HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-05-11MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ' OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MAY 5, 2011 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular meeting in the Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 5, 2011. President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: McGill, Menesini, Nejedly (arrived at 2:21 p.m.), Williams, Hockett ABSENT: Members: None a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. INTRODUCTION OF THE FOLLOWING NEW EMPLOYEE: ' Board Members welcomed Administrative Services Supervisor of Collection System Operations, Susan Jocovic. None. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Member Williams requested that Item 3.g. be pulled from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Williams to adopt Items 3.a. — V. and 3.h. as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: McGill, Menesini, Williams, Hockett NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly ' a. Approve minutes of April 7, 2011 Board meeting. Book 60 — Page 289 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 b. Approve expenditures dated May 5, 2011. Reviewed by Budget and Finance ' Committee. C. Receive March 2011 Financial Statements and Investment Reports. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. d. Set June 2, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider the draft Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). e. Set June 2, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider: 1) Adopting the following budgets for Fiscal Year 2011 -12: Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget, and Self- Insurance Fund Budget; 2) Establishing Sewer Service Charge rates for Fiscal Years 2011 -12 and 2012 -13; and 3) Directing that the Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Sewer Service Charges be placed I on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection. Authorize the General Manager to renew the Pollution Prevention Service Agreement with Mt. View Sanitary District (MVSD) to provide source control inspections and prepare MVSD's Pollution Prevention Annual Report for a period of two years, through June 30, 2013, with an option to extend the agreement for an additional two years. Authorize the General Manager to extend the existing professional services agreement with Federal Advocates for lobbying services for federal funding for the Contra Costa County Refinery Recycled Water project for a period of 12 months, through May 31, 2012, at a cost of $5,000 per month, increasing the cost ceiling from $33,000 to $93,000. Deny claim from National Subrogation Services on behalf of Fireman's Fund Insurance Company seeking recovery of $12,632.31 paid in conjunction with a sewage overflow in Diablo on February 20, 2011. Recommended by Budget and Finance Committee. With regard to Item 3.g., Member Williams stated that he supports recycling in the District's service area, but the public should be charged fairly and equitably for public benefit, and he ' believes recycled water to be a public benefit. He reasoned that, by approving this contract, the District would be double- charging members of the public in its service area who pay East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) for its recycled water program. He added that members Book 60 — Page 290 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 of the public in the District's service area who are Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) 'ratepayers are essentially subsidizing other members of the public in Antioch and Pittsburg. On the basis that this violates the tenet of fair and equitable charging to the public for public benefit, Member Williams stated that he would be voting no on Item 3.g. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by President Hockett to adopt Item 3.g. as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: McGill, Menesini, Hockett NOES: Members: Williams ABSENT: Members: Nejedly 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Conduct public hearings on the following matters: 1) Consider adopting Uncodified Ordinance No. 264 to replace the "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges" adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 259 in accordance with District Code Chapter 6.30. Approval recommended by Budget and Finance Committee. Data is available, as required by Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 8, Section 66016. ' 2) Consider adopting Uncodified Ordinance No. 265 to replace the "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges" adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 258 in accordance with District Code Chapter 6.12. Approval recommended by Budget and Finance Committee. Data is available, as required by Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 8, Section 66016. 3) Consider adopting Resolution 2011 -014 directing that the following items for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 be placed on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection: • Capacity Use Charges: and • Assessments for: • Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs), • Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs), and • Fee Deferrals. Principal Engineer Jarred Miyamoto -Mills explained that capacity fees are one -time buy -in fees charged at the time of connection and are used for capital facility needs. Annual capacity fee revenue has varied between fifteen and forty -five percent of total Sewer Construction Fund revenue, since it is dependent on rate of development. Capacity fees are adjusted annually to avoid larger increases that would be likely for multi -year adjustments. The updated fee schedule would be effective July 5, 2011. ' Recommended Capacity Fees are $5,465 for Gravity Zone (currently $5,451) per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) and $7,071 for Pumped Zone (currently $7,092). Mr. Miyamoto -Mills Book 60 — Page 291 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 displayed a table ranking the District's Capacity Fees among other agencies', noting that ' District fees remain comparatively low. He stated that staff estimates that if the new fees are adopted, 2011 -12 Capacity Fee revenue will be approximately $1,050 per RUE lower than would be generated under the current rates (assuming 450 new units connect in the Gravity Zone and 350 new units connect in the Pumped Zone). Mr. Miyamoto -Mills stated that fifty -six of the environmental and development - related rates and charges would be increased; twenty -five fees would remain the same; and two fee categories would be deleted. He explained that the approach to setting the fees is to look at the actual cost of the provided service. Generally, the adjustments account for changes in salaries, benefits and overhead. The range of increases is from 1.4 to 15.8 percent. As with capacity fees, the change in revenues from the environmental and development - related rates and charges would be modest. Findings need to be made that the District incurs substantial costs to provide environmental and development - related services and has made a substantial investment in assets that benefit new users; that