HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/2009 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009 No.: 3.d. Consent Calendar
Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.:
Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects
A. ozul
A. Farrell
James Kelly,
Genera Manager
ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the South Orinda Sewer Renovations,
Phase 4 Project, District Project 5950, and the work is now ready for acceptance.
RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the South Orinda Sewer
Renovations, Phase 4 Project, District Project 5950, and authorize filing of the Notice of
FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action.
ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion
is advisable under the California Civil Code, Section 3093.
BACKGROUND: The project work included renovation and /or replacement of
approximately 11,500 feet of 6 -, 8 -, and 10 -inch sewer lines by open -cut, pipe- burst,
and horizontal directional drilling methods in easements and public rights -of -way. The
work involved trenching, shoring, manhole installation, and paving. Construction of
sewers in easements required close cooperation with customers for site access and
On May 7, 2009, the Board of Directors authorized the award of a contract for the
construction of the project to McNamara and Smallman Construction, Inc. The Notice
to Proceed was issued on June 4, 2009. The work was substantially completed on
October 23, 2009. The remaining items of work consist of minor punch -list items, which
do not affect the project acceptance.
Immediately upon acceptance, the Contractor is relieved of the duty of maintaining and
protecting the Contract work. Guaranty and warranty periods required by the Contract
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Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009
and the statutory period for filing of liens and Stop Notices start on the date of
acceptance by the Board of Directors. Final payment to the Contractor is made after
expiration of the statutory period for filing of liens and Stop Notices, provided no liens or
Stop Notices have been filed, and provided the punch -list items have been completed.
The total authorized budget for the project is $2,328,000. The budget includes the cost
of engineering design, construction management and inspection, testing services, and
contractor services. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at
the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time.
RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the South Orinda
Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 Project, District Project 5950, and authorize filing of the
Notice of Completion.
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009 No.: 3.e. Consent Calendar
Submitted By Initiating Dept ✓Div.:
Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Principal Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services
J. Mi moto -Mills . Swanson A. Farrell K. Alm James Kelly
General Manager
ISSUE: A Board of Directors' Resolution of Application is required to initiate Local
Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) annexation proceedings.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolutions of Application to initiate LAFCO
annexation proceedings for eight areas designated as District Annexation 173A and
eight areas designated as District Annexation 173B, including the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance findings.
FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District incurs costs to prepare annexation applications
and pays fees to LAFCO, the County Surveyor and the State Board of Equalization
for annexation processing. The cost of dividing District Annexation 173 into two
separate applications would require payment of an additional LAFCO processing fee
of $2,765. Annexation costs are recovered as "annexation charges" when
properties are connected to the public sewer system.
ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decline to initiate
annexation of these areas, which would require that property owners apply directly
to LAFCO for annexation to the District.
BACKGROUND: The owners of 65 properties in Danville and Alamo have either
submitted petitions to the District for annexation or signed a Contractual
Assessment District agreement requesting annexation. These properties were
organized into sixteen "annexation areas" that include an additional 102 adjacent or
surrounding unannexed properties to eliminate "islands" within District boundaries.
Of the 167 properties included in the sixteen areas, 26 have connected to the
District's public sewer system. All of the annexation areas are within the District's
Sphere of Influence and the County Urban Limit Line.
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Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009
On September 18, 2008, the Board of Directors approved a Resolution of
Application for annexation of these areas as District Annexation 173 (DA 173).
During the application process, staff working closely with LAFCO identified two
issues that require amending the original resolution. First, staff determined that two
parcels in Alamo that are included in the annexation are not exempt from CEQA.
The parcels in question compromise the approved site of a new YMCA facility. On
October 28, 2003, Contra Costa County certified an environmental impact report
(EIR), which included annexation to the District as a project element and names the
District as a Responsible Agency. The EIR concluded that the project's impacts on
wastewater services were less than significant. A copy of the relevant sections of
the EIR is attached (Attachment 1).
Second, LAFCO requested that the District divide the annexation application into
two separate applications, one for areas in Alamo, and one for areas in Danville.
Separating the areas will simplify review of the application by LAFCO staff, the
County Surveyor and the County Assessor, and make consideration by the
commission more straightforward.
Staff has drafted resolutions of application separating DA 173 into District
Annexation 173A, including eight areas located in Alamo, and District Annexation
173B, including eight areas located in Danville; and requesting that LAFCO initiate
annexation proceedings for the sixteen areas (see Attachments 2 and 3).
District Annexation 173A (DA 173A
The general location of each annexation area in DA 173A is shown on Exhibit A of
Attachment 2. These areas are described below:
Annexation Area 173A -9 is comprised of nine existing single - family homes,
one vacant property, and one governmental parcel on Ridgewood Road in
• Annexation Area 173A -10 is comprised of one existing single - family home on
Kemline Court in Alamo.
• Annexation Area 173A -11 is comprised of seven existing single - family homes
and two vacant properties approved for development of a YMCA facility on
Danville Boulevard, Gurney Lane, and Tara Jean Lane in Alamo.
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Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009
Annexation Area 173A -12 is comprised of one existing single - family home on
Corwin Drive in Alamo.
• Annexation Area 173A -13 is comprised of one existing single - family home on
Muir Lane in Alamo.
• Annexation Area 173A -14 is comprised of two existing single - family homes
on Camille Avenue and Gary Way in Alamo.
• Annexation Area 173A -15 is comprised of eleven existing single - family
homes on Wayne Avenue, Adelle Court and Escondido Court in Alamo.
• Annexation Area 173A -16 is comprised of one existing single - family home on
Wayne Avenue in Alamo.
District Annexation 173B (DA 173B)
The general location of each annexation area in DA 173B is shown on Exhibit A of
Attachment 3. These areas are described below:
• Annexation Area 17313-1 is comprised of fourteen existing single - family
homes on Sky Terrace, Highland Drive and Lonesome Road in Danville.
• Annexation Area 1736 -2 is comprised of thirteen existing single - family homes
and two vacant properties on Willow Drive in Danville.
• Annexation Area 17313-3 is comprised of five existing single - family homes,
one governmental parcel and one common area parcel on River Rock Lane
and Hartz Boulevard in Danville.
• Annexation Area 17313-4 is comprised of one single- family home, one multi-
family (apartment) parcel, and three governmental parcels on Front Street
and Diablo Road in Danville.
• Annexation Area 17313-5 is comprised of two single - family homes on
Glendora Circle in Danville.
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Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009
• Annexation Area 173B -6 is comprised of sixty -eight single - family homes on
Cordell Drive, Cordell Court, Calmar Vista Road, Harper Lane, Terry Lane,
Pixie Lane, Bradford Place, Harmony Court, and Clipper Hill Road in Danville.
• Annexation Area 173B -7 is comprised of one vacant property and two parking
lot parcels on San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Sonora Avenue in Danville.
• Annexation Area 1736 -8 is comprised of sixteen existing single - family homes
on El Pintado Road, Nathan Place, and Shelby Hill Lane in Danville. Six of
the properties in this annexation area participated in the El Alamo Contractual
Assessment District (CAD 2002 -2).
District staff has concluded that annexation of each property in all sixteen
Annexation Areas is exempt from CEQA under District CEQA Guidelines Section
15319, since it would involve annexation of existing lots for exempt facilities, with the
exception of the YMCA properties in Annexation Area 173A -11 (APN 197 - 050 -025
& 197 - 050 -026).
Adoption of the recommended resolutions will establish the Board of Directors'
independent findings that:
• Annexation of all of the properties proposed for annexation in DA 173A and
DA 173B, except for the YMCA properties, is exempt from CEQA; and
• As a Responsible Agency, CCCSD has: 1) considered the environmental
effects of annexation of the YMCA properties as addressed in Contra Costa
County's 2003 EIR; 2) determined that these effects were adequately
addressed in the EIR; and 3) determined that since certification of the EIR,
there have been no substantial changes in the YMCA project or the
circumstances under which it will be constructed; that no new information
indicating that new significant or substantially more severe environmental
effects would result from implementation of that project; and that there are no
new feasible alternatives or mitigation measures within CCCSD's powers that
would substantially lessen or avoid any significant environmental effect
resulting from the project.
RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolutions of Application to initiate
LAFCO proceedings for District Annexation 173A and District Annexation 173B,
including CEQA compliance findings.
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Proposed Alamo YMCA
County File # - LP992025
State Clearinghouse Number 1999112074
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Prepared for
Contra Costa County
By Public Affairs Management February 2002
Chapter III
H. Utilities and Service Systems
1. Approach and Methodology
This chapter addresses the impact of the proposed Alamo YMCA Project on the provision of
utilities and service systems. Topics analyzed in this chapter include utilities such as gas,
electricity, and communications and service systems such as public water supply, sanitary and
storm water sewer services, water treatment and distribution, and solid waste.
This analysis evaluates the potential for the project to increase service demands. The analysis
focuses on physical impacts to the environment (both direct and indirect) which could result
from the implementation of the project.
2. Environmental Setting
Because the project site is undeveloped, it is not currently served by utilities and service systems.
However, the site is located in a suburban area that is served by utilities and sewer systems.
Existing utilities and service systems provided to areas surrounding the project site are described
a. Gas and Electricity
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG &E) provides gas and electricity to the surrounding uses. PG &E
facilities are currently located along Danville Boulevard, approximately 500 feet to the west of
the project site.
b. Communications
Pacific Bell provides communications service to the surrounding uses.
C. Public Water Supply
The East Bay Municipal Utility District ( EBMUD) is the potential service provider for the
project site. EBMUD, the largest water district in Northern California, serves the entire San
Ramon Valley. EBMUD brings water from the Mokelumne River watershed in the Sierra
Nevada through three 81 -mile aqueducts to the East Bay.
The proposed project is within EBMUD's Danville Pressure Zone, which provides water service
to customers located within 250 to 450 feet in elevation. The nearest water main is a 10 -inch
pipeline under Danville Boulevard.
