HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/18/2008 AGENDA BACKUPRESOLUTION NO. 2008 -092 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING AND PROMOTING POLLUTION PREVENTION WHEREAS, it is the mission of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to protect public health and the environment; and WHEREAS, the presence of hazardous substances in homes and businesses in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District service area creates a potential threat to the public health and the environment; and WHEREAS, hazardous substances improperly discharged to sanitary sewers or storm drains could enter the environment; and WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board support reducing hazardous discharges at the source through more efficient use, conservation, product substitution, recycling, reuse, and waste reduction, which is termed pollution prevention; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is partnering with the Mt. View Sanitary District and the cities of Concord, Clayton and San Ramon to accept household and commercially - generated hazardous waste, and the adoption of pollution prevention measures will reduce the amount and cost of handling and disposing of this waste; and WHEREAS, pollution prevention techniques will reduce the amount of hazardous substances being discharged to sanitary sewers and storm drains; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is partnering with other agencies in the county to implement a Green Business Recognition Program; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is partnering with the Contra Costa Clean Water Program to inspect businesses to reduce pollution in storm drains; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has specific programs for educating dischargers about the positive effects pollution prevention practices can have on the environment and how critical proper use, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances in the household and work place are to protecting the environment; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is promoting awareness of the impact certain pollutants are having on the Bay by sponsoring a mercury awareness program and various integrated pest management programs; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District offers educational programs for students from kindergarten through high school in the areas of water quality, pollution prevention, and wastewater treatment processes; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District promotes businesses that implement pollution prevention processes and organizations that provide pollution prevention education through its 17th Annual Pollution Prevention Awards Program; and WHEREAS, September 15 through September 21, 2008 is recognized nationally as Pollution Prevention Week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to encourage and promote pollution prevention practices, technologies, and education which will reduce the amount of hazardous substances being discharged to sanitary sewers and storm drains; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Directors declares that September 15 through September 21, 2008 be recognized within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as Pollution Prevention Week. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of September 2008 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel Pollution Prevention (P2) Week • 3rd Full Week in September • 1St P2 Week held in California in 1993 • Now recognized nationally • Goal is to increase P2 awareness 1 CCCSD's P2 Week Activities ■ Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG) Produced 800 P2 Week Posters • Designed by CCCSD Communication Services staff • Goal is to create greater recognition for P2 Week EBMUD distributed P2 Week Posters at the Solano Stroll on Sunday, September 14th E CCCSD's P2 Week Activities ■ Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG) Produced 800 P2 Week Posters • Designed by CCCSD Communication Services staff • Goal is to create greater recognition for P2 Week ■ BAPPG Regional Mercury Thermometer Collection /Exchange Event ■ 25 agencies participating ■ Our HHW Facility has seen a small spike ■ 17th Annual P2 Awards to acknowledge businesses that go beyond compliance What Does it Mean to Be Green? "Going Green" "Extended Producer Responsibility" "Cradle to Cradle" "Carbon Footprint" "Green Power" "Sustainability" "Environmentally - preferred Purchasing" 3 Is CCCSD "Green" ■ Per the Board's direction, staff will be reporting out monthly on: • What it means to be green • What CCCSD is doing to be green • How we can do better ■ Staff will evaluate how CCCSD can be a green business through the Contra Costa Green Business Program • Our vehicle maintenance shop is already certified • Mt. View Sanitary District is the only wastewater agency that has been certified In Conclusion Recommend adoption of the Resolution 2008 -092 declaring P2 Week in CCCSD El Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 4.c. Consent Calendar Type of Action: SET HEARING DATE Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING OCTOBER 16, 2008 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CREEKSIDE OAKS ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2007 -5 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Russell B. Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: R. Leavitt Swanson A. Farrell K. Alm ames . Kelly aenera anager ISSUE: A public hearing is required to establish the Creekside Oaks Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) No. 2007 -5. A public hearing is also required to create an assessment district pursuant to the procedure adopted under Proposition 218, which amended the California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution establishing October 16, 2008 as the date for a public hearing regarding Creekside Oaks AVAD No. 2007 -5 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are minor costs for publishing a legal notice advertising the public hearing and for staff preparation and attendance. These costs will eventually be paid by the AVAD participants. Subsequent approval of the Creekside Oaks AVAD would commit the District to fund up to $142,303 in sewer improvements. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Select a later date for the public meeting - This would delay the AVAD proceedings since the holding of a public hearing is required by law. 2. No action by the Board - No action will delay the AVAD proceedings until a different public hearing date is set since the holding of a public hearing is required by law. BACKGROUND: On December 20, 2007, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution of intention to create Creekside Oaks AVAD No. 2007 -5 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Alhambra Valley Road in unincorporated Martinez. The proposed Creekside Oaks AVAD No. 2007 -5 complies with the AVAD policy approved at the November 2, 2006 Board of Directors meeting. Nine properties could be served by a Creekside Oaks AVAD public sewer. As required by Proposition 218, an N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Set Public Hearing Creekside Oaks AVAD 2007 -5 9- 18- 08.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING OCTOBER 16, 2008 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CREEKSIDE OAKS ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2007 -5 Engineer's Report estimating assessments for properties within the AVAD has been prepared and distributed. District staff will provide the Engineer's Report to Board members upon request. It is now appropriate to schedule a public hearing to offer interested parties the opportunity to comment on the proposed assessments and related issues. A resolution has been prepared (Attachment 1), which, if adopted, will set the date of the public hearing for October 16, 2008. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution establishing October 16, 2008 as the date for a public hearing to consider the establishment of Creekside Oaks Alhambra Valley (AVAD) No. 2007 -5 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. N:\ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Set Public Hearing Creekside Oaks AVAD 2007 -5 9- 18- 08.doc ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008- RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING OF PROTESTS ON CREEKSIDE OAKS ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (AVAD NO. 2007 -5) WHEREAS, on December 20, 2007, this Board of Directors adopted Resolution 2007- 203 expressing the intent of the District to proceed with the Creekside Oaks Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) No. 2007 -5 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Alhambra Valley Road in unincorporated Martinez, CA; and WHEREAS, at the direction of this Board of Directors, Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, as Engineer of Work for improvement proceedings for Creekside Oaks AVAD No. 2007 -5, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California, has prepared a report described in Section 5898.22 of the Streets and Highways Code (Municipal Improvement Act of 1911); and WHEREAS owners of each affected parcel will be provided written notice of the proposed assessment and ballot to indicate approval of or opposition to the assessment pursuant to the procedures required by California Constitution Article XIII D, Section 4, as amended by Proposition 218; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. This Board sets 2 PM on October 16, 2008 at the Meeting Room of the Board of Directors, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, as the time and place for hearing protests to the proposed improvements and the creation of the proposed Alhambra Valley Assessment District and assessment. 2. The Secretary of the District is directed to publish and mail the notices of improvement required by the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, and to file affidavits of compliance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of September 2008, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California N1ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \Res Creekside Oaks AVAD 2007 -5 9- 18- 08.doc Resolution No. 2008 - Page 2 of 2 COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \Res Creekside Oaks AVAD 2007 -5 9- 18- 08.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District f BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 4.d. Consent Calendar Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE ELECTRICAL CABLE REPLACEMENT, SUBSTATION 40, DISTRICT PROJECT 7271 Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Dana Lawson, Associate Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. R-rr-- Lq Z4-- ��D. LaWson B. Tha ecki A. Farrel #Mes M. elly, eneral M nager ISSUE: All work has been completed and the retention will be released in October on the Electrical Cable Replacement, Substation 40, District Project 7271. This project can now be closed out. RECOMMENDATION: Closeout the project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This closeout will result in approximately $57,000 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program. Attachment 1 shows the project expenditures by category. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: On October 4, 2007, the Board of Directors authorized the award of a construction contract for this work to Con J Franke Electric, Inc. The Contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed that was effective November 13, 2007, with a completion date of March 13, 2008. The project was accepted by the Board on July 3, 2008. The original construction contract amount was $253,700. There were no construction change orders. The total amount paid to the Contractor was $253,700. The total authorized budget was $402,000, which included a contingency of $51,000. The total project cost was $344,000, which is 14 percent less than the budgeted amount. This closeout will result in $57,000 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. N: \PESUP \Position Papers \Lawson \7271 - Closeout.doc Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ELECTRICAL CABLE REPLACEMENT, SUBSTATION 40 DISTRICT PROJECT 7271 ACTIVITY COST Total Budget $402,000 Construction Contract $253,700 Change Orders $0 Change Order % of Construction 0% Total Construction Amount $307,241 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin. $90,555 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin. (% of Construction) 26% TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $344,255 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE RETURNED TO TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM $57,745 NAPESUP \Position Papers \Lawson \7271 - Closeout.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 4.e. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION REQUESTING THAT CONTRA COSTA LAFCO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX SIXTEEN ANNEXATION AREAS TO THE DISTRICT (DISTRICT ANNEXATION 173) Submitted By Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Principal Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD Miyamoto -Mills �Yv - C. Swanson Initiating Dept /Div.: Engineering /Environmental Services IY 4 t,�- J,/,4 A. Farrell K. Alm Oames M. Ily ev eneral Ma ager ISSUE: A Board of Directors' Resolution of Application is required to initiate Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) annexation proceedings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution of Application to initiate LAFCO annexation proceedings for sixteen areas designated as District Annexation 173. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District incurs costs to prepare annexation applications and pays fees to LAFCO and the State Board of Equalization for annexation processing. Annexation costs are recovered as "annexation charges" when property is connected to the public sewer system. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decline to initiate annexation of these areas, which would require that the property owner apply directly to LAFCO for annexation to the District. BACKGROUND: The owners of 52 properties in Danville and Alamo have either submitted petitions to the District for annexation or signed a Contractual Assessment District agreement requesting annexation. These properties were organized into sixteen annexation areas that include an additional 115 adjacent or surrounding unannexed properties to eliminate "islands" within District boundaries. Of the 167 properties included in the sixteen areas, 28 have connected to the District's public sewer system. All of the annexation areas are within the District's Sphere of Influence and the County Urban Limit Line. The general location of each annexation area is shown on Attachment 1. Staff has drafted a Resolution of Application (see Attachment 2) requesting that LAFCO initiate annexation proceedings for the sixteen areas. These areas are described below: N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \PP Adopt Res LAFCO DA 173 9 -18 -08 Final.