HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2008 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District November 7, 2008 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER FROM: ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGIN ERING TAD J. PILECKI, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER SUBJECT: FY 2009 -10 INITIAL CAPITAL PLANNING WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION In preparation for the Capital Planning Workshop on November 13, 2008, staff has summarized the material we will be covering in this memo. Much of this information, with additional detail, was reviewed in the Board Capital Projects Committee meeting on October 28, 2008. We routinely hold a Capital Planning Workshop in the fall to set an estimated dollar amount for our capital program for the following ten years. We have found this approach to be very helpful in narrowing the scenarios and considerations for the January Financial Planning Workshop in which the Board will be asked to consider rate - setting scenarios for future years. By fixing the level of capital expenditures, approximately 40 -45 percent of District overall spending, the possible budgeting scenarios become more limited and understandable. If the scenarios in January lead to some concerns about capital revenue and expenditures, adjustments can be made at that time and incorporated into the draft Capital Improvement Budget and Plan, which is brought to the Board in a second FY 2009 -10 Capital Planning Workshop in April. BASELINE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT PROGRAM As our District assets age, renovation and replacement is necessary to keep them functioning properly. For budgeting purposes, the amount of annual investment in renovation and replacement must be estimated. In January 2000, without a formal condition assessment and asset management plan, staff developed and recommended a baseline for investment in our capital facilities which assumed replacement of all assets every one hundred years. This equates to a reinvestment of 1 % of the estimated replacement value. At that time the total replacement value of our facilities was estimated at $2.1 billion and therefore the annual investment was set at $21 million. This target amount has been increased for inflation at 3% per year and has reached approximately $28 million for fiscal year 2009 -10. Since January 2000, staff has invested significant resources in developing N: \ENVRSEC\Admin \Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann \For Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 1 more sophisticated asset management programs for the collection system and treatment plant to provide the data for a more rigorous assessment of the appropriate baseline budgetary figure for asset renovation and replacement. Staff has made significant progress in developing a detailed Asset Management Inventory and Plan for the Collection System. The value of the collection system is estimated to be approximately 65% of the total District asset value. Our District -wide collection system closed circuit TV inspection program has been underway for 6 years and 70 % of the District's sewers have been televised and the condition assessed. We estimate that it will take another 2 to 3 years to complete this work. As the work has progressed, the lines with the highest defect scores have been grouped into renovation projects which we construct each year. Staff has developed a preliminary reference document with maps to delineate the progress of the TV program and the renovation projects that are being developed as a result. This document will serve as our Collection System Asset Management Plan and will be updated as projects are completed and additional line segments are televised and the condition assessed. Significant renovation work has been done on our pumping stations over the last ten years and this has been documented in a pumping station inventory which serves as the basis for determining what additional condition assessment work is needed on the pumping stations to develop an overall asset management plan. The degree of complexity in the pumping stations is more similar to the treatment plant than the collection system and thus the pumping stations will ultimately be included in the treatment plant asset management plan described below. This past year we began a more formalized approach to condition assessment and asset management for the treatment plant. We have begun an inventory of the treatment plant to document ages and conditions of major assets and renovation and replacement work done to date. We will then be developing an approach to condition assessment and asset management for our treatment plant assets looking to the future. We are currently developing scopes of work to hire technical assistance with systematic condition assessments of remaining work needed on treatment plant concrete structures, piping, coating and electrical systems. Concurrently, staff is developing a treatment plant GDI model, similar to the collection system GDI model, which will help organize the data and facilitate retrieval. Finally, expenditures for significant projects to increase capacity or address changing regulations are in addition to the budget for renovation and replacement. For the last several years, budgeted expenditures for needed capacity and regulatory projects have been increased to take advantage of increased revenues from a number of sources, principle among them being capacity fees for new connections. Thus, expenditures have in some years significantly exceeded those estimated for baseline renewal and replacement. