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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/2/2006 AGENDA BACKUPNovember 2. 2006 3.a. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS Page 1 of 3 Adopt a resolution commending Rich Luthy upon his retirement as General Manager of Fairfield Suisun Sewer District. RESOLUTION NO. 2006 -113 RESOLUTION COMMENDING RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. FOR HIS SERVICE AS GENERAL MANAGER/DISTRICT ENGINEER OF THE FAIRFIELD- SUISUN SEWER DISTRICT WHEREAS, RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. has served the Fairfield- Suisun Sewer District for twenty -three years with conscientious devotion to public duty in the capacity of General Manager /District Engineer; and WHEREAS, during his distinguished career, RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. has fulfilled the responsibilities of his position with the highest degree of professionalism and personal integrity, addressing a wide range of technological, environmental, regulatory, and financial challenges as he led the Fairfield- Suisun Sewer District during an expansion which accommodated a tripling of the population in the service area; and WHEREAS, RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. has been a leader among public agency managers in the areas of water recycling, wastewater treatment, and responsible operation of wastewater treatment plants; and WHEREAS, RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. has served the California Association of Sanitation Agencies with distinction for approximately twenty years as Chair of various committees, Executive Board member, and President; and WHEREAS, RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. has authored a variety of publications in the field of wastewater treatment plant design and operation for the Water Environment Federation; and WHEREAS, RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. has been directly responsible for the growth and prestige of the Fairfield- Suisun Sewer District, which has received a number of national and state awards for technical achievement, excellence in financial reporting, permit compliance, employee safety, operations and maintenance excellence, and environmental and technical innovation. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors and the staff of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby honor and commend RICHARD F. LUTHY, JR. for his outstanding performance and professionalism in the discharge of his duties as General Manager /District Engineer, and extend their best wishes to him for a long and happy retirement. Resolution No. 2006 -113 Page 2 UNANIMOUSLY PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2"d day of November, Mario M. Menesini, EdD President of the Board of Directors Parke L. Boneysteele, Director Barbara D. Hockett, Director James A. Nejedly, Director Gerald R. Lucey, Director James M. Kelly General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 No.: 4.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT (DISTRICT PROJECT 5646 — PARCEL 12) AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIM DEED TO CHRISTOPHER P. BROWN AND CHRISTI BROWN (2129 HOOVER AVENUE, PLEASANT HILL, DISTRICT PROJECT 1551 — PARCEL 44 (PORTION) AND DISTRICT PROJECT 993 — PARCEL 1 (PORTION)) Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: M. Mullin ny C. Swanson pp-�'r A. Farrell ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept or quitclaim easements and record documents. M. Kelly Manager RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolutions accepting a Grant of Easement for Parcel 12 of DP 5646, authorizing execution of a Quitclaim Deed for a portion of Parcel 44 of DP 1551 and a portion of Parcel 1 of DP 933, and recording of the documents. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None BACKGROUND: Christopher P. Brown and Christi Brown at 2129 Hoover Avenue, Pleasant Hill, cooperated with the District to change the alignment of the public sewer on their property when it was replaced under District Project 5646, Vessing Road Sewer Improvements. This change is reflected in Attachment 1. The original sewer has been abandoned, and an easement has been granted for the new sewer that allows the existing house corner and deck corner encroachments to remain. By incorporating all rights and restrictions into the new Grant of Easement, the previously recorded Real Property Agreement (dated March 28, 1987) is no longer required and will be included in the quitclaim resolution. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt resolutions accepting a Grant of Easement, authorizing the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute a Quitclaim Deed to Christopher P. and Christi Brown, on behalf of the District; and recording of the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2006 \5646 PP Brown 11- 2- 06.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION No -: 4.b. CONSENT CALENDAR subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM PLEASANT HILL RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT (DISTRICT PROJECT 5659 - PARCEL 1) Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Molly Mullin, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: �il ��t�iG� -uyvy M. Mullin C. Swanson A. FarrW James . Kelly General anager ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept and record Grants of Easement. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting a Grant of Easement, and authorize recording of the easement deed with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: As part of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, DP 5659, a recycled water line was installed to serve the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District and Pleasant Hill Middle School of the Mount Diablo Unified School District. The Park District cooperated with the District and granted a ten -foot wide exclusive subsurface and non - exclusive surface easement on August 28, 2006. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting a Grant of Easement from the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, and authorizing staff to record the easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mullin\2006 \5659 PP GOE PH Rec & Park Dist 11- 2- 06.doc HILL c o BOYD RD JROBETA j AVE � SITE x GEW RD 0 J co Q NEW EASEMENTS PLEASANT HDLL G3C CREATOON AND PARK D087GdOCT PARCEL 9 APN 149 - 230 -008 SANTA BARBARA TIO N.T. MT. DD OASLO MNOFOED SCHOOL DD OSTROCT APN 149- 230 -006 EASEMENT TO BE AQUIRED FROM MDUSD N 0 80 160 FEET RD NEW EASEMENT Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District PLEASANT HILL RECREATION AND g ' PARK DISTRICT MAP P—g— nd nv !­t­ _.. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 No.: 4.c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK Subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE A -LINE INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5806, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Paul Seitz, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: P� P. Seitz A. Rozul ecki A. Farrell James M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the A -Line Interceptor Rehabilitation Project, District Project 5806, and the work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the A -Line Interceptor Rehabilitation Project, District Project 5806, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is advisable under the California Civil Code, Section 3093. BACKGROUND: In September 2004, V&A Consulting Engineers, Inc. (V&A) was retained for the inspection of the A -Line Relief Interceptor from Buchanan Fields Golf Course to the treatment plant. This inspection revealed that the PVC lining protecting portions of the pipe at the joints and in various structures had failed. In addition, while performing the District -wide sewer TV inspection program, several other PVC lining failures at the pipe joints were discovered in the Walnut Creek Bypass Interceptor. The A -Line Interceptor Rehabilitation Project renovated the PVC linings for 13,000 linear feet of 66 -, 78 -, 96 -, and 102 -inch sewer lines in the cities of Walnut Creek and unincorporated Contra Costa County. On July 20, 2006, the Board of Directors authorized the award of a contract for the construction of the project to F.D. Thomas, Inc. The Notice to Proceed was issued on September 5, 2006. The work was substantially completed on October 6, 2006. There are no remaining items of work and all punch -list items have been completed. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006\ November \5806- AcceptContractWork A -Line Inter.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 subject ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE A -LINE INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5806, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION The total authorized budget for the project is $697,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, construction management, consultant inspection and testing services, and contractor services. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. All contract work is complete and it is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the A -Line Interceptor Rehabilitation Project, District Project 5806, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. N:\PESUP\Cbradley \Position Papers\2006\ November \5806- AcceptContractWork A -Line Inter.