HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE ACTION SUMMARY 08-01-1111 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District REGULAR MEETING OF THE Bo4RDOFDIRECTORS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA BdRBdR D.HOCxETT President SANITARY DISTRICT JAAIESA NEJEDLY° President Pro Tem BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE ,1IICH.4EL R. AICGILL AL 4RI0 AL ,1IE. \ESL\ I DdT7DR. TILLIAAIS ACTION SUMMARY PHOlE: (925 ) 228 -9500 E-I: (925) 676 -7211 Chair Nejedly ww. .centt-ahin.orx Member Hockett Monday, August 1, 2011 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Jim Nejedly, Barbara Hockett, Jim Kelly, Randy Musgraves, Debbie Ratcliff, Jarred Miyamoto -Mills 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Nejedly called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Receive the Second Quarter GASB 45 Trust Report (presentation by Andrew Brown from HighMark Capital Management) Mr. Brown reported that total assets in the GASB 45 Trust at the end of June 30, 2011 were $18,077,291 and that the return for the last twelve months was 18.79 %. Return for inception -to -date was a cumulative 19.16 %. Mr. Brown also reported that one fund was eliminated from the portfolio due to lower performance and changes in fund management. Mr. Brown also reported that the latest monthly payment received from the District is being held in a cash account until the debt ceiling issue is resolved in Washington, D. C. Mr. Brown was asked if any changes were needed to the portfolio, to which he replied that the portfolio is in line with the District's investment goals. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. Budget and Finance Committee August 1, 2011 Page 2 4. Receive update on outstanding delinquent fees Principal Engineer Jarred Miyamoto -Mills reported that Monsoon Masala made their first payment on the outstanding capacity fees owed; however, they have not returned the signed promissory note. The property management company indicated that Monsoon Masala will not be renewing the lease, which will expire in April 2012. Mr. Miyamoto -Mills also stated that the Board previously directed staff to file a Certificate of Unpaid Charges for capacity fees owed by Gregory Reginato. Mr. Reginato has until September 16, 2011 to pay the fees. After that date, a lien will be established against his personal residence in El Sobrante. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 5. Discuss demand charge for permitted businesses Mr. Miyamoto -Mills indicated that staff researched the origin of "Demand Charges" and could not find a "nexus" with actual cost of service being provided. Other agencies use Demand Charges to recoup extraordinary costs associated with seasonal discharge variations. The businesses included for this charge do not have a significant seasonal variance. Costs to serve these businesses are recovered through connection and discharge permit fees. Therefore, staff recommends that these Demand Charges be deleted from the Schedule of Sewer Service Charge (SSC) Rates. This would require a change in the SSC ordinance. Until that time, staff proposes not to charge a demand charge to the businesses. COMMITTEE ACTION: Concurred with staff recommendation and recommended Board approval. 