HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/2009 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 No.: 4.c. Consent Calendar Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TESORO REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY FOR THE SALE OF APPROXIMATELY 526 FEET OF ABANDONED M4 -A FORCE MAIN Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Wesley Adams, Assistant Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: I-Lin) 11T� .;P� W �-/ tA (IVVJ 6ZA Adams A. owiak ' cki A. Farrell K. Alm mes M. Ily, general Manager ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute an agreement with Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company for the sale of approximately 526 feet of abandoned M4 -A force main. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company for the sale of approximately 526 feet of abandoned M4 -A force main. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Savings of approximately $26,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The District would be required to remove approximately 526 feet of abandoned 21 -inch concrete coated, mortar -lined steel pipe for the construction cost of approximately $26,000. BACKGROUND: The M4 -A Force Main Reconstruction, DP 5410, replaced one of the pressurized force mains from the Fairview Pumping Station. The original M4 -A force main was located in the public right of way, mostly above - ground parallel to Waterfront Road. It had several leaking joints and was subject to tidal action. The force main's proximity to Waterfront Road subjected it to potential impact from heavy trucks en route to Tesoro Refinery and Acme Landfill. As part of the reconstruction project, the above - ground portions of the M4 -A force main were to be removed and disposed of. In the winter of 2006, the District's Contractor began removal of the abandoned M4 -A force main pipeline. Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company realized that the District's existing force main has served as a protection for Tesoro's large fuel transmission lines adjacent to the force main. Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company requested that the District leave in place approximately 526 feet of the abandoned WPESUMCbradley \POSITION PAPERS\Antkowiak \Tesoro Sale - Authorize Agreement PP.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TESORO REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY FOR THE SALE OF APPROXIMATELY 526 FEET OF ABANDONED M4 -A FORCE MAIN 21 -inch force main at the intersection of Waterbird Way and Waterfront Road (see Attachment 1). District staff and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company have negotiated a Pipeline Transfer Agreement and Bill of Sale for $1 that states the terms and conditions of the District's transfer of the abandoned portion of M4 -A pipeline. This will save the District $26,000. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company for the sale of approximately 526 feet of abandoned M4 -A force main. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \POSITION PAPERS\Antkowiak \Tesoro Sale - Authorize Agreement PP.doc Page 2 of 3 g4I X •1 O� H N SL sun Bay ee Inset "A" RAA —A— T RQ MILE M5 MG-A Fairview 680 PS lartinez PACHECO PS �y9y '94 �o MAR77NEZ > 'a 0 y0� �. 0 M3 Maltby PS CCCSD Mz-A Treatment M7 Plan AVE �y CHILPANCINGO 9 'pF ALHAMBRA �C 0 VALLEY RO F��F1 9LF q`F L ,�e Existing Gravity Sewer Pipe 0 aExisting Force Mains n INSET "A" NO SCALE u `o Central Contra Costa ATTACHMENT n Sanitary District ABANDONED PIPELINE n n M4—A FORCE MAIN RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CCCSD DP 5410 V Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 Type of Action: APPROVE TRAINING No.: 4.d. Consent Calendar subject: APPROVE ATTENDANCE FOR GENERAL MANAGER JAMES KELLY AT WATER AND WASTEWATER ACADEMY LEADERSHIP TRAINING Submitted By: Suzette L. Crayton Executive Assistant Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: i SRI,- James M. elly, General lonager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for training if the cost exceeds $1,000 and is not previously approved in the budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve attendance for General Manager James Kelly for the 2009 Water and Wastewater Leadership Academy Training from March 8 -20, 2009. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Training /tuition cost and travel is estimated to be $16,000. A portion of the total cost, $6,000, will be paid through Mr. Kelly's Professional Development allowance. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may deny the approval of the training attendance. BACKGROUND: General Manager James Kelly has requested to attend the Water and Wastewater Academy Leadership training (brochure is attached). Mr. Kelly applied to the Leadership Academy last year in response to the Board's suggestion that he work to further develop his leadership skills. Only a few leaders in the water/ wastewater profession are admitted to this academy each year based on their resumes and submitted application. Mr. Kelly was on the waiting list last year, and was accepted to the academy this year. The training will be beneficial to his role at the District. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve attendance for General Manager James Kelly at Water and Wastewater Academy Leadership training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, from March 8 -20, 2009. H: \General Manager Directory\Position Papers \Leadership Academy Training Approval.doc Anon 4( u `0.1 -_.I— Q. Water and Wastewater Leadership Center Water Environment '\` NACWA Nj�F-;,E�,rnal, ion' American Water Works Association 2 '� O � Water and Wastewater Leadership Center Leadership has become a topic of great interest for water and wastewater utility management. To address this important issue, The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) developed a joint- venture Water and Wastewater Leadership Center for utility leaders. Established in 2000, the goal of the Leadership Center is to prepare and develop leaders and management executives for water and wastewater utilities throughout the United States, so these organizations can meet customers' current and future demands for the highest level of service, quality and efficiency. The Leadership Center consists of a 12 -day residential leadership development program, unlimited peer networking, an online resource center, and optional faculty mentoring. In addition, a 2 1/2 day Alumni Program 18 months later allows students to refresh, reconnect, and reinforce the core elements gained from the initial residential program. Leadership Center participants will learn a wide - variety of leadership and management skills throughout this intensive professional training program. "The Leadership Center was key to my developing a philosophy of leadership that drives my thoughts, attitudes and actions as 1 strive to improve myself and my utility." ► D. Allen Saxon, Jr. 2005 Alumnus, Assistant Director for Wastewater Treatment, Augusta Utilities Department, GA. "The instructors are top- notch. Everything about the program exceeded my expectations." P. Karen Pallansch 2004 Alumna, Engineer /Director, Alexandria Sanitation Authority, VA. LEADERSHIP CENTER TRAINING BENEFITS YOU AND YOUR UTILITY Participants will learn how to better themselves and improve their leadership style. Students will: • Learn how to think and act like a leader • Enhance their ability to make decisions and lead confidently • Develop strategic thinking skills • Learn to provide leadership in challenging situations • Understand the changing global economic environment • Enlarge their perspective on what is possible for their utility • Increase the focus on results, productivity and higher levels of achievement • Broaden their understanding of the evolving utility and its changing business environment WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The Leadership Center's curriculum is designed for current and up- and - coming water and wastewater utility leaders including CEOs, General Managers, Senior Managers and upper -level management. EARLY APPLICATION IS ENCOURAGED! Complete your application today! The deadline for application is December 12, 2008. Due to the popularity of the Leadership Center, the 2009 session is expected to fill to capacity quickly, so early application is strongly encouraged. Applications are considered in the order in which they are received however please note that preference is given to applicants from municipalities based in the United States. KEY COURSE ELEMENTS DEMONSTRATE LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES THROUGH: • Utility business assessment, personal performance evaluation and improvement planning • Self- awareness and assessment • Preparation of individual action plans • Examination of challenges facing public utilities in the future • Discussions on water and wastewater industry topics CURRICULUM FOCUSES ON IMPORTANT LEADERSHIP ISSUES SUCH AS: • Business Culture and Industry Analysis - Megatrends, business environment and leadership challenges - Potential futures for the water and wastewater industry - External challenges to public utilities and the industry • Leadership and Personal Assessments • Speaking the Language of Leadership— Effective Communications • Service Quality • Crisis Management • Information Technology • Leading Change • Developing Negotiation Skills • Finance Fundamentals and Innovative Investment Strategies • The Human Side of Human Resources - Organizational Issues • Empowerment and Strategic Leadership ONLINE INFORMATION RESOURCE Participants also have access to the Leadership Center website, which serves as an information network for alumni. The site provides contact information for Center professors and handy program information. ALUMNI PROGRAM — RECONNECT, REFRESH, AND REINFORCE Graduates of the Leadership Center should plan to attend a 21/2 day Leadership Development Experience, 18 months after completing the initial 12 -day program. The Alumni Program allows students to reconnect with classmates and faculty, while a tailored curriculum reinforces the core elements taught in the program. Alumni that are unable to attend the program directly following their Leadership Center graduation are welcome to attend in subsequent years. A $1,000 deposit is included in the Leadership Center tuition for the 2010 Alumni Program. This deposit will be applied to the student's Alumni Program tuition at the point of application for the fall 2010 program. lIIt I, I f„r th' :It, t .'1(1 U` ✓< I , it:' L_. I F C I Imo. 1.. I`C II,I I I t I I I It I o'1 I c' 12 tll I1 <1 1, of Ill ,tI I( t ICJ'1. to, Iri(,I,t -11 � lCcommo I t I r I mo,t r Ic,11 ul 1 1 _, I' t ._.. . thr wA,ot R wastcw,lt( t I. Ali m1 - <,tnr I It t,osIt for tho Al t LIn1 r .. 1, , q) dcvclopmf °rt f.11l of 2010. A C,1 000 npphcation f,w i, rcquncrl upo l .lplllyl l t _ o " °-hq> Crnt,� [h15 1Pp1ic,lttoll fr'c'.' ✓III he tl >rtlicd to tl . t . t tl.rl I ul'oll ncr.,ptancc to flit, prugrlm It .1 .tti,It nt I, rut . , th. tI "x,111 l . wfm i d Tuition nwt Is,=;laid In Lull nu ,,t- t.... I � - ',.,, x'009 Apt,lic,l I t �. ,,lo[11(1 , ompl, tl .lI .I SuI t t �. 1 .n „t>II Itlr,,. ,1111,IIC�Alr,n f—, by D,, C t,• .111 .11 r_ tlo following. 1. AI•t111c,1tioi, fo—) Gnlrlt l It-t 1A I'll, I't -1 :L')00 ,wnli, ..t1, t-, '•lU '1 -nf .f'n'xJr, ,,,u., I<. I C,, , I, 1I P �A 1,.t,,. t I tl' I. �_n,I lm� (_� .t, I ;'1, '1 t it )I . i, t°. tr ; 1, null IP It % „Ilt I I t I[ it ' -.t t � If .;I II., 't I,, Old tit Ill f r -t I, t , fnr ;,I;Ice: It,, ltI II I tl i 11J 1 , I.h: c t Ir , •t stn ^.t I In - 1 ,nti I- '1 t , 11tH 1 ,;I , 1 T, tl fut t:.,I 11, It 1 , 't t, Kelly Brocato, Water and Wastewater Leadership Center, 1816 Jefferson Place, NW, Washington, DC 20036 -2505 or e- mailed to kbrocato a nacwa.org att��r., 1 1It�^ �,il, .any n �t_ �1,, I •�u I i..i.. �� , n �, , 'I .,r• n1tlfl K, lly Hr J_ , .. :.. rJ It( i.., rt.rtrnm tilaldlllcr t . r °L ;.t., ., nc,,.. a I, It ft Jr. It'.vI 08 wit ?t, 1, X 111 cf talc I, )j 1. ,ntiun f pu,. �'dill t rl, ftt,t w 1, 1,1fi,,I, itt,,r Iu, ;'Or ` }c,� full tuft” All ( 51'ti cur held Ir °.t t Art f x 11101 at tllc- Paul J - izzn Conforom e Cl,nt,)r It i u, the Ill( yraln nt ti”) Kf lnn Fl ll�lc Bu,Incs �t, I. J 1.,..., It , f ", At ;rolls.. Chnucl t- +111. to 1,11 -'I it tz Ildr ,1 hill, ryul,l rc� lIll,. c I r. '%I'll th<•r ,�< -n. II,r I ,.t nntit ,�, t,.I tr f,I .1 ti J'1 It ,, -1 `Jr 1 ,., it 111 t!" ft ,.o 1.f Kelly A. Brocato Director of Melnhership Development Phone: 202- 833 -1449 E -Mail: khrocato a n icwa.org Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION No.: 4.e. Consent Calendar Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM FIRAS JANDALI, AMEENA KAMAL JANDALI, AND ELIZABETH A. SHEBESTA (DISTRICT JOB 4950B — PARCEL 1-) Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Ricardo Hernandez, SR/WA Engineering /Environmental Services Senior Right of Way Agent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: R. Hernand . Gro un C. Swanson 01��4 - ames M Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept or quitclaim easements and to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting a grant of easement and authorizing staff to record the document with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: sewer easement. $7,800.00 was paid to the property owner for the permanent ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: In 1999, the District replaced an existing sewer through a steep vacant lot at 2119 Valente Circle, Martinez. In 2007, a conflict between the sewer and a new home under construction at the site was discovered. Staff determined the replacement sewer was installed outside of the existing easement and negotiated a settlement with the owner including purchase of a new easement to accommodate the new alignment. The reimbursement agreement with the City of Martinez does not apply in this case since the easement was purchased to accommodate a District project. SITE PACHECO VICINITY MAP N.T.S. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting a grant of easement from Firas Jandali, and Ameena Kamal Jandali, and Elizabeth A. Shebesta, and authorizing staff to record the document with the Contra Costa County Recorder. *Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009 \PP Jandali Parcel 1 - Acceptance of GOE 02.05.09 Final.doc Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION No.: 4.f. Consent Calendar Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE ULFINIAN WAY NEIGHBORHOOD, MARTINEZ (DISTRICT PROJECT 5975 — PARCELS 4, 6 & 7 *) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ricardo Hernandez, SR/WA Engineering /Environmental Services Senior Right of Way Agent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. R. P147 WA-- 4eza Swanson A. Farre ames M. elly, General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept or quitclaim easements and to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting grants of easements and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The amount paid for the new permanent sewer easements is $3,700 for Parcel 4, $4,100 for Parcel 6, and $4,100 for Parcel 7. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The District replaced approximately 800 feet of existing 6 -inch sewers with new 8 -inch sewers as part of the Martinez Sewer Renovations Project, Phase 1 (District Project 5975). The pipes are located within the backyards of nine residential properties in the Ulfinian Way neighborhood. SITE Six of the nine properties only had existing five -foot wide sewer easements. District staff desires to increase the width of easements to ten -foot wide to provide better access for future maintenance activities and to mitigate the potential for future encroachments over the new sewers. The District has made voluntary offers to acquire ten -foot wide sanitary sewer easements to these six property owners. The owners of Parcels 4 6 and 7 as lief d ' Att h 0 cc Is e m ac ment 1, have VICINITY MAP signed the grants of easements. With these grants, the District N.TS. has now acquired expanded easements from four of the six properties. IU Q N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs\Herna ndez R\2009 \PP Parcels 4,6,7 Acceptance of GOES 02.05.09 Final.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 subject. ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE ULFINIAN WAY NEIGHBORHOOD, MARTINEZ (DISTRICT PROJECT 5975 — PARCELS 4, 6 & 7 *) The reimbursement agreement with the City of Martinez (City) does not apply to these easements; since prior land rights met the standard that existed at the time the District took over the City's sewers. The additional permanent easements were to upgrade to the current standard for the reasons stated above. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting grants of easements from the property owners of the Ulfinian Way neighborhood, listed in Attachment 1, and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 'Easement parcel numbers are for internal job log use only. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009 \PP Parcels 4,6,7 Acceptance of GOEs 02.05.09 Final.doc Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS GRANTS OF EASEMENTS (SEWER PURPOSES) ULFINIAN WAY NEIGHBORHOOD, MARTINEZ Parcel 4 Assessor's Parcel No.: Property Owner(s): Site Address: Parcel 6 Assessor's Parcel No.: Property Owner(s): Site Address: Parcel 7 Assessor's Parcel No.: Property Owner(s): Site Address: 374 - 141 -011 -6 Bernard Stenson and Ruth Stenson 921 Ulfinian Way, Martinez, CA 94553 374 - 141 -009 -0 Sylva B. Dajani and Claudia M. Whitnah 941 Ulfinian Way, Martinez, CA 94553 374 - 141 -008 -2 Claudia M. Whitnah 951 Ulfinian Way, Martinez, CA 94553 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2009\Attach. 1 List of property owners (PP) 02.05.09 Final.doc Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 No.: Type of Action: APPROVE AGREEMENT 4.g. Consent Calendar subject: APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT TO PROVIDE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Don Rhoads, Field Operations Supt. CSOD /Field Operations /Recycled Water REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD; CTIO _ km &JV D. Rhoads W. Brennan K. Alm ames M. Ily, General Manager ISSUE: Board approval is required for agreements with other public agencies. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) to continue to provide operation and maintenance services for the recycled water distribution system. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Since the original agreement was approved in 2004 the cost of pipeline maintenance services and repairs paid to CCWD has totaled $55,422.39 over the past four years. The annual cost varies depending on the number and complexity of emergency repairs that must be made. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The routine operation and maintenance services and emergency repair services could be provided by other means, such as: 1. Hire and train additional staff with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) Collection System Operations Department (CSOD). 2. Retain the services of one or more private plumbing and /or construction contractors. 3. Retain the services of another water agency or other type of public agency. BACKGROUND: CCCSD owns and operates approximately 11 miles of recycled water distribution pipelines and related appurtenances. The distribution system conveys recycled water from the CCCSD treatment facility to 30 customers in Pacheco, Concord, and Pleasant Hill. CCWD has provided maintenance services for the recycled water distribution system since November 2004. Most of the work has included repairing leaks, connecting new users and replacing water meters. The previous agreement has ended. CSO /C: \DOCUME- 1 \eboehme \LOCALS-1 \Temp \ccwd rew09_4_1.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 subject. APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT TO PROVIDE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The service provided by CCWD has been satisfactory in terms of responsiveness to both routine and emergency requests and in quality of work. CCCSD staff will continue to be the first responders to a leak or emergency situation, in which case CCCSD staff will shut down the distribution system, assess the emergency and notify CCWD. The term of the proposed agreement is for one year with an option to extend the agreement for up to three one -year periods, as was done with the first agreement. The Board Recycled Water Committee reviewed this matter on January 7, 2009. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) to continue to provide operation and maintenance services for the recycled water distribution system. C: \DOCUME-- 1 \eboehme \LOCALS--1 \Temp \ccwd rew09_4_1.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 No.: 4.h. Consent Calendar Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP TO PROVIDE RELIEF INSPECTORS AND SURVEYORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISTRICT'S 2008 -09 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Michael Penny / Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: M. Penny B. Thah ' cki A. Farrell ames Kelly, General anager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to amend an existing professional services agreement beyond staff authority limits. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Valley Engineering Group from $287,500 to $337,500 to provide relief inspectors and surveyors on an as- needed basis for the conclusion of the construction of the District's 2008 -09 Capital Improvement Projects. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The additive cost of this amendment is $50,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: There are no open positions available to fill with construction inspectors or surveyors. BACKGROUND: Engineering Department staff provides construction management and inspection duties on most District projects, and supplements with consultants if and when needed. An evaluation of the workload for the 2008 -09 construction season indicated that hiring four to six additional inspectors was necessary. Hiring temporary inspection staff effectively addresses work load peaks and allows design staff to continue with the design of projects for the following construction season. At the May 1, 2008 Board meeting the Board authorized a $250,000 agreement with Valley Engineering and a $350,000 agreement with Harris and Associates for providing relief inspectors for the 2008 -09 construction season at the conclusion of a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Valley Engineering has been able to provide a greater number of qualified inspectors and at a lower cost than Harris and Associates. Staff is continuing to use inspectors from Valley Engineering for ongoing construction projects. KTESUP \Position Papers \Penny \Consult Inspector 2009 PP.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP TO PROVIDE RELIEF INSPECTORS AND SURVEYORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISTRICT'S 2008 -09 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS A $37,500 amendment was issued in January 2009 to provide funds through February 2009. The Valley Engineering agreement will be running out of funds by the end of February 2009. Additional funds need to be added to the Valley Engineering agreement to continue to use their inspectors through April /May 2009. Staff is currently conducting an RFP process for selection of consultants to provide temporary inspection staff for the 2009 -2010 construction season. The cost for the relief inspection will be paid directly by Capital Improvement Projects and no separate budget allocation is requested at this time. Staff estimates up to 750 hours of time plus miscellaneous charges (travel, reproduction, etc.) for relief construction inspectors to complete the 2008 -09 construction projects. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Valley Engineering Group in the amount of $50,000 to provide relief inspectors and surveyors on an as- needed basis for the conclusion of the construction of the District's 2008 -09 Capital Improvement Projects. NAPESUP \Position Papers \Penny \Consult Inspector 2009 PP.doc Page 2 of 2 5.a. Hearings PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE ADJUSTING BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION SUGGESTED AGENDA February 5, 2009 Request Staff Report 2. Open Hearing a. Invite comments from public b. Close Hearing 3. Board Discussion 4. Board Action (refer to Position Paper) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 No.: 5.a. Hearings Type of Action: ADOPT ORDINANCE subject: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE ADJUSTING BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION Submitted By: Elaine R. Boehme Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: .' Alm � -; � E. :. James elly, General manager ISSUE: Staff was directed to prepare information on Board Member compensation for Board consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Determine whether the Board wishes to revise the current compensation of $221 per day of service. If an adjustment is desired, adopt an ordinance (Attachment A) amending the Board Member compensation. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If any revisions are made to the compensation, there may be a resulting change in Board Member compensation. The maximum increase permissible under Health and Safety Code Section 6489 and Water Code Section 20202 would increase the compensation by $22 to $243 per day of service, not to exceed six days per calendar month. If the maximum increase were taken and all Board Members attended the maximum permitted six meetings per month, the maximum budget impact would be an additional $7,920 per year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decide it does not wish to amend Board Member compensation. The Board may decide to increase compensation by an amount less than the permitted 5% per year. BACKGROUND: In 2000, SB 1559 provided for increasing Board Member compensation above the previous $100 per day of service. The chart below shows historical changes to Board Member compensation. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 subject PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE ADJUSTING BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION Health and Safety Code Section 6489 states that the Board may, by ordinance adopted pursuant to Water Code Section 20202, increase its compensation above the $100 per day permitted by the Health and Safety Code. The compensation may be increased by up to 5% per calendar year. The Board may approve up to a 10% increase in compensation to capture the increase not taken in 2008 and the 5% increase for 2009. Board Members' compensation is limited to no more than six days' service per calendar month. If the annual increases are approved, they cannot be compounded for each prior year. A survey was conducted of Board Member compensation at nearby sanitary districts. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ranks third in the range (Attachment B). If the Board today adopts an ordinance amending the compensation, it will take effect on April 6, 2009, in accordance with Water Code Section 20204, which states that the ordinance cannot be effective until 60 days after its passage. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Determine whether or not the Board wishes to change the Board Member compensation, and by what amount. If an amendment to the compensation is desired, adopt an ordinance amending the Board Member compensation by an amount up to 10 %, to be effective April 6, 2009. ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE NO. 2009- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING DISTRICT CODE SECTION 2.04.030, COMPENSATION OF BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 6489 states that the Board of Directors may, by ordinance adopted pursuant to Water Code Section 20202, increase its compensation above the $100 per day permitted by the Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Water Code permits a compensation increase of up to five per cent each calendar year; and WHEREAS, the Health and Safety Code limits Board Member compensation to no more than six days' service in a calendar month; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District last adjusted its compensation in February 2007, raising it to $221 per meeting; and WHEREAS, since no adjustments were made since that time, the Board may approve an increase of up to ten per cent to capture the permitted five per cent increase not taken in 2008 and the five per cent increase for 2009; and WHEREAS, any such increase shall not be effective for at least sixty days from the date of final passage. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 2.04.030 of the District Code is hereby repealed and that a new Section 2.04.030 is hereby adopted as follows. A. Beginning on April 6, 2009 and continuing until the ordinance codified in this section is modified or repealed, the compensation for Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is increased from the current $221 approved on February 15, 2007 to $ ? ?? per day of service, effective sixty days after adoption of this ordinance and as set forth by Section 6489 of the Health and Safety Code and Section 20202 of the California Water Code. Compensation shall not be for more than a total of six days of any calendar month. Section 2. This ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated ATTACHMENT A within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. This ordinance shall be effective on April 6, 2009, not less than sixty days after its passage and adoption by the Board of Directors. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 5t" day of February 2009, by the following vote: AYES : Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Countersigned: Elaine R. Boehme, CIVIC Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel ATTACHMENT B COMPARISON OF OTHER AGENCIES' BOARD COMPENSATION West County $265.35 2009 No automatic review Wastewater District $265.35 2008 510 222 -6700 $265.35 2007 Oro Loma Sanitary District $260 2009 Reviewed every January (510) 276 -4700 $250 2008 states COLA increase yearly, $240 2007 but they have not received it Inland Empire Utilities $ 2009 July Reviewed every July Agency $217.77 2008 909 993 -1600 $207.40 2007 Union Sanitary District $212.10 2009 Reviewed on annual basis. (510) 477 -7500 $212.10 2008 states COLA increase yearly, $212.10 2007 but they have not received it Delta Diablo Sanitation $209 2009 Reviewed in January of each District $202 2008 year, ordinance includes (925) 756 -1900 $191 2007 provision for increase of CPI, (925) 625 -2279 $170 2008 up to 5% Mt. View Sanitary District 2009 Oct No automatic review (925) 228 -5635 x26 $200 2008 No automatic review Services District $170 Castro Valley Sanitary 2009 Mar Reviewed annually District $176.34 2008 510 537 -0757 $170.87 Napa Sanitation District $174 2009 No automatic review — policy (707) 258 -6000 $174 2008 states COLA increase yearly, $174 2007 but they have not received it for the last couple of years (per District counsel Ironhouse Sanitary District $170 2009 No automatic review (925) 625 -2279 $170 2008 $170 2007 Dublin San Ramon $156 2009 No automatic review Services District $156 2008 925 828 -0515 $156 2007 Fairfield Suisun Sewer $123.76 2009 No automatic review District $118.13 2008 707 429 -8930 $100 2007 N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \BOARD \Board Compensation Survey EB.doc Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT B '.. OF a 4 SAM A <s Vallejo Sanitation and $100 2009 No automatic review Flood Control District $100 2008 707 644 -8949 $100 2007 EBMUD $1093 2009 (Governed by different (510) 287 -0404 $1093 2008 regulations) $1025 per month December 2008 N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \BOARD \Board Compensation Survey EB.doc Page 2 of 2 7�•� Central Contra Costa Sanitary District January 30, 2009 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JIM KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ANN FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF E N�j R ING FROM: TIM POTTER, ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: BUSINESSES IN SNC FOR 2008 BACKGROUND The District is required to report businesses permitted under the Source Control Program if they are issued a Notice of Violation during the calendar year. The federal pretreatment regulations establish criteria for agencies such as the District to use to determine if the violations of a permitted business are classified as Significant Non - Compliance (SNC). If a business is determined to be in SNC, the District is required to publish certain information about the violation in the newspaper at least annually. In 2005, Source Control staff, initiated a program, at the Board's request, to work more closely with the regulated businesses to understand the actions they could take to minimize the events when they would meet the SNC criteria. This program has been very successful and the number of businesses reported in SNC has been significantly reduced. BUSINESSES IN SNC FOR 2008 Unfortunately, three businesses were determined to meet the SNC criteria during calendar year 2008: • Diablo Valley College for mercury limit violations • St. Mary's College for mercury limit violation • James Marchese Chromate Coating for late reporting The information that will be published in the Contra Costa Times is included in the enclosed document. The two colleges have experienced difficulty meeting the new mercury local discharge limit that became effective September 1, 2007. Extensive investigations have been performed to identify and control potential mercury sources from the labs on these campuses. Both colleges identify that they have removed mercury from the laboratory experiments during 2008. The recent limit violations may be a result of residual mercury remaining in the N: \ENVRSRV\Source Control \Enforcement\2008 SNC\2008 SNC memo.doc Page 1 of 3 laboratory wastewater pipes. Although both colleges have done some cleaning of the laboratory plumbing, some additional maintenance may be able to be performed to address the potential for residual mercury sources possibly causing the recent limit violations (e.g. flushing pipes and capturing the flush water for proper disposal, P -trap replacement). If subsequent sampling continues to documents continued violations, additional pretreatment of the laboratory wastewater may be required. District Source Control staff will continue to work with these campus' to investigate potential mercury sources and the control options available. enclosure N: \ENVRSRV\Source Control \Enforcement\2008 SNC\2008 SNC memo.doc Page 2 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE FOR 2008 Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the federal regulations contained in 40 CFR 403.8.f(2)(vii), the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) is required to publish the names of all Industrial Users (IU) of the District's public sewer system that were considered to be in significant noncompliance (SNC) with applicable pretreatment standards or other pretreatment requirements during the 2008 calendar year. Federal regulations establish objective criteria for the District to use to determine if an IU is in SNC. Discharge Quality Violations The following IUs were found to be discharging process wastewater in violation of the District's Local Discharge Limits in a manner that met the definition of SNC: Industrial User Nature of Violation Diablo Valley College Limit violations for mercury 321 Golf Club Road, from the discharge from the Pleasant Hill, CA laboratory buildings. The Pacheco, CA mercury Local Discharge Limit (LDL) was significantly reduced effective 9/1/07. St. Mary's College Limit violations for mercury 1928 St. Mary's Road from the discharge from the Moraga, CA laboratory buildings. The mercury LDL was significantly reduced effective 9/1/07. Follow -up Action Taken The District issued Notice of Violations (NOV) for the violations. The IU continues to investigate potential sources of mercury within the laboratory operations. The IU reported that experiments involving mercury in the labs have been discontinued. Resampling to demonstrate that the IU has returned to compliance will occur in February 2009 since the labs were closed due to winter break. The District issued an NOV for the violation. The IU continues to investigate potential sources of mercury within the laboratory operations. The IU reported that experiments involving mercury in the labs have been discontinued. Resampling to demonstrate that the lU has returned to compliance will occur in February 2009 since the labs were closed due to winter break. Reporting Violations The following IU was found to have violated reporting requirements of the District's Source Control Program in a manner that met the definition of SNC. James Marchese Submitted required report more The District issued an NOV for the Chromate Plating than 45 days after due date. violation. The IU submitted the required 431 North Buchanan report. The District will monitor this IUs Circle, No 15 compliance with established reporting Pacheco, CA requirements to ensure a pattern of non - compliance does not develop. N: \ENVRSRV\Source Control \Enforcement\2008 SNC\2008 SNC memo.doc Page 3 of 3 7 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District January 29, 2009 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS f VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER l FROM: ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGI ERIN CURTIS W. SWANSON, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: FEES AND CHARGES At this time of year we typically review all fees and charges to determine if current amounts are appropriate. If changes are recommended by staff, information is provided to the Board and if the Board concurs, public hearings are set and the fee changes are implemented. In light of the current economic slowdown, staff has taken a careful look at all fees and charges to determine if full cost recovery is being obtained and further to develop recommendations on whether increases in fees are appropriate. In most cases where full cost recovery is not occurring, the additional revenues gained from full cost recovery are minor and the increase in fees could have a negative impact on struggling businesses in our community. For this reason, staff has minimized recommended increases in fees this year. The following memo summarizes our recommendations. Staff is looking for Board review and concurrence or additional direction. District Code Title 6, Fees and Charges, contains twelve Chapters that define District fees, rates and charges. Of these, the six that follow may require periodic updating: Chapter 6.08 — Annexation Charges Chapter 6.12 — Capacity Fee Program Chapter 6.30 — Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges Chapter 6.34 — Sewer Service Charges Chapter 6.38 — Recycled Water Charges — Landscape Irrigation Chapter 6.40 — Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal Charges for Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators The focus of the January 29, 2009 Financial Planning Workshop was Sewer Service Charge, our largest source of revenue. However, our other fees, rates and charges should also be reviewed periodically. The following is a discussion of staff's recommendation for updating these six categories of fees, rates and charges for the 2009 -10 fiscal year. CADocuments and Settings\afarrell\Desktop \Fees and Charges prelim Memo to Board.doc Chapter 6.08 — Annexation Charaes Annexation Charges are intended to recover the administrative and related costs associated with adding new territory to the District. These costs include fees paid to the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and the State Board of Equalization (SBE), as well as staff time to receive annexation petitions, prepare annexation packages (including maps and parcel descriptions), and administer the process. Annexations of new subdivisions are billed at cost, by setting up an account and tracking and billing the costs separately. A deposit fee of $2,400 is charged up front for these large annexations. For infill parcels being annexed, Annexation Charges are currently $574 per parcel. These fees are not paid until the parcel connects. Staff has been working on processing a backlog of outstanding annexations and has been carefully tracking costs. It appears that our current fees adequately recover our costs. Recommendation: Make no changes to annexation fees. Chapter 6.12 — Capacity Fee Program Capacity fees are applied to all new connections and for capacity increases at existing connections. The capacity fees are based on the total asset value of District facilities, property, and fund balances. The value of appropriate contributed facilities, and assets constructed through our Capital Improvement Program are added to the total asset value each year. Based on this new asset value (net of depreciation and escalation) new capacity fees are calculated. It has been Board policy for the last several years to yearly adjust these fees to ensure that new connections are paying their fair share to buy into District assets. Staff recommends that this policy be continued to ensure that growth pays for growth. Staff has calculated the capacity fee adjustments for fiscal year 2009 -10. The gravity service Capacity Fee calculates to $5,298 per connection, a 7.6% increase from last year, and the pumped service capacity fee calculates to $6,949 per connection, a 6.8% increase from last year. The details of these calculations will be provided to the Board Finance Committee at their February 17, 2009 meeting and to the full Board at the March 5, 2009 meeting. Recommendation: Increase capacity fees by approximately 7% to ensure that new development buys in to all existing assets. CADocuments and Settings\afarrell \Desktop \Fees and Charges prelim Memo to Board.doc Chapter 6.30 - Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Char es Environmental Rates and Charges - The Environmental Rates and Charges are those that apply to our Source Control program. In early 2006, it became apparent that one of the necessary steps to allow us to meet our ever tightening permit requirements would be permitting of a large number of small businesses. For example, the District recently implemented a mandatory amalgam separator program for all dentists who use or remove amalgam. As part of our new local limits, we will be attempting to reduce the copper in our effluent by regulating the discharge of vehicle maintenance facilities. In recognition of the benefit to all District ratepayers from the increased cost of compliance for these businesses, the Industrial User Permit Application Fees and Permit Fees for Class III Industrial Dischargers were set to zero by the Board effective July 1, 2006. Recently Source Control staff reviewed fees for Class II Industries, Special Discharge Permits and Trucked Waste Haulers to determine if any adjustments are warranted. Special Discharge Permit Fees: The staff review indicates that a typical Special Discharge Permit (SDP) for a simple site that does not require an inspection, such as groundwater from a well monitoring site, costs $260 to administer but we are currently charging $65. If an inspection is required for a project like groundwater remediation or construction dewatering, the SDP cost to administer increases to about $750, but we currently charge $345. There is some logic to keeping these fees low, i.e. subsidizing them through the general rate base, to minimize incentives for illegal dumping. If we were to increase these fees to totally recover our costs, it would result in an increase in revenue of approximately $14,000 per year based on a typical year of 10 SDP's with no inspection and 30 SDP's requiring inspection. Recommendation: Based on the small amount of additional revenue that would result from increasing these fees and the potential disincentive to properly dispose of special discharges, staff recommends that no change be made to these fees at this time. Class II Industrial Dischargers Permit Fees: The staff review of our costs to permit Class II Industrial Users indicates that a typical cost per permit is about $4,440. We are currently charging $3,256. If we were to increase these fees to totally recover our costs, it would result in an increase in revenue of approximately $27,000 per year based on 23 active Class II permits per year. Recommendation: Based on the small potential increase in revenue that would be created by raising Class II Industrial Discharge Permit Fees and on the difficult current business climate for many of our area businesses, staff recommends that we do not increase these fees at this time. CADocuments and Settings\afarrell \Desktop \Fees and Charges prelim Memo to Board.doc Septage Disposal Fees (Trucked Waste): The septage disposal fees contain two components, an annual permit fee for companies wishing to dispose at our facility, and an actual disposal fee which is paid each time they access the facility. The disposal fee has both an administrative component and a treatment component. Staff will conduct a review of these fees over the next year to determine if they are appropriate. This review will require sampling and testing of the truck disposed waste streams. Recommendation: Make no changes to the trucked waste fees this year, but begin a study so that these fees can be analyzed in more detail next year. Development - Related Rates and Charges - Each year, Development - Related Rates and Charges are reassessed based on the tracking of labor and other costs required for plan review and construction inspection, and CSO, right -of -way and miscellaneous services. Typically, several rates and charges are increased, a few may be decreased, some new charges may be added and a few others eliminated, Staff has recalculated rates and charges based on current levels of effort and overhead to determine if current rates are capturing District costs appropriately. Of the more than 60 individual fees, the majority of the potential changes are minor and staff recommends retaining the current fee. There are less than 10 categories of fees where staff believes a change may be warranted. A detailed discussion of these will be presented to the Board Finance Committee on February 17, 2009 and the full Board at the March 5, 2009 Board meeting. Recommendation: Maintain the majority of the over 60 development related fees at current amounts. In less than 10 categories, where cost recovery is significantly more or less than expense, consider updating fees. Chapter 6.34 — Sewer Service Charge This year a new Sewer Service Charge proposal will need to be considered and adopted by the Board. The January 29, 2009 Board Financial Planning Workshop focused on the potential scenarios for a sewer service charge increase. Chapter 6.38 — Recycled Water Charges — Landscape Irrigation On July 1, 2002, a revised recycled water rate structure was put in place to increase the cost recovery for the Recycled Water Program while maintaining rates competitive with users' alternative water supply sources, whether canal or potable water. Further, a 3% escalation clause was incorporated such that rates are automatically increased by 3% on July 1 of each year to attempt to cover the increasing costs of the Program. This rate structure will remain in place, with no need for annual updates, until staff or the Board determines that changes would be beneficial to the District. Recommendation: Continue with the 3% annual increase in recycled water rates. CADocuments and Settings\afarrell \Desktop \Fees and Charges prelim Memo to Board.doc Chapter 6.40 — Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal Chartres for Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) The CESQG charges were updated in March of 2004 to more fairly recover costs from small business participants by adding a $20 drop off fee per visit to cover administrative costs. In September 2007 the Philips Services Corporation contract for providing hauling, disposal and contract labor expired. However, after a rigorous selection process, they were again selected to continue their services to the District. The terms and conditions of the new contract have been defined and do not represent a significant increase over the old contract. Staff has evaluated the cost of the CESQG program in light of the new contract as well as other factors and has determined that full cost recovery is not occurring. Staff's review of 2007 actual costs and revenues indicates that only about 66% of the costs of the program are being recovered. In 2007 the cost of disposal and administration was about $60,000 while only $40,017 was recovered through fees. This represents a difference of about $20,000. There are a number of ways to recover these additional costs, ranging from raising the administration fee only to raising the costs for disposal of a number of the most often disposed items, such as paint. All of the options would increase the fees to the small businesses that patronize the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Staff estimates that a typical disposal of 27 gallons of paint which currently costs $87.50 would need to be raised to more than $120 to recover all costs. Recommendation: Due to the current difficult economic climate which is severely impacting small businesses, and to the benefit to all rate payers of keeping hazardous materials out of the collection system and the treatment plant, staff recommends that the CESQG fees not be increased this year. A more detailed analysis will be presented to the Board Household Hazardous Waste Committee at their February 11, 2009 meeting. CADocuments and Settings \afarrell \Desktop \Fees and Charges prelim Memo to Board.doc Item No. 7.a.2. Rate - Setting Approach For 2009 -2010 Fees, Rates & Charges Curtis Swanson Environmental Services Division Manager February 5, 2009 Types of Fees, Rates & Charges • Capacity Fees • Annexation Charges • Development Services Rates & Charges • Environmental Fees (Source Control) • Recycled Water Rates • HHW Small Generator Rates Sewer Connection - Related Fees • Annexation Charges — No change. Existing fees recover costs. • Capacity Fees — Increase 7% according to existing formula approved by the Board. "Growth pays for growth." Development Services Rates & Charges • 73 rates & charges in this category. • No changes to 54 rates & charges this year. • Staff proposes to revise or adjust 19 rates: Revise rate structure -7 Increase rates -3 Decrease rates -9 2 Remaining Rates & Charges • Environmental Compliance Fees - no change. - Full cost recovery would result in a 25% increase in costs to small businesses. • HHW Small Generator Rates - no change. - Full cost recovery would result in a 23% to 42% increase in costs to small businesses. • Recycled Water Rates — 3% annual increase previously approved by the Board. 