HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/09/2009 AGENDA BACKUPF 'Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2009 -10 • - - • - Capital Improvement Budget and Ten -Year Plan ` ♦ I I a' i f ` Executive Summary � =H Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Program Executive Summary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District funds an extensive Capital Improvement Program designed to preserve, maintain and enhance the District's assets, accommodate the community's needs, and protect the environment. Capital improvements /capital projects are major construction, acquisition or renovation activities which add value to the District's fixed assets (buildings, pipelines, facilities, equipment) or significantly increase their useful life. The District's FY 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) details expenditures of approximately $40 million for the planning, design and construction of capital projects. By adopting the CIB, the Board of Directors authorizes staff to pursue this work. In addition to the CIB for the upcoming year, the Board approves a Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan that forecasts needed expenditures for ten years into the future. This plan focuses on renovation, expansion and regulatory requirements. Its estimated expenditures for the next ten years are $331 million (in 2009 dollars), an average of $33 million per year. The CIB and Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan also include projected revenues and cash -flow analyses to demonstrate how planned expenditures will be funded. Each planned project addresses one or more of these District goals: • Protect public health and the environment • Maintain existing assets • Respond to regulatory and community concerns • Accommodate planned growth This year we are faced with some challenges and opportunities. Our revenue stream for the next several years is projected to be significantly reduced due to the downturn in the U.S. economy. This downturn has also created an opportunity by substantially reducing the number of projects under construction, resulting in a very competitive bid climate. The low bid on some recently bid District projects has been as much as 50% less than the engineer's estimate, which is the estimate used to develop the planned capital expenditures. For this reason, staff has recommended, and the Board has agreed, to proceed with an aggressive capital program this year, even though revenues will be reduced. For planning purposes, we have assumed that the cost of projects bid this fiscal year will be reduced by 20 %, and next year by 10 %. These reductions have allowed us to present a budget for Board approval with expenditures that exceed revenues, but which maintains an appropriate Sewer Construction Fund balance, assuming there are modest Sewer Service Charge increases and either short -term borrowing or bonds sold in the next year. This summary describes the major projects for FY 2009 -10, the major projects included in the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan, and the revenue streams that will support the planned expenditures. Large interceptor projects may require the use of large tunneling machines, such as this one used on the recently completed extension of the District's A -Line. FY 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Budget The FY 2009 -10 CIB budgets for expenditures of approximately $40 million ($40,117,000) for the planning, design and construction of capital projects categorized into four programs: • Treatment Plant • Collection System • General Improvements • Recycled Water Each of those programs is subdivided into subprograms. Most of the money will be spent on renovation or preservation of capital assets, as shown in the following table: Capital og Subprogram Treatment Plant Program •d Expenditure I' $13.8 million (34 %) Regulatory Compliance /Planning $ 3.9 million One -Time Renovation $ 6.9 million Recurring Renovation $ 2.7 million Expansion /Capacity Improvements $ 0.1 million Other Miscellaneous Projects $ 0.2 million Collection System Program $15.2 million (38 %) Renovation $ 9.9 million Regulatory Compliance /Planning $ 0.3 million Expansion /Capacity Improvements $ 3.8 million Pumping Stations /Force Mains $ 1.1 million General Improvements Program $10.6 million (27 %) Vehicles and Equipment $ 1.0 million Management Information Systems $ 0.8 million CSO Facility Improvements $ 7.5 million All Other $ 1.3 million Recycled Water Program kWMWM=ft $ $40 0.6 million (1 %) million (100%) 3 Major Project Emphasis Although the CIB is made up of many individual projects, each year there are several major projects which together account for a majority of total estimated capital expenditures. In FY 2009 -10, the emphasis will be on the following 13 large projects, which together account for $28,067,000, or 70% of the total estimated expenditures. Estimated FY 2009 -10 expenditures as well as total costs are noted. TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Standby Power Facility Improvements FY 2009 -10: $3,700,000 Estimated total project cost: $5,605,000 This project will replace two diesel engine generators that do not meet the new regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and which have reached the end of their useful lives. The facility will be modified to accept the new generators and be brought up to current seismic standards. Solids Handling Improvements FY 2009 -10: $3,500,000 Estimated total project cost: $4,470,000 This project designs and constructs improvements recommended in the September 2005 Solids Handling Facilities Plan Update for emergency and non - routine handling of biosolids. The improvements include a new dewatered sludge storage and truck loading facility. Aeration Air Renovations, Phase 2 FY 2009 -10: $1,950,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,100,000 This project will improve reliability of the above and below ground piping network, the in -tank air delivery system, and the structural integrity of the aeration tanks. Cracks in the air plenum boxes will be repaired and voids under the structures will be sealed with grout injection and coating. Components of the air delivery system and the aeration basin will be replaced. Piping Renovations, Phase 4 FY 2009 -10: $1,400,000 Estimated total project cost: $2,568,000 This project will improve reliability of the treatment plant's many piping systems, both above and below ground, by renovation and /or replacement. Focus areas are the ash piping in the Solids Conditioning Building, and air supply headers and downcomers at the aeration tanks. Also, six influent gates on the ultraviolet disinfection facility will be replaced as part of this project. 