6. Risk Management a. Review Loss Control Report COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report. b. Discuss outstanding claims COMMITTEE ACTION: None. C. Discuss new claims There were no new claims to discuss. COMMITTEE ACTION: None. Budget and Finance Committee August 1, 2011 Page 3 7. Review Position Paper authorizing a public notice that documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit shall be available fifteen days prior to the Board meeting to be held on September 1, 2011, at which the appropriations limit for the Sewer Construction Fund (tax revenue plus interest) for the 2011 -12 Fiscal Year will be established (Item 4.d. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board authorization of the public notice. 8. Review Position Paper approving the continuance of the Employee Computer Hardware Purchase Assistance Program effective August 4, 2011 for a one -year period (Item 4.e. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval of the program continuance. 9. Review Position Paper adopting Resolution 2011 -034 amending and restating the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan to include new Roth provisions (Item 11.a. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board adoption of the Resolution. 10. Review June 2011 Financial Statements and Investment Reports (Item 4.c. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 11. Expenditures a. Review Expenditures (Item 4.b. in Board Binder) COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. b. Review Legal Expenditure Summary COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed Legal Expenditure Summary. C. Review litigation expenses by Meyers Nave COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed expenses. Budget and Finance Committee August 1, 2011 Page 4 d. Review P -Card expenditures The Committee had one question regarding six separate purchases of seal gauges from WW Grainger, which staff will research and bring to the next Committee meeting. * COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed P -Card expenditures. 12. Reports and Announcements 1►Cyn 13. Suggestions for future agenda items Chair Nejedly requested a report regarding the cost of using goats to mow the back basin area. 14. Adjournment at 3:40 p.m. * see attached memo �j Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 4, 2011 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE VIA: RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION AIA FROM: DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER leAL SUBJECT: OUTSTANDING EXPENDITURE QUESTION Attached is the answer to the outstanding expenditure question from the August 1, 2011 Committee meeting. Since the next Committee meeting is not until August 29, staff researched the answer to the outstanding question immediately to provide a timely response. KIFinance Committee Aug 1, 2011 -cover memo.doc V% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 4, 2011 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION fAAk DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER SUBJECT: August 1, 2011 COMMITTEE MEETING There was one outstanding question from the last Board Budget and Finance Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The question and answer is provided below: 1. 