HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b. Public hearing re 3 budgets, Sewer Service Charge increase, etc.5.6. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2011 -2012 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET; FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES; AND ON PLACING FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION SUGGESTED AGENDA JUNE 2, 2011 President Hockett will announce that a public hearing will be conducted on the following matters: ► Adopting the following budgets for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 -2012: • Operations and Maintenance Budget • Debt Service Fund Budget and • Self- insurance Fund Budget; ► Adopting an uncodified ordinance establishing increases in the annual Sewer Service Charge rates for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013; and ► Directing that the Sewer Service Charges for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013 be placed on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection. 1. Call for staff report on all three items. 2. Open public hearing and call for comments. 3. Close public hearing. 4. Board deliberation, and: a. Vote to adopt the FY 2011 -2012 Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget, incorporating Sewer Service Charge as determined by ordinance to be considered separately; b. Vote to establish annual Sewer Service Charge rates for FY 2011 -2012 (to be incorporated in the FY 2011 -2012 budget) and FY 2012 -2013, by: 1) Adopting an uncodified ordinance increasing the annual Sewer Service Charge by $30 for FY 2011 -2012, effective July 1, 2011, for a total of $341 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE); and an additional $30 for FY 2012 -2013, effective July 1, 2012, for a total of $371 per RUE. (Staff recommendation.) N:WDMINSUPWDMIN \RATCLIFF \06 -02 -2011 Public Hearing - O &M & SSC County Tax Roll Strike Out.doc Page 1 of 2 OR, altematively: 2) Adopt an uncodified ordinance increasing the Sewer Service Charge by an amount less than $30 each for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013. OR, alternatively: 3) Take no action, which continues the Sewer Service Charge at the current rate of $311 as set forth in Resolution No. 2008 -063; and C. Vote to adopt a resolution directing that the Sewer Service Charges for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013 be placed on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection. N :\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \RATCLIFF \06 -02 -2011 Public Hearing - O &M & SSC County Tax Roll Strike Out.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2011 subject: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING: (1) TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2011 -2012 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET; (2) FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES; AND (3) ON PLACING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTIOyi D. Rat�cH�i sgraves K. Alm ames M. elly, General Vanager ISSUE: Although not required by law, it has been the District's practice to hold a public hearing to receive comment on the Operations and Maintenance Budget (O &M), Debt Service Fund Budget and the Self- Insurance Fund Budget. With regard to annual Sewer Service Charge rates, the District Code and State law require public hearings for the establishment of said rates and for placing them on the County tax roll for collection. An uncodified ordinance passed by four affirmative votes is needed to increase the annual Sewer Service Charge. A resolution passed by four affirmative votes is needed to place the charges on the Contra Costa County tax roll. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to consider the following three matters and, if considered appropriate, take the following actions: Adopt the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 -2012 Operations and Maintenance Budget (O &M), Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget Adopt an uncodified ordinance increasing the annual Sewer Service Charge by $30 for FY 2011 -2012, effective July 1, 2011, for a total of $341 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE); and an additional $30 for FY 2012 -2013, effective July 1, 2012, for a total of $371 per RUE. Adopt a resolution directing that the Sewer Service Charges for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013 be placed on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The draft FY 2011 -2012 O &M Budget is based on a $30 increase in the Sewer Service Charge for a total of $341 per RUE. At the March Financial Workshop, staff recommended a $30 increase in the Sewer Service Charge N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Conduct Public Hearing 2011 -2012 & 2012 -2013 Budgets & SSC 06 -02 -2011 strike out.doc Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2011 Subject CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING: (1) TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2011 -2012 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET; (2) FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES; AND (3) ON PLACING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION for each of the next two fiscal years. In April, the Board approved sending a Proposition 218 notice to property owners advising them of the proposed two -year Sewer Service Charge increases of up to $30 per year, for a total Sewer Service Charge of $341 and $371, respectively. If the Board approves these, staff recommends that $28 of the increase for FY 2011 -2012 be allocated to the Sewer Construction Fund to support the capital program. In FY 2012 -2013, approximately $20 of the increase will be used to pay for O &M costs, to help rebuild the O &M reserves and reduce the amount of deficit spending overall, with the remaining $10 being allocated to support the capital program. Also, a $4.5 million allocation toward the unfunded liability associated with GASB 45 post- retirement benefits is included in the draft FY 2011 -2012 O &M Budget. This allocation will remain unencumbered until action by the Board. The proposed $30 Sewer Service Charge increase would generate approximately $4.9 million in total new revenue for FY 2011 -2012 with the recommendation that $28 per RUE be allocated to the Sewer Construction Fund. From the total $341 Sewer Service Charge, $302 would be allocated to O &M and $39 to the Sewer Construction Fund. This allocation was set with the goal of providing additional funds to the capital program. The proposed O &M Budget would result in a decrease to O &M reserves at fiscal year end of $4.3 million, for a projected O &M reserve balance at June 30, 2012 of $4.5 million. This is $2.3 million below prudent reserve levels for O &M. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decide not to increase the Sewer Service Charge for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013, keeping the Sewer Service Charge at the current $311 per RUE, or it could choose another amount of increase up to $30. Effective with FY 1982 -1983, Contra Costa County imposed a fee for collecting the Sewer Service Charge on the tax roll. The County fee, which approximates $100,000 annually, is much more economical than the alternative of direct billing by the District. BACKGROUND: The FY 2011 -2012 O &M Budget was submitted for review at the May 19, 2011 Board Meeting. A detailed presentation was made to the Board at that time and a copy of the PowerPoint slides is attached (see Attachment 1). N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Conduct Public Hearing 2011 -2012 & 2012 -2013 Budgets & SSC 06 -02 -2011 strike out.doc Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2011 subject. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING: (1) TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2011 -2012 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET; (2) FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES; AND (3) ON PLACING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION A Proposition 218 notice indicating a proposed two -year Sewer Service Charge increase, which requires the District to provide at least a 45 -day notice to all rate paying property owners for a Sewer Service Charge rate increase, was sent in April 2011. Approximately 105,200 Proposition 218 notices were mailed. As of May 26, 2011, a total of 88 written protests have been received, 74 of which are legally valid. A total of 27 telephone calls and a -mails also have been received, none of which constitutes a legally valid protest (see Attachment 2). Valid protests amount to less than 0.1 % of total notices mailed. Legal notices were published in the Contra Costa Times and the San Ramon Valley Times for the June 2, 2011 public hearing to receive public comment on the FY 2011- 2012 O &M Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and the Self- Insurance Fund Budget; for establishment of the Sewer Service Charge rates for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013; and on placing the Sewer Service Charges for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013 on the County tax roll for collection. Notice of the public hearing and instructions for filing protests were posted on the District's website. It is recommended that one public hearing be held to consider the matters described, with a separate vote taken on each of the three matters under consideration. 1. Public hearing to receive comment on the FY 2011 -2012 Operations and Maintenance (O &M) Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget: The FY 2011 -2012 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget were submitted to the Board of Directors for initial review at the May 19, 2011 Board Meeting. The Self- Insurance Fund Budget was approved by the Board at the April 7, 2011 Board Meeting. All three are scheduled for approval and adoption at the June 2, 2011 Board Meeting. 2. Public hearing to receive comment on increasing the annual Sewer Service Charge rates for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013: Upon approval of the O &M Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self - Insurance Fund, the Board must establish the FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013 Sewer Service Charge rates. A Proposition 218 notice was duly sent to all rate N:\HDMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Conduct Public Hearing 2011 -2012 & 2012 -2013 Budgets & SSC 06 -02 -2011 strike out.doc Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2011 subject CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING: (1) TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2011 -2012 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET; (2) FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES; AND (3) ON PLACING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FY 2011 -2012 AND FY 2012 -2013 ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION paying property owners notifying them of proposed increases in the annual Sewer Service Charge of up to $30 for FY 2011 -2012, effective July 1, 2011, for a total of up to $341 per RUE; and up to an additional $30 for FY 2012 -2013, effective July 1, 2012, for a total of up to $371 per RUE. 3. Public hearing to consider placing the Sewer Service Charges for FY 2011- 2012 and FY 2012 -2013 on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection: The law requires that a public hearing be held each year before the Sewer Service Charge can be placed on the County tax roll. The Sewer Service Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the service charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and efficient means for the District to collect the charges. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a single public hearing on the following three matters and, upon their respective conclusions, take the following actions if considered appropriate: Adopt the FY 2011 -2012 O &M Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self - Insurance Fund Budget. (Majority vote required.) Adopt an uncodified ordinance increasing the annual Sewer Service Charge for FY 2011 -2012 by $30 for a total Sewer Service Charge of $341 per RUE beginning July 1, 2011, and for FY 2012 -2013 by $30 for a total Sewer Service Charge of $371 per RUE beginning July 1, 2012. (Four affirmative votes required.) Adopt a resolution placing the Sewer Service Charges for FY 2011 -2012 and FY 2012 -2013 on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection. (Four affirmative votes required.) N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Conduct Public Hearing 2011 -2012 & 2012 -2013 Budgets & SSC 06 -02 -2011 strike out.doc Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1 Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Operations and Maintenance Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget Presented by Controller Debbie Ratcliff May 19, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Revenue Assumptions Sewer Service Charge - $341 $302 allocated to 0 &M $39 allocated to Sewer Construction Total Budgeted Ad Valorem Tax $12.2 million $5.3m allocated to Debt Service Fund $6.9m allocated to Sewer Construction Fund 1 r Expense Assumptions $8.3m allocation for GASB 45 post retirement benefits ($4.5m to Trust, remainder is retiree health premiums) Retirement Expense - 9.17% increase in rate Increases to Healthcare costs for active employees: ➢ Healthnet - 7.99% ➢ Kaiser - 16.00% Increases to Healthcare costs for retirees: ➢ Healthnet - 7.83% Kaiser - 6.1% Administrative Overhead percentage - 112% (Of Capitalized Salary) Vacancy Factors: ➢ 4% for Salaries ➢ 4% for Benefits TOTAL DISTRICT REVENUE & EXPENSE 2011- 2012 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Operations & Sewer Total District Maintenance Construction with $30 Rate Increase Revenues $62,199 $22,246 $84,445 Expenses $66,54:1 $25,914 $92,455 Revenues ($4,342 ($3 668 8 010 Over Expenses 2 v Operations and Maintenance 2010 - 2011 Budget Compared to 2011- 2012 Budget (000 Omitted) 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 % Budaet Budget Increase (Decrease) Revenues $62,326 $62,199 (.2 %) Expenses 62.966 66.541 5.7% Revenues Over Expenses (640) Estimated Fund Balance $4,468 06/30/12 Sewer Service Charge Rate $300 $302 (O &M Portion Only) Total Sewer Service Charge $311 $341 KEY LABOR COSTS - 0 &M (000 Omitted) 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 Increase Buda et Budget (Decrease) Salaries & Wages $25,543 $25,712 $ 169 Salary Vacancy Factor (705) (946) (241) Retirement 8,754 11,184 2,430 Medical Insurance 7,042 7,904 862 Dental Insurance 855 868 13 Workers' Compensation 560 499 (61) Benefit Vacancy Factor (965) (1040) (75) Capitalized Adm. (3,654) (3,778) (124) Overhead OPEB Contribution 4,325 4,507 182 All Other 2.571 2.362 (209) Total Labor Costs 544.326 $47.272 52246 3 KEY INCREASES 2010 - 2011 BUDGET TO 2011- 2012 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Dollar Increase % Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) 2010 -2011 Budget $62,966 Salaries (Includes 4% vacancy (72) (29%) factor) Benefits (Includes 4% vacancy 3,018 15.5 factor) Chemicals 0 0 Utilities (87) (2.0) Repairs & Maintenance 34 1.0 Hauling & Disposal 54 5.3 Professional & Legal 41 8.1 Outside Services 778 36.4 Self Insurance 0 0 Materials & Supplies (13) (.72) All Other (177) (7.8) 2011 -2012 Budget $66,542 5.68% DEBT SERVICE 2011- 2012 BUDGET (000) Omitted Revenue $59541 Debt Service Interest Expense 19919 Principal Payments 3,622 TOTAL $59541 2 1 Public Hearing June 2, 2011 • Approve and Adopt Budgets • Pass Ordinance Setting SSC for FY 2011- 12 and FY 2012 -13 • Pass Resolution to Collect SSC on Tax Rolls 61 Attachment 2 SUMMARY OF RESPONSES TO PROP 218 NOTICE (AS OF NOON ON THURSDAY MAY 26, 2011) Total Prop 218 Notices Mailed Written Protests (letters, e- mails) Oppose Suggestion Telephone Calls Support Oppose Want Senior Rate Questions Parcels on Septic Other issues Other E -mails Questions and oppose 105,200 87 (13 not legally valid) 1 88 1 4 1 10 2 2 7 27 Copies of all letters and a -mails are attached. 