HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS AGENDA 08-30-1111 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Hockett Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:00 p.m. Second Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA BO4RD OF DIRECTORS BARBAR 4 D. HOC'KETT Presldent J. 4AIESA. AEJEDLY Presldent Pro Tem AITCH.4EL R. A1('GILL AL 4RI0 AL ,1IE. \ESL\ I DAT7DR. TILLIAAIS PHOAE: (925) 228 -9500 F II: (925) 676 -7211 www centralsan.org Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a fixture agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303. Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2011 Page 2 Call Meeting to Order 2. Public Comments *3. Review Capital Program Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 Year -End Financials Staff Recommendation: Review the financials and receive the report. *4. Review Project Closeout memo Staff Recommendation: Review the memo and receive the report. Staff will be available to answer questions on the projects contained within the memo. 5. Review revised Capital Program Authorization Limits (Table 1) needed for FY 2011 -12 based on end of FY 2010 -11 financial data (Item 10.c. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Recommend Board approval of revised limits. *6. Discuss staff and Board authority limits for Capital- Project - related items and consider increased authority where appropriate Staff Recommendation: Provide input to staff on authority limits. *7. Review Capital Project expenditure versus contractor costs Staff Recommendation: Review efficiency and receive the report. *8. Discuss how adding the current ly- unbudgeted construction of the Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project and development of the Martinez Recycled Water Refinery Feasibility Study to the Recycled Water Program of the Capital Budget could be accommodated, if the Board desires (Preliminary work would start in FY 2011 -12, and construction of the Concord project would occur in FY 2012 -13). The matter of reviewing funding options for these projects was referred to the Capital Projects Committee by the Recycled Water Committee at its August 18, 2011 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Review options for modifying the FY 2011 -12 Capital Budget and Plan to accommodate the construction of the Concord Landscape Project and development of the Feasibility Study for the Martinez Refinery Feasibility Study, if the Board wishes to approve the projects. Capital Projects Committee August 30, 2011 Page 3 9. Review Position Paper authorizing the General Manager to execute an amendment to an existing agreement with Complete Project Solutions, Inc. to increase the cost ceiling from $60,000 to $270,000 for professional engineering services for design of seismic upgrades for the Pump and Blower Building, District Project 7291 (Item 9.a. in Board Binder) Staff Recommendation: Recommend Board authorization. 10. Reports and Announcements 11. Suggestions for future agenda items 12. Adjournment * Attachment FY 2010 -11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET YEAR END STATUS REPORT September 1, 2011 Board Meeting .- 41LI1� Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Actual FY 2010 -11 Capital Program Activity *Budget if $16 sewer service charge increase adopted. ** Beginning balance 7/1/10 $65.6 M including $30 M bonds. 3 1 Budgeted 2010 -11 Actual 2010 -11 Total expenditures $28.5 M $28.0 M $19.7 M Total revenue ($22.4 M *) $16.4 M -$8.8 M Reduction In SCF Balance -$11.6 M (- $6.1M *) $56.8 M Sewer Construction Fund ($59.5 M *) $54.0 M Balance 6/30/2011 ** *Budget if $16 sewer service charge increase adopted. ** Beginning balance 7/1/10 $65.6 M including $30 M bonds. 3 1 FY 2010 -11 Capital Revenue by Category *Reduced due to no adopted $16 SSC increase. FY 2010 -11 Capital Budget by Program Program Budgeted Actual Revenue Category $ 7,437,000 $9,297,000 Collection System 2010.11 Revenues 2010 -11 Revenues General Improvements $1,856,000* $ 9,134,000 Sewer Service Charge $ 550,000 $1,802,000 Total ($4,556,000) $27,962,000 Property Taxes $6,873,000 $6,760,000 Facility Capacity/ Pumped $6,744,000 $3,998,000 Zone Fees Interest $850,000 $298,000 City of Concord $2,429,000 $3,216,000 All Other $917,000 $357,000 Total $19,669,000* $16,431,000 ($22,369,000) *Reduced due to no adopted $16 SSC increase. FY 2010 -11 Capital Budget by Program Program Budgeted Total 2010.11 Expenditures Actual Total 2010.11 Expenditures Treatment Plant $ 7,437,000 $9,297,000 Collection System $ 10,508,000 $8,801,000 General Improvements $ 9,969,000 $ 9,134,000 Recycled Water $ 550,000 $ 730,000 Total $ 28,464,000 $27,962,000 2010 -11 Treatment