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION REQUESTING THAT CONTRA COSTA LAFCO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX SIXTEEN ANNEXATION AREAS TO THE DISTRICT (DISTRICT ANNEXATION 173) • Annexation Areal 73-1 is comprised of fourteen existing single - family homes on Sky Terrace, Highland Drive and Lonesome Road in Danville. • Annexation Area 173 -2 is comprised of thirteen existing single - family homes and two vacant properties on Willow Drive in Danville. • Annexation Area 173 -3 is comprised of five existing single - family homes, one governmental parcel and one common area parcel on River Rock Lane and Hartz Boulevard in Danville. • Annexation Area 173 -4 is comprised of one single - family home, one multi - family (apartment) parcel, and three governmental parcels on Front Street and Diablo Road in Danville. • Annexation Area 173 -5 is comprised of two single - family homes on Glendora Circle in Danville. • Annexation Area 173 -6 is comprised of sixty -eight single - family homes on Cordell Drive, Cordell Court, Calmar Vista Road, Harper Lane, Terry Lane, Pixie Lane, Bradford Place, Harmony Court, and Clipper Hill Road in Danville. • Annexation Area 173 -7 is comprised of one vacant property and two parking lot parcels on San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Sonora Avenue in Danville. • Annexation Areal 73-8 is comprised of sixteen existing single - family homes on El Pintado Road, Nathan Place, and Shelby Hill Lane in Danville. Eight of the properties in this annexation area participated in the El Alamo Contractual Assessment District (CAD 2002 -2). • Annexation Area 173 -9 is comprised of eight existing single - family homes, two vacant properties, and one governmental parcel on Ridgewood Road in Alamo. • Annexation Area 173 -10 is comprised of one existing single - family home on Kemline Court in Alamo. • Annexation Area 173 -11 is comprised of seven existing single - family homes and two vacant properties on Danville Boulevard, Gurney Lane, and Tara Jean Lane in Alamo. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mi11s\2008 \PP Adopt Res LAFCO DA 173 9 -18 -08 Final.doc Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 Subject ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION REQUESTING THAT CONTRA COSTA LAFCO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX SIXTEEN ANNEXATION AREAS TO THE DISTRICT (DISTRICT ANNEXATION 173) • Annexation Area 173 -12 is comprised of one existing single - family home on Corwin Drive in Alamo. • Annexation Area 173 -13 is comprised of one existing single - family home on Muir Lane in Alamo. • Annexation Area 173 -14 is comprised of two existing single - family homes on Camille Avenue and Gary Way in Alamo. • Annexation Area 173 -15 is comprised of eleven existing single - family homes on Wayne Avenue, Adelle Court and Escondido Court in Alamo. • Annexation Area 173 -16 is comprised of one existing single - family home on Wayne Avenue in Alamo. District staff has concluded that annexation of each property in Annexation Areas 173 -1 through 173 -16 is exempt from CEQA under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15319, since it would involve annexation of existing lots for exempt facilities. Adoption of the recommended resolution will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that annexation of these properties is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a Resolution of Application to initiate LAFCO proceedings for District Annexation 173, including the finding that annexation of each property in Annexation Areas 173 -1 through 173 -16 is exempt from CEQA under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15319. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mi11s\2008 \PP Adopt Res LAFCO DA 173 9 -18 -08 Final.doc Page 3 of 3 — 6Ei RD vN i 680 AVE NUT C EE �p I,I hI ■ ter- 14000 E FEET `4�lo RIJI)GOi RD O STONE ALAMO �� Z �� 1 12 13 15 1 14 O DANVILLE 0 'a RD Srcu�o� V40 r \\ I LEGEND: , OCCCSD ANNEXATION NO. & LOCATION Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District CCCSD ANNEXATION NO. 173 ' 1 r ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REQUESTING THAT THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION INITIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR A CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION (DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 173) WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) proposes to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 for a change of organization; and WHEREAS, the change of organization is proposed for the following reasons: 1. The owners of fifty -two (52) properties within the areas proposed to be annexed have either submitted a "Petition for Annexation" to CCCSD, or signed the El Alamo Contractual Assessment District (CAD 2002 -2) agreement requesting annexation; 2. One hundred and fifteen (115) properties have been included as "fill -in" parcels to streamline staff work and avoid the creation of new islands inside CCCSD boundaries; 3. Twenty -eight (28) of the properties within the areas proposed for annexation have connected to the CCCSD public sewer system; 4. All of the properties are within the CCCSD Sphere of Influence, as previously approved by LAFCO; 5. All of the properties are within the Contra Costa County Urban Limit Line; 6. CCCSD will assume responsibility, upon annexation, for maintenance and operation of public sewer facilities required to provide service to the areas proposed to be annexed; 7. CCCSD requires that all served properties annex to the District (CCCSD Standard Specifications Section 3 -07); and 8. No other sewering agency can reasonably serve these areas. WHEREAS, the proposed change in organization consists of sixteen (16) "single areas" (as defined by the State Board of Equalization) generally adjacent to the existing District boundary, as shown and described on the maps and geographical descriptions attached hereto as Exhibits A and B for proposed annexation areas 173 -1 through 173 -16 and by this reference incorporated herein, comprising a total of 165.0 acres, more or less; and NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mi11s\2008 \Res LAFCO DA 173 9 -18 -08 FINAL.doc Resolution No. 2008 — Request to Contra Costa LAFCO To Initiate Annexation Proceedings District Annexation 173 WHEREAS, Contra Costa County is the only affected county (the areas proposed for annexation to CCCSD are in the Town of Danville, and the unincorporated territory of the County known as Alamo); and no other sewering agencies are involved; and WHEREAS, the area proposed for annexation to CCCSD is inhabited (12 or more registered voters); and WHEREAS, if the annexation were approved, all of the provisions of the CCCSD Code would become applicable to the properties annexed including the requirement that annexation charges be collected at the time of connection to the public sewer system; and WHEREAS, staff has concluded that annexation of each of the properties included in Annexation Areas 173 -1 through 173 -16 is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT CCCSD staff is directed to submit this Resolution of Application requesting that the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) initiate annexation proceedings for the sixteen (16) areas shown and described in Exhibits A and B for proposed annexation areas 173 -1 through 173 -16 hereof, as authorized and in the manner required under the Cortese- Knox - Hertzberg Reorganization Act of 2000, together with a complete application package including all other required information, geographical descriptions, maps, forms, questionnaires, indemnification agreement, fees, and a mailing list of affected property owners, and of all other property owners and registered voters who reside within 300 feet of each of the proposed annexation areas. THAT it is not the current practice of CCCSD to use its power under Health and Safety Code Section 6520 to compel property owners to connect their properties to the public sewer system involuntarily. THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the CCCSD Board of Directors' independent finding that annexation of each of the properties shown and described in Exhibits A and B for proposed annexation areas 173 -1 through 173 -16 hereto is exempt from CEQA. THAT CCCSD staff is directed to file any necessary CEQA documents with Contra Costa County. NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Res LAFCO DA 173 9 -18 -08 FINAL.doc Resolution No. 2008 — Request to Contra Costa LAFCO To Initiate Annexation Proceedings District Annexation 173 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of September 2008, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel NAENVRSEC \Position Papers\Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Res LAFCO DA 173 9 -18 -08 FINAL.doc EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 1 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 47 054'51" West 35,774.96 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being an angle point in the general southern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 27- Parcel 25; Thence, (2) South 13 153'48" East 258.01 feet; Thence, (3) South 13 145'18" West 157.01 feet; Thence, (4) South 49 011'43" West 387.78 feet; Thence, (5) South 01 °15'21" West 1002.60 feet; Thence, (6) South 65 025'13" West 318.54 feet; Thence, (7) South 50 008'45" West 88.71 feet; Thence, (8) North 34 008'35" West 455.40 feet; Thence, (9) South 34 °31'57" West 129.34 feet; Thence, (10) North 71 020'28" West 249.92 feet; Thence, (11) North 24 °14'10" West 162.11 feet; Thence, (12) North 67 013'39" East 248.57 feet; Thence, (13) North 34 008'24" West 112.42 feet; Thence, (14) North 73 °25'01" East 132.44 feet; Thence, (15) North 43 036'23" East 28.63 feet; Thence, (16) South 49 123'59" East 32.09 feet; Thence, (17) North 07 °56'11" East 70.77 feet; Thence, (18) North 35 047'18" East 59.06 feet; Thence, (19) North 01 058'18" East 51.11 feet; Thence, (20) North 51 026'29" East 65.57 feet; Thence, (21) North 28 053'19" East 52.41 feet; Thence, (22) North 33 004'39" West 59.26 feet; Thence, (23) North 01051'27" West 83.65 feet; Thence, (24) North 39 037'14" East 98.50 feet; Thence, (25) North 18 °07'06" West 248.78 feet; Thence, (26) North 34 031'16" East 183.81 feet; Thence, (27) along a tangent curve to the right having a radial which bears North 55 028'44" West, with: Radius 175.00 feet Delta 21035'41 " Arc Length 65.96 feet; EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 1 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Thence, (28) Thence, (29) Thence, (30) Thence, (31) Thence, (32) Thence, (33) Thence, (34) Thence, (35) Thence, (36) Thence, (37) Thence, (38) Thence, (39) Thence, (40) Thence, (41) Thence, (42) North 56 006'45" East South 37 052'22" East North 19 034'07" East North 14 °35'51" West North 59 030'23" East North 48 001'41" East South 43 °20'11" East North 49 045'47" East North 55 057'06" East North 53 051'30" West North 31 039'02" East North 31035'43" West North 50 049'29" East North 19 015'42" West North 66 040'02" East 81.88 feet; 440.39 feet; 52.67 feet; 44.42 feet; 36.93 feet; 81.28 feet; 34.03 feet; 57.18 feet; 132.59 feet; 86.16 feet; 33.96 feet; 67.65 feet; 41.50 feet; 37.64 feet; 188.91 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 24.1 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. LA FS Z} a��� cQ — ��z�� X11 �--N m a CON m of » (n acn 1 m Ln Ln 00 La 0 a'co Z N tZ-1�� muj t„ W C7 A mm an d LLJ $ � ~ o 0 U Q�S�vs��n F V zi ) ww00uj F z c� Wt as S N E�z Z '$��K 00 9 oVV• w w _J`:` O� � �r tw w socwta rd,— � EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 1 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 47 °54'51" West 35,774.96' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 13 05348" East 258.01' 3 South 13 °45'18" West 157.01' 4 South 49 011'43" West 387.78' 5 South 01 ° 15'21 " West 1002.60' 6 South 65 °25'13" West 318.54' 7 South 50 008'45" West 88.71' 8 North 34 °08'35" West 455.40' 9 South 34 °31'57" West 129.34' 10 North 71020'28" West 249.92' 11 North 24 "14'10" West 162.11' 12 North 67 °13'39" East 248.57' 13 North 34 008'24" West 112.42' 14 North 73 025'01" East 132.44' 15 North 43 °3623" East 28.63' 16 South 49 °23'59" East 32.09' 17 North 07 °56'11" East 70.77' 18 North 35 047'18" East 59.06' 19 North 01 058'18" East 51.11' 20 North 51026'29" East 65.57' 21 North 28 053'19" East 52.41' 22 North 33 004'39" West 59.26' 23 North 01 °51'27" West 83.65' 24 North 39 °37'14" East 98.50' 25 North 18 °07'06" West 248.78' EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 1 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Radial Bearing Distance 26 North 34 031'16" East 183.81' 27 Curve to the Right 65.96' 28 North 56 006'45" East 81.88' 29 South 37 °52'22" East 440.39' 30 North 19 °34'07" East 52.67' 31 North 14 035'51" West 44.42' 32 North 59 030'23" East 36.93' 33 North 48 001'41" East 81.28' 34 South 43 °20'11" East 34.03' 35 North 49 °45'47" East 57.18' 36 North 55 057'06" East 132.59' 37 North 53 051'30" West 86.16' 38 North 31039'02" East 33.96' 39 North 31 °3543" West 67.65' 40 North 50 °4929" East 41.50' 41 North 19 °15'42" West 37.64' 42 North 66 040'02" East 188.91' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing Radius Delta Length 27 North 55 °28'44" West 1 175.00' 2103614111 65.96' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 2 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 42 151'05" West 32,300.62 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being the southwestern corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 161 - Parcel 4 and also a point on the northerly boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 11- Parcel 12; Thence, (2) North 88 057'55" West 879.87 feet; Thence, (3) North 00 037'25" East 157.67 feet; Thence, (4) South 88 055'55" East 102.18 feet; Thence, (5) along a tangent curve to the left having a radial which bears Thence, (10) along a non - tangent curve to the left having a radial which bears South 62 004'58" West, with: Radius 450.00 feet Delta 48 015'28" Arc Length 379.02 feet; Thence, (11) along a reverse curve having a radial which bears South 01 004'05" West, with: Radius 364.00 feet Radius 140.00 feet Delta 29 127'09" Delta 90 147'01" Arc Length 187.11 feet; Thence, (12) Arc Length 221.83 feet; Thence, (6) North 00 017'04" East 53.63 feet; Thence, (7) North 89 042'56" West 479.43 feet; Thence, (8) North 00 002'43" West 585.26 feet; Thence, (9) North 49 005'18" East 20.05 feet; Thence, (10) along a non - tangent curve to the left having a radial which bears South 62 004'58" West, with: Radius 450.00 feet Delta 48 015'28" Arc Length 379.02 feet; Thence, (11) along a reverse curve having a radial which bears North 13 049'30" East, with: Radius 364.00 feet Delta 29 127'09" Arc Length 187.11 feet; Thence, (12) North 54 1104'07" East 44.82 feet; Thence, (13) South 60 037'43" East 69.46 feet; Thence, (14) South 41152'26" East 160.96 feet; EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 2 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Thence, (15) South 12 020'20" East Thence, (16) South 34 035'03" East Thence, (17) South 62 054'52" East Thence, (18) South 71 °37'01" East Thence, (19) South 52 058'58" East Thence, (20) South 35 000'38" East Thence, (21) South 26 047'31" East 145.14 feet; 159.75 feet; 92.72 feet; 78.35 feet; 119.87 feet; 66.49 feet; 62.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. >: _IW�W N ° J 2 m it I V yp ° «tV/1 U*) W d <~ S3 OtnZ�G�° wsQr SmN ° z 40C.4 g 4'�a=t:5 �a �O N x ul 0 W WZy Z~ NmtrmA 1x17 b < v c=n = F ~ a N $W ` a ON KWON o lica M2 < z < o Z U O w z u a�, salad 8 a US c� 1� c5 m as ) Zi N � � a < O I b tN w" JV N 2,010 _ N 2 ,011 91p,! 