04/14/2011 21:12 9259352205 HINES DEUTSCHMAN PAGE 01 April 19, 2011 To: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District From: Chuck Deutschman 625 Creekmore Ct. Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598 Dear Sir /Madam; RECEOVED APR 1 ,� 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT I am strongly opposed to the proposed rate increases as described in your April 18, 2011 mailing. I am opposed primarily for the following two reasons: 1) There exists a paucity of information upon which a customer can arrive at an informed decision about the legitimacy of the increase_ until more detail is provided I remain strongly opposed to the rate increase; 2) While the economic downturn has adversely affected many parts of society, laying off pension and health expenses solely to this fact is an untruth. The fact is accounting standards have changed to require different treatment of unfunded liabilities such as those with pensions and health. I remain strongly opposed to the increase because of the way this 'problem' Is explained and the continuing lack of information regarding pension and health obligations. I firmly support responsible retirement and health programs, but I do not, nor do my neighbors, support glutinous pensions as have we have seen in many of the safety retirement programs ... and others. Respectful) , Chuck Deutschman (4/15/2011) Elaine Boehme Obfection to pro osed rate increase Page 1 From: <t.rambo @comcast.net> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/14/2011 7:39 PM Subject: Objection to proposed rate increase To whom it may concern, I received notice in the mail that you are proposing to increase the CCCSD rate by 9.6% and 8.8% over the next two years. The reason I object is the increased liability due to pension and health costs. I did not read anything about efforts to reduce those costs. In the private sector, most of us do not have a defined benefit pension, or any pension at all. I believe you can obtain substantial savings by changing the pension plan for new & younger workers to a defined contribution plan, where CCSD contributes a fixed amount every year as voted by the appropriate independent regulatory body. The employee then contributes whatever amount they want up to the legal limit. This change alone would eliminate the liability for CCCSD due to poor investment performance. I do not know how much employees contribute to their health care plan, but if it is less than 50 %, it is not enough, as most of us in the private sector pay close to 50 %, if they have health care benefits at all. Since I do not have the ability to create or send this in PDF format, I hope this e-mail will be allowed. Sincerely, Thomas Rambo (my electronic signature) (4%14/2011) ;laine Boehme - Central Contra Costa Sarnta District Proposed Rate Increases Page 1 From: Jeff Horner <rightjeff1 @yahoo.com> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/14/2011 4:01 PM Subject: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Proposed Rate Increases Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme: The 20% increase, from $311 - $371 in sewer service charges, over the one -year period 6/30/2011 - 7/1/2012, + $73 tacked on to residents' property taxes for sewer services is unacceptable. As a senior citizen living on a fixed income I have to ask which month of the year would you like me to stop eating to finance the Sanitary District's inefficiency. My gosh, we see companies like Chevron slashing jobs and making other hard decisions to hold down costs. But, an outfit like the Sanitary District goes blithely on, doing nothing to cut costs; proposing instead to raise rates to people without discretionary income to spend. Grow up. You'll end up forcing an undergound network of backyard outhouses that won't be sanitary at all. Jeff 4/15/20 1 Elaine Boehme - Protest of ro osed rate increases, CCCSD Page 1 From: "Don Evans" <donevans @lazuli.com> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> CC: "'Mary Evans "' <mary@lazuli.com >, < donevans @lazuli.com> Date: 4/15/2011 12:35 PM Subject: Protest of proposed rate increases, CCCSD Attachments: Board of Directors - CCCSD.pdf Please accept the attached signed PDF file as our protest to be delivered to the Board of Directors at the Public Hearing, June 2, 2011. Regards Don and Mary Evans Don Evans donevans @lazuli.com www.lazuli.com Board of Directors of the U [ CEgyED APR 15 2011 SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the CCCSD 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Directors: We are the owners of a residence at 3149 Stanley Blvd., Lafayette, CA 94549. Our property is by name: Evans, Don M and Mary W Trust. Our Parcel Number is: 177 - 052 - 015 -100. We understand the rising costs to the District and sympathize with the Directors dilemma as to how to finance operating costs and expansion to meet growing needs. We find the same sort of dilemma in our own lives. As Directors, you undoubtedly realize that the cost of virtually everything is rising far more rapidly than our income is rising. We must protest the proposed increase in Sewer Service Charges, as defined in the 'Notice of Public Hearing /Compliance with Proposition 218' document, received by us on April 14th, 2011. Just as we citizens must curtail our spending to meet the rising costs of food, fuel, and all other requirements, we feel very strongly that the CCCSD must also use the strongest measures to curtail the expenditures needed to maintain a viable sewage disposal system. It is with great interest that we watch the construction of the new quarters for the District located on Springbrook Road, near the corner of Camino Diablo, in Walnut Creek. One wonders if the Directors realize how an increase in rates looks to us, as we watch countless millions being expended in the construction of a 'state -of- the -art' facility there in Walnut Creek. We realize that different expenditures come from different 'pockets', but it does seem unconscionable to spend the dollars on that facility while simultaneously proposing increases in rates of the magnitude proposed. Please accept and count our protest included herein when you open the Public Hearing on this subject. Signed by the owners of this property and the principals of the Living Trust: Don M. Evans Mary W. Evans Dated: April 15 `h, 2011 at Lafayette, California, Contra Costa County (4%15/2011) Elaine Boehme - rate increase From: Terri Anderson <terrilee49 @hotmail.com> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/15/2011 3:47 PM Subject: rate increase As residents in Danville was are disappointed in this propose rate increase. At a time when our economy is suffering and we are asked to tighten our belts and then the utilities continue to increase fees. When are you going to tighten your belts and work in a partnership with your customers. My profits for my company are non - existent right now. You should be lucky to have any profits in this economy. I do not get a raise, hold your raised, especially for the upper level managements. Hold the line until the tide turns for the economy. Please do not turn a deaf hear to these simple reasons for not adding a higher rate in July.Every little bit helps everyone in the long haul. Thank you for your time,Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Anderson858 Richard Lane, Danville, Ca. Apr 17 11 09:17a ROBERT HICKS I+m oPPas�� M, s M" A 6eYZ -s 925 736 7109 p,l I,1 C t2L-?l Ste, s - elf E Cool -7 W Jq %e r � y C D - �,Zf L C�vhl S r D- �2o �rv\, i7 W/ C L 14 12cp-s-,o -,;;,s A-ll-L� Rt,Pa�1 hc41' '-fO�I G-�q � � EST L.J �Fq,�z/6 APR -16 -2011 10:34 AM JOHNSON 925 631 0930 P.01 � j 1 1 r a t � r - r � I I r � Apr 15 11 07:15p Daniel V. Boss p April 14, 2011 To: Secretary of the District (925) 676 -7211 Fax 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Proposed Fee Increases 925 -552 -9323 p.1 From: Daniel V. Boss, property owner Tunbridge Road, Danville, CA I would like to strongly protest the Proposed increases of 9.6% and 8.8% in two successive years. -I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a gradual increase, but I am completely against such an aggressive increase. We as citizens already are burdened with the constant increases in health care, energy, and support needs of our school systems. At the same time our personal sources for income demand greater pressures on us to perform at higher levels with no increased compensation or less compensation. Private industry is burdened with the price pressures that may be pushing this at CCCSD, but they don't have the luxury of pushing ridiculous price increases at their customers. They must cut benefits and salary for employees, reduce staff, etc. Everyone works harder, and gets less in return. So, with that in mind it is not feasible to expect one who must operate in this economic mode of survival to say "ok" to this excessive increase over a short time frame. Even over a longer time frame, I am not comfortable with these kinds of increases to my economic burden. I am protesting this increase proposal, and it is very upsetting to even read about such a proposal_ We all have the same problems, how come CCCSD thinks we have such deep pockets? Please look for another way to maintain the quality we expect without placing such an additional burden on the citizens of this county. O6�4 W 901)_� amel V. boss (4%1 8/2011) Elaine Boehme Re: Public Hearin to be held on June 2, 1011 at 2:00 p m atCCCSD Board Room Pale 1 From: <doreenpritchard @comcast.net> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/17/2011 6:53 PM Subject: Re: Public Hearing to be held on June 2, 1011 at 2:00 p.m. atCCCSD Board Room Dear Ms. Boehme: I note that if we email our objection to the rate increases prior to the meeting (something we must do prior to the meeting ?) we must do so in PDF format. The great majority of citizens who use the computer almost exclusively do not have the expensive version of Adobe that composes forms and letters into PDF files and therefore cannot email you their objection. In that the CCCSD Board has offered to receive objections in this manner, they must also supply the appropriate PDF form with which to object. Is it the intent of the Board to make it difficult for the ordinary citizen to protest and thereby make it easier for the Board to push through this tax without opposition? How many letters will not be allowed because the total required information will not appear in the letter. Please email me an appropriate form to download and complete to ensure that I am in compliance with the Board's resolution on how to protest. In addition, has the Contra Costa Times been informed of the time and place of the hearing to increase our property taxes without representation? Was there any discussion about cutting the CCCSD's spending before deciding to raise the tax rate? Sincerely, Doreen A. Pritchard 102 Fountainhead Ct Martinez, CA 94553 5%19/2011 Elaine Boehme Pritchard letter, From: Michael Scahill To: Elaine Boehme Date: 5/19/20118:56 AM Subject: Pritchard letter Michael Scahill Communication Services Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Phone: 925-229-7310 Fax: 925 - 676 -7211 >>> Michael Scahill 4/18/20114:57 PM >>> Ms Pritchard, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) is one of the few public agencies to allow a -mails and faxes to be counted as official protests. Legally, the State Proposition 218 only requires that a signed letter, including a return address, be sent by standard mail or be hand delivered to serve as an official protest. We expanded this option to allow as many of our ratepayers who wished to protest to do so. The use of the PDF is to ensure that such a protest was coming from one of our ratepayers should we have to verify their residence. There is no form to protest. You need only send a letter saying that you object to the proposed rate increase to the District Secretary, Elaine Boehme at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 While your Sewer Service Charge (SSC) is paid through the County's tax bill, CCCSD is not a county department and the SSC is not a tax, but a fee for service. There was a great deal of discussion to determine whether or not to increase the SSC and by how much, and that after a 10 percent reduction in our operating costs and no increase in the SSC in two years. The Proposition 218 is a public notice sent to all ratepayers in our service area. As such, it is not posted in the Contra Costa Times. I hope your questions have been answered. Dear Ms. Boehme: I note that if we email our objection to the rate increases prior to the meeting (something we must do prior to the meeting ?) we must do so in PDF format. The great majority of citizens who use the computer almost exclusively do not have the expensive version of Adobe that composes forms and letters into PDF files and therefore cannot email you their objection. In that the CCCSD Board has offered to receive objections in this manner, they must also supply the appropriate PDF form with which to object. Is it the intent of the Board to make it difficult for the ordinary citizen to protest and thereby make it easier for the Board to push through this tax without opposition? How many letters will not be allowed because the total required information will not appear in the letter. Please email me an appropriate form to download and complete to ensure that I am in compliance with the Board's resolution on how to protest. In addition, has the Contra Costa Times been informed of the time and place of the hearing to increase our property taxes without representation? Was there any discussion about cutting the CCCSD's spending before deciding to raise the tax rate? 5/19/2011) Elaine Boehme Pritchard letter Pale 2 Sincerely, Doreen A. Pritchard 102 Fountainhead Ct Martinez, CA 94553 Michael Scahill Communication Services Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Phone: 925-229-7310 Fax: 925-676-7211 X4/18/2011 „Elaine Boehme - Protest Letter Compw/ Pro 218 Proposed Increase Pa e 1 From: "Sue Sewell' <sdsew @astound.net> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/16/2011 9:26 AM Subject: Protest Letter Comp. w/ Prop 218 Proposed Increase Attachments: Sewer rate increase letter.pdf Please forward the attached protest of proposed rate increases to the appropriate parties. Thank you. M Susan Sewell 2721 Lavender Dr. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 April 16, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Members 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 Re: Proposed Rate Increase - Compliance with Proposition 218 Dear Board Members, During these difficult economic times we are opposed to ANY increases in Annual Sewer Service Charges. Please look for other ways to make cuts without raising the rates. Thank you for considering our position. Sincerely, 6 s Susan Sewell APR 18 2011 cceso To whom it concerns: '8E-(A7&TAW0FTKDqMWT My name is Luke McCann, I live at 211 Robinson Street, Martinez, to 94553. 1 am writing to voice my protest over raising the Sewer Service Charges. I find it appalling that in a time of recession our county agencies are trying to raise any rates. I have lived in several states and find our sewer charges to be more that double that of other places I have lived. The notice sites "new state and federal regulations" have changed, well what are those changes exactly? 