Alamo YMCA Project 111.11 - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 IIT.H.I February 2002
Draft EIR
d. Sewer and Stormwater Systems
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) is the potential service provider for the
project site. CCCSD maintains a 30 -inch sewer line on Danville Boulevard. The project site is
within the CCCSD sphere of influence, but not within CCCSD's current service district. As a
result, annexation of the site into CCCSD's service district would be necessary before sewer
service can be provided. Annexation will require the approval of the Contra Costa Local Agency
Formation Commission (LAFCO) and the CCCSD Board of Directors.
Upon annexation, CCCSD would be responsible for determining the route and design capacity of
sewers to serve the property and for providing wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal
Stormwater from the project site drains into San Ramon Creek (see Section III.F - Hydrology
and Water Quality for a discussion of stormwater).
e. Water Treatment
Although EBMUD would provide water to the project site, water treatment for the proposed
project would be provided by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD). CCCSD's
treatment plant, located at the intersection of Route 4 and Interstate 680 in unincorporated
Martinez, has the capacity to handle 45 million gallons per day of sewage. The treated
wastewater is piped north and discharged into Suisun Bay. CCCSD maintains source control
requirements to prevent the entry of toxic substances into the waste stream. Prohibited materials
include gasoline, oil, sand, paint, pesticide residues, or other toxic substances are prohibited from
being introduced into CCCSD's water stream.
f. Solid Waste
(I) Waste Collection
Pleasant Hill - Bayshore Disposal, a subsidiary of Allied Waste Industries, Inc., provides solid
waste collection service to all of Alamo, including the proposed project site. Solid waste from
Alamo is trucked to the Contra Costa Transfer and Recovery Station, where it is compacted and
delivered to the Keller Canyon Landfill in Pittsburg. The Keller Canyon facility, opened in 1992,
has 69 million cubic yards of capacity. It is anticipated that the facility would reach capacity in
(2) Waste Diversion
In 1989, the California legislature enacted the California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB
939) requiring all cities and counties in California to divert 50 percent of their solid waste from
landfill disposal by 2000. This Act furhter required every city and county in California to prepare
a Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE), a report describing 1) the chief waste
characteristics of each jurisdiction's waste, 2) existing waste diversion programs and rates of
waste diversion, and 3) the new or expanded programs the jurisdiction intends to implement to
Alamo YMCA Project HIM - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 IILH 2 February 2002
Draft EIR
achieve the mandated rates of diversion. Waste diversion techniques include recycling,
incineration, and reduction of generated waste.
Contra Costa County's SRRE, approved by the California Integrated Waste Management Board
in December, 1993, estimated that the rate of waste diversion in the unincorporated portions of
the County prior to full implementation of new or expanded waste diversion programs was
approximately 10 percent. Presently, the unincorporated County is at 35% diversion (Diedra
Dingman, CCC Comm Dev., voicemail, February 9, 2000). Specific information for the Alamo
area is not available.
In an effort to comply with the California Integrated Waste Management Act requirement, as of
August 2000 the County requires as a Condition of Approval for new projects that the developer
complete a Debris Recovery Plan (DRP) and a Debris Recovery Report (DRR). The DRP must
be submitted prior to issuance of a building or demolition permit, while the DRR must be
submitted prior to issuance of occupancy permits. These documents provide information on the
project's anticipated solid waste, which will enable the County to develop a program to divert the
anticipated waste from the solid waste stream.
The Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) is the local agency that helps
developers achieve the most environmentally sound, cost - effective integrated waste management
program. The CCCSWA, formed in 1990, franchises solid waste and recycling services to the
project area and the surrounding communities. Through the development of waste diversion
programs, the CCCSWA is helping these communities reach the State- mandated landfill
diversion of 50% of the waste stream by the year 2000.
3. Significance Criteria
The County has developed standards of significance for this project that identify criteria to be
used in evaluating potential impacts to utilities and service systems. The standards are a
compilation of CEQA checklist criteria and specific policies and guidelines developed by the
County. The utilities and service systems - related standards of significance for this project are
listed below. The project would have a significant impact if any of the following criteria are
1. The project would exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the San Francisco Bay
Regional Water Quality Control Board.
2. The project would require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment
facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant
environmental effects.
Alamo YMCA Project 111.11 - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 11I.11.3 February 2002
Draft EIR
3. The project would require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities
or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant
environmental effects.
4. The project would not have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from
existing entitlements and resources.
5. The project would result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider than it has
inadequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's
existing commitments.
6. The project would not be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to
accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs.
7. The project would not comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to
solid waste.
8. The project would conflict with applicable policies or regulations of an agency with
jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan,
local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating
an environmental effect.
4. Impacts and Mitigation Measures
This section discusses the project's potential impacts relative to the standards of significance
discussed in Section III.H.3 above.
Significance Criteria 1: Would the project exceed wastewater treatment requirements of
the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board?
The proposed project would not result in the construction of a septic system on the project site.
The proposed project would be served by the local sewer system. In addition, the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District has indicated that it has sufficient capacity to provide sewer service to the
project site. Therefore, no significant impacts to groundwater quality would occur and no
mitigation measures are recommended.
Level of Significance: Less than Significant.
Alamo YMCA Project HIM - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 III.H.4 February 2002
Draft FIR
Significance Criteria 2: Would the project require or result in the construction of new
water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction
of which could cause significant environmental effects?
Impact III.H.1: CCCSD has determined that the existing 30 inch sewer main under Danville
Boulevard has the capacity to service the proposed project (CCCSD letter, November 15, 1999;
phone conversation with Russell B. Leavitt, CCCSD, January 21, 2000). However, district
facilities further downstream do not have adequate flow carrying capacity under the District's
current design criteria for ultimate conditions. Improvements to correct deficiencies are in the
District's Capital Improvement Plan. Improvements to the District's existing facilities that are
required as a result of new development will be funded from applicable CCCSD fees and
charges. The San Ramon Valley YMCA would be required to pay these fees and charges at the
time of connection to the sewer system.
The sewer system for the proposed project would connect from the project site to the 30 inch
sewer main on Danville Boulevard via the access road and bridge across San Ramon Creek. As
the project site is higher in elevation than the sewer main, sewers would be designed to utilize
gravity flow. The sewer system would be located in a common utilities trench serving the site.
Depending on its location, the construction and operation of the common trench could impact
sensitive biological areas, affect water quality through erosion, or otherwise impact undeveloped
Mitigation Measure III.H.1: To minimize the impact of the common trench constructed for
utilities, the trench shall be located underneath the proposed access road constructed as part of
the project. This will enable the construction of the trench to avoid otherwise undeveloped or
sensitive areas, as well as to avoid impacts to undeveloped or sensitive areas during operations.
Utilities would also be carried across San Ramon Creek within the framework of the bridge
being built to access the site.
Significance after Mitigation: Less than significant.
Significance Criteria 3: Would the project require or result in the construction of new
storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which
could cause significant environmental effects?
Stormwater from the project site would continue to drain into San Ramon Creek (see Section
III.F "Hydrology and Water Quality" for a discussion of stormwater).
Alamo YMCA Project 111.14 - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 III.H.5 February 2002
Draft EIR
Significance Criteria 4: Would the project not have sufficient water supplies available to
serve the project from existing entitlements and resources?
Impact HI.H.2: The project site does not currently have a public water supply. The East Bay
Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) has indicated that they have sufficient water to supply the
site (Phone conversation with Bill Maggiore, EBMUD, 1/26/00). A water main extension from
EBMUD's Danville Pressure Zone would be required to provide water to the proposed project. A
water main extension from Danville Boulevard along the proposed access road and across San
Ramon Creek to the project site would be necessary. This water main would be placed in a
common utilities trench serving the site. Depending on its location, the construction and
operation of the common trench could impact sensitive biological areas, affect water quality
through erosion, or otherwise impact undeveloped areas. Mitigation Measure 1, discussed above,
would ensure that this potential impact would be less than significant.
Although the project would not have a significant impact on the public water supply, there is a
finite supply of water in central Costa Contra County. To ensure that the project would not
significantly increase demands on EBMUD's finite water supply, the following mitigation
measure has been adopted:
Mitigation Measure III.H.2: The Applicant shall consult with EBMUD's Water Conservation
Department to develop ways to utilize water conservation measures for both internal and external
use. This may include use of drought- resistant plants, use of inert materials, minimal use of turf
areas, and the use of equipment, devices, and methodology that furthers water conservation and
provides for long -term efficient water use.
Significance after Mitigation: Less than significant
Significance Criteria 5: Would the project result in a determination by the wastewater
treatment provider than it has inadequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand
in addition to the provider's existing commitments?
The project site does not currently have sewer service. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District (CCCSD) has completed a limited analysis for the sewer system downstream of the
proposed project. This analysis consisted of a review of CCCSD records for capacity
deficiencies. CCCSD has determined that the existing 30 inch sewer main under Danville
Boulevard has the capacity to service the proposed project (CCCSD letter, November 15, 1999;
phone conversation with Russell B. Leavitt, CCCSD, January 21, 2000). District facilities further
downstream do not have adequate flow carrying capacity under the District's current design
criteria for ultimate conditions. Improvements to correct deficiencies are in the District's Capital
Improvement Plan. Improvements to the District's existing facilities that are required as a result
Alamo YMCA Project 111.H - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 III.14.6 February 2002
Draft EIR
of new development will be funded from applicable CCCSD fees and charges. The San Ramon
Valley YMCA would be required to pay these fees and charges at the time of connection to the
sewer system.
Level of Significance: Less than significant.
Significance Criteria 6: Would the project be served by a landfill with insufficient
permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs?
