The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a
regular meeting at their regular place of business, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County
of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2010.
President McGill called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Menesini, Nejedly, McGill
ABSENT: Members: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no public comments.
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett to adopt the
Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
a. Approve expenditures dated January 21, 2010. Reviewed by Budget and ~; ;,
Finance Committee. ~; ~ -
b. Approve minutes of December 17, 2009 Board meeting. '~ '
" ~.
General Manager James Kelly requested that Item 7.a. be taken immediately after-b.a:
General Manager James Kelly stated that the District's 2009 National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System Annual Report has been prepared and is ready for '
submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.
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Board Minutes of January 21, 2010
Plant Operations Division Manager Randy Grieb presented highlights from the report,
stating that in 2009 the total flow treated was 14.1 billion gallons. The average daily
flow was 38.6 million gallons, with a peak hourly flow of 135 million gallons per day.
The Treatment Plant completed over 15,000 analytical tests and approximately 11,000
hours of laboratory work. The District achieved 100 percent compliance with NPDES
permit requirements for the twelfth consecutive year.
Mr. Grieb stated that, as a result of some high organic toxicity results, staff began
accelerated chronic toxicity testing in August. A toxicity identification evaluation was
conducted; it determined that the toxicity was caused by effluent ammonia. After
approval by the Regional Water Quality Control Board staff, ammonia is now being
removed prior to toxicity testing. Ammonia is not considered a toxicant of concern in the
chronic toxicity test. Recent chronic toxicity tests are well within the NPDES Permit
Mr. Grieb provided an update on peak flows during the recent bout of wet weather.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett to accept the
2009 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Report. Motion passed by
unanimous vote of the Board.
General Manager James Kelly presented an overview of the workshop. He confirmed
the District goals and Board strategic issues. Budget policy issues include how to
address current liabilities, consideration of a rate increase for 2010-11, and modification
of spending/programs.
Mr. Kelly presented detailed background financial information. He stated that athree-
year labor agreement was settled in June, 2009, which adopted a new tier, Tier 3, for
new employees. Other changes over the year include opening the Household
Hazardous Waste Facility on Mondays, establishment of a Pharmaceutical Drop-Off
Program, and deferral of collection of connection fees.
He described recent awards received and projects completed. Threats to be addressed
in the future include bad economy, future regulations and larger unfunded liabilities for
retirement. Opportunities include a positive bidding climate and hiring climate, green
efforts, and a review of possible efficiencies.
He stated that the District is in a strong financial position, with cash reserves of $49
million as of June 30, 2009. The District does have some significant liabilities: bond
debt; GASB 45; and UAAL. Operations and Maintenance expenditures are projected
to be $1.7 million under budget, while revenues are also expected to come in under
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Board Minutes of January 21, 2010
budget. There is a projected reserve draw of $9.9 million, vs. $14.6 million in the
budget for FY 2009-10.
The District remains focused on the Board's strategic issues, which are recycled water,
cultural diversity, industry leader, outreach, responsible rates, and benefits. The District
continues to meet its mission and goals.
Mr. Kelly presented information on the rate-setting approach used since 2000, model
assumptions, the history of Central San's sewer service charge rates, and funds
available. He stated that items that impact rates include revenue, expenses, liabilities,
regulatory compliance, past years' rates, and reserves. He described the District
revenue stream and expenses and the history of capital expenditures.
Future regulatory/compliance initiatives include furnace air emissions, mercury removal,
greenhouse gas reduction, nutrient removal, emerging contaminants and water
recycling. Future regulatory compliance is largely unfunded. He presented historical
information on reserves.
With regard to proposed rates and alternatives, he stated that forecasts show that
needed projects can be funded and the current level of service maintained with future
uniform rate increases: either $16 per year beginning with this year, or $20 per year
beginning next year. He showed charts demonstrating the various rate scenarios, and
also the ranking of the District's sewer service charge compared with other Bay Area
He concluded his presentation, stating that staff recommends confirming the District
goals and Board strategic issues; obtaining full cost recovery for all fees, charges and
services; confirming how liabilities are currently addressed; and setting a sewer
service charge rate increase of $16 per year for 2010-11. If the rate increase is not
approved, he recommended directing staff to look at how spending and programs may
be modified, and to recognize that larger rate increases will be required in the future.
Member Hockett commented on information received at the recent CASA conference
regarding retirement, and asked staff to look at the possibility of moving from CCCERA
to CalPers retirement system.
Member Lucey noted that a review was conducted last year, and asked the Director of
Administration to provide the memo to the Board.
President McGill asked that a cover memo be attached indicating what has changed
since the memo was written.
Member Menesini commended staff on the presentation and noted that there is a lot of
information to digest.
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President McGill asked staff to look at the option of having a zero rate increase in 2010,
a $20 or more rate increase in 2011, and a zero rate increase in 2012. He also asked
staff to look into paying down the UAL.
Member Lucey stated that he is not willing to look at a zero rate increase in 2012 as it is
too far ahead.
