepting Cash Payments ") allowed the businesses to pay for waste disposal in cash. This procedure was developed as a courtesy to businesses that arrive at the facility unaware of the requirement that businesses are required to pay for the disposal of waste materials. We recommend that the District revise its procedures and only accept checks, money orders, or credit cards as payment from businesses making hazardous waste deposits. We realize that the amount of cash collected for hazardous waste deposits is not material to the District as a whole. However, we feel that the acceptance of payments in cash increases the possibility of losses to the District either through fraud or theft. Therefore we recommend that the procedure of accepting payments in cash be discontinued. 2. Examination of the Fulfillment of Terms of the Contract Agreements Between the District and Three Cities and One other Sanitary District During our examination of the contracts, policies, procedures, the contract requirements between the District and another Sanitary District and three cities located in Contra Costa County we did not find any inconsistencies or violations with any of the terms of the contracts. The contracts also appeared to be clear and contain all information needed for as contract such as those. 3 r 3. Examination of the Fulfillment of the Terms of the Contract Agreement Between the District and 21" Century Environmental Management, Inc. of Nevada (A Subsidiary of Philip Services Corporation) We reviewed the contact agreement between the District and Philip Services Corporation (PSC). We also examined many documents supporting PSC's fulfillment of the terms of the contract. Our review revealed several instances where it appeared the terms (requirements) of the contract were either not fulfilled or there was no documentation to support that the terms of the contract were fulfilled. The instances where the terms of the contract were not met or where there was no supporting documentation to prove that there specific term was fulfilled are as follows. Any paragraph or Sections referred to are specific sections within the signed contract agreement. a. Page 21, Section 3.1.3 states that the contractor shall submit to the District a "Waste Treatment Certificate (WTC)" within 30 days of a shipment of hazardous wastes. It appears that in some instances the District either never received the certificates or did not receive them within the 30 day period subsequent to the actual shipment. b. Page 23, Section 3.3.1 states the contractor may use properly trained third party staff during temporary events. Per our conversation with District staff, it appears they were not sure if any third party staff were used at the temporary events. There was no documentation presented to us to prove if third party staff were used that they were properly trained. c. Page 24, Section 3.5 states that the contractor is required to prepare a "California Waste Management Form 303" with each monthly billing for all household hazardous wastes shipped during each month. Mr. Wyatt (Program Supervisor) indicated that there is no longer a requirement that the Forms 303 be prepared and submitted along with the monthly billings. If this is the case, the contract agreement should be amended to remove this requirement. 4 d. Page 27, Sections 1, 2, & 3 requires the contractor to answer all phone calls pertaining to an upcoming special event and to return any left messages within 24 hours during normal business days. The contractor is required to document the time and date for all calls received and the time and date for all appointments made. In addition, the contractor is required to provide the District with a weekly status report of the number of confirmed appointments for the special event from the date of advertisement of the event until one week prior to the collection event. Per Mr. Wyatt, the District had not received any of the required status reports or verified that the weekly status reports were ever prepared. e. Page 30, item No. 1 requires that a minimum of 5% of the total waste collected during the special events shall be reusable. There was no documentation available to verify that the 5% minimum requirement had either been met or even if there was a determination if the 5% requirement was being tracked. For each of the aforementioned items pertaining to the contract agreement between the District and PSA documentation should be obtained, reviewed, and retained to provide support that the terms of the contract have been met and fulfilled. For any obsolete terms in the original contract, there should be a contract amendment prepared and signed by both parties revising the original contract to remove any of the items that are no longer applicable or required. f. Review of the Controls and