The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a
regular meeting at their regular place of business, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County
of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 4, 2010.
President McGill called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Menesini, Nejedly, McGill
ABSENT: Members: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
' There were no public comments.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Nejedly to adopt the
Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
a. Approve expenditures dated March 4, 2010. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
b. Receive January 2010 Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
c. Approve minutes of February 4, 2010 Board meeting.
d. Accept the 2009 Sewer System Management Plan Annual Audit.
e. Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to the existing
professional engineering services agreement with Dodson Psomas, increasing
the cost ceiling from $121,000 to $145,000, for the Wet Weather Bypass
Improvements Project, District Project 7241.
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Board Minutes of March 4, 2010
f. Accept the contract work for ADA and General Improvements, District Project
8214, completed by Page Construction Company, and authorize filing of the '
Notice of Completion.
g. Approve registration differential salary increase for Assistant Engineer David
Hefflefinger, effective January 21, 2010. Approval recommended by Human
Resources Committee.
h. Authorize an extended leave of absence without pay for Engineering Assistant II
Erika Liskamm through June 11, 2010. Approval recommended by Human
Resources Committee.
1) Report on Internal Audit of Capital Improvement Budget Allocation (CIBA
General Manager James Kelly stated that the firm Protiviti completed the audit of '
the Capital Improvement Budget Allocation Process. The internal audit results
were reviewed with both the Capital Projects Committee, and the Budget and
Finance Committee.
Controller Debbie Ratcliff provided an overview of the results, stating that the
audit was very detailed and resulted in several recommendations for streamlining
She described recommendations which are being implemented, including
working on a revision to the CIBA form to incorporate a field to describe changes
to projects; production of a quarterly report; and training for CIB staff.
Recommendations not being implemented include elimination of updated cash
flows with each CIBA request; reducing the number of signatures required; and
using an abbreviated process. She noted that staff carefully reviewed those
recommendations and determined that the current process is useful to staff in
keeping current on the CIBA process and some of the recommended changes
could cause confusion. She concluded her presentation, stating that staff will
take recommendations for future internal audits to the Budget and Finance
Committee for review.
In response to a question from Member Lucey, Ms. Ratcliff confirmed that '
although some of the recommendations would reduce paperwork, staff felt that
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Board Minutes. of March 4, 2010
the recommendations would~~esult in reduce"d information and oversight of the
' program.
In response to a suggestion made by Member Hockett, Ms. Ratcliff stated that
staff will be looking into the possibility of electronic signatures in the future.
2) Update on District Financial Plan and consideration of possible
Proposition 218 notice
General Manager James Kelly stated that information was presented to the
Board at its January 21, 2010 meeting. He referred to his memorandum dated
March 1, 2010 setting forth rate increase options, and noted that a Proposition
218 notice is required if a rate increase is to be considered. He stated that four
votes are needed to adopt a rate increase. He requested Board direction
regarding whether to schedule consideration of a Proposition 218 notice on the
next Board agenda.
Mr. Kelly stated that consideration of reducing the UAAL is underway, but final
consideration should be after CCCERA completes the de-pooling.
The Board directed the General Manager to schedule consideration of a
Proposition 218 notice on the next Board agenda.
' 3) General Manager James Kelly announced that the California Water
Environmental Agency's 82"d Annual Conference will be held at the
Sacramento Convention Center from April 20 to April 23, 2010. Eight
employees will be attending. The employees are attending to moderate;
present a paper on the Municipal Regional Permit; chair various
Committees such as the Operations Challenge Committee and the
Collection Systems Committee; attend classes pertaining to SmartCovers,
CCTV and leak detection; and attend several relevant meetings. Although
the Safety Person of the Year for Collection System Operations has not
been named yet, they usually attend also. There are no employees
attending from Plant Operations.
4) General Manager James Kelly announced that Director of Engineering
Ann Farrell will travel to Washington, D.C. from March 17 to March 19,
2010 to fulfill her role as a member of the Water. Environment Research
Foundation (WERE) Research Council. In this role, she provides input on
what areas of research emphasis would be most beneficial to address
issues currently facing utilities. Her expenses will initially be paid by the
District and reimbursed by WERE.