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE A series of two tables and two figures detailing expenditures and revenues for the last eight years are attached in the appendix and summarized as follows. Since fiscal year 1999 -00, District capital spending has ranged from a low of $19.8 million in 2002 -03 to a high of $39.7 N: \ENVRSEC\Admin\Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann \For Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 2 million for fiscal year 2006 -07. This wide variation has been due in large part to the conscious effort to defer needed projects in fiscal years 2001 -02 through 2003 -04, when the permanent loss of ad valorem tax was feared. Subsequently, when there were large revenue increases due to the pace of new home construction in the Dougherty Valley and related capacity fees, expenditures were intentionally significantly increased. On average, capital revenues have closely matched capital expenditures. Over the nine years shown on the figures, the average annual revenues were $26,500,000 and the average annual expenditures were $26,800,000, a 1 % difference. Average budgeted revenue over the nine -year period was $25,600,000 compared to average actual revenue of $26,500,000, a 3% difference. Over the nine -year period of record, there has been a net draw down of the Sewer Construction Fund Balance of approximately $3 million. The one capital revenue source completely controlled by the District is the capital component of the sewer service charge. This charge is adjusted each year, as needed, to either match planned expenditures, draw down the Sewer Construction Fund Balance or place additional revenue in the fund, depending on the goals and strategies of the Capital Budget and Plan in any given year. PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR 2008 -09 EXPENDITURES /REVENUES For several years revenues were coming in to District coffers faster than expected, resulting in an increase in the Sewer Construction Fund balance. Therefore, three years ago staff recommended increasing capital program expenditures to levels greater than revenues for several years and funding needed deferred projects as well as some needed regulatory and capacity driven projects partially from the Sewer Construction Fund balance. These needed capacity and regulatory driven projects included the expansion of the ultraviolet disinfection facilities, a wet weather discharge point to increase the wet weather discharge capacity, a study and implementation of improvements to increase furnace capacity and reduce mercury in the effluent, the extension of the A -line from Buchanan Fields Golf Course to the intersection of Meridian Park Boulevard and Galaxy Way, the standby power project and the sludge hauling improvements project. The ultraviolet disinfection expansion is complete, and many of the other needed projects are well underway. For the current fiscal year 2008 -09, both expenditures and revenues are projected to be about 10% more than budgeted, resulting in no net change to the Sewer Construction Fund balance as budgeted at the end of the current fiscal year. This is due primarily to the completion of the Concord inter -tie portion of the A -line project moving from fiscal year 2007- 08 to 2008 -09. Because this project is completely funded by Concord, the expense has moved into fiscal year 2008 -09, as has an offsetting amount of revenue from Concord. 2008 -09 Capital Program Budgeted Activity Projected Activity Total expenditures $38.9 million $42.8 million Total revenue $38.2 million $42.0 million Variance -$.7 million -$0.8 million SCF balance 6/30/09 $54.0 million $53.9 million As discussed in previous years, the Sewer Construction Fund balance acts as the bank to fund all District operations. This is necessary because SSC revenue and property tax N: \ENVRSEC\Admin\Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann\For_Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 3 revenue are collected by the County on the tax rolls twice per year. For the intervening six months, the District draws on these reserves to fund its operation and maintenance functions as well as the capital program. The cash flow needs for this self- funding dictate that the Sewer Construction Fund balance be maintained in the neighborhood of $30 million. RECOMMENDED 2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2009 -10 TO FY 2018 -19 For the seven years prior to 2006 -07, spending had been maintained at a level sufficient to replace needed facilities on a 100 -year life cycle, or approximately 1 % of the estimated replacement value of all District facilities each year. Beginning in fiscal year 2006 -07 the District embarked upon an aggressive capital program to complete needed one time reliability and capacity projects and make use of a significant accumulated reserve, which resulted from a robust economy and the associated revenue from new connections and increased property tax revenues. The ten year 2008 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) included continued significant spending through the year 2010 -2011 to complete these needed projects, then tapering down to the 1 % of replacement value baseline level of spending (estimated at $27 million per year in 2007) to cover renovation and replacement over a 100 year period. Using this approach, the 2008 -09 CIP maintained modest rate increases, in the range of $11 to $14 per year, for the next ten years. While the projects included in the higher level of spending were essential projects, the current housing crisis and other unfavorable economic factors are expected to reduce revenues. Thus, staff developed a memorandum dated October 24, 2008, which was discussed with the Capital Projects Committee on October 28, 2008. This memo estimated reductions in capital revenue and delineated three potential spending scenarios for the fiscal year 2009 -10 CIB; Aggressive, Moderate and Reduced spending. The capital revenue figure adjustments included a reduction in the rate of increase of property tax revenues, the number of new connections per year, and the interest rate assumption on the Sewer Construction Fund balance. Over the eleven -year period starting this current fiscal year and extending through the ten -year planning period, revenues were projected to be reduced by approximately $7 million from the revenues assumed when last years Capital Plan was prepared, primarily due to a reduction in the rate of increase of property taxes. For the last several years we have conservatively assumed a property tax increase of 4% per year due to homes being reassessed upon sale and addition of new homes. For the last ten years this annual increase has actually been significantly higher, ranging from a low of 5.8% in 2001 -02 to a high of 