Plant Program Major Projects/Variances Budgeted I Actual I Comments Solids Handling $30,000 $1,005,000 Project delayed into 2010.11. Improvements Diablo Renovations Ph 1 $2,000,000 $1,631,000 Standby Power Facility $350,000 $2,307,000 Project delayed Into 2010.11. Improvements 201041 Development Sewerage $1,000,000 $538,000 Dry/Wet Weather $2,200,000 $2,128,000 Good bid. Improvements Total $10,508,000 $8,801,000 Piping Renovations, $1,690,000 $1,558,000 Substitute contractor Ph 5 performed well. Other Projects $2,127,000 $2,299,000 Total $7,437,000 $9,297,000 2010 -11 Collection System Program Major Projects/Variances Budgeted Actual Comments Diablo Renovations Ph 1 $2,000,000 $1,631,000 Good bids. South Orinda Renovations Ph 5 $1,800,000 $684,000 Good bids /Project delayed Into 2011 -12 201041 Development Sewerage $1,000,000 $538,000 Reduced developer activity. Other Projects $6,653,000 $6,700,000 Total $10,508,000 $8,801,000 2010 -11 General Improvements Program Major Projects/ Variances 2010 -11 Recycled Water Program Major Projects /Variances Budgeted Actual Comment CSOD Facilities $60,000 $200,000 Project delayed Improvements $6,080,000 $7,259,000 from 2009 -10 into Recycled Water Planning $510,000 $730,000 2010.11 HOB and 4737 Seismic $1,325,000 $216,000 Projects delayed Improvements Into 2011 -12. Equipment and Vehicles $700,000 $358,000 Other Projects $1,864,000 $1,301,000 Total $9,969,000 $9,134,000 2010 -11 Recycled Water Program Major Projects /Variances Budgeted Actual Comment Concord Naval Weapons $60,000 $200,000 Originally budgeted for Station REW Study 2011 -12. Recycled Water Planning $510,000 $730,000 and New Connections Actual FY 2010 -11 Capital Program Activity *Budget if $16 sewer service charge increase adopted. ** Beginning balance 7/1/10 $65.6 M including $30 M bonds. Questions........ Budgeted 2010 -11 Actual 2010 -11 Total expenditures $28.5 M $28.0 M Total revenue $19.7 M $16.4 M ($22.4 M *) Reduction In SCF Balance -$11.6 M (- $6.1M *) $56.8 M Sewer Construction Fund ($59.5 M *) $54.0 M Balance 6/30/2011 ** *Budget if $16 sewer service charge increase adopted. ** Beginning balance 7/1/10 $65.6 M including $30 M bonds. Questions........ 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 25, 2011 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ANN FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING CURT SWANSON, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER FROM: JARRED MIYAMOTO- MILLS, PRINCIPAL ENGINEER AW *Z0\% EARLENE MILLIER, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III i SUBJECT: CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Work has been completed on 20 capital improvement projects during the 2010 -11 fiscal year. In prior years, the financial results of projects being closed out were reported to the Board on an informational position paper. This memo replaces that position paper, since no Board action is required to close out projects. As a result of the closeout of these projects, $605,995 is being returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System and General Improvements Programs. No Recycled Water projects are being closed out. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the closed projects by program. Attachment 1 lists the allocated budgets and expenditures and E underun /(overrun) amounts for each project. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each project. WFinance DB \CIB CIP —process_and_docs \CloseOut\2011 Closeout\Memo to Board re Closeouts.doc Allocated Budget Expenditures as of June 30, 2011 Underrun = Amount Returned to Program Plant $1,843,000 $1,759,237 $83,763 System hprovements $9,342,162 $8,825,837 $516,325 $1,872,700 $1,778,065 $94,635 Water No Recycled Water projects are being closed out in FY 2010 -11. $13,067,862 L $12,363,139 $694,723 WFinance DB \CIB CIP —process_and_docs \CloseOut\2011 Closeout\Memo to Board re Closeouts.doc Attachment 1 Budget and Expenditure Summary TRFATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130111 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 7237 Scrubber Water Mercury/Metals Removal 1,269,000 1,235,494 33,506 7257 Substation 82 Transformer Replacement 25,000 24,985 15 7267 Treatment Plant Seismic Evaluation 400,000 376,843 23,157 7280 Treatment Plant Culvert Abandonment 99,000 75,371 23,629 7293 M- 1Sidestream Flow Meter 50,000 46,544 3,456 Program Totals $1,843,000 $1,759,237 $83,763 crn_LECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130111 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 5932 Hall Drive Sewer Renovation - Phase 2B 1,611,470 1,511,858 99,612 5952 Martinez Sewer Renovation - Phase 3 1,971,527 1,836,483 135,044 5960 Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades 820,000 812,154 7,846 5974 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - Phase 7 2,597,000 2,571,652 25,348 5996 Bates Avenue Pumping Station Abandonment 50,000 2,328 47,672 6000 Pumping Stations Emergency Equipment Storage 19,000 2,345 16,655 6162 Pumping Station Safety & Security Improvements 95,000 76,163 18,837 6412 Monteira AVAD 86,095 79,612 6,483 6439 Reliez Valley AVAD 326,315 323,390 2,925 6441 Quail AVAD 367,736 386,587 (18,851) 6442 Gordon /Millthwait AVAD 550,904 511,341 39,563 6450 Via Vaqueros AVAD 147,115 173,515 (26,400) 6483 2010 -11 Development Sewerage 700,000 538,409 161,591 Program Totals $9,342,162 $8,825,837 $516,325 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130111 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 8216 Household Hazardous Waste Facility Improvements 1,426,000 1,420,093 5,907 8511 lVehicles & Equipment 2010 -11 4467001 357,9721 88,728 Program Totals $1,872,700 1 $1,778,065 1 $94,635 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Proiect # Proiect Title DP 7237 Scrubber Water Mercury /Metals Removal Mercury and other heavy metals in the influent accumulate in the biosolids generated by the treatment process or pass through to the final effluent. The biosolids are processed in the incinerators where the mercury and other heavy metals become bound in the fly - ash and are removed from the flue gas in the wet scrubber water, which is recycled back to the secondary process. Heavy metals also volatilize and pass through the wet scrubber, and are emitted into the atmosphere. This project provided for a metals mass balance and characterization as well as a pilot plant study to develop design criteria for a potential future project. DP 7257 Substation 82 Transformer Replacement This project investigated and upgraded circuit breakers, conduit, protective relays, and other electrical equipment as needed for continued operation with PG &E's new larger transformer at Substation 82, which was replaced in January 2009. The construction of this work was incorporated into the Standby Power Facility Improvements Project. DP 7267 Treatment Plant Seismic Evaluation Treatment plant facilities were studied for vulnerability to seismic events, and recommended improvements were developed for design and construction under other capital projects. DP 7280 Treatment Plant Culvert Abandonment Under the District's NPDES Permit, all treatment plant stormwater must be routed to the treatment process and cannot be discharged off -site. This project re- routed to the headworks drains that had previously drained off -site, and abandoned some drains. In addition, the treatment plant was surveyed to identify any other offsite drainage locations. DP 7293 M -1 Sidestream Flow Meter The District's NPDES Permit requires that plant - generated flows must be subtracted from the total flow to determine the true influent flow. A flow meter located downstream of the Filter Plant, Solids Conditioning Building, and Holding Basins allows the calculation of the plant flow, but had been out of service for some time. This project investigated flow meters, selected the replacement meter, and installed it. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Proiect # Proiect Title DP 5932 Hall Drive Sewer Renovation — Phase 213 This project replaced approximately 2,175 feet of 6 -inch sewer in backyard easements. Horizontal directional drilling and pipe- bursting construction methods were used to install the replacement gravity sewer lines in the front yards of properties and within the public right of way. New easements were acquired and laterals were re- routed. DP 5952 Martinez Sewer Renovation — Phase 3 The project work completed renovation and installation of 5,350 feet of sewer pipe, including sewer pipe installation on Green Street by horizontal directional drilling, and by using pipe- bursting and open -cut methods at other locations. The work involved trenching, shoring, manhole installation, reconnection of laterals, and paving. In addition to sewer construction, through a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Martinez, a new 18 -inch storm drain pipe in an easement between Brown Street and Ulfinian Way and a pavement overlay on Brown Street and Main Street were also completed. DP 5960 Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades This project upgraded the mechanical and electrical equipment at the Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station to prevent overflows, reduce maintenance, and increase operating efficiency. As part of the project existing corroding conduits were replaced, electrical cabinets relocated to a more accessible