Member Hockett commented on the struggling economy and the effect it is having on
ratepayers. She felt that, if a rate increase were to be considered, a $16 rate increase
for the next two years would be the most palatable.
Mr. Kelly thanked the Board for their input and comments.
1) Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA).
Director of Administration Randy Musgraves provided updates on the January
11, 2010 CCCERA Board meeting and on the impact of de-pooling.
He summarized the January 11 meeting, stated that the CCCERA Board
indicated at that meeting that it did not see the need for a significant change to
terminal pay calculations at this time. The CCCERA Board's legal counsel
scheduled a closed session for January 27 to discuss the matter further.
With regard to de-pooling, he stated that calculations indicate that the District's
contribution would increase by approximately 3.9 per cent of salary cost, which is
about a 10 per cent total increase. He recommended securing the services of
John Bartel, Consultant, to conduct a detailed study. He will make that
recommendation to the Budget and Finance Committee at an upcoming meeting.
Board Members asked questions about the impact of de-pooling and Member
Menesini suggested that a workshop be scheduled to review actuarial
Member Hockett stated it would be helpful to know the structure of CCCERA, its
role and function, and how its calculations are made.
2) General Manager James Kelly announced that staff is working with the
Contra Costa County Fire Protection District to allow training on the
existing Collection System Operations (CSO) building in Walnut Creek.
The fire training will involve firemen in complete fire fighting gear, breaking
through closed doors and walls, and using charged hoses within the
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Board Minutes of January 21, 2010
structure. Hazardous materials are currently being abated and once this
has been completed, the building will be ready for training. Training will
occur the last week in January.
3) General Manager James Kelly announced that the District received three
achievement awards at the San Francisco Bay Section of the California
Water Environment Association 60t" Annual Awards and Installation
Banquet on Friday, January 8, 2010. Maintenance Supervisor Paul Louis
received the Special Service Award in recognition of his long-term
dedication and special service; the mercury pilot study received the
Research Achievement Award which was spearheaded by Associate
Engineer Craig Mizutani; and Senior Engineer Ba Than received the
Supervisor of the Year Award. The Research Achievement and
Supervisor of the Year Awards will be competed at the State level. These
awards will be presented to the Board at a future meeting.
4) General Manager James Kelly announced that, on January 7, 2010, the
District received a Public Records Act request from Thomas Peele, Bay
Area News Group, asking for a list of all full and part-time employees by
name, their base salaries for 2009, overtime, other payments that
contribute to taxable gross pay, and total gross salary. This is the same
information that he requested of public agencies last year, but at that time
the District was not included in his request.
If Mr. Peele proceeds as he did last year, the list will be made available
through a link on the Contra Costa Times website. He also graded
agencies on their response (see attached article).
Staff has confirmed with legal counsel that all of the requested data is
public record. The data is being assembled and will be provided to Mr.
Peele within the ten-day period legally permitted for response to public
records requests (no later than Friday, January 15). All employees will be
informed that this information has been released to the press.
5) General Manager James Kelly announced that the District's GroupWise e-
mail system was down from Tuesday morning, January 5 through
Thursday afternoon, January 7, 2010. Since that time, the e-mail system
has been functioning properly and all incoming Internet a-mails sent to the
District during the downtime were processed and received. System
improvement suggestions will be presented to the Board at a future
meeting after the matter is brought to a future Budget and Finance
Committee meeting.
b. Board Members
1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they
will receive the stipend for which the District will pay their expenses;
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Board Minutes of January 21, 2010
recent meetings for which they received the stipend; and meetings or
conferences for which the District paid their expenses.
Member Hockett
Member Hockett reported that she was unable to attend the January 7,
2010 Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference.
Member Nejedly
Members Nejedly and Hockett reported on the January 19, 2010 Budget
and Finance Committee meeting. Member Hockett noted that the
Committee will be looking at all expenditures and support to outside
agencies to see if they should remain unchanged or if they can be
reduced or eliminated.
President McGill
President McGill provided a written report on his meeting attendance.
2) Announcements
President McGill provided a written report covering Announcements.
Member Menesini announced the upcoming Environmental Alliance
meeting to be held on January 25, 2010.
Member Lucey stated that he will be attending the CCSDA meeting on
January 25 and voting on proposed changes to the LAFCO Special
District Selection Committee procedures. He stated that he recommends
voting No on the proposed changes. Board Members concurred with his
Member Nejedly asked for information regarding how other sanitary districts fared
during the recent storms.
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Board Minufes of January 21, 2010
There being no further business to come before the Board, President McGill adjourned
the meeting at 3:31 p.m.
~~ _ C~1~ ~
Michael R. McG~ '
President oft Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
_ ,, ,
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:. ~ ~ '-
- ;- -. Elaine:R...Boehme
f ,` _
' : ~., Secretary~~ofi-fhe Central Contra Costa
,,, Ganiiary_District, County of Contra Costa,
,.,, . _
State of California
Book 59 -Page 178