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 No.: 4.d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE subject: ESTABLISH DECEMBER 7, 2006 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENTS Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Ann E. Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering /Environmental Services Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: �Pk__ A. Fa ell ames M. [Ally eneral Manager ISSUE: The Board must conduct a public hearing to declare District land surplus and authorize staff to execute lease agreements. RECOMMENDATION: Establish December 7, 2006 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on declaring the land adjacent to the filter plant on the treatment plant site known as the Alum Ponds as surplus, and authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a ten -year lease extension. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District will receive additional lease income. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The alternative to this action is to terminate the lease and direct the lessee, Contra Costa Water District, to develop another option for drying their alum sludge. The Board may select a different date for the public hearing. BACKGROUND: The District has purchased property in the past for the use and benefit of the District to conduct its business in the interest of the public. The District does not need physical use of all of the land at this time. It is therefore beneficial to the public and the District to pursue lease rental income. In addition, the District from time to time forms partnerships with other public agencies when they are of benefit to our rate payers. In this case, the Contra Costa Water District can keep the cost of drying their alum sludge reasonable by continuing to lease the alum ponds on our site. Staff is requesting the Board to establish a public hearing for consideration of a ten -year lease extension. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: establish December 7, 2006 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on declaring the land adjacent to the filter plant on the treatment plant site known as the Alum Ponds as surplus, and authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a ten -year lease extension. WENVRSEMPosition Papers \Farrell \Public Hearing for Alum Pond Land Surplus CCWD 11- 2- 06.doc W1gN IXCJ IHIY �4 —i_-- �I- o A d W � � d M � � w N N u I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DRYING BASINS ATTACHMENT 2 NR d iu ¢ � � , • �k�y €� r u °. f �F � fG� '�i. �f9"F X✓ �. � fiyd ( � ( . -:. e+ehW pe ._� � A # f � #Y �f N �'� y '#Sk• Orr f � sT If19 Nfr ?I ik°'I A q1B :S7 €V ! d f I'll Wwl bs �` 4m A y €SP k E E"a: 7� f 4 bf ! E I .»� J 4 �m a °` ft� tb P {s gl YID .E Sef y 7. 25L.; fl 'M � ��* # w��ixJ y id �um ,� � �aP �r �+ ff, E� 'f'�E `AS i €�€ r w 4. s S s€ - f k 6 9G S Vps 9y f! I f$�,j;€p!E w ki�dgV IFFBPIsi j¢' k€ u '14ji07 E. q$ i y 6 pd gf jjj€4kllil € °E�fS�' € III Si., ��[R fb€ q 1 EAVrI fP IE k{4€ �fWwEI °Si f�lrfWi B, d°Ax i s sf �k', '.. kid S u kl d PWWy ggs 3 1 r ug Isl I tll r .;^ + E l�sry>t E IE €k j P + €k .I ¢E �,, E Iy a IV MI6 € r � '�:.'P a �Eil €i� I f �'�,�.E::1' �° `;E °`f i, s', S �� SEsI[6. �Ews� S f ; I i sb q C I'•.¢ d51p �1 df ° E ',: 3 t .. .�.�.c.� k „ A xl �� -° °4pP °f 4:E' �: R6 ,,, r.;4N ¢S .a,�G : '° f A p� • ', ;f ^ °d9 e 13 r'S ]Y a �4I k �f BRI $ 4f �x € #i ,: � � -w :_.. �' � .'� 9e€ f� si 4fl°�f�f �,�,� .�` (d�;. w ;; � 9I "° °'d= u„ 9 i �� � €� ¢ B k °9gsJ 4kll�?E`bsl�E[ €�' � q � �� r ':,• f:: i a :1 �Y d p�,u L E W CIYid id'h £ 3e n f { {I P rY G r {� t � • � ,� �f >4 - ,. `.: - ; � s �S ¢ ! yi ilBf E s P � aG r Wd`.'*id,Ap 6 sEI4 y 4 d :, .. t —.'i• ? >h�.,�x W y fxm f Y1 4 a vW, I I ,E€, Eh i [ V 4 6 u `� E'(v d f^ E aY,� .. ve<.,,p. `Rf SNRd£II i^+ f f kx, v i s p s f Iles E 6 1 �4 a SS d „f�€ �• s� 'dR, t ,� n a :(d ,ter i' • ! i'«, ,q � iA W i f � � e (k f.k S i 4 'S. 1 WihE4d i b• m.r Rf SF�� r •'� _ j '� 4 I � dot , '� r m .rl I E �f6W 9 N ik l f s { � f GffiL Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 NO.: 6.a. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of action: AUTHORIZE AWARD subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO CHRISP COMPANY FOR THE SURVEY MONUMENTS RESTORATION CONTRACT Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Sasha Mestetsky, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. 0._Jrl A. Mestets A. Antkowiak P' i A. Farr II James M. elly, General Manager ISSUE: On October 23, 2006, sealed bids were received and publicly opened for the Survey Monuments Restoration Contract. The Board must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a contract to the Chrisp Company, the lowest responsive bidder, for the Survey Monuments Restoration Contract for a one -year period. The District may extend the contract for two additional one -year periods at its sole discretion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $65,000 for the first year and $65,000 for each of the two optional years. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids and re -bid the project or continue issuing individual contracts each time survey monuments need to be restored, which is not efficient, and, therefore, not recommended. BACKGROUND: During construction projects, survey monuments are often encountered in areas of excavation. The State of California Business Professional Code Section 8771 (b) requires that survey monuments be referenced prior to construction and rebuilt after construction. The survey monuments have to be properly restored by an experienced contractor under the supervision of a licensed land surveyor. Staff has found that bidding blanket contracts for technical services, such as locating, TV inspection, and potholing, on a periodic basis, in this case for a one -year period, results in a lower overall cost and a significant reduction in paperwork associated with negotiating and issuing separate contracts. Staff believes that a blanket contract for Survey Monument Restoration will result in similar benefits. The purpose of the bid N: \PESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006 \November\032329 -Survey Monument Restoration.DOC Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO CHRISP COMPANY FOR THE SURVEY MONUMENTS RESTORATION CONTRACT request is to establish a unit cost for each portion of the work for certain potential projects, while obtaining the lowest overall cost for the District. District staff prepared the bid documents for the work. The Engineer's estimate for the work is $36,000 for a one -year period. A bid request was advertised on October 6 and 11, 2006. Two (2) sealed bids ranging from $65,000 to $80,730 were received and publicly opened on October 23, 2006. These bids are listed in Attachment 1, Summary of Bids. The Engineering staff conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the Chrisp Company is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid of $65,000. Staff analysis of the cost increase in the bid prices indicates that the Engineer's estimate underestimated the cost of traffic control, obtaining permits, and multiple location mobilization. Factoring in these additional costs, the bid price submitted appears to be reasonable. The initial contract amount will be $65,000. District staff may exercise options for additional one -year periods (up to two) at the bid prices, provided that the initial work is successful and the prices favorable to the District. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CCCSD CEQA Guidelines Section 15302 since it involves replacement of existing survey monuments at the same location and with the same purpose and level of activity as the monuments being replaced. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a contract in the amount of $65,000 to Chrisp Company, the lowest responsive bidder, for the Survey Monuments Restoration Contract for a one -year period, with an optional extension for two additional one -year periods. NAPESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006 \November\032329 -Survey Monument Restoration.DOC Page 2 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DRAFT SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. BLANKET CONTRACT 032329 PROJECT NAME: SURVEY MONUMENT RESTORATION File: 032329 DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2006 LOCATION: VARIOUS LOCATIONS ENGINEER EST.: $36,000 No BIDDER BID PRICE Name & address 1 Chrisp Company $65,000 43650 Osgood Road Fremont, CA 94539 -5631 510- 656 -1328 2 Exaro Technologies Corporation $80,730 310 Shaw Road, Suite E South San Francisco, CA 94080 650 - 583 -3365 3 4 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme DATE 10/23/06 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 N:\PESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers \2006 \November \032329 -Survey Monument Restoration.DOC Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 No.: 6.b. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: RESPONSIVENESS HEARING /AUTHORIZE AWARD Subject: CONSIDER RESPONSIVENESS OF BID SUBMITTED BY SUBTRONIC CORPORATION AND CONSIDER AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Alexandr Mestetsky, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 0. n"-"a-x'4 � /-#7 0 lz�_Pa mr A. Mestetsky A. kowiak . Pi i K. Alm A. Farrell ames M. Kell , General Manager ISSUE: On October 23, 2006, sealed bids were received and opened for providing Underground Utility Locating Services. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a responsiveness hearing on the bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation. Declare bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation as nonresponsive and authorize award of a construction contract to Exaro Technologies Corporation. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If the project is awarded to Subtronic Corporation, the estimated costs are approximately $40,660 for the first year, and $40,660 for each of the two additional years. The estimated costs for Exaro Technologies Corporation are approximately $45,353 for the first year, and $45,353 for each additional year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board has the following three options to consider: 1) Declare the bid of Subtronic Corporation to be responsive, and award the construction contract to Subtronic Corporation, as the lowest responsive bidder; or 2) Declare the bid of Subtronic Corporation to be nonresponsive, and award the construction contract to Exaro Technologies Corporation, as the lowest responsive bidder; or 3) Reject all bids (not recommended due to time constraints). BACKGROUND: The Capital Projects Division needs to determine the location of approximately 25,000 feet of sanitary sewer main and 155 side sewers, as well as 25,000 feet of other utilities each year as part of the design of Collection System Capital NIPESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006\ November\ 032328- UndergroundUtilityLocating Final.DOC Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 Subject: CONSIDER RESPONSIVENESS OF BID SUBMITTED BY SUBTRONIC CORPORATION AND CONSIDER AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES Projects. The purpose of locating the underground utilities is to verify and record information. The results are used to evaluate alternatives during design and to minimize change orders during construction. Staff has found that bidding the Underground Utility Locating Services on a periodic basis, in this case for a one -year period, results in a lower overall cost and a significant reduction in paperwork associated with negotiating and issuing separate contracts. The purpose of the bid request is to establish a unit cost for each portion of the work for certain potential projects, while obtaining the lowest overall cost for the District. District staff prepared the bid documents for the work. The Engineer's estimate for providing Underground Utility Locating Services is $50,000. This project was advertised on October 6 and 11, 2006. Two (2) sealed bids ranging from $40,660 to $45,353 were received and publicly opened on October 23, 2006. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. The apparent lowest responsive bidder is Subtronic Corporation and the bid amount is $40,660. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation. The bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation on October 23, 2006 had conditions associated with the bid. The Instruction to Contractors in the project documents states that the District Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids that are conditional bids. Staff and legal counsel consider the bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation containing conditions as a nonresponsive bid (see Attachment 2). Staff informed Subtronic Corporation on October 24, 2006 that staff would be recommending to the Board to declare the bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation as nonresponsive and would be recommending award to the next lowest responsive bidder. Prior to considering resolution of this dispute, it is appropriate for the Board to conduct a hearing on the issue of responsiveness in order to receive information from the interested parties. Both Subtronic Corporation and Exaro Technologies Corporation have been informed of the hearing process and possible award decision by the Board of Directors. NAPESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006\ November\ 032328- UndergroundUtilityLocating Final.DOC Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 subject: CONSIDER RESPONSIVENESS OF BID SUBMITTED BY SUBTRONIC CORPORATION AND CONSIDER AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES The Board has the following three options: 1) Declare the bid of Subtronic Corporation to be responsive, and award the construction contract to Subtronic Corporation, as the lowest responsive bidder; or 2) Declare the bid of Subtronic Corporation to be nonresponsive, and award the construction contract to Exaro Technologies Corporation, as the lowest responsive bidder; or 3) Reject all bids (this is not recommended due to time constraints). In evaluating Options 1 and 2, the Board needs to determine whether the irregularities in Subtronic Corporation's bid are material or nonmaterial variances. The Board has the right, as the interest of the District may require, to reject any or all bids and to waive any nonmaterial irregularities in bids received. If the Board determines that the bid of Subtronic Corporation is nonresponsive and is rejected, staff has conducted a technical and commercial review of the remaining bids and determined that the second lowest bidder, Exaro Technologies Corporation, is the lowest responsive bidder. The bid submitted by Exaro Technologies Corporation has no variances. The initial contract (assuming award to Exaro Technologies Corporation) will be $45,353. District staff may exercise options for additional one -year periods (up to two) at the bid prices, provided that the initial work is successful and the prices favorable to the District. Staff has concluded that this contract is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it will provide information for design of sewer improvements and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. The Board of Directors' approval of this award of contract will constitute an independent finding that the contract is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a responsiveness hearing on the bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation. Declare the bid submitted by Subtronic Corporation as nonresponsive. Authorize award of a contract in the amount of $45,353 for providing Underground Utility Locating Services to Exaro Technologies Corporation, the lowest responsive bidder. NAPESUP\Cbradley \Position Papers\2006\ November\ 032328- UndergroundUtilityLocating Final.DOC Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DRAFT SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. BLANKET CONTRACT 032328 DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2006 PROJECT NAME: UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES LOCATION: VARIOUS LOCATIONS ENGINEER EST.: $50,000 No BIDDER BID PRICE Name & address 1 Subtronic Corporation $40,660.00 2430 Sprig Court, Suite C Concord, CA 94520 925 - 686 -3747 2 Exam Technologies Corporation $45,353.00 310 Shaw Road, Suite E South San Francisco, CA 94080 650 - 583 -3365 3 4 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme DATE 10/23/06 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 NAPESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006\ November\ 032328- UndergroundUtilityLocating Final.DOC Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 2 EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES BIDDER (CONTRACTOR) SUBMITS HEREWITH A UNIT BID PRICE, INCLUDING ALL APPLICABLE TAXES, FOR THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. BIDDER UNDERSTANDS THAT PAYMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BID PRICE SHALL CONSTITUTE FULL PAYMENT FOR THE WORK SPECIFIED. FURNISH ALL PLANT, LABOR, MATERIALS, CHEMICALS, TOOLS, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, TRANSPORTATION, TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, SUPERVISION, AND PERFORM R ORM THE WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN ALL UIRED TO SATISFACTORILY PE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN: Note: The Quantities listed are for one year's worth of work. The District may extend the Contract for two additional one -year periods at its sole discretion at the unit prices set forth in Exhibit C. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 1 Locate underground utilities 5,000 LFS *20 - °U (excluding sanitary sewers and side sewers) on heavy traffic streets requiring two flaggers and arrow boards for the lineal foot of street (LFS) price of (in words) �,cUcN TN�gwN +� F��c HuNORC.� Oc�CCr+ni. 2 Locate underground utilities 4,000 LFS ssoo 0 (excluding sanitary sewers and side sewers) on light traffic streets requiring little traffic control for the lineal foot of street (LFS) price of (in words) 6 u oL -rtlou &jo 61C.-Hr c� 00<'- Am 1 3 Locate underground utilities 4,000 LFS o i S 31 �C?o o� (excluding sanitary sewers and side sewers) in easement areas with little or no traffic control, traffic signals, or arrow board for the lineal foot of street (LFS) price of (in N: \PESUP\Cbradley\Design\Distriat Projects\032328\Bid Doc.DOC Page 25 of 32 words) rwcrc TNcx�t►�N►� icrHr Nu � D � U✓1 . ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS 4 Locate sanitary sewers on heavy 7,000 traffic streets requiring two flaggers and arrow boards for the lineal foot of street (LF) price of (in words) FIVC T ►1nu ,A GIGAr H(W0Afh TC u D:x( A.s. 5 Locate sanitary sewers on light 5,000 traffic streets or easement areas requiring little traffic control and no arrow boards for the lineal foot of street (LF) price of (in words) OW TMOLAS&JO rluc; Nu�m/1c-o 11..) (.c A. S - 6 Locate side sewers at various 150 sites with visible cleanouts and lengths equal to or less than 100 LF, for the unit (EA) price of (in words S%x Tno%A 5yw A sc vas Hy#w5acti :C Fj Fr/ AoL(t4As . 