there is a strong and reasonable relationship between the actual added burden /District costs and the proposed fees, rates and charges; and that the proposed fees, rates and charges are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Legal notices were published and posted, and approximately 180 Letter Reports were sent to interested customers. An outreach meeting was held on April 27, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. No members of the public attended. ' Mr. Miyamoto -Mills stated that, in regard to the proposed resolution, placing items on the County tax roll for collection is the most efficient way to collect money for the District. As the County operates on the Teeter Plan, the District is paid for all amounts placed on the tax roll, regardless of when payments are received by the County. As such, the County retains any penalties, interest or other tax sale monies. The public hearing was opened and closed without comments. Member McGill stated that the building community supports the methodology used by the District in setting fees and is anxious to see an item come before the Board at its June 16, 2011 meeting which would continue the program for deferral of fees for new development, which he encouraged the Board to support. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Williams to adopt Uncodified Ordinance No. 264 to replace the "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges" adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 259 in accordance with District Code Chapter 6.30; to adopt Uncodified Ordinance No. 265 to replace the "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges" adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 258 in accordance with District Code Chapter 6.12; and to adopt Resolution 2011 -014 directing that the Capacity Use Charges; and Assessments for Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs), Alhambra Valley , Assessment Districts (AVADs), and other installment payment programs for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 be placed on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: Book 60 — Page 292 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 ' AYES: Members: McGill, Menesini, Williams, Hockett NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly None. 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.729,650 TO MOUNTAIN CASCADE INC., THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR THE LAFAYETTE /PLEASANT HILL ROAD TRUNK SEWER DISTRICT PROJECT 5994• FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA); AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Member Nejedly arrived during consideration of this item. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Menesini to award a construction contract in the amount of $1,729,650 to Mountain Cascade, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the Lafayette /Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer, District Project 5994; find that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to submittal requirements. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $543,000 TO EURO STYLE MANAGEMENT INC. THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE TREATMENT PLANT PROTECTIVE COATINGS PHASE 4 DISTRICT PROJECT 7247: FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA): AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member McGill to award a construction contract in the amount of $543,000 to Euro Style Management, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for construction of the Treatment Plant Protective Coatings, Phase 4, District Project 7247; find that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to submittal requirements. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. Book 60 — Page 293 a. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 7. REPORTS I GENERAL MANAGER 1) 2) Update on Collection System Operations Department Facility District Proiect 8208 Associate Engineer Paul Seitz presented the regular construction progress update on the Collection System Operations Facility project. He showed photos of the construction and stated that the ongoing construction focus includes installing wall insulation and drywall and continuing with the HVAC ducting. The HVAC unit and building switchgear have been delivered, and the emergency generator is on site. Work on the roof and building siding continues, and various yard improvements are being made. Power is expected to be installed in the next month. Announcements The following written announcements were included with the agenda packet: a) Advertisement of Sewer TV Inspection Project, Phase 2 (DP 5948) ' General Manager James Kelly announced that the advertisement dates of May 9 and May 16, 2011 which were included in the original announcement have changed to May 12 and May 19, 2011. b) Advertisement of the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 6 (DP 7288) c) Advertisement of Public Bidding for Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 7 (DP 5990) d) Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 7 (DP 5990) - Public Workshop e) Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 8 (DP 5992) - Public Workshop f) Request for Quotations (RFQ) — Furniture for New CSOD Administration Facility g) Service Contract for Cleaning Siphons h) Service Contract for Crown Spraying ' i) CCCSD Moraga Pumping Station Show Cause Letter and Follow up Book 60 — Page 294 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 ' The following additional written announcements were made at the meeting: j) Update on Water/Wastewater Operator Training Program for 2011 -12 COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT 1) Report on voluntary default of NCCI Inc. contractor for the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations (Phase 5) District Project 7276 District Counsel Kent Alm referred to his report in the agenda packet. He added that the District has received and is in the process of reviewing a takeover agreement from the bonding company, Old Republic Surety Company. The agreement contains items requiring negotiation and asks that the timeframe for completion be pushed back. C. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme announced the receipt, to date, of fifty -five legally valid protests, eleven other protests and one suggestion resulting from the Proposition 218 Notice. Ms. Boehme also announced the upcoming May 11, 2011 ' Human Resources and May 12, 2011 Household Hazardous Waste Committee meetings. d. BOARD MEMBERS 1) Board Member reports on recent meetings for which they received the stipend: and meetings or conferences for which the District paid their expenses: future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses Member McGill Member McGill reported on the April 27 -30, 2011 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Spring Conference in Sacramento. Member McGill also reported that he will be attending the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District (CCRCD) Board meeting on May 17, 2011. As the CCRCD's jurisdiction includes the County, he has informed Contra Costa County liaison, Member Nejedly, of the meeting. Member Neiedly ' Member Nejedly and President Hockett reported on the May 2, 2011 Budget and Finance Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. The Board received the report without comments. Book 60 — Page 295 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 President Hockett t President Hockett reported on the April 27 -30, 2011 CASA Spring Conference and Executive Board Meetings in Sacramento. 