HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/2/2008 AGENDA BACKUPRESOLUTION NO. 2008 -096 A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING AND COMMENDING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS WHEREAS, the good reputation and positive community relationship of an organization is dependent on its competent, hard - working employees; and WHEREAS, the continuing dedication and knowledge of experienced, long -term employees is a significant asset to the District; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the District to recognize and honor these employees for their service to the District; and WHEREAS, the following employees are deserving of recognition for their dedicated service to the District: 30 years of service: Kurt Darner, Bhupinder Dhaliwal, Warren Katchmar, Daniel McCown, William McDowell, Molly Mullin, Larry Shepardson 20 years of service: Tamara Fong, David Taylor, Mohammad Wali, Robert Yates 15 years of service: Michael Furtado 10 years of service: Roseanna Barrett, Mark Greenawalt, Richard Hodge, Sr., Todd Smithey 5 years of service: Leo Gonzalez, Jose Plascenia, Salvador Rosales WHEREAS, the collective efforts and contributions of these experienced and capable employees have contributed to the District's ability to consistently meet permit and regulatory requirements and have shaped the District into a nationally acclaimed wastewater collection and treatment agency while serving the needs of our customers with efficiency and fiscal responsibility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that service awards are presented with appreciation to the above named employees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution of Commendation is presented in unanimous recognition and acknowledgment of the continuing service and unwavering dedication of these outstanding employees. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2 "d day of October, 2008. Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Barbara D. Hockett Michael R. McGill Mario M. Menesini James A. Nejedly COUNTERSIGNED: James M. Kelly General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 No.: CONSENT CALENDAR 4.d. Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD AGREEMENTS FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WITH BEATRICE PROPERTIES AND B & J ENTERPRISES, DONALD GIESEKE, AND STEVEN AND LINDA WIGHT RELATED TO MAINTENANCE ACCESS FOR JOB 6438 PUBLIC SEWER FACILITIES. Submitted By: Jarred Miyamoto -Mills Principal Engineer Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED ^AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: v J. Miy moto -Mills C. Swanson (\ A. Farrell K. Alm James . Kelly, 1Y1'� General anager ISSUE: A Board of Directors' resolution is required to authorize staff to record documents in the Contra Costa County Recorder's Office. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing staff to record three agreements for maintenance and repair of a private access road required for maintenance of public sewer facilities installed as Job 6438 - Monticello Road, Lafayette. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: These agreements ensure that adequate all- weather access to the Job 6438 public sewer facilities for sewer maintenance vehicles and equipment will be properly maintained at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could elect to maintain all- weather access at District expense. BACKGROUND: Historically, maintenance and repair of all- weather access roads for easement sewers has been problematic and costly. Staff has developed an agreement that can be established between the District and those property owners benefiting from public sewer facilities installed in easement areas to clarify that the property owners are responsible for maintenance and repair of adequate access roads. Staff required that the owners of three properties who recently installed a public main sewer extension in easements in the Monticello Road area of Lafayette (see Attachment 1) sign the first of these agreements (Beatrice Properties and B & J Enterprises, Donald Gieseke, and Steven and Linda Wight - Job 6438). Staff has prepared a resolution authorizing recording of these agreements. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \PP- Record Road Maint Agreement 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD AGREEMENTS FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WITH BEATRICE PROPERTIES AND B & J ENTERPRISES, DONALD GIESEKE, AND STEVEN AND LINDA WIGHT RELATED TO MAINTENANCE ACCESS FOR JOB 6438 PUBLIC SEWER FACILITIES. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution authorizing staff to record agreements with: 1) Beatrice Properties and B & J Enterprises, 2) Donald Gieseke, and 3) Steven and Linda Wight for maintenance and repair of a private access road required for maintenance access for public sewer facilities installed as Job 6438 - Monticello Road, Lafayette. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \PP- Record Road Maint Agreement 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Page 2 of 2 u � 'a �N SITE 7- M / 1 Central contra costa Sanitary District I Q_ JOB 6438 MONTICELLO ROAD, LAFAYETTE Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 No.: CONSENT CALENDAR 4. e. Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES subject: AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR JOHN CENSOPLANO, NETWORK COORDINATOR, THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2008 Submitted By: Randall Musgraves, Initiating Dept /Div.: Administration /Accounting Director of Administration and Information Technology REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: R. Mus .Lr C. Freitas James . Kelly, General anager ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization is required for leave without pay in excess of 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for John Censoplano, Network Coordinator. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Deny medical leave of absence without pay. BACKGROUND: John Censoplano, Network Coordinator, has been off work since February 27, 2008, due to a medical condition. Mr. Censoplano is ineligible for FMLA leave in 2008 as he exhausted his allowable FMLA leave in 2007. He was approved for a medical leave of absence without pay through July 14, 2008. He has requested an extended leave of absence without pay through October 31, 2008 due to the ongoing medical condition. Since this request exceeds the 30 working days that the Department Director and General Manager may approve, Board of Directors authorization is required. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for John Censoplano, Network Coordinator, through October 31, 2008. N:\HUMANRES\PERSMISC\LOAWP-JC.pp.doc CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CCCSD'S WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DP 7241) SUGGESTED AGENDA October 2, 2008 Request staff report II. Public hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration A. Open public hearing B. Receive public comment C. Continue the public hearing to a date to be recommended by staff N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 No.: HEARINGS 5. a. Type of Action: OPEN AND CONTINUE A PUBLIC HEARING Subject: OPEN AND CONTINUE A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DP 7241 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div,: Russell B. Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: R. Leavitt G. Rathunde Ba Than T. Mi OTT A. Farrell J mes M. lally eneral Manager ISSUE: Board approval of appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation is required prior to approval of the Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project. RECOMMENDATION: Open and continue a public hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration to a date to be recommended by staff at the October 2, 2008 Board meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated cost for the project is $3.4 million (in current dollars), including construction, engineering, and administrative costs. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: A delay in Board consideration of the Mitigated Negative Declaration is needed due to the complex nature of some of the comments submitted by the County Flood Control District. Additional communication with their staff is needed to complete our responses to their comments. BACKGROUND: A draft Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for the proposed Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project. CCCSD proposes to improve its wastewater treatment plant's wet weather bypass system by constructing a new outlet that will allow, under appropriate conditions, stored flows to be discharged directly to the Walnut Creek channel (see Attachment 1). As Lead Agency under CEQA, CCCSD has conducted an Initial Study of the proposed project to determine if it would have a significant effect on the environment. Staff has concluded that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed project, and that a Mitigated N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 subject: OPEN AND CONTINUE A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DP 7241 Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The Initial Study is included as part of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration that was distributed separately to the CCCSD Board of Directors. The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration finds that there is no substantial evidence before CCCSD that the proposed project would have significant effects on the environment. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project to reduce potentially significant impacts to less- than - significant levels. These measures are discussed in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and included in its proposed Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (see Attachment 2). In compliance with the CCCSD's CEQA Guidelines, a legal notice was published in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed project. The legal notice announced CCCSD's intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and the availability of the document for a 30 -day public review period. Additionally, copies of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration or the legal notice were mailed to affected public agencies. Four comment letters on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration have been received. The comment letters and CCCSD's responses are presented in Attachment 3. As previously stated, additional communication with Flood Control District staff is needed to complete our responses to their comments. The responses to the other agencies' comments are complete and nothing in those comment letters requires changes in the conclusions of proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Before the proposed project may be approved, the Board must consider any comments received during the Mitigated Negative Declaration's 30 -day public review process and the public hearing, and then consider approval of the appropriate CEQA documentation (a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended in this case). Then, the Board may consider approval of the proposed project. Following approval of both the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the project, a Notice of Determination will be filed with the County Clerk and staff will begin applying for project permits and other approvals from regulatory agencies. While not required by law or the CCCSD procedures, it has been CCCSD customary practice to hold public hearings in advance of the adoption of Mitigated Negative Declarations. Holding a hearing on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration would be consistent with this practice. NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 subject: OPEN AND CONTINUE A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DP 7241 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Open and continue a public hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration to a date to be recommended by staff at the October 2, 2008 Board meeting. NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Page 3 of 3 Z O F- 10 HF- ZU W W =O Ha QW U) O CL O w CL z a N m m 2 c 0 .y O d U W N Z W i ATTACHMENT 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM INTRODUCTION This is the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (CCCSD) Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project. This program is required to be adopted as part of the project approval action under California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21081.6. The MMRP requirement was added to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in 1988 to provide a mechanism to ensure that mitigation measures adopted through the CEQA process are fully implemented in a timely manner in accordance with the conditions of project approval. Under this statute, local agencies are required to adopt a monitoring or reporting program "designed to ensure compliance during project implementation." CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION This MMRP includes the mitigation measures proposed to address the potentially significant impacts associated with the project. The impact discussions and proposed mitigation measures are presented in the Mitigated Negative Declaration (published in August 2008). The mitigation measures included in this program have been incorporated into the project description. This MMRP is organized in a table format, with implementation and monitoring activities keyed to each mitigation measure adopted to reduce potentially significant project impacts. The column headings in the table are defined as follows. MITIGATION MEASURE - A summary of the mitigation requirement. The full text of the mitigation measures, as adopted, is contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE - Additional information on how mitigation measures will be implemented, where needed. MONITORING AND REPORTING ACTIONS - An outline of appropriate monitoring and /or reporting actions to verify compliance with the mitigation measure requirements. MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY - Assignment of responsibilities for mitigation monitoring and reporting tasks. MONITORING SCHEDULE - A schedule for conducting each mitigation monitoring and reporting action. Where necessary, the schedule milestones are keyed by number to the monitoring and reporting actions. Attachment 2 — Page 1 of 3 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc F- V )o co o � F— z QLU� F- LV 0 <�/� N/ W�/ V/ W W Q CL C 0 vJ L Q C7 F— m pw U =O z JF-2 LL1 Z U w F- O � Z J L a N c OG H W aU 2 ` �EN rn� 0(.) o E U C d O O U 1-- O J Z _ � m OZ a 0 U) U) EU) W U U U U O Z ZEN Y u a) a) o rn w O 'd 0 cc0 ° CL 000_ ~ W H ccu'� aci o o_ E o c c P)i o� ° 0 Q c rn E a) O _ c E o j a) +• E o .0 �a Z �_-0) ��� cn Q U E 'C a) O U E can = N y o U O 0 0Su 0 E. =_ O O 0.0 W Q N N ` lZ W . N w0 E (n co C C V O.. t o pc 0 0 m .� m as -0 � � 0 3 L U Q Q a) 7 N U U u O a _ O c a. U) O c �(n o a) c 0) cn N '0 O Oa_ N O = 3 upi ` a O O L w u) O c�0 E N L a) m L (n N= c m O. cn o _ n_0 - > c6 a) N U U C U a) O a) cU N O W fn a) to -o rn c a) L - rn L r a) L a) cn to a) Y ,.- — N cn >> 3 .- 0 w m e E p° co m m (n r o Q n N .N c N c c6 N w c cc N 3 p O c N ` W N "6 L L a) L .� N C cu Q m r a) Q •O O_ C cn w- cu Q.0 Q -0 �� 0 0 O O a � Y (� � (� a) " co •� N C U Z cn O O to O= c rL•+ L U 0) 'o C a) _ c •` _ Q ao°- � E �0ca_mc :L' cn 3_0 � m C- CD r O� ��N �•— 0 5(D � W c Co .r �� �m O 3 3 p -o a) m M ..•— m -o �= m 3 U co -0 c n rn o V 0) a) ca V = a) p c ( .m a) L r) 3 3 a) = N L-0 C E x c o a) Q 3 _ 3 c a o c_oo C o c M oar c Z O _ a) aS • o p o (n " E rn -o �, E L ti a..2 a) a U O r c m r- p � m 3 Z N cn -a U m a) C C _) o 3 O p u) O Co U N N N O p 0 N N X N C CM O O a3 U N O 'O a Q OO a N N p cn C 0 c=n p 3 .r cn ._ N a) a=) a) O y rn f0 .0 co U rn C .. m C d ca N Q Q �L 7 O- C •� a) %; N a) +� Q N o -p N D fa p >' C L T> c ° c -0 cn a) p ) C m U a) X '� Q C C• _ c_=a Y " a) m a) ca p rn aUi ZZ O> U ° N aci •� N U Q� a) CD 0 P a) >, a) a) a) _ 3 E m a) 0- C: 3 O O co E C — 't .� O• :«, ~ E N 3 'p L ~ L" N ~~ L L O7 N~ 'C L 3 H v Q U Q c oE 7 a) �— cn cn L O c t f0 2)= O a Q 'O O a U o• �. 