HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.b. 2010 Annual Report of Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory CommitteekXmIn'Tral Contra Co sta Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS At* JM, POSITION PAPER PloardMeetin Date.*, IT1 a �rc h 17 2" 0 11 Sub RECEIVE THE 2010 ANNUAL, REPORT OF THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Submitted B Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Initiatin Dept.IDW.'. Administrative/Financei & Accountinliill ., �yZfPFAP 'Jll�IIIF-fi' "I' — �II 11' 1 11 1 1 111 Aff lop 4 . 'a 74 11 Jj � go 1P rimy. oftrom 51"'i 11.2 NVA ��M ` �eo x D. Rat � raves ISSUE: The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisor Committee (Committee) resipectf ull submits its 201 Annua,l Report. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Ann�ual Report of the Deferred Compensation Plan or 201 and provide an commnts to staff Advisor Co► e mmittee f Ili 090tw BACKGROUND- The Board of Directors, approved the establishment of the Committee Janua� 198i2. The scope of activities of the Committee includ:es.m, E I ducatin participants re the Plan 0 Reviewin emer withdirawal re Reviewin investment performance of the Plan Submission of an annual report, to the Board of Directors and P'lan participants The Committee is made up of the followin Departmental' representatives-. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller — Chairperson David Rolle Accountin Technician III — Administrative Michael Pienn Associate En — En K Steve Sauteir, Maintenance Slupervisor — Collection S Operations Matthew Mahone Maintenance Planner — P'lan�t Operations I RECOMMENDED BOARiD ACTION- Receive the Annual Report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisor Committee for 201 and provide an comments to staf,� ������ll��ill����l������������ LT illillitILTAI Illit Hill liill i MI � I � M=0 10% L;entral Contra Costa Sanitar District DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 2010 - DECEMBER 2010 The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisor Committee (the Committee) was established b the Board of Directors to facilitate the internal administration of the District's Deferred Compensation Plan. The scope of the Committees activities encompass the followin a I Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. Ed�ucate participants re the plan provisions b issuin a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan and, respondin to q uestions from participants. Review accountabilit b the Pro Administrators, HartTord Life Insurance I Compan (Hartford), Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and ICM,A Retirement Corporation (ICMA) and respond to pa,rticipant�s' q ueries re accu:rac or proprie of account; balances. Review participants' re for emer withdrawal of funds and make recommendations for acceptance or denial to the Board of Directors. Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Plan on annual basis. I Durin the period of'Januar 201 throu December 201 Oi, the Committee addresse all of the activities 'included in its scope of responsibilities throu the conscientious efforts, of all of the Committee members,., The performance of Hartford, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and ICMA in administerin the Deferred Compensation Plan durin the 201,01 report is considered to be satisfactor The performance results of the Hartford, N�ationwiide Retirement Solutions, and I MCA stock and bond investments, f or the calendar y ear 201 f ollow., ce rim W Market index benchmarks have been provided for comparative purposes onl These indexes reflect broad basedi chan in the market conditions based on avera performance. Indices are unmana and reflect no fees or expenses, and 2--re not 9-,vailable for direct itivestmieV., 0 Rate of returns q uot�ed b proviideirs and fund mana include reinvestment of capital appreciation (depreciation), plus real�ized g ain (losses), dividends and I interiest income. Ali! rate of return performance results are net of annual asset-biased fees, which include fund mana fees and expenses, marketin fees and plan administrative fees. In g eneral, plan administrative fees are char b the carriers and d�iffer between the carriers. The biasic plan administrative fees, are as follows- For additioinal information on fee char consult with y oiur plani provider. The above information is g eneral 'information. Additional fees ma be incurred for other items such as transfers and withdrawals. See Attachment 1 to this repori Reis,ultis shown represent past performance and are not a g uarantee of future performance. Ask y our Plan Representative for a current prospectus, for eachi, fund 0 in which, y ou are interested. The current prospectus presents more complete information about the fund includin fund char and expenses. Read it carefull before investin in that opt,ion under the Plain. Balanced Fund is a mutual fund that invests in a combination of common stock, i preferred stock, bonds and short term bonds, to provide both income and capital appreiciati�on,, while mana voiatilit and avoid,ini excessive riisk. Blue Ch�mip Compan is used in the context of g eneral stock ma,rket investments. Lar and creditworth compan Compan renowed for the q ualit y and wide acceptance of its products oir services, and for its abilit to make mone and pa dividends. Dol�lar Cost Avera or Constant Dollar Plan is a method of purchasin securities b investin a fixed amount of mone at set intervals. The investor bu more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is hi thus reducin the avera cost. Dow Jones Industrial Avera or DJIA is the best known U.S. index of stocksi. It is comprised of 30 activel traded blue-chipi stocks, primaril industrials, includin stocks that trade on the New, York Stock Exchan The Dow, as it is cal i led, is an indicator of how the lar U.S. companies are performin Measurin the Dow Jones Industrial Avera is used to g au g e the direction of the, stock market. 0 e a e te a passiv instrumnt stra consistin of the construction of a lndelx'ln i i I portfolio of stocks desi to track the total, return performance of an, index of stocks. EI Lehman Brothers Bond! index is an unImana list of U.S. T'rea,s,ur an investment g �rade corporate debt securities. It is used as a g eneral, measure perforimilance of fixed income securities. I 0 i MSCI Europe, Australia/Asia, and far East or EAFE index is the European, 4, Au�s,tralian', and Far East stock indexy computed b Mor Stanle Capiial International. This index is used to measure the g eneral performance of the iviternational market. Model Portfolio fund is a fund that consists of' a combination of stocks, bonds, and cash e in a preset or predietermined ratio based on market risk tolerance. 