HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS AGENDA 04-06-1111 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Hockett Wednesday, April 6, 2011 :oo p.m. l ii��r iiiir iiiiir iiiurii��i 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BA RBA RA D. HOCKETT President JAMES A. NEJEDL Y Precidew Pro Tent MICHAEL R. MCGILL M A RIO AI. MENESINI DAVID R. N ILLIAUS PHONE (925) 228 -9500 F AX: (925) 676 -7 www.cenii Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to spear and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience un less invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee i s proh from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. ENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Deception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Deports or information relating to agenda items distributed wi thin 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Doom. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance w ith the Americans with Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those wi th disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations modations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303. Capital Projects Comm lttee April 6, 2011 Page 2 1. Call fleeting to Order 2. Public Comments *3. Review and provide comments on Draft 2011-2012 Capital Improvement Budget and Teri -Year Plan (CIB/CIP) Staff Recommendation: Review and provide comments. 4. Review and provide comments on Draft 2011-2012 Information Technology Development Plan (included in General Improvements Section of IB/ I P) Staff Recommendation: Review and provide comments. 5. Provide comments on suggested format for Executive Summary of the Capital Improvement Budget and Ten -bear Plan (to he presented at Committee meeting) Staff Recommendation: Review and Provide comments. 6. Discuss key projects for 2011-12 Capital Improvement Program Use of Greenhouse Gas Model of District Operations for Decision Making • Long Range Planning to Consider Next Generation Wastewater Treatment • Primary Sedimentation Tank Renovations • Seismic retrofit of District Buildings Treatment Plant Asset Management • Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer • Other Staff Recommendation. Review and provide comments. 7. Reports and Announcements 8. Suggestions for future agenda items 9. Adjournment * Attachment — Mote that this document will he reviewed with the full Board at the April 14, 2011 Capital P roJects Board Workshop 2011-12 rf LI >1 .60 Capital Improvement Budget & Ten -Year Plan M Ik "ALF � o w 0 :1671LO ct rmmm� ;=M� Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2011 -12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Table Of Contents Page List of Tables Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 ............................ 5 Table 2: Sewer Construction Fund Revenues and Expenditures ........... ............................... 7 Table 3: Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits ................. ............................... 9 Table 4: CEQA Compliance Summary for FY 2011 -12 — Treatment Plant Program ........... 11 Table 5: CEQA Compliance Summary for FY 2011 -12 — Collection System Program........ 12 Table 6: CEQA Compliance Summary for FY 2011 -12 — General Improvements Program 13 Table 7: CEQA Compliance Summary for FY 2011 -12 — Recycled Water Program ........... 13 Treatment Plant Program ........................................................... ............................... Red Tab • Project Table of Contents • Introductory Narrative • Project Maps • Project Descriptions Collection System Program .......................... ............................... ..........................Green Tab • Project Table of Contents • Introductory Narrative • Project Maps • Project Descriptions General Improvements Program ............................................. ............................... Blue Tab • Project Table of Contents • Introductory Narrative • Project Descriptions Recycled Water Program ....................................................... ............................... Purple Tab • Project Table of Contents • Introductory Narrative • Project Descriptions FY 2011 -12 C!B Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2011 -12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) shows planned expenditures of $25,914,000 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 -12 from the Sewer Construction Fund for planning, design, and construction of capital projects in four CIB programs. The total funding authorization required for projects in the CIB for FY 2011- 12 is $29,797,000. The capital program is designed to meet the following goals: • Protect public health and the environment, • Maintain existing assets, • Respond to regulatory and community concerns, • Accommodate planned future growth. By adopting the CIB, the Board of Directors authorizes staff to pursue work on specifically identified projects in the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Programs. MAJOR PROJECT EMPHASIS Although the CIB is made up of funding estimates for many individual projects, each year there are several major projects which together account for a majority of total estimated capital expenditures. In FY 2011 -12, the emphasis will be on 15 large projects, which together account for $16,777,000, or 65 percent of the total estimated expenditures. Estimated FY 2011 -12 expenditures for each of these projects are noted below. Collection Systems Operations Department Facility Improvements FY 2011 -12: $2,025,000 Estimated total project cost: $13,654,000 This project consists of design and construction of a new Collection Systems Operations administration, crew, and warehouse building at 1250 Springbrook Road in Walnut Creek. The project also includes site improvements such as new paving and landscaping. Completion is scheduled for summer 2011. Lafayette - Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer FY 2011 -12: $1,900,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,411,000 This project will construct a 15 -inch relief sewer along Pleasant Hill Road from Springhill Road to Stanley Boulevard in Lafayette. Deficient sewers in nearby neighborhoods will be upsized within their current alignments. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -1 South Orinda Sewer Renovations — Phase 5 FY 2011 -12: $1,800,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,167,800 This project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 12,000 feet of 6 -inch through 8 -inch sewer pipe at several sites in Orinda. Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations — Phase 8 FY 2011 -12: $1,800,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,149,700 This project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 -inch through 8 -inch sewer pipe at several sites throughout the City of Walnut Creek and neighboring unincorporated areas. Lafayette Sewer Renovations — Phase 7 FY 2011 -12: $1,790,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,113,600 The project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 13,000 feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewer pipe at several sites throughout the City of Lafayette and neighboring unincorporated areas. Treatment Plant Piping Renovations — Phase 6 FY 2011 -12: $1,000,000 Estimated Total project cost: $1,145,000 The first five phases of this program renovated or replaced various piping systems. This phase of the project will include work on the following areas: the seal tank on Wet Scrubber #2, the centrate pipe at the Foam Suppression Tank, discharge piping of Aeration Blower #2, a section of the scrubber drain piping in the SCB plenum, leaking connections at the cake pump feed pipelines, and other areas as needed. In addition, a new baffle system will be added to one primary sedimentation tank for evaluation. Pump & Blower Building Seismic Upgrade FY 2011 -12: $1,000,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,155,000 In 2009, a seismic evaluation of treatment plant facilities was completed. Included in the evaluation are recommendations to bring the Pump and Blower Building in line with current seismic design standards, which this project will accomplish. Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition FY 2011 -12: $891,000 Estimated total project cost: $891,000 Purchases of vehicles and major equipment are made under a capital project. Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade FY 2011 -12: $750,000 Estimated total project cost: $855,000 This project will replace the burners in the two auxiliary boilers and modify related ancillary systems to meet upcoming BAAQMD regulations that require NOX emissions to be reduced from the current permit limit of 30 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to 15 ppmv by January 2013 . Primary Treatment Renovation FY 2011 -12: $750,000 Estimated total project cost: $6,540,000 This project will renovate or replace the water and air supply pipelines at the primary sedimentation tanks. This project also includes improvements to the scum and grit systems. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -2 Treatment Plant Protective Coatings — Phase 4 FY 2011 -12: $725,000 Estimated total project cost: $835,000 This project will clean and coat critical renovation areas including headworks, SCB basement, Pump and Blower Building basement, clear well, sludge blending area, and the fuel oil storage tanks. Application of coatings extends the useful life and minimizes corrosion of treatment plant equipment, piping, and surfaces. Outfall Improvements — Phase 6 FY 2011 -12: $685,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,085,000 This project will inspect both the land and submarine portions of the treatment plant outfall as allowed by the current NPDES Permit, and will make repairs as needed. Information Technology Development FY 2011 -12: $602,000 Estimated total project cost: N/A This project provides funding for the development of the District's computer and telecommunications technology. San Ramon Pump Station Upgrades FY 2011 -12: $549,000 Estimated total project cost: $579,000 This project will replace existing dry weather pumps to provide the capacity needed to handle increased flow from the Dougherty Valley. Additional improvements identified by pumping station operators may be added to the project. Seismic Improvements for HOB FY 2011 -12: $510,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,523,000 Structural steel frames constructed before the most recent Northridge earthquake may weaken during an earthquake and be unable to resist the forces generated during a seismic event. These steel framing problems in combination with the building's flexibility are the primary reasons for the HOB's seismic vulnerability. The HOB will be retrofitted or replaced to ensure a life- safety level of structural performance. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SYSTEM The CIB includes detailed information for projects in the first year of the Ten -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Board authorizations are made to add funds to the four programs prior to the start of the fiscal year. Under the CIB system, budgets are authorized for project work within the four budget programs. Budgets are established by program since precise costs for individual projects are difficult to estimate when CIB preparation often precedes project initiation by a year or more. Projections of costs for broader categories of project work can more reliably be made during budget preparation since positive and negative variations in project estimates are expected to balance in a program summation. The program contingency accounts can be used to fund new projects which are identified after the CIB is approved, and to cover project budget overruns within specified limits. Program authorizations are expected to exceed annual expenditures during any particular budget year since larger planning studies, engineering designs, and construction contracts typically span more than one fiscal year and the budgets are authorized in full at the beginning of each phase of the projects. As shown in Table 1, by adopting the FY 2011 -12 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB), the Board authorizes allocations from the Sewer Construction Fund for planning, design, and construction of capital projects in the four programs. Approximately $9.6 million is estimated to be carried over from previous Board - authorized - but - unspent project budgets in FY 2010 -11 and $20.2 million is the total required new Board authorization for projects and project phases beginning in FY 2011 -12. The total Board authorization for projects that are active in the CIB in FY 2011 -12 is the sum of these two numbers, or $29.8 million. The estimated FY 2011 -12 expenditure total is $25.9 million, leaving an estimated $3.9 million in authorizations for projects that carry into future years. These figures will be adjusted when actual FY 2010 -11 expenditures are known and actual FY 2010 -11 carryover can be determined. At that time, the Board will be informed of the corrected figures for the four programs in the CIB. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -4 Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carryover from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2011 -12 Expenditures Treatment Plant $5,141,000 $3,134,200 $8,275,200 $7,082,000 Collection System $10,909,000 $2,017,000 $12,926,000 $12,840,000 General Improvements $3,952,000 $4,024,000 $7,976,000 $5,442,000 Recycled Water $215,000 $405,000 $620,000 $550,000 Total this Fiscal Year $20,217,000 $9,580,000 $29,797,000 $25,914,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -5 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES The Sewer Construction Fund acts as the bank to finance the Capital Program. In order to ensure that adequate funds are available, each year the expected revenues are reviewed and compared with planned expenditures and a determination made as to whether additional revenues are needed. The sources of capital revenue are described in detail in the Capital Improvement Plan portion of this document. They fall into four major categories. First are the capacity and pumped zone fees which are charged to new users when they connect to the sewer system. These fees are based on a calculation of the cost to buy in to the current value of existing District assets. The amount of these fees collected each year varies significantly depending on the health of the housing industry and the number of new homes constructed. Second is interest earned on the Sewer Construction Fund balance, which varies depending on the economy and the amount of money in the Fund. Third are reimbursements from others, which consist primarily of reimbursements from the City of Concord, served by the District under contract. The fourth major source of revenue is sewer service charges (SSC). SSC are the one revenue source that is completely within the discretion of the District Board of Directors. Therefore, each year staff evaluates the District's finances and recommends a SSC rate it determines to be prudent to sustain the Capital Improvement Program without the need for large SSC rate increases or substantial debt financing in the future. If an increase in the SSC rate is proposed, the Board of Directors conducts a public hearing, and considers all available information in coming to a final decision on setting the SSC rate. This year, staff recommended that the Board of Directors increase the SSC rate by $30 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) to fund needed capital improvements while avoiding significant debt financing. The $30 per RUE SSC increase is reflected in Table 2: Sewer Construction Fund Revenues and Expenditures on the following page. If this SSC rate alternative is implemented, staff projects that expenditures will exceed revenue by approximately 3.7 million, which would require drawing from funds available in the Sewer Construction Fund. This rate alternative has not been approved by the Board of Directors. The SSC rate will be set when the Board of Directors adopts the District's budgets in June 2011. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -6 Table 2: Sewer Construction Fund Revenues And Expenditures A summary of projected FY 2011 -12 Capital Improvement Program revenue and expenditures is presented below: Recommended Scenario presented in March 3, 2001 Board Financial Planning Workshop Revenues Facilities Capacity Fees Pumped Zone Fees Interest Property Taxes Sewer Service Charges Reimbursements from Others: City of Concord Recycled Water Sales Alhambra Valley Developer Fees, Charges, Other Total Revenues ** Expenditures With $30 Sewer Service Charge Increase * $4,372,000 562,000 265,000 6,882,000 6,534,000 2,549,000 110,000 481,000 491.000 $22,246,000 Treatment Plant Program $7,082,000 Collection System Program 12,840,000 General Improvements Program 5,442,000 Recycled Water Program 550,000 Total Expenditures $25,914,000 A summary of Sewer Construction Funds Available impact is presented below: Projected Revenues $22,246,000 Projected Expenditures ($25,914,000) Draw from Funds Available ($3,668,000) More specific information regarding expenditure categories is included in the Capital Improvement Plan. * Has not been recommended by Capital Projects Committee or approved by District Board. ** Revenue is first recorded in the O &M budget until O &M costs are offset. Any additional revenue will be recorded in the Sewer Construction Fund. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -7 AUTHORIZATION LIMITS Under the established CIB system, the District Board of Directors and staff have well - defined authority limits. The Board of Directors authorizes funds for the four CIB programs (Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water) from the Sewer Construction Fund at the beginning of each fiscal year. The Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits are detailed in Table 3, which follows. Once the CIB is approved by the Board, the General Manager has the authority to allocate funds to the individual projects contained in the CIB up to the total program budget. If a project is not included in the CIB, the General Manager can allocate contingency funds up to $25,000. If an individual equipment item is not included in the CIB, the General Manager can allocate contingency funds up to $15,000 per item. The General Manager can allocate funds from program contingency accounts to cover project budget overruns, up to 15 percent of the final project budget established at the time of construction contract award. Finally, the General Manager may authorize construction contracts less than $15,000 and consultant agreements less than $50,000. The Board of Directors also has an ongoing role after it approves the CIB and the CIP. Specific Board approval is required for award of construction contracts over $15,000, for consultant agreements over $50,000 and for project overruns in excess of 15 percent of the final project budget established at the time of construction contract award. In addition, any allocation to a new project not included in the CIB that exceeds $25,000 must be brought to the Board for authorization. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -8 Table 3: Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits ACTION DEPARTMENT GENERAL BOARD OF DIRECTOR MANAGER DIRECTORS Approve Capital Plan None None No limit Authorize Capital Program None None No limit budgets Allocate funds to individual $25,000 or less Total program budget No authorization project budgets plus contingency required Authorize consultant $35,000 or less $50,000 or less Greater than $50,000 contracts /amendments Award construction contracts None $15,000 or less Greater than $15,000 Authorize Additive $35,000 or less $50,000 or less Greater than $50,000 construction change orders Deductive More than ($50,000) NA NA Allocate funds from program $25,000 or less per contingency accounts to $10,000 project i Greater than $25,000 p rojects not included in the CIB Individual equipment items and None $15,000 or less Greater than $15,000 equipment contingency Authorize supplemental funds Sewer Construction to program budgets/ Not applicable Not applicable Fund balance contingency accounts Allocate funds for project 5% of final project 15% of final project Greater than 15% of budget overruns budget or a maximum of $10,000 budget 3,4,5 final budget Projects which have not Projects which have Close out project None required prior Board had prior Board action action (informational Position Paper required 1 Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Programs 2 Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program budget and contingency account 3 Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable program contingency account 4 Final project budget is established at time of award of construction contract 5 Reduced by project overrun allocations previously made by Department Managers 6 Equipment budget authority limits for the General Manager raised to $15,000 from $5,000 in FY 2010 -11 FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -9 CEQA COMPLIANCE The CIB is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is a planning study (District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262). Some projects included in this CIB are designated as exempt under CEQA. If appropriate, a Notice of Exemption may be filed for such projects following a future action of the Board of Directors, such as an award of a construction contract. Other projects in the CIB are designated as needing a "Negative Declaration" or "Environmental Impact Report" to comply with CEQA. Non - exempt CEQA projects will be considered for Board approval on a case - by -case basis after preparation and certification of the appropriate CEQA documentation. Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7 present the CEQA compliance status of projects for which staff is requesting an authorization of sewer construction funds. These tables indicate the type of CEQA documentation anticipated being required for each project. The types of documentation are: Exemption: Staff will prepare a Notice of Exemption, if still appropriate, when each project receives a future Board of Directors' approval. Negative Declaration: Staff will prepare a Negative Declaration for the project. Board of Directors' approval of the project would follow approval of the Negative Declaration. Environmental Impact Report (EIR): Staff will direct preparation of an EIR. Board of Directors' approval of the project would follow certification of the EIR. CEQA Documents Completed: For these projects, CEQA compliance already has been achieved through documents previously prepared and approved. FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -10 Table 4: CEQA Compliance Summary for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Treatment Plant Program Subprogram / Project Exemption CEQA Documentation Required or Completed 1 Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety Co -Gen Replacement Treatment Plant Security Upgrade Fire Protection System Improvements TP Hazard Identification & Remediation Alternative Energy & Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Incinerator Emissions Compliance Modifications Solids Handling Improvements Standby Effluent Pumps Refurb - ph 2 TP Safety Improvements Program Treatment Plant Planning TP Master Plan Update Nitrification X X X X X X X X X X Possible Negative Declaration 2 One -Time Renovation Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 Switchgear Replacement - ph 2 Instr & Control - PLC System Upgrades - ph 2 Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades Electric Blower Renovation Standby Power Facility Improvements Primary Structures Demo SCB Mechanical Room Wet Weather Bypass Improvements POB Seismic Upgrade Plant Cyber Security Secondary Process Improvements Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade Furnace Burner SCB Seismic Upgrade Perimeter Fencing Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement Primary Treatment Renovation TP Elevators Modernization X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mitigated Neg Dec 2008 3 Recurring Renovation Plant Electrical and Instrumentation Repl Plant Energy Optimization TP Facilities Renovations TP Protective Coatings - ph 4 TP Equipment Replacement TP Asset Management Piping Renovations - ph 5 Pavement Renovation TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl Concrete Renovation Piping Renovations - ph 6 X X X X X X X X X X X 4 Expansion Primary Treatment Expansion 1 1 14 FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -11 Table 5: CEQA Compliance Summary for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Collection System Program Subprogram / Project Exemption CEQA Documentation Required or Completed 1 Renovation South Orinda Sewer Renovations - ph 5 X Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - ph 9 X TV Inspection Program - ph 2 X Concrete Pipe Renovation X Diablo Renovations - ph 2 X North Orinda Sewer Renovations - ph 4 X Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations - ph 3 X Lafayette Sewer Renovation - ph 7 X Manhole Rehab X Cathodic Protection System Replacement X Diablo Renovations - ph 1 X Mount Diablo Blvd Main Improvements X Collection System Urgent Projects X Watershed 44 Creek Xing Stabilization X Collection System Renovation Program X South Main /1 -680 Trunk Line Sliplining X Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - ph 8 X Pipeburst Blanket Contract X Martinez Sewer Renovations Phase 4 X Suspended Pipe Support X CIPP Blanket Contract X Lafayette Sewer Renovation - ph 8 X 2 Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety Manhole Remote Level Monitoring X Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control X Collection System Planning X Forcemain Assessment X Martinez Facilities Plan X CNWS Facility Plan X Collection System Modeling Upgrade X 3 Expansion Contractual Assessment Districts X A -Line Easement Acquisition - ph 2 EIR, 1991 Pleasant Hill Grayson Creek X 2011 -12 Development Sewerage X Laf -P Hill Rd Trunk Sewer, Laf TR 15 -100 X Trunk Sewer Expansion Program X 4 Pumping Stations Pump Station Hazard Identification X Lower Orinda PS Force Main X San Ramon Pump Station Upgrades X Pump Station Safety Improvements X San Ramon Bypass Pump X PS Equip & Piping Repl X Buchanan South Removal X Martinez Bypass Pump X Pumping Station Minor Upgrades X PS SCADA O &M Manual X FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -12 Table 6: CEQA Compliance Summary for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 General Improvements Program Subprogram / Project Exemption CEQA Documentation Required or Completed 1 Vehicles & Equipment Cap Proj Clearing X Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition — 2012 X 2 Management Information Systems Information Technology Development X GDI -SMMS Replacement X GDI - Treatment Plant X 3 Projects Rental Property Improvements X CSOD Facility Improvements Mitigated Neg. Dec. 2007 Kiewit Parcel Development Mitigated Neg. Dec. 2005 HOB Improvements X POD Office Imprvs X District Easements X Capital Improvement Plan and Budget X General Security Access X Martinez Easements X Imhoff Triangle Development Negative Declaration needed Seismic Improvements for HOB X CSOD Facilities Improvements X Capital Legal Services - 2010 to 2018 X Rental Property Seismic Improvements X District Property Safety Improvements X Table 7: CEQA Compliance Summary for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Recycled Water Program Subprogram / Project Exemption CEQA Documentation Required or Completed 1 Urban Landscaping Concord Landscape Project Refinery Recycled Water Project Concord Naval Weapons REW Recycled Water Planning REW - Cathodic Prot Sys Repl Zone 1 Recycled Water - ph 1 C NEPA Environmental Assessment needed for Federal funds Possible Negative Declaration X X X Mitigated Neg. Dec. 2007 FY 2011 -12 CIB Intro -13 TABLE OF CONTENTS TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM ................................................... ............................... 3 Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety - TAB 1 ................................... ............................... 6 Alternative Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan ............ ............................... 7 Cogeneration Replacement .......................................................... ............................... 9 Incinerator Emissions Compliance Modifications ........................ ............................... 11 Nitrification.................................................................................. ............................... 13 Standby Effluent Pumps Refurbishment, Phase 2 ...................... ............................... 15 Treatment Plant Fire Protection System Improvement ............... ............................... 16 Treatment Plant Hazard Identification & Remediation ................ ............................... 17 Treatment Plant Master Plan Update .......................................... ............................... 19 TreatmentPlant Planning ........................................................... ............................... 21 Treatment Plant Safety Improvements Program ......................... ............................... 23 Treatment Plant Security Upgrade .............................................. ............................... 24 Solids Handling Improvements ................................................... ............................... 25 One -Time Renovation - TAB 2 ..................................................... ............................... 26 Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade ................................................. ............................... 27 Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades .......................................... .............................29 PlantCyber Security ................................................................... ............................... 31 Electric Blower Renovation ......................................................... ............................... 33 MHFBurner Upgrades ................................................................ ............................... 35 Instrumentation and Control - PLC System Upgrades, Phase 2 . ............................... 37 Outfall Inspection and Renovation .............................................. ............................... 39 Perimeter Fencing Renovations ................................................. ............................... 41 Primary Structures Demolition Project .......................................... .............................43 Primary Treatment Renovation ................................................... ............................... 45 SCBMechanical Room ................................................................. .............................46 Secondary Process Improvements ............................................... .............................48 Seismic Upgrades for the Pump & Blower Building .................... ............................... 50 SeismicUpgrade for POB ........................................................... ............................... 51 Seismic Upgrades for SCB ......................................................... ............................... 53 Standby Power Facility Improvements ........................................ ............................... 55 Switchgear Refurbishment, Phase 2 ........................................... ............................... 57 Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization ..................................... ............................... 59 Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement .......................................... ............................... 61 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project .............................. ............................... 63 Recurring Renovation - TAB 3 .................................................... ............................... 64 Concrete Renovation .................................................................. ............................... 65 Plant Energy Optimization .......................................................... ............................... 66 Pavement Renovation ................................................................ ............................... 68 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 1 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 ...................................................... ............................... 69 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 ...................................................... ............................... 71 Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan .................................. ............................... 73 Cathodic Protection Systems Replacement ................................ ............................... 75 Treatment Plant Protective Coatings, Phase 4 ........................... ............................... 77 Treatment Plant Electrical /Instrumentation Replacement Program .......................... 79 Treatment Plant Equipment Replacement Program ................... ............................... 81 Treatment Plant Facilities Renovations ...................................... ............................... 83 Expansion TAB 4 ........................................................................ ............................... 84 Primary Treatment Expansion .................................................... ............................... 85 (not used) - TAB 5 ........................................................................ ............................... 86 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 2 TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM This section includes detailed information for the Treatment Plant Program. Table TP -1 presents project listings and budget information. Detailed project information, schedules, and cash flow tables are presented in individual project data sheets. These data sheets are found at the appropriately numbered subprogram tab. The numbered tabs represent the following: TAB NO. SUBPROGRAM 1 Regulatory Compliance and Safety 2 One -Time Renovation 3 Recurring Renovation 4 Expansion OVERVIEW The Treatment Plant Program at $7.1 million comprises 27 percent of the total estimated capital expenditures for FY 2011 -12. The Treatment Plant Program continues with asset preservation, and there is now added effort on future regulatory compliance, wet weather flow processing, and seismic strengthening. Regulatory Compliance /Planning /Safety This subprogram makes up ten percent of the FY 2011 -12 Treatment Plant Program expenditures. Projects emphasize preparing for future regulations and addressing safety issues. The Alternative Energy Study will assess the impacts greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction regulations may have on the District. Improvements will be made to the fire protection systems and work will be done to identify the presence of any hazardous materials. One -Time Renovation This subprogram accounts for 58 percent of the Treatment Plant Program expenditures. There are two high expenditure projects. First, the Seismic Upgrades for the Pump and Blower Building, DP 7291, will retrofit the Pump and Blower Building to current design standards. The second project, the Auxiliary Boiler Burners Replacement, DP 7295, will modify the boilers to meet new air quality regulations by January 1, 2013. Work will continue on design and construction of seismic improvements for the Plant Operations and Solids Conditioning Buildings. Recurring Renovation This subprogram makes up 32 percent of the FY 2011 -12 Treatment Plant Program expenditures. Projects in this subprogram are targeted at asset preservation. The main project is Piping Renovations and Replacement, Phase 6. Other major projects are Treatment Plant Protective Coatings, Phase 4, and Plant Energy Optimization. FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 3 Expansion This subprogram makes up less than one percent of the FY 2011 -12 Treatment Plant Program expenditures. Primary Treatment Expansion will be explored further in 2011- 12 by adding baffles in one channel and adding chemicals to enhance primary performance. These projects will influence future design decisions and expansion requirements for the primaries. FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 4 Table TP -1: Treatment Plant Subprogram /Project List FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 5 Estimated Anticipated Estimated Anticipated Estimated Project Total Project Allocations Expenditures Allocations Expenditures Subprogram / Project No. / Project Title Manager Expenditures To 06/30/11 To 06/30/11 FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 1Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety 7256 Alternative Energy & Greenhouse Gas Reduction LaBella 510,000 510,000 460,000 0 50,000 Plan pTP21 Co -Gen Replacement Mizutani 7,030,000 0 0 80,000 5,000 pTP22 Incinerator Emissions Compliance Modifications Mizutani 80,000 0 0 80,000 75,000 pTP20 Nitrification Chesler 71,020,000 0 0 20,000 5,000 pTP12 Standby Effluent Pumps Refurb - ph 2 Mizutani 570,000 0 0 20,000 10,000 7283 Fire Protection System Improvements Mizutani 181,000 110,000 6,000 71,000 175,000 7284 TP Hazard Identification & Remediation Lawson 892,000 150,000 112,000 5,000 5,000 7287 TP Master Plan Update Chesler 600,000 185,000 185,000 300,000 300,000 pTP07 Treatment Plant Planning Chesler 1,000,000 0 0 100,000 100,000 none TP Safety Improvements Program Than 45,000 0 0 45,000 5,000 8213 Treatment Plant Security Upgrade Deutsch 184,000 184,000 179,000 0 5,000 7260 Solids Handling Improvements Rathunde 5,131,500 5,131,500 5,126,500 0 5,000 Subprogram Total 87,243,500 6,270,500 6,068,500 721,000 740,000 20ne -Time Renovation 7295 Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade Mizutani 855,000 120,000 5,000 735,000 750,000 7286 Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades Rathunde 3,197,000 300,000 5,000 0 25,000 pTP03 Plant Cyber Security Lawson 100,000 0 0 25,000 25,000 7272 Electric Blower Renovation Shima 2,004,000 500,000 389,000 0 5,000 pTP15 Furnace Burner Shima 1,850,000 250,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 6169 Instr & Control - PLC System Upgrades - ph 2 McEachen 321,000 321,000 241,000 0 80,000 7290 Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 Lawson 1,085,000 100,000 100,000 685,000 685,000 7282 Perimeter Fencing Lawson 169,000 19,000 19,000 150,000 150,000 7255 Primary Structures Demo Shima 1,354,000 130,000 79,000 0 5,000 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation Rathunde 6,540,000 150,000 50,000 1,000,000 750,000 7277 SCB Mechanical Room Rathunde 459,000 459,000 454,000 0 5,000 7294 Secondary Process Improvements Lawson 1,396,000 55,000 31,000 5,000 5,000 7291 Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade Hodges 2,155,000 10,000 150,000 205,000 1,000,000 7289 POB Seismic Upgrade Penny 1,240,000 10,000 50,000 0 5,000 pTP31 SCB Seismic Upgrade Shima 5,055,000 55,000 5,000 200,000 50,000 7248 Standby Power Facility Improvements Mizutani 4,849,000 4,849,000 4,844,000 0 5,000 7292 Switchgear Replacement - ph 2 Lawson 1,164,800 100,000 64,800 550,000 50,000 7281 TP Elevators Modernization Husain 677,500 677,500 477,500 0 200,000 pTP17 Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement Hodges 3,915,000 25,000 5,000 300,000 200,000 7241 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Shima 2,818,000 2,818,000 2,813,000 0 5,000 Subprogram Total 41,204,300 10,948,500 9,932,300 3,955,000 4,100,000 3Recurring Renovation pTP30 Concrete Renovation Lawson 310,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 pTP32 Plant Energy Optimization Hodges 100,000 0 0 50,000 25,000 pTP29 Pavement Renovation Lawson 275,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7276 Piping Renovations - ph 5 Husain 2,606,000 2,606,000 2,306,000 0 300,000 7288 Piping Renovations -ph6 Rathunde 1,145,000 65,000 140,000 320,000 1,000,000 7269 TP Asset Management Lawson 856,000 856,000 546,000 0 10,000 7254 TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl Hodges 589,000 589,000 514,000 0 50,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 5 Subprogram / Project No. / Project Title 7247 TP Protective Coatings - ph 4 pTP06 Plant Electrical and Instrumentation Repl 7265 TP Equipment Replacement 7268 TP Facilities Renovations Subprogram Total 4Expansion 7264 Primary Treatment Expansion Lawson Subprogram Total Program Total 430,000 Estimated Anticipated Estimated Anticipated Estimated Project Total Project Allocations Expenditures Allocations Expenditures Manager Expenditures To 06/30/11 To 06/30/11 FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Rathunde 835,000 835,000 105,000 0 725,000 Than 30,000 20,000 0 0 5,000 Than 1,235,000 1,150,000 635,000 85,000 100,000 Than 166,000 166,000 130,000 0 12,000 8,147,000 6,297,000 4,386,000 465,000 2,237,000 4Expansion 7264 Primary Treatment Expansion Lawson Subprogram Total Program Total 430,000 430,000 425,000 0 5,000 430,000 430,000 425,000 0 5,000 137,024,800 23,946,000 20,811,800 5,141,000 7,082,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 6 Alternative Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan Project Manager, Department/Division: Melody LaBella, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: Evaluate renewable energy sources and make recommendations for meeting future greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction requirements. In addition, review current energy use and make recommendations for future energy reduction projects. Project History: In 2006, the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) was enacted to require a statewide reduction in GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) estimates that this would correspond to a 25 percent overall statewide emission reduction. Additional legislation signed by the governor (in an Executive Order) requires an 80 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050. In January 2008, CARB adopted GHG emissions reporting regulations that require the District to begin reporting GHG emissions in April 2009 (for calendar year 2008). CARB is also responsible for developing regulations specifying the details of how the AB 32 emission goals will be achieved. These emission reduction regulations are required to be adopted by CARB by 2012 and would require compliance beginning January 1, 2012 through the year 2020. The District has the potential to fall into a capped sector of AB 32, if the power cogeneration system in the Treatment Plant continues to operate when the District's local landfill gas supply is exhausted. Facilities that fall within a capped sector have a compliance obligation that can be met with actual GHG reductions and /or participation in the carbon trading market. A San Francisco court ruled in late March 2011 that the state must spend more time studying alternatives to the carbon trading market. Some nonprofit environmental groups are concerned that the rules could increase pollution in low- income, largely minority communities near power plants and oil refineries if those facilities are allowed to trade pollution credits. This may delay implementation of cap and trade rules. Project Description: The study will be completed by URS, who was selected by staff after a formal process and who is familiar with energy and GHG emission technologies and reduction strategies. Their effort includes an evaluation of the feasibility of alternative energy technologies such as wind, solar and biofuels. The ultimate product of the study will be a recommended power portfolio that will meet the Treatment Plant's energy needs, while complying with AB 32. This project will be integrated with the work evaluating options to respond to new air emission requirements for the District's multiple - hearth furnaces. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 7 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $510,000 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2007 06/20/2012 $0 Total: $510,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $50,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Alternative Energy & Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan / 1 7256 / alt energy LaBella / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 106,000 50,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 466,000 44,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 466,000 150,000 50,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (360,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 106,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 8 Cogeneration Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The project will evaluate replacement of the existing cogeneration turbine system to a larger, more efficient, and lower emissions unit. Project History: In the mid 1990s, the District installed a 3.2MW gas turbine cogeneration system that provides the majority of the electrical power for the treatment plant. The system includes a waste heat recovery boiler that provides steam for the aeration turbines. Emissions standards, from local, state, and federal regulatory sources are being developed to reduce pollutants of concern (such as oxides of nitrogen) and greenhouse gases. The existing air permit for the turbine limits the amount of power the turbine can produce and the amount of fuel it can use. Upcoming greenhouse gas regulation will penalize facilities that burn fossil fuels. Cogeneration units are now available that produce less greenhouse gas emissions and are more efficient, thus requiring less fuel. Newer turbines could provide greater electrical capacity that could reduce the District's imported power costs and improve reliability during utility power outages or periods of high electrical use. The current Greenhouse Gas and Alternative Energy project is examining how cogeneration fits into the overall District -wide energy scheme over the next several years. This planning includes the possibility that the District may adopt a different source of power for the aeration blowers. Replacing the existing cogeneration system with a new turbine that is more efficient and produces less pollutant is one possible option to meet future energy needs and will allow the District to respond to changing emissions limits. Project Description: Complete a feasibility study including a cost - benefit analysis and design and install new replacement equipment as appropriate. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 9 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $80,000 Design 07/01/2011 07/01/2013 $210,000 Construction 07/01/2013 06/30/2018 $6,740,000 Total: $7,030,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $80,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Co -Gen Replacement / 1 pTP21 / Cogen_repl Mizutani / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 75,000 50,000 448,000 423,000 273,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 80,000 0 423,000 0 0 6,527,000 C. Authorized this Year 80,000 75,000 473,000 448,000 423,000 6,800,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (150,000) (4,400,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 75,000 50,000 448,000 423,000 273,000 2,400,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 10 Incinerator Emissions Compliance Modifications Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Modify incinerator and install incinerator process systems to ensure compliance with Clean Air Act Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations adopted by the EPA in 2011. Project History: In early 2011, the EPA made changes to the Clean Air Act (CAA) to include sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) in category of solid waste incinerators. Previously, limits for emissions from SSIs were included in the regulations for sewage sludge (the "503" regulations). The regulations include a category for existing multiple hearth furnaces that will establish emission limits on nine pollutants: Cadmium, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrochloric Acid, Mercury, Oxides of Nitrogen, Lead, Polychlorinated Dibenzo -P- Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans, Particulate Matter, and Sulfur Dioxide. The limits can be attained by the District's current MHFs. The new regulations require new parametric monitoring of scrubber pH and flow. Under the new regulations, more frequent source testing is required and is budgeted in the O &M budget. Project Description: This project will evaluate the regulations and determine what impact they will have on the District's current incinerator operations. Staff will hire a consultant(s) to evaluate the impact of the regulations on the incinerators, and cross -media impacts (i.e. impacts on the rest of the treatment process). If necessary, modifications to the incinerator process such as replacement of the wet and dry scrubbers to reduce emissions to a safe level to assure compliance will be evaluated. In addition, the study will be performed in conjunction with work being done on other projects that are looking into the affects of the processes on greenhouse gases, energy use, etc. Project Location: Treatment Plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 11 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 09/01/2011 $80,000 Design 09/01/2011 07/01/2012 $0 Construction 07/01/2012 12/31/2016 $0 Total: $80,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $75,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $80,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Incinerator Emissions Compliance Modifications / 1 pTP22 / Incinerator mods Mizutani / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 80,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (75,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 12 Nitrification Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, PhD, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: This project provides minor funding for next steps in moving forward, as needed, into new process implementation for nitrification. More appropriate funding levels will result as the regulatory or scientific /technical driver continues to evolve. Project History: Several District projects have focused on various aspects of nitrification. Recent NPDES permitting of upstream Sacramento Regional WWTP has included requirements to nitrify. Studies are currently being conducted that include the effects of ammonia from the CCCSD effluent on the Suisun Bay -Delta system. Many NGOs are pushing for redefinition of secondary treatment. It's hard to know when the District will be required to include processes for nitrogen removal. Project Description: The project will be used to fund continuing investigation of technology to accomplish process changes as they become necessary. Project Location: Treatment Plant - primarily the secondary process. FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 13 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 01/01/2012 01/01/2014 $0 Design 01/01/2014 05/01/2016 $0 Construction 05/01/2016 12/30/2020 $71,020,000 Total: $71,020,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $20,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Nitrification / 1 pTP20 / Nitrification Chesler / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 20,000 0 0 0 3,000,000 5,000,000 C. Authorized this Year 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (3,000,000) (5,000,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 14 Standby Effluent Pumps Refurbishment, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will increase effluent discharge capacity to meet wet weather and diurnal peak flow demands. Project History: The standby effluent pumps are critical elements in continuously providing discharge capacity to meet wet weather and diurnal peak flow demands. This project will increase the reliability and improve the operability of the standby effluent pumps. Project Description: This project will replace the electric drive motor, variable speed clutch assembly, right angle gear drive assembly and pump assembly for Standby Effluent Pump Numbers 1 and 2. It will also install new direct - coupling motors and modernization of instrumentation and the control system for both standby effluent pumps. Project Location: Pump and Blower Building Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Planning - Design 07/01/2011 Construction 07/01/2013 Completion Total Cost - $0 07/01/2013 $20,000 06/17/2014 $550,000 Total: $570,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $10,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $20,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/') Expansion: Standby Effluent Pumps Refurb - ph 2 / 1 pTP12 / standby_effl2 Mizutani / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 20,000 0 550,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 20,000 10,000 550,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (10,000) (550,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 15 Treatment Plant Fire Protection System Improvement Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of the project is to modernize and standardize the various fire alarm and protection systems found at the Treatment Plant. Project History: There are several types of fire protection systems throughout the Treatment Plant. Many of these systems were installed in the 1980s and 1990s and are outdated. Some of the systems lack proper controls to allow them to be tested correctly and some have been modified so that they do not function as originally intended. Project Description: The project will upgrade and /or replace existing fire alarm panels and accessories. It will replace the existing ozone - depleting Halon gas fire suppression materials with a replacement gas that is more environmentally friendly. New panels will be compatible with each other and will meet current codes. Project Location: Treatment Plant Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 09/01/2009 11/01/2009 $0 Design 11/01/2009 02/01/2011 $6,000 Construction 02/01/2011 06/30/2012 $175,000 Total: $181,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $175,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $71,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Fire Protection System Improvements / 1 7283 / TP_ Fire _Prot Mizutani / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 9,000 104,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 10,000 100,000 71,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 10,000 109,000 175,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (5,000) (175,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 9,000 104,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 16 Treatment Plant Hazard Identification & Remediation Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Increase personnel safety by identifying and reducing exposure to hazardous materials within the treatment plant. Project History: Recent construction projects have encountered hazardous materials requiring abatement, such as asbestos in pipe insulation, roofing materials, or lead paint. Exposure amounts and durations are limited by CaIOSHA. Knowledge of these materials ahead of time allows District staff, the design engineer, or the contractor to properly prepare and equip themselves with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), monitors, or plan for medical surveillance. District staff perform urgent, and sometimes unscheduled, work to maintain operation of the facility, which hinders the ability to conduct testing in advance of their work to determine if hazardous materials are present and allow proper planning or mitigation to occur. In 2010, KellcoMACS conducted a plant -wide survey for hazardous materials, such as asbestos, lead, CAM 17 heavy metals, etc., by certified inspectors. The findings were summarized in a report and a database was developed to track the information. Project Description: This project will develop a remediation plan and begin design and remediation efforts to reduce the potential for exposure within the plant to hazardous materials where feasible. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 17 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 10/01/2009 07/01/2012 $257,000 Construction 07/01/2012 06/30/2020 $635,000 Total: $892,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $5,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Hazard Identification & Remediation / 1 7284 / TP_Hazard Lawson / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 50,000 5,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 88,000 43,000 113,000 113,000 113,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (62,000) (50,000) (5,000) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 18 Treatment Plant Master Plan Update Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Description: The last thorough review of each Treatment Plant process was done in 1999. After 12 years, a review is useful. Several modifications have been made to the Treatment Plant to optimize operations, decrease energy use, and accommodate wet weather flow; these should be captured. From a flow perspective, there is the potential for significant growth in the District's service area due to pending development at the Concord Naval Weapons Station, but that is likely quite a few years in the future. More importantly, however, over the next ten years, not only will the District face compliance with greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction regulations, but probably nutrient reduction and other air and water quality regulations. For the most part, the existing treatment plant was designed and constructed in the 1970s. While the plant was state of the art technology then, it is no longer so. Because of the age of the existing treatment facilities and the probability of more stringent air and water quality regulations, staff will develop conceptual plans for a new future treatment plant based on several regulatory scenarios. To comply with GHG regulations, each conceptual plan will address reduction of greenhouse gases and incorporate facilities that are energy neutral or energy positive. Asset management or regulatory- driven improvements to the sludge incineration process are covered under separate projects. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 19 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2009 07/01/2010 $575,000 Design 07/01/2010 12/31/2011 $0 Construction 12/31/2011 06/17/2013 $25,000 Total: $600,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $300,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $300,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Master Plan Update / 1 7287 / TP_mpUpdate Chesler / 80 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 160,000 300,000 115,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 160,000 300,000 115,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (160,000) (300,000) (115,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 20 Treatment Plant Planning Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide funding for pre- design and pilot -scale system work that may be needed in the event that emerging regulatory initiatives require Treatment Plant process modifications to maintain compliance. Evolution of wastewater technology could also trigger an investigation under this project. Project History: As wastewater regulations continue to develop at the regional, state, and national level, and as new wastewater treatment technology becomes available, process modifications may be desired in the Treatment Plant. One such example is the possibility of mandatory nutrient removal in the 10 -year plan window. Expansion of the secondary treatment process will be very costly and being able to conduct planning -level pre - design informed by pilot studies is helpful to develop the most cost - effective design. Project Description: A number of projects could profit from having CCCSD- specific design information available as project design takes place. This project may fund process- specific pilot projects to obtain such data. Other investigations may be paper studies to determine the applicability of state -of- the -art processes to our situation. Additional pre- design work that may occur in this project would include investigation and establishment of sizing criteria for process optimization opportunities. It will be useful to obtain CCCSD- specific design information for use in final designs, particularly for aeration, primary clarifier, and incinerator design. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 21 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $1,000,000 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2021 $0 Total: $1,000,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $100,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Treatment Plant Planning / 1 pTP07 / TP_planning Chesler / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 22 Treatment Plant Safety Improvements Program Project Manager, Department/Division: Ba T. Than, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will provide funding for safety projects. Project History: The District and the treatment plant have very active and aggressive safety programs that are administered by separate committees. These committees are responsible for addressing safety concerns as identified by the craftsmen, or to respond to the ever - changing regulatory requirements. Often this response will require construction of a capital project. Project Description: This project provides funding to install safety improvements for the treatment plant. Project Location: Entire treatment plant Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2012 06/17/2020 $45,000 Total: $45,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $45,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: TP Safety Improvements Program / 1 Project Number /Filename: none / TP_SafetyPGM Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Than / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 23 Treatment Plant Security Upgrade Project Manager, Department/Division: Shari Deutsch, Administrative Department Project Purpose: This project will reduce the District's exposure to liability and property loss; meet reliability /safety standards and reduce operations and maintenance expenses. Project History: The District has experienced loss of property in the past and improvements to the security system are being identified and refined. Also, the current national security situation may require additional security measures for essential public services. Project Description: This project will identify and implement projects to improve the security of District personnel and property. This project could include, but is not limited to, installation of alarm systems at critical sites on District property, additional gates in the perimeter security fencing to allow more efficient access for District personnel and equipment, upgrading plant security cameras, signage, and improving general area lighting. Project Location: Various sites on the treatment plant property Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 03/01/2005 07/01/2007 $2,000 Construction 07/01/2007 06/30/2012 $182,000 Total: $184,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/% Expansion: Treatment Plant Security Upgrade / 1 8213 / TP_Security Deutsch / 0 Prior to 7 /01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 184,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 184,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (174,000) (5,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 24 Solids Handling Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to design and construct improvements recommended in the Solids Handling Facilities Plan Update of September 2005 for emergency and non - routine handling of biosolids. Project History: The Solids Handling Facilities Plan was updated in September of 2005. One recommendation in that update was to improve the equipment for handling biosolids during emergency (e.g., catastrophic multiple hearth furnace (MHF) failure) or non - routine (e.g., short -term spike in solids production) that exceeds the capacity of one MHF; or regulatory changes, such as mercury emissions requiring MHF shut -down while an alternative process or emission controls are designed and built. A properly designed sludge truck loading station was constructed in FY 2010 -11 and is currently in startup phase. Project Description: This work provided improvements to the solids processing equipment to meet the ultimate solids capacity needs (Year 2035) as recommended in the final draft of the 2005 Solids Handling Facilities Plan. The major goal for this project is to improve dewatered sludge handling capability to address emergency or non - routine operation. This project constructed a sludge truck loading facility with odor control facilities and sludge cake hoppers to store sludge cake generated in overnight hours or on holidays, if the MHF is down due to an unforeseen regulation or emergency, when hauling to landfills is not possible. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 25 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 10/01/2006 03/31/2007 $10,900 Design 03/31/2007 05/31/2009 $753,800 Construction 05/31/2009 06/17/2012 $4,366,800 Total: $5,131,500 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Solids Handling Improvements / 1 7260 / TP_solids Rathunde / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 25,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 4,501,000 630,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 4,501,000 655,000 5,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (4,476,000) (650,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 25,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 26 Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Regulations on NOx emissions, implemented by the BAAQMD, require NOx emissions to be reduced from the current permit limit of 30 ppmv to 9 ppmv by January 2013. A limit of 15 ppmv may be allowed if the District can prove that there is no technology for 9 ppmv on a variable load boiler. In order to meet these limits, the two existing auxiliary boilers will be modified by replacing the existing burners with new low -NOx burners and other emission control devices to meet the regulations. Project History: The auxiliary boilers were installed with the treatment plant expansion in 1975. New burners were fitted to both boilers in the 1980s when stricter NOx regulations came into effect. They were upgraded again in 2009 with new direct - acting, solid state, PLC - based controls to improve reliability, turndown, and fuel efficiency. The new controls can be used to provide precise control of the burners and will allow installation of ultra - low NOx burners that will be required to meet the new limits. Project Description: This project will replace the burners in the two auxiliary boilers and modify related ancillary systems to meet the upcoming regulations. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 27 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $0 Design 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $80,000 Construction 07/01/2012 06/30/2013 $775,000 Total: $855,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $750,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $735,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade / 2 7295 / Aux_ boiler_burner_upg Mizutani / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 115,000 100,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 120,000 735,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 120,000 850,000 100,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (750,000) (100,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 115,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 28 Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to improve the reliability of the sludge dewatering equipment. Project History: The existing centrifuges and cake pumps will have been in service for more than 20 years by 2010. The design life of rotating equipment is generally around 15 years. While routine rotation of the operational and stand -by centrifuge helps increase the operating lifespan, Operations can expect more frequent and extensive O &M requirements as the centrifuges and cake pumps continue to age. In addition, as centrifuge design and materials of construction continue to develop, the next generation centrifuges are expected to last longer, cost less to operate, and produce a drier sludge, which requires less fuel to burn. Project Description: This project will: • Evaluate the condition of the existing centrifuges and cake pumps, • Review state -of- the -art dewatering technologies, • Analyze if the existing centrifuges should be replaced with state -of- the -art dewatering equipment, • Evaluate the state -of- the -art drive units for the cake pumps, and • Evaluate the impact on the furnaces if a drier sludge is produced. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 29 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 01/01/2011 $0 Design 01/01/2011 04/01/2012 $55,000 Construction 04/01/2012 12/31/2015 $3,142,000 Total: $3,197,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $25,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades / 2 Project Number /Filename: 7286 / cent _cake_pump_upg Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Rathunde / 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 30 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 295,000 270,000 245,000 1,565,000 1,400,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 300,000 0 0 1,500,000 1,397,000 C. Authorized this Year 300,000 295,000 270,000 1,745,000 2,962,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (25,000) (25,000) (180,000) (1,562,000) (1,400,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 295,000 270,000 245,000 1,565,000 1,400,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 30 Plant Cyber Security Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering/ Capital Projects Project Purpose: Protect the plant from electronic breaches through plant control system, electrical distribution system, and /or equipment. Project History: In 2008, NACWA informed the District of the newly- identified risk for major service interruption through cyber vulnerabilities. The Water Sector Coordinating Council (WSCC) along with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) developed a security sensitive Mitigation Plan. A special task force was created to review the Mitigation Plan and implement recommendations, which included: • Identification of all Programmable Language Controllers (PLCs) and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) for the plant's electrical and instrumentation systems • Installation of electronic locks and intrusion alarms at Substation 82 • Installation of additional cameras to monitor the treatment plant • Testing the integrity of the existing firewall • Obtaining a Cisco switch for electrical substation security Some recommendations have already been implemented. This project will address the remaining, more costly measures. Project Description: The project will evaluate the plant control system and electrical distribution system and /or equipment for vulnerabilities to electronic breaches. If vulnerabilities are identified, then solutions will be identified, evaluated, and implemented to address these vulnerabilities. Project Location: Plant -wide. FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 31 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $0 Design 07/01/2012 07/01/2013 $50,000 Construction 07/01/2013 06/30/2015 $50,000 Total: $100,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $25,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $25,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Plant Cyber Security / 2 pTP03 / cyber security Lawson / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 32 Electric Blower Renovation Project Manager, Department/Division: Clint T. Shima, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To renovate the existing electric blower system to ensure it will meet the treatment plant's aeration air demands when the steam powered turbine blowers are out of service. Project History: The electric blower serves as a back up to the two steam - powered turbine blowers. The electric blower is started every two weeks to make sure that it is still operational. It has a capacity of 45,000 scfm while each of the steam powered turbine blowers has a capacity of 75,000 scfm. The electric blower has enough capacity to meet the treatment plant's needs during the winter months. However, during the summer months, the treatment plant's air demand significantly increases; specifically the demand of the air increases in the secondary aeration process, and the electric blower does not have enough capacity to meet the demand. In March of 2007, the District began this study to evaluate the aeration needs for the treatment plant's activated sludge process. Preliminary results indicate that the District can defer the renovation of the aeration process by seven to ten years. This is possible due to the significant air loss savings achieved by recently completed aeration basin renovation project phases 1 and 2, and the ability to upgrade the capacity of the existing electric blower by ten percent, and the possibility of enhancing capacity by adding a highly efficient small blower system for the aerated grit chamber. The evaluation also indicates that if full treatment plant flow nitrification is mandated by regulations in the future, renovation of the existing aeration system would be needed to meet the additional air demands. The study determined the most cost effective approach for providing nitrification of the entire treatment plant flow thus allowing proper completion of the electric blower study. This nitrification feasibility study looks at: • Conventional nitrification • Integrated Fixed -film Activated Sludge • Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) • Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) Project Description: This project determines the capacity needed by the electric blower. Improving the capacity of the electric blower is a potential project in FY 2012 -13. Funds will be used to further refine the most efficient use of the steam and electric blower, which are assets in very good shape because they were rebuilt in the early 2000's (steam blowers) or lack of use as a back -up system (electric blowers). Innovative uses of the existing assets coupled with a highly efficient system for the grit chambers are areas of study for FY 2011/12. FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 33 Project Location: Pump and Blower Building Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $499,000 Construction 01/01/2007 06/17/2016 $1,505,000 Total: $2,004,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/lo Expansion: Electric Blower Renovation / 2 7272 / e_blower Shima / 0 Prior to 7101/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 96,000 111,000 106,000 101,000 1,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 480,000 20,000 0 0 0 1,504,000 C. Authorized this Year 480,000 116,000 111,000 106,000 101,000 1,505,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (384,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (100,000) (1,500,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 96,000 111,000 106,000 101,000 1,000 5,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 34 MHF Burner Upgrades Project Manager and Department/Division: Clint T. Shima, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will improve the operational flexibility of existing multiple hearth furnaces (MHFs) by repairing the auxiliary fuel delivery piping, by modifying or replacing the auxiliary fuel burners, adding a VFD to the center shaft, upsizing the Induced Draft Fan, and optimizing the furnace control system. Project History: The furnaces were constructed during the early 1970s and made operational in 1985. Bi- annual preventive maintenance has kept the internal refractory and the external shell in good condition, but many downstream components are reaching the end of their useful lives and need replacement. Modifications will also be implemented to ensure compliance with emerging regulations while enhancing the reliability and flexibility of the incineration process. Project Description: The original gas fuel system piping will be replaced using welded joints, and a new diesel fuel system will be added as one additional fuel source. The incinerators are set up to operate entirely on landfill gas or entirely on natural gas. There is no current method to concurrently fire both fuels. If the volume or quality of the landfill gas supply were to decline, the gas fuel system could be modified to allow fortification of the landfill gas with natural gas. This project will coordinate closely with the Plant Operations Department to determine the best way to co -fire landfill gas and natural gas. This includes replacement of 1 to 4 of the top hearth burners (8 MMBtu /hr) with smaller low NOx /High mix burners. Modernizing the control system will economize fuel consumption and realize some cost savings. A consultant will investigate the existing furnaces and make additional recommendations for modifications. Features that enhance operability, ease maintenance, or improve safety will be considered. The project will span multiple years because at any given time the solids handling process requires a furnace. The project will also require close coordination with appropriate regulatory agencies. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 35 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2009 06/01/2010 $0 Design 06/01/2010 07/01/2012 $350,000 Construction 07/01/2012 06/17/2014 $1,500,000 Total: $1,850,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $100,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Furnace Burner / 2 pTP15 / furnace burner Shima / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 200,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 250,000 0 100,000 0 1,500,000 0 C. Authorized this Year 250,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 1,500,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (1,500,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 200,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 36 Instrumentation and Control - PLC System Upgrades, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Bill McEachen /Plant Operations Project Purpose: Upgrade Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system to current technology for increased performance and improved compatibility. Project History: The first PI-Cs were installed in the treatment plant in 1986. The number of PI-Cs has increased from the original 2 to more than 30 in the treatment plant and additional units in the pumping stations. Over the years several PLC models have become obsolete and have been discontinued. The original "chassis mount" PI-Cs used in the Solids Conditioning Building have been replaced by this project. The 984 Series CPUs and 800 Series 1/0 are now obsolete. Programming software for the newer PI-Cs no longer runs efficiently on the older programming units. The original PLC communication network has also been discontinued and has now been replaced. Project Description: This project will continue to upgrade the treatment plant's PLC system by • Providing Programmable Device Support (PDS) hardware and software necessary to maintain the PLC application software. The PDS system allows PLC programs to be stored on a server and maintains version control so that all changes made to the PI-Cs are logged and a current backup is always available. • Replacing older programming computers with newer models capable of running the current programming software efficiently. • Investigation of existing and new equipment to ensure that the District remains in the mainstream of process control technology. • Upgrading older PLC models as they become out of date to be compatible with the newer models to increase performance and reliability. The next PI-Cs to be replaced are the oldest of the 984 controllers. • Installing a newer PLC communication network to the older PI-Cs to allow communication between PI-Cs and programming from a central location. • Providing funding for District personnel to coordinate, perform, and oversee PLC system upgrades. Project Location: Treatment Plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 37 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2006 07/01/2009 $134,000 Construction 07/01/2009 06/17/2012 $187,000 Total: $321,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $80,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Instr & Control - PLC System Upgrades 6169 / ic_ upgrades McEachen / 0 - ph 2 / 2 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 105,000 80,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 321,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 321,000 105,000 80,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (216,000) (25,000) (80,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 105,000 80,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 38 Outfall Inspection and Renovation Project Manager and Department/Division: Clint T. Shima, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will inspect both the land and submarine portions of the treatment plant outfall as allowed by the current NPDES Permit No. CA0037648, and will make repairs as needed. Project History: The treatment plant outfall was built in 1958 in soils that are known to shift and settle significantly over time. In 2003, as part of the Outfall Improvements - Phase 5 Project, the outfall was bypassed to inspect its condition, and make repairs. Every joint was tested to a specified threshold with failed joints resulting in the installation of over 300 mechanical seals. The submarine portion of the outfall was not evaluated at that time. This project will allow inspection of both the land and submarine portions of the outfall as allowed by the current NPDES permit, and make any additional repairs. Project Description: It has been over five years since the last outfall inspection, and it is time to re- evaluate its condition as allowed by the current NPDES permit. The current plan is to retest the land portion of the outfall in a similar fashion to the work in 2003, and install new seals as necessary. The submarine portion may need additional ballast, remote operated vehicle (ROV) inspection, and protection from boat anchors in Suisun Bay. The work is currently scheduled for 2011 -12 following completion of the Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project. This project could be delayed until FY 2012/13 due to numerous permitting issues and completion of the bypass improvement project. Project Location: District Outfall FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 39 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $100,000 Construction 01/01/2011 06/17/2013 $985,000 Total: $1,085,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $685,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $685,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Outfall Improvements, Phase 6 / 2 7290 / Outfall_insp Lawson / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 685,000 300,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 685,000 300,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (100,000) (685,000) (300,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 40 Perimeter Fencing Renovations Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Improve treatment plant security and reduce loss or damage to District property. Project History: The District has over 20,000 feet of fencing, which is mostly chain -link that was installed in the 1970s. In addition, there are double -swing and single -swing gates. Portions of the perimeter fencing have been repaired or replaced over the years, such as the main plant entrance gate, a portion replaced by Flood Control, and around the south side of the plant bordering Highway 4. However, the entire perimeter requires evaluation to ensure that plant security is maintained. Deficient fencing will be repaired or replaced as needed. Project Description: The project will evaluate the security and condition of the perimeter fencing of the Treatment Plant and will renovate as needed. This work may be bid in combination with another project in or near the same location(s). Project Location: Perimeter of Treatment Plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 41 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2009 07/01/2011 $19,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2012 $150,000 Total: $169,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $150,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $150,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Perimeter Fencing / 2 7282 / perimeter fencing Lawson / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 19,000 0 150,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 19,000 0 150,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (19,000) 0 (150,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 42 Primary Structures Demolition Project Project Manager, Department/Division: Clint T. Shima, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will increase safety around the abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and allow for future expansion of the primary sedimentation tanks and related facilities. Project History: The original primary sedimentation tanks, constructed in 1948 and 1957, have been out of service and abandoned for decades. Due to the potential for falling into the tanks, they pose a safety hazard to District employees. The lime storage silos, located on the east side of the HOB, were constructed in 1974 to store lime used in the primary sedimentation process. They have not been used in over 20 years and are no longer needed. In the future, the silos would have to be maintained in order to keep them safe. The abandoned sedimentation tanks and silos will interfere with the addition of future primary sedimentation tanks and odor control facilities that are part of the Primary Treatment Expansion Project (DP 7264). Project Description: This project will demolish the abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and backfill the area. It will also demolish the lime storage silos, building, and associated piping systems. Additional obsolete facilities may be included in this project based on further evaluations. Project Location: Abandoned primary sedimentation tanks FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 43 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 10/01/2007 04/01/2011 $104,000 Construction 04/01/2011 06/30/2017 $1,250,000 Total: $1,354,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Primary Structures Demo / 2 7255 / pri_demol Shima / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 56,000 51,000 46,000 41,000 36,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 130,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 130,000 56,000 51,000 46,000 41,000 36,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (74,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 56,000 51,000 46,000 41,000 36,000 31,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 44 Primary Treatment Renovation Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will improve the reliability of the Primary Treatment area of the plant. Project History: Most of the piping and components in the Primary Treatment area were installed as part of the 5A project, more than 30 years ago. Some of the piping and process components have been observed to be corroding, requiring more maintenance, or otherwise nearing the end of their respective service life. Project Description: This project will renovate or replace the water and air supply pipelines at the primary sedimentation tanks. Included in the renovation will be a new baffle system to be evaluated for performance. This project will also design and construct recommended improvements to the scum and grit systems from the Scum, Grease and Grit Handling Project. Project Location: Primary Treatment area Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $750,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2014 $5,790,000 Total: $6,540,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $750,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,000,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Primary Treatment Renovation / 2 7285 / PrimaryTrtRenov Rathunde / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 100,000 350,000 110,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 150,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 1,390,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 150,000 1,100,000 4,350,000 1,500,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (750,000) (4,240,000) (1,500,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 100,000 350,000 110,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 45 SCB Mechanical Room Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to design and construct improvements to the Solids Conditioning Building HVAC system to replace worn out system components. Project History: The mechanical room located on the first floor of the Solids Conditioning Building contains pumps, a chiller, steam and water piping, and an air - handling unit used to provide conditioned air to the MCC Room on the second floor and to various areas within the Furnace Control Room on the third floor. The chiller, pumps, and some piping were replaced during the Solids Conditioning Building Ventilations Improvements, Phase 2 (DP 7227) to provide chilled water for new air handling units serving the centrifuge and cake pump areas. However, the original air - handling unit that was installed during the treatment plant expansion in the mid 1970s is still in service. During the design phase of this project five other SCB exhaust fans were found to be at the end of their useful life. The project is currently in its construction phase. Project Description: This project will replace the aging air - handling unit along with its control system and associated steam and water piping. In addition, five roof exhaust fans will be replaced. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 46 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 02/01/2009 07/01/2009 $4,900 Design 07/01/2009 12/01/2009 $59,700 Construction 12/01/2009 06/30/2012 $394,400 Total: $459,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: SCB Mechanical Room / 2 7277 / scb_mech_rm Rathunde / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 22,000 141,000 5,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 220,000 214,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 242,000 355,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (3,000) (101,000) (350,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 22,000 141,000 5,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 47 Secondary Process Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Improve and /or renovation the Secondary Process including the Mixed Liquor Channel spray system, tank drainage, gate leakage, return activated sludge (RAS) system, the waste activated sludge (WAS) system, and scum collection. Project History: In FY 2010/2011 several scope items were assessed including the RAS system, conversion of the southern Primary Effluent Channel into a Selector Channel, flow splitting and dissolved oxygen (DO) control. A workshop was held between Engineer and Plant Operations Departments that reviewed and evaluated the existing scope items. From that workshop, several items were removed and other issues were identified that require further examination. Project Description: This project will evaluate the newly identified scope items including the spray system, tank drainage, gate leakage and scum collection and further investigate improvements to the RAS and WAS systems. The evaluation will also consider potential regulations that could affect the Secondary Process, and will attempt not to put investment into areas that could be changed by new regulations in the next ten years. Those items identified for improvement will be designed and constructed. Project Location: Secondary Treatment Process FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 48 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 02/26/2010 01/01/2011 $0 Design 01/01/2011 07/01/2014 $46,000 Construction 07/01/2014 06/30/2017 $1,350,000 Total: $1,396,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $5,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Secondary Process Improvements / 2 7294 / Sec _Process_Imprvs Lawson / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 50,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 100,000 C. Authorized this Year 50,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 124,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (26,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (100,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 49 Seismic Upgrades for the Pump & Blower Building Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Seismic improvements will be made to the Pump & Blower Building. Project History: In January 2008, California adopted the 2007 California Building Code (2007 CBC). Among the updates in the 2007 CBC were significant changes to seismic design. In 2009 a seismic evaluation was completed of treatment plant facilities (Martinez Wastewater Treatment Plant Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Selected Facilities, December 2009). Included in the evaluation are recommendations to bring the Pump & Blower Building in line with current seismic design standards. Project Description: This project will make seismic improvements to the Pump & Blower Building. In FY 2010 -11, predesigns of the Pump and Blower Building and Headquarters Office Buildings will be completed. Based on the results, the priority and timing of several seismic upgrade projects may be modified. Project Location: Pump & Blower Building Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $0 Design 07/01/2011 01/01/2012 $150,000 Construction 01/01/2012 06/30/2014 $2,005,000 Total: $2,155,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $205,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade / 2 7291 /seismic — P&B_upg Hodges / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 (140,000) (935,000) 5,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 10,000 205,000 1,940,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 10,000 65,000 1,005,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (150,000) (1,000,000) (1,000,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over (140,000) (935,000) 5,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 50 Seismic Upgrade for POB Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Seismic improvements will be made to the Plant Operations Building (POB). Project History: In January 2008, California adopted the 2007 California Building Code (2007 CBC). Among the updates in the 2007 CBC were significant changes to seismic design. In 2009 a seismic evaluation was completed of treatment plant facilities (Martinez Wastewater Treatment Plant Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Selected Facilities, December 2009). Included in the evaluation are recommendations to bring the POB in line with current seismic design standards. Project Description: This project will make seismic improvements to the POB. This includes improvements to the Board Room, Administration Offices, and the tunnel area beneath POB. The Multi- Purpose Room (MPR) has been identified as the Emergency Operations Center. As such, the MPR will receive additional strengthening to provide continuous service after a design seismic event. In FY 2010 -11, predesigns of the Pump and Blower Building and Headquarters Office Buildings will be completed. Based on the results, the priority and timing of several seismic upgrade projects may be modified, including the POB. Project Location: Plant Operation Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 51 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $215,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2017 $1,025,000 Total: $1,240,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: POB Seismic Upgrade / 2 7289 / seismic_POB_upg Penny / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 (40,000) (45,000) 180,000 1,175,000 1,025,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 10,000 0 230,000 1,000,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 10,000 (40,000) 185,000 1,180,000 1,175,000 1,025,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (150,000) (1,000,000) E. Estimated Carry-over (40,000) (45,000) 180,000 1,175,000 1,025,000 25,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 52 Seismic Upgrades for SCB Project Manager, Department/Division: Clint Shima, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Seismic improvements will be made to the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB). Project History: In January 2008, California adopted the 2007 California Building Code (2007 CBC). Among the updates in the 2007 CBC were significant changes to seismic design. In 2009 a seismic evaluation was completed of treatment plant facilities (Martinez Wastewater Treatment Plant Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Selected Facilities, December 2009). Included in the evaluation are recommendations to bring the SCB in line with current seismic design standards. Project Description: This project will make seismic improvements to the SCB. In FY 2010 -11, predesigns of the Pump and Blower Building and Headquarters Office Buildings will be completed. Based on the results, the priority and timing of several seismic upgrade projects may be modified, including the SCB. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 53 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $1,255,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2015 $3,800,000 Total: $5,055,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $50,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $200,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: SCB Seismic Upgrade / 2 pTP31 /seismic SCB_upg Shima / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 50,000 200,000 800,000 800,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 55,000 200,000 800,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 C. Authorized this Year 55,000 250,000 1,000,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (50,000) (200,000) (2,000,000) (2,800,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 50,000 200,000 800,000 800,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 54 Standby Power Facility Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to replace existing stationary diesel engine generators at the treatment plant to comply with more stringent air regulations, limiting the particulate emissions from diesel engines while providing standby power reliability. Project History: The California Air Resource Board has adopted new regulations that severely limit the operating hours of uncontrolled stationary diesel engines over 50 horsepower in size. Under this project, the existing diesel engine driven generators in the Standby Power Facility were replaced. The project has been constructed and minor finishing issues are being addressed. Project Description: This project replaced the treatment plant standby power diesel engine generators as required to meet the new regulations and provide enough run time to meet District operational requirements. The new engine generators generate at 12kV, which simplifies the standby power system by eliminating the 4160V/12kV transformer. The facility building was modified to accept the new engine generators and also brought up to the current seismic performance standards. Additionally, a permanent connection point was constructed for connecting trailer- mounted generators allowing greater flexibility to provide reliable power. Changing to power generation at 12kv will improve the reliability of the plant standby power system because it eliminates issues related to cross current compensation, kilovolt- ampere buildup and relay trips related to the old transformer. Feeder cables were also replaced to improve system reliability. Project Location: Standby Power Facility Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 55 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2005 07/01/2006 $563,900 Construction 07/01/2006 06/30/2012 $4,285,100 Total: $4,849,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Standby Power Facility Improvements / 2 7248 / standbyPower Mizutani / 100 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 1,545,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 4,849,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 4,849,000 1,545,000 5,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (3,304,000) (1,540,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 1,545,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 56 Switchgear Refurbishment, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will refurbish electrical switchgear, especially 480v circuit breakers, to maintain the electrical reliability of the treatment plant. Project History: The electrical switchgear throughout the plant was installed in the 1970s and has been well maintained using preventative techniques, such as thermographic imaging, to identify potential problems and correct them prior to failure. Inspections in 2003 and 2004 showed that many of the trip units on the circuit breakers require replacement. Circuit breakers have been sent out for Class 1 recondition and trip unit replacement on an as- needed basis. In the first phase of this project, the oldest circuit breakers (GE) at Substation 40 were refurbished. Project Description: This second phase of the project will determine when and how to refurbish the remaining 480v circuit breakers (approx 50, Westinghouse /Cutler- Hammer). Funding for refurbishment and purchase of replacement breakers will be provided under this project. Project Location: Treatment Plant substations FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 57 Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 01/01/2010 07/01/2013 $164,800 Construction 07/01/2013 06/30/2015 $1,000,000 Total: $1,164,800 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $50,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $550,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Switchgear Replacement 7292 / switch _2 Lawson / 0 - ph 2 / 2 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 85,000 35,000 535,000 1,000,000 500,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 0 550,000 515,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 85,000 585,000 1,050,000 1,000,000 500,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (15,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (500,000) (500,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 85,000 35,000 535,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 58 Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization Project Manager, Department/Division: Munawar Husain, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To modernize the two elevators in the Solids Conditioning Building and to replace the door sensor on the Headquarters Office Building elevator. Project History: The existing elevators on the treatment plant site were installed in 1975. The District's elevator maintenance company, National Elevator, is frequently called out for unscheduled maintenance. For example, the Solids Conditioning Building (SBC) passenger elevator had 16 unscheduled call -outs in 2009, whereas in 2004 it only had 2 unscheduled call -outs. This is in addition to the regular monthly maintenance visits. These elevators are critical for operation and maintenance activities within the building. In December 2009, Edgett - Williams Consulting Group was hired to assess the condition of the SCB freight and passenger elevators. Major findings were: • The equipment is obsolete and the original manufacturer is out of business • No original equipment spare parts /technical support is available • Existing equipment runs on DC current which is no longer utilized in elevators • Existing equipment is out of compliance with current electrical /fire codes Project Description: The project was bid and awarded in 2010. Construction will be completed in 2011 to modernize the two elevators in the Solids Conditioning Building and to replace the door sensor on the Headquarters Office Building elevator. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building and Headquarters Office Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 59 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2009 07/01/2010 $27,500 Construction 07/01/2010 06/30/2012 $650,000 Total: $677,500 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $200,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Elevators Modernization / 2 7281 / tp_elevators_repl Husain / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 22,000 200,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 50,000 628,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 50,000 650,000 200,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (28,000) (450,000) (200,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 22,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 60 Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Nathan Hodges, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Replace the wet and dry scrubbers on each Multiple Hearth Furnace (MHF) based on the recommendations from the November 2005 Solids Handling Facilities Plan Update and the 2008 Black & Veatch Metals Removal Report. Project History: The Solids Handling Facilities Plan was updated in 2005. Incinerator Rx and Industrial Furnace Company (IFCO) determined that the Multiple Hearth Furnaces were in excellent condition and could last 20 or more years with current O &M practices. Included in the recommendations was that both the dry cyclone and the wet particulate scrubber were showing signs of wear and could use updating or replacement. Operations staff has also reported problems with the scrubber piping. USEPA released new regulations and the District can meet the standards. Given the metal pitting and fatigue in the scrubber system, this project is a fairly high priority. Project Description: This project will replace the wet and dry scrubbers, and their associated piping and equipment on the MHFs. The project may also include side stream treatment of the scrubber water for the removal of cyanide if nitrification is required. Project Location: Solids Conditioning Building FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 61 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 06/01/2010 $0 Design 06/01/2010 07/01/2013 $205,000 Construction 07/01/2013 06/30/2015 $3,710,000 Total: $3,915,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $200,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $300,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement / 2 pTP17 / wet _scrub_repl Hodges / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 20,000 120,000 (1,880,000) 10,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 300,000 0 3,590,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 320,000 120,000 1,710,000 10,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (200,000) (2,000,000) (1,700,000) (10,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 20,000 120,000 (1,880,000) 10,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 62 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to make improvements to the wet weather emergency discharge system. Project History: In the early 1990s, the District conducted evaluations and planning for the relocation of the Basin C discharge point as part of the Wet Weather Overflow Project and the Basin Discharge Hydraulics project in an effort to decrease the risk of overflows from the basins during the wet weather season. Improvements specifically recommended from those previous investigations included a new headworks and expanded disinfection facilities. These improvements have already been or are being implemented. An area of focus that has not been addressed is the wet weather bypass system. Computer modeling predicted that storms for a 20 -year system event would produce a peak flow of approximately 310 mgd. With the expansion of the UV Disinfection Facilities, the peak wet weather flow capacity is approximately 130 mgd. Therefore, the emergency wet weather bypass system needs to have sufficient capacity to convey the remaining 180 mgd during these storm events. The present hydraulic capacity of the District's bypass facilities to Pacheco Creek is limited to approximately 50 mgd during 20 -25 year storm events. This project is currently in its construction phase. Project Description: This project will design and construct necessary improvements to the wet weather discharge system. The project will include design and construction of a gravity overflow structure to be located near the northeastern side of Basin B and a new box culvert under a Flood Control District access road to discharge directly to Walnut Creek. In addition, the culvert between the two on -site bypass channels, which direct flow to Basin B, will be replaced with larger box culverts to increase capacity. Furthermore, a narrow section of the northern most on -site bypass channel just upstream of Basin B will be widened to improve flow. The proposed improvements require a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers and wetland mitigations. These wet weather improvements may be built over two years if that permit is delayed. A future phase of this project will evaluate and design /construct modifications to raise the levees around Basin C to match the height of the levees around Basin B to maximize storage capacity of the holding basins. Project Location: Basin B and Basin C FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 63 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 09/01/2004 09/01/2005 $2,000 Design 09/01/2005 07/01/2006 $431,400 Construction 07/01/2006 06/17/2012 $2,384,600 Total: $2,818,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Wet Weather Bypass Improvements / 2 7241 /wet — weather—bypass Shima / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 2,055,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 2,818,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 2,818,000 2,055,000 5,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (763,000) (2,050,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 2,055,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 64 Concrete Renovation Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will renovate concrete throughout the treatment plant. Project History: In 2009, the TP Asset Management project funded several condition assessments in the plant including one for concrete structures by Villalobos & Associates. Defects identified included cracking, corrosion, and spalling. The defects were prioritized for repair. Project Description: This project will renovate concrete structures where "urgent" repairs were identified in the condition assessment. This work will be incorporated into concurrent capital projects as appropriate. Future phases will address the remaining repairs, that were identified and any additional ones that are identified. Project Location: Entire treatment plant Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2012 $10,000 Construction 07/01/2012 06/30/2018 $300,000 Total: $310,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $5,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Concrete Renovation / 3 pTP30 / Concrete_renov Lawson / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 5,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 C. Authorized this Year 5,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (5,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 65 Plant Energy Optimization Project Manager, Department/Division: Nathan Hodges, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Evaluate energy optimization projects for the treatment plant. Project History: The implementation of AB 32 causes energy consumers to evaluate their energy use and develop carbon offsetting efficiencies to comply with new regulations. A number of potential energy efficiency projects are being refined. Many of these concepts are from the 2010 HDR report "AB 32 Compliance and Energy Optimization Evaluation." These project concepts require further evaluation and an understanding of potential implementation issues before implementation can move forward. Project Description: This project will evaluate proposed energy optimization projects. Many projects include rebates from PG &E. Staff will coordinate work with PG &E in order to obtain rebates and improve the payback of implemented projects. Current proposals to be evaluated include replacing Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) recirculation pumps with micro - bubble pumps. As other energy efficiency proposals are made they will be included in this evaluation project. For implementation, staff will determine the most cost effective approach. Project Location: Treatment Plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 66 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 12/01/2011 $0 Design 12/01/2011 08/01/2012 $100,000 Construction 08/01/2012 06/30/2015 $0 Total: $100,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $25,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $50,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Plant Energy Optimization / 3 pTP32 / energy optimize Hodges / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 25,000 50,000 25,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 50,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 25,000 50,000 25,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 67 Pavement Renovation Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will renovate pavement throughout the treatment plant. Project History: In 2009, the TP Asset Management project funded several condition assessments in the plant including one for asphalt pavement by Fugro West, which identified future renovations. Project Description: This project will renovate asphalt pavement as identified and will be completed in multiple phases based on the condition assessment and changing condition of the pavement over time. Project Location: Entire treatment plant Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2015 $25,000 Construction 07/01/2015 06/30/2020 $250,000 Total: $275,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $5,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/') Expansion: Pavement Renovation / 3 pTP29 / Pavement_renov Lawson / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 50,000 C. Authorized this Year 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 50,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (50,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 68 Piping Renovations, Phase 5 Project Manager, Department/Division: Munawar Husain, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To improve the reliability of the piping systems above and below ground in the treatment plant by inspection, renovation, and replacement where required. Project History: During the 5A project, numerous piping systems were installed throughout the treatment plant. These pipes carry the processed wastewater, sludge, steam, air, and other utility services between the various sections of the plant. These pipes have been in place for more than 30 years. Some of these pipes are leaking due to corrosion. Failure of such piping will adversely affect the treatment processes. The first four phases of this program had renovated or replaced various piping systems. This included the service air line from the compressor to the air driers, the main service air header, piping between the grit pumps and classifiers, RAS pump station suction header piping, scum piping to reduce blockages, centrate and ash conveyance system piping in the Solids Conditioning Building, blow down piping on auxiliary boilers, piping at various hypochlorite facilities, and fuel oil piping. This project is currently in its construction phase. Project Description: This project will replace the aging aeration air supply headers and down comers at the aeration tanks along with other plant piping showing signs of corrosion, such as the water supply and drain lines on the aeration condensers and 3WHP pipelines in the West Gallery. Project Location: Throughout the treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 69 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 02/01/2009 12/01/2010 $13,000 Design 12/01/2010 03/01/2011 $91,400 Construction 03/01/2011 06/17/2012 $2,501,600 Total: $2,606,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $300,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Piping Renovations - ph 5 / 3 7276 / PipeRen5 Husain / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 90,000 1,750,000 300,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 1,856,000 650,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 1,946,000 2,400,000 300,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (196,000) (2,100,000) (300,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 90,000 1,750,000 300,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 70 Piping Renovations, Phase 6 Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To improve the reliability of the piping systems above and below ground in the treatment plant by inspection, renovation, and replacement where required. Project History: During the 5A project, numerous piping systems were installed throughout the treatment plant. These pipes carry the processed wastewater, sludge, steam, air, and other utility services between the various sections of the plant. These pipes have been in place for more than 30 years. Some of these pipes are leaking due to corrosion. Failure of such piping will adversely affect the treatment processes. The first five phases of this program had renovated or replaced various piping systems. This included the service air line from the compressor to the air driers, the main service air header, piping between the grit pumps and classifiers, RAS pump station suction header piping, scum piping to reduce blockages, centrate and ash conveyance system piping in the Solids Conditioning Building, blow down piping on auxiliary boilers, piping at various hypochlorite facilities, and fuel oil piping. Project Description: This phase of the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations Project will include previously identified piping renovations and replacement work not yet included in a construction project. This work includes: • Replace sections of the scrubber water piping at the seal tank on wet scrubber #2 • Replace a section of the centrate pipe at the foam suppression tank • Replace flow meter in the discharge piping of aeration blower #2 • Replace a section of the scrubber drain piping in the SCB plenum • Replace leaking connections at the cake pump feed pipelines • Pilot test installation of a primary baffle in one tank One area requiring extensive pipe and valve replacement work is at pre- aeration and primary tanks. Piping at this location, such as the diffusers, utility station air and water lines, and the spray water piping system contain components that were installed during plant upgrades in the 1960s. Much of this renovation work was to be part of the 4 and 5 Piping Renovations Projects, but was delayed until aeration tank air plenum box and aeration tank air supply piping repair work was completed during the 2009 and 2010 construction seasons. The Primary Treatment Renovation Project (DP 7285) will evaluate necessary improvements to the primary treatment process and the recommendations will be included in a construction project presently scheduled for the summer of 2012. FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 71 However, some deteriorating piping in that area, such as the air headers and aeration air diffusers in pre- aeration tanks, primary tank distribution channels, and primary tank effluent channels is being considered for inclusion in the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 6. Project Location: Throughout the treatment plant Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 02/26/2010 07/01/2012 $140,000 Construction 07/01/2012 06/30/2013 $1,005,000 Total: $1,145,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $320,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Piping Renovations - ph 6 / 3 7288 / PipeRen6 Rathunde / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 20,000 (75,000) (755,000) 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 60,000 5,000 320,000 760,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 60,000 25,000 245,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (40,000) (100,000) (1,000,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 20,000 (75,000) (755,000) 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 72 Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To create a capital project forecasting and to provide management with information to make funding decisions. Project History: Staff previously estimated that about $6M per year in capital improvements (2001 dollars) is necessary to maintain the reliability of the treatment plant through gradual renewal and replacement of aging equipment and facilities. These expenditures are in addition to those required for capacity and regulatory- driven improvements. While projects over the next few years are well defined in the Capital Budget and Plan, additional evaluations will be used to better define the long -term needs of the District. It is critical to understand the scope and cost of projects necessary to maintain the treatment plant assets for proper budgeting and responsible rate setting. Project Description: Asset Management is an integrated set of processes to minimize the life -cycle costs of owning, operating and maintaining assets, while continuously delivering established levels of service at an acceptable level of risk. The District has implemented portions of asset management at various levels and typically as stand -alone practices. The District has a good inventory of its assets, except for the piping infrastructure within the plant. The Mainsaver@ database has been updated to include the service life, install date, replacement cost (as of 2009), and other useful information. An import tool has been developed to assist with inputting this data. The following conditions assessments have been completed to -date: asphalt pavement, concrete structures, electrical switchgear, and protective coatings. Future phases of the Treatment Plant Asset Management Project should include • Condition assessment of: mechanical, electrical, instrumentation • Evaluation of consequence and redundancy to develop a Business Risk Exposure (BRE) score for each system Completion of these will allow for a more accurate reinvestment rate and development of a formal procedure for prioritizing projects. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 73 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 12/01/2005 07/01/2007 $99,100 Design 07/01/2007 06/30/2015 $756,900 Construction - - $0 Total: $856,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $10,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Asset Management / 3 7269 / tp_asset Lawson / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 320,000 310,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 856,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 856,000 320,000 310,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (536,000) (10,000) (10,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 320,000 310,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 74 Cathodic Protection Systems Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: A master plan for treatment plant cathodic protection was prepared in 2006/07 and updated in 2010/11. Based on the master plan, adequate cathodic protection on all underground and other facilities throughout the treatment plant will be provided by replacing existing expended facilities and installing new systems where required. Project History: To extend the useful life of the District treatment plant facilities, structures and pipelines, cathodic protection systems need to be monitored and maintained. A comprehensive cathodic protection survey of the treatment plant was performed and identified facilities that needed replacement and improvements over the next five -year period. The report also identified existing facilities requiring further investigations. The current project will prioritize and implement urgent work recommended by the master plan. Project Description: Cathodic protection facilities are surveyed, inspected and monitored and based on the finding projects are prioritized. Based on the recommendations from the recently updated master plan, the cathodic protection systems that are not providing adequate protection will be repaired and /or replaced, and any other facilities that may require cathodic protection will be identified. It is anticipated that several systems will require refurbishment over the next few years. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 75 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2006 02/01/2007 $209,000 Construction 02/01/2007 06/17/2016 $380,000 Total: $589,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $50,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl / 3 7254 / TP_cathodic Hodges / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 88,000 75,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 272,000 317,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 272,000 405,000 75,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (184,000) (330,000) (50,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 88,000 75,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 76 Treatment Plant Protective Coatings, Phase 4 Project Manager, Department/Division: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to extend the useful life and minimize corrosion of select treatment plant equipment, piping, and surfaces through the application of coatings. Project History: The original treatment plant was built in the late 1940s. Since then, there have been multiple additions and expansions, such as that in the late 1970s. Much of the process infrastructure is almost 30 years old; and except as discussed below, has received limited coating or repainting over the lifetime of the treatment plant. The first three phases of this project applied protective coatings to structures, vessels, piping and equipment throughout the plant with deteriorating coatings and in need of surface rehabilitation. This work included the submerged steel components in the secondary clarifiers, the concrete surface of the denitrification channel, the sludge blending tanks, electrical MCC enclosures, water system air gap tanks, switchgear and transformers at Substations 33, 34, 40, 52, 73, and 81, and all non - fiberglass piping and equipment at the Solids Conditioning Building's odor control unit. Project Description: The Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan project (DP 7269) is documenting recent renewal and replacement projects and will ultimately provide recommendations for future renewal and /or replacement of equipment and facilities at the treatment plant due to aging or functional obsolescence. This Phase 4 project will contribute to the efforts of the Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan project by providing a detailed evaluation of the entire plant coating system to identify the critical infrastructure to be cleaned and coated. A plant -wide coating system evaluation was completed in 2009 by KTA -Tator that recommended and prioritized coating projects. The most critical coating renovations recommended in the evaluation, and those identified by plant staff include, renovating the Headwork's bar screen support steel, the pipe rack supports in the basement of the SCB, the piping and structural supports in the basement of the Pump and Blower Building, the structural steel and piping at the clear well, the carbide lime silos, the crane on top of sludge storage tanks, and the fuel oil storage tanks. The remaining recommendations will be addressed in future phases of the long -term protective coating program. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 77 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $13,000 Design 07/01/2006 07/01/2007 $92,000 Construction 07/01/2007 06/30/2013 $730,000 Total: $835,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $725,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Protective Coatings - 7247 / TP_Coat4 Rathunde / 0 ph 4 / 3 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 (20,000) 730,000 5,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 55,000 780,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 55,000 760,000 730,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (75,000) (30,000) (725,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over (20,000) 730,000 5,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 78 Treatment Plant Electrical /Instrumentation Replacement Program Project Manager, Department/Division: Ba T. Than, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to identify deficiencies in the existing electrical and instrumentation system components and replace them prior to failure. Project History: The electrical /instrumentation system throughout the plant was installed in the mid - 1970s, with significant upgrades from several major projects. However, the majority of equipment is 35 years old. The electrical system has numerous components, including 12,000 -volt switchgear at the 10 high - voltage substations and 30 oil- filled transformers that are well maintained using preventative techniques, such as thermo scan, to identify potential problems and correct them prior to failure. The maintenance inspections have indicated areas subject to premature failures, which could cripple the electrical system. The instrumentation system consists of thousands of field devices and the PLC control system. The PLC system replacement work is included in other ongoing projects. Project Description: The Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan project (DP 7269) is documenting recent renewal and replacement projects and will ultimately be used to provide recommendations for any additional renewal and replacement needs of equipment and facilities at the treatment plant due to aging or functional obsolescence. This project will replace antiquated and poor - performing field instrumentation and electrical equipment and systems. Appropriate upgrading will also be included to meet the latest governing codes such as the National Electric Code. Property Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 79 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2010 06/17/2013 $30,000 Total: $30,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Plant Electrical and Instrumentation Repl / 3 pTP06 / TP_Eleclnstr Than / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 20,000 15,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 20,000 0 10,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 20,000 20,000 25,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures 0 (5,000) (25,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 20,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 80 Treatment Plant Equipment Replacement Program Project Manager, Department/Division: Ba T. Than, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Reduce maintenance costs, increase reliability, and improve treatment operations through replacement or reconditioning of technologically obsolete, worn -out, maintenance - intensive equipment, or equipment that is no longer supported by its manufacturer. Project History: The initial work on this project, then known as the "Major Equipment Replacement Study," assembled a list of current treatment plant equipment; verified equipment name, number, and size; acquired their design records; and estimated equipment life and replacement cost. Equipment maintenance costs are now being tracked in the District's Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). Several major pieces of equipment are reaching the end of their expected service life and require either replacement or a total reconditioning to extend their useful life. Furthermore, the Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan project (DP 7269) is also documenting recent renewal and replacement projects and will ultimately be used to provide recommendations for any additional renewal and replacement needs of equipment and facilities at the treatment plant due to aging or functional obsolescence. Appropriate upgrading will also be included. Project Description: Specific examples of equipment upon which this project will focus include: - Filter Plant Polymer Pumps (2) - Influent Pump Wear Rings (4) - Headworks Air Conditioners (2) - 3WLP 12" Strainer (1) - Waste Steam Exchanger Shell (1) - Scum Tank Assembly (1) - Grease Separator Examples of equipment replaced to date include: Carbine lime recirculating pump, polymer feed pump, carbine lime feed pump, waste heat boiler soot ash rotary air lock and grit classifier assemblies. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 81 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $535,000 Construction 07/01/2007 06/17/2018 $700,000 Total: $1,235,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $85,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Equipment Replacement / 3 7265 / TP_EquipRepl Than / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 615,000 515,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,150,000 0 85,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 1,150,000 615,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (535,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 615,000 515,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 82 Treatment Plant Facilities Renovations Project Manager, Department/Division: Ba T. Than, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will investigate and renovate the treatment plant facilities including buildings, roofs, roads, HVAC, and the drainage system. Project History: In the mid- 1980s, the treatment plant building roofs and paved areas were inspected and evaluated. A priority list was developed and a replacement program was implemented. Several other facilities, such as the warehouse and mechanical maintenance building, will also be evaluated. Heavy construction traffic also continues to deteriorate the existing pavement within the plant site. Project Description: The Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan project (DP 7269) is documenting recent renewal and replacement projects and will ultimately be used to provide recommendations for any additional renewal and replacement needs of equipment and facilities at the treatment plant due to aging or functional obsolescence. Project Location: Entire treatment plant FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 83 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2004 07/01/2007 $10,000 Design 07/01/2007 07/01/2011 $156,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/17/2015 $0 Total: $166,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $12,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TP Facilities Renovations / 3 7268 / TP_FacilRenov Than / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 (26,000) 36,000 24,000 12,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 92,000 74,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 92,000 48,000 36,000 24,000 12,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (118,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over (26,000) 36,000 24,000 12,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 84 Primary Treatment Expansion Project Manager, Department/Division: Dana Lawson, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will evaluate improvements to increase operational flexibility, redundancy, and to increase capacity for wet weather flows through the Primary process. Project History: The Plant Capacity Analysis completed in September 1999 found that the stand -alone capacity of the existing primary sedimentation tanks was approximately 50 MGD, while the secondary process was approximately 68 MGD. When working together under operational conditions, the combined processes can accommodate at least the 53.8 MGD Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) allowed by the District's current NPDES effluent discharge limit. Although adequate for dry weather flows, the current number of primary sedimentation tanks and pumps hampers the District's ability to manage wet weather flows or to take these facilities off -line for maintenance. The need for improvements to the primary sedimentation tanks was identified in the District's 2002 Effluent Discharge Limit Increase Project Final Environmental Impact Report. Record wet weather flows in the winter of 2005/2006 also showed the need for increased efficiency or additional capacity. In 2006, a consultant was hired to make recommendations for future facilities. Preliminary reports indicate that an expansion would add two more primary sedimentation tanks, add new and modify the existing grit facilities and add new odor control facilities. This project has begun to develop a preliminary design concept for the addition of two primary sedimentation tanks and evaluate upgrades to the existing tanks and systems. Addition of the tanks would increase the wet weather capacity to approximately 270 MGD (62.5 MGD dry weather capacity with one tank out of service). The new tanks would provide additional operational flexibility and would reduce the amount of raw wastewater bypassed to the holding basins during large wet weather events. With the diminished need for bypassing flows, the associated potential for odor complaints during large wet weather events would be reduced. Project Description: Predesign work for the additional tanks was started in 2007 and then put on -hold. However, work began again in July 2010 and the predesign will be completed by end of FY 2011 -12. Design and construction of the new primary sedimentation tanks will be under a new project that is not currently scheduled with the 10 -year Capital Improvement Plan. Project Location: Primary Sedimentation process area FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 85 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 03/30/2006 10/31/2008 $0 Design 10/31/2008 06/17/2011 $430,000 Construction 06/17/2011 06/17/2012 $0 Total: $430,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Primary Treatment Expansion / 4 7264 / primaryExp Lawson/100 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 75,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 400,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 400,000 105,000 5,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (325,000) (100,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 75,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB TP - 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Renovation TAB 1 ........................................................................ ............................... 7 Cathodic Protection Systems Replacement .................................. ............................... 8 Collection System Renovation Program ..................................... ............................... 10 Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 ....................................... ............................... 12 Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 ....................................... ............................... 13 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 7 .................................. ............................... 14 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 .................................. ............................... 15 Manhole Rehabilitation Project ................................................ ............................... 16 Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 ................................... ............................... 17 Mount Diablo Boulevard /Main Street Improvements ............... ............................... 18 North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 ............................ ............................... 19 Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 ............................. ............................... 20 South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 ............................ ............................... 21 South Main /1 -680 Trunk Line Sliplining .................................... ............................... 22 Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 8 ...................................... ............................... 23 Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 9 ...................................... ............................... 24 Collection System Urgent Projects Program ............................... ............................... 25 Blanket Contract for Pipebursting ............................................ ............................... 26 Blanket Contract for CIPP ....................................................... ............................... 27 Suspended Pipe Support Evaluation and Repair .................... ............................... 28 Concrete Pipe Renovation .......................................................... ............................... 29 TV Inspection Program, Phase 2 ................................................ ............................... 30 Watershed 44 Creek Crossing Stabilization ............................... ............................... 32 Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety - TAB 2 ................................. ............................... 32 Concord Naval Weapons Station Facilities Plan ......................... ............................... 33 Collection System Modeling Upgrade ......................................... ............................... 35 Collection System Planning ........................................................ ............................... 37 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control .................................................. ............................... 40 ForceMain Assessment ............................................................. ............................... 42 Manhole Remote Level Monitoring ............................................. ............................... 44 MartinezFacilities Plan ................................................................. .............................46 Expansion TAB 3 ........................................................................ ............................... 47 2011 -12 Development Sewerage ............................................... ............................... 48 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Phase 2 ....................................... ............................... 50 Contractual Assessment Districts ............................................... ............................... 52 Trunk Sewer Capacity Program .................................................. ............................... 54 Lafayette - Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer ............................... ............................... 56 Pleasant Hill — Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer .............................. ............................... 58 FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 1 PumpingStations - TAB 4 ........................................................... ............................... 59 Buchanan Airfield Pumping Station Replacement ...................... ............................... 60 LowerOrinda PS Main ................................................................ ............................... 62 MartinezBypass Pump ............................................................... ............................... 64 Pumping Stations Hazard Identification and Remediation .......... ............................... 66 Pumping Stations Equipment and Piping Replacement .............. ............................... 68 Pumping Station Safety and Security Improvements .................. ............................... 70 Pumping Station SCADA O &M Manual ...................................... ............................... 72 Pumping Station Minor Upgrades ............................................... ............................... 74 San Ramon Pumping Station Upgrades ....................................... .............................76 San Ramon Bypass Pump Replacement .................................... ............................... 78 FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 2 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM This section includes detailed information for the Collection System Program. Table CS -1 presents specific project listings showing authorizations and allocations for total project costs. The subprogram names are used to categorize the projects among the several reasons for which the District does work. The numbered tabs for the project groupings are as follows: Tab Number Subprogram 1 Renovation 2 Regulatory Compliance /Planning /Safety 3 Expansion 4 Pumping Stations OVERVIEW The Collection System Program at $12.8 M comprises 50 percent of the total estimated capital expenditures for FY 2011 -12. The major points of emphasis for the Collection System Program are: • Renovate sewers as they reach the end of their useful lives to avoid structural failure, reduce dry- weather overflows, and control maintenance costs; • Expand sewer and pumping facilities to accommodate approved growth in the District's service area; • Upgrade District sewers to relieve capacity constraints; • Improve the reliability of pumping stations; and • Respond to regulatory requirements related to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). The process for project identification, prioritization, and scheduling includes six major components: • The Collection System Master Plan Update (2010), which identified capacity limitations for lines 10 inches in diameter and larger; • Results from the District's TV inspection program that identify lines in need of rehabilitation or replacement; • CSO maintenance records; • The Pumping Station Inventory Update (July 2007), which identified necessary capacity and reliability improvements; • Collection system facility plans, which identify capacity limitations in the 6 through 10 -inch lines; and • Coordination with capital improvement programs for paving and pipeline projects of other agencies /utilities. FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 3 This process allows staff to establish priorities and schedules for the individual elements of the system that are incorporated into the capital budget and plan. Assessment tools, such as CCTV inspection, are utilized to confirm the need for projects. After priorities and schedules are set, projects proceed to design and construction. At each step of the process, the level of accuracy in project scope, schedule and cost improves. Renovation Currently, there are more than 1,500 miles of sewer in the District's Collection System. Sewers and associated facilities have fixed useful lives. When a sewer nears the end of its useful life, maintenance costs, infiltration /inflow rates, and the threat of structural degradation increase. Proper management of the District's Collection System requires a program for the renovation of sewers that have reached the end of their useful lives. In the FY 2011 -12 Capital Budget, approximately $7.8 M or 61 percent of the Collection System Program will be spent in this subprogram. The largest renovation projects focus on multiple sites in Walnut Creek, Orinda, and Lafayette. The FY 2001 -02 CIB initiated a District -wide TV inspection program to help identify and prioritize renovation needs. In FY 2011 -12, the TV inspection program will continue with expenditures estimated at $0.5M and will focus on high maintenance and problem areas in Orinda, Lafayette, and Walnut Creek. Urgent projects may arise during a fiscal year or in the closing months of the prior fiscal year. These projects, which cannot afford the longer timeline to be incorporated in the year -long budget process, are included in this category of projects. Smaller collection system projects are initiated through the ongoing collection system planning process. This planning activity evaluates capacity of sewers smaller than 12- inches in diameter on a case -by -case basis when triggered by one of the following situations: • Capacity - related overflows occur. • There is a structural failure in a pipe. • The District's Collection System Operations Department (CSO) maintenance records indicate a persistent and continuous problem. Regulatory Compliance /Planning /Safety The collection system planning process ensures timely reconstruction and replacement of the sewer collection system as needed. In the short term, the process ensures that developers pay their fair share for downstream improvements to provide capacity needed within the sewer main system. In the long term, it ensures that developments are not connected to deficient sewers. The Collection System Master Plan update process was completed in FY 2009 -10 to accommodate the changing general and specific plans of the County and the municipalities that are served where higher densities of development are being widely adopted. FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 4 A Pumping Station Inventory document is periodically updated to include information as projects are completed. Approximately $368,000 in FY 2011 -12, or approximately three percent of the Collection System program will be spent on projects in this subprogram. Expansion Priorities called out in the Collection System Master Plan Update of 2010 have been used to establish the list of projects to be included in the Capital Improvement Plan for capacity reasons. In FY 2011 -12, construction will start on trunk sewer improvements along Pleasant Hill Road in Lafayette. The subprogram includes other capacity - related projects for a total cost of $3.4 M or 27 percent of the Collection System Program. Pumping Stations In FY 2011 -12, the goal of the Pumping Stations subprogram focuses on reliability, safety and operational improvements of pumping stations. The San Ramon Pumping Station Upgrades project will provide capacity needed to handle increased flow from the Dougherty Valley, and the San Ramon Bypass Pump Replacement project will ensure pumping capacity during catastrophic failure. Approximately $1.3 M or 10 percent of the Collection System program will be spent in this subprogram during FY 2011 -12. FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 5 Table CS -1: Collection System Subprogram /Project List FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 6 Estimated Anticipated Estimated Anticipated Estimated Project Total Project Allocations Expenditures Allocations Expenditures Subprogram / Project No. / Project Title Manager Expenditures To 06/30/11 To 06/30/11 FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 1 Renovation none Concrete Pipe Renovation Antkowiak 10,000 0 0 5,000 1,000 5987 Cathodic Protection System Replacement Antkowiak 296,000 296,000 295,000 0 1,000 5953 Diablo Renovations - ph 1 Antkowiak 2,345,000 2,345,000 2,344,000 0 1,000 5976 Diablo Renovations - ph 2 Antkowiak 2,360,000 60,000 60,000 300,000 300,000 5990 Lafayette Sewer Renovation - ph 7 Godsey 2,113,600 423,600 313,600 1,690,000 1,790,000 pCS27 Lafayette Sewer Renovation - ph 8 Antkowiak 2,052,000 1,000 1,000 250,000 250,000 5947 Manhole Rehab Hodges 130,000 59,000 59,000 21,000 21,000 pCS26 Martinez Sewer Renovations Phase 4 Antkowiak 2,001,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 5973 North Orinda Sewer Renovations - ph 4 Antkowiak 2,150,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 300,000 5991 Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations - ph 3 Antkowiak 2,143,300 160,000 133,300 0 10,000 pCS16 Collection System Renovation Program Antkowiak 33,623,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 5989 South Orinda Sewer Renovations - ph 5 Rozul 2,167,800 2,167,800 367,800 0 1,800,000 pCS03 South Main /1 -680 Trunk Line Sliplining Antkowiak 405,000 5,000 5,000 350,000 350,000 5992 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - ph 8 Antkowiak 2,149,700 349,700 349,700 1,800,000 1,800,000 pCS25 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - ph 9 Antkowiak 2,103,000 11,000 3,000 292,000 300,000 none Collection System Urgent Projects Antkowiak 43,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 5982 Pipeburst Blanket Contract Antkowiak 52,000 52,000 50,000 0 1,000 5999 CIPP Blanket Contract Antkowiak 26,000 26,000 25,000 0 1,000 5955 Suspended Pipe Support Antkowiak 26,000 25,000 25,000 1,000 1,000 pCS06 Mount Diablo Blvd Main Improvements Godsey 1,714,000 0 0 214,000 213,000 5948 TV Inspection Program - ph 2 Antkowiak 5,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 pCS99 Watershed 44 Creek Xing Stabilization Antkowiak 158,000 159,000 37,000 0 120,000 Subprogram Total 63,068,400 6,692,100 4,620,400 5,728,000 7,765,000 2Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety 5997 CNWS Facility Plan Chesler 100,000 100,000 40,000 0 55,000 5915 Collection System Modeling Upgrade Chesler 580,000 580,000 567,000 0 13,000 5965 Collection System Planning Chesler 988,000 910,000 808,000 78,000 180,000 5983 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control Chesler 31,000 26,000 26,000 5,000 5,000 5993 Forcemain Assessment Chesler 45,000 30,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 5962 Manhole Remote Level Monitoring Wenslawski 510,000 150,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 6001 Martinez Facilities Plan Foss 25,000 25,000 20,000 0 5,000 Subprogram Total 2,279,000 1,821,000 1,601,000 198,000 368,000 3Expansion 6484 2011 -12 Development Sewerage Miyamoto -Mills 500,000 0 0 500,000 500,000 5967 A -Line Easement Acquisition - ph 2 Gronlund 1,564,000 1,564,000 1,563,000 0 1,000 pCS34 Contractual Assessment Districts Miyamoto -Mills 5,000,000 0 0 500,000 500,000 none Trunk Sewer Expansion Program Rozul 10,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 5994 Laf -P Hill Rd Trunk Sewer, Laf TR 15 -100 Rozul 2,411,000 235,000 511,000 2,176,000 1,900,000 pCS22 Pleasant Hill Grayson Creek Rozul 3,100,000 0 0 500,000 500,000 Subprogram Total 12,585,000 1,801,000 2,076,000 3,677,000 3,402,000 FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 6 4Pumping Stations Subprogram / Project No. / Project Title pCS11 Buchanan South Removal pCS24 Lower Orinda PS Force Main pCS10 Martinez Bypass Pump pCS31 Pump Station Hazard Identification 5941 PS Equip & Piping Repl pCS18 Pump Station Safety Improvements pCS13 PS SCADA O &M Manual pCS19 Pumping Station Minor Upgrades pCS33 San Ramon Pump Station Upgrades 5995 San Ramon Bypass Pump Subprogram Tota 5,383,000 660,000 660,000 1,306,000 1,305,000 Program Total 83,315,400 10,974,100 8,957,400 10,909,000 12,840,000 FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 7 Estimated Anticipated Estimated Anticipated Estimated Project Total Project Allocations Expenditures Allocations Expenditures Manager Expenditures To 06130/11 To 06/30111 FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Miyamoto -Mills 1,050,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Antkowiak 1,621,000 0 0 120,000 120,000 Antkowiak 235,000 175,000 175,000 60,000 60,000 Antkowiak 20,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 Rhoads 770,000 375,000 375,000 70,000 70,000 Rhoads 600,000 0 0 60,000 60,000 Rhoads 20,000 0 0 20,000 20,000 Mestetsky 137,000 0 0 86,000 86,000 Antkowiak 579,000 30,000 30,000 549,000 549,000 Antkowiak 351,000 50,000 50,000 301,000 300,000 5,383,000 660,000 660,000 1,306,000 1,305,000 Program Total 83,315,400 10,974,100 8,957,400 10,909,000 12,840,000 FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 7 Cathodic Protection Systems Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will complete a District -wide cathodic protection survey of all underground facilities, including the pumping stations and buried metallic piping, by replacing existing spent facilities and installing new systems where required. As part of this project, a master plan was updated and includes recommendations for required maintenance, replacement and /or addition of new cathodic protection for facilities requiring such protection. The master plan will include cathodic protection implementation and monitoring recommendations. Project History: The District is responsible for maintenance and operation of pumping stations and collection system pipelines. These facilities and systems along with other miscellaneous underground structures require continuous protection and monitoring. A comprehensive cathodic protection survey of the collection system, pumping stations and treatment plant was originally prepared in 2008 and will be updated in 2011. Project Description: This project will include required maintenance, replacement, and /or addition of cathodic protection. Work on this project will be coordinated with similar efforts in the treatment plant and recycled water systems. Project Location: Throughout the District service area. FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 8 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2006 02/01/2007 $296,000 Construction 02/01/2007 06/17/2012 $0 Total: $296,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Cathodic Protection System Replacement/ 1 5987 / CS_cathodic Antkowiak / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 151,000 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 296,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 296,000 151,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (145,000) (150,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 151,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CB CS - 9 Collection System Renovation Program Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To systematically replace or renovate small- diameter sewers to control future maintenance requirements and costs, to minimize the number of overflows, to limit the quantity of rainfall entering the collection system, and to improve the level of service provided (as measured by stoppages, private property damage, traffic problems, entry onto private property) to the residents /ratepayers. Project History: The District's over 1,500 -mile collection system has pipe segments that range in age from new to more than 100 years old. Some of the pipe segments are at or near the end of their useful life as evidenced by their need for frequent maintenance, high rate of infiltration, and /or threat of structural collapse. More than 300 miles of the small - diameter sewers in the collection system were constructed prior to 1956. The methods and materials of construction used at that time do not currently perform well, and they are the source of over 90 percent of the dry- weather collection system overflows. In January 2001, USEPA released a proposed regulation setting out requirements for capacity analysis, management, operation and maintenance of sewer systems. The proposed regulation was immediately withdrawn by the incoming administration. In the absence of the federal program, all California Regional Water Quality Control Boards have included similar requirements in regulation. An order was also promulgated by the State Water Resources Control Board during 2005. In many regions, the State program has replaced the Regional program. While the State's Order has precedence over the Regional regulation for the SF Bay region, periodically, there are issues requiring duplicate reporting. The District implemented a sewer renovation program in 1991. Since that time, an annual allowance for this renovation program has been included in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. Project Description: The Collection System Renovation Program is an ongoing series of projects. Candidate sewer line segments are identified, evaluated, and placed on a priority list for replacement or renovation. Within the Collection System Operations and Engineering Departments, staff identifies the candidate sewer lines. These line segments are grouped by geographical area into projects totaling 5,000 to 15,000 feet of sewer replacement or renovation. In FY 2011 -12, the renovation program will construct the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 project in Walnut Creek, the South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 project in Orinda, and the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 7 project in Lafayette. In addition, design will begin or continue on North Orinda Phase 4, Walnut Creek Phase 9, Lafayette Phase 8, Diablo Phase 2, Pleasant Hill Phase 2, the South Main Sliplining project in Walnut Creek, Mount Diablo Boulevard FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 10 Main Sewer Improvements in Walnut Creek and Watershed 44 Stabilization across the Walnut Creek Channel. Blanket contracts for pipe bursting and cured -in -place lining will be bid and construction started this fiscal year. The blankets will allow the District to address critical renovations throughout the service area in a more timely fashion. A multi -year cathodic protection program to evaluate and renovate existing systems will continue during this fiscal year. The multi -year television inspection of the collection system is helping to develop a comprehensive database of system condition. This information will be used in conjunction with the renovation strategy to develop the appropriate yearly expenditure levels. In addition, technology demonstration projects will be conducted to evaluate various manhole rehabilitation products and no dig pipeline rehabilitation methods. Project Location: Locations throughout the District Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2021 $33,623,000 Total: $33,623,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $3,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $3,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Collection System Renovation Program / 1 Project Number /Filename: pCS16 / csr_program_LT Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Antkowiak / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 3,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 C. Authorized this Year 3,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (3,000) (100,000) (100,000) (10,000) (10,000) (100,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 11 Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 project will replace /renovate approximately 12,000 feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewers in the public right of way and easements. The project is scheduled to start construction in FY 2010 -11. Sites are located in the Diablo and Danville area. Project History: Diablo sewers are some of the oldest and least accessible sewers in the collection system. They are shallow in depth and generally in poor condition. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 06/01/2008 10/01/2008 $0 Design 10/01/2008 05/01/2010 $594,000 Construction 05/01/2010 08/30/2011 $1,751,000 Total: $2,345,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Diablo Renovations - ph 1 / 1 5953 / csr_diablol Antkowiak / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 (224,000) 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 370,000 1,975,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 370,000 1,751,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (594,000) (1,750,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over (224,000) 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 12 Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Michael Penny, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The existing sewer running along Calle Arroyo and through property at #1903 to #1963 Alameda Diablo are very shallow (as little as 1 -ft of cover), notoriously flat and generally in poor condition. Diablo Phase 2 proposes to lower and increase fall for these lines by diverting flow into an existing line that is 16 -ft deep. Project Description: The Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 project will replace /relocate approximately 12,000 feet of 6 -inch and 8 -inch sewer pipe in the public right of way and easements. The project is scheduled for construction in FY 2012 -13. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 08/01/2009 06/01/2009 $0 Design 06/01/2009 06/01/2012 $60,000 Construction 06/01/2012 06/17/2013 $2,300,000 Total: $2,360,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $300,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $300,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Diablo Renovations - ph 2 / 1 5976 / csr_diablo2 Antkowiak / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 10,000 50,000 300,000 2,000,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 10,000 50,000 300,000 2,000,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (50,000) (300,000) (2,000,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 13 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 7 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 7 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 13,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewer pipe at several different sites throughout the City of Lafayette and neighboring areas. The design of this project started in FY 2009 -10 and construction is scheduled for FY 2011 -12. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2009 06/01/2011 $313,600 Construction 06/01/2011 07/15/2012 $1,800,000 Total: $2,113,600 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,790,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,690,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/% Expansion: Lafayette Sewer Renovation - ph 7 / 1 5990 / csr_laf7 Godsey / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 206,000 110,000 10,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 270,000 154,000 1,690,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 270,000 360,000 1,800,000 10,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (64,000) (250,000) (1,790,000) (10,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 206,000 110,000 10,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 14 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewer pipe at several different sites throughout the City of Lafayette and neighboring areas. The design of this project will start in FY 2011 -12 with construction scheduled for FY 2012 -13. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 06/01/2011 $251,000 Construction 06/01/2012 07/01/2013 $1,801,000 Total: $2,052,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $250,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $250,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Lafayette Sewer Renovation - ph 8 / 1 pCS27 / csr_laf8 Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,000 250,000 1,800,000 1,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 1,000 250,000 1,800,000 1,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (250,000) (1,800,000) (1,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 15 Manhole Rehabilitation Project Project Manager: Nathan Hodges, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The District has approximately 30,000 active manhole structures throughout the service area. Some of these manholes are in various stages of degradation from corrosion, root intrusion, excessive infiltration, structural failure, etc. This project will evaluate and prepare recommendations and specifications for demonstration of the various repair products available in the marketplace. The demonstration projects may be included in upcoming renovation projects. Project Location: Throughout the service area Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 01/01/2009 07/01/2009 $64,000 Construction 07/01/2009 06/17/2014 $66,000 Total: $130,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $21,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $21,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Manhole Rehab / 1 Project Number /Filename: 5947 / csr_manhole Project Manager/') Expansion: Hodges / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 2,000 (2,000) 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 10,000 17,000 32,000 21,000 30,000 20,000 C. Authorized this Year 10,000 19,000 30,000 21,000 30,000 20,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (8,000) (21,000) (30,000) (21,000) (30,000) (20,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 2,000 (2,000) 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 16 Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 Project Manager, Department/Division: Amdrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewer pipe located in the public right of way and easements. Design will start in FY 2011 -12 with major construction in FY 2013 -14. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $201,000 Design 07/01/2012 07/01/2013 $0 Construction 07/01/2013 06/30/2014 $1,800,000 Total: $2,001,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Martinez Sewer Renovations Phase 4 / 1 pCS26 / csr_Martinez4 Antkowiak / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,000 200,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 1,000 200,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (200,000) (1,800,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 17 Mount Diablo Boulevard /Main Street Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Tom Godsey, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The Mount Diablo Boulevard /Main Street Improvements project will consist of renovating approximately 4,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewers and upsizing the pipes as needed in the Walnut Creek downtown area. These pipelines were identified in the Downtown Walnut Creek Facilities Plan completed by District staff. The design of the project is scheduled to start in FY 2011 -12 with construction in FY 2012 -13. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $0 Design 07/01/2012 04/01/2013 $177,400 Construction 04/01/2013 07/17/2013 $1,536,600 Total: $1,714,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $213,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $214,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Mount Diablo Blvd Main Improvements / 1 Project Number /Filename: pCS06 / trunk _MtDiabloBlvd Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Godsey / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 214,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 214,000 1,501,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (213,000) (1,500,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 18 North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 Project Manager, Department/Division: Nancy Molina, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewers at several different sites throughout the city of Orinda. The design started in FY 2010 -11 with construction scheduled for FY 2012 -13. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 08/01/2010 07/01/2012 $350,000 Construction 07/01/2012 07/15/2013 $1,800,000 Total: $2,150,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $300,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $300,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: North Orinda Sewer Renovations - ph 4 / 1 5973 / csr_no_orinda4 Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 50,000 300,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 50,000 300,000 1,800,000 1,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (300,000) (1,799,000) (1,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 19 Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewer pipe in the public right of way and easements throughout the city Pleasant Hill. Design of this project will start in FY 2010- 11 with construction scheduled in FY 2013 -14. This project will be coordinated with the Grayson Creek trunk sewer project, which is in the Expansion subprogram. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 12/01/2008 05/01/2010 $0 Design 05/01/2010 07/01/2013 $343,300 Construction 07/01/2013 06/30/2014 $1,800,000 Total: $2,143,300 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $10,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/') Expansion: Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations - ph 3 / 1 5991 / csr_ph2 Antkowiak / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 39,000 28,000 27,000 17,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 160,000 0 0 0 183,000 1,800,000 C. Authorized this Year 160,000 39,000 28,000 27,000 200,000 1,800,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (121,000) (11,000) (1,000) (10,000) (200,000) (1,800,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 39,000 28,000 27,000 17,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 20 South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 12,000 feet of 6 -inch through 8 -inch sewer pipe at several different sites in Orinda and neighboring areas. The work will be performed in both the public right of way and easements. The design of the project started in FY 2010 -11 with construction in FY 2011 -12. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 05/01/2009 03/01/2011 $317,800 Construction 03/01/2011 11/01/2011 $1,850,000 Total: $2,167,800 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,800,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: South Orinda Sewer Renovations - ph 5 / 1 5989 / csr_so_orinda5 Rozul / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 250,000 442,000 1,800,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 260,000 300,000 1,608,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 260,000 550,000 2,050,000 1,800,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (108,000) (250,000) (1,800,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 250,000 442,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 21 South Main /1 -680 Trunk Line Sliplining Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: This project will renovate existing deteriorated corrugated metal pipelines located in South Main between Rudgear Road and the 1680 overpass in Walnut Creek. This is a large diameter sliplining project scheduled for construction in FY 2011 -12. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 06/30/2011 $0 Design 06/30/2011 12/03/2011 $55,000 Construction 12/03/2011 06/17/2013 $350,000 Total: $405,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $350,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $350,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: South Main /1 -680 Trunk Line Sliplining / 1 Project Number /Filename: pCS03 / csr_SouthMainSlip Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 5,000 350,000 50,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 5,000 350,000 50,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (350,000) (50,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 22 Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 8 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 8 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 through 8 -inch sewer pipe at several different sites throughout the city of Walnut Creek, unincorporated county and other neighboring areas. The project is scheduled to start construction in FY 2011 -12. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2008 07/01/2011 $449,700 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2012 $1,700,000 Total: $2,149,700 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,800,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,800,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - ph 8 / 1 5992 / csr_wc8 Antkowiak / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 190,000 150,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 200,000 0 150,000 1,800,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 200,000 190,000 300,000 1,800,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (40,000) (300,000) (1,800,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 190,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 23 Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 9 Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 project will replace /rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 -inch through 12 -inch sewer pipe at several different sites throughout the City of Walnut Creek, unincorporated County and other neighboring areas. Several spot repairs may be included in the project. The project is scheduled for construction in FY 2012 -13. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2009 01/01/2011 $0 Design 01/01/2011 07/01/2012 $303,000 Construction 07/01/2012 07/15/2013 $1,800,000 Total: $2,103,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $300,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $292,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - ph 9 / 1 pCS25 / csr_wc9 Antkowiak / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 8,000 8,000 0 1,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 10,000 1,000 292,000 1,800,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 10,000 9,000 300,000 1,800,000 1,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (2,000) (1,000) (300,000) (1,799,000) (1,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 8,000 8,000 0 1,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 24 Collection System Urgent Projects Program Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will restore and protect sewers damaged or threatened during winter storms. In addition, the program will address structurally deficient sewers identified by CSO. Project History: During major storm events, sewers at various locations may be damaged or threatened. In some cases, landslides or soil erosion may undermine the sewers. The repair and restoration of these sewers is typically time sensitive. In addition, the District has embarked on an extensive investigation of the condition of its sewer system. Occasionally, sewers in very poor condition are identified and cannot wait for incorporation into the CIB /CIP. Such situations will be addressed under this program. Project Location: Throughout the District. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2009 05/01/2010 $43,000 Construction 05/01/2010 06/17/2013 $0 Total: $43,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Collection System Urgent Projects / 1 Project Number /Filename: none / csu_ Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Antkowiak / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,000 1,000 1,000 40,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 1,000 1,000 1,000 40,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (40,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 25 Blanket Contract for Pipebursting Project Manager: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: Urgent pipeline projects which require immediate repairs may arise anytime during current fiscal year. These projects may be triggered by one of the following situations: • imminent threat of pipe break or collapse • potential for an overflow • structural failure in a pipe Projects included in this category are those that cannot be completed by the District's Collection System Operations Department, and cannot afford the longer timeline to be incorporated in the year -long budget process. This project will include bidding and executing a blanket contract that will allow the District to use a contractor to perform urgent pipebursting work. Project Location: Throughout the service area. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 08/01/2010 $0 Construction 08/01/2010 08/31/2012 $52,000 Total: $52,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Pipeburst Blanket Contract / 1 Project Number /Filename: 5982 / csu_burst Project Manager/') Expansion: Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 2,000 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 52,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 52,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (1,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 2,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 26 Blanket Contract for CIPP Project Manager: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: Urgent pipeline projects which require immediate repairs may arise anytime during current fiscal year. These projects may be triggered by one of the following situations: • imminent threat of pipe break or collapse • potential for an overflow • structural failure in a pipe Projects included in this category are those that cannot be completed by the District's Collection System Operations Department, and cannot afford the longer timeline to be incorporated in the year -long budget process. This project will include bidding and executing a blanket contract that will allow the District to use a contractor to perform urgent CIPP lining work. Project Location: Throughout the service area. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 08/14/2010 $0 Construction 08/14/2010 06/30/2012 $26,000 Total: $26,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: CIPP Blanket Contract / 1 Project Number /Filename: 5999 / csu_CIPP Project Manager/') Expansion: Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 26,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 26,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 27 Suspended Pipe Support Evaluation and Repair Project Manager: Michael Penny, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The Suspended Pipe Support Evaluation and Repair project will inspect and evaluate the 40 to 50 pipes suspended from bridges and will make any repairs and modifications necessary to the support systems as needed. If needed, the project is scheduled for construction in FY 2011 -12. Sites are located throughout the District. Project History: The supports for the 16 -inch Recycled Water line suspended from the Imhoff Place bridge over Grayson creek failed in September 2009. Due to this failure it was determined that it would be prudent to investigate, evaluate, and repair as necessary the other pipes suspended from bridges or similar structures. Project Location: Throughout the service area. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 05/01/2011 $0 Design 05/01/2011 05/01/2012 $0 Construction 05/01/2012 06/30/2012 $26,000 Total: $26,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Suspended Pipe Support / 1 Project Number /Filename: 5955 / suspended_pipe_support Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 28 Concrete Pipe Renovation Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Identify concrete pipe that will require remedial action. Project History: Large diameter sewers are usually made of concrete. This project will identify and schedule concrete sewers requiring remedial action. Project Description: The ongoing corrosion inspection and TV inspection programs will identify additional reaches of concrete pipe that will need some level of remedial action. This information will be used to identify and schedule needed projects. Project Location: Locations throughout the District. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $10,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/17/2021 $0 Total: $10,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $5,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Concrete Pipe Renovation / 1 none / con Antkowiak / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 5,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 C. Authorized this Year 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 29 TV Inspection Program, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Tom Godsey, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Inspect all existing sewers and develop a comprehensive assessment of the District's collection system. Project History: Phase 1 of the TV Inspection Program has completely inspected sewers in Orinda, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Danville, Diablo, Pleasant Hill, Martinez, Moraga, and San Ramon. Phase 2 of the TV inspection program will inspect all sewers in the District's service area where initial inspections or maintenance records indicate follow -up inspection work would be useful. Additionally sewers such as tunnels /force mains requiring specialty contractors will be included. The inspection data will be used to organize and prioritize sewer renovation projects as well as add to the District's data regarding pipe type performance. Project Description: The TV Inspection Program is a large scale, multi -year effort to CCTV inspect the entire CCCSD collection system. A publicly -bid CCTV inspection contract utilizing digital imaging and database software is awarded for each year. The contractor's data will be integrated with existing CCTV inspection data and existing sewer information databases. Sewers identified as in fair or poor condition in Phase 1 but not yet renovated will be re- inspected. The initial emphasis of Phase 2 will be placed on sewers in Lafayette, Orinda and Walnut Creek. Phase 2 is a 10 year program that started in FY 2010 -11. Project Location: The entire collection system FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 30 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2010 06/17/2020 $5,000,000 Total: $5,000,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $500,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $500,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: TV Inspection Program - 5948 / TVI_2 Antkowiak / 0 ph 2 / 1 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 C. Authorized this Year 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 31 Watershed 44 Creek Crossing Stabilization Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: This project will evaluate /construct stabilization of approximately 250 feet of an existing 39 -inch reinforced concrete gravity sewer pipe crossing the Walnut Creek Channel near the District's North Concord Metering Station, north of State Highway 4. The design of the project will start in FY 2010 -11 with major construction, if needed, in FY 2011 -12. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 01/01/2010 07/01/2010 $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $37,000 Construction 07/01/2011 05/30/2013 $121,000 Total: $158,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $120,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Watershed 44 Creek Xing Stabilization / 1 pCS99 / wat44_creek Antkowiak / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 127,000 122,000 2,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 159,000 0 0 (1,000) 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 159,000 127,000 122,000 1,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (32,000) (5,000) (120,000) (1,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 127,000 122,000 2,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 32 Concord Naval Weapons Station Facilities Plan Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, PhD, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: This project will be used to identify sewer system capacity deficiencies, and wastewater facilities necessary to serve the extensive development being planned at the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) site as part of the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP). This analysis is required to ensure that projects are identified for timely inclusion in the Capital Plan and that the CCRP's appropriate contribution to the cost of such facilities can be determined. Project History: When the CNWS was an active military facility, tens of thousands of gallons per day of wastewater collected by its private collection system flowed into CCCSD facilities in North Concord, passing through three pumping stations and several miles of sewer, before reaching the treatment plant for cleaning and disposal. For several years since the Federal government identified its intent to close most of the CNWS and transfer control of the property to the City of Concord, the City has been conducting an extensive planning process for reuse of the CNWS as a new community on the northeast side of Concord. Current plans call for 28,900 people, 12,300 housing units and more than 8.5 million square feet of commercial, institutional, and other community facilities. Through that planning process, CCCSD has been identified as the agency that would provide wastewater and recycled water services to the project. A preferred development option has been chosen and staff has begun planning the pipe network that will convey an estimated 2.7 million gallons per day (mgd) ADWF of sewage from the project area to the treatment plant and convey recycled water from the Treatment Plant back to the project. Project Description: Preliminary evaluations are being made to determine the most appropriate off -site network solutions to the sewerage needs of the new community. Consideration will be given to the quantity of wastewater likely to flow directly into CCCSD's North Concord facilities versus the flow expected to be conveyed through City of Concord sewers and their connection to CCCSD facilities near the former Concord Pumping Station. Planning level cost estimates will be presented for recommended improvements and a division of financial responsibilities will be suggested. On -site planning and development of sewerage will be done by the City of Concord and its project developer(s), with CCCSD staff reviewing to assure compliance with our requirements and specifications. A separate project is included in the District's Capital Improvement Plan for consideration of the recycled water aspects of this project. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 33 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2010 10/30/2012 $100,000 Total: $100,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $55,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: CNWS Facility Plan / 2 5997 / CNWS_fac Chesler / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 60,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 60,000 5,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (40,000) (55,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 60,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 34 Collection System Modeling Upgrade Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, PhD, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: Complete the implementation of ArcSNAP (the District's Sewer Network Analysis Program). Training will be provided for rotating staff or assistant engineers. Project History: At the completion of the 1985 -86 Collection System Master Plan, the District obtained and continued to use the hydraulic modeling software used by the consultant. Over the years, it was used frequently to assess impacts from large developments and to predict flows in sewers and pumping stations during design. In 2004, the District completed the revision of the software that performs these functions. A completed version of the ArcSNAP model has been used productively since early 2004. Hydraulic grade line functionality was added in FY 2004 -05, and additional user training provided. In FY 2005 -06, in FY 2007 -08, and again in FY 2009- 10, the data was updated by electronically extracting the pipe network and parcel data from in -house Geomedia and HTE databases. The HTE data was not updated in the FY 2009 -10 iteration and will have been included in FY 2010 -11. The Geomedia database contains the pipe and node locations and HTE provides flow and consumption information. These are the primary sources of raw data used by ArcSNAP to predict and route flows. Project Description: An on -going task in this project is incorporation of data from the District's Flow Monitoring Program within the ArcSNAP's flow analysis. The hydraulic model has been exercised to confirm that flows were accurately predicted. In addition, analysis of these results is incorporated in an allied project, the Collection System Master Plan Update. This project has implemented a new version of the large set of sequentially - linked HTE queries that has been recoded using revised file and field identifiers. During FY 2011- 12, the data will again be reloaded. A new process using native -mode SHP files was implemented in FY 2010 -11; a process for accomplishing this reload every four months will be initiated. An ongoing problem related to the greater need for slope information will be addressed. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 35 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 01/01/2003 02/01/2003 $181,000 Design 02/01/2003 09/01/2004 $327,000 Construction 09/01/2004 06/17/2013 $72,000 Total: $580,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $13,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Collection System Modeling Upgrade / 2 5915 / cs_model Chesler / 20 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 7,000 13,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 561,000 19,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 561,000 26,000 13,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (554,000) (13,000) (13,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 7,000 13,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 36 Collection System Planning Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, PhD, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: To identify, evaluate, and schedule short and long -term sewer improvement projects and to provide design flow rates for major facility plans. Project History: Staff performs on -going Collection System Planning and project priority analyses to ensure that District goals for collection system performance are met. Project Description: Collection System Planning studies provide the basis for improvements to the District's sewer system and flow rates for facility plans. Studies focus on five major activities: Local Capacity Studies (LCS) 1. LCS in response to proposed developments. Upon receipt of a proposed development plan, staff performs an LCS to determine the existing sewer system capacity and capacity required to serve future proposed developments. If additional sewer capacity is required to serve the proposed developments, staff takes steps to ensure that capacity is provided. 2. LCS to identify and define existing deficiencies in the sewer main system. A capacity analysis of the trunk sewer system was completed as part of the Collection System Master Plan (2010). A capacity analysis may be performed when one of the following situations occurs: • When there is a structural failure in a pipe. • When there has been a wet - weather overflow from the system. • When there has been a dry- weather overflow from the system. • When Collection System Operations maintenance requests indicate a persistent and continuous problem. 3. Land Use and Collection System Database Management. As new development is connected to the District's sewerage system and sewer improvement projects are completed, those sewers are incorporated into the Mapping database. This information is periodically provided as downloads of data for the Sewer Network Analysis Program (ArcSNAP). Computer hardware and software may be purchased under this project to provide the capability to use County and District records for more comprehensive updating of the land use database. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 37 4. Flow Rates for Facility Plans. Upon receipt of a request for flow rates for a collection system facilities plan, staff updates the land use data and the sewer network in the computer, based upon current and proposed land use plans. 5. Special Studies. Special studies are required to assure District sewer renovation plans and priorities are consistent with capacity, routing, and acceptable service level guidelines. Capacity studies determine flow limits for release of water from water district reservoirs to the District's sewer system. Project Location: Throughout the collection system FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 38 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2006 06/17/2009 $988,000 Design - - $0 Construction 06/17/2009 06/17/2012 $0 Total: $988,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $180,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $78,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Collection System Planning / 2 5965 / CS_ping Chesler / 20 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 112,000 102,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 730,000 180,000 78,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 730,000 292,000 180,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (618,000) (190,000) (180,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 112,000 102,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 39 Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, PhD, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: Corrosion is a significant issue for collection systems maintenance, and this project has focused on the District's ferrous pipes. Project History: A great deal of work has already been done to assess corrosion issues with regard to pumping stations. In FY 2009 -10, this project examined reports collected with the ongoing CCTV examination of the entire District gravity network. Those reports represented 75% of the District's pipelines. Project Description: There are two remaining tasks for this project. First, when the CCTV of the entire system is complete, the records for the final 25% of the pipeline will be queried to determine if additional findings of corrosion appear. Second, if any pipe is located from these records for which external corrosion is indicated, field work to perform an external examination may be attempted. Project Location: Throughout the District FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 40 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 03/01/2009 09/01/2009 $31,000 Design - - $0 Construction 09/01/2009 10/02/2011 $0 Total: $31,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $5,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Ferrous Pipe Corrosion Control / 2 5983 / ferrousPipes Chesler / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 14,000 5,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 15,000 11,000 0 5,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 15,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (20,000) (5,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 14,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 41 Force Main Assessment Project Manager, Department/Division: Gail Chesler, PhD, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: The District owns and operates approximately 18 pumping stations (PS), which pump flow into a series of force mains. Nearly all pumping stations have more than one force main to carry flow onward toward the treatment plant. This project will document the condition and issues of the inventory of force mains. Spin -off projects to fix whatever issues are found will be initiated. Project History: In some prior collection system projects, force main condition assessments are reported to have been conducted. Examples are the Moraga Pumping Station and Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station. These are likely more than 10 years old, and whatever records could be located have been reported in the initial document (2010). Project Description: In the current project, the physical inventory of force mains has been completed. In FY 2010 -11, field methods were evaluated that could be used to conduct assessments of the force mains found to be of greatest interest or greatest risk. The available methods are expensive, so an initial phase of CCTV was conducted. Poor results were achieved because of the amount of debris that kept CCTV from working. Investigations using CCTV after the storms of winter will be conducted to confirm or deny the flushing of debris from Moraga and Orinda Crossroads PSs. It is possible that a better CCTV sled (with big tires) might make it possible to examine the force mains. The project will be pursued until a satisfactory method of examining the force mains has been found. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 42 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $45,000 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2009 06/30/2013 $0 Total: $45,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $10,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $15,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Forcemain Assessment / 2 5993 / FM_assessment Chesler / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 (5,000) 0 5,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 15,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (20,000) (10,000) (10,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over (5,000) 0 5,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 43 Manhole Remote Level Monitoring Project Manager, Department/Division: Bill Echols, Collection System Operations Department Project Description: The District has approximately 30,000 active manhole structures throughout the service area. Some of these manholes are in remote areas where an overflow may not be detected for weeks, or in environmentally sensitive areas where an overflow would cause significant harm to creeks or reservoirs. This project will include the identification and modification of manholes with the installation of remote level monitoring products. The remote monitoring product will alert dispatch or on -call crew members via cell phone of a potential overflow or stoppage event. The early notification will allow crews to respond more quickly, reducing impacts to the environment, potential fines, and District liability. Project Location: Throughout the service area FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 44 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2009 10/01/2009 $0 Design 10/01/2009 07/01/2010 $10,000 Construction 07/01/2010 06/30/2015 $500,000 Total: $510,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $100,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Manhole Remote Level Monitoring / 2 5962 / manhole_ rem _mon Wenslawski / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 60,000 C. Authorized this Year 50,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 100,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 45 Martinez Facilities Plan Project Manager, Department/Division: Richard Foss, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to analyze the sewers upstream of the Martinez Pump Station to locate any capacity deficiencies or problematic pipe that is in need of replacement. Project History: One of the tasks the Planning Department undertakes is to periodically produce facility plans for the various cities within the District's service area. The last time Martinez has had a facilities plan produced was in 1989 and thus it is in need of an update. Project Description: The goal of this project is to develop a plan with a prioritized list of pipes to be renovated /upsized while simultaneously maximizing the benefit of the District and the public. Among other things to be considered, this project will investigate moving pipes on parcels into the public easement and deepening /steepening existing alignments. Project Location: The location of the project encompasses the sewer shed upstream of the Martinez Pump Station. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 46 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 02/01/2011 12/01/2011 $25,000 Design - - $0 Construction 12/01/2011 12/30/2011 $0 Total: $25,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Martinez Facilities Plan / 2 6001 / Mtz_Fac_Plan Foss / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (20,000) (5,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 47 2011 -12 Development Sewerage Project Manager, Department/Division: Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: This project provides for appropriate capitalization of District force account labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities. Occasionally, a new manhole is installed, an existing main sewer is renovated, or an easement is obtained under this project when the Development Services Section manages the work. Project History: The District, since its formation in 1946, has required property owners to pay for the main sewers needed to serve their property. Where sewers are designed and installed by developers or other private parties, District planning, plan review, right -of -way, inspection and record drawing /mapping effort is required to ensure that contributed sewers meet the District's Standard Specification for Design and Construction. Prior to 1991 -92, the cost of this staff effort was not capitalized. However, since 1992 -93, this work has been funded from the Sewer Construction Fund, since it results directly in District capital assets (completed main sewers, easements and permanent records). Project Description: Several District staff activities are directly involved when developer- contributed sewer projects are designed and constructed. These activities are: • Development Review by the Planning Section; • Plan Review, Easement Acquisition /Documentation, Permitting and Main Line Inspection by the Development Services Section; • Mapping and preparation of Record Drawings by the Engineering Support Group; and • Television Inspection by the Collection System Operations Department staff. A District project is established to properly account for the cost of these activities. Project Location: Wherever development occurs FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 48 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $45,000 Design - - $140,000 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2012 $315,000 Total: $500,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $500,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $500,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: 2011 -12 Development Sewerage / 3 Project Number /Filename: 6484 / 11- 12DEVPR Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Miyamoto -Mills / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (500,000) 0 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 49 A -Line Easement Acquisition, Phase 2 Project Manager, Department/Division: Stephanie Gronlund, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: This project will secure property rights for existing and future segments of the A -Line Relief Interceptor, Walnut Creek Bypass, existing A -Line and Main Trunk No. 1, and the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer. A majority of the proposed easement alignment is within the Ironhorse Trail, formerly known as the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor, and the Walnut Creek channel. Project History: Easement Amendments within Iron Horse Corridor: Right of way was acquired for the A -Line Relief Interceptor and San Ramon Trunk Sewer along the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor in 1985 from Contra Costa County. At that time the exact locations of existing sewers along this alignment were not known and the alignments of the future A -Line Relief Interceptor and San Ramon Trunk Sewer were not determined. The easement documents were written so that the property descriptions could be modified when the exact location of existing sewers and sufficient engineering had been done to determine the future alignments. The pre- design was completed in 2003, and on November 6, 2008, the District, Contra Costa County and Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agreement entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing the process for recording the amended grants of easements. The current project work includes physically locating the existing sewers along the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor and creating new legal descriptions for the amended grants of easements. The field survey and mapping work are nearly complete, and easement amendments will be recorded per the MOU process. Easement Purchase Agreement - Walnut Creek Channel: The future A -Line Relief Interceptor for Phases 2B and 2C will be located within the Walnut Creek Channel, which is owned by Contra Costa County Flood Control District (Flood Control). Although pre- design is done and alignment is set, construction work is not scheduled within the next ten years. Since this is a long -term project, County staff has requested District not to pursue easements at this time, since their staffing levels and resources are limited; instead, the District will purse an easement purchase agreement with Flood Control, which is less onerous for County staff to administer, and will grant the District the right of first refusal in the event another utility company desires to encroach upon the future alignment. Project Description: This project will complete the amended grants of easements for the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor purchased form the County in 1985, and will reserve the alignment for the future relief interceptor within the Walnut Creek Channel. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 50 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2006 12/31/2008 $1,564,000 Construction 12/31/2008 06/30/2012 $0 Total: $1,564,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: A -Line Easement Acquisition 5967 / A- Line_ease_acg2 Gronlund / 0 - ph 2 / 3 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 477,000 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,540,000 24,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 1,540,000 501,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,063,000) (500,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 477,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 51 Contractual Assessment Districts Project Manager, Department/Division: Curtis Swanson, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: The District developed a Contractual Assessment District (CAD) Program to provide a financing mechanism for the extension of public sewers into areas which are currently served by septic tanks. Project History: In certain instances, the cost to extend public sewers into an area serviced by septic tanks can be an extreme financial burden for one owner or even a small group of owners. The District developed the CAD Program to address this burden. The CAD process provides a means to finance the cost of sewer improvements over time at a fixed interest rate. Each property owner's share of the cost of a sewer extension project can be spread over time instead of a lump sum payment being made by the owner at the time of construction. CADs are applicable to small groups of properties. A minimum of five properties are required to initiate the formation of a CAD. The District offered CADs to finance sewer main extensions from 1997 to 2004. During this seven -year period, the District financed 23 CADs at a cost of $3,630,000. The participants of each CAD are repaying the District over a ten -year term at interest rates ranging from 5.5% to 7.5 %. By mid -2010, $2,510,000 had been repaid and the outstanding principal was $1,120,000. In 2004, District's budget constraints and the availability of homeowner credit alternatives led the Board to discontinue forming new CADs. In 2010, renewed interest in a CAD program led the District to reestablish it on a case -by -case basis, with the Board directing use of the District's Sewer Construction Fund reserves for financing CADs. Staff has also investigated the use of loans to fund some of the potential CADs or refinancing of the outstanding principal owed on past CADs to use as funds for financing future CADs. Given the varying level of interest in CADs, whether to use District reserves or loans also will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis. The first CAD of the new program was formed on Sunnybrook Road in Alamo. Project Description: A number of CADs will likely be proposed during the budget year. Project Location: To be determined. CADs are currently being considered in two neighborhoods in Orinda and Lafayette FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 52 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2021 $5,000,000 Total: $5,000,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $500,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $500,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Contractual Assessment Districts / 3 pCS34 / CAD Miyamoto -Mills / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 C. Authorized this Year 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) (500,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 53 Trunk Sewer Capacity Program Project Manager, Department/Division: Alex Rozul, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To achieve the Collection System Program goal of reducing sanitary sewer overflows by increasing the capacity of trunk sewers to accommodate planned growth by the municipalities served by CCCSD and repairing any structural deficiencies in the District's trunk sewer system (pipelines between 12- inches and 24- inches in diameter). Project History: In 1986, the Wastewater Collection System Master Plan identified and prioritized trunk sewer capacity deficiencies. Since then, a significant investment in the highest priority projects, particularly in Martinez, Lafayette, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, and Orinda have been completed. At many locations where overflows had been routine during wet weather, wastewater and infiltration /inflow is conveyed without overflow even during severe storms. An update of the Collection System Master Plan was completed in March 2010 and the program was modified to reflect the new priorities established by the Master Plan Update. Project Description: Project work is projected to take place in Lafayette and Pleasant Hill during fiscal year 2011 -12, as described on the following page on which the specific projects are described. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 54 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2009 06/17/2010 $0 Construction 06/17/2010 06/17/2019 $10,000 Total: $10,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Trunk Sewer Expansion Program / 3 none / trunk Rozul / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 C. Authorized this Year 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 55 Lafayette - Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer Project Manager, Department/Division: Alex Rozul, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The Collection System Master Plan 2010 Update analyzed the District's entire sewer system using an updated ArcSNAP hydraulic model. The design flows to the sewers in this project corridor were calculated at 130% to 270% of full pipe capacity. The capacity deficient sewers are 10 -inch and 12 -inch pipe that extend along Pleasant Hill Road from Springhill Road, through easements across Acalanes High School, then through additional neighborhood easements and streets to an 18 -inch sewer north of the Highway 24 sewer crossing. The recommended project involves diverting the sewage away from the 10 -inch sewer across Acalanes High School, into a new 15 -inch sewer along Pleasant Hill Road from Springhill Road to Stanley Boulevard. The remaining deficient sewers would be upsized within their current alignments and connect to the 18 -inch sewer crossing under Highway 24. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 56 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 04/01/2010 05/01/2011 $201,000 Construction 05/01/2011 06/30/2012 $2,210,000 Total: $2,411,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,900,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $2,176,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Laf -P Hill Rd Trunk Sewer, Laf TR 15 -100 / 3 5994 / trunk_Laf_phrd Rozul / 15 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 14,000 (276,000) 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 210,000 2,176,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 224,000 1,900,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (11,000) (500,000) (1,900,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 14,000 (276,000) 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 57 Pleasant Hill — Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Project Manager, Department/Division: Alex Rozul, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Description: The Collection System Master Plan 2010 Update analyzed the District's entire sewer system using an updated ArcSNAP hydraulic model. The design flows to the sewers in this project corridor were calculated at 130% to 270% of full pipe capacity. The capacity deficient sewers includes a 12 -inch pipe that runs along Mercury Way from Pleasant Hill Rd. and connects into a 15 -inch sewer that runs parallel to Grayson Creek to Milburn Dr. The recommended project involves installing approximately 5,000 feet of 18 -inch and 24 -inch relief sewers and diverting the sewage away from the capacity deficient sewers. The relief sewer alignment is within city streets and extends from Pleasant Hill Rd. along Westover Dr., then Maureen Ln and Elinora Dr. The relief sewer will connect to a 36 -inch trunk sewer at Elinora Dr. and Ardith Lane. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 58 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2011 04/01/2013 $500,000 Construction 04/01/2013 12/31/2013 $2,600,000 Total: $3,100,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $500,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $500,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Pleasant Hill Grayson Creek/ 3 pCS22 / trunk_Ph_graysoncrk Rozul / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 500,000 2,600,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 500,000 2,600,000 500,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (500,000) (2,100,000) (500,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 59 Buchanan Airfield Pumping Station Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: This project will replace both (North and South) Buchanan Pumping Stations with new gravity main sewers. Project History: The two pumping stations serving the Buchanan Field Airport are nearing the end of their useful service lives. It would be relatively expensive to replace the stations in -kind, and ongoing operations and maintenance are resource intensive, particularly staff effort and electrical energy. Replacing the two stations with new gravity sewers would reduce the District's carbon footprint by about 9.4 metric tons of CO2eq per year. The Buchanan South Pumping Station once served several properties in the vicinity of the airport, however, all but one of these properties are now served by City of Concord sewers and the pumping station serves only a single customer, the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The location of the station is difficult to access for operations and above - ground equipment is vulnerable to damage from vehicle traffic. The Buchanan North Pumping Station serves a number of businesses on and adjacent to the airport. It discharges to a gravity sewer that crosses the airfield at about the midpoint of the main runway. According to airport management, it is possible that runway refurbishment will damage or disrupt this line in the future. Staff prepared a technical and economic feasibility study of alternatives available for replacement of the two pumping stations. Among the alternatives studied were: 1) replacement of the two stations in -kind with new facilities meeting the District's current pumping station criteria; and 2) abandonment and removal of one or both stations and replacement with new gravity sewers. The study concluded that replacement of both stations with new gravity sewers is the most favorable alternative from both the technical and cost perspectives. Project Description: This project will replace both North and South Buchanan Pumping Stations with new gravity main sewers. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 60 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 02/01/2011 03/01/2011 $0 Design 03/01/2011 07/01/2012 $75,000 Construction 07/01/2012 12/31/2013 $975,000 Total: $1,050,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $25,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $25,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Buchanan South Removal / 4 pCS11 / Buchanan _south Miyamoto -Mills / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 (500,000) 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 25,000 0 1,000,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 25,000 0 500,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (25,000) (500,000) (500,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 (500,000) 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 61 Lower Orinda PS Main Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: This project will improve the reliability and maintainability of the pumping stations and associated force mains. Project Description: The Lower Orinda Pump Station is located in mains are quite old and need to be evaluated the existing force mains, implement any need force main for reliability. an EBMUD watershed. The existing force . This project will evaluate the condition of ad rehabilitation and may install a third Project Location: Vicinity of the Lower Orinda Pumping Station. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 62 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $120,000 Construction 07/01/2012 07/30/2013 $1,501,000 Total: $1,621,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $120,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $120,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Lower Orinda PS Force Main / 4 pCS24 / LowerFM Antkowiak / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 120,000 1,501,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 120,000 1,501,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (120,000) (1,500,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 63 Martinez Bypass Pump Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide an emergency bypass pump to allow for pumping of dry weather flow during catastrophic pumping station failure. Project History: In 2009, a bypass pump connection was installed at the Martinez Pumping Station. Other stations in the Martinez, Concord, and Clyde area already have emergency bypass connections. A portable bypass pump will provide the means for emergency pumping in case of a catastrophic failure of any pumping station in the Concord, Martinez and Clyde area. Project Description: An emergency bypass pump will be purchased and stationed at the Martinez Pumping Station. The bypass pump will be designed to allow for its use at other pumping stations in the Martinez, Concord, and Clyde area. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 64 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 04/01/2010 12/01/2009 $0 Design 12/01/2009 07/01/2010 $35,000 Construction 07/01/2010 07/30/2011 $200,000 Total: $235,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $60,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $60,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Martinez Bypass Pump / 4 pCS10 / Mtz_BypassPump Antkowiak / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 150,000 60,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 150,000 60,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (150,000) (60,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 65 Pumping Stations Hazard Identification and Remediation Project Manager, Department/Division: Sasha Mestetsky, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Increase personnel safety by identifying and reducing exposure to hazardous materials within District's pumping stations. Project History: Existing pumping stations may require some renovation in the near future. Knowledge of materials such as asbestos in pipe insulation, roofing materials, or lead paint ahead of time allows District staff, the design engineer, or the contractor to properly prepare and equip themselves with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), monitors, or plan for medical surveillance. District staff may need to perform urgent, and sometimes unscheduled, work to maintain operation of the facility. This may hinder their ability to conduct testing in advance of their work to determine if hazardous materials are present and allow proper planning or mitigation to occur. Project Description: This project will investigate the presence of hazardous materials requiring abatement at pumping stations and will develop a plan for remediation efforts to reduce the potential for exposure within the plant to hazardous materials where feasible. Project Location: Pumping stations throughout the District service area. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 66 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 12/01/2010 07/01/2011 $0 Design 07/01/2011 08/01/2011 $20,000 Construction 08/01/2011 06/30/2012 $0 Total: $20,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $15,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $15,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Pump Station Hazard Identification / 4 pCS31 / ps hazard ID Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 5,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 5,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (5,000) (15,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 67 Pumping Stations Equipment and Piping Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Rhoads, Collection System Operations Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to replace or recondition failed and obsolete pumps, piping, valves, electrical and instrumentation equipment, and other support equipment, to provide for proper emergency response at District pumping stations, to purchase major spare assemblies for various pieces of pumping stations equipment, and to meet new regulatory requirements. Project History: In the summer of 1997, a header at the Maltby Pumping Station failed due to external corrosion. Bypass pumping was required to maintain system flow, and the repair was made under an emergency declaration. Bypass pumping capability was added during the repairs. Similar repairs and modifications were made on a planned basis at a sister station, Fairview. In 2005 -06, the main pumps at the Concord Industrial Pumping Station were replaced because the pumps were badly worn. Project Description: The scope of work for this project includes, as examples, the following: • Addition of control and isolation valves for shutdown and protection of the stations • Revisions to control strategies and equipment response times • Possible protections for pumping stations and equipment, if flooded • Investigation and installation of "pump around" capabilities • Development of emergency response procedures and purchasing equipment, such as "pump- around" pumps and reliability test equipment • Reconditioning of major pieces of equipment to original factory specifications • Purchase of large- dollar spare assemblies for major PS equipment • Other work or equipment requirements that might be defined by the regulating community, such as the outgrowth of the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP), potential federal CMOM regulations, or as promulgated by the BAAQMD or the California Air Resources Board Project Location: All pumping stations FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 68 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2007 06/30/2017 $770,000 Total: $770,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $70,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $70,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: PS Equip & Piping Repl / 4 5941 / PS_Equip Rhoads / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 300,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 C. Authorized this Year 300,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (300,000) (75,000) (70,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 69 Pumping Station Safety and Security Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Rhoads, Collection System Operations Project Purpose: This project will provide funding for safety and security - related projects at the District's pumping stations. Project History: The District has active safety programs that are administered by both department/ division committees and a District committee. One of the many responsibilities of these committees is to address and support solutions for safety and security concerns that are identified by operations or maintenance personnel, and to respond to changes mandated by regulatory requirements in both these sectors. Recent security and compliance concerns have caused the District to identify projects that will increase security at pumping station facilities. Project Description: This project provides funding to install safety and security improvements in the District's pumping stations. These projects include miscellaneous upgrades at all pumping stations. Project Location: Potential locations are at all pumping stations. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 70 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 $0 Construction 07/01/2012 06/30/2021 $600,000 Total: $600,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $60,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $60,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Pump Station Safety Improvements / 4 pCS18 / PS_Safetylmprvs Rhoads / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 C. Authorized this Year 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 71 Pumping Station SCADA O &M Manual Project Manager and Department/Division: Don Rhoads, Collection Systems Operation Department Project Purpose: This project will provide an operations manual for use by the pumping station staff for the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Project History: The Pumping Station SCADA project is complete. Pumping Station staff has been trained in the use of the system. It is appropriate that, as experience is gained with the system, an operations manual be prepared to document the operation of the system, particularly for future staff members. Project Description: A consultant will be retained to prepare an operations manual. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 72 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/17/2012 $20,000 Total: $20,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $20,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $20,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: PS SCADA O &M Manual / 4 pCS13 / PS_SCADAMan Rhoads / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (20,000) 0 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 73 Pumping Station Minor Upgrades Project Manager, Department/Division: Sasha Mestetsky, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to replace or modify components at various pumping stations in order to prevent sewage overflows, reduce maintenance and increase operating efficiency. Project History: Engineering staff meet regularly with pump station operation staff to identify and evaluate operational issues which affect the efficiency and reliability of District pumping stations. Last year upgrades were constructed at the Concord Industrial Pumping Station, the Clyde Pumping Station and the Martinez Pumping Station. This year upgrades are planned for the Fairview, Maltby, Flush Kleen, Orinda Crossroads and Moraga pumping stations. Project Description: At the Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations existing dry wells are deteriorating. This project will evaluate their structural integrity and develop repair methodology at both pump stations At the Moraga and Orinda Cross Roads Pumping Stations the fuel piping systems will be evaluated and replaced as needed to comply with regulatory requirement of secondary containment. Also at the Moraga Pumping Station there are problems with rags clogging pumps and other miscellaneous improvements. At the Flush Kleen Pumping Station, much of the equipment piping and valves are original and in need of replacement. A condition assessment will be completed and a new emergency standby generator will be installed. Project Location: Martinez, Orinda and Moraga FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 74 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $137,000 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2013 $0 Total: $137,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $86,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $86,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Pumping Station Minor Upgrades / 4 Project Number /Filename: pCS19 / PS_upgrades Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Mestetsky / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 86,000 51,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 86,000 51,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (86,000) (51,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 75 San Ramon Pumping Station Upgrades Project Manager, Department/Division: Tom Godsey, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to replace existing pumps to provide capacity needed to handle increased flow from the Dougherty Valley development. Additional improvements identified by pumping station operators may be added to the project. Project History: In 2004 the San Ramon Pumping Station underwent a major renovation. At that time, smaller pumps appropriate for the initial stage of Dougherty Valley development were installed. Currently, due to the development, the pumping station receives increased flows and the pumps need to be replaced with larger pumps. The project construction is scheduled for FY 2011/12. Project Description: Replace existing smaller dry weather pumps with larger pumps sized for the projected flows. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 76 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 05/01/2011 09/01/2011 $30,000 Construction 09/01/2011 06/30/2012 $549,000 Total: $579,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $549,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $549,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: San Ramon Pump Station Upgrades / 4 pCS33 / SR PS upgrades Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 30,000 549,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 30,000 549,000 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (30,000) (549,000) 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 77 San Ramon Bypass Pump Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Tom Godsey, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide emergency bypass pumps to allow for pumping of dry weather flow during catastrophic pumping station failure. Some additional improvements identified by pumping station operators may be added to the project. Project History: In 2004 the San Ramon Pumping Station underwent a major renovation. That same year, an overflow occurred which resulted in raw sewage entering the local creek. This event highlighted the need to have an emergency pumping system available to allow the pump station to be bypassed during an emergency. Project Description: Emergency bypass pumps will be purchased and connection piping modified to accept these pumps. The pump station structure, wet well, controls and other systems will be modified to allow installation of the new pumps. FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 78 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $50,000 Construction 07/01/2011 07/30/2012 $301,000 Total: $351,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $300,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $301,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: San Ramon Bypass Pump / 4 5995 / SR_Pump_repl Antkowiak / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 50,000 301,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 50,000 301,000 1,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (300,000) (1,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB CS - 79 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vehicles & Equipment - TAB 1 ...................................................... ............................... 3 Capital Clearing Account .............................................................. ............................... 4 Vehicles and Equipment Acquisition — 2011- 12 ............................ ............................... 5 Management Information Systems - TAB 2 ................................. ............................... 5 GDI— Treatment Plant .................................................................. ............................... 6 GDI /SMMS Replacement ............................................................. ............................... 8 Information Technology Development ........................................ ............................... 10 Projects TAB 3 ............................................................................. .............................11 CapitalLegal Services ................................................................ ............................... 12 Capital Improvement Budget and Plan ....................................... ............................... 14 CSOD Facility Improvements ..................................................... ............................... 15 CSOD Administration, Crew, and Warehouse Facility Improvements ....................... 16 District Property Safety Improvements ....................................... ............................... 18 District Easement Acquisition ..................................................... ............................... 20 General Security Access ............................................................ ............................... 22 HOBImprovements .................................................................... ............................... 24 Imhoff Triangle Development ...................................................... ............................... 26 Kiewit Clean Fill Operation ......................................................... ............................... 27 Martinez Easement Acquisition .................................................. ............................... 29 POD Office Improvements Project .............................................. ............................... 31 Rental Property Improvements ................................................... ............................... 33 Seismic Improvements for HOB ................................................. ............................... 35 Seismic Improvements for Rental Property ................................ ............................... 37 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 1 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM This section includes detailed information for the General Improvements Program. Table GI -1 presents project listings and detailed budget information. Detailed project information, schedules, and cash flow tables are presented in individual project data sheets. These data sheets are found at the appropriately numbered subprogram tab and are arranged in the same order in which they appear in Table GI -1. The numbered tabs represent the following: TAB NO. SUBPROGRAM 1 Vehicles and Equipment 2 Information Systems 3 Projects OVERVIEW The General Improvements Program at $5.4 M comprises 21 percent of the total estimated capital expenditures for FY 2011 -12. The General Improvements Program is primarily concerned with the property, administrative buildings, and equipment needs of the District. The Vehicles and Equipment subprogram comprises the items budgeted and purchased under the annual District Equipment Budget. The Capital Improvement Budget includes an allowance for the equipment budget. Specific equipment items are approved through the annual budget process. The Information Systems subprogram reflects the importance of information technology in the daily operation of the District. The District has developed an Information Technology Master Plan which envisions implementing specific improvements and extends five years into the future. An allowance to meet anticipated future information technology needs has been included in the last five years of the ten -year Capital Improvement Plan. The Projects subprogram of the General Improvements Program includes improvements to the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) and CSOD Facilities, CIB preparation, easement and right -of -way acquisition, seismic upgrades of certain buildings, and projects related to District property improvements. In FY 2011 -12, significant funds will be spent for the new facility and yard improvements at CSOD. The Capital Improvement Budget also includes siesmic upgrades to the HOB, followed by painting and replacement of worn carpeting and furniture. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 2 Table GI -1: General Improvements Subprogram /Project List Management Information Systems 8227 Estimated Anticipated Estimated Anticipated Estimated 0 Project Total Project Allocations Expenditures Allocations Expenditures Subprogram / Project No. / Project Title Manager Expenditures To 06/30/11 To 06/30/11 FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 lVehicles & Equipment 5,052,000 3,817,000 3,450,000 600,000 602,000 9999 Cap Proj Clearing Vassallo 10,000 4,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 8512 Vehicles& Equipment Acquisition -2012 Vassallo 891,000 0 0 891,000 891,000 Subprogram Total 901,000 4,000 3,000 892,000 892,000 Management Information Systems 8227 GDI - Treatment Plant Pilecki 500,000 500,000 243,100 0 100,000 pG101 GDI -SMMS Replacement Pilecki 400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 190,000 8195 Information Technology Development Greenawalt 5,052,000 3,817,000 3,450,000 600,000 602,000 Subprogram Total 5,952,000 4,517,000 3,893,100 800,000 892,000 3Projects 8230 Capital Legal Services - 2010 to 2018 Leavitt 560,000 210,000 70,000 0 70,000 8217 Capital Improvement Plan and Budget Millier 1,138,000 663,000 588,000 104,000 110,000 pG106 CSOD Facilities Improvements Rozul 500,000 0 0 100,000 50,000 8208 CSOD Facility Improvements Rozul 13,654,000 13,933,000 11,629,000 - 279,000 2,025,000 8223 District Property Safety Improvements Deutsch 124,000 75,000 29,000 0 15,000 8228 District Easements Gronlund 432,500 250,000 232,500 100,000 100,000 8207 General Security Access Deutsch 93,000 93,000 63,000 0 15,000 8219 HOB Improvements Musgraves 1,138,000 884,000 739,000 254,000 399,000 8225 Imhoff Triangle Development Musgraves 234,000 201,000 54,000 33,000 170,000 8210 Kiewit Parcel Development Musgraves 257,000 266,000 167,000 0 30,000 8229 Martinez Easements Hernandez 185,000 130,000 120,000 55,000 65,000 8221 POD Office Imprvs Musgraves 394,000 374,000 224,000 0 20,000 8224 Rental Property Improvements Musgraves 107,000 137,000 68,000 0 29,000 8226 Seismic Improvements for HOB Hodges 2,523,000 680,000 513,000 1,843,000 510,000 8231 Rental Property Seismic Improvements Hodges 640,000 340,000 340,000 50,000 50,000 Subprogram Total 21,979,500 18,236,000 14,836,500 2,260,000 3,658,000 Program Total 28,832,500 22,757,000 18,732,600 3,952,000 5,442,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 3 Capital Clearing Account Project Manager, Department/Division: Thea Vassallo, Administrative /Finance and Accounting Project Purpose: To provide Accounting with a mechanism within the Capital Improvement Budget to record transactions for projects that are currently not available. Project Description: This is the District's capital project clearing account used in Accounting for various reasons. Transactions are typically entered in this account under the following circumstances: • During payroll timesheet entry when a capital project has not yet opened, has been closed, or the project number is transposed and cannot be identified at that time. • To record purchases under projects that are not opened yet. For instance, purchases under the following year's equipment budget. • To record unanticipated additional charges to closed projects. The account is reconciled monthly, and transactions are re- classified to the appropriate project or asset accounts. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2008 07/01/2009 $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2009 06/17/2019 $10,000 Total: $10,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $1,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Cap Proj Clearing / 1 9999 / cap_proj_clearing Vassallo / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 C. Authorized this Year 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 4 Vehicles and Equipment Acquisition — 2011 -12 Project Manager, Department/Division: Thea Vassallo, Administrative /Finance and Accounting Project Purpose: To provide the District with safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment. Project Description: This is the District's 2011 -12 capital project for purchase of vehicles and equipment. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2012 $891,000 Total: $891,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $891,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $891,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition - 2012 / 1 Project Number /Filename: 8512 / veh_equipl2 Project Manager/') Expansion: Vassallo / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 891,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 891,000 0 0 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (891,000) 0 0 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 5 2 0 1 2 IIIII: 1 1 1111 < (- , Central Contra Costa Sanitary District :) 0 !II - > j sue.. Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2011 - 2012 EQUIPMENT BUDGET Introduction /Routine Procedures: The following tables show items anticipated to be purchased via the 2011 - 2012 Equipment Budget. In addition to the specific purchases, a 60,000 contingency is budgeted for unanticipated needs. When the contingency budget is utilized, a memo is sent to the General Manager who can approve purchases up to $15,000. Equipment purchased over $15,000 will be submitted for Board approval. Equipment Item Overrun: When the actual cost of an equipment budget item is more than the budgeted amount, the following guidelines should be observed: • If the overrun does not exceed $5,000 or 10 %, whichever is greater, and there are sufficient funds in the department's Equipment Budget line account to cover the overrun, then the purchase can proceed. An informational memo should be sent to the General Manager in these cases, to keep him aware of budget variances. When Purchasing receives their copy of the memo, the purchase may proceed. • If the overrun exceeds the above criteria, a contingency memo, or position paper will be required. If the dollar overrun is less than $15,000, the additional funds may be requested through contingency. If the dollar overrun is more than $15,000, a position paper is required. Substitutions Occasionally, the need to substitute a functionally different equipment item for a previously authorized Equipment Budgeted item arises. The following procedure should be followed in these instances: • Situation One Where a substitution is necessary, but the total does not exceed the authorized Equipment Budgeted amount, a memo will be sent to the General Manager detailing the need for the substitution. • Situation Two If the substitution, or an unanticipated cost increase will result in the purchase exceeding the authorized Equipment Budgeted amount, a contingency memo (up to $15,000) should be sent to the General Manager outlining the need for substitution and/or the additional amount from contingency that is required for purchase. In both situations, if the substitution is warranted, the General Manager will approve the memo, and Purchasing can then proceed with the procurement process after their copy of the memo is received. Changes to authorized Equipment Budgeted purchases exceeding $15,000 additional cost must be requested by position paper to the Board. HAEquipment Budget12011 -2012 O &M Budget cover page.doc ® Recycled Paper Summarized below is a comparison of the 2011 -2012 Equipment Budget with the approved budgets of the four prior years: Contingency as a % of Total Budget 7.15% 15.52% 20.52% 8.99% 5.37% 2011 -2012 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 2008 -2009 2007 -2008 Administrative 0 30,000 9,000 0 0 Engineering 34,867 0 0 0 69,865 Collection System Operations 0 0 57,500 329,000 245,000 Plant Operations 154,133 0 84,400 44,650 37,500 Pump Stations 0 0 0 0 0 *All Others between $5,000- $15,000 30,930 31,500 Subtotal 219,930 61,500 150,900 373,650 352,365 Vehicles New 290,000 0 0 0 Replacement 619,000 35,200 141,500 294,000 764,500 Subtotal 619,000 325,200 141,500 294,000 764,500 Equipment Request Total 838,930 386,700 292,400 667,650 1,116,865 Contingency 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 District Total $898,930 $446,700 $352,400 $727,650 $1,176,865 Contingency as a % of Total Budget 7.15% 15.52% 20.52% 8.99% 5.37% F— U F— O F— z N U Q Z U J Q F— z W U F— W 0 D W z W a_ D W N r 0 N 1 r 0 N F— z W a CL W z_ 2 W W z z W 00 00 O M M co CO U � U- O > N U t �� CO op W U ^^L W CO) I-- ti J 00 000 N ~ M M E z W c z W .0 . C: 0 ° o a cc •� cn cb 0 0 F— E U a) O ttf O ` O N ~ cu U U J Q C cu c— ' CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 DEPARTMENT /DIVISION /COST CENTER 002/0200/510 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CATEGORY (1) PER UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 ea Leica TS15 P Robotic Total Station R $27,340 $27,340 1 ea Accessories for Leica TS15 P R $7,527 $7,527 (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity- Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: July 1 2011 STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST Background: The Survey Section uses robotic total stations as the primary means of gathering survey data and providing construction staking. There are two total stations in service, one acquired in 2004 and the other in 2006. Necessity: Survey instruments see daily use. They are exposed to heat and dust in the summer and cold and high humidity in the winter. These environmental factors dictate a life cycle of four to five years. Our oldest total station has exceeded its expected lifespan. It has already experienced one major failure that kept it out of service for several weeks. With an instrument out of service, we can only field one crew. Production of engineering surveys for capital projects slows down and may even stop if Survey is called out for projects under construction. Cost: Per quotes provided by Haselbach Instruments on 12- 15 -10, the cost of the robotic total station and accessories is $34,867. With tax and shipping the total will be approximately $38,300. ATE COMMENDED APPR VAL DATE Q � A" g- 11 Departmen irector General Mana r Leica Geosystems Solutions Center 1447 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA. 94010 (650) 348 -7247 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. Survey Section Martinez, CA. Att: Liz Charlton Kelly Weir Dec. 15, 2010 TS15 P, 3" (1.0 mgon) R1000 total station with PowerSearch, automatic target aiming, reflectorless R1000 EDM, electronic guide light EGL, 1 GB internal Flash Memory, laser plummet, 1 keyboard with full VGA colour touch screen, Bluetooth / RS232 / USB / SD card interface, RadioHandle interface, SmartWorx Viva software 780867 and DVD (Art. No. 767908), user manual and container. 733270 GEB221, Lithium -Ion battery, 7.4V/4.4Ah, chargeable. 2 ea. 667304 Tribrach GDF121 PRO, without optical plummet, pale green. GKL211, Charger BASIC, for Li -Ion batteries GEB221 and GEB211, car adapter 734752 cable and net adapter included. MSD1000, industrial grade SD memory card 1G13 for GS10 /GS15 receiver and 767856 CS10 /CS15 field controller GTS34, 2nd keyboard with full VGA colour touch screen, for TS11/TS15 instruments, 779481 for telescope position 2, fitted. TS15 I, 3" (1.0 mgon) R1000 total station with 5 MP wide angle camera, PowerSearch, automatic target aiming, reflectorless R1000 EDM, electronic guide light EGL, 1 GB internal Flash Memory, laser plummet, 1 keyboard with full VGA colour touch screen, Bluetooth / RS232 / USB / SD card interface, RadioHandle 780879 interface, SmartWorx Viva software and DVD (Art. No. 767908), user manual and 733270 GEB221, Lithium -Ion battery, 7.4V/4.4Ah, chargeable. 2 ea. 667304 Tribrach GDF121 PRO, without optical plummet, pale green. GKL211, Charger BASIC, for Li -Ion batteries GEB221 and GEB211, car adapter 734752 cable and net adapter included. MSD1000, industrial grade SD memory card 1 G for GS10 /GS15 receiver and 767856 CS10 /CS15 field controller GTS34, 2nd keyboard with full VGA colour touch screen, for TS11/TS15 instruments, 779481 for telescope position 2, fitted. Viva TS Imaging License -> License key enables extended imaging functionality on 781346 TS11 1 and TS15 1 instruments. 741964 RH1200 Radio Handle with Integrated Radio Modem and Radio Antenna GKL221, Charger PRO. To be used with up to two charging adapters GDI221 or 733271 GDI222, Charger cable and net adapter included. 733323 GDI221, Adapter for GKL221 for charging 2 Li -Ion batteries GEB221, GEB211. 2 ea. 667718 GHM007 Instruments height meter. 722045 GHT196 Distance holder for height meter. $27,340.00 $33,970.00 $1,467.00 $620.00 $50.00 Leica Geosystems Solutions Center 1447 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA. 94010 (650) 348 -7247 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. Survey Section Martinez, CA. Att: Liz Charlton Kelly Weir Dec. 15, 2010 8225931 Allegro MX 128/2GB color controller with integrated Bluetooth and Leica Radio Pod $4,155.00 8225933 Allegro MX 128/2GB color controller with integrated Bluetooth, Wil'i and Leica Radio P $4,440.00 6501.602.000 Carlson SurvCE Robotics upgrade from 1.xx to SurvCE 2.xx $395.00 6501.603.000 Carlson SurvCE GPS upgrade from 1.xx to SurvCE 2.xx $495.00 With the purchase of the upgrade of SurvCE to the current 2.XX version, there will be the the ability to move the software license from an existing Allegro CE or CX to the new MX. Terms: Prices as quoted do not include California Sales Tax. Terms are net 30 days. Training and configuration of the total station will be supplied at the time of delivery Hans I. Haselbach Leica Geosystems Burlingame, Ca. (650) 544 -7247 cell Leica Viva TS15 Datasheet -� w i�! ` s IL - - ,y - sy :ov9 �a Optimize your productivity with exact photo documentation of ■ Image Notes - Capture an image, screenshot or template, sketch i site conditions. With live streaming of the total station view, you on it and link it to any object in the database. always know what the total station sees. Measure all points ■ Image Assisted Surveying - Simply tap on the display and the without returning to the total station. total station will turn and measure the desired target. = � t • e ire- . .s a..-t� Viva TS15 uses years of experience to optimally combine the ■ Search - the unique PowerSearch finds your prism within seconds world's best total station sensors: angles, distances, drives and ■ Lock -Viva TS15 stays locked onto your prism in the most the patented PowerSearch target recognition camera. demanding environments i IN Measure - PinPoint EDM seamlessly harmonizes with precise angle sensors to complete the measurement process f ® t pica Viva GNSS Adel -nn 3 Add full GNSS functionality to your Viva TS15 whenever you want ■ Use SmartStation for TPS setup without the need of control points, and combine TPS and GNSS in the most efficient way. traverses and resections c. ■ Use SmartPole to save time with setup 'On- the -fly and measure parallel with TPS and GNSS for double productivity z - when it has to be right f -"eo • 4 m Geosystems Technical Specifications T515 xi Artie measurement - - • TS15 A • T515 G • T515 P • T515 1 • Dstar measurement to Prism • • • • • Distance meawrement to any surface (reflectorless) • • • • • Motorized • • • • • Automatic Target Aiming • • • • P- Search (PS) • • Wide-Mgle Cameo • R5232. USS and SD -rd interface • • • • • Bhretooth • • • • • Internal Flash Memory I Ica) • • • • • Hotshoe interface for RH15 • • • • • Guide Light (EGL) • • • • Laser Guide • Smartstation/SmartPohr 6515 GNSS receiver O 2 0 O O ve SmartStation/SaiwtPole CS12 GLASS receiver O O O O O Radio fia4d controller 0510 /015 O O O O O • • Standard O • Optional - = Not available Angular Measurement Accuracy H7. V° 1 10. 3mgon), 2 "(0.6mon),3 "(1 mgon).5 "(1.5mgonl Display resolution 0.1" 10.1 m on) Method absolute, continuous, diametrical Compensation Quadruple axis compensation Compensator settin accuracy 0.5 (0.2 m on), 0.5 10.2 m on1. 1.0 (0.3 m on). 1.5 (0.5 m onl Distance Measurement e Ran e' Round prism I GPR1) 3500 m (12000 ft I 3 Round prisms I CPR l) 5400 m (17700 ft I 360' prism (GRZ4, GRZ122) 2000m. j7000ft) 360' mini prism (GRZ1011 1000m 13300ft) Mini prism (GMP101) 20DOm 17000ft1 Reflective tape (60 mm x 60 mm) 12som I800 ft 1 Accuracy'^ / Measurement Time Standard 1 mm + 1.5 ppm I ryp. 2.4 s Fast 3 mm + 1.5 ppm / typ. 0.S s Continuous 3 mm + 1.5 ppm / typ. x 0.15 s Range' Pinpoint R30 / R400 / R1000 130 m (98 / 400 in 11310 ft I / 1000 m ( 3280 ft) Accuracy" / Measurement Time Pinpoint R30 / R400 / R1000 2 mm. 12 ppm / typ. 3 s Lon - range' - > 10000 m (>32800 ttI Accuracy' • / Measurement Time Lon -ranz S mm. + 2 ppm / tyD. 2.5 s Display resolution 0.1 mm Shortest measurable distance Method system analyzer based on phase shift measurement (coaxial, visible red laser) Laser dot size (Non- Prism At 30 m: 7 mm x 10 mm, at 50 m: 8 mm x 20 mm General Operating System Windows CE 6.0 Processor Freescale i.NU(31 533 MHz ARM Core Ma ni &anon 30 x Free ob)ective aperture 40 mm Field of view 1 30' 11.66 gon) / 2.7 m at 100 m Focusing range 1.7 m to infini Di ,play 640 x 480 pixel IVGA) color II7 with LED backlight and touch scmen Keyboard 36 keys 112 function keys, 12 alphanumeric keys 1, illumination Position face I standard / face II optional Internal memory i Memory devices 1 G8 (nonvolatile NANO Flash) / 50 card, US6 sticK Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth' Wveless- Technology, USS mini AS OTC Sensitivity of Circular level 6' / 2 mm Centering accuracy Of Laser plummet 1.5 mm at 1.5 in Number of drives 1 horizontal / I vertical Internal Battery Uthium Ion Operating Time 5 - 8 n (CE8221I Voltage / Capacity 7.4 V 14.4 Ah Weight of Total Station / Battery GEB221 / Trbrach GE8121 F4.9 - 5.5 k / 0.2 k / 0.8 kg i .`.t / Width /Length 1345 mm / 226 mm / 203 mm , He Working / Storage temperature range -20° C to +50' C / -40 C to +70' C Dust / water (IEC 605291 / Humidity IP55 / 95 %, non- condensm Guide Light (EGL) n� � Working Range 5 - 150 m Positioning accuracy 5 cm at 100m Motorization Rotation speed -S' 150 goal / s Automatic Target Aiming )ATR) _ Range ATR Mode Lock Mode Round prism (GPRl) 1000 m (3300 ft 1 800 m 126DO ft) 360° prism (G.RZ4. GRZ122) 800m (2600ft) 600m 12000 ft) 360 mini prism(GRZ101 I 350m(1150tti 300m(1000tt1 Mini prism I GMP101) 500 m (1600 ft I 400m 11300 ft I Reflective tape (60 mm x 60 mm I 55m 1175 ft ) Shortest distance to 360° prism 1.5 in 5 in Accuracy' / Measurement Time ATR angle accuracy Hz, V 1" (0.3 mgonI Base positioning accuracy x1 mm Measurement Time for CPR] 13-4s Maximum speed (Lock Mode) Tangential (standard model 5 m / s at 20 m. 25 in / s at 100 m Radial (tracking model JZm1s Searching Search time in field of view 7yp. 1.5 s Feld of view 1° 30' 11.66 gon) Definable search windows yes Method Digital Image processing Power Search ( PS) . . Range Round prism (GPR11 1 300 M (1000ft) 360° reflector' (GRZ4, GRZ1221 300 m (1000 ft) Mini prism (GMP1011 100m 1330ft) Shortest distance 1.5 m Searching Typical search time 5- 10s Default search area . 360' (400 on). V: 36 (40 on) Definable search windows ves Method 0igdal Image processing (rotating laser fan) x' Wide -angle Camera _ Scmor 5 Mpiwl CMOS sensor Focal Length 21 mm Feld of view 15.5° x 11.7° (19.4° diagonal) Frame rate 20 trames per second Focus 2 in 16.5 feet] to infinity Image storage )PEG up to 5 Mpael (2560 x 1920 ) Zoom 3 -step (lx, 2x, 4x) Whitebalance User configurable Brightness User configuraole Y Standard deviation 150 17123 -3 ` Overcast, no maze, vsib4ity about 40 km: no heat shimmer ' Standard deviation 150 17123 -4 • TO Round Prigs GPRI Fast Made ° Object in shade, sky overcast, Kodak Grey Caro (90% reflective) ' Distance >500 m 4 mm + 2 ppm • Target perfectly aligned to the instrument ° Measurement precision. accuracy and reliability are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites, geometry. Obstructions. Observation time. ephemeris accuracy. ionospheric conditions, multipath etc. Figures quoted assume normal to favorable conditions. Imes can also not be quoted exactly. Times required are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites. geometry, ionospheric corditiors, multipatn etc. The following accuracies, given as root mean square. are based on real -time measurements. O When used within reference station networks the position accuracy is in accordance with me accuracy specifications provided by the reference station network. Add -on GS12 / G515 GLASS J_ ' Position accuracy .'° orizortal: 10 mm + 1 ppm. Vertical: 20 mm + 1 ppm KM Initialization Reliability / Time of initialization >99.99% / Typically 8 s, with 5 or more satellites on Ll and L2 Range Up to 50 km. assuming reliable data -link is available RTK Data formats for data reception Leica proprietary formats I Leica, Leica 4G). GPS and GNSS real -time data formats. CUR. CMR +, RTCM v2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 / 3A Number of channels GSIS: 120 6512:120 Dimensions [diameter x neightl CS15: 196 mm x 198 mm GS 12: 186 mm x 89 mm Weight GS15: 1.34 kg GS12: 1.05 kg Standard deviation 150 17123 -3 ` Overcast, no maze, vsib4ity about 40 km: no heat shimmer ' Standard deviation 150 17123 -4 • TO Round Prigs GPRI Fast Made ° Object in shade, sky overcast, Kodak Grey Caro (90% reflective) ' Distance >500 m 4 mm + 2 ppm • Target perfectly aligned to the instrument ° Measurement precision. accuracy and reliability are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites, geometry. Obstructions. Observation time. ephemeris accuracy. ionospheric conditions, multipath etc. Figures quoted assume normal to favorable conditions. Imes can also not be quoted exactly. Times required are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites. geometry, ionospheric corditiors, multipatn etc. The following accuracies, given as root mean square. are based on real -time measurements. O When used within reference station networks the position accuracy is in accordance with me accuracy specifications provided by the reference station network. Whether you want to stake -out an object on a construction site or you need accurate measurements of a tunnel or a bridge; whether you want to determine the area of a parcel of land or need the position of a power pole or to capture objects for as -built maps - you need reliable and precise data. Leica Viva combines a wide range of innovative products designed to meet the daily challenges for all positioning tasks. The simple yet powerful and versatile Leica Viva hardware and software innovations are redefining state -of- the -art technology to deliver maximum perfor- mance and productivity. Leica Viva gives you the inspiration to make your ambitious visions come true. When it has to be right. Q Swiss Technology by Leica Geosystems TQ M Total Quality Management - our commitment to total customer satisfaction. Distance meter (Prism), ATR and PowerSearch: Lase r class 1 in accordance with IEC 60825 -1 resp. EN 60825 -1 Laser plummet: Laser class 2 in accordance with IEC 60825-1 resp. EN 60825 -1 Distance meter (Non - Prism): Laser class 3R in accordance with IEC 60825 -1 resp. EN 60825 -1 ®® The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Leica Geosystems AG is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Illustrations, descriptions and technical data are not binding. All rights reserved. Printed in Switzerland - Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2010. 