3 Agenda Item 7.a.3) Board Meeting of February 5, 2009 Written Announcements: Inspections a) Results of Annual Environmental Protection Agency Treatment Plant Inspection On October 15, 2008, the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( USEPA)/ Regional Water Quality Control Board conducted an annual compliance evaluation inspection of the treatment plant. Carole Leong, an employee of PG Environmental, LLC and a USEPA contractor, conducted the inspection. The District received the written inspection report dated December 31, 2008, with an overall rating of satisfactory. There are four rating categories: not evaluated, unsatisfactory, marginal, and satisfactory. No major findings were identified in the inspection. b) Source Control Program Inspection Scheduled The District's Source Control Program will be inspected on February 25 and 26, 2009 by Tetra Tech to ensure that federal pretreatment standards are being met. Tetra Tech is a contractor used by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The inspection focuses primarily on the businesses permitted by Source Control, and involves reviewing files and records, and accompanying our inspectors in the field to review our inspection procedures. This inspection offers an opportunity to identify many of the positive program efforts initiated to control the discharge of pollutants into the District's system. The inspection is very detailed and thorough, and usually has some action items for which we need to respond. The findings from the inspection are presented to the District in a written report that is often received several months afterwards. A report summarizing the findings and the District's response will be presented to the Board after the report is received. Traini� c) Racial Harassment/Diversity Appreciation Training Jahmal Davis, Esq., of Hanson Bridgett, will be conducting Racial Harassment/Diversity Appreciation Training at CSO on February 9 and 10, 2009. Mr. Davis is a Senior Associate with the firm. Mr. Davis spoke on this topic at the 2008 CALPELRA and received high marks for his presentation. CSO has an increasingly diverse workforce and a number of new employees who have not received similar training. This training will be provided to all field crews, vehicle shop employees, office staff, and pumping station employees. Meetings /Events d) Special Day in the District for CASA Members CASA is organizing a special day in the District for all members. The concept is for CASA member agencies to meet with their State Senators and Assembly persons at their offices in the District. Friday, February 13, 2009 is being targeted for these meetings. District staff would like Board members to attend also. We may want to use this opportunity to discuss the potential of supplying recycled water to refineries. Staff is requesting that Board Members check their calendars and advise the Secretary of the District if they would be available. e) 2009 GM Annual Group Talks Scheduled General Manager Jim Kelly will be conducting his Annual Group Talks. During the talks, he will update employees on the state of the District and answer questions. The talks were scheduled at various times so that each employee would have an opportunity to attend. Administration talks are scheduled for February 11t and February 20th at 1:30 p.m.; CSO talks are scheduled for February 23rd at 7:30 a.m.; Engineering talks are scheduled for February 25th at 10:30 a.m. and February 26th at 8 a.m.; and POD talks are scheduled for February 18th at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. All talks will take place in the Multi- Purpose room with the exception of the CSO talk, which will take place in the CSO Conference Room. f) Orinda City Council Presentation for Miner Road Sewer Renovation Proiect The City of Orinda has asked the District and East Bay Municipal Utilities District ( EBMUD) to make a joint presentation at a City Council Meeting this summer on respective projects that will impact Miner Road. The focus of the presentation is on potential impacts during construction, and how the District and EBMUD are coordinating their projects with the City to reduce impacts. The presentation is tentatively scheduled for the Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Orinda City Council Meeting which starts at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Orinda Library Auditorium. Once the meeting date and time are confirmed, staff will notify the Board. Agenda Item 7.a.3) Board Meeting of February 5, 2009 Additional Written Announcements: Meetings /Events g) Danville Sewer Renovation Project (Phase 2) Public Workshop The District will host a public workshop at Los Cerros Middle School located at 968 Blemer Road in Danville on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The project will replace approximately 1,300 linear feet of 6 -inch sewer lines within public right -of -way by open -cut method. This project is being bid early this year at the request of the Town of Danville so that paving on Valle Vista can be completed during the summer of 2009. h) CASA Day Meeting in the District is Confirmed The meetings for the "CASA Day in the District" Program are confirmed. This is a program where CASA agencies throughout the state will meet with their State representatives to discuss unique issues. CASA State Lobbyist staff have set up the meetings to accommodate all of the sanitary agencies as well as assuring that agencies are meeting with as many representatives as possible. District staff and Board Members have been assigned to meet with Assemblyperson Buchanan on Friday, February 13, 2009 at 11:45 a.m., and with Assemblyperson Skinner on Friday, March 6, 2009 at 10 a.m. We will be joined at the meeting with Assemblyperson Skinner by staff and Board Members of Stege Sanitary District. Other Bay Area wastewater agencies have been assigned to meet with Assemblyperson Torlakson and Senator DeSaulnier. Staff would like to have at least one District Board Member attend each of the meetings. If you are available at the date and time assigned, and have an interest in attending, Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme. Attendees will be finalized when we hear back from the Board. General Information /Updates i) Pharmaceutical Collection Program to Begin February 11 On February 3, 2009, the Walnut Creek City Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the District to conduct a Pharmaceutical Collection Program at City Hall. With this approval, the District and its partners will begin the Pharmaceutical Collection Program on Wednesday, February 11, 2009. Collection bins will be located at the Walnut Creek City Hall Lobby located at 1666 North Main Street, the Contra Costa Sheriff's Office located at 1980 Muir Road in Martinez, and the Sheriff's Substation at the Contra Costa County Regional Medical Center located at 2500 Alhambra Avenue in Martinez. The locations will be under supervision by either the Contra Costa Sheriff or the Walnut Creek Police. A press release will be issued on February 9, 2009, and the District's website will provide information about the program. Informational flyers will be available at the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility and the Headquarters Office Building. j) Closure of Elephant Pharmacy Chain On Tuesday, February 3, 2009, Elephant Pharmacy closed all of their pharmacies due to financial difficulties. Elephant was highly regarded for being one of the area's first "green pharmacies ", and for their work in collecting unwanted and expired pharmaceuticals. During the past fifteen months, their Walnut Creek location collected and disposed of more than 1,200 pounds of pharmaceutical waste from area residents. The pharmacy was also a resource for pharmacy students to obtain experience. There is no word on whether they will reopen. :7* J* Board Member Reports Barbara Hockett January 09 Please find attached the agendas /titles for: CASA Board Meetings CASA Conference Sessions attended CCSDA agenda Contra Costa USA CCCSD HR Committee Summary California Association of Sanitation Agencies CASA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Saturday, January 24, 2:109 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.rr- Ironwood Hyatt Grand Champions, Indian Wells AGENDA RollCall .............................................. ............................... Harry T. Price Approval of Agenda President's Report ................................... ............................... Harry Price Treasurer's Report ............................... ............................... Tom Selfridge Executive Director's Report ............... ............................... Catherine Smith State Legislative Report .................. ............................... „.........Mike Dillon Legal and Regulatory Affairs Report ................................ „...... Bobbi Larson Biosolids Program Report ........................ ............................... Greg Kester Standing Committee Reports — (Action Items Only) Associates, Attorneys, Awards, Budget, Bylaws, Communications, Directors, Managers, Program, Conference Arrangements, Federal Legislative & Liaison, State Legislative, and Tri -TAC Old Business New Business Renewal of Special District Leadership Foundation Partner Catherine Smith Adjourn Ensuring Clean Water For California California Association of Sanitation Agencies EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Hyatt Grand Champions — Indian We[I:' 3:00 — 5:30 p.m. Kachina Meeting Room AGENDA 1. Call to Order Harry T. Price 2. Approval of Agenda H. Price 3. Consent Calendar Action H. Price August 20 and 21, 2008 November 13, 2008 Quarterly Financial Report Ending 12/31/2008 4. President's Report Info /Action H. Price a. Evaluation Committee Update b. Honorary Member — Wyatt Troxel 5. Treasurer's Report Info /A¢,tion T. Selfridge a. Tax Returns FY 2007 -08 b. Budget Preparation 2009 -10 6. Executive Director's Report Info /Action C. Smith a. Strategic Plan b. 2008 Annual Report c. Appointment SWRCB WWfP Op. Cert Advisory Committee d. Spring Conference 2010 7. Private Sewer Lateral Task Force Report Info /Action D. Williams 8. Nominations Committee Report Info /Action K. Azoury a. Executive Board & Directors Chair Vacancy 9. Name Change Ad Hoc Committee Report Info /Action C. Craven 10. Legal and Regulatory Report Info /Action B. Larson a. Recycled Water Policy b. PSSEP Coalition Renewal c. Litigation Policy d. Request for support of candidates for appointment to SWRCB 11. Vacaville Litigation Status and Next Steps Information McGaw/Thorme 12. Federal Legislative Report Info /A,,tion E. Sapirstein 13. State Legislative Report Info /A(�tion M. Dillon 14. Biosolids Program Report Info /Action G. Kester 15. Adjourn Blue font = attachment 9:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. CSRNIA Training Seminar Location: Ironwood January 22, 2009 ........... .......... - ......... - ......... 7:30 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. Ccn.t!nen.tal Breakfast Location: Vista Verde Terrace & Foyer ......................................................... The Six Steps of the Interactive 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Process Registration Risk Control Online Location: Registration Counter #2 Employee Performance Evaluations L M Foyer .................................................... .... * ....... *'******"*** ........ 8:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Goif Tournament TECHNICAL SESSIONS Rancho Mirage County Club Location: Indian Wye //s L M .................................................... 12:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. Registration Location. Registration Counter #2 L M Foyer .................................................... 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. CASA Executive Board Meeting Location: Kachina ...................................... 5:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. CSR,MA Executive Board 110eeting Location: Indian Wells 0 P 8:00 a.m. — 9-00 a.m. AM ISSUES FCRUiM Chair Frank Capon', Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Review cf the AB32 Scoping Plan and its Impacts The toadmap, to greenhouse gas reductions has been approved by the CARD Board' What Goes the AS32 Scoping Plan say 12.15 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Opening Conference Lunch --w Locatiion. Desert Vista Ballroom For registered delegates and guests • President's Welcome • Executive Board Report • Executive Director's Report ......................................................... 12-15 p.m. —1:30 p.m. Federal Legislative Work Group N-111eeting Location. Ironwood Chair Sharon Green, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County :*****"*'** ... -*-**-11111****1111**- .............. 1:40 p.m. — 430 p.m. GENERAL SESSION Location. Indian Wells L M Surviving Turbulent Economic Times 1st Vice President Ron Young presiding 1:45 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. Protecting Your Security NACWA's Proposed Watershed Act Charles Logue, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Oregon is Clean Water Services Water Recycling Policy - Status and Lessons Learned Francis Spivy ftber, Member fate Water Resources Control Board .......................................................... 11:30 a.m. —1200 p.m. New Member Orientation Location. Nopales ,Wn CASAt President and Executive Director to /earn about member services and programs. 3:45 p.m. — 4.30 pm. One Water - One Watershed OWOW! A Model Integrated Regional Watershed Program Celeste CantO, General Manager Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 pm. Welcome Reception sponsored by the CASA Associates Location: Indian Walls I J K All registered delegates and guests are invited. and how does it impact wastewater? Investments - is LAIF Safe? Frank Caponi 4. Daniel Dowell, Director of Investment 9-15 a.m. -10:15 a.m. Office of State Treasurer Bill Lockyer LAND ISSUES FORUM 2:20 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Chair Mike Sullivan, Sanitation Districts SWRCB and the Federal Stimulus of Los Angeles County Package - How the Water Board Anticipates to Implement The Emerging Regulatory Issues Program Funds Bob Bastian, U.S. EPA Office of Water Doug Wilson and Alice Stebbins Greg Kester CASA Biosorids Program Manager SWRCB-DhdsJon of Financial Assistance 11030 a.m. -12:00 p.m. 3-00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Break WATER ISSUES FORUM Locabw Wtde Visft Twace & F&,w Where Do We Go From Here? Chair Ben Hornstein, East Bay municipal 3:15 P.M. -3:45 p.m. Utility District Dublin San Ramon Services District and the Wall Street Credit Crunch A Case for Water Quality Permitting Or ... Was Polonius Right When He Reform White Paper by the Told Hamlet "Neither a Borrower nor Massachusetts Coalition for Water a Lender Be"? A Case Study Resources Stewardship. Bert MIchakzYk General Manager, DSRSD Tom Walsh, Engineer - DiiectorlTreasurer Tom Lockard, Managing Director, Stone & Upper Blackstone Mater Pollution Youngberg Abatement District - Millbury, MA Kbbcast NACWA's Proposed Watershed Act Charles Logue, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Oregon is Clean Water Services Water Recycling Policy - Status and Lessons Learned Francis Spivy ftber, Member fate Water Resources Control Board .......................................................... 11:30 a.m. —1200 p.m. New Member Orientation Location. Nopales ,Wn CASAt President and Executive Director to /earn about member services and programs. 3:45 p.m. — 4.30 pm. One Water - One Watershed OWOW! A Model Integrated Regional Watershed Program Celeste CantO, General Manager Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 pm. Welcome Reception sponsored by the CASA Associates Location: Indian Walls I J K All registered delegates and guests are invited. 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. ......................... 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. CSRi',,1 , Board o Location. Nopa /es ..................... ............................... 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Continental Sre� fas, Location. Vista Verde Terrace & Foyer .................. ............................... 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration Location. Registration Counter #2 L M Foyer 8..................... :00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. State LeaiS1a i v s Con�nmmittee Work Group �Nloefing Location: Ironwood ......................... ............................... 10:30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. ATTORNEYS MEETINGS Location. Indian Wells J K Chair Mark Comelius, Snyder, Cornelius & Hunter: State Bar MCLE approved provider . — a.m. Ne3m ?" evelo orr8t, I E in Identigy Reef£ Buil Kent Ruthann G. Ziegler ...... yers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson ....................... 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. Spouses /Guepts Nlt. t 8. G: e r.! and Chef's Cooking Demo Location: Vista Verde Terrace ................... ............................... 9:00 a.m. -12:00 P.M. `PUBLIC POLICY SESSIONS ��cation: Indian Wells L M :Mam. -10:00 a.m. Federal Legislative update Chair Sharon Green, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County New Directions In The New Administration and New Congress 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ................... ............................... 11:00 a.m. -12.00 p.m. Communications 'a.o` m.iitee Location. Pinon Chair Michele McKinney Underwood, tAt wen► Municipal Water District :........................... ............................... 1 :30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. Location. Indian Wells L M Vice Chair Jeny Gilmore, Truckee Sanitary District In hard times, it becomes more important than ever to focus our resources where they will have the greatest impact on the service levels we deliver. Ken Harlow, Director of Management Services, Brown and Caldwell of Conn ,, °�,,, Input Souc.-h -- Michele McKinney Underwood, CASA Communications Committee Chair ... ......................................................... 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 12,00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. ",lira , Gain ! o . general Associates Cornmitlee managers, publ c tvn-' s Location. Ironwood : senior stab. and co s'- ultants Chair Pierva¢ Anwar, Brown and Cakiwel Location. Indian Wells N O Chair MWiael Abramson, Napa Sanitation District impact of Dousing Crash and Credit I We are increasingly challenged by our Squeeze on `i} /astevurater Utilities customers to make "optimal decisions." Bert MichaMzyk, General Manager, DSRSD Optimal decision making is a systematic Wyatt Tioxel, Fomier Board Member, IEUA = approach to ensure the decisions are sound tran t red A-4- Washington D.C. Report Eric Sapiistein, CASH LegusAativie Advocate • Update on High Priority Issues - Legislative Committee Report 10:15 am. -11:15 a.m. y� State Legislative and Regulatory Update mohair Tim Anderson, Sonoma County Water Agency State Legislative Report Mike DiNon, CASA Lobbyist Regulatory Affairs Report Bobbi Larson, CASA Director of Legal & Regulatory Af rs 11:15 am. -120 p.m. Private Sewer Lateral Task Force Report David Williams, Tack Force Chairand Executive Board Member ........................................ I.............. 1200 p.m. -1:15 p.m. Lunch on Your C�1rn -OR- 1215 p.m. -1:15 p.m. NEVI! 5i{ Run, fit' /ally - Get Fit While Having Fun! Location: Meet outside hotel lobby All fitness levels are welcome. Sign up at the registration desk and fill out the waiver. Led by Roland Williams, CVSD Roland Williams has been in athletics his entire life. He started running at the age of six; ran track in college and was considered an Olympic hopeful. Roland has coached, trained and participates in several sporting activities. He continues his training regiment while working as the General Manager of the Castro Valley Sanitary District located in the San Francisco Bay Area. , span:- , a nsible. Decision Analysis: A Sys'"ema t Analytical, and Transparent Process to, Making, Optimal Decisions Steve McDonald and Sara Deslauners Carollo Engineers This three -part session begins with the fundamentals of optimal decision making, teaches the method with a hands-on exercise, and concludes with a case study of a real -works application. • Decision Fundamentals: Decision analysis involves the use of methods and metrics for considering risk and return. The speakers will discuss the fundamentals and highlight some of the most useful of these methods. • Group Exercise: PairwiseAnalysisA hands -on exercise that will teach a power- ful method for using economic and non- economic criteria to compare and rank the optimum altemative. Attendees will be able to immediately use the method at their own agency. • Case Study: How the techniques of optimal decision making were used in a recent sewer master planning effort. :............................... ..............................: r nNTINI wn nm NFYT DArZF QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE CONTRA COSTA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION Date: Monday, January 26, 2009 Time: 10:00 a.m. Meeting 12:00 p.m. Lunch Location: Pleasant Hill Community Center 320 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill Lunch: $24.00 (meal optional - immediately following meeting) AGENDA 10:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions (Please keep the your District's introductions zmder two minutes) 10:15 a.m. Approval of October 20, 2008, minutes 10:20 a.m. Guest Speakers Chair of the Board of Supervisors Susan Bonilla, District IV of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Topic. Employment Status and Opportunities in Contra Costa Cour:a V Suzie O'Bryant and Ben Mosley, Contra Costa County One Stop Operator Consortium/EASTBAY Works Topic: Services and Resources Provided Through EASTBAY Works 11:00 a.m. LAFCO Representative Report: Dwight Meadows, Contra Costa Resource Conservation District 11:05 a.m. Legislative Committee Report Stan Caldwell, Mt. View Sanitary District 11:10 a.m. East Bay Regional Park District — Park Advisory Committee Report E. J. Shalaby, West County Wastewater District 11:15 a.m. CCSDA Financial Report: Mark Cornelius, Snyder, Cornelius & Hunter 11:20 a.m. California Special Districts Association Activities Update: Sherry Sterrett, Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District 11:25 a.m. Mayors' Conference Report: John Burgh, Contra Costa Water District 11:30 a.m. GASB 45 — Public Employee Information Requirement Update Paul Soltow, West County Wastewater District 11:30 a.m. Other Business 2009 CCSDA Survey Next scheduled CCSDA meeting: April 20, 2009 6:00 p.m. (Dinner immediately following meeting) Pleasant Hill Community Center 320 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA 11:55 a.m. Adjourn Z Q W LL I cn CD 0 N Qn N i R c a R a CIO i F- a c .a c CO) E 0 s c j_ _m L ea G Y 3 O 5 V O t 0 0Q 0 C= 0 N a2 �0 m L c ° }i1° 0�c o � c 'p x LN .0 0 d to m U., OC c.