1 am also concerned about the date and time set for public hearing -- 2pm on a Thursday. Most people who own /rent homes in this county work, how do you realistically think you will get a true public opinion when people are unable to attend because of work. These types of hearings should be in the evening when the majority of folks are available to attend. So in summary, NO, I DO NOT SUPPORT A RAISE IN SEWER CHARGES! Everyone is suffering in this economic environment, its time you live within your means and make a budget you can follow. Sincerely, Luke J. McCann 211 Robinson Street Martinez, CA 94553 3365 McGraw Lane Lafayette, CA 94549 15 April 2011 Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Secretary et al, G°)CC�C VED APR 18 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed service charge rate increase. To start, I would like to recognize the excellent job the our Sanitary District is doing. That said, I find a 9.6% increase followed by a 8.8% increase over the course of two years to be exorbitant. I am confident that your advisors in conjunction with managers and workers can identify savings that could replace your proposed rate hikes. Sincerely, 0 yk�,' Carol Murota G°3ECE0VE0 APR 18 2011 CCCSD' SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 April 15, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: We are in a recession; I suggest lowering salaries, benefits and retirement compensation to all employees to compensate for any shortages you may be enduring now and in the future. This would be much more appropriate since most non - government and non - municipality employees are on average making less money than you are. ** — According to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis, federal employees earn an average annual compensation of $106,871, including pay and benefits, compared to just $53,288 in the private sector," says Dennis Damp, author of "The Book of U.S. Government Jobs," citing statistics gathered in late 2005 and early 2006. Please note that the above statistics are pre- recession. We now have over 12% unemployment in California and Government employment is on an increase. How can you have the audacity to request a rate increase? Respectfully, Jim Wilson 2226 Arcadia Place Martinez, CA 94553 925- 228 -4481 home 510- 915 -8704 cell Fol ROBERT F. ANDREWS 1864 CASTLE OAKS COURT APR 1 8h11 WALNUT CREEK, CA 94595 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Board of Directors c/o Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Subject: Proposed rate increases noted in Notice of Public Hearing with Proposition 218, dated 4/18/2011 Please put me down as objecting to the proposed rate increases noted in your information bulletin dated April 18, 2011. These rate increases are not in line with what rate payers, other government departments and the private sector are experiencing these days. Unemployment is still over 10% and most government entities are still adjusting their budgets downward. Many have taken important steps to curtail excessive employee costs in the areas of retirement benefits and medical insurance. I have seen no evidence that the Sanitary District has dealt with these issues. There is also no evidence that the Sanitary District has done much, if anything, to improve productivity in other ways. I would urge the District to take a hard look at the way you do business and compensate employees and take aggressive steps as others are doing to reduce costs to avoid these very large rate increases. Very truly yours, 44v-l- W-, ls4 Robert F. Andrews Sarah W. Andrews v"OkoC l.6 c CcYV _ ✓W�`"" 49-- c.,V� a�q �c "� 6 l) Ardelle Willia �'"q"�-4 °"'''(I— cnu� e.�il ¢G /Martinne2 Cq 9455362-29 APR 18 2011 SECRETgRY OF THE DISTRICT 4/15/11 CENTRA COSTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REC EUVED ATTN: Secretary of the District APR 18 7011 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Re: Protesting the increase in our Annual Sewer Service Charge We are seniors and residential customers at the address stated below. WE ADAMENTLY PROTEST ANY INCREASE (FOR VARIOUS,NUMEROUS REASONS) IN OUR SEWER SERVICE CHARGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH Prop. 218!1!1 Our real estate tax bill is MORE THAN HIGH ENOUGH (even though our property has been hurt by thousands of dollars DECREASE in value). Even though this decrease in property value has occurred for years; our tax bill gets HIGHERM! GET REALISTIC, AND LOOK WITHIN YOUR SERVICE ORGANIZATION FOR CUT BACKS IN VERY LIKELY MANY AREAS AND CONDUCT SOME SALARY REDUCTIONS!! San Ramon, CA 94582 -1403 cc: File April 18, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Secretary, APR 18 Lull CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT I am registering my very strong complaint regarding the proposed increase in our, Annual Sewer Service Charge. I have reviewed your budget, and it is clear to me that your largest (by far), expense is for employee salaries, pensions, and benefits. The increase in our taxes would not be necessary if your employees and pensioners start absorbing some of their own cost of living increases. Most NON -UNION workers have absorbed these increases by the following methods: 1. Salaries have been frozen. Most people are not getting raises. 2. Cost of Living increases are not given to'NON-UNION employees. 3. Merit Increases are not given out as a matter of course these days. 4. People now have to pay substantially more for their own medical premiums, as opposed to the company (or taxpayer), footing the bill. 5. When I make a bad investment, (as you did in your pension. funds), I have to absorb my own losses. I can't ask taxpayers to. absorb the losses. I suggest you ask your pensioners to help absorb your investment losses. 6. Most companies have reduced, or eliminated, conventions and conferences. I suggest you start on -site training. I ABSOLUTELY PROTEST YOUR PROPROSED INCREASE TO OUR PROPERTY TAXES. �-o- Judith L. tgomery 147 Tiv i Lane Danville, CA 94506, ROBERT T. MILLIGAN l ECO v ED Z Was Del Mar '� 9 2011 ' Ortada, Ca. 94563 APR 6,,-� 16, CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT A9 ,, e" /,:01', l-1, e April 16, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 rEHECOVED APR 19 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: PROPOSED INCREASE TO ANNUAL SEWER SERVICE CHARGE Dear Secretary of the District: We are writing to protest the proposed rate increases of $30 for Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 and an additional $30 for FY 2012 -2013, for a total of up to $371 per year. Your letter we received on April 13, '11 states this will equal 9.6% the first year and 8.8% the second year, is outrageous. In these economic times, many are not employed and if employed, not even receiving a cost of living raise. Perhaps your the CCC Sanitary District should cut back like everyone else and reduce your obligations (top executive salaries/bonuses, cell phones, company trucks, pension funds, overtime, health insurance, etc.). We are retired and living on a fixed income with no social security increase (in fact, a decrease after Medicare costs). The costs you are proposing should have been budgeted for in prior years. To expect the residents of CCC to foot the bill for your lack of planning and budgeting is ridiculous. 10% the first vear and 9% the second year is not acceptable! I would appreciate a reply, in writing, including the total number of protests (written & email) your district receives to this proposal. April 20, 2011 Raymond and Lois Tsang 3414 Lanai Drive San Ramon, CA 94582 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tsang, Thank you for taking the time to respond to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Sewer Service Charge rate notification. Your letter will be provided to the CCCSD Board of Directors before the June 2 public hearing when the Board will consider whether or not to revise the Sewer Service Charge. While the District certainly appreciates your feelings toward the proposed rate increase, please be assured that the District has worked very hard to cut back on expenditures in recent years. In just the past two years, the District has dramatically reduced costs. These included saving $11 million by delaying or deferring a number of major capital projects; cutting 10 percent out of last year's budget; eliminating all but the most necessary overtime; and imposed a hiring freeze, and replacing only critical personnel to ensure continued safe and secure operations. As for your suggestion to cut pension and health care costs, those are contracted benefits with our employees that will be negotiated in new contract talks scheduled for 2012. I will be glad to inform you of the final number of protests we receive after the June 2 public hearing, the last day for submission of any protest. I hope this answers some of your questions. For the Secretary of the District, Michael Scahill Communication Services Manager RECEi�IT 'APR 192UII SECWrAW O THE MTRIGT April 18, 2011 Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Sir /Madam: This is a formal request to the CCCo Sanitary District that you look harder at trimming your own budget rather than simply try and pass through a total increase of 18.4% over the next two years. We are all working hard to keep our household budgets balanced and reduce our expenses. Increases like the one proposed is detrimental to living within our means we are all trying to accomplish. Please reconsider your plan for this increase. Sincerely, Barbara and raig Woolmingto Smith 1 Crescent Drive Orinda, CA 94563 _ c0 9"ECE ED April 18, 2011 APR 191011 zf CL�_t � ,�, CCCSD 1920' SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 RE: Public Hearing on June 2, 2011 to increase the annual sewer service charge. I am requesting that my letter be read aloud at this meeting in -as- much-as I am disabled and cannot attend in person to voice my objection to another rate increase by this Board. I am John A. Sallay, residing at 3258 Silverado Court, Lafayette, California 94549. 1 have lived at this address since 1978. Further, I am retired on a fixed income and will be 80 years of age in March 2012. I object to rate increases in general because of the pervasive view in these United States, that if we simply throw money at any problem, shortcoming or simply that more is better than less, the problem will go away. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet we persist in this bad habit. A good and persistent example of this bad habit is our education system. We fool ourselves into believing that if we simply pay our teachers more money, we will have better education and better - educated students. It's a sick joke! As for this particular rate increase, as a retiree I cannot afford yet another hike in the cost of something; actually everything! Have you noticed that regular gasoline is fast approaching $5.00 a gallon while a cup of coffee is $2 -$3. And everything is going up up up. As a student of living history for many years I can tell you that boards of directors like yours consistently go with the flow, take the easy way out and whenever anyone or group takes a dump in your hat, you say, 44 gosh, it fits better now, ... sure you can have more money "! So, bored members, put on your thinking caps and stop digging our collective grave deeper. Use your imaginations, find creative solutions instead of automatically increasing the burden on us citizens and ratepayers. Thank you for your attention and consideration of this protest. 4-- I-n J hn A. Sallay 258 Silverado Court Lafayette, California 94549 Capt. Nuru Neemuchwalla 2`2 Carpenter ct. Pleasant Hill CA 94523 Email':. nuruneemCaahoo.com To, CCCSD, Secretary of the district, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 Re; Increase in the annual Sewer Service Charge. !�EC EUWFEDD APR 20 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT April 19th 2011 Dear Sir, This increase of sewer charge for residential customers is 9.6 % in first year and 8.8% in the second year. Please note that we presently have a CPI rate of approx 2 %. The only service that is going up at the rate of 8 percent is Health Care and the people are protesting vehemently to try to bring it under control. Many residents are unemployed; many are seniors (retired) and struggling to make two ends meet. The State, Federal Governments are cutting costs and learning to live within their means. There are seniors and elders who barely manage to pay their bills. This Hugh increase in sewer service is unwarranted. I object vehemently to any increase whatsoever. Please perform within your means. I Vote "No" to any increase. Thank you ru Capt. Nuru Neemuchwalla 22 carpenter ct., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. Please feel free to read my letter at the meeting of June 2nd 2011. To: Contra Costa Sanitary District From: Yevgeniy Sergunov 396 Camelback Rd Pleasant Hill, CA PROTEST R E C� EMED APR 202011 uCCSD SECRE'T'ARY OF THE DISTRICT I herby protest the increase to the annual sewer service charge. Renovation or replacement of existing facilities should be financed from the reserves, not special assessments. The fact that your agency mismanaged funds collected for decades and spent wastefully without creating the necessary reserves does not constitute a valid basis for the increased fees. Yevgeniy Sergunov DALE A. FROST R C EOVf 3607 Brook Street Lafayette, CA 94549 APR 212011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT April 19, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: 3607 Brook Street Lafayette, CA 94549 APN # 241 - 180 -0200 Dear Board of Directors: As the property owner of the above referenced home, please consider this my formal protest of the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. I understand this topic is to be discussed at the Public Hearing to be held on June 2. Instead of increasing rates, please consider expense reduction ideas such as salary reductions, pension cuts, etc.!! I respectfully request you vote "no" on the proposed increase. , Si e A. Frost DAF:mbp T��C��MGD APR 2 '1011 SEC TH c�av�� cd�vlr�p- c_os1�3 �ir�� v��iU i -X�14tl'go §."- -II I A. 60'uUMg, 4,9- I', 0(2i 63 April 19, 2011 IREC IEVED Michael Reynolds APR 2 1 2011 1029 Willow Street CCCSD Martinez, CalifornT&RETARY OF THE DISTRICT 94553 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 I am a property owner in the City of Martinez. My property is located at the address in this letterhead. I am unable to attend the Public Hearing to be held at 2:00 P.M. on June 2, 2011 in person, therefore, I am writing in protest of the proposed increase to the annual sewer service charge. It is not that I am challenging the issue of increased operations and maintenance costs, I wish to point out that I am unable to pay for this increase. Like many homeowners in Martinez, I am experiencing a rise in the cost of living while my income plummets. In these difficult economic times, I fail to understand how the homeowners of Martinez are expected to keep pace with the sanitary districts increasing expenses and our own increasing cost of living with a pathetically dwindling income. This cycle is unsustainable. Something has got to give somewhere. Out of necessity, I must protest this rate increase. Cordially; 01-L Michael Reynolds MUREC EN D April 19, 2011 APR 21 Z011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Proposed increase Sewer Service Charge Dear Sir or Madame A-, . ►fu11 uu,,60 SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT This notice is being mailed to protest the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. As you are all aware most property owners are currently struggling to make their mortgage payments, in this harsh economic climate, and the last thing we want to see is higher property tax bills. Any increase in taxes during these difficult times will place a heavy burden on property owners. It is time for public agencies such as yours to make cuts and sacrifices just like everyone is making in these difficult times. Renovations, repairs, upgrading to sewer systems need to be placed on hold, until better economic times come again. Property owners have to place home improvement projects on hold also on their properties. Pension funds and retiree health insurance obligations which the CCCSD claims are underfinanced need to be reduced or eliminated, or dealt with without burdening the property owners. There is no more open checkbook from taxing homeowners, for agency shortcomings. I strongly disagree with any increase in the Annual Sewer Charge. It is bad politics, and bad timing. ySincer Chris S. Master 320 Wellington Ave Clyde, CA 94520 .9p PARK PLACE ASSET MANAGEMENT A Limited Partnership April 19, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Briarwood Apartments Property Address: 141 Golf Club Road Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Billing Address: 2960 Camino Diablo Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 APN #: 53- 084 -002 -2 Dear Board of Directors: RECROVED APR 2 1 zo n SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT As the property owner of the above referenced apartment complex, please consider this our formal protest of the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. We understand this topic is to be discussed at the Public Hearing to be held on June 2. If sewer rates increase, we have no choice but to raise rents on our apartment tenants to offset these rising costs. Therefore, we respectfully request you vote "no" on the proposed increase. It's bad for property owners and for our tenants. Please consider expense reduction ideas such as salary reductions, pension cuts, etc.!! Sincerely, ALDERWOOD INVESTO , A California Limited Partnership By: Heatherston�p Ca General Part By: Frost, President DAF:mbp 2960 CAMINO DIABLO ■ SUITE 300 ■ WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597 ■ (925) 932 -7955 REGIONAL OFFICE. 