HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. Approve Minutes of 2-3-11 Board Meeting3.c.
The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
meeting in the Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of
California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2011.
President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: McGill, Menesini, Nejedly, Williams, Hockett
ABSENT: Members: None
The Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no public comments.
Engineering Assistant I Kimberly Stahl stated that, with the historical records on loan
from the Martinez Museum and Martinez Historical Society, District staff is compiling a
database that will be accessible through the Geographical Data Interface. With gratitude
for their assistance, the District put together a set of maps of the sewer system in
Martinez as it existed before the District assumed responsibility for the majority of the
system in the 1970s. President Hockett presented the maps to Ms. Bettye Bloom and
Mr. Dunstan G ranshaw, Museum Volunteers for the Martinez Museum who are creating
the index cards used to compile the historical resources into one source.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Williams to adopt the Consent
Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
a. Approve expenditures dated February 3, 2011. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
b. Receive December 2010 Financial statements and Investment Reports.
Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee.
C. Approve minutes of Board meetings held on the following dates:
1) December 16, 2010; and
2) January 6, 2011.
1) Update on Collections stem Operations Facilit District Project 8208
Senior Engineer Alex Rozul presented the regular construction progress update
on the Collection System operation Facility project. He showed photos of the
construction and reported that the concrete on the roof has been installed,
architectural steel is in place, and interior improvements on the first and second
floor are complete. The ongoing construction foci include the roof, exterior metal
framing, metal stud framing, electrical, plumbing, HVAC and fire sprinkler and the
middle yard permeable pavement. In response to a question by Member Nejedly,
Mr. Rozul confirmed that the construction is currently twenty -eight days behind
2) Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) Board
General Manager James Kelly stated that this item is part of Closed Session Item
9.a. to take place later in the meeting. The Board has been provided a copy of
the response from Chief Executive Officer of CCCERA Marilyn Leedom to the
District's December 27, 2010 letter regarding de- pooling and the CCCERA
Board's authority. He stated that no Board action is needed at this point in the
3) Businesses in Significant Non - Compliance for 2010
General Manager James Kelly stated that two businesses were in significant non-
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
compliance in 2010: Bay Area Rapid Transit and Saint Mary's College. The
notice will be published in the February 9, 2011 issue of the. Contra Costa Times,
in accordance with federal regulations.
4) Strategic Plan update
General Manager James Kelly presented an update on the Board Strategic Plan,
which was instituted on October 31, 2007 and reviewed by the Board on January
7 2010. He noted that a new component has been added to the Plan, entitled
"New Challenges."
With regard to Recycled Water, he reported that the District has canceled its
General Agreement with Contra Costa Water District to provide for more flexibility
in developing future projects; is continuing to pursue grant money for the Diamond
Boulevard area in Concord; is working with the City of Concord to develop a plan
to provide recycled water to the Naval Weapons Station; and is pursuing the
Martinez Refinery Project, where cooperation from the Contra Costa Water
District is key.
There has been little change from last year in Education and Outreach. Three
issues of Pipeline are published per year, which are received with favorable public
feedback. Registering approximately 1,800 hits a month, the website has been
redesigned and includes new informational videos. The pharmaceutical drop -off
program now includes eleven sites; the Speakers Bureau and Plant Tours
continue; and the City of Concord is using more Pipeline articles in their
The Board has adopted a policy recognizing the importance of Cultural Diversity.
A consultant found that proper efforts have been made in the District's hiring
practices, and her suggestions for improvement have been implemented. The
importance of cultural diversity has also been included in New Employee
Orientation Training.
Responsible rates is defined as providing excellent customer service and full
regulatory compliance. Overhead is included in all services to others providing for
full recovery of costs, and processes and efficiency are continually being
improved. Last year's target savings of $1.6 million was exceeded, as the District
saved $2.8 million, and refinancing an existing $24 million worth of debt saved
about $1 million. Through a favorable bid climate, not hiring non - essential
positions, and various other methods of saving, the District has been able.to avoid
raising rates for the past two years. Without new challenges, the necessary
Sewer Service Charge rate increase for this year would be sixteen dollars, not the
twenty discussed last year.
The District continues to be an Industry Leader, with thirteen consecutive National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Platinum Awards and a historic
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
low of forty -three sewer service overflows. The Engineering Department has
garnered a number of awards; the District has received nine consecutive
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) awards; staff and Board
continue to participate in professional organizations; and the operator Training
Program is still in effect, with two graduates hired by the District last year.
With regard to controlling Cost of Retirement and Employee Benefits, staff
compared the CCCERA system to the Public Employees Retirement System
(PERS) and found that switching to PERS would be a significant cost to the
District, due to the reduction of District assets from the drop in the investment
market. In many areas, CCCERA has accepted District staff's comments on
CCCERA's policies toward market loss averaging period and de- pooling funding.