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The numbered responses correspond to the numbered comments in the letters that follow. A. STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD JAMES HOCKENBERRY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 Al. At this time, CCCSD does not intend to request such financing. A2. The project's surface and subsurface structures would still be subject to ground shaking and settlement, so the mitigation measure would still be appropriate. A3. Comment noted. In the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, all "should "s in mitigation measures have been replace with "shall "s. B. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, TERI E. RIE, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER, SEPTEMBER 16 2008 B1. On the Initial Study summary page, which precedes the Table of Contents, the Flood Control District is listed as a public agency whose approval is required. The need for Flood Control District approval is also noted on pages 36 and 40. B2. On the Initial Study summary page, which precedes the Table of Contents, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is listed as a public agency whose approval is required. B3. (Further discussion with the Flood Control District is needed to prepare this response) B4. (Further discussion with the Flood Control District is needed to complete this response) B5. The NPDES permit issued to CCCSD by the Regional Water Quality Control Board in 2007 established this location for the emergency overflow outfall. The NPDES permit requires CCCSD to collect and analyze water samples taken from specific locations upstream and downstream of the emergency overflow outfall when an overflow event occurs. In the event that an extreme wet weather event results in a discharge through the emergency overflow outfall, CCCSD will comply with the requirements of the NPDES permit and provide mitigation as directed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Attachment 3 — Page 1 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc B6. The project will require an encroachment permit from the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, a 401 water quality certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, a 404 permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and notification to the State of California, Department of Fish and Game. See also Comment D1 from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. B7. All mitigation measures required by other agencies and known by CCCSD at this time have been included. B8. An alternative analysis is not required for the Mitigated Negative Declaration process. However, the existing emergency bypass to Pacheco Creek had been evaluated by CCCSD to identify possible capacity improvements, such as modifying three existing off -site channels and replacing three culverts. The evaluation found that the cost to modify the existing bypass system was equivalent to providing a bypass system at the location discussed in this Mitigated Negative Declaration document. Furthermore, the property along the alignment of the existing bypass system is not owned by CCCSD and may be developed for industrial uses, which will eliminate the use of this flow path. The new discharge point is under the control of CCCSD and was found to provide the most direct flow path to the creek with the lowest impact to the surrounding properties. B9. (Further discussion with the Flood Control District is needed to complete this response) B10. (Further discussion with the Flood Control District is needed to complete this response) B11. New gates through CCCSD's property line fence will be provided so plant personnel can inspect and maintain the box culvert outfall. The installation of the gate, and its subsequent use by CCCSD personnel, will have no impact on Walnut Creek. B12. Pages 30 through 36 of the document discuss the impacts of this project related to hydrology and water quality. B13. The rock slope protection at the outlet structure is provided to prevent bank erosion and scour, and for velocity dissipation of the flow through the outfall. The proposed rip rap will be constructed at the same elevation as the surrounding flood plain terrace and is not expected to impede or redirect flows in Walnut Creek. Pages 30 through 36 of the document discuss in more detail the impacts and mitigation related to hydrology. Attachment 3 — Page 2 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc C. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LISA CARBONI DISTRICT BRANCH CHIEF, LOCAL DEVELOPMENT — INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW. SEPTEMBER 16.2008 C1. The project mitigation does not involve improvements to State highways, so no encroachment permit will be needed from this agency. D. SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD KATHRYN HART. SEPTEMBER 18.2008 D.1 This set of comments identifies various approvals the project will need from the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with the project details that will need to be submitted to these agencies as part of their application processes. No response is necessary at this time. Attachment 3 — Page 3 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc State Water Resources Control Board Linda S. Adams Secretary. /or Enrrrortmental Protection S E P 12 2008 Division of Financial Assistance 1001 1 Street • Sacramento, California 95814. (916) 341 -5700 FAX (916) 341 -5707 Mailing Address: P 0. Box 944212 • Sacramento, California • 94244 -2120 Internet Address: http / /w%tiw,waterboards.ca.eov Mr. Russel B. Leavitt Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Leavitt: Vn h. Arnold Schwarzenegger Govvrnor RECEiVFn SEP 1 5 2008 CCC,SD r'V;;KUP-1l'4iV!AL. SERVICES DRAFT INITIAL STUDY /MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (IS /MND) FOR THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (DISTRICT); WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT); CONTRA COSTA COUNTY; STATE CLEARINGHOUSE (SCH NO. 2008082074). We understand the District may be pursuing Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) financing for this Project. As a funding agency and a State agency with jurisdiction by law to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California's water resources, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) is providing the following information and comments on the environmental document prepared for the Project. If the District decides to pursue funding through the CWSRF Program, please provide us with the following documents applicable to the proposed Project: (1) Copies of the Draft and Final IS /MND, (2) the resolution adopting the IS /MND and making California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings, (3) all comments received during the review period and responses to those comments, (4) the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, and (5) the Notice of Determination filed with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. In addition, we would appreciate notices of any hearings or meetings held regarding any projects to be funded by the State Water Board. The CWSRF Program is partially funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and requires additional "CEQA -Plus" environmental documentation and review. The State Water Board is required to consult directly with agencies responsible for implementing federal environmental laws and regulations. Any environmental issues raised by federal agencies or their representatives will need to be resolved prior to State Water Board approval of a CWSRF funding commitment for the proposed Project. For further information on the CWSRF Program please contact Ms. Michelle L. Jones at (916) 341 -6983. It is important to note that prior to a CWSRF funding commitment, projects are subject to provisions of the Federal Endangered Species Act and must obtain Section 7 clearance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and /or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for any potential effects to special status species. Please be advised that the State Water Board will consult with USFWS, and /or NMFS regarding all federal special status species the Project has the potential to impact if the Project is funded under the CWSRF Program. California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper Attachment 3 — Page 4 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Al