HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/19/2009 AGENDA BACKUPa. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District February 18, 2009 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGIN ERI G CURTIS W. SWANSON, DIVISION MANAGER 6LV FROM: RUSSELL B. LEAVITT, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III #t___ SUBJECT: BACKGROUND ON TAMARA ATTARD'S 2003 REQUEST FOR CCCSD ASSISTANCE WITH WASTEWATER DISPOSAL According to an August 28, 2003 letter to then - General Manager Chuck Batts, Ms. Tamara L. Attard owns a spice farm at 1000 Fish Ranch Road (near the top of the Caldecott Tunnel; see Figure 1). She desired to build a restroom for up to five employees and had no method of disposing of wastewater. While CCCSD apparently was the nearest wastewater system operator, her property was not within reach of CCCSD's collection system, due to terrain and access limitations (State Route 24). The nearest CCCSD sewers were at Camino Pablo, at least two miles away. Contra Costa County Environmental Health would not allow her to have a conventional septic system due to being located in a drainage area for a domestic water supply. Environmental Health would allow her to install a holding tank, but the tank would need to be "operated by a presently existing public agency having statutory authority to provide such a service." Ms. Attard requested an agreement with CCCSD for ongoing monitoring of a wastewater holding tank with alarms and a telemetry system. CCCSD's General Manager rejected the agreement. According to a Caltrans supervisor, Ms. Attard subsequently pursued another option, namely construction of a sewer line to and through the Caldecott Tunnel (in partnership with Caltrans). The line apparently serves Ms. Attard's property and a Caltrans employees' restroom on the east side of the tunnel, and connects to the City of Oakland wastewater collection system on the west side of the tunnel. According to a Contra Costa County planner, some unpermitted development activities have since occurred at the Fish Ranch Road site and several planning and building violations are in the process of being investigated. RBUnap Attachment N:\ENVRSEC\Admin \Leavitt \Board Memo (BMtg. 2 -19 -09) Re - Tamara Attard 2- 18- 09.doc FIGURE 1. MAP OF 1000 FISH RANCH ROAD, ORINDA AND SURROUNDINGS QN N F_ d --a 00" 9j NAENVRSECWdmiMLeavkt\Board Memo (BMtg. 2- 19-09) Re - Tamara Attard 2- 18- 09.doc ( I A A ij Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION No.: 4.d. Consent Calendar subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM MARGIE L. FORD, A PROPERTY OWNER IN THE ULFINIAN WAY NEIGHBORHOOD, MARTINEZ (DISTRICT PROJECT 5975 — PARCEL 5 *) Submitted By: Initiating DeptdDiv.: Ricardo Hernandez, SR/WA Engineering /Environmental Services Senior Right of Way Agent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: tLljlle �Y% - - *�-- 4,u R. Hernande *Gn C. Swanson A. F r 4011 ames M. /fieneral M ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept or quitclaim easements and to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting a grant of easement from Margie L. Ford and authorizing staff to record the document with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The compensation amount for the new permanent sewer easement is $3,700. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The District replaced approximately 800 feet of existing 6 -inch sewers with new 8 -inch sewers as part of the Martinez Sewer Renovations Project, Phase 1 (District Project 5975). The pipes are located within the backyards of nine residential properties in the Ulfinian Way neighborhood. SITE Six of the nine properties only had existing five -foot wide sewer easements. District staff desires to increase the width of easements to ten -foot wide to provide better access for future maintenance activities and to mitigate the potential for future encroachments over the new sewers. The District has made voluntary offers to acquire ten -foot wide sanitary sewer easements to these six property owners. With this grant, the District has now acquired expanded easements from five of the six properties. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009 \PP DP 5975 - Parcel 5 Acceptance of GOE (Ford) 2- 19- 09.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 Subject ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM MARGIE L. FORD, A PROPERTY OWNER IN THE ULFINIAN WAY NEIGHBORHOOD, MARTINEZ (DISTRICT PROJECT 5975 — PARCEL 5 *) The reimbursement agreement with the City of Martinez (City) does not apply to these easements; since prior land rights met the standard that existed at the time the District took over the City's sewers. The additional permanent easements were to upgrade to the current standard for the reasons stated above. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting a grant of easement from Margie L. Ford, and authorize staff to record the document with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 'Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only. N:\ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009 \PP DP 5975 - Parcel 5 Acceptance of GOE (Ford) 2- 19- 09.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 4.e. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT WITH RESIDENCE INN III LLC FOR THE MARRIOTT RESIDENCE INN, 1071 MARKET PLACE, SAN RAMON (APN 213 - 702 -002; JOB 2081 B — PARCEL 2) AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF THE AGREEMENT Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Jarred Miyamoto -Mills Engineering / Environmental Services Principal Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: kylve-- 1 J. M arroto -Mills C. Swanson A. Farre K. Alm 49fies M. Kevy, eral Man ger ISSUE: Residence Inn III LLC, the owner of the Marriott Residence Inn located at 1071 Market Place in San Ramon has requested that the District allow construction of an outdoor patio area, with a detachable fire pit and barbeque, partially within a District easement. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution approving a Real Property Agreement and authorizing the President of the Board and the District Secretary to execute the agreement, and authorize staff to record the agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The property owner has paid the applicable $835 Real Property Agreement processing fee. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject agreement and disallow proposed improvements. BACKGROUND: The San Ramon Marriott Residence Inn property owner wishes to maintain an existing pool deck, sports court and air conditioning condensers, and construct the outdoor patio area and detachable fire pit and barbeque shown in Attachment 1. Staff has determined that the existing sewer is in acceptable condition and that the existing and proposed improvements will not significantly interfere with the District's use. The owners have signed a Real Property Agreement. The agreement limits what may be installed or planted within the easement area in the future as required for Class 1 encroachments by the recently adopted District Code Sections 7.15.070 and 7.15.080. The owner accepts liability for any damage it may cause to the District's facilities. Further, the owner agrees to hold the District harmless from all claims and liability for injury to persons or to property as a result of its construction and maintenance of the N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2009 \PP RPA Marriott Res. Inn -San Ramon Final 2 -19 -09 .doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 subject. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT WITH RESIDENCE INN III LLC FOR THE MARRIOTT RESIDENCE INN, 1071 MARKET PLACE, SAN RAMON (APN 213 - 702 -002; JOB 2081B — PARCEL 2) AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF THE AGREEMENT proposed improvements within the District's easement. The owner agrees not to impede District's access to the property. The agreement also provides for the District's emergency access, and requires the property owner to remove improvements to allow the District reasonably necessary access to the easement upon 30 days notice. Staff has concluded that this project (execution of the Real Property Agreement) is exempt from compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15304, since it involves a minor alteration of the District's land -use policies. The Board's approval of this agreement will constitute a determination that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution approving a Real Property Agreement with Residence Inn III LLC for the Marriott Residence Inn, 1071 Market Place, San Ramon (APN 213 - 702 -002), and authorizing the Board President and District Secretary to execute the agreement; and authorizing staff to record the document with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Miyamoto- Mills\2009 \PP RPA Marriott Res. Inn -San Ramon Final 2 -19 -09 .doc Page 2 of 2 00TING SIDEWALK 1 N . I .a. KMP IXG TREE5 AND SHRUBS ALONG PROPERTY UW TENCl11NE EMTING ..- DOTING .. DOING ._r -•i-v� [W CUR5; NEW STAMP[D { Ew5TiNG HEARTHROOM E10T L GATEHOUSE ADD IAIDSCAFE TO C. TATE n.Y i 5(4) MORE FRNACY AND SCREEN i) CONDENSERS REMOVE EIQ BOS_NG STING CONDEN59L5 LANDSCAPING FURNITURE PLAN / NEW WORK N.T.S. Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary district MARRIOTT RESIDENCE INN 1071 MARKET PLACE 1 V J SAN RAMON, CA i ADD UW DSCAFE TO CREATE MORE PRIVACY AND SCREEN SFORT COURT IXISnNG SPORT w COM Cn U) in T MODIFY IXG 5FORT9 MENUTO ALLOW FOR ACCE9®IBU_ FA OF TRAWL IF ADDITIONAL IX Ef NOT ADDW 00TING SIDEWALK 1 N . I .a. KMP IXG TREE5 AND SHRUBS ALONG PROPERTY UW TENCl11NE EMTING ..- DOTING .. DOING ._r -•i-v� [W CUR5; NEW STAMP[D { Ew5TiNG HEARTHROOM E10T L GATEHOUSE ADD IAIDSCAFE TO C. TATE n.Y i 5(4) MORE FRNACY AND SCREEN i) CONDENSERS REMOVE EIQ BOS_NG STING CONDEN59L5 LANDSCAPING FURNITURE PLAN / NEW WORK N.T.S. Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary district MARRIOTT RESIDENCE INN 1071 MARKET PLACE 1 V J SAN RAMON, CA i Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 4.f. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT subject: BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 2008 SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN ANNUAL AUDIT Submitted By: Initiating DeptdDiv.: Alex Rozul, Senior Engineer Collection System Operations Department/ Field Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: *-71 l A. Rozul . Brennan ames M. K ly, eneral Manftger ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) annual audit of the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), San Francisco Bay Section. This annual audit is presented for the District Board of Directors' information and acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the 2008 SSMP Annual Audit. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None BACKGROUND: The California State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006- 0003, "Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems," required that an SSMP be prepared and that the SSMP contain 11 chapters. It also established a time schedule for their completion. The District is ahead of schedule, with 10 chapters completed to date. The Board approved the SSMP chapters 1 through 6 on October 18, 2007, and chapters 7 through 10 on July 17, 2008. Chapter 11 is not required to be completed until May 2009 and is found later in this agenda for consideration by the Board. The WDR requires an SSMP audit every two years and that audit is not submitted but is to be held as a record at the District. Prior to the requirements of California State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006 -0003, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) required that an SSMP be prepared. The SSMP as it now stands meets the requirements of the RWQCB. However, the RWQCB required that an annual audit of the SSMP be prepared and submitted to the RWQCB. The first of these is required for calendar year 2008 and is to be submitted by March 15, 2009. The audit for 2008 is attached to this position paper and does not include a review of chapter 11, as this chapter is not a requirement of the RWQCB. CSO /C: \Ppaper \SSMP Audit 2008.