Impact III.H.3: The project site does not currently receive waste collection service. The landfill
that would serve the site, Keller Canyon Landfill in Pittsburg, has 69 million cubic yards of
capacity and is not expected to reach capacity until 2071. The facility has indicated that it has
sufficient capacity to serve the project site (phone conversation with Norm Christensen, Keller
Canyon Landfill, January 19, 2000). As no new facilities would be necessary to serve the
proposed project, no adverse environmental impacts from facility construction and operation
would occur.
In order to further reduce solid waste from the waste stream, the County has instituted new
regulations related to solid waste requiring the developer to submit documentation regarding how
much solid waste would be produced by the proposed project.
The County also encourages developers to utilize recycled materials in construction and to
recycle building products resulting from demolition. The County provides information on the use
of recycled building products, such as concrete blocks, carpet, rubberized asphalt concrete, car
stops, and a series of other construction related products. The Protect All Lifeforms (P.A.L.)
Foundation provides tree removal and recycling services to divert additional solid waste from the
solid waste stream.
Mitigation IH.H.3: In accordance with new County regulations, the applicant shall complete a
Debris Recovery Plan (DRP) and a Debris Recovery Report (DRR). The DRP must be submitted
prior to issuance of a building or demolition permit, while the DRR must be submitted prior to
issuance of occupancy permits.
Level of Significance: Less than significant.
Significance Criteria 7: Would the project not comply with federal, state, and local statutes
and regulations related to solid waste?
Impact III.H.4: The California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB 939) requires the
County to divert 50 percent of their solid waste from landfill disposal by 2000. Presently,
unincorporated Contra Costa County diverts 35% of its solid waste.
Alamo YMCA Project 111.11 - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 1ILH.7 February 2002
Drag EIR
Mitigation Measure III.H.4: To help the County comply with the California Integrated Waste
Management Act, the Applicant will develop a program to divert over 50% of the waste
generated by the project,_ during both construction and operation. This program will be developed
in coordination with the Contra Costa County Community Development Department and the
Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority.
Significance after Mitigation: Less than significant.
5. Additional Impacts and Mitigation Measures
a. Gas and Electricity
Impact III.H.5: The project site does not currently receive gas and electricity services. Pacific
Gas & Electric has indicated that they have the capacity to serve the project site (Personal
Communication with Rick Seib, Pacific Gas & Electric (get title), February 3, 2000). The project
would be served by providing electricity and gas service a common trench constructed for
utilities such as gas, electricity, and sewer, most likely from Danville Boulevard along the
proposed access road. Depending on its location, the construction and operation of the common
trench could impact sensitive biological areas, affect water quality through erosion, or otherwise
impact undeveloped areas. Mitigation Measure III.H.1 would ensure that this potential impact
would be less than significant.
Significance after Mitigation: Less than significant.
b. Communications
The project site does not currently receive communications services. Pacific Bell has indicated
that they have the capacity to serve the project site (Personal communication with Dave
Gamhart, Pacific Bell, February 1, 2000). The project would be served from the common trench
constructed for utilities such as gas, electricity, and sewer. Depending on its location, the
construction and operation of the common trench could impact sensitive biological areas, affect
water quality through erosion, or otherwise impact undeveloped areas. Mitigation Measure
III.H.1, discussed above, would ensure that this potential impact would be less than significant.
Significance: Less than significant.
c. Water Treatment
The project site does not currently receive water treatment service. The Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District (CCCSD) has reviewed the proposed project for source control requirements.
CCCSD has determined that base wastewater flow from the proposed project appears to be
domestic wastewater such as from residential, office, or church sources (CCCSD letter,
Alamo YMCA Project IILH - Utilities and Service Systems
County File #LP992025 III.H.8 February 2002
Draft EIR
11/15/99). CCCSD does not normally apply specific source control requirements to
Significance: Less than significant.
Alamo YMCA Project HIM - Utilities and Service Systems
County File 4LP992025 III.H.9 February 2002
Draft GIR
WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) proposes to initiate
proceedings pursuant to the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act
of 2000 for a change of organization; and
WHEREAS, the change of organization is proposed for the following reasons:
1. The owners of fourteen (14) properties within the areas proposed to be annexed
have submitted a "Petition for Annexation" to CCCSD.
2. Twenty -three (23) properties have been included as "fill -in" parcels to streamline staff
work and avoid the creation of new islands inside CCCSD boundaries;
3. Five (5) of the properties within the areas proposed for annexation have connected to
the CCCSD public sewer system;
4. All of the properties are within the CCCSD Sphere of Influence, as previously
approved by LAFCO;
5. All of the properties are within the Contra Costa County Urban Limit Line;
6. CCCSD will assume responsibility, upon annexation, for maintenance and operation
of public sewer facilities required to provide service to the areas proposed to be
7. CCCSD requires that all served properties annex to the District (CCCSD Standard
Specifications Section 3 -07); and
8. No other sewering agency can reasonably serve these areas.
WHEREAS, the proposed change in organization consists of eight (8) "single areas" (as
defined by the State Board of Equalization) generally adjacent to the existing District
boundary, as shown and described on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A for proposed
annexation areas 173A -9 through 173A -16 and by this reference incorporated herein,
comprising a total of 63.9 acres, more or less; and
WHEREAS, Contra Costa County is the only affected county (the areas proposed for
annexation to CCCSD are in the unincorporated territory of the County known as Alamo);
and no other sewering agencies are involved; and
WENVRSEMPosition Papers\Mjyamoto- MiI1s\2009 \RES0 DA 173A FINAL - 11 -5 -09 Mtg.doc
Resolution No. 2009 —
Request to Contra Costa LAFCO
to Initiate Annexation Proceedings
District Annexation 173A
Page 2 of 3
WHEREAS, the area proposed for annexation to CCCSD is inhabited (12 or more
registered voters); and
WHEREAS, if the annexation were approved, all of the provisions of the CCCSD Code
would become applicable to the properties annexed, including the requirement that
annexation charges be collected at the time of connection to the public sewer system; and
WHEREAS, staff has concluded that annexation of each of the properties included in
Annexation Areas 173A -9 through 173A -16 is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), with the exception of YMCA properties in Annexation Area 173A -11
(APN 197 - 050 -025 & -026).
WHEREAS, staff has concluded that the environmental effects of annexing the YMCA
parcels (APN 197 - 050 -025 & -026) included in this application were adequately addressed
in Contra Costa County's 2003 Alamo YMCA Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and that
no significant impacts would result from annexation of the properties to CCCSD.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) as follows:
THAT CCCSD staff is directed to submit this Resolution of Application requesting that the
Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) initiate annexation
proceedings for the eight (8) areas as generally shown and in Exhibit A for proposed
annexation areas 173A -9 through 173A -16 hereof, as authorized and in the manner
required under the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Reorganization Act of 2000, together with a
complete application package including all other required information, geographical
descriptions, maps, forms, questionnaires, indemnification agreement, fees, and a mailing list
of affected property owners, and of all other property owners and registered voters who
reside within 300 feet of each of the proposed annexation areas.
THAT it is not the current practice of CCCSD to use its power under Health and Safety
Code Section 6520 to compel property owners to connect their properties to the public
sewer system involuntarily.
THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the CCCSD Board of Directors' independent
finding that annexation of each of the properties generally shown in Exhibit A for proposed
annexation areas 173A -9 through 173A -16 hereto is exempt from CEQA, with the exception
of YMCA properties in Annexation Area 173A -11 (APN 197 - 050 -025 & -026).
THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the Board of Directors' independent findings
that, as a Responsible Agency, CCCSD has, 1) considered the environmental effects of
annexation of the YMCA properties in Annexation Area 173A -11 (APN 197 - 050 -025 & -
026), as addressed in Contra Costa County's EIR certified on October 28, 2003;
NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2009 \1RES0 DA 173A FINAL - 11 -5 -09 Mtg.doc
Resolution No. 2009 —
Request to Contra Costa LAFCO
to Initiate Annexation Proceedings
District Annexation 173A
Page 3 of 3
2) determined that these effects were adequately addressed in said EIR; and 3) determined
that since certification of said EIR, there have been no substantial changes in the YMCA
project or the circumstances under which it will be constructed; that no new information
indicating that new significant or substantially more severe environmental effects would
result from implementation of that project; and that there are no new feasible alternatives or
mitigation measures within CCCSD's powers that would substantially lessen or avoid any
significant environmental effect resulting from the project.
THAT CCCSD staff is directed to file any necessary CEQA documents with Contra Costa
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of November 2009, by the Board of Directors of the
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote:
AYES: Members:
NOES: Members:
ABSENT: Members:
Michael R. McGill
President Pro Tern of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to form:
Kenton L. Alm
Counsel for the District
WENVRSEC \Position PaperMiyamoto- MiIIs\2009\RES0 DA 173A FINAL - 11 -5 -09 Mtg.doc
WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) proposes to initiate
proceedings pursuant to the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization
Act of 2000 for a change of organization; and
WHEREAS, the change of organization is proposed for the following reasons:
The owners of fifty (51) properties within the areas proposed to be annexed have
either submitted a "Petition for Annexation" to CCCSD, or signed the El Alamo
Contractual Assessment District (CAD 2002 -2) agreement requesting
2. Seventy -nine (79) properties have been included as "fill -in" parcels to streamline
staff work and avoid the creation of new islands inside CCCSD boundaries;
3. Twenty -one (21) of the properties within the areas proposed for annexation have
connected to the CCCSD public sewer system;
4. All of the properties are within the CCCSD Sphere of Influence, as previously
approved by LAFCO;
5. All of the properties are within the Contra Costa County Urban Limit Line;
6. CCCSD will assume responsibility, upon annexation, for maintenance and
operation of public sewer facilities required to provide service to the areas
proposed to be annexed;