4 Plenum leakage was extensive prior to construction of the Aeration Air Renovations Project. COLLECTION SYSTEM South Orinda Renovations, Phase 4 FY 2009 -10: $1,600,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,801,000 This project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 14,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewer pipe in the public right -of -way and easements at multiple sites in southern Orinda. Lafayette Renovations, Phase 6 FY 2009 -10: $1,450,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,600,000 This project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 13,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewer pipe in the public right -of -way and easements at multiple sites in Lafayette. M South Orinda Renovations Project. Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 7 FY 2009 -10: $1,200,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,400,000 This project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6- through 12 -inch sewer pipe at multiple sites in the City of Walnut Creek, unincorporated county and other neighboring areas. Pleasant Hill Renovations, Phase 1 FY 2009 -10: $1,300,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,500,000 This project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 11,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewer pipe in the public right -of -way and easements at multiple sites in Pleasant Hill. Diablo Renovations, Phase 1 FY 2009 -10: $1,200,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,410,000 This project will replace or relocate approximately 12,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewer pipe in the public right -of -way and easements at multiple sites in Diablo and Danville. 2009 -10 Development Sewerage FY 2009 -10: $1,180,000 This project provides for appropriate capitalization of District force account labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities. This annual cost is repeated each year. TV Inspection Program, Phase 2 FY 2009 -10: $1,100,000 per year This is a large - scale, multiyear effort to inspect the entire CCCSD collection system using closed- circuit television (CCTV.) A publicly bid CCTV inspection contract utilizing digital imaging and database software is awarded for each year. The contractor's data is being integrated with existing CCTV inspection data and sewer information databases. Currently sewers in Danville /Diablo are being televised, with sewers in Alamo and Moraga to follow. This annual cost is repeated each year. Miner Road Trunk Sewer, Orinda FY 2009 -10: $987,000 Estimated total project cost: $1,450,000 This project will renovate approximately 4,000 feet of existing 15 -inch trunk sewer line and install passive overflows to relieve a parallel 18 -inch sewer of excess wet - weather flows. This project is located in Miner Road and Lombardy Lane. The design will evaluate various renovation methods to minimize the construction impacts to the public. The project is being coordinated with EBMUD water main replacement to reduce construction impacts. Proper safety techniques must be used when entering sewers for construction purposes, such as for the Miner Road Project, pictured here. 7 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CSOD Facility Improvements FY 2009 -10: $7,500,000 Estimated total project cost: $17,725,000 The project consists of design and construction of a new CSO administration, crew, and warehouse building. The project also includes site improvements such as new paving and landscaping. Prior to construction, the District will obtain permits from the City of Walnut Creek and address any City requirements. The project is expected to be completed in spring 2011. Expenditures for this project may be delayed or accelerated depending on the permitting process. Temporary relocation of CSO vehicles and personnel to Martinez is being investigated to make the site completely available to the contractor. This is expected to reduce the total duration and cost of the project, and could accelerate more expenditures into the FY 2009 -10 time period. Construction of a new retaining wall was completed in anticipation of the CSO Facility Improvements Project. S American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Of 2009 In response to a significant downturn in the U.S. economy, the Federal Government recently passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The intent of this Act is to quickly inject Federal stimulus money into local economies through investment in infrastructure projects such as wastewater collection, treatment and recycling facilities. For wastewater facilities, this reinvestment will be administered by the State of California through its State Revolving Loan Program. The Federal and State governments are still developing the details of how this Act will be implemented. District staff are monitoring information as it becomes available. The District has answered a preliminary solicitation by submitting seven candidate projects for stimulus funding. When the criteria for submitted projects are better understood, this list may be increased or decreased, as appropriate. The stimulus funding could be in the form of low- interest loans and /or grant funding. The current CIB schedules and budgets for submitted projects are noted below. Should the District qualify for and elect to receive stimulus funding, some of the assumptions related to the schedules and budgets for these projects may change. Staff's intent is to move forward with bidding the four submitted projects scheduled for 2009 -10 on their current schedules, even if stimulus funds have not yet become available. This is recommended to take advantage of the extremely favorable bid climate. Of the seven projects listed below, the last three (Wet Weather Bypass Improvements, Primary Structures Demolition, and Concord Recycled Water Project) are not budgeted for construction in FY 2009 -10 and will be held in abeyance as "shovel- ready" projects until such time as the stimulus funding picture is defined. If stimulus funding is received for any projects, the Board will be informed. If stimulus funding is received for projects not currently budgeted to be constructed in 2009 -10, any necessary changes in budget authorizations outside of staff authority will be requested from the Board via a position paper. The projects submitted for stimulus funding during the preliminary solicitation are: 9 Solids Handling Improvements ( Bid 2009 -10) Treatment Plant $4,470,000 Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 (Bid 2009 -10) Collection System $1,410,000 Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 Collection System $1,500,000 (Bid 2009 -10) CSOD Administration, Crew and Warehouse Facility General Improvements $17,725,000 Improvements (Bid 2009 -10) Wet Weather Bypass Improvements (Bid 2010 -11) Treatment Plant $3,287,000 Primary Structures Demolition (Bid 2015 -16) Treatment Plant $1,474,000 Concord Recycled Water Project Phase 1 Recycled Water $4,200,000 (Not scheduled or budgeted) 9 Historical Capital Improvement Program To place this year's proposed C113 and Plan in perspective, it is helpful to review historical expenditures and their relationship to revenue and the Sewer Construction Fund (SCF) balance. The following graph goes back nine years and includes projected figures for FY 2008 -09, as well as budgeted figures for FY 2009 -10. Over the last ten years, the District has attempted to keep expenditures close to revenues with the goal