location to comply with safety standards. The wet well was coated to preserve the concrete, and the emergency discharge bypass connection was replaced. New dedicated electric and water services were connected to the pumping station. The project also provided a new 125 kW standby generator for the Concord Industrial Pumping Station, and design and construction work for abandoning the Bates Avenue Pumping Station. DP 5974 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations — Phase 7 This project replaced /rehabilitated approximately 11,000 feet of 6 -inch through 15 -inch sewer pipe at several different sites throughout the city of Walnut Creek, unincorporated County areas, and other neighboring areas. These replacements /renovations were completed by open -cut, guided bore, and pipe- bursting methods. Spot repairs were also added to the project. DP 5996 Bates Avenue Pumping Station Abandonment The Bates Pumping Station was located in Concord and constructed in 1968. In the late 1980s, flow was diverted from the Bates Avenue Pumping Station to Concord Industrial Pumping Station. Abandoning the Bates Avenue Pumping Station freed up operations staff time and saved future capital expenditures. The electrical and mechanical equipment was salvaged for future use. Design and construction work for this project was included in the Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades project because the project was too small to bid separately. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM (Continued) Project # Project Title DP 6000 Pumping Stations Emergency Equipment Storage Covered storage for several pieces of emergency equipment was needed in order to prolong the life of the equipment. This project evaluated what kind of covered storage was needed. A new project will be opened as additional equipment storage needs are identified. DP 6162 Pumping Station Safety & Security Improvements This project provided funding to install safety and security improvements in the District's pumping stations. These improvements included miscellaneous upgrades at all pumping stations. DP 6412 Monteira AVAD This project provided funding in 2008 for the Monteira AVAD, which will allow 6 properties to connect to a public sewer constructed on Monteira Lane in Martinez. DP 6439 Reliez Valley AVAD This project provided funding in 2008 -09 for the Reliez Valley Road AVAD, which will allow 16 properties to connect to a public sewer constructed on Reliez Valley Road in Martinez. DP 6441 Quail AVAD This project provided funding in 2008 -09 for the Quail Lane AVAD, which will allow 14 properties to connect to a public sewer constructed on Alhambra Valley Road and Quail Lane in Martinez. DP 6442 Gordon /Millthwait AVAD This project provided funding in 2008 for the Gordon /Millthwait AVAD, which will allow 46 properties to connect to a public sewer constructed on Gordon Way, Millthwait Drive and Millican Court in Martinez. DP 6460 Via Vaqueros AVAD This project provided funding in 2009 -10 for the Via Vaqueros AVAD, which will allow 11 properties to connect to a public sewer constructed on Via Vaqueros in Martinez. DP 6483 2010 -11 Development Sewerage This project provided for the appropriate capitalization of District force account labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer - installed and contributed main sewer facilities in 2010 -11. A similar project has been opened for 2011 -12. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Project # Project Title DP 8216 Household Hazardous Waste Facility Improvements This project seismically retrofitted the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF) and increased the efficiency and utilization of the facility. The project also included installing gas heaters and fans in the Vehicle Maintenance Shop, and numerous safety and security related activities for various District assets. DP 8511 Vehicles & Equipment 2010 -11 This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2010 -11. (a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 26, 2011 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER FROM: ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SUBJECT: BOARD /STAFF AUTHORITY LIMITS INTRODUCTION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (CCCSD) current authorization limits for Department Director, General Manager and Board of Directors are defined in the District's Capital Improvement Program and in the District's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual. These limits define to what extent the General Manager and his delegates can authorize construction contracts, authorize construction change orders, authorize consultant contracts, etc. These