'to maintain adherence t;# Model Portfolios, are rebala,n�ced', t ever q uarter, the preset ratio. 0 b'tandaM & Poor's 500 or S&Pi 500 is an index of blue ch�ip stocks, which 1 measures chan in stock market conditions biased.on the avera performance of 500 widel held common stocks., 'The S&P 500 is one of the most widel used benchmarks of U.Si. e performance. This index tracks indus,tria,l, transportation, financial and, utilit stocks with heav empih�asis,on indusitria,l, companies. Treasur BI'll or T Bill is a discounted g overnment securit that matures in one y ear or less. It is a ne overnment. Ll A A j Decembier 31 201 Oi HARTFORD $5888 NATIONWIDE 07.86% $17 0.48%i ' CIVIA 401 (a)i ,�� f�/ $22 29.55% sill: N�ATI�ONWID,E Iffil lCMA 457 0 lCMA 401 (a) El HARTFORD . . . . . . . . .......... . ... -777 . ....... .. ........... . ............ . ... ....... .. .. CALENDAR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 201 ................ ........ .. . NATIONWIDE .INVESTMENT TYPE % RETIREMENT ICIVIA 457 ICIVIA 4011 HARTFORD TOTAL ,STOCK 43.7% $31188, 159 $17,261,640 $915741540 $217439745 $32J681085 'BONDiS 3.7% 7201858 1 10581695 659,449 307,131 2 32 BALANCED FUNDS ll 5.8% 1 $3051997 51514,064 47937444 108,971 11 1 8,6i694761 SAVINGS 36.8% 21642 1 77 15,2187294 61971,317 2317281729 275609516�1 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $7 $3990529692 $22142 $598889576 $i74,941,2091 Decembier 31 201 Oi HARTFORD $5888 NATIONWIDE 07.86% $17 0.48%i ' CIVIA 401 (a)i ,�� f�/ $22 29.55% sill: N�ATI�ONWID,E Iffil lCMA 457 0 lCMA 401 (a) El HARTFORD . . . . . . . . .......... . ... -777 . ....... .. ........... . ............ . 11712 q A;U Vt A l r, a�„ N A 1�m OR .... ..... .. Avera Total Return Annual Total Return* Since, Inception Month 3 Mo. YTD 1 Yr. 3 Yr. 5 Yr., 1 0 Yr. Incept. Date SPECIALTY '101 Htfd Global HI'th H'LS',' 6.01% 4.84% 6.84% 6.84%, -0.97% 2.66% 4.82% N/A 05/01/2000, 105 Invesco Fin Servl 10.85% 9.50% 10.31 % 10.31% -17.80% -13-10% -5.82% N/A 06 2 /0 i 106 Invesco Leisure' 3�.801% 11.94% 21.33% 21.33% -,3.10% 2. 19% 3.55% N/A 02/07/1984 108 Invesco, Technolo 7.47% 16.17% 201.58% 20.58% '1.170,% 4.�33%, -6.17% N/A 02/07/1984 '116 MFS Utilitiesi 4.96% .29% 13.2,91% -2.201% 9.33% 6.0,9% N/A 02/14/19i92 INTERNATIONAL,/GLOBAL 126 AmCent Intl Growth 2 7.93% 7.26�% 13.42% 13.420/o -6.07% 36 86% 1.461% N/A 015/09/1991 900 Htfd Glbl Res HLS2 6.81% 9.29% 15.72% 15.72%, N:/A N/A N/A 0.58% 01/31/2008 13 Hffd Int Opps HLS1 7.04% 7.30% 14.