Mr. Russel B. Leavitt - 2 - SEP 12 2008 The District will need to identify whether the Project will involve any direct effects from construction activities or indirect effects, such as growth inducement, that may affect federally listed threatened, endangered, or candidate species that are known, or have a potential to occur on -site, in the surrounding areas, or in the service area. Please identify applicable conservation measures to reduce such effects. In addition, CWSRF projects must comply with federal laws pertaining to cultural resources, specifically Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Please contact the State Water Board's Cultural Resources Officer, Ms. Cookie Him, at (916) 341 -5690, to find out more about the requirements, and to initiate Section 106 process if the District decides to pursue CWSRF financing. Note that the District will need to identify the Area of Potential Effects (including construction and staging areas and the depth of any excavation). If the District decides to pursue CWSRF financing, other federal requirements pertinent to the Project under the CWSRF Program include the following: A. Compliance with the Coastal Zone Management Act: Identify whether the Project is within a coastal zone and the status of any coordination with the California Coastal Commission. B. Compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act: List any birds that are protected under this Act that may be impacted by the Project and identify conservation measures to minimize such impacts. C. Compliance with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Identify whether or not any Wild and Scenic Rivers would be potentially impacted by the Project and include conservation measures to minimize such impacts. D. Compliance with the federal Clean Air Act (CAA): (a) Provide air quality studies done for the Project. (b) If the Project is in a nonattainment area or attainment area subject to a maintenance plan; (i) provide a summary of the estimated emissions (in tons per year) that are expected from both the construction and operation of the Project for each federal criteria pollutant in a nonattainment or maintenance area, and indicate if the nonattainment designation is moderate, serious, or severe (if applicable); (ii) if emissions are above the federal de minimis levels, but the Project is sized to meet only the needs of current population projections that are used in the approved State Implementation Plan for air quality, quantitatively indicate how the proposed capacity increase was calculated using population projections. California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper Attachment 3 — Page 5 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Mr. Russel B. Leavitt - 3 - SEP 12 2008 Following are my specific comments on the ISIMND: 1. Page 27 indicates that impact "a" is considered a less than significant impact with mitigation. However, Page 28 indicates that no aboveground buildings are proposed, A2 only surface and subsurface improvements. Please note that there should be no impact if structures are not to be included in the proposed project. 2. Mitigation Measure 1 i on page 26 states: "A wetland mitigations and monitoring plan should be developed by a biologist with experience in restoration and monitoring." To be consistent with the CEQA terminology, please change "should" to "shall" or "must ", since "shall" or "must" identifies a mandatory element. For more information on CEQA A3 terminology, refer to CEQA guidelines (Article I, Section 15005). If CWSRF funding is sought, this mitigation measure must indicate that an experienced biologist shall be required to develop a mitigation monitoring plan for adverse impacts to seasonal wetlands. Thank you once again for the opportunity to review the District's environmental document. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (916) 341 -5686, or by email me atjhockenberry@waterboards.ca.gov, Sincerely, "T Jame Hockenberry Environmental Scientist cc: State Clearinghouse (Re: SCH# 2008082074) P. O. Box 3044 Sacramento, CA 95812 -3044 California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Rec sled Paper Attachment 3 — Page 6 of 12 N:\ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Contra Costa County Julia R.Dueren, a Flood Control es officio C Wef Engineer R.>���� °n DepuryChiefEngineer & Water Conservation District September 16, 2008 Russell Leavitt Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Our File: FCP 602 -06 Dear Mr. Leavitt: We have reviewed the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project (DP 7241). We received the documents on August 19, 2008, and submit the following comments: 1. The Walnut Creek Channel is under the jurisdiction of the Contra Costa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (FC District). The MND document FBI] should state that the project needs approval, land rights, and an encroachment permit from our agency. 2. The document should indicate that permission from the U.S. Army Corps of B2 Engineers, Sacramento District (Operations Branch), is needed before the project could be implemented, as the FC District has an operations and maintenance agreement with the Carps. 3. The document should include a hydraulic analysis that evaluates the water B3 surface level of the Walnut Creek Channel due to increased flow from the project. 4. The document should discuss impacts from the wet weather bypass on the Walnut Creek Channel for various design frequencies. Potential impacts from the 1017 -year design flow of the Walnut Creek Channel coupled with maximum FB4 outflow from the sewer bypass should be among the scenarios to be evaluated hydraulically. Please also discuss potential mitigation measures for each scenario. 5. The document should discuss the impacts to the environment in the event that partially treated flow is discharged through the bypass. Mitigation measures B5 should be discussed, as well as the responsible party for implementation. 6. The document should list all potential regulatory permits that are required for the B6 project. "Accredited by the American Public Watks A=aation" 255 Glacier Drive Martinez, CA 94553 -4825 TEL: (925) 313 -2000 • FAX: (925) 313 -2333 www.cccpublicworks.org Attachment 3 — Page 7 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Russell Leavitt September 16, 2008 Page 2 of 2 7. The document should discuss mitigation measures required by other agencies, if g7 applicable. 8. The document should discuss other possible alternatives for the project. As an example of an alternative, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) may B8 want to consider a temporary outflow at Walnut Creek or at Pacheco Creek, while improving the existing bypass at Pacheco Creek. CCCSD may also want to consider increasing the capacities of the ponds. 9. Please discuss any additional maintenance issues with the construction of the sewer bypass that may impact the Walnut Creek Channel. 10.The impacts of increased bypass flows in the future should be discussed, if applicable. 11. Please discuss any impacts for new gates to be installed for direct access for CCCSD to the Walnut Creek levee road potential at the sewer bypass. 12.The document should discuss the impacts of the quantity, quality, and velocities of discharges from the sewer bypass on Walnut Creek. 13. Please discuss the impacts of the rock slope protection proposed for the sewer bypass and the proposed mitigation measures. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Kao at (925) 313 -2179 or jkaoCa pw.cccounty.us or me at (925) 313 -2363 or trieca)pw.cccounty.us. Sincerely, w Teri E. ie Associate Civil Engineer Contra Costa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 7R:JK:cw G:\ FldCtgcUrDev \CrrI£51Martlnez \fCp 602-06, CCCSD, Walnut Creek \CCCSD Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project (DP 7241).doc c. Greg Connaughton, Flood Control Tnm Jensen, Flood Control Attachment 3 — Page 8 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Eil 670 611 612 613 FPATE OF CALIFORNIA- .