2) Consider request by Board Member Neiedly to receive report on Board health benefits General Manager James Kelly distributed to the Board a memo from the law firm Trucker Huss. Director of Administration Randall Musgraves stated that staff requested this legal opinion on benefits from Trucker Huss and has been conferring with the firm Meyers Nave following expressed concerns regarding health care premiums and the cost being somewhat excessive when used as secondary coverage. The District currently offers three programs: Kaiser Permanente HMO, Health Net HMO and Health Net PPO. Currently, the Board receives benefits in health care, dental and a $50,000 insurance policy. Considering the limitations on what may be offered to the Board, Mr. Musgraves laid out two options. The first was to develop a Health Spending Account (HSA), which by law must also be provided to employees. Creating the HSA would require negotiation with the three bargaining units. The second option was to offer the Board participation in the District's Cafeteria Plan. Currently, the Plan's , documents do not provide for this. If the Board chooses to pursue this option, Trucker Huss and Meyers Nave would need to clarify if the District may pay into it or if the money must come from the Board's compensation. Legally, the maximum Plan amount would be $425 per month. The District would offer Board Members the option of health care coverage or the Cafeteria Plan. District Counsel Kent Alm stated that, while most local agencies have different laws as to what kind of compensation its board may receive, medical benefits are an exception to the total compensation, regardless of how compensation is calculated. Member Nejedly recommended that the Board continue pursuing the issue further. He stated his belief that what the District pays for him and his family is astronomical. He reported that he has since requested quotes on his health care coverage from two insurance agencies. He also stated that the District spends a lot of money on insurance. He explained that he was unaware of the cost of his health care coverage, and he suspected that his peers probably did not know either until recently. Member Nejedly stated that health benefits are an incentive to serve on the Board, and benefits are needed to encourage qualified people to serve on the I Board. He stated that the meeting stipend Board Members receive is not substantial. Book 60 — Page 296 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 Member Nejedly expressed dissatisfaction with the April 24, 2011 article in the ' Contra Costa Times, entitled "Scores of elected officials receive free health care on taxpayers' dime." Member Nejedly requested that the matter be referred to the Human Resources Committee for further consideration and review of options, noting that if no alternatives can be developed, he will cancel the health coverage provided to him by the District. Member Williams stated that he is interested in the next steps, and the Board needs to determine how to respond to the letter from the Grand Jury. General Manager James Kelly noted that the Board's response to the Grand Jury was requested by July 25, 2011. Member McGill agreed that the Times article was not a fair characterization. When he polled insurance costs for his employees, he found them to be in line with what the District pays for anyone in Member Nejedly's position. Moreover, an insurance broker from Contra Costa Taxpayers Association confirmed with him that $32,000- 36,000 a year is the normal cost for a family of four. He supported referring the matter to the Human Resources Committee to examine options. President Hockett stated that staff will continue to work on the response to the ' Grand Jury, and the Board will have its input. The item will be referred to the Human Resources Committee, who will discuss and bring the item back to Board. 3) Announcements a) Member McGill provided a written report covering Announcements, and announced that retired General Manager of Mountain View Sanitary District (MVSD) David Contreras sends his regards and expresses appreciation for the Board's participation in his retirement dinner. 8. ADMINISTRATIVE CONSIDER ADOPTING TELECONFERENCING POLICY Member Williams stated that he found the policy to be restrictive, and he does not anticipate that it would be used very often. Member Nejedly stated that he would not vote for adopting the policy because it opens an avenue which makes it easier for people not to be present at meetings. He described teleconferencing as disruptive and hard to control, and a cause of extra work for staff. ' Member Menesini stated that, having had experience with such meetings, he finds nothing difficult about teleconferencing and endorses the fact that there are some times when teleconferencing into meetings is needed. Book 60 — Page 297 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member McGill to adopt the I Teleconferencing Policy. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: McGill, Menesini, Williams, Hockett NOES: Members: Nejedly ABSTAIN: Members: None 9. CLOSED SESSION The Board recessed at 3:18 p.m. to reconvene in closed session in the Caucus Room regarding Items 9.a. and 9.b. (excluding 536 Ward Street, Martinez) of the following matters: a. Conference with Legal Counsel regarding existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a): • Gregory Village Partners L.P. v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc., M.B. Enterprises, and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. CV 11 1597 JCS. b. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation — significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) - three potential ' cases: • 3320 Woodview Court, Lafayette • 536 Ward Street, Martinez • Schaeffer claim (Paladin Law Group) C. Conference with labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: District Negotiators: General Manager James Kelly, Director of Administration Randall Musgraves, and Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme. Employee Organizations: (1) Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local #1; (2) Management Support/Confidential Group (MS /CG); and (3) Management Group. The Board recessed at 3:57 p.m. to reconvene in the Board Room in open session. 10. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION District Counsel Kent Alm reported that no action was taken in closed session. I Book 60 — Page 298 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Board Minutes of May 5, 2011 11. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION ' None. None. 12. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the meeting at 3:59 p.m. �if ✓ /��% Hockeft President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California C Elaine, R, BoeFime, CMC - Secretary. of the Central Contra Costa : Saritary ; District; County of Contra Costa, State of,(alifornia Book 60 — Page 299