HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/16/2009 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: 3.c. Consent Calendar Type of Action: APPROVE MERIT INCREASE subject: APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL SALARY MERIT INCREASE FOR MARK WENSLAWSKI, STAFF ENGINEER Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Gail Chesler, Provisional Senior Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND C , G. hesler FOR BOARD ACTION: DuQr - C. Swanson A. Farrell ISSUE: A registration differential salary merit increase requires approval by the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Mark Wenslawski, Staff Engineer, a one -step increase of his basic salary effective April 18, 2009. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: One -step salary increase. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: Mark is a Staff Engineer in the Environmental Services Division of the Engineering Department. This classification does not require registration as a Professional Engineer. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Management Support/Confidential Group and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) provides for a salary merit increase for employees who possess registration or license as Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified Public Accountant in a position not requiring such registration or license. Mark Wenslawski has provided evidence to his supervisors that he is licensed as a Professional Engineer (Civil Engineering) in California (see attached notification). Mark Wenslawski has consistently demonstrated his ability to assist in the accomplishment of the planning, design, and construction activities of the District requiring the professional level of judgment and skill expected of a Professional Engineer. The Human Resources Committee reviewed this request at their meeting held on June 26, 2009 and recommended approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Grant Mark Wenslawski, Staff Engineer, a one -step increase of his basic salary effective April 18, 2009, as the registration differential salary merit increase provided for in the MOU. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Chesler\2009 \PP Merit Increase- MWenslawski Moved to 7- 16- 09.doc Page 1 of 2 Attachment 1 is z 0 A d z V 0 w U tn 00 Ono* Ln u a d C?) M Go W 0 via 0 W 44 U fk 94 0 U) 0 C, M z N C4 z 0 Z tA z IS .4 Z yH (14n W Z U) W CV) M W u r z 0 ta z z U:5 5 tu 0 CZ (A C/) > 0 4) kj to 6 U) u U via to 0 0 4) -:-v: V. AIRS V- - 0)A. E I U Ou'do Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS r POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: •3. d . Consent Calendar Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK/AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR AUXILIARY BOILER IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7231, AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Edgar Lopez, Assistant Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: -&,- - - ' . - . M;-- YA_ E. Lopez B. Than vlf. 1 A. Farrell ames . Kelly, . GeneraP anager ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Auxiliary Boiler Improvements, District Project 7231, and the work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Auxiliary Boiler Improvements, District Project 7231, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is advisable under the California Civil Code, Section 3093. BACKGROUND: The two existing auxiliary boilers, located in the Solids Conditioning Building, were installed in the 1970s as part of the Treatment Plant 5A Expansion. They provide steam if the plant's waste heat boilers or cogeneration system are off -line, or if steam demand exceeds the capacity of the waste heat boilers and /or cogeneration system. This project upgraded the boilers by installing an exclusive Boiler Management and Control system specially designed to integrate the functions of a programmable controller, burner management controller, and variable frequency drives for the combustion air blowers. Work also included replacement of the door flanges, re- insulation, and installation of thermal rear door jackets that meet the latest boiler codes. A PG &E energy savings rebate of. approximately $9,000 is anticipated for the retrofit. On August 7, 2008, the Board of Directors authorized the award of a contract for the construction of the project to R. F. MacDonald, Incorporated. The Notice to Proceed was issued on October 10, 2008. The work was substantially completed on June 12, 2009. The remaining items of work consist of minor punch -list items, which do not affect the project acceptance. N: \PESUP \Position Papers \Lopez \7231 Acceptance.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 subject. ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR AUXILIARY BOILER IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7231, AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Immediately upon acceptance, the Contractor is relieved of the duty of maintaining and protecting the Contract work. Guaranty and warranty periods required by the Contract and the statutory period for filing of liens and Stop Notices start on the date of acceptance by the Board of Directors. Final payment to the Contractor is made after expiration of the statutory period for filing of liens and Stop Notices, provided no liens or Stop Notices have been filed, and provided the punch -list items have been completed. The total authorized budget for the project is $629,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, construction management and inspection, testing services, and contractor services. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the Auxiliary Boiler Improvements, District Project 7231, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. N:\PESUP \Position Papers \Lopez \7231 Acceptance.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: 3.e. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE OAKLAND BOULEVARD, SHUEY AVENUE, AND BUENA VISTA AVENUE NEIGHBORHOODS IN WALNUT CREEK, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE DOCUMENTS WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER (DISTRICT PROJECT 5972 — PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7") Submitted By: Initiating Dept./D' V.: Molly Mullin, Senior Right of Way Agent Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AC ION: �1 At /fin uJJti�/ C� \ M. Mullin S. G and C. Swanson A. Farrell ames elly, Genera anager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept easements and to record the documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting grants of easements and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cumulative total paid for the permanent easements in the Oakland Boulevard, Shuey Avenue, and Buena Vista Avenue neighborhoods is $81,225. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 6 Project included renovating approximately 10,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch pipe in Walnut Creek and Lafayette. Prior to the formation of the District in 1946, the City of Walnut Creek installed the sewer within the Oakland Boulevard and Shuey Avenue properties. No records were located granting sewer easements to the City or District. Accepting and recording the easement will perfect our existing land rights. �M111111�� go V II 1 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Mullin\2009 \PP 5972 GOES Oakland Blvd. WC Final sg 07.16.09.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 Subject. ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE OAKLAND BOULEVARD, SHUEY AVENUE, AND BUENA VISTA AVENUE NEIGHBORHOODS IN WALNUT CREEK, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE DOCUMENTS WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER (DISTRICT PROJECT 5972 — PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 *) On Contra Costa Gospel Church's property along Buena Vista Avenue, the District has a public sewer, with a corresponding older style grant of easement deed. Accepting and recording this easement will update our land rights to our current standard, which will improve our access rights and mitigate future encroachments of structures and trees over the pipe. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting grants of easements from property owners in the Oakland Boulevard, Shuey Avenue, and Buena Vista Avenue neighborhoods in Walnut Creek, and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 'Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only. N:\ENVRSEC \Position PapersWlullin\2009 \PP 5972 GOEs Oakland Blvd. WC Final sg 07.16.09.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: 3.f. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM THE ZIEGLER FAMILY TRUST FOR AN EASEMENT IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF WALNUT CREEK SHOWN ON THE MINOR SUBDIVISION MAP OF MS 99 -0006, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE RESOLUTION WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER (JOB 5784, PARCEL 2 *) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Pat Camorongan, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: � v U -W < P. Camorongan J. M Moto -Mills C'Swarison A. Farrell K. Alm James M: ell General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication for an easement in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The new easement was acquired at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement shown on the minor subdivision map of MS 99 -0006 required for a recent sewer extension off Monticello Drive in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek. Staff has reviewed the minor subdivision map and determined that it is in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication for an easement in the unincorporated area of 24 0 JQ�G 660 Z O� NP aMUT C EX MONTICELLO RD DR- rot I ° n 9� 1/144 y .oPos SITE m VICINITY MAP ° N.T.S. Walnut Creek from David C. Ziegler and Susan D. Ziegler of The Ziegler Family Trust, as shown on the minor subdivision map of MS 99 -0006, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. *Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Camorongan \5784_Position Paper (Ziegler) Final 7- 16- 09.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: 3.g. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM ARMAND BUTTICCI, III, FOR AN EASEMENT IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF WALNUT CREEK SHOWN ON THE MINOR SUBDIVISION MAP OF MS 03 -0036, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE RESOLUTION WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER (JOB 5835, PARCEL 3 *) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Pat Camorongan, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: �&IU J&K 6 A* P. Camorongan J. Mi moto -Mills C. Swanson A. Farrell K. Alm . James M. Kelly General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication for an easement in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The new easement was acquired at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement shown on the minor subdivision map of MS 03- 0036 required for a recent sewer extension off North Gate Road, in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek. Staff has reviewed the minor subdivision map and determined that it is in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication from Armand Butticci, III, for an easement in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek as shown h ao 114 yONPG\0 D F QL� UTI CREEK rn w�NUT AVE O n NORTH O� D M SITE m 0 x Pa Pa VICINITY MAP \ \\ N.T.S. On t e minor subdivision map of MS 03 -0036, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. *Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Camorongan \5835_Position Paper (Buttici) Final 7- 16- 09.doc 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Setup and Transaction Fees for Reimbursement Accounts General Manager's Report July 16, 2009 Fee Amounts • Account Setup Fee: $806 • Transaction Fee: $139 Item 5.a.1 Setup Fee • Includes 8.75 hours of staff time to: - Send notices reminding installer of program availability and application deadlines. - Collect & evaluate installer's submittals to determine costs eligible for reimbursement. Prepare map, fee calculation sheet, position paper, ordinance and presentation for the Board. - Conduct outreach program to inform property owners affected by proposed fees. Set up account in District chart of accounts. Transaction Fee • Includes 1.4 hours of staff time to: - Maintain table of Reimbursement Fees • Adjust for inflation & depreciation • Review number of potential connections - Prepare annual Statement of Account and maintain installer contact information. - Notify installer when funds are available for disbursement. - Conduct due diligence search for installer, if necessary. - Process payment request including interest calculation, if applicable. - Issue check and mail to installer. 2 Fees are Eligible Costs • Staff has concluded that both the Setup Fee and Transaction Fee should be costs eligible for reimbursement. • No Board action is needed to implement this change since adjustments for changes in eligible costs is delegated to staff in the District Code. • Staff will implement the change for all accounts. Questions...? 5.a.2) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 10, 2009 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM CASA FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR APPEAL OF VACAVILLE DECISION (AGENDA ITEM 5.a.2) Staff sought the Board's direction on this matter at the June 18, 2009 Board Meeting (see attached memo). By a 3 -2 vote, the Board approved a $5,000 contribution, but requested staff not to send the contribution until District Counsel learned who was representing CASA and if the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) was going to contribute. District Counsel has learned CASA will retain the same legal counsel who represented CASA in the Superior Court. Staff has also learned that the District has contributed more than other BACWA members to date and that BACWA will contribute $5,000 for the appeal. Based on the foregoing, staff recommends the District not contribute for this request, and send a letter to CASA noting that the District has contributed in the past and is currently contributing through BACWA. JMK:sIc Attachment CSO /H: \General Managers Directory\Memos\2009 \CASA Financial Support Request for Vacaville Appeal July 16th.doc 8.a.3) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District June 009 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANA KENT ALM, DISTRICT COUNSEL T\e SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM CASA FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR APPEAL OF VACAVILLE DECISION A letter from the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) requesting the District assistance in funding CASA's appeal of a Trial 'Court decision in the City of Vacaville NPDES Permit Case is attached. The District supported the initial Vacaville litigation with two contributions: — $5,000 in 2003 — $4,000 in 2006 n As noted in the attached letter, in an April 2009 ruling, the Contra Costa County Superior Court upheld the State Water Resources Control Board ( SWRCB) order (CASA lost). CASA suggested a $10,000 contribution from the District based on treatment plant capacity, however, staff recommends a $5,000 contribution because of the District's specific circumstances. Future litigation CASA initiates will be funded from their general budget; since this is ongoing litigation it is being funded in the same manner it started. While part of the lawsuit does not directly pertain to the District, the initial SWRCB decision provides increased discretion to Regional Boards in applying basin plan provisions and defining beneficial uses. This can lead to arbitrary non - science based permits that can be very expensive to comply with. These issues are a direct interest to the District, and why staff recommends a $5,000 contribution. JMK:sIc Agenda Item 5.a.3) Board Meetinq of July 16, 2009 Written Announcements: Staff Meetings /Events a) Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation Project Workshop The District will host a public meeting on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the Community Room of Pleasant Hill City Hall located at 100 Gregory Lane. The Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 1, will renovate approximately 2,500 feet of 6 and 8 -inch sewer located in Pleasant Hill