The District also created a Tier 3, which will reduce long -term exposure, and
formed the GASB 45 Trust, which will be used only for health care costs.
New Challenges include the AB32 regulations in place this year. As a result, the
District will be paying more for energy natural gas and electrical costs. Section
123 regulations are expected to be released in February and may require
upgrades to the existing incinerators. Delta discharge standards are driven by the
Regional Water Quality control Board, and the District is partnering with Bay Area
Clean Water Agencies and State water contractors to conduct studies on what
impacts CCCSD's discharge may be having on Suisun Bay.
Member Williams asked if there is a strategic plan document with objectives and
strategies. General Manager James Kelly stated that staff has authored a
business plan that has sought to implement many of the Board's strategic plans,
and that this document can be provided to him in the following week. He
explained that the Business Plan was an outgrowth of the staff effort that
summarized direction from the Board. Member Williams suggested that the
District develop an actual strategic plan with a vision, mission and goals,
objectives that are near term and strategies to accomplish them. General
Manager James Kelly responded that staff uses the business plan on an annual
basis to lay out activities for implementation. Member Williams also suggested
that infrastructure is critical to the core business of the District, .and perhaps
should be added to the Board Strategic Plan.
Member Williams stated his support for recycled water, but noted that District
ratepayers in the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) service are
essentially paying double rates to support both CCCSD and EBMUD's recycled
water programs. Furthermore, CCCSD ratepayers are subsidizing ratepayers of
the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), Antioch and Pittsburg who are not
paying for a recycled water program for which their agency is actually responsible.
He stated that recycled water is meeting a water supply need, and CCCSD is
picking up obligations that should be funded by Contra Costa Water. District. As
CCCSD has wants and needs of its own in terms of core business, Member
Williams stated that he does not see the value for CCCSD.
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
Member Williams drew attention to Primary objective 1.b. of the Strategic Plan,
which states "continue compliance that exceeds state and federal requirements."
He stated that these requirements are set forth in permits and are designed to be
protective of resources; therefore, the language should state "meets" as opposed
to "exceeds," because it is the job of the regulators to set the standards, which, if
they are met, protect the resources.
Member Williams questioned if an assessment has been performed on CCCSD's
incinerators, given the possible significant expenditure to treat multiple hearth air
emissions in accordance with Section 129 of the clean Air Act. Specifically, he
asked if there was an analysis of digestion, not looking only at sludge disposal but
also potential revenue generation. General Manager James Kelly stated that
there has been one such study in the past. An assessment of all three, multiple
hearth incinerators, fluidized bed incinerators and digesters, will be conducted to
see how best to comply with the anticipated new air regulations. Director of
Engineering Ann Farrell added that a greenhouse model of the plant has been
built, and staff is incorporating a digester alternative into the model. Staff will
consider alternatives and report back to the Board once the Clean Air Act Section
129 regulations are available.
Member McGill inquired what is next on CCCSD's docket related to the major
headings of the Strategic Plan and what CCCSD is working on going forward into
the next couple years. He added that there may be merit in another Board
retreat, to take stock and consider the future of the District. Member Williams
stated that he would support such a retreat.
President Hockett responded to Member Williams' earlier comments on recycled
water, stating that she has struggled with promoting the program for several years
and has made little headway in terms of working with CCWD and overcoming its
budget issues. She noted that her involvement in the Recycled Water Committee
felt futile at times. Member Williams stated that he appreciates the work CCCSD
has done, but perhaps CCCSD has inadvertently become an enabler for CCWD
not to recycle water. President Hockett asked for Member Williams' input and
insight, inviting him to attend a Recycled Water committee meeting, or meet with
District counsel Kent Alm and General Manager James Kelly.
5) Update on AVADs and CADs
General Manager James Kelly introduced Environmental Services Division
Manager Curt Swanson to give a history and update on Alhambra Valley
Assessment Districts (AVADs) and Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs).
Mr. Swanson stated that last year, the Board decided to resume the CAD program
on a case -by -case basis, following a six -year hiatus from the program due to
declining interest and concerns about the District's budget. He explained that the
Board Minutes of February 3, 2411
purpose of the program is to financially assist homeowners who want to extend
the public sewer system to their neighborhoods. Seven CADS of twenty -three
from the 1997 -2004 program have been closed out, and the remaining sixteen will
be closed out in the next three to five years. There is an outstanding principal of
$877,000, and 2010 -2011 payments total $290,000.
