HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.d. Accept financial status and budget of Self-Insurancxe Fund, etc.Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 36 440, ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: A P R I L 7, 2011 Subject: REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $850,000 TO THE FUND FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET Submitted Bj(. Initiating Dept. /Div.:. Shari Deutsch, Safety & Risk Administrative /Safety & Risk Management Management Administrator REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: rr Wsgrave-s + Jam Kelly, Gener I Manager ISSUE: The Self - Insurance Fund (SIF) is to be reviewed each year by the Board of Directors with staff presenting funding recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. The Budget and Finance Committee reviewed this position paper at the April 4, 2011 Committee meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the fiscal year 2011 -12 SIF Budget and authorize the allocation of $850,000 to the fund from the fiscal year 2011 -12 Operations & Maintenance (O &M) Budget for inclusion in the budget. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The impact of this action requires the allocation of $850,000 from the fiscal year 2011 -12 O &M Budget to the SIF. ALTERNATIVESICONSIDERATIONS: The alternatives to this action are to provide less funds than recommended, to not fund the SIF, decrease the fund balance, or to increase the fund balance by transferring more than $850,000. BACKGROUND: The District has self- insured most of its liability and some of its property risks since July 1, 1986, when the Board approved the establishment of the Self- Insurance Fund. The District currently self- insures liability risks within its $1,000,000 retention. At this time, the District does not purchase insurance coverage for earthquake or flood losses because insurance programs currently available in California are too expensive for the scope and limits of coverage provided. As a result, the District essentially self- insures these risks as well. The - SIF has effectively funded District losses over its twenty -five year history. Each year funds are transferred from the O &M Budget to the SIF. According to the ten year plan, the O &M contribution for fiscal year 2011 -12 is $850,000. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 7, 2011 subject REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $850,000 TO THE FUND FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET Fund Allocation In 1094, a new Government Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 10 (GASB-1 0) set forth requirements on how public agencies must fund their self- insured risks. To assure compliance with GASB -10, the District restructured the SIF into three sub - funds. Each of the three (3) sub -funds was established .to fund specific risks. SUB -FUND A: GASB- 10 Actuarial ly -Based risks These include general liability and automobile liability risks. Under the requirements of GASB -10, risks that can be actuarially studied must be funded based on an actuarial study to be performed .every two years. General liability and automobile liability are readily studied throughout the insurance and self- insurance industry to determine funding levels for these liabilities. The District obtained an actuarial review of its self- insured general liability and automobile liability in November 2010 that projected losses for these risks. The actuary, Aon Risk Consulting (formerly ARM Tech) recommended the Sub -Fund A reserve for fiscal year 2011 -12 claims be $395,000 based on insurance industry statistics, the District's actual claims experience and a self insured retention (SIR) of $1,400,000. However, given the increased likelihood and cost of litigation of claims paid from this fund, the Board increased the target reserve to $1,000,000. Sub -Fund A is used to self- insure these risks based on the District having a $15,000,000 excess liability policy and a $1,000,000 self - insured retention. The average annual expense for Sub -Fund A over the last three fiscal years has been approximately $315,000, offset by average revenue of approximately $18,000 for an average draw down of reserves of $297,000 annually. The budgeted revenue for fiscal year 2011 -12 is $4,200 with expenses of $380,000 for an estimated reduction in Sub - Fund A reserves of $355,800. A transfer of $355,800 from Sub -Fund C is necessary in order to maintain the