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05/24/2007 AGENDA BACKUP
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3. c. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION L.P. OR EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THE ION FROM LAFAYETTE HIDDEN OAKS, RECORDED FINAL MAP OF SUBDIVISION 8438 IN LAFAYETTE, ACCEPTING JOB 5728 — PARCEL 2 PUBLIC RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: v �� mu�✓ A. Farrell James M. Kelly M. Mullin J. Mi moto -Mills C. Swanson General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication and public sewer improvements, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting offers of dedication and public sewer improvements, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The easements were acquired at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept easements shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision 8438 that are required for a recent public sewer extension off Hidden Oaks Drive in Lafayette (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the final subdivision map, inspected the public sewer improvements, and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting offers of dedication from Lafayette Hidden Oaks L.P. for easements shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision 8438 in Lafayette, accepting Job 5728 public sewer improvements, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2007 \5728 PP Lafayette Hidden Oaks Parcel 2 5- 24- 07.doc fI 1 � � I i I' LEGEND: — — PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT —e EXISTING SEWER -- �}- NEW SEWER SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA PARCEL 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 4fdo k ll = SITE ' � LAFAaYETTE 1 N V I UT CREEK LOCATION MAP N. T. S. (4 w ZIY `::e APN 185 - 430 -002 LAFAYETTE HIDDEN OAKS LP VALLEY ,o� ACACIA RD r N ACCEPT EASEMENT JOB 5728 - PARCEL 2 Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3.d. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM BRUCE WOODS AND NANCY F. WOODS, ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING RECORDING OF THE RESOLUTION (JOB 5458 - PARCEL 2 — SNYDER LANE, WALNUT CREEK AREA) Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: M. Mullin J. Miyamoto -Mills C. Swanson A. Farrel ames M. Kelly eneral Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication and public sewer improvements, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This easement was acquired at not cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement and sewers installed during a recent sewer extension off Snyder Lane in the Walnut Creek area (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the easement documents, and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an easement from Bruce Woods and Nancy F. Woods, accepting public sewer improvements constructed within the easement, and authorizing recording of the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2007 \5458 PP Woods 5- 24- 07.doc LEGEND: — — PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT —e EXISTING SEWER —�}- NEW SEWER SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA- PARCEL 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ACCEPT EASEMENT JOB 5458 - PARCEL 2 I' N i Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3.e. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM RUSSELL JAY BURCH, ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING RECORDING OF THE RESOLUTION (JOB 5458 - PARCEL 3, SNYDER LANE, WALNUT CREEK AREA) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Y M. Mullin J. Miy moto -Mills . Swanson A. Farrell Viames M. Kelly General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication and public sewer improvements, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This easement was acquired at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement and sewers installed during a recent sewer extension off Snyder Lane in the Walnut Creek area (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the easement documents, and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an easement from Russell Jay Burch, accepting public sewer improvements constructed within the easement, and authorizing recording of the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2007 \5458 PP Burch 5- 24- 07.doc LEGEND: — — PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT p EXISTING SEWER —�}- \ A, O SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA- PARCEL 3 SITE r JN I LOCATION MAP N. T. S. I I cn I z o I M I CASSANDRA CT z ` - — -- -i CARINA CT co i -- LEGEND: — — PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT — ) EXISTING SEWER —�}- NEW SEWER SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA- PARCEL 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District APN 139 - 080 -016 ACCEPT EASEMENT JOB 5458 - PARCEL 3 I_ N Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3.f. Consesnt Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM MICHAEL J. AFFINITO, ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING RECORDING OF THE RESOLUTION (JOB 5458 - PARCEL 4, SNYDER LANE, WALNUT CREEK AREA) Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: -v 5'�) - — 00�- — — (�� M. Mullin J. yamoto -Mills C. Swanson A. Farrell ames M. Kelly eneral Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication and public sewer improvements, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This easement was acquired at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement and sewers installed during a recent sewer extension off Snyder Lane in the Walnut Creek area (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the easement documents, and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an easement from Michael J. Affinito, accepting public sewer improvements constructed within the easement, and authorizing recording of the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2007 \5458 PP Affinito 5- 24- 07.doc LEGEND: -- PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT —e— EXISTING SEWER —�}- NEW SEWER SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA- PARCEL 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ACCEPT EASEMENT JOB 5458 - PARCEL 4 ARINA C I Attachment 11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3-g- Consent Calendar Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM SUNNY HILL FARM, LLC, ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING RECORDING OF THE RESOLUTION (JOB 5485 - PARCEL 2, NORTH GATE ROAD, WALNUT CREEK) Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: M. Mullin J. Miy moto -Mills C. Swanson A. FarreIr V James M. Kelly General Manager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept offers of dedication and public sewer improvements, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements, and authorizing staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The easement was obtained at no cost to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement and sewers installed during a recent sewer extension off North Gate Road in the Walnut Creek area (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the easement documents, and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an easement from Sunny Hill Farm, LLC, accepting public sewer improvements constructed within the easement, and authorizing recording of the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2007 \5485 PP Sunny Hill Farm 5- 24- 07.doc GAO yG�P 10 SITE N (vY Aso � qsq m WALNUT CREEK v, 0 LOCATION MAP N. T. S. 0 L w 1 0 1 • 1 ___- __- _-- ___- -_ - - -i Z TO N ^2 ul m 760 -12 ffi-t LEGEND: -- PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT —e EXISTING SEWER —Q— NEW SEWER SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA- PARCEL 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 720 ACCEPT EASEMENT JOB 5485 - PARCEL 2 I� N i Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3.h. Consent Calendar Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK /AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 4, DISTRICT PROJECT 5826, AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Paul Seitz, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. P. Seitz A. Antkowiak T. P i ecki a��_ A. Farrell �W� James M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 4, District Project 5826, and the work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 4, District Project 5826, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is advisable under the California Civil Code, Section 3093. BACKGROUND: The Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 4 (DP 5826) Project replaced or renovated sections of the collection system that have deteriorated and required frequent maintenance. The project consisted of renovation or replacement of approximately 7,000 feet of 6- and 8 -inch diameter sewer located in Walnut Creek. In addition to replacement of line segments, the project also included installation of manholes to facilitate maintenance and point repairs on other problem sewer line segments. On August 3, 2006, the Board of Directors authorized the award of a contract for the construction of the project to J. Howard Engineering, Inc. The Notice to Proceed was issued on September 5, 2006. The work was substantially completed on May 18, 2007. The remaining items of work consist of minor punch -list items, which do not affect the project acceptance. NAPESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\ Seitz \DP5826- AcceptContractWork.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 Subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 4, DISTRICT PROJECT 5826, AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION The total authorized budget for the project is $2,931,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, construction management and inspection, testing services, and contractor services. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 4, District Project 5826, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. N:\PESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\ Seitz \DP5826- AcceptContractWork.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3A. Consent Calendar Type of Action: SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING subject: SET JUNE 21, 2007 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON PLACING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -08 CAPACITY USE CHARGES AND 2007 -08 ASSESSMENTS FOR CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS ON THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TAX ROLL Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Kurt Darner Engineering /Environmental Services Development Services Supervisor REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Ui V1 I/ U$ — K. Daher J. Miyamoto -Mills Swanson A. Farrell James M. Kelly General Manager ISSUE: The District Code and State of California law require holding Public Hearings for placing the Fiscal Year 2007 -08 Capacity Use Charges and 2007 -08 assessments for Contractual Assessment Districts on the County tax roll for collection. RECOMMENDATION: Establish June 21, 2007 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on placing the Fiscal Year 2007 -08 Capacity Use Charges and the 2007 -08 assessments for Contractual Assessment Districts on the County tax roll. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None from this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decline to place Capacity Use Charges and assessments for Contractual Assessment Districts on the County tax roll for collection, requiring that these charges be collected directly by the District. Direct billing would incur additional staff time and could result in a lower rate of collection of these charges. BACKGROUND: Commercial tenants and commercial property owners may elect to participate in the District's Capacity Use program for payment of Capacity Fees over a fifteen -year period. Property owners who have formed Contractual Assessment Districts have agreed to pay for sewer improvements over a ten -year period. Payments are to be collected by placing assessments on each property owner's tax bill. A resolution of the Board is needed to place Capacity Use Program charges and assessments for Contract Assessment Districts on the County tax roll. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Establish June 21, 2007 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on placing the Fiscal Year 2007 -08 Capacity Use Charges and 2007 -08 assessments for Contractual Assessment Districts on the County tax roll. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\2007 \PP Set Public Hearing Re FY 07 -08 Cap Use Chges 5- 24- 07.DOC Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3.j. Consent Calendar Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES subject: AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR GEORGIANA MCCLEASE, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, THROUGH JULY 1, 2007 Submitted By: Ann E. Farrell, Director of Initiating Dept /Div.: Engineering /Environmental Engineeing Services Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization is required for leave without pay in excess of 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not approve the medical leave of absence without pay. BACKGROUND: Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary, has been off work since April 2, 2007, due to a medical condition. Ms. McClease applied for, was granted, and used 12 weeks of Family and Medical Leave in 2006. She is not eligible for Family and Medical Leave at this time. She has requested an extended leave of absence without pay through July 1, 2007 due to an ongoing medical condition. Since this request exceeds the 30 working days that the Department Director and General Manager may approve, Board of Directors authorization is required. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary, through July 1, 2007. N:\HUMANRES\PERSMISC\LOAWP.pp.doc A. Farrell C. Freitas =es M. Kelly, 46eneral Manager ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization is required for leave without pay in excess of 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not approve the medical leave of absence without pay. BACKGROUND: Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary, has been off work since April 2, 2007, due to a medical condition. Ms. McClease applied for, was granted, and used 12 weeks of Family and Medical Leave in 2006. She is not eligible for Family and Medical Leave at this time. She has requested an extended leave of absence without pay through July 1, 2007 due to an ongoing medical condition. Since this request exceeds the 30 working days that the Department Director and General Manager may approve, Board of Directors authorization is required. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary, through July 1, 2007. N:\HUMANRES\PERSMISC\LOAWP.pp.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 3.k. Consent Calendar Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES subject: AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR JOHN CENSOPLANO, NETWORK COORDINATOR, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2007 Submitted By: Randall Musgraves, Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration /Accounting Director of Administration and Information Technology REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: W sgraves C. Freitas OWIZ- James M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization is required for leave without pay in excess of 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for John Censoplano, Network Coordinator. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Minimal. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Deny medical leave of absence without pay. BACKGROUND: John Censoplano, Network Coordinator, has been off work since January 4, 2007, due to a medical condition. Mr. Censoplano applied for, was granted, and used 12 weeks of Family and Medical Leave. He was approved for a medical leave of absence without pay through May 30, 2007. He has requested an extended leave of absence without pay through June 30, 2007 due to the ongoing medical condition. Since this request exceeds the 30 working days that the Department Director and General Manager may approve, Board of Directors authorization is required. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for John Censoplano, Network Coordinator, through June 30, 2007. N: \HUMANRES \PERSMISC \LOAWP.pp.doc 4.a. Hearings PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AND CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) SELF EVALUATION AND TRANSITION PLAN SUGGESTED AGENDA May 24, 2007 1. Request Staff Report 2. Open Hearing a. Invite comments from public b. Close Hearing 3. Board Discussion 4. Adopt ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan (motion required). Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 4.a. Hearings Type of Action: Conduct public hearing and adopt ADA SETP Subject: PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AND CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) SELF - EVALUATION AND TRANSITION PLAN Initiating Dept /Div.: Administration REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: James M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: Federal and State law requires that public agencies employing more than 50 people have an approved Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self- Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP). RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing and receive any comments on the ADA ADA SETP. Adopt the ADA SETP as proposed, or direct staff to make revisions if necessary. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: HOB exterior improvements are expected to cost in the region of $180,000. Interior and remaining exterior improvements to the POB, HOB, HHWCF, Laboratory and Outdoor Park will cost approximately $200,000. There will be some additional costs incurred for training and other program - related changes. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The adoption of an ADA SETP is required by Federal and State law for public agencies with more than 50 employees. The Board could choose to make additional areas of the District facilities ADA accessible, such as the basement and second floor of the Headquarters Building, though this is not recommended nor considered necessary at this time. BACKGROUND: Federal and State law requires that public agencies employing more than 50 people have an approved Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self- Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP). The SETP identifies and provides solutions for programmatic and physical barriers to the disabled. In July, 2006 the District hired the firm of Moore, lacofano and Goltsman (MIG) to assist with the preparation of an Americans with Disabilities Act Self- Evaluation and Transition POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 Subject. PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON AND CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) SELF - EVALUATION AND TRANSITION PLAN Plan. Legal oversight was provided by Kurt Franklin of Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos and Rudy, LLP. MIG conducted a comprehensive evaluation of District policies and programs, including review of methods of communicating with the public and alternative communication methods and devices, and emergency evacuation procedures. They also identified physical barriers to accessibility at District facilities used by the public and made recommendations. Outreach The Department of Justice requires that the District consult with individuals with disabilities to obtain input on the final draft SETP. An item was included in the Fall 2006 edition of Pipeline announcing the review of ADA policies. After Board review and input, the draft SETP was placed on the District's web site for public review and comment. In addition, various local disability advocate groups were invited to review the plan and provide comments prior to this public hearing. Comments were requested by May 15, 2007. At the time of publication, only one group requested a copy of the ADA SETP, and no comments have been received to date. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Open the public hearing and receive public comments on the ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan. Adopt the ADA SETP as recommended. 4--a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ADA SeNEvaluation and Transition Plan 4.8 TRANSITION PLAN ADA Transition Plan Facility Year Actions* Headquarters a Restroom improvements e Drinking fountain 2007/08 a Doors e Interior path -of- travel improvements, including elevator, stairs, and signage e Exterior path -of- travel improvements, including walks and stairs Household a Parking Hazardous Waste 2009 a Path -of- travel e Transaction counter Laboratory a Parking 2009 a Restroom e Drinking fountain Outdoor Park 2009 a Pathway and path-of-travel Plant Operations a Boardroom modifications 2007/08 a Signage e Doors e Drinking fountain * The detail of the actions can be found in the Facility Reports, Appendix B. 4.9 TIME FRAMES FOR COMPLETION The District reserves the right to modify barrier removal priorities in order to allow flexibility in accommodating community requests, petitions for reasonable modifications from persons with disabilities, and changes in District programs. The District will review the schedule for barrier removal projects on a yearly basis. DRAFT February 2007 Page 24 4.b. Hearings CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 2007 -08 AND THE DRAFT 2007 TEN -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AGENDA MAY 24, 2007 Request staff presentation. Conduct public hearing: A. Open public hearing. B. Receive public comments. C. Request staff response, as appropriate. D. Close public hearing. III. Board deliberation to consider approval of the 2007 Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan, and approval of the Capital Improvement Budget for Fiscal Year 2007 -08 for inclusion in the overall 2007 -08 District Budget. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 4.b. Hearings Type of Action: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; APPROVE CIB /CIP Subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR FY 2007 -08, AND THE 2007 TEN -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, APPROVE THE 2007 CIP, AND APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE FY 2007 -08 DISTRICT BUDGET Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Gail Chesler, PhD, PE Engineering /Environmental Services Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: cw,� �4 — 114�k_ G. Chesler C. Swanson A. Farrell James M. Kelly General Manager ISSUE: The Board of Directors has established May 24, 2007 as the date for a public hearing on the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) for FY 2007 -08 and the 2007 Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Separate Board approval of the CIP and the CIB for inclusion in the FY 2007 -08 District Budget is requested. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the CIB /CIP. Approve the 2007 CIP. Approve the CIB for inclusion in the FY 2007 -08 District Budget. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approval of the FY 2007 -08 CIB and 2007 CIP is a necessary step prior to Board adoption. Approval will include an additional authorization of $62,596,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund; resulting in a total FY 2007 -08 Board authorized funding level of $76,023,000. This will allow expenditures to continue on the District's Capital Improvement Program. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could direct staff to modify the CIB and /or CIP to reduce or increase the planned capital expenditures. The Board could also defer approval to a later date. These alternatives are not recommended. BACKGROUND: The CIP provides the basis for project prioritizing and scheduling, and long -range financial planning. The CIP also provides the framework for analyzing different capital program funding scenarios. The 2007 CIP covers the ten -year period from FY 2007 -08 through FY 2016 -17. The plan includes expenditures totaling $339.2 million (2007 dollars) over ten years. The CIB provides a detailed presentation of the schedules and cost estimates for projects proposed for the first year of the ten -year planning period. It also provides for the Board's authorization of funds for FY 2007 -08 from the Sewer Construction Fund to WENVRSEMPosition Papers \Chester \2007 \Public Hearing FY 07 -08 CIB 5- 24- 07.DOC Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 suviect: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR FY 2007 -08, AND THE 2007 TEN -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, APPROVE THE 2007 CIP, AND APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE FY 2007 -08 DISTRICT BUDGET the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Programs. A draft CIB /CIP was submitted to the Board of Directors on March 21, 2007. A special meeting of the Board to discuss the draft was held on April 12, 2007. It is appropriate for the Board to receive comments from the public prior to considering approval of the CIB /CIP. The Board established May 24, 2007 as the date for a public hearing to receive these comments and appropriate notices have been posted and published. Capital Budget Authorization Adoption of the CIB with the FY 2007 -08 District Budget will authorize additional funds from the Sewer Construction Fund for planning, design, and construction of capital improvement projects. The new funding authorization will include an estimated carry- over of $13,427,000 from Board authorizations in previous years, and an estimated additional authorization of $62,596,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund resulting in a total Fiscal Year 2007 -08 authorized funding level of $76,023,000. It should be noted that specific Board approval is required for consultant agreements over $50,000, for award of construction contracts over $15,000, for construction change orders over $50,000, and for project overruns in excess of 15 percent (15 %) of the final project budget established at the time of construction contract award. The distribution of the funding authorization to the four capital improvement programs is shown on Attachment 1. The estimated expenditures for the capital program in FY 2007 -08 are also shown in Attachment 1 and total $43,061,000. Ten -Year Capital Plan The draft 2007 CIP includes $117.3 million (2007 dollars) for Treatment Plant projects (34.6% of total expenditures), $185.2 million for Collection System projects (54.6% of total expenditures), $32 million for General Improvements projects (9.4% of total expenditures), and $4.7 million for Recycled Water projects (1.4% of total expenditures) over the next ten years. The expenditures recommended in the five -year Master Plan for Information Technology have been incorporated in the General Improvements Program in the 2007 CIP. A cash flow table is included in the Ten -Year Capital Plan and indicates the revenue needed to support the planned ten -year expenditures. This table includes the revenue from the proposed $11 rate increase. If this rate increase is not adopted, the cash flow table will be corrected and reissued. NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Ches1er\2007 \Pub1ic Hearing FY 07 -08 CIB 5- 24- 07.DOC Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subiect: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR FY 2007 -08, AND THE 2007 TEN -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, APPROVE THE 2007 CIP, AND APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE FY 2007 -08 DISTRICT BUDGET Staff has evaluated the CIB and CIP and concluded that they are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CCCSD CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since they are planning studies for possible future actions, which CCCSD has not approved, adopted or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of the budget and plan will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that these documents are exempt from CEQA. The Board further finds that CCCSD either has or will produce appropriate CEQA compliance documentation prior to undertaking any "project" identified in these documents. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the CIB and CIP. Approve the 2007 CIP. Approve the FY 2007 -08 CIB for inclusion in the FY 2007 -08 District Budget. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Chesler\2007 \Public Hearing FY 07 -08 CIB 5- 24- 07.DOC Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY FY 2007 -08 1 This number represents funds that have been authorized by the Board, allocated to projects by the General Manager, but not spent during FY 2006 -07. NAENVRSEC \Position Papers\Chesler \2007Wttach 1 Public Hearing CIP CIB 5- 24- 07.doc Estimated Additional Total Estimated Program Carryover Authorization Proposed FY 2007 -08 from 1 Requested Authorization Expenditures FY 2006 -07 Treatment Plant $8,230,000 $17,763,000 $25,993,000 $12,292,000 Collection System $4,474,000 $39,633,000 $44,107,000 $26,540,000 General $699,000 $3,249,000 $3,948,000 $3,155,000 Improvements Recycled Water $24,000 $1,951,000 $1,975,000 $1,074,000 Total FY 2007 -08 $13,427,000 $62,596,000 $76,023,000 $43,061,000 1 This number represents funds that have been authorized by the Board, allocated to projects by the General Manager, but not spent during FY 2006 -07. NAENVRSEC \Position Papers\Chesler \2007Wttach 1 Public Hearing CIP CIB 5- 24- 07.doc Item 4.b. 2007/08 Capital Improvements Program Public Hearing May 24, 2007 FY 2007/08 Capital Cash Flow Estimate Capital Program Cash Flow 2007/08 Total Budgeted Revenue $40,448,000 Total Budgeted Expenditures $43,061,000 Negative Variance - $2,613,000 Projected SCF Balance June 30, 2008 $48.2 M FY 2007/08 Budgeted Revenue Revenues 2007/08 Facility Capacity Fees $6,334,000 Pumped Zone Fees $1,100,000 Interest $2,503,000 Ad Valorem Taxes $7,930,000 City of Concord $11,123,000 Sewer Service Charges $58 /RUE $9,462,000 Other Fees & Charges $1,996,000 Total Revenue $40,448,000 FY 2007/08 Expenditure Recommendations EXPENDITURES 2007/08 Collection System $26,540,000 Treatment Plant $12,292,000 General Improvements $3,155,000 Recycled Water $1,074,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $43,061,000 2007/08 Expenditures Collection System Program PROJECT 2007/08 Expenditures Total Project Cost A -Line Phase 2 -A $12,431,000 $17,751,000 Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer $2,200,000 $5,954,000 North Orinda Renovation - Phase 3 $1,800,000 $1,960,000 North Orinda Renovation - Phase 2.1 $1,620,000 $1,900,000 Walnut Creek Renovations - Phase 5 $1,540,000 $1,760,000 2007/08 Development Sewerage $1,180,000 NA TV Inspection Program $700,000 NA Martinez Sewer Renovations - Phase 1 $587,000 $800,000 Total Collection System Projects <$587,000 $4,282,000 NA Total Collection System Program $26,540,000 NA 2007 -08 Expenditures Treatment Plant Program PROJECT 2007/08 Expenditures Total Project Cost Standby Power Facility Improvements $1,725,000 $2,741,000 Solids Handling Improvements $1,500,000 $6,624,000 Ultraviolet Disinfection Expansion $1,500,000 $4,193,000 Service Air Improvements $1,225,000 $1,921,000 Plant Control System Improvements $800,000 $3,091,000 Piping Renovations 8 Replacement- Phase 3 $800,000 $826,000 Plant Wet Weather Protection $700,000 $1,450,000 Scrubber Water Mercury/Metals Removal $695,000 $20,100,000 Total Treatment Plant Projects < $695,000 $3,347,000 NA Total Treatment Plant Program $12,292,000 NA 2007/08 Expenditures Recycled Water Program PROJECT 2007/08 Expenditures Total Project Cost Recycled Water- Pleasant Hill Phase 1B $1,000,000 $2,920,000 Total Remaining Recycled Water Projects $74,000 NA Total Recycled Water Program $1,074,000 NA 2007 -08 Expenditures General Improvements Program PROJECT 2007 -08 Expenditures Total Project Cost Equipment 8 Vehicle Budget $1,177,000 NA Information Technology Development $668,000 NA CSOD Facility Improvements $472,000 $13,782,000 HOB Improvements $245,000 $1,025,000 Total General Improvements Projects < $245,000 $593,000 NA Total General Improvements Program $3,155,000 NA Capital Improvement Budget Summary for FY 2007/08 Board Role in Capital Program is Ongoing • Authorize Program Budgets each fiscal year • Authorize Supplemental Program Funds if needed • Award Construction Projects > $15,000 • Authorize Construction Change Orders >$50,000 • Authorize Consultant Contracts > $50,000 • Authorize Revisions to Consultant Contracts > 15% 5 Estimated Total Program FY 2007/08 Estimated Carry-over from Estimated Allocation FY 2007/08 Program Expenditures Prior Fiscal Year FY 2007/08 Proposed Authorization Treatment Plant $12,292,000 $8,230,000 $17,763,000 $25,993,000 Collection System $26,540,000 $4,474,000 $39,633,000 $44,107,000 General Improvements $3,155,000 $699,000 $3,249,000 $3,948,000 Recycled Water $1,074,000 $24,000 $1,951,000 $1,975,000 Total this Fiscal Year $43,061,000 $13,427,000 J:62,596,000 $76,023,000 Board Role in Capital Program is Ongoing • Authorize Program Budgets each fiscal year • Authorize Supplemental Program Funds if needed • Award Construction Projects > $15,000 • Authorize Construction Change Orders >$50,000 • Authorize Consultant Contracts > $50,000 • Authorize Revisions to Consultant Contracts > 15% 5 4.c. Hearings CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT (DP 5980) SUGGESTED AGENDA May 24, 2007 Request staff report Public hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration A. Open public hearing B. Receive public comment C. Close public hearing IV. Consider approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and its Mitigation Monitoring Program. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 4.c. Hearings Type of Action: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING; ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT (DP 5980) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Russell B. Leavitt, Engineering /Environmental Services Engineering Assistant III 4�r A REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: K. Alm R. Leavitt A. Rozul cki A. Farrell Viarnes M. Kelly General Manager ISSUE: Board approval of appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation is required prior to approval of the CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Project. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Barring any irresolvable comments to the contrary, adopt the attached resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and its Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project cost is anticipated to be $20 million, which will be shared with the City of Concord; however, this position paper only adopts a CEQA document and does not award a construction contract. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Deny or defer approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. This action would prevent or delay moving forward with the potential approval the project. If approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration is denied, direction should be given to staff as to which issues require further documentation. BACKGROUND: A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for this joint project of CCCSD and the City of Concord. The proposed project consists of two components: 1) construction of approximately 3,100 linear feet of 96 -inch diameter concrete sewer pipe (the A -Line Relief Interceptor) and 8 -inch diameter recycled water main through Buchanan Field Golf Course, then south on Meridian Park Boulevard to the Galaxy Way intersection (shown as Phase 2A on Attachment 1); and 2) construction of approximately 1,455 linear feet of 48- and 72- inch diameter pipelines from the Concord Pump Station to the proposed A -Line Relief Interceptor pipeline at the Meridian Park Boulevard /Galaxy Way intersection, including parallel 48 inch diameter gravity -flow N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2007 \PP Conduct Public Hearing A -Line DP 5980 5- 24- 07.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT (DP 5980) sewer pipelines crossing beneath the Walnut Creek Channel for approximately 400 feet to replace an existing force main. Along with the project components discussed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, additional CCCSD projects may be constructed in the project area. By re- routing airport sewage flows to a new, deeper A -Line Relief Interceptor, the two existing Buchanan Field sewage pumping stations may be eliminated. Also, about 6200 feet of additional recycled water pipelines (up to 8 -inch diameter) could be built on project area side streets to reach more customers. These additional CCCSD projects would be the subject of a separate environmental review by CCCSD (likely either as exemptions or an addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration before the Board today). To minimize community disruption, construction of these additional CCCSD projects would be coordinated with the proposed project; possibly by including them all in the same construction contract. As Lead Agency under CEQA, CCCSD has conducted an Initial Study of the proposed project to determine if it would have a significant effect on the environment. Staff has concluded that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed project, and that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The Initial Study is included as part of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration that has been distributed separately to the CCCSD Board of Directors at its April 5, 2007 meeting. The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration finds that there is no substantial evidence before CCCSD that the proposed project would have significant effects on the environment. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project to reduce those effects to less- than - significant levels. These measures are discussed in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and included in its proposed Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (see Attachment 2). In compliance with the CCCSD's CEQA Guidelines, a legal notice was published in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed project. The legal notice announced CCCSD's intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and the availability of the document for a 30 -day public review period. Additionally, copies of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration or the legal notice were mailed to affected public agencies. Four letters regarding the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration were received. The comments and responses to comments are presented in Attachment 3. None of these comments required changes in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2007 \PP Conduct Public Hearing A -Line DP 5980 5- 24- 07.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 Subject. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT (DP 5980) Before the proposed project may be approved, the Board must consider any comments received during the Mitigated Negative Declaration's 30 -day public review process and the public hearing, and then consider approval of the appropriate CEQA documentation (a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended in this case). Following approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, at a future meeting, the Board will be asked to approve of the proposed project to allow filing of a CEQA Notice of Determination with the County Clerk and to begin the permitting process. The City of Concord, Contra Costa County, and other Responsible Agencies will then be able to use the Mitigated Negative Declaration in connection with the issuance of permits and other project approvals. Following the subsequent solicitation of construction bids, the Board will also be asked to award a construction contract. While not required by law or the District's procedures, it has been CCCSD's customary practice to hold public hearings in advance of the adoption of Mitigated Negative Declarations. Holding a hearing on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project would be consistent with this practice. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a public hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration and its Mitigation Monitoring Program. 2. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 4) approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and its Mitigation Monitoring Program. WENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2007 \PP Conduct Public Hearing A -Line DP 5980 5- 24- 07.doc N 0 =w IffT ATTACHMENT 1 cam y b . tl�y�•/ mall: SA plEe►SaNr H1 SOURCE: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District IL z C. C. COUNTY • A ' \ CONCORD • M/ rr Fur" i' f' I . t ♦e PHASE 1 (EXISTING) PHASE 2A (PROPOSED) FUTURE CONCORD INTERCEPTOR CCCSD A -Line Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Project . 206076 Figure 2 A -Line Relief Interceptor Alignment ATTACHMENT 2 CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Introduction This document presents the mitigation monitoring and reporting plan (MMRP) for the CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Project. Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 and Section 15097 of the CEQA Guidelines require this MMRP. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan This MMRP includes the mitigation measures identified in the mitigated negative declaration (MND) required to address the significant impacts associated with the proposed project being approved. The MMRP is organized in a table format, keyed to each significant impact and each MND mitigation measure. The mitigation measures are presented in the tables and are coded by number to the appropriate MND section. The column headings in the tables are defined as follows: • Measure Number: This column lists the label used for the corresponding mitigation measures. • Mitigation Measure: This column contains the mitigation measures from the MND to be implemented. • Implementation Procedure: This column contains a description of the actions that need to be taken to comply with the mitigation measure. • Monitoring and Reporting Actions: This column contains an outline of the appropriate steps to verify compliance with the mitigation measure. • Monitoring Responsibility: This column contains an assignment of responsibility for the monitoring and reporting tasks. • Monitoring Schedule: The general schedule for conducting each monitoring and reporting task, identifying where appropriate both the timing and the frequency of the action. This MMRP is divided into two separate tables to summarize mitigation measures that will be implemented for each of the two project components. Table 1 summarizes mitigation measures and reporting requirements for the A- Line Relief Interceptor component. Table 2 summarizes mitigation measures and reporting requirement for the Concord Interceptor Sewer component. 0 O w IL C9 0� w d W W LU � W z Z J Z m LL Q Q W U' JZ w2 �O W ZZ Jp Q � Z O Q C7 H m T O 2 w E . N C 16 C p L r- O 0.0 a) C U U ` (` O 0 C 7 2,E N o 0 y t a0 0 U a) aU 'O U C U (n p y a) O a) 7 V 0 @ C N O p C C Oy ? O ON w U cc c 'Q O 0 o o o a E f0 _ o N 0 E — f0 c o o L d o d CD a uj 0 U a) U 0 N N C7 fn N fn cn C1� IA N 6 C 0 0 CL Q U) ui Q 2 ce U U U) <n y a) > '2 rn p Q) 'D N -2 O O O O T@ U U 00 C a)U O U E� _ fA w aC ) y U i a c N O C o a O U O a= 0 a � 0=0 C 0 0 O U) O O � O) - a U M U E C `oy O 0.2) a) p > p N U y O p E O m f v .N E c v U 3�vr o0 `0o y 0 O n 2'0 f; U a 0 C a) La) as O N C 2 U> a) L= 0) > c �0 cai `moo•- cai 00 mw E o0c •O coa c� Ey cc O:�E =CC m� O) U C U C O 3 U N o .. 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U 00 U U U H p j aD > U Q 7 U w p l U n 'C C_ fn C C ._'c U w m E - ` v CL C O C m C O C U '- c U C O U C Q1 N U ` d 0 � L .a0+ > C f6 U ) U to N > C m U 2' U tc N C m � N $ 0 ED c 0 0 o m > > IL c M C c Cc c E u y E u m toc me aci E �m a) °) U way y U d O 7 m O p m O y E tm C C m U °) c U C O C m U N @'N cn y N V a) U E m a w 0 o a� .0 :3 � Lm. a�- 3 C « N a) ca m p o> E 6 �" ` a) 'O Z° c pF m�U 3 vrU am ww 3 y y° O Lo a U O N U w y •p an d E w c N° o m m o U Z d O U O N 7 3 QQ c O. 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U 2 C d C S 7 N c U N Ol C O O ` o N N ooa zo c O ` y U c c v a� U - o U O y O m N O a aEi `'3Eo_o c O a N N O o N N !! d Q o Soo CL CD F- 2ioyUEm U •w-aD � c am E N ` U p C U) O_ U C'' c E 2 of d c, N �p O N Di U c m -' V N N �I c p U C O m N d Oi O O IM .2 i� = a N m 0 Cl, mwa$ v m CL E N ATTACHMENT 3 COMMENTS AND RESPONSES TO COMMENTS ON THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT Four letters were received during the 30 -day public review period for the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Comment letters were received from Contra Costa County Public Works, Contra Costa Water District, and Contra Costa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District. In addition, a letter was received from the State Clearinghouse indicating that no comments were submitted by any of the state agencies to which it had distributed the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The responses to these letters follow. Any responses containing project commitments not already included in the MND mitigation measures will be added to the project contract specification. A. RESPONSE TO RICH SHIMANO, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS, MAY 1, 2007 A -1. CCCSD will coordinate with EBPRD. A -2. CCCSD will coordinate with EBPRD. A -3. CCCSD will coordinate with all appropriate easement holders within the project boundary. A -4. CCCSD will coordinate Buchanan Fields Airport Operations and Contra Costa County Airports will be provided with a construction schedule and CCCSD will coordinate all construction activities with Buchanan Fields Airport Operations. A -5. Prior to implementation of the project, CCCSD will submit the appropriate information to the FAA. Clearance for construction equipment will be received before the start of construction. A -6. CCCSD will coordinate with the City of Concord to reduce community impacts during construction. B. RESPONSE TO JERRY BROWN, CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT, MAY 2, 2007 B -1. The conditions by which CCWD does not object to the project are noted and CCCSD continues to intend to comply with its past agreements with CCWD as the project moved forward. 3 -1 B -2. CCCSD will protect all of CCWD's water lines within the project for the duration of construction. CCCSD will coordinate the construction schedule with the appropriate personnel with CCWD. C. RESPONSE TO TIM JENSEN, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, MAY 1, 2007 C -1. Comment noted. No response is necessary. D. RESPONSE TO TERRY ROBERTS, STATE CLEARINGHOUSE AND PLANNING UNIT, MAY 2, 2007 D -1. Compliance noted. No response is necessary. 3 -2 Contra Public Works Department Costa 255 Glacier Drive Count Martinez, CA 94553 -4825 Y Telephone: (925) 313 -2000 FAX: (925) 313 -2333 Web site: www.co.contra- costa.ca.us /depart/pw May 1, 2007 RECEIVED Russell Leavitt MAY - 4 2007 Environmental Coordinator Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CCCSD ENVIROI ME �i i-A SER/ICES 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Leavitt: Maurice M. Shiu Public Works Director R. Mitch Avalon Deputy Director Heather J. Ballenger Deputy Director Julia R. Bueren Deputy Director Patricia R. McNamee Deputy Director RE: CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Project (DP 5980) Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Project Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (DP 5980). Our comments are as follows: • As noted on page 2 -5, CCCSD will get an encroachment permit from East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) for construction activity within the Iron Horse Trail. CCCSD should coordinate all activity within this easement with EBRPD, A -1 including trail closures and mitigation relating to trail damage, e.g., the repaving cited on p. 3 -47 of the Initial Study. • All work within the Iron Horse Corridor must take place within the current CCCSD easement; otherwise a new easement will be necessary. CCCSD should A -2 coordinate easement, landscaping, tree removal, and other issues within the Iron Horse Corridor with John Pulliam, Contra Costa County's Iron Horse Corridor Manager at (925) 313 -2165. • There are numerous utility easements through the Iron Horse Corridor, and CCCSD should coordinate activities within these easements with the appropriate A -3 easement holders. • Activity within the Buchanan Field Golf Course falls within the purview of Contra Costa County Airports (Public Works Department) and should be coordinated A -4 with Buchanan Field Airport Operations. 3 -3 Russell Leavitt, CCCSD May 1, 2007 Page 2 of 2 An inventory of construction equipment to be located or used within Buchanan Field Golf Course must be submitted in advance under the Federal Aviation A -5 Administration's (FAA) Form 7460 Clearance process. The City of Concord may have a traffic intersection improvement project at Concord Avenue and Diamond Boulevard that takes place at the same time as A -6 your project. Please coordinate your traffic mitigation activities with them. Thank you for considering these comments. If you have questions, please contact Rich Shimano at (925) 313 -2168. Sincerely, Rich Shimano Staff Engineer Transportation Engineering RS:tr G: \TransEng \EIR \CCCSD \Review (draft) - 2007 -05 -02 CCCSD Concord Interceptor MND.doc Cc: J. Pulliam, Transportation Engineering B. Fernandez, Transportation Engineering C. Peccianti, Real Property T. Jensen, Flood Control B. Lee, BFA Field Operations L. Guzman, East Bay Regional Park District 3 -4 �4m `CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT •>' 1331 Concord Avenue P0. Box H2O Concord, CA 94524 (925) 688 -8000 FAX (925) 688 -8122 May 2, 2007 VIA FACSIMILE (925)228.4624 Dirsctors Hard Copy M follow Joseph L. Campbell President Ms. Elaine R. Boehme, Secretary Elizabeth R. Anello Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Vice President 5019 Imhoff Place Bette Boatmun Martinez, CA 94553 John A. Burgh Karl L. Wandry Subject: CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Walter J. Bishop Project General Manager Dear Ms. Boehme: The Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) is in receipt of the Request for Project Review of the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration (1SMND) for the CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Project. CCWD operates and maintains treated water lines in the area of the CCCSD project. CCWD has no objection to the project assuming the following conditions are met: 1) CCCSD will comply with the provisions of the 1995 .Master Recycled Water Agreement and the Zone 1 Agreement. CCCSD's letter dated May 1 has clearly indicated CCCSD has every intention of complying with the agreements. 2) CCWD's water lines will need to be protected from construction impacts. We would suggest the following procedures be adhered to: e Prior to the start of construction CCCSD shall provide CCWD with a site plan illustrating any locations where CCWD water lines may be impacted as well as any proposed conditions to protect CCWD's water lines from construction impacts. if a shutdown of CCWD water mains is required for any reason, CCCSD needs to comply with CCWD's requirements for maintaining service to existing treated and untreated water customers. • CCCSD is responsible for promptly repairing any damage to CCWD water mains as well as any private lines. 