781664en - IX.10 - RDV 1 Leica Viva Leica Viva GNSS Leica SmartWorx Leica Viva LGO Leica Zeno Overview brochure Product brochure Viva Product brochure Product brochure Product brochure Q Leica Geosystems AG Heerbrugg, Switzerland - when it has to be right www.leica- geosystems.com Geosystems H v U) 0 H z U) F V H z O V J Q F- z W L) H W 0 0 D m z W A D w N r 0 N 1 r r O N F- z W IL w z O W a O H z Q J G. O O O 0 0 M I- Il- O M M r (� M 0 0) LO p LO l� H r f0 � V 7 � "O LL O a ti ti OD U .0 LO � - 0 O O LU V z O z M O Q W O M M M O W Z C cu a a m O o E O. N (n cn ) N O ~ A '= U fu O O W =3 N =1 p U H O (B O O O r N M O CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR DEPARTMENT /DIVISION /COST CENTER 2011 -2012 Plant Operations / Operations / Labor tory 001 - 0420 -720 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CATEGORY (1) PER UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 Horizon Extraction System PO 1R $54,783.00 $54,783.00 (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity - Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: September 2011 STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST The Environmental Laboratory is using glassware that is 25 years old to extract a group of organic compounds such as pesticides, 1,2 dichlorobenzene, and phthalates (EPA Method 625, semi - volatile organic compounds). The older glassware utilizes a extractor body with 600 milliliters of methylene chloride for the extraction process (organics are extracted from the one liter water phase (plant sample) to the organic phase (methylene chloride) in a heating and condensing process). The requested system utilizes 100 milliliters of methylene chloride instead of 600 milliliters per sample. This will save on use of this suspected carcinogen. Methylene chloride is also an ozone depleting chemical. Parts from Corning for the 25 -year old extraction system are difficult to obtain, taking up to six months for delivery. The new system being suggested is fully automated allowing for faster extraction times with improved quality and consistency of results. Larger sample volumes can also be utilized, thus reducing the detection levels protecting the District from erroneous noise level results that can be close to the detection limits of the machine used to analyze the extracted sample. In addition, the system will be used for oil and grease (EPA Method 1664) extractions creating even greater efficiencies for the Laboratory Team. The cost savings in chemicals and time gives this request a return on investment of four years. SUBMITTED BY DATE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL DATE 0` _rst� d l&9 _ - q -a8 -t! Department Director eneral Manager H orizon Determination of Semi- Volatile Organic Compounds in *technology Water Using the AtlanticTM HLB SPE Disk and Carbon Cartridge for EPA Method 8270D KevinDinnean,Horizon Technology, Inc., Salem, NH Michael Ebitson, Horizon Technology, Inc., Salem, NH Introduction The purpose of this application note is to demonstrate the use of a fully automated solid phase extraction (SPE) and concentration system that provides fast extraction while improving the quality and consistency of results for EPA Method 8270D. EPA Method 8270D is used to determine neutral, acidic, and basic semi - volatile organic compounds that are soluble in methylene chloride. Such compounds include polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons and pesticides, phthalate esters, organophosphate esters, nitrosamines, haloethers, aldehydes, ethers, ketones, anilines, pyridines, quinolines, aromatic nitro compounds, and phenols, including nitrophenols. The AtlanticTM HLB (Hydrophilic - Lipophilic Balanced) solid phase extraction disk is able to retain the large list of organic semi - volatile compounds through its unique ratio of hydrophilic n- vinylpyrrolidone and lipophilic divinylbenzene sorbent. The AtlanticTM HLB sorbent has a number of key features that enable it to carry out the extraction including stability at pH extremes and in a wide range of solvents, extraordinary retention of polar compounds, and a hydrophobic retention capacity three times higher than that of traditional silica -based SPE sorbents. LArtaN IC The Horizon Technology SPE -DEX 4790 Automated Extraction System, with the Envision Platform Controller, DryVap Concentration System, and the ReclaimerTm Solvent Recovery System. Instrumentation Horizon Technology - SPE -DEX 4790 Automated Extractor System - Envision" Platform - Dual pH Kit - Carbon Cartridge Kit - Carbon Cartridge - AtlanticTM HLB SPE Disks (47mm) - DryVap Concentrator System - DryDisk Separation Membranes - ReclaimerTM (Solvent Recovery System) Agilent - 6890 GC - 5973 Mass Selective Detector The carbon cartridge captures the more volatile compounds that are not able to be retained by the AtlanticTm HLB disk; such as N- Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), Pyridine, 2- Picoline, N- Nitrosomethylethylamine, Methylmethane sulfonate, N- Nitrosodiethylamine and Ethylmethane sulfonate. The SPE -DEX 4790 provides automatic extraction of liquid samples by solid phase extraction methods. It can handle samples from 20 mL to 4 L. The Envision Platform provides a user - friendly, web -based controller capable of interacting with up to eight extractors via a standard PC. The DryVap Concentrator System provides automatic sample drying with a patented membrane technology (DryDisk) and automatically concentrates each dried extract by applying heat, vacuum, and sparge flow for up to six samples at one time. The ReclaimerTM SRS (Solvent Recovery System) is designed to handle the volume of solvent vapor generated from the DryVap Concentrator System while in operation. These automated systems are specifically designed to streamline the sample handling required for the preparation and analysis of environmental samples. Method Summary PH 2 Extraction 1) Adjust 1 L aqueous sample to pH 2 with HCl, cap the bottle and mix. 2) Spike 8270 surrogate into samples. 3) Spike 8270 compounds into samples (50 µg/ml spike was used). 4) Place a small piece of aluminum foil over the opening of the bottle and screw on the bottle cap adaptor. 5) Install water collection bottle to the water waste line. 6) Remove the original water waste line from the rear panel of the SPE -DEX 4790. 7) Attach one end to the water collection bottle and the other end to the water waste collection bottle. 8) Attach one end of Teflon tube to the water waste fitting on the rear panel of the SPE -DEX 4790 and connect the other end to the water collection bottle. 9) Load the disk holder with the AtlanticTm HLB 47mm disk. 10) Place a clean VOA vial or equivalent receiver onto the extractor. 11) Load the pH 2 sample onto the SPE -DEX 4790. 12) Start the EPA Method 8270D extraction method in Table 1 and collect extract at high vacuum of -25 in. Hg. 13) Collect the extract (approximately 20 mQ. 14) Cap and label extract as acid portion. Horizon Technology, Inc., 45 Northwestern Dr. Salem, NH, 03079 USA Tel: (603) 893 -3663 Fax: (603) 893 -4994 Pg. 1 of 4 ANO35- 091221 S CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR DEPARTMENT /DIVISION /COST CENTER 2011 -2012 Plant Operations / Maintenance / Mechanical Maintenance 001 - 0440 -830 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CATEGORY (1) PER UNIT COST TOTAL COST 2 Carts R, PF, S, V $16,000.00 $32,000.00 (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity- Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST The Mechanical Maintenance Crew has eight functional carts, one failing cart and one failed cart for a total fleet of 10 carts. Ultimately when new employees are fully trained, the crew will require a fleet of 11 carts. All the carts in operation today are 10 to 21 years old. Carts greater than 15 years old are difficult to repair because parts become obsolete. The anticipated life of a utility cart is 15 years depending upon the duty. One of the ten carts is a Cushman UTV -Max cart (14 -years old) and is decommissioned due to rear end failure. The manufacturer indicated that they no longer support the rear end parts for this model. Last year a similar cart was auctioned and not replaced reducing the fleet from 11 to 10 carts. This request is for two Cushman Titan style carts. These carts feature a flat bed which benefits the organization because loads up to 3,000 Ibs can be hauled (heavy tools, pumps, small generators, etc) optimizing efficiency. The carts will be issued to two Maintenance Mechanic III personnel and two Mechanic I and II level employees will continue to ride along until they are fully trained. Once these cans are purchased, two carts will be auctioned keeping the fleet total flat at 10 carts. Anticipate this request to continue in the foreseeable future until the 15 -21 year old carts are replaced. The Cushman Titan #410 model statistics are as follows: Motor 48 volt Payload Capacity 3,000 lbs. Speed 13.5 mph Cargo Area 75 in. x 41.5 in. Passengers 2 These carts match the current shop model allowing the reliable stock of parts. The purchase of two carts will keep productivity steady. SUBMITTED BY DATE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL DATE •P ff't"t 3t��i�l 3 -z8 - ir Department Director Gen I Manager titan CALL US ('408'! ���~���& .~ .~'� ~~~ ` .~�/ .~-� ��~~ 271�L�FA�E���E, S' SAN"TA �L����(�����3�0 UTILITY IMPLEMENTS TRACTORS MI0WERS VEHICLES A1 OBSen�no Utility Vehicles ���M;Qu mr��w«���+���� _ ~.� �~~� �Parts Turf and Industrial Equipment Company specializes inutility Vehicles for WB Sales both on and off-road commercial app We carry John Deere Gab» utility vehicles — in both gas and diesel. For Club Car we carry on—mad. @]Rentals low speed Zero-Emission Electric neighborhood wehin|oa [LS\], as well as OBPre-owned Zero-Emission E|ectriu, gas and diesel vehicles fbr commencie|, transportation and consumer recreational uses. We also carry the 88 About Ua complete line of Cushman oledho vehicles. The new electric pick-up OBContact tmuhx, cargo and passenger mans from N1og International have been extremely well received and are available in several versions with myriad of options to customize the truck to your needs. Nowhere e|eo in the Bay I* Area will you find ae many vehicle options. JOHN DEERe Titan nwmwww turfam8ndustriazmn~/Titan HANDHELD POWER EQUIPMENT We are here to help 1511111 M Motor r ot- 48 volt 48 Payload Capacity 3,000 lbs 3,000 lbs Speed 13.5 rrph Cargo Arrea 75 in. x 41.5 in. Passengers 2 Motor 36 volt Payload Capacity 3,000 lbs Speed 13.5 rnph Passengers 2 Lift-out battery rack Motor ___T36 volt Payload Capacity 3,000 lbs Titan 41 Titan 412 1/18/2011 titan [!-Feed 13.5 mph Cargo Area 36 in. x 41.5 in. (with 2nd seat) Passengers 4 Lift -out battery rack Txf Jnd I"id-U `J Ho i About LJs Ser cas (,t US turfandindustrial.com/,../Titan 2/2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR DEPARTMENT /DIVISION /COST CENTER 2011 -2012 Plant Operations / Maintenance / Electrical Shop 001 - 0440 -810 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CATEGORY (1) PER UNIT COST TOTAL COST 3 Doble F2253 Protective relay test set PF, R $22,450 $67,350 (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity - Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: 07/01/2011 STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST This test equipment will replace our SR -51 test set which has been obsolete for many years. The "51" is the design year of the unit, and it was purchased in the early 1970's. In recent years, the SR -51 has experienced many problems including failure of the timing and automatic stop function causing tests to have to be repeated. The SR -51 is a critical piece of maintenance and troubleshooting test equipment used on approximately 110 over current relays and 35 over /under voltage relays. Each year we test half of these relays over a six to eight month period. Renting a tester in the event of the SR -51 failing is an expensive option. Since the SR -51 is no longer built. A modern unit would be rented. A Doble F2253 rents for $2,135 per month with one to three test sets, depending on the relays being testing, for a total monthly rent of $2,135 to $6,405. Rental for six to eight months could cost as much as $51,240. Purchasing a new state -of- the -art relay tester to replace the vintage 1951 model is a cost benefit for the District. DATE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL DATE 3/ a j►, -3 Department Director Ge ral Manager Rental a TRS-RenTelco - Doble Engineering F2253 High -Power Test Source - Microsoft Internet Explorer IJ�� J You u>.ry also need: Recorders Television Test Wireless Test " Supplies °d Print Enlarge Image Live Chat Description: Agilerlt Technologies High power source for testing high burden electromechanical relays and protection schemes. Dual -mode, Meooe• 2x700' 3 Tektronix convertible source provides one voltage and one current or two currents. Maximum AC or DC output current of DrolttM ;on, oltsiziance op_oer 90 A continuous or 180 A for 1.5 seconds. Also provides up to 300 V AC or DC. up to six sources can be LeCroy networked for testing complex protection schemes. Includes ProTest Software and Delta ValueAetta Time Rohde & Schwarz option. Spirent t Fluke Networks Specifications: Fu ikura L4 2 J Output Current: 0 to 90 A acfdc (continuous), 160A for 1 .5 sec. AGOC 100 kV Detail NW EXFO Output Vo6age: 0 t 300 V acldc Andrew (Grayson) JDSU e(<O iiiii in ana OI PleTellell p l II. r l.) 14 rlere. Analyzers Communications Test N Nor wish you al looking f ol? Counters E Electrical & Industrial Test » Protective Relay Test Sets View our ernil e Electrical & Industria! Test C Calenol v Listinn ErnfroOmental h h1laut lfactlnel Listinn Doble Engineering - F2253 High -Power Test Source o of call Its al 800 -871 -7123 toll General Purp Test D L ee. Generators Logic Analyzers � �'— '-""�— Availability: : ,!l A A C� . Meters � �'�� �� Oscilloscopes j Rental Rates tiY Starting at 82.135 per month - - _ - -- - Power Sources - - a Protocol Analyzers r Fie fide Ykw Qocunent Took Mhidow Hdp Save a COPY - MZ. Search Il�- Stied O*d Data Tod 93 We appreciate the opportunity to support your requirements. Should you have questions, please feet free to contact 866- 352 -5550 or safes@protecequip.com. Mftr /Model Description Sales Quote Good Until Rep 2126/2011 House Terns Net 30 Qty U/M Unit Rate Total Doble f F2253 Relay Test Set, Single Phase Sales Tax 3 EA 22.450.00 67,350.00 0.00% 0.00 c� x I of 1 — O We appreciate the opportunity to support your requirements. Should you have questions, please feel free 9j to contact 866 - 352 -5550 or sales@protecequip.com. Mftr /Model Description Doble / F2253 Relay Test Set, Single Phase Sales Tax P ROTec EQUIPMENT RESOURCES t 972.352.5550 1517 W N Carrier #116 f 972.352.5553 1 Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 Sales Quote 2/26/2011 House Terms Net 30 Qty U/M Unit Rate Total 3 EA 22,450.00 67,350.00 0.00% 0.00 M1 All prices are net. Taxes or duty are the sole responsibility of the end user. Other terms and conditions displayed at: www.protecequip.com 101219593 Bill To Central Sanitation 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Ship To Central Sanitation 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 USA L O R , I s" !O 5 h J W S W x FAMILY OF POWER SYSTEM SIMULATORS F2250 Simulators perform integrity and application tests on complete protection schemes and individual relays. Run Steady- State, Dynamic- State, and optional Transient Simulation tests with the F2250. The evolutionary design of the F2250 Simulator is based on the in- service experience of over five thousand F2000 instruments and dramatically improves protection maintenance productivity. The F2250 Simulator Family and ProTesTTm software are revolutionary solutions which improve productivity of all protection main- tenance. ProTesT calculates load and fault phasor values, and directly controls the simulation. The F2250 Simulator reproduces the phasor and logic signals and verifies protection scheme response. Scheme diagnostics are more effective than steady - state calibration tests because they evaluate the integrated response of the complete protection scheme to actual power system disturbance conditions, verifying performance under in- service conditions. F2253 is the only product offered by Doble in F2250 series. F2251 and F2252 are no longer a part of Doble product line. F2250 Features: F2250 Scheme Diagnostics: • Dynamic State Simulations: ProTesTTm Power System Model • Transient Simulation: Replay, Relay, DFR, EMPT records • GPS Satellite Synchronized for end -to- end simulations • Modular Current Power: 150, 300, or 450 VA; field plug -in modules • Convertible operation: One voltage and one current or two currents; ac or do • Two Logic Outputs: Simulate circuit - breaker, carrier, and scheme logic • Two Logic /Signal Inputs: Sense dry contact or voltage for timing. Logic signals trigger changes in test condi- tions • Multi Mode Timer: Internal /External Start and Stop operations • Intuitive front panel for easy manual testing. Intuitive Front Panel for Easy Manual Testing Selects and displays - Voltage /Current - Transient current operation Select for individually set V / I / f values - Phasor names Independent self - powered High Indicates remote Voltage safety warning. Blinks control operation when terminals >30 volts! / Select for continuous V / I / f ramps at least significant digit Convertible ac and do current and TW IF voltage output: <300 V -ac /400 V -dc ®F REMOTE 7 or 60 A @ 225 VA second transient rating PHASE ANGLE AMPLITUDE ® SOURCE W t EN Au/LjO High Current Output <180 ' ' A @ 675 VA -rms 1.5second RAMP SET transient rating PHASE ANGLE AMPLITUDE SOURCE 2 Duai A &B Logic Outputs Change state when source 1 &2 turn on /off 2 Programmable for dynamic and a a 4 N Sy transient simulations FAULT MASTER SLAVE Z- Y a a ROTATE • OL LOGIC OUTPUT Rotates Fault Phasors A- N /B- N /C- N /A- B /B -C /C -A automatically without changing connecting wiring System Master Indication Press right to display Simulator configuration. Press left to select as system master Selects and displays dc- or ac- base frequency of 50/60 Hz incrementally up to the 20th harmonic. Using F2010 Minicontroller up to 10 KHz Programmable 0.1 Hz to10 kHz Individual Source On/Off or Enable Autorange or select a range Synchronously controls Enabled Sources and Logic Outputs Internal XTAL N reference Zero X Turns on and HERTZ �j / RANGE Source 0 0 System 0 !1 POW ER SYSTEM i M O Satellite • �. --g� T I M E 0 rep 5[cgN[ 5 ®ca eesE- Q 5ATEWn HERTZ RANGE START _ SQU'P'.:f i o fJRE!MJC 0 • � C�IG� STOP 0 f ITP.IMW� (� satEwr ® ® . FREQUEN ZERO X tSrwCG O s i LOGIC I StGNAL INPUT Synchronously controls Enabled Sources and Logic Outputs Internal XTAL N reference Zero X Turns on and Phase lock changes values at to power line Source 0 0 System 0 Phase lock to GPS Satellite - Stop timing from external signals or Autosynchronizer - Sense pickup /dropout - Initiate circuit breaker trip simulation Autoranging from tens of microseconds to thousands of seconds or cycles Displays GPS Satellite time Isolated Inputs - High Power 30 V /100 mA Source for sensing dry contacts - High Z Voltage Sense 1 V to 300 V ac /dc - Start timing from internal transi- tion or external signals - Initiate circuit breaker close simulation Overview of F2250 Technical Specifications A" ­dels of the F2250 Simulator Family r ers have two sources each, provid- ing ac current or voltage sine waves or do operation switch selectable. • Voltage sources provide up to 300 V ac / 400 V do at 150 VA continuously; their ac transient power rating is 195 VA. The voltage source has one voltage amplifier module. • Current modules operate up to 30 A ac / 20 A do at 150 VA continuously; their tran- sient rating is 60 A ac and do at 225 VA. • The Model Numbers of the Simulator Family members are F2251, F2252, and F2253. The last digit indicates the number of Active SourceTM current amplifier mod- ules. Adding current amplifier modules increases source VA and current ratings. F2252 and F2253 front -panel selection provides one voltage and one current source, or two current sources. Start with F2251, add plug -in amplifier modules in the field anytime. • The F2251 has one 150 VA voltage source and one current source. The current source has one 150 VA current amplifier module. F2252 has one 150 VA voltage source .,, two 150 VA current amplifier modules. Front -panel selection provides: • One 150 VA voltage and one 300 VA current, or • Two 150 VA currents. • The F2253 has one voltage source and three 150 VA current amplifier modules. Front -panel selection provides: • One 150 VA voltage and one 450 VA current, or • One 150 VA current and one 300 VA current C3 J cc 3 0 � •� Cr f r �oble Engineering Company a 85 Walnut Street W 3 Watertown, MA 02472 USA ED tel +1 617 926 4900 I— fax +1 617 926 0528 cs 0 F2250 FamBy of Power System S.rtwUWM � Uta. � CiufOe All Simulator Family members have an integrated, six digit, multi -mode Timer, two Logic /Signal Inputs, and two independent Logic Outputs. The Timer provides event sensing and timing in cycles, seconds, or mil- liseconds. The Timer starts, stops, or senses from internally initiated events and external signals. The Logic /Signal Inputs drive the multi -mode Timer; turn sources on or off and initiate state changes in amplitude, phase, and frequency for control of dynamic state tests. The Logic Outputs simulate power - system events like carrier receive and circuit breaker 52a/52b operation, Multi -Mode Timer: Accuracy: t 0.0005% of reading, t one least significant digit, ± 50 micro - seconds. Resolution: 10 micro - seconds (1 least signifi- cant digit). Ranges: 0 - 9999.99 milliseconds 0 - 9999.99 seconds 0 - 9999.99 cycles Logic /Signal Inputs: Two sets of galvani- cally isolated Logic /Signal Inputs, each set has a voltage sensing terminal for ac or do voltage, a shared common terminal, and a dry contact sensing terminal. Logic Outputs: Two sets of galvanically isolated Logic Outputs, each set has a normally open (Form A) terminal, shared common terminal, and a normally closed (Form B) terminal. Specifications are subject to change without notice.. All interconnecting cables, connectors and accessories for application are supplied in a rugged cable bag for field use For more information, contact fserieshelp@doble.com O ■ O s ■ Doble is certified ISO 9001:2000 Doble is an ESCO Technologies Company MKT- SL- F2250B -09/08 Y LU • uj Y is L 6 w N CN � F°- CD Cl) v =; .L u' ® CL a) ® W ® CL U C: W ® O O Q. N to o o N N ti � UJ W N m Q i i i cu - 0 ® �°' Q ,L a CC C a- ® C) � Q. V E W C C 0 U i E y a) V O U V !E � a) ��®1, t✓ F ®® cu / e-+ c r P Cl) O O) (1) QL 0)— C 0) 'a 0 m I w L7 O (D a) u) c — "* (D E cD CN C to > o o C: 0 o 0 0 ;-- _r_ CD — a) > -0 c 0 C) = 0 o 0- a) U) cu z - (D — a) 0 T) . 0 �o L E 00 -0 0 M > r- 0 O @ co C: ' CL V) CL :n :3 m cu 'c C a) C: Fn 0 (D C) 0 m — w -r- ID 'E CL Q) E 0 a) > -C 1 2! a) 0 E m 0 70 (D P (n = — - U - cn o 73 CU En 0 0 m w 0 73 SE - 0) C:: M ' R E - m - f > E 0 x 'a > :3 0 0 2 6 E a) > C: C: (D 0 co Z 0 0 q) a I-- = CL -6 T 0 'D (u 0 " 0 :3 E a) 0. c: W Q) a) 0 c CD in — 0 > (n o E 3: 0 0 u o 0 �E o - Q _ LE E co cu .- a) Z 0 M a) - a) 0 c 1 0 0- 0 -0 - 0 CO a) a) E a 0 0 0 0 - (D M z — q - (n — 04 0 C (n = L) LO Lo - (D C: �c CO — c: (D 0 - - " m u a) cy — W .> &�, 0 (D E 07 E a 0 0) o C: > o w - 0 o 5 0 0 a) 0 - 0 T C cn a) m t 2 o- a) 'a 0 _0 C) c Q- S O ®-0 0 - — — C- >al)c C: C: :3 ( n - — (n CU — 0 — C 0 W = (u o 3. (n c- 0 U) W (V 3: X a) 0 E c c a) C14 W . M - a — . 0 Co (n to Q)o 3 — M '0 0 w 0 0 - 0 0 3: 0 w 0 0 :E E2 o 2c W 0 (n -0 a) 0 - 0 0 0 M — — 0 0 a) w M CU m --'= - E . 0 -0 a) 0 " (U :n CD t _ — o w CD E w) �T— c — — C: CL :3 a) - -0 -0 :6 > 0- cli a) m a) 0 - �5 _ ' a 0 (D -0 o M 0 a) CD E 0 0 m (U -- o • X CU 0 > ( n a) m 0 M (n 0 M -0 E 01 E c > m 0 — o C: 0) 0 I D C) c_ 0 a) w w 0 in CL � E CL - 0 a) 0 75 m - 0 - 0 0 70 0 C: c — 0 - �5 0 X — �o 0 a) m U) 5 :3 - 0 'D M CN C — (,. 0 0 J , (D .- 0) 0 — S m E m >, ;-- -0 < 0 c _r_ 0 > (D " a) _0 a) a) 0- , 0) 0 > Q) 0 - 1- 0 0 — -se CL a) 0 C, 0 0 E 0 c :: "o (D > —0 S E 0 -0 0 — " > r- _0 0 S w > E > 0 o w 0 0 it= L °a 0 0 M 0 w L) 5) a) E a) - in 2 > (D m Z a) t o m -C M u a) 0 - C: 0 - U) M 0 U m -0 0 o --I a) L) — -0 X C: > - 0 a) M 00— (D 0 — 0 _ 0 (D 0 X 0 0 0 U) 2 �: -a 0 a) U) W 0 -0 a) > M Q 2 u) — a) m m c: 8- -r- a) > cn b �* o c in 70 M U) :3 (D a) a) (D 0).r_ 0 U) Z o =3 — E tt a) r- �c 0 " - a> S ) - 6 0 m — , cn 0 CL -T a) m o 0 p - a) D 0 E — -0 (V X ID (n a) 0 0 c 0 CL M m W 0 a .) r_ -r- E .�!: 2i c a) — - a) m - a Z m o E - : 5 •«- cn a) 0 3: (o 0) �o 0 E 0 r- CL E 0 0 rn 0 0 Q U) 0 . 0 > :3 E o7 w -C 0 o U (U 0 d) U " 0 0 V =3 c LE — a) m (0 U) 0 0 > 0 U) — - C 0 0 0 a) 0 a) 0 z > > L) 0 E '4 0 > C:: a M o (D < 'E 0 m 1D (D 0 E w c CL N 0 F- M a) mc - o 0 A-- U) a) 0 0 (n . (u -c 0 o 0 Q- m = T U) 0 0 a) rt 6 m 0 " (D Q) ' (D E 0 m 0 L) o E- 0 cu > C) (1) C- 0 C) C) a) c :3 F- — -- 0 E in F-4 cn cu o a) C) 0 (D ---- 0 0 0 C:) C) w 0 cri T- L) Cl) ( D 0 0 E 9- LU > 0 O 0 _0 0 0 CL 0 L) 0 m < U) F- 0 > F- Fo- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION/COST CENTER DESCRIPTION PER UNIT Construction Equipment Trailer (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity- Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST The CSO Vehicle Shop recently discovered that none • the four existing equipment trailers meet the axle load requirements for towing the larger • the two existing backhoes in the construction division inventory. In addition, three of the four did not meet the axle requirement for either backhoe. It is necessary • purchase a new trailer to legally carry both backhoes currently in inventory. This purchase will be a direct replacement for a 24 year old trailer in our fleet. 57107011111KIM SU MI D 13Y Department Director RECOMMENDED APPROVAL General Mana4gr sm " iii /' -� Tag Trailers k. !" R Ir §. . !■ � !; ■ kƒ 2!\ pa », �� |221 \ i k� | ; kk � B »}k!ƒ }�! , | |ff |} !!, ��fAd !§� . , Pte! . J!w $!R! \2�ƒ\ O Of Of Of W Cl) O x 0 N O (D C11 I .- Z LLJ CY LU ❑ 7 A_ cc A C4 flfl- 04 ic 0 c' La Jr� �2 Rl a in iii in Cb 6 E ma .- 0 z c 0 c 0 E cr 00 o 4 ) T 7_5 E E T4 �'D ( w b -i C"� L�t Lo n- c no 00 w C7': ti, C: ccc Eb 2 Lq a D 0 x '0 "D cr L) C 0 • x s s O ID 10 co - 11 L. - w 0 N N � C 'a I -0 a) 'o 0 T _0 T 'a __ > ! ;z _. 3� .2 � __1 c 0 m 0 -0 Zo 0 60 b N ;�t b W -4 m - Co (o - ZN ` C4 05 A " N I ;T (D 5 -1 � (N N N I F4 N ,n m m r) I m in m.­q4 V an Ticrju 7 A_ A C4 04 ic 0 c' La Jr� CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATION /FLEET SERVICES 0300 -610 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CATEGORY (1) PER UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 Truck - mounted power rodder R, V $225,000 $225,000 (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity - Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: July 1 2011 STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST District field crews use power rodders daily to clean sewers and remove root masses that cause overflows. CSO has seven power rodders; six are used on a daily basis and the remaining unit is used as a backup or to put additional crews into the field to meet the demand. These rodders are the workhorses of the Cleaning Section, maintaining clear passage in root - intruded pipelines, which in turn helps us reduce overflows. The proposed power rodder would be a direct replacement for a 12 -year old rodder that while used in a backup capacity the past two years has incurred over $25,000 in maintenance costs. In addition, to keep it functioning staff has had to fabricate parts that are no longer available. This unit is the last Shrico model rodder in the fleet. Reliability has become an issue and staff feels it has exhausted its useful life. The new replacement will be an OK Champion rodder, consistent with the decision to move to OK Champion equipment some years back as the district tool of choice. The new unit will be moved into the daily fleet operation with an older rodder being moved into the backup capacity. The Shrico rodder will be sold at auction in 2011. SUBMYTED BY DATE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL DATE z j 1 2 - el l Department Director General Manager Large Inventory OK CHAMPION Sewer Rodders For Sale or Rent J54W EER Since 1914 Inventory U (:"NS i RUC i I^V TRUCKS TOLL ( 89 &2480 FREE (523) 225 -2295 OUTSIDE USA Call or Email for Pricing and Details! Click Here! 6 Large Inventory OK CHAMPION Sewer Rodders For Sale or Rent Site MME 2000 IHC Diesel OK Champion S660 Sewer Rodder Under 10,000 Original Miles Since New Stock #14675 R A TEL Call for Pricing and Details - Nationwide Delivery ,��/ Return to previou page O 3�YE'"1�.1., P.'M 5301 Valley Boulevard • Los Angeles, CA 90032 Vehicle and equipment prices subject to change without notice due to additional reconditioning and/or repair costs. ©2007 Al Asher & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 http:// www. alasher .com /inventory_detail.php ?id =77 1/31/2011 ' CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EQUIPMENT BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 DEPARTMENT /DIVISION /COST CENTER QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CATEGORY (1) PER UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 Vactor Hydrovac /Jet Rodder R, PF, V $370,000 $370,000 (1) R Replacement, PO Productivity- Office, PF Productivity Field, S Safety, V Vehicle ANTICIPATED ACQUISITION DATE: July 2011 STATEMENT OF NECESSITY AND COST The hydro cleaning section of CSOD operates three hydrovac / jet rodders and one jet rodder on a daily basis for the cleaning of sewer lines throughout the collection system to meet the mission of the department to prevent overflows. A fourth 19 year old hydro -vac / jet rodder (Unit 157) with restricted hydro -vac run hour capability is the lone back up equipment for the work group. A second jet rodder purchased in the Fiscal Year 10/11 budget period is scheduled for arrival in May 2011. Once received, the plan is to retire Unit 157. Unit 196 will then be moved from everyday service to the back up role. This request is to seek approval to replace Unit 196 with a new hydrovac unit due to Unit 196's excessive repair history over the past 24 months ( >$76,000) and high engine operating hours, which exceed an equivalent of 345,000 road miles. This purchase adds a reliable, flexible, and daily use vehicle to the fleet which will help to insulate the impact to production should an older vehicle go down with extended repairs. Additionally, this vehicle provides the ability to support an increase in staffing, if required, in order to enhance hydro cleaning production in the future. S BM I D BY DATE ECO MMENDED APPROVAL DATE _ f e,G-? , Z� 1 mil, Department Director General Mana er Site Considine - CCCSD budget quote 2105 Plu #2 1- 22- 2011.doc P r h-Mef7 �EVL/ /P/77E/7T eyiRc7mmernrRL 5x7Le5 • Se - SU BUDGET QUOTE January 22, 2010 TO: Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. ATTN: Mr. Steve Considine 5019 Imhoff Pl. Field Operations Superintendent Martinez CA 94553 -4392 In accordance with your request, we are pleased to submit the following proposal for your consideration and approval: One (1) NEW 2011 VACTOR + 2105 JET RODDER 5 -Cubic Yard Capacity with Positive Displacement Blower, 1000 Gallons of Water, Mounted on a 2011 International 7500 4x2 with 350 HP Engine, Allison 3000 Automatic Transmission. Equipped with all Standard and Optional Equipment listed: Standard Options Included ✓ One Alum Tool Box - Weather Proof Lockable - 48x22x24 Located Passenger Side On Sub frame ✓ Aluminum Fenders ✓ Mud Flaps ✓ Electric/Hydraulic For Way Boom ✓ Color Coded Sealed Electrical System ✓ Remote Pendant Control With 35' Cord ✓ Double Acting Hydraulic Dump Hoist Cylinder ✓ 2" Y Strainer With 25' Fill Hose ✓ Handgun Assembly And 1/2" X 35' Hose, With Quick Disconnect ✓ Ex -Ten Steel Cylindrical Debris Tank ✓ Flexible Hose Guide ✓ (3) Nozzles With Carbide Inserts And Nozzle Rack ✓ Suction Tube Storage: Curbside 2 Pipe, Rear Door 2 Pipe ✓ 1" Nozzle Pipe ✓ Flat Rear Door With Hydraulic Locks And Door Power Up, Power Down, Open/Close. ✓ Dual 10" Ss Float Shut Off System/Rear Mounted ✓ SS Micro strainer Prior to Blower ✓ Debris Body Vacuum Relief System ✓ 180 Degree Rotation Non - Telescopic Boom, Front Loading 8" Suction Hose ✓ Boom Transport Cradle ✓ 80 PGM Variable Flow Water System ✓ 3" Y Strainer At Water Pump W /3" Drain Valve ✓ Midship Handgun Coupling ✓ 800'X V Sewer Hose, 2500 PSI ✓ Side Mount Water Pump ✓ Hose Wind Guide, Dual Roller ✓ Hose Footage Counter, Mechanical ✓ Hose Reel Manual Hyd Extend/Retract ✓ Hose Reel Chain Cover (Full) ✓ 1000' Hydraulic Extending 15" Hose Reel (800' Capacity) ✓ Tachometer /Chassis Engine ✓ Tachometer & Hour Meter/Blower ✓ Circuit Breakers ✓ LED Lights, Clearance, Back Up, Stop, Tail and Turn ✓ Tow Hooks Front and Rear ✓ Electronic Back Up Alarm ✓ Module -Wet On Wet DuPont Paint ✓ 8" Vacuum Pipe Package — 40' Vacuum Pipe Stveoilsidine - CCCSD budget quote 2105 Plu #2 1- 22- 2011.doc - 1 • Vansco- Electronic Package Pumps • Performance Package: Hyd Variable Flow, Dual Hyd Ontional Items Included TOTAL PRICE F.O.B. MARTINEZ, CA: .......... S 361,477.12 including 9.25% t THE PROPERTY HEREIN IS GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY ONLY AND SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OTHERWISE, OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THAT EXTENDS BEYOND THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT. NOTE: Price is good until 60 Days Cost increases due to the addition of Government mandated safety or environmental devices incurred after the date of this proposal, will be charged to you at our cost. Proof of such costs, if any, will be documented. ON ✓ Debris Body Flush Out System – 80/100 GPM with 50' Hose Assembly ✓ Debris Body Vacuum Relief System with Debris ✓ Telescoping Rotating Hose Reel with Dual Body Load Limit Alarm Controls ✓ 6" Butterfly Valve/Rear Door ✓ Hydraulic Shut -Off Valves at Suction, Return ✓ 6" Decant System with Air Operated knife Valve and Filterline (3) Forward Mounted with Screen —Rear Door ✓ Rodder Pump Drain Valves (2) ✓ Fold Down Pipe Rack, Curbside ✓ LED Whelen Light Package • Fold Down Pipe Rack, Street Side - (2) Mid Ship Lights • Splash Shield Bolted to Body Flange/Rear Door -- (2) HA238C Hide Away Strobes • Lube Manifold - -(2) 4E Grilp Grille Master HSG Strobes with • Body of Truck to be Painted White 402000AU Linear Strobes • Low Water Alarm with Warning Light - -(1) CSP660 Power Supply • Laval Water Separator - -(1) 9M262000 (55 ") Light Bar with Alley • Electronic Blower Engagement Front Station Lights with Front Flashers, Cab Mounted Control for 3000 Series Allison Trans. - -(I) PCCR6R Controller • 8' Hydraulic Telescopic Boom with 180- Degree ✓ Handlight with Bumper Plug Rotation ✓ Lateral cleaning reel with 150' hose/ nozzle • Jake Brake sys. ✓ Worklight for Operator Station • Joystick Control for Boom Function ✓ Worklights (2) on Telescopic Boom • 80 GPM / 2500 PSI Water System In Lieu of ✓ Quad Camera System- Front/Rear Camera Standard Water System ✓ Maximized Aluminum Tool Boxes ✓ Accumulator System for Water Pump ✓ Safety Cone Storage Rack (3) • Water Relief Valve ✓ Tool Tubes on Headache Bar • Front and Rear Handgun Couplers ✓ Module – Imron Paint • Hydraulic Cooling Package ✓ Rear Door Stripes – Chevron Blue • Hydro Excavation Package ✓ Hydrant Wrench • 800' X 1" Piranha Sewer Hose ✓ Higbee CB Nozzle Assembly 8 "x78" • Automatic Hose Level Wind Guide • Handgun Hose Reel – Spring Retractable Reel TOTAL PRICE F.O.B. MARTINEZ, CA: .......... S 361,477.12 including 9.25% t THE PROPERTY HEREIN IS GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY ONLY AND SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OTHERWISE, OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THAT EXTENDS BEYOND THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT. NOTE: Price is good until 60 Days Cost increases due to the addition of Government mandated safety or environmental devices incurred after the date of this proposal, will be charged to you at our cost. Proof of such costs, if any, will be documented. ON Steve Considine - Budget Quote 2105 PD unit Page 1 From: "Mike Kennedy" <mkennedy @owenequipment.com> To: CONSIDINE @centralsan.dst.ca.us; mkennedy @owenequipment.com Date: 1/21/2011 9:27:27 AM Subject: Budget Quote 2105 PD unit Steve This is the first one I will have the next one soon the price is high and we can do better when it time to go forward with it. Thanks mk Michael Kennedy Sales Representative Contact: (916) 947 -0986 mkennedy @owenequipment.com owen_ email logo CC: ehodges @owenequipment.com Vactor Manufacturing 2100 Plus Page 1 of 3 Ills Home About Products Service /Parts Contact Us SITE MAP 111 �: • �,. _ oils Combination Sewer Overview Cleaners 2100 Plus Brochure Vactor 2100 Plus features increased performance and operator control 2100 Plus 2100 Pl us Spanis Br enhancements 2100 Series Fan 2100 Plu Ads 2100 Series PD Vactor Manufacturing is pleased to introduce a redesigned Vactor 2100 CB-Nozzle-Flyer 2103 sewer cleaner for public utilities and professional contractors cleaning A Clo Look: Multi-Flo s ystem wastewater and sanitary systems. The new Vactor 2100 Plus features A Closer Look: Intelli- View-s_ystem Jeffers - increased vacuum performance and improvements to operator comfort Vacuum Excavation and control, air routing and filtration efficiency and fuel efficiency. Smart Locate Dealer Vaxjet Truck concept features have also been integrated on the new sewer Request Information-or Product Applications cleaner, including internal monitoring systems that enable the operator Demonstration to monitor and troubleshoot flow and pressure, blower temperature and oil level, drive system idle and open vacuum relief. Ease of operation and maintenance The new design and ergonomic controls on the Vactor 2100 Plus make it easier to operate and maintain, and provide an all- around command of the work area. Everything the operator needs to clean sewers is centrally located at the front of the sewer cleaner for maximum productivity and efficiency. The new model also features more wireless functions as standard, such as e-stop, hose reel pay -in and -out and reel speed control. The noise level at the operator station on the 2100 and is noticeably quieter than previous models and other manufacturer ?s models. The new 2100 Plus features improvements that simplify maintenance, extend equipment life and increase machine utilization. For example, the water fill location has been lowered for easier access and simplified daily maintenance and access to the auxiliary engine and tanks has also been increased. Increased vacuum performance http:// www .vactor.com/210OPlus_15236.asp 1/31/2011 Vactor Manufacturing 2100 Plus SIBS The new fan and air - routing system delivers significantly increased vacuum pressure in both the single -stage and dual -stage fan configurations. Improved fuel efficiency The fuel efficiency on the new Vactor 2100 Plus has been significantly increased. Preliminary tests show a 20- to 30- percent decrease in fuel consumption on the 2100 Plus. Page 2 of 3 http:// www .vactor.com/2100P1us_15236.asp 1/31/2011 Page 1 of 1 �, - * -1 0---m - m-- 9 http: / /www.vactor.com/flash /images /2100plus_4.jpg 1/31/2011 YOUR PARTNER IN THE PLANNING YOUR PARTNER IN THE STREETS YOUR PARTNER INTO THE FUTURE WARRANTY Instead of one- size -fits- all solutions, we'll work with you to configure your Vactor to meet your specific needs. We're here to help you maintain your Vactor and train your operators to ensure the job is done right. Our dealers don't just sell you a Vactor; they're here to answer your questions and get you back on the job as quickly as possible. The Vactor 2100 series is warranted against defects in material or workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery to the original purchase, 5 years on the centrifugal compressor and 10 years on the water tanks. Optional extended warranty packages are available. Consult your Vactor dealer for complete warranty information. " A�o " 210 0 Soeoficanonssub�ecttoch wa�outnotice. Vactor Manufacturing, Inc. • 1621 South Illinois Street • Streator, IL 6 "364 U.S.A. E:fectne gate o': ii P;N cw> > -s C201, Vactor Manufactur (815) 672 -3171 Phone Federal Signal Corporation a listed in t"e NYSE by the symbol -SS. • 8 1 5) 672 -2779 Fax Vac;or s a subsidixv of Federal S,^ral Co vactor.com page 6 for more on on our PO M ME VACTOR 2100 PLUS POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT (PD) MODEL V V. K your job calls for PD technology as opposed to a fan vacuum system, our PD Model offers all of these features and more. Our PD blower is chassis - driven directly through a 475 hp continuous -duty transfer case. This not only boosts efficiency and reliability, it also eliminates belts, pulleys, clutches, driveline slip and maintenance. An inlet volume of up to 5,000 cfm and 18 Hg significantly increases the velocity pull at greater working depths. The most productive of its kind, our multi -stage blower filtration system features dual air ports which maximize material separation in the debris body, stainless steel ball shutoffs to prevent liquid debris carryover, centrifugal cyclones, which remove escaped particles and condensation, and stainless steel screen strainers which protect the blower f from particles as small as 750 microns. Operators have convenient and quick access to the filter screens and quick - Dirty release pins to remove the float ball screens. The cyclone Clean dump chutes are at the rear of the unit, making the Vactor 2100 one of the most user friendly combination units available. Vi % d • t TO 1._ l • GDI — Treatment Plant Project Manager, Department/Division: Tad Pilecki, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To improve the effectiveness of treatment plant operations and maintenance and facilitate design of treatment plant projects by providing an interactive map of treatment plant facilities linked to various existing and proposed data sets. This tool will provide easier access to varied data sets, reducing geographic data redundancy and conflicts, and by improving data accuracy. This will improve productivity, reduce costs, and improve internal and external customer service. Project History: The successful implementation of the collection system graphics device interface (GDI) has indicated that a similar implementation of a GDI for the treatment plant could provide faster and more efficient access to existing and /or hard to access asset data. A treatment plant GDI concept has been developed that will link most of these existing and proposed datasets and allow user access through a common GDI like interface. A pilot treatment plant GDI has been completed, and is currently being used by staff. Project Description: The GDI — Treatment Plant project will implement a geographically based asset management tool for the treatment plant. The GDI — Treatment Plant will be modeled on the collection system GDI; mirroring the graphic interface and functionality but accessing and delivering treatment plant related data sets. The District currently maintains a multitude of treatment plant work group databases that have a locational component, that is, they can be mapped. There are a number of data sets related to the Treatment Plant that are distinct work group databases, are geographically oriented, and are not currently integrated or linked. These data sets include Mainsaver, DARS, LIMS, PIMS, PCS, and TP orthophotography. These databases are not currently integrated or linked in such a way that users can efficiently share data or have knowledge of the information that is available. As a result, individual users are maintaining duplicate datasets which contain various levels of accuracy and completeness. The accuracy and availability of data have a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the District and its ability to serve its customers. Implementation tasks and schedule will be based on linking and /or creating the easiest data sets first balanced by consideration of biggest ROI. Integration of additional treatment plant data sets is expected to occur in subsequent phases. Project Location: Treatment Plant FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 6 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2008 09/01/2008 $0 Design 09/01/2008 07/01/2009 $325,000 Construction 07/01/2009 06/17/2015 $175,000 Total: $500,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: GDI - Treatment Plant / 2 8227 / GDI_tp Pilecki / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 75,000 7,000 257,000 157,000 57,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 100,000 300,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 175,000 307,000 257,000 157,000 57,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (25,000) (168,000) (50,000) (100,000) (100,000) (28,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 75,000 7,000 257,000 157,000 57,000 29,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 7 GDI /SMMS Replacement Project Manager, Department/Division: Tad Pilecki, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: To improve the effectiveness of the collection system operations and maintenance by updating and integrating the District's GDI software, replacing the existing Accela asset management tool, providing field crews with data /map hardware tools, integrating the District's hydraulic analysis tools, and implementing a GPS capability. This will improve productivity, reduce costs, provide better data for management decisions, and improve internal and external customer service. Project History: A number of different collection system - related, computer -based management information systems have substantially improved the ability of District staff to manage the collection system. These systems include the collection system digital mapping system (GDI), the CSO asset management system ( Accela), the collection system hydraulic analysis program (ArcSNAP), and the pilot implementation of a GPS system for utility locating. Each one of these systems has programming that duplicates the functionality found in the other systems. Each one of these systems has a different user interface that users must learn, and many District staff must become proficient with several of the different interfaces to do their jobs. Often data output from one system must be integrated with data from another system even though it is a different incompatible data type, forcing the user to convert the data and integrate it at a higher cost. In several instances duplicate data is updated into and stored in the other systems. The disparate software programs that these systems operate on have kept staff from further improving operations by integrating these systems. Several of these software programs have reached the end of their useful life and must be replaced due to improvements in the hardware platform and operating system environment that the programs operate on. The software manufacturers "time -out" these various versions of their programs and cease to support the software, forcing users to upgrade. Different staff must become proficient on each of the individual operating systems, database programs, underlying mapping system programs, District - specific custom consultant- written programs and interfaces, etc. The alternative to consolidating these systems is to spend significant sums upgrading the different systems individually as required. Project Description: The project involves initially conducting a very detailed analysis of existing systems and functionality, resulting in an initial list of user requirements. Research will be simultaneously conducted to determine what enhancements can be made to add value to the existing systems and procedures, then researching existing asset management, FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 8 mapping, and data analysis programs to determine the optimal platform. Once the most flexible and technologically up -to -date program /platform is determined, detailed specifications will be developed for hardware, software, programming, and training to provide a single interface, database, underlying map and modular application functionality to the asset management functions that support collection system maintenance, assessment, and renovation. As this effort will be providing a cross departmental system, current users of all the relevant systems will be involved from the beginning. Project Location: District -wide Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2010 07/01/2011 $0 Construction 07/01/2011 06/30/2014 $400,000 Total: $400,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $190,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $200,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: GDI -SMMS Replacement/ 2 pG101 / GDI- SMMS_repl Pilecki / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 10,000 5,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 200,000 200,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (200,000) (190,000) (5,000) (5,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 9 Information Technology Development Project Manager, Department/Division: Mark Greenawalt, Administration / Information Technology Administrator Project Purpose: An Information Technology Development Plan has been developed by Information Technology staff to centralize efforts and funding in the development of computer and telecommunication technology within the District. Project History: Input for the development plan was gathered through information technology survey results, management project lists, and Information Technology staff, along with management and staff focus groups. The original master plan, created in 2001, contained over 50 various projects and policies that were determined by District staff. Each year, information on technology projects are gathered and updated from District staff by the Information Technology Administrator, and reviewed by District Management and the Board of Directors for approval. Project Description: Due to competing funding and staffing priorities, the Information Technology Development Plan expenditure requests are being spread over more than a three year period. The prioritization of these expenditures will be revisited on an ongoing basis and some adjustments may be made to allow funding of higher priority projects. The Information Technology Development project will provide funding for the development of the following areas: • PC hardware and software • District and specialized networks, systems and software applications • Network infrastructure, security and reliability • Data storage, backups and disaster recovery • Internet and Intranet development • Remote and wireless access • Telecommunications improvements • Information Technology customer service and support • Cost savings, power conservation & green alternatives Project Location: District wide FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 10 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2004 06/30/2014 $5,052,000 Total: $5,052,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $602,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $600,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Information Technology Development/ 2 8195 / INF_Tech Greenawalt / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 367,000 367,000 365,000 365,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 3,157,000 660,000 600,000 500,000 135,000 0 C. Authorized this Year 3,157,000 1,027,000 967,000 865,000 500,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (2,790,000) (660,000) (602,000) (500,000) (500,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 367,000 367,000 365,000 365,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 11 Centr o a Sanitary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PLAN 2011-2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I: Proposed 2011 -2012 IT Development CIB Plan ExecutiveSummary ............................................... ..............................1 Proposed Budget Summary ............................................... ..............................3 Proposed Projects Summary ............................................... ..............................4 SECTION II: Current 2010 -2011 IT Development CIB Plan Outstanding Budget Summary ................................................ ..............................5 Outstanding Projects Summary ............................................ ..............................6 Completed Projects Summary .......................................... ..............................7 Estimated IT Development CIB Balance ................................ ..............................8 SECTION III: Future Information Technology Directions Future IT Directions ........................................................... ..............................9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Information Technology Development Capital Improvement Budget Plan will be presented for review at the Capital Projects Committee Meeting on Thursday, March 31, 2011. This report is divided into three sections beginning with Section I, the proposed 2011- 2012 fiscal year budget and projects. Section II reviews the budget, status and accomplishments of fiscal year 2010 -2011 as well as outstanding projects from previous years, followed by Section III summarizing potential future projects. The presentations will focus on the proposed 2011 -2012 requested budget. The Information Technology (IT) Master Plan was developed by Information Technology (formerly Management Information Systems) staff in 2000 to centralize efforts in the development of computer and telecommunication technology within the District. Input for the Master Plan was gathered through survey results, management project lists, and IT staff, along with management and staff focus groups. The Information Technology Master Plan contains projects and policies that have been applied over time to develop the District's standards, practices and policies with information technology. The Information Technology Development CIB was created to provide funding for these projects. The Information Technology Development CIB Plan provides direction and flexibility to meet the District's future information technology needs. Each year, District staff submits project recommendations, requests and write -ups to the Information Technology Administrator. The Management team gives their final review of the proposed CIB and IT projects, providing revisions and recommendations prior to appearing before the Capital Projects Committee for review and the Board of Directors for final approval. ME The Information Technology Development CIB Plan is developed to provide funding for IT projects in the following areas: • PC hardware and software • District and specialized networks, systems and software applications • Network infrastructure, security and reliability • Data storage, backups and disaster recovery • Internet and Intranet development • Remote and wireless access • Telecommunications improvements • Information Technology customer service and support • Cost savings, power conservation & green alternatives WM 2011 -2012 IT DEVELOPMENT CIB PLAN - Proposed Budget Summary — (In thousands) Project Description Estimated Estimated Cost Completion PC Replacement $100 April 2012 Engineering Support Upgrades $77 June 2012 Source Control Software Update $25 Aug 2011 Telephone & Voicemail System Upgrade *In addition to $250k allocation from 2010- $75 July 2011 2011 CIB budget) CSO building - IT Upgrades $25 July 2011 Records Management Upgrades $40 Nov 2011 Human Resources Document Management $10 Sept 2011 Server Replication & Redundancy $100 June 2012 Sungard (HTE) One Solution Software $100 June 2012 Implementation Miscellaneous / Contingency • Conf Rm display system - Aug 2011 • Virtual Desktop pilot - June 2012 $50 On -going • iPad pilot - TBD • Comm Srvs updates - Oct 2011 • Misc software & hardware Proposed Budget $ 602 11910 2011 -2012 IT DEVELOPMENT CIB PLAN - Proposed Projects Summary - • PC Replacement o Four year plus life cycle replacement of desktop PCs, laptops, LCD monitors, desktop and network printers. • Engineering Support Upgrades o (2) CAD workstations, (1) Survey workstation o Migrate Engineering Support servers to VMWare virtual server o (1) Network color printer • Source Control Software Update • Develop web browser application for user access to database • Expand reporting and improve online forms • HOB & CSO - Voice over IP (VoIP) Telephone & Voicemail System Upgrade o Additional funds for installation of new telephone and voice mail system in Martinez and Walnut Creek sites. • CSO Building - IT Upgrades o Network switches, cabling & termination, network center accessories • Records Management Upgrades • Board Room audio recording replacement • Versatile Records Management imaging software • Bar code scanners for records management • Human Resources Document Management o Laserfiche workstation, software and scanner • Server Replication & Redundancy o Improve District network replication and redundancy using virtual server and data duplication technology between HOB and CSO facilities. • Sungard (HTE) One Solution Software Implementation o Implementation of District's financials, land management and utility billing applications. Although software upgrade may be included with yearly maintenance fees, there are additional costs for review, conferences, site visits, training, webinars, consultation, project management, reporting, data conversion and migration of all the integrated applications prior to implementation. • Miscellaneous / Contingency • Right of Way - HOB1 Conf Room large screen • Virtual Desktop - pilot project • iPad - pilot project • Communication Services upgrades - Mac & plotter replacements ZE 2010 -2011 IT DEVELOPMENT CIB PLAN - Outstanding Budget Summary - (In thousands) Project Description Estimated Estimated Expenditures Completion PC Replacement $100 April 2011 Permits Backlog $18 Aug 2011 • Revision 4 - scanning & indexing Laboratory Information Management System Replacement $82 Sept 2011 • Review, testing, reporting & staff overtime HOB Telephone & Voicemail System $200 May 2011 Upgrade CSO - Telephone System Upgrade $50 July 2011 Email Upgrade - Exchange /Outlook $100 April 2011 IBM AS400 Server Replacement $60 Dec 2011 Inventory Scanning software $15 Delayed - TBD IT Consultant Review $30 Jan 2012 Miscellaneous / Contingency $22 On -going Estimated Outstanding Expenditures $ 677 WE 2010 -2011 IT DEVELOPMENT CIB PLAN - Outstanding Projects Summary - • PC Replacement o Four year plus life cycle replacement of desktop PCs and laptops. Also for acquiring new LCD monitors, printers, network printers and accessories. • Permits Backlog & Scanner o Scanning and indexing of backlog • Laboratory Information Management System Replacement o Installation of new LabWorks LIMS system which will provide necessary electronic reporting and a supported software system. • HOB - Voice /IP Telephone & Voicemail System Upgrade o Installation of new telephone and voice mail system in Martinez site. • CSO - Voice /IP Telephone Upgrade o Installation of new telephone & voice mail system in Walnut Creek site. • Email Upgrade - Exchange /Outlook • Migration from GroupWise to Microsoft Exchange email system using Outlook. • Archive email system implemented will contain both GroupWise and Outlook archive. • IBM AS400 Server Replacement o Replace IBM mini - computer system with new rack mounted unit for providing Sungard Financials and Utilities applications. • Inventory Scanning o Software and scanners for Material Services inventory control. • IT Consultant o Review and provide direction of District's IT technology, software, hardware and practices. • Miscellaneous / Contingency - o Funding for miscellaneous hardware, software and services as required. ls:V 2010 -2011 IT DEVELOPMENT CIB PLAN - Completed Projects & Expenditures - (In thousands) Project Description Expenditures Network Upgrade $57 • Central network switch replacement Permits Backlog - • Revisions 2 & 3 - scanning & indexing $32 services Laboratory Information Management System • Implementation, software, project $100 management, staff OT Email Archive System $14 • Email archive, spam & migration tool bundle Engineering Support Upgrades $37 • Workstations & software Backup System Improvements $14 • Backup software & disk drives SAN Storage Addition • Additional disk drive space for centralized $49 network storage Software Upgrades • Microsoft server, database & Office user $51 licenses IT Server Replacement $g • Domain controller server replacement Server Virtualization $8 • Server memory & consultant fees Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Updates $15 • EOC laptops, printers & wireless router Presentation Systems $20 • HOB2 Conf Room & POD Training Room Contingency & Project Management • CSO relocation network • CSO Engineering trailer network • Winlnstall push software $28 • UPS replacements • Sungard catalog • Versatile software upgrade & label software • CSO printer & disk drive storage Total Expenditures $ 431 !fA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CIB BUDGET SUMMARY - Estimated IT Development CIB Balance - (In thousands) Expenditures Proposed 2011 -2012 Project Estimated Expenditures (New) $ 602 Budgeted 2010 -2011 Projects Estimated Expenditures (Outstanding) $ 677 Total Estimated Expenditures (thru June 30, 2012) $ 1,279 AIlnnnfinnc Remaining Allocated Balance (February 2011 Estimate) $ 346 Allocated Funds for 2010 -2011* (March 2011 CIB Allocation) $ 331 *Note: $660k was approved last year for the 2010 -2011 IT Development CIB. However, only $331k was distributed for use in March 2011 to balance the CIB budget to cover the outstanding projects ($677). A budget reduction or savings of $329k was achieved through reduced costs of hardware, software and services, selecting new or enhanced technology solutions that were less expensive, and through the cancellation after review of several proposed projects. Requested Allocation for 2011 -2012 (New 2011 -2012 Proposed CIB) $ 602 Total Allocation CIB Budget (thru June 30, 2012) $ 1,279 WN FUTURE IT DIRECTIONS E- COMMERCE The development of the District's website (www.centralsan.org) to provide 24 -hour customer service such as online forms, information and reporting from source control and building permits system. Online services increase staff efficiency, provides customer satisfaction, and streamlines workflow to reduce costs. In past years, the District has added services for online job applications, bidding, and vendor information. WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY The District has implemented secured wireless technology to expand mobile or remote access to the District's network and applications. Currently, a wireless local area network (WiFi) is in place at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility for transmitting visitor information through handheld devices. In addition, wireless broadband aircards provide Internet connection for laptops used by field personnel, such as Pumping Station Operators, to access the District's network through a secured encrypted VPN (Virtual Private Network). In recent years, the District's firewall and network access control (NAC) have been updated to tighten network security. The District's Internet services were updated to a 10 mega -bits per second (mbps) fiber optics service to improve remote access speed and reliability. The fiber optic connection may be upgraded to higher speeds without requiring additional construction or downtime. The District will review and evaluate the use of iPad or tablet technology as a mobile device for accessing information in the field. As the technology develops, this solution may develop applications that will provide lightweight, mobile and trouble free services to field staff. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT & IMAGING SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS Review enhancement modules available for Laserfiche document imaging and management system. With the enhancements of the District's web site and the document management system, public records are now accessible from the Secretary of the District's office. Additional modules may be implemented such as Agenda Manager for on -line agenda creations, Quick Field for automated data entry to the imaging system through defined forms such as work orders, and Workflow Suite to automate the paperwork process, approval through electronic signatures and tracking. Wsle DISASTER RECOVERY The District's computer and telecommunication disaster recovery plans and system redundancy techniques are reviewed in the event of a major disaster or major system failure. Currently, in the event of a disaster, Sungard Public Sector disaster recovery services will provide Internet access to our financial, permit and land management information. Other disaster recovery services are being developed for specialized systems, such as GIS (Geographical Information System) standalone laptops to maintain a scaled down version of GDI for the field staff. The GDI laptops will provide EOC access to information in the event of an emergency. In addition, the GDI server has been mirrored with a secondary server to reduce the possibility of downtime during a hardware failure. Radio tabletop sets and wall mounted LCD televisions with satellite TV and Internet service have been installed in the District's Emergency Operation Center (EOC) located in the Multi Purpose Room. Last year, computer laptops with a wireless local area network and wireless printers were added for use in the EOC. In addition, a standalone GDI laptop is stored and available for EOC use. VIRTUAL SERVER AND DESKTOP This past year, IT Staff have applied virtual server technology to most all of the IT servers. Virtual server technology groups together several physical network servers, storing and running the software and data files from centralized data storage such as our SAN, and runs many applications together by sharing and managing resources. Virtual server improves system redundancy in the event of failed server within the group; all applications within the virtual server will continue to run without interruption. Once repair is complete, the server may be placed back into the group without interruption. Also, backup procedures for the centralized network storage, where the server configuration and data are stored, has been streamlined to improve system recovery. In 2011 -2012, a proposed IT project is to implement the Engineering Support servers on to virtual server platform. In following years, the Plant Control System (PCS) and SCADA for Pumping Stations should follow implementing virtual server to improve redundancy and disaster recovery. In addtion, a pilot program for 2011 -2012 is to test virtual desktop use at the District. Virtual desktop gives users the ability to logon to any PC on the District's network and be provided the same desktop and software regardless of the PC. This requires less PC resources and therefore will increase the life cycle and reduce cost of PC hardware. All the PCs applications and setup are pulled from the virtual server system and the user's login profile. M111e Capital Legal Services Project Manager, Department/Division: Russell Leavitt, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: To streamline the processing of legal bills. Project History: In the past, legal expenses were charged to individual capital projects. This required extra staff time each month to review legal bills and get approvals from several different project managers. Project Description: Capital legal service expenses are no longer charged to individual capital projects. Instead, legal expenses are charged to one capital account with four charge numbers from Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Program projects. This change has relieved the Engineering Department's project managers from having to code the legal bill with project account numbers each month. This process also reduces the amount of time all parties must spend processing the legal bill. Projects for which the District will receive reimbursement still have legal expense charges coded directly to those projects. Examples of such projects are HHW and any future Caltrans- related projects. Engineering Department Operations and Maintenance legal expenses are charged to Environmental Services Division accounts, since this division generates most of these expenses. Project Location: Not applicable FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 12 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $560,000 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2010 06/30/2018 $0 Total: $560,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $70,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Capital Legal Services - 8230 / CapLegal_2010 Leavitt / 0 2010 to 2018 / 3 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 140,000 70,000 0 140,000 70,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 210,000 0 0 210,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 210,000 140,000 70,000 210,000 140,000 70,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (70,000) (70,000) (70,000) (70,000) (70,000) (70,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 140,000 70,000 0 140,000 70,000 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 13 Capital Improvement Budget and Plan Project Manager, Department/Division: Earlene Millier, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: This project provides for the capitalization of a portion of the staff time necessary for the data gathering and production of the CIB and CIP. Project History: Custom software is used to maintain a database to hold capital project budget information and produce the annual budget and plan. A number of interim reports and cash flow analyses are also produced. Project Description: Facility planning and master planning have traditionally been capital activities. It is appropriate that the resources required to produce the District's capital planning document, the CIB /CIP, also be classified as capital expenditures. Staff time charged to this capital project will be mainly from the capital improvement budget coordinator. Other costs include printing of the actual CIB /CIP documents. Opportunities to streamline the process will be identified and implemented, as well as new ways sought to present the information through the year to increase its clarity and usefulness to staff and management. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2006 06/30/2015 $1,138,000 Design 06/30/2015 01/30/2016 $0 Construction 01/30/2016 06/30/2016 $0 Total: $1,138,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $110,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $104,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Capital Improvement Budget and Plan / 3 Project Number /Filename: 8217 / CIB _CIP Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Millier / 0 Prior to 7101/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 65,000 75,000 69,000 59,000 49,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 543,000 120,000 104,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 C. Authorized this Year 543,000 185,000 179,000 169,000 159,000 149,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (478,000) (110,000) (110,000) (110,000) (110,000) (110,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 65,000 75,000 69,000 59,000 49,000 39,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 14 CSOD Facility Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Alex Rozul, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of the project is to provide capital improvements to the Collection System Operations Department facilities in Walnut Creek, including the vehicle maintenance shop. Project History: none Project Description: This is a multi -year program to construct capital improvements to the CSOD site in Walnut Creek. Projects will include improvements to the vehicle maintenance shop, which was not included in the CSOD Administration, Crew and Warehouse Facility project. Project Location: 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Planning Design Construction Completion 01/01/2021 Total Cost $0 $0 $500,000 01/01/2012 Total: $500,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $50,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $100,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: CSOD Facilities Improvements / 3 Project Number /Filename: pG106 / CSOD_Fac_LT Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Rozul / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 50,000 0 50,000 0 50,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 50,000 0 50,000 0 50,000 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 15 CSOD Administration, Crew, and Warehouse Facility Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Paul Seitz, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The project will make improvements to the Collection Systems Operations Department (CSOD) corporation yard structures to accommodate current and future needs. Project History: The CSOD administration and crew building was originally constructed as the District's headquarters office building and was not designed for its current use as a collection systems operations building. The administration and crew building, warehouse, and corporation yard facilities have reached an age and condition where significant rehabilitation, upgrading, and replacement are needed. In addition, CSOD staffing has increased to meet District growth and increasing regulatory demands and additional space is needed. Overall, the existing CSO facilities do not meet the current and future needs of the District. In 2006, the District completed a comprehensive evaluation of alternatives to address deficiencies. The best alternative was found to be construction of a new administration, crew, and warehouse building at the location of the existing warehouse. A supplementary project was completed during fiscal year 2006 -07 that expanded the crew vehicle parking area under the freeway overpass adjacent to the CSOD yard and replaced the failing retaining wall. The old Ducca house was also removed at that time. Project Description: The District approved the mitigated negative declaration in December 2007. The project consists of design and construction of a new CSO administration, crew, and warehouse building. The project also includes site improvements such as new paving and landscaping. The District has obtained the necessary permits from the City of Walnut Creek, and has addressed City requirements. To facilitate construction, CSO staff has been relocated to the Martinez campus for the duration. The project is expected to be completed in Fall 2011. Project Location: CSOD Facility, Walnut Creek FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 16 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 01/01/2004 02/01/2007 $1,541,000 Design 02/01/2007 07/01/2009 $763,000 Construction 07/01/2009 04/30/2012 $11,350,000 Total: $13,654,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $2,025,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: ($279,000) Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: CSOD Facility Improvements / 3 8208 / csoFaclmpry Rozul / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 9,624,000 2,304,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 13,933,000 0 (279,000) 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 13,933,000 9,624,000 2,025,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (4,309,000) (7,320,000) (2,025,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 9,624,000 2,304,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 17 District Property Safety Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Shari Deutsch, Administrative Department Project Purpose: To implement projects necessary to meet worker health and safety requirements. Project History: Each year a number of urgent safety improvements are made to District facilities and equipment. These improvements are generally triggered by equipment failures, accidents and near misses. Improvements also are made based on results of safety audits and suggestions received by the District's Safety Committee and the various department -level safety teams. The issues addressed in any given year vary widely in scope and location. Project Description: This project is a multi -year program to install safety improvements. The project encompasses safety improvements to the District's buildings, surrounding parking lots and grounds, District -owned buffer properties, general use vehicles and equipment, and other safety improvements that are not included in treatment plant or collection system projects. Studies of workstation ergonomics may require the purchase of furniture and /or equipment to address identified issues. Ultimately, the Annex building will be used to house the Pumping Stations Operations group. Project Location: Improvements could be made on any of the District -owned properties or easements including the treatment plant, CSO office and yard, pumping stations or buffer properties. The specific locations will be determined throughout the course of the project. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 18 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2007 06/17/2013 $124,000 Total: $124,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $15,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: District Property Safety Improvements / 3 8223 / DistPropSafety Deutsch / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 61,000 46,000 31,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 75,000 0 0 49,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 75,000 61,000 46,000 80,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (14,000) (15,000) (15,000) (80,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 61,000 46,000 31,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 19 District Easement Acquisition Project Manager and Department/Division: Stephanie Gronlund, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: To perfect or acquire new property land rights for existing or new sanitary sewers that are located on private properties and are not associated with a current capital project for sewer renovation work. Project History: As capital projects are designed, sanitary sewer easements may have to be acquired through budgets for those specific projects. This project provides funds for the acquisition of easements for projects where specific funds are not identified in the Capital Improvement Budget. Project Description: Easements that may be acquired through this project are: • Locations where easements need to be purchased for existing sewers • Sewers that need upgraded easement rights or access rights • Sewers relocated through other public agency projects • Outfall Easement Upgrade Project • Recycled Water Program Projects included in the Collection System Program generally have funds budgeted specifically for right of way acquisition within the project budget. Project Location: District -wide. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 20 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $432,500 Construction 01/01/2010 06/17/2013 $0 Total: $432,500 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $100,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: District Easements / 3 8228 / distr_easements Gronlund / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 150,000 100,000 100,000 82,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 150,000 118,000 118,000 100,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (132,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 21 General Security Access Project Manager, Department/Division: Shari Deutsch, Administrative Department Project Purpose: Improve public and employee safety; meet reliability /safety standards; reduce the District's exposure to liability; reduce loss of District's property; and reduce Operations and Maintenance expenses. Project History: The District has experienced property losses in the past and improvements to the security system are continually identified and refined. Also, the current national security situation may soon require additional security measures for essential public services. Project Description: This project will improve the security of the public and District personnel and property. This project could include, but would not be limited to, installing alarm systems at critical sites on District property, adding gates in the perimeter security fencing to allow more efficient access for District personnel and equipment, upgrading security cameras, improving general area lighting, fencing and signage. This project focuses on non - Treatment Plant (including Collection System Operation facilities) security improvements. Treatment Plant security projects are budgeted under the Treatment Plant Program to clarify billing for reimbursement by the City of Concord. Project Location: District properties. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 22 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2007 06/17/2013 $93,000 Total: $93,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $15,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: General Security Access / 3 8207 / GenSec Deutsch / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 45,000 30,000 15,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 93,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 93,000 45,000 30,000 15,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (48,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 45,000 30,000 15,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 23 HOB Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Randy Musgraves, Administrative Department Project Purpose: This project will renovate portions of the interior and exterior of the Headquarters Office Building (HOB). Project History: The HOB was completed in 1983. After 27 years of use, the interior needs upgrading. This multi -year project will provide an allowance to renovate and upgrade the interior and exterior of the HOB offices. Anticipated projects include conditioning and painting the exterior, renovating interior wall finishes and ceilings, replacing flooring and carpeting, upgrading electrical and lighting systems, reconfiguring offices and workstations, and upgrading kitchens and lunch areas. Changes are needed to bring the building's interior and exterior into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. In addition, structural improvements may be required to accommodate interior office changes or comply with seismic building codes. Project Description: Under this project, the HOB interior walls will be painted, repaired or replaced, along with the replacement of damaged ceiling tiles, and carpeting. In addition, lighting systems will be upgraded and some office spaces will be reconfigured. Interior and exterior changes will be made to bring the building into compliance with ADA requirements. Improvements will also be made to resist inclement weather. Project Location: Headquarters Office Building. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 24 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2006 10/01/2006 $50,000 Design 10/01/2006 03/01/2007 $52,600 Construction 03/01/2007 06/17/2012 $1,035,400 Total: $1,138,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $399,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $254,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: HOB Improvements / 3 8219 / HOB_imprvs Musgraves / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 261,000 145,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 855,000 29,000 254,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 855,000 290,000 399,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (594,000) (145,000) (399,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 261,000 145,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 25 Imhoff Triangle Development Project Manager, Department/Division: Randy Musgraves /Administrative Department Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to develop the Ditrict's property located on Imhoff Drive. Project History: The District declared this land surplus on August 9, 2007. Prospective lessees have shown interest, but before the land can be leased, various surveys and permitting will be required along with culverting a seasonal channel that bisects the property. This property serves as a buffer zone between the treatment plant/Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility and nearby residential and commercial neighborhoods. Project Description: This project will be a multi -year program for initial development costs associated with the triangular property located off of Imhoff Drive. The scope of work includes: a) engineering services connected with the rerouting or relocation of the seasonal creek bed, b) other in -house engineering services, and c) in -house survey services. Project Location: The triangular property is approximately 1.1 acres and is located south of Imhoff Drive and northwest of the District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $44,000 Design - - $0 Construction 12/15/2007 06/17/2013 $190,000 Total: $234,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $170,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $33,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Imhoff Triangle Development/ 3 Project Number /Filename: 8225 / Imhoff_tri Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Musgraves / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 137,000 147,000 10,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 181,000 20,000 33,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 181,000 157,000 180,000 10,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (44,000) (10,000) (170,000) (10,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 137,000 147,000 10,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 26 Kiewit Clean Fill Operation Project Manager, Department/Division: Randy Musgraves, Administrative Department Project Purpose: This project will bring clean fill to the Kiewit parcel and will raise the elevation approximately five feet. Project History: The Kiewit property was purchased by CCCSD from the Kiewit Construction Group in 1981. It lies to the east of the CCCSD treatment plant site. The site is an approximately 33 -acre, polygon shaped piece of land bounded by Imhoff Drive on the north, Highway 4 on the south, the Walnut Creek Flood Control Channel on the east and Grayson Creek on the west. The site has been used as a buffer zone for the treatment plant. Project Description: As available sites for disposal of clean fill within central Contra Costa County have diminished, the District has an opportunity to use the Kiewit property as a source of revenue by leasing it as a clean fill site. County Quarry was contracted with to oversee the leasing agreement and operate the clean fill site for an anticipated net revenue to the District of $1,000,000 over five years. During the operation, staff, and possibly the District's environmental consultants, will be required to review, analyze and /or validate County Quarry's data for permits, hazardous materials testing, grading, drainage and compaction. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 27 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 09/01/2004 07/01/2005 $176,000 Construction 07/01/2005 06/17/2013 $81,000 Total: $257,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $30,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Kiewit Parcel Development / 3 8210 / Kiewit Musgraves / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 129,000 99,000 69,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 266,000 0 0 (9,000) 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 266,000 129,000 99,000 60,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (137,000) (30,000) (30,000) (60,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 129,000 99,000 69,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 28 Martinez Easement Acquisition Project Manager and Department/Division: Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: Over the next ten years the District will be renovating or replacing many of the older sewer pipes within the City of Martinez. This project will acquire up to 125 missing or insufficient sewer easements required to support this planned renovation work. The City of Martinez will reimburse CCCSD for the costs associated with acquisition of these easements. Project History: CCCSD became responsible for the City of Martinez sewers pursuant to an Annexation Agreement dated September 13, 1967. Under this agreement, the City agreed to the annexation and to transfer ownership and responsibility for existing sewer facilities to CCCSD. One of the conditions is that the City would convey adequate easements, fee title or other property rights for the sewers and other facilities that were transferred to CCCSD. Also the agreement further stated that in the event that it later appeared that the City did not possess all such necessary easements, the District will acquire the same and that all costs for acquisition will be paid for by the City of Martinez. District staff is currently researching the property rights available and preliminary findings are that the 125 needed easements may be significantly reduced. Project Description: Easements that may be acquired through this project are: • Locations where easements need to be purchased for existing sewers • Sewers that need upgraded easement rights or access rights Project Location: City of Martinez FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 29 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 08/20/2009 12/01/2000 $140,000 Design 12/01/2000 12/01/2009 $45,000 Construction 12/01/2009 06/17/2012 $0 Total: $185,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $65,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $55,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Martinez Easements / 3 8229 / mtz_easements Hernandez / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 20,000 10,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 65,000 65,000 55,000 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 65,000 85,000 65,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (45,000) (75,000) (65,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 20,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 30 POD Office Improvements Project Project Manager, Department/Division: Randy Musgraves, Administrative Department Project Purpose: The project purpose is to make improvements to the interior and exterior of the Plant Operations Department (POD) Administration offices. Project History: The POD Administration building and offices are over 30 years old. There is an ongoing need to renovate or reconfigure office and workstation space to match employee needs and duties, to replace outdated or worn out furniture, and to incorporate new office technologies. Project Description: This multi -year project will provide an allowance to renovate and upgrade the interior and exterior of the POD Administration offices and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located in the Multi- Purpose Room. Anticipated projects include conditioning and painting of the exterior, renovation of interior wall finishes and ceilings, replacement of the flooring and carpeting, upgrading of electrical and lighting systems, reconfigurations of offices and workstations, and upgrading of kitchens and lunch areas. Exterior improvements that may be undertaken include replacement of sidewalks, retaining walls, light fixtures, and landscaping. When specific projects are identified, separate project budgets, including labor, equipment, and materials for small office renovations, will be established in the Capital Improvement Budget. Project Location: The location of the improvements will be the POD Administration and POD Maintenance and Reliability Center. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 31 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 10/01/2006 11/01/2006 $265,000 Construction 11/01/2006 06/17/2013 $129,000 Total: $394,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $20,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: POD Office Imprvs / 3 8221 / POD_imprvs Musgraves / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 181,000 150,000 130,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 310,000 64,000 0 20,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 310,000 245,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (129,000) (95,000) (20,000) (150,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 181,000 150,000 130,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 32 Rental Property Improvements Project Manager, Department/Division: Randy Musgraves /Administrative Department Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to protect and enhance the District's rental property through additions, improvements, betterments, replacements, and extraordinary repairs. Project History: The District has owned the property at 4849 Imhoff Place since November 1999. The property was leased to Contra Costa County for the Animal Services operation for many years, and is currently used to house District employees displaced by the work being done in the HOB, and will be used as rental property when that work is complete. The District has owned the property at 4737 Imhoff Place since May 1991. This property is currently rented to several commercial tenants. Both properties serve as a buffer zone between the treatment plant and nearby residential and commercial neighborhoods. Project Description: This will be a multi -year project to install needed improvements to the District's rental properties, surrounding parking lots and grounds. These improvements would typically be triggered by equipment or building failure, or a need to improve the property. A five - year improvement plan has been developed and will be reviewed at least annually identifying future needed projects. Project Location: Improvements could be made on any of the District -owned rental properties including 4737 Imhoff Place and 4849 Imhoff Place. FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 33 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2007 06/17/2013 $107,000 Total: $107,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $29,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Rental Property Improvements / 3 8224 / RentalProp Musgraves / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 76,000 69,000 40,000 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 137,000 0 0 (30,000) 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 137,000 76,000 69,000 10,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (61,000) (7,000) (29,000) (10,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 76,000 69,000 40,000 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 34 Seismic Improvements for HOB Project Manager, Department/Division: Nathan Hodges, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Seismic improvements will be made to the Headquarters Office Building (HOB). Project History: Since the construction of the HOB in the mid- 1980s, a great deal has been learned from the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes and earthquake code requirements have changed. In 2008 Complete Project Solutions, Inc. (CPS) completed an analysis of HOB identifying significant seismic deficiencies based on current design standards. HOB is a relatively lightweight and flexible structure. In terms of seismic performance this is helpful in dissipating seismic energy, but can be detrimental in that large displacements can lead to failure of the structural system. The HOB utilizes a steel moment frame system to resist earthquake forces. Steel moment frames constructed before the Northridge earthquake are likely to weaken during an earthquake and be unable to carry the forces they were designed to resist. These steel moment frame problems in combination with the building's flexibility are the primary reasons for the HOB's seismic vulnerability. CPS' analysis of HOB included 2007 CBC and FEMA 351 calculations. These calculations show issues with the building columns and the steel moment frames. Additional analysis was also done based upon ASCE 41, a standard used for analysis of existing buildings. This analysis also shows issues with the columns. While no building constructed with steel moment frames has collapsed in the United States, there are unique aspects to the HOB that warrant additional concern. The flexibility of the building and the wood floors are unique to a steel moment frame structure. Combining the unique aspects of the HOB and the lack of meeting current design standards indicate that HOB may not provide basic life safety to occupants. Project Description: The HOB will be seismically retrofitted to provide up to an enhanced life safety level of structural performance. Project Location: Headquarters Office Building FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 35 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/16/2008 03/01/2012 $258,000 Construction 03/01/2012 12/31/2012 $2,265,000 Total: $2,523,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $510,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $1,843,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Seismic Improvements for HOB / 3 8226 / seismic Hodges / 0 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 A. Current Carry-over 0 (49,000) 17,000 167,000 1,500,000 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 250,000 405,000 1,843,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 201,000 422,000 2,010,000 1,500,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (74,000) (184,000) (255,000) (510,000) (1,500,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over (49,000) 17,000 167,000 1,500,000 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 36 Seismic Improvements for Rental Property Project Manager, Department/Division: Craig Mizutani, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: The purpose of the project is to improve the seismic performance of the District's rental property buildings. Project History: It is estimated that the District's warehouse building at 4737 Imhoff Place was constructed in the early 1970's. No existing drawings of the building, which is a tilt -up concrete structure, have been found. Seismic evaluation of this structure revealed that there could be significant damage to the walls and roof -wall connections, and a risk to occupants of the building. A report by Complete Project Solutions Inc. submitted in October of 2008 identified serious structural deficiencies when analyzed using the 2007 California Building Code. There have been considerable advances in designing structures to resist earthquake forces since the building was constructed. There is also new information about seismic events along nearby earthquake faults including the Concord Fault. Project Description: The warehouse building will be seismically retrofitted to provide basic life safety for building occupants. Work will include structural building modifications to bring the building up to current seismic codes. In addition, other modifications may be required (such as ADA or other improvements) as determined during the plan check procedure (to be performed by Contra Costa County). Project Location: District -owned rental structures located at 4737 and 4849 Imhoff Place, Martinez FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 37 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 02/01/2010 03/01/2010 $0 Design 03/01/2010 09/01/2010 $20,000 Construction 09/01/2010 06/30/2013 $620,000 Total: $640,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $50,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $50,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Rental Property Seismic Improvements / 3 8231 /Seismic — rentalProp Hodges / 0 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 20,000 320,000 50,000 250,000 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 20,000 320,000 50,000 250,000 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (20,000) (320,000) (50,000) (250,000) 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB GI - 38 TABLE OF CONTENTS UrbanLandscaping - TAB 1 .......................................................... ............................... 3 Concord Landscape Project ......................................................... ............................... 4 Refinery Recycled Water Project ................................................... ..............................6 Recycled Water Planning ............................................................. ............................... 8 Zone1 Recycled Water .............................................................. ............................... 10 Concord Naval Weapons Station Recycled Water Planning ....... ............................... 12 Cathodic Protection System Replacement - ReW ...................... ............................... 