using open cut, pipe burst, and CIPP methods. General Updates b) City of Walnut Creek Clean Water Program Withdrawal The District recently received notification from the City of Walnut Creek that they intend to withdraw from the Clean Water Program service agreement as a result of an internal workforce analysis demonstrating that they had capacity with their existing staff to conduct the stormwater fieldwork that the District had been performing since 1997. The City said this decision was not based on dissatisfaction with the services provided by the District; they stated the service was diligent and professional. The details are being worked out to provide for a smooth transition while ensuring District costs are recovered. Agenda Item 5.a.3) Board Meeting of July 16, 2009 Additional Written Announcements: Staff Meetings /Events C) Orinda City Council Presentation for Miner Road Sewer Renovation Project The City of Orinda Council has asked that the District provide an update on its Miner Road Sewer Renovation Project. The focus of the presentation will be the District contractor's schedule and the potential impacts on Miner Road. The presentation is scheduled for the Tuesday, July 21, 2009 Orinda City Council Meeting which starts a 7 p.m. and will be held in the Orinda Library Auditorium located at 26 Orinda Way. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Meeting July 16, 2009 Board Member McGill Item 5.d.1) FUTURE MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES WITH PAID EXPENSES AND /OR STIPEND Will attend the Mayors' Conference in Concord, CA, August 6, 2009 Future Committee Meetings: Capital Projects August 4, 2009 MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES THAT EXPENSES AND /OR STIPEND WAS PAID Committee Meetings Recycled Water July 7, 2009 Attended the Mayors' Conference in Brentwood, CA, July 2, 2009 Item 5.d.2 Announcements Attended Contra Costa Council Land Use Task Force Meeting July 8, 2009 Attended Dave Contreras, Mountain View Sanitary District, Retirement Dinner July 11, 2009 Met with John Coleman regarding sewer laterals July 14, 2009 Attended Pleasant Hill Chamber Mixer July f5, 2009 Will attend: Contra Costa Council Board Meeting July 17, 2009` Contra Costa Council Water Task Force Meeting July 21, 2009 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: 6.a. Administrative Type of Action: SET PUBLIC HEARING Subject: CONSIDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: DEBBIE RATCLIFF,CONTROLLER Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Ratcliff R. Musg ,AVV E. Boehme K. Alm ames . Kelly, �GeneraWManager ISSUE: The Board is requested to determine whether or not it wishes to review and possibly revise the current Board Member compensation of $221 per day of service. RECOMMENDATION: Determine whether the Board wishes to consider revising the current compensation of $221 per day of service and set a public hearing if the Board so decides. The public hearing would be set for August 6, 2009. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Depending upon what, if any, revisions are made to the compensation at a future public hearing, there may be a resulting increase in Board Member compensation. The maximum increase permissible under Health and Safety Code Section 6489 and Water Code Section 20202 would be an additional 10% (5% for 2008 and 5% for 2009) bringing the total compensation per day of service to $243 rather than the current $221, or an increase of $22 per day of service. Any ordinance changing Board Member compensation cannot be effective until 60 days after adoption. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decide it does not wish to calendar a public hearing to consider amending Board Member compensation. BACKGROUND: In 2007, the Board adopted Ordinance 243, increasing the Board compensation from $170 to $221 per meeting. In February 2009, the Board held a public hearing to review Board Member compensation. The issue was tabled to come back before the Board in one year; however, the Board may wish to consider the issue of compensation earlier, given the recent finding that Board Members must pay past year's Medicare taxes that the District failed to withhold. Health and Safety Code Section 6489 states that the Board may, by ordinance adopted pursuant to Water Code Section 20202, increase its compensation above the $100 per day permitted by the Health and Safety Code. The Board may approve up to a 10% increase in compensation to capture the increase not taken in 2008 and the permissible 5% increase for 2009. Again, Board Members' compensation is limited to no more than NAADMINSUMADMIMPOSPAPEMSet Public Hearing - Board Compensation 07- 16- 09.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 6, 2009 Subject: CONSIDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION six days' service per calendar month. If the annual increases are approved, they cannot be compounded for each prior year. Any ordinance changing Board Member compensation cannot be effective until 60 days after adoption. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Determine whether the Board wishes to consider changes to Board Member compensation. If yes, set a public hearing for August 6, 2009. N:WDMINSUPWDMIN\POSPAPER \Set Public Hearing - Board Compensation 07- 16- 09.