AVADs, a special type of assessment district, were authorized to be formed in
2007 and extend a trunk sewer and sewer mains into Alhambra Valley. Six have
been formed so far, financed at the cost of $1.53 million. Payments to date are
$197,000 per year. Future AVADs will continue to be approved individually by the
Mr. Swanson noted that a public hearing for the Vista del orinda CAD in the El
Toyonal area of orinda is planned for Board consideration in April or May 2011.
There is also a $500,000 potential CAD at St. Mary's Road in Lafayette, where
owners of twelve of the seventeen properties have shown interest.
6) Consider development of teleconferencing guidelines
General Manager James Kelly stated that there has been some recent interest
from the Board in teleconferencing following its use at a Special Board Meeting on
December 22, 2010. Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme stated that
according to sample policies available from other cities and districts, criteria may
be established as to when teleconferencing would be permitted and whether
Board approval would be needed prior to the teleconferencing event. District
Counsel Kent Alm stated that there is one reading of the teleconferencing law that
states that prior legislative body approval is required. While there are differing
opinions whether this approval is needed on an event -by -event basis, Mr. Alm
advised that a policy setting forth guidelines could be helpful.
Member Williams expressed his interest in taking a look at developing guidelines.
Member McGill noted that he found teleconferencing useful last December, but
that the conversation was difficult to hear. He suggested getting a general policy
in place to have the option for the Board to evaluate.
Member Nejedly stated that teleconferencing is disruptive, takes staff and Board
time, is sometimes inaudible, requires special equipment and faces legal issues.
He stated that teleconferencing should be on a very occasional basis, as it opens
too many doors for Board members and staff to be vacant, and the District would
be expending costs for people to essentially be somewhere else. He offered the
alternative that, occasionally when necessary, items can be moved for full Board
consideration, as has been done in the past.
Member Menesini stated that the District needs to be prepared for the emergency
case where teleconferencing should be available. He agreed with Member
Board !Minutes of February 3, 2011
Nejedly that items can be moved as needed, but added that the technology
should be available. General Manager James Kelly noted that in the Board room,
phone jacks are accessible and the equipment has clearer audio capabilities than
what was used at the December 22, 2010 meeting.
President Hockett stated that a lot of communication is lost via telephone. While it
can be accommodating, there is more value to moving items as needed than
teleconferencing meetings.
Member Williams asked if there is a planning document where a Board member
might see what items might appear on future agendas. General Manager James
Kelly stated that such a document exists for staff use and can be provided to the
President Hockett noted that she appreciates Member Williams' contributions to
the world of water and wastewater and that the calendar of what has to be done
in a certain timeframe would be helpful. She stated that items may be moved to
accommodate the District's needs and his.
Mr. Alm suggested that, at a minimum, a policy be presented to the Board which
would give delegation to a chair or staff member to set teleconferencing meetings
on an emergency basis to comply with legal guidelines mandating legislative body
approval. General Manager James Kelly stated that staff will return to the Board
with a draft procedure similar to that described by Mr. Alm.
a) Director of Plant Operations Margaret Orr to Attend NACWA Winter
General Manager James Kelly announced that Director of Plant operations
Margaret P. Orr, P.E., will travel to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to attend the
National Association of Glean Water Agencies' (NACWA) 2011 Winter
Conference on Tuesday, February 1st and Wednesday, February 2n Ms.
Orr will attend the Biosolids Management Committee and the Legal Affairs
Committee meetings, where the national response to the anticipated
sanitary sewer incineration Section 129 regulations, anticipated for release
on February 21, 2011, will be discussed.
b) Lafayette- Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer Project Public Workshop
General Manager James Kelly announced that the District will host a public
workshop on Thursday, February 17 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the
Acalanes High School Multi -Use Room located at 1200 Pleasant Hill Road
in Lafayette. The work for the Lafayette Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer
Project will include the installation of 2,500 feet of new 15 -inch sewer within
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
Pleasant Hill Road and upsizing 3,000 feet of 12 -inch sewer to 18 -inch
sewer within residential streets south of Acalanes High School between
Stanley Boulevard and Highway 24. The project is scheduled to be
awarded in April, and to begin construction in June.
c) 2011 General Manager Annual Group Talks
General Manager James Kelly announced that he will be conducting his
Annual Group Talks in February. During the talks, he will update
employees on the state of the District and answer questions. The talks
were scheduled at various times so that each employee would have an
opportunity to attend. All talks will take place in the Multi- Purpose Room,
and an hour and a half has been set aside for each meeting.
District Counsel Kent Alm announced the two upcoming closed sessions scheduled for
this Board meeting.
Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme announced the upcoming Capital Projects
Committee meeting, scheduled for February 7, and the Human Resources committee
meeting, scheduled for February J.