10.3% in 2006 -07, and adding to our Sewer Construction Fund Balance. However, our anticipation is that the current housing crisis will drive assessed values down. Therefore, we have assumed 0% growth in property tax revenue for the current fiscal year and next fiscal year (2009 -10). This change results in a reduction in tax revenue over the planning period of approximately $6.7 million, when compared with last year's capital planning documents. There is an additional reduction of $.3 million from reduced interest and connection fees adding to the total $7 million capital revenue reduction. N : \ENVRSECWdmin\Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann\For_Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 4 If expenditures are to be maintained at levels at or above those planned in the 2008 -09 CIP, then sewer service charge revenue would have to be increased by at least $7 million to make up this difference. Alternatively, reductions in expenditures could be considered. Staff developed three spending scenarios in the October 24, 2008 memo and recommended that the compromise scenario, the Moderate spending scenario, be adopted for presentation at the November 13, Capital Planning Workshop and inclusion in the January 2009 Financial Plan. The Moderate expenditure scenario continues most essential projects but shifts some to future years. It reduces expenditures for treatment plant equipment replacement by $1 million and collection system renovation by $7 million. Finally, it eliminates two projects, cogeneration replacement and electric blower replacement, while we consider to study the impacts of AB 32, the California law limiting green house gas emissions, which may affect the desirability of proceeding with these two projects. By making these reductions, staff was able to develop a scenario, which can be funded by moderate $13 annual rate increases over the ten -year planning period. There are a number of possible projects that are not currently funded. For the last year, the Board and staff have been working on developing some large -scale recycled water projects. The construction of such projects is not currently included in the ten -year plan. Also, projects to meet possible long -term regulatory requirements, such as nutrient removal, are only partially funded in outlying years. There is more and more discussion at the Federal level about implementing nutrient standards for all dischargers. Currently the District does not remove nutrients and it would require an expensive retrofit to do so. Staff will be continuing the planning project budgeted in 2008 -09 to examine possible long -term regulatory requirements, such as nutrient removal, and develop alternative compliance strategies and budgets. Staff has also not budgeted for any project, which could be needed to comply with AB 32. Staff is currently engaged in a consultant procurement process to hire expertise to assist us in developing a green house gas reduction plan. By this time next year, we should have better information to assist us with capital budgeting to address reduction of our green house gas emissions. RECOMMENDED FISCAL YEAR 2009 -10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET The recommended fiscal year 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Budget includes $27 million for baseline renewal and replacement projects and an additional $15.4 million for needed capacity and regulatory projects for a total recommended expenditure of $42.5 million. The allocation of the recommended $42.5 million among the four programs is as follows: FY 2008 -09 Capital Improvement Budget Baseline Capacity /Regulatory Total Treatment Plant $7,350,000 $7,016,000 $14,366,000 Collection System $16,849,000* 0 $16,849,000 General Improvements $2,300,000 $8,435,000 $10,735,000 Recycled Water $550,000 0 $550,000 Total $27,049,000 $15,451,000 $42,500,000 *The baseline expenditure for the collection system program was reduced by approximately $950,000 in FY 2009 -10 to accommodate large expenditures in the Treatment Plant and General Improvement programs. N:\ENVRSEC\Admin \Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann \For Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 5 Staff will be working to develop the detailed budget document using the above preliminary figures as modified by the November 2008 and January 2009 Board Workshops. Many of the projects have already been defined; Others will evolve and emerge as we prepare the budget document over the next six months in anticipation of the second Board Capital Workshop in April 2009, when the detailed draft Capital Improvement Budget is reviewed with the Board. A review of the preliminary 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Budget for major projects and areas of emphasis follows. Treatment Plant Program Preliminary estimates of expenditures for the fiscal year 2009 -10 Treatment Plant Program can be grouped into two major categories: renovation and reliability. The major projects are as follows: -Category Project Annual Ex ense Renovation Piping Renovation $1,400,000 Aeration Air Renovation $2,700,000 Reliability Sludge Loading Facili ty $3,600,000 Standby Power Improvements $3,700,000 All Other $2,966,000 Total $14,366,000 The projects listed under renovation have been identified and developed with input from plant operations staff. They address urgent needs. For example, the piping renovation project will begin the process of replacing ash piping which has been eroded down to paper -thin walls due to the abrasive nature of the ash. Going forward, staff is developing a more formal asset management approach to developing renovation projects for the treatment plant, in addition to addressing urgent needs identified by plant operations staff. The aeration air renovation project is one that was discussed with the Board extensively this past year. The aeration tanks, due to the way they were originally designed and constructed, have developed air leakage that has gotten progressively worse over the years. This leakage has potentially compromised the structural stability of the aeration basins and the air loss has reached a point where replacement/upgrade of the electric blower may be necessary sooner