186162 Procurement Card Purchases -- WW Grainger- Why were three separate orders placed for the same product on both 5125 and 6107? It appeared that staff placed three orders each on two separate days; however, only one order was placed for a total of six gauges. Grainger had to obtain the gauges from two different locations and then billed separately on two different days. Each charge was for one seal gauge for a total of six gauges. Grainger bills by item so six charges appeared. These gauges are Used to replace damaged seal water gauges in eight primary sludge pumps, six grit pumps and two primary scum pumps. There are two seal water gauges associated with each pump for a total of 32 gauges. A picture of the gauge is attached. fer;'specify from table. alrro Ranee psi, _Q113 2000 psi p3i 4 to 3000 psi ptl� -0 to 4000 psi p- �.0 to 5000 psi psi- - U tc 8000 psi psi - GlFc dnfill f 1. Each .1T 14.29 42 1524 77 18.76 .5; 22.95 ler, speciiy- rom table, Pressure & Vacuum Measuring Gauges iLarge Face Boiler Gauges .UcuracrA.5% Polycarbonate- window models have max. pressure register r ri.Cast- aluminum case pointers that are adjustable from the front of the gauge. . Connection/intemal material: brasslbronze 1(4" NPT lower connection - - 0111slz4pn.1 416 414 6 Is4 12 16621111111terfal Glass Potycarbonate Glass Glass Glass Tarp. Hangs (F) -40' to 140' -40' to 1401 40' to 200' -40'10200* -40• to 200' 1fq Rana Chem1cal and Petroleum Process Gauges oe 1-Ho 1000 a- . 4%" dial Glycerin- filled models vent for atmospheric pres- pg• Q 14 2000 F4 . Accuracy: #0.5% sure and temp. compensation and feature Suna N -F� pd Too � p a Solld ftnVblowourt back case 0 -ring seal. Glass- window models feature damp - Psl NFrr lower connection ening action to reduce pointer vibration. aryeerin FINed Kem i Kam t Rem 0 Kam f Item 8 Rmpr: No. Each No. Each No. Each No. Each No. Each �0 to 15 psi - - - - 4FGA2 J 227.75 4FOC9 J 372.50 4FGE7 J 1,025.00 o to m psl '`"ilto6ppsl 2MCV9 J 2MCW7 ✓ WAS 53 -M NLY4 ✓ - 221.25 4FGA3 ✓ 06M J W-75 227.75 JIMM ✓ 4FG02 ✓ 372.50 372.5 4FGE8 ✓ 4FGE9 ✓ 1,025.00 1,020.00 -' OtQ foo Psi 2MCW2 If 53.85 ftV5 ✓ 221.25 4FGA5 1 227.75 4FG03 ✓ $72.5c 4FGF1 J 1,028.00 81o160psi 2NICW3 J 63,05 21KLY8 J M-25 4FGA1 J 227.75 06114 i 372.50 4FGF2 ✓ 1,020.00 tg200Psl 21NCW4 J 53.95 21MLV7 ✓ 221.25 4Fr.A7 J 227.75 4FG05 ✓ 372.50 4FGF3 J 1,020.00 o to 300 psi - -6 to406psi 2NCW5 ✓ , WK5 J 53.85 53.65 211111LV0 ✓ 4FFKS ✓ 221.25 221.25 4FOA8 ✓ 227.75 *605 ✓ 372.50 4FGF4 J 1,020.00 to Solidpsl - ' OW J 227.75 4FG07 ✓ 372.50 4FGF5 ✓ 1,020.00 €� tlh}660psi to -iOOU psi W6 ✓ 1FFN7 J 63.65 53.85 2MLV9 ✓ 4FFK9 J 221.15 221.25 4FGC1 ✓ - 227.75 - 4FG05 J - 372.50 - 4FGFG J - 1,020.85 4ac too ' 21lCV6 J 53.85 - OW J 227.75 4FGCZ ✓' - 372.50 ,. *809 ✓ 1,026.00 3Q" IfQ fu 15 psi 4FFK3 ✓ 53.05 - - OFFS J 2`17.75 4fOC3 J, 872.50 IFBEi J 1,028.00 No IOU-9 30 os �M� f 63.OS - - - -z -. 4FFI6_L 12T 73-; 4FGC4 -,( .. 372.50 - O'GE9_4 1,028.ua He Vr_to 60 Psi 4FFK4 ✓ 58.35 - - 4FM J 227.7$ ; 4FG65 ✓ ' 372.50 49GE3 ✓ 1,028.00 A 17Wtie 100 psi Vac to 150 psi 2MCY7 J 2MCY5 J 53.as 53.85 - - - - 4FFZ8 4 4FFZ4 V . 227.75 227.75' � 06011 ✓ JIM ✓ 372.50 372.50 VCH J 4F4E5 1,020.00 tto 300 psi WKS ✓ 68.E - - 4FGA; J 227.76 , : 4FCe0 ✓ 372.60 ✓ IFGEfi ; 1,021.00 1;016.00 1fq Rana Chem1cal and Petroleum Process Gauges oe 1-Ho 1000 a- . 4%" dial Glycerin- filled models vent for atmospheric pres- pg• Q 14 2000 F4 . Accuracy: #0.5% sure and temp. compensation and feature Suna N -F� pd Too � p a Solld ftnVblowourt back case 0 -ring seal. Glass- window models feature damp - Psl NFrr lower connection ening action to reduce pointer vibration. aryeerin FINed Auhriiir Glass Phenolic Acrolt: rm o. ;?!Fa Each ,,,,�,., Mthll w Brass Aluminum Brass 386 77',65 .� �atartal phosphor Bronze Phosphor Bronze 361 - ti0.5e Tiiii6Wfdi None Glycerin (F) -50° to 150• 0' to f50' }�p 17.70 No '. . Rom m -ltuh ZAFW1 ✓ 221.25 i R aim J 01.15 N ✓ 221,25 f 221.25 0 to 300 psi 10 400' 0 to 800 to 2AFX3 - 11FJxY8 01.16 69YC5 ✓ 106.10 2AFX4 ✓ 221.25 r to 46pei fi0iipif 'SRXYO J 91.15 5RYC8 ✓ 106.10 tom E aa111111 FtaYiq Cammillw aN NaNearhen Fm c "4; 50X10 J 01.15 SRYC7 J 106.11 wa Faeh 4.21 1t's` Ati.,_ 6NXZ1 J 01.18 _ SRXZL ' % -01.15 - 8RYC0 - % 106.10 1123 5.04 3��51 . 