� d W is f-a >+a'N7W Lo C1 •r r- 3 G= �cg .5� d o o m V c Mn .t _ c —E�n L c 0LD oC> AIL aU. =50 0cci a E O C v as am O v i c O c d t J Z =t O RM L o�� � � c 0 O� d CAE W y E c Y O L V = w cU L 0 d =mac Hc°n�u'. c O O L Q .O O C L 0 Q d O C Q L m c m c oc or c E h � CD � I CD m O =ate E CD °' V Z =t O RM L o�� � � c 0 O� d CAE W y E c Y O L V = w cU L 0 d =mac Hc°n�u'. c O O L Q .O O C L 0 Q d O C Q L m c m c oc or c N O N Z a N Z W W ca � L L CL �o *may e w * � d d3 LL. • Co ca w° � IS O R d .E , + O . Y ESL d U O L W t� w C L 7 O 'y tm C 3a IM d NO -. H 5 �0CL 'O d O c E E E E E E °' m ei a. c. C. O O M O O O O O O M O N pp N O N Z a N Z W W ca � L L CL �o *may e w * � d d3 LL. • Co ca w° � IS O R d .E , + O . Y ESL d U O L W t� w C L 7 O 'y tm C 3a IM d NO -. H 5 �0CL 'O d O c Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Meeting February 5, 2009 Board Member McGill Item 7.d.1) Will attend the Mayors' Conference February 5, 2009, Danville Item 7.d.2) e) None Item 7.d.3) a) CASA Conference January21 -24, 2009 See list of attended sessions (attached) and related material is available for perusal) Item 7.d.3) b) Walnut Creek State of City Lunch Mayor Skrel gave report highlighting tough financial times (See news clipping) Item 7.d.3) c) Contra Costa USA Dinner George Will presented the conservative view of the stimulus package ( "everything the Democrats couldn't get in the last eight years ") Item 7.d.4) Attended: Contra Council Transportation Task Force Meeting January 16, 2009 There was a presentation via teleconference from Washington, D.C. regarding the House version of the Federal stimulus package. Contra Costa Council Workshop January 27, 2009 Presentation regarding AB32 and SB 375 (Power points available at rNvk vN� .coi,iti °,tacustacotiiicii.com) HBANC Installation Reception January 30, 2009 Dismal state of the homebuilding industry reported; Ray Panek, KB Home installed as Chairman Participated in CBIA conference call for the Water Resources Subcommittee February 3, 2009 Will attend CBIA Winter Meeting February 11 -13, 2009 Will attend Contra Costa Council Water Task Force Meeting February 17, 2009 9:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. Location: Ironwood ............. . ........................ I .... ..... 8:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. Rancho Mirage County Club ..................... I ...... I ................ I...... 12:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. Location: Registration Counter #2 L M Foyer .................... ............................... 3:00 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. Location: Kachina ..................... ............................... 5:30 p.m. — 7.30 p.m Location: Indian Wells O P y4 i January 22, 2009 7:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Location: Vista Verde Terrace & Foyer ....................... ............................... 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. Location: Registration Counter #2 L M Foyer .................... ............................... 8:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. TECHNICAL SESSIONS Location: Indian Wells L M 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Chair Frank Caponi, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County The roadmap to greenhouse gas reductions has been approved by the CARD Board! Frank Caponi 9:15 a.m. —10:15 a.m. Chair Mike Sullivan, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Bob Bastian, U.S. EPA Office of Water Greg Kester, CASA Biosofids Program Manager 10:30 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Chair Ben Horenstein, East Bay Municipal Utility District Tom Walsh, Engineer - Director /Treasurer Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District - Millbury. MA Webcast Charles Logue, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Oregon's Clean Water Services Francis Spivy Weber, Member State Water Resources Control Board 11:30 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Location: Nopales Join CASA' President and Executive Director to learn about member services and programs. 12:15 p.m. —1:30 p.m. Location: Desert Vista Ballroom For registered delegates and guests • President's Welcome • Executive Board Report • Executive Director's Report 12:15 p.m. —1:30 p.m. Location: Ironwood Chair Sharon Green, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County 1:40 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. GENERAL SESSION Location: Indian Wells L M 1st Vice President Ron Young presiding 1:45 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. Daniel Dowell, Director of Investment Office of State Treasurer Bill Lockyer 2:20 p.m. 3:00 p.m. o-! the, E Doug Wilson and Alice Stebbins SWRCB- Division of Financial Assistance 3:00 p.m. — 3:15 p.m. Break Location: Verde Vista Terrace & Foyer 3:15 p.m. — 3 :45 p.m. f� Bert Michalczyk, General Manager, DSRSD Tom Lockard, Managing Director, Stone & Youngberg 3:45 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. Celeste Cantu, General Manager Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority ..................... ............................... . 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Location: Indian Wells I J K All registered delegates and guests are invited. 7:30 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. ..... ... I ............................ 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Location: Nopales ..................... ............................... . 8:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. Location: Vista Verde Terrace & Foyer ........................ ............................... 8:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Location: Registration Counter #2 L M Foyer . ............................... I................ 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Location: Ironwood ............... ............................... 9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. Location: Vista Verde Terrace ..................... ............................... 9:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. PUBLIC POLICY SESSIONS Location: Indian Wells L M 9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. Chair Sharon Green, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Eric Sapirstein, CASA Legislative Advocate • Update on High Priority Issues • Legislative Committee Report 10:15 a.m. —11:15 a.m. Chair Tim Anderson, Sonoma County Water Agency Mike Dillon, CASA Lobbyist Bobbi Larson, CASA Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs 11:15 a.m. —12:00 p.m. David Williams. Tack Force Chair and Executive Board Member ................. ............................... 10:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. ATTORNEYS MEETINGS Location: Indian Wells J K Chair Mark Cornelius. Snyder. Cornelius & Hunter State Bar MCLE approved provider 10:30 a.m. —11:45 a.m. Kenton L. Alm and Ruthann G. Ziegler Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson 2:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. :............................ .........I....................: 11:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Location: Pinon Chair Michele McKinney Underwood, Western Municipal Water District ......................... ............................... 12:00 p.m. —1:30 P.M. Location: Ironwood Chair Pervaiz Anwar, Brown and Caldwell Bert Michalczyk, General Manager, DSRSD Wyatt Troxel, Former Board Member, IEUA .......................... ............................... 12:00 p.m. —1:15 p.m. -OR- 12:15 p.m. —1:15 p.m. Location: Meet outside hotel lobby All fitness levels are welcome. Sign up at the registration desk and fill out the waiver. Led by Roland Williams, CVSD Roland Williams has been in athletics his entire life. He started running at the age of six; ran track in college and was considered an Olympic hopeful. Roland has coached, trained and participates in several sporting activities. He continues his training regiment while working as the General Manager of the Castro Valley Sanitary District located in the San Francisco Bay Area. 1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. Location: Indian Wells L M Vice Chair Jerry Gilmore, Truckee Sanitary District In hard times, it becomes more important than ever to focus our resources where they will have the greatest impact on the service levels we deliver. Ken Harlow, Director of Management Services, Brown and Caldwell Michele McKinney Underwood, CASA Communications Committee Chair 1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. s' a?i, al Id Location: Indian Wells N O Chair Michael Abramson, Napa Sanitation District We are increasingly challenged by our customers to make "optimal decisions." Optimal decision making is a systematic approach to ensure the decisions are sound, transparent, and defensible. Steve McDonald and Sara Deslauriers Carollo Engineers This three -part session begins with the fundamentals of optimal decision making, teaches the method with a hands -on exercise, and concludes with a case study of a real -world application. Decision analysis involves the use of methods and metrics for considering risk and return. The speakers will discuss the fundamentals and highlight some of the most useful of these methods. Pairwise Analysis A hands -on exercise that will teach a power- ful method for using economic and non- economic criteria to compare and rank the optimum alternative. Attendees will be able to immediately use the method at their own agency. How the techniques of optimal decision making were used in a recent sewer master planning effort. ............. ............................... ............1 ............................. ............................... . January 24, 2009 3:00 p.m. — 3:15 p.m. Location: Verde Vista Terrace & Foyer 3:15 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. GENERAL SESSION Location: Indian Wells L M President Harry T. Price presiding 7:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Location: Ironwood ................. ............................... .............. 8 :00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Location: Indian Wells L M .................. ............................... 9:00 a.m. —10:30 a.m. CLOSING GENERAL SESSION Location: Indian Wells L M c, LOSING KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. Wallace Walrod, Ph. D, President Harry T. Price presiding Vice President, Research & Communications Orange County Business Council ................................................... ............................... 4:15 p.m. — 5 :00 p.m. Location: Ironwood Chair Paul Bushee; Leucadia Wastewater District ............................................. ............................... 6:00 P.M. — 7:00 P.M. Location: Grand Salon Ballroom 2nd Floor - above hotel lobby ;7tj 014 • Central Contra Costa Sanitary District February 5, 2009 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER RANDALL MUSGRAVES, ADMINISTRATI DI CTOR �v�fn1 SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SANITATION AGENCIES MID -YEAR CONFERENCE (JANUARY 21-24,2009) The California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Mid -Year Conference highlights included the Water Issues Forum; discussion of financial matters; and legislative updates. I have attached the following handouts for your information: ➢ CASA Mid -Year Conference Program ➢ The January 2009 Mid -Year Conference Report Slides for most presentations and the CASA Annual Report are available. Please let me know if you would like more information on a presentation or would like a copy of the Annual Report, and I will forward it to you. The Mid -Year Report is quite complete and summarizes most regulatory and legislative matters. One highlight of the conference was Board Member Barbara Hockett being elected as 2nd Vice President of Casa. ISSUE FORUMS Water Issues Forum: This Forum focused on permitting and water recycling. The highlight was SWRCB member Francis Spivy Weber's presentation on the stakeholder process on the SWRCB Water Recycling Policy that was subsequently adopted February 3, 2009. While the policy's original intent was to encourage recycling, by the time it went through the process, it may hinder recycling. Perhaps the moral of the story is to be careful what you ask for. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS CASA State Legislative Committee. The State Legislative meeting began with a brief discussion by CASA State Lobbyist Michael Dillon on the state budget. As previously reported, budget negotiations are expected to continue A property tax shift may be on the table again, although it has not formally surfaced yet. The Committee had previously met to consider a number of bills and continued to discuss the "Day in the District" Legislative Day. Staff will work with Board Members who want to attend meetings with our legislators in their home offices. Honorable Members of the Board Page 2 February 5, 2009 Federal Legislative Committee. Most of the Committee meeting focused on the new appointees and the stimulus package. Both are well covered in the Conference Report. The way the stimulus package is to be implemented is evolving rapidly. The packaged discussed in the committee was not as user friendly as the one described by SWRCB Staff later in the afternoon! It will be a month or two before the procedures and budgets are finalized. At this time, it does not appear that CCCSD would be eligible for grants. GENERAL SESSIONS The General Sessions focused on this turbulent economic time; one of the papers, "Is LAW Safe" was of direct interest to the District. A presentation was made by the newly appointed Director of the Investment Division at the State Treasurer's Office, Daniel Dowell, regarding the safety of LAIF investments. The Treasurer invests funds through the Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA). The PMIA is governed by the California Pooled Money Investment Board and is comprised of three primary sources of funds: the State General Fund; special funds held by the State agencies; and the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). The LAIF receives oversight and guidance from the Local Investment Advisory Board. The State Treasurer chairs both boards. In 2007 -08 the PMIA average daily balance was $63.3 billion. LAIF comprises $23.4 billion of the $63.3 billion. In summary, the PMIA has had little exposure to the recent financial meltdown to loss of principal on any investment. The impact comes to significantly reduced yield or rate of return on the investments. Interest for 2009 is expected to be below 1.9 %. In 2008, the Treasurer began shifting PMIA's investments to more secure investments resulting in a reduction in CDs /Bank Notes and Commercial Paper and Corporate Bonds. This included a significant reduction in finds invested in Yankee Banks. Two areas of significant increase were in Treasuries and Loans to the State General Fund (AB 55 Loans). Of concern to LAIF investors, like the District, is the increase of approximately $ 14 billion in loans. AB 55 loans are a line of credit to the State's bond program and are issued for 364 days. The Treasurer stated that he is confident that the principal and interest on the AB 55 loans will be paid back when the State sells the bonds related to the loans. Furthermore, the Treasurer has stated that AB 55 loans do not effect the LAIF investments. He was adamant that the State cannot legally borrow LAIF funds. The State can only use its own monies invested in PMIA. Given the current financial crises it's difficult to have trust or confidence in any investment company or tool. However, LAIF continues to appear to be the safest investment mechanism at this time for District funds. Staff will continue to monitor the safety of the District's investments in LAIF. Honorable Members of the Board Page 3 February 5, 2009 There are several other situations that bear watching: 1. The recent failure of Rohnert Park to pass a rate increase -it contracts with Santa Rosa for sewage treatment - and it is unclear if Rohnert Park can collect enough money to pay Santa Rosa for their services. 2. The State may try to impose a $10 per connection charge for some of the regulatory programs they currently fund out of the general fund. It is unclear what mechanism they would use to impose the fee. 3. CASA's private lateral study continues. This is covered in the Mid -Year Report; some sort of legislation is being considered for next year. At this time, it appears that any legislation that would be proposed would be very general. Attachments PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE PROGRAM A. !! a _ .<.4 ;I :LP, !i L \,' . "It"- 11ki ;r• o, 4..,' �*4:•� �: stvi�Yti31Vffi7a{ i, oiii►:' iM p p CASA Ensuring Clean Water for California January 21-24,2009 Hyatt Grand Champions Our Mission Statement President's Message Dear CASA Members: I look forward to welcoming you to our 2009 Mid -Year Conference, January 21 -24 at the Hyatt Grand Champions, Indian Wells. In these times of economic instability, the upcoming new year promises to hold added challenges for public agencies to provide vital services while fulfilling the commitment to preserve and protect public health and the environment. Therefore, the program spotlights presentations on various financial issues that we hope you will find timely and informative. The program features several program highlights worth mentioning: • Daniel Dowell Director of LAIF's Investment Division will speak; • Celeste Cantu, Executive Director, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority will mod- erate a panel that features protecting public funds through local investments; • Dublin San Ramon Services District will offer a first hand account of Variable Rate Demand Obligations (VRDO); • Don't miss the Annual Recognition Reception sponsored by the CASA Associates on Thursday evening. All registered delegates and guests are invited; and, • For a change of pace, join Roland Williams, General Manager of Castro Valley Sani- tary District for a fun run, Friday during lunchtime. I will open the conference at Thursday's luncheon where delegates will be briefed on the results of our annual Executive Board Planning Session. I hope to see you in Palm Springs for the conference and ask that you join me at the President's Reception Friday evening to network with fellow colleagues. Until then, best regards and please don't hesitate to call the CASA office with questions about the conference. Sincerely, Har ry T. P ir''ce CASA President 0 A;, CASA Ensuring Clean Water for California Registration form A golf tournament has been set for Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at the RANCHO MIRAGE COUNTRY CLUB. please arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. The country club is located at the corner of Bob Hope Drive and Frank Sinatra Drive. The Wednesday club has a dress code. No short shorts, blue jeans or t -shirts are permitted. January, 21 , 2009 - this includes green fees, golf carts & tournament prizes. 5:00 a.m.! If you plan to participate, please return this form, together with a check for $70.00. You must send this form in to be eligible to play. ...................... ............................... RETURN FORM BY January 12th (Maps and foursomes will be sent at that time.) f'E'F:fC'�i':d fr)i17SOn�E'.: Hotel Information 44 -600 Indian Wells Lane Indian Wells, CA 92210 Toll Free: (800) 233 -1234 (central reservations) Website: www.grandchampions.hyatt.com • CASA Room Rate: $230.75 (including tax) - for Single/Double Occupancy • Please identify yourself as a CASA member to receive this special rate • Cut -Off Date for Reservations is Saturday, December 20, 2008 • Check -in: 4:00 p.m. /Check -out: 12:00 p.m. • The Hyatt is a large property; some room lo- cations may cause attendees to walk a long distance. The Hyatt Grand Champions located in the foothills of the San Jacinto Mountains in Indian Wells (Palm Springs area) is a 25 minutes travel time from Palm Springs Int'I Airport or 70 miles from Ontario Int'I Airport. There is no cost for self- parking and the room rate includes unlim- ited access to the Agua Serena Spa facilities, Health and Fitness Center, along with a wide ar- ray of onsite amenities. Hotel guests have com- plimentary use the Shopper Hopper to local at- tractions. Further information is available at the hotel's front desk. • Taxi Service (approx. $60 one -way) • Shuttles by advanced reservation: At Your Service Shuttle (760) 343 -0666 • Car Rentals The Hyatt Grand Champions reservations de- partment will manage the CASA waiting list and assures us that our delegates will be able to reserve a room based on CASA's group block. This year, the Reservations Department will ac- cept a maximum of three (3) rooms under one name. The conference page on CASA's web - site - www.casaweb.org will include the Hyatt's online room reservations link. if you make ad- vanced reservations for delegates and some of those individuals do not register for the conference please cancel those rooms by Mike Dunbar South Coast Water District P.O. Box 30205 Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 -0205 Phone: (949) 499-4555 FAX: (949) 499 -4256 Cell: (949) 533 -4052 www.mdunbar@scwd.org December 20. Your help will ensure all mem- bers attending the conference have a room at the negotiated rate and alleviate CASA's liability for additional costs associated with contractual obligations regarding the room block. CASA initiated a Late Cancellation Policy be- cause of the large number of cancellations in the final days approaching each conference. Our contractual obligations with the hotel hold CASA liable if we do not meet our room guar- antees. Please note CASA's Late Cancellation Policy on the bottom of the registration form. If you cannot attend, send a colleague in your place by notifying the CASA office. The late fee for canceling on or before January 9 is $2& No refunds after January 9 The Marriott Renaissance Esmeralda is located next door to the Hyatt Grand Champions; room rates are based on availability. For reservations call (760) 773 -4444. 9:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. See registration form ................ ............................... 8:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. .............. ............................... 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. .............................. 5:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. January 22, 2009 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. .......................... ............................... 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. AIR ISSUES FORUM Chair Frank Caponi, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County .................. ............................... 9:15 a.m. -10:15 a.m. LAND ISSUES FORUM Chair Mike Sullivan, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County - Bob Bastian, U.S. EPA Office of Water (invited) - Greg Kester, CASA Biosolids Program Manager .......................... ............................... 10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. WATER ISSUES FORUM Chair Ben Horenstein, East Bay Municipal Utility District 12:15 p.m. -1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. GENERAL SESSION 1st Vice President Ron Young presiding ...................... ............................... 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Daniel Dowell, Director, Investment Division - State Treasurer's Office ............ ............................... 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Bert Michalczyk, General Manager - Lori Rose, Financial Services Manager/ Treasurer (invited) ................... ............................... 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. White Paper by the Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardship .................... ............................... Tom Walsh, Engineer - Director /Treasurer 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District - Millbury, MA Webcast - Charles Logue, Director of Regulatory Panel Moderator Celeste Cantu, General Affairs, Oregon's Clean Water Services Manager Santa Ana Watershed Project .......................... ............................... Authority 11:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. .................... ............................... 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ............... ............................... 12:15 p.m. -1:30 p.m. OPENING CONFERENCE LUNCHEON for registered delegates and guests Jim Colson, Ti-TAC Chair .... ............................... 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. All registered delegates and guests are invited. 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. .............................. 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. ............................. 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. Chef's Cooking Demo ............................. 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Chair Sharon Green, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County ........................ ............................... 10:15 a.m. -11:15 a.m. STATE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Chair Tim Anderson, Sonoma County Water Agency .......... ............................... 11:15 a.m. -12:00 p.m. David Williams, Tack Force Chair and Executive Board Member .......................... ............................... 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Chair Michele McKinney Underwood, Western Municipal Water District .......................... ............................... 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Chair Mark Cornelius, Snyder, Cornelius & Hunter Chair Pervaiz Anwar Brown and Caldwell 12:00 p.m. —1:15 p.m. -OR- 12:15 p.m. —1:15 p.m. All fitness levels are welcome By signing up on the registration form Castro Valley Sanitary District's Roland Williams has been in athletics his entire life. He started running at the age of six; ran track in college and was considered an Olympic hopeful. Roland has coached, trained and participates in several sporting activities. He continues his training regiment while working as the General Manager of the Castro Valley Sanitary District located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Roland will lead CASA's fun runfwalk. 