HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. Amend/restate 457 Deferred Comp Plan to include Roth provisionsCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Meeting Date: August 4, 2011
Submitted By:
Debbie Ratcliff, Controller
Initiating Dept /Div.:
Administrative / Finance and Accounting
D. Ratcli 1X0 M graves Ames M. 911Y,
1%eneral Manager
ISSUE: Board authorization is needed to adopt the Roth provisions for the District's
457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Board Resolution that amends and restates the 457
Deferred Compensation Plan to include the new Roth provisions.
ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decide not to add the Roth
provisions to the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan as these new provisions are
BACKGROUND: The District established a Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
covering all full -time employees in January 1976. The Plan is administered by the
District's Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee.
The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which was signed into law on September 27,
2010, made Roth provisions available in 457 plans beginning in 2011. The District's
three providers have only recently begun offering the Roth option in their Plans. The
new Roth provisions provide 457 deferred compensation plan participants with
additional tax - advantaged retirement savings opportunities:
- Roth deferrals are after -tax deferrals which when withdrawn, the deferral and the
earnings are tax -free.
- Roth 457 plans allow higher after -tax contribution limits than Roth IRAs
- A participant's eligibility to make Roth contributions is not restricted by income,
unlike Roth IRAs
- Having both pre -tax and after -tax assets available at retirement can be a
valuable benefit to participants.
The addition of Roth deferrals has no impact on the plan's fees. The payroll system
would require a minor modification and the Accounting Technician III would need to
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Board Meeting Date: August 4, 2011
monitor this provision. The Resolution is attached, as well as a question and answer
document providing details of the Roth Provisions.
RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve a Board Resolution that amends and
restates the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan to include the new Roth provisions.
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RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -034
WHEREAS, the Employer has employees rendering valuable services; and
WHEREAS, the Employer has established a Section 457 Deferred
Compensation Plan for such employees that serves the interest of the Employer
by enabling it to provide reasonable retirement security for its employees and by
assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and
WHEREAS, the Employer has determined that the continuance of the Section
457 Deferred Compensation Plan will serve these objectives; and
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( "District ") hereby amends and restates the
Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan ") incorporating the Roth amendment to
the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4t" day of August 2011, by the Board of Directors
of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote:
Barbara D. Hockett
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to form:
Kenton L. Alm, Esq.
Counsel for the District
1. What are Roth deferrals?
The new Roth elective deferral provision allows
participants to make Roth (after -tax) deferrals to
your existing ICMA -RC 457 plan. Roth deferrals
and associated earnings can be withdrawn tax -free if
certain criteria are met. ICMA -RC will provide separate
accounting for Roth assets within participant accounts.
2. When can Roth assets ('r.e., Roth deferrals and associated
earnings) be withdrawn tax -free?
In order for Roth deferrals and associated earnings to
be withdrawn tax -free, the requirements for a "qualified
distribution" must be met. Distributions of Roth assets
are qualified if:
• a period of five taxable years has passed since January 1
of the year of the participant's first Roth deferral; and
• at least one of the following also applies:
• the participant is at least 59'/2 years old;
• the participant is disabled; or
• the funds are being paid to the participant's
3. What if the requirements for a qualified distribution of Roth
assets are not met?
The Roth deferrals can be withdrawn tax free, but the
earnings portion of the distribution will be taxable as
income and may also be subject to a 10 percent early
withdrawal penalty.
4. What is an "in -plan Roth conversion" and who is eligible to
take advantage of the provision?
This provision permits participants who are eligible to
withdraw assets from the plan, as part of an eligible
rollover distribution, to convert their pre -tax assets
to Roth assets through an in -plan rollover (currently,
participants must roll their assets from the plan to a Roth
IRA to perform this type of conversion). Participants will
be subject to income taxes on the amount they convert.
However, distributions of Roth assets are tax -free if the
requirements for a qualified distribution are met.
Note. Ifyou wish to make this provision available, your plan
must also allow for Roth deferrals.
5. How will the addition of the new Roth provisions benefit plan
Adding the Roth provisions to your plan provides
participants with additional options for their retirement
savings. Other potential benefits include:
• Higher after -tax contribution limits than Roth IRAs —
457 plans allow for greater after -tax savings.