1 '�d to 40if jiF BR1(ZS 01.15 SIIYCI ! 106.10 WN f 6.11 Y.85 6; I 51X24 ,i 91.15 5RXZ5 J 01.11 Mhwo - J 106.10 1psT- _6R)w { 91.15 - - .,R 3-A pal a m - - to Solidpsl - ' - >F`�+ ll0Tvac Ia 0 36`FIO Vac to 30 psi 5RXY2 ✓ f00.90 SRXY3 ✓ 1611.90 - - HO YaC to eD psi WW4 ✓ 100.90 - - �0_ to ibe Ps 1k Vac to 150psi 5R1tY5 ✓ 100.00 5hXY6 J 100.00 - Glass Thermoplastic JAL Stainless Sleal 316L Stainless Steel None -50' to 150' No Each 5RYA2 ,/ 70.15 6RYA3 J 70.15 5RYA4 J 70.13 5RYM 1 70.15 5RYA6 a 70 :f5 5RYA7 J 7015 WAS ✓ 70.15 6RYA9 ✓ 70:16 tRyce J 70.15 50c1 ✓ 70.15 SRYC2 ✓ 79.5 511YC3 J 79.35 5RYC4 ✓ 79.35 S1110127 J 74.90 SRXZB ✓ 74.94 5RX29 ✓ 74.90 SRYAO J 74.10 SOYA! ✓ 74.2b Acrylic Aluminum 316L Skmiess Steel 81BL Stainless Stee! G'tQ 150• Ram i No. Enh 5RYbf J 120.25 5RYd2 ✓ 120.25 5RY09 J 120.25 5RY04 ✓ 120.25 5RY55 J 120.25 5RY06 ✓ 120.25 Glass Phenolic 316 Stainlesi Steel 316 Stainless tied None -40' to 150' Rom Each 4TA42 t 152.00 4TA43 t 152.00 4TA45 t 152.00 4TA46 t 152.00 4TM7 t 152.00 4TA46 t 152.00 4TA42 t 152.00 4TA50 t 152.00 4TA5i t 152.00 4TA52 t 152.00 4TA53 t 152.60 4TA$4 t 152.00 4TA55 t 152.00 4TA37 t 152,00 AT= t 152.00 4TA39 t 152,01 4TA40 t 152,00 4TA41 t 152.00 Easily adjustable, self - locking micrometer pointer. For use in applications that require protection from chemicals and solids that can damage your gauge. slalnl4 Sts4 NM11JO M° w w a, awes window s ■� • w. tvoly4rarbanate window ► ASHCROF * o sy M Cast a Alranou4� � CiM A% CROFT' tty AvallOW Find even MORE at Grainger cor ni" GRAUMM. 777 frte� e from table.'" ProiCiss Pressure Gauges with Seals yPnemre Repo! - ;. $ � 41 i" dial * � cmilecy: full 6-ID 300 Psi #0.5% scale ft. 464;a-- Md -front safety case o to 1000 1101rp wive materials compatible with stainless steel or Hastelloy R'�IOwerCOnnection I Men Rt. fir' A-71 01375 N•n rimes O�peralinq Temp. Range (F) 24d bell wNh FMA" lY� Wpada FM No '. Each 01377 i7 01370 8316 ant „ 0 to eo psi to 400 - 6-ti 100 400' ZAFW1 ✓ 221.25 61871 8f 72 6131" psi to 0 to 200 psi to 400- 2AFX1 2AFX2 ✓ 221,25 f 221.25 0 to 300 psi 10 400' 0 to 800 to 2AFX3 ✓ 221.26 psi 400' H� 2AFX4 ✓ 221.25 vac to 60 psi to 400' 2AFW9 J 224.25 i E aa111111 FtaYiq Cammillw aN NaNearhen Fm c "4; • '' ± 0 to 80 psi -70' to 300• 0 to t00 2AFX5 J ti 293.25 psi -10• to 300• 0 to 200 2AFX7 NW J 293.25 psi -70* to 300' _ Q su 300 psi -70• to 300' iWill ✓ 290.25 ✓ 293.25 0 to 600 psi -70' to 300' 2AFY1 ✓ 293.25 a _ He Vac to 60 psr -70' fo 8000 Mid ✓ 253.25 Acrylic Aluminum 316L Skmiess Steel 81BL Stainless Stee! G'tQ 150• Ram i No. Enh 5RYbf J 120.25 5RYd2 ✓ 120.25 5RY09 J 120.25 5RY04 ✓ 120.25 5RY55 J 120.25 5RY06 ✓ 120.25 Glass Phenolic 316 Stainlesi Steel 316 Stainless tied None -40' to 150' Rom Each 4TA42 t 152.00 4TA43 t 152.00 4TA45 t 152.00 4TA46 t 152.00 4TM7 t 152.00 4TA46 t 152.00 4TA42 t 152.00 4TA50 t 152.00 4TA5i t 152.00 4TA52 t 152.00 4TA53 t 152.60 4TA$4 t 152.00 4TA55 t 152.00 4TA37 t 152,00 AT= t 152.00 4TA39 t 152,01 4TA40 t 152,00 4TA41 t 152.00 Easily adjustable, self - locking micrometer pointer. For use in applications that require protection from chemicals and solids that can damage your gauge. slalnl4 Sts4 NM11JO M° w w a, awes window s ■� • w. tvoly4rarbanate window ► ASHCROF * o sy M Cast a Alranou4� � CiM A% CROFT' tty AvallOW Find even MORE at Grainger cor ni" GRAUMM. 777 frte