9lt +lll 9!l 216,192 ,r O a p 8!0! 9!t tqp -lll o m < EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 2 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing No. Distance 1 South 42 °51'05" West 32,300.62' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 North 88 °57'55" West 879.87' 3 North 00 °37'25" East 157.67' 4 South 88 °55'55" East 102.18' 5 Curve to the Left 6 North 00 017'04" East 53.63' 7 North 89 °4256" West 479.43' 8 North 00 °0243" West 585.26' 9 North 49 °05'18" East 20.05' 10 Curve to the Left 11 Curve to the Right 12 North 54 °04'07" East 44.82' 13 South 60 03743" East 69.46' 14 South 41 °52'26" East 160.96' 15 South 12 °20'20" East 145.14' 16 South 34 035'03" East 159.75' 17 South 62 05452" East 92.72' 18 South 71037'01" East 78.35' 19 South 52 058'58" East 119.87' 20 South 35 °00'38" East 66.49' 21 South 26 047'31" East 62.87' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing Radius Delta Length 5 South 01 °04'05" West 140.00' 90 047101" 221.83' 10 South 62 °04'58" West 450.00' 48 °15'28" 379.02' 11 North 13 049'30" East 364.00' 29 °27'09" 187.1111 EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 3 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 47 008'40" West 31,858.79 feet to the Point of Beginning said point of beginning being an angle point of the southwestern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 57- Parcel 50; Thence, (2) South 10 02141" East 52.03 feet; Thence, (3) South 45 000'36" East 48.79 feet; Thence, (4) South 02 145'48" East 59.23 feet; Thence, (5) South 48 003'41 " West 32.48 feet; Thence, (6) along a non - tangent curve to the left having a radial which bears ginning- Containing 0.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. North 33 003'51" East, with: Radius 160.00 feet Delta 30 046'28" Arc Length 85.94 feet; Thence, (7) N North 87 042'37" West 38.81 feet; Thence, (8) N North 02 023'58" East 158.94 feet; Thence, (9) S South 55 113549" East 69.07 feet; Thence, (10) N North 59 051'50" East 38.71 feet to the Point of Be- Containing 0.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. azZ M 9 T M Zaw000 %.A!o �, m ci pV7dQQ<ciWi 9y in d O o_. 'h 16 Z wF "NZa Z c o-o- �c =ZmW y Go U N LL. Q- U w Q LLI uj U aQ� LL � m � °calm° m z U 0 1 W 0 SN �S��as G ai r ti ok a a Farr; � n ;xv ti �d s. r I r � N Q r r r Aj W MW =RAM WW EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 3 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 47 008'40" West 31,858.79' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 10 °2141" East 52.03' 3 South 45 °00'36" East 48.79' 4 South 02 °4548" East 59.23' 5 South 48 °03'41" West 32.48' 6 Curve to the Left 7 North 87 04237" West 38.81' 8 North 02 023'58" East 158.94' 9 South 55 035'49" East 69.07' 10 North 59 °51'50" East 38.71' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing I Radius Delta Length 6 North 33 °03`51" East 1 160.00' 30 °46'28" 85.94' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 4 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 48 °34'15" West 32,079.35 feet to the Point of Beainning, said point of beginning being the southeastern corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 8- Parcel 12 and also being on the western boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 57- Parcel 45; Thence, (2) South 00 155'25" West Thence, (3) South 72 °49'16" West Thence, (4) South 01007'37" West Thence, (5) North 49 050'54" West Thence, (6) North 58 040'19" West Thence, (7) South 02 017'42" West Thence, (8) North 58 053'09" West Thence, (9) North 11021'03" East Thence, (10) North 44 047'14" West Thence, (11) North 01020'47" West Thence, (12) South 89 003'53" East Thence, (13) North 00 052'50" East Thence, (14) South 88 045'17" East 258.47 feet; 27.77 feet; 119.38 feet; 30.37 feet; 92.50 feet; 22.43 feet; 115.89 feet; 102.24 feet; 16.94 feet; 16.81 feet; 125.76 feet; 156.00 feet; 99.48 feet to the Point of Be4inning. Containing 1.2 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. n. NZQrao oa"CCv� m 'NZ4le � 8 OtO� N dAu-clg F- < ♦' in MQSTAIFtp � W ��SQO • +� wuicrSUR `n a CL ��woW z ° n CD H fie CN N CN ° O � C1 =am WMM Mama FYQILLFWWMi � EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 4 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 48 °34'15" West 32,079.35' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 00 055'25" West 258.47' 3 South 72 °49'16" West 27.77' 4 South 01007'37" West 119.38' 5 North 49 050'54" West 30.37' 6 North 58 040'19" West 92.50' 7 South 02 017'42" West 22.43' 8 North 58 °53'09" West 115.89' 9 North 11 °21'03" East 102.24' 10 North 44 °47'14" West 16.94' 11 North 01 °20'47" West 16.81' 12 South 89 °03'53" East 125.76' 13 North 00 052'50" East 156.00' 14 South 88 045'17" East 99.48' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 5 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 48 022'25" West 35,003.84 feet to the Point of Beginnin-g. said point of beginning being an angle point on the general western boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 64- Parcel 33; Thence, (2) South 38 017'28" West 162.50 feet; Thence, (3) North 47 °17'02" West 218.87 feet; Thence, (4) North 52 005'32" East 126.42 feet; Thence, (5) along a tangent curve to the right having a radial which bears North 37 054'28" West, with: Radius 30.00 feet Delta 76 011'56" Arc Length 39.90 feet; Thence, (6) South 51 042'32" East 158.93 feet to the Point of Beginnina. Containing 0.7 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 5 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 48 °22'25" West 35,003.84' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 38 °17'28" West 162.50' 3 North 47 017'02" West 218.87' 4 North 52 005'32" East 126.42' 5 Curve to the Right 6 South 51042'32" East 158.93' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing I Radius Delta Length 5 North 37 °54'28" West 1 30.00' 76 011'56" 1 39.90' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 6 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the town of Danville, county of Contra Costa, state of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 58 021'30„ West 35,105.62 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being an angle point on the general southeastern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 1- Parcel 17 and also being a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the southwestern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 114- Parcel 9; Thence, (2) South 41 035'04" East 1,039.22 feet; Thence, (3) South 54 123'20" West 193.21 feet; Thence, (4) North 35 °20'51" West 200.10 feet; Thence, (5) South 55 039'44" West 99.83 feet; Thence, (6) South 35 °16'21" East 202.32 feet; Thence, (7) South 54 023'10" West 200.93 feet; Thence, (8) South 34 059'47" East 138.13 feet; Thence, (9) South 54 013'09" West 806.78 feet; Thence, (10) South 57 040'32" West 12.30 feet; Thence, (11) North 36 043'46" West 125.08 feet; Thence, (12) South 54 041'08" West 430.69 feet; Thence, (13) North 29 033'52" West 112.15 feet; Thence, (14) North 66 055'17" East 52.98 feet; Thence, (15) North 54 056'15" East 97.72 feet; Thence, (16) North 32 044'23" West 145.36 feet; Thence, (17) North 55 045'55" East 228.48 feet; Thence, (18) North 32 054'00" West 169.40 feet; Thence, (19) North 55 046'16" East 301.62 feet; Thence, (20) North 34 100'40" West 297.83 feet; Thence, (21) South 55 030'06" West 143.56 feet; Thence, (22) South 33 055'58" East 149.58 feet; Thence, (23) South 55 024'55" West 331.81 feet; Thence, (24) North 34 °18'23" West 150.05 feet; Thence, (25) South 55 012'35" West 223.13 feet; Thence, (26) North 30 °26'19" West 384.34 feet; Thence, (27) North 14 033'24" West 57.77 feet; Thence, (28) North 32 001'44" West 19.98 feet; EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 6 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Thence, (29) North 58 016'18" East 28.55 feet; Thence, (30) South 49 018'27" East 87.52 feet; Thence, (31) North 55 041'14" East 1,518.82 feet to the Point of Beginnina. Containing 37.2 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. N ~O o U y J Z z N «0 �azzc°5 a�Q.�r� Pi 8 cn o < < cn in �$ Lo �- ncn <Us o g �'�` °C Nt 59 CL Z J im Yi U Q p � 0 V) ( U Q Qa�moa � V< 4,��Fno'cn FS 7225 Iii C W W < CP LC N Z Z o�z & <aPi _ z a d n DW 1 io Is b c°.�':.� �pRQ,E1L COtlRT t L N�... N 1 1 tp I r_aouRT j t i NNp INf w I I Op NN I �N I I G1E o NNp'x' NN r J O � Y7 q I gI Nip N I I 9� i t I a I 9 Q xw M N 1W M OPM mama i-YC1CLI ANN- i EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 6 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 58 621'30" West 35,105.62' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 41 °35'04" East 1039.22' 3 South 54 °23'20" West 193.21' 4 North 35 °20'51" West 200.10' 5 South 55 °3944" West 99.83' 6 South 35° 16'21 " East 202.32' 7 South 54 °23'10" West 200.93' 8 South 34 05947" East 138.13' 9 South 54° 13'09" West 806.78' 10 South 57 040'32" West 12.30' 11 North 36 °4346" West 125.08' 12 South 54 °41'08" West 430.69' 13 North 29 033'52" West 112.15' 14 North 66 055'17" East 52.98' 15 North 54 056'15" East 97.72' 16 North 32 °44'23" West 145.36' 17 North 55 045'55" East 228.48' 18 North 32 °54'00" West 169.40' 19 North 55 046'16" East 301.62' 20 North 34 000'40" West 297.83' 21 South 55 030'06" West 143.56' 22 South 33 055'58" East 149.58' 23 South 55 024'55" West 331.81' 24 North 34 018'23" West 150.05' 25 North 550 12'35" West 223.13' 26 North 30 °26'19" West 384.34' 27 North 14 03324" West 57.77' 28 North 32 001'44" West 19.98' 29 North 58 016'18" East 28.55' 30 South 49 °18'27" East 87.52' 31 North 55 041'14" East 1518.82' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 7 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real, property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 46 020'08" West 33,471.90 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being the northeastern boundary corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 8- Parcel 8 and also being a point on the general western boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. A- Parcel 44; Thence, (2) South 83 °34'28" West 189.51 feet; Thence, (3) North 06 °40'42" West 92.61 feet; Thence, (4) North 83 023'47" East 167.74 feet; Thence, (5) along a tangent curve to the right having a radial which bears North 06036'13" West, with: Radius 30.00 feet Delta 97 032'28" Arc Length 51.07 feet; Thence, (6) South 00 °56'15" West 59.78 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. ' oaFb7ZZ° °U�U °^ ��ZZ H 4Ny,7�O °<ezC d N L LO . Oa —zap° st:_• �<o U Go cn �ov°ioQ� 8 W oc < MPAS/A WIn o0�Qo �~ ex oo m z m F 660 L' cn co jB • o < ^ V O. � W a. in a 0 IS Q7 Sr4� o: �W p SAN RAMON VALLEY BOULEVARD 10 A7 NNN O 6 4"W wen GIMM6 4 < EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 7 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 46 °20'08" West 33,471.90' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 83 °34`28" West 189.51' 3 North 06 °40'42" West 92.61' 4 North 83 °2347" East 167.74' 5 Curve to the Right 6 South 00 056'15" West 59.78' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing I Radius Delta Length 5 North 06 "36'13" West 1 30.00' 97 032128" 51.07' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 8 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 64 023'21" West 30,108.26 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being the southeastern boundary corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 77- Parcel 7 and also being on the western boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 46- Parcel 17; Thence, (2) South 08 047'36" West 243.77 feet; Thence, (3) South 37 034'07" East 254.74 feet; Thence, (4) South 37 °34'01 " East 130.04 feet; Thence, (5) South 40 048'30" East 57.08 feet; Thence, (6) South 72 022'43" East 187.02 feet; Thence, (7) South 67 027'49" East 87.35 feet; Thence, (8) North 44 107'58" East 92.76 feet; Thence, (9) North 64 036'50" West 28.77 feet; Thence, (10) North 61 035'49" West 125.30 feet; Thence, (11) North 35 009'11" East 100.12 feet; Thence, (12) South 57 042'51" East 196.59 feet; Thence, (13) South 37 040'27" West 20.50 feet; Thence, (14) along a non - tangent curve to the left having a radial which bears North 38 005'42" West, with: Radius 350.00 feet Delta 42 019'46" Arc Length 258.58 feet; Thence, (15) South 09 034'32" West 222.76 feet; Thence, (16) North 72 005'40" West 21.41 feet; Thence, (17) South 34 °36'34" West 404.62 feet; Thence, (18) South 73 051'47" West 214.76 feet; Thence, (19) South 47 022'45" West 106.30 feet; Thence, (20) North 16 023'18" West 304.30 feet; Thence, (21) South 73 °36'40" West 66.99 feet; Thence, (22) North 16 023'15" West 76.80 feet; Thence, (23) South 73 136'49" West 224.89 feet; Thence, (24) North 16 033'30" West 534.95 feet; EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 8 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Thence, (25) North 20 052'19" East 162.49 feet; Thence, (26) North 00 052'15" West 150.45 feet; Thence, (27) North 39 027'44" West 98.50 feet; Thence, (28) North 38 °46'14" West 543.53 feet; Thence, (29) South 82 039'25" East 962.95 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 26.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. § ,s ■ask z «moo � WO��2 z �e � @� ¥ƒo 2z EF= �2m K �IbE§ «f 2 LU $ / § /��§§k& ,. 10 � 2ƒ�Ek�ƒ < 7 < ■� o § Q OKs % d �$ § 5 EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 8 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Radial Bearing Distance 1 South 64 °23'21" West 30,108.26' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 08 °47'36" West 243.77' 3 South 37 034'07" East 254.74' 4 South 37 °34'01" East 130.04' 5 South 40 °48'30" East 57.08' 6 South 72 022'43" East 187.02' 7 South 67 °27'49" East 87.35' 8 North 44 007'58" East 92.76' 9 North 64 036'50" West 28.77' 10 North 61"35'49" West 125.30' 11 North 35 00911" East 100.12' 12 South 57 °42'51" East 196.59' 13 South 37 °40'27" West 20.50' 14 Curve to the Left 15 South 09 034'32" West 222.76' 16 North 72 005'40" West 21.41' 17 South 34 036'34" West 404.62' 18 South 73 051'47" West 214.76' 19 South 47 02245" West 106.30' 20 North 16 °23'18" West 304.30' 21 South 73 036'40" West 66.99' 22 North 16 °23'15" West 76.80' 23 South 73 03649" West 224.89' 24 North 16 033'30" West 534.95' 25 North 20 052'19" East 162.49' 26 North 00 05215" West 150.45' 27 North 39 °2744" West 98.50' 28 North 38 046'14" West 543.53' 29 South 82 039'25" East 962.95' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing Radius Delta Length 14 North 38 005'42" West 1 350.00' 42 °19'46" 1 258.58' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 9 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 76 017'35" West 38,328.23 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being the northwestern corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 32- Parcel 11 and also being on the southwestern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 8- Parcel 23; Thence, (2) South 35 025'46" West 227.27 feet; Thence, (3) South 37 010'37" West 177.52 feet; Thence, (4) South 33 007'34" East 539.41 feet; Thence, (5) North 57 127'59" East 341.61 feet; Thence, (6) South 29 052'49" East 396.06 feet; Thence, (7) South 61 038'32" West 621.79 feet; Thence, (8) North 50 023'30" West 262.12 feet; Thence, (9) North 27 024'36" West 345.12 feet; Thence, (10) North 50 04242" West 160.03 feet; Thence, (11) North 59 124'02" West 150.83 feet; Thence, (12) North 54 °06'51" West 140.36 feet; Thence, (13) North 24 009'17" West 106.48 feet; Thence, (14) North 17 °18'24" East 95.01 feet; Thence, (15) North 41 °50'22" West 73.15 feet; Thence, (16) North 67 003'19" West 210.19 feet; Thence, (17) North 39 014'08" West 242.51 feet; Thence, (18) North 54 023'22" West 207.27 feet; Thence, (19) North 44 052'56" West 295.05 feet; Thence, (20) South 63 05117" East 196.72 feet; Thence, (21) North 37 °34'26" East 327.39 feet; Thence, (22) South 21006'29" East 185.11 feet; Thence, (23) North 78 046'02" East 254.91 feet; Thence, (24) North 00 037'03" East 224.79 feet; Thence, (25) North 73 026'49" East 216.42 feet; Thence, (26) South 42 °41'10" East 107.68 feet; Thence, (27) South 83 015'35" East 120.89 feet; Thence, (28) South 39 059'42" East 129.59 feet; EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 9 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Thence, (29) South 12 °10'53" East 138.10 feet; Thence, (30) South 71 052'53" East 84.84 feet; Thence, (31) South 53 °58'31" East 73.95 feet; Thence, (32) South 00 014'00" East 195.26 feet; Thence, (33) South 63 033'36" East 192.73 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 31.2 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. N Q O E5 V W razz '.s Z W �� i >: i r S � y� ado ZM NZ�4 <N m pM��CI�Z M �a W 0- No ZFgNa ch W N n- 4 !