6100 SOUNDVIEW DRIVE ■ GIG HARBOR, WA 98335 ■ (253) 851 -8595 PARK PLACE ASSET MANAGEMENT A Limited Partnership April 19, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Oakwood Village Apartments Property Address: 2201 Sycamore Drive Antioch, CA 94509 Billing Address: 2960 Camino Diablo, Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 APN #: 074 - 380 -001 -3 Dear Board of Directors: REMOVED APR 212011 cccSD TARY OF THE; As the property owner of the above referenced apartment complex, please consider this our formal protest of the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. We understand this topic is to be discussed at the Public Hearing to be held on June 2. If sewer rates increase, we have no choice but to raise rents on our apartment tenants to offset these rising costs. Therefore, we respectfully request you vote "no" on the proposed increase. It's bad for property owners and for our tenants. Please consider expense reduction ideas such as salary reductions, pension cuts, etc.!! Sincerely, ANTIOCH SYCAMOR By: Heatherstone gd DAF:mbp F-11 VS, A Californi Its G artner President no 2960 CAMINO DIABLO ■ SUITE 300 • WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597 ■ (925) 932 -7955 REGIONAL OFFICE: 6100 SOUNDVIEW DRIVE ■ GIG HARBOR, WA 98335 ■ (253) 851 -8595 19P PARK PLACE ASSET MANAGEMENT RF CCF-9 %[ D A Limited Partnership April 19, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Park Place Apartments Property Address: 1310 Alma Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Billing Address: 2960 Camino Diablo, Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 APN #: 184 - 530 -150 -4 Dear Board of Directors: AM 212011 ,CCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT As the property owner of the above referenced apartment complex, please consider this our formal protest of the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. We understand this topic is to be discussed at the Public Hearing to be held on June 2. If sewer rates increase, we have no choice but to raise rents on our apartment tenants to offset these rising costs. Therefore, we respectfully request you vote "no" on the proposed increase. It's bad for property owners and for our tenants. Please consider expense reduction ideas such as salary reductions, pension cuts, etc.!! Sincerely, BOARDWALK INVESTORS, A California Limited Partnership By: Park Place Partners III, A California General Partnership, Its General Partner By: The Park Place Gr9X, a Calif Limited Partnership, Its General Partner By: Heathersto I ,Its General P DAF:mbp 0 A. Frost, President 2960 CAMINO DIABLO ■ SUITE 300 ■ WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597 ■ (925) 932 -7955 REGIONAL OFFICE: 6100 SOUNDVIEW DRIVE ■ GIG HARBOR, WA 98335 ■ (253) 851 -8595 Ri cCAME APR 21 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT fay C s 27-74JO- Z I s TD `I�Ecrs,^F L y p SEj � IZi�TF /r1 �� #SF S /N c c,�s� 45 MO L moo-", r') L) rL- T,6-s� t T>4 oc- Z.- 0 ��9ao /l pL k� i��2.� �iXLG�b�e��GJe� /• �2y�i2nv spa 212011 "'V f ,C $E ;,P! l THE ;,,�Y OF F DISTf:ICT rLOPECENED APR 212011 3 Corte Bombero CCCSD Orinda. CA 94563 SECRETARY of THE DISTRICT Phnne Rr Fnv- Q75_75d_6"R April 17.2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District x0I Q Tmhnff Pinee Martinez. CA 94553 Dear Sirs. Your recent notice about the pending (proposed) increase in "Annual Sewer Service Charges" states that "for residential customers, whether or not a single- family home. mobile home, townhouse, condominium, apartment, or other multi - family home" all will have the same increase(s) in Sewer Service charges. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!! Sewer service charges supposedly cover the cost of transporting and treatment of sewage from residences. It stands to reason that condominiums, apartments, or other multi - familv homes — with more people - generate substantially more sewage than most single family homes. Therefore condominiums. apartments, and other multi - familv homes should be charged a higher rate than single familv homes! To do otherwise is discrimination! ! ! I expect to learn that you have rectified this discriminatory practice. Yours truly. s-yr - ewton B. Drury, Jr. James & Leona Huckestein 414 Legacy Drive Alamo CA 94507 April 19, 2010 Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District: IBC CGOMIFDD APR 212011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT We are strongly opposed and protest the proposed increase in Annual Sewer Service Charges. We have all gone through an economic downturn, all of our retirement accounts have suffered greatly and our retiree health insurance obligations remain the obligation of the retiree. Increasing sewer service rates is not the answer to underfinanced pension funds and retiree health insurance obligations. The Board needs to correct what was overpromised and the poor decisions previously made in regard to pension funds and health insurance. As retirees, who did not work for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, I have no one funding my shortfalls. We should not have to fund the underfinanced pension fund and insurance obligations of any working for CCC Sanitary District. NO INCREASES! You :E-n-IH-i ruly, :Ae?tVn L ona M. Huckestein CARL HUTCHINS, JR. 172 KENDALL ROAD WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94595 925 933 9854 carl.hutchins l a— sbcglobal. net April 19, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Re: Proposed Increase in Service Charge Hearing RECD ED APR 212011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT 9.6% is a huge increase for residential customers of which I am one. Made even worse by the second round of 8.8 % in the very next year. Think 9.6 X x and then again 8.87 X x + 9.6x. Just like compound interest, on ly payi g it for us and receiving it for you. Whew, talk about banker and credit card madness!! Now, the clever split off of non residential feees. Another clever trick. Whre would yuou geuess that increase ends up? One guess only, please. Now every time I go up- Camino Diablo off Boulevard Way or Mt Diablo, what do I see? Construction of a veritable induastrial Taj Majal. I know, the existing one suffered fire damage. Somewho, it should/could have been repaired. Nope, "let's take the money and get some more and build us a castle ". Amazing as to what one can deduxce, huh? And, of course, passage is inevitable. These things are already predetermined and the mechaniasm is a mere formality. Over the years as to governance, I have progressed from optimist to skeptic and now to cynic. Excuse the blue ink, it is iktended as a substitute for blue language. Sincerely, rl Hutchins, Jr. CH/ms CCSD 4 -19 -2011 RR CEWEDD APR 21 2011 JOHN H. McDONALD SE�ET� CCSD 9 DARNBY COURT DISTRICT ORINDA, CA 94563 (925) 254 -6941 4/20/11 Elaine R. Boehne, CMC Secretary of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa State of California 5019 Imhoff Place MARTINEZ, CA 94553 Dear Ms. Boehne: Re: Sewer Service Charge Protest I am the homeowner at 9 Damby Court, Orinda, California and I protest the fee increases for fiscal year 2011 —. 2012 for 9.6% and fiscal year 2012 — 2013 for 8.8% for the following reasons: • Inflation is currently at 1.5% excluding food and fuel • Social Security has not increased for the last two years The above reasons make your proposed increases completely out of line with the economics in today's market — both at the local, state, and federal level. Respectfully submitted, ki From: Roy < roy. red irect@g mail.com> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/23/2011 4:02 PM Subject: Filing protest for Prop 218. Hello I am in receipt of your notice of public hearing for compliance with Prop 218 for proposed property tax increase. In the notice it says I can file a protest via email by a signed PDF and the CCCSD Board policy for filing a protest can be viewed on the website centralsan.org I could not find the aforementioned policy on the website, can you please point me to the specific site that details the policy as well as process for filing a protest via email. Thanks Regards Roy Varghese San Ramon Resident. Stop. Help save trees, there is nothing in here worth printing. (4/25/2011) Elaine Boehme - rate increase protest e Page 1 From: "Richard Clarkson" <rjclarkson @astound.net> To: <eboehme @centralsan.dst.ca.us> Date: 4/23/2011 2:13 PM Subject: rate increase protest Dear Madame.1 am writing to protest the proposed rate increase for the District currently being considered. I could not find a place to do this on your website. All of us homeowners are currently under extreme pressure to just try and stay in our homes. An increase of any amount much less one of 8% is unwarranted at this time. If homeowners lose their properties because of foreclosure you would be getting a net decrease in income to your agency. Thank you. Richard Clarkson (homeowner) 955 Hawthorne Drive Walnut Creek, Ca. 94596 Charles S. McCoy P. O. Box 1357 Orinda, California 94563 Telephone (925) 254 -3191 April 21, 2011 Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Directors: f EC EUVED APR 2,S loll SECRETS OF THE DISTRICT I wish to rop test the proposed increases in the Annual Sewer Service charge as described in your bulletin dated April 18, 2011. You propose to increase our rates by almost 20 percent (19.3 %) in less than two years, after a rate increase only two years ago. These are difficult times for Americans in every walk of life. Home values have dropped precipitously. Even though we see signs of recovery, many people are still without work, and many more are underemployed. Still, public agencies do not seem to have the word. There is no sign of "belt - tightening" in government. Wages and benefits of public employees have far outstripped those in the private sector. Fancy facilities are still in fashion; your handsome campus on Imhoff Place, with its striking buildings and lovely landscaping, makes our county government facilities in Martinez look sick.. As a resident and a taxpayer, I urge you to find ways to get the job done at less cost and to scale back your demands on the citizens of Contra Costa County. --,�.. 40P—W- espect,uly yours, 6 Ss: VV L Charles S. McCoy One Mariposa Lane Orinda, California 94563 Cc Gayle Uilkema, County Supervisor Pr siton 218 a Page 1 „ From: Chris F <wholesale45 @yahoo.com> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/25/2011 11:06 AM Subject: Proposition 218 To whom it may concern, In regards to proposition 218, 1 am protesting the the proposed increase in my annual sewer service. Thank you. Chris Tom 3016 Tamburlaine Dr. San ramon ca 94582 Brandon Carmo 1986 Lambeth Way San Ramon, CA 94582 April 25, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear CCCSD Board of Directors: R�EIV ED APR 2 5 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT I am writing this letter to protest the proposed sewer service charge rate increase that would become effective July 1, 2011. I do not support an increase at this time. Should you require further reasoning as to why, please feel free to contact me via email at: bmjcarmoegmail.com. Sincerely, B and r.la'4rmo April 26, 2011 Secretary of the District Board of Directors of the Central C.C. Sanitary District. 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA. 94553 Sent VIA:eaboehme @centralsan.org fED FP7PV [ED APR 5 ZU11 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Regarding the recent notice of the proposed increase in the Sewer Service charge. I am protesting the annual increases. I feel that at least you should consider giving the seniors like myself, who are on low income, a discount. Why is it that the telephone company, water company etc. takes into concern that some of us seniors are needy people. Should I be concerned about retiree's health insurance when I have nieces, nephews etc. who can't even afford any health insurance. Give me a break! Millie Woodruff 349 Scarlet Oak Ct. P.H. CA 94523 �x April 21, 2011 APR 2 5 2011 CC Re: Proposed Annual Sewer Service Charge Increase ' *7heDISMICr Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, We are firmly opposed to the proposed increase to annual sewer service charges. It is time that all municipal services and districts manage within their means; including pension obligations for retirees as well as daily operating expenditures. Raising taxes via property assessments is not a solution and one all too often utilized by public agencies to manage past errors and largesse. Given the current economic environment, these continued increases will cause additional burden to the homeowner in the area. Part of the justification for the increase is based on potential needs as well as debt repayments. The District needs to dial back its expenses, as private citizenry is being required to do so. Please do not pass the proposed increase. Sincerely, i Matt C Kramer Property Owner 437 Garden Creek PI Danville, CA 94526 Q eAILLz i E I I, I' i i i; Marylee Guinon i 1261 Bonita Ln. • Walnut Creek, CA 94595 -1404 ii ii ii i — f W Marylee Guinon 1261 Bonita Ln. • RFCF0,p(zD CCCSD ABOMARY OE THE DISTRICT J (4/28/2011) Elaine Boehme Fwd Fw Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- proposed rate increase Page 1 Dear President Hockett and members of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Unfortunately I will not be able to personally attend the June 2, 2011 hearing regarding your proposed increase in annual service charges. In lieu of my public appearance, I am submitting a written memorandum outlining my concerns, comments and suggestions regarding the proposed rate increase and trust such written memorandum submission complies with applicable codes regarding proposed rate increases. If such is not the case, please advise me immediately by mail at 1320 Willow Pass Rd., Suite 500, Concord California 94520, by e-mail, candersen @aro- Iaw.com or by telephone at area code 925, telephone number 602 \u8211 ? 1403. 