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Chair Wyatt Troxel, Inland Empire Utilities Agency Ken Harlow, Director of Management Services, Brown and Caldwell In hard times, it becomes more important than ever to focus our resources where they will have the greatest impact on the service levels we deliver. Mr. Harlow will discuss approaches to asset risk management, with real -life examples, to show how risk is measured. He will show how an improved understanding of risk leads to the best service levels regardless of the resource limitations all utilities face. Michele McKinney Underwood, CASA Communication Committee Chair Chair Michael Abramson, Napa Sanitation District Decision analysis requires use of methods and metrics for considering risk and competing trade -offs. Making optimal decisions requires a systematic approach to ensure the decisions are sound, transparent, and defensible. ... ............................... 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 3:15 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. - GENERAL SESSION President Harry T. Price presiding and Keynote Speaker ............................ 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Chair Paul Bushee, Leucadia Wastewater District ............................ 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. January 24, 2009 7:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. ................... ............................... 9:00 a.m. —10:30 a.m. CLOSING GENERAL SESSION President Harry T. Price presiding CASA ,S January 21 -24, 2009 Ensuring Clean Water for California IMPORTANT • $25 cancellations fee on or before Friday, January 9, 2009 • No Refund for late cancellations after January 9, 2009 • Send a colleague if you can not attend, please notify the office CASA 1215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 tel: (916) 446-0388 fax: (916) 231-2141 ❑ Delegate $425 ❑ Thurs. only $212.50 ❑ Fri. only $212.50 ❑ Yes, I will Join Roland for the Get Fit Fun Run on Friday ❑ Delegate $425 ❑ Thurs. only $212.50 ❑ Fri. only $212.50 ❑ Yes, I will Join Roland for the Get Fit Fun Run on Friday v, Y;rn I, "t N: o ❑ Delegate $425 ❑ Thurs. only $212.50 ❑ Fri. only $212.50 ❑ Yes, I will Join Roland for the Get Fit Fun Run on Friday of fll fi,rOiojls x 1,15 "'o, ot D: lo,jatr"s, I 1-w A,)v ur;1v t'10. of C"-ki(ot"'.�', 1.d:iV,)1,1Y 0 �J Total: ❑ Online registration with credit card: visit us at www.casaweb.org and click on "Conference" - Visa and MasterCard accepted online Purchase Order#-. I Mail check - Check #: IMPORTANT • $25 cancellations fee on or before Friday, January 9, 2009 • No Refund for late cancellations after January 9, 2009 • Send a colleague if you can not attend, please notify the office CASA 1215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 tel: (916) 446-0388 fax: (916) 231-2141 CSRMA Risk Management Seminar at CASA... pc r >o+od by: C. irforni<a Sai)iLition Risk Nlanagomeant Authooty (CSxV4A) 9:00 —10:30 a.m. Would you like to understand your obligations for conducting the Interactive Pro- cess? Better yet, would you like to know all the "nuts and bolts" of how to best con- duct the Interactive Process? This program will not only review of the six steps of the Interactive Process but will also highlight the penalties for not interacting, show you the best ways to document your efforts and results, and put together your tool kit of forms and resources to successfully navigate the potential pitfalls. - Roberta Etcheverry, CPDM 10:30 —10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. —12:00 p.m. From managing contractor liability to creating ADA- compliant job descriptions to creating a custom Business Continuity Plan to creating customized CalOSHA com- pliance programs, CSRMA's Risk Control Online is proud to roll out several new and exciting turnkey risk solutions designed especially with CSRMA members in mind. Come and see how these new interactive online tools will save your agency money in consultants, staff time and help your agency better control its risk! - David Patzer, CSRMA Risk Control Advisor 12:00 —1:00 p.m. 1:00 — 2:30 p.m. It can be difficult to inform an employee that his work is not up to par, or that she has an attitude or attendance problem. Often, managers feel it is better to give a good or neutral performance review -- or not give a review at all -- than to sit down with the employee and be candid about deficiencies and the steps necessary to achieve acceptable performance. Not only is the failure to give honest performance feedback unfair to the employee- - there is no chance to obtain the information necessary to improve -- but it could also result in significant legal liability for the employer if it decides to terminate the poorly performing employee. Terminated or disciplined employees have obtained sizeable jury awards and out -of -court settlements based upon claims that they "didn't know" their performance fell short of expectations. This seminar will provide the `tivhy's" and "how's" of conducting effective employee performance appraisals. - Melanie Potunca, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore When Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. (registration and continental breakfast begins at 8 :30 a.m.) Where Hyatt Grand Champions Resort 44 -600 Indian Wells Lane Indian Wells, CA 92210 Phone: 760 - 341 -1000 Cost The seminar is free to all CSRMA members. There will be a nominal fee of $50 for all non -CSRMA members (Cash or check only, payable to CSRMA either in advance or at the door). How to register Questions Please contact David Patzer, CSRMA Risk Control Advisor at losscontrol @sbcglobal. net or at 707.373.9709. Please Note: It is important we have an accurate head- count prior to the date of the seminar to ensure that lunch is available for those at- tending the seminar. Please take a moment to pre - register if you plan to attend. CASA 1215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE PROGRAM CASA Ensuring Clean Water for California --. a ��Ql: Regulatory Report icy ? ':har to Larson, Oirf,,Oor of 1_a1lal .wd Rogulatory Affairs CASA Urges State Water Board to Keep Supplemental Environmental Projects Viable Under Proposed New Policy In mid - December, CASA provided comments to the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) regarding two proposed policies: the "Proposed Statewide Policy for Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs)" and the "Policy for Use of the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA) for Regional Water Quality Improvement Projects." The State Water Board had originally proposed to revise the SEP procedures as part of the update of the Water Quality Enforcement Policy (WQEP). When the release of the revised draft was delayed, the Board decided to move forward with the SEP provisions in a separate stand -atone policy. The companion policy addressing the CAA is intended to clarify criteria and procedures for obtaining penalty monies paid into the statewide account for regional water quality improvement projects (RWQIPs). CASA's comment letter, submitted jointly with Tri -TAC and the Clean Water Summit Partners, noted that the proposed SEP policy represents an improvement over the previous version, and the associations expressed appreciation for the affirmative statement of State Water Board support for the use of SEPs. Specific provisions of the proposed policy and the accompanying CAA policy, however, could operate to discourage use of SEPS. For example: • The proposed SEP policy would limit the amount of a monetary penalty that could be directed to a SEP to 50 percent of the total assessed. • The proposed policy will further limit the availability of funding for SEPs by excluding staff costs and monitorirg experses from the SEP amount. continued on cage 4 Revised Draft Water Quality Enforcement Policy Released It wouldn't be the holidays without the re- lease of a major State Water Board draft policy, and Dec. 23, 2008, the board re- leased its draft revisions to the Water Qual- ity Enforcement Policy for public comment. CASA and Tri -TAC took the lead on prepar- ing written comments on the draft policy, which were due Jan. 14, 2009, followed by a staff workshop on Jan. 16, 2009. At the time of this writing, the revised draft was still under review. In February 2008, CASA's comments on the previous draft WQEP fo- cused on a number of concerns regarding the proposed revisions, including the pro- posed limitations on the use of SEPs, which are now the subject of a separate proposed policy (see related article to the left.) Other aspects of the WQEP of particular interest to CASA include provisions relating to implementation of the mandatory mini- mum penalty (MMP) law. The policy should continued on page 3 7n, 1, 311- 164 - 0 M , i 7e- M. Executive Director's Report 2 Washington Report 6 State Legislative Report 10 Special Report 13 Legal Affairs Report 14 Biosolids Program Report 16 CASA Report January 2009 CASA EXECUTIVE BOARD Harry T. Price - President Ronald E. Ycung - t Vice President Vacant - 2nd Vice President Tom Selfridge - Secretary - Treasurer Gary Darling - Director -At -Large '.i . -, ir :r , . it Jeffrey G. Hansen - Director -At -Large John A. Hoagland - Director -At -Large Barbara Hockett - Director -At -Large Steve Hogg - Director -At -Large Jackie Kepke - Director -At -Large David Williams - Director -At -Large t gay "I"T, .: ca.:J' t; _ .,tr -t Kamil Azoury - President : rfa �_:x- `ar, C 4r Ct Michael Dunbar - Past President ;­.th C.- ist :',titer C Arct COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Pervaiz Anwar, Associates Chair Mark Cornelius, .4ttc reys Chair Kathleen Werner, Awards Chair Tom Selfridge, Budget and Audit Chair Robert R. Reid, Bya%vs Chair Michele McKinney Underwood, Ccmrrunicaticrs Chair Vacant, Cirrdors Chair Michael Dunbar, E,,ah.ation Chair Sharon Green, Federal Laisicn & Legis ative Chair Michael Abramson, Managers Chair Kamil Azoury, Nomirations Chair Paul Bushee, P cgram Chair Tim Anderson, State Legis atrre Chan Joyce Gwidt, Can'erence Ar,,;rgemerts Char Frank Caponi, Air'.ssws Foam Chair Mike Sullivian, Lard 'ssr,es Fcr" Chair Ben Horenstein,'later'ssl,es For,rr Chair Jim Colston, 7r -74C ChaK CASA STAFF Catherine A. Smith, E�eo.t .e actor Michael F. Dillon, 'ate' -... st Roberta L. Larson, C ,ec` :r .'f _eyal ;ra 2, i'crj .r{yrs Eric Sapirstein, .it ,e . -, :.'e Greg Kesler, : 4s Pr-,.3r w Debbie Welch, Fer: Kaila Ricci, Justin Lewis, .r '.' .^ ;rr pSp California Association of Sanitation Agencies Executive Director's Report by 11ithorirle A. 5i:lllh, C 1E, E c n,utive Uir:., for Best wishes from the CASA staff for a happy, healthy and peaceful 2009. For most of us, these economic times raise concerns both person- ally and professionally. One of CASA's priorities in 2009 is to retain the protection we received with the passage of Proposition 1A in 2004. As with the grassroots effort needed to pass Proposition 1A by an overwhelming 83 percent of the vote, CASA members will again be called to action to advocate for the preserva- tion of property taxes to local governments as well as other legislative issues as required. One of 2009's exciting new CASA programs is the establishment of the "Day in the District." Your agency should have received informa- tion and registration for this inaugural event. The goal is to have as many of our members schedule district meetings with their assembly member(s) and State Senator to do a "meet and greet" and go over public policy issues of con- cern to the wastewater industry. Meeting in the district office should allow a more informal visit where our members can spend some time with their decision- makers and start to build a strong relationship with these important individuals. If you have a newly - elected legislator, it is even more important for you to participate in this ac- tivity, but veterans with established relationships - this is important for you, tool Federal Legislative Chair Sharon Green, Vice Chair Ann Farrell, CASA Federal Legislative Advocate Eric Sapirstein, staff and commit- tee members have been working very hard on developing this year's Washington, D.C. confer- ence. The program is very solid and we need to have a strong showing this year to keep the momentum building with our federal presence. With the new administration coming aboard, it is important for us to meet new staff members and educate them on our issues. Both Senator Di- anne Feinstein and Senator Barbara Boxer have been invited to address the group. The CASA Executive Board met this past No- vember for its annual planning session held at the Pardee Conference Center, thanks to East Bay Municipal Utility District! The Board reviewed the progress made in 2008 and its vision for 2009 and beyond. The Executive Board approved a new planning process which will allow us to hone in on our priorities and measure our successes. •----------------------------------------------------------------------- r ' • 3 N : PERSPECTIVES ON OUTREACH ' By Michele McKinney Underwood, Chair Communications Committee i Outreach - customer, public, stakeholders where the Communications Committee and the media. Each of these audiences has always been a show - stopper with requires a unique message, and all require outstanding presentations. consistent and effective outreach. The CASA Communications Committee wants In working with the CASA executive staff, to provide the membership with ways to we've set up our very own outreach tool achieve these tasks. - a direct line to the CASA Communications Committee - an e-mail address. Please send You are reading the beginning installment of your answers to the questions above to the committee's "Perspectives on Outreach ", commchair4casaweb.org. a column that will appear regularly in the CASA Report. Our intent is to provide Our talented team of professional public affairs you with timely and useful information to practitioners has already begun planning for the strengthen your public affairs programs. summer conference program. We'd like your input based on our questions above, regarding Our first task is to ask you: things YOU are interested in. Well do our eery 1. What kind of information would be best to reply in a timely manner to any inquires helpful to you as directors and staff? we receive. We encourage you to contact us, 2. What are topics of interest that you'd not just in response to our posed questions, but 'ike to see addressed in this column also if you have a communications, marketing or and at the summer conference, public relations need. We can help! The corresponding document will be available on the CASA website upon ap- proval by the Executive Board. Again this year, CASA published its 2008 Annual Report of activities. This publica- tion is not only a comprehensive over- view of CASA's accomplishments but a valuable technical resource on state and federal legislative issues, regulatory is- sues, legal affairs, and biosolids. We are gearing up for another year of challenges, opportunities and continuing to step forward as California's leading advocate for clean water. Our member- ship remains healthy and we have wel- comed the following new members: City of Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Con- trol Plant, Veolia Water North America Operations, Underground Technologies, LLC and Glenn M. Reitter & Associates. A moment of silence will be held to re- member longtime CASA member Elbert Trantow. He was a board member for 40 -years with the Goleta Sanitary Dis- trict and was elected President of CASA 1983 -1984. He will be missed. e --------------------------- To provide you with a little sneak peek at the mid -year conference, to be held Friday, Jan. 23, the Communications Committee will be a part of the directors' meeting from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Ken Harlow of Brown & Caldwell will be speaking on "Risk and Reward: ; What You Should Know About Asset ; Risk Management." We are delighted to join the directors Friday to have a venue for further discussion on their needs - things that would help them and their respective agencies with outreach measures. Effective outreach in action - our ; first column accomplished just that. Happy New Year and thank you in ; advance for being in touch with us at commchair,Pcasaweb.org! e --------------------- - - - - -- Revised Draft Water Quality Enforcement Policy Released continued require that MMPs be assessed within one year of the violations having been reported. One key purpose of the MMP law was to draw prompt attention to vio- lations and ensure that compliance issues be addressed as quickly as possible. While not all violations subject to MMPs can be quickly remedied, many Regional Water Boards wait three years or more to assess MMPs —by which time, signifi- cant penalties may have accumulated. It is unfair to dischargers to have a penalty become immediately payable in full for liabilities that have gradually built up over several years.. This is especially challenging for smaller communities with limited budgets and cash flow. Further, there are questions about the legality of enforce- ment actions that are delayed more than three to five years. CASA recommends that the policy require a Notice of Violation be issued within one year of the date that the violation was reported to the Regional Water Board. In addition, the policy should specify that in order to trigger MMPs for "repeat violations," the violations must be of the same pollutant parameter. Water Code section 13385(i)(1)(a) requires that an MMP for "chronic" violations be assessed where a discharger exceeds "a waste discharge requirement effluent limitation" four times in any period of six consecutive months. To date, the interpretation of this provision has been that any combination of effluent limitation violations trig- gers the penalty. In other words, a violation of a copper effluent limitation, a viola- tion of a TSS limit, a violation of a temperature limit, and a violation of a coliform limitation would result in an MMP. However, the better interpretation of this sec- tion is that the chronic violations must be of the same pollutant parameter to re- sult in liability. The purpose of allowing three violations without penalty is to allow the discharger to identify and correct the problem that led to the violations. Apply- ing the provision to unrelated effluent limitations does not serve this purpose, as the causes of the violations may be similarly unrelated and the timing of separate violations merely coincidental. Further, under this approach, a discharger could get a penalty for "repeat" or "chronic" violations based upon a single sampling event on a single day. The draft revisions to the WOEP are available at: http : /;',,v,.vw.swrcb.ca.gov,'.va- ter ._issues,'programsienforcement /policy revisions.shtml e I Supplemental Environmental Projects Viable Under Proposed New Policy continued • The policy does not allow education and outreach projects to be funded with SEP revenues. • The proposed CAA policy would subtract the amount of a penalty directed toward a SEP from the percentage available to the Regional Water Board for RWQIPs, which could prompt Regional Water Boards to deny SEPs in order to ensure funding for preferred regional projects. In addition to the detailed comments regarding SEPs, CASA's letter highlighted the importance of consistent enforcement across the regions to serve the goals of mitigation and deterrence, and not primarily to generate revenues. The associations urged the State Water Board to ensure, through revisions to the WQEP or other clear policy, that enforcement is fair, firm and consistent, and that ACL amounts reflect the seriousness of the underlying violations and the conduct of the violator. The State Water Board is scheduled to consider adoption of the companion policies regarding SEPs and the CAA at its Feb. 3, 2009 meeting. CASA's comments, as well as others, can be accessed via the State Water Board's Web site: http://www.awrcb.ca.gov/ public _notices/comments/ index.shtml. • CASA Supports Adoption of Recycled Water Policy A multi -year effort to establish a policy to in- crease the use of recycled water in California was scheduled to culminate Jan. 6, 2009, with the State Water Board adoption hear- ing for the proposed Recycled Water Policy. The proposed policy represents the State Water Board's third attempt since the fall of 2007 to establish a policy that addresses the concerns of the water recycling community as well as environmental associations and the Department of Public Health. The Nov. 4, 2008, draft tracks, for the most part, a draft policy prepared by a small group of stake- holders that was presented to the State Wa- ter Board on Sept. 2, 2008. The State Water Board had agreed to delay the process of adopting a policy for 90 days last spring to allow the stakeholders to meet and explore development of a consensus policy. CASA, along with the Association of Califor- nia Water Agencies and the WateReuse As- sociation submitted joint comments on the proposed policy Dec. 19, 2008. The associa- tions expressed appreciation for the State Board's recognition that recycled water is a key component of California's present and future water supply, and that Board poli- cies and programs should facilitate, rather than impede, the safe and beneficial use of recycled water for irrigation and ground - water recharge, among other uses. The as- sociations also noted that with approval the proposed policy retains the central themes of the stakeholder draft, including the need i ■ to streamline and simplify permitting in order to increase recycled water use throughout the state. The policy also recognizes the im- portance of basin wide planning to maintain sustainable groundwater supplies and calls for development of stakeholder led salt/nutrient management plans without unfairly burdening recycling programs in the interim. While the stakeholder group was able to reach consensus on a number of challenging issues, including the application of the antidegradation policy to recycled water projects and the ap- proach to addressing constituents of emerging concern in recycled water, the group was un- able to resolve its differences on the question of how incidental amounts of recycled water runoff should be addressed in the policy. The State Water Board directed its staff to develop pro- posed language on incidental runoff and include these provisions in the staff draft of the policy. The staff draft defines incidental runoff, pro- poses to allow incidental runoff to be addressed through a variety of permitting mechanisms and specifies certain criteria that must be met in or- der to qualify for permitting of the runoff. The associations recommended that because of the prominence given to the issue of inci- dental runoff in the proposed policy, the State Water Board should make clear that incidental amounts of runoff of highly treated recycled water do not pose a threat to water quality. The associations expressed agreement that multiple permit mechanisms, including waste discharge requirements and municipal sepa- rate storm sewer system (MS4) permits, may be employed as appropriate to address minor amounts of recycled water runoff that may oc- cur as a result of normal irrigation operations. However, the letter expressed concern that the new language regarding incidental runoff is overly detailed and prescriptive for a policy, and conditions regarding practices that are ap- propriate for a particular site should be left to the permitting process. The associations also requested a number of other clarifying language changes and supported adoption of the policy with those revisions. Copies of the proposed policy and associated environmental analysis are available at: http:il�.vww.swrcb.ca yov,'�.vater _issues/ programs / water recycling policy, index.shtml • State Contemplates Review and Revision of Anti - degradation Policy On Nov. 17, 2008, State Water Resources Control Board staff convened two workshops to discuss the state and federal anti - degradation policies and their implementation with regard to protection of both surface water and groundwater. The review of the policies was triggered in part by a "petition" from the Environmental Law Foundation in the summer of 2007, which argued that the policies have been inconsistently and inappropriately applied by the re- gional water boards. CASA and Tri -TAC participated in the workshop and submitted written comments. The workshop notice posed a number of questions, to which CASA and Tri -TAC responded. In response to the question, "Should the State's Anti - degradation Policy (Resolution 68 -16) be revised as it pertains to surface waters? If so, how should it be revised ?" CASA and Tri -TAC answered "No." During the work- shop, all or