of not reducing the SCF balance below the $30 million benchmark, which allows the SCF to act as the bank to meet the District's cash flow needs between biannual receipt of revenue from Contra Costa County. Due to the current economic downturn and the desire to minimize increases in Sewer Service Charges this year, capital revenue is projected to be less than budgeted in 2008 -09 and is budgeted to decline substantially in FY 2009 -10. To take advantage of the extremely favorable bid climate and to invest in the local economy, capital expenditures are budgeted at $40 million, substantially higher than budgeted revenue of $25 million. However, expenditure estimates are based on historical bid data, and we expect actual expenditures to be significantly less than budgeted due to the reduced cost of construction bids. For this reason, we developed an adjusted expenditure estimate of $36 million, which maintains a SCF balance of approximately $36 million— adequate to meet cash flow needs, as shown below. This graph also shows both our SCF balance and revenue are projected to decline significantly next year. $70M $60M $50M $40M $30M $20M $10M $OM Actual Capital Revenue vs. Actual Capital Expenditures and SCF Balance 1999100 2000/01 2001102 2002103 2003104 2004105 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09' 2009110*' 10 *projected "budgeted Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan The District develops a Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan each year which provides the information needed to formulate long -range policy regarding: • Identifying, prioritizing, and scheduling capital projects for the ten -year period. • Providing financial resources for completing those capital projects. The plan covers FY 2009 -10 through FY 2018 -19 and includes total expenditures of approximately $331 million (in 2009 dollars), or an average of $33 million per year, as described in the following table: Capital Program Expenditure Category Renovation (One time and recurring) Dollars $206 million Percent 62% Expansion (Capacity increases /sewers for new customers) $ 92 million 28% Regulation Driven $ 8 million 2% Miscellaneous $ 25 million 8% Total 10 -Year Capital Program Expenditures $331 million 100% The plan is divided into the same four programs as the budget. While a large portion of the plan is devoted to ongoing renovation, several projects address capacity and regulatory issues. The following table lists total ten - year expenditures by program and subprogram. A brief description of the major projects /programs not described under the FY 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Budget section follows the table. Capital Program/Subprogram Treatment Plant Program Planned 10 Year Expenditure $108 million (33 %) Regulatory Compliance $ 5.0 million One -Time Renovation $ 28.4 million Recurring Renovation $ 44.8 million Expansion $ 29.0 million Other Miscellaneous Projects $ 0.5 million Collection System Program $172.3 million (52 %) Renovation $ 94.1 million Regulatory Compliance /Planning $ 2.7 million Expansion /Capacity Improvements $ 63.3 million Pumping Stations /Force Mains $ 12.1 million General Improvements Program $ 45.9 million (14 %) Vehicles and Equipment $ 9.7 million Management Information Systems $ 5.6 million CSO Facility Improvements $ 16.8 million All Other $ 13.8 million Recycled Water Program $ 5.5 million (1.7 %) 11 MAJOR TEN -YEAR TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS/PROGRAMS Electric Blower Renovations: The electric blower serves as a backup to the plant's two steam - powered turbine blowers. Its capacity is adequate during winter months, but not during summer months, when the plant's demand for air increases. This project will design and install a new, higher capacity blower. (Construction FY 12 -14; $3,104,000 estimated total project cost) Centrifuge and Cake Pumps Upgrades: This project will upgrade the treatment plant's centrifuges and cake pumps, which will have been in service for more than 20 years by 2010. The design life of rotating equipment is generally around 20 years. While routine rotation of the operational and stand -by centrifuge helps increase the operating lifespan, as the equipment continues to age the operation and maintenance requirements become extensive. (Construction FY 12 -13; $3,150,000 estimated total project cost) Primary Expansion: This project will add two primary sedimentation tanks to increase the plant's wet - weather capacity to roughly 270 million gallons per day (62.5 mgd dry weather capacity with one tank out of service). The new tanks will provide additional operational flexibility, reduce the amount of raw wastewater bypassed to holding basins during heavy rain storms, and decrease the potential for associated odor issues. This project will also upgrade the existing primary sedimentation tanks, pre- aeration tanks and grit- handling system. (Construction FY 16 -18; $25,805,000 estimated total project cost) Recurring Renovation Program: Replacement value of the current treatment plant facilities is conservatively estimated at $600 million. This includes all mechanical and electrical equipment, piping systems, concrete structures and buildings, as well as access roads, etc. All of these components have a finite useful life. To maintain the facilities in top operational condition, the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan sets aside funds for recurring renovation. (Ten -year plan; $44,837,000) Recurring renovation funds are used to keep Treatment Plant facilities in top condition. 12 MAJOR TEN -YEAR COLLECTION SYSTEM PROJECTS/PROGRAMS Sewer Renovation Program: In 2002, the District initiated a long -term program to televise all 1,447 miles of its gravity sewers. To date, the program has televised approximately 836 miles of main sewers. The results indicate approximately 3.8 %, or almost 34 miles of pipes, are in poor condition. Extrapolating the data to the entire collection system shows 62 miles of sewer mains in poor condition, with a replacement cost of $90.4 million. The current ten -year plan targets approximately 60 miles of pipe for renovation /replacement. (Ten -year plan; $94,100,000 estimated total project cost — includes TV program, large diameter pipe renovation and cathodic protection) Ongoing TV inspection of the collection system helps to guide sewer renovation plans Ple nt Hill P 4813 Way (S) V111.1vn iti t� r dllansed nine _ t I i t r ly Sewer Capacity Program: Periodically the District updates the Collection System Master Plan to identify capacity deficiencies, which are prioritized and scheduled for replacement in the Capital Plan. Presently, the Collection System Master Plan is being updated to reflect recently approved land use and new flow - monitoring data. The current figures are based on the 2000 Master Plan. The Capital Plan will be updated to reflect the new results when available. (Ten -year plan; $63,300,000 estimated total project cost) 13 Potential Future Projects Not Included in Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan Anumber of potential projects may be required to meet regulations that are