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 Subject BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 2008 SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN ANNUAL AUDIT The purpose of the audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of SSMP, analyze overflow and stoppage data for trends, and identify areas which may be lacking and need improvement. This is the first audit of the SSMP and the data collected will serve as a baseline for future years. Upon acceptance of this audit by the District Board of Directors, it will be submitted to the RWQCB. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the 2008 SSMP Annual Audit. C: \Ppaper \SSMP Audit 2008.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan Annual Audit Report Date of audit February 20, 2009 Name of auditor Alex Rozul System Overview LF of gravity sewer mains 7.7 million (1,460 miles) LF of force mains 116,000 (22 miles) Total LF of all sewer line 7.9 million (1,500 miles) Number of pump stations 18 Population served 317,000 (plus 135,000 sewage treatment only) Current monthly single family residential sewer rate - $26 /month ($311/yr) I. GOALS 1. Are the goals stated in the SSMP still appropriate? eNO (circle one) 2. If you answered NO to question 1, describe content and schedule for updates. II. ORGANIZATION REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Organization chart ➢ Phone list 3. Is the SSMP Wa4Qdate with agency organization and staffing contact information? QD NO 4. If you answered NO to question 3, describe content and schedule for updates. III. OVERFLOW EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Data submitted to CIWQS ➢ Service call data Table 1. Annual SSO Statistics C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 1 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of dry- weather SSOs 86 Number of wet - weather SSOs 0 Total number of SSOs 86 C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 1 of 7 5. Does the SSMP contain an u to version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan. YES NO 6. Considering the information in Table 1, is the low Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs. ES O 7. If you answered NO to questions 5 and /or 6, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions and implementations. IV. FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL > List or map of FOG sources in service > List or map of hotspots > Cleaning schedules > Restaurant inspection reports or summaries > Data submitted to CIWQS > Service call data Table 2. FOG Control Statistics 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs per 100 miles of sewer per year 5.7 Number of SSOs < 100 gallons 60 Number SSOs 100 to 999 gallons 19 Number of SSOs 1,000 to 9,999 gallons 7 Number of SSOs > 10,000 gallons 0 Total volume of SSOs (1000 gals) 27.2 Total volume recovered (1000 gals) 11.2 Net volume of SSOs (total minus recovered) (1000 gals) 16 SSOs caused by: Roots 63 Grease 7 Debris 14 Pipe failure 2 Pump station failure 0 Capacity — limited pipe segment (no debris) 0 Other 0 Number of locations with more than one SSO in the past year 2 Average response time (minutes) — during business hours Average response time (minutes) — after business hours 37 5. Does the SSMP contain an u to version of your agency's Overflow Emergency Response Plan. YES NO 6. Considering the information in Table 1, is the low Emergency Response Plan effective in handling SSOs. ES O 7. If you answered NO to questions 5 and /or 6, describe content and schedule for necessary revisions and implementations. IV. FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) CONTROL PLAN REFERENCE MATERIAL > List or map of FOG sources in service > List or map of hotspots > Cleaning schedules > Restaurant inspection reports or summaries > Data submitted to CIWQS > Service call data Table 2. FOG Control Statistics C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 2 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by FOG 7 FOG inspections for grease interceptor installation 15 C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 2 of 7 8. Does the SSMP gookn up -to -date' information about your agency's FOG control program YES NO 9. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current F gram effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources . YES NO 10. If you answered NO to questions 8 and /or 9, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. V. LEGAL AUTHORITY REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ List or map of FOG sources in service ➢ List or map of hotspots 11. Does the contain up -to -date information about your agency's legal authority YES O 12. Does your age y me sufficient legal authority to control sewer use and maintenance? YES / NO 13. If you answered NO to questions 11 and /or 12, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. VI. MEASURES AND ACTIVITIES a. COLLECTION SYSTEM MAPS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Summary of information included in mapping system 14. Does thpOSNP contain up -to -date information about your agency's maps? QS.. / O 15. Are your agency's c n system maps complete, up to date and sufficiently detailed YES NO 16. If you answered NO to questions 14 and /or 15, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. b. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ➢ Current operating budget C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 3 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 FOG inspections for discharge compliance 638 Total number of FOG inspections completed 653 8. Does the SSMP gookn up -to -date' information about your agency's FOG control program YES NO 9. Considering the information in Table 2, is the current F gram effective in documenting and controlling FOG sources . YES NO 10. If you answered NO to questions 8 and /or 9, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. V. LEGAL AUTHORITY REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ List or map of FOG sources in service ➢ List or map of hotspots 11. Does the contain up -to -date information about your agency's legal authority YES O 12. Does your age y me sufficient legal authority to control sewer use and maintenance? YES / NO 13. If you answered NO to questions 11 and /or 12, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. VI. MEASURES AND ACTIVITIES a. COLLECTION SYSTEM MAPS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Summary of information included in mapping system 14. Does thpOSNP contain up -to -date information about your agency's maps? QS.. / O 15. Are your agency's c n system maps complete, up to date and sufficiently detailed YES NO 16. If you answered NO to questions 14 and /or 15, describe the content and schedule for necessary changes. b. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ➢ Current operating budget C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 3 of 7 17. Does the SSMP contain -date information about your agency's resources and budget? YES/ O 18. Are your agency's resources dget sufficient to support effective sewer system management . YES/ O 19. Do your agency's planning efforts support long -term goals . YES O 20. If you answered NO to questions 17, 18 and /or 19, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. C. RESOURCES AND BUDGET REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Cleaning schedules ➢ List or map of hotspots ➢ Work orders ➢ Service call data ➢ Customer feedback Table 3. Annual Blockaqe Statistics and Preventive Maintenance Activities 21. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date i9farrm@tion about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? YES/ O 22. Considering the information in Tables 1 — 3, are your agency's preventive maintenance activities spffieknt and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? Q!9 SO 23. If you answered NO to questions 22 and /or 23, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. d. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Inspection reports ➢ Infiltration and Inflow (Ill) monitoring studies and reports C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 4 of 7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Blockages in the past year 130 Blockages due to: Roots 97 Grease 9 Debris 13 Other 11 Average response time (minutes) 35 Ratio of unplanned cleaning to planned cleaning LF .014 Number of customer feedback surveys received in the last year 133 Average Rating in feedback surveys (4.0 max) 3.8 21. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date i9farrm@tion about your agency's preventive maintenance activities? YES/ O 22. Considering the information in Tables 1 — 3, are your agency's preventive maintenance activities spffieknt and effective in reducing and preventing SSOs and blockages? Q!9 SO 23. If you answered NO to questions 22 and /or 23, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. d. SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Inspection reports ➢ Infiltration and Inflow (Ill) monitoring studies and reports C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 4 of 7 ➢ Pipe and manhole condition data 24. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date infrorpwi4iqn about your agency's inspections and condition assessment. YES O 25. Are your agency's scheduled inspections and condition assessment m effective in locating, identifying and addressing deficiencies? Q!!YO 26. If you answered NO to questions 24 and /or 25, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. e. CONTINGENCY EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENT INVENTORIES REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Funds spent on equipment and materials ➢ Equipment and parts inventory 27. Does the SSMP contain up4e4ate information about equipment and replacement inventories-. YES O 28. Are contingency equipment and replacement parts sufficient and to emergencies and properly conduct regular maintenance? US, O 29. If you answered NO to questions 27 and /or 28, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. f. TRAINING REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Employee training records 30. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date infgmwAion about your agency's training expectations and programs? YES/ O 31. Do supervisors believe that their staff is sufficiently trained? 90 32. Are sta ied with the training opportunities and support offered to them? �Z!9N O 33. If you answered NO to questions 30, 31 and /or 32, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. g. OUTREACH TO PLUMBERS AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Fliers /mailings ➢ Mailing lists C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports\sso audit (AR).doc Page 5 of 7 34. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date information poetkyour agency's outreach to plumbers and building contractors? Q9 O 35. Has your agency conducted or participaWd in any outreach activities to plumbers and building contractors? ES/ O 36. If you answered NO to questions 34 and /or 35, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. VII. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Design and construction standards ➢ Ordinances 37. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date ' tion about your agency's design and construction standards . YES 0 38. Are design and construction standards, as well as standards for inspection and testing of neyraml, rehabilitated facilities, sufficiently comprehensive and up to date? YES / 0 39. If you answered NO to questions 37 and /or 38, describe content and schedule for necessary changes. VIII. CAPACITY MANAGEMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL ➢ Capacity assessment reports ➢ CIP ➢ SSO data Table 4. SSOs Caused b H draulic Limitations 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of SSOs caused by capacity limitations 1 0 40. Does the SSMP cont to -date information about your agency's capacity assessment Y O 41. Has your agency completed a capacity assessment gad4entified and addressed any hydraulic deficiencies in the system YES 0 42. If you answered NO to questions 41 and /or 42, describe content and schedule for necessary activities. IX. MONITORING, MEASUREMENT AND PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 43. Does the SSMP contain up -to -date information about your agency's data C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports\sso audit (AR).doc Page 6 of 7 collection and organization? 