7. CCCSD requires that all served properties annex to the District (CCCSD
Standard Specifications Section 3 -07); and
8. No other sewering agency can reasonably serve these areas.
WHEREAS, the proposed change in organization consists of eight (8) "single areas" (as
defined by the State Board of Equalization) generally adjacent to the existing District
boundary, as shown and described on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A for
proposed annexation areas 17313-1 through 17313-8 and by this reference incorporated
herein, comprising a total of 100.51 acres, more or less; and
N: \ENVRSEC \Position PaperMiyamoto- Mills\2009\1RES0 DA 1738 FINAL - 11 -5 -09 Mtg.doc
Resolution No. 2009 —
Request to Contra Costa LAFCO
to Initiate Annexation Proceedings
District Annexation 1738
Page 2 of 3
WHEREAS, Contra Costa County is the only affected county (the areas proposed for
annexation to CCCSD are in the town of Danville, and the unincorporated territory of the
County known as Alamo); and no other sewering agencies are involved; and
WHEREAS, the area proposed for annexation to CCCSD is inhabited (12 or more
registered voters); and
WHEREAS, if the annexation were approved, all of the provisions of the CCCSD Code
would become applicable to the properties annexed, including the requirement that
annexation charges be collected at the time of connection to the public sewer system;
WHEREAS, staff has concluded that annexation of each of the properties included in
Annexation Areas 1736 -1 through 1736 -8 is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA);
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District as follows:
THAT CCCSD staff is directed to submit this Resolution of Application requesting that
the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) initiate
annexation proceedings for the eight (8) areas as generally shown in Exhibits A for
proposed annexation areas 17313-1 through 1736 -8 hereof, as authorized and in the
manner required under the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Reorganization Act of 2000,
together with a complete application package including all other required information,
geographical descriptions, maps, forms, questionnaires, indemnification agreement, fees,
and a mailing list of affected property owners, and of all other property owners and
registered voters who reside within 300 feet of each of the proposed annexation areas.
THAT it is not the current practice of CCCSD to use its power under Health and Safety
Code Section 6520 to compel property owners to connect their properties to the public
sewer system involuntarily.
THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the CCCSD Board of Directors'
independent finding that annexation of each of the properties generally shown in Exhibit
A for proposed annexation areas 1736 -1 through 1736 -8 hereto is exempt from CEQA.
THAT CCCSD staff is directed to file any necessary CEQA documents with Contra
Costa County.
N: \ENVRSEC \Position PaperMiyamoto- Mills\2009\RES0 DA 1738 FINAL - 11 -5 -09 Mtg.doc
Resolution No. 2009 —
Request to Contra Costa LAFCO
to Initiate Annexation Proceedings
District Annexation 173B
Page 3 of 3
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of November 2009, by the Board of Directors of
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote:
Michael R. McGill
President Pro Tern of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to form:
Kenton L. Alm
Counsel for the District
WENVRSEMPosition Papers\Miyamoto- Mills\2009 \RESO DA 1738 FINAL - 11 -5 -09 Mtg.doc
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2009 No.: 3.f. Consent Calendar
Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.:
Molly Mullin, Senior Right of Way Agent Engineering /Environmental Services
. GronVhNd C. Swanson
. Farrell James M. Kelly
General Manager
ISSUE: A resolution of the hoard of Directors is required to accept easements and to
record the documents.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting grants of easements and
authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The property owners were paid a total of $14,400 for the three
BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors
regularly accepts easements by resolution.
The recommended resolution will accept
three easements in the Moraga del Rey
neighborhood of Orinda needed for the
recent South Orinda Sewer Renovation,
Phase 4 (District Project 5950).
a resolution accepting grants of easements
from Derek E. and Jillian Drummond, George
W. Parody, and James and Marcie Beyatte in
the Moraga del Rey neighborhood of Orinda,
and authorizing staff to record the documents
with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
'Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only.
RD p Ry
CT �9
N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2009 \PP GOES Moraga Del Rey FINAL - 11- 5- 09.doc Page 1 of 1
Agenda Item 5.a.1
Auxiliary Boiler Improvements
Project Review
November 5, 2009
Board of Directors Meeting
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Project Team
• Project Manager - Craig Mizutani
• Project Engineer - Nathan Hodges
• Construction Project Manager - Edgar Lopez
• Treatment Plant Group - Ba Than .
• POD Staff
Project Elements
• Replace Mechanical Controls with Solid State
• 02 Trim
• Variable Speed Drive Combustion Air Fan
• Emissions Monitor
• Insulation
• Additional Work: Door Flanges, Burner Housing,
Rear Door Work, Painting
• Cleaver Brooks Boiler, Burner, and Control (all
factory components)
Operational Benefits
• Fuel Savings- Improved
Turndown & Combustion
• BAAQMD Compliance
• Automatic Fuel Switching
• Ability to burn Fuel Oil
• Improved
PG &E Rebate
• PG &E Commercial Industrial Boiler
Efficiency Program
- Rebate for VFD, Controls, and 02 Trim,
-Based on fuel and energy savings
• Administered by 3rd Party - Enovity
• Rebate Amount - $15,880
•. a Y YImO .
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Fuel and Energy Savings
• Savings Calculated by 3rd Party Verifier
Fuel & Energy Savings $118,588 per Year
— Energy use cut by 50% by VFD
— Fuel use cut by 219,180 Thermstyr.
• 2 Year Simple Payback on Equipment Cost
'Table 1— Installed Energy Midency Measure Results.
. ,. ..
Net Simple
" the
. "by.
C160 .
Energy Elsdency MUaum
therina l
Caw E.
Pemlkl PO.teionmg; 02,
EEM 1. Tom Cml�dBFan VFD
.. ..
(Teo Boilers, ..
Environmental Benefits
• Reduced CO2 to atmosphere, 2.8 Million Lbs/Yr.
• Equal to $60k per year in GHG Allowances (at
projected rates)
Table .2 - Annual Greenhouse Gas Reduction.
Annual Greenhouse Gas Reductions Based on Annual Energy Savings
Annual 5avings
kWh: taAdao Metric Tons per Year of CO{:, 1:262
IThenrm: 219.186 PounES per Year.COr : 2,762,439
The Greenhouse Gas
Reduction is Equivalent to PNE of the following:
2" Passenger can not being driven for ono year
147 Households' electricity use per year
n,358 Number of tree aeedllnpa grown for 10 yanre,
J85 Ton. of waste recycled Instead of land filled
- 130,405 Gallons of gasollns - - - -
9.38 Acres of rarest preserved from deforestation
Tae. Inexmetion k' nerved' born . the omabbnye Gas EauNelnrciss Calctiator developed by the U.S., Clmete- Tedmddgy,
Cn,,ennoon, Golewb, w Wh ersponsoied by the U.S.' ErmravnarsPo Pmtecinl Agaicy and Ube U.S. Agency for IntemaUVel
Dwolo s reni: Fm. infomiabon pease nsdwww.irsctm;%ewm'.rretltaaV:.
Questions ??
Item 5.a.2
DP 5952
Nancy Molina
Stephanie Gronlund
November 5, 2009
• Location of sewer line
• Why does this sewer pipe need to be replaced?
• Why does this sewer need to be moved?
• Existing District property rights
• ROW history
• ROW approach and schedule.
• Questions
Green Street Easement
N.Ta fPOVf. gYFrt Uyu1 WO llINll1�9
• 11 overflows in 10 years
• Multiple spot repairs
• 3 month cleaning schedule
• 1— 3 feet deep
• Difficult to clean
• Existing improvements directly over pipe
• Pipe lays under house foundations
• New alignment is open and clear
• Further away from existing improvements
• Easier for maintenance and cleaning IN
• Easier and less intrusive for construction
Existing Sewer Location
CCCSD property rights
New Sewer Location
Need Grants of Easements
-�mr� �'J �e ®vYms�riaa�li
Right of Way Acquisition
• Need 9 Grants of Easements (GOEs)
• Received 6 signed Easement Purchase
Agreements (Agreements)
• "Green Street" was dropped from 2009
Right of Way Approach for 2010
• Honor all "expired" signed Agreements
• For the unsigned Agreements:
. Send out previous offer — one last time
• Staff to return to Board to request to
initiate condemnation proceedings, if
Right of Way Schedule
• Nov Staff send out final offers
• Nov 191" Requested Board action — approve
project for CEQA/permitting purposes
Condemnation Schedule (if needed), 2010
• Jan Staff to send Government Code offers
• March Requested Board action — Resolution of
Necessity Hearing
• July Court to issue Order of Possession — Right
to Enter and Construct
One -of -a -Kind Computer System: the "Brains" of our
Treatment Plant
Back in 1978, the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District
was the proud owner of one of
the first computer- controlled treatment
plants in the country. It utilized the
latest automated systems to help
our operators monitor and adjust the
complex treatment processes.
But even the best computer system
can only be maintained and upgraded
for so long. Eventually the availability
of spare parts dwindles and the
technology becomes obsolete. So in
2001, steps were taken to replace the
old system with a new, state -of- the -art
computerized plant control system.
This was not a simple process
of pulling out an old mainframe
computer and installing new ones.
The replacement project was quite
complicated because of the District's
unique requirements. The new
(continued on page 2)
V page Z Pollution Prevention Awards ✓page 9 CCCSD Responds to v page Green Tips.
Economic Challenges
the "Brains "... (continued from front)
system had to be able to integrate
a complex network of servers,
central processing units, remote
interface terminals, power supplies,
workstations, network switches,
programmable logic controllers —
along with a powerful, customized
software application —all designed
to work efficiently with our treatment
plants existing processes and
Think of it as a brain transplant for
the treatment plant. If one little
element went wrong, the result could
have been disastrous.
This was a six -year, three million
dollar project. It incorporated a one-
of -a -kind intuitive interface that is
easy for plant operators to learn and
use. Computerized graphics for the
system were designed by operations
staff. They enable operators to
see realistic representations of the
equipment and processes they're
monitoring and controlling. What
they see on the screen is a real -time,
virtual image of what's happening in
the treatment plant.