14 (not used) - TAB 2 .......................................................................... .............................15 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 1 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM This section includes detailed information for the Recycled Water Program. Table RW -1 presents project listings and detailed budget information. Detailed project information, schedules, and cash flow tables are presented in individual project data sheets. OVERVIEW The District currently delivers approximately 200 million gallons per year of recycled water to about 33 customers located within the Zone One service area for landscape irrigation and commercial uses. These customers are located along the Interstate 680 corridor in Pleasant Hill, Concord, and Martinez. The District also uses about 400 million gallons per year at the treatment plant for process water and landscape irrigation. The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) encourages the District to expand its recycled water program, and activities must be reported annually to the RWQCB. The District continues to pursue a number of projects as described in the following pages. The Recycled Water Program, at $550,000, represents 2.1 percent of the total estimated capital expenditures for FY 2011 -12. The major emphasis of the Recycled Water Program for the next fiscal year will be pursuing development of a large industrial re -use project. The District will also continue efforts to add new cost - effective customers in the District's Zone One service area, and pursue outside funding assistance, such as federal and state grants. FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 2 Table RW -1: Recycled Water Subprogram /Project List FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 3 Estimated Anticipated Estimated Anticipated Estimated Project Total Project Allocations Expenditures Allocations Expenditures Subprogram / Project No. / Project Title Manager Expenditures To 06/30/11 To 06/30/11 FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 1Urban Landscaping pRW02 Concord Landscape Project Berger 60,000 0 0 60,000 20,000 pRW01 Refinery Recycled Water Project Berger 500,000 0 0 100,000 100,000 7259 Recycled Water Planning Berger 1,252,000 671,000 661,000 35,000 55,000 7194 Zone 1 Recycled Water- ph 1C Berger 1,348,000 1,348,000 1,038,000 0 310,000 7279 Concord Naval Weapons REW Berger 250,000 230,000 155,000 20,000 60,000 7261 REW - Cathodic Prot Sys Repl Antkowiak 40,000 25,000 15,000 0 5,000 Subprogram Total 3,450,000 2,274,000 1,869,000 215,000 550,000 Program Total 3,450,000 2,274,000 1,869,000 215,000 550,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 3 Concord Landscape Project Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Berger, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: Develop and implement a project to provide recycled water to landscape irrigation customers in the Diamond /Meridian Park Blvd area of Concord. Project History: This project would provide up to 190 acre -feet per year (AFY) of recycled water for landscape irrigation at businesses and landscape medians in the Diamond /Meridian Park Blvd area of Concord. This area is part of the Zone One Project area and is included in the 1995 Zone One Project Agreement with the Contra Costa Water District. Project Description: The project would consist of construction of about 2.5 miles of new recycled water distribution piping and about 34 customer connections. The total estimated project cost is $4.2 million. CCCSD is pursuing outside funding assistance from federal and state sources to make this project cost - effective. At this time, budget is only included for planning activities and to pursue funding assistance. Should funding assistance become available, the Board would be asked if they wished to construct the project, and, if so, the Board would need to authorize the funds necessary for construction. Project Location: Concord, Zone One Project area FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 4 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $60,000 Design 07/01/2011 09/01/2011 $0 Construction 09/01/2011 06/30/2014 $0 Total: $60,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $20,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $60,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Concord Landscape Project / 1 pRW02 / Concord Berger / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 40,000 20,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 40,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 5 Refinery Recycled Water Project Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Berger, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: Develop and implement a project to provide recycled water to the Shell and Tesoro refineries in Martinez. Project History: The two refineries currently use a combined total of approximately 22,500 acre feet per year (AFY) of Delta water for cooling towers and boiler feedwater applications. CCCSD discharges a total over 40,000 AFY of secondary effluent to Suisun Bay that could be recycled and used at the refineries to replace Delta water. Some of the infrastructure required for this project, including the storage tanks and distribution pipelines to the refineries, already exists. Implementation of the project would require construction of new filtration facilities at CCCSD's treatment plant and ammonia removal (nitrification) facilities to meet refinery water quality requirements. The project could be cost - effective compared to other water supply alternatives if outside funding assistance could be obtained. Project Description: This project would provide up to 22,500 acre feet per year of ammonia free (nitrified) recycled water to the Shell and Tesoro refineries for use in cooling towers and boiler feedwater. The proposed project would require construction of new recycled water treatment facilities at CCCSD's wastewater treatment plant in Martinez, including ammonia removal, filtration, and disinfection facilities. The total estimated project cost is $100 million. The existing distribution pipelines owned by the Contra Costa Water District would be used if available to distribute recycled water into the refineries, which would reduce the estimated cost of the project. CCCSD is currently seeking outside funding assistance and project partners to make the project cost - effective compared to other water supply alternatives. At this time, budget is only included for project planning activities and to pursue funding assistance and project partners. Project Location: Treatment Plant, Martinez FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 6 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2011 07/01/2014 $500,000 Design - - $0 Construction 07/01/2014 06/17/2016 $0 Total: $500,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $100,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $100,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Refinery Recycled Water Project / 1 pRW01 / refinery ReW Berger / 0 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 A. Current Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 C. Authorized this Year 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 7 Recycled Water Planning Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Berger, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: To develop and implement a comprehensive long -term Recycled Water Program that provides recycled water for landscape irrigation, industrial reuse, and other feasible applications. Project History: The District has worked with the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) on various recycled water feasibility studies over the years. In 2000, the District's Recycled Water Master Plan was completed. It identified potential recycled water customers and demands for irrigation and industrial uses throughout the District. Costs and benefits were developed for various recycled water projects. Recent planning efforts have focused on developing an industrial recycled water project; evaluating the use of recycled water at potential new power plants in the area; and evaluating the use of satellite treatment facilities to provide recycled water to landscape irrigation customers in areas remote to the District's recycled water filtration plant in Martinez. Project Description: This project provides funds for planning studies related to the development of the District's recycled water program. The Recycled Water Planning Project will also address implementation issues such as funding, state and federal regulations, public education, and gaining political support from federal, state, and local agencies. Documents to comply with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) requirements for salt and nutrient management plans will be prepared as part of this project. FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 8 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $1,252,000 Design - - $0 Construction 01/01/2008 06/17/2017 $0 Total: $1,252,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $55,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $35,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Recycled Water Planning / 1 7259 / rew_01 planning Berger / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 (190,000) 10,000 (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) B. Anticipated Allocations 326,000 345,000 35,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 C. Authorized this Year 326,000 155,000 45,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (516,000) (145,000) (55,000) (105,000) (105,000) (105,000) E. Estimated Carry-over (190,000) 10,000 (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 9 Zone 1 Recycled Water Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Berger, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: To develop and implement a project to provide recycled water for landscape irrigation and other identified uses in the Zone 1 Project area, which includes Pleasant Hill and portions of Concord and Martinez near the 1 -680 freeway. Project History: In October 2001, the District completed the Zone 1 Implementation Plan that provided estimated connection costs and revenues for customers identified in the CCWD Zone 1 Project Agreement. Depending on the extent of use, demand for recycled water in Zone 1 for landscape irrigation and commercial uses could be up to 400 million gallons per year. A recycled water distribution main for the Zone 1 area was constructed as part of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor project to take advantage of cost - saving opportunities. The District currently operates about 11 miles of recycled water distribution pipelines and supplies about 200 million gallons per year to over thirty recycled water customer sites. New customers will continue to be added to the system where technically and economically feasible. The District is focusing on connecting cost - effective landscape irrigation sites near existing recycled water distribution pipelines. Project Description: This project provides funds for the planning, design, and construction of recycled water facilities for landscape irrigation customers and other identified uses in the Zone 1 Project area. Subsequent phases of this project continue in future fiscal years. FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 10 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 06/01/2007 07/01/2007 $572,000 Design - - $6,600 Construction 07/01/2007 06/17/2012 $769,400 Total: $1,348,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $310,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Tit /e /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Zone 1 Recycled Water - 7194 / rew_02zonel Berger / 0 ph 1 C / 1 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 341,000 310,000 0 0 0 B. Anticipated Allocations 1,039,000 309,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 1,039,000 650,000 310,000 0 0 0 D. Estimated Expenditures (698,000) (340,000) (310,000) 0 0 0 E. Estimated Carry-over 341,000 310,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 11 Concord Naval Weapons Station Recycled Water Planning Project Manager, Department/Division: Don Berger, Engineering /Environmental Services Project Purpose: To identify recycled water infrastructure necessary to serve the extensive development being planned at the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) site as part of the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP). Project History: The planned redevelopment of the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) property provides an excellent opportunity to expand recycled water use in the District's service area. In 2009, the City of Concord selected a preferred development plan (Clustered Villages concept) consisting of a mixture of commercial, residential, institutional, and recreational uses interspersed between parks and open space. In January 2010, the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP) Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was completed; it includes recycled water demand scenarios of up to 2,749 AFY for landscape irrigation. Recycled water projects are more cost - effective when the piping and distribution facilities can be planned and installed with other infrastructure required as part of a new community, and therefore, the CNWS site is an ideal location for implementing a recycled water project. Project Description: A Recycled Water Facilities Plan will be completed to identify conceptual recycled water infrastructure necessary to serve the irrigation demands identified in the EIR. As CNWS development plans proceed forward, this analysis will form the basis of future work to ensure that appropriate recycled water projects are identified for timely inclusion in the District's capital budget and that CCRP's appropriate contribution to the cost of such infrastructure can be ascertained. FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 12 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning 07/01/2010 07/01/2012 $250,000 Design 07/01/2012 07/01/2015 $0 Construction 07/01/2015 06/30/2019 $0 Total: $250,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $60,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $20,000 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: Concord Naval Weapons REW / 1 7279 / rew_03CNWS Berger / 0 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 A. Current Carry-over 0 75,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 230,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 C. Authorized this Year 230,000 95,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (155,000) (60,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 75,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 13 Cathodic Protection System Replacement - ReW Project Manager, Department/Division: Andrew Antkowiak, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: A master plan for treatment plant, reclaimed water and collection systems cathodic protection was prepared in 2006/07. Based on the master plan, adequate cathodic protection on all reclaimed water facilities will be provided by replacing existing expended facilities and installing new systems where required. Project History: To extend the useful life of the District reclaimed water facilities, structures and pipelines, cathodic protection systems need to be monitored and maintained. Recently a cathodic protection survey of the reclaimed water system was performed and identified facilities that needed replacement and improvements over the next five -year period. The report also identified existing facilities requiring further investigations. The current project will implement high priority recommendations from the master plan. Other less urgent improvements will be scheduled for renovation in the future years. Project Description: Based on the recommendations from the master plan, cathodic protection systems that are not providing adequate protection will be repaired and /or replaced, and any other facilities that may require cathodic protection will be identified. It is anticipated that some systems may require refurbishment in the near future. Project Location: Throughout the recycled water distribution system FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 14 Project Schedule and Cost: Start Date Completion Total Cost Planning - - $0 Design 07/01/2006 02/01/2007 $40,000 Construction 02/01/2007 06/01/2020 $0 Total: $40,000 Estimated expenditures this FY are: $5,000 Anticipated Allocations this FY are: $0 Project Fiscal Year Allocation /Expenditure Table: Project Title /Subprogram: Project Number /Filename: Project Manager/'lo Expansion: REW - Cathodic Prot Sys Repl / 1 7261 / rew_cathodic Antkowiak / 0 Prior to 7/01/10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 A. Current Carry-over 0 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 4,000 B. Anticipated Allocations 25,000 0 0 0 9,000 1,000 C. Authorized this Year 25,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 9,000 5,000 D. Estimated Expenditures (10,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) E. Estimated Carry-over 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 4,000 0 FY 2011 -12 CIB RW - 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN TEN YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose.......................................................................................... ............................... 2 Capital Improvement Expenditures .................................................. ..............................2 Capital Improvement Program Objectives ........................... ............................... 3 Programs............................................................................. ............................... 3 Potential Future Projects Not Included In 2011 Capital Plan .............................. 6 Capital Improvement Revenue ....................................................... ............................... 7 RevenueSources ................................................................ ............................... 8 FinancialPrinciples ......................................................................... ............................... 9 Sewer Construction Fund Cash Flow ........................................... ............................... 10 Compliance With California Environmental Quality Act (Cega) .... ............................... 13 Specific Projects In The Ten -Year Plan ........................................ ............................... 13 Summary...................................................................................... ............................... 13 List of Tables Table 1 - Ten -Year Program Expansion- Upgrade / Replacement .... ............................... 5 Table 2 - Potential Projects Not in 2011 Capital Improvement Plan .............................. 6 Table 3 - Capital Improvement Program Revenue Sources ........... ............................... 7 Table 4 - Ten -Year Plan Recommended Scenario: Cash Flow Projection .................. 11 Table 5 - Assumptions Used to Calculate Cash Flow Tables ....... ............................... 12 2011 CIP Intro -1 2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN TEN YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 2021 PURPOSE The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) is responsible for the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater for a population of approximately 462,000 in central Contra Costa County. The District has developed a ten -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the District's capital facilities and financing needs. The CIP is updated every year. Specifically, the plan identifies and prioritizes capital projects needed to accomplish the District's mission. It also includes cost estimates for proposed project work and projections for the various sources of revenue needed to meet the cash flow requirements of the CIP. The principal purpose of the CIP is to provide the District's Board of Directors with the information needed to formulate long -range policy regarding: • Priority and Schedule — identify, prioritize, and schedule the projects necessary to accomplish the District's mission. • Financing — plan sufficient financial resources for completion of the projects proposed in the CIP. The following discussion provides: 1) a general description of the plan, 2) a discussion of potential, unbudgeted future projects, and 3) a cash flow discussion. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES This plan covers the ten -year period from Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 -12 through FY 2020- 21. The plan includes projected expenditures totaling $345,133,000 (2011 dollars). In addition to providing the basis for policy decisions concerning the District's long - range Capital Improvement Program and management of the Sewer Construction Fund, the CIP also serves as the framework for fee analysis and is the basis for the FY 2011 -12 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) (the first year of the CIP). The following discussion gives an overview of the plan's goals and the programs proposed to meet these goals. A description of the District's guiding financial principles and a brief summary of the CIP's cash flow are also presented. 2011 CIP Intro -2 Capital Improvement Program Objectives The District has identified three principal objectives for its Capital Improvement Program: • Support the District's mission to protect public health and the environment by: - Collecting and treating wastewater - Recycling high quality water - Promoting pollution prevention • Accommodate future growth in the service area as approved by the city and county planning agencies responsible for land use policy decisions. Respond to issues of community concern by: - Managing the cost of operating and maintaining facilities - Reducing objectionable odors - Cooperating with other public agencies to avoid duplication of effort and improve service delivery - Reducing power consumption through energy management Programs Capital improvement projects are grouped into four programs: Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water. A summary of the ten years of planned expenditures by program, without inflation, is contained in Table 1. Below is a brief discussion of each ten -year program. Treatment Plant The Treatment Plant Program includes projects that will meet changing regulatory mandates, address recurring renovation needs, and upgrade the wastewater treatment plant in areas such as hydraulic /process and solids handling capacity. The Treatment Plant Program will require $146.5 million (2011 dollars), comprising 43 percent of the District's capital improvements over the next ten years. The emphasis of the Treatment Plant Program will be on the renovation needs of the aging infrastructure of our complex treatment facility and on meeting increasingly stringent regulatory requirements. Capacity improvements will be primarily limited to those needed for the solids handling processes and to handle wet weather flows. One large regulatory project faces the District in the next ten years: the $70 million Nutrient Removal project. 2011 CIP Intro -3 Collection System The Collection System Program includes projects needed to renovate aging sewers and to serve new development in the District's service area. Specific near -term and long -term goals include upgrading the system where necessary to address capacity needs, improving the reliability of the District's pumping stations, and implementing projects to address renovation needs. At $172 million (2011 dollars), the Collection System Program comprises 50 percent of the District's capital improvements over the next ten years. Several capital projects have been used to identify and prioritize the collection system projects. The Collection System Renovation Project has been used for many years to collect and prioritize collection system renovation of line segments and spot repairs referred to engineering by Collection System Operations or more recently, through the District -wide TV Inspection Program, initiated in FY 2002 -03. The areas of concern are then grouped geographically and bid as District projects. The Collection System Master Plan is updated periodically District -wide and is revisited on a routine basis when changes in development patterns occur. This plan documents the sewers which will need to be upsized to increase capacity over approximately the next 30 years. As this capacity is needed, these lines are added to the capital program. The Collection System Program also provides for pumping station and force main improvements to increase station capacity, provide emergency power, and upgrade old equipment to increase capacity and improve reliability. General Improvements This program addresses the property and equipment needs of the District. Specific projects include property acquisition, improvements to facilities at the Collection System Operations Corporation Yard, the Headquarters Office Building and other District properties, information system and data management upgrades (computer hardware and software) and other miscellaneous equipment, including vehicles. The General Improvements Program will require $21.5 million (2011 dollars); representing six percent of the District's anticipated capital expenditures over the next ten years. This program includes completion of the new Collection System Operations Administration and Warehouse Facility as well as a program to make seismic upgrades to general use District buildings. Recycled Water The District's Recycled Water Program includes projects which will require $5.5 million (2011 dollars), comprising two percent of the District's capital improvements over the next ten years. The District will continue to expand its urban landscaping projects in a cost - effective way by linking recycled water pipeline projects with sewer construction projects. The District will be working on a recycled water master planning study for the proposed Concord Naval Weapons Station redevelopment to identify the infrastructure needed to supply recycled water to this new community. The District will also continue to investigate opportunities for industrial water recycling. District staff will continue to pursue financial partners for the Concord Landscape project and the Refinery Recycled Water project, although these are not currently budgeted except for small expenditures to cover planning activities. 2011 CIP Intro -4 O N 7 M C d E V Q d L Q y C Q x w E L cm O IL d 1 r 1 r d y O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O l4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O_ CD - O_ O p �n rn � O O m � rn C m rn m O M O M V M m m O cq M M M LO N D) V LO LO O O LO O M V M m N m C') O N V V Cl) O � Lf T m co N co I N M T n T N In LO T T M T O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O CD O O O O O O N 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 V LO O_ M I� M �n m m N o O m �n �n V N _ L r a N O n rn r rn r N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N O O o 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 O O O 0 C O Lo O O O N O O O N O O O 0 O O n r m 0 0 m O O O I� m �n V N I� N O o O m LO LO V LO Lf) 04 N M 4O - I M a IA It N O ci O N r fly O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O D O 0 O O CD co . . 0 0 � O O N O O D 0 O O n m m . T I-- m O P- M �n N m N� o O m LO LO V LO N cc Cl) V N V a N N N O QO T O N In pp O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O �D O 0 0 r O � m O w w O O 61 T r m 0� O m m m I� m N� N . N LO 0 0 Lo Lo m In LO U) O N � M n M N- O N M T n T T N r It n O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O l0 1D 0 4O m m O LD O O_ O O m - N N 0) n LO LO L N LO N N Di Cl) CI O CI N N O L r M r r M w O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O L�LO n 1l) 0�� �oLo o O N _� m W CD O M M V N m I� M N� � N N m co O O M LO L M LO In O N Cl) V Cl) N rn V N N N O r fD r O r r M N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 4 0 C o O O O O O O O o C 0 0 O O O O O O o 0 O O O °_ O O O r- o n O v co r m �n v O o r N N I` u7 M N (�') W n CD M N N M r N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O 0 O O _M O O N N LO O V LO � Co wD O O I- N O r- 0 V N r- r- r- m N m O O M O Lo Lo M LO U) n C-4 I- O co N N N O n N T N n r N M Cl 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O If) N O - Lo O O O Cl) c M M rn a S) So S) O LO N M_ N m O O M N r N t0 N co - n M O r M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I- N Lo m N Lo 0 N N m N O O O V O Cl) N co m m Cl Cl I� M V M� 0) 0) m m m e � N N V N r- Cl) Cl) CI n N N an r N T T n N N l6 O ? O O O O (n .0 (n >, ~ 7 7 3 3 c co c E (6 p 0 c (6 y O C C 16 N L CSI v> £ v C E sZ O Oc Q L Q. C N N n� 4C- N o_ > Q O W a N Na Q 3 dE N O) 0 O E >1C fn . C O 0) CL E N O E .N C 16 O N C E N N J O F C O> U C d U N O C O. E V c i (6 O` V 9 N C N of O� w N N d� W fl => 2 d >1 D CL U 0 LO 1 0 U N Potential Future Projects Not Included in 2011 Capital Plan The projects listed in this CIP are those that are reasonably certain to be undertaken by the District. However, when evaluating project priority and cash flow impacts, consideration must be given to potential projects that are uncertain and not currently included in the plan. If some or all of these potential projects listed below are required to be undertaken, there could be a significant impact on the financial forecasts contained in the plan. Table 2 - Potential Projects Not in 2011 Capital Improvement Plan Description Time frame Estimated total project Estimated probability cost Treatment Plant Other Projects Greenhouse Gas Reduction - Regulations are under development that will require significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The appropriate reduction plan may include diversifying our energy $15-$30 portfolio by adding a renewable energy source, such as solar or wind. 2 -5 yrs million Medium Alternatively, the requirements may be satisfied by buying carbon dioxide allowances on the open market or shutting down or cogeneration facility. Nutrient Removal - Construct facilities for nitrogen and phosphorus 10 -20 yrs $70 million Low removal to address more stringent receiving water standards. Recycled Water Pr ©iects . Martinez Refinery Recycled Water Project - Construct new treatment and distribution facilities to supply up to 20 mgd to the Shell and Tesoro 3 -10 yrs $100 Medium refineries for cooling tower makeup and boiler feed water. Money for million planning activities only is budgeted. Concord Landscape Recycled Water Project - Construct recycled water distribution facilities to supply the Diamond Boulevard 2 -5 yrs $5 million Medium commercial area of Concord. Money for planning activities only is budgeted. 2011 CIP Intro -6 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE Current revenue sources for funding capital improvements have been identified for the four programs of capital improvement projects and are shown in Table 3. Table 3 - Capital Improvement Program Revenue Sources PROGRAM SUBFUND REVENUE SOURCE Expansion -Additional capacity to ° Capacity Fees serve new customers ° City of Concord Treatment Upgrading /Replacement - ° Property Taxes Plant Improvement of existing facilities to °City of Concord Sewer Service Charge serve current customers ° Debt Financin Expansion -Additional capacity to ° Capacity Fees Pumped Zone Fees Collection serve new customers ° Developer Fees System (a) Upgrading /Replacement - ° Property Taxes Improvement of existing facilities to ° Sewer Service Charge serve current customers ° Debt Financin General ° Property Taxes Improvements ° Sewer Service Charge� ° Property Taxes ° City of Concord Recycled Water --------------- - - - - -- ° Sewer Service Charge (d) ° Customer Revenue ° Loans (e) ° Debt Financin (a) Includes pumping station facilities. (b) Includes improvements to administrative facilities (Headquarters Office Building and CSO yard), land purchases, vehicles, equipment, and furniture. (c) Property taxes may be used for any District purpose at the discretion of the Board of Directors within Proposition 4 limits and Clean Water Grant regulations; however, the uses indicated are recommended as the most equitable. (d) A capital improvements increment was added to the annual sewer service charge in 1992 to supplement ad valorem taxes for upgrading /replacement of District capital facilities. e State Water Reclamation Loan Program 2011 CIP Intro -7 Revenue Sources Capital Improvement revenue sources include the following: Property Tax Revenue Beginning in FY 1992 -93, the State of California reduced District's historic property tax revenues by 40 percent to help meet the state's educational funding obligations. As a result, property tax revenue that would have been received in the 11 years from FY 1992 -93 through FY 2002 -03 was reduced by about $38,000,000. The 40 percent decrease in property tax is now considered permanent and is not considered in any projections of future property tax revenues. Proposition 1A, passed by the California voters in November 2004, allowed the State of California to divert property tax revenues from local government for two years, 2004 -05 and 2005 -06. Effective 2006 -07, Proposition 1A dictates that no additional property tax diversion will occur. The State can, however, borrow a portion of the tax revenue twice in the next ten years, but must pay it back, with interest, within three years. The State elected to borrow approximately $1 million of our property tax in 2009 -10 and this must be repaid with interest by 2012 -13. Sewer Service Charge Revenue (SSC) The Sewer Service Charge (SSC) is the District's only discretionary source of revenue. It has traditionally been used to supplement all other sources of revenue as needed to fund Operations and Maintenance. When the District lost 40 percent of the property tax revenue in 1992 -93, it compensated by adding a capital project component to the SSC. Until FY 2000 -01, $31 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) of the SSC was for capital projects. In 2000 -01, the capital component of the SSC was reduced from $31 per RUE to $15 per RUE. This resulted in a significant shortage of revenue as compared to expenditures in the capital program and Sewer Construction Fund reserves were used to cover the shortfall. In 2001 -02, 2002 -03, 2003 -04 and 2004 -05, the capital component of the SSC was gradually increased and more recently it has varied each year, depending on the capital revenue available from other sources and the planned expenditures. Since 2006 -07, the capital component has been reduced from $76 to $11 in order to continue to fund operations and maintenance while not raising rates for 2009 -10 and 2010 -11. Interest on Investments A projection of the rate of return on the invested Sewer Construction Funds Available is needed to predict interest revenues in the future. The investment strategy of the District is designed to attain a market - average rate of return while exercising a minimum of risk. The District's current areas of investment are United States Treasury Bills and Notes and the Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California. The weighted average of interest on investments for the sewer construction investment portfolio for 2011 -12 is projected to be 0.5 percent. It is anticipated that interest rates will begin to climb again in the future. 2011 CIP Intro -8 Capacity Fee RevenuelNumber of New Connections A capacity fee is paid by each new connector to the District. This fee is recalculated each year and represents the cost of buying into the existing assets of the District. Capacity fee revenue projections from new connections have been adjusted downward from the figures reported in the last several years to account for the continuing and worsening downturn in the housing market. Unfortunately, the housing market is difficult to predict and can have a substantial impact on the available revenues for the capital program. The housing market also drives revenue from rates and charges for developer services, and SSCs from new connections. All these revenues are reduced along with capacity fee revenues when the housing market cools. Debt Financing The District has on occasion used debt financing to fund projects. In December of 1994, $25,000,000 in long -term (20 years) debt financing was completed to fund several large projects including the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and Outfall Improvement projects. The 1994 debt was refunded with 1998 refunding Revenue Bonds to achieve significant savings in debt service costs through lower interest rates. In 1998 -1999 the District received a total of $2,916,872 in loans for the recycled water program from the State of California. In 2002, an additional $16,600,000 million in long -term (20 years) debt financing was completed to allow escalation of schedules for several major projects needed to serve the Dougherty Valley in San Ramon. In 2009, $30 million in debt was issued to fund some large, needed one -time projects. In addition, current debt was refinanced to take advantage of the favorable bond interest rates. A separate Debt Fund has been established to collect revenue and repay debt; therefore, debt repayment is not reflected in Capital Program cash flow projections. FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES The District has developed and maintained a capital fee system, which equitably divides the cost obligations of the capital program between the existing customers of District facilities and new customers of these facilities. Under this "fair share" approach, existing customers, primarily through property taxes and a capital component of the annual SSC, and new users through capacity fees based on a proportional "buy -in" to the current value of all existing capital assets, fund facilities upgrade, renovation and replacement costs as well as expansion projects needed to accommodate growth. The Board of Directors has generally preferred a pay -as- you -go financing approach, raising sewer service charge rates as needed to fund the capital program. Occasionally, the District has bond - financed capital projects, particularly when such projects are large, one- time expenditures that will benefit current and future ratepayers. Going forward, the two discretionary sources of capital revenue for the District Board are sewer service charge and bond financing. Thus, any reduction in capital revenue from other sources, such as capacity fees, would have to be made up by an increase in the sewer service charge, by a like reduction in expenditures on the capital program, or by borrowing. 2011 CIP Intro -9 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND CASH FLOW District investments are recorded in the Sewer Construction Fund. Sewer Construction Funds are utilized during the year as the District bank to meet short -term cash flow needs created by the receipt of revenue from the County only twice per year. The minimum balance required to meet cash flow needs over a six month period ranges from $30 to $40 million over the ten year period. Each year a comprehensive Ten -Year Financial Plan, which incorporates both Capital and O &M expense and revenue, is prepared and presented to the Board to inform that year's decisions on sewer service charge rate increases. Table 4 on the following page contains the ten -year cash flow projection for the CIP and assumes that sewer service charge rates will be raised as needed to fund the plan. Table 5 contains the basic assumptions used to develop the cash flow projection. 2011 CIP Intro -10 r N O N O N C) r 1E r 00 r a O 00 4 e LO 4 e co V LO LA r O d lqT 00 O le LA O 1*- O M CO ti 00 O Z N LL N r rI; ~ 171 LL s D —J t ti W-e CO LU co O = W r r N r N T ' Q '^^ � V, I.L O M N a C r r r C N U) O J O N 00 O E O C" M CD O r 0— �a r d O C5 O 00 O M~ O LO 00 ^ O 00 z O r r UL U Q O r s, J W a r O L w ti _ Q w z� r CO Lu q N � U a� LQ M N N r r w U „ 00 w O N C" M N N 00 LO 4 e 00 4 e LO 4 e M r LA LO LO LA r O lqT 00 O le LA O 1*- O M CO ti 00 N -e lqT O r 1� rI; 171 O O ti ti W-e CO w co O N O r r N O M CO M N r M r O N 00 O 00 qe O C" M CD O O LQ M 00 r CO LO r O C5 O 00 O M~ O LO 00 ^ O 00 LC) r O M O w r� r O ti ti r C r CO O r q N r r O LO LQ M N N r r w U „ 00 w O N C" M N N 00 N O O LO O co O M O r- O U) M O le ti ti M le M m 1� r M CO U) � O ti r O O U) 1� w ~ 1- O N 1- r le 0 N O r- r N r N LO M N U) O „ CD M 1` 1- O �� O N ti 00 r O LO 1` r M LO w � le r M N co N r r ^ 00 U) r 1` 00 1` 1` U) 1` O 00 1` 1` CD LO P- r O O 00 r 1` CO le ; N O r r CO le 00 LO CD CO w r m CO 00 1` O M le M O Ca O ti LQ 00 O 00 M 1- O ti U) M r N O 1 ` C M e N U) O M U) LO w r lqt CD r CO 0 IZ T- LC! 00 M CO r 00 r r r% M 1- 1` CD le LQ r 00 CO O O le CO 00 r O 1� M r N Ca LQ O lqt N N O M r O O O 07 1- O qe 00 LQ O 00 O O co LQ M LQ LQ O T- O r M M M N r 00 r r N M r N CO O LO LQ O CD r� N r 00 O M O CO LO r 00 r 1- 1` M 07 co LQ ti N LQ 07 N CO 1` 1` o) M O LQ CO r 1` LQ CD LQ 00 M LQ CO IZ T- N N M ti ti r r r% N 00 le CD ti 1- O N N LO r le N M CD ti M LO N 1- O 1- r qe CO le CO N CO M le LQ 1` 00 M r le CO r U) N w LQ O O LA CO r T- M O N O 00 r r O M Iq CO CD CO 1` r Iq M r LQ CD 1- co 00 CD r rn r O lqt w O O 00 w LO e le N LO N M o) ti ti M 07 � O N 00 O le U) 09 .IZ ti 00 N CO N 00 00 r M O M „ LO O N ti N O N 00 M O qe r 00 O O U) le N CO O e N Iq O U) q r O CD N M LO w LO LO lqt O N O 00 qe LO CD O CO CO N N N 1�: N r LQ LQ N O O v LU _ ao Z w w � _ �w CL w ww U a W cn w >m a =" 0 >m m Z Q m a W W a LU w >aLLawz c� w W U � W ° mow w cn ~ LU w � v o ?a aw �C�w zaw,� w cnacn�¢ aU'ow _. O v p w w O >�Q U R� z w cn �Wopc �wp w w w a Q w m O p O w V U p>�� ~ =z> LU Z z?LLa z °any °a °mo X�oww w w HUC�� z U 0 N Q- 0 U) Y L > O O1 C m 0- (B �U C m E LL m O m O N M L U m N N N Q O �L m N U U) N C N E E O U N (B Q m U X ca N Q O L Q O C E N L c m U) N U N N �x N O U O N ° ° N 80- O 0 O O O O O LO O O N m co O LO N O o o O 810 ti N O O O O 00 � O O - N M r M r O to!)- E 6} N N O O o o O o CO M LO O O O 00 O T- M T M Q O 6} O N U O O CD 0 O p N O O O O r I` O � M r M O M U N N ti \ \0 O \ M T- O O M C: O O O O t0 � r M � M N N 60- _ O M O r 0 0 O 0 M O cn O O O O 114M a) LO O M N T- N N N U C LA o o O o N M 00 co 00 N O O O LO N _ r r N K} K-} U) 0 C) 0 LO 0 C) � O r O O o O O m A O M O � - � U O N M o o O o r 07 N r LO O C) O M E N f� O to O O N ER Efl Q N o o O o O r O O C) O M r O O M r O O N E � 6} u) N L N O _O t L �' V N O + O OL ' + V C V E N O w O U U U in L Z _V O w U N j a> tN N Q N cv O H (B Q m U X ca N Q O L Q O C E N L c m U) N U N N �x N O U O N COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) The CIP is exempt from CEQA because it is a planning study (District Guidelines Section 15262). Projects included in this plan could have construction - related, air quality, water quality, land use, and growth- inducing impacts. The impacts of projects not exempt from CEQA will be addressed in the appropriate CEQA documentation after each project is initiated but prior to project approval. SPECIFIC PROJECTS IN THE TEN -YEAR PLAN A brief description of each program and a list of projects for the ten years of this plan are provided in the Capital Plan sections for each of the four programs. SUMMARY This Capital Improvement Plan assumes that funds will be available to support the plan. These funds come from all the sources of revenue previously discussed. The only two discretionary sources of revenue are the sale of bonds or adjustment of the capital component of the Sewer Service Charge. This document is for planning purposes only. The District Board has not voted to increase SSC revenues or sell bonds to fund this planned program. The plan is funded on a year -by -year basis when the Capital Improvement Budget for the upcoming fiscal year is formally authorized and adopted by the Board. Changes in capital revenue forecasts or changes in recommended expenditures may result in changes to this ten -year plan. 2011 CIP Intro -13 TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM This section is a listing of the projects in the ten -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that pertain to the District's wastewater treatment plant. The CIP is based on the recognition that plant facilities require ongoing renovations and replacement. Environmental regulations will become more stringent, and the District is on a gradual but steady pace towards build -out over the next 20 years. Major emphasis is on maintaining existing assets, improving processes when cost effective, and ensuring regulatory compliance. The treatment plant program for the CIP is broken down into four areas: 1) Regulatory Compliance and Safety, 2) One -Time Renovation, 3) Recurring Renovation, and 4) Expansion. Regulatory Compliance and Safety The goals of the Regulatory Compliance and Safety projects are to ensure that existing and future facilities meet safety and regulatory requirements. These projects cover a wide variety of subjects to optimize energy use and reduce emissions of pollutants to the environment, and meet future regulatory requirement. Projects include Alternative Energy Study. Future Regulatory Project anticipates significant future regulations and may fund expansion of the aeration tanks for nitrification. The CIP estimate for Regulatory Compliance and Safety projects is $13 million or 17 percent of the Treatment Plant Program budget over the next ten years. One -Time Renovation One -Time Renovation projects address major renovation needs that are well defined and expected to occur infrequently. These projects include Burner Upgrades (Furnace Renovation), Wet & Dry Scrubber Replacement, Cogeneration Replacement, and Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades. The CIP estimates that one -time renovations will cost approximately $34 million or 43 percent of the total ten -year program budget. Recurring Renovation The goals of the Recurring Renovation Program are to provide for ongoing or future renovation activities. This subprogram provides capital funds for replacement or rehabilitation of aging treatment plant infrastructure. The categories include Protective Coating Renovation, Equipment Replacement, Piping Renovations and Replacement, Electrical and Instrumentation Replacement, Cathodic Protection System Replacement, and the development of an Asset Management Plan. Projects in these areas will cost approximately $29 million or about 37 percent of the treatment plant program budget over the next ten years. FY 2011 CIP TP - 1 Expansion The goals of the expansion projects are to upgrade and improve existing facilities to meet increasing flow due to in -fill, new development and wet weather. There are two wet weather capacity issues that will be addressed, i.e., addition of increased primary treatment capacity and the installation of a new bar screen. Pre - design work will be completed for primary treatment expansion while the design and construction is projected to take place beyond the ten -year CIP window. Projects in the Expansion Program are approximately $2.4 million or about 3 percent of the Treatment Plant Program budget. Summary The Treatment Plant Program of the 2011 Capital Improvement Plan will require approximately $78 million over the next ten years, which represents 28 percent of the total CIP budget. The projects proposed in the CIP are required to meet regulatory mandates, reliability needs, safety concerns, and capacity needs. 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Projects also provide improvements to pumping stations and force mains. These improvements provide capacity and renovation to reduce the likelihood of sewage overflows during dry and wet weather. Renovation and Urgent The renovation program goal is to address recurring renovation needs and is budgeted at $120 million for the next ten years or 70 percent of the collection system CIP. In prior years, renovation needs were identified by CSOD through their critical line segments list. This information is now augmented by a comprehensive TV inspection program of the entire collection system that is proceeding within the Plan years at an approximate cost of $4.5 million. This information is being utilized to develop improved estimates of the short and long term recurring renovation needs. The District's collection system contains pipe reaches of many soil types, ages, materials, and other conditions that must be evaluated and replaced on an appropriate cycle. This cycle is determined by the condition of the pipe. Regulatory Compliance/ Planning/ Safety For the past few years, the District has anticipated more stringent regulations with respect to the operation and maintenance of the collection system to reduce overflows. The local Regional Water Quality Control Board staff implemented such a program in 2005, and the State Board implemented a similar requirement in 2006. Both regulatory bodies require each collection system agency to have prepared a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). They require careful review and documentation of the District's continuing evaluation and planning for the collection system in the areas of capacity management, operation, and maintenance. This subprogram is budgeted at $2.5 million over the next ten years or nearly two percent of the collection system CIP. Expansion As part of the ongoing Collection System Master Plan Update (2010), the District's sewer system hydraulic model was updated; capacity deficiencies were identified and prioritized. Implementation of the full set of recommendations has a projected cost of $35 million (2011 dollars) over the ten years or 20 percent of the collection system CIP. Large capacity projects that are planned over the next ten years include trunk sewer improvements in Lafayette along Pleasant Hill Road, locations in Pleasant Hill, along Lancaster Road and the Walnut Boulevard Corridor in Walnut Creek, Moraga Way in Orinda, in San Ramon (Schedule C Interceptor), and trunk sewers along Alhambra Avenue in Martinez. Developer sewers and other projects throughout the District relieve and expand capacity limited pipe sections. FY 2011 C/P CS - 1 Pumping Stations Significant funds have been invested in the pumping stations over the last several years, and by now, all major pumping stations in the service area have been improved and /or renovated. Expenditures of $15 million are budgeted for pumping stations and force mains over the next ten years, approximately nine percent of the total collection system CIP. At $172 million (2011 dollars), the Collection System Program represents approximately 62 percent of the anticipated capital funding needs of the District over the next ten years. FY 2011 C/P CS - 2 M U) U QL U O N > + C cB L O 70 (n N cu i O C L co �_ cu C: 4— C� .E E^ cu co o� Q ; C cu 3 • C N >+ N �' L L N N > cu cn > - t +- N\ a� O p U LL U > j 0 L FL O fn L O CO O � U N Q U (n Y � N > O Q U N Q • Q Y N L 0 • O N U-0 a -o O C >+ to 4? 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(o a) Y a) m a) m a) a) m (o 3 3 3 3 3 w 3 .3 3 .3 3 3 . .3 .. .. m m m 0 o o o E o o o o 0 o 0 0 o o = N N N N O Y Y Y a) Y p p Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y p Y O O N 0 O o o L C C � / C - c � , E� t t C C E� C E� C C E� t C� ~ G c G cc � Q Q Q G Q Q G Q Q Q Q Q Q Q� Q E L l4 O (n (O 00 00 L Q O) a) Y \� O d' a) I� r V I� N N (n r r r r r r (n >- O O O O 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (D a � N C o_ (n O C a) 12 C .O o0 c N a) N a) ° L a) 6 E - O a) Q U) Q H U w Q a) c E2 a) E U () a) (Oj N - L '� i L°L Q1 J � Q c F c_ Q o C E N> .O a) Q L.L C Q N N > m aQi o d o m c E 0 `p U) '� E a) j a ° U Q ° � = ° 0i in as > p °_ a as a a) N d N N� Q LL to 07 d O) Q U) M U > N _Q to _ _ (n a3 Y a) d Q m c o o p c a) N p Q 7 N a) (n o d a c � m t o 0- > ° U cQ'oa o E- m a) (nz E NUd °m E as m E� a3 rnU a U ca °> Co (1) .�ac�Qm�UQUQOrno�rnom6m a) c r c c fn w c E ° E 3 E- s 0 w a) a3 (O aS J O) (n a) m 7 0 a3 U) 7 p 7 O p T o 7 U) (6 U) IL Unamcnaa _3 If C) C) Omam Q a) a1 a7 O M M W V a7 a U) M non )U) U) non a U o 0 o C) U 0) U U U U U U U o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * o_ c c c 4 (n o_ (n o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ c c c c c c c c c Q) r U QL U C3 N GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM This General Improvements Program is dedicated to funding purchase of property, equipment, office and corporation yard improvements, map production, and information technology needs of the District. The General Improvements Program also provides funding for activities associated with the capital program such as capital project legal expenses; preparation of the CIB /CIP each year; and easement acquisition. At $20 million, the General Improvements Program represents about seven percent of the total 2011 ten -year Capital Improvement Plan. The focus of General Improvements Program over the next ten years will be for the equipment budget, improvements in the District's management information systems, renovation of the District Headquarters Office Building in Martinez, renovation and improvements of the CSO Vehicle Maintenance Building, and seismic upgrades to various District buildings. While consistent investment in our treatment and collection systems has occurred over the last 30 years, the District office and other buildings have not had consistent capital improvements. With most of these buildings over 25 years of age, the CIP includes more projects for renovations of the interiors and exteriors of the buildings, such as upgrading kitchen and lunch rooms, painting or sealing walls, replacing ceiling tiles, upgrading lighting fixtures and replacing worn or outdated flooring and furniture, as well as bringing the buildings up to current seismic standards. The General Improvements Program expenditures have been increased to address these planned building renovations. FY 2011 C/P GI - 1 Z a J CL H Z C W G W O w IL J H a U 0 N W 2 H Z N H W a Q 0 a H Z w 2 W O NN L7. a J a W Z W N 1 O N a a) - � e a) > _4- U - L � m C a) 4-- C' O_0 0 O1C N N NpE _r_ E (B = NN+� +� •— U N m to N-0 Do ,M y M L (n U O N ca.5'M L Q M �6- N c� N � LO C: U N m U U) (B `� tom/) N m a) a) U a) m M.V p: C: a) a) N > U m 3: — a) c/) O NC: M� N ` X N > a c NCa) m ' p '^ a�� 0),— U� N�O�>, O (D U cy) 0 a) �a) a) o >,�'- E 4 - M a N— > :3 (B -0 U (D M CY) L :3 Q. O �� NI O U) U) 0._,0- 00 L r 0 aD U C m N c m 22 (1) N H L 'o 0 -0 i U) 53 a Um N 1 O N 0 N 7 M N N L a+ N Q x w d R E 4� U) W L tm O a d L d r N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O m. m O I� O N (O 0 0 LO O O m O O LO m 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 Lo 4) O O 4) O O V F- m 0 N (n O (� O O o N N (� N m (n m I� M m M N C � M O N M V 4) OD V O N V (C) N 'n Lo V M N N N N o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o N o O o O 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O N O o o Lo o Lo o O O o o C o LO o Lo m () r- M P- W co v N O o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o N o O o O 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 O O o O O O O O O H O L. O O O O o r CD O o m () r- M P- W m N LO u v_ rn o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 O o O o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o O O o O O O O o o Lo o Lo o O O o o r O o (� m () n M P- W m N LO Lo c v ao o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o o 0 O O o O 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 O o 0 o O_ o o 0 O O O O O 0 0 Lo 0 Lo 0 4) O O m t C (D LO o u) r- �) m�) I+ M I- ; cl � cc m_ N o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o o 0 O O o O 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 O o O t O O 0 0 Lo 0 Lo 0 0 0 C O o I- ( ) m ( ) I- M I- ;: (n 4) N � Lo to o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o N o 0 O o o O 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o O O o 0 o 0 o o o O O O r C O O O o O o o Lo 4o Lo o o I- LO m I- r- M M (O (o M M N Lo Lo r 4o N o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o v o o O O (n o v O 0 0 o 0 o 0 o O O o 0 o 0 o LO u) v v T 0 O o oo O o O 0 0 Lo 4) Lo O I- () m I- I- M c ) N N n o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o 0 O o 0 (n o O v 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o O O o 0 o 0 o (n (n v v M O O W (n O o o Lo 4o Lo o o m 0 0 o N n m M N n (n M o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o O o 0 o N o 0 O O 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O (n O O O 4) O O O O 0 0 0 0 LO O o t O O O (O. L OD O O() r- � m O o o m N LO � n N M M N O O o O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o o 0 o o 0 o O o o o 0 0 0 o 0 c 0 c 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 c c 0 c 0 c 0 0 c 0 0 c C 0 O O r N O O Lo O O m 0 4) m 0 0 4) O O O O N N CD m co O O m (O N M m N N o O O M (� N N _ 'n L d O O O 3 3 m m > > > > > - O > > > m (6 m U U E2 E2 0 cn .. .. a) 7 0 Q1 rn rn rn C)) '� c _ ( ( N N N N N N 0 3 3 O) .� 0 N O O O �� ��oo�� = =c� =����c��m >>> c�aa(D � E L W N V a0 O V V V (O M (O r r- r r W O O O O N N M V V (O r- W N CL 03 m O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \\ \ Q . a1 I� r r r r O 1- r-- r N� M N I- r-- r r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 L a cn O O O o C) 0 C) 0 0 0 C) 0 C) 0 C) C) 0 0 C) C) 0 c a) N a0 N c a) a) '� ON m '� c . O E E c O .N 0 0 m a) m O a) m 0 a) c O C J c 7 U N> N n o m nU ( o a) ' U m 6 Q U w C a) c a) J a) E O N U) y E (p (n U a) c m cn cl C, d J d J C O y O C E O > Q O 2 w E tq i U E N O Q O U O 2 c U m Q> a) .N U a) ' C� m C U °- d a) - U) E 0 c U) � L c E m (D E L¢ aci a a`i a) (9 6 L1J O a) O a) >, > N .3 'C O N E E 5 > (n C E a) w -o H E A=: 75 >— U n a� rn n (n o o - o C ,Q C m y� C (n C '5 i fl- O a) a) O O_ C m N O- 0)'5 O a) Vl U fl- O) ao �.� ��. �a E c , .2 -NWaJ� Q (�� Ii1p E p W u m m E O m (D E p > m -Fu L a L L) _ E (n E '` E . c . 2 m ro C) --. yo d Q Q's� 0 `o 0 0 3'Qm� c c 0 Ln c QOm� 3: CL m 0 a) E� 0 � a) 0 m U W a� m O O aD ? � (� ? m (n O O? � (n m m m U» ��(D0 �UYU =IL 800 u 0� =aCYUUU v L � o m o jrnNO g(O�o_ (D aMC)�__rn —r- M V (O0MM CD Lo W 0 0 W 0 L O a7 N C N C� O O N O N N N N N N M M C C C C C ' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C.� C� C� O O O O O O 30 Q N W 0 Q a C M oo a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 O- Q O_ C C C C C M r � V L� N RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM The Recycled Water Program includes projects to meet the District's goal of developing additional cost - effective recycled water customers. Capital expenditures over the next ten years are primarily focused on planning to develop a large -scale industrial reuse project (such as the refineries or power plant use) and completing the remaining connections to landscape irrigation customers in the Zone 1 Project Area located in Pleasant Hill, Concord, and Martinez near the 1 -680 freeway. Budget is also provided for planning work associated with providing recycled water to the proposed development at the Concord Naval Weapons Station site. Funding for construction of the Concord Landscape Project or for implementation of a large -scale industrial reuse project is not included. However, budget is included for planning work associated with these two projects and for continuing efforts to obtain outside funding assistance. At $5.5 million, the Recycled Water Program represents about 2 percent of the Capital Improvement Plan expenditures over the next ten years. FY 2011 CIP RW - 1 Z J CL F- Z w w w IL J H a Q U r r O N W m H Z H U W a V a W F- a W J U U W w N a o, 0 N 0 in o _0 o � � U N N ry C E �n O V N U L � L O yam+ m Ln cn ., N c o o Q o m a m E o C: o a) -1-- 0 m �_0 a •— E — 2 N Q E c E E a) � o'- E U C L O N N O m m c 3: o LD -0N m N 2) vi +� N c U a N C > N m oLLn _ LL N cn C: O v N i M a� 0) C: (D (D �m Q .— m Q L a) E cu (D U H� i co CO � r r d O O >- N N 2 c m � N m E o -I-- c a I H N N N o +� 3: U 3: E H mo — �� +� U M U +_ a) d I U- N a o, 0 N 0 in P O N 7 M N N L a+ N Q x w m R E 4� U) W E L tm O a d C d _N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O uo o - uo o o Lo v Lo uo o O O F- N m m (O O O N P- M LO L m M (O O LO LO N L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0o O O N O O O O O O N LO n o 0 0 C n m th n LO LO N O o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 N O o o O O O O O O O O (n 4o O O t N M V O N n n � LO O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (n O O (n O O o t O N r r LO LO N ao 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 o o O O O t C (� O O (n O V M M O O LO N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O o O o 0 O O o 0 o O o O o r CD OD O N (n - IT M O O LO N to o o o o o o o o o o O O o O o 0 0 o O O O O O O (D O O O N (� (") O Lo N O O t (O O M V (n (n N M un LO N o o o o o o o o o o O O v o O O O (D O O O O O O O O o LO O Lo T C O O <`M') (n (n LO LO N O O o ° o ° ° O ° o ° o ° o ° o ° O (D 0 0 o 0 0 0 O o M Lo �oo� o 0 CD r O N O co (n (n N co M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O N O O ° ° O ° ° O O ° O O O C O N O co co LO LO LO LO N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o t Lo O Lo 0 0 0 O O C n M N O LO N M Y Y t C13 a3 rn 3 3 m R C Y 01 01 01 01 N .Y.- C N a) N a) N a) t O N F C G Q m m m m m m Q m L R 0 (O I- a0 L Q Y L N O O O_ �_ �_ __ _ 0 a) a Cn 0000000000 m J y a) _ a) �U. Js Q U a>� w o�w nn Q �a n — a) 01 . T i 01 c O N ' (n a) O d T c a) as O O- (p co w C o as a) 2 as o U d N U a) (6 a U O j, M> U j, M -0 M 4� a>�Z -i � a) �� d y �i !� G> O U C C w c U U - O� N 2 U U� � 2 ry L = d N O N N 0 0 0 0 r 1- Q O_ C C C C L, N 0 in