�20% 14.201% �-�4.32% 6.691% 5.07% N/A 07/02119910 075 Janus OverseaS2,3 5,84% 6.45% 18.68% 18.68%, -0.39% 12.96% 8.43% N/A 05/02/1 051 Janus Worldwide 21 4.91% 7.05% 15.33% 15.33%, -4.,58% 2.17% -1.38% N/A 05 5/1991 q- 121 Putnam Global EqUity2 7.68% 9.44% 9.44% -8.129% 0.56% 0.19% N/A 09 C LF 050 Putnam Intl Growth 2.4 9.05% 8.23% '12.01% 12.101%, -3.39% 4.93% 3.23% N/A 01 SMALL CAP co 82 Htfd SmI Compan HLS1 6.80% 15.82% 23.82% 23.82% -1.83% 4.23% 4.3211%, N/A 08 271 Invesco SC Growth' 7.60% 14,52% 25.95% 25.95%, 1.06% 5.49% 2.5,7% N/A 10 058 M AMG Sk SEP' 8.44% IT41% .75% 25.75� .59% 4.011% 8.74% N/A 02/09/1,9193 MID CAP 099 Frkin SmMd Cap Grwthl," 14.98% 28.11% 28,11% 1 m61 % 4.62% 1.77% N,/A 02 1031 Htfd MidCap HLS1 7.26% 12.92% 23. 1 4% 23.14% 1.24% 5.88% 7.36% N/A 07/14/1997 071 Janus, Enterprise 6 , 3 7'.14% 13.010% 251.51% 25.511% 0.49% 6.85% 0.79% N/A 019 LARGE CAP 0815 AmCent E Income 5.591% 7.26% 13.01% 131.01% 0.30% 4.07%, 6.21% N/A 08/011/1994 066 AmCent Inc & Growth 6.55% 11.1:7% 13�.82% 13.82% 4,45% 0.28% 1.28% N/A 12 057 AmCent Value 8.11% 9.51% 1,3.13% 13-1 1.49% 1.95% 5.21% N/A 09 11 ArnCentur Ultra 5.19% 12-06% 16.27% 16.27% -3.01 % 1.36% -0.14% N/A 11/02/1981 053 DWS Growth Income 6.33% 10.53% 13.91 % 13.91 1 .,20% 1.26% 0.43% N/A 11/13/1984 091 Dre Third Centur 6.70% 10.98% 13. 13.99% -0.42% 2.76% -1.81�% N/A 08/31/1999 054 FA Growth & Income 7.03% 12.68% 13.82% 13.82% -5:.88% 0.72%, 0,. 12 026 FA Growth Opps 5.63% 14.09% 23.11% 23.1 1 % -7.06% 0.58% 0:.013% N/A 11 01 2 Htfd Cap App HLS 7.04% 12.91% 16.21% 16.21 % -2.817% 4.43% 6.06% N/A 04/012/1984 EEL 29 Hffd Div & Grwth HLS 7.,54% 12.91 2'% 4.18% 4.18% N/A 03, 8/1 /0 17 Hffd Index HLS 6.64%, 10.61% 14.45% 14.45% -3.33% 1.77% 0.81% N/A 05/01/1987 14 Hffdl Stock HLS 6.99% 12.63% 1 4.51 % 14.51% -2.84% 2.07% 0.50,% N/A 08 052 Janus Twent 6.09% 9.14% 6.70:% 6.70% -4.08% 6.,0:4% 1.92% N/A 014/30/1985 115 MA Inv Grwth Stck 6.54% 12.77% 13.90 % 13.90% 0.13% 3.66% 117' % N/A 01:102/1935 845 MFS, Core E 6.75% 11.30% 16.78% 16.780/c -1.42% 3.�22% 2.1 % N/A 01/02/1996 3126 Putnarn MultiCa,p, Gr 6.19% 1 3. .01 % 1 9-01 .36% 1.85% -1 .69% N/A 08/31/1990 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DCP PLANSUMMARY STATEM�ENT PAGE 8 OF '1 OCTOBER 1 201 -1 DECEMBER 31 201 IVAN, 3 2 w . Avera Total Return Annual Total Return* Since Inception Month 3 Mo. YTD I Yr. 3 Yr. 5 Yr. 1 01 Yr., Incept. Date AssET ALLOCATION /BALANCED 01 Cal VPS RI B,al Prt 3.00% 5.56% 11.82% 11.82% 1.26% 1.61% N/A 09102/1986 0!88 Dre LT G&I 4.25% 6.86%, 10.57% 10.57% 0.79% 3.77% 3.10% NI 03 / 19195 O25 FA Balanced 4.,21% 6.80% 12.73% 12.73% -1.06% 3, " O�2% 2.85% N/A 01 19, Htfd Advisers HLS 4.16% 7.60% 11.86,% 11.8,6% -01.29% 3.019% 2.,22% N/A 03 / 198,3 079 Janus Balanced' 2.57% 3.51%, 7.48% 4,.0!6% 6.43% 4.77% NI/A 09 BOND 886 DR INT TRM 1 -0.78%, -0.92% 8.% 8.77% 6.01 % 5.40% 5.24% N/A 02/02/1996 18 Htfd TotRet Bond HLS -0.401% -0.75% 7.24% 7.24% 4.27% 4.35% 5.39% N/A O8 9102 Htfd US Gov Sec HLS -1.72% -2.22% 3.53% 3,53% 1.90% 2.71,% 3.59% N/A 03 1 1 7 14 MF'S Hi Income 1.7'4% 3.18% 15.15% 15.15% 6.36% 6.018% 6.41% N/A 02/17/1 59 Putnam HY Advanta 2.019% 3.25% 13,06% 13.0,61% 8.13% 7.85% 8.00% N/A 03 STABLE VALUE/MON'E,Y MARKET 22 Hffd Mone Mkt HLS' -0.0!2% -0.06% -0.25%, -0.215% 0.48% 2. % 1.90% N/A 06/30/1980 General ( D,eclared Rate Account Information: 1 st 0 2011: 4.00% The Declared Rate set forth above 'q® credited throu the close of the ca'lendar on contributions received durin the desi calendar q uarter. For contributions, received prior to