limits have not been revised for many years. At the suggestion of several members of the Board, staff has completed a limited survey of other agencies to determine how our current staff authority limits compare to others. SURVEY OF OTHER COMPARABLE DISTRICTS A survey was conducted gathering information regarding the current authorization limits of surrounding sanitation districts comparable in service size to CCCSD. Of the surrounding districts, East Bay Municipal Utility District ( EBMUD), Union Sanitary District (USD), Delta Diablo Sanitation District (DDSD), and Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) were determined to be of comparable service size, and their authorization limits along with CCCSD's are shown in the table attached. As shown, three of the four surveyed districts allow General Managers a higher authorization for consultant contracts. In addition, both EBMUD and USD allow General Managers to award construction contracts of up to $100,000 compared to CCCSD's limit of $15,000. The most consistent authorization amount for General Managers is $100,000 as compared to the $50,000 utilized by CCCSD for most categories. Other Districts have also delegated subcontractor substitutions on construction projects to staff. N:\ENVRSECWdminWarrell\2011 \Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits Memo 8- 26- 11.doc Page 1 of 2 CONCLUSIONS Overall, the authorization limit comparison shows that other districts allow the General Manager more authorization than is currently allowed at CCCSD. If the Committee is open to considering a higher limit, staff would suggest a General Manager limit of $100,000 for consultant contracts and construction contracts with contracts over $100,000 going to the Board for approval. In addition, staff recommends that subcontractor substitutions be delegated to the General Manager. If the Board wants to maintain some involvement in subcontractor substitutions, an approach such as DSRSD's could be utilized where only those substitutions that are contested go to the Board and the rest are handled at the staff level. Staff is available to develop any additional information that the Committee would like to consider with regard to staff authority limits. AEF:sdh N:\ENVRSEC\Admin\Farrell\2011 \Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits Memo 8- 26- 11.doc Page 2 of 2 ya 0a 0a ga 0a y n C �° a''a =r r- O� ..� m °� � =V. .,. � n O �0. na t'A0. 30 C) 3 O HO CCD !1 O C J1 Z of y CD 0 cr rip 3 0 y y C r; O O 7 H C. C O•, O. CD .� � d < 0 0 L 0 O� M 0 C O 0 CA O (J1 CC) O O O - O C K rF O O O p N O O O 01 +n o 0 o O p O 0 o n n 3\ N ((D °. o v 3 0 0 O , 3 o G) Q (Q; cD <� v cD 3 N 0 � 7 v C — 0 (J1 °Oo 0 � ° ° 0 _G) ic > O� o >p O CD CD -4 ° m to 0 o� CA ° 3 �C CD Cl) O N 00 C 0 o _ o v (D coo ��0 y. c0 < CD O v, (D CD CD CD (D � CL CL .-. 0 ;u o NA c (Q-0 o99 v � o o � 0 O OaQ� n) cr° omo o�?o 0 0 0G :3 -� —• m O N o 0 :. v "3 ° 0 v O cc N=, �.' v CD :3 r (D �° 3 CD -h 0 CA 30 X (D c X(a-0 0 W 7C O „0r = (0D , (p '" ((DD fD '-, 'd c OO g S1 -0 0 N 0 -0 (a a (D (D (D 0 CD CD 3 Q 3 m n1 = ' < o �° CO ;N F ? Ef 0 N Gp ) :0 O D (D a ( N n 0 > 0 N v v 3 0 3C� ac -�Q� 0 �o� N�oo �o �, o v c 2 o: w N n Q CA OR h 0 o0 O C G) o � 0 a) N O O N 7 �_ - 0 cn CD 6 = N CD � U1 X O C O 0� 0� Q N 7 CL (D O o_ 0 c 00 0 p (D Q- N -a < -� s1 �� •► o -0 -n - 3 O j O 0 = iii o p 3 a' 0 co 0-,0 CD w _ m c < 0=4; 3 0 -' Iv cn M O0 *3 N ca 5- N O (D .. O N N n �� c Q?��m= Co '0 -1 O v S1 O N (D A. .--r Q 3 N O. N � -� (D j 7 0 (o - m Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 25, 2011 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING ALEX E. ROZUL, PROVISIONAL CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER FROM: BA T. THAN, SENIOR ENGINEER SUBJECT: CAPITAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES VERSUS CONTRACTOR COSTS A measure of the efficiency of the Capital Program is the dollar value of improvements that are actually built as compared to the other soft costs. In the last five fiscal years (FY 2006 -2007 to FY 2010 -2011) the capital expenditures for all programs of the capital improvements program are $158,539,000. The total payment to contractors (including change orders) is $107,105,000 or 68 %. The total payment to contractors can be equated to improvements such as pipes in the ground, buildings, process additions, etc... The remaining expenditures of $51,434,000 were for planning, design, studies including pilot plants, easement acquisition and construction management, and inspection of the capital improvements. A total program percentage of 68% facilities in the ground is very favorable after the addition of all of our right of way, planning, pilot study, and