The "brain transplant" wasn't
fast, but it was very effective. The
system changeover was done while
plant operations continued without
interruption. The District now has a
state -of- the -art plant control system
that is more powerful, more reliable,
and more efficient.
fl w to Suis n Ba
can er an s, sera ion asms, a uen pumps, a ma a ue o u y.
The new Plant Control System uses graphics that clearly represent the plant s equipment and
processes. This screenshot shows elements of the secondary treatment process. including
I fi t k t' 6 M t nd r 1 f8 en
Four Local Businesses
Receive Pollution
Prevention Awards
our local businesses were recently
I recognized with Pollution Prevention
Awards by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
Aquarius Pool & Spa Service (1822 Mt.
Diablo Blvd., Walnut Creek): Recognized
for reducing chemical use and implementing
environmentally friendly equipment cleaning
techniques; for actively preventing water
pollution; and for advising customers on
proper pool- draining practices.
Costco Wholesale (3150 Fostoria Way,
Danville): Recognized for offering its
free pharmaceutical take -back program
that ensures drugs are kept out of the
environment and disposed of properly;
for decreasing the concentration of silver
released to the sewer by the photo lab;
for providing an inkjet refill program that
reduces waste; and for recycling ink
cartridges, disposable cameras, and
John Muir Rossmoor Pharmacy (1220
Rossmoor Parkway, Walnut Creek):
Recognized for its medical sharps take -back
program that ensures needles, syringes,
and lancets are properly collected in
certified containers and disposed of safely,
for promoting local pharmaceutical take -
back programs and encouraging patrons
to properly dispose of medications; and for
recycling of paper, plastics and aluminum.
• U.S. Postal Service Vehicle Maintenance
Facility (2070 N. Broadway, Walnut
Creek): Recognized for extensive employee
training that emphasizes proper disposal of
hazardous wastes; for keeping contaminants
from going into storm drains, for eliminating
the use of lead wheel weights; and for
recycling of tires, coolants, and other
automotive items. 0
"These businesses deserve special
recognition for the extraordinary
steps they take to protect the water
environment." said CCCSD General
Manager Jim Kelly. "They do more
than just comply with water quality
regulations. They promote recycling and
waste minimization: use equipment,
practices and procedures designed
to prevent pollutants and hazardous
wastes from entering the sewer or storm
drains, educate their employees and/
or customers about the importance of
water quality issues: and demonstrate
a proactive approach to protecting the
CCCSD conducts the awards
program each year in conjunction
with National Pollution Prevention
Week, the third week of September.
The goals of the program are to raise
awareness of pollution prevention
practices and encourage activities
that protect the environment.
Since the District developed its
Pollution Prevention Awards program
in 1992, 89 local businesses have
been recognized for their outstanding
efforts to keep pollutants out of area
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Our congratulations and
thanks to these winners for helping
to prevent water pollution in
central county's sewer and
storm drain systems!
14s ^, c,; hebsite at .%;A%% cenna :w org
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Holiday Cooking:
Good Meals for You;
Bad News for Your
ats, oils, and grease are a major cause
of sewer clogs and overflows.
All year long, cooking byproducts from
thousands of homes and restaurants in
your area are washed down kitchen drains.
The fats, oil, and grease build up in sewer
pipes over time and can cause backups
and overflows.
During the holiday season —when more
people are cooking higher - fat - content
foods, deep - fat -frying their turkeys, and
enjoying large family meals —the amount
of fats, oils, and grease entering the sewer
system increases, and so does the potential
for a problem.
Here are four steps you can take to help
prevent a dog from ruining your holidays:
1. Keep fats, oil, grease, dairy products and
fatty, greasy, or oily foods (such as salad
dressings, gravies, and soups) out of the
sink and the garbage disposal.
2. Collect small amounts of fats, oils, and
grease (along with meat trimmings and
skin) in a nonrecydable container with a
tight - sealing lid, keep it in the freezer until
full, then put it in the trash.
3. For greasy pans that need to be soaked,
first pour the grease into a container as
mentioned above. Soak the pan. Then
place a paper towel over the drain basket
to catch grease and food particles as you
pour the soaking water down the drain.
4. Bring large quantities of cooking oil (e.g.,
from a turkey fryer) to the Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.
The collected oils will go to a biofuels
company for recycling. Call 800 -646-
1431 for more information.
Three Helpful Garbage Disposal Tips
Most homes and restaurants have
garbage disposals. And while saving
and recycling food scraps for compost is a
great idea, not everyone does this. Some
people put food scraps in the trash. But a
lot of people still allow scraps to go down
garbage disposals and into the sewer
While we'd prefer that you minimize the
use of your garbage disposal, here are
some "sewer friendly" tips:
1. Never allow grease, greasy food, fat,
or fatty foods to go down the disposal or
drain. Grease is the second - leading cause
of sewer clogs and overflows in the nation.
2. Feed food into the disposal a little at
a time. If you're peeling potatoes, for
example, run the water and feed them into
the disposal as you're peeling them, rather
than allowing them to accumulate and then
forcing them all into the disposal at once.
This isn't related to the power of your
disposal —it may have no problem chewing
through as much food as you can jam into
it. The problem is the small sewer pipe
through which all that food has to travel
afterwards. large masses of even finely
chopped food can easily clog a small pipe,
especially if that pipe has been infiltrated by
tree roots (the number -one cause of sewer
dogs and overflows).
3. If your sink drain gets dogged, please
use a plunger or sewer "snake" to dear it,
rather than chemical products — they're bad
for the environment and are not always
Getting a Home
Remember to Check
the Sewer Pipe!
hen buying a home, your offer
should always be contingent on
the results of a professional inspection
of the property. If the inspection turns
up something like termite infestation or
cracks in the foundation, you can back
out of the contract, or you can have
the seller repair the problem to your
A professional home inspection will cover
the interior and exterior of the house, but
it will rarely include an inspection of the
building's sewer (known as the private
sewer lateral or side sewer).
The private sewer lateral is the part of
the sewer that runs from the house to
the public sewer main which is located
under the street, alley, or in an easement
behind the house.
The maintenance and repair of the
private sewer lateral is the responsibility
of the property owner. But most owners
don't give much thought to the private
sewer lateral until a sewage backup
occurs, usually due to a damaged or
root - clogged pipe or an offset joint.
Repairing damages caused by a sewage
backup can cost thousands of dollars,
an expense not always covered by
homeowners insurance policies.
For only a few hundred dollars, a
licensed plumber can do a video
inspection of the private sewer lateral. The
video will show if there are cracks or breaks
•in the pipe, offsets, and any root intrusion
(the leading cause of sewer backups) If the
private sewer lateral needs to be repaired,
costs can be several hundreds of dollars.
Replacement costs can run $5,000 or more
If a private sewer lateral problem is
discovered as part of the home inspection
prior to close of escrow, the buyer is
protected and has the opportunity to
negotiate with the seller to cover the cost of
cleaning or repairs.
A Simple Device Can Protect Your Home
From Sewage Backups
Two other things you'll know with a private
sewer lateral inspection are: (1) whether or
not the lateral has a cleanout; and (2) if that
cleanout is fitted with an Overflow Protection
If you don't have a cleanout, you should
have one installed. It will give you and your
plumber easy access to your private sewer
.lateral for cleaning and maintenance.
And the best way to prevent sewage from
backing up into your home —from a blockage
in your private sewer lateral or from the
public sewer main —is to have an Overflow
Protection Device. This inexpensive device
allows backing up sewage to spill outside,
rather than from a drain inside your house.
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
recommends that all homes and businesses
have an Overflow Protection Device New
construction, and construction where sewers
are being repaired or replaced, are required
by District Code to install the devices.
Installation of the device (which is available
at many plumbing supply stores) is relatively
simple, but must be done according to
District specifications. We recommend that
a licensed plumber install the device since
elevation and location are critical for the
device to function properly If you have
any questions, please call a member of
the District staff at (925) 229 -7371 or visit
our website, www.centralsan.org, for more
Sewers and Storm Drains: Two Different
The Sewer System
Every time you flush a toilet or send water down an inside drain, it ends up in
the sewer system. The public sewer main pipes are owned and maintained
by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, The private sewer lateral pipes
that connect houses or businesses to the public sewer main are owned and
maintained by the property owners. The sewer system carries wastewater
through this network of pipes to the wastewater treatment facility in Martinez,
where it is treated and disinfected before being released into Suisun Bay or
recycled for irrigation and other nonpotable purposes.
Contrary to popular belief, the grated hole on the street corner does not lead
to the sewer; it leads to the storm drain.
The Storm Drain System
The storm drain system is a network of pipes, catch basins, and natural
drainage ditches (maintained by cities or the county). This system collects
runoff from rain, irrigation, sprinklers, etc., and transports the water -
untreated—to Suisun Bay or other natural waterways.
Both Systems Affect the Environment
Water is our most precious resource. Please help us to protect the
environment by keeping pollutants out of both systems.
2 Underground Systems
Sanitary Sewer System Storm Drain System
Household wastewater Street surface runoff enters the
enters the sewer system and storm drain system and drains
flows to the treatment facility. directly to local creeks, rivers
and Suisun Bay, untreated!
A Drive - Through That's Good for
Your Wastel
Fast -food restaurants perfected the
drive - through concept. But they're not
the only ones to offer this convenient
customer service.
When you need to get rid of old paint,
batteries, oil, pesticides, chemicals, or
cleaning solvents, think drive- through
and visit the Household Hazardous
Waste (HHW) Collection Facility in
Just pull in and stay comfortably in
your car while a friendly technician
unloads your HHW items. It only takes
a few minutes, then you can be on
your way, knowing you helped to keep
pollutants out of the environment.
