HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/17/2008 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 3.c. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS subject: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIM DEED TO FREDERICK C. MAIDA AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE DOCUMENTS WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER (DISTRICT PROJECT 6427) Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Stephanie Gronlund, Associate Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: r�* '." "I – Y PA — S. and J. Mi moto -Mills C. Swanson A. Farrell ames M. elly i general M nager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept or quitclaim easements and record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolutions accepting a Grant of Easement and authorizing execution of a Quitclaim Deed and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The property owner has been paid $5,000.00. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: Frederick C. Maida, real property owner of 3626 Brook Street, Lafayette, has been cooperating with the District to relocate and formalize the location of the public sewer on his property to alleviate any encroachment issues and to accurately reflect the record description of the easement with the actual location of the sewer pipeline in the ground. The property owner agreed to grant a new easement to the District in exchange for a quitclaim of the existing easement, which will accurately reflect the location of the sewer pipeline. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt resolutions accepting a Grant of Easement and authorizing the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute a Quitclaim Deed to Frederick C. Maida, and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Gronlund\2008 \6427 PP GOE QC Maida 4- 17- 08.doc LEGEND: - -- NEW EASEMENT LINE - - - -• -- OLD EASEMENT LINE N 0 30 60 FEET APN 243-082 -036 NJ MMME ti WAYETTE N I � % 2 SITE LOCATION MAP APN 243 - 090 -011 APN 243-090-020 NEW 10' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TOLD 10' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT c rn c� C�) ti 'I, rn N.T.S. APN 243 - 090 -019 ST Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District 3626 BROOK STREET ' EASEMENTS V Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER im- Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 3.d. Consent Calendar Type of Action: SET HEARING DATE subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MAY 15, 2008 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIEZ VALLEY ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2007 -3 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Russell B. Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: R. Leavitt C. Swanson A. Farrell K. Alm M. Kely Manager ISSUE: A public hearing is required to establish the Reliez Valley Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) No. 2007 -3. A public hearing is also required to create an assessment district pursuant to the procedure adopted under Proposition 218, which amended the California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution establishing May 15, 2008 as the date for a public hearing regarding Reliez Valley AVAD No. 2007 -3 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are minor costs for publishing a legal notice advertising the public hearing and for staff preparation and attendance. These costs will eventually be paid by the AVAD participants. Subsequent approval of the Reliez Valley AVAD would commit the District to fund up to $326,315 in sewer improvements. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Select a later date for the public meeting - This would delay the AVAD proceedings. since the holding of a public hearing is required by law. 2. No action by the Board - No action will delay the AVAD proceedings until a different public hearing date is set since the holding of a public hearing is required by law. BACKGROUND: On December 6, 2007, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution of intention to create Reliez Valley AVAD No. 2007 -3 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Reliez Valley Road in unincorporated Martinez. The proposed Reliez Valley AVAD No. 2007 -3 complies with the AVAD policy approved at the November 2, 2006 Board of Directors meeting. Fourteen properties could be served by a Reliez Valley public sewer. As required by Proposition 218, an Engineer's Report estimating N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Set Public Hearing May 15 for Reliez Valley AVAD 2007 -3 4- 17- 08.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MAY 15, 2008 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIEZ VALLEY ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2007 -3 assessments for properties within the AVAD has been prepared and distributed. District staff will provide the engineer's report to Board members upon request. It is now appropriate to schedule a public hearing to offer interested parties the opportunity to comment on the proposed assessments and related issues. A resolution has been prepared (Attachment 1), which, if adopted, will set the date of the public hearing for May 15, 2008. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution establishing May 15, 2008 as the date for a public hearing to consider the establishment of Reliez Valley Alhambra Valley (AVAD) No. 2007 -3 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2008 \PP Set Public Hearing May 15 for Reliez Valley AVAD 2007 -3 4- 17- 08.doc Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008- RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING OF PROTESTS ON RELIEZ VALLEY ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (AVAD NO. 2007 -3) WHEREAS, on December 6, 2007, this Board of Directors adopted Resolution 2007 -186 expressing the intent of the District to proceed with the Reliez Valley Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) No. 2007 -3 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Reliez Valley Road in unincorporated Martinez, CA; and WHEREAS, at the direction of this Board of Directors, Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, as Engineer of Work for improvement proceedings for Reliez Valley AVAD No. 2007 -3, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California, has prepared a report described in Section 5898.22 of the Streets and Highways Code (Municipal Improvement Act of 1911); and WHEREAS owners of each affected parcel will be provided written notice of the proposed assessment and ballot to indicate approval or opposition of the assessment pursuant to the procedures required by California Constitution Article XIII D, Section 4, as amended by Proposition 218; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. This Board sets 2 PM on May 15, 2008 at the Meeting Room of the Board of Directors, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, as the time and place for hearing protests to the proposed improvements and the creation of the proposed Alhambra Valley Assessment District and assessment. NAENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2008 \Res Set Pub Hearing Reliez Valley AVAD 2007 -3 4- 17- 08.doc 2. The Secretary of the District is directed to publish and mail the notices of improvement required by the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, and to file affidavits of compliance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of April 2008, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel NAENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2008 \Res Set Pub Hearing Reliez Valley AVAD 2007 -3 4- 17- 08.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 3.e. Consent Calendar Type of Action: SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING subject: SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 15, 2008 TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2008 -09 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND 2008 TEN -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Earlene Millier, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Millier G. Chesler �A� C. Swanson X Farrell �X4 - Marries Kelly eneral Manager ISSUE: The District's draft FY 2008 -09 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2008 Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) has been prepared by staff. A date for a public hearing to receive comments on the document should be set. RECOMMENDATION: Set the date for a public hearing on May 15, 2008 to receive public comment on the draft CIB /CIP document, which includes the Equipment Budget and the Information Technology Plan. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: The FY 2008 -09 CIB will establish project priorities and authorize budgets for the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Programs. Contained within the General Improvements Program of the document are the Equipment Budget and the Information Technology Plan. Detailed information for projects that are anticipated to be active in FY 2008 -09 is presented in the CIB document. The 2008 Ten -Year CIP contains projected projects beginning with the FY 2008 -09 CIB and continuing for the following nine years, and will provide the basis for policy decisions concerning the District's Capital Improvement Program funding and management of the Sewer Construction Fund balance. On April 10, 2008, the Board of Directors met with District staff in a special meeting to review the draft CIB /CIP. It is District practice to receive comments in a formal public hearing prior to consideration of the CIB /CIP, and the included Equipment Budget and Information Technology Plan, for approval. This public hearing is proposed to be scheduled for the Board's regular meeting on May 15, 2008. A staff presentation will be made at that time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Set the date for a public hearing on May 15, 2008 to receive public comment on the draft CIB /CIP document, which includes the Equipment Budget and Information Technology Plan. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 3.f. Consent Calendar Type of Action: Human Resources Subject: AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS SUPERVISOR HARRY WYLES UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Submitted By: Douglas J. Craig, Initiating Dept. /Div.: Plant Operations Director of Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: raig C. Freitas James M. elly, General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for a medical leave of absence without pay in excess of 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Harry Wyles. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Deny medical leave of absence without pay. BACKGROUND: Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Harry Wyles has been off of work since October 9, 2007, due to a medical condition. We request that the Board grant Mr. Wyles an extension of his medical leave of absence without pay through September 30, 2008. Mr. Wyles' status will be reviewed at that time, and further Board action will be requested if appropriate. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Harry Wyles through September 30, 2008. N: \POSUP \Correspondence \Position Papers\2008 \Wyles Leave of Absence Ext.doc 4.a. Hearings PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT CODE SECTION 6.12.090 AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED "SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES" SUGGESTED AGENDA April 17, 2008 Request Staff Report II. Hearing A. Open Hearing. B. Receive comments, if any. C. Close Hearing. III. Discussion IV. Recommended Actions: A. Adopt proposed Ordinance amending District Code Section 6.12.090, and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges." NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008Wgenda for Public Hearing Capacity Fees 4- 17- 08.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 4.a. Hearings Type of Action: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; ADOPT ORDINANCE subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT CODE SECTION 6.12.090, AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED "SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES" Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Principal Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: )01",- - P�% Z J. yamoto -Mills . Swanson . Farrell X Alm James General ISSUE: The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors' adoption of an ordinance to amend District Code Section 6.12.090, and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges." RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposed ordinance amending District Code Section 6.12.090 and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges." Adopt the proposed ordinance (see Attachment 1). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Staff estimates that the recommended fees would generate about $630,000 in 2008 -09 in additional Capacity Fee revenue based on connection of 600 Residential Unit Equivalents (RUE) in the gravity zone and 750 RUE in the pumped zone. BACKGROUND: In September 1998, the state enacted SB1760 that requires sewer connection fees to be based on one of two methods: 1) a buy -in to existing assets or 2) the cost of future facilities expansion. This bill was enthusiastically endorsed and supported by homebuilders' associations statewide. The last review of the District's Capacity Fees was completed in 2007. Since 2001, the method for determination of the fee has been a "buy -in -to -all- assets" approach. This provides a rational, practical, equitable, and defensible method to calculate the financial burden of new connections. The buy -in -to -all- assets approach is preferred primarily due to the "facilities- mature" status of the District. In this context, facilities- mature means that the value of existing assets (over $1.5 billion) is many times the value of future facilities expansion needed to accommodate future customers. Stated differently, most of the facilities needed to serve new customers have already been built and paid for. As a consequence, most of the work envisioned in the District's Capital Improvement Plan is for renovation, N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \2008 \PP Conduct Hearing Capacity Fees 4- 17- 08.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT CODE SECTION 6.12.090, AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED "SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES" replacement or upgrading of facilities to maintain capacity for both current and prospective customers. Charging a Capacity Fee based on a buy -in -to -all- assets at the time of connection to the public sewer equalizes the unit investment of each customer as they move from being a "future" to being a "current" customer. The proposed Capacity Fees are as follows: Fee Category Current (2007) Proposed % change Gravity Zone Fee $ 4,524 $ 4,923 8.8% Pumping Zone Fee $ 5,990 $ 6,509 8.7% The proposed fee increases result principally from: 1) the investment of nearly $40 million in additions, upgrades, renovation, and replacement of capital facilities; and 2) correcting the tabulation of District assets to include the value of sewer renovation projects completed between 1988 and 2001. Staff conducted a coordinated outreach program to inform and solicit input from interested customers regarding the proposed Capacity Fees and the proposed Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges. Notices of the public hearing were posted and published in the Contra Costa Times. In addition, nearly 400 letter reports including the proposed schedule of rates and charges were distributed to developers, engineers, architects, contractors, and representatives of the Home Builders Association of Northern California, the Engineering and Utilities Contractors' Association, the Associated Building Contractors Golden Gate Chapter, and others who have requested notice of fee increase proposals. This effort to invite public comment was pursued to encourage affected customers to provide input during the rate - setting process. Comments submitted by the public during the review period will be presented to the Board of Directors at the public hearing. The proposals were also discussed with the Finance Committee at its regular meeting on Mach 31, 2008. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposed ordinance amending District Code Section 6.12.090, and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges." Adopt the proposed ordinance (see Attachment 1.) N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \PP Conduct Hearing Capacity Fees 4- 17- 08.doc Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING DISTRICT CODE SECTION 6.12.090, AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES WHEREAS, substantial study has been conducted regarding the impacts of planned future development within the District's service area on existing District services and facilities, along with an analysis of new, improved, or expanded District facilities and services required or appropriate to serve new users and current users who change the use of their connected buildings and facilities, and said studies have set forth the relationship between the added burden imposed by such new users and current users who change the use of their connected buildings or facilities, and the need for and estimated cost of District services and facilities occasioned by this added burden; and WHEREAS, these studies were undertaken by District staff and culminated in documents that are part of the public record, to wit: the draft Fiscal Years 2008 -09 Capital Improvement Budget & 2008 Capital Improvement Plan, and the Staff Report on Proposed Capacity Fee Program dated March 2008; and WHEREAS, it is reasonable and necessary that all users of the District's wastewater and household hazardous waste collection, treatment, recycling, reuse and disposal services and facilities, including those temporary users served under Special Discharge Permits, contribute their appropriate portion of the funding for such District services and facilities; and WHEREAS, public meetings for District staff to informally discuss the proposed Capacity Fee Program with interested customers were held on April 8 and April 9, 2008; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing regarding the proposed Capacity Fee Program revisions was held on April 17, 2008, and proper notice was also given of the availability of the documents noted above for public inspection and review prior to said public hearing; and WHEREAS, amendment of Chapter 6.12 of the District Code is required to provide the enabling authority for the District to implement the proposed Capacity Fee Program; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does ordain as follows: NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Ordinance 2008 Capacity Fees.doc Page 1 of 3 Section 1 (To be codified CCCSD Code Section 6.12.090 "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges" in effect prior to the date of adoption of this Ordinance is hereby repealed in full. A new Section 6.12.090 "Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges" as set forth in full in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance, which exhibit is incorporated in full herein by this reference, is hereby adopted. Section 2 (To be Uncodified) The Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges as set forth in full in Exhibit "B" to this Ordinance, which exhibit is incorporated in full herein by this reference, is hereby adopted in uncodified form pursuant to the provisions of District Code Section 6.12.090, as amended in Section 1 above. As of the effective date of this Ordinance, Capacity Fees shall be charged at such rates and for such categories of users as set forth in said amended Section 6.12.090, and shall remain in effect until amended by Ordinance Section 3 All ordinances, and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are repealed. The provisions of this ordinance, insofar as they are substantially the same as existing provisions relating to the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations thereof and not as new enactments. To the extent this ordinance or any portion or section of this ordinance is determined invalid or unconstitutional, such portions of Ordinance No. 243 shall remain in effect and such rates and charges due thereunder for any categories of users shall remain due and payable as if those portions of Ordinance No. 243 had not been repealed. With respect, however, to violations, rights accrued, liabilities accrued, or appeals taken, prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, under any chapter, ordinance, or part of an ordinance, such chapter, ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be deemed to remain in full force for the purpose of sustaining any proper suit, action, or other proceedings, with respect to any such violation, right, liability or appeal. Section 4 This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation within the District, and shall be effective on July 1, 2008. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 17th day of April 2008, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Ordinance 2008 Capacity Fees.doc Page 2 of 3 Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Ordinance 2008 Capacity Fees.doc Page 3 of 3 Exhibit "A" 6.12.090 Schedule of capacity fees, rates and charges. The Board of Directors has set the capacity fees, rates, and charges from time to time by uncodified ordinance pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to ensure adequate funding of all needed upgrades, replacements, renovations, and improvements of existing District wastewater and household hazardous waste collection, treatment, recycling, reuse, and disposal facilities to maintain their capacity, additions to and expansions of the capacity of these facilities in the future when needed or as required to meet legal and regulatory requirements (all of which services and facilities will ultimately be shared by current and future users), for equitable adjustment of capital contributions as between new, current, and contractual users, and prudent reserve requirements of the Running Expense Fund, the Self Insurance Fun, Debt Service Fund, and the Sewer Construction Fund occasioned by the added burden on District services and facilities attributable to new users and current users who change the use of their connected buildings or facilities; and to provide that each new user and each current user who changes the use of his /her connected buildings or facilities pays his /her fair share of the cost of District services and facilities. The Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates, and Charges referenced herein shall be kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES (Uncodified) The Capacity Fees, Rates, and Charges listed below were established by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. adopted April 17, 2008. These fees, rates, and charges shall be applied to all new connections or added burdens for which fees become due and payable on or after July 1, 2008 in accordance with the provisions of CCCSD Code Chapter 6.12. Gravity Capacity Fee $4,923 / RUE* Pumping Capacity Fee $1,586 / RUE *A residential unit equivalent (RUE) is a measure of sewage volume and strength equivalent to a typical residential household. Gravity Zone Fee Zone 1 = Gravity Capacity Fee Pumped Zone Fee (Zone 2) = Gravity Capacity Fee + Pumping Capacity Fee Residential Unit Equivalence (RUE) Factors(l) Number of RUE = Unit of Measure County Multiplied by the RUE Factor Use Code User Group Unit of Measure(', 2) Gravity Capacity Fee RUE Factor Pumping Capacity Fee RUE Factor Eligible for Capacity Use Charge Program * =Yes LU Single-family residences Dwelling Unit 1.000 1.000 LA Multiple - family residences, apartments Dwelling Unit 1.000 1.000 LM Mobile homes Dwelling Unit 1.000 1.000 LC Common areas 1,000 s . ft. 0.200 0.200 AB Auto body/painting 1,000 s . ft. 0.432 0.467 AD Auto dealerships 1,000 s . ft. 0.432 0.467 AL Aircraft services 1,000 s . ft. 0.432 0.467 AR Auto repair/maintenance 1,000 s . ft. 0.432 0.467 AS Service stations 1,000 s . ft. 0.432 0.467 BT Transportation services 1,000 s . ft. 0.432 0.467 AC Car washes 1,000 s . ft. 21.127 22.829 AW Car washes with recycling 1,000 s . ft. 3.522 3.805 BB Barbers /beauty salons / pet grooming 1,000 s . ft. 0.725 0.783 BC Dry cleaners, no laundry 1,000 s . ft. 0.259 0.279 BR Retail sales 1,000 s . ft. 0.259 0.279 BE Equipment repair/ repair services 1,000 s . ft. 0.228 0.247 (1) Fees for multi -use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) "Unit -o- measure" shall mean the basic unit that quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g. dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \2008 \Exhibit A Sched Capacity Fees Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES - CONTINUED Residential Unit Equivalence (RUE) Factors(') Number of RUE = Unit of Measure County Multiplied by the RUE Factor Use Code User Group Unit of Measure (2) Gravity Capacity Fee RUE Factor Pumping Capacity Fee RUE Factor Eligible for Capacity Use Charge Program * =Yes BK Contractors / business services 1,000 s . ft. 0.228 0.247 BN Nurseries / lumberyards 1,000 s . ft. 0.228 0.247 IL Light industrial 1,000 s . ft. 0.228 0.247 BH Meeting halls / studios 1,000 s . ft. 0.290 0.313 EA Auditoriums / theaters 1,000 s . ft. 0.290 0.313 EC Cinemas 1,000 s . ft. 0.290 0.313 EM Entertainment 1,000 s . ft. 0.290 0.313 EB Bowling alleys 1,000 s . ft. 0.311 0.336 BZ Miscellaneous commercial 1,000 sq. ft. 0.510 0.551 EG Golf courses / country clubs 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.391 EH Health clubs / spas 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.391 ET Tennis clubs 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.391 IW Warehouses 1,000 s . ft. 0.136 0.147 BM Markets 1,000 s . ft. 0.556 0.601 BS Supermarkets 1,000 s . ft. 0.556 0.601 BX Shopping centers 1,000 s . ft. 1.057 1.142 OB Business offices 1,000 s . ft. 0.295 0.319 OF Financial institutions / banks 1,000 s . ft. 0.295 0.319 OG Government offices 1,000 s . ft. 0.295 0.319 OS Fraternal / service offices 1,000 s . ft. 0.295 0.319 OM Medical offices 1,000 s . ft. 0.637 0.688 OV I Veterinary clinics 1,000 s . ft. 0.637 0.688 RB Bakeries retail 1,000 s . ft. 4.061 2.178 RD Delicatessens 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.294 RN Bars 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.294 RI Ice cream parlors 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.294 RY Yogurt shops 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.294 RS Restaurants dine -in 1,000 s . ft. 4.010 2.738 RT Restaurants take -out 1,000 s . ft. 4.010 2.738 RC Banquet facilities / patio seating 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 0.825 BL Laundromats 1,000 s . ft. 13.506 14.594 SF Skilled nursing facilities 1,000 s . ft. 2.216 2.347 FE Residential care facilities for the elderly 1,000 s . ft. 0.932 0.987 HP Hospitals 1,000 s . ft. 2.891 3.124 LH Hotels / motels 1,000 s . ft. 1.166 1.272 CH Churches 1,000 s . ft. 0.242 0.261 (1) Fees for multi -use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) "Unit -o- measure" shall mean the basic unit that quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g. dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES - CONTINUED Residential Unit Equivalence (RUE) Factors(') Number of RUE = Unit of Measure County Multiplied by the RUE Factor Private Schools (SD, SE, SH, SI, SU) Eligible for Gravity Pumping Capacity Capacity Capacity Use Charge Use Unit of Fee RUE Fee RUE Program Code User Group Measure (2) Factor Factor * =Yes Schools with cafeteria and gym / showers Classroom 0.860 1.000 Schools with gym / showers and no cafeteria Classroom 0.774 0.900 Schools with cafeteria and no gy m / showers Classroom 0.516 0.600 Schools without cafeteria or gym / showers Classroom 0.430 0.500 (1) Fees for multi -use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) "Unit -o- measure" shall mean the basic unit that quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g. dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Exh!bit A Sched Capacity Fees Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES — CONTINUED Special Studies The fees for Special Studies shall be as established in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates, and Charges pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6.30 of the District Code. The following user groups require a special study to determine the appropriate capacity fees. Administrative fees to conduct special studies for these user groups shall be waived. Use Code User Group BP Parking lots CM Cemeteries / mortuaries EP Parks / playgrounds ES Swimming pools EF Large fitness / athletic clubs LR Residence hotels IE Electronic industries IH Heavy industries IP Permitted industries IR Laboratories / research facilities -- Improvements with garbage disposals -- Public facilities -- Sp ecial billings -- Utilities Values for use in the RUE formula in Section 6.12.050(D)(2) shall be: FLORU = 200 gpd BODRU = 200 m /I TSSRU = 215 m /I A = 0.69 B = 0.14 C = 0.17 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\M iyamoto-Mi lls\2008\Exhi bit A Schad Capacity Fees Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES, RATES AND CHARGES — CONTINUED Capacity Use Charge Program The minimum "initial payment" threshold gravity capacity fee RUE factor shall be 1.166 RUE /per one thousand square feet. The annual interest rate for calculation of capacity use charges shall be as established in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates, and Charges pursuant to the Provisions of Chapter 6.30 of the District Code. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Exhibit A Sched Capacity Fees Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Capacity Charge Capacity Use "Initial Payment' Char a Rates Pumping Gravity Capacity Current Capacity Fee Fee RUE Year RUE Factor Factor ($/Month Use (RUE /1,000 (RUE /1,000 1,000 Sq. Annual Code User Group S . Ft. ) S . Ft. ) Ft. $ /HCF AC Car washes 1.166 22.829 $843.16 $4.54 AW Car washes with recycling 1.166 3.805 $99.52 $3.22 BL Laundromats 1.166 14.594 $521.25 $4.39 HP Hospitals 1.166 3.124 $72.86 $2.87 RB Bakeries retail 1.166 2.178 $122.29 $6.90 RS Restaurants dine -in 1.166 2.738 $120.13 $5.40 Restaurants (paper RT service / no dishwashers ) 1.166 2.738 $120.13 $5.40 SF Skilled nursing facilities 1 1.166 2.347 $44.35 $2.28 The annual interest rate for calculation of capacity use charges shall be as established in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates, and Charges pursuant to the Provisions of Chapter 6.30 of the District Code. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2008 \Exhibit A Sched Capacity Fees Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc 4.b. Hearings PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.30 AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED "SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES AND CHARGES" SUGGESTED AGENDA April 17, 2008 Request Staff Report II. Hearing A. Open Hearing. B. Receive comments, if any. C. Close Hearing. III. Discussion IV. Recommended Actions: A. Adopt the proposed ordinance amending District Code Chapter 6.30, and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges." NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008\Agenda Public Hearing Environ Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 4.b. Hearings Type of Action: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; ADOPT ORDINANCE subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.30 AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED "SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES AND CHARGES" Submitted By: Kurt Darner Development Services Supervisor Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering/ Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: �4 e))� K. D rner C. Swanson A. Farrell ap - K. Alm ames M. Ily eneral M&Yager ISSUE: The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors' adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 6.30, and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges." RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposed ordinance amending District Code Chapter 6.30, and adopting an uncodified "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges." Adopt the ordinance. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed fees, rates and charges are designed to recover the District's direct and indirect labor costs, other operating costs, and administrative overhead costs incurred in providing environmental and development - related services. If adopted, the additional revenue generated by these increases in 2008 -09 would total about $60,000 to $80,000 in additional District revenue. BACKGROUND: Chapter 6.30 of the District Code includes provisions for a schedule of fees, rates and charges for environmental and development - related services provided to contractors, developers, septic and grease waste haulers, and permitted industrial users. These services include permit counter assistance, plan review, inspection of construction for private side sewers and main line extensions, addition of new sewers, parcels, and permit information to District maps, administration of Source Control permits and inspections, and septage and grease hauler permitting, sampling, and treatment. These fees, rates and charges were last reviewed in 2007. District staff annually reviews the rates and charges to assess whether changes are appropriate. This year, the District has re- evaluated the rates and charges for the categories of Development N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008 \PP Conduct Public Hearing Chap 6.30 Rates & Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.30 AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED "SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES AND CHARGES" Plan Review, Construction Inspection, Collection System Operations Services, Right -of- Way, and Miscellaneous. No changes are proposed for the categories of Industrial Permit Fees and Septage /Grease Disposal. The State of California mandates that revenues from these sources not exceed the cost of providing services. Following its review, District staff recommends that most rates and charges be increased by 7.5 %, some rates and charges remain unchanged, and rates for inspection of main sewer extension projects increase by 15.9% (in existing street) or 20.1 % (in undeveloped land) as a result of additional end -of- warranty testing requirements. Attachment 1 presents a comparison of the current and proposed rates and charges. Factors contributing to the proposed changes include: 1) adjustment for increased salaries, benefits and overhead; 2) changes in staff assigned to the work; 3) a new requirement for additional television inspection of main sewer extension projects before final acceptance of the project; and 4) an adjustment in rates and charges to more accurately account for vehicle depreciation costs, which are included in the administrative overhead multiplier. Staff conducted a coordinated outreach program to inform and solicit input from interested customers regarding the proposed Capacity Fees and the proposed Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges. Notices of the public hearing were posted and published in the Contra Costa Times. In addition, nearly 400 letter reports including the proposed schedule of rates and charges were distributed to developers, engineers, architects, contractors, and representatives of the Home Builders Association of Northern California, the Engineering and Utilities Contractors' Association, the Associated Building Contractors Golden Gate Chapter, and others who have requested notice of fee increase proposals. This effort to invite public comment was pursued to encourage affected customers to provide input during the rate - setting process. Comments submitted by the public during the review period will be presented to the Board of Directors at the public hearing. The proposals were also discussed with the Finance Committee at its regular meetings on March 31, 2008. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposed ordinance to amend District Code Chapter 6.30, and adopt an uncodified "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges." Adopt the ordinance A (Attachment 2). N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008 \PP Conduct Public Hearing Chap 6.30 Rates & Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008 -09) Fee Category 2007 -08 Fee Proposed 2008 -09 Fee % Change (A) DEVELOPMENT AND PLAN REVIEW Review of new sewerp /ans and related documents; review of plans for and processing of residential and commercial permit applications; installer reimbursement of sewer construction costs from subsequent connectors; identification of right - of -way conflicts; and interest rates for District programs. (A -1) Development Review: Mainline Plan Review (2 preliminary + 1 final plan reviews): Base Fee $441 $474 7.50% Per Foot Charge (in street) $3.40 $3.66 7.50% Per Foot Charge (in undeveloped land) $2.72 $2.92 7.50% Each additional plan review: Base Fee $147 $158 7.50% Per Foot Charge $1.13 $1.21 7.50% Special Cut Sheet Review $186 $200 7.50% Manhole only design & plan review $653 $702 7.50% Right of Way Document Review - IOD / Sub Map (each): $539 $579 7.50% Right of Way Document Review - No Changes Required $350 $376 7.50% Right of Way document review - Appurtenance (initial): $501 $539 7.50% Appurtenance (each additional) $185 $199 7.50% Commercial development plan check (new connections) $174 $187 7.50% (A -2) Application Fees Basic Application (side sewer work, easement staking) $83 $89 7.50% Existing parcel - new sewer service $113 $121 7.50% New parcel - new sewer service $182 $196 7.50% Commercial Application $186 $200 7.50% Capacity Use Program $166 $178 7.50% (A -3) Reimbursement Accounts: Set -up fee $685 $736 7.50% Transaction fee $154 $166 7.50% (A-4) Commercial Business Plan Review (added square footage, food service) Added Square Footage, Food Service $114 $123 7.50% Special Studies (minimum) $469 $504 7.50% Source Control Review $177 $190 7.50% Grease Variance Review (includes site visit) $266 $286 7.50% (A -5) Private pumping system plan check Pump with Outside Force Main $347 $373 7.50% Pump Only $194 $209 7.50% Additional Review $143 $154 7.50% Pre- apporved Pump Systems $143 $154 7.50% (A -6) Annexation Fee 1 $534 1 $574 1 7.50% (A -7) Special Approvals $192 $206 7.50% Page 1 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008 -09) Fee Category 2007 -08 Fee Proposed 2008 -09 Fee % Change (B) CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Inspection of new sewer main construction and new connections and other sewer work on private property (includes TV inspection when appropriate). (B -1) Mainline Inspection: Base Fee $631 $678 7.50% Per Foot Charge (in street) (Incl additional TV insp @ 1 yr final) $7.93 $9.19 15.90% Per Foot Charge (undeveloped land) (incl additional TV insp @ 1 yr final) $5.29 $6.35 20.10% (B -2) Inspections by type: Side Sewer Installation / Repair per 100 feet: $130 $137 5.28% Single Inspection Charge (e.g. sewer connection; encroachment verification; side sewer cap on property; tap and lateral (new or replacement); side sewer Wye (new or replacement); air test; reinspection; trash enclosure w/o trap); side sewer TV inspection $130 $137 5.28% Manhole tap; lateral abandonment (main or manhole); pipe bursting $260 $274 5.28% Manhole Alteration; Side Sewer CIPP repair; interceptor abandonment $390 $411 5.28% New Manhole; New Rodding Inlet; Outside Pump Installation $520 $547 5.28% Grease / Sand / Oil Interceptor / Trap; Trash Enclosure w/ trap $780 $821 5.28% (B -3) Overtime inspection: First Hour $86 $85 -1.2% Every hour thereafter $56 $58 3.00% Weekend /Holiday (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas) - 4 hr. minimum $254 $262 3.00% (B-4) Inspection of non - permitted work (+ avoided charge) $390 $419 7.50% Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008 -09) Fee Category 2007 -08 Fee Proposed 2008 -09 Fee % Change (C) COLLECTION SYSTEM SERVICES TV inspection of sewers conducted separate from a construction inspection activity,- verification of sewer location and sewer service connection. (C -1) TV Inspection: Weekday, hourly rate $177 $187 5.87% Minimum Charge (2 hr min) $355 $376 5.88% Overtime - First Hour $125 $126 0.80% Overtime - Each Additional Hour $102 $105 3.00% Overtime - Weekend / Holiday (4 hr min) $433 $446 3.00% (C -2) Dye test $302 $322 6.55% (C -3) Collection system repair Actual Expense Actual Expense (C-4) Cancelled TV Inspection without prior notice $308 $331 7.50% (C -5) Sewer locating and marking $258 $274 6.38% (D) RIGHT -OF -WAY Establishing right -of -way agreements and resolving conflicts. (D -1) Process Quitclaim Deeds $844 $907 7.50% Process Quitclaim Deed - plat and legal by others $513 $551 7.50% (D -2) Process Real Property Agreement, License, or Easement Base Fee (2 hours) $694 $746 7.50% Each Additional Hour $108 $116 7.50% (D -3) Right -of -way Research / Encroachment Resolution Fee Actual Expense Actual Expense (D-4) Right of Entry / Encroachment Permit Fee $95 $102 7.50% (E) MISCELLANEOUS District services provided for private sewer projects. (E -1) Engineering - private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense (E -2) Soil evaluation - private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense (E -3) Surveying Actual Expense Actual Expense (E-4) Minimum annual interest rate for CADS and Capacity Use Program 6.00% 6.00% no change Document / Plan Copying Fees 8 1/2" x l l "; 81/2"x14"; 11" x 17 (per sheet) $0.15 $0.15 no change 24" x 36" Plan (per sheet) $3.00 $3.00 no change CCCSD Standard Specifications $20.00 $20.00 no change Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT $ PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008 -09) Fee Category 2007 -08 Fee Proposed 2008 -09 Fee % Change (F) INDUSTRIAL PERMIT FEES Permiting and inspection of industries and other commercial dischargers to ensure availability and use of pretreatment processes. (F -1) Class I Fees Base permit fee of $3,256 + cost of District's lab analysis Base permit fee of $3,256 + cost of District's lab analysis no change (F -2) Class II Fees Base permit fee of $3,256 + cost of District's lab analysis Base permit fee of $3,256 + cost of District's lab analysis no change (F -3) Class III Fees 0 $0 no change (F-4) Industrial user permit application fee 0 $0 no change (F -5) Special discharge permit application fee ( *) No on -site inspection $65 each $65 each no change On -site inspection Base fee of $345 Base fee of $345 no change (G) SEPTAGE DISPOSAL ( * *) Sampling and disposal of septic waste and grease. (G -1) jAnnuall permit fee $1,650 $1,650 no change (G -2) Residential septic /toilet waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.14 /gal $18 + $0.14/gal no change > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.14/gal $58 + $0.14/gal no change (G -3) Restaurant grease waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.02 /gal $18 + $0.02 /gal no change > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.02 /gal $58 + $0.02/ al no change ( *) Additional charges to be billed separately if staff time incurred is above that included in the base fee. ( * *) Other approved waste will be charged at the residential septic and portable toilet waste rate unless actual strength characteristics are provided. Page 4 Attachment 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING DISTRICT CODE SECTION CHAPTER 6.30, AND ADOPTING AN UNCODIFIED SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES AND CHARGES WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) finds that CCCSD incurs substantial costs to provide various environmental and development - related services, such as, but not limited to, administration and processing of annexations, customer assistance at the permit counter, plan review and inspection for sewer line installation, alteration, replacement and repair, the inclusion of new information on District maps, administration and permit inspection related to the Source Control Program, permitting of septage and grease haulers, and treatment of grease and septage at the treatment plant; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to charge customers and other users of CCCSD services to recover the reasonable cost of providing said services; and WHEREAS, CCCSD staff has comprehensively analyzed the actual cost of providing the various environmental and development - related services listed above based on direct costs, staff costs and overhead for time and effort incurred to provide listed services; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges, as reflected in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance, reasonably represents the actual costs to provide the services delineated in said Schedule of Fees, Rates and Charges; and WHEREAS, the CCCSD Board of Directors finds that this action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15273 (a)(1) and (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, in that the fees, rates and charges are being charged merely to reimburse CCCSD for staff costs and expenses; THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1 (To be codified) CCCSD Code "Chapter 6.30 Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges" that was in effect prior to the date of adoption of this Ordinance is hereby repealed in full. A new "Chapter 6.30 Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges" as set forth in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance, which exhibit is incorporated in full herein by this reference, is hereby adopted. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008 \Ordinance Environ Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Page 1 of 3 Section 2 (To be uncodified) The Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges as set forth in full in Exhibit "B" to this Ordinance, which exhibit is hereby incorporated in full herein by this reference, is hereby adopted in uncodified form pursuant to the provisions of District Code Chapter 6.30 as amended in Section 1 above. As of the effective date of this Ordinance, the fees, rates and charges for each environmental and development - related service shall be as set forth in said schedule, and shall remain in effect until amended by Ordinance. Section 3 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are repealed. The provisions of this ordinance, insofar as they are substantially the same as existing provisions relating to the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations thereof, and not as new enactments. To the extent this ordinance or any portion or section of this ordinance is determined invalid or unconstitutional, such portions of Ordinance No. 244 shall remain in effect and such rates and charges due thereunder for any categories of users shall remain due and payable as if those portions of Ordinance No. 244 had not been repealed. With respect, however, to violations, rights accrued, liabilities accrued or appeals taken, prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, under any chapter, ordinance, or part of an ordinance, such chapter, ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be deemed to remain in full force for the purpose of sustaining any proper suit, action, or other proceedings, with respect to any such violation, right, liability or appeal. Section 4 This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and shall be effective as of July 1, 2008. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 17th day of April 2008, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008 \Ordinance Environ Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Page 2 of 3 COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm Counsel for the District N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008 \Ordinance Environ Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" Chapter 6.30 SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED RATES AND CHARGES Sections: 6.30.010 Findings. 6.30.020 Schedule of environmental and development - related rates and charges. 6.30.010 Findings. The Board of Directors finds: A. That the District incurs substantial costs to provide various environmental and development - related services, such as, but not limited to, administration and processing of annexations, customer assistance at the permit counter, plan review and inspection for public main sewer line extensions and installation, alteration, replacement and repair of private side sewers, the addition of new sewers, parcels, and permit information to District maps, administration and inspection related to source control permit, permitting of septage and grease haulers, and treatment of grease and septage at the treatment plant; and B. That it is necessary to charge customers and other users of District environmental and development - related services to recover the reasonable costs of providing said services; and C. That District staff has comprehensively analyzed the actual costs of providing said services; and D. That the rates and charges listed in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges represent the reasonable cost of providing the services delineated; and E. That the rates and charges collected pursuant to this Chapter will not exceed the total of all actual costs reasonably allocable to provision of the services listed in the Schedule of Fees, Rates and Charges. 6.30.020 Schedule of environmental and development - related fees, rates and charges. The Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges referenced herein shall be adopted from time to time by ordinance by the Board and kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. Such Schedule shall list, amongst other things, the amounts and times for payment of such rates and charges. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2008 \Exhibit A Sched Capacity Fees Rates and Charges 4- 17- 08.doc EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES & CHARGES (Uncodified) This Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges (to be effective July 1, 2008) was established by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. _, adopted April 17, 2008. Rate / Charge Category Amount (A) DEVELOPMENT AND PLAN REVIEW Review of new sewer plans and related documents; review of plans for and processing of residential and commercial permit applications; installer reimbursement of sewer construction costs from subsequent connectors; identification of right - of -way conflicts; and interest rates for District programs. (A -1) Development Review: Mainline Plan Review (2 preliminary+ 1 final plan reviews): Base Fee (each Job) $474 Per Foot Charge (in street) $3.66 Per Foot Charge (in undeveloped land) $2.92 Each additional plan review (if more than two prelininary reviews and required) Base Fee $158 Per Foot Charge $1.21 Special Cut Sheet Review (each additional cut sheet submittal) $200 Manhole only design & plan review $702 Right of Way Document Review - IOD / Sub Map (each): $579 Right of Way Document Review - No Changes Required (each) $376 Right of Way document review - Appurtenance (first): $539 Appurtenance (each additional) $199 Commercial development plan check - new connections $187 (A -2) Application Fees (each) Basic Application - side sewer work, easement staking $89 Existing parcel - new sewer service $121 New parcel - new sewer service $196 Commercial Application $200 Capacity Use Program $178 (A -3) Reimbursement Accounts: Set -up fee (each separately installed job) $736 Transaction fee (each installer payment) $166 (A-4) Commercial Business Plan Review (added square footage, food service) Added Square Footage, Food Service (each submittal) $123 Special Studies (each request, minimum) $504 Source Control Review (each submittal) $190 Grease Variance Review - includes site visit (each submittal) $286 (A -5) Private pumping system plan check (each pump system) Pump with Outside Force Main $373 Pump Only $209 Additional Review (if more than one submittal is required) $154 Pre - apporved Pump Systems $154 (A -6) jAnnexation Fee (each parcel) $574 (A -7) Ispecial Approvals (each) $206 EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES & CHARGES (Uncodified) This Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges (to be effective July 1, 2008) was established by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. _, adopted April 17, 2008. Rate / Charge Category Amount (B) CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Inspection of new sewer main construction and new connections and other sewer work on private property (includes TV inspection when appropriate). (13-1) Mainline Inspection: Base Fee (each Job) $678 Per Foot Charge (in street) $9.19 Per Foot Charge (undeveloped land) $6.35 (13-2) Inspections by type: Side Sewer Installation / Repair per 100 feet: $137 Single Inspection Charge - e.g. sewer connection; encroachment verification; side sewer cap on property; tap and lateral (new or replacement); side sewer Wye (new or replacement); air test; reinspection; trash enclosure w/o trap); side sewer TV inspection $137 Manhole Tap; Lateral Abandonment (main or manhole); Pipe Bursting $274 Manhole Alteration; Side Sewer CIPP Repair; Interceptor Abandonment $411 New Manhole; New Rodding Inlet; Outside Pump Installation $547 Grease / Sand / Oil Interceptor / Trap; Trash Enclosure w/ trap $821 (B -3) Overtime inspection: First Hour $85 Every hour thereafter $58 Weekend /Holiday (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas) - 4 hr. minimum $262 (13-4) linspection of non - permitted work (each instance discovered + avoided charge) $419 (C) COLLECTION SYSTEM SERVICES TV inspection of sewers conducted separate from a construction inspection activity, verification of sewer location and sewer service connection. (C -1) TV Inspection: Weekday, hourly rate $187 Minimum Charge (2 hr min) $376 Overtime - First Hour $126 Overtime - Each Additional Hour $105 Overtime - Weekend / Holiday (4 hr min) $446 (C -2) Dye test $322 (C -3) Collection system repair Actual Expense (C-4) Cancelled TV Inspection without prior notice $331 (C -5) Sewer locating and marking $274 EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES & CHARGES (Uncodified) This Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges (to be effective July 1, 2008) was established by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. _, adopted April 17, 2008. Rate / Charge Category Amount (D) RIGHT -OF -WAY Establishing right -of -way agreements and resolving conflicts. (D -1) Process Quitclaim Deeds (each) $907 Process Quitclaim Deed - plat and legal by others (each) $551 (D -2) Process Real Property Agreement, License, or Easement Base Fee (includes 2 hours of staff time) $746 Each Additional Hour $116 (D -3) Right -of -way Research / Encroachment Resolution Actual Expense (D-4) Right of Entry/ Encroachment Permit (each) $102 (E) MISCELLANEOUS District services provided for private sewer projects. (E -1) Engineering - private sewer projects Actual Expense (E -2) Soil evaluation - private sewer projects Actual Expense (E -3) Surveying Actual Expense (E-4) Minimum annual interest rate for CADs and Capacity Use Program 6.00% Document / Plan Copying Fees 8 1/2" x 11 "; 8 1/2" x 14 "; 11" x 17" (per sheet) $0.15 24" x 36" Plan (per sheet) $3.00 CCCSD Standard Specifications $20.00 EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED FEES, RATES & CHARGES (Uncodified) This Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Fees, Rates and Charges (to be effective July 1, 2008) was established by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. _, adopted April 17, 2008. Rate / Charge Category Amount (F) INDUSTRIAL PERMIT FEES Permiting and inspection of industries and other commercial dischargers to ensure availability and use of pretreatment processes. (F -1) Class I Fees Base permit fee of $3,256 + cost of District's lab analysis (F -2) Class II Fees Base permit fee of $3,256 + cost of District's lab analysis (F -3) Class III Fees $0 (F-4) Industrial user permit application fee $0 (F -5) Special discharge permit application fee ( *) No on -site inspection $65 each On -site inspection Base fee of $345 (G) SEPTAGE DISPOSAL ( "') Sampling and disposal of septic waste and grease. (G -1) Annual permit fee $1,650 (G -2) Residential septic /toilet waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.14/gal > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.14/gal (G -3) Restaurant grease waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.02 /gal > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.02 /gal () Additional charges to be billed separately if staff time incurred is above that included in the base fee. ( " ") Other approved waste will be charged at the residential septic and portable toilet waste rate unless actual strength characteristics are provided. Items 4.gand 4.b Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Capacity Fees and Environmental & Development - Related Fees, Rates & Charges Public Hearings April 17, 2008 Schedule for Updating Capacity Fees and Development - Related Fees & Charges • Set Public Hearing Date • Customer Outreach • Conduct Public Hearing • Fees & Charges effective March 20, 2008 March 21 to April 17, 2008 April 17, 2008 July 1, 2008 1 Capacity Fees • This one -time "buy -in" fee is charged at time of connection and is used for capital facility needs. • Annual Capacity Fee revenue has varied between 15 -45% of total Sewer Construction Fund revenue since it is dependent on rate of development. • Staff recommends that Capacity Fees be adjusted annually to avoid larger multi -year increases. Recommended Capacity Fees Current Proposed % (per RUE) (per RUE) Change • Gravity Zone: $4,524 $4,923 +8.8% • Pumped Zone: $5,990 $6,509 +8.7% 2 Additional Revenue Potential • 2008 -09 (assuming 1,350 new units) Additional from Fee Increase TOTAL — Gravity Zone $ 240,000 $2,953,800 (600 units) — Pumped Zone $ 390,000 $4,881,750 (750 units) Totals: $ 630,000 $7,835.550 Environmental Services and Development - Related Rates & Charges • Recommended Rates and Charges: - Follow recent approach of annual adjustment for general increases in salaries, benefits and overhead to avoid larger multi -year adjustments. • Most would increase 3.0% * or 7.5% * *, some would decrease or remain unchanged. • Additional Revenue in 2008 -09: $60,000 - $80,000 * 3.0% for fees related to Overtime Staff Labor (Benefits and Overhead not charged) ** 7.5% for fees related to Regular Staff Labor (includes Benefits and Overhead 3 Customer Outreach • Legal Notices published and posted. • 350 Letter Reports to Interested Customers: — Home Builders Association — Applicants, Developers, Engineers, Business Owners and Contractors • - 50 Letter Reports handed out at Permit Counter • Meetings for Customers — Tuesday - April 8, 2008 at 7 pm — Wednesday - April 9, 2008 at 10 am — No customers attended either meeting. Findings General • The District incurs substantial costs to provide environmental and development - related services and have made a substantial investment in assets that will benefit new users. 4 Findings General There is a strong and reasonable relationship between the actual added burden /District costs and the proposed fees, rates and charges. • The proposed fees, rates and charges are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Findings Capacity Fees • New connections and changes in property use generate an added burden on services and facilities. To maintain an adequate level of service, maintenance of existing capacity, and construction of new capacity in the future is necessary. • The purpose of the Capacity Fee Program is to equalize the investment in assets between current and new users ensuring that new users pay their fair share for capacity. Findings Capacity Fees • Current fund balances and Capacity Fee revenue will be allocated to: — Life -cycle replacement, renovation, upgrading and improvements to maintain existing capacity. — Addition and expansion of facilities when needed or required to meet legal and regulatory requirements. — Equitable adjustment of contributions between current, new and contractual users. Findings Capacity Fees • A portion of Capacity Fee Revenue will be allocated to fund the new user's share of "Funds Required" in the: • Sewer Construction Fund • Running Expense Fund • Debt Service Fund • Self Insurance Fund 3 Questions...? Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 No.: 6.a. Bids and Awards Type of Action: CONSIDER BID PROTESTS /REJECT ALL BIDS subject: CONSIDER BID PROTESTS /REJECT ALL BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTROL ROOMS MODIFICATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7253 Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Nathaniel Morales, Assistant Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects Ba T. Than, Senior Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: t1. AAa.ho,* 1 N. I loralesM. Than A. Antkowiak ecki A. Farrell K. Alm 10es M. ISSUE: On March 27, 2008, four sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Control Rooms Modifications, District Project No. 7253. On April 2 and 3, 2008, two timely bid protests were received. As part of any award, the Board of Directors (Board) needs to consider the merits of any timely bid protests. The Board must award the contract or reject all bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Reject all bids for the construction of the Control Rooms Modifications. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated cost for rebid of the project is approximately $10,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be for the Board to hold a responsiveness hearing at a future Board Meeting and determine whether the project should be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder and, if not, whether it should be awarded to the next lowest bidder. This is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The plant's two control rooms in the Plant Operations Department Building (POD) and the Solid Conditioning Building (SCB) were constructed in the 1970s and have not had any major architectural updates. The main POD control room has worn floor tiles, stained ceiling and paint, minimal natural lighting, and a constricted floor plan. Both Control Rooms' work surfaces are not ergonomic and they are not well suited for the plant's new control system. This project will remodel the main control room in the POD and replace a computer console in the SCB Control Room. The remodel includes demolition of interior walls, N: \PESUP \Position Papers \Morales \7253 Reject Control Room Bids.DOC Page 1 of 15 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 subject: CONSIDER BID PROTESTS /REJECT ALL BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTROL ROOMS MODIFICATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7253 installation of fire rated walls and ceiling, a new HVAC system, built -in desks and cabinets, replacement of the fire suppression system, the floor tiles and replacement of the ceiling tile system. The project will also replace the computer workstation in the SCB control room to accept the new control system computers. See Attachment 1 for project location. Montgomery Watson Harza (MWH) prepared the plans and specifications for the architectural and lighting work, and AEPC Group, LLC (AEPC) prepared the plans and specifications for the HVAC and fire suppression work. The scope of work and fee schedule for the design work was authorized by the Board under the Plant Control Systems Project (DP 7204). The Engineer's estimate for construction of the Control Rooms Modifications is $450,000. This project was advertised on February 27 and March 4, 2008. Four sealed bids ranging from $433,231 to $466,258 were received and publicly opened on March 27, 2008. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Melloni Construction, Inc. (Melloni) is the lowest apparent bidder with a bid amount of $433,231. On April 2, 2008, the second low- bidder, N. E. Carlson Construction, Inc. submitted a timely bid protest claiming the bid submitted by Melloni contained material defects (see Attachment 3). On the following day, staff received a second timely bid protest submitted by Melloni's legal counsel (see Attachment 4) protesting the adequacy of the bid from the second low bidder. Both contractors submitted responses to the bid protests (Attachments 5 and 6). Staff has reviewed the bid protests submitted by both contractors and has concluded that there are a significant number of deviations from the specific requirements of the bid request documents in the apparent low bid. Similarly, there are one or two technical deviations within the second low bid, as well as several within the other two bids submitted. Although the Board might conclude after a responsiveness hearing that none of the irregularities individually are so material as to legally require rejection of either of the bids protested, given the nature of the disputes raised by the protests and rebuttals, staff deems it prudent to reject all bids and re -bid the project later this month. This would provide the opportunity to obtain new bids, presumably without controversial, technical deviations from the bid requirements. Staff has notified all interested parties of Staff's determination. NAPESUP \Position Papers \Morales \7253 Reject Control Room Bids.DOC Page 2 of 15 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2008 Subject: CONSIDER BID PROTESTS /REJECT ALL BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTROL ROOMS MODIFICATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7253 If the Board prefers to fully consider the protests and consider an award on the basis of one of the current bids, a hearing on the bids and protests will be placed on a future Board meeting agenda, and an opportunity to make presentations will be provided to both bidders at the hearing. This project is included in the FY 2007 -08 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP -57 to TP -59. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Reject all bids for the construction of the Control Rooms Modifications Project, District Project 7253. NAPESUP \Position Papers \Morales \7253 Reject Control Room Bids.DOC Page 3 of 15 V '1011 2 ti� O 0 MAIN GATE e�'1 L'1j!Jj 1h, SCALE: 0 250 FEET Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ga __ O o SITE 1 POD MAIN CONTROL ROOM /r' SITE 2 CB CONTROL ROOM 1& ° CONTROL ROOMS MODIFICATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT 7253 LOCATION MAP c� / U ATTACHMENT 1 Page 4 of 15 ATTACHMENT 2 CONTROL ROOMS MODIFICATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT 7253 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7253 NO. OF ADDENDA: 1 DATE/TIME: MARCH 27,2008/2:00 PM PROJECT NAME: CONTROL ROOMS MODIFICATIONS PROJECT MANAGER: NATHANIEL MORALES PROJECT LOCATION: MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER EST.: $450,000 NO. BIDDER TIME BID PRICE Melloni Construction 1:58 PM $433,231 4000 Gateway Road, B1 Bethel Island, CA 94511 PO Box 1357 Brentwood, CA 94513 2 N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. 1:54 PM $433,237 150 Middlefield Court, Suite F Brentwood, CA 94513 3 e.a.Sparacino General Contractors, Inc. 1:31 PM $458,620 2506 Via Verde Walnut Creek, CA 94598 4 Aztec Consultants, Inc. 1:55 PM $466,258 2021 Omega Road, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine R. Boehme DATE: March 27, 2008 NAPESUP \Position Papers \Morales \7253 Reject Control Room Bids.DOC Page 5 of 15 V r Wednesday, April 02, 2008 ATTACHMENT 3 N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. 150 Middlefield Ct., Space F Brentwood, CA 94513 -4027 (925) 516 -0253 Fax: (925) 516 -0255 www.necarlsonconsh,uction.com License # 478879 Ms. Elaine Boehme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 RE: Bid Protest Control Rooms Modifications Project District Project 7253 Bid Date: 3 -27 -08 Dear Ms. Boehme: APR 0 3 2008 8ECRETM OF THE DISTRICT NE Carlson Construction, Inc. is hereby protesting the apparent low bid of Melloni Construction for $433,231.00 because they did not provide the following: As described in Volume 1 Part 2 Instruction to Bidders Page 9: • Alterations to the bid: In the first paragraph any alterations to the bid form shall be formally explained and initialed by the contractor. A schedule of value was changed and not explained or initialed. • Submission of Volume 1 in its entirety: In paragraph 2 the bid forms shall remain intact in Volume 1 and submitted in its entirety. This was not done. • Corporate Seal: In paragraph 7 the corporate seal shall be affixed to the bid to which a corporation is a party as a bidder. This was not done. • Type or clearly imprinted name: In paragraph 7 the name of each signatory shall be typed or otherwise clearly imprinted below each signature. This was not done. Additional items under protest: • Mellon Construction did not provide a notarized signature for their signature on the bid bond. • Under the schedule of values item #5 the price for the HVAC controls is exorbitant. The controls are a small part of the entire HVAC work. This value does not represent the real value of the controls for the HVAC. • Mellon Construction was allowed to amend their bid form, on Monday 3.31.08, after bidding on Thursday 3.27.08. They provided a corporate seal number and provided the notarized signature. Page 1 of 2 Page 6 of 15 The aforementioned items were to be part of the bid form and Mellon Construction did not provide this information as required. In Volume 1 Part 2 Instruction to Bidders page 9 paragraph 5 partial or incomplete bids will be not considered. Bids shall be in strict conformity with Parts 1, 2 and 3 for District Project 7253 and any addenda thereto. Therefore Mellon Constructions' bid should be rejected as non - responding in conforming to the bid instructions provided by the District. We feel our bid should be considered as the responsible bidder in as much as we followed the bid instructions provided. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call. Sin y, Nels E. Carlson President CC: Mellon Construction Page 2 of 2 Page 7 of 15 ATTACHMENT 4 Sweeney, Mason, Wilson & Bosomworth A Professional Law Corporation Kristen E. Green April 3, 2008 Via Facsimile (925) 676 -7211 and US Mail Ms. Elaine Boehme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 RE: District Project No. 7253 Control Rooms Modifications Project Bid Date: March 27, 2008 Protest to Bid of N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. Dear Ms. Boehme: 41E 41014 APR 0 7 2008 - -. a hi 983 University Avenue, Suite 104C Los Gatos, CA 95032 -7637 Telephone: (408)356 -3000 Facsimile: (408)354 -8839 kgreen @smwb.com This firm represents Mellom Construction regarding the above- 'referenced project. This letter is to formally protest the bid of N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. ( "NE Carlson ") on the following grounds: NE Carlson's Bid Includes an Improperly Licensed Subcontractor. NE Carlson's bid lists Arch Millwork, 33 Dorman Avenue, San Francisco, California as the subcontractor to complete cabinet work on the project. Arch Millwork is actually licensed as J M A Construction under a B license (a print -out from the CSLB's website regarding J M A's license is enclosed). Cabinet work requires a C6 license. Business & Professions Code §7057 specifically provides that "a general building contractor shall not take a subcontract involving trades other than framing or carpentry, unless the subcontract requires at least two unrelated trade or crafts other than framing or carpentry, or unless the general building contractor holds the appropriate license classification." NE Carlson has only listed Arch Millwork to provide "cabinets." Since J M A is not properly licensed for its listed portion of work, the District must deem NE Carlson's bid as non - responsive. NE Carlson Has Failed to Adequately List its Subcontractors NE Carlson has failed to adequately identify subcontractors listed in Section 4 at DP 7253 — Volume 1 — Page 25 of the bid documents. The subcontractor list in bold text states "Specific Page 8 of 15 Information Required" and requests the subcontractor's place of business. NE Carlson completely fails to provide the addresses for four of its eight subcontractors in clear violation of the bid requirements and the subcontractor listing law included in Public Contract Code § §4100, et seq. also known as the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act. The Act was enacted to ensure that an awarding authority would have opportunity to investigate and approve initial subcontractors and any proposed substitutions. See E.F. Brady Co. v. M.H. Golden Co. (1997) 58 Cal. App. 4`h 182. NE Carlson's inadequate listing of subcontractors makes it impossible to determine whether the second listed subcontractor, "G. Rose Sons" is properly licensed as no information regarding this subcontractor was located after a reasonable, diligent search on the CSLB's website. For the above - reasons, NE Carlson's bid is non - responsive and should be deemed non- responsive. I am also in receipt of Andrew Antkowiak's correspondence of today's date to Janet Melloni regarding NE Carlson's bid protest. Melloni's response to the same will be sent under separate cover prior to the close of business on April 8, 2008. Very truly yours, SWEENEY, MASON, WILSON & BOSOMWORTH I KRISTEN E. GREEN, ESQ. KEG: nw cc: Joseph Sweeney, Esq. Client Nels E. Carlson, N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. (via facsimile 925 -516 -0255) Kent Alm, Esq. and Bryan Otake, Esq. (via facsimile 510 -444 -1108) Page 9 of 15 Check A License: Contractor's License Detail http: / /www2.cslb.ca.gov /General- Information /interactive - tools/check.. Skip to: CSLB Home I Content I Footer I Accessibility Search CSLB 0=4 V l Department of Consumer Aft hr-Be Contractors State U a oard �0a w norrsrvwn Board and Committee DISCLAIMER. A license Meetings status check provides Information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this Information, you should be aware of the Disaster Information Center following limitations. CSLB Library • CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law8 &P 7124.6). If this entity is subject to public Frequently Asked complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to Questions obtain complaint and/or legal action information. Online Services • Per B &P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. • Check A License or • Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terns of the arbitration. HIS Registration • Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's • Filing a Construction license database. Complaint • Processing Times • Check Application License Number: 743286 Extract Date: 04103/2008 Status Business Information: J M A CONSTRUCTION • Search for a Surety 33 DORMAN AVE Bond Insurance SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124 Company Business Plane Number. (415) 282 -6628 • Search for a Workers' Compensation Entity: Sole Ownership Company Issue Date: 11/26/1997 How to Participate Expire Date: 11/30/2009 License Status: This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. Classifications: CLASS DESCRIPTION 8 GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR Bonding: CONTRACTOR'S BOND This license filed Contractor's Bond number 6079315 in the amount of $12,500 with the bonding company SURETY COMPANY OF THE PACIFIC. Effective Date: 12/01/2007 Contractors Bonding History Workers' This license has workers compensation Insurance with the Compensation: STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number. 238 - 0000919 Effective Date: 06/01/2004 Expire Date: 08/01 /2008 Workers' Compensation History Consumers I Contractors I Applicants I Journeymen I Public Works I Building Officials I General Info CSLB Home I Conditions of Use I Privacy I Contact CSLB Copyright ® 2007 State of California Page 10 of 15 1 of 1 4/3/2008 1:49 PM I . Friday, April 04, 2008 Ms. Elaine Boehme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 ATTACHMENT 5 N.E. Carlson Construction, 150 Middlefield Ct., Space F Brentwood, CA 94513 -4027 (925) 516 -0253 Fax. • (925) 516 -0255 www.necarlsonconstruction.com License # 478879 RE: Melloni Protest Letter dated 4.3.08 Control Rooms Modifications Project District Project 7253 Bid Date: 3 -27 -08 Dear Ms. Boehme: Inc. RECEIVED APR 0 7 2008 CC= SECREURY OF THE DISTRICT NE Carlson Construction, Inc. received a letter dated 4.3.08 from Sweeney, Mason, Wilson and Bosomworth (SMWB) regarding our protest letter for the above - referenced project. NE Carlson has the following responses to the two SMWB issues: 1) If the District has an issue with the license for Architectural Millwork dba JMA Construction to furnish and install the cabinets, JMA will agree to furnish the cabinets only and NE Carlson Construction will install them. 2) SMWB claims we "failed to adequately identify subcontractors listed" and did not provide "addresses" for four of our eight listed subcontractors. Two of the listed subcontractors did not need to be listed. G. Rose &Sons, our glass subcontractor actually fell below the dollar amount required for listing. The fire suppression subcontractor falls under the responsibility of the electrical and did not need to be listed. The remaining two subcontractors were listed with City only. In Volume 1 page 25 "Specific Information Required" only states a Place of Business. A place of business is a city. It does not state a requirement for a complete mailing address to be listed. These contractors are very well known in the area and if the District wanted to "investigate and approve" them they could easily be located. They are in the same city as the project. NE Carlson provided the required specific information about the place of business for the subcontractors. Pagel of 2 Page 11 of 15 We feel our bid should be considered as the responsible bidder in as much as we followed the bid instructions as provided. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call. Sinc y, t Nels E. Carlson President CC: Melloni Construction Page 2 of 2 Page 12 of 15 Sweeney, Mason, Wilson & Bosomworth A Professional Law Corporation Kristen E. Green April 8, 2008 Via Facsimile (925) 676 -7211 and US Mail Ms. Elaine Boehme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Nj�Do ATTACHMENT 6 Q� o apR1°TOS ccoS.