7 Locate side sewers at various 100 sites without a cleanout and lengths equal to or less than 100 LF, for the unit (EA) price of (in words) -160 T"WSAN.� r -wL Hua0400 _or.-"L(. W n S. Total of Items 1 -7 (in figures $ 4tQ , 660 . n U LF LF EA EA UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $0.91 %5-1W. L)o 1 0' %C) -4 1 "$00 - .0 C) $ 4S•oo 16, TSO -cjo 96 IOS•oo %10115�•oo Total of Items 1 -7 (in words) FO(ZT7 -TY otA&O rJ io S \k Huk)Onc'o I SEL[r dollars, and ❑r cents N: \PESUP\Cbradley\Design\District Projects\032328\Bid Doc.DOC Page 26 of 32 NOTE: Increased or Decreased Quantities The quantities are usage estimates and will be used for comparison only. If the total quantity released for each individual item varies by 50 percent or less for the entire Contract duration, payment will be made for the actual quantities performed at the Contract unit price. If the quantity variation exceeds 50 percent, the price will be renegotiated upon the prompt notification of either the DISTRICT or the CONTRACTOR of the intent to renegotiate. SCA11VLONic CC�APOAAT1 rJ Company Name 24 30 SPIL I Cr CT , M&)Cz)AVj C1,4 94.5 -2 0 Business Address Authorized ignature SCMIO& SuXVC- -fart . Title to - i3 - 2006 , Date CIE pRjcrS Nor &,6 VAAc- sua ,1rcT SutT(LONK Csrlm#trre # 46CoS M 0WJ t0 1-ria w s . OCT14lt C O IN) N: \PESUP\Cbradley\Design \District Projects\032328\9id Doc.DOC Page 27 of 32 Subtronic Corporation 2430 Sprig Court, Ste C Concord, CA 94520 Phone 925 -686 3747 Fax 925- 686 -5281 ESTIMATE FOR: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 (925) 689 -3890 fax (925) 372 -7635 SURVEYOR JOB DATE DAY TIME DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION: Various locations within the Sanitary District. Utility Location will be by electromagnetic field induction. AREA OF SURVEY: The area of survey will be determined by sanitary district staff per conditions and rates in contract. Utilities will be located and marked in street areas only and will not include utilities in sidewalks or landscaped areas. SCOPE OF SURVEY: We will endeavor to locate underground utilities in the areas indicated, but for technical reasons cannot guarantee to do so, some short lengths of abandoned utilities and Fiber Optic lines may not be located. Only utility mains will be marked, except for sanitary sewers where lateral connections to the main will be located where required. METHODOLOGY: Location of utilities will be by electromagnetic field induction. Pink markings will be used to identify all utilities except sewers, which will be marked in green. Signature Date Page 1 Estimate Estimate # 6805 Date of Estimate 10/20/2006 P.O. #: Map Page 8 Cross TERMS QTY COST TOTAL Net 30 TOTAL This quotation is subject to our Specification and Standard Conditions of Contract. Subtronic Corporation 2430 Sprig Court, Ste C Concord, CA 94520 Phone 925 -686 3 74 7 Fax 925 -686 -5281 ESTIMATE FOR: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 (925) 689 -3890 fax (925) 372 -7635 SURVEYOR JOB DATE DAY TIME DESCRIPTION INCLUSIONS: Metallic utilities i.e. electric, telephone, gas and water. Non metallic utilities with tracer wire visible. Sewer and drain lines with minimum 4" cleanout or manhole access will be located by inserting a transmitter. Depths of all utilities will be provided where possible.5. Location of sewer laterals with no cleanout access will be attempted by inserting a sonde in a cleanout under the house or through the roof vent. EXCLUSIONS: 1. Some Fiber Optic lines may not be locatable. 2.Service laterals except from sewers will be excluded from the project. 3. Some sewer laterals without cleanout access may not be locatable Signature Date Page 2 Estimate Estimate # 6805 Date of Estimate 10/20/2006 P.O. #: Map Page & Cross TERMS QTY COST TOTAL Net 30 TOTAL This quotation is subject to our Specification and Standard Conditions of Contract. Subtronic Corporation 2430 .Sprig Court, Ste C Concord, CA 94520 Phone 925 -686 3747 Fax 925- 686 -5281 ESTIMATE FOR: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 (925) 689 -3890 fax (925) 372 -7635 SURVEYOR JOB DATE DAY TIME Estimate Estimate # 6805 Date of Estimate 10/20/2006 P.O. #: Map Page & Cross TERMS Net 30 DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL ASSUMPTIONS: 1. We assume access will be granted to all places requiring admission for the purpose of tracking and identifying the utilities. 2. We assume that any existing utility drawings will be made available. 3. We assume Underground Service Alert will be notified prior to excavation. 4. We assume the District will provide a minimum of 4 hours work per work request. 5. Additional time will be required for work requests during periods of wet weather as the paint will not stick to wet pavement PRESENTATION: The utilities will be marked on the ground with marking chalk. COMPENSATION: ITEM 1: Locate underground utilities (excluding sanitary 5,000 1.50 7,500.00 sewers and side sewers) on heavy traffic streets requiring two flaggers and arrow boards - per linear foot TOTAL Signature Date Page 3 This quotation is subject to our Specification and Standard Conditions of Contract. Subtronic Corporation 2430 Sprig Court, Ste C Concord, CA 94520 Phone 925 -686 3747 Fczx 925 -686 -5281 ESTIMATE FOR: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 (925) 689 -3890 fax (925) 372 -7635 Estimate Estimate # 6805 Date of Estimate 10/20/2006 P.O. #: SURVEYOR JOB DATE DAY TIME Map Page & Cross DESCRIPTION QTY COST ITEM 2: Locate underground utilities (excluding sanitary 4,000 1.20 sewers and side sewers) on light traffic streets requiring little traffic control -per linear foot ITEM 3: Locate underground utilities (excluding sanitary 4,000 0.95 sewers and side sewers) in easement areas with little or no traffic control, traffic signals, or arrow board - per linear foot ITEM 4: Locate sanitary sewers on heavy traffic streets 7,000 0.83 requiring two flaggers and arrow boards - per linear foot ITEM 5: Locate sanitary sewers on light traffic streets or 5,000 0.30 easement areas requiring little traffic control and no arrow boards - per linear foot ITEM 6: Locate side sewers at various sites with visible 150 45.00 cleanouts and lengths equal to or less than 100 LF, for the unit (EA) price of ITEM 7: Locate side sewers at various sites without a 100 cleanout and lengths equal to or less than 100 LF, for the unit (EA) price of Signature Date Page 4 105.00 TOTAL TERMS Net 30 TOTAL 4,800.00 5,810.00 1,500.00 6,750.00 10, 500.00 $40,660.00 This quotation is subject to our Specification and Standard Conditions of Contract. P5 w E m C Q FM O o. W w • Z F— W Q co VN ON J M N M O J V F- M D � Z =)O OV DC I— W DC � WZ oQ Z -J :) m tD O O N N w W m W O z O O O O LC) W I- Q H V) W W W z C' z W M (0 D O Z N O N 44 et Y w O m v O = oao v W O O O O O LC) W I- Q H V) W W W z C' z W M O O M CO LO O 44 et 69. 64). X � W N 0 W F- H m z O H O IL O v V z O GC H m • m J Q z O • LM z O W O O O o. J w O O z V = V V W — Z 1�' O O oC GC I- X � W N 0 W F- H m z O H O IL O v V z O GC H m • m J Q z O • LM NOTE: Increased or Decreased Quantities The quantities are usage estimates and will be used for comparison only. If the total quantity released for each individual item varies by 50 percent or less for the entire Contract duration, payment will be made for the actual quantities performed at the Contract unit price. If the quantity variation exceeds 50 percent, the price will be renegotiated upon the prompt notification of either the DISTRICT or the CONTRACTOR of the intent to renegotiate. Sc &VLO S cdt Pon ATf o ►J Company Name 24 3iO sP21 gr C,r , CC kjCC)AYJ Ctq C14.5- 2 0 Business Address Authorized ignature SGNIo& S OLVe-yoK . Title LO - i3 - 2ooG , Date # PalcLrS NorrrO 0AG- sudISCT tv Gcti�t0ITIC9NS pc`TOtcc f� SulbrRoatc Csr�w�rtrf # �8a5 NAPESUMCbradleffleslgn0strict Projects\03232MId Doc -DOC page 27 of 32 Subtronic Corporation 2430 Sprig Court, Ste C Concord, CA 94520 Phone 925 -686 3747 Faz 925- 686 -5281 ESTIMATE FOR: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 (925) 689 -3890 fax (925) 372 -7635 SURVEYOR JOB DATE DAY TIME DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION: Various locations within the Sanitary District. Utility Location will be by electromagnetic field induction. AREA OF SURVEY: The area of survey will be determined by sanitary district staff per conditions and rates in contract. Utilities will be located and marked in street areas only and will not include utilities in sidewalks or landscaped areas. SCOPE OF SURVEY: -We will endeavor to locate underground utilities in the areas indicated, but for technical reasons cannot guarantee to do so, some short lengths of abandoned utilities and Fiber Optic lines may not be located. Only utility mains will be marked, except for sanitary sewers where lateral connections to the main will be located where required. METHODOLOGY: Location of utilities will be by electromagnetic field induction. Pink markings will be used to identify all utilities except sewers, which will be marked in green. Signature Date Page 1 Estimate Estimate # 6805 Date of Estimate 10/20/2006 P.O. #: Map Page & Cross TERMS Net 30 QTY COST TOTAL TOTAL This quotation is subject to our Specification and Standard Conditions of Contract. N H V H Z O V O Illim z O V Z 00=ft% co W C' Q a L m SIMUM L O f+ 4) . as L -W ME as W go = wr/ C 4) u E L v O CM m .0 v _O �i ,y G= 0 �+ i- O M d L •MIND .0 RIMEM O m L IWO N s ^� w C O d N E O em" 0 L .V .