than planned. This past summer, the structural stability and air leakage in Tank 1 of the aeration system was successfully addressed by a grout injection process. The same process is proposed for Tank 2 during FY 2009 -10. The other large category of projects budgeted for 2009 -10 is reliability. There are two critical projects budgeted. The first has to do with the sludge handling system. Currently, if the operating incinerator or ash handling system goes down for any reason, the District has no reliable means of sludge disposal until the other incinerator can be brought on line or the ash handling problem corrected. Bringing the second incinerator on line takes weeks, and there is not enough storage for this period of time. There is an old and very rudimentary system available for dewatered sludge hauling, but it has no storage or odor control and is considered to be unreliable. The Sludge Loading project will construct a reliable sludge loading facility that can load trucks with dewatered sludge and hold enough sludge to get N: \ENVRSEC\Admin \Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann \For Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 6 through a long weekend so that sludge I be taken to landfill if the incinerators cannot process sludge for any reason. Second, the standby power improvements will replace the two existing engine - generator sets, which have had significant reliability problems, with two new engine - generator sets. Both of these projects have been discussed with the Board at previous workshops and meetings. In last year's CIB, staff identified the potential for a major regulatory project addressing controlling mercury in the plant effluent and potentially in the air emissions from the incinerators as well. The amalgam separator program, in conjunction with other activities, has resulted in significantly lower mercury levels in our influent and effluent. Also, indications are that the regulators are not going to focus on mercury emissions from the incinerators in the near term. Staff had budgeted $18.2 million in the 2008 -09 capital plan for the mercury scrubber water /metals removal project. Staff proposes to use $9 million of the $18.2 million to upgrade critical facilities associated with our sludge handling process. Specifically, replace the existing antiquated wet scrubber with a new one ($4 million), replace the centrifuges and cake pumps, which are', nearing the end of their useful lives ($3 million), and upgrade the burners and gas piping on the furnace to address safety and efficiency issues. These projects have been added to the 2009-10 CIP. Collection System Program The major 2009 -10 projects planned for the proposed $16,849,000 collection system program can be grouped into three categories, renovations to existing sewers, developer related services, and the Miner Road Trunk Sewer Improvements. Estimated expenditures are shown as follows. Category Annual expense % Collection System Program Renovation program $11,200,000 66% Developer services $ 1,200,000 7% Miner Road Trunk Sewer Improvements $ 2,400,000 14% All others $ 2,049,000 13% Total $16,849,000 100% As you can see, the major driver of the'Collection System Program for 2009 -10 will be the renovation program. The ongoing renovation program will take us to South Orinda, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Danville, Diablo, and (Pleasant Hill in 2009 -10. The renovation projects continue to be challenging, with many backyard easements and difficult field conditions. Impacts to the community are sometimes difficult to mitigate. Staff is doing an excellent job implementing these difficult projects. We are beginning to see some positive impacts. Sewer system overflows are trending downward. Staff believes this is due both to improved cleaning and to the renewal of problem sewers through the renovation program. N: \ENVRSEC\Admin\Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann\For�.Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 7 General Improvements Program General improvements in fiscal year 20109 -10 are proposed at $10,735,000 and will include the traditional equipment budget, information technology budget and items associated with miscellaneous District facilities. The C$O Administration Crew and Warehouse Building is budgeted at $7.5 million for 2009 -10 and $9,218,000 for 2010 -11. Also budgeted for seismic retrofit of District buildings, is $1 million in 2009 -10 and $2.5 million in 2010 -11. ADA improvements, which include carpet and painting, have been delayed until 2010 -11 ($700K). Recycled Water Program Staff recommends limiting Recycled Water Program spending to that needed for planning only and some limited edition of Pleasant Hill Zone 1 connections, as an appropriate approach for this year's financial planning cycle (estimated at $550,000 per year). This planning will include funds for legal and lobbying efforts to pursue a large -scale recycled water project. Should these efforts be successful, changes can be made in the Recycled Water Program budget during the next ,year's financial planning cycle to include construction costs for a large -scale recycled water project. SUMMARY The proposed 2009 Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan includes baseline renewal and replacement projects of $280 million (approximately $28 million per year) as well as $17,500,00 in capacity and regulatory {iI rojects funded directly by rates and a potential $27.5 million bond funded project in outlying years. A preliminary financial analysis indicates, with the spending of the accumulated balance in the Sewer Construction Fund to a minimum balance of $30 million and the use of bond funding for large projects in outlying years, the proposed Ten Year Capital Plan can be funded with a minimal impact on rates. Therefore, staff recommends incorporating the recommended preliminary budgetary figures for the 2009 -10 fiscal year Capital Improvement Budget and 2009 Capital Improvement Plan contained in this memo into the ten year planning document that will be considered at the January 2009 Financial Planning Workshop. N: \ENVRSEC\Admin\Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann\For_Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 