under consideration but not yet enacted into law. One additional project, a recycled water project to supply two refineries in Martinez, may be implemented if some financial partners can be identified. The following table shows these potential projects and the estimated probability (low, moderate or high) of their being implemented. To support these expenditures, additional revenues not currently identified in the ten -year plan will need to be generated, or other projects will need to be deferred. Description Time Frame Estimated'Total Estimated Project Cost Probability Treatment Plant: Hydraulic/Process Capacity Filter Plant Expansion: Provide facilities to filter all secondary 3 -15 yrs $135 - $150 million Low effluent during dry and wet weather to meet new regulations such as metals reduction or provide additional effluent for water recycling. Nutrient Removal: Provide facilities for nutrient removal 10 — 20 yrs $50 million Low (nitrogen and phosphorus). Nitrification: Provide facilities for nitrification (ammonia to 5 —10 yrs $50 million Moderate nitrate). Treatment Plant: Solids Handling Sludge Treatment Renovation and /or Expansion: Implement 3 -15 yrs $30 - $50 million Low anaerobic digestion or thermal drying if future regulations prohibit incineration. Treatment Plant: Other Projects Air Emissions Projects: Provide processes to control air toxics 5 -10 yrs $25 - $30 million Low and odors and construct tank covers (primary and /or secondary). Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Construct alternative energy 5 yrs $25 - $50 million High projects to reduce or provide offsetting credits for emissions of greenhouse gases. Collection System: Regulatory Response Sewer System Management Plan Projects: The SF Bay Regional 1 -5 yrs $5 - $10 million Moderate Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Resources per year Control Board have put in place requirements for a Sewer Maintenance Management Plan. The requirements may lead to the need for an escalated capital program to televise and renovate sewers. Recycled Water: Water Supply Reliability Martinez Refineries Recycled Water Project: This project could 1 -10 yrs Up to $150 million Moderate improve water supply reliability on a regional and state -wide level by making 20 mgd of recycled water available to local refineries, therefore freeing up a like volume of raw water for use to supply other customers or as environmental water for release to the Delta. Due to the significant cost and the fact that water supply is not the core mission of CCCSD, we are seeking outside financial partners to make this project a reality. Currently the budget only includes funds for planning activities related to this project. 14 Capital Revenue /Cash Flow/ Sewer Construction Fund Balance CAPITAL REVENUE The Capital Program is funded by a number of different fees and charges as described below. Facility Capacity Fees: A facility capacity fee is paid by each new connector to the District's collection system. This fee is recalculated each year and represents the cost of buying into the existing assets of the District. The revenue from these fees is dependent on the housing market and rate of new connections. Pumped Zone Fees: For connections in an area where pumping is necessary, an additional facility capacity fee is charged to buy into the existing pumping station assets of the District. The revenue from the pumped zone fees is highly dependent on the housing market and the rate of new connections in the pumped zones. Property Taxes: Historically, the District has received significant revenues from property taxes. In 1978, when Proposition 13 reduced the taxation rate on property, the State Legislature urged enterprise special districts to shift to user fee financing. In FY 1992 -93, the State of California began diverting portions of the property tax revenue. The District still receives a significant amount of property taxes which are allocated entirely to debt service and the Capital Program. If those taxes were to be permanently diverted, a significant increase in other forms of revenue, particularly the Sewer Service Charge, would be necessary. Sewer Service Charges: The Sewer Service Charge is an annual charge placed on the property tax rolls which funds operation and maintenance costs as well as a portion of the Capital Program. Each year the capital revenue from all other sources is estimated, and the additional revenue needed to fund the planned expenditures, after consideration of any increase or decrease to the Sewer Construction Fund Balance, is generated by adjusting the capital component of the Sewer Service Charge. Reimbursements from Others: The District receives reimbursements from others for capital expenditures which benefit others. For example, the City of Concord is served by a contract which requires them to pay a flow - proportional share of capital projects which benefit Concord (such as projects to improve wastewater treatment facilities and large interceptors). Also, the District has formed Assessment Districts to promote the installation of sewers in unsewered areas and loaned money from the Sewer Construction Fund for construction of the sewers. This money is then repaid with interest to the Fund. Interest: Interest is earned on the balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, the money held in reserve to fund future capital projects. The interest earned is returned to the fund. Bond Proceeds: While the District generally follows a pay -as- you -go philosophy, Sewer Service Charge rate increases can be mitigated by utilizing bond funding to spread the payments over time. 15 The total budgeted revenue for FY 2009 -10 $25,238,000. It is made up of six major components as shown below. FY 09 -10 Capital Budget Revenue ($1,000) Sewer Service Charge $4,870 Interest $556 Taxes $8,200 CASH FLOW/SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE Facilities Capacity & Pumped Zone Fees $6,123 All Other $961 Concord $4,528 As part of the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan, estimates of expenditures and revenues are made and a cash -flow projection developed to show the interrelationship of revenues and the Sewer Construction Fund (SCF) balance. Each year a policy decision is made by the Board of Directors, based on staff analysis and recommendations, on the amount of the capital component of the Sewer Service Charge to fund the planned Capital Program while maintaining an adequate SCF balance. The SCF balance is needed for future capital projects. It also acts as the bank to meet the District's cash flow needs. To provide sufficient funds for cash flow needs, a balance of approximately $30 million is recommended for the SCF. 16 The following table shows cash flow projections for the next ten years, including planned expenditures, revenues planned to fund the expenditures, and the utilization of the SCF. The table includes an inflation factor of 3% per year. ' Ending fund balance on June 30, 2009 is estimated at $47,641. z These numbers have been reduced by 20% for jobs bidding in 2009 -10 and by 10% for jobs bidding in 2010 -11 to reflect the current aggressive bid climate. s Short- or long -term borrowing may be necessary to meet District cash flow needs. ' $32,000 from bond proceeds. As shown, the SCF balance acts in concert with the various revenue sources to fund the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan. This cash flow projection assumes the Sewer Service Charge capital component is adjusted each year to fund the planned expenditures and that, in several years, short- or long -term loans are used to supplement the SCF balance. Questions? For additional information about the District's Capital Improvement Budget and Ten Year Plan, please contact Director of Engineering Ann Farrell at (925) 229 -7302 or Capital Projects Division Manager Tad Pilecki at (925) 229 -7273. 