nearly all speakers recommended retain- ing the existing policy. The letter noted that this policy predates the Clean Water Act and has been important to the protection of historic water quality in California. CASA and Tri -TAC maintain that as applied today in statewide NPDES permit review, the anti - degradation policy results in the appropriate level of review to as- sure that the purposes of the policy are maintained. Another question posed by the State Water Board was whether the implementation procedures devel- oped by the State Water Board (APLI- 90 -04) should be expanded beyond the point source discharge per- mitting program. CASA and Tri -TAC commented that all state waters must be protected through properly adopted, beneficial uses, water quality objectives and the anti - degradation policy. Non -point source programs should properly account for satisfaction of anti - degradation requirements, either directly or indirectly. If non -point sources are not required to account for changes in water quality, then point sources and the general public will be left with the entire responsibility, which is an inappropriate shift- ing of burden. Finally, CASA and Tri -TAC weighed in on whether the policy should be revised as it applies to groundwater. The comments recommended that 'he State Water Board draft procedures to facilitate implementation of the state's anti - degradation policy .vhen issuing waste discharge requirements and other permits that impact groundwater. The !etter ilso ar- gued that the procedures must ensure that a lack of data is not a bar to moving forward :vith permitting under other,vise approvable conditions. •---------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -• Clean Water CASA, Summit Partners Summit Will Coordinate Input Partners for Review of Statewide General Order for Collection Systems , CASA continues to work closely with the California Water Environ- ment Association (CWEA) and the other Clean Water Summit partners to coordinate efforts on implementation of the Statewide General Or- ; der for collection systems (Order WO- 2006 -003). State Water Board ; staff has indicated the Board will be reviewing the General Order be- ginning in May 2009 and may convene public workshops seeking in- put regarding changes that should be made to the General Order and ; the Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP). Tri -TAC held a strate- gic planning meeting in early November 2008, during which the group discussed using the time between January and May to begin devel- oping input from collection system agencies. Participants suggested ; a series of workshops to seek feedback from permittees regarding those aspects of the General Order that are working well, those provi- sions that need to be revised, as well as any other areas that could ; be addressed in amendments to the General Order. During a planning meeting in early December, the workshop con- ; cept was developed more fully. As a result of that discussion, it was ; agreed that the wastewater industry should coordinate its comments through the existing Summit Partners' collection system committees ; and provide a single coordinated set of comments to the State Water ; Board staff. ' , SSO WDR TRIENNIAL REVIEW ORDER UPDATE COMMITTEE ANALYSIS COMMITTEE (DATA Lead = State Water Board Staff Lead =State Water Board Staff , i INDUSTRY INPUT COMMITTEE NGO INPUT ; ' PARTICIPANTS: • Summit Partners' Coll Systems ' Committee Chairs i • Summit Partners' Govt Affairs Committee Chairs Partners • Tri -TAC Chair ; • Tri -TAC Water Committee Chair The Industry Input Committee will consist of representatives from the Summit Partners as well as Tri -TAC. State Water Board staff will provide the starting point for the process by preparing a set of ques- '.ions to be shared with each of the associations, which vvill gather feedback from their members and report back to the Industry Input Committee. The committee will meet in late April to discuss the input and prepare a consolidated set of comments. • ; •-------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 5 � � Washin ton Report .,y Eric Sat;irst ut, Ft�dcral L fi < ;lati;e :11v r:.rte Stimulus Package GROWING by the Day Congressional leaders and the incoming Obama Administration continue to develop a comprehensive economic recovery plan. The once limited concept of providing a few hundred billion dollars of assistance has grown to a reported $850 billion. The majority of assistance is expected to target assistance to state Medicaid, unemployment benefits and other entitlement program spending. However, the need to develop a sustainable recovery has most congressional efforts targeting public infrastructure with a focus on wastewater, water and transportation projects. According to congressional staff involved in the drafting of the initiative, Congress would require projects to be started almost immediately upon the provision of assistance. However, it has been noted that the ability to use the federal assistance within a limited time period of perhaps a year is difficult given the nature of construction project activities. For this reason, it now appears that any final stimulus package will impose a timeframe that overall stimulus assistance must be used :vrthin two years of Congress appropriating the overall stimulus package funding. e e CASA Provides Congress with Stimulus Information; Infrastructure Assistance Anticipated As Congress continues to develop an economic stimulus package to address the financial crisis, which has wracked just about every sector, CASA member agencies responded to a survey from the CASA Sacra- mento office. The survey resulted in a list of more than $4 billion of ready -to -go construction wastewa- ter and water reuse projects that can benefit from an infrastructure assistance program. This program is currently under development by the Obama transition team and the Democratic Congressional leader- ship. Current speculation centers on an $800 billion package that would include funding for water, wastewa- ter and transportation projects. CASA submitted the list of projects to the House and Senate infrastruc- ture congressional leadership and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to demonstrate the need for assis- tance. CASA also joined with several na- tional and state organizations in a letter urging Congress to move swiftly on a stimulus bill in January. In the letter, Congress was urged to provide $20 billion in infrastructure assistance that would jump start the economy by creating 170,000 new jobs. Recently, House Com- mittee on Transportation and Infra- structure Chairman James Cberstar i,D -MN) provided his committee's recommendations to the Speaker, :vhich included $9 billion for : ^,astewater projects. This recom- rrendation is an increase from the S6.5 billion that :vas included in an earlier House bill (H. R. 7110), approved in September, but failed to receive Senate con- sideration before Congress adjourned. The precise elements of a stimulus package remain to be decided, but Congress and the incoming Obama Admin- istration seem poised to rely on the SRF program to serve as the vehicle to move federal funding to local projects. CASA has alerted Congress to the importance of providing guidance to the states that assistance should be made available to projects that are ready to proceed to construc- tion and not just those proj- ects that are on the state SRF priority list. CASA and other organizations representing water quality interests have urged Congress to provide grant assistance, rather than loans, to ensure that stimu- lus- funded projects do not impose additional burdens on ratepayers. In addition to traditional infrastructure as- sistance, it is anticipated that Congress may set aside up to 15 percent of appropriated assistance to support "green" infrastructure projects such as green roofs, stormwater controls and other projects. Congressional debate and passage of a stimulus bill is slated for the first two weeks of January, after Congress convenes Jan. 3. It is gener- ally understood that Con- gress would seek to move a stimulus bill to the president on Jan. 20 or 21 to allow the inaugurated President Obama to sign the recovery package into law as his first legislative .accomplishment. Election Results Bring Shake -up to Congress Congress returned to Washington shortly after the Nov. 4 election to begin the process of organizing for the 111"' Congress. With a strengthened democratic majority in the House and Senate, a presidential election ushering in a message of change, and mounting pressure on lawmakers to address the economy, climate change, energy, and health care, Congress was bound to see significant changes. In the often zero sum game that plays out in Washington, D. C., California appears to have benefited considerably. California Democrat Henry Waxman mounted a success- ful challenge to the chairmanship of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, dethroning the longest- tenured member of Congress, Rep. John Dingell (D -MI). Dingell has served as the senior Democrat on the committee for 28 years and is the Dean of the House of Representatives. He narrowly lost to Waxman on a 137 -122 vote. Waxman is known as an advocate for climate change legislation, and will likely play a high profile role on the is- sue next year, along with health care reform. He will also have authority over drinking water safety and the SDWA renewal. The Senate also witnessed a significant shake -up atop the appropriations panel, with Sen. Ted Stevens (R -AK), the ranking Republican on the committee, narrowly losing his re- election bid following a federal indictment, and Robert Byrd stepping aside to make room for Daniel Inouye (D -HI) as the chair of the Committee on Appropriations. Finally the House Democratic Steering Committee is expect- ed to approve a plan to reduce the size of some commit - 'ees in the 111" Congress in order to reflect the Democrats' increased strength in Congress. Democrats have picked up a net of 21 seats, giving the new House 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans. The plan will likely reduce the size of several committees and recalibrate the majority-to- minority ratio. The House Committee on Appropria- tions currently seats 37 Demo- crats and 29 Republicans, and will likely be changed to increase Democrats' numbers. A similar plan is expected in the senate, but decisions must await the out- come of the contested Minnesota senate race and replacements for the New York, Colorado and Il- linois senate seats in January. Team Green Unveiled; Californian to Head Council on Environmental Quality President -Elect Barack Obama recently introduced his slate of nominees to head the environ- ment and energy departments and agencies. The appointments are notable for the selection of individuals with state and local government and federal agency experience. Perhaps most inter- esting in the selection process was a decision to create a new official within the White House who will oversee climate change policy development with an emphasis on climate change policy. Former EPA Administra- tor Carol M. Browner will serve as the Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change. In this role, Browner is expected to take the lead developing the new Administration's policy to combat climate change, .vhich is an issue that Obarra has indi- cated he plans to make a cen- terpiece of his Administration's _agenda. c )n[;rn,ed on cage 9 4i) '' �lflllT"'�� Heading up the Council on Environmental Quality, an of- fice sometimes referred to as the President's environmental think tank, will be Nancy Sutley. Sutley most recently served as Deputy Mayor of the Los Angeles, where her duties in- cluded serving as a member of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board. Prior to that, Sutley served on the State Water Resources Control Board. She also served in former Gov. Gray Davis' Administration at CAL EPA as Deputy Secretary for Policy and Intergovernmental Rela- tions. Sutley's appointment means that California will have a home state official who has hands -on experience with wa- ter quality regulations and local government expertise involved in the Administration's delibera- tions on how to develop water quality policy. Lisa Jackson, Commissioner of New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection will serve as the next EPA Admin- istrator. Jackson's selection is notable because it re- enforces the commitment by Obama to tackle the climate change is- sues. In her capacity as New Jersey's top environment offi- cial, she focused on policies to reduce greenhouse gas emis- sions. Most recently, Jackson served as Gov. Jon Corzine's chief of staff where she was responsible for developing policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in the state imposing emissions re- ductions similar to California's mandates. Sen. Ken Salazar (D -CO) was selected to become the Secre- !ary of the Intenor. Salazar has ,er,ed as a moderate Cemo- crat. He ser,,ed as Colorado's attorney general and will be- come the first Latino to sit atop the department. His sensitivity to Colorado's water scarcity challenges should enhance federal attention to resolve water conflicts throughout the west and perhaps boost fed- ; eral program support for water supply projects. Lastly, a second Califor- nian was tapped to serve in Obama's cabinet. Steven Chu of Berkeley National Labora- tory and Nobel Prize winner will serve as the Secretary of Energy. Similar to the other appointments, Chu is known for his attention to climate change - related matters, but in this case energy technol- ogy. He is expected to focus the department's attention on ways in which alternative ener- gy technologies can be entered into the marketplace and re- duce the country's reliance on imported energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Debate Remains Open Legislation addressing the scope of the Clean Water Act C'VVA) remains a hot topic in '.Vashington. Following the controversial 2006 Supreme d Court decision that narrowed the scope of the CWA, House and Senate lawmakers strug- gled in the 110t' Congress to obtain approval of the Clean Water Restoration Act (CWRA). Recent events have only strengthened bill proponents resolve to see this legislation adopted in the 111" Congress. On Dec. 3, the EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) issued revised guide- lines on CWA jurisdiction, drawing the ire of House Com- mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman James Oberstar (D -MN). Oberstar described the guidelines as the Bush Administration's "latest assault on the nation's environ- ment and it resources." The guidelines marked the second attempt by EPA and the Corps to provide guidance to permit authorities pursuant of the U.S. Supreme Court's divided ruling in Rapanos v. United States. The potential restriction of the term "traditional navigable waters" (TNW) is of particular concern to Oberstar. A TNW determination can assist EPA and the Corps in asserting CWA jurisdiction. The new guidelines aim to limit TNW to water bodies used for com- mercial navigation, a position that would appear to limit CWA reach. This spring, Rep. Henry Waxman (D -CA) challenged the Corps determination that por- tions of the Los Angeles River were not TNWs, which could potentially eliminate CWA ju- risdiction over tributaries and adjacent wetlands to the Los Angeles River. The jurisdiction issue has be- come more urgent follo,.virg the Supreme Court's Cec. 1 decision to decline a request from the Department of Justice to clarify which of two compet- ing tests - Justice Anthony Kennedy's "significant nexus" test or Justice Antonin Scalia's navigable waters test - should be used to determine whether water bodies are jurisdictional. The Supreme Court's decision marks the ninth time the court has done so since Rapanos. Oberstar's indicates that the CWRA remains one of his highest priorities. However, a critical mass of support is far from assured next year. During a series of hearings on the bill, Republicans joined several rural and conservative Democrats to express concern over the potential expansion of CWA jurisdiction under CWRA. Ober - star has signaled his willingness to amend the bill to gain further support, but stakeholders dis- agree on substantive changes to the legislation that would bolster future support. One pro- posal currently under consider- ation is codifying EPA's current regulatory definition of "water of the United States" that are subject to the law's jurisdic- tion. This language includes an exemption for waste treatment systems and prior converted cropland, which could entice rural Democrats to support the measure. CASA has advocated for this position in conversa- tions with Congressional staff. ---------------- - - - - -- Congress and States Aim to Curtail Ballast Water Permit Impacts Cn JUly 23, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals repealed a 1973 EPA regulation exempt- ing certain marine discharges from the CWA's NPDES scheme. The regulation specifically provid- ed that ballast vvater discharges did not require a NPDES permit. As a result of the ruling in North- west Environmental Advocates v. United States EPA, EPA is facing a court - ordered deadline to issue a permit governing ballast and other water discharges by Dec. 19. Ballast water remains a major source for non - native species like the quagga mussel ecosystems, which can adversely impact the economy or the environment. Following the Northwest deci- sion, Congress moved quickly to exempt so- called incidental discharges that are a normal part of operating recreational boats, as well as a two -year mora- torium on fishing vessels and small commercial vessels. Sen. Daniel Inouye (D -HI), chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, in- troduced legislation to give the Coast Guard authority over bio- logical pollutants, effectively pre- empting EPA oversight. In August, Senate Committee on Environ- ment and Public Works Chair- woman Barbara Boxer (D -CA) put a hold on Inouye's bill, and has been crafting legislation to allow EPA to retain oversight of ballast water discharges. While EPA and Congress work on addressing this issue, States have been seeking new ways to preserve their authority under the CWA to regulate discharges from commercial vessels. California and other state officials have warned EPA that they would be unable to certify that the permit ,.vould not harm their waters and are planning to implement their o.vn, significantly stricter require- ments. Section 401 of the CWA allovvs states to deny or to require changes to federal decisions to ensure they do not undermine titate water duality. Discussions on Chemical Security Legislation Remain Alive in House Reports from Congressional staff suggest that the House Homeland Security and Energy Committees are discuss- . ing how to craft a possible compromise bill on new chem- ical security legislation. The intent of such discussions to introduce a bill early in the 1111h Congress. The House Energy and Commerce (ESC) and Homeland Security Committees have been locked in a protracted jurisdic- tional battle over legislation to create final Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rules governing chemical facil- ity security. Wastewater treatment facilities are currently exempt from existing chemical facility regulations known as the Chemical Facility Anti - Terrorism Standards. The Homeland Security panel approved H.R. 5577 last year, which would codify DHS' interim rules while add- ing wastewater facilities and authorizing DHS to require facilities to switch to inherently safer technologies. One such switch could potentially be away from the use of gaseous chlorine. It is unclear how the departure of Rep. John Dingell (D -MI) and ascension of Rep. Henry Wax- man (D -CA) to the chair of E &C will impact the negotia- tions. Preliminary word from sources involved in discus- sions have indicated that a compromise may grant the U.S. EPA a formal consultative role in new DHS rules, a position supported by CASA. There remains a distinct possibility that House appropriators may consider add- ing language addressing chemical facility security into a fiscal year 2009 appropriations omnibus that vvould be signed by the president in January. Congressional Democrats Move to Complete Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriations Package Congressional Democrats plan on rolling the remaining nine spending bills into an omnibus package that can be presented to President -Elect Barack Obama shortly after he is sworn in Jan. 20. On Sep. 27, 2008, Congress passed a package - signed into law three days later - that includ- ed three full -year bills (Defense, Military Construction- Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security) along with a continuing resolution that funded programs covered by the nine other spending bills at fiscal 2008 levels through March 6, 2009. Overall funding for an omnibus spending bill is likely to pro- vide a boost in spending by $24.5 billion. House and Sen- ate appropriations committee staff spent much of December working to finalize the omnibus spending bill. Program allot- ments are likely to reflect the incoming Administration's priori- ties. Information about Congres- sionally direct spending - ear- marks - has not been released, although earmarks will be incor- porated into the final spending package. For the all important SRF program, a final bill is likely to include at least $800 million for wastewater infrastructure assistance. • State Legislative Report ��E hh /n 2009 -10 Legislative Session Begins with Many New Faces The new 2009 -10 Legislative Session convened Monday, Dec. 1 with both the Senate and Assembly electing officers and establishing new rules for the Ses- sion. On the Assembly side, 28 new members were sworn into office, while 11 former Assembly members were sworn into the Senate. The composition of the Senate will remain the same, with 25 Democrats and 15 Republicans. On the Assembly side, Cemocrats picked up a net gain of three seats in the November election, and the Assembly vvill now be comprised of 51 Democrats and 29 Re- publicans. While `.he leadership has not announced all of the committee appoint - ji,ents. sorre committee chairs have been selected. On the Senate side, Sen. Joe Simitian ,mll continue to chair the Environmental Quality Committee, -,vhich considers rrany bills of interest to CASA, vwhile Sen. Pat Wiggins ',vill chair the Senate Local Go,.ernn -ent Committee, As of this report, most committee chairs and committee assignments have not been made by the Assembly leadership. 