Januar 1 � 2011, 1, the Declared Rate is, 4.00%. Rates q uoted are effective annual y ields. BENCHMARK INDICES FOR PERIOD ENDING, DECEMBER 31, 201 Total Return Avera Annual Total Return Month 3 Mo. YTD I Yr. 3 Yr., 5 Yr., 10 Yr. S&P 5010 Index' 6.68% '10.76% 15.06% 15.016% -2.86% 2.29% 1.41% BarCap Gov IndX 4.40% -2.117% 6.59% 6.59% 5.601% NASDAQ' 6.19% 16.91% 16.91% Investment Info Reebrement'Solutions Performance T QUarterl Non-Standardized Quarterl Standardized Monthl Non-Standardized Monthl Standardized Skip To,, Asset Allocation Funds International Stocks Small Cap Stocks Mid Cap Stocks L.ar Cap Stocks, Balanced Bonds, Short-1"enn Investments Short-1-enn Investments Short -"I-errn investments Asset Allocation Funds Inivestryient Option ") Y r, 3 Yr, Nationwide Destination 2016 Fund - 11.53 -0.01 Institutional Service Class 12K 31/20,10 Nationwide Destination 2020 Fund - 12-55 -0.13 Institutional Service Class Nation,wideDestination 2025 Fund: Adoption X P C, 11 'E'' 13.71 -0.25 Institutional Service Class r -1 Ad o pt; ; (,) i I Nationwide Destination 2030 Fund - Ratio Institutional Service Class 14.55 -0.95 Nationwide Destination 2035 Fund - 15.31 -1.46 Institutional Service Class N/A Nationwide Destination 2040 Fund - 15-83 -2.18 Institutional Service Class Ow 87 Noationwide Destination 2045 Fund - 16.03 -2-30 111SUtUt ional Service Class O8/29/07 Nationwide t ination 2050 Fund - N/A Institutional Service Class 15-88 -2.08 Nationwide NMF Investor Destinations 0.88 A Fund 14.57 -2.67 Nationwide NMF Investor Destinations 08/29/07 Conservative Fund 5.87 2.62 Nationwide NMF Investor Destinations -0.73 Moderate Fund 10.73 0.43 Nationwide NMF Investor Destinations N/A Eder tai A Fund 12.79 -1.25 A vera A nr Wal Perx-,nt-a % 'Y R e Wfl') / inforn,iation as o f 12K 31/20,10 Adoption X P C, 11 'E'' 5 Yr. 10 Y e, r -1 Ad o pt; ; (,) i I Date Ratio I N/A N/A 0.54 08/29/07 0.88 N/A N/A O.6�6 O8/29/07 Ow 87 N/A N/A 0.69 O8/29/07 O.87 N/A N/A 0.1 08/29/07 0.88 N/A N/A -0.16 08/29/07 0.88 N/A N/A -0.73 08/29/07 0.88 N/A N/A -0.73 08/29/07 9.88 N/A NI/A -0.56 08/29/07 0.89 2.66 2.93 1.75 03/30/00 0.95 3.85 3.74 3.54 03/30/00 1.00 3.56 3.54 2.83 03/30/00 0.93 3.19 3.30 2.36 03/30/00 0.94 Pa I of 5 1-ittps-.,//www.nrsservicecenter.com/lApp/ret/fPUAAvallablelnvestmentOptionsVlew.do.?IsS 2/24/2011 Investment Info International Stocks I n .1vestment Option I y r 3 1, Y�' 5 EuroPacific Growth Fund 9A0 -3.27 Nationwide Intemational Value Fund - 315 - 12.05 Institutional Service Class 16.56 -2.77 Oppenheirrier Global Fund 15-68 -1.71 Templeton Forei Fund 8.50 -4.32 Small Cap Stocks Investrnent Option 1 'y r, W Federa Kaufmann Fund - Class R 18.75 -3.82 Shares hivesco Mid:: Cap Core E Fund - Class 12.52 2.04 A JPMor Mid Cap Value Fend 22.82 1.11 Lar Cap Stocks 1;nvestmenit Option I Yr, 3 Vr , Arnerican Centur Growth Fund 17-64 -0.31 Anierican Centur Select Fund 14.58 -2.32 American Centur It Fund 16.56 -2.77 DWS Strate Value Fund - Class A 1 2,1.42 -8.89 Fidelit Contrafund 16.93 -1.71 Fidelit E Fund 15.13 -4.52 Fidelit Growth & Income Portfolio 14.57 -11.53 3.88 3.80 3.39 03/3 /00 0,97 N/A N/A 2.19 08/29/07 0.90 Avera Anrival Perce'rita Rettirri N inforniation as of '12/31/2010 