HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.d. Revised Job Classification - Human Resources Manager & Communications Services ManagerCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District 30 CLIf ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION P AP E R Board Meeting Date: February 24, 2011 subject: ADOPT REVISED JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS FOR HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES MANAGER Submitted By., Initiating Dept./Div.: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration Department Administration REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: xt4 Y(. graves ame Ily, Genera! Manager ISSUE: Modifications to job classification descriptions require Board approval. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the revised job classification descriptions for the Human Resources Manager and Communication Services Manager. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not adopt the changes, or modify as desired. BACKGROUND: At the time a position becomes vacant an opportunity is provided to review the job description, review the organization and recommend changes as needed or desired. Upon the retirement of the Human Resources Manager, staff has reviewed the class description and is proposing some modifications to make it more consistent to the five agencies we have compared to in the past: Contra Costa Water District, Delta Diablo Sanitation District, Dublin San Ramon Services District, East Bay Municipal Utility District, and Union Sanitary District. Also attached is the modified Communication Services Manager job description reflecting the movement of District -wide training responsibilities to the Human Resources Manager. The Human Resources Committee reviewed the proposed changes on February 9, 2011 and recommends the descriptions as attached. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt the revised job classification descriptions for the Human Resources Manager and Communication Services Manager. CADOCUME- IIDANDER-11LOCALS -1 ITemplModification of Job Descriptions - HR Mgr & CS Mgr 02- 24- 11.doc CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective.- ...... . ...... . .................. . ........... Ran M-33 Respirator Classi: 3 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER VIA= 11 1 Receive g eneral d"rection from the Director of Administration and General Mana Exercise direct and g eneral supervision over subordinates in the Human Resources Division. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties ma include, but are not limIited to,, the followin Administer and direct a comprehensive Humian Resources piro 9 Administer and direct! labor relafions,, includin dis,ci�piline, g ri�evances, and all matte�rs I relatin to the Memoranda of Understandin represent the District in matteirs of 9 concern to unions and asis,ociations reipreseintin District emploi Assist Mana in resolvin sensitive labor relationis' problems'- and coordinate work with District labor counsel, Perform ries,earch and: anal conduct studies and pre,pare recommendations on a vari lo relations. Keep abreast of trends and' developments In Hurnan �Resources and Emplo Relations filelds I includin court cases le and personnel actions of other a Formulate and recommend District�-wide policies, re practices CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HUrnan Resources Mana (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES service proviIders, Represent the District in meetin with public a vendors, medical staft, consultants, re a th�e pubfic, and emplo I Administer and direct a comprehensive ernplo benefits, pro riepireseint,the �District in cointract ne with :eirs and carri provid ersi. L;nder Bio�ard a,nd/o�r General M�ana and Direct deve�op or of Administration direction, and coordinate implementation of mana strate for ne durin meet and confer sessions with various emplo or Administer Federal State and local. le includi j Ut not lirnited Millas-Brown Act Famil Medical Leave Act California Fan,ff Fl-ji ct A c,, Discrimination Act ""1 9614 Civil Ri t Act as a,mer-ided Arriencans with Disabilities Act Discrimin,atilon Act Veterans and Milita, ? ��Ca]lfornlla Priv, L\ct ar-id the I a ions ol inar"ice. jp rr "I W141" Coordinate tl-ie District-wilde trai i cludi istin ,,,de,p,, coriductin� eeds assessments and arro� ir ,� I �ie I I j , ] .rov s on of needed train' t I reSOLV'"ces. Chair the ln r (�.r )y -) g S .1 i Eqqgj t� e Use of -t'iternal and exter�rlal Distrlct Ti�Iainiri Conirril"ttee. Mlaintain and supervise the Human Resources Information S confidential i personnel f lies I medicial records, and other emplo reco,rds. Coordinate the District's Occupational Health Services for pre-emplo return-to- work, and Department of 1- ran spo rtation -man dated ph examinations. Establish and supervise, the Emplo Setvice Awards reco ro W Coordinate and supervise the dissernination of Hurnan Resources-related information such as policies and procedures,: emplo handbooks, and rnanuals. Responsible for preparin and administerin District Staffin Plan-a4,'id-,-Division ai,i.d District-wide trainir cli"Wa:,11s. Perform rela,ted dUfles as re 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Hurnan Resources, Mar (Continued) ,MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS a Kn�owledae of, Princi pl esi, methods,, and trends, of pubilic Human Resoiurces administration includin j ob anal and classification, recruitimen't interviewin and selection�. l Emplol labor relations laws, includln Mei Pubic Emplo Relations Board, State labor code,, et al. State and federal laws and re concernin e emplo opplortunifies, and ri 5 1111 q Statistical resea,rch methods, salar surve methods, and test validation methods and procedures. Office, methods and practices. Sit at desk and in meetin fo�r lon penods, olf time on a confinuousi basis. Intermittentl twist to reach e d�elsk�, use telephone, and Ote; or, use a ke to commun'Icate'throu written means., wrl I Plan, or assi and coordinate the activities of a professional, technical, and support staff. W CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Human Resources Mana (Continued) Act a -tternal consultant ar iz,ational _p,' mana I I p LQy devel ment S I m o m Up to District staff. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Make accurate anal and evaluations of examination, classification,1 and salar data., t ' lilt Present ideas effectivel orall and in writin . ... . ....... . i,k"in com-binatilon e to experiience and education that could likel provide the re knowled and abilities would be q ualif y in g . A t wa to obtain the knowled and abilities would be.- MMW�� Eic i've ,##-F` - of increiasin responsible professional Hu�man Reisources I that has provided the specific knowled skills, and abilities necessar to miana the operations of a comprehensive ment s H an Resources proi E bach�elor's de from an accredited colle or universit A master's de in bus,iness, or public administration or related field cerfificatiot'"i as a Ceilified Professi,ona1 nior Professional in man Resources or Certif �led Labor Relations Maste.r.,,_ www _. m a be substituted for one y ear of re experience., 11 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective- -:1. 1 2 '111(I Z dew /1 1 . ...... . ... . .... . . .. . ....... Ran Respirator Class: 3 Exercise g eneral' and direct supervision over subordinates �in the Communicatioll Services Division. i EXAMPLES OF'ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties ma include, but are not limitedto, the i followin Develop, or mana and participate in various communit outreach pro includin poillution prevention and student education for schools, businesses and residents. Direct the development of edUcational and pol�l�ution prevention materiWs and their I dilstribution tothe appropriate audiences as re work with other al Direct the preparation of pro speeches, brochures, displa and publications and other public education materi in films, video and slide shows,, re District activities or facifities. Oversee the operation of the Repro Services Center. Oversee the content of the District's Internet and intranet. Serve as District contact for representatives, of, the �media., CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Communication Services Mana (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Meet wi li ected and appoin ls, communit leaders, and �others to effectivel repr,esen�'t the District's interests. Coordinate the services of reproduction, P ublication, and mass media consultants and contractors. 11116 Wil Partici—p—ale—'in—bWu ' preparation and implementation; be responsible for monitorinc and controllin Communication Services Division a,4-14-C 46t tfaini-Ag expenditures. Respond to in and provide informati , on to the press and public- investi 7 complaints and recommend correict,ive action as necessar to resolve complaints. Oversee for the n of n ew s materi preparatio al and other information distribution to the communica,t�ions media, the g einera,l publ and District emploi Act as a lia,ison with communit g roups b participatin in commun,it events, committees, and activities. e-t C *�A�W 4�afn Coordinate the District's, confinuous improvement and strate plannin efforts, W 4 includ in servin on the Communication Cornmittee, coordinatin the emplo reco activities,, in facilitators �to deplartmenIts as needed. S,upervise anild evaluate the work of the g ra,phics, public information and or development support staff. Perform relat:e�d duties as a,sis,i MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS N CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT' Coin rin u n ication Services Mana (Continued) 0 Kn�owledoe of. I and public Principles and practices of mass communications, public reilatilons, eiducation. 21 1111 Ell Methods and techni of establiishin and maintainin i public I ed�ucation pro li 111 11 li a M111111111` 11 IN 0 Principles of public relations,, includin public outreach, education and communit affairs. Ics. r �nc pies and methods of g raphics desi and repro Principles of, bud devel � opment and monitoirin jf I Continuousl anal documents,- write/edit clearl and concisel identif potential problems and su sollutionsil understand rinedia, relatioins, speak before the District Board, emplo and plubilic audiences in a clear and I concise manner. 0 Sit at desk and in meetin for lon periods of time on a continuous biasis. Intermittentl twist to reach e surroundin desk, use telephone and: personal computer, wr- rryi sim!ple g raspin g and fine manipulationl- and lift or carr wei of ten pounds or less. Prepare and coordinate for publicationY �news releases,: articles,, correspondence, booklets, broichures, and speeches. 3 CENTRAL, CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Corn rn un ication Services Mana ( Confinued ) i Develop and a,dminister a public education pro Supervise, train, and evaluate assi staff. Act as an i consultant � --providin or devel�opmen�t support and train�in to District staff. E,sta,bilish and maintai'ni, effective workin relationships with thosie contacted in the course of worik. Im W An combination e to ex�perieince and education that could likel pir:ovide the re knowled and abilities wou�ld be q ualif y in g . A t wa to obtain the knowled and abilities would be: .......... ......... I, am Off"Fro � , =I E to a bachelor's de from an accredited colle or universit with �ma course work in commu�n,ications, j ournalism, En public administration, or a related field. A master's, de in communications or or development is desirable. Possession of a valld California � 's License. 151