For residents of central Contra Costa
County, no appointment is needed
for this convenient full- service drive -
through experience, and there's no
drop -off charge! (Businesses need an
appointment and must pay a nominal
Summer Hours
Please Note Transportation
Materials must be packaged in sturdy,
non - leaking containers (ideally, the
originals) no larger than five gallons
in size. For transportation safety
reasons, the quantity for each visit is
limited to 125 pounds or 15 gallons.
However, you can make as many trips
to the facility in one day as you like.
Rechargeable Batteries Require
Special Care
Did you know that storing or
transporting rechargeable batteries
together can potentially trigger a
reaction like an electrical short circuit
and possibly start a fire? The risk is
small, but it can be easily prevented by
putting duct tape or electrical tape over
the battery terminal contacts to insulate
them from one another.
Facility Now Open on Mondays
Using the HHW Facility is now more
convenient than ever! The operating
Residents: Monday — Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(Reuse Room closes at 3:30 p.m.)
Businesses: Monday — Saturday, by appointment only
hours have been expanded to include
During a three -month test of the
Monday hours conducted during the
summer, more than 825 cars were
served on Mondays, which was higher
than expected (even with limited public
outreach). In addition, there were no
incidents of hazardous waste materials
being illegally left on or near District
property, as has been an occasional
problem on Mondays when the facility
was closed.
The facility is now open Monday through
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The
Reuse Room closes at 3:30 p.m.
Bring Some, Take Some — or Just Take
Some (Free)l
Speaking of the Reuse Room, did you
know it's stocked with items brought in for
disposal that are still in useable condition, .
and they are free for the taking?
Why? Because our goal is to reuse and
recycle as many of the items brought to
_.,6w "0�
Eligible Communities:
Alamo, Blackhawk. Clayton, Concord,
Ctyde, DanviKe,Lahayelte, Martinez,
Moraga, Onnda, Pacheco,
Pleasant Hill, San Raman,
Walnut Creek and unincorporated
Central County areas.
• From Hwy. 4 take the Solano Way exit.
• From 1 -680 take Hwy. 4 East to Solano Way exit
•the facility as possible. It makes good
environmental and economical sense
to use up products before more are
The reuse inventory often includes
items such as paint, wood stain, garden
products, and a wide variety of cleansers
and automotive products. The items
and quantities vary depending on what
people bring in, but our shelves are
rarely bare.
The next time you bring your household
hazardous waste items to the facility for
disposal, check out the FREE products in
the Reuse Room. Don't have any items
to drop off right now? You can still "shop"
at the Reuse Room from 9 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. Monday through Saturday.
HHW Facility Improvements Planned
If you use the HHW Facility in December
thru March, you may notice some
construction. A project will be starting
soon to enhance public accessibility
of the Reuse Room and make seismic
upgrades to the facility.
We don't anticipate any disruption of
services. Part of the Reuse Room will be
closed off while work there is underway,
but the room will remain open. Some of
the seismic improvements will involve
removing sheeting and installing new
bracing on the drive- through side of the
building. If necessary, customer traffic
may be rerouted. But we don't plan to
close the facility during construction.
For more information about the HHW
Facility, please call 800 -646 -1431 or visit
Please Don't Stick Us With Your Sharps!
1oUey of vauenus came ,n ttoln me pUn6c that contamea
unprotected sharps; in this case, finger prickers" commonly used by people with
diabetes We've gotten sharps with batteries in the past, but for the most part
they've been sheathed or covered This time sharps were tossed with batteries
into a plastic sandwich bag. and some of the prickers were poking through the
bag. If it wasn't for one of the guys catching it. someone could have been stuck "
(HHW Facility Supervisor)
People who are stuck by used
sharps are exposed to the risk of
Hepatitis -B, HIV, and a number of other
life- threatening diseases.
Medical sharps are considered medical
waste and disposal of such material is
highly restricted by health agencies.
That's one of the reasons we cannot
accept sharps at the Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.
Please don't put other people at risk of
being stuck. To safely dispose of your
used sharps, please:
1. Package them into an approved
sharps container (available at
2. Store the container away from
children and pets
3. Seal the container once it's full
4. Dispose of your full containers by:
• Asking your medical care provider
to accept and dispose of them.
• Taking them to the John Muir
Rossmoor Pharmacy, 1220
Rossmoor Parkway in Walnut Creek,
(925) 988 -7510.
• Depositing them into the collection
bin outside the San Ramon Regional
Medical Center's south building,
7777 Norris Canyon Rd., San
Using one of the mail -back options
available through these websites:
- Stericycle: www.ste6cycle.com/
mailback _programstsharps.html
or call 866 -STERI -CALL
- Biomedical Waste Solutions:
comtsharps- mail- back.php or
877 - 974 -1300
- Sharps, Inc.: www.sharpsinc.
corn/disposal _mail_rroduct -
page.htm or 800- 772 -5657
- WasteMD.com: http:ttwastemd.
com or 877 - 927 -8363
Dor -lush You,
Where to Safely
Dispose of Unwanted
ue to legal restrictions, our Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Facility is
unable to accept medications.
Please do NOT flush your drugs!
Instead, dispose of your expired and
unwanted medications at one of these
City of Clayton Police Dept.
(Call to confirm, (925) 673 -7350)
6000 Heritage Trail, Clayton
Sheriffs Field Operations Building
1980 Muir Rd., Martinez
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
Sheriffs Substation
(check with the deputy on duty)
2500 Alhambra Ave.. Martinez
• City of Martinez Police Dept.
(Call to confirm: (925) 372 -3400)
525 Henrietta St., Martinez
• Town of Moraga Police Dept.
(Call to confirm: (925) 376 -2515)
329 Rheem Blvd , Moraga
• City of Orinda Police Dept.
(Call to confirm: (925) 254 -6820)
22 Orinda Way, Orinda
• Walnut Creek City Hall
1666 North Main St., Walnut Creek
To ensure privacy, transfer pills to a sealable
plastic bag (quart size or smaller) before
depositing, then recycle the empty pill
bottles, Please put liquid medication bottles
in a sealed plastic bag to prevent spills.
Do NOT Deposit Medical Sharps!
(See the article on page 7.)
For more information about safe
pharmaceutical disposal, call 800 -646 -1431
or visit www.centralsan org.
Help Us Stop Illegal Discharges
e occasionally experience
periodic episodes at
our treatment plant when
contaminants in the wastewater
cause problems for the biological
element of the treatment process.
We suspect this could be due to
illegal discharges of pollutants
into the sewer.
There have been documented
incidents where grease haulers.
carpet cleaners. and others have
illegally opened manhole covers
and emptied their loads into the
We depend on the community to
inform us of illegal discharges.
Photos are key! During one
incident, an alert resident took
a photo of a work truck. with the
company name in perfect view.
while the operator opened a
manhole and put a hose inside to
discharge what he was hauling.
That kind of evidence is concrete.
If you notice anyone putting
anything into a sewer manhole,
please report it by calling (925)
229 -7288 (during business hours)
or (925) 229 -7214 (after hours). If
possible, note the time. place, and
type of vehicle. Better yet.. take a
Thank you in advance for your
help in protecting the environment,
and for helping us to keep a lid on
unnecessary costs stemming from
potential penalties for discharging
pollutants into Suisun Bay.
CCCSD Responds to Economic Challenges
s with many parts of the State's
`:economy, revenues for the
Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District (CCCSD) have continued
to decline. Even so, in June the
CCCSD Board of Directors opted
not to increase the Sewer Service
Charge in its 2009 -2010 budget
because the District's customers,
our neighbors, had been hit with the
negative effects of the recession,
Then on July 24, 2009, the
California Legislature passed a pair
of bills to end the State's budget
stalemate. These bills allow the
State to "borrow" 8% of the Ad
Valorem property tax revenues
of cities, counties, and special
districts this year. For CCCSD, that
comes to just under S1 million out
of the approximately $12 million
of annual Ad Valorem revenue we
normally receive. Concurrently,
property values continue to decline,
resulting in reassessments and
lower property tax revenues for the
remainder of the property tax not
borrowed by the State. Housing
development has remained at a
near standstill, so there has been
a large reduction in development
and connection fees collected by
CCCSD. In addition, low interest
paid on investments has further
reduced CCCSD revenues from
historical levels.
CCCSD responded very quickly
to these revenue reductions. We
instituted a hiring freeze for all but
the most essential positions; we
curtailed travel expenses and off -
site training, we've severely limited
overtime. and all departments have
tightened their belts and reduced
But every day, sewage still has
to be conveyed to the treatment
plant in Martinez, and that means
cleaning. maintenance, repairs and
replacement work throughout our
1,500 -mile system of pipes and
pumping stations must continue.
Every day, 45 million gallons
of wastewater that flow to the
treatment plant must be tested,
screened, treated, disinfected, and
discharged into Suisun Bay under
some of the strictest regulations of
any industry. Every day, the capital
needs of the District — whether in the
streets or in the treatment plant —
must be addressed to protect public
health and the environment... for
now and for years to come. And
every one of these services takes
Recently the Board voted to sell
bonds to fund needed capital
improvement projects to take
advantage of the extremely
competitive bid climate and provide
jobs for our local community
Fortunately, CCCSD's fiscal
prudence and stability has resulted
in a AAA bond rating from Standard
and Poors. This will allow CCCSD
to borrow money at very favorable
rates. In fact, we will also be
refinancing our outstanding debt to
take advantage of these very low
As this issue of Pipeline goes
to press, the CCCSD Board of
Directors continues to review a
number of additional options to
address ongoing financial impacts
to the District. This may result in
increases to the Sewer Service
Charge next year (presently $311
per year, just 85 cents a day)
The economy is showing signs of
recovery, but it will likely be another
challenging year from a fiscal
perspective. We will continue to
provide the high level of service you
have grown to expect, and we will
do so while treating your money
as if it is our own and making
prudent decisions that will protect
the financial health of the District —
as well as public health and the
environment —for years to come.