information ') 11 0 as of 12/31 i 1 Since Adoption Expense Since Adoption Expense 115 yr. 10 o 5.81 6.010 Date Ratio 5.58 6.73 11.29 04/16/8,4 0.85 N/A N/A -11.11 12/21/07 1.34 139 4.56 8.44 12/2,2/69 11.27 4.25 5.86 5.69 10/05/82 1.19 �1 Avera Annual Percenta Return Percenta Return N inforniation as of '12/31/2010 infon-nation as O.f 12/3 1 /20 1 ; 0 Since Adoption Expense 5 Yr. 1 0 yr Adoption Date Ratio 11.80 5.81 6.010 12/31/92 1.21 3'.21 9.63 7.81 12/28/81 2.50 0.37 7.31 1.68 04/01/ 8 1.26 N/A N/A 5.49 12121107 2.06 Avera Anrival Percenta Return N infon-nation as O.f 12/3 1 /20 1 ; 0 Since Acloption Expense 5 yr. 10 y Adoptkon [)ate Ratio 4.36 6.78 6.04 02/21/86 2.50 5.35 6.07 8.05 06/09/87 1.80 4.31 8.919 7.09 11/131917 1,41 Avera Arirmal Percenta RetUff) 12/31/2010 Since Adoption Expense 5 Yr., -10 yr Adoption Date Ratio 4.93 0.92 -1.43 06/30/71 1.00 2.17 -0.51 -1.82 06/30/71 1.00 1.61 0.11 -11.97 11/02/81 1.00 -2.57 1.52 3.41 03/18/88 1.26 4.87 5.54 9.21 05/17167 1.02 1.1 2.44 2 .87 05/16/66 0.74 -5.04 -2.58 -2.97 12/30/85 0.75 Pa 2 of 5 https-,Ilwww.i-irsservicecei-iter.com/lApp/ret/fPUAAvailablelnvestmentOptions 2/24/201 Investment Info 1'2.41 -7.06 0.45 -0.15 4.,08 05/02/63 0.75 2224 -3.9' O 5.24 1.00 0.45 03/25/83 O.92 5.62 -5.32 4.86 2.95 11.27 05/01/9'7 1.17 11.21 -2.79 3.20 -1.0'7 -3.20 02/05/70 0.96 12�.54 -6.25 0.16 0.85 0.15 05/11/33 11.17 15.81 -3.01 N/A N/A -0.61 04/27/07 N/A 22.79 -0.60 3.85 5.16 4.88 03/16/94 0.95 1218 -2.74 2.52 2.79 1.54 11/30/73 0.69 10.86 -2.74 2.48 3.17 2.93 01/02/34 0.66 14.91 -2.90 2.21 1.31 0.12 08/31/76 0.18 15.05 -2-80 2.32 1.43 0.24 07/31/90 0.05 12.91 0-86 5.14 4,03 2.41 11 /01 /84 O.49 11-53 -2.18 0.96 -3.64 -6-31 01/06/59 0.53 10.62 -3.82 1.46 3.59 4.29 06/24/85 O-38 13.34 -3.37 2. 061 3.20 3.86 07/31/52 0.70 Irwestrnent, Option Percenta RetUrn 3 Y" Amorican Centur Balanced Fund - 11-57 1.13 Investor Class Fidelit Purftan Fund 14.04 0.78 The Incorne Fund of America Inc, 11.,97 -0.217 Van Wollesle Inconne Fund 10.65 4.99 Van Welfin Fund - 10.94 1.75 Investor Shares 0.91 4.52 930M Investnient Option 'I Yr. 13 y DWS Hi Income Seeries - DWS High 14.76 7.46 Income Fund ­ Class A Principal Funds, Ine. - Income Fund - 8.03 7.,52 Class A Inc. 7.30 2. 6 W, Short-Term Investments Avera Annual Percenta RetUrn ( 11/1"' ) infi,.,sanation as of 12/3 as of 1213141201 S j n ck-;) Since Adoption Expense 5 Yr 10'yr Adoption 'I Date a R,Alo 3.55 3.61 2.84 110120/88 0.91 4.52 4.74, 4.96 04/16/47 01.61 4.37 6.20 6.51 11/30/73 0.61 6.3,5 6.44 7.011 07/01/70 O1.28 5.58 6.201 6.60 07/01/29 0.34 Avera Annual Percenta Return (%) �nfbrniafion as of 1213141201 S j n ck-;) Adoption Experlse 5 Yr. 10 Yr, Adoption Date Ratio 6.69 7.52 6.56 01/26/78 0.916 6.60 6.47 6.54 1 0.93 3.44 5.01 4.89 05/28/74 N/A N/A N/A 6.34 09/01/016 0.12 Pa 3 of 5 Investment Info Pa 4 of 5 Galflard Stable Value Fund B 2.57 3.21 3.68 N/A 3.72 N/A Principal Fund Inc, - Government & High 5.91 5.72 5.46 5.00 5.30 05/04/84 0.99 Qualit Bond Fund - Class A Short-Term Investments Rate (1/0 AnnWall' ercen'ta C ­11er Invesfi,rient O (."Mrent QUafter' PreviOUS .tirrent QW1 Pre'ViOUS QLOrtf, Nabomide Bank Li Savin 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.50 Short-Term Investments b,ttps-://www.nrsservicecenter.com/iApp/ret/fPUAAvailablelnvestmentOptionsView.do?isS 2/24/2,011 N (D C) m 0') m 01) 0') CD CD 0 0 CD 0 C) C) = G) 0") m cr) m m m 4- LO r (D CO, CO M M CO CO CO CO ', t M — -- CO 00 0 ( Y ) C ) 0 C "Zt CD r- 00 CN 0 It * CY) CD olo C) 0 C) C) 0 'CIRO IQI�O 1 �z - 0- 0 1 0-� NOI- 01-� 10- (89- 01-!