1 must admit I am somewhat confused as to the appropriate communication to you in that such is to be labeled as a "protest ". With all due respect to the process set forth in the code, one may comment regarding the proposed rate increase with suggestions and labeling such as a "protest" is clearly a misnomer. Please accept my concerns, comments and suggestions and again if you have questions regarding such your more than welcome to contact me as set forth above. I am currently a property owner at 31 Jeanette Court, Walnut Creek, CA and a customer of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. I most recently received the District's notice in compliance with California Proposition 218. Contained in this notice was a proposed service charge rate increase up to 9.6% in the first year and 8.8% in the second year. I trust the notice meant that the proposed 9.6% would be included in the charges relating to the year 2012 and the proposed 8.8% would be in the year 2013. Also, in the interest of transparency, the total increase from the present is in excess of 18.4% and such should be communicated to the rate payers. I believe the District Board should take into consideration that the majority of prices relating to the majority of necessities have increased significantly in the past two years. This would include all commodities, (which of course affect food prices), petroleum, durable goods and various taxes + the dollar has gone down in value. I realize your proposed increase is not a large amount monetarily however it is an increase and must be added to all the other increases which residents have incurred. Prior to any increase, I would suggest the Board select a qualified independent body, (not staff ), to examine the expenses of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and determine if certain expenditures can be reduced /eliminated without sacrificing service. An independent body examining such would give the Board an unbiased determination /recommendation as to the necessity to increase rates affecting all customers during a period when many customers cannot pay any additional monies to governmental entities. Yes, some people are out of money. Just raising revenues is not the panacea to all financial problems facing public /private entities. An independent body may in fact determine that there is no possibility of reducing any expenses and the rate increase is required to maintain quality service. If such is the result, then the rates must be raised if quality service is to be maintained. Again, please do not consider this written memorandum as a "protest ". My intention is that the Board closely examine expenditures through an independent body and if said body recommends an increase to maintain quality service than such recommendation should be given great weight. I thank you for your time and consideration. Again, if you have any comments or questions regarding this memorandum your free to contact me as noted above. Thank you again. Sincerely, Craig F Andersen ------------- - - - - -- (4/28/2011) Elaine Boehme Fwd Fw Central Contra Costa Sanitary District proposed rate increase Page2 1 Craig F. Andersen, Esq. Andersen, Roscha & Odne, LLP 1320 Willow Pass Road, Suite 500 Concord, California 94520 925 / 602 -1400 925 / 825 -0143 (fax) Email: candersen @aro- law.com E -MAIL NOTICE This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and /or privileged material. Any use, review, disclosure, dissemination or distribution by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies of the message and contact the sender by reply. Thank you. 04/26/2011 15:25 9256863474 . _ DE LA SALLE HS PAGE 01/01 April 26, 2011 To: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District -- Re: Opposition to the proposed rate hike Please let it be known that I am opposed to the proposed rate hike. Thanks Mark DeMarco 100 Travers Drive Martinez, CA 94553 IRIECIEMED APR 2 7 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DlSTf11CT April 23, 2011 APR 2 7 2011 CCCSD Secretary for the District SECRETARY OF THEDISTRIGT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Proposed rate increases To Whom It Concerns, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO increases! There is absolutely no justification for the district to increase rates again. You state that there has been no rate increases in two years, well, the rest of the world has not had an increase in income for more than two years. It is not just your district. At every turn, another utility, public sector, new taxes, or whatever, is increasing rates and the people paying the increase do not have the means to make the higher rate payments. Personally, I have already lowered my home garbage pick up to a small can, I cancelled my home phone, I do not turn on the heating unit, I cut all coupons for groceries, currently pay more than $4.00 a gallon for gas, and CAN NOT afford another increase! I hear people justify this type of increase by stating, "It's less than one Starbucks a month." Well, for someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, I find it insulting to make such statements when we are talking about people's lives. Enough is enough. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO increases!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Randy DeVecchi /Customer 28 Eastwood Dr., Orinda, CA 94563 F/ (4%25/2011) Elarne Boehme proposed sewer rate increase pNm Page 1 From: <orindalinda @aol.com> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> Date: 4/23/2011 8:53 AM Subject: proposed sewer rate increase To Whom It Concerns, NO, NO, NO, No increases! There is absolutely no justification for the district to increase rates again. You state that there has been no increase in rates in two years, well, the rest of the world has not has an increase in income for more than two years, so how do you suggest we pay for the increased rates? It is not just your district. At every turn another utility, public sector, new taxes, or whatever, is increasing rates to budget your shortfall, at the expense of the paying customer and we do not have the means to pay more. Personally, I have already lowered my garbage pick up to a smaller can, canceled my home phone, do not turn on the heating unit, currently cut all coupons for groceries, paying more than $4.00 per gallon for gas, and CAN NOT afford another increase! I hear people justify this type of increase by stating, "It's less than one Starbucks a month." Well for someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, I find it insulting to make such statements when we are talking about people's lives. Enough is enough. NO, NO, NO, NO, increases!!!!! Sincerely, Randy DeVecchi /Customer 28 Eastwood Dr. Orinda, CA 94563 David Handy 513 Boyd Road Pleasant Hill, CA. 94523 (925) 934 -8969 dwhandv(iOahoo.com April 27, 2011 RE: Protest of Proposed Rate Increase CCCSD: I wish to voice my opposition to the proposed rate increase. I think the two year rate increase is excessive. We all have to tighten our belts in this economy and I think CCCSD has to find areas to save costs rather than to come to its customers for this increase. The fact that you haven't had a rate increase in two years doesn't merit requesting one of this size. Regards: David W. Handy I�DDDUDDD APR 2 8 2011 SECRETARY CCCSD OF THE DISTP,ICT Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 945..53 RE: Proposed Sewer Service Charge Rate: Increases Dear Secretary of the District, MID EcErve APR � 8 an SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT April 27, 2011 I am writing in protest of the proposed increases in Sewer Service Charges as promulgated by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Board. I believe sequential annual 9.6% and 8.8% increases are unjustifiably unreasonable in any economic climate, but especially at present when local municipalities, stage.governments and the federal government are cutting budgets to operate within their means..The excuse that Sewer Service Charges have not been raised for two years suggests the CCCSD functions with the mindset that rates should always be raised.. To help Illustrate ho egregious: an w9% annual increase is, assuOie the:000SD continues to propose similar increases for the next 30 years (the length of the average mortgage). The Sewer Service . charge would go from $311 today to. more than $4,000 in 30 years. To view this another way, if I receive an annual salary of $50,00Q/year today and receive 9% raises for the next 30 years, I would make more than $660,000 /year before retiring. Taking Inflation into account still yields a salary greater than $200,000 in today's dollars. The average 'rate of inflation' in the U.S. over the-past 90 years is —3.5 %, which makes the proposed rate increases seem all the more excessive. A 9% increase in the value of a person's 401(k) is indicative of solid performance. The proposed increase essentially nullifies any wealth created by such performance I would instead encourage the Board to reassess their strategy, including the exploration of ways to do more with less, rather than forcing the people they serve to reach deeper into their pockets. The Board must manage the CCCSD's operating costs. Sincerely, Eric N. Shiozaki 1241 Dewing Lane Walnut Creek, CA 945.95 (4/28/2011) Elaine Boehme - I Protest ANY RISC V D From: <dejsmith1 @comcast.net> To: <eboehme @centralsan.org> APR 2 8 ZU11 Date: 4/28/2011 11:04 AM Subject: I Protest ANY Rate Hike! cOF To SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT I am totally against ANY rate hike by Central Contra Costa Sanitary Ditrict. Your argument that you have not had a rate hike in 2 years is NOT valid. The cost of living has not increased that much the last 2 years as recognized by the Social Security Administration NOT giving a Cost of Living increase to Social Security recipients last year. Therefore you people are either being greedy or you are incompetent. I am not that familiar with your business practices to address your level of competence. However, if you pay your chief executives anything more than 100 times the salary of an average worker, then you are just greedy. Count me against ANY rate hike. David E. Smith 40 Grand Canyon Ct San Ramon, CA 94582 -rd.. sce� zE t-fr-AY 'E� EIVED APR 2 8 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTUCT S �� tc�"� Pv o 0 SecQ T�,r�c ., � � n wc( S,�W�,� @,(,,«•�� APR 2 8 2U11 e cc :.Ai SeCFEMW . ;TW A 5 'Find- `��' i Vic 1'�rAs �,.� � e Sd.�er' ciio+yc Z y2a r`i 4o �>e- , t Ce r•� n cp CcP�`�c���� e`��C,a �or Q-eoR l� o�. - �',X�e� l�nC ©w,L �Lv,c Inc I La wo►-k� �eo�1� �� � curr,er-t- v1ro�� rnn y. t`I-s b�rrol -er � � Q (�rna4 (Jf-S 4� g5L-'"`� L 6vheaw►n -*V,5 ((o c`i� cieYP�r' Such �� �r� ��ri�� �.vo rs 40 Ton mone r ke'aI`RL Corf- cimk Ptits Inti�- C ©�` aS Cre a {'v-v�: mum ( " L- t.r.kems C O w`+-ro 11 t i v. Qr I �� ( v► -e C/`�+�y° ti tee—? -AAA (cAe3 \ year5 does —N-e_ 5Lk- ��,Z� .tee Vv 02,v ` v\ c. K`e.2se S'�- 15kc r`5 �fy � V Qn l TY�r q1-(` 5 g Z April 26, 2011 RECERVED APR 282011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SECRET CCCSD Secretary of the District ARY OF THE DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Secretary: I am formally protesting the proposed sewer service charges for fiscal year 2011 -2012, a 9.6% increase of $30.00 and also fiscal year 2012 -2013, an 8.8% (the second) increase of $30.00 — a $60.00 increase within two years. I am a pensioner, Social Security increases in the past were minimal at best, and now nonexistant. Gas prices are out of control and rising by the day, all utility costs have increased, property taxes have increased by approved bond measures and inflation continues to erode the dollar. I cannot afford all these increased costs. I would like to attend the Thursday, June 2 "d meeting but will not, I'll spend a stamp instead of the gasoline. My property parcel # 188 -021- 005 -7, neighborhood 2448. 281 Montecillo Dr., W.C. State and federal mandates should not dictate how you operate your business, I'm sure you have in the past and will do an excellent job without the government sticking it's finger where it shouldn't be. Government causes needless waste of money, time, etc. Thanks you for counting my letter against the proposed rate increases. Sincerely, eo I Z, I Sheila Roberts 04/30/2011 04:47 9259409665 �AyL -r�y� �4 g y ss3 T4C /.. --mom .A A✓f" AHT SERVICES PAGE 01/01 REC IERED 1 iA"J 0 ?. Y011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTUCT e ' rx qc_ Ct -s" G'crsr. .�• + m� y 4 it rn« 6- /ter 5'�� t.-!,e b' Ste-* .t �r G�t-�4.• -'G ��' e,� 7N 7-'wvm,o r 73 u r r J;vol r Ste" r�✓G ; � f � 4,,-1-2 / � REMOVED MAY 0 2 2011 P.O.BOx 7G9 (All mail) CCCSD 27 Hagen Oaks Court (physical SECRETARY OF THE DISTFACT address) April 28, 2011 Board of Directors Central Conta Costa Sanitary District c /o/ Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 TO: The Board of Directors RE: Proposed increase in annual sewer service charges Again (see attached enclosure copy), my husband and I assert our strongest NO! NO! NO!. We object to increased costs based on presumptions which are unknowable. Work with the here and now! Everyone lives on a fixed, limited not increasing budget in a debt- ridden era that seems boundless. WE PROTEST ANY INCREASES IN CHARGES. (Again, see attached enclosure to document prior protest.) Sincerely yours, Mary C. Givens I ,��-:�• Austin E. Givens ri P.O. Box 769 Alamo, CA. 94507 April 19, 2010 Board of Directors Contra Costa Sanitary District, Central c/o Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez,' CA. 94553 To The Board of Directors: RE; Proposed increase in annual sewer service Your proposal is outrageous. a dangerous, slippery slor_ 1_ has passed on, ie "kicked- the- can, down the road and you as well as everyone should be making the loudest of protests. The State must decrease and balance its budget just as I do. It should not be allowed to shrug off its responsibilities, deferring them to others. It is not acceptable to "allow" (! ?!) the State to "borrow 80 of property taxes." I do not believe it would ever be repP:?r'; just as the sewer tax increase would never revert. In addition, this proposal creates a very bad precedent. ;*ghat next? If this preposterous usurpation is allowed to persist unrefuted, it will only lead to more wrongful seizures. When is it going to become clear to all cities„ counties, State and Federal governments that the message from paying people is NO MORE TAXES (or increases)? I assert my strongest NO! NO! NO! Sincerely yours, Mary C.ffGivens CC: All regional newspapers 5,15)ECEOVE® April 28, 2011 MAY 0 22011 CCCSD $EtREfAFfY OF THE DISTF#CT Secretary, CCCSA 5019 Imhof Place Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 greetings: I have received Notice of the District's prop ^sal to increase the annual Sewer Service Charge by $60 per residential customer over the next two years. The arguement for the incre ?se lists new state and fedaral regulations impact - ingCCCSA operrtions. I am an engineer and familiar with some such regulations. With the information the District has presented, I have the following ouestions: 1. Did the District appear at any State hearinqs, meetings, -!to. and pre- sent facts and arguements regarding said new regulations and issue, or request, cost /benefit analysis of them? 2. CCCSA's underfinanced p<^nsion funds and retiree benefits: Are your employees provided a defined' benefit pension and health benefits rather than a plan suppor ted by contributions from employee and the District? If not the latter, why not? 3. What measures has the District investigate.l and/ or considered to miti- gate ooeratinq costs? . From the information provided me by the District I would be in PROTEST of] the increased CCCSA Service charges. In another County where I have property I served on a sanitation committee a few years ago (1990 -93). The County Engineer Find staff proposed building a new $8 million waste treatment plant with assessment of cost to all users. I reviewed the issue and proposed ONE new piece of equipment (cost 3250,000) to add to existing waste tre�stment facilities. The County Board approved this and NO NE1d PLANT WAS REQUIRED. The $250,000 was paid/ prorated over time at nominal cost to the public. Perhaps CCCSA staff should widen their view of solutions to the District's needs. Their ,job is to serve the :public, not simply give way to Sate and Federal "mandates ". 320/305 N. Civic Dr. :dalnut Creek Ca. 94596 Cc_ Sincerely, G1/ tAia11 Re ,me1in May 3, 2011 Wally Reemelin 320/305 North Civic Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Dear Mr. Reemelin, In response to your questions raised by the Proposition 218 Notice you recently received from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD). 