5) General Manager James Kelly announced that the Contra Costa Clean
' Water Program (CWP) executed the Stormwater Inspection Service
Agreement and forwarded an original signed copy to the District. The
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Board Minutes of March 4, 2010
CWP also processed individual agreements with the participating cities, so
the CWP staff did not authorize the District to start work under this '
agreement until they received the necessary paperwork. Four cities
processed the necessary paperwork in December 2009, and work has
started in those cities. The remaining five cities processed the required
paperwork in January and February 2010, so work is now being
conducted in all nine Central County cities participating under the
agreement. Walnut Creek continues to implement the Stormwater
Inspection Program using City staff. The agreement is formatted to
enable Walnut Creek to participate in the service agreement in the future
should their staff decide to do so.
6) General Manager James Kelly announced that the District's multiple-
hearth incinerators are currently regulated under Section 112 of the Clean
Air Act. Under these requirements, the District has an excellent
compliance record. However, the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is now under a court order to determine if sewage sludge
should be classified as a solid waste. If sewage sludge is determined to
be a solid waste, the District's multiple-hearth incinerators will be
regulated under Section 129 of the Clean Air Act. The EPA is scheduled
to decide by April 15, 2010.
If the EPA decides to regulate sewage sludge incinerators (BSI's) under '
Section 129 of the Clean Air Act, they must develop new emission
standards for BSI's by December 2010. In order to meet this aggressive
rulemaking schedule, the EPA issued an information collection request
(ICR) to nine wastewater agencies in the United States that utilize sludge
incineration. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (the District) was one
of the agencies receiving the ICR. The purpose of the ICR is to collect
accurate pollutant emissions data to develop the new emission standards.
Each of the nine agencies was required to conduct extensive emissions
testing on their sludge incinerators and submit the results to the EPA by
February 17, 2010. District staff conducted five days of emissions testing
during the week of December 15, 2009. The analytical work was
completed in late January 2010. The emissions data was submitted to the
EPA on February 16, 2010.
A preliminary review of the test results indicates that the emissions are
reasonably consistent with previous emissions tests. On a positive note,
no dioxin was detected in the emissions, and the concentration of PCBs
was very low. Assuming that the EPA determines that sewage sludge is a
solid waste, the EPA will analyze the emissions data from the nine
selected agencies, and will develop new emissions limits for BSI's. The
Board will be updated as information becomes available.
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Board Minutes of March 4, 20,10
7) General Manager James Kelly announced that construction began on
Monday, March 15t on the HHW Improvements Project. In order to
expedite the completion of the Reuse Room/Staff area, the Reuse Room
was closed to the public on Monday and will remain closed until around
the middle of May.
In the interim, arrangements have been made with the Delta Diablo
Sanitation District's HHW Program to accept reuse materials collected by
our facility. Staff will deliver the reusable materials to their facility in
Antioch weekly. Notification of the closure is posted at the facility, as well
as on our website and HHW InfoLine. It directs reuse room patrons to the
Delta Diablo Reuse Room.
The Delta facility will not be able to accept all of the reusable materials we
collect, so staff expects to store onsite about half of what will be collected
during the 8-10 weeks the room will be closed. The stored materials will
be made available to the public once the reuse room reopens.
Staff would like to thank the Delta Diablo HHW Program for their
8) General Manager James Kelly announced that Human Resources
' Manager Cathryn Freitas spoke with Peter Marshall from the Contra Costa
Firefighters at an event she attended. When he found out that she was
from the District, he expressed to her that the use of the CSO building,
before demolition, provided an opportunity for some of the best training
that they have had in years. He said that it was rare for them to get an
older building like CSO's to practice their suppression and rescue
techniques. He asked that his thanks be relayed.
9) General Manager James Kelly announced that District staff met with
representatives from the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) on March
25, 2010. Staff submitted comments on the Las Vaqueros Expansion
EIR/EIS which suggested that there was a nexus with the refinery recycled
water project because it would increase the yield of the expansion and
allow transfer of more water to project partners in the South Bay or other
CVP contractors. CCWD explained their response to staff's comments
and informed staff of their recommended project. They concurred that, if
they had South Bay or other CVP partners, there would be increased yield
by including the refinery project as a component of the expansion.