17 FY Revenue SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND CASH FLOW PROJECTION 11I Expenditures Net Fund Balance' (Projected) Treatment Plant Collection System General Imp. Recycled Water Subtotal Increase (Decrease) 09 $25,238 $13,069 $13,544 $9,037 $550 $36,200' ($10,962) $36,679 10 $28,101 $7,924 $17,024 $10,465 $567 $35,980' ($7,879) $28,8003 11 $32,736 $9,935 $18,156 $8,618 $583 $37,292 ($4,556) $24,2443 12 $31,884 $6,097 $18,839 $2,850 $601 $28,387 $3,497 $27,7413 13 $32,629 $7,449 $19,404 $2,299 $619 $29,771 $2,858 $30,599' 14 $35,142 $8,599 $19,986 $2,351 $638 $31,574 $3,568 $34,167 15 $36,902 $10,486 $20,585 $2,422 $657 $34,150 $2,752 $36,919 16 $67,261' $20,330 $21,203 $2,482 $683 $44,698 $22,563 $59,482 17 $35,153 $27,299 $21,839 $3,063 $703 $52,904 ($17,751) $41,731 18 $35,385 $12,885 $24,513 $2,613 $724 $40,735 ($5,350) $36,381 ' Ending fund balance on June 30, 2009 is estimated at $47,641. z These numbers have been reduced by 20% for jobs bidding in 2009 -10 and by 10% for jobs bidding in 2010 -11 to reflect the current aggressive bid climate. s Short- or long -term borrowing may be necessary to meet District cash flow needs. ' $32,000 from bond proceeds. As shown, the SCF balance acts in concert with the various revenue sources to fund the Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan. This cash flow projection assumes the Sewer Service Charge capital component is adjusted each year to fund the planned expenditures and that, in several years, short- or long -term loans are used to supplement the SCF balance. Questions? For additional information about the District's Capital Improvement Budget and Ten Year Plan, please contact Director of Engineering Ann Farrell at (925) 229 -7302 or Capital Projects Division Manager Tad Pilecki at (925) 229 -7273. 17 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District I FL www.centralsan.org 2009/10 Capital Improvements Program Board Workshop April 9, 2009 2009/10 Capital Improvements Program Workshop Agenda • Review Board role in Capital planning and future challenges • Review planned 2009/10 Capital Expenditures • Review programs and selected 2009/10 projects — Collection System Program — Treatment Plant Program — Recycled Water Program — General Improvements Program • Revisit future planning challenges and review next steps in Capital Budgeting process Capital Improvement Budget Summary for FY 2009/10 Board Role in Capital Program is Ongoing • Authorize Program Budgets each fiscal year in June • Re- authorize Program Budgets in August with actual carryover amounts • Authorize Supplemental Program Funds if needed • Create New Projects > $25,000 • Award Construction Projects > $15,000 • Authorize Construction Change Orders >$50,000 • Authorize Consultant Contracts > $50,000 • Authorize Revisions to Consultant Contracts > 15% Estimated Estimated Estimated Total Program FY 2009/10 Carry-over Allocation FY 2009/10 Program from Prior FY 2009/10 Proposed Expenditures Fiscal Year Authorization Treatment Plant $13,769,000 $12,754,000 $8,829,000 $21,583,000 Collection $15,161,000 $6,529,000 $19,064,000 $25,593,000 System General $10,637,000 $720,000 $19,893,000 $20,613,000 Improvements Recycled Water $550,000 $188,000 $545,000 $733,000 Total $40,117,000 $20,191,000 $48,331,000 $68,522,000 FY 2009/10 Board Role in Capital Program is Ongoing • Authorize Program Budgets each fiscal year in June • Re- authorize Program Budgets in August with actual carryover amounts • Authorize Supplemental Program Funds if needed • Create New Projects > $25,000 • Award Construction Projects > $15,000 • Authorize Construction Change Orders >$50,000 • Authorize Consultant Contracts > $50,000 • Authorize Revisions to Consultant Contracts > 15% Next Steps in CIB /CIP Process • May 7, 2009 set Public Hearing for CIB /CIP • June 4, 2009 hold Public Hearing and Approve CIB /CIP at same time as other budgets (new) • June 4, 2009 Board Adopts all Budgets, including CIB /CIP, officially Authorizing the FY 2009/10 CIB • Revise CIB /CIP Revenue and Cash Flow Sections if needed to reflect other than $10 SSC increase (new) • June 18, 2009 Board Approves Closeout Position Paper for completed CIB projects • Hold Board briefing on closed out projects for any interested Board members after June 18, 2009 • August 2009, ask Board to Reauthorize FY 2009/10 CIB with actual carryover amounts Stay the Course until November 2009 then revisit emphasis of Capital Program.... • Increase Revenues by Amount of Stimulus Funding If Received? • Increase Revenues by $30 million in Bond Sales to Construct Needed Projects? • Reduce Capital Expenditures due to Reduced Revenues? • Expand or Contract Renovation Program? • Add Projects to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions? • Adjust Treatment Plant Renovation budget based on Asset Mgmt Plan? • Add projects for Seismic Retrofit? • Invest more in Recycled Water Projects? FY 2009/10 Expenditure Recommendations EXPENDITURES (% Capital Program) FY 2009/10 Collection System $15,161,000 (38 %) Treatment Plant $13,769,000 (34 %) General Improvements $10,637,000 (27 %) Recycled Water $550,000 (1 %) TOTAL EXPENDITURES $40,117,000 (100 %) FY 2009/10 Expenditure Recommendations EXPENDITURES FY 2009/10 FY 09/10 Reduced (% Capital Program) Expenditures* Collection System $15,161,000 (38 %) $13,544,000 (37 %) Treatment Plant $13,769,000 (34 %) $13,069,000 (36 %) General (27%) 000 637 $10,, $9,037,000 (25 %) Improvements Recycled Water $550,000 (1 %) $550,000 (2 %) TOTAL $40,117,000 (100 %) $36,200,000 (100 %) EXPENDITURES *Assumes projects bid in 2009/10 come in 20% below Engineers Estimate Tracking of Bid Results Confirms 20 % Assumption • Bid data from CCCSD, VSFCD, DSRSD, EBMUD, SJWPCP, CalTrans • Total Engineers Estimate for 30 projects in survey $100,334,144 • Total Low Bid for 30 projects in survey $79,615,390 • Low Bid 21% below Engineers Estimate on Average • Staff will continue to track and advise Board if conclusion changes significantly.... Current Bid Flowchart Requires Significant Labor and Paper GM notifies DPM transmits approval to Notice to Advertise, Notice to Contractors BOD of Bid Contractor, and Advertising Published memo to District Secretary Secretary prepares plan RSC prints bid Permit counter supplies bid documents to walk -in holders list docs bidders / Secretary supplies bid documents to all telephone requests DPM prepares DPM answers DPM holds pre- Information addendum questions bid meeting posted on website Addendum DPM prepares meeting distributed by minutes and distributes to certified mail 5 plan holders and file days prior to bid opening and adds to bid documents BID OPENING DPM extends bid opening if needed Bid Results posted on the Website �s c'1sc.».cen c.os....od.n Z. LL rn• _.,a.. Coms ,on tone •ntral Contra Costa Sanitary District (CO.. . r,pecial district that collects and clean, .r•. „ ..