°�EO�s��c� SEGRowy OF 983 University Avenue, Suite 104C Los Gatos, CA 95032 -7637 Telephone: (408)356 -3000 Facsimile: (408)354 -8839 kgreen @smwb.com RE: District Project No. 7253 Control Rooms Modifications Project Bid Date: March 27, 2008 Mellon Construction's Response to N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc.'s Bid Protest Dear Ms. Boehme: This firm represents Melloni Construction regarding the bid protest. dated April -2, 2008: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary, District _determined after bids :were above- referenced project. This fetter is in response to N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc.'s ( "NE Carlson ") opened on March 27, 2008 that Mellon Construction was the lowest responsible.bidder for the project. Apparently, N.E. Carlson the second low bidder protests Melloni's bid based on insignificant irregularities from the bid requirements. The following is a summary of the applicable law and a response to each item set forth in N.E. Carlson's letter. Applicable Law A public entity has "discretion to waive details of the bid specifications if it determines that such a waiver will not make the bidding process unfair, i.e., if the deviation from the specifications was inconsequential." Menefee v. County of Fresno (1985) 163 Cal. App. 3d 1175, 1180. A bid which substantially conforms to a call for bids may, though it is not strictly responsive, be accepted if the variance cannot have affected the amount of the bid or given a bidder an advantage or benefit not allowed other bidders or, in other words, if the variance is inconsequential: Ghilotti v. Construction Co. v. City of Richmond (1996) 45 Cal. App. 4h 897, 904. Waiver should,only. be allowed if iz would not_provide the lildder an unfair advantage by allowing the bidder to withdraw its bid without forfeiting its bid bond. Menefee, supra at 1180, 1181. The statutes. for relief of bidders (Public Contract Code §5103) provide that the bidder is entitled to relief from its bid if the mistake was a typographical or arithmetical error and it made the bid materially different. Valley Crest Landscape, Inc. v. City Council of the City of Davis (1996) 41 Cal. App. 4`' 1432, 1442. Hence if the bidder could not seek relief from his bid because of the irregularity, the irregularity is inconsequential and may be waived. Page 13 of 15 The District's decision must be in light of the public interest rather than the private interest of the private second low bidder. MCM Construction, Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco (1998) 66 Cal. App. 4`h 359, 370. " "It certainly would amount to a disservice to the public if a losing bidder were to be permitted to comb through the bid proposal ... of the low bidder after the fact, [and] cancel the low bid on minor technicalities with the hope of securing acceptance of his, a higher bid." Id. (citing Ghilotti v. Construction Co. v. City of Richmond (1996) 45 Cal. App. 4 897, 908, 909. This is exactly what NE Carlson seeks to do by protesting insignificant irregularities in Melloni's bid. Finally, the District herein specifically reserved in bid documents the right to waive any non - material irregularities in bids received in accordance with the above law. See Page 6 of Volume 1 of the bid documents. N.E. Carlson's Obiections Alterations to Bid — NE Carlson protests that Melloni's bid contains an alteration in the schedule of values that was not initialed or explained. Melloni was not required to initial or explain changes to information it provided in its bid. The bid forms require "all bid forms shall be properly executed, all blank spaces shall be filled in, and any interlineations, alterations or erasures shall be formally executed and initialed by the bidder." The requirement clearly applies to any interlineations, alterations or erasures to the bid form itself, not the information filled in by the bidder. Melloni has not made any changes to the bid form itself, therefore there is no need to initial or explain anything. Even assuming Melloni was required to initial any change to information it provided, the failure to do so was not a typographical or arithmetical error that materially altered Melloni's bid. Melloni would not be entitled to relief under Public Contract Code §5103 and it did not receive an unfair advantage. Finally, the District did not make this requirement mandatory, in that the bidding instructions provide that "failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for rejection of the bid." Separation of Bid F+drms from Volume 1 -- NE Carlson next takes- issue. with the fact that Melloni separated the bid forms from the remainder of Volume 1. Mellon submitted all of the required bid forms and NE Carlson does not contend that forms are missing. Melloni's bid in its submitted form merely does not contain the instructions. This did not give Melloni an unfair advantage over other bidders. This is a minor technicality which the District can waive. Corporate Seal — Mellon inadvertently forgot to provide its corporate seal at the time of bid. Yet again NE Carlson has taken issue with the smallest of technicalities which in no way confers an unfair advantage to Melloni. Indeed, the District has already waived this insignificant irregularity when it requested Melloni submit its corporate seal, which was submitted on March 31, 2008. Printed Name Below Signatures — NE Carlson protests the bid in that Melloni did not print or type Janet Melloni's name below each of her signatures. This ground is simply absurd. The first page that any bidder signs is Page 21, and directly below Janet Melloni's signature on that page is her printed name. The fact that her name is not printed below every subsequent Page 14 of 15 signature is clearly an irregularity that can be waived by the District. Indeed, in Menefee the irregularity at issue was the low bidder's inadvertent failure to sign in one place, when remainder of the required signatures had been made. The Menefee court found that the bid documents did not expressly state that the bid had to be rejected for lack of a signature and that the lack of a signature would not entitle the low bidder relief under the Public Contract Code, therefore the public entity could waive the lack of a signature. Menefee, su ra at 1181. The District is clearly entitled to waive Melloni's lack of printed name under the signature a truly insignificant irregularity. Lack of Notarization of Melloni's Signature on Bid Bond — When Melloni and its surety provided the bid bond for Melloni's bid, the notary inadvertently forgot to provide a notarization for Melloni's signature. This is a minor deviation that has already been corrected. Indeed, the District has already waived this insignificant irregularity when it requested Melloni submit a notary's acknowledgment of its signature,on the bid. bond, which was submitted on March 31, 2008. The District's waiver did not confer Melloni an unfair advantage since Melloni's bid bond was always at risk. Melloni's HVAC Controls Price — Bizarrely NE Carlson takes issue with what it perceives to be a high price for HVAC controls. The mere fact that one of Melloni's schedules of values may be higher than NE Carlson's does not make its bid non - responsive. Despite what NE Carlson contends is "an exorbitant" price for HVAC controls, Melloni's bid is still less than NE Carlson's bid. By NE Carlson's logic its own bid would be also non - responsive, as NE Carlson's Schedule of Value #7 (in the amount of $365,104) is over $100,000 more than Melloni's ($253,723). It is clear that NE Carlson's objections with Melloni's bid are of the sort that the MCM and Ghilotti courts warned against allowing a disappointed second lowest bidder to pick apart the lowest bidder's bid on minor technicalities to have its higher bid awarded the contract. The small dollar difference between Melloni's and NE Carlson's bid should not bear in the District decision. The District should not award or foster behavior such as NE Carlson's protest. Melloni's bid was responsive and Melloni is the lowest responsible bidder. Very truly yours, SWEENEY, MASON, WILSON & BOSOMWORTH KRISTEN E. GREEN, ESQ. KEG: nw cc: Joseph Sweeney, Esq. Client Nels E. Carlson, N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. (via facsimile 925 -516 -0255) District Counsel, Kent Alm, Esq. and Bryan Otake, Esq. (via facsimile 510 -444 -1108) Page 15 of 15 I. c /J Ash Reuse Randy Grieb Board Meeting April 17, 2008 History of Ash Reuse • Mid 1980's —Landfill • Acme Landfill • Colusa County • Late 1990's — Vermiculture ■ Sun Dry Products - 1998 • 2000's — Soil Amendments • Akita Enterprises — 2003 • Cal Soils — 2007 • Scotts Company - 2008 1 Stockpiles of Raw Materials Blending and Screening the Raw Materials 5.� ' 1 fNf. fG�M u � NEW Y _ ix •k. Pin'�c Scotts - S'crut a jLn Soil p' soil Scotts SfotCS' Potting Sad Landfill - $40.00 /ton Cal Soils - $33.25/ton Scotts Company - $28.00 /ton All have additional fuel surcharge 77, a, 90 Las Lomitas Tom Godsey Background ■ Subdivision constructed in 1949 ■ Sewers pumped to local "aeration bed" ■ Annexed to CCCSD in 1954 ■ No formal easement documents received at the time. 1 Las Lomitas Area Sewerage Options ■ Renovation in place — Property rights —Access issues persist ■ Relocate sewers to public ROW — Eliminates property rights issue — Improved access for Operations 2 Relocation of Sewer Laterals Financial Impacts ■ Cost of new sewer main — feet of sewer - $ ■ Cost of relocated sewer laterals — Average of 150' at $75 linear foot for a per lot estimate of $11,250. 3 Possible Next Steps ■ Inform residents about the feasibility and cost of relocating sewers to streets ■ Sewers are in good shape, so relocation cost be response ■ If sufficient interest, investigate a financing program that could use a loan from a bank or bond funds. Easement Issues ■ Las Lomitas was not a Local Improvement District, City -owned or Developer constructed sewer system. ■ This annexation was unique and not well documented. ■ Property rights of District not clarified at time of annexation. 4 Current Property Rights Issues ■ No recorded grant of easement or formal dedication of property rights to the District. ■ Two main issues: — Notice to current and future owners and other parties holding property rights (lenders, other easement owners). — Obtaining unequivocal legal easement rights. Easement Notice Issues ■ In the 1970's — District provided notice by recording declaration against subdivision. — This action has not provided adequate notice through title reports. ■ 2008 — notice by recording declaration against each parcel. — Declaration should be reflected in most title reports. — This action does not create "constructive" legal notice. ■ Future notice — could also record declaration in grantee - grantor index. — This might increase listings in title reports. — This action would not create "constructive" legal notice. 4', Remaining Easement Issues ■ Notice issues. — Actual notice v. "constructive" notice. — Current owners have actual notice, but not "constructive" legal notice. ■ Notice v. undisputed legal easement rights. — Actual notice will minimize problems with existing and new property owners. — Notice does not create easement rights. —Must obtain grants of easement or a judgment to perfect easement rights. Legal Conclusions ■ Existing notices should minimize, but not eliminate, conflicts with property owners. ■ Only means to fully eliminate conflicts over easement rights is to obtain grants of easement or obtain a judgment. 0 Agenda Item 7.a.4) Board Meeting of April 17, 2008 Written Announcements: a) District Earth Day Participation An Earth Day event is being held Saturday, April 19, 2008 at John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The District will be one of exhibitors at the celebration. The District is also taking part in two other Earth Day events at John Muir Health Systems. There will be a staffed exhibit scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, 2008 on the Household Hazardous Waste and FOG programs at the John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek facility with a second such exhibit scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2008, at the John Muir Hospital in Concord. b) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to the District by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its fiscal year 2006- 07comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting. The Certificate of Achievement plaque will be shipped in about eight weeks, at which time it will be brought to the Board for presentation. It should also be noted that an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement has been awarded to Finance Administrator Colette Curtis -Brown and Accountant Thea Vassallo as being primarily responsible for preparing the award - winning CAFR. c) Advertisement of the Camino Pablo Trunk Sewer and Flush Kleen Force Main Projects, DP 5949 The Camino Pablo Trunk Sewer Improvement Project will reconstruct approximately 3,000 linear feet of 6 -, 8 -, and 10 -inch sewer lines within the public right -of -way and easements. Both open -cut and pipebursting methods of installation will be used. The FlushKleen Forcemain Renovation Project will renovate both forcemains at the FlushKleen Pump Station. Each forcemain to be renovated is 1725 linear feet for a total of 3,450 linear feet . The method of installation for the new forcemains will be open -cut construction. The projects will be combined into one project bid due to their locations. The combined project will be advertised on April 18 and 23, 2008. The bids will be opened on May 20, 2008. The construction cost for both projects is currently estimated at $1,900,000. A public outreach meeting has been scheduled for May 1, 2008 at the Wagner Ranch School Library from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. District staff will be presenting the project at the May 6, 2008 Orinda City Council Meeting. d) Board Travel and Transport Procedure A request to review the travel policy relating to travel to and from airports, and how to address Board Members who require transportation to and from meetings was made at the April 3, 2008 Board meeting. District Counsel is reviewing the matter to provide the Board with legal considerations on the matters, and staff is surveying other agencies' practices and is developing a cost evaluation. These will be summarized and provided for Board consideration. The matter is expected to be on the agenda at a May Board meeting. e) Enhanced Version of Web -Based Sewer System Overflow Reporting System In the monthly report by the San Francisco Regional Board's Executive Officer it was stated that the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (SFRWQCB) will re- launch an enhanced version of a web - based reporting system that was developed in 2004 for sewer system overflows (SSOs). The system was disabled when the statewide regional board reporting system went online in May 2007. This enhanced version will accommodate spill reports from both sewage collection pipes as well as from wastewater treatment plants. Spills from treatment plants are currently reported in paper form only and not all in one place. This will result in dual reporting of SSOs to both the Regional Board and the State. f) Martinez Phase II Workshop The District will host a public workshop for the Martinez Phase 2 Project on Thursday, May 8, 2008, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Martinez city council meeting room. This is the second phase of sewer renovations in Martinez. Approximately 7,500 linear feet of 6 -and 8 -inch sewer lines will be replaced in various locations. The project will go out for bid the last week of May with the bid opening scheduled for mid -June. g) Alhambra Valley AVAD Meeting On Wednesday, April 9, 2008, District staff held a meeting with potential sewer customers in the Alhambra Valley. Approximately 60 people attended the meeting held at John Swett Elementary School. Topics discussed at the meeting included the status of trunk sewer construction, connecting to the public sewer system, the proposed trunk sewer reimbursement fees, and the Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) Program. The proposed reimbursement fees, $21,000 and $8,000 per home for direct and indirect connectors respectively, will reimburse the District for the costs of planning and, design and construction of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project. At the May 1, 2008 Board meeting, the Board will be asked to consider the Gordon /Millthwait AVAD followed by the Reliez Valley AVAD on May 15, 2008. Staff will ask the Board to consider five other AVADs in June and July. h) Local Agency Formation Commission Vote At the Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) meeting on April 9, 2008, the Commission approved Annexation 166 to the District, a proposed annexation of approximately 88 acres in six separate areas in Lafayette, Martinez and Orinda. This is the first of a backlog of annexations being processed to annex areas that have been previously connected to sewers but not annexed. This approval is subject to a protest hearing that will be held by LAFCO on May 12, 2008 at 3 pm. A protest hearing will take place because there are fewer than twelve registered voters representing the parcels being annexed. This is a technicality that is part of state law of which staff just became aware. In the future, staff will attempt to configure Annexations to ensure that there more than twelve registered voters within the annexation parcel areas. The Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence Update were also considered at this meeting. LAFCO accepted the MSR, but deferred a decision on the Sphere of Influence (SOI) Update to a future meeting. The discussion on the SOI Update centered on the desire of a number of the Commission members to expand the District and Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) SOI's to be contiguous with the Urban Limit Line. This SOI expansion would require some level of CEQA review which LAFCO was reluctant to fund and wanted the impacted agencies to fund. When staff receives a formal communication from LAFCO on this issue, staff will bring it to the Board for discussion. This may occur as soon as the May 1, 2008 Board meeting. i) Water Re -use Conference Out -Of -State Travel Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson will be in Denver, Colorado from May 4, 2008 through May 6, 2008 attending the WateReuse Foundation Research Conference. The annual conference covers topics such as emerging pollutants in recycled water, pathogen removal, membrane treatment, and other innovative treatment technologies. The cost of attendance at this conference will be funded from his Manager Professional Expense Allowance. Agenda Item 7.a.4) Board Meetina of April 17, 2008 Additional Written Announcements: j) CASA Alert Ui date on ProDerty Tax Prowsal CASA Lobbyist Mike Dillon provided an update on the water and wastewater property tax "parole realignment" proposal. A copy of the letter he provided is attached. k) Recycled Water Repair On April 10, 2008, District staff found a leak from an isolation valve of a 12 -inch HDPE recycled water line at the Pleasant Hill intersection of Boyd Road and Patterson Road. Once an upstream valve was closed off, the water stopped leaking, confirming it as recycled water. Two Sequoia schools are located immediately north of this intersection, which prompts a weekend repair. Since the line is 13 -feet deep, the dig - up portion will take the majority of the weekend to complete. The Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), our contractor, will use a subcontractor who specializes in HDPE pipeline work to fix the leak. Since some customers are out of water, the HDPE repair has been scheduled for Thursday, April 17, 2008, between the times parents drop off and pick up their children I) Accepting CSDA Board Vacancy Letters of Interest — Region 3 The California Special Districts Association (CSDA) currently has an open seat available to CSDA regular member agency staff or elected officials in Region 3 only. This vacancy will be filled on May 13, 2008. Refer to the attached memorandum for further information. m) Postoonement for Bid Oaening of Walnut Creek Renovations Phase 6 oroiect Staff has postponed the bid opening for the Walnut Creek Renovations Phase 6 project from April 15, 2008 to April 21, 2008. The reason for the postponement is to allow appropriate time to address concerns of bidders. Staff plans to bring the project to the Board for award consideration at the May 1, 2008 Board meeting. ALIFINNIA ASSICIATMN of SANITARIN ACENCIES 215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 PH: (916) 446 -0388 — FX: (916) 231 -2141 www.casaweb.org April 11, 2008 TO: CASA Members CASA Executive Board cc: CASA Legislative Committee Catherine Smith, Executive Director FROM: Mike Dillon, CASA Lobbyist Via Electronic Mail UPDATE ON WATER AND WASTEWATER PROPERTY TAX "PAROLE REALIGNMENT" PROPOSAL Recently the Senate and Assembly Budget Subcommittees held "informational" hearings on the controversial Legislative Analyst's Office proposal to shift property taxes from water and wastewater districts to counties for the "realignment responsibility of supervision of low -level criminal offenders released from state prison." The so- called "parole realignment" would require a "reallocation of waste and water enterprise special district property taxes ($188 million), city Proposition 172 sales taxes ($178 million), and vehicle license fees retained by the DMV for administrative purposes ($130 million)." (Source: LAO Perspectives and Issues: Alternative Budget Approach) Typically issues pertaining to water and wastewater are the purview of the Budget Subcommittees on Resources. However, due to the intricate nature of the parole realignment proposal and its direct affiliation with the criminal justice community, the issue was sent for review to the Senate Budget Subcommittee #4 on State Administration, General Government, Judiciary, and Transportation. Subcommittee Chairman Mike Machado said in his opening remarks, "Recognizing that the dollars need to flow, does the policy make sense ?" Maryanne O'Malley from the LAO's office then gave an overview of their proposal and, in arguing for the reallocation, stated, "There is a reasonable alternative for all of these funds. But just like in the Budget situation, there may be a more compelling use." (i.e. use of the property taxes) CASA, ACWA and others testified against the proposal. CASA and ACWA noted that it would be very difficult for agencies to backfill the losses proposed by the LAO's property tax shift. CASA testified, "The Analyst suggests these agencies can increase fees to offset losses, which is true. But it is not as easy as it sounds. Ensuring Clean Water For California 1� -7. / MEMORANDUM TO: CSDA Voting Members in Region.3 FROM: Diana Zavala, Administrative Assistant DATE: April 11, 2008 SUBJECT: CSDA Board Vacancy - Region 3 Accepting Letters of Interest The CSDA Board of Directors currently has an open seat in Region 3. This region includes the following counties: Alameda Monterey Santa Clara Contra Costa Napa . Santa Cruz Lake San Bernardino Solano Marin San Francisco Sonoma Mendocino Sam Mateo ; This seat is open to CSDA regular member agency staff or elected officials in Region 3 only. Once appointed, this seat will serve until Fall 2009. This vacancy will be appointed by the CSDA Board of Directors on May 13, 2008. The California Association of Special Districts (CSDA) Board of Directors is a governing body responsible for all policy decisions related,to CSDA's member services, legislative programs, education and resources. The functions are crucial to the operation of the Association and to the representation of the common interests'of all California special districts. Serving on the Board requires one's interest in the issues confronting special districts statewide. In addition, it means traveling to all Board meetings, usually six to eight per year, participating on some committees, and attending major CSDA events. CSDA reimburses directors for travel expenses for meetings. Individuals who are interested in being interviewed for this vacancy need to complete the attached nomination form and return it, along with a letter of interest by May 2, 2008 at Noon. Am Alliance committed to serving California's independent special districts. Cali[ornia Special Special District Risk CSDA Districts Association Management Authority Finance Corporation �1 i 2 1 ♦,i.. ,S:c 101 .:,:r.::r,.-i(n,. •...� i;h'.f ..1.in...n �, (. '. •..;fil -! �.:.r.:n:r:�r�:.., ?;vli 411. 3:1?.:: ".4i.... 91, In•. 1! ?1._ �..I�l: ..:... .�..l1�'. -.1Mr) CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Name of Candidate: District: Mailing Address: Region: Region 3. Seat A (Appointment) Telephone: E-mail: Nominated by (optional): Fax: Signature of General Manager/Board President supporting participation on the CSDA Board of Directors: General Manager/Board President-Signature: Return this form supporting the candidate by fax or mail to: CSDA Attn: Diana Zavala 1112 1 Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 (91.6) 442 - 7887/,(916) 442 -7889 fax DEADLINE FOR RECEIVING NOMINATIONS — Ma v 2, 2008 & Noon Interested individuals may attach a letter of interest outlining why they would like to serve on the CSDA Board and any relevant background information related to their work with special districts. GOVERNMENT CLAIMS PROGRAM 400 R Street, 5'" Floor • Sacramento, California 95811 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3035 • Sacramento, California 95812 Toll Free Telephone Number 1- 800 -955 -0045 • Fax Number. (918) 491 -8443 Internet: www vcaeb.ca.eov Randall Musgraves 5019 Imhoff PI Martinez, CA 94553 April 14, 2008 RE: Claim G567585 for Randall Musgraves Dear Randall Musgraves, '7-.a 0) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ARNOLD SC"ARZENEGGER, Govemor ROSARIO MARINI Secretary State and Consumer Services Agency Chairperson JOHN CHIANG State Controller Board Member MICHAEL A. RAMOS San Bernardino County District Attorney Board Member KAREN McGAGIN Executive Officer Based on its review of your claim and the recommendations provided by the involved State agencies, Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board ( VCGCB) staff recommends your claim be rejected for the following reason(s): The claim raises issues that are outside the scope of analysis and interpretation typically undertaken by the Board; therefore, the court system is the appropriate means for resolution of this claim. The VCGCB's policy for claims such as yours is to accept the staff recommendation without hearing claimant appeals. The VCGCB will act on your claim at the May 15, 2008 hearing. We will notify you by mail of the VCGCB's action on your claim shortly after the hearing. The VCGCB's rejection of your claim will allow you to initiate litigation should you wish to pursue this matter further. If you have questions about this matter, please mention letter reference 43 and claim number G567585 when you call or write your claim technician or analyst at (800) 955 -0045. Sincerely, Government Claims Program Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board cc: B -15 Caltrans, Attn: Diana Tham, Legal Division Ltr 43 Recommendation Reject -?