� NOR 8� \0- 8C-ll lC-)NO cl-P 10 - 0- 2 C cl-)Q 10-� 10- 01-!� 8-Q 8-9 �5 - 0-9 1 NO- 0--9 O-Q 'cr) (D co M LO ;I* N CNJ (D M 00 (D N (N r- LO M 00 7t 'hit" cnl M 0 00 (D 0 00 ' r- Lr) 0 N M (N CD CD 0 (D r- 00 M (a q) C� L6 L6 r-� 14 rl_ "i "d- M cyi C-� 4 8- -0 10-cl 10-01 10-10 10-� lo-(:" 0- -0 -0- cy� r-- 7t Q> LO 00 m m C)� C�) 0 0-2 m m 0 ) (D rl-- m m (D [�- LO M LO 00 N C" CD r- M CO LO CO In CO cq N C,J CO r- W LO CO M Ln cN Q) m r-- LO i-- C cnl "Zt "Zt m m m co m m Zt '7t M M CN "�t N N l N C1 lz�l 1�4* m m 00 LO --It (0 CD col 0 a) CD, co (D co 1�0 N 0 00 00 0� (0 00 CD (D Q� 7t co 00 "Zt m m m 00 0) 00 CN CN r� C6 L6 r-� N 0 1 CD N C CN C'� Li� T!no- 0 (jr LO C-0 (Y) C,)� r-, LC) r --- (y) N w �(D iLn, ICY) �z (,X) 1-0 aglow= 0- Ln M (n G') Ll") (,A CN N = Cy') 1(7) (D r-- (D LO CT) 0 (:Z� (N 0 (zs cy� 6 �6 (-ri cri Lri Cy� (6066 lcl� (vi 4 "t (0 00 C-) (N -It It LO co CD C) mom*= 4 NOR -0- 110-1 NOR -0- 8- 10-�O -0- NOR NO-01 10-0- -0-11) -0-01 1601 -0-21 16-01 8-01' 10-01 -0-0- -0-01 8-0- -0-2 8-Q 10--0 8-ON C? 0 6 6 6 c� cy� �zi o6 I cyi CD CO M M CN I;t LO, 1�3, CD N, l7t 1zt M CO 7t M 00 C) r- C, LO r-, N LO 0 cyi 6 V-: � Lr; 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Vanta Funds (VP) are certain funds avai�lable throu 1CMA. These funds are sponsored b the 1CM Retirement Corporation and re with the U.S. Securities and Exchan Commission. Hartford- Source- Investment Choices Performance Plan Summar Statement as of 12/31/201�01. Mone Market 0.18% General Account 4.00% CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA, SAAITARY DISTRI SUMMARY OF'FEES - ATTACHMENT 1 AS OFMARCH 2�01 11 W, I glad a ifflVA 9 9 tM (Based on account balance) PROVIDERS NATI�ONWIDE ICMA HARTFORD OI.29%, NONE 0.25%* 0.49% 0.00% N/A 0.56% N/A N/A N/A 0.00% . 7 - 1.00%, .91 - 1.10% N/A O.Oi5 — 2.501 0.22-1.47% Oi.35 - 1-670/1 These expenses are char b the fund mana which include Advisor Fees, 12b-1 Fees, Operatin Expen�ses and Other Fees char b the individual funds. These fees and expenses differ for each fund invested. As a g eneral rule, the hi the potent ial reward, the hi the risk, the, hi the fee. The reverse is ao g enerall y true, the lower the poltentli AIM' l reward, 'the lower Iffic risk, the lower the fee. * Hartford's General Account ( NAADMINTINANCE0eferred Comp 2006 Summar Pia 13 of 13 Hartford On September 22, 201 the Putnam Vista Fund mer with the Putnam Multi-Cap Growth Fund. Currentl nobod at Central San, active or ret,ired, holds investments in either fund. ICfIiA Effective on or about December 10, 2010: two funds were replaced., The VT Fidelit Me Fund was replaced b the VTFIdelit Contrafund, and t,he VT'Third Avenue i Value Fund was replaced b the VT H�arbior International Fund. 1 11 Also, the followin funds are no lon available throu Vanta and therefor the should be considered deleted: 1