�.. >.,, -: /®rage of 45 million gallons of wastewater pPr y for approximately 450,000 residents and . ismesses in central Contra Costa County. r� I �'-L1nk to DI +0;,4 [4pGp NBwskOtl � Public Notices .' >>> <cccsd @planetbids.com> 4/3/2009 3:53:02 PM >>> Dear JP Test Bidder A new Bid request, PlanetBids Demo Construction Project has just been issued by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and you are being invited to participate as a bidder. Please visit htto://vendors.DIanetbids.com /cccsd /biddti.cfm ?BidNo= 252 &Header =1 & CompanylD =10945 for further details! Thank You, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 51 Planet Bids Benefits Are Many • Reduces costs — Typical Plan set printing ranges from $25 for small jobs to $70 for larger jobs and print 75 -125 sets — District gives one free set and charges $25 each additional set — Bid 30 to 35 projects per year — Provide option of CD • Saves time — Currently hiring temporary clerical help each bid season • Quicker information • Reduced paper consumption • Nationwide publication Planet Bids Cost Is Very Reasonable $7,500 Initial Setup $5,000 Annual License Will be Pilot Testing this Bid Season Will also be making CD's available at no charge If Successful, will begin charging more for paper next bid season....... 7 FY 2009 -10 Collection System Program Expenditures by Subprogram Program /Subprogram FY 2009 -10 Expenditures Total Collection System Program $15.2 million (100 %) Renovation $10.0 million (66 %) Expansion /Capacity Improvements $3.8 million (25 %) Pumping Stations /Force Mains $1.1 million (7 %) Regulatory Compliance /Planning $0.3 million (2 %) 2009/10 Large Project Expenditures Collection System Program PROJECT 2009/10 Expenditures Total Project Cost South Orinda Renovations Phase 4 $1,600,000 $1,801,000 Lafayette Renovations Phase 6 $1,450,000 $1,600,000 Pleasant Hill Renovations Phase 1 $1,300,000 $1,500,000 Diablo Renovations Phase 1 $1,200,000 $1,410,000 Walnut Creek Renovations Phase 7 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 2009 -10 Development Sewerage $1,180,000 $2,360,000 TV Inspection Program Phase 2 $1,100,000 $5,600,000 Miner Rd Orinda, Tr 02 -200 $987,000 $1,450,000 Total Collection System Projects <$900,000 $5,144,000 NA Total Collection System Program ` $15,161,000 NA *Discussion of A -Line Project and Renovation Programs to follow Ten Year Capital Improvement Program of $331 million includes approximately $94 million or almost 30 % of the CIP for Collection System Renovation Investment in Sewer Renovation Continues..... *Estimated at $250/ft for 2009/10 - $280/ft for subsequent years N FY 90/91 — 99/00 4 Miles /Year = 40 Miles 10 Yr Cost = $40 M Renovation FY 00/01 — 08/09 5.4 Miles /Year = 48.4 Miles Program 9 Yr Cost = $57.3 M FY 09/10 — 18/19 6.0 Miles /Year = 60 Miles 10 Yr Cost = $87.9 M* TV Program 1100 Miles of 1500 Miles of District Sewers Inspected to Date *Estimated at $250/ft for 2009/10 - $280/ft for subsequent years N Definition of Future Needs Continues... • Extrapolation of TV results indicates that about 75 miles of 6,8 and 10 -inch sewer mains still need to be renovated • Plan next 10 years — 60 miles renovated • 15 miles will remain after next ten years unless rate of renovation expenditures are increased or cost per mile decreases • Sewers will continue to deteriorate Continue to "right size" sewer renovation program... • Complete TV program / validate extrapolation figures • Complete Collection System Master Plan to validate and revisit cost/timing of needed capacity projects • Continue to review /optimize right of way /design /construction process to minimize project costs • Update report to Board for November 2009 CIB Workshop on "Right Sizing" renovation program • Provide data on past, current and future expenditures per community to better understand where $$ are being spent 10 A -line Phase 2A Project Nears Completion.... • Construction began February 2008 • Start Connection of Concord Flow April 2009 • Complete Connection of Concord Flow June 2009 • Commission Project & Celebrate July 2009 Total Construction Cost $20.6 million Total Project Cost $23.3 million 11 a FY 2009/10 Treatment Plant Program Expenditures by Subprogram Program /Subprogram FY 2009 -10 Expenditures Total Treatment Plant Program $13.8 million (100 %) One -Time Renovation $6.9 million (50 %) Regulatory Compliance /Planning $3.9 million (28 %) Recurring Renovation $2.7 million (20 %) Expansion /Capacity Improvements $0.1 million (1 %) Other Miscellaneous Projects $0.2 million (1 %) 2009/10 Large Project Expenditures Treatment Plant Program PROJECT 2009110 Expenditures Total Project Cost Standby Power Facility Improvements $3,700,000 $5,605,000 Solids Handling Improvements $3,500,000 $4,470,000 Aeration Air Renovations Phase 2 $1,950,000 $2,100,000 Piping Renovations Phase 4 $1,400,000 $2,568,000 Total Treatment Plant Projects< $1,000,000 $3,219,000 NA Total Treatment Plant Program " $13,769,000 NA *Discussion of Plant Hydraulic Model, Asset Management, Standby Power, Control Room, Mercury Removal and Green House Gas Emissions to follow 14 m1 01w Stn 1 BrPK. Pump CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Q' PLANT HYDRAULIC MODEL e. MENU BUTTONS PNm.ry Fln.l W T.nN ENlu.nl EMY.M Pump Pump — —y� NPM W.Ir - .r52 I PR ♦♦ aWlrw�- P .� CMMMMI n..1 4i -ML RM TK.. Ix "9aconcery EM-1 Llrm n+mn BKlns ie INN, 1' NoM Slrurtur. SlruMUre � ��wnr Plant Flew. UnX In U... = UnX Not In um.. / 1. \ CXKh FIOOO Sblua [� CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT _=11-1 PLANT HYDRAULIC MODEL w `� MENU BUTTONS .,• 1. rleM of UV ianka f ~ 11 �, ® emu. Emuon t � 110 Pump Pump.l r — �W.Ir 1\ Pnmp ♦ � , __�____ � ♦ Pump - � I �_aa.awen.aea I ueM �a� CIa.rNNl p (� I SS' ML r Pl.nt BBMn. omen � Tr s.mnwrvEmuem Martha. Line B.._ nt.mn N- Stnmtum 9tnNlun t n Mgg P11M Flovn Unit in Service UnX Not In S-1.. � CXK. FIOK Sutus Model 215 mgd thru Primaries &110 mgd thru Secondaries /UV 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I�ilw�r PLANT HYDRAULIC PROFILE h. MENU BONS 18,�ID 113.231 _122,10 2H2D 113.10 North Mal ! South 110 D2 Ty3 .