• Eligibility at all income levels — Unlike Roth IRAs, a
participant's eligibility to make Roth contributions to
the 457 plan is not restricted by income.
• Tax-free distributions — Qualified distributions of Roth
assets (i.e., contributions and associated earnings) are
not subject to taxes.
• Tax planning— Having both pre -tax assets and Roth
assets available in retirement can be a valuable benefit
to participants, allowing them to choose the source of
funds most advantageous to their situation at the time
of distribution.
6. How do participants elect to make Roth deferrals?
Existing participants can use the deferral change form
and new hires can use the enrollment form to indicate
whether they want to make pre -tax deferrals, Roth
deferrals, or a combination of both. If permitted by your
plan, deferral changes can also be done online through
ICMA -RC's Account Access website or through an
Investor Services representative.
7. How do participants know whether Roth or regular pre-tax
contributions will be more advantageous?
Participants will need to consider both their current
income tax bracket and their expected income tax bracket
in retirement. Roth deferrals may be most appropriate
for participants expecting to be in a higher tax bracket
in retirement, allowing them to pay taxes on the
contributions now, at a lower tax rate, and receive tax -free
distributions in retirement. A Roth Analyzer tool will be
available on the ICMA -RC website at www.icmarc.org to
help participants evaluate whether making Roth or pre-
tax contributions will be most beneficial.
& What is the contribution limit for Roth deferrals to a 457 plan?
The same annual limitations that currently apply to
your 457 plan will apply to the combination of all
contributions to the plan, including Roth deferrals.
9. Can participants make both pre -tax and Roth deferrals?
Yes. Participants can make both types of deferrals, up to
the annual contribution limit in effect for the year.
10. When can participants withdraw Roth assets from the 457
Roth assets can be withdrawn whenever a distribution
of non -Roth assets is permitted under your plan (e.g.,
retirement, termination, emergency situations). Pre -tax
assets will be distributed prior to Roth assets, unless
otherwise elected by the participant.
11. Why are pre -tax assets distributed prior to Roth assets,
unless otherwise elected by the participant?
This helps to ensure that participants are maximizing the
tax benefits associated with their Roth contributions.
ICMA -RC wants to make certain that Roth assets are not
distributed prior to the time when the distribution will
be qualified (tax- free), unless specifically requested by the
12. Do required minimum distribution (RMD) rules apply to Roth
assets in the 457 plan?
Yes. The same RMD rules that apply to other assets
in your plan also apply to Roth assets. Distributions
from the 457 plan must generally begin in the year the
participant reaches age 701/2 or separates from service,
whichever occurs later.
13. Can Roth assets be rolled over from the 457 plan to
another plan?
Generally, yes. However, the receiving plan must be able
to accept and provide recordkeeping for Roth assets
(e.g., a 457 plan with a Roth deferral provision, or a
Roth IRA).
14. How do rollovers of Roth assets from other retirement plans
impact the five -year period used in determining whether or
not withdrawals from the plan are qualified?
The five -year period is calculated using the year of the
participant's first Roth deferral to the plan from which
assets are being rolled out of or rolled to, whichever is
earlier. For example, if a participant rolls over Roth assets
from a previous employer's retirement plan where the
participant began making Roth deferrals prior to making
Roth deferrals in your plan, the earlier date will be used
to determine when the participant is eligible to receive
qualified distributions of Roth assets from your plan.
15. How will a rollover to a Roth IRA impact the five -year period
for calculating qualified distributions of Roth assets?
Regardless of the date of the initial Roth deferral in the
457 plan, the date of the first Roth IRA contribution is
used to determine whether distributions from the IRA are
subject to taxes.
16. Can a Roth IRA be rolled over to a 457 plan that allows Roth
No. A Roth IRA cannot be rolled over to a 457 plan, even
if the plan allows for Roth contributions.
17. How do participants request an in -plan Roth conversion?
Participants should contact ICMA -RC and request the
In -Plan Roth Conversion Form.