3 -5 Im Ms. Elaine Boehme CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor & Concord Interceptor Sewer Project May 1, 2007 Page 2 Pleatie feel free to contact me at (925) 688 -8172 should you have questions. Si cerely, row Director of fanning JB /mas/crp cc: Ann Farrell Don Berger 3 -6 Contra Costa County FLOOD CONTROL & Water Conservation District May 1, 2007 Russell Leavitt Environmental Coordinator Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Leavitt: Maurice M. Shiu ex officio Chief Engineer 255 Glacier Drive, Martinez, CA 94553 -4825 Telephone: (925) 313 -2000 FAX (925) 313 -2333 RECEIVED MAY - 4 2007 CCCSD ENVIRC'MMENiAL SERVICES Our File: Flood Control Permit 618 -06 We have reviewed the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor Sewer Project, which we received on April 2, 2007. We have no comments on the document. We wish to note that the Central Sanitary District and the City of Concord have been working with us with regards to the proposed sewer crossing of C -1 Walnut Creek Flood Control Channel, and we appreciate their cooperation. Please call me at (925) 313 -2396 or Mario Consolacion at (925) 313 -2283 if you have questions. Sincerely, Tim Jen en Associate Civil Engineer Flood Control Engineering TJ:MC:cw G:\F1dCt1 \CurDev \CITIES \Concord\fcp 618 -06, CCCSD Force Main at Walnut Creek\NOI.doc c: Greg Connaughton, Flood Control Bob Faraone, Flood Control Paul Detjens, Flood Control Tim Jensen, Flood Control Qamar Khan City of Concord 1455 Gasoline Alley Concord, CA 94520 Thom Kalkman Carollo Engineers 2700 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Tad Pilecki Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Alex Rozul Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 3 -7 P rN �`�,OF PLAtit�,�hv� STATE OF CALIFORNIA o GOVERNOR'S OFFICE of PLANNING AND RESEARCH X44' MOW STATE CLEARINGHOUSE AND PLANNING UNIT OFC ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER CYNTHIA BRYANT GOVERNOR DIRECTOR May 2, 2007 Russell Leavitt RECEIVED Central Contra Costa Sanitary District MAY - 7 2007 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 CCCSi) ENV�RQ(� �; �!TAL SERVICES Subject: CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Sewer Interceptor Project SCH #: 2007042004 Dear Russell Leavitt: The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named Mitigated Negative Declaration to selected state agencies for review. The review period closed on May 1, 2007, and no state agencies submitted comments by that date. This letter acknowledges that you have complied with the State Clearinghouse review D -1 requirements for draft enviromnental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Please call the State Clearinghouse at (916) 445 -0613 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process. If you have a question about the above -named project, please refer to the ten -digit State Clearinghouse number when contacting this office. Sincerely, ^ty/ Terry Roberts Director, State Clearinghouse 3 -8 1400 10th Street P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, California 95812 -3044 (916) 445 -0613 FAX (916) 323 -3018 www.opr.ca.gov Document Details Report State Clearinghouse Data Base SCH# 2007042004 Project Title CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Sewer Interceptor Project Lead Agency Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Type MN Mitigated Negative Declaration Description D The proposed project consists of two components. The first component is the installation of the CCCSD's A -Line Relief Interceptor and an accompanying extension of recycled water (REW) distribution system. the second component is the rehabilitation of the force main connecting the Concord Sewage Pump Station (Pump Station) and the CCCSD's A -Line Interceptor. This component entails the installation of a new gravity -flow pipeline to replace the existing force main. Lead Agency Contact Name Russell Leavitt Agency Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Phone (925) 229 -7255 Fax email Address 5019 Imhoff Place City Martinez State CA Zip 94553 Project Location County Contra Costa City Concord Region Cross Streets Meridian Park Boulevard and Galaxy Way Parcel No. Township 2N Range 2W Section Base MD Proximity to: Highways SR 242,1-680 Airports Buchanan Field Airport Railways Waterways Walnut Creek Flood Control Channel Schools Land Use Z: Planned District (PD), Light Industrial (LI), Special Light Industrial (SI), Parks & Rec. GP: Reg Comm. Central Area Multiuse, Industrial Bus Park Project Issues Aesthetic/Visual; Agricultural Land: Air Quality; Archaeologic- Historic; Biological Resources; Cumulative Effects; Drainage /Absorption; Flood Plain /Flooding; Forest Land /Fire Hazard; Geologic/Seismic; Growth Inducing; Landuse; Minerals; Noise; Population /Housing Balance; Public Services; Recreation /Parks; Sewer Capacity; Toxic/Hazardous; Traffic/Circulation; Vegetation; Water Quality; Water Supply; Wetland /Riparian Reviewing Resources Agency; Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2; Department of Parks and Agencies Recreation; Native American Heritage Commission; Integrated Waste Management Board; Department of Health Services; Department of Fish and Game, Region 3; Department of Water Resources; California Highway Patrol; Caltrans, District 4; Caltrans, Division of Aeronautics; Department of Toxic Substances Control; State Water Resources Control Board, Clean Water Program Date Received 04/02/2007 Start of Review 04/02/2007 End of Review 05/01/2007 3 -9 Note: Blanks in data fields result from insufficient information provided by lead agency. ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE CCCSD A -LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND CONCORD INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT (DP 5980) WHEREAS, for the purposes of CEQA review, the project upon which this determination is made is described as follows: The proposed project consists of two components: 1) construction of approximately 3,100 linear feet of 96 -inch diameter concrete sewer pipe (the A -Line Relief Interceptor) and 8 -inch diameter recycled water main through Buchanan Field Golf Course, then south on Meridian Park Boulevard to the Galaxy Way intersection; and 2) construction of approximately 1,455 linear feet of 48- and 72- inch diameter pipelines from the Concord Pump Station to the proposed A -Line Relief Interceptor pipeline at the Meridian Park Boulevard /Galaxy Way intersection, including parallel 48 inch diameter gravity -flow sewer pipelines crossing beneath the Walnut Creek Channel for approximately 400 feet to replace an existing force main; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study has been conducted by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District; and WHEREAS, CCCSD staff concludes that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluated the proposed effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, adequate public notice was given to receive comments on the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the CCCSD Board of Directors has reviewed the results of the Initial Study, considered comments received, and determined that the project, as mitigated, will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the CCCSD Board of Directors finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration and its Mitigation Monitoring Program reflects its independent judgment of the environmental effects of the proposed project; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Program for the CCCSD A -Line Relief Interceptor and Concord Interceptor Sewer Project. The Secretary of the Board of Directors will be custodian of the document and other materials that constitute the record of proceedings for the adoption of this Mitigated Negative Declaration. The record of proceedings will be maintained at the District offices, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 24th day of May 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: James A. Nejedly President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel V O W Z a O � W � V a W W I- Q Z J - W V W W � - � � J O W W �- > a - W W ~ Z V Q - C� J � W W Z Q I- 0 o z W o � V � Q V O O V V F-- W Z - = O V DC � O U. Z Q ti O O N Ni N Q y4� C) O z Z Q O W A = O 3: a m J C 02 V w �e oC w - 0 W W w w z w Z D H O OU Z 0 Z W W v v ow � a. m p pti F F- M U) JH zo a Z a F3 LL Q N W ~ � �-t? �N z w z >- W M F- � � 14 Z O Q O _2 O � Q Q az z W V O oC FM Or` Oti O Q uw Q wpp a U 0 Voc V> .jO �- �-- !' HOC oa o� oo Q� ui 9E L) 2 UE U U U) I- • • • • cn i/i w U O DC a FM V W O OC a a W V Go 0 N ti O m ti O ti h I,,- O N C N N N N C m W � J N 04 H Q Z IL a > > w v a Cl) O Cl) m o w a, m o z O > o w m � L) �.1 O O a U a m m Cl) m z0 CL O Z WO H V m OLL c a H m W > N Z a w > wa > O 0v a. O H O J m W 0 mZ a � a- v J > w IL CL O c z 1= > a am z Ua U) O Cl) a m OC <a p zv v O z a O m OD co z m O W C�� U. 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C\i 4 LL _ O c O v J m c 00 O L N Z O C.) _2 4- c: =3 C: O C) o 3:U N O u) i TU a) I NU p > >C) c I MC3 cz 4) V i E, .V 13 t+ N Cr 0 V LL 70 (1) U Q j5 O Q O 0 o- (1) QL - (n 7 -0 O O �— E cn cn _co :3 C: O � O cz O CZ Q 0-0 U -r E cz CZ 4-0 —_ O U c 0 O 00 0 LL 0-0 ■ O cn cz 'i cz O O O U O O O O N N cz 0 O CL ■ cn O O N O .cn a--0 cn O U O O O 0 O N O cn O Q An cz O CL ■ N E 0 O cn c O O CD E O CIO U cn W cz N O 0 O cn ■ H N N cz U) U) c� 4� O Q L- 0 V o Cl) 70 7 M C/) cz c� Q W U •� O O x •� CZ 4 Z O N E i 0 Uc: N cz a) a) � � I cz cn CL C: O O 0 > cz U O V OD U � _cz cm a- .- O a) .� i Q N O Q Q cn cn cz o U OD 4-no a) cn E W O It Q a) a) a m o a) a) O :3 cat O .� O `— cn C: cp a) a) 4-0 U) cn I cz CZ C'� i ■ LA Board Meeting of May 24, 2007 Announcements Agenda Item 6.a.2) a) Public Bidding of North Orinda Sewer Renovations (Phase 3), DP 5963 This project is the third of four phases of sewer renovations in north Orinda. The project will reconstruct approximately 6,400 linear feet of 6- through 15 -inch sewer lines within public right -of -way, private streets, and easements. The work will include installation of manholes, spot repairs at three locations, and a fusible PVC demonstration site. Both open -cut and pipeburst methods will be used. This project will be advertised on June 1St and 7th. The bids will be opened on June 19, 2007. The construction cost is currently estimated at $1,750,000. More information will be presented when the Board is asked to approve the construction contract on July 5, 2007. b) Utility Coordination With The City Of Orinda At the City of Orinda Council Meeting on May 15, 2007, the subject of utility compliance with roadway reconstruction requirements in connection with encroachment permits was discussed. Representatives from CCCSD and EBMUD were present. The Council's concern was that many residents of the City were expressing concerns that utility companies were not repairing the pavement damaged by their maintenance /construction activities. Council Members felt in general that City staff needed to provide more oversight to insure that utilities were repairing streets in a timely manner. The Council requested that utilities be required to install informational signs with specific information on restoration details, and contact information for both repair activities and capital projects. District staff is working with City staff to develop appropriate signage to address their concerns. A copy of a proposed sign was provided to the City Manager (see attachment). Several Council Members expressed their appreciation to CCCSD and EBMUD for their respective on -going efforts to upgrade facilities in Orinda. Mayor Glazer thanked the utilities for their attendance at the Council Meeting and their respective letters indicating support for the City's efforts to maintain the condition of City streets, and the Utility's willingness to comply with the requirements of the City's encroachment permit (see attachment). C) Clayton Cleans Up Event On Saturday, April 28, 2007, District staff participated in the Clayton Cleans Up Event. Approximately 200 Clayton residents picked up trash along portions of Mt. Diablo Creek, city parks and streets. The City hosted a barbecue lunch at City Hall afterwards. District staff distributed informational flyers and answered questions about the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, and less toxic methods to control pests in gardens and homes. d) Alhambra Valley Annexation On May 16, staff met with LAFCO Executive Officer Lou Ann Texeira to discuss the annexation of the Alhambra Valley area to the District. As directed by the Board, the District will proceed to annex the Alhambra Valley Estates property immediately. This annexation will be done as a boundary reorganization along with annexation to the County Lighting and Landscaping District CSA L -100. This action will save time and money rather than proceeding with separate annexations. Staff anticipates that LAFCO will act on the annexation application in July 2007. Staff is preparing the environmental review documentation necessary for LAFCO to consider annexation of the other properties in the Alhambra Valley. The documents will include environmental impacts of annexing the nine properties outside the Urban Limit Line. LAFCO staff was advised of this approach and did not object. Including the nine properties in the environmental documentation does not obligate the District to pursue annexation. The Board of Directors would make that decision at a later date, based in part on the information contained in the environmental reports. Staff also discussed the possibility of a joint annexation involving the City of Martinez and the District. LAFCO staff indicated that from an urban services perspective, the Alhambra Valley should ultimately be annexed to the City of Martinez because the valley is in the City's sphere of influence, and residents are receiving city water and other services. While they believe that a joint annexation is desirable, LAFCO staff stated that they did not foresee delay in the District annexation of Alhambra. Annexation of Alhambra Valley to the City would be significantly more complex and time - consuming. Before the City could apply for annexation, a comprehensive environmental review and a fiscal analysis would have to be completed. The City would also have to reach agreement with the County over the sharing of tax revenues. e) Proposed Local Wastewater Operator Training On Friday, May 17, 2007, District staff is participating in an exploratory meeting to determine if sufficient interest exists for local Community College Wastewater Operator Training courses. Presently, Solano Community College (SCC), which is located in the Fairfield /Suisun area, is the only Community College that offers courses in Wastewater Treatment in the East Bay. This location is not convenient for operators or potential operators in Contra Costa County. Several agencies including Dublin San Ramon Services District, Delta Diablo Sanitation District, and Central Sanitary District have expressed an interest in SCC courses if they could be offered in Contra Costa County depending on the cost of the classes offered. With strong interest and full classes, the off - campus training would offer a convenient option for Operator training. The Board will be informed of the results of the meeting at the June 7th Board meeting. 