\ 105 04 ] MW I v ,nr r.,aa nr Hove si.,ers Hydraulic Profile shows 215 mgd`over-flows preaeration tanks whi 110 mgd passes secondaries /UV with some weir submergence Using Asset Management Techniques for Capital Prowect Forecasting The District will focus on "capital project forecasting" by anticipating the retirement and refurbishment of assets and planning for adequate funding. Assets Condition Assessment ' us Hess Risk Exposure BRE - Remaining use life? - Consequences of failure (criticality)? - Deficiencies? d of failure? / Determine Projects & Group Appropriately Determine Funding Strategy (CIP & Rate - Setting) 16 Condition Rating Is the Key to Prioritizing Expenditures Table is based on International Infrastructure Management Manual's Condition Rating Model. This allows us to compare different types of assets (mechanical, electrical, civil, etc.). The actual replacement or refurbishment project will refer back to the condition assessment for specific details about what work needs to be done. NexGen Software Will Be Used to Manage Information rs Nexge ^,w. wlndam ln,erirclEWmr -- -- _ -, u��0 Fo,ew.lm:: 25 •� i � t war tRr i �nr �� eerie S�faw�Cae @Mulare <sno I1 g 0 9 5 C C T G X 1 y n M Y u_ec. lOeEM>d o11a r Y♦ 17 1 Excellent No visual defects. Only normal maintenance required. 2 Good Minor defects only. Minor maintenance required (5 %). 3 Fair Maintenance required to return to accepted level of service. Significant maintenance required (1620 %) 4 Poor Significant renewal /upgrade required (20 -50 %) 5 Unacceptable Asset unserviceable. Over 5D% of asset requires replacement Table is based on International Infrastructure Management Manual's Condition Rating Model. This allows us to compare different types of assets (mechanical, electrical, civil, etc.). The actual replacement or refurbishment project will refer back to the condition assessment for specific details about what work needs to be done. NexGen Software Will Be Used to Manage Information rs Nexge ^,w. wlndam ln,erirclEWmr -- -- _ -, u��0 Fo,ew.lm:: 25 •� i � t war tRr i �nr �� eerie S�faw�Cae @Mulare <sno I1 g 0 9 5 C C T G X 1 y n M Y u_ec. lOeEM>d o11a r Y♦ 17 Next Steps In Capital Project Forecasting • Continue to populate and evaluate NexGen Asset Management software • Continue asset inventory — Electrical feeders — Piping • Additional RFPs for: — Mechanical equipment condition assessment — Protective Coatings condition assessment — Electrical equipment condition assessment — Piping inventory and condition assessment iu P A Come visit us for a personal tour of our new Plant Control System! Control System Must Integrate Standby Power Seamlessly with Cogen and Utility Power ?eao-en:e leem�n wrCOpen: "hm-aly bnarlw ®. ce0t w11an Glanl ollUDueM bWgB' Stan�y oowwr Iry LIS�' 19 Onsite Engine Generator Set Factory Test Was Successful 16 Cylinder Engine is Built to Last 20 Standby Power Construction Schedule Is Protracted due to Long Lead Time Equipment • Notice to Proceed • Project Duration • Project Completion June 20, 2008 840 days / 2.3 years October 10, 2010 • Contractor pushing for early completion November 2009 if technical issues can be resolved Incinerator Focus to Change from Mercury Control to ? ?? • Mandatory Amalgam Separator Program implemented by December 2007, reduced mercury influent by 70% and mercury effluent by 50% with no modifications to Incinerators. • Design of Sludge Hauling Facility underway/ Construction 2009/10.... will allow sludge hauling if Incinerator mercury emissions or plant effluent mercury become an issue. • Dry Scrubber Pilot Plant operation problematic but still attempting to gather some good data. • Awaiting outcome of USEPA review of Clean Air Act regulation of Sewage Sludge Incinerators.... • Will then revisit incinerators optimization /renovation — Burner replacement/optimization — Wet Scrubber replacement — Other 21 Ten Year Treatment Plant Capital Improvement Program does NOT Budget for Projects to Respond to Climate Change and Green House Gas Regulations. Regulations being developed for Green House Gas (GHG) reductions could have significant impacts.... • AB 32 (2006 Global Warming Solutions Act) — Reduce statewide GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (approx. 25% reduction) — Requires Air Resources Board to develop regulations om 1.GHG reporting by 2008 2. Specific GHG emission reduction requirements by 2012 (Implementation Plan) • Governor's Executive Order — Reduce statewide GHG emissions by an additional 80% by 2050 Next Steps to Comply with AB32 • Proactively monitor AB 32 regulatory development • Submit 2008 GHG inventory to ARB in April 2009 • Develop Approach for GHG Predictive Scenario Model • Develop potential scenarios for meeting 24% ++ reduction... include in next years 10 -year CIP • Analyze GHG impacts of future projects in CIB, as necessary and consider any needed offsets • Follow development of carbon trading markets and how this fits into GHG compliance strategies..... 2009/10 Expenditures Recycled Water Program PROJECT 2009/10 Total Project Expenditures Cost Zone 1 Recycled Water Phase 1C $340,000 $1,546,000 Total Remaining Recycled Water Projects including Industrial Concepts Planning and $210,000 NA Concord Naval Weapons Station Total Recycled Water Program $550,000 NA 23 Martinez Refinery Recycled Water Project Concord Naval Weapons Station StR`4 ji I9 It i xasa w�rc�s su�io. _ �a - no 3:� � ! • __ ■ -- - -•— - -. �. _ Iacono wx rKarar. sraa+ - AECVa6n wr,� Ana 24 2009/10 Expenditures General Improvements Program PROJECT 2009 -10 Total Expenditures Project Cost CSOD Facility Improvements $7,500,000 $17,725,000 Vehicles and Equipment Acquisition $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Total General Improvements Projects $2,137,000 NA < $700,000 Total General Improvements Program $10,637,000 NA *Detailed discussion of CSO Facility Improvements Project at April 16 Board Meeting EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ^- V COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS DIVISION o,= CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 25 CSO PROJECT APPROVAL PROCESS ADMINISTRATIVE DRAFT MND REVIEW BY THE CITY OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2007 J WALNUT CREEK CITY PLAN CHECK (FOR BUILDING PERMIT) AND DRAFT MND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 9, 2007 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT END OF PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD DECEMBER 10, 2007 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER CCCSD BOARD APPROVES MND, MMRP, AND DECEMBER 20, 2007 PROPOSED PROJECT CCCSD SUBMITS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) JANUARY 14, 2008 APPLICATION CITY OF WALNUT CREEK CITY REVIEW OF CUP APPLICATION (130 detailed comments rec'd Feb 14lresubmital with JANUARY - APRIL 2008 comments incorporated April 9) CITY STAFF DEEMS APPLICATION COMPLETE MAY 2008 CITY DESIGN REVEW COMMISSION HEARING MAY - JUNE 2008 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING JULY 2008 WC CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL AUGUST 2008 CCCSD BOARD PROJECT APPROVAL NOVEMBER 2008 PRELIMINARY CSO FACILITY DESIGN /CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE PREPARE DETAILED DESIGN PLANS AND NOVEMBER 2008 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDDING MAY 2009 CITY PLAN CHECK (FOR BUILDING PERMIT) AND MAY - JULY 2009 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AUGUST-SEPTEMBER BIDDING /AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 2009 26 FY 2009/10 Expenditure Recommendations EXPENDITURES FY 2009/10 Reduced (% Capital Program) FY 2009/10 Expenditures Collection System $15,161,000 (38 %) $13,544,000 (37 %) Treatment Plant $13,769,000 (34 %) $13,069,000 (36 %) General $10,637,000 (27 %) $9,037,000 (25 %) Improvements Recycled Water Sales $175,000 Recycled Water $550,000 (1 %) $550,000 (2 %) TOTAL $40,117,000 (100 %) $36,200,000 (100 %) EXPENDITURES FY 2009/10 Budgeted Revenue Revenues FY 2009/10 Facility Capacity Fees $5,298,000 Pumped Zone Fees $825,000 Interest $556,000 Ad Valorem Taxes $8,200,000 Sewer Service Charges $4,870,000 City of Concord $4,528,000 Alhambra Valley Reimbursements $359,000 Recycled Water Sales $175,000 Developer Fees & Charges & Other $427,000 Total Revenue $25,238,000 *Based on $10 SSC Increase 27 Residential Unit Equivalents (RUE) Added (Includes Commercial and Residential) wc^ �c ^ I "aB t!C' tlCJ 1 +cz / 13C^ i� D' a uc tY E 3CC 2 ![^ !C' i +r 3C^ .CS CJ J.. -I eLG SE.