� 1 Wrn °5r� « �H w 1 1 a a�moa $ U o 0LLI 0: LLJ CL Mp � U 2 r F- / is 6 IL cn W L% 1 zzN w n a a Lf a 14 I I`c'y EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 9 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 76 °17'35" West 38,328.23' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 35 02546" West 227.27' 3 South 37 010'37" West 177.52' 4 South 33 007'34" East 539.41' 5 North 57 027'59" East 341.61' 6 South 29 05249" East 396.06' 7 South 61038'32" West 621.79' 8 North 50 023'30" West 262.12' 9 North 27 024'36" West 345.12' 10 North 50 04242" West 160.03' 11 North 59 024'02" West 150.83' 12 North 54 006'51" West 140.36' 13 North 24 009'17" West 106.48' 14 North 17 018'24" East 95.01' 15 North 41050'22" West 73.15' 16 North 67 "03'19" West 210.19' 17 North 39 °14'08" West 242.51' 18 North 54 °2322" West 207.27' 19 North 44 052'56" West 295.05' 20 South 63 °51'17" East 196.72' 21 North 37 034'26" East 327.39' 22 South 21 006'29" East 185.11' 23 North 78 046'02" East 254.91' 24 North 00 037'03" East 224.79' 25 North 73 02649" East 216.42' 26 South 42 041'10" East 107.68' 27 South 83 015'35" East 120.89' 28 South 39 05942" East 129.59' 29 South 12 010'53" East 138.10' 30 South 71 °52'53" East 84.84' 31 South 53 058'31" East 73.95' 32 South 00 014'00" East 195.26' 33 South 63 °33'36" East 192.73' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 10 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 67 019'18" West 34,860.52 feet to the Point of Beg inn! ng. said point of beginning being the northwestern boundary corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 153- Parcel 8 and also being on the southeastern boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 157 - Parcel 1; Thence, (2) South 15 057'14" East 75.92 feet; Thence, (3) South 22 025'45" West 58.90 feet; Thence, (4) South 52 °05'45" West 148.81 feet; Thence, (5) North 37 043'26" West 98.78 feet; Thence, (6) North 51 053'51" East 228.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.5 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. N� _cJ w o ab ewes -W < O e ai om �°- C `Cc mN< CSc $ If <N� .:. "St} 00s y co aka mWa c,�G 4 'mss U�vviOw:DW o_m o � Lo. LOA- < C.) H 0 dot 4 C N Z F-H F <id S CL LSIZI� CL 0o1;z as I N m N G p� Q ♦ ♦ 'rd ♦ J ♦ ` c N �] AU w wart WWAVG T- s I-ausw W&NOWIm EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 10 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 67 019'18" West 34,860.52' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 15 °57'14" East 75.92' 3 South 22 °2545" West 58.90' 4 South 52 005'45" West 148.81' 5 North 37 043'26" West 98.78' 6 North 51 053'51" East 228.05' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 11 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 68 138'34" West 34,842.82 feet to the Point of Beainningt said point of beginning being the eastern boundary corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 48- Parcel 19 and also being on the southwestern boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 112- Parcel 6; Thence, (2) South 46 016'26" East 366.15 feet; Thence, (3) South 46 °08'42" East 307.90 feet; Thence, (4) South 43018'19" East 250.48 feet; Thence, (5) North 73 032'10" East 51.14 feet; Thence, (6) South 45 032'20" East 1,011.87 feet; Thence, (7) South 29 037'02" West 312.56 feet; Thence, (8) South 88 013'57" West 201.38 feet; Thence, (9) South 48 052'52" West 7.88 feet; Thence, (10) North 65 009'53" West 286.94 feet; Thence, (11) North 30 053'09" West 131.24 feet; Thence, (12) South 48 055'50" West 224.83 feet; Thence, (13) North 39 056'15" West 123.19 feet; Thence, (14) North 48 156'13" East 139.36 feet; Thence, (15) North 40 126'35" West 53.55 feet; Thence, (16) North 48 °29'41" East 6.02 feet; Thence, (17) North 40 °11'01" West 71.94 feet; Thence, (18) South 49 003'24" West 97.46 feet; Thence, (19) North 41034'59" West 104.31 feet; Thence, (20) South 49 013'12" West 248.17 feet; Thence, (21) North 40 037'20" West 97.43 feet; Thence, (22) North 38 144'12" West 63.19 feet; Thence, (23) North 51152'36" East 652.33 feet; Thence, (24) North 14 °20'11" West 316.25 feet; Thence, (25) North 49 006'06" West 3.29 feet; Thence, (26) North 57 °00'00" West 85.25 feet; Thence, (27) North 64 129'57" West 198.00 feet; Thence, (28) South 87 045'04" West 165.00 feet; EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 11 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Thence, (29) North 83 °08'14" West 109.80 feet; Thence, (30) North 70 °43'36" West 100.69 feet; Thence, (31) North 58 048'58" East 10.70 feet; Thence, (32) North 25 °24'40" West 256.68 feet; Thence, (33) North 51 °38'56" East 256.88 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 18.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 11 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 68 038'34" West 34,842.82' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 46 °1626" East 366.15' 3 South 46 008'42" East 307.90' 4 South 43 °18'19" East 250.48' 5 North 73 032'10" East 51.14' 6 South 45 032'20" East 1,011.87' 7 South 29 037'02" West 312.56' 8 South 88 013'57" West 201.38' 9 South 48 052'52" West 7.88' 10 North 65 °09'53" West 286.94' 11 North 30 °53'09" West 131.24' 12 South 48 °55'50" West 224.83' 13 North 39 °56'15" West 123.19' 14 North 48 °56'13" East 139.36' 15 North 40 °26'35" West 53.55' 16 North 48 029'41" East 6.02' 17 North 40 °11'01" West 71.94' 18 South 49 °03'24" West 97.46' 19 North 41034'59" West 104.31' 20 South 49 013'12" West 248.17' 21 North 40 037'20" West 97.43' 22 North 38 044'12" West 63.19' 23 North 51052'36" East 652.33' 24 North 14 °20'11" West 316.25' 25 North 49 006'06" West 3.29' 26 North 57 000'00" West 85.25' 27 North 64 029'57" West 198.00' 28 South 87 045'04" West 165.00' 29 North 83 008'14" West 109.80' 30 North 70 °43'36" West 100.69' 31 North 58 048'58" East 10.70' 32 North 25 024'40" West 256.68' 33 North 51 °38'56" East 256.88' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 12 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 64 °31'52" West 36,599.56 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being an angle point on the southeastern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 157 - Parcel 2 and also being a point on Corwin Drive; Thence, (2) South 40 022'30" East 185.73 feet; Thence, (3) South 49 042'43" West 110.82 feet; Thence, (4) North 40 022'32" West 177.51 feet; Thence, (5) North 45 128'14" East 111.11 feet to the Point of Beainnina. Containing 0.5 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. ZZ 'v iii UN Q OW `.«. ph N �' m2 �y�p �•� C^ a. �ZNf"�O G_ d�coaNZ c�toc% ax Y� -���mW �• fix} � �$ 2 W Li on9°oaw _...fix CNI mC :)� a CD CD Z a o Y rr as ■ � N � O O �1 H ati O O o d O� w � ti��J EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 12 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 64 °31'52" West 36,599.56' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 40 °22'30" East 185.73' 3 South 49 04243" West 110.82' 4 North 40 °22'32" West 177.51' 5 North 45 °28'14" East 111.11' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 13 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 63 °52'11" West 35,831.54 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being a point on the southwestern boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 136 - Parcel 9 and also being an angle point on the general eastern boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 150 - Parcel 15; Thence, (2) South 40 032'13" East 101.26 feet; Thence, (3) South 49 043'35" West 280.28 feet; Thence, (4) North 40 032'07" West 100.89 feet; Thence, (5) North 49 039'04" East 280.28 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.7 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 13 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 63 °52'11" West 35,831.54' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 40 °32'13" East 101.26' 3 South 49 043'35" West 280.28' 4 North 40 032'07" West 100.89' 5 North 49 039'04" East 280.28' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO, 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 14 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 63 032'12" West 35,500.97 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being an angle point on the southeastern boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 136 - Parcel 9 and also being a point in Gary Way; Thence, (2) South 41 000'42" East 219.72 feet; Thence, (3) South 48 °41'11" West 271.17 feet; Thence, (4) North 40 033'17" West 224.44 feet; Thence, (5) North 49 141'06" East 269.40 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.4 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. Z ;t Rig mi 09 9+ Lu N < 0 2 LJ �LEis x 8 U X< O l F�QgQO � ¢ 'n CL J< H yN F 9 6 W= CL �� z ° �( za�' W AN �m a 0 0 G� a I o a. o ��J o Py P�`y am Ow SPOW SIBM^ EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 14 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 63 "32'12" West 35,500.97' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 41 °00'42" East 219.72' 3 South 48 °41'11" West 271.17' 4 North 40 033'17" West 224.44' 5 North 49 041'06" East 269.40' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 15 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 61 °46'04" West 35,658.43 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being an angle point on the southeastern boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 102 - Parcel 9 and also being on the southwestern boundary line of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 153 - Parcel 12; Thence, (2) South 44035'49 East 227.23 feet; Thence, (3) South 32 038'52" East 37.92 feet; Thence, (4) South 45 030'49" East 122.86 feet; Thence, (5) North 45 013'08" East 89.88 feet; Thence, (6) South 45 018'55" East 664.33 feet; Thence, (7) South 33 026'42" West 57.93 feet; Thence, (8) South 44 017'56" West 433.53 feet; Thence, (9) North 45 012'14" West 364.98 feet; Thence, (10) North 44 008'39" East 84.49 feet; Thence, (11) North 44 055'46" West 20.23 feet; Thence, (12) North 45 005'22" East 77.57 feet; Thence, (13) North 45 031'37" West 296.14 feet; Thence, (14) South 45 012'56" West 160.42 feet; Thence, (15) North 45 012'26" West 408.74 feet; Thence, (16) North 66 007'25" East 125.96 feet; Thence, (17) along a non - tangent curve to the right having a radial which bears Containing 10.1 acres of land more or less. South 66 024'59" West, with: Radius 70.00 feet Delta 68 005'59" Are Length 83.20 feet; Thence, (18) North 44 030'58" East 74.20 feet; Thence, (19) South 45 025'04" East 24.14 feet; Thence, (20) North 44 029'35" East 152.73 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 10.1 acres of land more or less. EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 15 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 15 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Radial Bearing Distance 1 South 61046'04" West 35,658.43' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 44 03549" East 227.23' 3 South 32 °38'52" East 37.92' 4 South 45 °30'49" East 122.86' 5 North 45 013'08" East 89.88' 6 South 45 018'55" East 664.33' 7 South 33 026'42" West 57.93' 8 South 44 017'56" West 433.53' 9 North 45 °12'14" West 364.98' 10 North 44 008'39" East 84.49' 11 North 44 055`46" West 20.23' 12 North 45 °05'22" East 77.57' 13 North 45 °31'37" West 296.14' 14 South 45 "1256" West 160.42' 15 North 45"12'26" West 408.74' 16 North 66 °07'25" East 125.96' 17 Curve to the Right 18 North 44 °30'58" East 74.20' 19 South 45 02604" East 24.14' 20 North 44 °29'35" East 152.73' Curve Table No. Radial Bearing I Radius Delta Length 17 South 66 °24'59" West 1 70.00' 68 °05'59" 1 83.20' EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 16 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the unincorporated territory of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and being a portion of Rancho San Ramon (Carpentier), described as follows: Commencing at the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Initial Point; Thence, (1) South 60 049'30" West 35,063.69 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point of beginning being the western boundary corner of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 150 - Parcel 7 and also being on the southeasterly boundary of the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary at Annexation No. 165 - Parcel 8; Thence, (2) South 45 022'45" East 311.21 feet; Thence, (3) South 41058'38" West 162.44 feet; Thence, (4) North 45 021'20" West 320.50 feet; Thence, (5) North 45 015'15" East 162.15 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.2 acres of land more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer of sale of the land described. Lj Lc" ZJ Z Om .tip 'vroN v 25 �I Qro cr cn d Z� 8 Q M M W m Z ma;; =tea -5 .s•�Z d �CSV)6 . r:F -`off^ uj F oa�m1 < z$ os z z C aiaa a 1 � U m ii1 �1 °' a o Q, sil i P 0 m � w a R ;w for w Lev[ 000s " t�a�oco-vavatr ww■ww� EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION NO. 173 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AREA 16 NUMBERED COURSE INDEX TABLE Line Bearing Distance 1 South 60 049'30" West 35,063.69' Point of beginning on CCCSD Boundary 2 South 45 022'45" East 311.21' 3 South 41 °58'38" West 162.44' 4 North 45 °21'20" West 320.50' 5 North 45 015'15" East 162.15' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 4.f. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT POLICY subiect: ADOPT REVISED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND RECORDS POLICY, INCLUDING THE SCHEDULE OF FEES OR DEPOSITS TO BE COLLECTED Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. X" Ck..a[� L / A. Taliani E. Boehme Im James VKelly, District Counsel General anager ISSUE: Board authorization is need to adopt the revised Public Information and Records Policy, including the schedule of fees or deposits to be collected. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt revised Public Information and Records Policy, including the schedule of fees or deposits to be collected. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Continue using the current policy and fee schedule that was adopted by the Board in March 1985. BACKGROUND: The current Public Information and Records Policy was approved by the Board of Directors in March 1985. It defined existing practices and established a standard District -wide copy charge in compliance with the California Public Records Act (California Government Code Section 6250 et seq.). The Act makes all non - exempt, state and local government agency records in any form or medium subject to public inspection during office hours or copying upon payment of duplication costs. The attached policy has been revised to include: ■ The definition of a public record. • Defining records exempt from disclosure. ■ The District's internal procedure for managing public records request. ■ A more defined schedule of fees or deposits to be collected when providing copies of public information or records. (Note: No fees have been increased.) The revisions made to the District's Public Information and Records Policy, including the schedule of fees or deposits to be collected, has been reviewed by the Department Directors and District Counsel. The policy is also in compliance with the California Public Records Act; however, it is not intended to limit or increase the District's responsibilities under the Act. N:WDMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Public Records Requests \CCCSD Public Record Policy PositionPaper 09- 08.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 sub /ecr. ADOPT REVISED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND RECORDS POLICY, INCLUDING THE SCHEDULE OF FEES OR DEPOSITS TO BE COLLECTED RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt revised Public Information and Records Policy including the schedule of fees or deposits to be collected. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Public Records Requests \CCCSD Public Record Policy Position Paper 09- 08.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District I ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Effective Date: Revised 09/18/08 Sheet 1 of 7 Subject: PUBLIC INFORMATION AND RECORDS REQUESTS Established by: Elaine Boehme, Secretary of the District PURPOSE AND GENERAL SUMMARY To establish a uniform policy in accordance with the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) whereby persons may be granted access to public information and records with the right to procure copies upon payment of a fee or deposit. :2 nFmI=iN1T-10 N All statutes, court rules, and other authority are to be broadly construed in favor of disclosure and narrowly construed if they limit the public's right to access. (Cal. Const. Art I § 3 (b)(2).) Thus, in general, all records should be considered public and available for viewing or copying unless a specific exemption in the Public Records Act applies. The majority of the District's records are disclosable public records. The most common exemptions that will apply to District records include exemptions for personnel records; records containing addresses, phone numbers, or Social Security numbers; health records; attorney-client privileged communications; and documents from third parties identifying them as trade secrets. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Public Record: Includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics (Government Code Section 6250(d)) 6252(e)). 2.2 "Writing'' -': means gMhandwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, photocopying, transmitting by electronic mail or facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing any form of communication or representation., including letters, words, pictures, sounds., or symbols or oombiRatiGn,_or combinations thereof, and a-14 , Page 1 of 8 (Geyemmei;t Cede SeGtOGR 6253 (e)). any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored. (Government Code Section 6252(g).) 3. POLICY 3.1 a+AGenerally: Subject to the Public Records Act's limitations, every sitizer{ e� rson has a right to inspect , Godepublic records that are not exempt from disclosure at all times during the District's office hours. A member of the public may request public records by letter, email, telephone, in person, or by any other means. No personal identification is required from the person making the request. The District may not limit access to public records based upon the identity or purpose of the requesting party. 3.2 Walk -in Reauests to Inspect or Copy Records: A member of the _public has the right to inspect, in person at the District HOB office, all records that may reasonably be produced and that are not exempt from disclosure. Advanced notice is not required to inspect public records. There is no charge to merely inspect public records, as opposed to obtaining copies. Inspection will occur on District premises, and if appropriate, under the supervision of District staff. If the viewer wishes to make copies after viewing the records, District staff should reasonably try to accommodate the request for copies. In cases where a request to view records at the District office has been made in advance, the inspection will be approved and scheduled by the Secretary of District. 3.3 Reauests for Copies: Routine requests for public records, whether made by phone, in person, or in writing, shall be filled immediately or as soon as possible, ideally by the person receiving the request. Any non - routine records requests shall be immediately forwarded to the District Secretary. Determination as to whether a requested record is a public record and open to inspection shall be made by the Department HeadDistrict Secretary or his/ or her appointed representative. Refusals Oirtr� Page 2 of 8 ner,ar+.v,oR+Upon receipt of Gemp ; (19:76 r-,tat6ie6 provided for r-,t-mrt-;;;R eXGeptiGR6, see a request for records, the District Secretary shall make reasonably identifiable, non- exempt records, or portions thereof, promptly available to the requester, and shall, upon request, provide copies of such records upon payment of the fees set forth in the attached Schedule of Fees. The District Secretary shall, within 10 days from receipt of the request for a copy of records, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the District and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefore. In "unusual circumstances," as defined in the Government Code, the time limit prescribed in this section may be extended for up to 14 additional days by written notice by the District to the person making the request, setting forth the reasons for the extension and the date on which a determination is expected to be dispatched. (Government Code Section 6253.) If the records are disclosable, the Secretary of the District will then notify appropriate District staff to provide documents that are maintained in departmental files. The Secretary of the District will arrange for review or transmittal of all requested documents. Requested copies shall be provided upon payment Page 3 of 8 iW.11lwl�"lk[l1!'YlAAil5�ll�ll Offia .10 ner,ar+.v,oR+Upon receipt of Gemp ; (19:76 r-,tat6ie6 provided for r-,t-mrt-;;;R eXGeptiGR6, see a request for records, the District Secretary shall make reasonably identifiable, non- exempt records, or portions thereof, promptly available to the requester, and shall, upon request, provide copies of such records upon payment of the fees set forth in the attached Schedule of Fees. The District Secretary shall, within 10 days from receipt of the request for a copy of records, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the District and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefore. In "unusual circumstances," as defined in the Government Code, the time limit prescribed in this section may be extended for up to 14 additional days by written notice by the District to the person making the request, setting forth the reasons for the extension and the date on which a determination is expected to be dispatched. (Government Code Section 6253.) If the records are disclosable, the Secretary of the District will then notify appropriate District staff to provide documents that are maintained in departmental files. The Secretary of the District will arrange for review or transmittal of all requested documents. Requested copies shall be provided upon payment Page 3 of 8 iW.11lwl�"lk[l1!'YlAAil5�ll�ll illLp!1.i711 ner,ar+.v,oR+Upon receipt of Gemp ; (19:76 r-,tat6ie6 provided for r-,t-mrt-;;;R eXGeptiGR6, see a request for records, the District Secretary shall make reasonably identifiable, non- exempt records, or portions thereof, promptly available to the requester, and shall, upon request, provide copies of such records upon payment of the fees set forth in the attached Schedule of Fees. The District Secretary shall, within 10 days from receipt of the request for a copy of records, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the District and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefore. In "unusual circumstances," as defined in the Government Code, the time limit prescribed in this section may be extended for up to 14 additional days by written notice by the District to the person making the request, setting forth the reasons for the extension and the date on which a determination is expected to be dispatched. (Government Code Section 6253.) If the records are disclosable, the Secretary of the District will then notify appropriate District staff to provide documents that are maintained in departmental files. The Secretary of the District will arrange for review or transmittal of all requested documents. Requested copies shall be provided upon payment Page 3 of 8 of the appropriate fee. Monies received shall be deposited in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Running Expense Fund. 3.4464 Routine Requests for Copies. Requests for Ordinances Resolutions, District Code Sections, finalized agendas, minutes Form 700 Statements of Economic Interest, contracts (including management employment contracts), MOUs, and permits may be routinely filled by staff without approval by the District Secretary. Non - routine requests to inspect records shall be approved by the District Secretary. 3.5 Request Refusals. Where the District determines that a requested record is exempt from disclosure, the District shall provide a written notification of denial to the requester, which shall be prepared in compliance with Government Code Sections 6253(d) and 6255. If there exists any uncertainty as to whether a record or portion thereof is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, District staff should consult with District Counsel. 3.6 Exempt Records. Records exempt from disclosure include, but are not limited to, the following: 3.6.1 Prelimi_n_a_ ry drafts of documents, memos, or reports. that are not retained by the District in the ordinary course of business. However, the public interest in withholding those records must clearly outweigh the public interest in disclosure to deny the request; 3.6.2 Records pertaining to pending litigation to which the District is a Party, or to claims made pursuant to Division 3.6 (commencing with Section 810) of Title I of the Government Code, until such litigation or claim has been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled; 3.6.3 Personnel, medical, or similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; 3.6.4 Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to administer a licensing examination, examination for employment, or academic examination; 4 -476_5 The contents of real estate appraisals, engineering or feasibility estimates and evaluations made for or by the state or local agency relative to the acquisition of property, or to prospective public supply and construction contracts, until such time as all of the property has been acquired or all of the contract agreement obtained, provided, however, the law of eminent domain shall not be affected by this provision; Page 4 of 8 3.6_6 Information required from any taxpayer in connection with the collection of local taxes which is received in confidence and the disclosure of the information to other persons would result in unfair competitive disadvantage to the person supplying such information; 3.96_7 Records the disclosure of which is exempted or prohibited pursuant to provisions of federal or state law, including, but not limited to, provisions of the Evidence Code relating to privilege. For example: 3.2 Reguec•f for 4nformateon nr i`nnv• A Fegl lest fnr a nnnv of 1. Trade secrets "`7`" 2. Attorney - client privileged information 3. Protected personal health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) 3.6.8 Personal financial data filed with licensing agencies as required to establish an applicant's qualification for a license, certificate or a #ee ep rmit. (Government Code Section 6254.) 3.7 Assisting the Requester: A person requesting to inspect or of appFepFiate fee. MORieG FeG9ived shall be deposited On the. Gentral obtain copies of records is often at a disadvantage because it is difficult to reasonably describe records that the person has not yet seen. Therefore, the District is required to assist requesters in making a focused and effective request that reasonably describes identifiable records by doing the following, to the extent reasonable under the circumstances: 1. Assist the requester to identify records and information that are responsive to the request or to the purpose of the request, if stated. 2. Describe the information technology and physical location in which the records exist. 3. Provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records or information sought. Page 5 of 8 The District's dutv to assist the requester is deemed satisfied if the District is unable to identify the requested information after making a reasonable effort to elicit additional clarifying information from the requester. The District does not have an obligation to assist the requester in making a more focused and effective request, however, if the requested records are made available, are exempt from disclosure, or the District makes an index of its records available. (Government Code Section 6253.1) 3.8 Electronic Records: If the District has disclosable public records in electronic format the District must make the information available in an electronic format when requested. But, the District may not make the requested information available only in electronic format. When applicable, the District must: 1. Make the information available in any electronic format in which it holds the information. 2. Provide a copy of an electronic record in the format reauested if the format is one that the District has used to create copies for its own use or for other agencies. The cost of duplication charged to the requester must be limited to the direct cost of producing the copy in an electronic format. However, the requester must pay the cost of producing the copy, including the cost of computer programming, if the request would require the District to produce a copy that is otherwise produced only at regularly scheduled intervals, or the request would require data compilation, extraction, or programming to produce the record. The California Public Records Act does not require the District to reconstruct a record in an electronic format if the District no lonqer has it available in an electronic format. The California Public Records Act also does not require the District to release an electronic record in the electronic form in which it is held if its release would compromise the security or integrity of the original records or of any proprietary software in which it is maintained. (Government Code Section 6253.9.) 