�INOI Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 10, 2008 TO: Honorable Members of the Board FROM: Jim Kelly, General Manager . hill SUBJECT: Major Code Policy Consideration At the March 6, 2008 Board Meeting, I recommended that staff and District counsel prepare a summary of major policy considerations to facilitate the Board's review of code revisions. You agreed with this recommendation. Staff and counsel have summarized the major policy considerations for Titles 7 and 9; the summary is attached for consideration. These are the last titles of the review series. A memorandum summarizing policy consideration for the Overflow Protection Device will be provided for discussion at the May 1, 2008 Board meeting. The adoption of the District Code will also be recommended for consideration at a subsequent meeting. JMK:slc Attachment cc: Kent Alm Elaine Boehme HAGeneral Manager's DirectoryXBoard Documents\2008\2008 -04 -17 Major Code Change Consideration Memo.doc Summary of Proposed Update of CCCSD Code Titles 7 & 9 Title 7: REAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS The recommended Title 7 is entirely new, and is intended to clarify and strengthen the District's existing property rights and procedures, particularly regarding easements. Chapter 7.01 Property Rights for District Wastewater Facilities Existing as of the date of adoption of the Code revision The District declares that it has acquired and accepted the property rights needed for all existing facilities shown on the District's "Collection System Maps" as of the date of the Code update, and describes each of the methods that were used to acquire and accept these rights. This chapter and Chapter 9.08, Public Sewers, which is discussed below, will strengthen the District's position in situations like the Green Street (Kramer) easement the District is currently seeking to perfect. Chapter 7.02 Acceptance of Interests in Real Property Establishes procedures for acquiring and accepting new property rights after the Code revision takes effect. Section 7.02.040 limits the District's liability between the time that property is offered for dedication and the Board of Directors accepts the offer. Currently only the Board accepts grants of easements. Section 7.02.050 continues to have the Board accept grants of easements, and it allows the Board to delegate responsibility for acceptance of some or all of the grants of easements to staff at some future time, if the Board so desires. Chapter 7.04 Use of Appurtenant Easements for Public Sanitary Sewer Facilities This chapter codifies that the District may own and maintain sewers in easements that are "appurtenances" to private properties, that is, easements that provide for access, sewer facilities or other utilities to benefit those properties. A request for service to one or more properties entitled to use the appurtenant easement is needed for the District to assert its rights. Section 7.04.030 allows the District require a recorded document to provide notice of its rights in a particular appurtenant easement. Chapter 7.15 Easements and Easement Encroachments This chapter defines terms and groups encroachments onto District -owned easements into two categories: Class One encroachments (minor encroachments such as fences, gates, or modest landscaping) and Class Two encroachments (major encroachments such as swimming pools, permanent decks, patios, or garages. The Chapter permits the District and private property owners to enter into "Real Property Agreements" that allow the limited maintenance of such encroachments, depending upon the class and effect of the encroachment on District operations. Summary of Proposed Update of CCCSD Code Titles 7 & 9 Page 2 of 3 In addition, the chapter declares that the minimum width for easements is ten feet, centered on the sewer pipeline. Chapter 7.20 Right to Access District Facilities The District's right to access its facilities on private property is restated in this chapter. Section 7.20.030 allows the District to issue "Right of Entry" permits to its consultants and contractors. Title 9: SEWERS Title 9 has several significant policy issues the Board may want to consider in more detail. Chapter 9.02 General Provisions This section makes the applicant's signature on a permit for sewer work an enforceable agreement binding the applicant to comply with all Code, permit, and District specification requirements. Chapter 9.08 Public Sewers Through provisions similar to those found in Title 7 (Real Property), this chapter declares that all public sewer facilities shown on the "Collection System Maps" as of the date of the adoption of this Code update are accepted as District public sewer facilities by the District's conduct and use of such facilities. Chapter 9.10 Side Sewers and Connections This chapter explicitly states that the property owner owns and is responsible for the entire side sewer (lateral and building sewer) from the building to and including the connection at the public sewer. This clarifies the property owner is responsible for the entire side sewer, including the portion of the publicly owned right of way. This is the current District practice, and this chapter clarifies the current practice described in the existing the Code. By clarify the Property owner owns the entire side sewer, this section makes it obvious the property owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the facilities that only serves the property owner. This section also reduces the District's exposure to third party lawsuits and cost of future sewer rehabilitation projects. Chapter 9.15 Overflow Protection Devices The Board will receive a briefing memo on this Chapter before the May 1, 2008 Board meeting, and this chapter will be listed on the agenda to receive Board direction at that meeting. Summary of Proposed Update of CCCSD Code Titles 7 & 9 Page 3 of 3 Chapter 9.30 Relinquishment of District Ownership and Maintenance Responsibilities For Sewers to Property Owners This chapter includes due process procedures to transfer (relinquish) a public sewer to private ownership or abandonment of public sewer facilities. Relinquishment might be desirable in cases where public sewer facilities serve only a single property or where public facilities exist in the common area of a condominium development. Chapter 9.40 Abandonment of District Sewer Facilities and Substitution of Alternate Facilities This chapter declares that property owners do not have an irrevocable entitlement or vested right to receive wastewater utility service via any particular sewer facility or method by virtue of having received such service in the past. The aim here is to clearly establish that the Board may relocate existing sewer facilities, or abandon and provide substitute alternative sewer facilities. For example, it may be in the District's best interests in some cases to substitute privately or publicly owned individual lot pumped systems rather than renovate and maintain gravity sewers in off street easements. I. b. I) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 11, 2008 TO: Honorable Members of the Board FROM: Jim Kelly, General Manager l SUBJECT: District Code Titles 7 and 9 Titles 7 and 9 are attached. There is one version of Title 7 as the entire title is new. There are two versions of Title 9, the proposed final version and a red line- strikeout version showing changes from the current code. These are the two titles on the agenda for the April 17th Board meeting. JMK:slc Attachment cc: Kent Alm Elaine Boehme HAGeneral Manager's Directory\Board Documents\2008\2008 -04 -11 Major Code Change Consideration Memo.doc Title 7 REAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS Chapters; 7.01 Property Rights for District Wastewater Facilities Existing as of [Date of Adoption of this Code Revisionl 7.02 Acceptance of Interests in Real Property 7.03 Quitclaiming or "Vacating" Real Property 7.04 Use of Appurtenant Easements for Public Sanitary Sewer Facilities 7.08 Lease of District Real. Property 7.10 Sale of Surplus Real Property 7.15 Easements and Encroachments 7.20 Right to Access District Facilities Chapter 7.01 PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR DISTRICT WASTEWATER FACILITIES EXISTING AS OF [Date of Adoption of this Code Revisionl Sections: 7.01.010 Acknowledgment and Declaration. 7.01.010 Acknowledgment and Declaration. A. The District acknowledges, asserts and hereby declares that it has acquired and accepted property rights necessary for construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair and replacement of all those District -owned and /or maintained sanitary sewer or recycled water facilities that are shown on the District's "Collection System Maps" as of <insert the date of adoption of this Title, which are kept on file in the office of the Secretary of the District in an uncodified manner (referred to as "Collection System Maps" in this Code), whether such facilities exist in a public or private right -of -way, street, road, or path, or in a recorded or unrecorded easement or reservation, or in any other location whatsoever. In making the above acknowledgement, assertion and declaration, the District further declares that the purpose of this Chapter 7.01 is to state its position and to clarify the existence of property rights that have previously been acquired. This declaration and clarification of existing woperty rights shall not be construed to be a new acquisition, taking or other action subjecting the District to any claim of liability for compensation. Such existing property rights have been acquired by various means, including those set forth below: 1. Formal acceptance by resolution of the District Board of Directors of easements, reserves or other rights offered for dedication to the District for construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair and /or replacement of public sanitary sewer facilities under the Subdivision Map Act or by separate instrument (Grant of Easement, Irrevocable Offer of Dedication, License, Real Property Agreement, etc.). 2. Acceptance of Other Recorded Grants of Easements, Dedications or Right of Ways by Conduct. The District also has acquired and accepted by its conduct the right to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace District sanitary sewer facilities shown on its Collection System Maps in easements, reservations or right of ways for which it has a recorded grant deed, offer of dedication or reservation shown on a subdivision map or described in recorded Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for sanitary sewer purposes within such areas of the grant, dedication or reservation regardless of whether written records exist to demonstrate formal acceptance by the Board of Directors. 3. Acceptance of Offers of Dedication Under Subdivision Map Act by Conduct. Where, prior to <insert the adoption date of this ordinance, public sanitary sewer facilities have been constructed by the District itself or by others and subsequently contributed to the District, and /or the facilities been operated or maintained by the District in an easement, reservation or right of way, which was offered for dedication to the county, to a city or to the District for sanitary sewer, street, road, utility or public use under the Subdivision Map Act, whether such offer was initially or subsequently rejected or accepted by the city, the county or the District, the District hereby declares that it has accepted such offer for District use for construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair and replacement of public sanitary sewer facilities through its conduct. 4. Acceptance of Unrecorded Grants or Reservations by Conduct. Where, prior to <insert the adoption date of this ordinance, public sanitary sewer facilities have been constructed by the District itself or by others and subsequently contributed to the District, and/or the facilities have been operated or maintained by the District in an easement, reservation or right of way which is shown on a grant of easement, non - statutory offer of dedication or deed continuing a reservation in favor of the District (including generalized reservation) for utilities or public use and the District has constructed or maintained sewers or sewer facilities in such easement, reservation or right of way area without such grants or dedication having been formally accepted by the District and /or recorded, the District hereby declares that it nonetheless has in fact accepted such grants, dedications or reservations for its use for construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such public sanitary sewer facilities through its conduct. 5. Use of Appurtenant Easements. The District shall have the right to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace public sanitary sewer facilities in appurtenant easements pursuant to an assignment of such rights to the District through a license or other recordable document as provided in Chapter 7.04 of this Code. 6. Prescription, Necessity, or other equitable means. The District shall have also acquired by prescription, necessity or other equitable means property rights to easements or right of ways that may not have been formally offered to or accepted by the District in the past for all those sanitary sewer facilities shown on its Collection System Maps as of <adoption date of this title >, but not described in Subsections A.1 though A.5 of this Chapter above, that it has operated, maintained, inspected or made use of for a period five years or more or otherwise in compliance with legal requirements for prescription or necessity. 7. Condemnation. Acquisition of easements or other property interests through condemnation proceedings. 8. Exception to this Acknowledgement and Declaration of Ownership. Notwithstanding subparagraphs A.1 through Al above, there are specific locations where sewer facilities may be shown on the District's Collection System Maps as of the date of adoption of this Title to which these general declarations and acceptances do not apply. The specific locations of easements, dedications or right of ways that the District does not acknowledge or accept ownership of include the following: a. Areas underlying facilities marked as "Abandoned Lines" on the Collection System Maps. b. Areas underlying facilities marked as "Tentative Sewer Lines" on the Collection System Maps. C. Areas underlyinq facilities marked as "Proposed Future Lines" on the Collection System Maps. d. Areas underlying facilities marked as "Private Lines" on the Collection System Maps. e. Areas underlvina facilities marked by text or labels on the Collection Svstem Maps as being owned by other public agencies. Chapter 7.02 ACCEPTANCE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Sections: 7.02.010 Policy. 7.02.020 Irrevocable offers of dedication. requirement of acceptance. 7.02.030 Acceptance of offers of dedication solely for purpose of subsurface sewer facilities. 7.02.040 Pre - acceptance liability. 7.02.050 Grants of easement — acceptance. 7.02.010 Policy. With the exception of those real property interests acquired and accepted as acknowledged, asserted and declared in Chapter 7.01, it is the policy of the District to accept real property interests such as easements and rights of way for sewer - related purposes primarily through the acceptance of irrevocable offers of dedication either under the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act or by separate instrument as provided in this Chapter 7.02, or by assignment of appurtenant rights under the as provided in the provisions of Chapter 7.04 of this Code. Dedication of private property for public use requires an offer of dedication by the owner and an acceptance of the offer by a public agency. All acceptances after (date of adoption of this Code Revisionl shall occur only in the manner set forth in this Chapter and set forth by state law. 7.02.020 Irrevocable offers of dedication, requirement of acceptance. A. When a subdivision map for an area partially or completely within the District's boundaries, or for an area which is intended to be annexed to the District pursuant to the development of that subdivision, is submitted to any local public agency for approval pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code Section 66410 et sea.), the offer of dedication of a street, road, trail, path, easement or other interests in real property explicitly or implicitly for sewer purposes on the map shall be deemed to be an irrevocable offer of dedication in favor of the District. The rejection of non -sewer rights by any other local public agency shall not affect the irrevocable offer potentially available to the District for use for sanitary sewer facilities or the District's right to later accept such offers of dedication for sanitary sewer purposes. B. Prior to the District completing its final review of plans, and issuance of a permit for construction of a proposed extension of a District main sewer, the party seeking such permit issuance shall submit documentation conclusively demonstrating that rights of way adequate for construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, inspection, repair and replacement of the proposed main sewer extension, have been acquired in favor of and in a form acceptable to the District by one or more of the following instruments: 1 ) evidence of submittal for approval to the county or city with jurisdiction pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, following favorable review by the District, of a subdivision map that includes offers of dedication of streets, roads, trails, paths, easements or other interests in real property explicitly, or implicitly in the case of public road dedications, for sanitary sewer purposes over the entire alignment of the proposed main sewer extension, or portions thereof: 2) submittal of properly executed irrevocable offers of dedication for easements over the entire alignment of the proposed main sewer extension, or portions thereof, on forms acceptable to the District; 3) submittal of documents on forms acceptable to the District and suitable for recording, properly executed by the dominant tenement owner(s) of appurtenant easements over the entire alignment of the proposed main sewer extension, or portions thereof, reflecting assignment to the District of the appurtenant rights regarding sanitary sewers pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 7.04 of this Code; and /or 4) quitclaims, grants of easement or other similar documents. C. General or specific -case authority to receive and record irrevocable offers of dedication may be delegated to the General Manager by resolution of the Board. However, receipt and recording of an irrevocable offer of dedication shall not constitute District acceptance of the offer of dedication. Offers of dedication shall be accepted only as provided in Subsection 7.02.020 D below. D. With the exception of those real property interests acknowledged, asserted and declared in Chapter 7.01, an irrevocable offer of dedication of an easement or other interests in real property for sewer purposes, including all Subdivision Map Act offers of dedication, shall be accepted by the District only by either: 1) adoption and recording of a resolution of the Board; or 2) by execution and recording of a "Certification of Acceptance" by the General Manager pursuant to a resolution of the Board delegating general or specific case authority to accept offers of dedication. Neither the receipt nor recording by the District of an irrevocable offer of dedication instrument nor a property owner's filing of a subdivision map including offers of dedication shall constitute acceptance of the offer of dedication. 7.02.030 Acceptance of offers of dedication for limited purpose. The District may accept any offer of dedication of property rights for use for sanitary sewer facility purposes in its entirety or only in part. At the discretion of the Board, the District may limit acceptance of any dedication solely to exclusive or non - exclusive subsurface rights for the purpose of laving sewer facilities and to exclusive or non - exclusive surface access rights for construction, maintenance and repair of such facilities. Any acceptance by the District of dedicated property rights may be limited to certain locations within a larger dedication. In no event shall such a limited acceptance constitute an acceptance of non - accepted Property rights such as rights for a public street, or a public right of way, or subject the District to responsibility for maintenance or liability arising from facilities or land which were not specifically accepted or are not related to sanitary sewer facilities. 7.02.040 Pre - acceptance liability. Under no circumstances shall the mere approval by another local agency of a subdivision map with sewer facility dedications constitute acceptance by the District of such a dedication. Likewise, by itself, a mere offer of dedication that is made after <insert the date of adoption of this ordinance> and is separate from the real property interests acknowledged, asserted and declared in Chapter 7.01, shall not constitute an acceptance by the District, or impose liability on the District or render any land to be "public property" owned by the District under the Tort Claims Act, Section 810 et seq. of the Government Code. 7.02.050 Grants of easement — acceptance. Notwithstanding the rights and prerogatives granted under this Chapter, the District reserves to itself the power to acquire grants of easements for sewer purposes when, in its discretion, it determines that it is advisable to do so. The grants of easements shall not be accepted by the District until accepted by either: 1) adoption and recording of a resolution of the Board; or 2) by execution and recording of a "Certification of Acceptance" by the General Manager pursuant to a resolution of Board delegating general or specific case authority to accept offers of dedication.. (Ord. 198 � 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 173 (part), 1990) Chapter 7.03 QUITCLAIMING OR "VACATING' EASEMENTS, RIGHT -OF -WAYS AND LICENSES FOR SEWER AND RELATED USES Sections: 7.03.010 Scope of Quitclaim Chapter. 7.03.020 Procedures to Quitclaim or Vacate Real Property Interests. 7.03.010 Scope of Quitclaim Chapter. The procedures set forth in this Chapter shall be applicable to the quitclaiming or exchanqe of easements, right -of -ways and licenses owned by the District and determined to be surplus and no longer necessary for public purposes pursuant to the provisions of Section 8300 et seq. of the Government Code. 7.03.020 Procedures to Quitclaim or Vacate Real Property Interests. If the General Manager determines that certain property rights held by the District, such as easements, rights -of -way or licenses for sewer or sewer - related purposes are unnecessary for present or prospective District use, or that conveyance or exchange of such property rights would be of public benefit, he or she shall prepare a position paper, determination or a report to that effect. Such position paper, determination or report shall be presented to the Board for its consideration. The Board may in its sole discretion convey such real property rights by authorizing execution of grant deeds, quitclaims or contracts by Resolution. The transfers of property rights addressed in this Chapter shall not be subject to the vacation procedures for cities and counties pursuant of the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation. Chapter 7.04 USE OF APPURTENANT EASEMENTS FOR DISTRICT SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES Sections: 7.04.010 General policy. 7.04.020 District rights to facilities in appurtenant easements. 7.04.030 Optional recordation. 7.04.010 General Policy and Findings. A. The Board hereby finds that historic development patterns and increased urbanization of areas within the District's jurisdiction have created increased demand for public sewage collection, treatment and disposal services. The Board further finds that some areas within the District's jurisdiction may best be served by the construction and installation of public sewers and sewage facilities in appurtenant easements that provide for or make reservations for access, sewer facilities or other utilities to benefit certain properties. B. Accordingly, the Board hereby declares that the District may construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace District sanitary sewer facilities in any appurtenant easements that provide for or make reservations for sanitary sewers, utilities or other types of similar utility infrastructure. Such rights to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace District sanitary sewer facilities in appurtenant easements may arise from grants, common law dedication, dedications under the Subdivision Map Act, contract, deed, assignment, gift, purchase and other procedures authorized by state law. 7.04.020 District Rights to District Facilities in Appurtenant Easements. Any construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of District sanitary sewer facilities within appurtenant easements may be performed for the benefit of and pursuant to the rights held by one or more dominant tenement owner(s) of the appurtenant easement. A request for service by even a single dominant tenement owner, may justify use of the appurtenant easement, with or without consent of other dominant or servient tenement owners. Once sewers or other sewer facilities are constructed within an appurtenant easement and accepted by the District, the District's rights to enter the appurtenant easement for purposes of construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement shall be binding upon the dominant and servient tenement owner(s)' assigns, successors and devisees, absent an abandonment of the District facilities within the easement by the Board and a formal relinquishment of the District's rights thereto. 7.04.030 Optional Recordation. In order to facilitate the provision of notice to future successors or assigns, the District may request that the dominant tenement owner(s) provide the District with a recordable document reflecting the dominant tenement owner(s)' assignment of rights to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace District sanitary sewer facilities within the appurtenant easement through a license or other recordable document. Chapter 7.08 LEASE OF DISTRICT REAL PROPERTY Sections: 7.08.010 Purpose. 7.08.020 Term. 7.08.030 Notice and Public Hearing Requirement. 7.08.040 Required Findings and Competitive Award for Leases of 10 Years or More. 7.08.050 Required Findings and Authorization of Leases of Less Than 10 Years. 7.08.010 Purpose. A. The District may lease District property, so long as it is not needed for District purposes. Such leases may be used to provide revenues to the District for the operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer systems, waste water treatment and disposal facilities, recycled water distribution and hazardous waste collection facilities, and to finance the acquisition, construction, and improvement of such facilities. All leases shall comply with the requirements of this Chapter and those set forth in Health & Safety Code Section 6514.1. 7.08.020 Term. No lease of District Property-shall exceed 99 years in length. Leases shall be subject to periodic review by the District. 7.08.030 Notice and public hearinq requirement. Prior to entering into any lease, the District shall publish notice of the time and place of the Board meeting, in compliance with the Government Code Section 6066, at which the lease proposal shall be considered. All persons present shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to comment on the lease proposal. 