8 APPENDIX N: \ENVRSEC\Admin\Farrell \CIPBoard Workshop- Ann \For Nov2008 \Board CIB Workshop Memo Nov 7 2008 Revised.doc Page 9 Historical Perspective Capital Revenue Discussion CATEGORY 1999100 2000101 2001102 2002103 2003104 2004105 2005106 2006107 2007108 Total budgeted expenditures $26.7 M $24.4 M $25.1 M $28.2 M $25.9 M $26.6 M $27.7 M $34.7 M $43.1 M Total actual expenditures $21.3 M $28 M $20.5 M $22.4 M $19.8 M $26.5 M $27.7 M $39.7 M $36.0 M Total actual $21.6 M $18.9 M $17 M $23.5 M $28.2 M $30.0 M $24.8 M $36.6 M $37.9 M revenue $3.1 M $3.4 M $4.3 M $5.0 M $5.9 M $6.9 M $10.6 M' Total actual capital revenue $17 M Variance +$0.3 M -$9.1 M -$3.5 M +$1.1 M +$8.4 M +$3.5 M -$2.9 M -$3.1 M +$1.9 M SCF Balance -- June 30 $55.9 M $52.8 M $54.7 M Capital Revenue Discussion CATEGORY 2001102 2002103 2003104 2004105 2005106 2006107 2007108 SSC capital component $20 $41 $54 $76 $46 $76 $58 Sewer service charge $3.1 M $6.3 M $8.4 M $12.1 M $7.4 M $12.5 M $9.6 M Ad valorem tax $6.4 M $7.7 M $7.9 M $0.2 M $1.1 M $8.1 M $8.5 M Capacity fees $4.4 M $6.1 M $7.6 M $12.7 M $10.4 M $8.8 M $9.1 M All other $3.1 M $3.4 M $4.3 M $5.0 M $5.9 M $6.9 M $10.6 M' Total actual capital revenue $17 M $23.5 M $28.2 M $30.0 M $24.8 M $36.3 M $37.9 M * Includes $7.9 M Concord revenue, unusually high due to A -Line project. Page 10 3A Fiscal Year 2009/10 Capital Improvements Program Board Workshop November 13, 2008 2009 -10 Capital Improvements Program Workshop Agenda Strategic Areas of Emphasis Drive Projects — Establish recommended expenditure levels for 2009 -10 — Review renovation/ reliability/ capacity/ regulatory areas of emphasis — Review programs and selected 2009 -10 projects • Collection System Program • Treatment Plant Program • Recycled Water Program • General Improvements Program • CIB /10 Yr CIP Must Respond to Changes in Need and Revenue — Review recommended expenditure levels for 2009 -10 and beyond — Establish projected revenue levels for 2009 -10 and beyond — Evaluate recommended 10 -year expenditures and revenue projections and ability to fund needed projects $45 $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 $45 $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 CCCSD Actual Capital Revenue vs. Actual Capital Expenditures $37.9 $36.0 1 Actual Expense al Revenue \*_,� Average Actual Revenue $26.5M (238.5M) Average Actual Expenditures $26.8M (241.6M) Difference = $3 million more expended than revenue over 9 year period. Sewer Constriction Fund Balance drawn down 1199/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/ —* —Total actual expenditures }Total actual revenue CCCSD Actual Capital Revenue vs. Budgeted Capital Revenue $40.5M $37.9M Budgeted Revenue d� Actual Revenue Average Actual Revenue $26.5 million (238.5) Average Budgeted Revenue $25.6 million (230.4) Difference: $8 million more revenue than budgeted over 9 year period. 999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/C ---*—Actual Capdal Revenue ­0 -Budge Capital Revenue Page 11 Fiscal Year 2009/10 Capital Improvements Program Board Workshop November 13, 2008 2009 -10 Capital Improvements Program Workshop Agenda Strategic Areas of Emphasis Drive Projects — Establish recommended expenditure levels for 2009 -10 — Review renovation/ reliability / capacity/ regulatory areas of emphasis — Review programs and selected 2009 -10 projects • Collection System Program • Treatment Plant Program • Recycled Water Program • General Improvements Program • CI13/10 Yr CIP Must Respond to Changes in Need and Revenue — Review recommended expenditure levels for 2009 -10 and beyond — Establish projected revenue levels for 2009 -10 and beyond — Evaluate recommended 10 -year expenditures and revenue projections and ability to fund needed projects 1 FY 2009 -10 Expenditure Recommendations Moderate Scenario FY 2009 -10 Capital Renovation Reliability/ Improvement Budget Baseline Regulatory Total Treatment Plant $7.4 M $7.0 M $14.4 M Collection System $16.8 M $0 M $16.8 M General Improvements $2.3 M $8.4 M $10.7 M Recycled Water $0.6 M $0.0 M $0.6 M TOTAL EXPENDITURES $27.1 M $15.5 M $42.5 M Moderate FY 2009 -10 Expenditure Scenario • $325 M in expenditures over 10 years • $17 M less than Aggressive Scenario • Reductions from Aggressive Scenario - Delete Cogeneration Replacement ($5 M) - Reduce WWTP Equipment Replacement ($5 M) - Reduce CS Renovation Program ($7 M) • Maintains SSC annual increase @ - $13 /year (based on preliminary O &M Budget Data) 2 FY 2009 -10 Treatment Plant Program Highlights Category Project Annual Expense % Program Renovation Asset Management * $0.8M 5% Piping Renovation $1.4 M 10% Aeration Air Renovation $2.7 M 19% Reliability Sludge Truck Loading Facility * $3.6 M 25% Standby Power Improvements $3.7 M 26% All Other Plant Equipment, Electrical and Instrumentation Replacement $2.2 M 15% Total $14.4 M 100% Objective of Treatment Plant Asset Management Capital Project Forecasting • Anticipate retirement of assets • Plan for pro- active replacement • Eliminate reactive /urgent work • Develop 10 -year Capital Funding Plan First Step is Comprehensive Asset Inventory • Mainsaver (Maintenance Management Software) — Contains most mechanical assets and civil structures — Generic asset numbers for some piping systems, paving, fencing, but no quantities • Missing Inventory: — Piping (ft, size, material, etc.), accessories, manholes, catch basins — Electrical cables, wires, conduits, vaults/ manholes, transformers — Control systems, PLCs, MMIs, workstations, etc. 4 Preliminary Data • Current Estimate of Treatment Plant replacement value is $870M (this does not include an accurate inventory of piping, electrical, etc.) Civil $ 336,700,000 Mechanical $ 110,400,000 Electrical $ 104,500,000 Instrumentation $ 6,900,000 Preservation $ 1,100, 000 Piping $ 308,000,000 TOTAL $ 867,600,000 • Assuming 1 % replacement (1 per 100 years), the budget would be $8.7M per year... — Is this a reasonable assumption? Breakdown of Assets by Initial Service Life Expectancy 0-20 yrs, Example: 79% of District assets $39,814,555, 20-35 yrs, 5% $105,564,847 , have an initial service life greater 14% than 50 years. Only 5% have a service life less than 20 years. 