00 44. Is your agency's data collectiqwm4 organization sufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of your SSMP YES O 45. If you answered NO to questions 44 and /or 45, describe content and schedule for necessary improvements. X. SSMP AUDITS 46. Will this SSMP Audit be suVMTtN with the Annual Report to the Regional Water Board by March 15. �ESIO C: \FIELDOPS \RWQCB \SSO Annual Reports \sso audit (AR).doc Page 7 of 7 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 4.g. Consent Calendar Type of Action: APPROVE FINAL COMPONENT OF SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN (SSMP) subject: APPROVE CHAPTER 11 OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA MANDATED SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN (SSMP) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Mark Wenslawski, Staff Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ,"v L (; 6,1.,/ P4- X15 Q///_/Z G. Chesler\ . Swanson 113. Brennan A. Farrel J es M. Kell M. Wenslawski Goneral Manaqbr ISSUE: Board approval of each of the components of the State of California mandated Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) is required. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Chapter 11- the Communication Program - of the CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not approve the final chapter of the SSMP. CCCSD would violate the California State Water Resources Control Board's requirements in its Waste Discharge Requirement. This is not recommended. BACKGROUND: On May 2, 2006, the California State Water Resources Control Board approved Order No. 2006 -0003, "Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems." The Order requires the development of an SSMP. The SSMP must be approved by the Board of Directors to confirm that the elected officials have endorsed and support the sewer system management plan. State requirements include a timetable for this approval process, which concludes with the approval of this chapter. On July 5, 2007, the Board approved the Plan and Schedule for development of the SSMP. On October 18, 2007, the Board approved the first six chapters of the SSMP. On July 17, 2008, the Board approved chapters 7 -10 of the SSMP. The final chapter of the SSMP being presented to the CCCSD Board of Directors for approval is Chapter 11 - the Communication Program. Chapter 11 is attached to this position paper. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Wenslawski \PP Approve Chapter 11 SSMP 2 -19 -09 Final.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 subject. APPROVE CHAPTER 11 OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA MANDATED SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN (SSMP) The purpose of this chapter of the SSMP is to show the methods the District has used to communicate regularly with the public on the development, implementation and performance of its SSMP. In addition, this chapter describes the methods used to communicate to the public about the ongoing management and operation of the sewer system itself. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve Chapter 11 - the Communication Program - of the CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Wenslawski \PP Approve Chapter 11 SSMP 2 -19 -09 Final.doc Page 2 of 2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program Chapter 11. Communication Program The goal of the Communication Program is to increase public awareness, understanding, and support of the mission, goals, and values of the District. Keeping the public informed, promoting pollution prevention, and encouraging feedback about our activities helps us to more efficiently and effectively manage our wastewater and environmental responsibilities. Elements of our communication program in all departments of the District include: The Pipeline The Pipeline is a newsletter sent out two to three times a year to approximately 160,000 households and businesses in our service area. This newsletter details ways that the reader can prevent pollution, informs them how the District prevents pollution, and details how their sewer service charge fees are spent. Other topics covered include fats, oils, and grease (FOG) as an issue, the need for overflow devices on private property, and right -of -way concerns. The work done by the Collection System Operating Department is often high - lighted as well as ongoing collection system construction projects. Along with disseminating information, the newsletter builds support in our communities and maintains open communication with the people we serve. Permit Counter The permit counter staff issues permits and educates homeowners, builders, and plumbers on design standards for our collection system and private laterals. Plumbers registered with our permit counter receive updated information after every fee increase or change in design standard. Customers can also find information for ongoing or future projects, or make inquiries about their sewer lateral or nearby main at the permit counter. FOG Mailers Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) blockages are a key cause of sewer spills in the United States. Communication Services distributes FOG brochures in bulk to large apartment complexes throughout the services area. Door Hangers Door hangers are used to inform residents and businesses when a project will be coming to their neighborhood. They include basic information and a phone number to call with any additional questions that they may have. Door hangers may also be placed where high amounts of grease have been found in the adjacent sewers. These provide information on proper grease handling and disposal. CSO staff may use a door hanger to provide information when they have responded to a service call, so the customer knows how the District responded to their request. Signage Prior to every construction project, signs are placed on the affected streets to inform travelers and residents of the upcoming construction. These signs give approximate dates when people should expect construction impacts, and provide a phone number to call for additional information. Sewer System Management Plan — February 2009 — page 11 - 1 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program Direct Mail Letters are sent to homes and business owners when a construction or renovation project will be coming to their neighborhood. They include basic information on the project and a phone number to call for additional information. The letters contain more details than a door hanger and explain potential construction impacts to the individual property. Phone Calls Depending on the project, phone calls may be made by District staff to follow -up on direct mail or door hangers, and to coordinate issues with home and business owners. Site Visits/ Construction Liaison Visits Site visits occur prior to construction to discuss the potential impacts of a project with affected home and business owners. In addition, they provide an opportunity for educating customers about the District's activities and mission. The Source Control Department also conducts site visits to and inspections of businesses for proper grease disposal or required industrial pre- treatment. Board Meetings and Public Hearings We encourage the public to attend all Board meetings and public hearings to provide input on issues important to them. www.CentralSan.org Our website provides current, detailed information on a wide variety of topics, such as District structure, description of the wastewater treatment process, education programs for children, pollution prevention activities, Green and IPM recommendations, current construction projects, employment opportunities, and public notices. Website viewers are encouraged to provide feedback, and a phone number for reporting a sewer spill is conspicuously posted at the top of the homepage. Media Releases Media releases about District activities are sent to all media outlets in our service area to help keep the public informed about major projects, water quality issues, awards, or other timely items of interest. Student Programs Sewer Science is a weeklong wastewater treatment lab for high school students. The curriculum integrates chemistry, physics, and microbiology, while informing students about the District and the wastewater industry. Water Wizards teaches third- and fifth - grade students about water resources, Bay Area water issues and protecting their local watershed. It also provides a basic overview of how the collection system and wastewater treatment processes work. These programs raise awareness of the younger members of our public, educating them on the underworld of sewers and how they can be involved, primarily in the practice of pollution prevention. Frequently, discussions in the home occur as a result of the instruction provided to students who've participated in these programs. Sewer System Management Plan — February 2009 — page 11 - 2 CCCSD Sewer System Management Plan Chapter 11 Communication Program Environmental and Community Fairs The Communication Services group takes part in a number of community fairs and special celebrations such as Earth Day. Members staff a booth to promote public awareness of wastewater issues, pollution prevention tips, and other topics important to the District's wastewater conveyance and treatment. Sewer System Management Plan — February 2009 — page 11 - 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 4.h. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ACCEPTANCE OF ANNUAL REPORT Subject: BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF THE 2008 RECYCLED WATER QUALITY AND DISTRIBUTION ANNUAL REPORT Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Bhupinder S. Dhaliwal, Plant Operations /Laboratory Laboratory Superintendent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. Z!5 /:) (0- -- l B. Dhaliwal D. Be or . Craig A. Far ames M. elly, General Manager ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) 2008 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), San Francisco Bay Section. This annual report is attached for Board of Directors' information and acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the 2008 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject the 2008 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: In 2008, the District distributed approximately 221 million gallons (MG) of recycled water to various customers within the District service area. This is about 13 MG more than last year. The recycled water quality remained in compliance with applicable tertiary recycled water quality standards, except for one total coliform count of 900 MPN /100 mL on May 7, 2008, and dissolved oxygen (DO) of less than 1.0 mg /L on November 28, 2008. The recycled water disinfection process was normal on May 7, 2008. The sample had a chlorine residual of 3 mg /L, which is normal. Therefore, it appears that the sample was more likely unrepresentative of the regular water flow on this day. Excessive microbial growth in the filter media is believed to be the cause of this episodic low DO. However, we believe that the DO at the points of application of recycled water was most likely well above 1.0 mg /L because of turbulence and mixing by the pumps and in the delivery pipes downstream of the sample point. Significant accomplishments for this year's Recycled Water Program are described in the attached 2008 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the 2008 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report. N: \POSUP \Correspondence \Position Papers \2009Wnnual Rec Wtr- 2008.doc Page 1 of 1 S.a. Hearings HEARING TO CONSIDER RELINQUISHMENT OF SEWER FACILITIES AT 2500 DEAN LESHER DRIVE, CONCORD, TO GONSALVES AND SANTUCCI, INC. SUGGESTED AGENDA February 19, 2009 I. Request Staff Report II. Hearing A. Open Hearing. B. Receive comments, if any. C. Close Hearing. III. Discussion IV. Recommended Actions: A. Adopt resolutions ordering relinquishment of the sewer and authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed for its associated easement to the property owners (Gonsalves and Santucci, Inc.) and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 5.a. Hearings Type of Action: CONDUCT HEARING; ADOPT RESOLUTIONS subject: CONDUCT A HEARING TO CONSIDER RELINQUISHMENT OF A DISTRICT SEWER AT 2500 DEAN LESHER DRIVE, CONCORD; AND ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ORDERING RELINQUISHMENT OF THE SEWER AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIM DEED FOR ITS ASSOCIATED EASEMENT TO GONSALVES AND SANTUCCI, INC., AND AUTHORIZING RECORDING OF THE DOCUMENTS (JOB 3656, PARCEL 1) Submitted By: Initiating DeptdDiv.: Ricardo Hernandez, SR/WA Engineering /Environmental Services Senior Right of Way Agent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: I E'A R. Hernandez j S. d A. Farrel . Alm mes M elly, eneral manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to relinquish a sewer facility or quitclaim an easement. The Board must conduct a hearing before considering a Resolution for Relinquishment and a two- thirds vote is required for adoption of the resolution. The District must send the property owner a written notice of the date and time of the Board meeting where the relinquishment hearing will be conducted. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a hearing to consider relinquishment of a public sewer at 2500 Dean Lesher Drive, Concord. Adopt resolutions ordering relinquishment of the sewer and authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed for its associated easement to the property owners (Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc.) and authorizing recording of the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The property owners have paid a $1,192 fee for preparation, processing and recording the quitclaim deed and resolution. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decline to relinquish the sewer and quitclaim the easement. BACKGROUND: Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc., the owners of the property at 2500 Dean Lesher Drive, Concord have requested that the District relinquish a sewer on their property and quitclaim the sewer's easement to allow construction of a new building on the site. There are no active service connections on the sewer. Additionally, other nearby properties that could be served by the sewer are all owned by Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc. (see attached map). District staff has concluded that this sewer is no longer needed as a public facility. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009 \PP Conco Relinquish Rev. Final 02- 19- 09.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 Subject. CONDUCT A HEARING TO CONSIDER RELINQUISHMENT OF A DISTRICT SEWER AT 2500 DEAN LESHER DRIVE, CONCORD; AND ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ORDERING RELINQUISHMENT OF THE SEWER AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIM DEED FOR ITS ASSOCIATED EASEMENT TO GONSALVES AND SANTUCCI, INC., AND AUTHORIZING RECORDING OF THE DOCUMENTS (JOB 3656, PARCEL 1) Recently adopted District Code Section 9.40.030 provides for the Board to consider relinquishment of a District sewer after conducting a properly noticed hearing, and Section 7.03.020 sets the procedure for quitclaiming easements. The required notice has been sent to the owner of record. As a condition of the District's relinquishment and quitclaim, Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc. has agreed to grant the District another easement on the same property at no cost to accommodate a possible future main or trunk sewer extension. Acceptance of the proposed easement will be scheduled for a future Board meeting. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a hearing to consider relinquishment of a public sewer at 2500 Dean Lesher Drive, Concord. Adopt resolutions ordering relinquishment of the sewer and authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed for its associated easement to the property owners (Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc.) and authorizing recording of the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009 \PP Conco Relinquish Rev. Final 02- 19- 09.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan As a requirement of our NPDES Permit, a report summarizing the previous calendar year's pollution prevention activities is due each February 28. As staff is still compiling 2008 statistical data in an effort to complete the report, a copy of the completed 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan is provided for Board review. As in past years, a copy of the full report will be provided to the Board, upon its completion. Please note that the items highlighted in gray on the following pages are new items proposed for 2009. CCCSD's 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan Section 1: Priority Pollutants The following pollutants appear in the Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) completed to initiate the renewal of CCCSD's NPDES Permit in 2007 and resulted in effluent limits in CCCSD's 2007 NPDES Permit. These pollutants are considered high - priority pollutants. Pollutant Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Perform influent, effluent and collection system sampling for Evaluate and report results of mercury. sampling. Continue CCCSD's Mandatory Amalgam Separator Program. Report compliance level of dental ontinue maintaining program and monitoring for new dental facilities with dental mercury permit Aerations in our service area. Continue conducting field visits to requirements. Report number of verify amalgam separator installation /maintenance and dental operations permitted compliance with permit BMPs. including new dental practices, and number of field visits conducted. ontinue existing two downstream - monitoring sites to track Report results of sewer monitoring. ffectiveness of amalgam separator installations. Evaluate the Report results of evaluation of ffeetiveness of EBMUD's P -Trap Cleaning /Replacement Project. EBMUD's program and description If determined effective, expand our downstream monitoring f CCCSD pilot P -Trap Replacement program to include a Pilot P -Trap Project to gauge effectiveness Project, if implemented. of implementing a future requirement for P -Trap cleaning or replacement at certain dental office sinks. Continue collecting and tracking elemental mercury and mercury- Amount of elemental mercury & containing products at our Household Hazardous Waste mercury- containing products Collection Facility (HHWCF) and mobile HHW collection events. collected by our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program HHWCP . Continue the Mercury Thermometer Exchange Program at the Number of mercury thermometers HHWCF. Participate in the BAPPG's regional advertising exchanged. Participation in campaign to encourage Bay Area residents to exchange mercury BAPPG's regional advertising thermometers for a digital one. ai n. -camp Continue the practice of recycling the mercury- containing lamps Number of lamps recycled and used in the Ultraviolet Disinfection Facility in CCCSD's treatment resulting mercury quantity. plant. Continue implementing the Mercury Minimization Program with Continue Program. Report number high schools in our service area to reduce their mercury sources. of schools participating and the Continue to offer exchange of spirit - filled thermometers for amount of mercury removed. List of mercury thermometers and disposal of mercury- containing items institutions receiving recognition for at no cost to the schools. Continue the recognition program for achievements under the program. schools that significantly reduce or eliminate mercury sources. Continue performing mercury- specific outreach, to encourage Outreach items. Number of proper disposal of mercury- containing items such as fluorescent outreach pieces sent and discussion bulbs (including CFLs), batteries & thermostats, at our HHWCF. on any trends caused by the Include an outreach piece on the High School Recognition outreach at the HHWCF. Program for Mercury Minimization. Continue evaluating middle school laboratories and large medical Number of inspections performed at offices as potential sources of mercury to our collection system. the targeted facility types. Determine extent of mercury usage and assess potential for discharge to the sanitary sewer. Continue partnerships with local hardware stores in our service List of partner stores and outreach area to provide in -store outreach on proper disposal of mercury- materials prepared. containing items. Continue to enforce the tiered local discharge limits (LDL) for Report number of businesses mercury, as recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits permitted under the mercury LDL. Evaluation Report and adopted in February 2007. Page 1 of 5 CCCSD's 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan Pollutant Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Perform influent and effluent sampling for dioxin. Evaluate and report results of sampling. Continue collection and tracking of dioxin - containing wastes at Amount of dioxin - containing wastes our HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. Tracked collected by our HHWCP. substances to include: pentachlorophenol, 2,4,5 -T- and richloro henol. Monitor the` development of alternative regional strategies Description of any regional dioxin recommended in the Dioxin White Paper completed by BACWA. efforts that CCCSD participates in. " w Join and implement in regional monitoring and /or reduction I— activities for dioxin that are appropriate for CCCSD. U Include outreach messages on dioxin reduction (discouraging Description and inclusion of any ood- burning and /or encouraging use of unbleached paper outreach related to dioxin reduction products) in CCCSD's Pipeline Community Newsletter. and the number of outreach, pieces sent. Continue to enforce the discharge prohibition for dioxin Continued enforcement of the compounds, as recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits discharge prohibition for dioxin Evaluation Report and adopted in February 2007. compounds. Perform influent, effluent and collection system sampling for Evaluate and report results of snide. sam lin . Continue collecting and tracking cyanide- containing wastes at our Amount of cyanide- containing HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. astes collected by our HHWCP. :ea , Implement the appropriate items from the Action Plan of the ompletion and description of Cyanide Site Specific Objective, including a response plan and appropriate Action Plan �j continued reporting. requirements com leted in 2009. Continue to enforce the tiered LDL for cyanide, including Report number of businesses discharge prohibition for unpermitted CCCSD businesses, as permitted under the cyanide LDL. recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits Evaluation Report and adopted in February 2007. Perform influent, effluent and collection system sampling for Evaluate and report results of copper. sam lin . Continue collecting and tracking copper- containing wastes at our Amount of copper- containing wastes HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. collected at the HHWCF. Continue Pretreatment Program, which includes inspections of Number of Pretreatment inspections radiator shops & auto repair facilities. conducted at vehicle service facilities. Continue communicating with water purveyors in CCCSD's Summary of relevant correlations service area regarding copper sources in the water supply. and any significant changes in Evaluate corrosion control practices and