reserve at $1,000,000. SUB -FUND B: GASB -10 Non-actuarially-based risks. These include employment - related and pollution - related risks. Because employment - related and pollution- related losses occur infrequently and the costs of the claims vary widely, the frequency and severity of these losses are less predictable than those addressed by Sub Fund A. For this same reason, GASB -10 does not require a biennial actuarial review of these risks. However, GASB -10 requires that such potential risks be adequately funded even though they are not actuarially reviewed. With guidance from risk management and insurance specialists, the District established Sub -Fund B at $2,400,000, to fund POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 7, 2011 subject. REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $850,000 TO THE FUND FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET employment - related and pollution- related risks based on the purchase of an Employment Practices Excess Liability insurance policy. SUB -FUND C: Non -CASB 10 risks This Sub -Fund covers all risk management program insurance premiums, potential losses from uninsurable risks, and the costs of initiating claims and lawsuits against others who have damaged the District. The District established this Sub -Fund to fund non -CASB 10 risks under our risk management program. Specific costs include: insurance premiums for a $15,000,000 excess general liability policy; $5,000,000 excess general liability and $1 0,940,990 pollution liability policy for the Household Hazardous Waste facility, $1,900,000 employment practices liability with $15,000 retention, a crime policy which includes coverage for computer fraud and insurance premiums for insuring District properties for fire, explosion, water damage, etc. for losses above $250,000. Staff is anticipating an approximate increase in general liability insurance premiums of at least five percent and a ten percent increase in property insurance premiums. The annual average expense for Sub -Fund C over the past three fiscal years has been approximately $415,000 offset by average revenue of approximately $1,053,000 for a average increase of $545,000 to reserves. When reduced by the average annual transfer from Sub -fund C to other Sub -funds over the past three fiscal years the annual average increase to Sub -fund C reserves is approximately $219,000. The budget for fiscal year 2011 -12 revenue is $880,800 with expenses of $549,500 for an estimated addition to Sub -Fund C reserves of $331,3000 However, $415,800 is anticipated to be transferred to Sub -Funds A and B for a net decrease in Sub -fund C reserves of $84,500. This leaves a reserve balance of $1,295,388. Exhibits and Charts Exhibit I presents a recent financial history and projection of the SIF and shows the 2011 -12 SIF budget estimates total revenues of $904,000 and total expenses of $979,500, decreasing the projected fiscal year 2011 -12 total SIF reserves by $84,500 to $4,895,389 on June 30, 2012. The budgeted revenues include the recommended allocation of $850,040 from the fiscal year 2011 -12 9 &M budget to the SIF. Exhibits 11, 111 & IV present the projected Sub -Fund A, Sub -Fund B and Sub -Fund C fiscal year 2011 -12 budget summary. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 7, 2011 subject REVIEW THE FINANCIAL STATUS AND BUDGET OF THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF $850,000 TO THE FUND FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET Chart 1 shows the revenue, expense and reserve history for the entire SIF. chart 2 shows the history of loss payments and insurance premiums. chart 3 shows historical and projected SIF reserves for each Sub -Fund. Chart 4 shows the individual Sub - Funds and combined SIF historical and projected reserves. chart 5 summarizes the District's current insurance program. A presentation on the Self- Insurance Fund will be made to the Budget & Finance Committee on April 4, 2011. If the Committee has any concerns this item will be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. If the Committee agrees with staff's analysis and recommendations, the item will remain on the consent calendar. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the proposed fiscal year 2011 -12 Self- Insurance Fund Budget and approve the allocation of $850,000 to the fund for inclusion in the fiscal year 2011 -12 O&M Budget. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA, SANITARY DISTRlic"I'll"Ir SELF111111 NSU RANCE FUND ( SIF) Jt,il 1, 20,05 - JUne 30,, 20 12 Actua�l ACALial ActLial Actual ACtUal I I F'ro B u d 1, 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 201 C)-.20'1'1 2011-2012 Revenues SIF Allocatbnfr'or ri O&M FUnd 2 5 0, r DO 700,000 1 , "1 -17, 00 0 8510,000 "1 8 3 0 0 0 850,000 850,000 llTSLjran(-.e Allocafion frorn HFiVV 32 32F) 33,278 29 3,34 0 52,47"1 30, 000 25,( )00 Subro Recover 14, -1 8�03-1 0 0 In'tet"est Incorne '1241771 1621627 1 �59,501 87 10 6' 29,8115 20�O�00 20,000 Total Rev(-'.'�., , nue 4 c , 1320,479 955 1 137 "1 , 1" 65 ;, 2 B 6 9W 00o 895�000 Expenses Clainis Adjt,isfiri 1,217 0 0 0 0 1,00(-) Insurarice CO�-ISLJ[thl 0 �O 01 0 0 4X() 0 Loss Pa 198 43,013 399,956, 166,040 4.5 347 250,000 250,000 LeO Services 200,568 3711 69,371 200 3 163 77" 500 85,000 Technical Services 26,577 27,569 75,355 83,962 1 5,482 205,000 '1 '1 10, 000 Insurance Preri,iii.iiiis 485,185 47,8 401 X 292 388,0113 404 420,000 533, 500 Totial Expenses 91 1 , 839 552,562 945 838,725 496,612 957,500 979, 500 Revenue Over Expense (5104742) 343,343 374,5015 116 968,674 (57,5010) (84,500) Reserves Be of Year 3,539,197 3,034,455 3,377,798 3,752,303 3,868,715 4,8371389 4, 779,889 Reveriue over Expense (504,�742) 34-3,343 �374,505 -116,4,12 968,674 (57�500) (84,500) End of Year Reservles 53 71 9�T 752,303 3,868 4,837,389 7 4,,791889 4,695,389 Uncommitted Reserves Act Uarial Reserves -- GAS,B 10 (FUnd A) 881,500 629,8210 629,820 '75000 1,00(),000 1 1 0 Mw, .1 $ 0c)(),000 Non- ActUarW Reserves - GASB 10 (Fund B) 2,152955 2 152,955 2,4100,000 2,400,1000 2,400,0100 2,400,000 2,400,000 Non,.,GASB 10 Reserves (Furid C) 595,023 722 483 718, 71 5 "1,4,37 1,379,889 1,2195,389 Re,rves Total 3 3,,37"'17,7"'c")8 3752 3,,868,7-15 4,83713 89 4 , 779,889 4,695,3819 Chan in Reserves 4-42 (510117 3431343 374,505 116�412 , 74 98 6 6 . . . ......... M) 0 (75 (84,500) SELF-INSURANCE FUND Actual 2009Im­2010, Pro 2010-11 and Buid III t 2011-2012 SUB-FUND A.- GASB-10 ACTUARIALLYBASED RISKS GENERAL LIABILITY AND,AUT,OMOBILE LIABILITY Actual Pro BUd 2009-2010 2010-2011 20,11-2012 Actuarial Reserves - GASB 10 1- Be of Year- $ '750,000 $ 17,000,0100 $ I 0001000 Revenues-, O&M Subra Recover fi,'itei'es't' Total Revenues Expenses: [..osses Le Technical lnsi,i�i,'ance C011SLI[fin Services Total Expenses Revenue over Expense , 1 , 1 '�� V ­ CD :;, ­' Z� . R e g"', f, e Ti ,ma i'­isfer' (to n SuI::),­FLjr-id C Transfei- (to)/from Stila-Fund C"'; 7 49,200 4 7 412 4200 4,5934-7 2501000 250,000 301513 20,000 25,000 15,482 175,000 85,000 0 0 0 . ..... . ...... . . ...... _­ ............... - .................... . ............ 91,342 4.4511000 360,000 (83,6,038) (440�800) (355�800) 83,638 4 4 RE 0'' o" 355,800 250,'000 wlwl rotial Reserves Pro End of Year 19000,000 $ 419000 $ 11 1000YO100 S 115% EL1.,F,.1NSURANCE FUND ActUal 2009-2010, Pro 2010-11 and Bud 20,11,11-20,12 SUB-FUND B: GASB-10 NOWACTUARIALLY BASED RISKS EMPLOYMENT RELATED AND POLLUTION RISKS Actual Pro �Bud 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-20,12 l Be, innim Reserves 29400,0010 $ 214001000 $ 27400000 _ Reveiiiues.- O&M Recover hi,iterest 181493 '10,,0100 Total Revenues '185493 10,000 10000 Expei,isesl- 1-osses Le 509000 50,0100 ­r'e(­J,irii "fin a] 2 000 20,M)o Total Expenses 751000 70�000 Revenue over Expense 1 8,493 (65,,000) (60,1000) F-1 es e rves. , ­rr,aris,fer (t0M11`1 SLjb-,Fi..uid A Trar')afei,- ( to ) /from & i b ­ F u d C ( '1814,93 ) 657000 60000 1 lotal Reserves Pro End of "Year $ 2,1400 $ 2 $ 29400,000 SELY-INSURANCE FUND ActUal 2009-20 Pro 2010­11 and Bud 20 SUB-FUND C: NON GASB-10 RISKS RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INSURANCE PREMIUMS AND COSTS OF INITIATING CLAIMS/LAWSUITS AGAINST' OTHERS Actual Pro Bud 2009-2010 20,10-2,011 2011-2012 $ 718,715 $ 1 43-71,389 $ 1 3791889 1,383,1000 850MO, 8510y000 52�471 30,000 25�000 37618 57800 5 1 14319,089 885 880,800 1 1000 1 7000 Revenue over Expense Reserves.,, Trw,iafer (to)/fram Si,,jb,-Fi.,jr-ids A Tra s (to)/from SUb-FLE"ids A "T'rariSfElff (to)/fi,orn Sub-Ftirids B 650 7,5010 10 � 000 - 51000 5,000 4041620 4,20,000 533,500 405527C) 4 3 7 111 0 0 54,9 00 1703381 9 21, 4 8 3 0 0 3311300 (2,90 1 8,49 `3 (6,91000) (60000) Tatal Reserves Pro"e,cteld End of Year 1 )4371 1389 $ 389 $ 1 53799889 $ 11295 C (10 CO: 0 LO . . ..... .. .... ..... . ...... . . .... . . ......... . .. ... ...... . . . .......... .. .... 0 CD CO: (0: cc 0 (0: 0 (C.) 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