9 Special Sessions and "Fiscal Emergencies" In November, we reported that the governor was calling another Special Session of the Legisla- ture, to propose a variety of spending reductions and revenue increases, in order to address a projected revenue shortfall of $11 billion in the current year, and $13 billion in the upcoming 2009 -10 budget year. To address the problem, the governor proposed a revenue increase package that contained a 1.5 cent increase in the sales tax, for three years, an oil severance tax, expanding the sales tax to additional ser- vices, and adding a nickel - per -drink alcohol tax, along with sizeable reductions in the current year, including a $2.5 billion cut in education funding. Subsequently, the Democratic lead- ers crafted the "November alternative," which, among other things, called for reinstating the Vehicle License Fee, and other revenue increas- es, along with significant cuts in the current year. Because of strong Republican opposition to tax increases, the plan ultimately failed. When the new Regular Session convened on Dec. 1, Gov. Schwarzenegger declared a "fiscal emergency," and called a new Special Session to deal with the budget crisis, which was ap- proaching $40 billion over the next 18 months. He subsequently called a second "fiscal emer- gency" Special Session, under his Proposition 58 constitutional authority. The Legislature has only 45 days, during a "fiscal emergency" Special Session, to either adopt the governor's plan, or adopt an alternative. ---------------------------------- The Republican Proposal In mid - December, the Assembly and Senate Republicans, who had been criticized for fail- ing to offer alternatives to any of the proposed Budget solutions, came forth with their own plan. bVhile the plan was never put in Legisla- tive bill form, the Republicans released a posi- tion paper, .vhich outlined "$22 billion in solu- tions," through "revenue measures and spend- ing reductions," vvith the largest focus being cuts of $15.6 billion, including a vvhopping $10.6 billion cut to K -12 education funding, and additional revenue suggestions of $6.5 billion, to reach the $22 billion. Of the $6.5 billion in revenues, $6 billion is dependent on obtaining voter approval to (1) Redirect $2.1 billion of Proposition 10 funds currently slated for children's health programs, and (2) By redirecting $3.9 billion of funds from another initia- tive passed by the voters, Proposition 63, which established funding for mental health programs. The remaining $500 million, to reach the $6.5 billion rev- enue total, were all previous Democrat proposals such as transferring money from the Motor Vehicles Account, etc. The Republicans also insisted on eco- nomic reform legislation, unrelated to the budget, such as extending deadlines for greenhouse gas and engine retrofit solutions, allowing employers to create workweek flexibility programs, chang- ing laws regarding meal and rest breaks, enacting a strict spending cap on the state budget, etc. Unique Democrat Plan Finally, in late December, frustrated by the Republicans' refusal to vote for any tax increases (which requires a two- thirds vote in the Legislature), the Democrats put forth a unique plan which allowed them to address a little less than half of the $40 billion short- fall, through a combination of cuts, revenue increases, and other solutions, for a total of $18 billion over the next 18 months. The largest source of row revenues in the plan was the so- called "gas -tax swap," vvhich would generate close to $6 billion, by eliminating the existing 18 cents - per - gallon state ex- cise tax on gas, and the state sales tax on gasoline, and replace it with a user fee of 39 cents - per - gallon, to replace the lost transportation funding. The state Constitution requires a two - thirds vote of the Legislature to increase a "tax," while only a majority vote is re- quired to increase a "fee." The Constitu- tion also provides, that as long as overall increases are offset by other reductions, only a majority vote is challenged. Con- sequently, the Legislative Counsel's Office, informed the Legislature that the above action, along with a 9.9 percent oil severance tax, a 2.5 percent income tax surcharge for the next two years, a 3 percent withholding requirement on independent contractors, authorization of an additional .25 cent county sales tax for transportation purposes, as well as undoing the complicated "triple - flip" mechanism and replacing it with a "single- flip," would pass constitutional muster. However, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and Republicans were quick to point out that they would go to court over the fees vs. taxes issue in the Democratic plan if it were signed by the governor. Within minutes of the passage of the new Democratic plan, the governor indicated that he was less concerned with the uniqueness of the Democrat's plan than he was about insisting on demands for his "economic stimulus" proposals, specifically, broad design - build authority, and provisions to al- low for private contracting for major j construction projects, as well as some form of "mortgage relief." At the same time, the governor called a second Proposition 58 "fiscal emergency" Spe- cial Session, which, together with two previous regular sessions indicates the difficulty in addressing the state budget crisis. Fearing a veto by the governor, the Democratic leaders chose to hold off sending their bill and corresponding budget "trailer bills" down to the gov- arnor. Instead, Assembly Speaker Bass and Senate President pro tem Stein- berg continued to hold regular discus- sions with the governor. Governor Releases 2009 -10 Budget On New Year's Eve Day, the governor's office released the outline of the 2009- 10 budget, which was not expected to be released until Friday, Jan. 9, 2009. The budget projects a deficit In the cur- rent year of $14.8 billion, which, if unad- dressed, will grow to almost $41.8 billion by the end of the 2010 fiscal year. The governor's proposed budget solutions include many of his earlier proposals, such as the 1.5 cent increase in the sales tax through December 2011, as well as some of the earlier provisions put forth by the Democrats, during the Special Session. The governor's expenditure reductions account for about 42 percent of the proposed $41.6 billion in solutions, followed by new revenues of 34 percent, "securitizing" the Lottery to generate $5 billion, or approximately 12 percent, and another $5 billion or 12 percent through borrowing. Almost $4.7 billion of the bor- rowed funds would be through selling Reimbursement Warrants (commonly known as RAW's), in July 2009. Most of the reductions would be in the areas of education, health and human services, and the corrections and reha- bilitation budget. Savings would also be generated by requiring state employees to take a two -day furlough per month, beginning Feb. 1, 2009, and the elimina- tion of two state holidays. Meanwhile, the state Controller has stopped issuing bonds for major state and local construc- cont,nt,ed on page 12 It ,111 ��4 n. tion projects, as the state is expected to run out of cash sometime in late February. California's credit rating, which is second from the bottom of all 50 states, may soon be at the bottom, resulting in huge additional fees for any state borrowing, such as the RAW's proposed in the governor's budget. Specifically, of interest to CASA agencies, the Budget does not significantly impact the EPA or SWRCB budget. However, the governor has proposed to eliminate the Integrated Waste Management Board, as part of the "blow up the boxes" con- cept he championed when he first took office. Impact on CASA Members Nearly 70 of CASA's 120 members receive a significant amount of property taxes to fund their operations. None of the proposals put forth thus far focus on borrowing prop- erty taxes, as allowed under Proposition 1A. Similarly, the prior Legislative Analyst's Of- fice UNO) proposal to shift property taxes from .vaer ,in,d ,,vaste�r�ater agencies, to fund the so- called "parole realignment" plan, has not resurfaced. Ho,.vever, during a haaring by the Senate Budget Subcommittee on Resources, in mid- December, the LAO dusted off its proposal from earlier this year, arguing for a $10 per year user fee, on either water or wastewater customers in 2009 -10, to offset $18.5 million in general fund dollars, currently being used for "programs outside the core regulatory programs," such as TMDL's, Basin and Groundwater Planning, and Non -point Source Pollution programs. j CASA is arguing against the fee proposal, citing numerous concerns, particularly the limited ability of agencies that collect charges on the property tax bill, to find sufficient space to delin- eate the purpose for such a fee. will provide the opportunity for CASA members to (1) In- troduce themselves to newly elected, and incumbent leg- islators, in their district, (2) To provide information about their agency, (3) Avail themselves as a resource, and (4) Discuss any legislative issues in the upcoming 2009 -10 Legislative Session. --------------------------------------------- "Day in the District" Scheduled for Feb. 13, 2009 President Harry Price and I are hoping that all CASA members will take the opportunity to participate in CASA's first "Day in the District," to meet with their Legislators on Feb. 13, in their district offices. During the legislative year, legislators usually return to their district offices Thursday afternoon, and are gen- erally available on Fridays for quality meetings, as opposed to their hectic schedules while in Sacramento. This advocacy effort i Individual agencies may also --------------------------------------- - - - - -- take this opportunity to invite Commission to Examine California's their legislator to tour local Revenue System facilities. In early January, your I agency received information In November, Gov. Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order on "Day in the District," along with a listing of the 32 newly S- 12 -08, to create the new bipartisan Commission on the 21st elected legislators, indicating Century Economy to "re- examine and modernize California's I those who have previously out -of -date revenue gathering laws that contribute to our feast- I served in local government. or- famine state Budget cycles." The 12 member commission, Once appointments have chaired by Republican appointee Gerald Parsky, and made up been set with legislators, the of six members appointed by the governor, three by the Speak- CASA office will be sending er of the Assembly, and three by the Senate President pro Tem, out information about CASA, will suggest changes that will result in a more stable revenue and pertinent issue papers stream. The announcement of the bipartisan commission notes that you will leave with your that California's tax system has not been restructured in more legislator after your meeting. than 80 years, even though the economy has changed dramati- You will also be able to pull cally, and that 50 percent of California's personal income tax this information up on CASA's revenues come from just 1 percent of wealthy residents. Simi- Web site, in order to assist you larly, nearly 15 percent of the state's revenue comes from taxes in preparation for the meet - from capital gains. Consequently, according to the governor's ing. It would be appropriate to office, boom years produce more spending than can be sus- also leave some information tained in bust years, putting state services in constant annual with your legislator, specific to jeopardy. Illustrating the volatility inherited in California's current your agency such as unique tax system, the governor's Executive Order cites as an example projects, special awards, etc. a 28.1 percent increase in personal income tax revenue in fiscal Please join us for this special year 1999 -2000, followed by a 29.5 percent decrease in per- j event. The networking com- sonal income tax revenue in fiscal year 2001 -02. The Commis- ponent of this advocacy op- sion will report the findings to the governor and the Legislature portunity is very important to by April 15, 2009. CASA's legislative outreach. • --------------------------------------------- "Day in the District" Scheduled for Feb. 13, 2009 President Harry Price and I are hoping that all CASA members will take the opportunity to participate in CASA's first "Day in the District," to meet with their Legislators on Feb. 13, in their district offices. During the legislative year, legislators usually return to their district offices Thursday afternoon, and are gen- erally available on Fridays for quality meetings, as opposed to their hectic schedules while in Sacramento. This advocacy effort i Report � g r Task Force Efforts Continue as CASA Investigates Role in Addressing - Y Issues Surrounding Maintenance of Private Sewer Laterals 5y 0,ivid R.','Jilhams, CASA Dir:ctor.At -Urge _wd Priv,ite Sesvra UNt cil t,35k Farce Ch,dr In '21'1.)08, CASA fonred a Private St_, II ar Lateral (PSL) Fa�;k Force, now composed of more, t1,an :30 r presentc3tives from the CASA rnernbership, to explore sponsoring legislation in C;tlifoini:a tl ;at',vou!d address the issue of private laterals and their contribution to SSOs. The PSL Task Force is chargid with framing priv,3te later:--il issues, avall_rating options to _iddress the PSL is,�ue and reduce the pot, -wial for both blockages and I!I (and resulting SSOs), presenting information on possible legislative approaches, and providing recom- mendations to the CASA Executive Board. Privately -owned sanitary sewer laterals, private later- als, can be significant contributors to both sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and inflow and infiltration (1 /1) of stormwater into sanitary sewer systems. While publicly -owned sanitary sewer systems in California are now subject to comprehensive statewide waste discharge requirements, no similar regulations exist for addressing private laterals, which often account for half or more of the total collection system and, if not properly maintained, contribute to sanitary sewer overflows. Private laterals are essentially "out -of- sight, out -of- mind," and, therefore, most property owners only react when there is a sudden failure of their lateral. The PSL Task Force, with the assistance of EMC Re- search, an independent opinion research company, developed two surveys on private lateral issues. The surveys were intended to better gauge CASA member- ship's thoughts on the current state of private lateral programs in California and to evaluate CASA's possible role for support via public outreach, development of model ordinances, or support for statewide legislation. The first survey was conducted in July and August of 2008. This survey was designed to collect information from CASA member agencies in three major areas: 1) demographic information about each agency's size and type, 2) any current efforts to inspect and main- tain private sevver laterals, and 3) opinions on possible CASA action on PSL issues. The results of the initial surrey were presented at the August 2008 CASA con- ference in Mor!erey. The results of the first survey led the Task Force to de- velopment of a draft proposed legislative framework. This draft framework outlined the key tenets that might be included in statewide PSL legislation. The elements of the framework were based on the results of the first survey and additional research into existing PSL ordi- nances throughout the state. This framework was dis- tributed to the CASA membership in a second survey, which asked agencies whether they would support leg- islation based on the proposed framework. The second survey was conducted in October 2008 and resulted in very positive response rate. More than 80 agencies ( -70 percent of the CASA membership) re- sponded to the survey. The results of the survey showed majority support for the proposed framework, with more than two- thirds of responding agencies in support. Ap- proximately one -fourth of the responding agencies were opposed to the framework, while 9 percent were unde- cided. These results, along with additional agency com- ments submitted via the survey, were presented to the CASA Board at the annual retreat in November 2008. The results of the second survey and additional Task Force efforts will be presented to both the CASA Execu- tive Board and the general membership at the January conference in Indian Wells. The efforts of the Task Force, along with the results from both surveys, will allow the CASA Executive Board to make informed decisions that are reflective of the wishes of the CASA membership. Additiorally, the Task Force's analysis of private ! ateral programs in California oll provide useful irformation for collection system agencies throughout the state. • .3 Affairs Report Le g a by llohert.i t.;ir:an, Direc;tur .i( Loj, l & 'ie,y J )tnry aff lir5 -0� J �. a After years of preliminary motions and multiple rounds of briefing, Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge David Flinn has signaled his intention to uphold the 2002 State Water Resources Control Board order regarding the NPDES permit for the city of Vacaville's Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant. The court's tentative ruling on the merits of multiple causes of action rejects the challenge filed by CASA and the city of Vacaville in 2001. In his draft decision, which is relatively brief and contains few citations to authori- ty or the voluminous administrative record, the judge concedes that the regulatory process to which Vacaville was subjected is less than ideal. However, "[i]t is not the role of the judiciary to determine which regulatory scheme is 'best' or 'most func- tional.' If it were, the court would certainly recommend a different approach here... while... the process is less than efficient. .. '�t] does not appear to lead to arbitrary or capricious results... and thus is not il- legal" (Tentative Order, City of Vacaville v. SWPCB, Oct 24, 2008). Judge Flinn is expected to issue a final decision in January or February of 2009 following an additional hearing, which has yet to be scheduled. At that hear- ing, attorneys for CASA and Vacaville Tentative Decision Upholds State Water Board Order Regarding the City Permit will attempt one last time to persuade the judge to revise his ruling. The State Board decision in large part affirmed the 2001 permit issued by the Central Valley Regional Water Board. The State Board designated its decision as "precedential," meaning this decision sets precedent for other similar permitting decisions by regional boards throughout California. In 2002, CASA and Vacaville each filed petitions for writs of mandate with the Superior Court challenging the Regional Board's permit, the Basin Plan provi- sions on which the permit provisions were based, and the State Board's decision upholding that permit. CASA's and Vacaville's petitions for writ of mandate have followed a tortuous route through the court system. The petitions were consolidated and transferred from Solano County to Contra Costa County. There, they were the subject of two mo- tions to intervene by WaterKeeper or- ganizations. The motions were both de- nied, which led to an appeal and a stay of the petitions themselves while that appeal was pending. After the case was returned from the Court of Appeal, after affirmation of the trial court's refusal to allow the WaterKeepers to intervene, the case was then the subject of mul- tiple procedural motions, including one contending the cases ',vere moot due to the passage of time and the subse- quent renewal of Vacaville's permit. of Vacaville CASA and Vacaville successfully de- fended against these efforts by the state to avoid a decision on the merits and the October tentative decision came after many months of briefing and multiple court appearances. One of the key issues in the case involves the application, or misapplication, of the so- called Tributary Statement. CASA argued that the Tributary State- ment does not actually "designate" beneficial uses, but rather requires the Regional Water Board to conduct an analysis of beneficial uses of tributary streams at the time it proposes to ap- ply water quality objectives to those streams. The court's tentative decision essentially concludes that, as long as the Regional Water Board has a pro- cess that allows the Basin Plan to be amended to remove unsupported ben- eficial uses, it passes muster with the courts. The court believes the Tributary Statement is simply a burden - shifting "presumption" that can be rebutted by a discharger through an administrative proceeding outside the permitting pro- cess. CASA disagrees and believes the rulemaking record for the Basin Plan does not establish that the Tributary Statement was intended to actually designate beneficial uses and that, if it did, the Regional Board never con- ducted a proper analysis of the factors required to be considered when setting water quality objectives. • CASA Files Brief negates such flexibility and in CECA Baseline instead requires prior CEQA documentation for baselines Cease Before the grounded in existing permitted California Suprerne levels or performance. Court On Nov. 10, 2008, the Califor- nia Supreme Court granted CASA's request to file an am- icus curiae brief in Communi- ties for a Better Environment v. South Coast Air Quality Management District (2007) 158 Cal.AppAth 1336 (CBE). The primary issue in the case is how to determine the proper baseline under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Court of Ap- peal held the baseline gener- ally hinges on actual existing, rather than permitted, condi- tions. CBE requires documen- tation of prior CEQA review for a lead agency to consider performance in determining baseline. If left to stand, CBE may have far - reaching con- sequences for CASA member agencies with permits that require facility or operational modifications or periodic renewal. CASA was among those organizations that sup- ported Supreme Court review of the case last spring. As CASA explained to the court, CBE could substantially affect the ability of member agencies to provide vital wastewater services. Other courts have held that the max- imum permitted level of activ- ity at the site may serve as the baseline for environmental re- view. Accordingly, the permit - tee may rely on its permits to assess facility or operational changes without concern for periudic or erratic fluutuatiuns in use caused by anything from seasonal variances to changing market forces. CBE As a result, public entities may have to perform and re- perform environmental analyses based on modifi- cations from fluctuations in use. CBE may even require lead agencies to duplicate environmental review where it was completed, but no physi- cal documentation of such review exists. In addition, the modification or permitting of existing wastewater facilities could be subject to CEQA re- view not previously required. For example, modifications considered minor when de- termined by way of a permit - based baseline may no longer qualify for a Class 1 categori- cal exemption. This means that environmental review may be necessary for a negligible expansion of use as compared to the maximum permitted level of use. Finally, requiring public agencies to produce j prior CEQA documentation to factor performance into the baseline would allow project opponents to challenge deci- sions previously made under CEQA after the statute of limi- tations runs. CASA explained to the court that for these reasons, the CBE ruling is unworkable and inconsistent with CEQA and its implementing regulations. CBE is likely to increase the challenges CASA member agencies face when they per- form crucial public services. Member agencies .rill be less able to rely on the finality of prior decisions and may be distracted from their essential missions by needlessly re- viewing or second- guessing their choices. Accordingly, CBE will interject additional delay and expense into the modification or permitting of wastewater facilities. The case is now fully briefed and pend- ing oral argument. Court Scales Back Prior Judgement in Los Angeles Basin Plan Case In July 2008, the Orange County Superior Court issued a decision holding the Los Angeles Basin Plan unlaw- ful as applied to stormwater discharges and ordering the Los Angeles Regional Water Board to "cease, desist and suspend all activities" apply- ing the Basin Plan water qual- ity standards to stormwater discharges. City of Arcadia, et al. v. State Water Resources Control Board Case No. 06CCO2974 (July 2, 2008.) The judgment generated a significant reaction from the State Water Board and en- vironmental interveners. For example, the Water Board Of- fice of Chief Counsel halted all enrollments under the general industrial and construction stormwater permits. In No- vember 2008, Judge Thierry Patrick Colaw issued a revised judgment allowing the State and Regional Water Board to continue to apply the Basin Plan to stormwater permits during the process of revising the regulation in accordance with the court's order. In the case, 21 cities and the Construction Industry Defense Foundation challenged the application of Basin Plan ob- jectives to stormwater on the grounds that the Regional Wa- ter Board had never considered the economic and other effects of the regulations on stormwa- ter discharges as required by the California Water Code. The court agreed with petitioners, noting that water quality stan- dards cannot be applied to a category of discharge for which the factors set forth in Water Code section 13241 had never been analyzed. The court also found that, having rejected "out of hand" the cities` request that storm - water impacts be examined as part of the 2004 Basin Plan triennial review, that the State Water Board could not now point to that process as the proper avenue for the petition- ers to seek relief. "To argue that the Petitioners should have attacked the Standards back in 1975, 1990, or 1994 when they had no reason to and were not harmed thereby, to suggest that the triennial review is the proper time and place to urge changes and then to fail to conduct the triennial review as suggested by the Boards themselves and as required by law is precisely the type of behavior that was so bitterly criticized in a concurring opinion of City of Burbank v. State Water Resources Control Board. The Board should not have brushed off the Petitioners' comments and urgings to per- form the ;required analysis)." • 4%.]r Biosolids Pmgmm Report ,y ;;r>g Kaitar, 3 it) ;ulids Pr, )yrI {n ,,1:ui.3gar Much has happened relative to biosolids management since my last report. I cannot overstate my continued enthusiasm and excitement in dealing with the challenges fac- ing us in the California biosolids program. I have truly appreciated everyone's warm welcome. My efforts have continued in trying to meet as many of you as possible and touring your wastewater treatment plants as well as your land application sites or alter- native disposition locations. I believe this is critical so that 1 can better understand your programs and your issues and then work with you to find solutions. While I have met with most of you already, if I have not done so yet, or if there are new issues that I may be able to help you with, please let me know. I would like to update you on several issues of interest regarding biosolids: Emergency Fire Reclamation Resolution to use Biosolids Compost The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board passed an emergency resolution Nov. 28 in