potential effect on corrosion control practices or other influent copper concentrations. sources of copper from water d purveyors' operations. cContinue supporting BAPPG's Copper Outreach Program to the Number of copper presentations V Apprenticeship Program at the Pipe Trade Council by providing given by CCCSD staff for BAPPG's staff to make presentations. Copper Outreach Program. Continue working with the Contra Costa Clean Water Program Continue working with the CCCWP ( CCCWP) to develop guidelines for redirecting copper- bearing to develop guidelines. Inclusion of wastewaters (such as pool /spa water) from the storm drain any informational /outreach system, to the sanitary sewer, per the Regional Board's materials, if applicable. tormwater Municipal Regional Permit for the Bay Area. Develop informational/ outreach materials, if appropriate. Continue implementation of tiered LDL for copper as Number of businesses permitted recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits Evaluation Report under the new, tiered LDL. and adopted in February 2007. Conduct outreach to affected businesses and permit issuance as applicable. Page 2 of 5 CCCSD's 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan Pollutant Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activity = m Perform influent, effluent and collection system Effectiveness v 4).5 Perform influent, effluent and collection system sampling for lead. Evaluate and report results of N A t sampling. mss Continue collecting and tracking lead- containing wastes at our Amount of lead- containing wastes �a HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. collected by our HHWCP. Continue Pretreatment Program, which includes inspections of Number of Pretreatment inspections radiator shops and auto repair facilities. conducted. W Continue tracking corrosion control practices by the water Summary of relevant corrosion purveyors in our service area, since solder used to connect pipe control practices, as it relates to the segments contains lead. potential to leach lead into the wastewater stream. Continue implementation of tiered LDL for lead as recommended Number of businesses permitted in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits Evaluation Report and adopted in under the new, tiered LDL. February 2007. Conduct outreach to affected businesses and ermit issuance as applicable. Perform influent, effluent and collection system sampling for Evaluate and report results of °—' acrylonitrile. sampling. Continue accepting acrylonitrile- containing products, such as Since acrylonitrile is an occasional o adhesives, auto finishing paints, wood surface products, etc., at component of paint - related material, our HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. the measurement will be the amount Q of paint - related materials collected at the HHWCF. Continue collecting and tracking residential FOG wastes at our Amount of residential FOG collected HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. by our HHWCP. Continue inspecting and enforcing existing standards for Number of inspections completed at controlling discharges of FOG wastes to CCCSD's sewer system food service facilities; number of using a targeted frequency that is based on potential for FOG enforcement actions taken. p discharges. ILL Continue the maintenance practice of placing door hangars with Continue practice. N outreach on proper FOG disposal in residential neighborhoods m that have heavy FOG build-up in downstream sewer lines. Continue outreach on proper FOG disposal in CCCSD's Pipeline Description of outreach and the oa Community Newsletter, on the centralsan.org website and in othe number of outreach pieces sent. targeted outreach pieces. Continue making presentations at Contra Costa County's Serv- Number of presentations given by 4 Safe and Walnut Creek's Healthy Restaurants Association our Source Control staff. U. meetings to educate Food Service staff about proper FOG is osal. upport local programs to divert food waste to recycling bins by Description of outreach and the providing information promoting these programs in CCCSD's number of outreach pieces sent. Pipeline Community Newsletter and other outreach pieces. Section 2: Watch List Pollutants With the exception of diazinon and chlorpyrifos, the following pollutants appeared on CCCSD's 2001 RPA and had effluent limits in CCCSD's 2001 NPDES Permit, but do not have limits in CCCSD's 2007 NPDES Permit. Diazinon & chlorpyrifos are maintained in the P2 Plan, because of their regional monitoring requirements imposed by the RWQCB. Pollutant Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activit y Effectiveness = m Perform influent, effluent and collection system Evaluate and report results of sampling. v 4).5 sampling for Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate. N A t mss �a Page 3 of 5 CCCSD's 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan Pollutant Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Perform influent, effluent and collection system Evaluate and report results of sampling. N sampling for TBT. Amount of PCB - containing wastes collected m U Continue to display TBT fact sheet to customers at Number of TBT fact sheets taken by m HHWCF. customers of HHWCF. t7 Continue collecting and tracking TBT- containing wastes Amount of TBT- containing wastes collected at our HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. by our HHWCP. The Source Control Section to monitor compliance with Number of Pretreatment inspections he Bay Area ban on cooling tower products that contain conducted on cooling tower sites. BT. Continue to enforce the discharge prohibition for TBT, Continued enforcement of the discharge as recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits prohibition for TBT. Evaluation Report and adopted in February 2007. Perform influent, effluent and collection system Evaluate and report results of sampling. sampling for 4,4' -DDE. Continue outreach education programs on pesticides. Number of outreach events conducted and w number of participants. p Continue collecting and tracking DDT - containing wastes mount of DDT - containing wastes (since at our HHWCF and mobile HHW collection events. 4' -DDE is a decomposition product of DDT ) collected by our HHWCP. Continue to enforce the discharge prohibition for 4,4'- Continued enforcement of the discharge DDE, as recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local Limits prohibition for 4,4' -DDE. Evaluation Report and adopted in February 2007. Perform influent, effluent and collection system Evaluate and report results of sampling. sampling for dieldrin. Continue outreach education programs on pesticides. Number of outreach events conducted and c number of participants. a Continue collecting and tracking dieldrin- containing Amount of dieldrin- containing wastes m wastes at our HHWCF and mobile HHW collection collected by our HHWCP. vents. Continue to enforce the discharge prohibition for Continued enforcement of discharge ieldrin, as recommended in CCCSD's 2004 Local prohibition for Dieldrin. Limits Evaluation Report and adopted in February 2007. Perform influent, effluent and collection system Evaluate and report results of sampling. sampling for pesticides. jo Continue outreach education programs on less -toxic Number of outreach events conducted and a„ alternatives to pesticides. number of participants. Z m a Continue collecting and tracking Diazinon and Amount of diazinon- and chlorpyrifos- hlorpyrifos- containing wastes at our HHWCF and containing wastes collected by our HHWCP. mobile HHW collection events. a Continue efforts to reduce pesticide and herbicide use Summary of reduction activities taken. CO in CCCSD's operations, including pest control and W landscape uses, along with elimination of recycling of o pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers in the reuse room t our HHWCF that do not meet IPM standards. Section 3: Emereing Pollutants Section 3 includes pollutants of emerging concern, including pollutants with TMDLs in development. Pollutant Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Perform influent and effluent sampling for PCBs. Evaluate and report results of sampling. N Continue collecting and tracking PCB - containing wastes Amount of PCB - containing wastes collected m U (less than 50 ppm) at our HHWCF and mobile HHW by our HHWCP. a rpoll ection events. ontinue investigating otential sources of PCBs. Purnmary of potential PCB sources. Page 4 of 5 CCCSD's 2009 Pollution Prevention Plan Pollutant 1 Plan Activity for 2009 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Total amount of HHW collected. Perform influent, effluent and collection system sampling Evaluate and report results of sampling. E for selenium. enforcement actions taken. Investigate potential sources of selenium. Summary of potential selenium sources. Science). Continue to monitor the development of the Bay Area Continued monitoring of selenium TMDL to Selenium TMDL and any opportunities for preventing and description of any opportunities for reduce pollution by the treatment of wastewater. selenium pollution. selenium P2. Listing of award recipients. ontlnue efforts to establish a pilot pharmaceutical collection in the CCCSD Establishment and description of pilot Continue education and outreach through CCCSD website and program service area. pharmaceutical collection program in �+ Demonstrate continuous improvement in CCCSD's operations by CCCSD's service area. H 1 319L ontinue participation and support of regional, statewide 'national Continued participation and description of and dialogues on the establishment of support activities by CCCSD staff. tr pharmaceutical, collection programs that are funded by Water Our World Campaign (IPM Partnership), BAPPG, he product chain manufacturers and retailers). Committee, CWEA P3S Committee, BAAQMD, AIR, Tri -TAC, HHWIE, CASA, NACWA, California Product Stewardship Council reate and distribute a BMP factsheet on proper Creation of factsheet, description of harmaceutical disposal to the business community. istribution and number sent. 0.a ontinue accepting and properly disposing of personal - ontinued acceptance of personal care are products at our HHWCF. products at our HHWCF. ontinue to track developing information on the sources ontinue; to track information. Description C nd control of flame retardants'. Include any supporting if any outreach and number sent, if E utreach messages in our community newsletter and implemented. ebsite if appropriate. ontinue accepting and properly disposing of flame ontinued acceptance of flame retardants retardants at our HHWCF. tour HHWCF'. Section 4: Continuous P2 Efforts This section lists on -going efforts by CCCSD to reduce pollution to the environment in general. Plan ' Activi!y for 2008 Measurement of Activi Effectiveness Continue the operation and promotion of our HHWCF to keep Total amount of HHW collected. pollutants out of the wastewater stream. Continue Pretreatment and Stormwater Inspection Programs. Number of inspections conducted and enforcement actions taken. Continue student education programs (Water Wizards, Sewer Number of students participating in each Science). -program. Continue attendance at environmental/community events List and description of events attended. Continue Treatment Plant tours to educate people on the efforts to Number of people given tours. reduce pollution by the treatment of wastewater. Present Annual P2 Awards to recognize local businesses for going Listing of award recipients. beyond compliance and achieving excellence in P2. Continue education and outreach through CCCSD website and Number of website hits, number of various publications. publications distributed. Demonstrate continuous improvement in CCCSD's operations by Green Business' Program Certification for pursuing and obtaining green business program certification' from CCSD's operations. he Contra Costa County Green Business Program. Continue active participation with Contra Costa Clean Water Continued participation. Program, Contra Costa Green Business Program, Regional Our Water Our World Campaign (IPM Partnership), BAPPG, BACWA/BASMAA Media Relations Committee, BACWA Permits Committee, CWEA P3S Committee, BAAQMD, AIR, Tri -TAC, HHWIE, CASA, NACWA, California Product Stewardship Council and Product Stewardship Institute. Page 5 of 5 7. a. 1) Annual Update on CCCSD's Pollution Prevention Program Melody La6ella February 19, 2009 Presentation Overview ■ CCCSD's P2 Program ■ Priority Pollutants of Concern ■ 2008 P2 Report Highlights ■ What's New for 2009? ■ Acknowledgements 1 CCCSD's P2 Program • Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program • Source Control Program • Community Outreach • Collaborative Partnerships ■ Local, Regional, Statewide and National Priority Pollutants • Mercury ■ Acrylonitrile • Cyanide ■ Lead • Dioxin ■ Fats, oils & grease (FOG) ■ Copper 2 Highest Priority Pollutant Mercury Wh y Mercury? ■ Mercury regulations • TMDL • Watershed Permit ■ Effective March 1, 2008 ■ Significant reduction milestones for our annual effluent mercury mass loading ■ 20% reduction in 10 years ■ 40% reduction in 20 years 3 How are We Doing on Mercury? 