� a L� d � r � O (i L O O E L. O 0 vi .y � L Cr CD O MINOR V m •_ as �o W f� •> o C = cL4) CD E L -0 C 0 am" Z � ■ _ �" L 'a = O NOMMIM . w � t � .0 C O � O N � L .Q L O 0 L — L � L O L C =3 L •0 O MINES damon w w 0. W- O O O N O C E •— O L N� •�+ = O O C O = � i C V � v L O N .IMME 4w E L a .c C as . >_ 0 *a MINOR L W •V O L f0 C DIMON � H �C �+ D cm L .: O t H W w >O > V to Z > W O Z O 0 a0 w (J) J w0 w0 � V DC Z Z O � V w w Z E ZI.. O o O OC tn0 ~ O a Z p DC � D p� pw = VO VO v v �- - m Zv zt� 0 0 U) � � o mZ mZ m DO DO J U) () t)(, J W W a as as � J J 0 O W w wa wa w 0 0 oc V) Z O I- Q D Z W O V W w e W H o� W 0 Fn Z O U J W Z n O V J Q O W J cl Z Q LL Q I— Z O H oG O CL oc 0 v V Z O w m D t� m D W H H m m W t� Z O CL CO) W w Z O Z Q Q V) Z O — Z O V 0 Z Z Q z O V F- N W O J H K W Z W 0 v a� z O V D Q 3 Q O O J O z V W H OM DC LO M W L 40 �c W � 00 0LL w W 0 zo oa CL IL CO) WO w V C I� ° Y Z � Q 3 I� 7.a.3) ALHAMBRA VALLEY TRUNK SEWER PHASE 1, DP 5919 Contract Cost: $1,554,280.00 Contractor: Mountain Cascade, Inc. Notice to Proceed: July 24, 2006 Construction Completion: October 6, 2006 BOARD MEETING Thursday November 2, 2006 2:00 p.m. 7. a. 5) Announcements: a) Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Environmental Assessment Scopin4 Meeting A scoping meeting for the Environmental Assessment for the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer crossing on the John Muir site was held at Martinez Junior High on Wednesday, October 25 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was conducted jointly by District and National Park Service staff. The meeting was attended by five Alhambra Valley residents and one member of the Friends of Alhambra Creek. The residents were primarily concerned about impacts to their property if an alternative route to the route across the John Muir site is chosen. The two alternatives to the John Muir site cross the private property of several of the residents who attended the meeting. These residents wanted to be certain that the Environmental Assessment adequately addresses the environmental and other impacts to their private property which would occur if an alternate route is chosen. The representative of the Friends of Alhambra Creek was concerned about the depth of the sewer at the creek crossing. She wanted to ensure that the pipe is deep enough such that there is no potential for the pipe to be exposed due to scour of the bottom of the creek. Staff will work with the National Park Service to ensure that these concerns are addressed in the Environmental Assessment. b) $200,000 received from Security Owners Corporation for construction of Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer. Security Owners Corporation (SOC) of Concord is developing a 23 -unit subdivision in the Alhambra Valley. Under a sewer service agreement between SOC and the District, SOC agreed to contribute $400,000 toward the cost of construction of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer in two equal installments. The District has received the first payment of $200,000. The second and final payment will be made within ten days after award of the construction contract for Phase 2 of the trunk sewer project. Staff anticipates award of the Phase 2 contract in April or May, 2007. c) Board Member Jim Neiedly celebrates ten years of service to the District in November 2006. Board Member Jim Nejedly has reached the ten -year milestone in his service to the ratepayers of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this month. On behalf of the Board and the staff of Central San, I offer Jim my sincere congratulations and thanks. Staff Recommendation: Hear the announcements. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 No.: 8.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY Submitted By: Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 0"' C. Swanson A. Farrell .( 4ames M. eneral Manager ISSUE: The Board of Directors must establish a policy allowing the formation of assessment districts in Alhambra Valley to finance construction of neighborhood public main sewers and sewer connections directly to the trunk sewer. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution establishing the Alhambra Valley Assessment District Policy. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of implementing the program will depend on its features and the level of participation. Current estimates are that the proposed resolution commits the District to authorizing a total of $7,500,000 for these assessments districts during fiscal years 2006 -2007 through 2009 -2010. In addition, the District would agree to collect approximately $1,800,000 in facility capacity fees over 15 years instead of at the time of connection. Such a program would be designed to recoup its costs (plus interest if multi -year financing used by property owners). ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Direct staff to revise the proposed resolution and policy. 2. Withhold or delay approval of the proposed resolution and policy revisions. BACKGROUND: At its August 3, 2006 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the concept of an Alhambra Valley Sewer Financing Program and directed staff to develop program details for future Board consideration. Staff is now prepared to put forth for Board consideration the attached policy, which includes formation criteria, procedures, and definitions related to the Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) Policy. Key features of this policy are summarized here: 1. The AVAD policy uses voluntary assessment districts based on a contractual assessment process. Participants will sign a contract with CCCSD, agreeing to pay back funds fronted by CCCSD to cover the design and construction of infrastructure. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers1eavittWlhambra Valley Financing Policy 11- 2- 06.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY 2. The source of funds to cover the assessment district costs would be CCCSD reserves from ad valorem tax revenues or borrowed funds with an interest rate based on the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) rate plus 1 % or the borrowed funds' interest rate plus 1 %, with a minimum interest rate of 6 %. 3. Assessment district formation criteria include requiring having a minimum of three properties directly tributary to a proposed AVAD facility; a minimum of 60 percent of those properties must already be developed; a minimum of half must be willing to be a Participant; and no more than two dwellings per Participant Parcel. Exceptions to these criteria will be considered on a case- by -case basis. 4. The obligation to pay assessments would be recorded as a lien against the property. Participants would be given the option to pay off their assessment within one month of the assessment being set or allowed to amortize the debt through payments on their property tax bills. 5. The amortization period for paying back funds to CCCSD would be 15 years with no interest penalty for early payoff. 6. CCCSD initially will be responsible for the Non - Participant's Parcels' share of AVAD costs. The obligation of a Non - Participant Parcel owner to pay a reimbursement fee to CCCSD upon future connection to an AVAD facility will not expire. Increases in AVAD Non - Participant Reimbursement Fees may be made by the Board of Directors periodically to recover CCCSD's carrying costs of advancing the Non - Participant's share of AVAD expenses. 7. The proposed financing program would be offered on a limited time basis. Direct connectors would have about a year from completion of the trunk sewer to apply for financing, and property owners in neighborhoods building main extensions would have about up to three years to initiate formation of an assessment district. 8. The assessment district would offer financing for the following property owners' costs: direct or indirect connector's share of the cost of the trunk sewer; side street main extension design and construction costs, including the portion of a private lateral sewer located in the street; and CCCSD's capacity fee. The cost of installing the private pipe on a participant's property, abandoning an existing septic tank, and other CCCSD fees would be specifically excluded from AVAD financing. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\Alhambra Valley Financing Policy 11- 2- 06.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY 9. The initial allowable financing program boundaries would match the properties included in the Board of Directors' recent Resolution of Application to LAFCO to annex much of Alhambra Valley. After establishing the financing program, the expansion of its boundaries and the potential provision of additional financing would require the approval of additional annexations by the Board of Directors and LAFCO. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution establishing the Alhambra Valley Assessment District Policy. NAENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\Alhambra Valley Financing Policy 11- 2- 06.doc RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) has, over the last several years, identified a prevalent sanitation issue occurring within Alhambra Valley, south of the City of Martinez, said issue being the need to replace residential septic systems by connection to CCCSD's collection system; and WHEREAS, this sanitation issue is increasing in importance as a result of the failure of existing septic systems due to age; and WHEREAS, in order to replace failing septic systems with connections to the public sewers, extension of existing public sewer mains is frequently required; and WHEREAS, the cost and complexity of undertaking a sewer main extension may prevent a single homeowner from connecting to the public sewer system thus perpetuating an ongoing health and environmental problem; and WHEREAS, public policy, as well as legal and fiscal constraints, limit the ability of CCCSD to build or extend local street sewers to serve individual or small groups of existing homes; and WHEREAS, CCCSD is in the process of constructing a trunk sewer in Alhambra Valley to serve as the backbone of an area -wide public sewer network; and WHEREAS, the use of assessment districts can provide the structure and financial assistance required to encourage neighbors to jointly undertake projects to provide sewer service to their properties; and WHEREAS, since 1997 on a demonstration basis, and from 1999 to 2004 on a program basis, CCCSD has made use of the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code Section 5898, et seq. in order to create Contractual Assessment Districts in order to provide for assessment financing of main extensions for failing septic systems; and NAENVRSEC \Position PapersleavittToiicy 11- 2- 06.docPage 1 of 11 WHEREAS, at its July 20, 2006 meeting, CCCSD's Board of Directors voted unanimously to conceptually approve an Alhambra Valley Assessment District program. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District adopts the Alhambra Valley Assessment District Policy Statement, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District further finds that this policy shall remain in effect until such further order of the Board; however, the adoption of this policy does not create any vested right or entitlement to any parcel owners within CCCSD's sphere of influence concerning eligibility for this program, nor shall CCCSD be precluded from modifying or terminating this program at any time it deems appropriate. The adoption of this policy also does not set a precedent for future funding of other neighborhoods' main sewers. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November 2006 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Mario M. Menesini President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel NAENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 2 of 11 EXHIBIT A ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY STATEMENT Introduction This policy statement for the Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) Program establishes the criteria for formation of AVAD projects, the process for the AVAD program, and methodology for allocating costs and assessments among AVAD participants. The AVAD program will consist of voluntary Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs), which are formed pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 5898, et seq. to extend sewer facilities to residential areas currently served by septic tank and leachfield systems. AVAD Program Purpose The purpose of the AVAD Program is to provide financial assistance to Alhambra Valley property owners so that they may extend the public sewer system to serve their developed properties. The goals of the AVAD Program are to assist property owners with septic tanks to finance the cost of extending and connecting to the public sewer; to avoid future use of septic systems and sewage pumping systems in Alhambra Valley; and to facilitate direct and indirect connections to the Alhambra Valley trunk sewer so that CCCSD can be reimbursed more quickly for its planning, design, and construction expenditures associated with the trunk sewer extension. AVAD Program Funding CCCSD will budget sufficient funds for the extension of public sewer mains in Alhambra Valley. This amount is estimated to be $3.5 million. Funds for construction of the trunk sewer have already been budgeted. The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may modify this program, including increasing or decreasing the budgetary ceiling, at NAENVRSEQPosition Papers \Leavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 3 of 11 anytime. Nothing in this policy is intended to bind CCCSD to continue with the program for any predetermined time period, nor does it create any right or entitlement in favor of potential program participants. Definitions • An Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) is a contractual assessment district (CAD), a legal entity, established pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Chapter 5898 for the purpose of financing the construction of sewers in residential areas currently being served by septic tanks. • Parcel or Property denotes in this Policy a piece of residential real estate, including land and anything permanently affixed to the land including buildings. The terms parcel and property have the same meaning herein and shall refer to the divisions of property as indicated on County Assessor's Parcel maps. • Direct connectors are parcels that can connect by lateral to the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer being constructed by CCCSD. • Indirect connectors are parcels that can connect by lateral to a public sewer main that is tributary to a part of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer. Participants are owners of direct or indirect connector properties who voluntarily agree to enter into an AVAD contract. • Non- participants are owners of direct or indirect connector properties who do not to enter into an AVAD contract. Non - participants will not be assessed for their share of the sewer improvement costs until the time of connection. • Participant Parcels are the direct or indirect connector properties owned by Participants. • Non - participant Parcels are the direct or indirect connector properties owned by non - participants. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 4 of 11 • AVAD Non - participant Reimbursement Fees are fees collected from owners of Non - participant Parcels at the time of connection to the sewer to reimburse CCCSD for the Non - participant Parcel's share of the cost of sewer improvements installed under an AVAD. Criteria for Formation In order to be eligible for participation in CCCSD's AVAD assessment financing program, the proposed sewer extension project must meet the AVAD formation criteria. The criteria are as follows: A minimum of three properties must be directly tributary to a proposed AVAD facility. A minimum of 60 percent of the properties directly tributary to a proposed AVAD facility must already be developed. • A minimum of half of the properties directly tributary to a proposed AVAD facility must be willing to be a Participant, except in the case of the AVAD for Direct connectors to the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer. • A Participant Parcel may not have more than two (2) dwellings on it to participate in an AVAD. • Two or more proposed unconnected AVAD facilities may be combined into a single AVAD for administrative purposes. When this happens, the expenses and assessments for individual, unrelated facilities will be separated and assigned to the respective, benefiting properties. • After completion of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer, CCCSD will establish Direct and Indirect connector reimbursement charges for the trunk sewer and form the first AVAD (AVAD No. 1) to finance allowable costs of direct connector N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papersleavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 5 of 11 participants. Direct connectors will have one year from the establishment of the trunk sewer AVAD No. 1 to become Participants by signing an AVAD contract. • Indirect connectors wishing to become Participants will have three years from the establishment of the AVAD No. 1, for the trunk sewer, to obtain CCCSD approval to initiate formation for an AVAD for their neighborhood, and eighteen months thereafter to receive CCCSD approval of an AVAD election. AVADs will be numbered sequentially in the time order initiated by CCCSD. Notwithstanding the above - listed criteria, CCCSD will consider exceptions to this policy on a case -by -case basis. CCCSD may consider technical, economic, staffing, budgetary, environmental, and other factors in its consideration of whether to form an AVAD and the ultimate decision is at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. AVAD Formation Process There are several staff level actions and three Board approval steps in the AVAD process. CCCSD's Board of Directors will consider approval of individual AVAD projects which staff has determined meet the formation criteria. The following Board actions are required: • Initiation of an AVAD • Approval of the Engineer's Report and assessments; ordering of the improvements; and approval of the AVAD election. Approval and levying of final assessments. 1. Initial Actions • Groups of Alhambra Valley property owners may be eligible for an AVAD if they can directly connect to the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer or seek a sewer main extension to provide for connection to CCCSD system. CCCSD staff will work with the owners to explain the AVAD process. If N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papersleavitt\Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 6 of 11 a sufficient number of property owners and CCCSD remain interested in proceeding with an AVAD and the criteria for AVAD formation appears to be met, CCCSD will consider initiation of an AVAD. Property owners will be requested to submit letters indicating their interest in formation of an AVAD. Property owners must already be included in District Annexation 168 (Resolution of Application 2006 -047, adopted by the Board of Directors on July 6, 2006). Staff will issue a letter setting forth its initial determination of eligibility for the AVAD program. • If CCCSD staff determines that a proposed AVAD does not meet the formation criteria, staff will notify the property owners in the proposed AVAD of the staff decision in writing. Property owners may appeal this staff decision to the CCCSD Board of Directors in accordance with Chapter 1.16 of the District Code except as modified by this policy. This policy allows property owners 30 days to request an appeal of a staff decision. The Secretary of CCCSD will schedule the matter for a hearing before the Board of Directors and provide written notice of the time and place of that hearing to the affected property owners. 