HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.b. Accept the 2010 Sewer Service Management Plan (SSMP) Annual Audit ReportCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District 76 6 0 ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 24, 2011 subject: BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 2010 SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN AN N U AL A Submitted By. Initiating Dept. /Div.: Mark Wenslawski, Assistant Engineer Collection System Operations Department! Field Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Lu RTT 4 &I. Wenslawski B. Than James . Kelly, General anager ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) annual audit of the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), San Francisco Bay Section. This annual audit is presented for the District Board of Directors' information and acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the 2010 SSMP Annual Audit. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ALTERNATIVESMONSIDERATIONS: None BACKGROUND: The California State Water Resources Control Board order No. 2005 -0003, "Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems" and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) required that an SSMP be prepared and that the SSMP contain 11 chapters. The SSMP, as it now stands, meets the requirements of the RWQCB. The RWQCB also required that an annual audit of the SSMP be prepared and submitted to the RWQCB by March 15 of the year following the year for which the analysis applies. The purpose of the audit is. to evaluate the effectiveness of SSMP, analyze overflow and stoppage data for trends, and identify areas which may be lacking and need improvement. The audit for year 2010 is attached to this position paper. Upon acceptance of this audit by the District Board of Directors, it will be submitted to the RWQCB by March 15, 2011. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the 2010 SSMP Annual Audit. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan Annual Audit Report Date of audit February 17, 2011 Name of auditor Mark Wenslawski, P.E. System overview LF of gravity sewer mains 7.7 million (1,460 miles) LF of force mains 116 (22 miles) Total LF of all sewer line 7.3 million (1,500 miles) Number of pump stations 18 Population served 327,000 (plus 135,000 sewage treatment only) Current monthly single family residential sewer rate - $26/month ($31 1/yr) I. GOALS 1. Are the goals stated in the SSMP still appropriate? ES / NO (circle one) 2. If you answered NO to question 1, describe content and schedule for updates. Il. ORGANIZATION REFERENCE MATERIAL Organization chart Phone list 3. Is the SSMP date with agency organization and staffing contact information? YES No 4. If you answered No to question 3, describe content and schedule for updates. Iii. OVERFLOW EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL Data submitted to CIWQS Service call data Page 1 of 7 Table 1. Annual SSO Statistics 5. Does the SSMP contain an u to version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan. YES NO 6. Considering the information in Table 1, is the low Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs? ES 1 0 7. If you answered NO to questions 5 and/or 6, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions and implementations. IV. FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ List or map of FOG sources in service ➢ List or map of hotspots ➢ Cleaning schedules ➢ Restaurant inspection reports or summaries ➢ Data submitted to ClWQS ➢ Service call data Page 2 of 7 2908 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of dry - weather SSOs 86 63 43 Number of wet - weather SSOs Q 0 6 Total number of SSOs 86 53 43 Number of SSOs per 100 miles of sewer per year 5.7 4.3 2.9 Number of SSOs < 100 gallons 69 53 28 Number SSOs 190 to 999 gallons 19 9 13 Number of SSOs 1,099 to 9,999 gallons 7 1 1 Number of SSOs > 10,000 gallons o 6 1 Total volume of SSOs (1000 gals) 27.2 6.1 21.5 Total volume recovered (1000 gals) 11.2 2.5 2.6 Net volume of SSOs (total minus recovered) (1900 g als ) 16 3.6 19 SSOs caused by: Roots 64 54 34 Grease 7 2 4 Debris 13 8 5 Pipe failure 2 2 6 Pump station failure 6 9 p Capacity — limited pipe segment (no debris) 6 6 6 Other 6 1 p Number of locations with more than one SSO in the p ast year 2 9 6 Average response time (minutes) - during business hours 29 26 21 Average response time (minutes) — after business hours 37 37 36 5. Does the SSMP contain an u to version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan. YES NO 6. Considering the information in Table 1, is the low Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs? ES 1 0 7. If you answered NO to questions 5 and/or 6, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions and implementations. IV. FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ List or map of FOG sources in service ➢ List or map of hotspots ➢ Cleaning schedules ➢ Restaurant inspection reports or summaries ➢ Data submitted to ClWQS ➢ Service call data Page 2 of 7 Table 2 . FOG Control Statistics 8. Does the SSMP ' n up -to -date information about your agency's FOG control program YES NO 9. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current F 9 ram effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources . DI 10. If you answered NO to questions 8 and/or 9, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. V. LEGAL AUTHORITY 11. Does the contain up -to -date information about your agency's legal authority YES O 12. Does your age y ve sufficient legal authority to control sewer use and maintenance? YES 1 NO 13. If you answered NO to questions 11 and/or 12, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. VI. MEASURES AND ACTIVITIES A. COLLECTION SYSTEM MAPS REFERENCE MATERIAL Summary of information included in mapping system 14. Does th P contain up -to -date information about your agency's maps? YES / O 15. Are your agency's c n system maps complete, up to date and sufficiently detailed YES NO 15. If you answered NO to questions 14 and/or 15, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. B. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ➢ Current operating budget Page 3 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by FOG 7 2 4 FOG inspections for grease interceptor installation 15 19 10 FOG inspections for discharge compliance 038 454 000 Total number of FOG inspections completed 853 473 018 8. Does the SSMP ' n up -to -date information about your agency's FOG control program YES NO 9. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current F 9 ram effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources . DI 10. If you answered NO to questions 8 and/or 9, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. V. LEGAL AUTHORITY 11. Does the contain up -to -date information about your agency's legal authority YES O 12. Does your age y ve sufficient legal authority to control sewer use and maintenance? YES 1 NO 13. If you answered NO to questions 11 and/or 12, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. VI. MEASURES AND ACTIVITIES A. COLLECTION SYSTEM MAPS REFERENCE MATERIAL Summary of information included in mapping system 14. Does th P contain up -to -date information about your agency's maps? YES / O 15. Are your agency's c n system maps complete, up to date and sufficiently detailed YES NO 15. If you answered NO to questions 14 and/or 15, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. B. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ➢ Current operating budget Page 3 of 7 17. Does the SSMP contain -date information about your agency's resources and budget? YES/ O 18. Are your agency's resources dget sufficient to support effective sewer system management. YE SI O 19. Do your agency's planning efforts support long -term goals . YES O 20. If you answered NO to questions 17, 18 and/or 19, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. C. PRIORITIZED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE REFERENCE MATERIAL Cleaning schedules List or map of hotspots Work orders Service call data Customer feedback Table 3. Annual Blockage Statistics and Preventive Maintenance Activities 21. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date i tion about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? YESI O 22. considering the information in Tables 1 -- 3, are your agency's preventive maintenance activities s ' ' nt and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? YES/ O 23. If you answered NO to questions 22 and/or 23, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. D. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL Inspection reports Page 4 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Blockages in the past year 130 80 20 Blockages due to: Roots 97 67 13 Grease 9 4 3 Debris 13 8 4 Other 11 8 0 Average response time (minutes) 38 24 28 Ratio of unplanned cleaning to planned cleaning LF .014 .18 .09 Number of customer feedback surveys received in the last year 133 110 82 Average Rating in feedback surveys (4.0 max) 3.8 3.82 1 3.79 21. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date i tion about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? YESI O 22. considering the information in Tables 1 -- 3, are your agency's preventive maintenance activities s ' ' nt and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? YES/ O 23. If you answered NO to questions 22 and/or 23, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. D. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL Inspection reports Page 4 of 7 ➢ Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) monitoring studies and reports ➢ Pipe and manhole condition data 24. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date infor ' n about your agency's inspections and condition assessment . YES 0 25. Are your agency's scheduled inspections and condition assessment m effective in locating, identifying and addressing deficiencies? YES 25. If you answered NO to questions 24 and/or 25, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. E. CONTINGENCY EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENT INVENTORIES REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Funds spent on equipment and materials ➢ Equipment and parts inventory 27. does the SSMP contain u ate information about equipment and replacement inventories. YES o 28. Are contingency equipment and replacement parts sufficient and to emergencies and properly conduct regular maintenance? aO 29. If you answered NO to questions 27 and/or 28, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. F. TRAINING REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Employee training records 30. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date inf ion about your agency's training expectations and programs? YES/ 0 31. Do supervisors believe that their staff is sufficiently trained? YES/ 0 32. Are staf ied with the training opportunities and support offered to them? YES o 33. If you answered NO to questions 30, 31 and/or 32, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. G. OUTREACH TO PLUMBERS AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Flierstmailings ➢ Mailing lists Page 5 of 7 34. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date information eO ur agency's outreach to plumbers and building contractors? 35. Has your agency conducted or partic' din any outreach activities to plumbers and building contractors? ES/ O 36. If you answered NO to questions 34 and /or 35, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. VII. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS REFERENCE MATERIAL Design and construction standards Ordinances 37. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date ' tion about your agency's design and construction standards. YES 0 38. Are design and construction standards, as well as standards for inspection and testing of ne rehabilitated facilities, sufficiently comprehensive and up to date? YES 1 0 39. If you answered NO to questions 37 and/or 38, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. Vlll. CAPACITY MANAGEMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL Capacity assessment reports CIP SSO data Table 4. SSOs Caused by H draulic Limitations 40. Does the SSMP cont ' o -date information about your agency's capacity assessment YES 0 41. Has your agency completed a capacity assessment entified and addressed any hydraulic deficiencies in the system YES 0 42. If you answered NO to questions 41 and/or 42, describe content and schedule for necessary activities. Page 6 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by capacity limitations 0 0 0 40. Does the SSMP cont ' o -date information about your agency's capacity assessment YES 0 41. Has your agency completed a capacity assessment entified and addressed any hydraulic deficiencies in the system YES 0 42. If you answered NO to questions 41 and/or 42, describe content and schedule for necessary activities. Page 6 of 7 IX. MONITORING, MEASUREMENT AND PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 43. Does the SSMP contain up -to information about your agency's data collection and organization? ES 0 44. Is your agency's data collecti organization sufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of your SSMP. YES o 45. If you answered NO to questions 44 and/or 45, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. Chapter 9 will be updated with current data by March 15, 2011 X. SSMP AUDITS 46. Will this SSMP Audit be sub d to the Regional Water Board by March 15. YES O XI. COMMUNICATION PROGRAM REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Mailings and mailing lists ➢ Website ➢ other communication records such as newspaper ads, site postings or other outreach ➢ Customer feedback 47. Does the SSMP con ' -to -date information about your agency's public outreach activities? ES 0 48. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date information about y agency's communications with satellite and tributary agencies . YES O 49. Has your agency effectively communicated with the p nd other agencies about the SSMP and addressed feedback? ES 0 50. If you answered NO to questions 47, 48 and/or 49, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. Page 7 of 7