other soft costs. The detailed breakdown for the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and Recycled Water /General Improvements programs are shown in the following table: Last Five Years Total Total Value of Percentage of Capital Program Expenditures Improvements Improvements/ Total (FY 2006 -07 to FY (Contractors Expenditure 2010 -11 ) Payments) Treatment Plant $34,438,000 $22,104,000 64% Collection System $114,774,000 $79,895,00 70% Recycle $9,327,000 $5,106,000 55% Water /General Improvements The expenditures were based on the closed -out projects in the last five fiscal years. Note that the project cost of a new CSOD facility is not included in these expenditures nor are several large treatment plant construction projects that are currently nearing completion. These larger projects may improve our percentages as they are typically more cost effective. We will revisit these metrics next year. NAENVRSEC\Admin\Than\Memos\201 1 \CP Efficiency Memo 8- 26- 11.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 26, 2011 TO: CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER FROM: ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DON BERGER, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 4 SUBJECT: INCORPORATION OF UNBUDGETED RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS INTO FY 2011 -12 AND FY 2012 -13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS BACKGROUND District staff has been pursuing outside funding assistance for the Refinery Recycled Water Project and Concord Landscape Project and have recently been successful at securing several grants. The grants require various matching contributions from the District, some of which are not currently budgeted. The following is a brief overview of each proposed project, the grant funding awarded, and the District's obligations if we choose to take the grants. This information was discussed at the Board Recycled Water Committee meeting on August 18, 2011, and the Committee recommended further discussion of the financial impacts of these projects with the Capital Projects Committee. Refinery Project The Refinery Project would provide up to 20 mgd (22,500 acre feet per year) of recycled water to the Shell and Tesoro Refineries for use in cooling towers and as boiler feed water at each refinery. The recycled water would replace Delta water currently used in the refineries. New recycled water treatment facilities, and possibly new conveyance facilities, would be required at a total estimated cost of $100 million. No funds are currently budgeted to implement the project, however, the District has been seeking project partners and pursing various grant funding opportunities including the Federal Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Title XVI Program. The District was recently awarded a Title XVI planning grant of $180,000 from the USBR to prepare a Feasibility Study and associated environmental documentation for the project. The total estimated cost for this work is $360,000 and the District would be required to contribute the other 50% of the costs, or $180,000. It is expected that the work would be completed over a two year period, during FY 2011/12 and FY 2012/13. While no construction funds are currently NAEWRSECWdmiMFarre11\20111RW Projects Into FY 2011 -12 & 2012 -13 $3M to CIB 8- 26- 11.doc Page 1 of 3 budgeted in the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB), some funding has been included for planning studies and there are sufficient funds available to pay for our share of the costs. Since the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) had originally suggested that we prepare a feasibility study, we have asked CCWD to split the local matching contribution with us so that each agency would pay $90,000. CCWD indicated they will provide a decision on their willingness to cost share by September. While the District has not yet been successful at identifying financial partners for the implementation phase of the Refinery Project, forming a partnership with USBR (CCWD's wholesale water supplier) to conduct a feasibility study and environmental review would be a very positive first step in building legitimacy for the project and would provide a mechanism for helping to address the institutional and financial concerns raised by CCWD. Concord Landscape Proiect This project would extend our existing recycled water distribution system from the Buchanan Fields Golf Course to the Willows area of Concord for landscape irrigation at businesses and landscape medians. The project would add 34 new landscape irrigation customers and would supply about 62 Mgal /yr (190 acre -feet per year) of recycled water. The total estimated