3.9 Request for Summary of Information or Copy: The Public Records Act does not require the District to make sun: present the requested information in summary form or to extract information from documents. Requests for summaries shall be directed to the BeaFd of Di reGtG Fs District Secretary and General Manager who shall set the fee upon receiving advice from staff as to the estimated time of staff work required to compile such summaries. 3.10 Request for Form 700 Conflict of Interest Forms: Notwithstanding the timelines set forth above, a Statement of Economic Interest filed pursuant Page 6 of 8 to the Political Reform Act of 1974 shall be open for public inspection and copying promptly upon request during regular District business hours, commencing as soon as practicable, but not later than the second business day following the day on which the Statement of Economic Interest was received by the District. (Government Code Section 81008.) Copies of the records shall be provided at a charge not to exceed $0.10 per page. For copies over five years old, a retrieval fee not to exceed $5.00 may be charged in addition to the 10 cents per page charge. 3.11 Consistency with California Public Records Act. This policy is not intended to limit or increase the District's responsibilities under the California Public Records Act. Page 7 of 8 SCHEDULE OF FEES OR DEPOSITS TO BE COLLECTED WHEN COPY OF PUBLIC RECORD OR INFORMATION IS REQUESTED General Documents Unit l.—.Copy of identifiable public record or €asks -Page information (Set by AdmiRis#ative aGtOGR, GUrreRtly at $9.15 per page) 2. Extract of €aGh Page document and certification 3. PFORt 49M MOGFOfilmCertifying existing EaGh Pag-Document documents 4. Initial Handling Fee Certified Payroll 1" Page (8 CCR 16402; Labor Code 1776) Each Page Thereafter NOTE: A $10 handlina fee is to be collected from the requester only if the contractor or subcontractor has not already provided the certified payroll to the District. If a $10 handling fee is collected, it will be forwarded to the contractor /subcontractor. Fee or Deposit per Unit $0.15 $1.5)$2.00 $210.00 1.00 0.25 5. Form DOGUmeRtPage $1.()()$0.10 700 Conflict of Interest (Government Code Section 81008) 6. Form 700 Conflict of Interest Page $0.10 and (5 years or older) $5.00 (Retrieval fee) (Government Code Section 81008) SPECIAL DOCUMENTS 1. District Cede On bin - , Cede w0th bonde $4-W20.00 Update SeNiGe FeeStandard AnnualSet of $ AA Specifications Specifications 2. StandaFd SPeGifiGati9RsF1pject Set of Specifications $ Documents for Construction Mailed st Set Free Each Set Thereafter $225.00 $6,00 Page 8 of 8 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 4.g. Consent Calendar Type of Action: CONFIRM PUBLICATION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PUBLICATION OF A SUMMARY OF DISTRICT ORDINANCE NO. 252 (UNCODIFIED) - ESTABLISHING REIMBURSEMENT FEES APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES THAT CONNECT TO JOB 5177 (DANVILLE BOULEVARD, ALAMO) SPECIAL SEWER FACILITIES; AND JOB 6421 (AMBERWOOD LANE, WALNUT CREEK) STANDARD SEWER FACILITIES Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administrative Department Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Boehme l James M. elly, General rnager ISSUE: Section 6490 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California provides that District ordinances shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation within the District, and provides that an Order of the Board of Directors of the District to the effect that the ordinance has been published shall constitute conclusive evidence that publication has been properly made. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution confirming the publication of a summary of District Ordinance No. 252. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Establishes presumption that the ordinance was correctly published and therefore would be deemed procedurally valid by a court. BACKGROUND: A summary of District Ordinance No. 252 (Uncodified) which was adopted by the Board at the meeting of August 7, 2008, and which establishes reimbursement fees applicable to properties that connect to Job 5177 (Danville Boulevard, Alamo) Special Sewer Facilities; and Job 6421 (Amberwood Lane, Walnut Creek) Standard Sewer Facilities, was published in the Contra Costa Times on August 19, 2008. Proof of publication is attached. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution confirming the publication of a summary of District Ordinance No. 252. Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2008- RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PUBLICATION OF A SUMMARY OF DISTRICT ORDINANCE NO. 252 (UNCODIFIED) ESTABLISHING REIMBURSEMENT FEES APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES THAT CONNECT TO JOB 5177 (DANVILLE BOULEVARD, ALAMO) SPECIAL SEWER FACILITIES; AND JOB 6421 (AMBERWOOD LANE, WALNUT CREEK) STANDARD SEWER FACILITIES WHEREAS, Section 6490 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California provides that District ordinances shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation within the District, and provides that an Order of the Board of Directors of the District to the effect that the Ordinance has been published shall constitute conclusive evidence that publication has been properly made. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT a summary of District Ordinance No. 252 (Uncodified) which was adopted on August 7, 2008, and which Establishes Reimbursement Fees Applicable to Properties that Connect to Job 5177 (Danville Boulevard, Alamo) Special Sewer Facilities; and Job 6421 (Amberwood Lane, Walnut Creek) Standard Sewer Facilities, has been properly published once since its adoption in a newspaper of general circulation within Contra Costa County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 18th day of September, 2008 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Kenton L. Alm District Counsel Contra Costa Times I Legal No. 0002903224 P O Box 4147 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 935 -2525 Central CC Sanitary Ann/Accts Payable,5019 Imhoff Pl. Martinez CA 94553 -4316 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FILE NO. ORD 252 In the matter of I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above - entitled matter. I am the Principal Legal Clerk of the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at 2640 Shadelands Drive in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, 94598 And which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, under the date of October 22, 1934. Case Number 19764. The notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not small than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: 8/19/2008 I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Walnut Creek, California. On this 19 day of August, 008 Signature 0 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 252 AN TO ISH ODREIMBUROSEMENT FEES APPLICABLE TO PROPER- TIES THAT CONNECT TO JBOOULEVARD (DAAMO) SPECIAL SEWER FACILI- TIES AND JOB 6421 (AMBERWOOD LANE, WALNUT CREEK) STAND- ARD SEWER FACILITIES The I Gfr f the :e. A text or the proposea or- dinance Is posted and maybe t of�th In DiI tr ct's Office at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez and /or a co (roomy the office obtained Adopted: August7,2008 AYES: Members: Hockett, MCGII Manesinl, Lucey NOES embers:NOne ABSENT:Members: Neledly s/s Gerald R. LuceYY President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Sec Elaine Sanl�tary OlstrIct, County of Contra Costa, State of Callfor- nAipa :F. ne b9n L Alm Form: Kenton L. Alm District Course CCT#2903224 Aug..19 2008 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 4.h. Consent Calendar Type of Action: Human Resources Subject: AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR UTLITY WORKER MARALEE DAVI THROUGH NOVEMBER 7, 2008 Submitted By: Douglas J. Craig, Initiating Dept /Div.: Plant Operations Director of Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Craig C. Freitas jlaA- 6 6arnes M. elly, eneral Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for a medical leave of absence without pay in excess of 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Utility Worker Maralee Davi. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Deny extension of medical leave of absence without pay. BACKGROUND: Utility Worker Maralee Davi has been off of work since August 1, 2007, due to a medical condition. The Board previously approved a medical leave of absence without pay for Ms. Davi through September 5, 2008. We request an extension of medical leave of absence without pay through November 7, 2008. Upon receipt of the next doctor's verification, Ms. Davi's status will be reviewed, and further Board action will be requested if appropriate. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Utility Worker Maralee Davi through November 7, 2008. N: \POSUP \Correspondence \Position Papers\2008 \Davi Leave of Absence Ext to 11- 7- 08.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 6.a. Bids and Awards Type of Action: AWARD A SERVICE CONTRACT /AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS subject: AWARD A SERVICE CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH ROTO- ROOTER SEWER SERVICE FOR THE MINICAM TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS — PHASE A, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5547 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Tom Godsey, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: A.A�4 ca-5ta 6p"-K- JlZc mr T. Godsey A. Antkowiak cki A. Farrell ames M telly, General anager ISSUE: On August 22, 2008, two (2) sealed bids were received and opened for the Minicam Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers — Phase A, District Project No. 5547. The Board of Directors must award the service contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), award a service contract, and authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to favorable review of insurance certificates, bond submittals, appropriate Contractor license, and any other required submittals (SUBMITTALS). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $469,160, including design, bid price, contingency, and contract administration. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: In 2002, the District began the Sewer TV Inspection Program. The intention of this program was to assess the condition of the collection system by televising every sewer in the District. There have been five (5) phases contracted to date that attempted inspection of all the sewers in Orinda, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Pleasant Hill, Martinez, and Danville. However, a small percentage of segments could not be televised with a standard mainline camera, and thus were not TV- inspected. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers \Godsey \5547 Award PP - Phase A (4).doc Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject: AWARD A SERVICE CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH ROTO- ROOTER SEWER SERVICE FOR THE MINICAM TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS, PHASE A, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5547 The service contract before the Board today represents the completion of the outstanding segments from earlier sewer TV inspection efforts. It will focus on sewers in the cities of Orinda, Walnut Creek, and Lafayette. Future service contracts will be required to complete the TV work in the other cities served by the District. District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for the Minicam Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers — Phase A is $650,000. This project was advertised on August 8 and 15, 2008. Two (2) sealed bids ranging from $306,800 to $727,134 were received and publicly opened on August 22, 2008. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Roto Rooter Sewer Service is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $306,800. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. The District will administer the service contract and will provide contract administration, prepare releases, and review the closed circuit television inspection submittals. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 2, are $449,160. The total cost of Minicam Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers — Phase A is anticipated to be $469,160. This project is included in the fiscal year (FY) 2008 -09 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS -48 and CS -49. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Collection System Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it will provide information for design of sewer improvements and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Authorization of the award of the contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Find that the project is exempt from CEQA, award a service contract in the amount of $306,800 for the Minicam Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers — Phase A, District Project No. 5547, to Roto Rooter Sewer Service, the lowest responsive bidder, and authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. WPESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers \Godsey \5547 Award PP - Phase A (4).doc Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District MINICAM TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS, PHASE A DISTRICT PROJECT NUMBER 5547 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 5547 -PHASE A DATE/TIME: AUGUST 22, 2008/2:00 PM PROJECT NAME: MINICAM TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS PROJECT MANAGER: TOM GODSEY PROJECT LOCATIONS: WALNUT CREEK, LAFAYETTE, AND ORINDA, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER EST.: $650,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE Roto- Rooter Sewer Service $306,800 195 Mason Circle Concord, CA 94520 925 - 798 -2122 2 Nor Cal Pipeline Inspection $727,134 1459 Market Street Yuba City, CA 95991 530 - 674 -7620 3 $ 4 $ 5 $ 6 $ BIDS OPENED BY Elaine Boehme WPESUMbradley \Position Papers \Godsey \5547 Award PP - Phase A (4).doc DATE August 22, 2008 Page 3 of 4 U) w W W u) W LU Lo Q L Z W m 0 N0�� Z Z Z:) w0H� C)W-) Z ad- o0 az�w Zva 0 > U m W Q a z_ 40 rn 0 V c 0 V M e co o a O N (D N O O O C O V 0 O to O O O! to O N le 60. to O T CD O O 0 0) CV) LO 1t9 N Q Q e°o ° O ° O °O °O 61% ° CD C) OR M O O O O O Cc O to TO ccoo 64 O m 6R 69. 