7.08.040 Required findings and competitive award for leases of 10 years or more. A. For leases of more than ten years in length, the Board shall authorize the lease by ordinance. The Board shall set forth findings demonstrating that the District will not need the subject property and that the proposed lease is in the best interests of the District and its ratepayers. All authorizing ordinances shall be kept on file in codified or uncodified form in the office of the Secretary of the District. B. In addition, all leases of more than 10 years in length shall be awarded by competitive award to the bidder, which, in the determination of the Board, offers the greatest economic return to the District. The bidding shall be conducted in the manner determined by the Board. At the District's discretion, notices inviting bids may be published pursuant to Government Code Section 6066 in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the District. 7.08.050 Reauired findinas and authorization of leases of less than 10 years. If the Board makes a finding at a noticed public hearing that the proposed leasehold use of a particular parcel of District property will be compatible with District uses, that entering into the proposed lease will be of public benefit, and that the term of the proposed lease is equal to or less than 10 years, the ordinance and competitive bidding procedures of Section 7.08.040 shall be optional. Chapter 7. 10 SALE OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY Sections: 7.10.010 Scope. 7.10.020 Determination of Surplus Land. 7.10.030 Manner of Disposal. 7.10.040 District Personnel Prohibited. 7.10.050 Sale Proceeds. 7.10.010 Scope. The procedures set forth in this Chapter 7.10 shall be applicable to the disposal of real property owned by the District and determined to be surplus and no longer necessary for public purposes. The procedures set forth with regard to termination, resection or abandonment of offers of dedication pursuant to Section 66477.2 of the Government Code and Section 8300 of the Streets and Highway Code typically do not apply to disposal of District property. 7.10.020 Determination of surplus land. A. The General Manager shall determine whether a particular parcel of District real Property constitutes "surplus land" for purposes of Section 54221 of the Government Code. If the General Manager finds that such real property is not required for any other public use, he or she shall so report to the Board and the Board may declare the property surplus and direct District staff to dispose of it. B. Prior to disposal of surplus real property by public sale, the General Manager shall provide written notice to public agencies in the manner prescribed by Section 54220 et seg. of the Government Code. 7.10.030 Manner of disposal. The General Manager shall dispose of the property pursuant to competitive bid, direct negotiation or in some other manner that offers the greatest economic return to the District and such disposal shall be subject to Board approval before final agreement of the sale. 7.10.040 District personnel prohibited. No District official, officer or employee shall bid or be financially interested in any bid for surplus real property sold in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Chapter. 7.10.050 Sale proceeds. The amount received for any property sold pursuant to this Chapter shall be credited to the appropriate fund as determined by the General Manager. Chapter 7.15 EASEMENTS AND EASEMENT ENCROACHMENTS Sections: 7.15.010 Definitions. 7.15.020 District Policies Concerning Future Acquisition of Easements and Property Rights 7.15.030 Creation of District Easements. 7.15.040 Minimum Standards for Easements. 7.15.050 Unlawful Acts. 7.15.060 Authorized and Unauthorized Encroachments. 7.15.070 Real Property Agreements. 7.15.080 Real Property Agreement Terms and Conditions. 7.15.090 Other Regulations. 7.15.100 Grandfathering. 7.15.110 Removal and Restoration of Improvements that are Disturbed by District Activities. 7.15.120 District Remedies. 7.15.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter 7.15, the following terms have the meanings specified below. A. "Easement" means a property right, however created by which the owner of the right is entitled to make specified uses of the real property of another person; the term "easement" includes "reserve," "sewer reserve," or "utility reserve ". B. "Encroachment" means an activity or condition that results in significant interference with the District's enjoyment of its easement rights. As used in this Chapter, there are two classes of encroachments: 1. Class One encroachments. These are encroachments that may result in significant interference with District's use of easements unless adequate safeguards and /or mitigation measures are taken. Examples of Class One encroachments ordinarily include: fences gates driveways, paved parking areas, modest landscaping, and minor cuts and fills. 2. Class Two encroachments. These are encroachments that are likely to result in significant interference with District's use of easement for the present or future and where simple safeguards and /or mitigation measures will not remove or adequately ameliorate the interference with construction, reconstruction, renewal alteration operation maintenance repair and replacement of or access to District sanitary sewer facilities within the easement Examples of Class Two encroachments ordinarily include: permanent structures such as buildings (including garages or outbuildings), swimming pools, permanent decks reinforced concrete surfaces substantial landscaping structures, and retaining walls. Class Two encroachments also include temporary structures that are not readily removable from the easement are likely to cause root intrusion, or are prone to interfere with operation of District facilities such as: trees large bushes overgrown vegetation, large accumulations of stored materials and other activities and conditions which may prevent reasonable access for construction reconstruction renewal alteration operation maintenance, repair and replacement of District sanitary sewer facilities within the easement C. "Property owner" means the fee owner or long term leaseholder of the servient tenement to the District's easement. D. "Significant interference" means, with respect to encroachments on District easements, an activity or condition that has the potential to damage or to inhibit access to District facilities, that may or will result in excessive cost to the District to use the easement for its intended purposes, or that may or will result in blockage or damage to District facilities. 7.15.020District policies concerning future acquisition of easements and property rights. The following District policies apply to easements acquired by the District after <insert the date of this Ordinance >: A. Wherever feasible, District facilities will be located in and on lands owned by the District, in public lands to which the District has largely unrestricted access or in public streets, roads, highways, or other public rights -of -way in which, by law, the District is entitled to construct, install, operate, and maintain its facilities. B. District facilities may be installed in easements over private property when installation in a location described in Section 7.15.020.A. is not possible, would be impracticable, technically less suitable, difficult to maintain or would be unduly burdensome on District. C. The District's easement rights shall be sufficient to enable the District to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace its facilities as may be needed without excessive cost or other undue difficulty. 7.15.030Creation of District easements. A. District easements may be created in any manner allowed by law. B. Notwithstanding Subsection A above, property rights to be conveyed to the District should ordinarily be created by express grant, reservation, or irrevocable dedication set forth in a written instrument suitable for recordation in official records of the County of Contra Costa. The form and content of the instrument shall be acceptable to the District, but shall not be effective until the instrument has been duly delivered to, approved by, and accepted by the District as provided in Chapter 7.02 of this Code. C. Prior to <insert the date of this Ordinance> easement interests were acquired and accepted as acknowledged, asserted and declared in Chapter 7.01 of this Code. 7.15.040Minimum standards for easements. A. Unless expressly waived by the District for good cause, an easement conveyed to the District after <insert the date of this Ordinance >, and all easements existing as of said date, to the extent this language is not in conflict with written terms in the existing easement documents, shall be subject to the following minimum standards: 1. For the purpose of exercising its principal easement rights, the District shall also be afforded the right of ingress and egress to, from, along, on, in, above, and below the surface of the land encompassed by the easement over the remaining property of the servient tenement. 2. The easement shall be subject to the provisions of this Code and to other rules and regulations promulgated by the District. B. Easements may either be for the exclusive or nonexclusive benefit of the District. If the easement is nonexclusive, other users of the territory encompassed by the easement shall be prohibited from unlawfully interfering with the District's easement rights. C. In the case of easements for pipelines where there is no width set forth in documentation, the easement shall be considered to be a minimum of ten feet in width centered on the pipeline. A reasonable right of surface access for maintenance and repair shall also be presumed. 7.15.050 Unlawful acts. It is unlawful for any person to: A. Cause or permit an unauthorized encroachment on a District easement where such person has actual, legal or constructive notice of the easement or the District sanitary sewer facilities therein; B. Fail to abate or otherwise remove or discontinue any action or condition that results in an unauthorized encroachment after receiving written notice of the existence of the easement; C. Abandon any items of property, including motor vehicles, on or within a District easement; D. Deposit any debris, garbage, trash, toxic substance, liquid or solid waste or other form of refuse on or within a District easement: E. Cause, permit, or maintain any activity or condition off or outside a District easement that causes, whether directly or indirectly, a significant interference with the District's easement rights: or F. Cause or permit any activity or condition on or within a District easement that constitutes a public or private nuisance. 7.15.060 Authorized and unauthorized encroachments. A. A property owner may make use of the land over which the District has an easement, if those uses do not result in significant interference with the easement. For example lawns flowerbeds, loose paving stones, and similar landscaping features would not ordinarily cause significant interference with a District easement used for subsurface sanitary sewer facilities. B. Except as provided in Section 7.15.070, Class One and Class Two encroachments are not authorized and shall not be maintained or permitted on Distract easements. C. The owner of the property over which the District has an easement and anv other person who has caused or permitted an unauthorized encroachment to exist is obligated to promptly remove and eliminate the encroachment. 7.15.070 Real Property Agreements. A. The owner of a property over which the District has an easement who wishes to maintain a Class One encroachment or to obtain relief for a Class Two encroachment shall apply for and obtain a Real Property Agreement. B. The District shall establish, and the applicant shall comply with such procedures as are required to process and act on the application, including submission of information needed to evaluate the application. C. A Real Property Agreement may be issued if: 1. The applicant has fully complied with all District requirements and procedures pertaining to issuance of the Real Property Agreement; 2. The applicant has accepted and agreed to all terms and conditions as set forth in Section 7.15.080: 3. The District finds that the Real Property Agreement conditions will ensure that the Class One encroachments as authorized will not result in significant interference with the District's easement; and 4. The District finds that the Real Property Agreement for a Class Two Encroachment will, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, preserve the District's easement rights while at the same time, in the interest of fairness and substantial iustice make appropriate allowances for justifiable concerns of a property owner. 7.15.080 Real property agreements terms and conditions. The applicant shall execute and deliver to the District a Real Property Agreement in a form acceptable to the District and suitable for recording with the Contra Costa County Recorder that includes, at minimum, the following conditions: A A provision that the Real Property Agreement shall be binding upon heirs, successors and assigns with regard to ownership interest in the real property burdened by the District's easement; C. An acknowledgement of the prohibitions and limitations set forth in this Chapter; D With respect to Class One encroachments the restrictions in use or modifications to the property required to mitigate the effects of the encroachment and safeguard the District's easement rights to prevent the encroachment from causing significant interference with the District's use of the easement; and E. With respect to Class Two encroachments, the conditions that, to the extent reasonably possible under the circumstances, will: 1. Eliminate the encroachment in due course; and 2. Ameliorate the impacts of the encroachment on the District's easement through mitigation measures and safeguards and shift to the property owner any increased costs that may be incurred by the District due to the existence of the encroachment. 7.15.090 Other regulations. The Board may promulgate and amend rules, requlations, and procedures to implement the provisions of this Chapter, including the following: A. Establish rules regulations, and procedures concerning applications for and issuance of Real Property Agreements: B. Set fees and charges for District services related to easements; C. List and categorize activities and conditions that constitute encroachments; and D. Establish standard Real Property Agreement conditions applicable to specific activities and conditions including mitigation measures, safeguards, and similar provisions. 7.15.100 Grandfathering. An encroachment that was in existence prior to <insert the effective date of this Chapte►� may be maintained and shall not be subject to immediate mandatory removal or abatement if the encroachment is grandfathered pursuant to this Section. At the District's sole discretion, an encroachment may be arandfathered if the applicant applies for and obtains a Real Property Agreement pursuant to the terms of this Chapter. 7.15.110 Removal and restoration of improvements that are disturbed by District activities. Whenever the District's reasonable use of the easement to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain inspect repair and replace sanitary sewer facilities results in the need for the property owner's improvements to the real property to be removed or disturbed the following provisions shall apply: A. Conditions Not Constituting Encroachments. The District shall, at the expense of the District upon completion of the District's activities replace or restore the improvements in kind which are not prohibited by this Chapter, or where such responsibility is specified in a Real Property Agreement. B. Authorized Encroachments. If the encroachment is authorized pursuant to a Real Property Agreement and the Real Property Agreement does not provide otherwise the property owner shall, at no expense to the District, be responsible to restore the encroaching improvements, landscaping, or structures. C. Unauthorized Encroachments. Unauthorized encroachments shall be removed by the property owner at their expense and shall not be restored by the District. Removal shall be performed promptly after notice from the District. If the encroachment has not been removed within a reasonable time after notice, or if the urgency of the District's easement activities requires, the District may remove the encroachment itself, and the removal costs may be charged to the property owner. 7.15.120 District remedies. Remedies granted to the District in this Chapter are in addition to any other rights and remedies that are available under this Code or that are otherwise afforded by law, and the District is entitled to exercise any and all such rights and to charge property owners for the costs of such remedies, either serially or cumulatively, as determined by the District. Chapter 7.20 RIGHT TO ACCESS DISTRICT FACILITIES Sections: 7.20.010 District Right to Access District Facilities on Private or Public Property. 7.20.020 Interference with District's Access. 7.20.030 Right of Entry Permits. 7.20.010 District Right to Access District Facilities on Private or Public Property. Where the District has facilities within easements, reservations or rights of way, including those real property interests acknowledged, asserted and declared in Chapter 7.01, the District shall have the right to enter private property in order to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, operate, maintain, inspect, repair and replace District facilities and as set forth in Section 1.08.020 of this Code. The District may also remove landscaping and other encroachments within the easement, reservation or right of way that significantly impede access to District facilities or unreasonably interferes with the construction, reconstruction, renewal, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair or replacement by District of its facilities within the easement, reservation or right of way. 7.20.020 Interference with District's Access. The District shall not be responsible for the costs of removal of obstructions preventing reasonable access to its facilities within easements, reservations or right of ways on private property, nor shall such removal, pruning or required modifications of landscaping or hardscaping provide a basis for compensation to the property owner. 7.20.030 Right of Entry Permits. The District may issue "Right of Entry" permits to its contractors and consultants, or to the contractors or consultants of others who apply to construct, reconstruct, renew, alter, maintain, inspect, repair and /or replace lateral sewers or other sanitary sewer appurtenances within District easements, reservations or rights of way. Right of Entry Permits shall operate as a temporary assignment of the District's right to use and enioy its real property interests for legitimate sanitary sewer facility purposes. 1082331.1 Title SEWERS Chapters: 9.02 General Provisions 9.04 Private Sewage Disposal 9.08 Deign and Genstrateti-e-n --� Public Sewers 9.10 Side Sewers and Connections 9.15 Overflow protection devices 9.20 Abandening ef Sewers District Abandonment Permit Requirement for Building_, Grading or Demolition Projects 9.24 A eeeptanee —e f i n tei2 sty in D e r -- -1 9.30 Relinquishment of District X Ownership And Maintenance Responsibilities for Sewers to Property Owners 9.40 Abandonment of District Sewer Facilities And Substitution of Alternate Facilities 1 Chapter 9.02 GENERAL PROVISIONS 9.02.010 Purpose. This Chapter establishes rules and regulations for the use and construction of public and private sanitary sewer facilities installed, altered or repaired within the District. 9.02.030 Permit as Aareement. The applicant's signature on an application for any permit required by this Chapter shall constitute an agreement binding on the applicant and his or her heirs, successors and assigns, to comply with all the provisions, terms, and requirements of this Code, the permit and any plans and specifications filed with the application, together with such corrections or modifications as may be made or permitted by the District, if any. Such agreement shall be binding upon the applicant and may be altered only by the written approval of the District upon request for the alteration by the applicant. Chapter 9.04 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Sections: private sewage dispesa1_ syst ffts _ l 9.04.-&4-&9.04.010 Design, construction and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems. 9.04.020 Cost of private sewage disposal. 9.04.010 Design, construction and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems. The design, construction and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems, septic tank systems, eL -awry the Distri t is geveLaned by and other methods of sewage disposal, are governed by Contra Costa County and the state of California. No person shall construct, install, connect to or provide, maintain or use any means of sewage disposal for any facility or property in the District other than the District's public sewer system, except as 2 permitted under the statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations of the county and the state. When a property previously served by a private sewage disposal system connects to the District system, the property owner shall comply with all applicable county and state statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations regarding the proper abandonment of private sewage disposal systems. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: prior code § 6 -101) 9.04.020 Cost of Private Sewage Disposal. The District shall not be financially responsible for any construction, operation, maintenance, repair, abandonment or other costs whatsoever of private sewage disposal systems, septic tank systems or any other private methods of sewage disposal. Chapter 9.08 DES -IS'' AND GGNST-RGrlGN G-FF—PUBLIC SEWERS* Sections: 9.08.010 Planning, design and construction. 9.08.020 Sewage facilities to be built for ultimate service. eve lew p reventredvree. 9.98.9 41 Finding icegaiad i n g eife epti ears - e requireffte.nt baekwa4tei- ever-fl: preventien ,.,, 9.08.050 'Fapp±ng-- inte- Bistri-et sewe-r--. 9.08.030 Acceptance of sewage facilities. * Prior history: Prior code §§ 7 -101, 7 -102, 7 -103, 7 -201, 7 -204, 7 -305 and 7 -306; Ords. 41 and 105. 9.08.010 Planning, design and construction. Publi-eSewers that are intended for dedication to the District as public sewers shall be planned, designed, constructed, installed and repaired in accordance with this title and the plan_ and speeifieatiens e e Distriet and the — enders ef the Genet -Manager. Code and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (referred in this Code as "Standard Specifications "). The Standard Specifications shall be established and may be amended from time to time by Ordinance and kept on file with the District Secretary in 3 an uncodified manner. The use of any sewer facility connected to the District system that fails to comply with the Standard Specifications applicable at the time of its connection to the District sewer facilities constitutes a danger to human health and safety, public and private property and the environment, and shall be considered a public nuisance. (Ord. 223 § 2(part), 2002; Ord. 198 § 3 (Exh. C (part)) , 1996) 9.08.020 Sewage facilities to be built for ultimate service. EteAll sewage facilities to be connected to the District system shall be designed and constructed in a manner consistent with service to the ultimate tributary service area. The District shall review plans submitted for construction of new or modified sewer facilities to evaluate the service requirements for the ultimate tributary service area. The District will determine whether and to what extent the design and sizing of the proposed facilities may need to be modified, including upsizina, to accommodate the flow from the ultimate tributary service area. If compliance with this requirement results in upsizing of sewage facilities, a reimbursement account shall be established pursuant to Government Code Section 66003 and Chapter 6.20 of this Code. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) 9.08.030 Acceptance of sewaae facilities. A. Where, prior to <insert the adoption date of this ordinance >, the District has constructed, or obtained by contribution, and maintained the public sewers and other sewage facilities that are shown on the District's "Collection System Maps" as of the date of adoption of this Title and kept on file by the Secretary of the District in an uncodified manner (referred to as "System Maps" in this Code), whether in a public or private right - of -way, street, road, path, easement, reservation or any other location whatsoever, and where such sewers and facilities were not explicitly accepted by the District in the past, the District hereby declares that it has in fact accepted all such sewers and facilities for public use through its conduct. In the cases where District staff has issued a "Notice of Acceptance of Sewer Facilities" or a substantially similar document to an installer of sewers and /or other sewage facilities intended for contribution to the District, the date of the District's acceptance of 4 such sewers and facilities shall be deemed to be the date of such notice or substantially similar document. Notwithstanding the paragraph above, there are specific sewer facilities which may be shown on the Collection System Maps to which these general declarations and acceptances do not apply. The specific sewer facilities that the District does not acknowledge or accept ownership of include the following: 1. Facilities labeled as "Abandoned Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 2. Facilities labeled as "Tentative Sewer Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 3. Facilities labeled as "Proposed Future Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 4. Facilities labeled as "Private Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 5. Facilities marked by text or labels on the Collection System Maps as being owned by other public agencies. B. The Board hereby delegates to the General Manager the responsibility and authority to accept, or rel'ect, any sewers or other sewage facilities offered for contribution to the District, after (i.e., the adoption date of this ordinance). Such sewers and facilities shall be deemed accepted by the District as of the date of the "Notice of Acceptance of Sewer Facilities" issued to the installer following favorable final inspection of the sewers or other facilities by District staff. Chapter 9.10 Side Sewers and Connections 9.10.010 Permit Required. No person shall construct, repair or alter a side sewer or make a connection to any public sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the District pursuant to the requirements included in Title 5 of this Code and paying all applicable fees and charges. Only the District itself or a properly licensed contractor authorized by the District may install connections to, or taps into, a District sewer or other sewage facility. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 19961 9.10.020 Specifications and Requirements. 5 Construction, repair, alteration and maintenance of side sewers shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Code and the Standard Specifications. 9.10.030 Protection of Excavation and Trenchin All excavations, trenching and construction for side sewer installation, repair or alteration shall be adequately and properly protected with barricades, shoring and bracing, traffic control and /or lights so as to provide for public safety. Public streets, sidewalks, and other property in the public right -of -way disturbed in the course of side sewer work shall be restored in the manner required by the Standard Specifications, and the permitting requirements of the city, county or other entity with competent jurisdiction. 9.10.040 Ownership, Maintenance and Connection of Side Sewers. A side sewer is a private facility. The property owner shall be responsible for constructing, repairing and maintaining the entire side sewer between the building and the public sewer (including both the lateral and building sewers, and the tap, saddle or wye connection fitting at the public main sewer). The District shall not be financially responsible for any side sewer construction, operation, maintenance, repair, abandonment or other costs whatsoever, except where the District itself or its contractor reconstructs or realigns the public sewer, therebv necessitatina the reconnection of private side sewers to the public sewer. 9.10.050 Standards for Construction and Testing of Side Sewers. Side sewers shall be constructed and maintained in conformance with applicable standards and regulations set forth in Standard Specifications, this Code and such other statutes and regulations as may apply at the time of construction or repair. The property owner shall obtain a District permit for such side sewer construction or repair, and the side sewer shall be subject to inspection and testing to ensure that proper materials and methods were used for the construction or repair and that the resulting side sewer is leak -free. Side sewers that fail the leakage test shall be repaired or replaced at property owner's expense so as to pass the leakage test. w Chapter 9.15 Grp. !98 4 I (Imh. r (tart)) , 1996) OVERFLOW PROTECTION DEVICES 9.15.010 Overflow protection devices. A Findings. The District finds that overflow protection devices are necessary to minimize the volume of sewage overflows and flooding of public and private premises, protect the health and safety of the District, its residents and visitors and the environment, and to minimize damage to District and private property. Proper installation and maintenance of overflow protection devices by property owners and long term leaseholders of residential, industrial and commercial properties constitute an integral part of the private and public sewage collection system designed to convey sewage from buildings throughout the District to the treatment plant. Failure of property owners and long term leaseholders to Properly install and maintain overflow protection devices can prevent the proper functioning of the sewage collection system as designed. B. Mandatory Installation and Maintenance. All property owners and longterm leaseholders shall install and maintain a b« m�er--overflow pi-=even e- nprotection device on any side sewer that is connected, or is intended for connection to, the District sewer sys�efft. in this eede, —:�he - ' s sewer system This requirement applies to all such persons, regardless of whether they acquired the serviced property before or after the date of formal adoption of this Chapter. In this Code, the term "overflow protection device" includes both bates- overflow protection 7 devices and backwater check valves and shutoff systems, and any other devices the District may approve from time to time for such purposes. All baek• tee overflow preventi protection devices shall eempetcomply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications and shall be maintained so as to provide for their continuing function as designed. �—l. New Side Sewer Installations -e-r-, Alterations,_ or Repairs to Existing Side Sewer Installations. No person shall install, alter, or repair a side sewer that is connected, or is intended for connection to the District sewer system without installing a b -...,'_wa -er overflow preventiengrotection device of the type and in the manner prescribed in the Distriet standard speelfieatiens and __n,Standard Specifications and the permit requirements as r- u±Eed 6- yincluded in Title 5 of this eedeCode, except as provided for in Section 9.98.941-r9.15.020._ B. Maintenance Requirements. All -,e k }eY overflow protection devices shall pert with the istr -iet stanaa,a s fieati____ and be maintained so as to provide for their continuing function as designed. All bae�Lwate-r- overflow protection devices shall be accessible at all times and shall be free from any obstructions,- including, but not limited to, rocks, soil, vegetation, grass, trees, bushes, plants, landscaping, concrete, asphalt or other ground coverings that may impair the function of and accessibility to the overflow protection devices. -3. Elevation and Sizing Requirements. All bue -fie- overflow protection devices shall be installed at an elevation and of a size that protects the property from damage. It is the property owner's or long term leaseholder's responsibility to either confirm that the baekwae-r—overflow protection device is at the proper elevation and size, or to obtain competent assistance from a licensed plumber or contractor to confirm its proper elevation and size. If any subsequent modification of the property results in the 1-ek },r overflow pEeventlenprotection device being undersized or at an improper elevation, the property owner or long term leaseholder shall adjust or replace the baekwater—overflow preventi protection device to the proper elevation and /or size. S -1 d—i it be-de term i n d that r, r-e art d , a e ; e D. C. Failure to Follow the Baek •a }eYOverflow Protection Device Requirements. Any property owner or long term leaseholder whose property has no overflow protection device, or has a defective or improperly installed ba ekwate -ror maintained overflow protection device, shall be responsible for all damage that results from the lack of such aan overflow protection device, or the failure of t-ea defective or improperly installed or maintained overflow protection device to prevent such damage. Should it be determined that property damage is sustained as the result of overflow protection device located at an improper elevation, the property owner or long term leaseholder shall be responsible for any such damage. (Ord. 226 § 2, 2003: Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) 9.15.020 Limited exceptions to requirement for baek° , }eY overflow prevenilenprotection devices. The n; stTi i �s in ee:tien 9.08 . 030, that prevent everflew anel Jeaek - leading 4�e pr-e}eet the h, ,: h and safety - e f 94:sti e t E e s i d ems— anel - to -a ifftiz e--�e A. Findings Regarding Exception Requests. The District finds that some property owners or long term leaseholders may prefer to apply for an exception to the requirements herein for installing _ b,ekii,}eN installation of a overflow protection device, or that it may be ifftp r-a et ieab 1 e —€eerie e t fesd:denees whe=e bae k "}eN particularly onerous technically, financially or aesthetically for some properties where overflow pLaeventi protection devices were not installed when the sidenee side sewer was first built. Addit- ienall The District also finds, however, that failing to install a baekwte-r—overflow p __vend -protection device may pose a serious risk to the health, safety and property of the District, its residents and businesses; hence, if a property owner or long term leaseholder chooses not to install a baek ,}eN overflow protection device the property owner or long term leaseholder should bear all liability arising from sewage overflow or baek- flooding caused by the failure to install such aan overflow protection device. The District and its officers, agents and employees shall not be liable for any injury or death to any person or damage to any property caused by the failure of a property owner or long term I leaseholder to install a bae -t-e-r—overflow protection device. - A. B. Permissible Exceptions to Requirement for Baekwat- e-r—Overflow Preven .P „Protection Devices; Waiver and Assumption of Liability. A property owner wilier sor long term leaseholder otherwise required to insta 4 ba ekw,}eN have installed and maintained an overflow protection device idnder Seeti -err- v$.- ivpursuant to this Chapter, for a building which has been previously connected to the District's sewer system without a properly installed overflow protection device may apply for an exception to the requirements herein :�e -nstRl-l- sueb —afor installation and maintenance of such an overflow protection device. If a property owner or long term leaseholder applies for auyan exception pursuant to this subseet! Subsection, the exception w4rl-lmay be either granted or denied by the District. If the exception is granted, an agreement for an exception will be recorded with the Contra Costa County Recorder's Office wherein the property owner or long term leaseholder expressly assumes the risk of all damage related to any sewage overflow or baek flooding of the subject side sewe-i�property that e-eeuEs Bide —te- the —laek of such man overflow protection device on the side sewer will be eee r Bled w d: th -the Gent-ra Gesta G eun t y R eee r cr's G =fd:ee as required bcic :may have prevented or mitigated had an overflow protection device had been properly desi ned, installed and maintained. C. B. Procedure for Obtaining Exception. A property owner apig! long term leaseholder who applies for an exception shall obtain and fill out an application f er-e x e e pt}en te- the —r equ i refftentsTeg a r ding installatien af a ba ekwater everfl-e w pre v ent-i en elevi e e—o on a form acceptable to the District. The application shall fully describeelearl1 the technical, cost, pEaeti and /or aesthetic reasons why installation of such a-an overflow protection device is not possible-,er-L practical or preferred. The District shall review the application and grant or deny the application. If the exception is granted, the property owner or long term leaseholder requesting the exception shall execute a recordable agreement for exception acknowledging the owner's assumption of the risk and waiver of liability against the District -€- for all overflows iFftpaetingon the property for which the exception is requested. Once executed, the waiver and assumption of risk shall be recorded with the Contra Costa Recorder's Office so as to become part of the 10 pieper-ty' s —chin of life.-subject property's chain of title. The exception may be terminated at any time and installation of an overflow protection device required when, in the discretion of District modifications to the property or other circumstances render installation of such an overflow protection device to be reasonablv practical. (Ord. 226 § 3, 2003) Chapter 9.20 DISTRICT REVIEW AND PERMIT REQUIREMENT FOR BUILDING, GRADING OR DEMOLITION PROJECTS Sections: 9. 20. gig Per-Fait requ4mred. 9.20.010 Review of Grading, Building and Demolition Permits. 9.20.015 Side Sewer Abandonment Permits for Demolition. 9.20.020 Establishment of -feefees. 9.20.030 Construction. 9.20.040 Responsible parties. 9.20.050 Responsible parties- Special circumstances. 9. 29 GIG n,, , i, 9.20.010 Review of Grading, Building and Demolition Permits. f,-- lityDistrict review of all applications for county or city grading, building or demolition permits shall be required prior to the project proponent's submittal of such applications to the county or particular city In order to safeguard public health and safety, the environment and public and private Property, the District may, in its discretion, require a District permit pursuant to Title 5 of this Code for and approval of any such construction - related activities which may impact the 11 ■ - - -- - - ■ Chapter 9.20 DISTRICT REVIEW AND PERMIT REQUIREMENT FOR BUILDING, GRADING OR DEMOLITION PROJECTS Sections: 9. 20. gig Per-Fait requ4mred. 9.20.010 Review of Grading, Building and Demolition Permits. 9.20.015 Side Sewer Abandonment Permits for Demolition. 9.20.020 Establishment of -feefees. 9.20.030 Construction. 9.20.040 Responsible parties. 9.20.050 Responsible parties- Special circumstances. 9. 29 GIG n,, , i, 9.20.010 Review of Grading, Building and Demolition Permits. f,-- lityDistrict review of all applications for county or city grading, building or demolition permits shall be required prior to the project proponent's submittal of such applications to the county or particular city In order to safeguard public health and safety, the environment and public and private Property, the District may, in its discretion, require a District permit pursuant to Title 5 of this Code for and approval of any such construction - related activities which may impact the 11 District or its facilities, including requiring to rary capping of the property side sewer during construction. 9.20.015 Side Sewer Abandonment Permits. A side sewer abandonment permit pursuant to the requirements of Title 5 of this Code shall be obtained before any building which is connected to the District e €– a side s{ lateral Sewer, e r heuse sewer.sewer system is demolished. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.020 Establishment of -f-eefees. The District may from time to time set fees for the issuance of permits, inspections, and /or the physical work associated with abandonments. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.030 Construction. The abandoning of sewers shall be done in accordance with the Bti-ete standafd — speelfieati ns and _the Dlstfl�i-eeedtires as may be develepe4atandard Specifications, this Code and other applicable statutes, regulations and procedures established by the District, Contra Costa Countv or the cities within the District boundaries. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.040 Responsible parties. The owner of the private side sewer at the time of the abandonment is responsible for all costs as may be associated with abandoning sewers in a manner •that complies with Disticiet standard specifieati ___the Standard Specifications and procedures. In the event a property is being improved or redeveloped, the owner or person proposing the improvements or redevelopment whiehthat requires the abandonment work shall also be responsible for obtaining permits, paying applicable fees and charges, and selecting a contractor to perform the abandonment work. Such work shall be done prior to connection of any structures to the public sewer system or demolition of any existing structures, whichever occurs first. In the event that a sewage facility is abandoned without a permit, the owner of the property at the time the abandonment is discovered by the District will be responsible for payment of the appropriate abandonment fees and charges and for the work to abandon the sewage facility in accordance with 12 Section 9.20 -030, 9.20.030 (Construction). (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.050 Responsible parties- Special circumstances. When due to development taking place, whether it be new development or redevelopment, a public sewer or public sewage facility is to be abandoned, the developer, person, agency or entity seeking approval of the development requiring such abandonment shall be responsible for all work, costs and fees associated with the abandonment authorized by this L - -- �� -� Chapter and such fees shall be due at the time of plan review. If any development causes or requires the abandonment of an existing side sewer, lateral sewer or house sewer which services a property not owned by the person or entity undertaking the development, the person or entity undertaking the development shall be responsible for obtaining permission of the owner and paying the costs and fees authorized by this ehc Chapter associated with that abandonment. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) Chapter 4-.--2-49.30 RELINQUISHMENT OF DISTRICT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SEWERS TO PROPERTY OWNERS Sections: 9 T b e } �T�- $- 1����e�veur� r�6 � rc =Tv��(�rrccrc- i- e-i=r- . +• ef aeeeptanee-. of -ease rent Aeeeptanee. 9.30.010 Findings. 9.30.020 Notice of determination and intent to relinquish sewer facility. 9.30.030 Order of relinauishment by resolution. 9.30.040 Recordin 9.30.010 Findinas. The Board of Directors finds that it may be in the best interests of the District and its ratepayers to relinquish ownership and maintenance responsibility for certain sewer facilities that exist on a single property or in the common area of a condominium property. This Chapter establishes procedures for the District to 13 relinquish ownership and future maintenance responsibilities to the owners of property on which such sewers and other sewage facilities exist. 9.30.020 Notice of determination and intent to relinquish sewer facility. When the General Manager determines that a District sewer facility should be relinquished, he or she shall prepare a report to the Board (Position Paper), agendize a hearing to consider the proposed relinquishment at a Board meeting, and notify the affected property owners in writing of the District's intent to consider relinquishing the facility. The hearing notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and be issued at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing date. 9.30.030 Order of relinauishment by resolution. After holding a properly noticed hearing, the Board may order the relinquishment of a particular sewer facility by a resolution which is adopted by at least a two - thirds vote of members of the Board and which references the affected Assessor's Parcel Number of the affected property or properties. 9.30.040 Recording. If the Board adopts a resolution of relinquishment of sewer facilities staff shall record the resolution in the official records of Contra Costa County. Chapter 9.40 ABANDONMENT OF DISTRICT SEWER FACILITIES AND SUBSTITUTION OF ALTERNATE FACILITIES Sections: 9.4 0. 010 Findings. 9.40.020 No entitlement. 9.40.030 Notice of determination and intent to abandon sewer facilities. 9.40.040 Hearing to consider resolution of abandonment 9.40.050 Recording. 9.40.050 Assessment districts. 9.40.010 Findings. 14 The Board of Directors finds that it may be in the best interests of the District and its ratepayers to abandon particular District sewer facilities and, if financially reasonable, to substitute alternate facilities to provide continuing wastewater utility service for properties connected to such a facility. 9.40.020 No entitlement. No property owner shall be entitled to receiving continued wastewater utility service via any particular sewer facility simply by virtue of having received service in the past from that facility. The District, in its sole discretion, shall determine the means and methods of providing wastewater utility service to properties connected to the District sewer system after considering the technical, financial and public interests and other issues pertaining to the provision of a public service. It may be necessary, from time to time, to abandon existing facilities and to substitute alternate facilities in order to continue service to particular properties or to better serve the greater community. 15 MM-0, - -- ■ 15 neeessar-y - €ei= the sewer lines e e t armed in the G. An ifEeveea b 1-e-e f €ei -e f ded=mien -e f an easefftent -er etiieE inter=ests in Leal - - eper-ty fei= sewer p�i-rpes ..s, ineluding ate- 6ubdioisren Hap Aet dediea:t-ie the Bear -d. N-e- ef€eief dedj:e-atien -te the - bpistri i-nt -ei=ests in Leaprepe epted- unless ei= until a e eep by rese-1 ut i en -ef the Beard. r—ee r da t i enby-- the D i stfrcte fheirrev eeab l e e f f e r o f Eied i ea t i en instLcuffient shall n t een s t i t u t e aeeeptanee o f the i��eable -ef€er of deereatien -T and -shall eper-ate -as a ryeet -ien of the - effei -ef ded- ieatien unless anel until r-ene l u t i e n o f aeeeptanee is adep t ed-by the B e a r-d. Die 91striet staff faeffiber, efftpleyee -eL- - agent s- autherized te a e e-ep t de d iea Lien- -e n behalf o f the -D-i s tTiet. D. The Beard ffiay, by- r-eaelid:1.i-en, grant authere D r s t-Iet staff t-e reee-i ve o f €e r se -ded iea t ien f e w Eee-e Edirk- tyre -eiito aut- her-atien, Dist cieistam- may =T ±:ve sueh = � e€€Ter- _' =dlti rxviz�c —� �z��crT�— a��i6�?- --b-L- - - ef the- ef€-er of ded- ie-atie„ dees net e-enstitate _--ci' ,- - -- e f the -e f f e r o f ded -iea t i e keep t ane-e- even -e f f e r e€ de d ie a t ie n e n l y wilreeetz4 ets the - terms -ana eane�itiens - e�sub neet � G of t��� = ^ c} ren� (Or d. 19 9.40.030 Notice of determination and intent to abandon sewer facilities and provide substitute facilities. When the General Manager determines that a District sewer facility should be abandoned, he or she shall prepare a report to the Board (Position Paper), agendize a public hearing to consider the proposed relinquishment at a Board meeting, publish and post public notices, and notify the affected property owners in writing of: (1) the District's intent to consider abandonment of the facility; (2) any proposal to substitute alternate facilities for continuing wastewater utility service to connected properties; and (3) the time and place of the public hearing. 16 aeeewed -byhe Distriet til-- aeeept d by f. , reselutien F the Beard. / C' 3 (FiEh C (part) \ 1996! n (alt) , 1990 ) 9 40 040 Order of abandonment by resolution. The Board may order abandonment of particular sewer facilities, from time to time, by resolution upon a two - thirds vote, after having conducted a properly noticed public hearing, at which oral or written presentations could be made, as part of a Board meeting. The provision of substitute alternate facilities shall be dependent upon whether such facilities can be provided at reasonable cost, the availability of funding and /or the best interests of the public. 9.40.050 Recordin After the Board has adopted a resolution of abandonment of sewer facilities, staff may record the resolution in the official records of Contra Costa County making reference to the affected Assessor's Parcel Number. 9.40.060 Assessment Districts or Other Financial Vehicles. The District may consider any assessment district proceedings or other financing methods allowed by state statute to finance substitution of alternate facilities that may be required to continue wastewater utility service to connected properties when sewer facilities are abandoned. 787138.14 17 Document comparison done by DeltaView on Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:51:26 PM Title 9 SEWERS Chapters: 9.02 General Provisions 9.04 Private Sewage Disposal 9.08 Public Sewers 9.10 Side Sewers and Connections 9.15 Overflow protection devices 9.20 District Abandonment Permit Requirement for Building, Grading or Demolition Projects 9.30 Relinquishment of District Ownership And Maintenance Responsibilities for Sewers to Property Owners 9.40 Abandonment of District Sewer Facilities And Substitution of Alternate Facilities 1 Chapter 9.02 GENERAL PROVISIONS 9.02.010 Purpose. This Chapter establishes rules and regulations for the use and construction of public and private sanitary sewer facilities installed, altered or repaired within the District. 9.02.030 Permit as Agreement. The applicant's signature on an application for any permit required by this Chapter shall constitute an agreement binding on the applicant and his or her heirs, successors and assigns, to comply with all the provisions, terms, and requirements of this Code, the permit and any plans and specifications filed with the application, together with such corrections or modifications as may be made or permitted by the District, if any. Such agreement shall be binding upon the applicant and may be altered only by the written approval of the District upon request for the alteration by the applicant. Chapter 9.04 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Sections: 9.04.010 Design, construction and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems. 9.04.020 Cost of private sewage disposal. 9.04.010 Design, construction and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems. The design, construction and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems, septic tank systems, and other methods of sewage disposal, are governed by Contra Costa County and the state of California. No person shall con- struct, install, connect to or provide, maintain or use any means of sewage disposal for any facility or property in the District other than the District's public sewer system, except as permitted under the statutes, ordi- nances, rules and regulations of the county and the state. When a property previously served by a private sewage dis- posal system connects to the District system, the property owner shall comply with all applicable county and state F statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations regarding the proper abandonment of private sewage disposal systems. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: prior code § 6 -101) 9.04.020 Cost of Private Sewage Disposal. The District shall not be financially responsible for any construction, operation, maintenance, repair, abandon- ment or other costs whatsoever of private sewage disposal systems, septic tank systems or any other private methods of sewage disposal. Chapter 9.08 PUBLIC SEWERS* Sections: 9.08.010 Planning, design and construction. 9.08.020 Sewage facilities to be built for ultimate service. 9.08.030 Acceptance of sewage facilities. * Prior history: Prior code H 7 -101, 7 -102, 7 -103, 7 -201, 7 -204, 7 -305 and 7 -306; Ords. 41 and 105. 