6 - a �,4b) District May 9, 2007 Honorable Steve Glazer Mayor City of Orinda P.O. Box 2000 Orinda, CA 94563 Dear Mayor Glazer: FAX: (925) 676 -7211 JAMEShf. KELLY General Manager KENTON L ALM Counsel for the District (510) 804 -2000 ELA/NER. BOENME Secretary ofihe District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District supports the City of Orinda's efforts to maintain the condition of its roadways and to coordinate with utilities to minimize impacts due to maintenance and construction activities. District staff strives to provide exceptional customer service and is keenly aware of the impacts that its activities have upon the residents of Orinda. We have a good history of working with the citizens and staff of the City. The District coordinates its activities with the City of Orinda staff via the City's Encroachment Permit which is granted to the District for all our projects and routine repairs. The Permit covers all aspects of our activities within the City, including the quality and schedule of pavement restoration and duration for our projects and repairs. The requirements of the Encroachment Permits are designed to reduce the impact on the City and traffic while allowing consideration for the unique aspects of each project. The District agrees to work with City staff to ensure appropriate temporary signage is posted to communicate project schedule, road restoration, and agency contact information. The District and the City have worked with a coalition of local utilities that serve Contra Costa County to develop Utility Trench Master Permit Conditions that would be adopted by all of the Utilities, Cities and Contra Costa County. The Utility Trench Master Permit Conditions provide detailed requirements for pavement restoration. The District supports this approach and hopes that the City of Orinda will also support it. Please contact me at 925 - 229 -7386 if you have any questions. Sincerely, sMKelly )Gem e eral Manager cc: Board Member Jim Nejedly Ann Farrell Tad Pilecki elf Recycled Paper � a z:) b) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting Public Health and the Environment Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) is in the process of making emergency repairs on the sewer line in this street. Once repairs are complete, the street will be restored to its previous condition within several weeks. If you have any questions, please contact either Chris Carpenter CCCSD Community Affairs Representative 925 - 229 - 7316 or John Jones Public Works Department City of Orinda 925 - 555 - 5555 6028 -5/07 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 7.a. Engineering Type of Action: APPROVE PROJECT DESCRIPTION subject: APPROVE A PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR THE CSOD ADMINSTRATION, CREW, AND WAREHOUSE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 8208) TO INITIATE THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (CEQA) AND DESIGN PROCESSES Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Don Berger, Associate Engineer Engineering / Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: P�nm &-�— — D. Ber C. Swanson A. Farrell James 9. K ly General Manager ISSUE: The Board of Director's must approve a project description before staff can begin the environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and begin the design process. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the project description for the CSOD Administration, Crew, and Warehouse Facility Project (DP 8208) to initiate the CEQA and design processes. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated cost for the project is Thirteen Million Dollars ($13M) (in current dollars) including construction, engineering, and administration costs. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decide not to approve the proposed project description. However, the District has spent considerable effort over the last several years carefully evaluating alternatives and has developed a project description that meets the District's needs now and into the foreseeable future. BACKGROUND: Board and staff have been collaborating on the development of a plan for the Collection System Operations (CSO) facility improvements for the last several years. After evaluating and considering in detail many different alternatives, staff recommends that the Board approve the project description for a single combined administration /crew /warehouse building as discussed with the Board at the workshop on May 15, 2007. The recommended project consists of construction of a new approximately 22,500 square foot administration /crew /warehouse building at the location of the existing warehouse building at CSO. The project also includes demolition of the existing crew /administration building and construction of site improvements including a new parking area and landscaping. The recommended project is described graphically on the attached floor plans and site plan. The total estimated project cost is Thirteen Million ($13M) in today's dollars. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Farrell\2007 \PP CSO Project 5- 24- 07.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subiect: APPROVE A PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR THE CSOD ADMINSTRATION, CREW, AND WAREHOUSE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 8208) TO INITIATE THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (CEQA) AND DESIGN PROCESSES Approval of this project description will not bind the Board to a final design. However, significant changes to the project description in the future would likely result in delays in the design and environmental review process, since these documents would have to be substantially revised. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the project description for the CSOD Administration, Crew, and Warehouse Facility Project (DP 8208) to initiate the environmental review (CEQA) and design processes. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Farrell\2007 \PP CSO Project 5- 24- 07.doc Page 2 of 2 r W U Z 0 0 Z 0 J m W J Z 0 0 0 N Q Z Q J 0 0 J LL LL Z 0 0 Z 0 _0 U) 0 } Q F QZ �Q W U1 d OF NN W0 0 �Q N� NZ z OU w� J� JZ OW UU ^r LL W U Z 0 U 0 Z 0 J m W J Z N 0 0 N } Q z Q J 0 0 J Z 0 U W 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 U } Q QZ �Q WN aQ 0� NO W� FQ N� NZ z OU J W� JZ OW 00 �P Tj - 5 R R I N G B R O O K R 0 A D Z Q J a W �- `� W J 0 /` J Z z0 w O VJ o U� 0— Z0 pN Z o 0 o D _ QQ W ° J � W z _0 o 0 W N U) Q � Z "0 z- Q� �U W W J J �0 U) U Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 No.: 7.b. Engineering Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION TO INITIATE FORMAL LAFCO PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX ONE ANNEXATION PARCEL COMPRISED OF ONE PROPERTY (DISTRICT ANNEXATION 168A). WITHDRAW DISTRICT ANNEXATION 168. Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Curt Swanson, Division Manager Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: PU - <�� pycr — Swanson A. Farrell K. Alm Gfl�-;k James R K I General Manager ISSUE: A Board of Directors' Resolution of Application is required to initiate formal Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) annexation proceedings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution of Application to initiate formal LAFCO proceedings for District Annexation 168A (see Attachment A). Withdraw District Annexation 168 that was approved by Resolution No. 2006 -047. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District pays fees to LAFCO and the State Board of Equalization for annexation processing. Annexation costs are recovered as "annexation charges" when property is connected to the public sewer system. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decline to initiate annexation for this area. Such an action would require that the property owner apply directly to LAFCO for annexation to the District. BACKGROUND: On July 6, 2006, the Board approved Resolution No. 2006 -047 to initiate formal LAFCO proceedings to annex 253 separate properties in the Alhambra Valley to the CCCSD service area (District Annexation No. 168). Staff submitted the application to LAFCO along with supporting maps, reports, and other documentation. At the Board meeting of May 10, 2007, staff informed the Board that LAFCO needed additional environmental documentation to be able to certify the annexation application. Preparation and approval of the additional environmental documents will take approximately 3 to 4 months. The Board directed staff to submit a smaller annexation application for a 16 -acre parcel known as the Alhambra Valley Estates subdivision. Security Owner's Corporation, owners of the 16 acres in the Alhambra Valley (APN 367- 130 -033) submitted a petition to annex their property to the District. To serve this parcel the District is constructing WENVRSEMPosition Papers \Swanson\2007 \PP Annexation 168A 5- 24- 07.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION TO INITIATE FORMAL LAFCO PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX ONE ANNEXATION PARCEL COMPRISED OF ONE PROPERTY (DISTRICT ANNEXATION 168A). WITHDRAW DISTRICT ANNEXATION 168. the Alhambra Valley Trunk sewer. The location of the annexation is shown on the attached map (Attachment 1 of Resolution). LAFCO staff has indicated that the EIR for the Alhambra Valley Estates Project is adequate to proceed with the proposed annexation. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a Resolution of Application to initiate formal LAFCO proceedings for District Annexation 168A. Withdraw the application for District Annexation 168 that was approved by Resolution No. 2006 -047. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Swanson\2007 \PP Annexation 168A 5- 24- 07.doc ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. 2007 — A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REQUESTING THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR A CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION (DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 168A) WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) wishes to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese- Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 for a change of organization; and WHEREAS, this resolution of application for annexation shall be submitted to the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) who will conduct a public hearing and will notify all affected property owners inside the proposed annexation. LAFCO will also furnish to CCCSD a list of registered voters residing within 300 feet of each proposed annexation. Upon receipt of the list of registered voters, CCCSD will complete a notification mailing and submit proof of mailing to LAFCO; and WHEREAS, the reasons for this proposed change of organization are that: 1) Contra Costa County has approved subdivision of a 16 acre property into 23 residential lots, subject to the Environmental Impact Report filed October 28, 2004 with Contra Costa County, and has required annexation to CCCSD as a condition of its approval, and the property owner has completed a Petition for Annexation; 2) the property is within the CCCSD Sphere of Influence (SOI), as previously approved by LAFCO; 3) the area has been planned for residential use by Contra Costa County; 4) the density and proximity of this use to Alhambra Creek necessitate sewer service and annexation to CCCSD is a condition of development; 5) CCCSD has sufficient collection, treatment, and disposal capacity; 6) CCCSD has the nearest, existing collection facilities, at the northern edge of Alhambra Valley; 7) wastewater from Alhambra Valley can flow by gravity to CCCSD's existing collection system; 8) CCCSD will assume responsibility, upon annexation, for the continued maintenance and operation of the public sewage facilities; 9) CCCSD requires that all served properties annex to the CCCSD (CCCSD Standard Specifications Section 3 -07); 10) no other sewering agency can logically serve these areas; and WHEREAS, extensive development has already taken place in Alhambra Valley, and there is additional development potential allowed by the Alhambra Valley Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, this annexation consists of one annexation parcel comprised of a single property, APN 367- 130 -033, and non - contiguous to the existing CCCSD boundary, as shown on Exhibit 1 (map), attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, for a total of 16 acres; and WHEREAS, the only affected county is Contra Costa, in the unincorporated area generally known as Martinez, and no other sanitary districts are involved; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed to CCCSD is uninhabited (less than 12 registered voters); and WHEREAS, the proposed annexation is subject to the provisions of the CCCSD Code, and if the annexation were approved, all of the provisions of said Code would become applicable to the properties annexed. Annexation charges will be collected at the time of connection to the public sewer system; and WHEREAS, staff has concluded that the environmental effects of annexing the parcels included in this application were addressed in Contra Costa County's 2004 Alhambra Valley Estates EIR, along with its 2005 addendum prepared by CCCSD and used for approval of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project. A Notice of Determination for the trunk sewer approval was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on September 2, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) as follows: THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the environmental effects of annexing the parcel shown on Exhibit A have been addressed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). THAT the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission is hereby requested to initiate proceedings for the change of organization as authorized and in the manner provided by the Cortese- Knox - Hertzberg Reorganization Act of 2000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of May 2007, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT Members: Members: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa State of California James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel SECURITY OWNERS CORPORATION APN 367- 130 -033 \\ O P 5 MARTINEZ SITE 9F V Wr ALHAMBRA 'J pF <�Fc �Q LOCATION MAP N. T. S. FtD 1 Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District DISTRICT ANNEXATION A-V t 168A 1 Item 7. b. CCCSD Annexation of Alhambra Valley Estates Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project Status Curtis Swanson May 24, 2007 N ext ste ps for Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer 1. Submit LAFCO application to annex Alhambra Valley Estates now. 2. Defer acting on 9 properties outside of Urban Limit Line until August. 