2008 P2 Report Highlights 2008 Annual Pollution Prevention Report February 200? 2008 Mercury Reduction Activities • HHW Collection Program ■ Collected 117 Ibs of mercury- containing wastes • Source Control Program ■ Continued to implement our Mandatory Dental Amalgam Separator and High School Mercury Reduction Programs • Community Outreach • Produced brochure about the dangers of mercury for distribution to high schools • Included articles in the 2008 Pipeline newsletters encouraging proper disposal of mercury wastes 2 2008 Mercury Reduction Activities ■ Collaborative Partnership Efforts • Participated in the regional mercury thermometer collection /exchange event during P2 Week • Ann Farrell testified on our Mandatory vs. Voluntary Dental Amalgam Separator Program during a hearing of the Subcommittee on Domestic Policy of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Results CCCSD Influent 70% Reduction 1.200 ....... ............. ..._..„ co 1.000 c o C 0.800 da 0.600 0.400 'v 0.200 oft 0 0.000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Influent Annual Average -•- Influent Monthly Mapmum 5 Results CCCSD Effluent 50% Reduction 0.080 - -- - -- `0 0.070 I c 0.060 3 0.050 0.040 f r 0.030 E 0.020 g 0.010 71 OBI" 0.000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Effluent Annual Average — Effluent Monthly Maximum Results As part of the Dr. Teng -Chung Wu Memorial P2 Award, CCCSD's Mercury Minimization Program received an honorable mention from the SF Regional Water Quality Control Board in September 2008 0 What's New for 2009? ■ Evaluate effectiveness of EBMUD's P -Trap Cleaning/ Replacement Project and potentially implement a pilot project at the dental offices upstream of our two mercury monitoring points ■ Implementation of appropriate Action Plan items from the Cyanide Site Specific Objective What's New for 2009? ■ Outreach ■ Dioxin reduction ■ Promoting local food waste diversion programs ■ New Emerging Pollutants Added to our P2 Plan ■ Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PCPs) ■ Flame Retardants ■ Seek Green Business Program certification Acknowledgements ■ P2 Small Workgroup ■ Guidance & Input • Colleen Henry • Steve Linsley • Bonnie Lowe ■ Tim Potter • Randy Schmidt • David Wyatt ■ Ann Farrell • Jim Kelly • Curt Swanson Agenda Item 7.a.2) Board Meeting of February 19, 2009 Written Announcements: Events a) Travel to Washington D.C. Area Board Member Barbara Hockett and Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson will travel to Washington D.C. to participate in the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Federal Legislative Conference from Sunday, March 8 to Wednesday, March 11, 2009. They will hear from members of Congress on issues relevant to CASA and will also visit with Representatives McNerney, Tauscher, and Miller. Director of Engineering Ann Farrell will travel to Alexandria, Virginia to attend a Water Environmental Research Foundation (WERF) Council meeting on Monday, March 9 and Tuesday, March 10, 2009. Ms. Farrell was recently appointed to this Council. She will then travel to the CASA Conference on March 10th. Her WERF travel will be reimbursed by WERF. b) Plant Managers' Tour A delegation of ten Water and Wastewater Plant Managers and Directors from China will tour the treatment plant on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 24, 2009. The purpose of the visit is to learn about our best practices in waste water treatment, operations, and management. The trip is organized by the China International Travel Services (USA), Inc., which works with the U.S. State Department to schedule these types of tours. Agenda Item 7.a.2) Board Meeting of February 19, 2009 Additional Written Announcements: Upcoming Events c) Update on CASA Day in the District Sponsored by CASA State Legislative Committee Due to the scheduled vote on the state budget last Friday, Assembly Member Joan Buchanan cancelled the Friday, February 13, 2009 meeting. The meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, February 27, 2009 at 2:15 p.m. and Board Member Mario Menesini has expressed an interest in attending. The meeting with Assembly Member Nancy Skinner remains scheduled for Friday, March 6, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Board Member Michael McGill has expressed an interest in attending this meeting. If you are interested in attending either of these meetings, contact Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme. General Updates d) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 District staff is following the development of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. As part of this act, the legislation intends to use the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) as the mechanism to distribute funding. Seven projects have been submitted for inclusion on the SRF priority list from which projects will be selected for funding: District Project Estimated Cost CSO Facility Improvements $17,000,000 Concord Recycled Water (A-line Project $7,200,000 Solids Handling Improvements $4,500,000 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements $1,430,000 Primary Structures Demolition $1,000,000 Diablo Renovations, Phase 1 $1,410,000 Pleasant Hill Renovations, Phase 1 $1,550,000 Total $34,090,000 The total estimated project cost being submitted amounts to approximately $34 million. Staff's intent is not to delay bidding of any projects. However, three of the projects on the list (Concord Recycled Water, Primary Structures Demolition and Wet Weather Bypass Improvements) were not scheduled to bid this year and could be held in abeyance to best position them for stimulus funding, should it become available. e) Wet Weather Summary During the recent storms, 2.4" rainfall was recorded in Martinez, 2.5" was recorded in San Ramon, 3.5" was recorded in Moraga, and 2.1" was recorded at the Treatment Plant. All data is current as of the morning of Monday, February 16, 2009. For Collection System Operations, there was only one call -out to Martinez Pumping Stations for a grinder failure. This was not a blockage but a relay problem. In addition, several situations were resolved by use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) to remotely monitor Pumping Stations. Generally, the larger pumping stations ran with a second or third dry weather pump and no need for the wet weather pumps to operate. There were twelve call -outs for the Collection System. A second crew was called out that was on standby to assist the normal on- call crew. There was one category one overflow with an estimated volume of 500 gallons. The necessary 2 -hour notifications were completed, and the report filed with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS). For the Treatment Plant, approximately 3 million gallons of primary effluent were bypassed to the holding basins. All bypassed flows have been drained back and processed. The high flows resulted in slightly elevated turbidity and an enterococci count of 108 on February 16, 2009, which was the peak flow and was slightly greater than 100 mgd. There were no major incidents but large quantities of grit temporarily plugged the grit system. The Treatment Plant remained in compliance with all of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements during the storm events. f) LAFCO Approves Faria Preserve Boundary Reorganization At its February 11, 2009 meeting, LAFCO approved the Faria Preserve Boundary Reorganization, adding about 276 acres to the District in northwest San Ramon, as well as permitting similar -sized annexations to the City of San Ramon and East Bay Municipal Utility District. The purpose of the reorganization is to extend water, wastewater, and other municipal services to a proposed development of 786 residential dwelling units; and associated public and community facilities, parks, and open space. g) Orinda City Council Meeting On Tuesday, February 17, 2009, General Manager Jim Kelly and Director of Engineering Ann Farrell attended the City of Orinda Council meeting. The District and EBMUD coordinated project impacts were discussed. The City Council asked that the discussion be continued at the March 3, 2009 meeting to allow time for the public to be notified of the discussion. EBMUD and the District are preparing a joint notice that will be mailed to the 1,800 plus potentially affected residents, inviting them to attend or comment at the March City Council meeting. h) Dismissal of Matthew Parkinen's Small Claims Action In preparation for the District's small claims court appearance with Mr. Parkinen, staff learned that he had requested the case be dismissed without prejudice. The court granted this request and vacated the small claims court trial scheduled for this afternoon. "Dismissed without prejudice" means that the present action is dismissed but the possibility remains open that Mr. Parkinen may file another suit on the same claim. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Meeting February 19, 2009 Board Member McGill Item 7.d.1) Will attend the Mayors' Conference March 5, 2009, Danville Will meet with City of Walnut Creek Officials February 25, 2009 Committee Meetings: Recycled Water, February 23, 2009 and March 3, 2009 Outreach, February 24, 2009 Attended: Mayors' Conference February 5, 2009, Danville BCDC Presentation Item 7.d.2 Announcements Met with Pittsburg City Manager Marc Grisham, the Power Plant General Manager Garrett Evans and CCCSD General Manager Jim Kelly February 9, 2009 Attended: CBIA Winter Meetings February 11-13,2009 CCC Water Task Force Meeting February 17, 2009 PG &E Power Plant Dedication, Antioch February 19, 2009 Will attend Contra Costa Council Board Meeting February 20, 2009 Will attend Eastern Division, HBANC, Board Meeting February 26, 2009 Will participate in the Delta Tour February 28, 2009 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 8.a. Engineering Type of Action: AUTHORIZE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH HDR FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE ELECTRIC BLOWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7272 Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Clint T. Shima, Assistant Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: l C. Shima B. Than . ecI d A. Farr II Aarnneral es . Kelly, Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to amend an existing professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a second amendment to an existing Professional Engineering Services Agreement with HDR in the amount of $120,000 from $190,000 to $310,000 for the Electric Blower Renovation Project, DP 7272. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The additive cost of this amendment, including District staff time, will be approximately $150,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be to conduct this project using in -house engineering staff. This project requires specialized expertise, which is not available to the District at this time. BACKGROUND: In March of 2007, the District retained HDR to evaluate the aeration needs for the treatment plant's activated sludge process. Air is essential to the secondary treatment process. Preliminary results from HDR's evaluation indicate that the District can defer new blowers for seven to ten years, given current discharge regulations. This is possible due to the significant reduction in air loss achieved by the on -going aeration basin renovation project and the ability to upgrade the capacity of the existing electric blower by ten percent. On September 4, 2008, the Board of Directors authorized amending the existing $80,000 agreement with HDR by adding $110,000 to evaluate full plant flow nitrification. Recent research studies showed that ammonia in wastewater effluent might be toxic to phytoplankton in the San Francisco Bay. The nitrification process oxidizes the ammonia found in wastewater down to a less toxic nitrogen form. If nitrification were mandated by future regulations, then the District's current aeration system, including N: \PESUP \Position Papers \Shima \7272 amendHDRFinal.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 Subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH HDR FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE ELECTRIC BLOWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7272 the blowers, would require significant and costly modifications. HDR is currently performing the feasibility study to determine the most cost effective approach to provide nitrification. This information will be incorporated into the electric blower study. In late 2008 the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), along with other environmental interest groups, submitted a petition to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to redefine secondary treatment to include nitrogen and phosphorus removal for all wastewater treatment plants regardless of receiving water requirements. At the request of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies ( NACWA), staff has estimated the financial exposure to the District to provide nutrient removal (nitrogen and phosphorous) could amount to $30 - $50 million in capital costs alone, based on very preliminary information. In order to refine these costs, staff recommends adding scope to the HDR contract to analyze nutrient removal technology alternatives to meet the phosphorous and nitrogen concentration limits defined in the NRDC petition. Because HDR is already evaluating nitrification alternatives, it is cost effective for HDR to expand their analysis to address nutrient removal. Additionally, computer modeling will be performed to study the nutrient removal benefits of adding baffles to the primary sedimentation process to decrease the loading to the secondary treatment process. The study will identify the most cost effective approach to provide full nutrient removal and refine the preliminary cost estimates developed by staff. This updated information will then be made available to NACWA to aid in their efforts to counter excessive regulations, such as a redefinition of secondary treatment to include nutrient removal. Staff has concluded that the proposed agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it involves planning tasks for possible future actions which the District has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of this agreement will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of these studies to determine the appropriate CEQA compliance documentation. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a second amendment to the existing Professional Engineering Services Agreement with HDR for the Electric Blower Renovation Project, DP 7272, in the amount of $120,000. N:\PESUP \Position Papers \Shima \7272 amend HDRFinal.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 8.b. Engineering Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AN AMENDMENT TO A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH COMPLETE PROJECT SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR SEISMIC EVALUATION OF DISTRICT BUILDINGS FOR THE PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7267 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Nathan Hodges, Assistant Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: AJL4 l A. Hodges B. han cki A. Farrell ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute an amendment to a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to a professional services agreement with Complete Project Solutions, Inc. for the seismic evaluation of District Buildings for the Plant Emergency Preparedness & Response Project, DP 7267. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $250,000 for the seismic analysis of treatment plant buildings, pump stations, and household hazardous waste facility. Complete Project Solutions, Inc. (CPS) has an existing contract for seismic analysis valued at $125,900. If approved, the new contract ceiling will be $375,900. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do nothing. This alternative is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The most recent District seismic improvement project completed was the Treatment Plant Seismic Upgrade Project, DP 7144. This project made seismic retrofits to treatment plant structures and equipment in an effort to ensure continued operation after a major earthquake. DP 7144 was designed based upon a 1996 seismic evaluation of treatment plant facilities. California adopted updated building codes, the 2007 California Building Code (2007 CBC), in January 2008. The new codes incorporate more requirements for seismic design and include performance based design guidelines. Complete Project Solutions, Inc. (CPS) provided a review of the engineering reports prepared for DP 7144. The CPS review compared the 1996 seismic evaluation against the 2007 CBC. A number of treatment plant facilities were found to be deficient when analyzed using the 2007 CBC. Since August 2007, CPS has been reviewing and analyzing other N: \PESUP \Position Papers \Hodges \7267 CPS TPEval.doc 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH COMPLETE PROJECT SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR SEISMIC EVALUATION OF DISTRICT BUILDINGS FOR THE PLANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7267 District facilities. In June 2008, staff received Board approval to analyze and develop retrofit options for the Headquarters Office Building, the 4737 Warehouse building, the Annex, and Plant Operations Building. This work has been completed. In a November 3, 2008, memorandum to the Board Real Estate Committee, staff recommended deferring a decision on retrofit of District facilities until seismic analysis has been completed for all vulnerable facilities. This contract amendment will complete the analysis of District facilities with the examination of treatment plant buildings. The treatment plant analysis will be combined with the work already done to present the Board a comprehensive assessment of the seismic retrofit options for District facilities. Staff has negotiated a scope of work with CPS to include seismic analysis of treatment plant facilities, analysis of pumping stations, the Household Hazardous Waste Facility, and the Vehicle Maintenance Shop. This work will complete the seismic analysis of significant District facilities at both the treatment plant and in the collection system. This scope of work has a value of $250,000. The new cost ceiling for the contract will be $375,900. Complete Project Solutions, Inc (CPS) is the structural engineering firm that has conducted the seismic analyses to date. Their principal, Michael Rojansky, is a PhD in structural engineering and an authority in seismic analysis and design. Staff recommends continuing the seismic analysis with CPS in order to maintain a consistent work product. CPS has also demonstrated a thorough knowledge and expertise of the 2007 CBC and seismic analysis. The Plant Emergency Preparedness & Response Project is included in the 2008 -2009 Capital Improvement Budget on pages TP -99 and TP -100. Staff has determined that there are adequate funds available and that the expenditure requirements are consistent with the Treatment Plant Program. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 since it involves minor alterations to an existing public facility. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to a professional services agreement with Complete Project Solutions, Inc. for the seismic evaluation of District Buildings for the Plant Emergency Preparedness & Response Project, DP 7267, not to exceed $375,900. N:\PESUP \Position Papers \Hodges \7267 CPS TPEval.doc 2 of 2 Agenda Item Seismic Evaluation of District Facilities February 19, 2009 C S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District How We Got Here • 2007 California Building Code (CBC) adopted in January 2008 • Substantial changes to seismic design criteria • Staff began seismic analysis of District facilities spring 2008 Seismic Analysis Completed • 4737 Imhoff Place Warehouse Building • Annex (Old Animal Control Building) • Headquarters Office Building Seismic Analysis Results • 4737 Imhoff Place $ 600,000 • Annex (Old Animal Control Bldg.) 0 • Headquarters Office Bldg. $2 to $4 M Discussed with Real Estate Committee deferring decisions /actions until all critical District facilities have been seismically analyzed. This will allow the District to make appropriate financial /risk decisions and set priorities. Seismic Analysis In Progress • Plant Operations Building/Board Room seismic evaluation has been submitted by consultant for staff review • Site Specific Seismic Hazard Analysis (Earthquake probabilities and accelerations) due in - 6 weeks Additional Seismic Analysis Proposed • Treatment Plant Buildings (Solids Conditioning, Pump and Blower, Warehouse, Mechanical Maintenance, Maintenance Reliability Center, Filter Plant, Electrical Substations, Storage Tanks, Primary and Aeration Tanks, etc.) • Laboratory, HHW, CSO Vehicle Shop • Major Pumping Stations (Martinez, Lower Orinda, Crossroads, Moraga, San Ramon) • Total of 22 buildings to be analyzed District wide Contract • Current contract $125,900 • Requested additional scope $250,000 • New contract amount $375,900 Summary and Recommendation • Complete seismic evaluation of major District facilities using latest codes • Summary of all deficiencies and retrofit options will be compiled for Board /staff review • District is not under any mandate to upgrade • Results will help Board /staff make appropriate finance /risk decisions • Staff recommends approval of additional studies Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 No.: 9.a. Budget and Finance Type of Action: RECEIVE BUDGET REVIEW subject: RECEIVE THE 2008 -2009 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVIEW FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008 Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Initiating Dept /Div.: Administrative Department REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Rat cliff . M raves ral ISSUE: A report of the results of a comparative review of actual and budgeted Operations and Maintenance (O &M) revenues and expenses for the first six months of the 2008 -2009 fiscal year as well as full year projections are provided in this Position Paper. In addition, any significant variances from budget for the first six months and any significant full year projected variances are discussed. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 2008 -2009 Operations and Maintenance Budget review for the six months ended December 31, 2008 and full fiscal year projections. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Six -Month Review: For the first six months ended December 31, 2008, total O &M revenues are $24,752,572 compared to a budget of $25,005,474 for a negative variance of - $252,902 or -1.0 %. Total O &M expenses for the first six months are $26,610,176 compared to a budget of $27,854,418 for a positive variance of $1,244,242 or 4.5 %. The six -month status reflects the financial results at a certain point in time, as of December 31, 2008, and looks favorable. Annualized Projections: The projected O &M revenues for the full year are $55,972,200 compared to a budget of $57,031,422 for a negative variance of $1,059,222 or - 1.86 %. Total projected O &M expenses for the full year are $58,298,000 compared to a budget of $58,495,861 for a favorable variance of $197,861 or 0.34 %. This favorable variance is due to savings of $139,000 for chemicals, $239,800 for utilities, $202,150 for outside services, and $370,608 for other expenses partially offset by an increase in employee benefits expense of $412,158, salaries & wages of $182,539 and outside repairs and maintenance of $143,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None BACKGROUND: NAADMIN \FINANCE \6mopp.D0C Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 subject: RECEIVE THE 2008 -2009 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVIEW FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008 Six -Month Review: The table on Attachment A compares actual O &M revenue and expense for the first six months of the fiscal year to the six -month budget. Significant variance explanations are included on the table. Annualized Projections: Attachment B compares full year O &M projections to budget. Anticipated significant projected variances from the annual 2008 -2009 O &M Revenue and Expense budget are listed below: Revenue: Total O &M Revenue is projected to be $1,059,200 or 1.86% lower than budgeted due to lower sewer service charge from reduced RUE connections and commercial water usage. Additional negative variance is projected from less O &M expenses in the Plant reducing City of Concord revenue, and lower interest income revenue as a result of the recent plummeting of interest rates. Expense: Salaries: Salaries and Wages expense is projected to be $182,500 over budget due to the impact of the General Group Salary Survey increasing overall wages expense and less capital work than budgeted which increases O &M salary expense. Benefits: Benefit costs are projected to be $412,200 over budget mainly due to the General Group Salary Survey, higher than budgeted workers' compensation costs, and less capital work than budgeted that shifts benefit costs to O &M. Chemicals: Chemicals expense is projected to be $139,000 under budget primarily due to lower than anticipated use of hydrogen peroxide for odor control. Polymer and Boiler Chemicals expenses are also projected to be lower than budgeted. Utilities: Utilities expense is projected to be $239,800 under budget mostly due to an anticipated savings in Natural Gas as a result of a lower commodity price than expected during the budgeting process. Repairs & Maintenance: Repairs & Maintenance expense is projected to be $143,000 over budget primarily due to the repair /rebuild of an additional centrifuge rotating assembly for the Plant and an unexpected need to repair the Substation 40 transformer. NAADMINTINANCE\6mopp.DOC page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 19, 2009 Subject: RECEIVE THE 2008 -2009 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVIEW FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008 Hauling & Disposal: Hauling & Disposal expense is projected to be $32,000 under budget primarily due to the dry weather producing less than anticipated grit quantities to dispose. Outside Services: Outside Services expense is projected to be $202,200 lower than budgeted due to the budgeted expense for furnace testing for mercury removal not to be expended as a result of the success of the dental amalgam program. Additional savings from a deferment of an expense for inspection of the outfall and from savings due to a budgeted contract instrument technician's work being done by staff members. Materials & Supplies: Materials & Supplies expense is projected to be $53,000 over budget due a plan to purchase twice the quantity of operating fuel than budgeted to take advantage of a sharp decline in fuel price. Other Expenses: Other Expenses are projected to be $370,600 lower than budgeted primarily due to the uncontested campaign elections for the Board resulting in $319,500 of savings. Additional positive variance projected due to the deferment of BACWA Clean Bay Collaborative fee until next fiscal year. The Revenue over Expense budgeted for the 2008 -2009 fiscal year yielded a decrease to the O &M Fund balance of $1,464,439. Based on unfavorable revenue results reduced slightly by a projected decrease in O &M expenses, the full year projections indicate that the O &M Fund balance will actually decrease by $2,325,800. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the 2008 -2009 Operations and Maintenance Budget Review for the six months ended December 31, 2008 and projections for the full fiscal year. N:\ADMIN \FINANCE \6mopp.D0C page 3 of 3 00 L '� Q d � d m 3•`- � d�O1 d« dd; 4) 0 tv C y o a > d - a A d A m ° w o a pL m v u �U c o °rte' m m to Q L m 0 .L N = 0 t V° O w m 0 w p a>i 3 coy O A u °° E w d N d o C oYa Nud �c.o m A! 7 d ey M > d w t .m+ OI m A N w t N 09 '> O 01 1L m A _ d V 0 C d m 'm o. d 0-5 cc >, d ~ E > O a C O C y C X eml l G d a Iya N d 1E 00 a m C m Im m c m y C N N a C V 7 m E : �A y mm 00 . c m C Q0 rn 7 O N C N ` W X Om ) 0N 1 c A N i C c O J Im O 0 ° d Cm d 0 d a� C 0 o`C7 a d N ' o 0 N - L rY4 mom.° C uU N uy N C m d 0 d d m 0 O C O y 0 m � 3 94 0 W E L N V N G N° y c O C a - u d m j O d d ° p d > 7 d 3 m > L � V p N m N O U o d d m 3 m N 00 m C > u V /0 w p 5 o O � h m. u c. 2'o E o O p E d e 0) O d c m `o ``o m > X d d O d m d Q C m G G m w .° d x lm m C QE q m r ' G N � aV mC r d. yQ Q° y m co r w H O m X .0 N 3 E L N m 3 3 7 m OC O X d ry 0 r V V ? 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OF- W F-w 0 m LL O W > Q _ H zZ Q V I- D N 0? N N O M :.� 0 Q LO NN N 0) C Q y N Vi Z M XW m Z W �Z w U ~ t I- Q L °o 00 rn It W m Ld N 00 CNT V> 649� 64 Z � W Z W Z W Cl) Vco Z Q9 O Q N � i C c°p F- Z X y F=- U c o (0 ti 00 Ci ¢ N N U) vI r^ W U) D u) W W > f a- W a. OF- W F-w WOW m E i ca O rn 0 0 N co O O W O m CL Z_ Z W Z W a X W G Q W D Z W W O a W LL J J LL J m WA W � m LL O WQ 0 L Z Q� � v Q \°I0 CO It 0o M r Z :D N N Cfl 00 CO M O of ti 1- 2 ° co Q o co F- a. > W W O-w O�w wow N � O ~ ., 00 W � m M o ti LO 0 O N 00 d• 6c3 O O O 0000_ w Csi C6 U) 0 V Q N co Q W U') co 64 W w W W U) ::) (/) Q W Q W W W I-- > F- a. > W W O-w O�w wow PROJECTED FULL -YEAR EXPENSE VARIANCES FAVORABLE VARIANCES: • Chemicals under budget due to lower use of hydrogen peroxide for order control. • Utilities under budget due to savings in natural gas. • Outside Services under budget due to furnace testing for mercury removal not to be expended. • Other Expenses under budget due to savings in election expense. UNFAVORABLE VARIANCES: • Salaries and benefits over budget due to impact of the General Group salary survey and less Capital work. • Repairs and Maintenance over budget due to rebuild of an additional centrifuge rotating assembly for the Plant. N:WDMINSUMBUDGET12008 -2009 O &M 6 mo Budget Review.doc Of.b. FY 2008 -09 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET MID -YEAR STATUS REPORT February 19, 2009 Projected FY 2008 -09 Capital Program Activity * Revenue variance from budget due primarily to estimated $1.5 million less in Facility Capacity Fees, $.5 million less in interest and $.4 million less in Property Tax Revenue. * *SCF Balance beginning FY 2008 -09 (711108) approximately $53.2 M Budgeted 2008 -09 Projected 2008 -09 Total expenditures $38.9 M $41.2 M Total revenue $38.3 M $35.6 M* Variance - $0.6 M - $5.6 M SCF balance ** $52.6 M $47.6 M * Revenue variance from budget due primarily to estimated $1.5 million less in Facility Capacity Fees, $.5 million less in interest and $.4 million less in Property Tax Revenue. * *SCF Balance beginning FY 2008 -09 (711108) approximately $53.2 M FY 2008 -09 Capital Budget by Program Program Budgeted Total 2008.09 Expenditures Projected Actual 2008.09 Expenditures Treatment Plant $ 12,680,000 $ 9,177,000 Collection System $ 22,355,000 $28,439,000 General Improvements $ 3,418,000 $ 3,200,000 Recycled Water $ 405,000 $ 404,000 Total $ 38,858,000 $41,220,000 Accomplishment Rate $441,000 106% 2008 -09 Treatment Plant Program Major Variances Budgeted Projected Comments Scrubber Water Mercury/Metals Removal $1,000,000 $83,000 Mercury TMDL approved, project re- scoped to pilot study only. Solids Handling Improvements $1,054,000 $734,000 Project delayed into FY 2009 -10; potential stimulus project Aeration Air Renovations $1,000,000 $1,926,000 Extra work due to grout quantities, gaskets, retaining rings, etc. Auxiliary Boiler Improvements $50,000 $441,000 Project delayed from previous FY; added scope Primary Structures Demolition $1,100,000 $72,000 Project deferred due to cash flow; potential stimulus project DAFT Polymer System Improvements $300,000 $680,000 Project delayed from previous FY due to value engineering /re -bid Piping Renovations — Ph 4 $1,800,000 $463,000 Project delayed into FY 2009 -10; scope reduced; good bid TP Asset Management $1,000,000 $300,000 Project delayed due to workload Other Projects $5,376,000 $4,478,000 Total $12,680,000 $9,177,000 2008 -09 Collection System Program Major Variances Projected Comment Budgeted Projected Comments South Orinda Renovations — Ph 4 $200,000 $785,000 Easement costs & accelerated bid schedule into FY 2008 -09 Martinez Sewer Renov — Ph 2 $1,200,000 $1,560,000 Project award delayed from previous FY Accelerated SPROW work; A -Line Easement Acquisition — Ph 2 $100,000 $792,000 retained survey crew to assist w/ peak workload Payments delayed from prior A -Line — Ph 2A $8,125,000 $13,283,000 year into FY 2008 -09 due to slower progress Other Projects $12,730,000 $12,019,000 Total $22,355,000 $28,439,000 2008 -09 General Improvements Program Major Variances 2008 -09 Recycled Water Program Major Variances Budgeted Projected Comment Total $3,418,000 $3,200,000 No Significant Variances 2008 -09 Recycled Water Program Major Variances Budgeted I Projected I Comment Total 1 $405,0001 $404,000 1 No Significant Variances Projected FY 2008 -09 Capital Program Activity * Revenue variance from budget due primarily to estimated $1.5 million less in Facility Capacity Fees, $.5 million less in interest and $.4 million less in Property Tax Revenue. * *SCF Balance beginning FY 2008 -09 (7/1/08) approximately $53.2 M Fiscal Year 2009 -10 Forecast and Potential 10 -Year Plan Impacts ■ 10 -Year Financial Plan called for $42.5 Million CIB Expenditures in FY 2009 -10 ■ Re- scoping of two projects reduces planned expenditures by $2.5 Million — Miner Road, Orinda change to CIPP — Diablo Renovations reduction in scope ■ Bid climate expected to result in additional expenditure reductions Id Budgeted 2008 -09 Projected 2008 -09 Total expenditures $38.9 M $41.2 M Total revenue $38.3 M $35.6 M* Variance - $0.6 M - $5.6 M SCF balance ** $52.6 M $47.6 M * Revenue variance from budget due primarily to estimated $1.5 million less in Facility Capacity Fees, $.5 million less in interest and $.4 million less in Property Tax Revenue. * *SCF Balance beginning FY 2008 -09 (7/1/08) approximately $53.2 M Fiscal Year 2009 -10 Forecast and Potential 10 -Year Plan Impacts ■ 10 -Year Financial Plan called for $42.5 Million CIB Expenditures in FY 2009 -10 ■ Re- scoping of two projects reduces planned expenditures by $2.5 Million — Miner Road, Orinda change to CIPP — Diablo Renovations reduction in scope ■ Bid climate expected to result in additional expenditure reductions Id Fiscal Year 2009 -10 Forecast and Potential 10 -Year Plan Impacts • Informal survey of 7 recently bid projects indicates average bid 38% less than Engineer's Estimate • Two projects bid by CCCSD result in average bid 30% less than Engineer's Estimate • Consider new 10 -Year Plan scenario with 2009 -10 bids reduced by 20% and 2010 -11 bids reduced by 10% to reflect bid climate Conclusion CIB Expenditure /Revenue Projections for FY 2008- 09 and Adjustments to FY 2009 -10 and 2010 -11 Expenditures will be input into additional rate setting scenarios to be discussed with the Board at the March 5, 2009 Board Meeting E