project cost is $4 million. The project was originally designed and bid in 2007 with the A -Line Relief Interceptor Project, but the recycled water portion was put on hold when additional unanticipated requirements for backflow prevention devices from CCWD increased the project costs. Since that time, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) has been working with the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition to pursue Title XVI grant funding assistance while also pursing State Proposition 84 grant funding on our own. The District was recently awarded a Title XVI grant of $97,000 to reimburse the District for 50% of prior expenses incurred preparing the feasibility study and environmental documentation for the project. Since the District's required 50% match has already been expended, we have fulfilled our financial obligation and can submit for reimbursement after we execute an agreement with USBR to receive the grant. The District was also recently notified that we have been awarded a State Proposition 84 Implementation grant of $1,030,000 to construct the project. To receive the Proposition 84 grant, the District would be required to fund the remaining $3 million in estimated project costs. The Prop 84 grant is a "match first" grant where the District must pay the first $1,030,000 in costs in order to be eligible for reimbursement of the next $1,030,000 in expenses as they occur. It is anticipated that the project would need to be completed by no later than 2015 in order to fulfill the grant requirements. If the District decides to take the grant and proceed with construction, a recommended schedule would be to bid the project in spring 2012 and begin construction next summer due to the current, very favorable bidding climate. The project would take about a year to complete. NAENVRSECWdm1n\Farre1U011\RW Projects into FY 2011 -12 & 2012 -13 $3M to CI13 8- 26- 11.doc Page 2 of 3 The estimated payback period for the Concord Landscape Project is estimated to be about 18 years if the Proposition 84 grant is used to reduce our costs. This is still slightly more than the District's targeted 15 year payback period for recycled water projects. However, if the project is bid in the near future, the costs and payback period may be reduced due to the favorable bidding climate. In addition, CCWD is considering providing financial assistance with the backflow preventer installation, which would further reduce costs and improve the payback period. Lastly, the possibility still exists that we could receive additional Title XVI funding in the future to further reduce costs. PLANNED EXPENDITURES FY 2011 -12 CAPITAL BUDGET / 2011 CAPITAL PLAN It is anticipated that approximately $3 million of District funds will be needed to fund the construction of the Concord Landscape Recycling Project and the development of a feasibility study for the Martinez Refinery Recycled Water Project. These funds are currently unbudgeted. Deferral of projects in an equivalent amount is suggested to minimize impacts on cash flow. The Board and staff have committed to a two year rate increase which has already been noticed to the public and implemented. In order to keep within the capital budget established at the time the rate increase proposal was developed, $3 million in budgeted projects would need to be deferred. In reviewing the budgeted projects for FY 2011 -12 and the planned projects for 2012 -13, there are several non - critical projects that could be moved a year or two into the future to make available $3 million for these newly identified projects. Candidate projects for deferral and their total project budgets include: Incinerator Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $3,910,000 Lower Orinda P.S. Force Main Improvements $1,621,000 Pleasant Hill /Grayson Creek Capacity Improvements $3,100,000 CONCLUSION From a Capital Projects budgeting and planning perspective, the addition of the construction of the Concord Landscape Recycling Project as well as the preparation of the Feasibility Study for the Martinez Refinery Recycled Water Project to the capital budget can be accommodated by deferring other non - critical projects. If the Board chooses to accept the grant funds that have come available and move forward with these projects, staff will modify next year's Capital Improvement Budget and Plan accordingly. Should additional funds be necessary before the adoption of the FY 2012- 13 Capital Improvement Budget (expected in June 2012), staff will bring a position paper to the full Board to authorize the needed funds. AEF /DB:sdh NAENVRSECWdmiMFarre11\2011\RW Projects into FY 2011 -12 & 2012 -13 $3M to CIB 8- 26- 11.doc Page 3 of 3