1. Did the District appear at any State hearings and present facts regarding new regulations? Yes, the District did attend and testify at meetings with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the California Air Resources Board. While some of the more stringent measures initially proposed by these agencies were either rejected or lessened in their impact, these agencies do control our State and Federal permits that regulate how we operate our collection system and our treatment plant. Violating their regulations, regardless of impact on our ratepayers, would result in heavy fines that would ultimately be paid by those ratepayers. 2. Employee pension and health care benefits? The District pays the employees' basic contribution to the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association and employees contribute three to five percent of salary based on their age of entry into the retirement system. This was done in lieu of salary increases. The District does not participate in the Social Security System (except for mandatory Medicare contribution from both employee and employer). The District contributes to a 401 (a) plan in the amount equivalent to the employer portion of the Social Security contribution. Health care benefits are covered by the District, with minor contributions from employees hired after July 1, 2009 for the District's HealthNet PPO plan. As to changes in pension and healthcare benefits, the District has contractual obligations with its unions. Those obligations can only be changed through negotiations with those labor groups. Present labor contracts continue through April 17, 2012. 3. Measures to mitigate operating costs? Over the past two years, the District has carefully and significantly reduced costs. These included saving $11 million by delaying or deferring a number of major capital projects; cutting 10 percent out of last year's budget; eliminating all but the most necessary overtime; and imposed a hiring freeze, replacing only critical personnel to ensure continued safe and secure operations. I hope these responses answer your questions. Yours truly, Michael Scahill Communication Services Manager RDC E5W DD MAY 0 2 L011 5/2/2011 OCCSD Vijay Polina ARY OF THE DISTUCT 6676 Aberdale Circle San Ramon, CA 94582 Sub: Protest to proposed increase in Annual Sewer Service Charge to Residential Customers Secretary of the District at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 As a property owner and resident of the Contra Costa County and San Ramon City, I am writing to protest the proposed increase in charges to residential customers. Rate increase when the economy is compressing and adjusting demonstrates the failed leadership, in- ability to manage the efficiencies in the Sanitary District and to contain or lower the costs. Requesting the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Board to reject this proposal. Accepting this proposal is equal to accepting in- efficiency, failed policies and in- ability to manage the CCCSD. Regards Vijay Written, signed protest of proposed increase in Annual Sewer Service Charge MAY 0 2 L U 1 1 To the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District: G` SECRETARY OF F THE DISTFdCT I oppose the proposed increase not because of the increase itself, but rather because of its continuation of the existing, unjust residential pricing policy. Current CCCSD residential pricing is a flat rate, "one size fits all" charge, regardless of the actual volume of sewer discharges from a residence. This is analogous to charging everyone the same for electricity, regardless of how much they use, or for water service, or for gasoline. The proposed rate increase simply increases costs (which may well be necessary, and which is not the substance of my protest), while continuing the current unjust, flat rate structure. It may be contended that CCCSD charges reflect in part certain capital costs that should be paid equally by everyone. Even if so, total charges should reflect, at least in part, volume of use, as CCCSD's costs certainly increase if discharge volume increases. The current flat residential rate structure discourages conservation measures, such as reduced shower, clothes washer, dishwasher, and toilet use. It, in fact, encourages the contrary: reckless disregard for environmental quality and public safety through unlimited discharges into the public sewer system. The fact that CCCSD charges industrial customers according to the volume of their discharges demonstrates the feasibility of charging on a per use basis. The same methods described for estimating the volume of the discharges by industrial customer could be applied to residential customers. I oppose any change to the CCCSD residential rate structure that does not incorporate charge based on discharge volume. Jamie Pehling 9P PARK PLACE ASSET MANACEMENT RECIEMED A Limited Partnership MAY 0 3 2011 April 19, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: ExecuCenter 2960 Camino Diablo Walnut Creek, CA 94597 APN #177- 140 -051 -0 Dear Board of Directors: CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT As the property owner of the above referenced office complex, please consider this our formal protest of the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. We understand this topic is to be discussed at the Public Hearing to be held on June 2. If sewer rates increase, we have no choice but to raise rents on our tenants to offset these rising costs. Therefore, we respectfully request you vote "no" on the proposed increase. It's bad for property owners and for our tenants. Please consider expense reduction ideas such as salary reductions, pension cuts, etc.!! Sincerely, EXECUCENTER, A California Limited Partnership By: Connor Walker, In Its eral Partner By: Robert E. Challey, resident REC:mbp 2960 CAMINO DIABLO ■ SUITE 300 ■ WALNUT CREEK, CA 94597 ■ (925) 932 -7955 REGIONAL OFFICE: 6100 SOUNDVIEW DRIVE ■ GIG HARBOR, WA 98335 ■ (253) 851 -8595 May 2, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District wboehme@centralsan.org Dear Mr. Boehme: RECIEUVEd MAY U 3 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRW NO, NO, NO! There should be no fee increases for the next two years. Every agency in our country is in the process of cutting costs, yet yours has the gall to propose an increase not only for next year, but also for the following! If you look around you will find people losing their homes, without jobs, trying to live on fixed incomes, etc. Yes, we all are cutting back. The Sanitary District must do the same. Yes, it would be great to have more revenue coming in to your department; but it's not there for us to give. Even Social Security has had no increases. In a year or so, if the economy improves, then you might consider an increase. Now, however is not the time. NO, NO, NO!!! Retired and living on a fixed income, L /arry�'and Sharon Leedham 227 Waterman Circle Danville, CA 94526 To, Date: 05/02/2011 REMOVED MAY 0 32011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District �yc p 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 Sub: Protesting the proposed rate increase Dear Sir /Madam, I am writing this letter to convey to you my protest proposed rate increase in sewer service charge of up to 9.6% in the first year and up to 8.8% in the second year. Already, we pay one the highest service charge in the bayarea. Instead of proposing rate increases, you need to look for opportunities to cut cost. I am against any further increase in the sewer service charges. Also going forward, I would like to suggest you to get public approval for the rate increase rather than assuming that customers agree with the increases unless we send write -in protest letters. Sincere Ahil Verma 2726 Salisbury Way San Ramon, CA, 94582 RD ECOWEID _ MAY 0 5 2011 CCCSD 6Gc:6'q /I js / SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT ,01 9 Jm he PI ce mo oe� ,Dead Mc o-in, j s � 7 ©p p z e r ;rxmv, C i n An �voJ Se c,�rl Se�v� c,P, yj- f P3-1 ceA f - Zx � a- a n o o6 Rd rcr� CLf)d a j� &dY h , (4a6-L�� &�'" y saw san Raman c�- 9� -s�Z, Gig G-64 �3) D q2-S- SY,6 1 S68 Ina.q 2, zo it �4Q�Gl d� �r�G�O ✓S af- C 5-0)(? 1.n koff Places. lnar�e, ez,, CA 94,5,S3 MAY 0 5 2011 SECRETS CCSD OF THE DISTRICT cLA j e ��l n r/Le a�4 e 1 i4�t �2 use- Sf -w L,. S&-tvzc-A� cka- -U &tkA e.*�, ►(� y,fk'"�' /° "�'�"" a-rcoL r „tee., 0 � �(•�,vv Cdre �a�ix. 7'�t.� /lo n - co �rtr- �/`l,ti¢. � ra �t �� `� V& -&k4t rrt- '61&t,( OA "anon sa la-I ��Yr[.Ql7i�.� �/�G4a4rvECy Qst/LLta �G77Mllt- l [ GC't ow -Cu k� f// V,-C2 > Gn C-V 4Z- � O-V �cU w G!A May 1, 2011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Proposed increase Sewer Service Charge Dear Sir or Madame R c EUVED MAY 0 5 2011 SECRETS OF THE DISTRICT This notice is being mailed to protest the proposed increase in the annual sewer service charge. As you are all aware most property owners are currently struggling to make their mortgage payments, in this harsh economic climate, and the last thing we want to see is higher property tax bills. Any increase in taxes during these difficult times will place a heavy burden on property owners. It is time for public agencies such as yours to make cuts and sacrifices just like everyone is making in these difficult times. Renovations, repairs, upgrading to sewer systems need to be placed on hold, until better economic times come again. Property owners have to place home improvement projects on hold also on their properties. Pension funds and retiree health insurance obligations which the CCCSD claims are underfinanced need to be reduced or eliminated, or dealt with without burdening the property owners. There is no more open checkbook from taxing homeowners, for agency shortcomings. I strongly disagree with any increase in the Annual Sewer Charge. It is bad politics, and bad timing. Sincerely C' S'7��� �✓ M A s rF2 Stephan Master 6405 Diana Lane Martinez, CA 94553 RURECOVED MAY 0 5LUli CCCSD SECREfAW OF THE DIST"CT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District District Secretary 5019 Imhoff Dr Martinez, Ca 94553 May 3, 2011 540 Indian Home Rd. Danville, Ca 94526 Please consider this a protest AGAINST the Sewer Service Charge increases proposed for fiscal years 2011 -2012 and 2012 -2013. No one I know is receiving income increases in this economy which makes these proposed increases ridiculous. We are on a fixed income and will not receive any income increase. Per your instructions my address and signature are included. Thank you. Henry J. Schacht IF:;4061,41 MAY 16 2011 Richard F. DeVoe CccsD 109 Terrace Road SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Walnut Creek, CA 94597 May 9, 2011 Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Secretary of the District: This letter is in regard to your Notice of a Public Hearing on a proposed increase in my annual sewer service charge. I protest the unacceptably high proposed increases for FY2011 -2012 and FY2012 -2013. The justification used by the District was grossly insufficient and vague. Included in those insufficiencies were the vagaries involving "meeting regulatory requirements ", "protecting public health and the environment ", the possibility of imposed fines, and reducing the District's "unfunded liability". The impression left with this reader is that District management is arrogantly pushing through huge percentage increases recommended by staff, with little or no analysis of options and tough decisions to lessen the burden on taxpayers. Sincerel3 RECEIVED MAY 1 G 2011 Secretary of the District May 6, 2011 CACKZW 5019 Imhoff Place WOFiIEOZffAGT Martinez, CA 94553 To Whom It May Concern: My husband and I would like to dispute the proposed rate increase requested by the Contra Costa County Sanitary District for Fiscal Year 2011 -2012. We understand that additional funds are needed for facility upgrades, maintenance etc. and that the District needs to financially meet regulatory requirements and fiscal responsibilities. However, why does this always mean an increase in rates or taxes? In this economic downturn, many families are struggling just to hold on to their homes and pay their bills. PG &E instituted an increase in the utility rates, EBMUD increased water rates, Valley Waste Management increased garbage rates and now the CCCSD wants to increase sewer rates which results in increasing property taxes! Has the CCCSD truly examined their 10 year plan and "trimmed" down their budget as much as possible? There is no other option besides raising rates? In the notice received for this "proposed" rate increase, it states that the income will also be used to finance "underfinanced pension funds and retiree health insurance obligations." What are the actual costs going to the retirees for their pension and health insurance? My husband and I feel fortunate to even own a home in this day and age. However, if utility rates keep going up and taxes keep increasing, how easy is it going to be for people to keep their homes? We hope the CCCSD truly examines the need for a proposed rate increase and keeps in mind the number of families who are truly struggling to keep their homes and how these people will be negatively impacted by the increase. Respectfully Submitted, Robert & Marilyn Hagler 2170 Norris Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 May 11, 2011 To Whom It May Concern, ° EGEOVED MAY 1.2 [011 rr � YY The following is a written protest in regards to the proposed increases for annual sewer service charge. Evidently, CCSD has failed in their 10 year plan. Since they have fixed amounts in property tax they should not have major issues in regards to expected revenue. It should be part of the plan. I can appreciate no changes in the past few years, regardless when taking those into consideration and the next couple of years CCCSD cannot expect rate papers to pay an increase of 17 %. The liability for pension and health care is an employee / union problem. It is not a rate payer problem and should not be passed on to the rate payer. It should be against the law. The only valid reason for major change in costs would be unexpected laws requiring investment. In which case, the state should help pay for of that. Despite the great work CCCSD performs, they need to solve internal liabilities and have normal cost of living adjustments in their plan. Until that is done, there should be no increases in rates. Mark DeBusschere 1040 Lorinda Ln Lafayette, CA May 1011 11:12p Akhilesh Verma 9252362230 p.1 To Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392. 05/10/11 ( Sub: Protest for Proposition 218, increase in your Annual Sewer Service charge) Sir/ Madam, We as a Resident of 5675 Wells Lane, San Ramon,CA — 94582 strongly protest the increase in Annual Sewer Service Charge as we pay a very hefty House Tax to the county to maintain and improve the Windemere community. I do not think County should levy any more Service Charges or Taxes to our community. Thus, I would strongly request that this Proposition be denied. Tha nks C / t r'� Regards-' Akhilesh Verma and Sumita Sharma May-11-2011 12:05Pm From- To From Sir, Secretary of the District 5019 Imhof Place, Martine7- CA 94553 Venkatesh Babu Chitlur Srinivasa 2651 Melbourne Way San Ramon CA 94582 T -140 P.001 F -253 Date: 11" May 2011 Subject: Protesting the rate increase in the Sewer Service charge of up to 9.6% in the first year and up to 8.8% in the second year. Reference: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING /COMPLIANCE WITH PROPOSITION 218 which is received on I r April 2011 I am the owner of the house at the above mentioned address received a notice from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) informing the rate increase in the Sewer Service charge of up to 9.6% in the first year and up to 8.8% in the second year. I do not agree that rate increase is the only way to address underfinanced pension funds and retiree health insurance obligations. I think CCCSD should not have committed to the unfunded liability obligations in the first place. CCCSD should first look into all avenues to cut costs and make sure it provides sewer service to the public at affordable prices. So I strongly protest the rate increase. Regards, Lesh Babu Chitlur Srinivasa) REMOVED MAY 1 � [011 a2 ol/ SMWFMY OF THE DISTRICT e' 547 12V o9,4, CCW/ -/ A CGS 779 5,,191V/T7921/ ZD4S7W.1 C - :YJ 1 CA 2 s�ss_3 al: 42iQQ7-- S7-/1V6- Tll� �/?OPa.S�l� /i✓C�1Ei4�S�S /!