- ]CT ND: DEC. —1 fEB —P A-P M.' _..1. Monthly X 2003 -09 X 2007 -G8 ® 200!7 -07 Yearly - 2003 -09 2007 -0S 200!' -07 FY 2009/10 Capital Cash Flow Estimate *Assumes beginning SCF Balance $47.6 M (7/1/2009) 28 2009/10 Capital Program Cash Flow 2009/10 Reduced Expenditures Total Budgeted Revenue $25,238,000 $ 25,238,000 Total Budgeted Expenditures $40,117,000 $36,200,000 Negative Variance - $14,879,000 - $10,962,000 Projected SCF Balance $32.8 M $36.7 M June 30, 2009 *Assumes beginning SCF Balance $47.6 M (7/1/2009) 28 Actual Capital Revenue vs. Actual Capital Expenditures and SCF Balance S7OM $60M SCF Balance S60M $40M S30M= Sower Construction FurWs Requwed roM tual EXPense S20M Actual Revenue SIOM SOM 1999100 2000101 2001102 2002103 2003104 2004106 2006106 2000/07 2007/OS 2005109' 2009110" 'pro�r•rt � -'CUtlaHCd SSC Increases with No Bond Financing for CIP SSC Increase $10 $20 $24 $8 $8 $8 $8 $6 $6 $6 60,000 70,000 Total Funds Available 60000 N v 50.000 — — — a \M L .E 40,000 e - - -•-' Total Funds Required S 30,000 - - 20,000 - - 10,000 0 2009.10 2010.11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013.14 2014.15 201516 2015-17 2017 -18 2018 -19 FT, Sewer Construction Fund Cash Flow Projection $t DDD Fy Revenue Expenditures Net Fund Increase Balancs (Decrease) (Projected) Treatment PIaM Collection S atom General Im . Recycbd Water Subtotal 09 f28,238 $13,089 §13,544 §9,037 $550 $18,2007 ( §10,862) $38,679 10 $28,101 §7,924 §17,024 $10,485 §567 $35,8807 (§7,679) $28,800 11 $32,736 9,935 §18,158 $8,818 $583 $37,292 (§4,556) 524,2147 12 531,884 $6.097 §18,839 52,850 $801 128,587 $3,497 $27,7417 13 $32,629 $7,449 $19,404 $2,299 $619 $29,771 $2,858 $30,5997 14 S36,142 $8,599 $19,988 $2,351 $638 531,574 $3,568 $34,187 15 $18,902 $10,488 §20,585 $2,422 $657 S34,150 $2.752 $36,918 18 $67,281 520,330 $21,203 $2,482 5883 $44,696 $22,583 $69,482 17 556,183 $27299 $21,839 §3,083 $703 $52,904 ($17,751) 141,731 18 S35,386 $12,885 §24,513 $2,813 $724 $40,736 ($5,350) $38,381 1 Ending 2 These bidding Short- 4 $32,000 fund numbers in 2010 or long from balance on have been -11 to reflect -term borrowing bond proceeds. June 30, 2009 reduced the current may is estimated by 20% aggressive be necessary at for jobs bidding bid to meet $47,841. in 200910 climate. District and cash flow needs. by 10% for jobs Sewer Construction Fund Cash Flow Projection $t DDD Fy Revenue Expenditures Net Fund Increase Balancs (Decrease) (Projected) Treatment PIaM Collection S atom General Im . Recycbd Water Subtotal 09 f28,238 $13,089 §13,544 §9,037 $550 $18,2007 ( §10,862) $38,679 10 $28,101 §7,924 §17,024 $10,485 §567 $35,8807 (§7,679) $28,800 11 $32,736 9,935 §18,158 $8,818 $583 $37,292 (§4,556) 524,2147 12 531,884 $6.097 §18,839 52,850 $801 128,587 $3,497 $27,7417 13 $32,629 $7,449 $19,404 $2,299 $619 $29,771 $2,858 $30,5997 14 S36,142 $8,599 $19,988 $2,351 $638 531,574 $3,568 $34,187 15 $18,902 $10,488 §20,585 $2,422 $657 S34,150 $2.752 $36,918 18 $67,281 520,330 $21,203 $2,482 5883 $44,696 $22,583 $69,482 17 556,183 $27299 $21,839 §3,083 $703 $52,904 ($17,751) 141,731 18 S35,386 $12,885 §24,513 $2,813 $724 $40,736 ($5,350) $38,381 SSC Increases with $30M Bond Financing for CIP SSC Increase $11 $11 $11 $11 $11 $11 $11 $10 $10 „ ., 80.000 70,000 Total Funds A- il.ihle 60,000 9 50,000 40,000 C _m 8 30,000 Total Funds Required 20,000 10,000 0 2008 -70 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -73 2013.14 2014 -15 2015 -18 2018 -17 2017 -15 2018 -19 30 Projects Serving Future Rate Payers Suitable for Bond Financing...... • Solids Handling Improvements (2009 -10) $3,505,000 • CSOD Facility Improvements (2009 -10) $16,768,000 • Wet Weather Bypass Imprvnts (2010 -11) $2,660,000 • San Ramon Sch C Interceptor (2010 -11) $3,282,000 • Primary Structure Demolition (2010 -11) $1,474,000 • Seismic Improvements Est. (20010 -11) $6,000,000 • Incinerator Improvements Est. (20010 -11) $4,000,000 $30 + million in needed projects available for funding in next two years...... . Receipt of Federal Stimulus Funding Would Also Improve Revenue Stream.... • Solids Handling Improvements (2009 -10) $4,470,000 • Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 (2009 -10) $1,410,000 • Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations, Ph 1 (2009 -10) $1,500,000 • CSOD Facility Improvements (2009- 10)$17,725,000 • Wet Weather Bypass Imprvnts (2010 -11) $3,287,000 • Primary Structure Demolition (2010 -11) $1,474,000 • Concord Recycled Water Project Phase 1 $4,200,000 $34 + million in budgeted projects submitted for stimulus funding....... 31 Stay the Course until November 2009 then revisit emphasis of Capital Program.... • Increase Revenues by Amount of Stimulus Funding If Received? • Increase Revenues by $30 million in Bond Sales to Construct Needed Projects? • Reduce Capital Expenditures due to Reduced Revenues? • Expand or Contract Renovation Program? • Add Projects to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions? • Adjust Treatment Plant Renovation budget based on Asset Mgmt Plan? • Add projects for Seismic Retrofit? • Invest more in Recycled Water Projects? Capital Improvement Budget Summary for FY 2009/10 32 Estimated Estimated Estimated Total Program FY 2009/10 Carry -over Allocation FY 2009/10 Program from Prior FY 2009110 Proposed Expenditures Fiscal Year Authorization Treatment Plant $13,769,000 $12,754,000 $8,829,000 $21,583,000 Collection $15,161,000 $6,529,000 $19,064,000 $25,593,000 System General $10,637,000 $720,000 $19,893,000 $20,613,000 Improvements Recycled Water $550,000 $188,000 $545,000 $733,000 Total $40,117,000 $20,191,000 $48,331,000 $68,522,000 FY 2009/10 32 Next Steps in CIB /CIP Process • May 7, 2009 set Public Hearing for CIB /CIP • June 4, 2009 hold Public Hearing and Approve CIB /CIP at same time as other budgets (new) • June 4, 2009 Board Adopts all Budgets, including CIB /CIP, officially Authorizing the FY 2009/10 CIB • Revise CIB /CIP Revenue and Cash Flow Sections if needed to reflect other than $10 SSC increase (new) • June 18, 2009 Board Approves Closeout Position Paper for completed CIB projects • Hold Board briefing on closed out projects for any interested Board members after June 18, 2009 • August 2009, ask Board to Reauthorize FY 2009/10 CIB with actual carryover amounts Questions? Staff is available to stay after meeting for any detailed technical question.