- BUBIItES9.11t6N&PORTATiON wpm HntlfitNG AOrCV au n ce HW rn�ru n y, M1 K DEPARRTM NT OF TRANSPORTATION III GRAND AVENUE P. 0. BOX 23660 OAKLAND, CA 94623 -0860 Flat your power! PHONE (610) 622 -5481 Be enersy efficientl FAX (610) 286-6669 TTY 711 September 16, 2008 CC680592 CC- 680 -22.34 SCH#62008082074 Mr. Russell B. Leavitt Central Contra Costa Sanitary District S019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Leavitt, Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project - Mitigated Negative Declaration Thank you for including the California Department of Transportation (Department) in the environmental review process for the Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project We have reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration and offer the following comments: As lead agency, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is responsible for all project mitigation, Including improvements to State highways. The project's fair share contribution, financing, scheduling, and implementation responsibilities as well as lead agency monitoring should be fully discussed for all proposed mitigation measures. Any required roadway improvements should be completed prior to issuance of the project's building permit. C1 While an encroachment permit is only required when the project involves work in the State Right of Way (ROW), the Department will not issue an encroachment permit until our concerns have been adequately addressed. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the lead agency ensure resolution of the Department's concerns prior to submittal of an encroachment permit application. 'Cakrans improves mobility across California' Attachment 3 — Page 9 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs\Leavitt\2008\P P Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Mr. Russell B. Leavitt/ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District September 16, 2008 Page 2 i hcroachmentPermit Any work or traffic control within the State ROW requires an encroachment permit that is issued by the Department. Traffic- related mitigation measures will be incorporated into the construction plans during the encroachment permit process. See the following website link for more information: http://www,dotca.gov/hq/traffops/developserv/permits/ To apply for an encroachment permit, submit a completed encroachment permit application, environmental documentation, and five (5) sets of plans which clearly indicate State ROW to the address at the top of this letterhead, marked ATTN: Michael Condie, Mail Stop #58. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Lisa Courington of my staff at (510) 286 -5505 or via email at .lisa.ann,counngton @dotca.gov. Sincerely, LISA CARBONI District Branch Chief Local Development - Intergovernmental Review c: State Clearinghouse Twoww improves mobility 4em" Ugbrnia' Attachment 3 — Page 10 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc From: "Kathryn Hart" <KHart@waterboards.ca.gov> To: "Russell Leavitt" <rleavitt @centralsan.dst.ca.us> Date: 9/18/2008 7:35:33 PM Subject: Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project (DP7241) Russell, This email provides comments on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project (DP 7241). These comments are limited to the installation of the bypass outfall to Walnut Creek, and impacts associated with the actual structure and release of water from the District's basins during emergency bypass events and dry weather maintenance activities. These comments do not address specific water quality concerns related to the frequency of wet weather bypasses, or the discharge of treated effluent every 5 to 8 years during dry weather maintenance of the deep water outfall system. These water quality concerns, and requirements to ensure that appropriate measures are taken by the District to maintain adequate capacity for treatment at the plant, are issues that will be, or have been addressed by Water Board staff that are involved in the NPDES permit for the District. According to Attachment E, Table E -2 of Order No. R2- 2007 -0008, the NPDES permit for the District, Discharge Point EFF -003 has been established for the proposed new emergency overflow structure. As such, I assume that water quality issues related to the permitted discharge for the District have been D1 addressed through the issuance of the NPDES permit. However, if this is not the case, then staff from the Surface Water Protection Division may have additional comments on the proposed new location of the emergency overflow structure. Our comments related to the structure itself, and the flows that will be released, are as follows: (1) Approval from the Water Board will be necessary prior to construction of the new overflow structure. This approval will be in the form of either a 401 water quality certification (if a 404 permit is required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for fill of U.S. waters), or application of a general permit for small impacts associated with projects that are not within the Corps jurisdiction. This general permit is SWRCB Water Quality Order No. 2004 - 0004 -DWQ, Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Dredged or Fill Discharges to Waters Deemed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to be Outside of Federal Jurisdiction (General WDRs). (2) The District will need to submit an application for a 401 water quality certification, or coverage by the General WDRs, This application will need to provide all information necessary to support the installation of the new structure along the levee for Walnut Creek, (3) Information to be included in the application for approval shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: (a) specific design for the outfall structure that shows how it will conform to the existing contours of the bank of the flood plain levee, and avoid flow related impacts to the levee, flood plain, and bank full channel as a result of discharges; (b) a design that provides for adequate dissipation of energy prior to release of wet weather flows to the Walnut Creek flood plain and bank full channel (alternate designs with a baffled type energy dissipation structure set back within the levee should be considered); (c) adequate demonstration that NPDES permit requirements for relocation and use of the emergency overflow location have been met. For example, does the District intend to continue making improvements at the plant and within the collection system that will help to offset the anticipated increase in wet weather flows from new development; (4) specific plans for conveyance of dry weather discharges to the bank full channel from the outfall structure; and, (5) adequate demonstration that Contra Costa County Flood Control District requirements for the release of flows at this location have been met. If you would like to contact the Corps to find out whether they have permitting authority over the proposed project, you can contact Mark D'Avignon at 415 - 503 -6773, or email to him at mark.r.d'avignon @usace.army.mil Attachment 3 — Page 11 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Please call or email with any questions Regards, Katie Hart, P.E. Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 622 -2356 (510) 622 -2460 fax khart@waterboards.ca.gov CC: "Derek Whitworth " <DWhitworth @waterboards.ca.gov> Attachment 3 — Page 12 of 12 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Public Hearing Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 -2 -08 Final.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 No.: HEARINGS 5.b. Type of Action: subject: HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT ON ORDINANCE NO. 253, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE MODIFYING TITLES 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 AND 11, AND ADOPTING TITLE 7, OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CODE; WAIVE READING THEREOF; AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 253 Submitted By: Kenton L. Alm Initiating Dept /Div.: Administration District Counsel REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 4 04 K. Alm /James elly, General =r ISSUE: The Board is required to hold a public hearing prior to adoption of Ordinance No. 253 that adopts a recodification of the District Code to receive public input thereon and thereafter consider adoption of such Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Hold public hearing on proposed Ordinance No. 253, entitled "An Ordinance Modifying Titles 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11, and Adopting Title 7, of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code," and consider adoption of Ordinance No. 253. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decide it does not wish to consider adoption of the recodification of the District Code, or parts thereof, at this time. Failure to adopt this Ordinance will delay the implementation of the proposed revisions. BACKGROUND: The District has been in the process of updating numerous provisions within Titles 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 of the District Code for several years. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 6491.2, and Government Code sections 50022.1 through 50022.8, the District may adopt a primary code by reference, or recodify existing ordinances, by following certain procedures. These procedures include a first reading of the title of the Ordinance which was held on September 4, 1008 and a subsequent public hearing scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on October 2, 2008. A copy of the District's Code was on file with the District Secretary more than 15 days in advance of this public hearing. Notice of the hearing was published pursuant to Government Code section 6066. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 2, 2008 subject. HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT ON ORDINANCE NO. 253, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE MODIFYING TITLES 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 AND 11, AND ADOPTING TITLE 7, OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CODE; WAIVE READING THEREOF; AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 253 District Board and Ad Hoc Code Review Committee have reviewed all revisions to the Code which are now proposed for amendment or adoption. All draft revisions to the Code previously reviewed by the Board, including updated language regarding overflow protection devices, charity car washes and the source control program revisions requested by the EPA are included in the Code revisions presented for adoption. All of these revisions were provided under separate cover prior to the September 4, 2008 Board meeting. A brief description of the Titles included in Ordinance No. 253 are provided on Attachment A. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Waive formal reading of proposed Ordinance No. 253, entitled "An Ordinance Modifying Titles 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11, and Adopting Title 7, of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code ", conduct public hearing to obtain public comment, and adopt Ordinance No. 253 in its entirety. ATTACHMENT A Title 1 General Provisions This Title sets forth a number of provisions which are largely administrative in nature, and includes a number of definitions for terms used elsewhere throughout the Code. The modifications to Title 1 primarily corrected outdated terminology, deleted unneeded definitions and clarified several procedural issues addressed in this Title. Title 2 Administration Title 2 contains a number of administrative provisions including procedures concerning the Board of Directors, General Manager, Secretary and Counsel for the District. Additionally, it addresses other administrative issues, such as the District CEQA policy and purchasing matters. Modifications to this Title primarily updated terminology and made modifications to provide greater consistency between the Code language and current District operating procedures. Title 5 Permits and Licenses Title 5 includes general provisions concerning each of the various permits issued by the District and the procedures for modification and termination of such permits. It also provides authority for the District's use of sewer improvement agreements and related matters. The modifications to this Title include both modifications and clarifications to several District policies concerning sewer work permits, the registration and permitting of contractors doing work on District facilities and the use of sewer improvement agreements. Title 6 Fees and Charges This Title contains substantial detail with regard to the various types of fees and charges that are imposed by the District for a variety of services, which range from annexation charges and initial fees for connection to annual sewer service charges, recycled water charges and household hazardous waste facility fees. The included modifications address the manner in which the District collects sewer service charges, development and environmental related fees. Modifications are also included to the provisions relating to annexation fees, Capacity Fees, and reimbursement fees. The modifications provide that the actual schedule of fees and charges, which are typically modified annually, will be enacted by uncodified ordinance and maintained by the District Secretary. Title 7 Real Property This Title contains largely new provisions addressing both existing and new policies with regard to District real property matters. The Title establishes a codified basis for the District's existing and future real property rights. The Title provides, in part, that the District accepts all previously granted or dedicated interests in real property where the ATTACHMENT A CONTINUED District currently owns and operates facilities therein. This Title also addresses District easements and sets forth procedures for addressing encroachments on District easements. Title 9 Sewers Title 9 sets forth substantial detail with regard to the District's regulation of design and construction of public sewers, as well as the property owner's responsibility for side sewers and backwater overflow prevention devices. This Title also is modified to set forth provisions to address the potential future relinquishment of the District's ownership and maintenance of certain sewers. Title 10 Source Control (Pretreatment) This Title provides the basis for the District to regulate both domestic and non - domestic sewer use and provides the basis for the District's industrial pretreatment and source control programs. Included modifications reflect technical changes to conform the District's Ordinance to Federal regulations and addresses the elimination of formal permitting requirements for charity car washes discharging to sanitary sewers. Title 11 Recycled Water This Title provides the basic regulations for the District recycled water program. Technical changes were made to conform its contents with current requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board and to clarify certain program responsibilities of the District and recycled water customers. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District October 2, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ELAINE R. BOEHME, SECRETARY OFT 4 DISTRICT(� At its meeting of September 18, 2008 the Board considered revising the Board Member meeting and compensation requirements and adopting a reimbursement policy pursuant to AB 1234. While Board Members concurred with the proposed revisions set forth in the Position Paper and resolution, the matter was referred back to staff to develop options for listing meetings attended by Board Members on the Board agenda. The objective is to improve transparency for those meetings or conferences Board Members attend for which they receive the stipend, and /or for which the District pays their expenses. When timing permits, Board Members will announce such meetings or conferences in advance of their attendance. The Board Member will also provide a brief report after their attendance at the following Board meeting. Staff has developed proposed agenda wording showing three categories of reports (see attached sample): 1) Announcement of future meetings or conferences, to be announced verbally in advance when timing permits; 2) Reports on meetings previously attended for which Board Members received the stipend; 3) Reports on meetings or conferences previously attended for which the District paid the Board Member's expenses. Meetings attended under 2) and 3) will be listed on the agenda whenever possible. A paragraph as been added to the resolution reflecting this reporting requirement (see attached — change is shown in green print). The District Counsel has also reviewed the proposed agenda wording. Staff Recommendation (Motion required): Adopt resolution revising the Board Member Meeting and Compensation requirements as recommended, including adoption of a reimbursement policy, and direct staff to add the agenda wording as proposed. 