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 No.: 7.a. Engineering Type of Action: APPROVE PROGRAM; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT subject: APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK TO CONTINUE THE PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION PROGRAM Submitted By: David Wyatt, HHW Supervisor Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: P A-L"> n C. Swanson A. Farrell James Kelly General Manager ISSUE: The Board of Directors approval is required to continue the pharmaceutical collection program in Walnut Creek. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize the General Manager to amend the agreement with the City of Walnut Creek to continue the pharmaceutical collection program. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated cost of collection and disposal for the Walnut Creek site is approximately $6,000 to $12,000 annually. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives would be to discontinue the Walnut Creek Pilot program or to consider other types of pharmaceutical collection programs. BACKGROUND: For the past six months, the City of Walnut Creek, the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority ( CCCSWA), and the District have conducted a pharmaceutical drop -off collection pilot program for the Walnut Creek area. The collection program is similar to the program that the County Sheriffs Office and the District have in Martinez. Under the pilot program, residents drop off unwanted or expired pharmaceuticals in secure collection bins located at the Walnut Creek City Hall. CCCSWA was responsible for providing the collection bins and advertising the program. The Walnut Creek Police Department supervises the collection of unwanted pharmaceuticals, obtains Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) approval for the program, and is responsible for the pharmaceuticals until disposal. The District is responsible for arranging and paying for the costs of disposal of the collected pharmaceutical wastes. The initial collection and disposal cost estimate was $3,000 to $10,000 for the six -month drop -off pilot study period based on collecting approximately 2,500 to 6,000 pounds of pharmaceutical wastes. At the end of the fourth month of the pilot, the Walnut Creek N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Wyatt \2009 \PP Continue WC Pharm Coll Prog 7- 16- 09.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 16, 2009 subject: APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK TO CONTINUE THE PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION PROGRAM collection site collected nearly 1,000 pounds at a cost of about $3,800. The Walnut Creek pilot has accounted for roughly two- thirds of the nearly 1,500 total pounds of waste pharmaceuticals collected by the two Sheriff collection sites and the Walnut Creek site. The City of Walnut Creek has requested the pharmaceutical collection program be continued indefinitely. Staff discussed continuing the Walnut Creek pharmaceutical collection pilot program with the Board HHW Committee on July 8, 2009. The HHW Committee recommends approval of continuing the program in Walnut Creek. Several other communities in the CCCSD service area including Concord, Orinda, Danville, Moraga, and Lafayette, have expressed interest in having a pharmaceutical collection program to serve their residents. Any new collection programs would need to be approved by the Board. The estimated cost to provide collection programs for all other communities in the CCCSD service area would range from $50,000 to $100,000 per year. The HHW Committee also considered and recommended expansion of collection programs to other interested cities at their meeting on July 8. If the Board approves continuation of the Walnut Creek program, staff will contact other cities in the CCCSD service area to determine their interest in, and advise them of, the process and requirements for establishing a collection program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve and authorize the General Manager to amend the agreement with the City of Walnut Creek to continue the pharmaceutical collection program. N:\ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Wyatt\2009 \PP Continue WC Pharm Coll Prog 7- 16- 09.doc Page 2 of 2 i j Agenda Item 8.a GRAYSON CREEK REW EMERGENCY REPAIR UPDATE DP 7278 July 16, 2009 STATUS OF PERMANENT REPAIR • Permits • Construction activities /schedule • Needed Board action • Awarded to Manito Construction - $2069500 — Manito prepared submittals — Manito and Staff will meet on July 21 to discuss marking locations of supports 1 STATUS OF PERMANENT REPAIR • Awaiting comments from permitting agencies — end of July — Flood Control District — Department of Fish and Game — US Army Corps of Engineers — SF Water Quality Control Board SCHEDULE AND ACTIVITIES • Locations of failed supports are being surveyed • Pipe support submittals are being reviewed by District's consultant • Pipe submittal being reviewed by staff • Change order with Manito for Solids Handling Improvements project on August 6 • Working on recovering costs above $250,000 from our Property Loss Insurance Policy 2 RECOMMENDATION • Authorize the General Manager under Public Contract Code 22050 (b) to continue with emergency repairs on the recycled water pipeline at Grayson Creek in Martinez BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION • Need to complete repair this construction season to remove temporary pipeline from bridge • REW service and public safety concerns • Must proceed on emergency basis to complete construction this year (October 1 deadline by Department of Fish and Game) • Ready to proceed - waiting for permits V QUESTIONS 4