35-50 yrs, -$31,162,168, 4% i 50+ yrs, $691,094,267, 79% 5 Treatment Plant Asset Management Project End Products • Active Forecasting Model — Updates from mainsaver data — Produces reports to show which assets to replace in a given year • TP Asset Management Report — Explains assumptions — Generates cashflow chart for treatment plant rehabilitation and replacement ($ for next 50 years) 0 Sludge Truck Loading Facility Incinerator down time could be weeks... where will the sludge go ? ? ?? .�n.ur .rrwr 4�: , .w.. •E saw HMO scNUUrc ."' a' w"` Existing Sludge Loading Facility Sludge Truck Loading Facility Landfill Availability Drives Need for Sludge Storage • Avg production: 20 truck loads /day • Peak production: 30 truck loads /day • Land fill availability: 8 - 11 hrs /day /No Sundays and holidays SOLUTION • Storage hopper: 400 cy to hold cake generated overnight • Additional liquid storage to hold sludge on Sundays or holidays 8 Sludge Truck Loading Facility Needed Project Components • Cake hopper for overnight storage • Retrofit of existing tank for liquid sludge storage • Enclosed structure with odor control facilities for loading • Operator observation platform /control station • Wash down facilities Location of New Sludge Truck Loading Facility 9 Front View of New Sludge Truck Loading Facility ---- ------- New Sludge Truck Loading Facility 10 Sludge Truck Loading Facility Estimated Costs are Significant but Necessary for Reliable Sludge Disposal • Construction - $4,000,000 • Design /CM - $1,000,000 • Total Project - $5,000,000 Treatment Plant Program Innovations • Conducting green house gas inventory and developing Green House Gas Management Plan • Began project to investigate innovative ways to comply with future regulations - nitrification and nutrient removal requirements • Pilot testing processes for mercury removal from incinerator air emissions and scrubber water • Developed innovative approach to sealing leaks in aeration basins • Completed state of the art upgrade to plant control system and seem -less switchover (CASA Award) 11 )rojectodAdgaill Wa (as .it on California, 2 30-60% loss in Sion snowpack i r 6-14 inches of sea level rise >. 2 -2.5 times as many heat wave days AB 32 (2006 Global Warming Solutions Act) • Governor's Executive Order — Reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 — Reduce GHG emissions another 80% by 2050 • California Air Resources Board (CARB) — Delegated authority for AB 32 rule development — Mandatory GHG reporting by January 1, 2009 — GHG emission - reduction requirements by 2012 12 California's GHG Reduction Goal ARB Emissions Inventory 700 600 -173 MMT CO2E Reduction 1990 Emission Baseline SOD 400 ,3 427 MMTCO2e $11% Reduction -U1 MMTCOE 86 MMTCO2e 2000 ` 20" x" 2050 Year AB 32 Timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 2011 2012 2020 d," I H', I and h, 13 The Climate Registry Membership I I "a- �_a A Comprehensive Green House Gas Management Plan is Under Development • Fiscal year 2009/10 CIB /CIP includes budget for study only — $250,000 • Study will develop Green House Gas Management Plan • Suggested projects, such as alternative energy, will be budgeted in fiscal year 2010 -2011 CIB /CIP 14 FY 2009 -10 Collection System Program Highlights Category Projects Annual Expense % Program Walnut Creek 7, Pleasant Hill 1, Renovation & TV Program* Lafayette 6, South $11.2 M 67% Orinda 4, Danville 2, Diablo 1 Pumping Stations Small stations COLLECTION SYSTEM'( Capacity Developer Services $1.2 M 7% Capacity /Renovation Miner Road Trunk * $2.4 M 14% PROGRAM $0.8 M 5% Total FY 2009 -10 100% ML Ra' st FY 2009 -10 Collection System Program Highlights Category Projects Annual Expense % Program Walnut Creek 7, Pleasant Hill 1, Renovation & TV Program* Lafayette 6, South $11.2 M 67% Orinda 4, Danville 2, Diablo 1 Pumping Stations Small stations $1.2 M 7% Capacity Developer Services $1.2 M 7% Capacity /Renovation Miner Road Trunk * $2.4 M 14% All others $0.8 M 5% Total $16.8 M 100% 15 Sewer Renovation Program • 1,473 miles of public gravity lines • 1,286 miles of 6, 8 & 10 inch lines for potential renovation • Program to televise all lines started in 2002 • TV'd 1017 miles to date (- 70 %) • Complete initial TV program in 2 to 3 years 16 Sewer Renovation T.V. Program Results (as of Sept 2008) * Total of lines with a score of 5000 or greater is 6.4% 17 Extrapolation of T.V. Results Lines scoring 7000 or greater: 1,286 miles X (3.8% > 7000 score) + 49 miles 1,286 miles X (2% obstructed) X (50% needing renovation) + 13 miles Total 6, 8 and 10 inch pipe scoring 7,000 or greater needing renovation = 62 miles Lines scoring 5,000 to 7,000: = 33 miles Total miles of 6, 8 and 10 inch pipe needing renovation = 95 miles Progress to Date (miles per year) The following table reflects the miles of pipe (6, 8 &10 Inch) identified by the TV program renovated to date. FISCAL YEAR PIPE RENOVATED 2005/06 3.7 Miles 2006/07 4.4 Miles 2007/08 5.6 Miles 2008/09 6.3 Miles TOTAL 20.0 Miles 18 10 year Renovation Scenarios (2009/10 — 2018/19) Total miles of pipe to be renovated per TV Program - 95 miles Miles of pipe renovated to date - 20 miles Remaininq miles of DIDe to renovate - 75 miles Scenario 10 Yr Cost Miles of Percent Add. Years $9.5 (millions) Pipe Renov. in to Complete 6.0 $8.9 Renov. 10 Yrs $4.6 2013/14 6.0 in 10 2014/15 5.1 $7.5 2015/16 Yrs $7.0 2016/17 Aggressive $94.9 65 87% -1.5 2018/19 (Adds $5 to 2009/10 $10.9 TOTAL 60.3 (44.1)'`* $87.9 ($75) ** Moderate SSC) Moderate $87.9 60.3 80% -2.5 /Reduced Cost To $109.6 75 100% - Complete (Adds $15 to 2009/10 In 10 years Moderate SSC) HDuve iaDle esumatea at UOU /Ti Tor 2665/1 U 10 Year Proposed Sewer Renovation Program Moderate Spending Scenario FISCAL YEAR FOOTAGE RENOVATED IN MILES TOTAL PROJECT COST (MILLIONS)* 2009/10 7.2 $9.5 2010/11 7.0 $10.3 2011/12 6.0 $8.9 2012/13 3.1 $4.6 2013/14 6.0 $8.8 2014/15 5.1 $7.5 2015/16 4.7 $7.0 2016/17 6.1 $9.0 2017/18 7.7 $11.4 2018/19 7.4 $10.9 TOTAL 60.3 (44.1)'`* $87.9 ($75) ** -tsumatea at UOU /rt Tor zuug /iu - $zw /tt for subsequent years *`2008/09 CIB /CIP Renovation Program 19 Sewer Renovation Program Are We Spending Enough? • Hired RMC to conduct a bench mark study • Agencies: - Antioch - Clark County - Fullerton - Sacramento - Los Angeles - Stege