(l� / 347c.94 SSE /�� �°�.7�,C�T /��-/dT .c�11 .mss /-���s �.�.✓�Bs , �nA/lrr�UE� cA �ys7 3 Sharon A. Keeton 29 Winding Glen Alamo, CA 94507 (925) 820 -5212 May 12, 2011 Secretary of the District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 To Whom It May Concern: [mEC EOVEDD MAY 131011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT I would like to protest the proposed increase in rates for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. While I understand the increased costs and liabilities that the district foresees, the increase of almost 20% over two years for residential customers is too steep. It should occur more gradually. Sincerely, ' Sharon Keeton May 16, 2011 Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhof Place Martinez, CA 94553 I am writing to protest the CCCSD proposed the annual rate increase of $30 to be effective for the 2012 -2013 fiscal year and an additional $30 rate increase that would be effective for the 2013 -2014 fiscal year. The CCCSD must first get its own house in order before they can expect the public to sit by and approve what amounts to a 20% increase over the next two years. We are wasting taxpayers' money by paying exorbitant rates for medical insurance coverage for part time officials who are already covered by their full time positions. You must stop this unnecessary spending and the double dipping before you can expect taxpayers to consider such an increase. Yours very truly, `�� 64., fAll-� -7 Steve Hom and Rac elle Fong 816 Pradera Way San Ramon, CA 94583 Rebecca Lifton 5.16.2011 6227 Lakeview Circ. San Ramon.Ca. 94582 Re :Sanitary District rate increase of $60.- I very firmly PROTEST this increase. It is OUTRAGFEOUS 1 1 1 After learning the amounts of "Double Dipping" medical insurance you pay to a Board that spends Few hours a year sitting in a meeting...... SHAME ON YOU for sucking it to hard working citizens & retirees. Very Sincere Rebecca Lifton Rebecca Lifton 5.16.2011 202 Cascadas Ct. San Ramon.Ca. 94583 Re :Sanitary District rate increase of $60.- I very firmly PROTEST this increase. It is OUTRAGFEOUS !!! After learning the amounts of "Double Dipping" medical insurance you pay to a Board that spends Few hours a year sitting in a meeting...... SHAME ON YOU for sucking it to hard working citizens & retirees. Very Sincere Rebecca Lifton May 16, 2011 Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhof Place Martinez, CA 94553 I am writing to protest the CCCSD proposed the annual rate increase of $30 to be effective for the 2012 -2013 fiscal year and an additional $30 rate increase that would be effective for the 2013 -2014 fiscal year. The CCCSD must first get its own house in. order before they can expect the public to sit by and approve what amounts to a 20 % increase over the next two years. We are wasting taxpayers' money by paying exorbitant rates for medical insurance coverage for part time officials who are already covered by their full time positions. You must stop this unnecessary spending and the double dipping before you can expect taxpayers to consider such an increase. Yours very truly, �2ucik.- WSJ Susan Woo 808 Pradera Way San Ramon CA 94583 May 1711 01:55p Ken Duley 925- 736 -0359 p.1 May 17, 2011 Secretary of the Districts 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Subject: Protest Proposed Sewer Service Charge, effective July 1, 2011 This letter is sent to formally protest the proposed annual Sewer Service Charge rate increase of up to 9.6% in the first year, and up to 8.8% in the second year. Sincerely, Ken and Susan Duley Residential Customer 508 Iris Lane San Ramon, CA 94582 05/16/2011 20:03 14158746780 MOODYS ANALYTICS PAGE 01/01 Fay 5/17/2011 To: Secretary of the CCCSD Address: 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 Fax: 925-676-7211 From: Xihua Jiang & Xu Zhang Address: 3315 Sleeping Meadow Way, San Ramon, CA 94582 Fax: 415- 874 -6292 Comments: We Protest the Large Rate Increase in Annual Sewer Service Charge. The proposed increases for Sewer Service Charges for residences are too high. These 9.6% and 8.8% increases are substantial increases to the residential rates at a time when family resources are under pressure. We ask that the CCCSD do cost cutting and benefits reduction to balance the budget. Thank you, .............. . To Secretary of the CCCSD 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 From Hariprasad Mankude 3019 Hastings Way, San Ramon, CA 94582 G°CCERVE© MAY 17 2011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT 14th May 2011 We Protest the Large Rate Increase in Annual Sewer Service Charge. The proposed increases for Sewer Service Charges for residences are too high. These 9.6% and 8.8% increases are substantial increases to the residential rates at a time when family resources are under tremendous pressure and job situation is very dire. We ask that the CCCSD do cost cutting and reduce benefits to balance the budget. Thank you, ( Hanprasad Mankude) 14th May 2011 810 Fox Glen Pl. Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598 5/16/11 Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca 94553 GAL C�[��ML�DD MAY 172011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT This note is to register my strong objection to the proposed rate hike for sewer services. The fact that there has been no increase in charges for the past 2 years is not a suitable reason for any hike in charges since no new or improved service was given to justify an increase. The mention of the millions required for payments on bonds and the ongoing repair cost should already be included in the present charges. These should not be new items if management has been doing its job in properly utilizing funds presently collected. If any changes are to be made, I would think that management should be looking at how they can do a better job and look for ways to reduce costs, especially in view of the present state of the economy. A near 20% increase in charges for the next 2 years is absurd. Residential Customer Kinman Gong ►�ECEIVEDD MAY 17 2011 810RETARY OF THE DISTRICT May 16, 2011 Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhof Place Martinez, CA 94553 I am writing to protest the CCCSD proposed the annual rate increase of $30 to be effective for the 2012 -2013 fiscal year and an additional $30 rate increase that would be effective for the 2013 -2014 fiscal year. The CCCSD must first get its own house in order before they can expect the public to sit by and approve what amounts to a 20% increase over the next two years. We are wasting taxpayers' money by paying exorbitant rates for medical insurance coverage for part time officials who are already covered by their full time positions. You must stop this unnecessary spending and the double dipping before you can expect taxpayers to consider such an increase. Yours very truly, Ron Smith 219 Cascadas Ct San Ramon, CA 94583 (mSCEOVEDD MAY 171011 CCCSD , SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT G�� 11:38:36 a.m. 05 -18 -2011 Ill 925 694 8818 ORACLE From: Sinfan Tang & Jiaer Wu 2602 Paige Way San Ramon, CA 94582 To: Secretary of the CCCSD S019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 fax # (925) 676 -7211 Dear CCCSD Representative, We Protest the Large Rate Increase in Annual Sewer Service Charge. The proposed increases for Sewer Service Charges for residences are too high. These 9.6% and 8.8% increases are substantial increases to the residential rates at a time when family resources are under pressure. We ask that the CCCSD do cost cutting and reduce benefits to balance the budget. Thank you, Sinfan Tang e5 MAY 191 11 CCCSD BECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT �- c� s'5-3 pe �- e co, 14 / cy e Ife.- 5.1 XI) Y Ire cc _c;c May 24, 2011 Paula Hines 943 Stow Lane Lafayette, CA 94549 Dear Ms. Hines, In response to your letter concerning the proposed increase in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Sewer Service Charge, I regret to say that we do not have an adjustable scale for those charges. It is a flat rate for all of the ratepayers in our service area. The District has taken a number of measures to reduce expenditures over the past two years including a hiring freeze, replacing only the most essential positions; an across the board reduction in expenses of 10 percent that saved $11 million; and deferring maintenance and repairs where feasible. Every effort has been made to contain our costs and minimize the amount we must charge in order to stay in compliance with both State and federal regulations. I hope this answers your question. Yours truly, Michael Scahill Communication Services Manager Secretary of the CCCSD 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94533 Fax: (925) 676 -7211 May 17, 2011 G�C�C��OML�D MAY 232011 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Dear Ms. Boehme: I am writing to protest against the proposed increase in Sewer Service Charge increase of up to $30 for Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 for a total charge of up to $341 and an additional $30 for Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 for a total charge of up to $371. In times when the economy is weak and the rate of inflation is low an increase of 9.6% and 8.8% is not justified. The CCCSD should explore alternate means to get any budget shortfall including cutting cost through use of furlough days, salary and benefit cuts to ensure that the county is able to manage the operations and maintenance as well as capital expenditures of the sewer facilities in the existing budget. It seems like as the housing market has deteriorated and new home connection fees have declined most public service agencies including CCCSD have not been able to make the necessary cuts to the budget in order to compensate for these shortfalls. This really seems like a shortfall in the abilities of the CCCSD management. The CCCSD should provide details about the existing use of funds and in particular increases in payroll and capital expenditures to residents and also full disclosure about what alternatives have been considered before its recommends to make such large scale increases. Thanking you in anticipation. i Gary Sheth, San Ramon and Contra Costa County Resident S/z 3111 r May 23, 2011 Gary Sheth 2728 Paige Way San Ramon, CA 94582 Dear Mr. Sheth, In response to your letter protesting the proposed increase in the Sewer Service Charge, I wanted to answer your questions and clear up several points. First, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is a special district, not part of Contra Costa County operations. While the County does collect the Sewer Service Charge for the District on its bi- annual tax bill, the County has no role in managing operations of the District. As for cost cutting measures, Central San has taken a number of measures to reduce expenditures over the past two years including a hiring freeze, replacing only the most essential positions; an across the board reduction in expenses of 10 percent that saved $11 million; and deferring maintenance and repairs where feasible. As for your suggestions for employee furloughs and cuts in salaries and benefits, all of them are elements of existing union contracts which cannot be changed at will. Those contracts last through the end of this year and negotiations for new contracts will address those issues in early 2012. I hope this reply answers your questions. Yours truly, Michael Scahill Communication Services Manager Mr Gaurang Sheth 2728 Paige Way San Raj-non, CA 94582 fi o koW P Lct ce - Ko ,v H we -z- I CA- q 53-3 Im ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIiiih !I III fill Ill fill III III fill s USA r n WILLIAM C. RUST, JR. LEE J. RUST 252 Morris Ranch Ct. Danville, CA 94526 (925) 820 -9047 May 19, 2011 Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 G°�L C�CdM�D MAY 2 3 2011 cccSD SMRMRY OF THE DISTRICT Re: PROTEST - Sewer Service Charge Protest Property Owners: William C. Rust, Jr. Lee J. Rust Assessor's Parcel Number: 208 - 462 -007 -5 00 Property Address: 252 Morris Ranch Ct., Danville, CA 94526 We PROTEST the proposed increase in the Annual Sewer Service Charge to be considered at a Public Hearing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 2, 2011, at the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94533. Your refusal to plan and reserve for funding pensions and health care costs reflects poorly on the CCCSD's management and elected officials. It cannot be the basis for a rate increase. Our names and property information are shown above. Z. Respectfully submitted, r William C. Rust, Jr., Pr a Owner Lee J. Rust, Pr erty Owner rRIECENED MAY l 51011 My name is Jason J Kim. The service address is 13 Dianne Court, Lafayette, Ca. 94548 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTFMCT This letter is to oppose CCCSD's proposal of the rate increase of 9.6 % from FY12 and 8.8% from FY13. A lot of people are struggling financially because of wage stagnant, high price of gas and food, not to mentioning almost 14 million unemployed people.So what people need is a sewer service rate decease, not the rate incease. As you people know, states and municipalities across the nation are downsizing by cutting budget and laying off public workers. CCCSD should do likewise It is noted here that your proposed increases are more than 4 times of current core CPI. 2,12, all Jason J Kim (5/27/201' 1) RATES RATES -Rate increases �' Page 1 From: Richard Nishkian <rich nish @comcast. net> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 4/15/2011 11:26 AM Subject: Rate increases How much of the rate increase is because the exorbitant cost of the pension system? I assume that you tell the state and the feds that their new regulations make you raise your rates just like it was a tax increase that the voters didn't get to vote on. We should get the law changed, taxes without representation. Richard Nishkian Walnut Creek Page 1 of 1 RATES RATES - Sanitary District Tax Bill increase for 11/12/13 From: "Lindy Soward" <sowardins @sbcglobal.net> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 4/15/20113:46 PM Subject: Sanitary District Tax Bill increase for 11/12/13 First of all need I even state how angry I am that you are increasing your rates during these hard times for everyone! Contra Costa has the highest garbage rates, the highest sewer rates and the highest water rates of any of the northern counties. I moved out of Contra Costa County 7 years ago in order to avoid the over greedy taxes, but ended up owning property in Contra Costa County to my dismay. I do plan to do exchanges in the next five years for properties in other counties if you don't break me first so I have to sell sooner. In the meantime, I need a cost calculation for the next three years for 1230 Pine Street, Martinez -- residential multi -use SowardKamola Properties LLC. 545 Parker Ave. Rodeo -- residential multi -use Parker House Apartments LLC Carolyn Kamola, Owner of the above two properties. file: //C: \Documents and Settings \mscahill\Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DA8685FG... 5/27/2011 (527/2011) RATES RATES rate increase From: Del Shull <delshull @g mail. com> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 4/18/2011 4:33 PM Subject: rate increase We received your notice of a requested rate increase. It is always how a utility can describe their costs and needs for more money but they never talk about the major costs steps they have taken to reduce and or control costs. Example: You talk