1) Board Member reports on recent meetings for which they received the stipend;
and meetings or conferences for which the District paid their expenses; future
meetings or conferences for which they will receive the stipend or for which the
District will pay their expenses
Member McGill
Member McGill reported on the January 27, 2011 Contra Costa Council USA
2011 meeting with keynote speakers Bob Woodward (on the topic of Inside the
Obama White House) and The Honorable Willie Brown. He also reported on the
January 28, 2011 Pleasant Hill Mayor's Breakfast.
Member Npj
Member Nejedly and Member McGill reported on the January 27, 2011 Recycled
Water committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. The Board
received the report without comments.
Board !Minutes of February 3, 2011
Member Nejedly and President Hockett reported on the January 31, 2011 Budget
and Finance Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. The
Board received the report without comments.
Member Williams
Member Williams reported on the January 24, 2011 Contra Costa Special Districts
Association meeting (also Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) election
meeting), and stated that from six candidates, Member McGill was elected as the
Contra Costa Special Districts representative to LAFCO.
President Hockett
President Hockett reported on the January 27, 2011 Contra Costa Council USA
2011 meeting with keynote speakers Bob Woodward (on the topic of Inside the
Obama White House) and The Honorable Willie Brown.
2) Consider authorizina payment of 221 stipend for Board Member attendance at
FebrgM 17 2011 "Pension Boot Camp for Elected officials" one-day conference
in Irvine, CA
President Hockett stated that this question was posed to her and she asked that it
be placed on the Board agenda. She stated that she has already reached the
maximum of six compensable meetings scheduled for the month of February.
Member McGill, Member Nejedly and President Hockett plan to attend the event
in question.
It was moved by Member Williams and seconded by Member Menesini to
authorize payment of $221 stipend for Board Member attendance at the February
17, 2011 "Pension Boot Camp for Elected Officials" one -day conference in Irvine,
CA. Member Nejedly abstained, stating that it did not matter to him either way, as
he too has reached the maximum compensable meetings. Motion passed by the
following vote of the Board:
AYES: Members: McGill, Menesini, Williams, Hockett
NOES: Members: None
ABSTAIN: Members: Nejedly
3) Announcements
a) Announce LAFCO election results — President Hockett
Member Williams announced previously in the meeting that Member McGill
was elected as the Contra costa Special Districts representative to
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
b) Member McGill provided a written report covering Announcements. He
also announced that he has received a notice to report to jury duty on
March 14, 2311, which may make him unavailable for the March 17 Board
c) Member Williams announced that prior to his election, he scheduled a
vacation which will preclude him from attending the February 24 and March
3 2311 Board meetings. He stated his specific interest in the Capital
Program, to which General Manager James Kelly responded he would like
to keep the Board Financial Plan Workshop as scheduled on March 3. The
Proposition 218 notice requires Board approval at the March 17 or April 7
meeting. General Manager James Kelly suggested that staff could meet
with Member Williams individually or provide him with the audio recording
of the meeting.
Member McGill requested an assessment of the financial health of the District's ratepayers.
Member Nejedly disagreed, stating that it would be a waste of staff time and it is a matter of
general knowledge that the majority of people are in poor financial health. President Hockett
agreed with Member Nejedly and inquired what difference it would make, to which Member
McGill stated it might be useful to have foreclosure figures within the District in anticipation of
the Board's future consideration of the Proposition 218 notice. Mr. Alm stated that the request
was to place the item on the agenda. As such, the item may be agendized and the Board can
decide whether staff should proceed with the request. Mr. Kelly stated that staff has looked at
the unemployment rate in the service area on a city -by -city basis and the ad valorem income,
which is a rough read on the status of the real estate market, and could provide these figures
Member Nejedly stated that Congressman John Garamendi conducted a meeting recently with
EBMUD, CCWD, Delta Diablo and CCCSD staff. He stated that it is very important that
CCCSD communicate to Mr. Garamendi its position, whether by meeting directly with him or
sending him correspondence. He requested an item be placed on a future agenda for
consideration of possible action and to move forward with pursuing recycled water projects.
The Board recessed at 3:25 p.m. to reconvene in closed session in the Caucus _Room
regarding the following matters:
Board Minutes of February 3, 2011
a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Anticipated Litigation — initiation of litigation
pursuant to Government Code Section 54955.9(c) — one potential case —
CCCERA De- pooling issue
b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Anticipated Litigation — significant exposure to
litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54955.9(b) — one potential case —
Gregory Partners RCRA Notice Letter
The Board recessed at 4:59 p.m. to reconvene in the Board Room in open session.
District Counsel Kent Alm reported that no action was taken in closed session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the
meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Barbara D. Hockett
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CIVIC
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California