Sanitary - Santa Rosa - Union Sanitary • Only Los Angeles has a regulatory driver 20 21 Percentage of Total System Planned (CCCSD Moderate Spending Scenario) for Renewal in Next 10 Years 30 70 25 ■ Renewal Rate 60 • System Age 50 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 0 0 Clark Union SanSacramento CCCSD City of City of City of City of Los Stage San County District Area SD Antioch Santa Rosa Fullerton Angeles District W RD 21 How Do We Continue to Reduce Overflows? CSO: - Increase maintenance frequency of Vitrified Clay Pipes - 24 month schedule lines to 12 months - 12 month schedule lines to 6 months - Continue to emphasize quality cleaning Engineering: - Increase rating criteria on lines with past overflows - 53% of overflow lines had previous overflows - Accelerate Renovation Program from 75 million to $88 million over next ten years (Moderate Scenario) 22 Collection System Program Innovations • Successfully executed tunnel grade correction on A -line project • Developed TV program linked with renovation program and integrated with CSO • Leaders in use of trenchless technology — Guided horizontal drilling — Directional drilling — Microtunneling — Pipe bursting, CIPP, slip lining, Rib Lok, reaming • Developed state of the art geographical data integration platform for collection system FY 2009 -10 & Future General Improvements Program Highlights • Maintain basic programs (- $2 M /yr) - Equipment Budget - Information Technology Plan - HOB /HHW /POD Miscellaneous Building Improvements • Fund future building needs - Collection System Operations Building and Improvements ($17 M) • Fund Seismic Retrofit Program ($3.5 M) 23 Seismic Retrofit Program • Non - Treatment Buildings — Warehouse at 4737 Imhoff Place • To be discussed with Real Estate Committee on November 18 — Headquarters Office Building and Plant Operations Building • Under evaluation — Retrofit budgeted $3.5 M • Treatment Buildings and Pumping Stations — Solids Conditioning, Pump and Blower, Material Warehouse, etc... — Request for Proposal for building evaluation will be sent out to consultants — Retrofit unbudgeted FY 2009 -10 & Future Recycled Water Program Highlights • Maintain basic landscape program and publicize success — Continue to add cost - effective connections to existing backbone — Continue to make needed capital improvements to existing system • Develop strategic approach to maximize year round recycling for industrial /other purposes • Fund ten -year program at $550,000 per year and revisit in 2009 24 FY 2009 -10 Expenditure Recommendations Moderate Scenario FY 2009 -10 Capital Renovation/ Reliability Capacity/ Total Improvement Budget Baseline Regulatory $2.0 M Treatment Plant $7.4 M $7.0 M $14.4 M Collection System $16.8 M $0 M $16.8 M General Improvements $2.3 M $8.4 M $10.7 M Recycled Water $0.6 M $0.0 M $.6 M TOTAL EXPENDITURES $27.1 M $15.4 M $42.5 M FY 2009 -10 Preliminary Estimate Budgeted Revenue Revenue Source Budgeted Amount 2009/10 Facility Capacity Fees $6.3 M Pumped Zone Fees $1.2 M Interest $2.0 M Ad Valorem Taxes $8.6 M City of Concord $5.2 M Sewer Service Charges $6.1 M Other Fees & Charges $1.2 M Total Revenue $30.6 M * Reduced from projected $8.9 M 2008 -09 25 FY 2009 -10 Preliminary Capital Cash Flow Estimate Capital Program Cash Flow 2009/10 Total Budgeted Revenue $30.6 M Total Budgeted $42.5 M Expenditures $22.4 M Variance - $11.9 M Projected SCF Balance $? M June 30, 2010 $0.4 M SCF Balance Baseline Determined from Projected 2008 -09 Capital Program Activity 2008 -09 Capital Program Budgeted Activity Projected Activity Treatment Plant $12.7 M $10.4 M Collection System $22.4 M $27.8 M General Improvements $3.4 M $4.2 M Recycled Water $0.4 M $0.4 M Total Expenditures $38.9 M $42.8 M Total Revenue $38.3 M $42.0 M Variance -$0.6 M -$0.8 M SCF Balance June 30, 2009 $47.2 M $53.9 M * Larger balance due to underspending in FY 2007/08 W FY 2009 -10 Preliminary Capital Program Cash Flow Estimate Estimated Cash Flow 2009/10 Total Budgeted Revenue $30.6 M Total Budgeted $42.5 M Expenditures 11 -12 Variance - $11.9 M Projected SCF Balance $42 M June 30, 2010 17 -18 Preliminary Ten Year Projected Revenue /Expense and Impact on Sewer Construction Fund Balance * Fiscal Year 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 12 -13 13 -14 14 -15 15 -16 16 -17 17 -18 18 -19 Capital ($M): Total Revenue $30.6 $30.8 $30.9 $31.1 $32.4 $34.2 $34.2 $60.4 $41.8 $37.3 Debt for Primaries - - - - - - $32.0 Total Expenditures $42.5 $43.9 $32.1 $29.3 $30.6 $32.5 $33.3 $45.9 $54.3 $36.9 SSC Increase ($) " $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $17 $17 $17 Projected SCF $42 $29 $28 $29 $31 $32 $32 $47 $34 $35 Balance ($M) * Includes no funding for: -Large recycled water project implementation -Green house gas reduction projects -Seismic retrofit greater than $3.5 M -Nitrification and /or nutrient removal "* Based on very preliminary O &M Budget figures 27 Board Role in Capital Program is Ongoing • Set Initial Capital Funding Levels in November • Confirm Capital Funding Levels in January • Authorize CIB /Program Budgets in April - June • Authorize Supplemental Program Funds if needed • Award Construction Projects > $15,000 • Authorize Construction Change Orders >$50,000 • Authorize Consultant Contracts > $50,000 • Authorize Revisions to Consultant Contracts > 15% What do we need from the Board today? • Concurrence that proposed preliminary expenditure figures for FY 2009 -10 and the subsequent 9 years are acceptable for inclusion in financial planning documents to be reviewed by Board in January 2009 • Concurrence that relative emphasis and allocation of expenditures between the four programs is acceptable for financial planning and development of the detailed FY 2009 -10 Capital Improvement Budget and Ten -Year Capital Plan 28 Board Input/ Questions? Staff is available to stay after meeting for any detailed technical questions. 