7. REPORTS: a. General Manager b. Counsel for the District C. Secretary of the District 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: 1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses. (These would be announced verbally) 2) Board Member reports on recent meetings for which they received the stipend. (These would be printed on the agenda) 3) Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which the District paid their expenses. (These would be printed on the agenda) 4) Announcements (Board Members may announce any other meetings attended that don't fall into the above categories) RESOLUTION NO. 25072008 -455 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT TO AND ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD COMMITTEES AND MEETING COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, Section 6489 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that compensation be paid to Board Members for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day's service rendered as a Director by request of the Board; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Health and Safety Code and the California Water Code Sections 20200 et seq., Ordinance 241 was adopted on February 15, 2506-;2007, setting the Board compensation at $221 per approved meeting, not to exceed more than one meeting per day and six meetings per calendar month, which amount may periodically be adjusted by ordinance; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2.04.020 of the District Code, when the Board considers it necessary for the efficient transaction of business, it may approve the creation of a committee for the purpose of reviewing, investigating, and recommending with reference to a particular matter; and the President shall appoint the members of said committee and shall have the authority to appoint an ad hoc committee or representative to similarly act pending a Board Meeting; and WHEREAS, the President may name an alternate to serve in the absence of an appointed Committee Member or District representative, ;,and WHEREAS, the Board has deemed it necessary for the efficient operation of the District to appoint Board Members to represent the District on various , committees joint powers authorities; a44d to act as representatives of the District to various oraanizations. and as liaisons to cities and the County; and WHEREAS, in accordance with AB 1234 and to encourage participation and attendance at conferences and organizations which serve the interests of and provide benefit to the District, the Board has determined that Board Members may be compensated for each day's attendance at certain events and meetings as listed below; and TAmPM01 . OWN NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that4he_ ii: 1. The President of the Board of Directors shall appoint Board Members to the following Gtand*Rg committees and that Board members may receive the compensation fixed by District Ordinance for attendance at such committee meetings: Budget and Finance Committee Capital Projects Committee Human Resources Committee Outreach Committee Recycled Water Committee Household Hazardous Waste Committee Real Estate Committee BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE[), that theAd Hoc Committees 2. The President of the Board of Directors shall appoint or confirm Board Members to represent the District a6 fellew6=at or before organizations as follows. and Board Members may receive compensation for their attendance at such meetings or events when attending as a District representative. Board Liaison to Cities and County California Special Districts Association — Contra Costa Chapter Friends of the San Francisco Estuary Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County Local Aaencv Formation Commission (whether as Board Liaison or as otherwise designated by the President) BE IT FURTHER PIESO VEDA +h, +3 That, in addition to the above, members of the Board of Directors shall be compensated at the current compensation rate for each day's attendance at the following meetings and conferences: Meetings of the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Executive Board, +f-when serving as a member of the Executive Board; 4. That. any Board Member may receive the stipend if approved by the Board in advance for attendance at a meeting, conference or event not listed above. 5 That the Board of Directors determines that public resources should be used to reimburse expenses incurred when attending meetings, conferences or events which are related to District business and are of interest and value to the District. These meetings, conferences or events include, but are not limited to. Contra Costa Mayors' Conference meetings. Contra Costa Council meetings, local public official informational meetinas or other meetinas where the topic is of interest to the District or promotes inter-agency cooperation and partnerships. Reimbursements will also be provided for events under paragraphs 2. 3 and 4 above. Reimbursements will be paid in accordance with existing District policv. 6. That Board Members will report at Board Meetings, in advance whenever possible, which meetings they will be attending or have attended for which they receive the stipend, and which meetings or conferences they will be attending or have attended for which the District pays their expenses. BE IT CI RTHER RESOLVED, that. That meeting attendance slips for Board Members for the meetings listed above and for regular Board Meetings shall be approved by the Board President or, in his or her absence, the President Pro Tem. Meeting attendance slips for the Board President shall be approved by the President Pro Tem, or, in his or her absence, a Board Member designee. Travel days to and from meetings or conferences are not compensable under this policv. PASSED AND ADOPTED this a -18h day of August, 2007, September, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSTAIN: Members: Gerald R. Lucev President of the District Boarde1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 1147170.3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 Type of Action: No.: ITEMS HELD OVER FROM PREVIOUS BOARD MEETING 7.a. subject: BOARD MEMBER MEETING COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Boehme K. Alm ames M. Ily, Secretary of the District Counsel eneral M Hager District ISSUE: At the Board Meeting of June 19, 2008, Board Members requested that the current Resolution 2007 -105, listing the meetings for which the stipend is paid, be reviewed. The Resolution also needs to be revised to clarify the District's reimbursement policy for Board Member attendance at civic events on behalf of the District. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the revised Resolution. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not revise the Resolution, or make additional revisions. BACKGROUND: At its meeting of June 19, 2008 the Board considered a Position Paper addressing Board Member conference and meeting attendance. Following extensive discussion, it was generally agreed that the list of meetings in the Resolution for which the $221 stipend is currently paid should be revisited. Although this is clearly a matter of Board policy, the General Manager was directed to come back to the Board with recommendations. Confidential individual Board Member input was obtained on the issue of Board compensation, but was not shared with other Board Members. Based on comments received, proposed revisions to the current Resolution 2007 -105 have been prepared for Board consideration. The input received indicates there may be sufficient Board support for continuing payment of the stipend for meetings listed in the current Resolution, with one or more of the following changes: (1) the addition of payment of the stipend for attendance at Ad Hoc Committees; (2) the deletion of payment of the stipend for attendance at CSDA Conferences; POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject. BOARD MEMBER MEETING COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION (3) the addition of the requirement that meetings attended as City or County Board Liaison must specifically relate to District business; (4) the addition of payment of the stipend for City or County Board Liaisons or other Board Members attending LAFCO proceedings on behalf of the District where matters affecting the District justify attendance; (5) the addition of the clause that, when appropriate, Board Members may request payment of the stipend in advance of a meeting not listed, if they are attending specifically representing the District, and the request will be considered by the Board; (6) clarification of the District's reimbursement policy for Board Member attendance at civic events on behalf of the District. A revised Resolution incorporating the suggested modifications is attached. If the Board wishes to make different or additional changes to the current Resolution, it may do so at the Board Meeting or provide additional direction to staff for future consideration of the Board. Review of the process for approval of conference attendance was deferred to a later date, to be considered with other revisions to the District's Travel Policy. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a Resolution incorporating some or all of the following revisions as outlined above: (1) the addition of payment of the stipend for attendance at Ad Hoc Committees; (2) the deletion of payment of the stipend for attendance at CSDA Conferences; (3) the addition of the requirement that meetings attended as City or County Board Liaison must specifically relate to District business; (4) the addition of payment of the stipend for City or County Board Liaisons or other Board Members attending LAFCO proceedings on behalf of the District where matters affecting the District justify attendance; (5) the addition of the clause that, when appropriate, Board Members may request payment of the stipend in advance of a meeting not listed, if they are attending specifically representing the District, and the request will be considered by the Board; POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject. BOARD MEMBER MEETING COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION (6) clarification of the District's reimbursement policy for Board Member attendance at civic events on behalf of the District. If desired, each item may be voted on separately. Agenda Item 8.a.1) Board Meeting of October 2, 2008 Written Announcements: General Updates a) CASA Amicus Brief Participation The District received a request from the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) to provide $2,000 to help fund preparation of an amicus brief to the California Supreme Court in the case of Communities for a Better Environment v. South Coast Air Quality Management District, (2007) 158 Cal.App.41h 1336 ( "CBE "). The case is relevant to the District because it makes our air quality permits and our effluent discharge limit more stringent with no resulting environmental benefit. Staff intends to contribute the requested $2,000 toward the amicus effort to defray the legal fees and costs associated with drafting and filing the brief. b) Bob Murray to Meet with Board Bob Murray is scheduled to meet with the Board at the October 16, 2008 meeting regarding Executive Management performance appraisals. DRAFT BOARD CALENDAR January S M T W T F S %] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 W16 17 18 +III 20 0 W W 25 26 27 28 OW30 31 2009 January i February �I�ia111®1 July S M T W T F S rued* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 W17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August S M T W T F S I 2 3 4 5 W 7 8 9 10 11 'r ®,r 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September S M T W T F S S 7 1 2 04 5 6 W 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 r 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 October S M S M T W T F S 7 8 9 MR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 22 23 11 12 13 14 0*16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 =6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 21 22 23 24 25 X11 MP 28 29 30 21 22 December S M T W T F S 1 2 W4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OW 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 M E� LCentral Contra Costa Sanit 3 CCCSD Board Meeting 10 Board Workshop - CIB /CIP 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 23 -26 CASA - Squaw Valley 1 CCCSD Board Meeting 15 CCCSD Board Meeting 26 Memorial Day 5 CCCSD Board Meeting 19 CCCSD Board Meeting 3 CCCSD Board Meeting 4 Independence Day 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 7 CCCSD Board Meeting 20 -23 CASA - Monterey 1 Rog 1 New Year's Day 9 -12 CASA - Palm Springs 17 S M T W T F S 12 Lincoln's Birthday 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W m m in 13 14 15 16 m 18 19 20 ® 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6 0 1 8 2 9 10 17 11 18 12 19 13 BE 14 15 16 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 S M T W T F S F 5 S 6 7 14 8 15 9 16 1 2 12 19 3 4 5 6 0 8 9 26 10 11 0 13 14 15 16 17 ® 19 20 ® 22 23 S 4 24 25 26 27 28 29 10 17 11 18 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 S M T W T F S S 2 3 4 5 0 7 1 8 1 8 15 9 m m ® 13 14 15 22 29 16 17 18 19 m 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 S 6 30 31 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 m 12 19 13 20 21 28 22 29 23 30 m ® 26 27 S M T W T F S 1 2 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 m 11 12 13 14 15 16 m 18 19 20 21 22 ® 0 ® m 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ® 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ® 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 m 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 CCCSD Board Meeting 10 Board Workshop - CIB /CIP 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 23 -26 CASA - Squaw Valley 1 CCCSD Board Meeting 15 CCCSD Board Meeting 26 Memorial Day 5 CCCSD Board Meeting 19 CCCSD Board Meeting 3 CCCSD Board Meeting 4 Independence Day 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 7 CCCSD Board Meeting 20 -23 CASA - Monterey 1 Rog 1 New Year's Day 9 -12 CASA - Palm Springs 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 31 Board Workshop — Financial Plan FEBRUARY 7 CCCSD Board Meeting 12 Lincoln's Birthday 18 Washington's Birthday 21 CCCSD Board Meeting 6 CCCSD Board Meeting 10 -12 CASA Legislative Conference 13 Washington, D.C. 20 CCCSD Board Meeting 3 CCCSD Board Meeting 10 Board Workshop - CIB /CIP 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 23 -26 CASA - Squaw Valley 1 CCCSD Board Meeting 15 CCCSD Board Meeting 26 Memorial Day 5 CCCSD Board Meeting 19 CCCSD Board Meeting 3 CCCSD Board Meeting 4 Independence Day 17 CCCSD Board Meeting 7 CCCSD Board Meeting 20 -23 CASA - Monterey 1 Labor Day 4 CCCSD Board Meeting 18 CCCSD Board Meeting W 2 T 0 F 0 OCTOBER 2 CCCSD Board Meeting 16 CCCSD Board Meeting 9 16 10 m 11 18 NOVEMBER 4 Election Day 6 CCCSD Board Meeting 11 Veterans' Day 13 Board Workshop - CIB Plan 20 CCCSD Board Meeting 27 Thanksgiving Day 28 District Holiday 4 CCCSD Board Meeting 18 CCCSD Board Meeting 24 District Holiday 25 Christmas 31 District Holiday CCCSD Board Meeting = Holiday CASA Conference = Election Day ary District 2008 S M T 1 W 2 T 0 F 0 S 5 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 m 11 18 12 19 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 26 S M T W T F S 3 4 5 6 0 1 8 2 9 10 17 11 18 12 19 13 BE 14 15 16 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 3D S M E T 2 W 3 T 0 F 5 S 6 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 m 12 19 13 20 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 25 26 27 S M T W 1 T 0 F 3 S 4 5 12 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 m 10 17 11 18 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 S M T W T F S 2 9 3 10 m 5 12 0 ® 7 14 1 8 15 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 m ® 21 m 22 29 30 S M 1 T 2 W 3 T 0 F 5 S 6 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 m 12 19 13 20 21 28 22 29 23 30 m ® 26 27 0009 -12/07