However, because no South Bay or other CVP partners have been
identified, the recommended project for the Los Vaqueros Expansion will
be only a smaller, locally funded CCWD project. As such, CCWD sees no
' benefit to the refinery project from strictly a local perspective as their study
shows that the expanded reservoir has more benefits to their rate payers
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Board Minutes of March 4, 2010
than a similar cost for the refinery project. The final EIR/EIS containing
the official response to staff's comments should be available to the public '
in the next week or so. Staff appreciated that CCWD staff explained their
responses in person before receipt of the final EIR/EIS document. Staff
will review the EIR/EIS when it is available and brief the Board as
10) General Manager James Kelly announced that, as stated in the earlier
written announcement included in the Board packets last week,
construction began on the Household Hazardous Waste Project on
Monday, March 1, 2010. In order to expedite the completion of the Reuse
Room/Staff area, the Reuse Room was closed to the public on Monday
and was thought to remain closed until around the middle of May. Since
that time, staff has worked with the contractor to minimize the number of
days that the room will be closed during construction.
11) General Manager James Kelly announced that District employee Paul
Kelly has been appointed to the Martinez Planning Commission.
No reports.
No reports.
1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they
will receive the stipend for which the District will pay their expenses;
recent meetings for which they received the sti end; and meetings or
conferences for which the District paid their expenses.
Member Hockett
Member Hockett reported on her attendance at a District neighborhood
meeting in Danville regarding District annexations.
Member Neiedlv
Members Nejedly and Hockett reported on the March 1, 2010 Budget and
Finance Committee meeting. The Board received the report without
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Board Minutes of March 4, 2010
President McGill
President McGill and Member Hockett reported on the February 24, 2010
Recycled Water Committee meeting and summarized the Action
Member Lucey stated for the record that he does not support the
expenditure of District funds to install a satellite treatment plant to produce
recycled water at the Moraga Country Club, and cautioned the Committee
not to commit to anything without Board support.
President McGill provided a written report on his meeting attendance.
2) Announcements
President McGill provided a written report covering Announcements.
Member Menesini announced the upcoming Environmental Alliance
meeting to be held on March 15, 2010.
Member Hockett announced that she will be attending the CASA
Conference in Washington, D.C. next week.
General Manager James Kelly stated that the District has prepared its annual Recycled
Water Quality and Distribution Report for the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
The report is due each~year by March 15th. Acceptance of the report was
recommended by the Recycled Water Committee.
Associate Engineer Don Berger provided an overview of the report, and described the
accomplishments and activities for the recycled water program during 2009. He stated
that annual Recycled Water Reports are required by General Order 96-011. In,20Q9;~~-=-.~
the District provided 195 Mgal of recycled water to customers and 400 Mgal,to.the,;~ ~:~ = =_
Treatment Plant. Studies undertaken include the Refinery Recycled Water Project, East `-_';:
County Industrial Reuse Study, and the Moraga Country Club Satellite Planf:.Staff ~ "= .-
continues to pursue a Federal grant for the Concord Recycled Water Project. = ~ ~~_ ,` .
Mr. Berger acknowledged the work of the laboratory in monitoring the water~roduced .`
by the treatment plant, as well as the contribution of other departments to the success,-~_ ~ '
of the program. ~ _
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Board Minutes of March 4, 2010
Member Lucey noted for the record that he does not support the expenditure of any
District funds to develop a satellite plant for the Moraga Country Club, stating that the
matter should come to the Board for a vote before any funds are expended or a project
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett to accept the
2009 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report. Motion passed by the
following vote of the Board:
AYES: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, McGill
NOES: Members: None
ABSTAIN: Members: Lucey
President McGill noted that the Board will be asked to make a recommendation
regarding the upcoming California Special Districts Association (CSDA) election at the
next Board meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President McGill adjourned
the meeting at 2:32 p.m.
~~ ~ ; ;•,:
_ _ -,
.~. ,
~' ~ ~~ ~~
~. Secretary. of the Central Contra Costa
~~•~ , Sa'rlifary'District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California
Michael R. McGill
President of th oard of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
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