9.08.010 Planning, design and construction. Sewers that are intended for dedication to the District as public sewers shall be planned, designed, constructed, in- stalled and repaired in accordance with this Code and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construc- tion (referred in this Code as "Standard Specifications "). The Standard Specifications shall be established and may be amended from time to time by Ordinance and kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. The use of any sewer facility connected to the District system that fails to comply with the Standard Specifications applicable at the time of its connection to the District sewer facili- ties constitutes a danger to human health and safety, public and private property and the environment, and shall be con- sidered a public nuisance. (Ord. 223 § 2(part), 2002; Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) 9.08.020 Sewage facilities to be built for ultimate service. All sewage facilities to be connected to the District system shall be designed and constructed in a manner consis- tent with service to the ultimate tributary service area. The District shall review plans submitted for construction of new or modified sewer facilities to evaluate the service require- 3 ments for the ultimate tributary service area. The District will determine whether and to what extent the design and siz- ing of the proposed facilities may need to be modified, in- cluding upsizing, to accommodate the flow from the ultimate tributary service area. If compliance with this requirement results in upsizing of sewage facilities, a reimbursement ac- count shall be established pursuant to Government Code Sec- tion 66003 and Chapter 6.20 of this Code. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) 9.08.030 Acceptance of sewage facilities. A. Where, prior to <Insert the adoption date of this ordinance >, the District has constructed, or obtained by contribution, and maintained the public sewers and other sewage facilities that are shown on the District's "Collection System Maps" as of the date of adoption of this Title and kept on file by the Secretary of the Dis- trict in an uncodified manner (referred to as "System Maps in this Code), whether in a public or private right - of -way, street, road, path, easement, reservation or any other location whatsoever, and where such sewers and fa- cilities were not explicitly accepted by the District in the past, the District hereby declares that it has in fact accepted all such sewers and facilities for public use through its conduct. In the cases where District staff has issued a "Notice of Acceptance of Sewer Facilities" or a substantially similar document to an installer of sewers and /or other sewage facilities intended for contribution to the District, the date of the District's acceptance of such sewers and facilities shall be deemed to be the date of such notice or substantially similar document. Notwithstanding the paragraph above, there are spe- cific sewer facilities which may be shown on the Collec- tion System Maps to which these general declarations and acceptances do not apply. The specific sewer facilities that the District does not acknowledge or accept ownership of include the following: 1. Facilities labeled as "Abandoned Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 2. Facilities labeled as "Tentative Sewer Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 3. Facilities labeled as "Proposed Future Lines" on the Collection System Maps. 4. Facilities labeled as "Private Lines" on the Collection System Maps. rd 5. Facilities marked by text or labels on the Collection System Maps as being owned by other public agencies. B. The Board hereby delegates to the General Manager the responsibility and authority to accept, or reject, any sewers or other sewage facilities offered for contribution to the District, after (i.e., the adoption date of this ordinance). Such sewers and facilities shall be deemed accepted by the District as of the date of the "No- tice of Acceptance of Sewer Facilities" issued to the in- staller following favorable final inspection of the sewers or other facilities by District staff. Chapter 9.10 Side Sewers and Connections 9.10.010 Permit Required. No person shall construct, repair or alter a side sewer or make a connection to any public sewer without first obtaining a written permit from the District pursu- ant to the requirements included in Title 5 of this Code and paying all applicable fees and charges. Only the Dis- trict itself or a properly licensed contractor authorized by the District may install connections to, or taps into, a Dis- trict sewer or other sewage facility. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) 9.10.020 Specifications and Requirements. Construction, repair, alteration and maintenance of side sewers shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Code and the Standard Specifications. 9.10.030 Protection of Excavation and Trenching. All excavations, trenching and construction for side sewer installation, repair or alteration shall be ade- quately and properly protected with barricades, shoring and bracing, traffic control and /or lights so as to pro- vide for public safety. Public streets, sidewalks, and other property in the public right -of -way disturbed in the course of side sewer work shall be restored in the manner required by the Standard Specifications, and the permit- ting requirements of the city, county or other entity with competent jurisdiction. 5 9.10.040 Ownership, Maintenance and Connection of Side Sewers. A side sewer is a private facility. The property owner shall be responsible for constructing, repairing and maintaining the entire side sewer between the building and the public sewer (including both the lateral and building sewers, and the tap, saddle or wye connection fitting at the public main sewer). The District shall not be finan- cially responsible for any side sewer construction, opera- tion, maintenance, repair, abandonment or other costs whatsoever, except where the District itself or its con- tractor reconstructs or realigns the public sewer, thereby necessitating the reconnection of private side sewers to the public sewer. 9.10.050 Standards for Construction and Testing of Side Sewers. Side sewers shall be constructed and maintained in conformance with applicable standards and regulations set forth in Standard Specifications, this Code and such other statutes and regulations as may apply at the time of con- struction or repair. The property owner shall obtain a District permit for such side sewer construction or re- pair, and the side sewer shall be subject to inspection and testing to ensure that proper materials and methods were used for the construction or repair and that the re- sulting side sewer is leak -free. Side sewers that fail the leakage test shall be repaired or replaced at property owner's expense so as to pass the leakage test. Chapter 9.15 OVERFLOW PROTECTION DEVICES 9.15.010 Overflow protection devices. A. Findings. The District finds that overflow protec- tion devices are necessary to minimize the volume of sewage overflows and flooding of public and private premises, pro- tect the health and safety of the District, its residents and visitors and the environment, and to minimize damage to Dis- trict and private property. Proper installation and mainte- nance of overflow protection devices by property owners and long term leaseholders of residential, industrial and commer- cial properties constitute an integral part of the private and public sewage collection system designed to convey sewage from buildings throughout the District to the treatment plant. Failure of property owners and long term leaseholders 0 to properly install and maintain overflow protection devices can prevent the proper functioning of the sewage collection system as designed. B. Mandatory Installation and Maintenance. All prop- erty owners and long term leaseholders shall install and maintain a overflow protection device on any side sewer that is connected, or is intended for connection to, the Dis- trict's sewer system. This requirement applies to all such persons, regardless of whether they acquired the serviced property before or after the date of formal adoption of this Chapter. In this Code, the term "overflow protection device" includes both overflow protection devices and backwater check valves and shutoff systems, and any other devices the Dis- trict may approve from time to time for such purposes. All overflow protection devices shall comply with the require- ments of the Standard Specifications and shall be maintained so as to provide for their continuing function as designed. 1. New Side Sewer Installations, Alterations, or Re- pairs to Existing Side Sewer Installations. No person shall install, alter, or repair a side sewer that is connected, or is intended for connection to the District sewer system with- out installing a overflow protection device of the type and in the manner prescribed in the Standard Specifications and the permit requirements included in Title 5 of this Code, ex- cept as provided for in Section 9.15.020. 2. Maintenance Requirements. All overflow protection devices shall be maintained so as to provide for their con- tinuing function as designed. All overflow protection de- vices shall be accessible at all times and shall be free from any obstructions including, but not limited to, rocks, soil, vegetation, grass, trees, bushes, plants, landscaping, con- crete, asphalt or other ground coverings that may impair the function of and accessibility to the overflow protection de- vices. 3. Elevation and Sizing Requirements. All overflow protection devices shall be installed at an elevation and of a size that protects the property from damage. It is the property owner's or long term leaseholder's responsibility to either confirm that the overflow protection device is at the proper elevation and size, or to obtain competent assistance from a licensed plumber or contractor to confirm its proper elevation and size. If any subsequent modification of the property results in the overflow protection device being un- dersized or at an improper elevation, the property owner or long term leaseholder shall adjust or replace the overflow protection device to the proper elevation and /or size. 7 C. Failure to Follow the Overflow Protection Device Requirements. Any property owner or long term leaseholder whose property has no overflow protection device, or has a defective or improperly installed or maintained overflow pro- tection device, shall be responsible for all damage that re- sults from the lack of such an overflow protection device, or the failure of a defective or improperly installed or main- tained overflow protection device to prevent such damage. Should it be determined that property damage is sustained as the result of overflow protection device located at an im- proper elevation, the property owner or long term leaseholder shall be responsible for any such damage. (Ord. 226 § 2, 2003: Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996) 9.15.020 Limited exceptions to requirement for overflow protection devices. A. Findings Regarding Exception Requests. The District finds that some property owners or long term leaseholders may prefer to apply for an exception to the requirements herein for installation of a overflow protection device, or that it may be particularly onerous technically, financially or aes- thetically for some properties where overflow protection de- vices were not installed when the side sewer was first built. The District also finds, however, that failing to install a overflow protection device may pose a serious risk to the health, safety and property of the District, its residents and businesses; hence, if a property owner or long term leaseholder chooses not to install a overflow protection de- vice the property owner or long term leaseholder should bear all liability arising from sewage overflow or flooding caused by the failure to install such an overflow protection device. The District and its officers, agents and employees shall not be liable for any injury or death to any person or damage to any property caused by the failure of a property owner or long term leaseholder to install a overflow protection de- vice. B. Permissible Exceptions to Requirement for Overflow Protection Devices; Waiver and Assumption of Liability. A property owner or long term leaseholder otherwise required to have installed and maintained an overflow protection device pursuant to this Chapter, for a building which has been pre- viously connected to the District's sewer system without a properly installed overflow protection device may apply for an exception to the requirements herein for installation and maintenance of such an overflow protection device. If a property owner or long term leaseholder applies for an exception pursuant to this Subsection, the exception may be either granted or denied by the District. If the excep- tion is granted, an agreement for an exception will be re- corded with the Contra Costa County Recorder's Office wherein the property owner or long term leaseholder expressly assumes the risk of all damage related to any sewage overflow or flooding of the subject property that such an overflow pro- tection device on the side sewer may have prevented or miti- gated had an overflow protection device had been properly de- signed, installed and maintained. C. Procedure for Obtaining Exception. A property owner or long term leaseholder who applies for an exception shall obtain and fill out an application on a form acceptable to the District. The application shall fully describe the technical, cost and /or aesthetic reasons why installation of such an overflow protection device is not possible, practical or preferred. The District shall review the application and grant or deny the application. If the exception is granted, the property owner or long term leaseholder requesting the exception shall execute a recordable agreement for exception acknowledging the owner's assumption of the risk and waiver of liability against the District for all overflows on the property for which the exception is requested. Once exe- cuted, the waiver and assumption of risk shall be recorded with the Contra Costa Recorder's Office so as to become part of the subject property's chain of title. The exception may be terminated at any time and installation of an overflow protection device required when, in the discretion of Dis- trict, modifications to the property or other circumstances render installation of such an overflow protection device to be reasonably practical. (Ord. 226 § 3, 2003) Chapter 9.20 DISTRICT REVIEW AND PERMIT REQUIREMENT FOR BUILDING, GRADING OR DEMOLITION PROJECTS Sections: 9.20.010 Review of Grading, Building and Demolition Permits. 9.20.015 Side Sewer Abandonment Permits for Demolition. 9.20.020 Establishment of fees. 9.20.030 Construction. 9.20.040 Responsible parties. 9.20.050 Responsible parties- Special circumstances. 9 9.20.010 Review of Grading, Building and Demolition Permits. District review of all applications for county or city grading, building or demolition permits shall be re- quired prior to the project proponent's submittal of such applications to the county or particular city. In order to safeguard public health and safety, the environment and public and private property, the District may, in its dis- cretion, require a District permit pursuant to Title 5 of this Code for and approval of any such construction - related activities which may impact the District or its facilities, including requiring temporary capping of the property side sewer during construction. 9.20.015 Side Sewer Abandonment Permits. A side sewer abandonment permit pursuant to the re- quirements of Title 5 of this Code shall be obtained be- fore any building which is connected to the District sewer system is demolished. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.020 Establishment of fees. The District may from time to time set fees for the issuance of permits, inspections, and /or the physical work associated with abandonments. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.030 Construction. The abandoning of sewers shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications, this Code and other ap- plicable statutes, regulations and procedures established by the District, Contra Costa County or the cities within the District boundaries. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.040 Responsible parties. The owner of the private side sewer at the time of the abandonment is responsible for all costs as may be as- sociated with abandoning sewers in a manner that complies with the Standard Specifications and procedures. In the event a property is being improved or redeveloped, the owner or person proposing the improvements or redevelop- ment that requires the abandonment work shall also be re- sponsible for obtaining permits, paying applicable fees and charges, and selecting a contractor to perform the abandonment work. Such work shall be done prior to connec- tion of any structures to the public sewer system or demo- 10 lition of any existing structures, whichever occurs first. In the event that a sewage facility is abandoned without a permit, the owner of the property at the time the abandon- ment is discovered by the District will be responsible for payment of the appropriate abandonment fees and charges and for the work to abandon the sewage facility in accor- dance with Section 9.20.030 (Construction). (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) 9.20.050 Responsible parties — Special circumstances. When due to development taking place, whether it be new development or redevelopment, a public sewer or public sewage facility is to be abandoned, the developer, person, agency or entity seeking approval of the development re- quiring such abandonment shall be responsible for all work, costs and fees associated with the abandonment au- thorized by this Chapter and such fees shall be due at the time of plan review. If any development causes or requires the abandonment of an existing side sewer, lateral sewer or house sewer which services a property not owned by the person or en- tity undertaking the development, the person or entity un- dertaking the development shall be responsible for obtain- ing permission of the owner and paying the costs and fees authorized by this Chapter associated with that abandon- ment. (Ord. 198 § 3(Exh. C(part)), 1996: Ord. 166 (part), 1987) Chapter 9.30 RELINQUISHMENT OF DISTRICT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SEWERS TO PROPERTY OWNERS Sections: 9.30.010 Findings. 9.30.020 Notice of determination and intent to relinquish sewer facility. 9.30.030 Order of relinquishment by resolution. 9.30.040 Recording. 9.30.010 Findings. The Board of Directors finds that it may be in the best interests of the District and its ratepayers to re- linquish ownership and maintenance responsibility for cer- tain sewer facilities that exist on a single property or 11 in the common area of a condominium property. This Chapter establishes procedures for the District to relinquish own- ership and future maintenance responsibilities to the own- ers of property on which such sewers and other sewage fa- cilities exist. 9.30.020 Notice of determination and intent to relinquish sewer facility. When the General Manager determines that a District sewer facility should be relinquished, he or she shall prepare a report to the Board (Position Paper), agendize a hearing to consider the proposed relinquishment at a Board meeting, and notify the affected property owners in writ- ing of the District's intent to consider relinquishing the facility. The hearing notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and be issued at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing date. 9.30.030 Order of relinquishment by resolution. After holding a properly noticed hearing, the Board may order the relinquishment of a particular sewer facil- ity by a resolution which is adopted by at least a two - thirds vote of members of the Board and which references the affected Assessor's Parcel Number of the affected property or properties. 9.30.040 Recording. If the Board adopts a resolution of relinquishment of sewer facilities, staff shall record the resolution in the official records of Contra Costa County. Chapter 9.40 ABANDONMENT OF DISTRICT SEWER FACILITIES AND SUBSTITUTION OF ALTERNATE FACILITIES Sections- 9.40.010 Findings. 9.40.020 No entitlement. 9.40.030 Notice of determination and intent to abandon sewer facilities. 9.40.040 Hearing to consider resolution of abandonment 9.40.050 Recording. 9.40.050 Assessment districts. 12 9.40.010 Findings. The Board of Directors finds that it may be in the best interests of the District and its ratepayers to aban- don particular District sewer facilities and, if finan- cially reasonable, to substitute alternate facilities to provide continuing wastewater utility service for proper- ties connected to such a facility. 9.40.020 No entitlement. No property owner shall be entitled to receiving con- tinued wastewater utility service via any particular sewer facility simply by virtue of having received service in the past from that facility. The District, in its sole discretion, shall determine the means and methods of pro- viding wastewater utility service to properties connected to the District sewer system after considering the techni- cal, financial and public interests and other issues per- taining to the provision of a public service. It may be necessary, from time to time, to abandon existing facili- ties and to substitute alternate facilities in order to continue service to particular properties or to better serve the greater community. 9.40.030 Notice of determination and intent to abandon sewer facilities and provide substitute facili- ties. When the General Manager determines that a District sewer facility should be abandoned, he or she shall pre- pare a report to the Board (Position Paper), agendize a public hearing to consider the proposed relinquishment at a Board meeting, publish and post public notices, and no- tify the affected property owners in writing of: (1) the District's intent to consider abandonment of the facility; (2) any proposal to substitute alternate facilities for continuing wastewater utility service to connected proper- ties; and (3) the time and place of the public hearing. 9.40.040 Order of abandonment by resolution. The Board may order abandonment of particular sewer facilities, from time to time, by resolution upon a two - thirds vote, after having conducted a properly noticed public hearing, at which oral or written presentations could be made, as part of a Board meeting. The provision of substitute alternate facilities shall be dependent upon whether such facilities can be provided at reasonable 13 cost, the availability of funding and /or the best inter- ests of the public. 9.40.050' Recording. After the Board has adopted a resolution of abandon- ment of sewer facilities, staff may record the resolution in the official records of Contra Costa County making ref- erence to the affected Assessor's Parcel Number. 9.40.060 Assessment Districts or Other Financial Vehi- cles. The District may consider any assessment district proceedings or other financing methods allowed by state statute to finance substitution of alternate facilities that may be required to continue wastewater utility ser- vice to connected properties when sewer facilities are abandoned. 787138.14 14 71 j I �Z) 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 (925) 228-9500 • www.centralsan.org HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair Hockett Member Lucey Tuesday, April 8, 2008 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 PRESENT: Barbara Hockett, Jerry Lucey, Jim Kelly, Ann Farrell, Curt Swanson, David Wyatt, Elaine Boehme 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Hockett called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. REPORTS /ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Status of HHW Technician 1 /11 Recruitment Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor David Wyatt reported that the recruitment is proceeding. A number of qualified applicants have been identified to participate in an oral board exam within the next two weeks. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. b. Update on Planned Mobile Collections Events Mr. Wyatt reported that only one response was received from San Ramon in response to the letter sent to all cities in the service area soliciting interest in a mobile HHW event. The San Ramon mobile event will be held on June 7, 2008 and between 400 and 500 cars are expected. Recycled Paper Household Hazardous Waste Committee April 8, 2008 In response to a question from General Manager James Kelly regarding proposed mobile events for the next fiscal year, Committee Members recommended budgeting for one event at this time. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. Directed staff to budget for one mobile collection event for 2008 -09. C. Update on HHW Outreach Efforts Public Information and Graphics Supervisor Ken Grubbs presented information on outreach efforts regarding the HHW facility, including displays at Ace Hardware stores and advertisements on grocery store shopping carts. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report. Directed staff to develop an award or other recognition for Bill's Ace Hardware for his ongoing support of the District's pollution prevention activities. d. Status of Proposed Pharmaceutical Collection Pilot Environmental Services Manager Curt Swanson reported on the status of the pharmaceutical collection pilot program. He is awaiting word from the Sheriff's Department on whether they wish to proceed with the program. Secure collection bins would be located at the HHW facility but would be under the control of the Sheriffs Department. If approved, the program would most likely commence in June 2008. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report. e. Discussion of new State law impacting Sharps Disposal Mr. Swanson stated that, effective September 2008, sharps may not be disposed of in the garbage. He asked whether the Committee would like staff to explore options for accepting sharps at the HHW facility. Committee Members stated that, in their opinion, the HHW facility should not accept sharps because they are not household hazardous waste that would typically find their way into the wastewater stream, and are more appropriately handled by other agencies. COMMITTEE ACTION: Directed staff to look at other ways to dispose of sharps and to work with other agencies to develop options. Household Hazardous Waste Committee April 8, 2008 Report on ongoing operations Mr. Wyatt distributed a fact sheet on the operations of the HHW to date documenting the continued increase in participation (attached). COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report. g. Other COMMITTEE ACTION: There were no other items. 4. ADJOURNMENT - at 3:57 p.m.