29 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District November 10, 2008 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING TAD J. PILECKI, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER T(F,, FROM: MICHAEL J. PENNY, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 8Tffj,-- SUBJECT: MOSSWOOD DRIVE CREEK CROSSING EMERGENCY REPAIR in July 2008, as art of the current construction work for the Lafayette Sewer Renovation, Phase 5, project, the District's contractor, KJ Woods, was requested to provide a cost estimate to replace a damaged creek crossing near Mosswood Drive in Lafayette (see attached map). The District received a favorable cost estimate and directed KJ Woods to proceed with the creek crossing work. Delays in the fabrication and delivery of the pipe pushed construction of the creek crossing past October 15, the deadline in our California Department of Fish and Game (F &G) permit application. While investigating the Mosswood Creek crossing site on November 3 in order to initiate the work, a District Inspector noticed sewage flowing into the creek from under the creek crossing pipe. CSO was notified and immediately set up temporary bypass pumping to prevent further sewage release into the creek (see photos). TV inspection shows that the sewer is damaged downstream of the connection of the creek crossing to the sewer main in an area separate from that included in the original quote and the F &G permit application. The creek crossing pipe and the damaged sewer need to be replaced as soon as possible to prevent another overflow. KJ Woods has started preparatory work outside the creek bank for replacing the creek crossing and repairing the sewer. Due to the emergency nature, this work has been authorized by staff, but may exceed the General Manager's $50,000 authority. A permit application had been submitted to the F &G in early July 2008 to replace the damaged creek crossing pipe. No response was received from F &G until November 5, 2008. Susan Gilmore of F &G informed the District that if no response had been received by the District to the permit application within 90 days that we could proceed with the work under Operational Law. The 90 day limit expired on October 8, 2008. However the only work that can be done is what was in the permit application, which did not include the repair of the leaking sewer discovered downstream of the creek crossing. F &G Code Section 1610 exempts certain types of emergency work from notification requirements in Section 1602. Specifically, notification is not required before beginning "emergency work necessary to protect life or property." The District's Board of Directors needs to declare an emergency so that the KJ Woods can proceed with the creek crossing and sewer replacement for both the original intended scope of work and the added repair. The District is required to inform F &G within 14 days of starting emergency work. This emergency declaration will also allow the General Manager to authorize work in an amount greater than $50,000, if needed. Creek Crossing Location Creek Crossing Looking South Close Up of Spill Area a - L.1' • �„* x ; � S t' fit/ \� � ~ � ' ... ! n�''�. �. *..�+ '�;. i V.i. k a ♦ ! z � o�. All .. � • � � `° w° ..,.,,yam � ' ; ` `{Yip y � pt .�+ I ' / .1 'AI - � i VI 5.a Mosswood Drive Creek Crossing Emergency Repair Board Presentation 11/13/2008 Site Map PJW � >,.�„•x '° sac E• .�'; pJgv K N.• o ��. V3� g a Greek Crossin -fin= .. __. Jr i 7 Y bY. Time Line • Creek Crossing Pipe Leak and CSO Temporary Repair - End of April • Investigation and Design - May /June • Fish & Game Permit Application - July • Request For Contractor Quote - July Creek Crossing with CSO Temporary Repair Proposed Permit Repair - Replace Creek Crossing Pipe 2 Leak Discovered • Inspector Found Leak on November 3 — CSO set up bypass pumping — Left Message with Fish and Game • Fish and Game Responded November 5 — Operational Law — October 8 — Only what is in Permit Application • Creek Crossing Pipe • October 15 Completion Date Bypass Pumping and Leak Location Next Steps • Creek Crossing Pipe about two weeks out • Contractor instructed to proceed with locating and repairing leak - Tree Removal - Hand Excavation - Repair • Need to Declare Emergency to Comply with Fish and Game Regulations ►.1 m e y e r s I n a v e riback silver & wilson professional law corporation MEMORANDUM DATE: November 13, 2008 TO: Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FROM: Kent Alm, District General Counsel BY: Richard D. Pio Roda, Esq. Richard D. Pio Roda Attorney at Law 415.421.3711 RE: Summary of California Public Contract Code § 22050 Emergency Procedures This memo is a summary of the legal procedures that the Board must take to authorize the General Manager to make emergency repairs on the creek crossing near Mosswood Drive in Lafayette. Under California Public Contract Code (PCC) § 22050(b)(1), in an emergency the Board may by a four -fifths vote of its members declare an emergency and authorize the General Manager to take immediate action, procure the necessary equipment, services and supplies without giving notice for bids to let contracts to make emergency repairs. PCC § 22050(b)(3) requires the General Manager to report back to the Board at its next regular meeting the reasons justifying why the emergency did not permit a delay associated with soliciting competitive bids and why the action was necessary to respond to the emergency. This General Manager's report could occur at the Board's November 20th meeting. Related to the General Manager's report back to the Board per PCC § 22050(b)(3), under PCC § 22050(c)(2), the Board must initially review the action not later than seven days after the action (this could also occur at the Board's November 20th meeting) and at least at every regularly scheduled Board meeting until the action is terminated, to determine, by a four -fifths vote, that there is a need to continue the actions, unless the General Manager terminates the actions prior to the Board's review of the emergency action. When the Board reviews the emergency action, it must terminate the action at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant so that the remainder of the emergency actions may be completed by competitive bid procedures. Please contact me if you have any questions. c: Jim Kelly, District General Manager RDP 802.001 1169709.1 575 Market Street, Suite 2600 1 San Francisco, California 94105 1 tel 415.421.3711 1 fax 415.421.3767 ( www.meyersnave.com LOS ANGELES - OAKLAND e SACRAMENTO - SAN FRANCISCO SANTA ROSA