Procedures for the Request of Proposal Process and the Awarding of the Contract To 21" Century Environmental Management Inc. of Nevada We reviewed the controls and procedures covering the issuance of the "Request For Proposal (RFP)" and awarding of the services contract for hazardous waste transportation and disposal between the District and Philip Services Corporation (PSC). Our review of the "Request for Proposal" and the procedures followed in awarding the contract to PSC did not reveal any problems related to the issuance of the RFP. It also appears that the District went through a complete and thorough process in the evaluation of the proposals received and the selection of PSC as the company awarded the services contract. The proposals received from all companies bidding on the contract appear to have been thoroughly reviewed and fairly rated. 5 r- 0 CL d O r C O H H O J CM T T T O N c m v U c c CD U C U C D iTL. C C 0 cm a0z P z W 2 W N m W C7 z m J SL G z Q 3 0 LL cc W O rt0+ R 0 M�+ a Z UI r CDI {V r O� CO O 0 io I , 3 0 w O m c � O CD idmi ,c - �? CJ H N co U- 0 Q T R a s r- JI w O cv I �I HI Ca± W m Y OEI O co cn o C N eV N m s O cc W F=- 0 m Q J J W z W O O y0+ m o a o cc O co CO w Vi a o 0 O °� H O m m U cc R c H i Y CD rn Q r r 0 d. m cc O V cc QI Crp n CO Oj 0 �I N N �1 r (A m R O U 4 Ul) 0 u°D J H z W C z W a O ac IL C O m t m N •� U (� 2 U .z a > c 2 °J ii rt0+ R 0 M�+ a Z UI r CDI {V r O� CO O 0 io I , 3 0 w O m c � O CD idmi ,c - �? CJ H N co U- 0 Q T R a s r- JI w O cv I �I HI Ca± W m Y OEI O co cn o C N eV N m s O cc W F=- 0 m Q J J W z W O O y0+ m o a o cc O co CO w Vi a o 0 O °� H O m m U cc R c H i Y CD rn Q r r 0 d. m cc O V cc QI Crp n CO Oj 0 �I N N �1 r (A m R O U 4 Ul) 0 u°D J H z W C z W a O ac IL C O 01 E a Y Q O a � t r JIG Y+F7 C Ni 4.A. i' dy i EM I cri Lq ap US G CO co •+ ifs �, G:3 a i31 � f1i m O CL Q ';u c � try a z a W 0 as m U L o z a R N n 4 m Lam J co a Q o? 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Alameda- Contra Costa Transit District No written policy. Generally, General Manager's Office sends flowers at District expense when an employee or Board Member or member of their family passes away, or is ill. Does not pay for flowers for retirees' death /illness. West County Wastewater Written policy. District pays for $75 worth of flowers or donation upon death of a Board Member or employee, or a member of their immediate family. At the GM discretion, expressions of sympathy may be purchased with District funds upon the death of retired employees or Board Members. Also, $75 for flowers for illness of employee or Board Member. Delta Diablo Sanitary District No written policy. District pays for flowers for illness or death of employees, Board Members, or their immediate family. Mt. View Sanitary District No written policy. District pays for flowers on death of Board Member or employee or retiree of a member of their immediate family. Or they make a donation to charity if preferred. Spends approximately $50. Also extends to long -term relationships with consultants, for example. City of West Sacramento No written policy. Employees contribute to "sunshine City of Duarte fund ". City of Camarillo Written policy. Flowers sent at City expense upon death of employee or Council Member, or immediate family. City of Moreno Valley Written policy. City pays for $60 worth of flowers or donations for death of employee or Council Member or their immediate family. City of Lake Elsinore No written policy. Depends on circumstances. City of San Dimas No written policy. Employee Association pays for flowers for death of employee or Council Member. City of Belmont No written policy, but Council has small "contingency fund" from which to draw for flowers. Usually done for Council Member, their immediate family, and De artment Heads. City of San Ramon Written policy. Send flowers at City expense upon death of current or former employee or Council Member. cc E E ''3A V/ L CL W wa W J 0 Z LL W V Q Q Z LL J W co � W�/� V/ z W IL K W Z Z Z Q M N E co a) �v E O to U U) Z 0 cl E `A ~ V E U Y LO C U m -C O CO (c C o Q a) � a UC7Q CL N 1 ��aa � t5 .0 a) N a) cm O N Q N Q cc c C cc 7 � 0 � Ia Q U Z Z M ai�lQk� J 00 a) E m c 2 1 cc a O 2 C U t N a U lJ U CD O cc v In CD_ o E .6 v Ir 0 cc a > CL c a m C O Q d Er AR a) C O CM U N 1 N 1 Z ca > O Cts a) •� co f+C > o > c0 v Q •� I o cc4' E o °�' CO `o 0 a) o Q m o m m c7 u c7 c7 t� CC > > ca m # a) i Q 0 cc O U C J W II r LL 1 ` d L U CD U U'l r CCU Q' 0� r j y y C'7 O r N LO O r O r co d- cm co ii LL O coo m m 1 E69 � J I 44 1 69 I 0000cncncOn0 d4 404 6% d69 6N9 T T r N O O O N N N N N N N N N WUIL QQ Q 7 Ci O M r r LO 0 99 I� O O O O O O co 0 co O) N O M a0 O O O O O O O O O CA O O O O O O O O M a`) CC) U) o r M I� O r r P- c O r � cn rCf? 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