3. Begin the CEQA process for the remainder of the Alhambra Valley properties. 4. Proceed with construction of Phase 2 of the trunk sewer this summer. 5. Provide routine status reports to the Board. 6. Inform residents of project status. 1 Annexation of Alhambra Valley Estates #23-unit subdivision by Security Owners Corporation. *Combine with annexation to County Service District CSA L -100 (boundary reorganization). *Subdivision EIR covers annexation. *LAFCO likely to consider in July 2007. Schedule for Large CCCSD Annexation 1. Prepare Negative # June 15, 2007 Declaration 2. Review Period # July 13, 2007 3. Public Hearing & + August 9,2007 Board approval 4. LAFCO + September or October, 2007 consideration 2 N PS Right of Way Permit Next Steps 1. Environmental Assessment 2. Comment Period 3. Prepare FONSI 4. Sign FONSI 5. Approve Right of Way Permit * Complete *Complete *June 15, 2007 *June 29, 2007 ©July 3 or 19, 2007 Inform Residents *Draft letter distributed to Board today. *Letter addresses - Phase 2 trunk sewer - National Park Service R/W permit - Annexation - Financing program *Mail out by May 30, 2007. 3 Construction of Phase 2 of Trunk Sewer Project 1. Advertise 2. Receive bids 3. Award contract 4. Begin construction 5. Complete construction ,#June 13, 2007 ,*July 3, 2007 *July 19, 2007 August 13,2007 O November 2007 2 DRAFT May 24, 2007 Dear Alhambra Valley Resident: Agenda Item 7.b. STATUS OF THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, DP 5919 This letter provides a status report about the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project and related activities for providing public sewer service to the Alhambra Valley. Trunk Sewer Construction Last year, CCCSD decided to construct the trunk sewer in two phases because we were unable to secure all of the necessary right -of -way. The first phase of construction was completed in October 2006. Construction of the second phase was delayed to acquire a right -of -way agreement with the National Park Service (see below). Award of the construction contract for the second phase is scheduled for July 19, 2007. Construction will begin in August and be completed by the end of November. National Park Service Right -of -Way The preferred route for the trunk sewer includes a segment across property owned by the National Park Service (NPS). Before CCCSD can obtain a right -of- way agreement from NPS to construct and operate trunk sewer, NPS must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Last month, NPS issued an Environmental Assessment for the proposed sewer use of the NPS property. The comment period for the document ended May 18, 2007. The next step is for the NPS Regional Director to approve a Finding of No Significant Impact ( FONSI), which is scheduled to occur in late June. Once the FONSI is approved, NPS and CCCSD will sign the right -of -way agreement. Annexation To connect to the public sewer system, properties must be annexed to the CCCSD service area. The Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approves all annexations. Late last year, CCCSD applied for annexation of 253 properties in the Alhambra Valley. After reviewing the application this Spring, LAFCO staff requested additional environmental review related to the annexation process of the 253 properties. CCCSD will prepare the environmental documentation over the next few months and expects the annexation of the majority of Alhambra Valley properties to be completed within HAAlhambra Valley Project Status Letter Final 5 -07 2.doc the next six months. Once the annexation and construction of the second phase of the trunk sewer are completed, residents may begin to connect to the public sewer system. While the annexation process will take longer than anticipated originally, CCCSD expects it to be completed in late November, approximately the same time as the trunk sewer. One of the environmental issues identified by the LAFCO review was that nine properties proposed for annexation are outside of the County Urban Limit Line. These nine properties are all within the CCCSD sphere of influence. Some of these properties are developed and some are undeveloped. As part of the additional environmental review requested by LAFCO, CCCSD will evaluate the impacts of annexing and serving these nine properties. Based on the environmental review and other considerations, CCCSD will decide whether to pursue annexation of the properties outside the Urban Limit Line. In the meantime, CCCSD will submit a separate application to annex the 23 -unit Alhambra Oaks subdivision near the Alhambra Valley Road /Reliez Valley Road intersection. The EIR completed by the developer of the proposed subdivision is adequate for LAFCO to consider annexation of this property now. Financing Program Many residents of the Alhambra Valley have requested CCCSD to implement a financing program to make it easier to connect directly to the trunk sewer or extend sewer mains from the trunk sewer to serve their neighborhoods. In November 2006, the CCCSD Board of Directors approved the criteria and details of the Alhambra Valley Assessment District Program. CCCSD has already begun working with some neighborhoods to form assessment districts and will be able to make funds available for sewer construction and connections after the annexation process is completed. If you have any questions about any aspect of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project, please contact Curtis Swanson at 925 - 229 -7336 or Russ Leavitt at 925- 229 -7255. Sincerely, Curtis W. Swanson Division Manager cc: Board of Directors J. Kelly A Farrell K. Alm HAAlhambra Valley Project Status Letter Final 5 -07 2.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 Type of Action: BUDGET REVIEW No.: 8.a. Budget and Finance Subject: RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller initiating Dept/DIv.: Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. RatOV Fyklufflwes- James M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: The fiscal year (FY) 2007 -2008 Operations & Maintenance (O &M) Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget are being submitted for review at the May 24, 2007, Board Meeting, and are scheduled for approval at the June 7, 2007, Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Review the FY 2007 -2008 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to the public hearing and approval of the Budgets at the June 7, 2007, Board Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The FY 2007 -2008 O &M Budget was prepared using an assumed $11 rate increase in the Sewer Service Charge (SSC) which will generate approximately $1.8 million. The total rate increases from $289 to $300 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) and is allocated as follows: $242 to the O &M Fund (O &M) and $58 to the Sewer Construction Fund (Capital). The O &M Budget results in a decrease of $2.2 million to O &M reserves. This is due to allocating the SSC between the funds with the goal of a 10% prudent reserve balance in the O &M Fund. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: At the Board Workshop in January, different SSC rate scenarios were considered which affect District revenues as well as the fiscal year -end reserve balances. The assumptions used in developing this year's budget reflect a SSC rate increase of $11. The Board could choose not to implement a SSC rate increase for FY 2007 -2008. Also, the Board could choose the option of not making a payment towards the unfunded liability associated with GASB 45 post retirement benefits. Finally, the Board could choose an alternative that was not presented at the January, 2007, Board Financial Planning and Policy Workshop, up to $13 per year which was stated in the Proposition 218 Public Notice. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Budget Review O &M 2007 -2008 05- 24- 07.130C Page 1 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET BACKGROUND: Staff has developed a ten -year financial plan for forecasting revenues, expenses and fund balance. The model assists the Board and staff in addressing SSC rates for future years. Staff made a presentation at the January 25, 2007, Board Workshop recommending an $11 increase for FY 2007 -2008 and an $11 increase for FY 2008 -2009. Also, at the Board Workshop, issues were presented which may affect future years including capital cost trends, the increasing cost of benefits and utilities, regulatory exposures and the need for bond financing, and change in significant liabilities. The FY 2007 -2008 proposed budget includes the allocation of $5 million from the O &M Fund towards the unfunded liability associated GASB 45 post retirement benefits. The $5 million annual liability was actuarially determined and includes an approximate payment of $2.2 million for retiree medical, dental and life insurance premiums annually with the difference of $2.8 million to be invested in a GASB 45 investment vehicle. A public hearing is scheduled on June 7, 2007, to receive public comments. District rate payers received a Notice of Public Hearing to consider a rate increase of up to $13 per year for FY 2007 -2008 and FY 2008 -2009 in accordance with Proposition 218. In FY 2004 -2005, a new Debt Service Fund was created showing a separate fund for debt service to help clarify and simplify budget presentations. Attachment summarizes the Debt Service Fund Budget. The O &M portion of this position paper focuses on variances between projected FY 2006 -2007 expenses and the proposed FY 2007 -2008 Budget. The position paper also notes any significant variances between the budgets. Attachment II summarizes the O &M revenues, expenses, and reserve balances for seven years FY 2001 -2002 through FY 2007 -2008 (five years of actual expenses plus FY 2006 -2007 projected and FY 2007 -2008 proposed budget numbers). Revenue: The attached draft budget includes a budget assumption for SSC of $300 based on an $11 increase. The O &M SSC allocation increases from $213 to $242; the SSC allocation to the Sewer Construction Fund decreases from $76 to $58. This results in an increase to O &M SSC revenue of $4,924,000 compared to FY 2006 -2007. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Budget Review O &M 2007 -2008 05- 24- 07.130C Page 2 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject. RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET The following table compares Projected FY 2006 -2007 to Budget FY 2007 -2008 O &M Revenue: O &M Revenue Only Projected Budget Increase /Decrease ( -) 2007 -2008 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Variance Variance % Sewer Service Charge $ 35,056,000 $ 39,980,000 4,924,000 14.04, .ity of Concord 81600,000 9,050,000 450,000 5.24, vi Other 3,755,035 3,967,900 212,865 5.74, rotal $ 47,411,035 $ 52,997,900 5,586,865 11.81 Total District O &M revenue for FY 2006 -2007 is projected to be $47,411,035 compared to the FY 2007 -2008 budget amount of $52,997,900. The resulting increase of $5,586,865 or 11.8% is mainly due to increasing the SSC rate and the allocation of more revenue to the Running Expense Fund (O &M). We also anticipate increased City of Concord revenue for increased shared facility costs and modest increases in all other revenue accounts combined. Expense: Total District expenses are projected to be $51,951,189 in FY 2006 -2007 compared to a budget of $55,227,035 in FY 2007 -2008. This reflects a $3,275,846 or 6.3% increase in expenses. The table below compares Projected FY 2006 -2007 to Budget FY 2007 -2008 O &M Expense: less Cap O/H irs & Maintenance ng & Disposal wional & Legal futside Services ;elf- Insurance laterials & Supplies A Other otal Projected Budget Increase /Decrease ( -) 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Variance S Variance % $19,698,327 $ 21,108,578 1,410,251 7.2' 14,678,135 15,343,860 665,725 4.5' 1,331,000 1,390,000 59,000 4.40) 6,034,450 5,951,860 (82,590) -1.40) 3,043,645 3,365,371 321,726 10.60) 939,500 1,022,310 82,810 8.80) 443,700 516,420 72,720 16.40) 1,831,327 2,290,550 459,223 25.101) 700,000 800,000 100,000 14.301) 1,657,202 1,796,530 139,328 8.40), 1,593,903 1,641,556 47,653 3.00/ $ 51,951.189 55.227.035 3.275_RA9 a '2e1 N:\ADMINSUPWDMIN \POSPAPER \Budget Review O &M 2007 -2008 05- 24 -07.DOC Page 3 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject. RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Salaries: District O &M salaries are projected to be $19,698,327 in FY 2006 -2007 compared to a budget of $21,108,578 in FY 2007 -2008 resulting in an increase of $1,410,251 or 7.2 %. This increase is mainly due to the filling of several vacant budgeted positions, the addition of new positions in the Staffing Plan, increased summer student and co -op salaries, a 3.2% general salary increase, step (merit) increases for newer or promoted employees within their salary ranges, offset by a 3% salary vacancy factor totaling - $616,000 applied to 2007 -2008 budgeted salaries (new this year). Benefits Including Capitalized Administrative Overhead Credit: District O &M benefits including the capitalized administrative overhead credit for FY 2006 -2007 are projected to be $14,678,135 compared to a budget of $15,343,860 in FY 2007 -2008. This is an increase of $665,725 or 4.5 %. The major factors contributing to this increase are discussed below: • An average 1.5% retirement rate increase and new positions, resulting in an increased retirement contribution of $811,506 or 11.3% increase for FY 2007- 2008 when comparing to FY 2006 -2007 projected actual expense. The FY 2006 -2007 Budget compared to the FY 2007 -2008 Budget shows an increase of $500,435. The difference is due to projected actual FY 2006 -2007 retirement costs being less than the FY 2006 -2007 Budget, due to salary savings and lower associated retirement benefit costs related to vacant positions. Consequently, the lower FY 2006 -2007 costs widen the gap when comparing to the FY 2007- 2008 Budget. • Medical and Health Insurance costs for active employees are $512,444 higher when comparing FY 2006 -2007 projected actual expense to the FY 2007 -2008 Budget. HealthNet HMO /PPO rates increased by 11.5% and Kaiser rates increased by 24.5% for FY 2007 -2008. Retiree medical increased by $422,000, but is offset by a lower GASB 45 potential trust/reserve payment discussed in the following paragraph. A retiree benefit payment of $5 million remains the same in 2007 -2008. This payment is to establish a trust type vehicle or internal reserve (which includes approximately $2.2 million for retiree medical, dental and life insurance premiums) for funding post- retirement benefits per GASB 45 requirements. The Retiree insurance premiums in total increased by $444,300, mainly due to new retirees and a 17% weighted average rate increase of Kaiser and HealthNet premiums and a 42.3% increase in life insurance. There was no rate increase to N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Budget Review O &M 2007 -2008 05- 24- 07.DOC Page 4 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject. RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET dental premiums. The budgeted benefit payment decreased by $444,300, leaving the total at $5.0 million, with no variance when comparing to FY 2006 -07. • There were substantial rate increases for Life Insurance and Long -Term Disability coverage, and the District will be changing Insurance providers. Life Insurance increased by 42.5 %, and LTD increased by 44.5 %. Had the District stayed with its current provider, the rate increases would have been closer to 90 %. The new life insurance provider, Standard Insurance guarantees the current rate for two years; the new LTD insurance provider, Principal Insurance, guarantees the current rate for three years. There were no dental rate increases due to a two -year guaranteed rate from last year; worker's compensation rates are not known yet, and a 5% rate increase was assumed. • Capitalized Administrative Overhead, which is the District overhead charged to Capital Projects and credited to O &M expense, is projected to be - $3,107,665 in FY 2006 -2007 as compared to a FY 2007 -2008 Budget of $3,206,851, generating a decrease of $99,186 to O &M expenses. The Administrative Overhead percentage was increased from 103% of capital salaries in FY 2006- 2007 to 107% of capital salaries in FY 2007 -2008 Budget, as outlined in the 10- year plan document. Chemicals: Chemical usage expense is projected to be $1,331,000 in FY 2006 -2007 compared to a FY 2007 -2008 Budget of $1,390,000 for an increase of $59,000 or 4.4 %. This increase is due to the increased use of hydrogen peroxide in the pumping stations and the increased cost of lime, polymer and hypochlorite at the plant. Utilities: Utilities costs are projected to be $6,034,450 in FY 2006 -2007 compared to a budget of $5,951,860 in FY 2007 -2008 for a favorable variance of $82,590 or 1.4 %. More natural gas was used in FY 2006 -2007 due to an extended landfill gas outage. For FY 2007 -2008, savings will occur from using more landfill gas, which will be partially offset by an increase in the price of natural gas. Repairs & Maintenance: Repairs and maintenance costs are projected to be $3,043,645 in FY 2006 -2007 compared to a budget of $3,365,371 in FY 2007 -2008, for an unfavorable variance of $321,726 or 10.6 %. This increase is due to the deferred purchase of ultraviolet disinfection equipment until FY 2007 -2008, more chemical root foaming, increased cost for vehicle parts, and rebuilds of pumping station grinders. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Budget Review O &M 2007 -2008 05- 24- 07.DOC Page 5 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 subject. RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Hauling & Disposal: Hauling & Disposal costs are projected to be $939,500 in FY 2006- 2007 compared to $1,022,310 in the FY 2007 -2008 Budget resulting in an unfavorable variance of $82,810 or 8.8 %. This increase is due to anticipated cost increases for residuals disposal in FY 2007-2008, which was expected in FY 2006 -2007, but did not occur. Professional & Legal: Professional and Legal costs are projected to be $443,700 compared to a FY 2007 -2008 Budget of $516,420 for an unfavorable variance of $72,720, or 16.4 %. This increase is due to legal review of District contracts scheduled for FY 2007 -2008, and the GASB 45 actuarial study, which is calculated every two years. Outside Services: Outside Services are projected to be $1,831,327 compared to a FY 2007 -2008 Budget of $2,290,550 for an unfavorable variance of $459,223 or 25.1 %. This increase is primarily due to the need to provide temporary staffing to cover long term absences, and higher fees associated with annexations of properties into the District. Self- Insurance: The O &M contribution to the Self- Insurance Fund was $700,000 for FY 2006 -2007 and the Board is scheduled to approve the allocation of $800,000 to the Self- Insurance Fund for inclusion in the 2007 -2008 O &M Budget at the Board Meeting of May 10, 2007. Materials & Supplies: Materials & Supplies are projected to cost $1,657,202 compared to a FY 2007 -2008 Budget of $1,796,530 for an increase of $139,328 or 8.4 %. This increase is primarily due to increases in fuel costs and operating supplies for the Lab, Electrical Shop, and Mechanical Maintenance and furniture and equipment purchases planned for FY 2007 -2008. All Other: All other expenses combined increased by $47,653 from projected FY 2006- 2007 to the FY 2007 -2008 Budget. This 3% increase is due to community and new outreach programs, training and conferences, shift of budget from Pollution Prevention Technical Services to Public Information accounts to better reflect use of funds and rental of Caltrans property at CSO. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\POSPAPER \Budget Review O&M 2007 -2008 05124- 07.130C Page 6 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2007 Subject". RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET; RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Any revisions to the FY 2007 -2008 O &M Budget determined at the May 24, 2007, Board Meeting will be incorporated in the Budget submitted for approval at the June 7, 2007, Board Meeting, at which the following actions are scheduled for Board consideration: • Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the FY 2007 -2008 O &M Budget, Self- Insurance Fund Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget. Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the establishment of the Sewer Service Charge rates for FY 2007 -2008 and 2008 -2009 and for the collection of the FY 2007 -2008 Sewer Service Charge and prior year delinquent charges on the County Tax Rolls. • Approve the FY 2007 -2008 O &M Budget, Self- Insurance Fund Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget, and approve an ordinance which establishes a Sewer Service Charge increase of up to $13 per year for FY 2007 -2008 and FY 2008- 2009. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Review the FY 2007 -2008 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to the approval of the Budgets at the June 7, 2007, Board Meeting. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Budget Review O&M 2007 -2008 05- 24- 07.130C Page 7 of 7 c d t v Q o� Z W U� U. w � v m o W o U) N H ti m � W N 0 N N O N Il- O co T-- CO m RZ, IM 69 6F} CU O U C N d N � C C ; O � m v 4) U X Co .� ZQE� y U) Z 00 �+ CU Cll ch CnOf Q� 0000 0000 COLO O� NCAC0c6 � Ln V � OD CO Cn Tl- 69 69 U ° CO) � � U N N O _ Zz o o O N CU Q Q �+ O C C m m .. 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L m 3° d E 'rn — C E O > m> a) a) a) a) c iii >° c. -0 c o m ma f- a) y a) y 3 3 3 °? 4) U) WQwU�a ��� U)(nUn0 Z c N L U Q O O N t- CD O N CL E N E 0) - 2007 -2008 O &M BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS: Sewer Service Charge - $300 $242 Allocated to O&M $58 Allocated to Sewer Construction Total Budgeted Ad Valorem Tax $11.6 million: $3.7 Million Allocated to Debt Service Fund $7.9 Million Allocated to Sewer Construction Fund EXPENSE ASSUMPTIONS: $5 Million allocation for GASB 45 post retirement benefts Retirement Expense -1.5% increase in rate Increases to Healthcare costs for active employees: ➢ Healthnet - 11.5% ➢ Kaiser - 24.5% Increases to Healthcare costs for retirees- 17% Weighted Average Administrative Overhead percentage- increased from 103% to 107% (Of Capitalized Salary) Vacancy Factors: ➢ 3% for Salaries ➢ 45ro for Benefits TOTAL DISTRICT REVENUE & EXPENSE 2007 - 2008 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Revenues Expenses Revenues Over Expenses Total District Operations & Sewer Maintenance Construction $93,446 98.288 (54.8421 N :\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc $52,998 55.227 (S2.2291 $40,448 43.061 (52.6131 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 2006 -2007 BUDGET COMPARED TO 2007 -2008 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Sewer Service Charge Rate (O &M Portion Only) $213 $242 Total Sewer Service Charge $289 $300 N: \ADMINSUP\ADMIN \RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc Increase (Decrease) 12.8% 1.9% 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Budget Budget Revenues $46,976 $52,998 Expenses 54,207 55,227 Revenues Over Expenses (S lS Fund Balance 06/30/08 $7,021 Sewer Service Charge Rate (O &M Portion Only) $213 $242 Total Sewer Service Charge $289 $300 N: \ADMINSUP\ADMIN \RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc Increase (Decrease) 12.8% 1.9% _V D z H V o� H z v qJ LL z W V H W 0 m W z z W H z D z U) z g0 LL W IL CO O O N ti 0 O N H U. 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Q J Q m y W o ai m m ° m �-1 v c O :a ri m a L U N m a m c w L d CL co `•n m a a t0 � m d O A N c E ,Cl CL 40 U m .O 7 V Z O c a a 0 m c a v U KEY LABOR COSTS - O &M (000 Omitted) N: \ADMINSUP\ADMIN \RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Increase Budget Budget (Decrease) Salaries & Wages $21,087 $21,725 $638 Salary Vacancy Factor 0 (616) (616) Retirement 7,481 7,982 501 Medical Insurance 4,529 5,184 655 Dental Insurance 659 655 (4) Workers' Compensation 510 494 (16) Benefit Vacancy Factor (510) (773) (263) Capitalized Adm. Overhead (2,963) (3,207) (244) All Other 5,218 5,008 210 Total Labor Costs X41 N: \ADMINSUP\ADMIN \RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc KEY INCREASES 2006 -2007 BUDGET TO 2007 -2008 BUDGET (000 Omitted) 2006 -2007 Budget Salaries (Includes 3% vacancy factor) Benefits (Includes 4% vacancy factor) Chemicals Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Hauling & Disposal Professional & Legal Outside Services Self Insurance Materials & Supplies All Other 2007 -2008 Budget N: \ADMINSUP\ADMIN\RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc Dollar Increase (Decrease) $54,207 21 420 209 115 305 (36) 10 85 100 105 (314) $55,227 % Increase 0.1% 2.8 17.7 2.0 10.0 (3.4) 1.9 3.9 14.3 6.2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 2007 -2008 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Revenue Debt Service $3,869 Interest Expense 1,518 Principal Payments 2,351 TOTAL $3,869 N: IADMINSUP\ADMIN\RATCLIFF\Budget Overheads 2007- 2008.doc