18. Will an in -plan Roth conversion impact the five - taxable -year
period used to determine 0 distributions of Roth assets will
be qualified (i.e., tax free)?
Yes. If the participant had not previously made Roth
contributions to the plan, January 1 of the year in which
the conversion takes place will be used as the date of his/
her first Roth contribution.
19. What are the federal income tax implications of converting
pre -tax assets to Roth assets?
Participants will be subject to income taxes on the
taxable amount they convert to the Roth source, and
the amount of taxes they owe will be calculated based
on a participant's marginal income tax bracket. This can
result in a significant tax liability (no taxes are withheld
as part of the conversion). ICMA -RC recommends that
participants consult with a qualified tax advisor before
requesting an in -plan Roth conversion.
20. (an participants convert pre -tax amounts to Roth amounts
through a rollover to a Roth IRA, rather than an in -plan
Yes. 457 plan assets are eligible for a direct rollover to a
Roth IRA.
21. Are there any advantages to rolling the assets to a Roth IRA
instead of doing an in -plan Roth conversion?
Yes. If participants do a direct rollover to a Roth IRA,
they can change their mind and reverse the conversion by
moving the assets to aTraditional IRA through a process
known as a recharacterization. This must be done by the
participant prior to the deadline for filing his /her tax
return for the year in which the conversion took place
(generally, October 15 of the year following the calendar
year in which the conversion took place).
22. How do Roth deferrals to a 457 plan tGffer from Roth IRA
While Roth deferrals within a 457 plan and Roth IRA
contributions provide similar benefits, they differ in
certain important ways, such as:
• Higher contribution limits: 457 plans allow for greater
after -tax savings.
• No income limits: All participants are eligible to make
Roth contributions to a 457 plan, regardless of income.
• Distribution rules: While Roth IRA assets can generally be
withdrawn at any time, participants can only withdraw
funds from your 457 plan when permitted by the plan
(e.g., at separation, emergency). Additionally, Roth IRA
assets are not subject to required minimum distributions.
23. (an participants in our 457 plan who elect to make Roth
deferrals still open and contribute to a Roth IRA?
Yes. Making Roth deferrals to a 457 plan does not limit a
participant's eligibility to participate in a Roth IRA in any
way. Participants can contribute the maximum amount to
both a Roth IRA and a 457.
24. (an individuals have a Roth IRA and still make Roth deferrals
to a 457 plan?
Yes. Contributions to a Roth IRA do not reduce the
amount of Roth deferrals that a participant can make to a
457 plan.
25. Why is I(MA -R( offering the Roth provisions?
The new Roth provisions provide 457 plan participants
with additional tax - advantaged retirement savings
opportunities. Making the provisions available is
consistent with ICMA -RC's mission to assist public sector
employees in building retirement security.
26. When did the Roth provisions become available in 457 plans?
The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which was signed
into law on September 27, 2010, made Roth provisions
available in 457 plans beginning in 2011.
27. Are Roth assets in our 457 plan eligible for management
under Managed Accounts, ICMA -RC's comprehensive ongoing
professional account management service?
Yes. Provided that your plan has adopted the Roth
elective deferral provision and Managed Accounts, a
participant's Roth assets are eligible to be included in
Managed Accounts.
28. How do we add the Roth deferral and in -plan Roth conversion
provisions to our 457 plan?
Adding the Roth provisions to your 457 plan is easy, and
ICMA -RC can help walk you through the process. We
suggest that you review the information in the 457 Plan
Roth Provisions Plan Document Implementation Package
and follow the instructions in the package.
29. Are there any additional fees associated with making Roth
deferrals available?
No. The addition of Roth deferrals to your 457 plan has
no impact on the plan's fees.
30. When will participants be eligible to begin taking advantage
of the new Roth provisions?
ICMA -RC anticipates the new Roth provisions first
being operational, in plans that elect to offer them, in
the second quarter of 2011. You can elect to add the
provisions to your plan at that time or any time thereafter.
31. If I want additional information on the Roth provisions or
about the adoption process, who should I contact?
Please contact your ICMA -RC Client Services team at
800 - 326 -7272.
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