about not have raised rates for two years like that is a real attribute. I am retired and have not had a pension in twenty years. It seems to me utilities need to know their customer are trying to deal with the economy and increased costs. When was the last time the District reduced employees, reduce pension and health benefits, and bargained salary levels for craft and management? I would like you to take some effective steps to reduce costs before raising rates to the public. I am against you rate increase. Del Shull, Danville, Ca Page 1 of 1 RATES RATES -10 -year Business Plan From: Tom Thie <tomthie1126 @yahoo.com> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 4/22/20119:24 AM Subject: 10 -year Business Plan Dear Sir/Madam: Your Notice of Public Hearing -Prop 218 spells out specific cost requirements over the next ten years for projects, improvements, upgrading, and bond payments. However, there was no specific cost spelled out for underfinanced pension and retiree health insurance. Please provide the projected cost for these employee benefits. Thank you, Tom Thie file: / /C: \Documents and Settings \mscahill \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DB 14952GW... 5/27/2011 Page 1 of 1 RATES RATES - Question about proposed rate increase From: <nandtpatten @comcast.net> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 4/24/2011 10:25 AM Subject: Question about proposed rate increase To Whom It Concerns; We are ratepayers in CCCSD. We recently received a notice regarding a proposed rate increase. The notice says that the increase is needed, in part, due to un- financed pension and retiree benefit obligations. As you know, many other public agencies and private businesses have frozen or cut salaries and /or benefits due to reduced revenues in recent years. Please let us know what CCCSD is doing to rein in salaries, retirement and benefit costs. Thank you in advance for addressing this question. Very truly yours, Nancy and Tom Patten 724 Skyline Dr Martinez file://C: \Documents and Settings \mscahill \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DB3FAA5G... 5/27/2011 Page 1 of 1 RATES RATES - Notice of Rate Increases - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District From: Wtamen44 <wtamen44 @aol.com> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 5/4/20119:37 AM Subject: Notice of Rate Increases - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Dear CCCSD, As a residential home owner, I have received a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing /Compliance with Proposition 218 mailed on April 18, 2011. This notice deals with proposed increases of 9.86% July 1, 2011 and 8.8% July 1, 2012 for a whopping 19% increase over the course of the next two years. The notice cites increased federal and state requirements and increased operations and maintenance costs as the reasons for this huge rate increase. The notice provides little detail regarding the need for these increases, however, among the reasons given are "...deficit caused by reduced revenue as a result of no Sewer Service Charge increases over the past two years while also reducing the District's unfunded liability ". The notice solicits any questions I might have. My questions are as follows: 1. How much additional revenue will be generated in FY 2011 -2012 and 2012 -2013 by the proposed rate increases? 1. Exactly what will be the amount of the "deficit caused by reduced revenue..." as of the end of the current fiscal year (6/30/11)? 2. Exactly how will be the amount of the (a) unfunded pension and (b) retiree health insurance obligations as of the end of the current fiscal year? 3. Has the District taken any action, or does in contemplate any action, to renegotiate pension and retiree health insurance obligations going forward? 4. What, in general, are the pension and retiree benefits which are underfunded at this time, i.e. to what pension benefits and retiree health insurance are employees entitled? Is the pension plan a defined benefit plan? 5. Are the employees who are the beneficiaries of pension and health insurance obligations unionized and if so, to what union do they belong? Please provide me with specific answers to my specific questions. Please do not refer me to some unfathomable 10 -Year Plan or budget. Thank you. Tom Amen 1056 Hacienda Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925.274.0440 file://C: \Documents and Settings \mscahill \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DCI IE4CG... 5/27/2011 Page 1 of 1 RATES RATES - Notice of Public Hearing June 2, 2011 From: John Alexander <alexander0971 @sbcglobal.net> To: <rates @centralsan.org> Date: 5/18/20113:31 PM Subject: Notice of Public Hearing June 2, 2011 Dear Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, This is to request additional information about the proposed rate increase of 9.6% and 8.8% over the next 2 years. The hearing notice dated April 18, 2011 states that the proposed rate increases are due (in part) to "...new state and federal regulations involving water and air quality [since June 2008] ... ". Please identify the new state and federal regulations, and the additional cost (or portion of the total rate increase) to comply with those regulations. Very truly yours, John Alexander 2251 Loch Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94598 email: alexander0971 a,sbcglobal.net file://C: \Documents and Settings \mscahill \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DD3E651G... 5/27/2011 ORDINANCE NO. 266 AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.24.030 WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) has previously developed and instituted a Sewer Service Charge Program to finance the services and facilities furnished by the District, and WHEREAS, it is reasonable and necessary that all users of the District's wastewater and household hazardous waste collection, treatment, recycling, reuse and disposal services and facilities, including those temporary users served under Special Discharge Permits, contribute their appropriate portion of the funding for such District services and facilities; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has reviewed the current Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates and has determined that the annual residential sewer service charge rate should be increased by $30.00 per living unit to $341.00 per living unit for fiscal year 2011 -2012, and $30.00 per living unit to $371 per living unit for fiscal year 2012 -13, and that non - residential sewer service charge rates should be increased in proportionally similar amounts as the residential sewer service charge rate; and WHEREAS, Chapter 6.24.030 of the District Code provides the enabling authority for the District to implement the proposed uncodified Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing to receive comments and protests and to consider the proposed uncodified Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates was held on June 2, 2011; and WHEREAS, in adopting this Ordinance, the Board of Directors finds that: a. Written notices of the proposed increase in sewer service charge rates were sent by first class U.S. mail to every owner of property connected in the District at least 45 days prior to the Public Hearing on the proposed increase conducted on June 2, 2011. b. All written protests against the proposed increase in the sewer service charge rates, including those provided in person, by facsimile, email and U.S. mail, were considered and tallied at the Public Hearing conducted on June 2, 2011, and the District was not presented with protests by a majority of the owners of the identified parcels affected by this change. Ordinance No. 266 Page 2 of 6 c. The amount of the charge imposed does not exceed the proportional cost of the service attributable to the properties receiving service and the charge is only imposed on those properties actually receiving service or for those which service is immediately available. d. This action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15273 (a) (1 -4) of the District CEQA Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the District does ordain as follows: Section 1 (To be Uncodified) The "Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates" as set forth in full in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance, which exhibit is incorporated in full herein by this reference, is hereby adopted in uncodified form pursuant to the provisions of District Code Section 6.24.030. As of the effective date of this Ordinance, Sewer Service Charges shall be charged at such rates and for such categories of users as set forth in said Schedule, and shall remain in effect until amended or replaced by ordinance. Section 2 All ordinances, parts of ordinances and any provision of Resolution 2008 -063 in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed. The provisions of this ordinance, insofar as they are substantially the same as existing provisions relating to the same subject matter shall be construed as restatements and continuations thereof and not as new enactments. To the extent this ordinance or any portion or section of this ordinance is determined invalid or unconstitutional, such portions of Resolution 2008 -063 shall remain in effect and such rates and charges due thereunder for any categories of users shall remain due and payable as if those portions of Resolution 2008 -063 had not been repealed. With respect, however, to violations, rights accrued, liabilities accrued, or appeals taken, prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, under any chapter, ordinance, or part of an ordinance, such chapter, ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be deemed to remain in full force for the purpose of sustaining any proper suit, action, or other proceedings, with respect to any such violation, right, liability or appeal. Section 3 This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times and San Ramon Valley Times, newspapers of general N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \ORDINANCES \Ordinances - Complete Version \ORD 266 SSC Ordinance 2011- 13.DOC Ordinance No. 266 Page 3 of 6 circulation within the District, and shall be effective on July 1, 2011. This ordinance shall be kept on file with the Secretary of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 2nd day of June 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Barbara D. Hockett President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Elaine R. Boehme, CIVIC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. District Counsel N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \ORDINANCES \Ordinances - Complete Version \ORD 266 SSC Ordinance 2011- 13.DOC Ordinance No. 266 Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates (Uncodified) This schedule of Sewer Service Charges (to be effective July 1, 2011, was established by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. 266, adopted June 2, 2011. User Group Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Residential (rate per living unit): Single Family Dwellings, Mobile Homes, Townhouses, Condominium Units, Multi-Family Units $341.00 $371.00 Commercial / Non- Industrial (rates per hundred cubic feet): Bakeries $8.72 $9.48 Supermarkets w /garbage disposals $6.58 $7.16 Mortuaries $6.21 $6.75 Restaurants $6.46 $7.03 Others $3.16 $3.44- Minimum Annual Charge $354.00 $385.00 Industrial (rates per unit specified): Wastewater Flow (per hundred cubic feet) $1.30 $1.42 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (per 1,000 pounds) $725.00 $789.00 Suspended Solids (per 1,000 pounds) $519.00 $564.00 Demand (per hundred cubic feet/day in peak month) $156.33 $170.08 Minimum Annual Charge $354.00 $385.00 Special Discharge Permits & Contractual Agreements: Determined Individually Determined Individual) Page 1 N:\ADMINSUPWDMIN \DIST- SEC \ORDINANCES \Ordinances - Complete Version \ORD 266 SSC Ordinance 2011- 13.DOC Ordinance No. 266 Page 5 of 6 Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates (continued) Page 2 CADOCUME -I %DANDER- INLOCALS-11Temp1DRAFT ORD 266 SSC Ordinance 2011 -13 jm2.DOC Fiscal Year Fiscal Year User Group 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Mixed Use (for parcels with shared water meter; rates per hundred cubic feet): Rate Group XA: (90 -99% Standard Commercial; 1 -10% Restaurant) $3.49 $3.80 Rate Group XB: (80 -89% Standard Commercial; 11 -20% Restaurant) $3.82 $4.16 Rate Group XC: (70 -79% Standard Commercial; 21 -30% Restaurant) $4.15 $4.52 Rate Group XD: (60 -69% Standard Commercial; 31-40% Restaurant) $4.48 $4.88 Rate Group XE: (50 -59% Standard Commercial; 41 -50% Restaurant) $4.81 $5.24 Rate Group XF: (40 -49% Standard Commercial; 51-60% Restaurant) $5.14 $5.59 Rate Group XG: (30 -39% Standard Commercial; 61 -70% Restaurant) $5.47 $5.95 Rate Group XH: (20 -29% Standard Commercial; 71 -80% Restaurant) $5.80 $6.31 Rate Group XI: (10 -19% Standard Commercial; 81 -90% Restaurant) $6.13 $6.67 Rate Group XJ: (31 -35% Standard Commercial; 65 -69% Bakery) $6.77 $7.37 Rate Group XK: (21 -30% Standard Commercial; 70 -79% Bakery) $7.05 $7.67 Rate Group XL: (16 -20% Standard Commercial; 80 -84% Bakery) $7.61 $8.27 Rate Group XM: (11 -15% Standard Commercial; 85 -89% Bakery) $7.89 $8.57 Rate Group XN: (5 -10% Standard Commercial; 90 -95% Bakery) $8.16 $8.88 Rate Group XO: (10 -15% Restaurant; 85 -90% Bakery) $8.38 $9.11 Minimum Annual Charge $354.00 $385.00 Page 2 CADOCUME -I %DANDER- INLOCALS-11Temp1DRAFT ORD 266 SSC Ordinance 2011 -13 jm2.DOC Ordinance No. 266 Page 6 of 6 Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates (continued) User Group Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Institutional (rates per hundred cubic feet unless otherwise noted): Churches $3.16 $3.44 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) $3.16 $3.44 Schools (Elementary) $4.36 / per student $4.75 / per student Schools (Intermediate) $4.61 / per student $5.02 / per student Schools (High School) $4.87 / per student $5.30 / per student Fraternal & Service Organizations $3.16 $3.44 Local & State Institutions $3.16 $3.44 Other Tax Exempt (Except Federal) $3.16 $3.44 Federal Institutions $3.16 $3.44 Utilities with Special Tax Status $3.16 $3.44 Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes, & Convalescent Hospitals $3.16 $3.44 Minimum Annual Charge $354.00 $385.00 Page 3 N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \ORDINANCES \Ordinances -Complete Version \ORD 266 SSC Ordinance 2011- 13.DOC RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DIRECTING THAT THE SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2011 -2012 AND 2012 -2013 BE COLLECTED ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL WHEREAS, the District has previously developed and instituted a Sewer Service Charge Program for services and facilities furnished by the District to finance yearly Operation and Maintenance of the District; and WHEREAS, the Sewer Service Charge is collected through a direct charge to the users; and WHEREAS, the District Code provides that the District may elect to collect current and delinquent charges on the tax rolls as provided by Sections 5470 through 5473 of the Health & Safety Code; and WHEREAS, it is considered to be economical and efficient to continue the existing practice and collect the Sewer Service Charges for the 2011 -2012 and 2012 -2013 fiscal years on the County of Contra Costa tax roll. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the Sewer Service Charges for Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 and Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 are to be placed on the County of Contra Costa tax roll for collection. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June 2011, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Barbara D. Hockett President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Elaine R. Boehme, CMC Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. Counsel for the District