60 � H z W W O cn 0 W c O CL Z O c z O Q W J W W Lo z to �� a o zc CD c N w c� c co X O 0� E Z d c 0 g �° tU d v z D - co co 0 G V V Z'C O v /O/� V a v L + w+ v to '� F- c t 0 U F- CD W (� N W 0 CL i�+ 00 L � Z L a W O a 1% U) = o V a s = Z o -i H a X c c J Q I=- a 0 0 4 0 c� to 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 w �� W1 a� a Q z w N m m m w Q: O O «i .Q ci y �- to w o I Q p N a 0 v O v N a D O z LL DO Qv 0 z N M st to 0 It 0 0) N Agenda Item 7.a.1) Board Meeting of September 18, 2008 Written Announcements: Financial Update a) AIG INSURANCE CARRIER EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES AIG insurance carrier is experiencing financial difficulties. The District has three insurance policies with AIG subsidiary companies. The District's insurance broker is Alliant Insurance Services. The District's Self Insured Retention (SIR) for general liability claims is $1,000,000. Fiscal year 2008 -2009 premiums have already been paid. There could be a potential risk to the District if a loss occurred that exceeded the SIR, and AIG could not pay it. There are no outstanding claims from the District with AIG or their subsidiaries. Staff will continue to work with Alliant Services to address options for the District. Our excess liability policy is with Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania at $15,000,000 limit per occurrence and a $1,000,000 per occurrence retention. Our pollution policy for Household Hazardous Waste is with American International Specialty Lines Insurance Company at $10,000,000 per occurrence and a $50,000 per occurrence retention. Our Fiduciary Liability policy is with National Union at $1,000,000 per occurrence and a $5,000 deductible. At this time it is unclear how the difficulties of the parent company will affect the subsidiaries' ability to pay claims. However, AM Best has downgraded all three of these subsidiary companies as well as the parent, AIG. The Wall Street Journal suggests that the subsidiary companies will still be able to meet their financial obligations. However, it is possible that AIG may broker some deal that uses the assets of its subsidiaries to collateralize loans to cover their liabilities. Staff will continue to monitor this matter, and keep the Budget and Finance Committee and Board informed. Recycled Water c) Recycled Water The Board's directed staff to look at a number of options to increase public outreach on the availability of recycled water for construction and other non - potable purposes. Both East Bay Municipal Utilities District and the Contra Costa Water District have links on their websites to the District's Recycled Water website page. Options being explored include: • Press release to area news outlets • Paid advertisement in East Bay Business Journal • Notices to Contra Costa Builders Exchange, Contra Costa Pest Control Association, Builders Green Sheets • Mailers to Contra Costa contractors • Use of County Quarry client list • Notice in Pipeline (November mailing date) In addition, staff is exploring the feasibility of installing another recycled water hydrant farther south on our system in Pleasant Hill. Many of the interest calls received express an unwillingness to drive north to our current hydrant in the unincorporated area of North Concord near the airport. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District cBOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 8.a. Administrative Type of Action: subject: BOARD MEMBER MEETING COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. C-1zlO — E. Boehme K. Alm James . Ke , Secretary of the District Counsel General Manager District ISSUE: At the Board Meeting of June 19, 2008, Board Members requested that the current Resolution 2007 -105, listing the meetings for which the stipend is paid, be reviewed. The Resolution also needs to be revised to clarify the District's reimbursement policy for Board Member attendance at civic events on behalf of the District. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the revised Resolution. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not revise the Resolution, or make additional revisions. BACKGROUND: At its meeting of June 19, 2008 the Board considered a Position Paper addressing Board Member conference and meeting attendance. Following extensive discussion, it was generally agreed that the list of meetings in the Resolution for which the $221 stipend is currently paid should be revisited. Although this is clearly a matter of Board policy, the General Manager was directed to come back to the Board with recommendations. Confidential individual Board Member input was obtained on the issue of Board compensation, but was not shared with other Board Members. Based on comments received, proposed revisions to the current Resolution 2007 -105 have been prepared for Board consideration. The input received indicates there may be sufficient Board support for continuing payment of the stipend for meetings listed in the current Resolution, with one or more of the following changes: (1) the addition of payment of the stipend for attendance at Ad Hoc Committees; (2) the deletion of payment of the stipend for attendance at CSDA Conferences; POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject BOARD MEMBER MEETING COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION (3) the addition of the requirement that meetings attended as City or County Board Liaison must specifically relate to District business; (4) the addition of payment of the stipend for City or County Board Liaisons or other Board Members attending LAFCO proceedings on behalf of the District where matters affecting the District justify attendance; (5) the addition of the clause that, when appropriate, Board Members may request payment of the stipend in advance of a meeting not listed, if they are attending specifically representing the District, and the request will be considered by the Board; (6) clarification of the District's reimbursement policy for Board Member attendance at civic events on behalf of the District. A revised Resolution incorporating the suggested modifications is attached. If the Board wishes to make different or additional changes to the current Resolution, it may do so at the Board Meeting or provide additional direction to staff for future consideration of the Board. Review of the process for approval of conference attendance was deferred to a later date, to be considered with other revisions to the District's Travel Policy. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a Resolution incorporating some or all of the following revisions as outlined above: (1) the addition of payment of the stipend for attendance at Ad Hoc Committees; (2) the deletion of payment of the stipend for attendance at CSDA Conferences; (3) the addition of the requirement that meetings attended as City or County Board Liaison must specifically relate to District business; (4) the addition of payment of the stipend for City or County Board Liaisons or other Board Members attending LAFCO proceedings on behalf of the District where matters affecting the District justify attendance; (5) the addition of the clause that, when appropriate, Board Members may request payment of the stipend in advance of a meeting not listed, if they are attending specifically representing the District, and the request will be considered by the Board; RESOLUTION NO. 20072008 -445 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT TO AND ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD COMMITTEES AND MEETING COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, Section 6489 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that compensation be paid to Board Members for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day's service rendered as a Director by request of the Board; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Health and Safety Code and the California Water Code Sections 20200 et seq., Ordinance 241 was adopted on February 15, 2892007, setting the Board compensation at $221 per approved meeting, not to exceed more than one meeting per day and six meetings per calendar month, which amount may periodically be adjusted by ordinance; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2.04.020 of the District Code, when the Board considers it necessary for the efficient transaction of business, it may approve the creation of a committee for the purpose of reviewing, investigating, and recommending with reference to a particular matter; and the President shall appoint the members of said committee and shall have the authority to appoint an ad hoc committee or representative to similarly act pending a Board Meeting; and WHEREAS, the President may name an alternate to serve in the absence of an appointed Committee Member or District representative, i and WHEREAS, the Board has deemed it necessary for the efficient operation of the District to appoint Board Members to represent the District on various , committees, joint powers authorities-,a-Rd to act as representatives of the District to various organizations, and as liaisons to cities and the County; and WHEREAS, in accordance with AB 1234 and to encourage participation and attendance at conferences and organizations which serve the interests of and provide benefit to the District, the Board has determined that Board Members may be compensated for each day's attendance at Genf eFeRGe° certain events and meetings as listed below; and E _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that4he_ '..- 1. The President of the Board of Directors shall appoint Board Members to the following 6tandiRg- committees and that Board members may receive the compensation fixed by District Ordinance for attendance at such committee meetings: Budget and Finance Committee Capital Projects Committee Human Resources Committee Outreach Committee Recycled Water Committee Household Hazardous Waste Committee Real Estate Committee BE IT FURTHER RES—O LVED, that theAd Hoc Committees 2. The President of the Board of Directors shall appoint or confirm Board Members to represent the District a6 fGllGW6at or before organizations as follows. and Board Members may receive compensation for their attendance at such meetings or events when attending as a District representative. Board Liaison to Cities and County California Special Districts Association — Contra Costa Chapter Friends of the San Francisco Estuary Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County Local Aaencv Formation Commission (whether as Board Liaison or as otherwise designated by the President) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, +ha +3. That, in addition to the above, members of the Board of Directors shall be compensated at the current compensation rate for each day's attendance at the following meetings and conferences: Meetings of the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Executive Board, +f-when serving as a member of the Executive Board; 4. That, any Board Member may receive the stipend if approved by the Board in advance for attendance at a meeting, conference or event not listed above. 5. That the Board of Directors determines that public resources should be used to reimburse expenses incurred when attending meetings, conferences or events which are related to District business and are of interest and value to the District. These meetings, conferences or events include, but are not limited to. Contra Costa Mayors' Conference meetings. Contra Costa Council meetings, local public official informational —9. � I NO IMET-Will meetings or other meetings where the topic is of interest to the District or _promotes inter - agency cooperation and partnerships. Reimbursements will also be _provided for events under paragraphs 2. 3 and 4 above. Reimbursements will be paid in accordance with existing District policy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that7. That meeting attendance slips for Board Members for the meetings listed above and for regular Board Meetings shall be approved by the Board President or, in his or her absence, the President Pro Tem. Meeting attendance slips for the Board President shall be approved by the President Pro Tem, or, in his or her absence, a Board Member designee. 8.. Travel days to and from meetings or conferences are not compensable under this policy. PASSED AND ADOPTED this a -18h day of August, 2007-, 2008E by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSTAIN: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 1147170.3 'Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 9.a. Engineering Type of Action: AUTHORIZE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT TO JOIN THE BAY AREA RECYCLED WATER COALITION (BARWC) TO SEEK FEDERAL FUNDING FOR THE A -LINE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT UNDER TITLE XVI Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Don Berger, Associate Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: � - I X 0� 4 V4 . �Z, Ok_ D. erger C. WE& C. Swanson A. Farrell am 1 es M. IIy eneral Ma ager ISSUE: Board approval is required for the District to enter into an agreement to join a regional coalition. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to join the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition (BARWC). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated annual membership cost to join the coalition is $10,000 to $20,000. There are additional costs of approximately $200,000 associated with the completion of federal feasibility documentation and environmental reports that are required to pursue federal funding. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decide not to approve the Memorandum of Agreement to join the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition. However, Congress has indicated a preference for funding recycled water projects that are part of regional efforts; therefore, not joining the coalition would reduce the District's chances of receiving federal funding for the A -Line Project. BACKGROUND: In 2007, the District designed and bid the A -Line recycled water project as part of the A -Line Relief Interceptor Project. The total estimated cost for the recycled water portion of the project was approx $2.1 M to construct the backbone pipeline to supply approximately 160 acre - feet/yr to 20 customers. The project was planned for construction this summer, but was put on hold when additional unanticipated requirements for backflow prevention devices from the Contra Costa Water District increased the project cost by $1 M to approximately $3.1 M and lengthened the potential payback period from 19 to 29 years. The Board Recycled Water Committee has expressed an interest in pursuing alternative sources of funding for the A -line recycled water project to improve its cost- N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Berger\2008 \PP BAWRC 9- 18- 08.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT TO JOIN THE BAY AREA RECYCLED WATER COALITION (BARWC) TO SEEK FEDERAL FUNDING FOR THE A -LINE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT I ikin P TITI F XVI effectiveness. An opportunity has now become available to join the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition (BARWC), which is a coalition of eight Bay Area water and wastewater agencies formed to seek federal funding for recycled water projects through the US Bureau of Reclamation's Title XVI program. Under this program, the A -Line project could be eligible for a federal grant of up to 25% of the total project cost ($750,000). The annual cost join BARWC is estimated to be $10,000 to $20,000, which covers the costs of the coalition's federal advocacy efforts. There are also additional costs of approximately $200,000 to prepare federal feasibility documentation and environmental reports required for federally funded projects. A breakdown of these costs is attached. These additional costs and the coalition membership costs would not be reimbursable under Title XVI. At this time staff recommends jointly pursuing Federal Funding and a possible contribution from Chevron to improve the cost - effectiveness of the A -line recycled water project. Should funding from Chevron become available, the District could continue to participate in BARWC, but consider substituting another project and spending the $200,000 to develop the alternate project. Staff will also continue to pursue other options, such as funding from State sources, and will keep the Board Recycled Water Committee apprised of our efforts. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to join the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition (BARWC). NAMRSEC \Position Papers \Berger\2008 \PP BAWRC 9- 18- 08.doc Title XVI Funding Estimated Costs to Seek Federal Appropriations for A -Line Project (Phase 1) Prepare Feasibility Report per Title XVI Guidelines for Bureau Rec Approval = $75,000 Costs for Bureau of Reclamation staff to review and approve feasibility study = $25,000 Prepare NEPA documentation = $25,000 (Could be less if we can successfully argue for an exemption) Costs for Bureau staff to review and approve NEPA = $10,000 District staff time working with Bureau staff and project management time = $40,000 • Coordinate review /approvals of feasibility study and NEPA (20 hours per month, $100 per hour, 12 months). • Initiate and sign Collective Funding Agreements (CFA's) with Bureau for cost reimbursements for their staff time (two CFA's, one for NEPA and one for feasibility study, 20 hours each, total 40 hours @$100 /hour). • Attend BARWC Meetings (twice per month), educate Congressional representatives about project (necessary to get them to write a bill once the Bureau determines our project is feasible). 120 hours @ $100 /hour SUBTOTAL = $175,000 Round up to $200,000 to allow for contingencies and since other agencies have reported this to be a very slow, time consuming, and bureaucratic process and have cautioned us to allow enough time to bird dog the Bureau. NOTE: The federal funding process is a two -step process. The First Step is getting an Authorization Bill approved that includes our project. To get to that point, we need the Bureau to approve the feasibility of our project and approve NEPA docs. Then we have to lobby our Congressional representatives to get them to include our project in a bill to get it "Authorized" as a federal project. Once it is Authorized, then the Second step is to get an Appropriation Bill passed (with our project listed as a funded project). Occasionally, Congress will Authorize and Appropriate at the same time. Many times Congress Appropriates budgets for various issues, but then the President modifies or removes the funding. It is only if you make it through the President's Budget that you actually get the money. Lastly, be aware that the above costs are just estimated costs to get our project authorized and possibly appropriated. This does not include the bureaucratic red tape and paperwork that we would have to deal with during the actual funding and construction phases. NAENVRSEC \Position Pape rs\Berge r\2008\Costs for Title 16 funding_1 Attach. to PP BAWRC 9- 18- 08.doc Ayi-�d 61 1-t -w, 9. cr Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition for Recycled Water Project Funding Melody LaBella September 18, 2008 Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition (BARWC) • Coalition of Bay Area agencies, organized by Delta Diablo Sanitation District, to pursue a regional approach for obtaining Title XVI federal funding for recycled water projects • Regional approach was suggested by Senator Diane Feinstein to increase chances of obtaining funding 1 BARWC Membership Membership cost is determined by dividing the cost for a shared lobbyist over the number of projects submitted for funding. Coalition membership is $10,000- $20,000. Membership fee provides budget for federal advocacy efforts to pass funding legislation for recycled water projects. Benefits of Joining BARWC • Regional approach has been advised for best chance of receiving funding • Provide valuable exposure to legislators for CCCSD's recycled water program • Allow CCCSD staff to gain experience with federal funding process that could help with funding future projects • Sends a message to our legislators about the need for recycled water funding 2 Rules for Making Title XVI Funding Requests • Projects must be well- defined to initiate federal funding requests. • Requires completion of a Feasibility Study and NEPA (federal equivalent of CEQA) • Estimated cost - $175,000 • Meet with US Bureau of Reclamation lobbyist /Congressional Delegates to "test waters" before spending $175,000 • US Bureau of Reclamation must approve Feasibility Study and NEPA before appropriations can be made for a project. BARWC's 2007/2008 Effort • First attempt at Federal Title XVI funding • Received approval by the House and Senate for their authorization • Received approval for an appropriation by the House, but failed to pass the Senate • BARWC members from the last attempt are still pursuing getting this funding 3 A -line Recycled Water Project • Total cost for Phase 1 is $3.1M • Resulting 29 -year payback greatly exceeded our target payback of 15 years • Project was put on hold to allow time to seek other funding sources Recommended Next Steps 1. Board approves joining the coalition 2. Staff initiates Feasibility Study and NEPA process and explores US Bureau of Reclamation /Congressional Delegates interest 3. Staff continues to pursue Chevron funding request in parallel 4. Coalition begins federal advocacy efforts in January when a new Congress begins 5. Staff will provide status reports to the Board Recycled Water Committee 4 Staff Recommendation Authorize the General Manager to execute the Memorandum of Agreement for CCCSD to join the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 No.: 9.b. Engineering Type of Action: APPROVE PROGRAM; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT subject: APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT(S) WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK AND CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY FOR A PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION PILOT PROGRAM. Submitted By: Curtis W. Swanson, Division Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Ck C. Swanson A. Farrell Initiating DeptJDiv.: Engineering /Environmental Services X� James . Kelly General anager ISSUE: The Board of Directors approval is requested to expand the scope of the District's household hazardous waste collection program to include a pharmaceutical collection pilot program in Walnut Creek. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize the General Manager to execute agreement(s) with the City of Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority for a pharmaceutical drop -off collection pilot program. Direct staff to develop a pilot mail back program for Board consideration at a future meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated cost of collection and disposal of the proposed pharmaceutical collection pilot program is $3,000 to $10,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives would be to do nothing or to consider other types of pharmaceutical collection programs. BACKGROUND: The presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water and wastewater is a growing national concern. The Environmental Protection Agency and State Water Resources Control Boards are devoting more and more resources to this issue. Recent news stories have brought public attention to drugs and personal care product compounds in drinking waters. Unwanted drugs are often disposed of into the sanitary sewer system, where these compounds pass through the treatment process, and eventually flow into waterways. Until mid -2005, residents were able to drop off unwanted or expired pharmaceuticals at the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF). At that time, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) advised the District that accepting controlled medications is not allowed under federal law. Because residents are not always aware of which medications are controlled, the District realized that it could not fully comply with the N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs \Swanson\2008 \PP Approve Pharm Coll Pilot Prog With WC Final 9- 18- 08.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 subject: APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT(S) WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK AND CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY FOR A PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION PILOT PROGRAM. DEA regulations. The District stopped collecting pharmaceuticals and advised residents to dispose of these wastes in the trash. The City of Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) have approached the District about participating in pharmaceutical drop -off collection and mail back pilot programs for the Walnut Creek area. Under the proposed drop -off program, residents would drop off unwanted or expired pharmaceuticals in secure collection bins to be located at the Walnut Creek City Hall. CCCSWA would be responsible for providing the collection bins and advertising the program. The Walnut Creek Police Department would supervise collection of unwanted pharmaceuticals, and be responsible for the pharmaceuticals until disposal. The District would be responsible for arranging and paying for the costs of disposal of the collected pharmaceutical wastes. The disposal cost estimate is $3,000 to $10,000 for the six -month drop -off pilot study period based on collecting approximately 2,500 to 6,000 pounds of pharmaceutical wastes. At the end of the six -month pilot period, the collection information about the program would be brought to the Board and evaluated. The proposed pharmaceutical mail back program would be targeted to homebound residents. Staff needs to further develop the details and costs of the mail -back collection program, such as distribution of the mail back envelopes to homebound residents and negotiation of the mail back pilot program agreement with the USPS. As currently envisioned, under a special arrangement with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), these residents would mail their unwanted pharmaceuticals in merchandise return envelopes to the Walnut Creek Police Department. The police would store these envelopes until disposal along with pharmaceuticals collected in the drop -off bins. CCCSD would be responsible for disposal of the pharmaceuticals. The cost for the mail -back envelopes, distribution of the envelopes to homebound residents, postage, and advertising would be paid for by CCCSWA and other agencies or organizations. Staff is requesting Board direction to further develop the mail -back program. Once refined, it is anticipated that the Board will be asked to consider approval of the mail - back program at a future meeting. Staff discussed the concept of a Walnut Creek pharmaceutical collection pilot program with the Board Ad Hoc Committee on Pharmaceuticals /Sharps on September 11, 2008. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve and authorize the General Manager to execute agreement(s) with the City of Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa Solid N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST- SEC \Position Papers \PP Approve Pharm Coll Pilot Prog With WC Final 9- 18- 08.doc Page 2 of 2 REVISED POSITION PAPER Agenda Item 9.b. Board Meeting Date: September 18, 2008 Subject. APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT(S) WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK AND CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY FOR A PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION PILOT PROGRAM. DEA regulations. The District stopped collecting pharmaceuticals and advised residents to dispose of these wastes in the trash. The City of Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) have approached the District about participating in pharmaceutical drop -off collection and mail back pilot programs for the Walnut Creek area. Under the proposed drop -off program, residents would drop off unwanted or expired pharmaceuticals in secure collection bins to be located at the Walnut Creek City Hall. CCCSWA would be responsible for providing the collection bins and advertising the program. The Walnut Creek Police Department would supervise collection of unwanted pharmaceuticals, and be responsible for the pharmaceuticals until disposal. The District would be responsible for arranging and paying for the costs of disposal of the collected pharmaceutical wastes. The disposal cost estimate is $3,000 to $10,000 for the six -month drop -off pilot study period based on collecting approximately 2,500 to 6,000 pounds of pharmaceutical wastes. At the end of the six -month pilot period, the collection information about the program would be brought to the Board and evaluated. The proposed pharmaceutical mail back program would be targeted to homebound residents. Staff needs to further develop the details and costs of the mail -back collection program, such as distribution of the mail back envelopes to homebound residents and negotiation of the mail back pilot program agreement with the USPS. As currently envisioned, under a special arrangement with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), these residents would mail their unwanted pharmaceuticals in merchandise return envelopes to the Walnut Creek Police Department. The police would store these envelopes until disposal along with pharmaceuticals collected in the drop -off bins. CCCSD would be responsible for disposal of the pharmaceuticals. The cost for the mail -back envelopes, distribution of the envelopes to homebound residents, postage, and advertising would be paid for by CCCSWA and other agencies or organizations. Staff is requesting Board direction to further develop the mail -back program. Once refined, it is anticipated that the Board will be asked to consider approval of the mail - back program at a future meeting. Staff discussed the concept of a Walnut Creek pharmaceutical collection pilot program with the Board Ad Hoc Committee on Pharmaceuticals /Sharps on September 11, 2008. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve and authorize the General Manager to execute agreement(s) with the City of Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority for a pharmaceutical drop -off collection pilot program. Direct staff to develop a pilot mail -back program for Board consideration at a future meeting. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \DIST- SEC \Position Papers \PP Approve Pharm Coll Pilot Prog With WC Final 9- 18- 08.doc Page 2 of 2 Item No. 9.b. Proposed Walnut Creek Pharmaceutical Collection Pilot Program Curtis Swanson September 18, 2008 Pharmaceutical Collection Pilot Program ® Proposed program is designed to fully comply with DEA laws & rules. *Authorize a 6 -month drop -off pilot program with CCCSWA & Walnut Creek. + Direct staff to refine a mail back pilot program with CCCSWA & WC for consideration by the Committee & Board. # Staff to develop metrics for the proposed pilot program & review with Ad Hoc Committee. Staff Recommendation *Approve a 6 -month drop -off pharmaceutical collection pilot program with Walnut Creek and CCCSWA. *Authorize General Manager to execute agreements for the pilot program with CCCSWA & WC. Direct staff to develop options with CCCSWA & WC for a mail back pharmaceutical collection pilot program for homebound residents. 2