Need a Guest Speaker for Your Group?
If your audience would be interested in hearing about wastewater
collection or treatment, water pollution prevention, household
hazardous waste disposal, or similar topics, we may be able to help!
Call our Public Infol-ine at (925) 335 -7702 and leave a message about
your event, and we'll let you know if we can provide a speaker for you
(free of charge, of course).
Infrastructure Improvements
Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District regularly maintains,
repairs, or replaces sewer lines
and other elements of our 1,500 -
mile wastewater collection system
to ensure continuous, trouble -free
service for our 456,000 customers.
We do our best to minimize the
inconveniences our projects cause
and appreciate your understanding
Here's a brief summary of major
construction projects currently
South Orinda Sewer Renovation
Project, Phase 4, is replacing or
renovating 11,500 feet of sewers in
South Orinda. Expected completion:
Dec. 2009.
Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation
Project, Phase 1, is replacing or
renovating 2,500 feet of sewers in
Pleasant Hill. Expected completion:
Nov. 2009.
Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project,
Phase 6, is replacing or renovating
13,200 feet of sewers in Lafayette.
Expected completion: Feb. 2010.
Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation
Project, Phase 7, is replacing or
renovating 11,100 feet of sewers in
Walnut Creek. Expected completion:
Feb. 2010.
Detailed maps for each project have
been sent to affected residents, and
are available at www.centralsan.org
(check the links in the "Construction
Zone" box in the lower right comer of
the home page). For more information
about these or other construction
projects, please contact Community
Affairs Representative Chris
Carpenter at (925) 229 -7200.
Four New Videos on
Our Website
e have new videos on our
website that we hope will be
helpful and interesting to you. You
can find them all under the "Videos"
link at www.centralsan.org.
"From Waste to Worth "
explains how we use biosolids to
create energy at our treatment
plant in Martinez. It's based on an
article that appeared in the Spring
2009 issue of this newsletter.
2. "FOG: Fats, Oils and Grease"
tells why grease is a major
cause of sewer blockages and
overflows, and offers tips on how
to prevent fats, oils, and grease
from clogging sewers.
AM 3. "Preparing a Box for Household
Hazardous Waste" shows the
best way to pack items you'll
be bringing to the Household
Hazardous Waste Collection
Facility for disposal
4. "Why Central San ?" This is a
recruitment video that tells a little
bit about our agency and features
employees talking about what it's
like to work here.
We will be adding more videos to
our website in the near future, and
would appreciate your feedback.
Please share your opinions about
these videos by contacting Michael
Scahill, Communication Services
Manager, at (925) 229 -7310 or
mscahill @centralsan.org.
apand Save . i .................. ...............................
Green Tips
Keep Chemicals Out of the Water and
More Money in Your Pocket
hen most people think about water pollution, images of leaking oil
tankers, factories spilling toxic wastes into waterways, or garbage ;
strewn along the beach come to mind. The fact is, the problem is a lot closer
to home. In fact, it's in your home.
One of the major sources of water pollution in the Bay Area is residents, not
industries. Commonly used products like paints, motor oil, pesticides, and
many cleansers contain toxic chemicals which, when poured down drains,
pass through wastewater treatment plants and end up in local creeks, the
Bay and the ocean, harming fish and wildlife. Treatment plants are designed
to treat biological wastes and cannot remove all of the metals, solvents, and
chemicals contained in many household products
Here are tips you can use to help keep pollutants out of our water
environment. Many of these will also save you money, as they are less
expensive than commercial cleaning products:
Use baking soda mixed with water as an inexpensive. effective all- purpose
cleaner instead of harsh commercial products.
• Use lemon juice or vinegar mixed with water to cut grease, clean glass.
and clean vinyl and linoleum floors.
Use toothpaste to remove scuffmarks from floors and watermarks from
wood furniture
Use vinegar to remove mineral deposits around faucets caused by hard
water. Cover the deposits with the vinegar- soaked strips of paper towels
for about an hour, then wipe clean.
• Use club soda to clean carpet and upholstery stains.
• Use olive oil or beeswax to shine leather shoes or polish unvarnished
• Use linseed oil to revitalize old furniture.
• Use a plunger instead of chemicals to clear clogged toilets and drains.
• Use digital fever thermometers instead of mercury ones.
• Use latex instead of oil -based paints. Use water -based paint removers.
• Use boric acid to control cockroaches and ants instead of toxic pesticides.
• Use traps instead of poisons for mice.
• Dispose of unwanted paint, pesticides, solvents, cleansers, and other
potentially hazardous household products at the Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Facility —never down the drain or in the trash. Call
800 - 646 -1431 for more information.
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553
Our mission as a Special District is to protect public health and the
environment. We do this by collecting and treating wastewater, providing
recycled water, and promoting pollution prevention. Our treatment plant in
Martinez collects, treats, and disinfects an average of 45 million gallons of
wastewater every day. Some treated wastewater is recycled (treated further)
for irrigation use on golf courses and parks; the rest is released into Suisun
Bay. We also operate a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.
Where to Call...
General information
Sewer overflows
Treatment Plant InfoLine (Report Odors)
Household Hazardous Waste InfoLine
Sewer connection permits
To report illegal discharges into sewer system
Job Hotline
Student Education Programs
Public InfoLine
(925) 228 -9500 or www.centralsan.org
(925) 933 -0955 or 933 -0990
(925) 335 -7703
(800) 646 -1431
(925) 229 -7371
(925) 229 -7288 (during business hours)
(925) 229 -7214 (after hours)
(925) 229.7109 or www.centralsan.org
(925) 229 -7310 or www.centralsan.org
(925) 335 -7702 or www.centralsan.org
Board of Directors
James A. Nejedly, President
Michael R. McGill, President Pro Tern • Barbara D. Hockett, Director
Gerald R. Lucey, Director • Mario M. Menesini, Director
Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each
month at 2 p.m. in the CCCSD Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez.
James M. Kelly, General Manager
U S. Posfege
Concord, CA
Permit Ab. 530
CCCSD serves 456,216 people
within its 140-square -mile service area.
Sewage collodion and wastewater
treatment (and HHW collection service)
for 322,201 people
Wastewater treatment for 134,015
residents in Concord and Clayton by
contract and HHW collection service
HHW collodion service only
CCCSD's Headquarters, treatment plant,
and HHW Collecbon Facility are located
in Martinez
CCCSD's Collection System Operations
Department (sewer maintenance) is
based in Walnut Creek
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District PIPELINE
written and designed by the
CCCSD Communication Services Dihsion.
Michael Scahill, Editor • Bonnie Lowe, Writer
Son Nguyen, Graphic Designer
View archived issues online at wwwoentralsan.org
PIPELINE Is printed with
soy -based inks on Recycled Paper
Agenda Item 5.a.4)
Board Meeting of November 5, 2009
Written Announcements:
Staff Conference Attendance
a) Engineering Director Ann Farrell's Attendance at WERF
Research Forum
As announced last year, Director of Engineering Ann Farrell was selected
to be a member of the Research Council for the Water Environment
Research Foundation. The Council provides technical review and direction
for the major WERF technical initiatives as well as reviewing and
prioritizing unsolicited research proposals. Ann will be attending a joint
meeting of the WERF Board and Council in Alexandria Virginia on
December 9 and 10, 2010. The initial airfare was paid through the District
with all other expenses paid by the employee. All expenses will be
reimbursed by WERF.
Project Updates
b) Advertisement of HHWCF Improvements Project DP 8216
The HHWCF Improvements Project will remodel the HHWCF for safety
and increased staffing requirements including, but not limited to, seismic
retrofits to structural components, the addition of radiant heaters,
expansion of the office area, and the construction of a storage mezzanine.
Additionally, security cameras will be added to the HHWCF and the 4737
Imhoff Place Warehouse Building; security keycard access will be added
to the HHWCF, Maintenance and Reliability Center, and the South Gate.
This project also includes the remodel of an existing men's restroom into a
women's locker room in the Solids Conditioning Building, the replacement
of the emergency lighting panel in the Headquarters Office Building, and
the replacement of the fan in the chemical storage room in the Annex.
This project will be advertised on November 9 and 16, 2009. The bids will
be opened on December 1, 2009. The construction cost is currently
estimated at $850,000. More information will be presented when the
Board is asked to approve the construction contract at the December 17,
2009 Board Meeting.
c) Pharmaceutical Collection Program Update
Staff received interest from five cities (Clayton, Danville, Martinez, Moraga
and Orinda) in our service area that want to become partners with the
District to participate in the Pharmaceutical Collection Program as a
collection site. The City of Concord intended to participate, but recently
decided against it due to budget and staffing reductions. Four of the
planned cities already have the program approved by their City/Town
Councils. The Town of Danville is working with the DEA on their approval
prior to presenting it to their Council.
Four of the sites are expected to open by mid - November and Danville is
expected to open in December. When these five new sites open, the
District will have supported the start up of eight collection sites in six cities.
d) District Records Retention Schedule
At the August 9, 2007 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors adopted a
resolution updating the District's Records Retention Schedules. The
resolution also established a two -year review cycle for the Retention
Schedules and internal audits to be performed on a regular basis.