2. Creation of Assessment District • Participants are required to retain an engineer to design and solicit bids for the private work (the sewer facilities). • An Engineer's Report estimating project costs and assessment levels will be prepared by CCCSD in accordance with state law. Residents will have 18 months from when CCCSD initiates formation of an AVAD to submit sewer plans, construction bids, and other information necessary for CCCSD to prepare an Engineer's Report. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 7 of 11 • CCCSD will distribute Notices of Proposed Assessment and conduct an election in accordance with state law by which property owners may indicate their approval of or opposition to the proposed assessment. • The Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing to announce the outcome of the election and receive public comment about the proposed assessment. • Following the public hearing, the Board of Directors will determine the election results and consider approval of the Engineer's Report, preliminary assessments, and the AVAD improvements. • If the proponent property owners do not provide all necessary information, including approved plans and construction bids, within 18 months of CCCSD's initiation of the AVAD proceedings, the AVAD process will be terminated. 3. Assessment Contract and Construction • Following approval by the Board of Directors of the Engineer's Report and AVAD improvements, the Participants must enter into a written contract with CCCSD, which describes the responsibilities of the parties, the work, and the provisions for payments. • CCCSD will undertake the procedural requirements to form the AVAD; review the plans for compliance with CCCSD standards, finance the work, and establish the assessments. • Participants are required to hire a contractor and to supervise the construction of the private works AVAD facilities. CCCSD will have no contractual relationship with the contractor and will not provide construction management or site supervision; however, CCCSD will N: \ENVRSEC \Position PaperslLeavitt\Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 8 of 11 inspect the project consistent with prevailing CCCSD inspection procedures. • CCCSD will accept the work if the work is done in accordance with CCCSD's standards. Participants shall be required to provide all project cost records and related information. CCCSD staff will review project costs, evaluate eligible project costs, and determine the proposed final assessments. The Board of Directors will then consider approval and levying of the final assessments. 4. Payments and Assessments • Unless limited by other provisions of this policy, each Participant shall have the option to pay for his share of AVAD expenses after the work is completed by either: 1) lump sum cash payment or 2) by contractually subjecting the Participant's property to an annual assessment, including interest, over the term of the AVAD. • The term of the Participant's assessment (payback period) shall be fifteen years with no interest penalty for early payoff. The interest rate shall be fixed when the CCCSD General Manager signs the contract between the Participants and CCCSD. The annual interest rate for assessments shall be 1 percent above the then current average interest rate on CCCSD temporary investments or 1 percent above the interest rate at which CCCSD has borrowed funds for the AVAD Program. The minimum interest rate shall be six percent. • Participants are limited to use of the fifteen -year annual assessment payment option for no more than two parcels at any given time. If a N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 9 of 11 • person(s) owns three or more parcels in the same AVAD or different AVADs, that person(s) may be a Participant for three or more parcels, but will be eligible for the annual assessment option for only two parcels. The shares of the AVAD expenses for the other parcels must be paid by the lump sum payment option at time of connection. • The assessments shall be equal for each Participant Parcel unless otherwise provided for in the contract and documents creating the AVAD. If an existing Participant's Parcel can be legally subdivided, there are two dwellings currently existing on a single parcel or other cost of service related factors justifying differing assessments are present, said Parcel may be assigned more than one assessment. • To determine the assessment for each AVAD Parcel, the Board of Directors will divide the total allowable project costs by the total number of benefiting properties, adjusting for exceptions as noted above. • The costs of the work associated with designing and constructing sanitary sewer mains, manholes, rodding inlets, and private sewer laterals within public streets or right -of -way may be included as eligible costs of the AVAD. Other eligible AVAD costs include paving and other appurtenances within public streets, rights of way necessary to bring the sewer service to a Participant Parcel, CCCSD's Capacity Fee, and CCCSD's Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer reimbursement charge. • The cost of septic tank abandonment, installation of the private sewer laterals (not within a public street or public right of way), and other CCCSD fees and charges customarily due upon connection to the public sewer shall be excluded from AVAD financing. For purposes of this N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs\Leavitt\Pol icy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 10 of 11 paragraph, "rights of way" shall include public or private roads providing legal ingress and egress to multiple parcels. • The AVAD assessments will be imposed on each Participant Parcel and recorded as a lien against the Parcel. The assessment will include the principal and interest and will be collected on the property tax bill as an assessment along with taxes and other assessments and charges on the subject parcel. 5. AVAD Non - participant Reimbursement Fees • CCCSD initially will be responsible for the Non - participant Parcels' share of AVAD costs. Non - participants will reimburse CCCSD for these costs as they connect to AVAD facilities in the future. When CCCSD staff determines that there are Non - participant Parcels that could connect to an AVAD facility, the Board of Directors, in accordance with CCCSD practice and the AVAD contract, will establish AVAD Non - participant Reimbursement Fees. The obligation of a Non- participant Parcel owner to pay a reimbursement fee upon connection to an AVAD facility will not expire; CCCSD will collect AVAD Non- participant Reimbursement Fees indefinitely. • The Board of Directors will establish AVAD Non - participant Reimbursement Fees when the final assessments are established for AVAD Participants. Subsequent adjustments to AVAD Non - participant Reimbursement Fees may be made by the Board of Directors periodically to recover CCCSD's carrying cost of advancing the Non- participants' share of AVAD expenses. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt \Policy 11- 2- 06.doc Page 11 of 11 Alhambra Valley Sewer Financing Program Curtis Swanson Environmental Services Division Manager November 2, 2006 Purpose of Financing Program • To improve the environment in Alhambra Valley. • To assist residents who desire to connect to the public sewer. • To recover costs expended by CCCSD for the trunk sewer sooner. i Cost to Sewer the Alhambra Valley • Trunk sewer cost - $41000,000 • Public main sewers - $3,500,000 • Capacity Fees - $11800,000 Proposed Alhambra Valley Assessment District Program • Voluntary assessment districts based on contractual assessment process. • Separate districts for direct connectors & neighborhood projects. • Assessment districts need to be formed within 3 years after trunk sewer completion. N Proposed Alhambra Valley Assessment District Program ■ Funds will come from CCCSD reserves or bank loan • Loan period: 15 years • Interest Rate: LAIF rate or bank rate plus 1% administration fee • Minimum fixed interest rate of 6% Proposed Alhambra Valley Assessment District Program • Participants will not have to pay costs for non - participants. • CCCSD will front costs for non- participants. • CCCSD will be reimbursed as non- participants connect to sewer system in the future. 