HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/4/2006 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 No.: 4.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING subject: SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 18, 2006, TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2006 -07 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET/ 2006 10 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Gail Chesler, PhD, PE Engineering /Environmental Services Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: G Chesler R. Schmidt C. Swanson . Farrell C arles W. Batts General Manager ISSUE: The District's draft FY 2006 -07 Capital Improvement Budget/ 2006 10 -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIB /CIP) has been prepared by staff. A date for a public hearing to receive comments on the document should be set. RECOMMENDATION: Set date for public hearing on May 18, 2006 to receive public comment on the draft CIB /CIP document. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: The FY 2006 -07 CIB will establish project priorities and authorize budgets for the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Programs. Detailed information for projects that are anticipated to be active in FY 2006 -07 is presented in the CIB document. The 2006 10 -Year CIP will provide the basis for policy decisions concerning the District's Capital Improvement Program and management of the Sewer Construction Fund. On April 13, 2006, the Board of Directors met with District staff in a special meeting to review the draft CIB /CIP. It is appropriate to receive comments in a formal public hearing prior to consideration of the CIB /CIP for approval. This public hearing is proposed to be scheduled for the Board's regular meeting on May 18, 2006. A staff presentation will be made at that time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Set date for public hearing on May 18, 2006 to receive public comment on the draft CIB /CIP document. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Chesler\2006 \Set Hearing Re CIB 06 -07 & 06 10 -YR CIP 5- 4- 06.DOC Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 No.: 4.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE subject: SET PUBLIC HEARINGS ON JUNE 1, 2006, TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES, AND ON THE COLLECTION OF CURRENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES AND PRIOR YEAR DELINQUENT CHARGES BY PLACING THEM ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Initiating Dept./Div.: Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Ratcli 10 R. 6.Z Cha as W. Batts, General Manager ISSUE: The District Code and State of California law require holding Public Hearings for placing the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Sewer Service Charges and prior year delinquent charges on the County tax roll for collection. A public hearing is also being scheduled to receive comment on the amount of Sewer Service Charge to be imposed for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 and to receive public comment on the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Operations and Maintenance, Debt Service and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a public notice to set public hearings on June 1, 2006, to receive public comment on the Sewer Service Charge rates to be imposed for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007, the collection of Sewer Service Charges and prior year delinquent charges on the County tax roll, and the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Operations and Maintenance, Debt Service and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: At the April 7, 2005 Board Meeting, the Board voted to impose a rate of $280 for Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 which was $8 less than previously approved on June 3, 2004, by Ordinance No. 232. This action decreased the revenues projected for Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 under Ordinance No. 232 by approximately $1.3 million. At the June 1, 2006, Public Hearing, the Board will be asked to consider a Sewer Service Charge rate of $289 for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007, which reflects a rate less than set forth in Ordinance No. 232 but $9 greater than imposed in Fiscal Year 2005 -2006. Total additional revenues of approximately $1.4 million are anticipated if this rate is imposed. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could choose to impose the Sewer Service Charge rate of $297 as currently set forth in Ordinance No. 232, or impose any lesser amount. The Board could forego any rate increase from the current rates; NAADMINSUMADMIMPOSPAPEMSet Public Hearing 05- 04- 06.doc Page 1 Of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 subject SET PUBLIC HEARINGS ON JUNE 1, 2006, TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES, AND ON THE COLLECTION OF CURRENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES AND PRIOR YEAR DELINQUENT CHARGES BY PLACING THEM ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL however, this is not recommended as was discussed at the Board Financial and Planning Workshop on January 26, 2006. In regard to the collection of Sewer Service Charges, the Sewer Service Charge could be collected through direct billings by the District. However, this would require additional labor and benefit costs. The Sewer Service Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since the inception of the service charge in 1976. Staff believes that collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and efficient means for the District to collect these charges. BACKGROUND: At the Board Financial Planning and Policy Workshop in January and at subsequent Board meetings, staff reviewed the financial prudence of imposing a Sewer Service Charge of $289 to cover inflationary