response to the governor's declaration of portions of Orange, Riverside and San Ber- nardino counties as disaster areas due to the Freeway Complex Fires in mid - November. The emergency resolution facilitates and invites the use of biosolids compost to be used to reclaim the fire ravaged land. The main purpose of the biosolids compost application is to provide ero- sion control and slope stability. CASA attended a meeting Dec. 17, at the Santa Ana RWQCB ,e in Riverside along with members of the CIWMB and a number of compost producers and mu- nicipalities affected by the fires. The meeting was viewed as a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of biosolids on fire - ravaged land and we are working proactively to achieve this. We will work to keep CASA mem- bers apprised of our progress and results. As reported earlier, CASA's Biosolids Program has worked with researchers at Utah State Uni- versity, the University of Washington, EPA Re- gions 8 and 9, and with professionals from the U.S. Forest Service in California, Cal EPA, sev- eral CASA members, and others to develop a research proposal to study the benefits of bio- solids and biosolids compost for the purpose of reclaiming fire - ravaged land. The work in the Santa Ana Region will be a full -scale field application, but we will monitor it as if it is research. It is hoped that success here will facilitate biosolids use for these purposes statewide. Also ongoing, is fire reclama- tion research for which CASA was contacted by the Univer- sity of California, Riverside, and the CIWMB to participate in. UC Riverside will conduct the research under a grant from CIWMB. Inland Empire Utilities Agency will assist with the research. CASA Members Starting Up New Technological Systems for Biosolids There are a number of CASA members with new biosolids treatment systems that have recently, or will soon, go online. The Encina JPA began opera- tion of their new heat dryer in November. The heat dryer is fueled primarily with digester gas and produces a Class A biosolids pelletized mate- rial. Encina plans in the short term to utilize its pellets as an alternative fuel for the cement industry. Long term, it hopes to develop alternative mar- kets, such as agricultural, golf course, and a bagged product. Ventura Regional Sanitation District also anticipates a March 2009 start-up of its new heat dryer at the Toland Road landfill. The dryer will be fu- eled 100 percent with landfill gas and produce a Class A biosolids product. This project eliminates one million miles of tn�ck travel and 1,800 tons of CO2 eiriss on annually. It also provides a local solution under local governance for the district's biosolids management. The Ennertech facility in Rialto started up in October 2008, and while working through some anticipated start-up issues, is ex- pected to be at full operation early this year. -------------------------------- ------- - - - - -- U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer Cancels Hearing/ Briefing on Biosolids Sen. Boxer had originally scheduled a hearing on Sept. 11, 2008, relative to biosolids, before the Committee on Environ- ment and Public Works, which she chairs. Upon learning that minority staff had invited a testifier from the city of Los Angeles who would be representing NACWA, she cancelled the hearing and rescheduled it as a briefing. The city's ongoing litigation with Kern County and the desire for the committee to remain neutral on any litigation is the cause of this. Several well -known anti - biosolids activists and a NACWA repre- sentative from Central Davis, Utah, were invited to the briefing. The briefing was cancelled at the 11'" hour when the committee staff received a letter from an attorney for two of the scheduled speakers, to the University of Georgia, which is a defendant in ongoing litigation with them. The same reasoning related to litigation was given as the justification for the cancellation. We will continue to ensure that Sen. Boxer and the EPW Committee have access to relevant research and the beneficial realities of biosolids recycling. It is unknown at this time whether the sena- tor will take any action in the next legislative session. Checklist Developed as Outcome of Cross Media Roundtable The Biosolids Cross -Media Roundtable held May 16, 2008, in Sacramento, was attended by high- ranking officials of CAL EPA, local Air Districts, and Regional Water Boards. The roundtable provided succinct overviews of cross media impacts that have affected biosolids use as a direct result of SJVAPCD rule 4565, SCAOMD rule 1133.2 and SCAOMD rule 1110.2, respectively. A candid and open dialogue of all participants followed, in which it was acknowledged that while regulatory agencies do sometimes work in silos, that framework is often dictated by federal and state law. It was recognized that better communica- tion and awareness will help alleviate cross media impacts in the future. To that end, it was agreed that a checklist should be developed that regulatory agencies can use when contemplat- ing new regulations for the purpose of identifying and further assessing such impacts that may arise as an unintended con- sequence of the regulatory action. CASA has assembled an excellent team of volunteers to develop the checklist and have finalized a draft ,ersion. We are hoping to introduce it to CAL EPA by late January or early February. County Ordinances San Luis Obispo County has an ordinance modification out for public comment that would prohibit all but a lim- ited quantity of Exceptional Quality biosolids from land application. It would also require all biosolids used as compost feedstock to be exceptional quality, prior to composting. The county has extended the comment pe- riod on the draft ordinance to Feb. 1, 2009. CASA has sent a comment letter to the county and re- mains in dialogue with them on it. No final action is antici- pated on the new ordinance until 2010. In addition, CASA is continuing to evaluate its options for responding to Measure X, the Imperial County initiative ordinance that bans all importation of biosolids. A legal challenge to the ordinance, which is clearly vulnerable under both federal constitutional grounds and under state law, is be- ing considered. The appeal by Kern County to the court decision is ongoing, which overturned their restrictive Measure E ordinance. A final decision is not expected until late 2009 or early 2010, cortrnued on page 18 E- Subscribe to the Biosolids Listsery A biosolids communication tool known as a Listsery has been created for the benefit of all CASA members. This tool is used for electronic in- formation exchange by mem- bers to inquire about biosol- ids issues from others in the field. Please contact Greg Kester if you would like to subscribe to the listserv. Also, it should be noted that thus far the listserver has func- tioned as a one -way commu- nication tool from Greg to the list members. It is hoped that more of you will take advan- tage of the two -way capabili- ties as any list member can send a question or comment to the entire group. National Biosolids Partnership Update As co -chair of the Advisory Committee and a member of the Steering Committee to the National Biosolids Partnership (NBP), a series of recommenda- tions for changes to the EMS audit requirements were Bevel- ; oped and presented to the NBP Steering Committee at meetings in early 2008. The changes were intended to provide more flexibility for agen- cies desiring less frequent audits or who wish to utilize means other than independent third - party certification to demon- strate the strength of their pro- grams. These would have been encapsulated in a newly defined tier system. Those with the need for continuing Platinum level third -party certification would continue with the current re- quirements, and be recognized for superior achievement. That recommendation was modified by the partnership, and introduced as the new Biosolids Best Practices Network, which allows an agency to develop an EMS, but to not have it certified by an independent third party. Congressional funding remains uncertain for the partnership, and they are now operating on lesser funds provided by WEE, and in kind support from NAC WA. I Congratulations should be given to the city of Los Ange- les, Orange County Sanita- tion District, East Bay MUD and Encina JPA for recently becoming re- certified for their EMS program. The city of Santa Rosa is currently in the audit process to become certi- fied for the first time. ---------------- - - - - -- Rapid Incident Response Research At the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) biosolids research summit in 2003, key stakeholders were brought together to recom- mend and prioritize national research needs for the biosol- ids program. The number one need identified was an inves- tigative protocol that could be used whenever a complaint of adverse health effects at- tributed to biosolids land ap- plication was received. WERF funded this project, with as- sistance from EPA, and I have been serving on the Project Sub Committee (PSC) since its formation. The project has been staged into three phases. Phase one, which has now been com- pleted by researchers at the University of North Carolina developed the investigative protocol; phase two will pilot test the protocol in the field and modify it as necessary, and phase three will make the protocol available nationally and include the development and distribution of communi- cation tools. This project was the first "public partnering" effort by WERF, which meant that interested members of the public were included on the PSC. This yielded both chal- lenges and ultimately a better work product. The phase two contract has been awarded to the Franklin County, Ohio Public Health Department. We held an initial meeting with the department in November and I was very impressed with the project team. I hold high hopes for the department's fi- nal work product. Work should initiate early in 2009 and be completed by July 2010. • Q REnsuring Clean Water for California Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 No.: 8.a. Treatment Plant Type of Action: AUTHORIZE PURCHASE Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PREPURCHASE NATURAL GAS THROUGH A SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH SHELL ENERGY NORTH AMERICA, LP, FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2010, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2012, AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $9 PER DECATHERM Submitted By David J. Reindl, Initiating Dept✓Div. Plant Operations/ Senior Engineer Maintenance Engineering REVIEWED AND RECO ENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Reindl D Craig M graves f' i ames M. elly, General Manager ISSUE: Board authorization is requested for the General Manager to prepurchase natural gas (NG). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to prepurchase NG through a service agreement with Shell Energy North America, LP (Shell Energy), for the period of January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2012, at a price not to exceed $9 per decatherm (dth). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Purchasing NG each month at market price risks market price volatility and excessive District expenditures. Based on past experience, staff believes that prepurchasing NG can result in substantial cost savings. The fiscal year 2008 -2009 budget for NG is $4,548,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The District could purchase all of our NG needs at the end of each month or other frequency at market price. BACKGROUND: The District uses approximately 468,000 dths of NG annually for the treatment plant's cogeneration system and as backup fuel to landfill gas used in the multiple -hearth furnaces and auxiliary steam boilers. The cogeneration plant uses approximately 95 percent of the District's NG use. For the past two years, NG prices have remained in the $8.00 to $13.00 /dth range. This price trend has substantially changed in recent months due to the downturn in the economy and the corresponding reduction in NG demand. The current pricing for one - year strips of NG for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012 are $6.82 /dth, $7.39 /dth, and $7.58 /dth, respectively. In June 2008 the Board of Directors authorized staff to N: \POSUP \Correspondence \Position Papers\2009 \Natural Gas Prepurchase - 3 yr.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2009 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PREPURCHASE NATURAL GAS THROUGH A SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH SHELL ENERGY NORTH AMERICA, LP, FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2010, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2012, AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $9 PER DECATHERM purchase NG through calendar year 2009. Staff has purchased approximately 80 percent of the District's NG needs at a price of $9.26 /dth. The remaining 20 percent is being purchased on the spot market, which is currently below $5.00 /dth. If the spot market price remains at or near $5.00 /dth, the District's average price for NG for calendar year 2009 would be approximately $8.40 /dth. Staff budgeted $9.71 /dth for the first half of calendar year 2009. The current spot market prices are at $4.50 /dth; gas prices have not been this low since 2003. These prices change daily, but reflect significant market weakness. Mr. Cameron Raether, the District's gas consultant from Valtech, believes that this market weakness offers a buying opportunity for future gas needs. Although the current spot market is lower than the current price of 2010 NG, the spot market is highly volatile and will increase with economic recovery. If the District were to purchase NG at the current 2010, 2011, and 2012 pricing, the District would reduce the annual NG expenditures by $437,000 in fiscal year 2009 -2010; $790,000 in fiscal year 2010 -2011; and $668,000 in fiscal year 2011 -2012 when compared to the fiscal year 2008 -2009 projected NG expenditures. Locking in a fixed price for NG will ensure the District against an upside cost; there is a market risk if prices go down, but staff believes the down side benefit is less than the upside risk. Accordingly, staff recommends. Board authorization to allow the General Manager to prepurchase NG for the period of January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2012. By authorizing gas purchases to 2012, the District would be able to take advantage of recent reductions in energy costs and would be able to stabilize our energy budget for a period of three years. The General Manager will keep the Board apprised of NG purchases. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to prepurchase NG through a service agreement with Shell Energy North America, LP, for the period of January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2012, at a price not to exceed $9 /dth. N: \POSUP \Correspondence \Position Papers\2009 \Natural Gas Prepurchase - 3 yr.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 5, 2008 No.: 9.a. Collection System Type of Action: ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT subject: BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 2008 COLLECTION SYSTEM SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOW ANNUAL REPORT Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Bill Brennan, Collection System Collection System Operations Department/ Operations Department Director Field Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 66. B. Brennan a57W - Jae . Kelly, Gen m al Manager ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Annual Report has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board ( RWQCB), San Francisco Bay Section. This annual report is presented for the District Board of Directors' information and acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the 2008 Collection System SSO Annual Report. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None BACKGROUND: The 2008 Collection System SSO Annual Report summarizes the overflows that occurred in the District's sanitary sewer system during the period January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008. This is the fourth SSO Annual Report to be submitted pursuant to the RWQCB's revised requirements for reporting SSOs. The report summarizes the number and size of SSOs, the causes of SSOs, locations of the SSOs, SSO trends, and the status of the preparation of our sewer system management plan (SSMP). The collection system experienced 86 overflows last year. Upon acceptance of this annual report by the District Board of Directors, it will be submitted to the RWQCB. The RWQCB requires the 2008 SSO Annual Report to be submitted by March 15, 2009. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the 2008 Sewer System Overflow Annual Report. CSO /C: \Ppaper \SSO Annual Rpt- 2008.doc DRAFT February 2, 2009 Bruce H. Wolfe, Executive Officer California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region 1515 Clay Street, Ste. 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 Attn.: Michael Chee Dear Mr. Wolfe: ANNUAL REPORT OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OVERFLOWS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2008 The purpose of this letter is to report the Sanitary Sewer System Overflows (SSOs) that occurred in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District sanitary sewer system during the period January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008. This report is submitted pursuant to the requirements included in the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Letter, New Requirements for Reporting Sanitary Sewer System Overflows, dated November 15, 2004. Number and Size of SSOs The total number of SSOs for the reporting period was 86. All of the SSOs were associated with gravity sewers. We experienced no overflows as a result of surcharging in wet weather conditions. The sizes of SSOs are summarized as shown on Table 1. Table 1. Number of SSOs Size of SSO (gallons) Number Percent of Total by Number Greater than or equal to 1,000 7 5% Between 100 and 999 19 13% Between 10 and 99 44 57% Less than 10 16 25% Public portion of lateral N/A _ Total 86 100% The volume of spills contained and returned to the sewer system, as well as the volume reaching the waters of the State, is shown in Table 2. Page 1 of 4 Table 2. Volume of SSOs Total volume contained and returned to sewer system for treatment Total volume reaching waters of the State Total volume not contained but not reaching waters of the State Total Volume (gallons) I Percent of Total by Volume 11,253 1 41% 9,480 1 35% 6,477 1 24% 27,210 1 100% None of the SSOs exceeded 6,000 gallons in volume. This report does not include SSOs that occurred from private sewer service laterals within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District jurisdiction that were caused by conditions in privately owned laterals or on private property. The property owners are responsible for the condition and operation of those sewer service laterals. Cause of SSOs The predominant causes of SSOs during the period of this report were roots and grease. The distribution of SSOs by cause is shown on Table 3. Table 3. Causes of SSOs Location of SSOs Of the 86 overflows that occurred during the 12 -month reporting period, 69 took place in four of the cities in our service area: Orinda, Walnut Creek, Martinez and Lafayette. Our Engineering department is currently working on multi - phased rehabilitation projects Page 2 of 4 in these four cities, as well as other areas in our service district. The Collection System Operations department is expanding its quality cleaning program in these areas as well. There were two repeat overflows in 2008. The first was on January 4 and January 26, in Martinez. The first overflow (less than one gallon) was the result of a root plug. Despite a sharp turn in the line which prevented the plug from being broken with a rodding machine, a hydroflush tool eventually relieved the obstruction and follow -up inspection with closed - circuit TV on January 8 revealed only light grease and debris. Three weeks later, the line overflowed again from a plug that was caused by roots caught in a belly in the line. After hydroflushing and follow -up TV inspection, we believe that those roots may have been dislodged from a side sewer, either by cleaning or by the heavy rains of the previous day, Friday, January 25. The second repeat overflow happened on May 24 and October 22, in Lafayette. On May 24 the line was found to be plugged with heavy roots and the blockage was cleared. On May 27 the line was re -run, inspected with closed - circuit TV, hydroflushed and then re -TV'd, and it was suggested that the line be replaced. On October 22, the line overflowed again from a blockage of rags and roots in the upstream manhole. TV inspection on October 23 showed multiple broken pipe joints and line replacement was again recommended. (Note that on January 8, 2009, the worst of the defects in the line was repaired by a CCCSD spot- repair crew; the entire line is expected to be replaced as part of a capital project later this year.) SSO Trends The following graph shows a comparison of data for the current reporting period with previous reporting periods. Figure 1. Total SSOs 2005 — 2008 Updated through December 2008 Year: 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total O /Fs by year: 107 73 81 86 YTD comparison: 107 73 811 86 JAN 19 8 8 20 FEB 11 9 7 7 MAR 12 5 10 10 APR 9 5 8 5 MAY 6 6 10 5 JUN 9 5 4 6 JUL 5 7 6 4 AUG 3 6 5 4 SEP 12 3 5 8 OCT 8 3 4 3 NOV 5 8 10 5 DEC 8 8 4 9 :• . NONE N��� ■� ■■ ■ 71W MOO NNW Page 3 of 4 Status of Development of Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) CCCSD is on track to comply with the requirements detailed in the 13267 Letters sent out to Sewer System Authorities dated July 7, 2005. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments are prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, William E. Brennan Director of Collection System Operations WEB /rab bcc: E. Boehme (for CCCSD records) J. Kelly Page 4 of 4 �15101 Annual Report of Sewer System Overflows Bill Brennan Collection System Operations Department Director February 5, 2009 A Report to the Regional Water Quality Control Board • This was the year of "the plateau ": ■ 86 SSOs or 5.7 overflows per 100 miles, compared to 5.4 in 2007 — a "plateau" ■ Statistics for overflow causes and quantities comparable to last year ■ As in 2007, 99.999999% of wastewater was contained and treated 1 Overflows comparison 2005-2008 Overflow quantities Size of SSO (gallons) Number in 2007 Number in 2008 Greater than or equal to 1,000 4 7 Between 100 and 999 11 19 Between 10 and 99 46 44 Less than 10 20 16 MEMO ME :Am 0 ■0V! -!-U- ■ ; ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ,f Overflow quantities Size of SSO (gallons) Number in 2007 Number in 2008 Greater than or equal to 1,000 4 7 Between 100 and 999 11 19 Between 10 and 99 46 44 Less than 10 20 16 Overflow causes Cause of SSO Number in 2007 Number in 2008 Roots 57 63 Grease 8 7 Debris (rags, rock, paper) 12 11 All other 4 5 Geographical trends 2008 Overflows by Cause and Location Walnut Creek San Ramon Pleasant H01 Orinda Mwaya Martinez 7 Lleyetle Diablo Danville Alamo 0 2 4 6 a 10 12 14 16 19 20 Number of Overflows by Cause ■ Roots ■Grease ■ Other 3 Contained and treated: Wastewater Treated and Discharged 15,000,000,000 gallons Untreated Wastewater Not 15,957 gallons Contained Percentage Untreated 0.000001% Percentage Treated 99.999999% Overview • SSOs up 8% from 2007 due primarily to high January and March results • Thirteen more than 2006's all -time record low of 73 • No capacity overflows in wet weather 4 January 2009 Running 36 -Month Overflow Totals ,0094,87��..g�79 X84 -87'" -81 73- 73y��76- 7'62- 81- 60'82"8��87r7- 73 so 0 36 -Month Total at Month -End Activities in 2008 that should result in long -term improvement - In January 2008, stopped the practice of lengthening the schedule of lines where cleaning results were favorable ... • ... and continued reducing scheduled cleaning where significant material was removed. - In November 2008, decided to cut schedules of all 6" and 8" vitrified clay pipe — 24 months to 12 months and 12 to 6. - Changes in the chemical root - control program Activities in 2008 that should result in long -term improvement (continued) • Concerted, successful effort made to clean difficult- access lines • Use of CCTV to check quality of cleaning • Cleanup of the database to bring the information on the electronic maps (GDI) into better conformance with the CSO maintenance database (ACCELA) Activities in 2008 that should result in long -term improvement (continued) • CSO construction backlog was reduced from 195 to 148 folders • The total number of folders completed was 137, including those completed in Engineering projects • Engineering continued projects to rehabilitate sewers • Changes in method Engineering uses to evaluate lines for replacement — more focus on lines with overflows.