Administrative Services Supervisor Angela Taliani has been meeting with
the District's Departments /Divisions to conduct the audits. The Records
Retention Schedule reviews and audits are complete. The audits have
been very useful in verifying that the Departments /Divisions are in
compliance with the Retention Schedules. Staff will be coming back to the
Board for approval of minor changes to the Records Retention Schedules
at a future Board meeting.
e) District Annexation 168C Notice of Preparation Distributed
A Notice of Preparation /Initial Study for District Annexation (DA) 168C,
Alhambra Valley, has been distributed for public review. The Notice of
Preparation is the first step in the Environmental Impact Report process
which the District must complete to be allowed to annex and provide
sewer service to 19 Alhambra Valley properties outside the County's
Urban Limit Line. A first phase annexation application (known as DA
168C.1) has been submitted to LAFCO. DA 168C.1 is comprised of 9
properties that would be serviced off existing mains. The remaining ten
properties are intended to be annexed by the District sometime in the
future. To be comprehensive, however, the EIR will evaluate the
environmental impacts of annexing all 19 lots.
f) Reimbursement Account Annual Notifications
Annual notices were mailed to Reimbursement Account holders
(Installers) on October 21, 2009, in accordance with District Code Section
6.20.200. Installers were reminded of the need to keep the District
informed of any change of address. They were also informed of the
change to District Code which applies an expiration date of June 1, 2018
to all accounts adopted before June 1, 1998. Those accounts established
after June 1, 1998, automatically expire on the twentieth anniversary of
their acceptance. Account holders were asked to update their information
in order to make it possible for the District to contact them should
reimbursement fees be collected on their behalf. All notices were sent to
the last known address of the account holder, and extensive research was
done to locate current addresses for account holders. However, many of
the reimbursement accounts were established in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and
80's, and it is expected that some of the addresses may be out of date or
account holders may be deceased and their heirs may be difficult to
locate. Staff will continue to make reasonable efforts to locate installers.
g) Chronic Toxicity Testing
The District conducts chronic toxicity tests on our effluent every other
month, as required by our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System permit. The permit requires the use of red abalone as the test
species, and when the toxicity exceeds 10 toxicity units (TU) for a three -
sample median, accelerated testing is required. Recently, the three -
sample median exceeded 10 TU, and accelerated testing began. Recent
tests indicate that ammonia is the cause of the increased toxicity. The
drought has resulted in decreased wastewater flows into the treatment
plant, which in turn, has resulted in higher ammonia concentrations.
Apparently, a threshold concentration has been reached, which causes
the increased toxicity.
If the District can demonstrate to the Regional Water Quality Control
Board (RWQCB) that ammonia is the cause of increased toxicity, the
RWQCB can allow future tests to be conducted after the removal of
ammonia, or it can allow another species to be used in the tests.
h) Geotechnical Consultants Blanket Agreements
Staff requested proposals from seven geotechnical consulting companies
to provide on -call services during design and construction of collection
system projects. Six proposals were received and evaluated and staff has
selected the following three firms based on experience, staff, and costs:
• DCM/ GeoEngineers
• Kleinfelder
Staff is setting up contracts with each company for $25,000 that will expire
on June 30, 2012. Work assignments will be made on the basis of
availability, cost, and required expertise. The use of blanket agreements
has enabled staff to cost - effectively respond to CSO staff, residents, and
agency requests for evaluating slides and construction issues on District
i) Environmental Protection Agency Testing
On October 26, 2009, the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) sent out Information Collection Requests (ICR) to nine sewage
sludge incineration facilities located throughout the United States.
The District is one of the recipients of the request and is required to submit
a description of our incineration equipment, operational data, and air
emissions data to the EPA. The purpose of the ICR is to develop
maximum achievable control technologies (MACT) standards for sewage
sludge incinerators by December 31, 2010. The District can use current
air emissions data, as long as it was collected in the past five years.
However, the request also includes test data that is not in our current Title
V air permit. Additional air emission testing will be required. District staff
will receive quotes from qualified air source testing companies in the near
future, but a preliminary estimate of the cost to conduct the analysis is
$100,000 to $125,000.
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies believes that the EPA
has the authority to require the source testing and has used the authority
Agenda Item 5.a.4)
Board Meetinq of November 5, 2009
Additional Written Announcements:
Financial Updates
j) CCCERA Final Compensation and Retirement Benefits
The Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association (CCCERA)
requested a legal opinion from their attorneys regarding "Final
Compensation and Retirement Benefits." This legal opinion addresses
the "spiking" of final compensation. A copy has been provided to the
Board by e-mail. The memo is also available on the CCCERA website.
The Board will be provided updates as they become available.
General Updates
k) Further Update on Pharmaceutical Collection Program
The Cities of Pleasant Hill and San Ramon have decided to partner with
the District by establishing pharmaceutical collection sites in their cities.
Staff sent information packets to both cities including a Memorandum of
Understanding, County Health Permit Application, and a sample letter
requesting Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) approval of a pharmaceutical
collection site.
With Pleasant Hill and San Ramon, the total number of cities interested in
having a pharmaceutical collection site is now seven. A position paper for
the Pleasant Hill and San Ramon addition will be brought to the Board for
request of approval at a future meeting.
m e y e r s I n a v e riback silver & wilson
professional law corporation
October 29, 2009
Erica L. Brynes
Hughes Gill Cochrane, P.C.
1600 South Main St., Suite 215
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Re: CCCSD Correspondence to Round Hill Estates North Property Owners
Dear Ms. Brynes:
Kenton L. Alm
Attorney at law
We received your letter dated October 13, 2009 addressed to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
(°CCCSD"). Our firm represents CCCSD. CCCSD has enjoyed a very good relationship with your client
over the years, and the Association's Board in fact reviewed the draft letters and provided useful input on
them before any letters were sent to the property owners.
Let me assure you there has been no change of established practice. The primary purpose of the letters
was to make the property owners and the Association aware of the limits of CCCSD's responsibility in the
slope bench areas. CCCSD is concerned about the deterioration of the surface drainage system of the
hillside areas in the Round Hill subdivision. CCCSD has no responsibility for the surface drainage system,
for shoring up sloughing properties, clearing culverts, or correcting any other water runoff or drainage
related problems. The deterioration of the drainage system, as evidenced by sloughing on the slope
bench, will likely cause additional erosion and instability of the hillsides and of the slope bench itself during
successive rainy seasons. In addition, while the pipes in this area have been TV'd and are in good
condition, they are aging and will need more maintenance over time, and regulatory requirements are more
onerous now than ever before. CCCSD wished to convey that it is critical that proper drainage be
maintained and that the property owners cooperate to ensure the integrity of the hillside, the slope bench,
and CCCSD facilities.
CCCSD has performed, and will continue to perform, the maintenance activities on the slope bench surface
required to allow it access to its facilities and to protect its pipes. Again, to the extent that you read the
letters sent by CCCSD as declaring a changed practice, you would be mistaken.
A second purpose of the recent letters was to notify certain property owners that they may have placed
structures or landscaping on their properties in a manner that interferes with access to sewer facilities.
There are a handful of properties on which significant landscaping or structures either entirely block or
substantially limit CCCSD's access to its facilities. CCCSD is not responsible for the cost of repairing or
replacing any improvements that constitute encroachments on its easements, and wished to coordinate
with the affected property owners in advance of any need to enter the property or remove the
55512th Street Suite 1500 1 Oakland, California S4ti07 I te151 &80&2000 I fax 510.444.1108 I wwwrneversnavacom
Erica L. 9rynes
October 29, 2009
Page 2
In other cases, gates block access to areas where CCCSD has facilities or pipes. In most of these
situations, CCCSD has developed a cooperative relationship with the property owners and has been given
the gate code or other access, but as properties change hands over time, the ability of CCCSD to continue
to access its facilities may be affected. CCCSD wishes to avoid access problems in the future.
The documents CCCSD has accumulated, and which our firm has reviewed over the years are somewhat
voluminous and at minimum include: the subdivision map (4915); the easements recorded on August 17,
1982 at 10895, pp. 416.423 at the Office of the County Recorder of Contra Costa County; the Association's
CC &Rs (both the original (1980) and the amended (2003) versions); as -built construction drawings and
other construction plans; the District Code; engineering reports of consultants engaged by CCCSD or our
firm; resolutions accepting easements; quitclaim deeds; and other various maps, correspondence,
Inspection reports, repair reports, and other documents. In addition, since CCCSD crews are on the
benches one or more times per year, we have institutional memory and a collection of photographs of the
affected areas. We thus have a large file of relevant documents, most of which your client should already
have copies. Much of the remainder would be available under public records laws.
For your information, many of the documents indicate that most of CCCSD's easements overlap with other
easements or use designations for fire trails, storm drains, slope protection and recreation. Thus, in many
areas, legally there is shared responsibility to maintain the slope bench, which has for years been used by
some residents for recreational walking. CCCSD will continue to maintain the slope bench surface for its
own access purposes, and take such actions as may be required to protect the physical integrity of its
facilities. It is not obligated to maintain the bench for recreational uses or as a component of an integrated
surface drainage system.
Hopefully,'the historically cooperative approach between the Association, the property owners, and CCCSD
can be maintained going forward. It certainly is CCCSD's desire that such will occur. If you have any
questions or wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at (510) 808 -2000.
very trul yours,
(Wi 9A
Kenton L. Alm
c: Bill Brennan
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Meeting
November 5, 2009
Board Member McGill
Item 5.d.1)
Mayors' Conference in Moraga, CA with Assembly Member
Nancy Spinner
November 5, 2009
Made presentation to Pleasant Hill City Council
October 19, 2009
A copy of the presentation is available.
Meeting with City of Walnut Creek Officials and Jim Kelly
October 21, 2009
Meeting notes are available.
Item 5.d.2 Announcements
Contra Costa Council Board Meeting
October 16, 2009
John F Kennedy University Alumni Day
October 17, 2009
Pleasant Hill Chamber Mixer
October 21, 2009
Pleasant Hill Demonstration Garden Open House
October 25, 2009
CCCSD Awards Luncheon
October 28, 2009
IACCC Lunch with Supervisors
November 4, 2009
Will attend:
Contra Costa Council Water Task Force Meeting
November 17, 2009
Concord Chamber Mixer
November 19, 2009