3 Proposed Alhambra Valley Assessment District Program ■ 3 homes or properties needed to create an assessment district. • Individual residents may finance up to 2 properties. • Once a district is created, residents have 18 months to complete sewer construction. Costs Eligible for Financing ■ Share of the District trunk sewer cost ■ Sewer main extensions to serve neighborhoods ■ Lateral sewer in the street ■ CCCSD capacity fee M Costs Not Eligible for Financing ■ Septic tank abandonment ■ Lateral sewer on private property ■ Other CCCSD fees Trunk Sewer Project Cost Recovery Connection Number Amount Total Direct 70 $23,000 $ 1,610,000 Indirect 250 $ 9,000 $ 2,250,000 (Incremental Capacity) Developer 1 $ 400,000 Total - $4,000,000 5 Typical Homeowner Sewer Costs Cost Item Direct Connector Indirect Connector Trunk Sewer ( ") $ 23,000 $ 9,000 Main Sewer ( *) $ 0 $14,000 Capacity Fee (') $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Lateral Sewer, etc. $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Total $ 37,000 $ 37,000 (') Eligible for financing Loan Repayment Options ■ Eligible cost - $29,000 at 6% ■ Annual Payments: $3,900 for 10 years $2,950 for 15 years $2,500 for 20 years R Recommendation • Consider staff report • Consider public comments ■ Approve policy & procedures for Alhambra Valley Assessment District Program M FILE District FAX: (925) 228 -4624 JAMES M. KELLY October 26, 2006 General Manager KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District (510) 808 -2000 ELAINE R. BOEHME Dear Alhambra Valley Property Owner: Secretary of the District NOTICE OF MEETING TO ADOPT AN ALHAMBRA VALLEY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY Earlier this year, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Board of Directors approved the concept of an Alhambra Valley sewer - financing program and directed staff to develop program details for future Board consideration. CCCSD staff has developed these program details in the form of an Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) Policy, which includes formation criteria, procedures, and definitions. The Board of Directors will consider adopting this proposed policy at its November 2, 2006 meeting. The meeting will be held at CCCSD, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez beginning at 2:00 PM. The public is invited to comment on the proposed policy at this meeting. Key features of this policy are summarized here. 1. The AVAD program would use voluntary assessment districts based on a contractual assessment process. Participants will sign a contract with CCCSD, agreeing to pay back funds fronted by CCCSD to cover the design and construction of infrastructure. 2. The source of funds to cover the assessment district costs would be CCCSD reserves or borrowed funds with an interest rate based on the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) rate plus 1 % or the borrowed funds' interest rate plus 1 %, with a minimum interest rate of 6 %. 3. Assessment district formation criteria include requiring having a minimum of three properties be directly tributary to a proposed AVAD facility; a minimum of 60 percent of those properties must already be developed; a minimum of half must be willing to be a Participant; and no more than two dwellings per Participant Parcel. Exceptions to these criteria will be considered on a case -by case basis. 4. The obligation to pay assessments would be recorded as a lien against the property. Participants would be given the option to pay off their assessment within one month of the assessment being set or allowed to amortize the debt through payments on their property tax bills. 5. The amortization period for paying back funds to CCCSD would be 15 years with no interest penalty for early payoff. ej Rr.;,,al Paper Alhambra Valley Property Owners October 26, 2006 Page 2 6. CCCSD initially will be responsible for the Non - participant Parcels' share of AVAD costs. The obligation of a Non - participant Parcel owner to pay a reimbursement fee to CCCSD upon future connection to an AVAD facility will not expire. Increases in AVAD Non- participant Reimbursement Fees may be made by the Board of Directors periodically to recover CCCSD's carrying cost of advancing the Non - participants' share of AVAD expenses. 7. The proposed financing program would be offered on a limited time basis. Direct connectors would have about a year from completion of the trunk sewer to apply for financing, and property owners in neighborhoods building main extensions would have about up to three years to initiate formation of an assessment district. 8. The assessment district would offer financing for the following property owners' costs: Direct or Indirect connector's share of the cost of the trunk sewer; side street main extension design and construction costs, including the portion of a private lateral sewer located in the street; CCCSD's capacity fee. The cost of installing the private pipe on a participant's property, abandoning an existing septic tank, and other CCCSD fees would be specifically excluded from CAD financing. 9. The initial allowable financing program boundaries would match the properties included in the Board of Directors' recent Resolution of Application to LAFCO to annex much of Alhambra Valley. After establishing the financing program, the expansion of its boundaries and the potential provision of additional financing would require the approval of additional annexations by the Board of Directors and LAFCO. If you have any questions regarding this proposed policy, please contact me at 925 - 229 -7336 or Engineering Assistant III Russ Leavitt at 925 - 229 -7255. Sincerely, a,v kX Curtis W. Swanson Environmental Services Division Manager CWS /RBLmvp cc: R. Leavitt, CCCSD N \FNVRRRV\Planninn \I waviff \Alhamhra Vallwv\Finnnrinn \Pnliry Mppitinne Invites Mr. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 No.: 8.b. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TREADWELL AND ROLLO TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE SCB DIESEL LEAK INVESTIGATION, DISTRICT PROJECT 7225 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Randy Schmidt, Senior Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: V� R. Schmidt C. Swanson A. Farrell James M. KeJf V V General Manager ISSUE: Board approval is required for consultant agreements over $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a consultant agreement with Treadwell and Rollo for $102,000 for the SCB Diesel Leak investigation, District Project 7225. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated cost of the proposed diesel fuel leak investigation including services under this consultant agreement and District staff time is $169,000. Depending on the outcome of the proposed investigation and review by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the District may have to conduct additional future monitoring or remediation to reduce the levels of diesel fuel in the soil and groundwater. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The diesel pipeline leak has been repaired, but there is the potential for soil and groundwater contamination. The RWQCB has been notified as required and is requiring appropriate diesel plume identification before determining remedial action. Previous investigations have not definitely identified the extent of the diesel contamination, so additional investigation is required. BACKGROUND: There are two large emergency diesel fuel storage tanks just north east of the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) (see attached map). Diesel fuel from these storage tanks is pumped on an intermittent basis to a smaller day tank on the third floor of the solids building. There was a leak in one of the two transfer lines, which caused diesel fuel to seep into the basement of the SCB. The diesel fuel transfer lines enter the SCB in near the northeast corner of the building. In 2001, staff detected diesel fuel seeping into the basement of the SCB. Staff determined that one of the two diesel transfer pipelines was leaking. The pipeline was repaired and the seepage of diesel fuel into the SCB ceased. In 2004 and 2005, staff conducted investigations to qualitatively determine the levels and extent of the diesel N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Schmidt \Treadwell & Rollo SCB Diesel Leak 11- 2- 06.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 2, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH TREADWELL AND ROLLO FOR DP 7225: SCB DIESEL LEAK INVESTIGATION conducted investigations to qualitatively determine the levels and extent of the diesel plume in the soil surrounding the SCB that resulted from the pipeline leak. Based on the results of these initial investigations, staff is proposing to install long -term wells along the Grayson Creek levee to monitor concentration levels and movement of the diesel plume for the next one to two years. The total estimated cost of the SCB Diesel Investigation is $300,000. Of this amount, $131,000 has been expended on this project to date. There are adequate funds in the Treatment Plant Program of the current Capital Improvement Budget for the proposed diesel plume investigation. Staff has concluded that the agreement with Treadwell and Rollo is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15306 since it involves information collection activities that would not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. This information gathering may result in studies leading to possible future actions that the District has not approved, adopted or funded. Approval of this agreement will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this agreement is exempt from CEQA. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of these studies to determine the appropriate CEQA compliance documentation. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a consultant agreement with Treadwell and Rollo for $102,000 for the SCB Diesel Leak investigation, District Project 7225. 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