increases in the budget, increased spending in the District's Capital Improvement Plan, and to help offset rate increases in future years. The Operations and Maintenance Budget, which will be submitted for initial review by the Board of Directors on May 18, 2006, will be based on a Sewer Service Charge of $289. A Proposition 218 Notice is not necessary for the recommended amount of $289 or any amount less than $297. A public hearing is required to receive public comment on collecting Sewer Service Charges and prior year delinquent charges on the County tax roll. A hearing is also being set to receive comment on selecting the Sewer Service Charge rate to be imposed for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. These hearings are typically held during the Board Meeting at which the Operations and Maintenance Budget is presented for approval. Approval of the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget is scheduled for the Board meeting on June 1, 2006. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize a public notice to set public hearings on June 1, 2006, to receive public comment on the amount of the Sewer Service Charge rates for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007, the collection of Sewer Service Charges and prior year delinquent charges on the County tax roll, and on the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget. Page 2 of 2 NAADMINSURADMIMPOSPAPEMSet Public Hearing 05- 04- 06.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /40 ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 No.: 6.a. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER FOR THE M4 -A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION, DISTRICT PROJECT 5410 Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Alexandr Mestetsky, Engineering / Capital Projects Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: .- st ky cki A. Farrell c.% es W. Batts, Ge eral Manager ISSUE: On April 25, 2006, three sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the M4 -A Forcemain Reconstruction, District Project 5410. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract to McGuire and Hester. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $4,713,000, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The District annexed the City of Martinez in 1967. Three pumping stations (Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby), three pressurized forcemains (M6, M4, and M2), and three gravity sewer pipes (M5, M3, and M1) were put into service in 1970 to convey wastewater from the Martinez service area to the District treatment plant (see Attachment 1). Additionally, junction structures were built to provide smooth transitions between the pressured forcemains and gravity sewer pipes. In the last ten years, the District undertook several capital improvement projects to improve and upgrade the pumping stations and to install secondary forcemains to provide backup for the existing forcemains. This project, the M4 -A Forcemain Reconstruction, DP 5410, will replace one of the pressurized forcemains of the Martinez wastewater transmission conveyance system. Staff discovered several leaking joints on the original M4 -A forcemain (between the Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations) in the summer of 1998. A portion of the M4 -A forcemain is above ground and subjected to tidal action. Furthermore, the M4 -A N: \INFRA \5410_M4A \8_Bid Phase \5410 - Notice of Award PP.doc Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER FOR THE M4 -A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION, DISTRICT PROJECT 5410 forcemain is close to Waterfront Road and subject to impact from heavy garbage trucks en route to Acme Landfill. This project, the M4 -A Forcemain Reconstruction, DP 5410, will remove the above - ground portion of the M4 -A forcemain and install approximately 4,000 linear feet of 24 -inch HDPE pipe along the centerline of Waterfront Road. An emergency bypass and drainback structures will also be installed at the Fairview Pumping Station site. Complicating the project is the presence of contaminated soils along the entire alignment and numerous operating and abandoned oil lines. Additionally, construction will need to occur at night to avoid impacts on Acme Landfill, the garbage transfer station, and other businesses. District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the M4 -A Forcemain Reconstruction is $2,100,000. This project was advertised on March 18 and March 24, 2006. Three sealed bids ranging from $3,232,200 to $3,858,000 were received and publicly opened on April 25, 2006. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that McGuire and Hester is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $3,232,200. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. Staff analysis and discussions with the bidders indicate that the cost for the project increased significantly due primarily to safety concerns (oil lines) and constructability concerns in Bay mud. Rising fuel costs, availability of lightweight backfill material, and night construction also contributed to the cost increase. Staff will provide a detailed analysis of the bid results at the Board meeting. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $4,053,000. The total cost of M4 -A Forcemain Reconstruction is anticipated to be $4,713,000. This project is included in the fiscal year 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages SC79 — SC81. The current CIB estimates for the construction of this project are less than the funds being requested here. An addition, authorization was made by the Board on April 13, 2006, which included funding for this project. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302, since it involves only replacement of an existing facility at substantially the same location with the same purpose and level of activity as the facility being replaced. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Contra Costa County on November 25, 2003. N: \PESUP \Cbradley \Position Papers\2006 \May \5410 - Notice of Award PP.doc Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER FOR THE M4 -A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION, DISTRICT PROJECT 5410 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $3,232,200 for the construction of the M4 -A Forcemain Reconstruction, District Project 5410, to McGuire and Hester, the lowest responsive bidder. NANFRA \5410_M4A \B_Bid Phase \5410 - Notice of Award PP.doc Page 3 of 6 ®1 C.... 1..&Aw+ psp - EXWM GrwkV Sawn pM - Edetbe Force Mrns ' NO SCALE Central Contra Costa ATTACHMENT Sanitary District M4-A FORCE MAIN RELOCATION AND REPLACEMENT ' DISTRICT PROJECT 5410 1 PROJECT LOCATION V Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 M4 -A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION DISTRICT PROJECT 5410 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 5410 DATE: APRIL 25, 2006 PROJECT NAME: M4 -A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION LOCATION: MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER EST.: $2,100,000 No BIDDER BID PRICE Name & Address McGuire and Hester 1 9009 Railroad Avenue $3,232,200.00 Oakland, CA 94603 510- 632 -7676 Mountain Cascade 2 555 Exchange Court $3,680,680.00 Livermore, CA 94550 925 - 373 -8370 3 KJ Woods Construction 2625 Judah Street, Unit 2 San Francisco, CA 94122 $3,858,000.00 IL—L 415- 759 -0506 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme DATE April 25, 2006 N: \INFRA \5410_M4A \8_Bid Phase \5410 - Notice of Award PP.doc Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 3 M4 -A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5410 POST -BID / PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description 1 CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract b. Contingency at 15% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 2A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces - Construction Inspection - Construction Administration - Construction Management SUBTOTAL Consultants /Construction Support Services - Material Testing - Geotechnical Engineer SUBTOTAL 2B ENGINEERING AND OTHER SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION Other Services - Permits - Public Relations - Record Drawings - Survey - Pump Station Operations Department - Office Engineering - Easement Purchases SUBTOTAL TOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COST 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES 5 TOTAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COST 6 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 7 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE 8 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT Percent of Estimated Construction Amount Cost $3,232,200 $484,800 $3,717,000 $130,000 $35,000 $35,000 $200,000 $25,000 $10,000 $35,000 $10,000 $3,000 $3,000 $25,000 $10,000 $10,000 $61,000 $296,000 $4,013,000 $700,000 $996,000 $4,713,000 $660,000 $4,053,000 N: \INFRA \5410_M4A \8_Bid Phase \5410 - Notice of Award PP.doc Page 6 of 6 100.0% 5.4 %' 1.0% 1.6% 8.0% 108.0% 18.8% 26.8% 126.8% 2 c6 c N rn 2r f Z Z �O uj Oy um z ao �U � UJ O � z r to uj CD U LO Uj N � J a } D Q O � E" m t� e+a 4E, � t IL uo 0 Z- I. Ck uj f. 7 i �r� 1 H Z W CO W Cl) CO Q Z Q W U O LL (MD Z Cl) W Q �a L L .Q L � O Q CL x V W � Q V .a J I- L I- Z O U Q J a 0 H Z 0 In r■■ lei W DC O a w (0) LL LI. F- CO W 0 Z W J J a z v H V W O a c O V O U ma Z • ■ E x O i CL O V J u N O =1 L Z • O O A • V c� N mom 1-1 Aw R $ i ~ "AM Who its 64' RF not y Y � �I LL 0 a Cl) F. U) H J W O N M N M% co coo CD w O co co n O O . 0 v L L 0 to W M%L. = o LM 0 r m MENEM V O � i W N M m LM as 0 E E V a m 44,� ow .� E EL o 0 .0 y o o C. V o E J a z Cl) a 0 m m CL .Q W IL t ET N ca E i W O L .m m °o 00 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 1` O O M O 0 d vz qqi C6 �e Q ONO V- O Re M q* we 00 LO 00 3:1 N M Z W O O 00 O 00 R p O o cfl O co i— Q O N M L6 O N M ti co M w VN M W o O o 0 0 W O M V w co W q* co N = N M O O O O O co H O O O O O Q 2 O N O 0 I W t� r N W � O W H 4-A N L _ s p - — •- LLI 0 m o as o t t •= 0 = O co co N= Q i- 0 m m CL .Q W IL t ET N ca E i W O L .m m V1 O H V a LL Z O H a J J Q H Z N W � F- 04 2 0� �w Z cn O� vw L) Z a� F- z OW z 0 o O O o 0 0 00 O O O O O O LA CO) T" d� d� Efi � fiR r r O O O O N N 0 O 6 a� L — — o ° U) _ CA a) as W '— M 0 > a E - = o M _ .- 0 •_ co 0_0 a O Cl) +� E v W O O m m daz 0 'a r. O L L = o = �4° =o o ov 0 Z ._ V v CD E a (;� �W M N BE W _ _ .M _ .E L 3 3 0 .a'� _� _' o RR � � o �+ L E �Z - O V _ 4) ._ = Gi AL _ � d U) -1 0 m w im 0 ti m m Z O H Q D Z W O U W L O v L O 0 c O V .r O v L 3 2 a O v L. O V 4� L V L 0 um Q v L V CV G O O CD O N M N M 4= O i 0 m s O CL N N d 3 0 4� 4� Z Told� 4� N• Cl) Z 0 H W y Central Contra Costa Sanicary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER (held over from April 6, 2006) Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 No.: 7.a.ITEMS HELD OVER FROM PREVIOUS BOARD MEETINGS Type of Action: ADOPT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY subject: ADOPT A POLICY ON HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Cathryn R. Freitas, Human Administration Resources Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ISSUE: Board approval is requested to adopt a District policy and procedure on hiring District retirees. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a District policy and procedure on hiring District retirees. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There is no direct financial impact. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could (1) prohibit the hiring of District retirees, (2) require Board approval, or (3) Board notification and review before the hiring of a District retiree. In addition, the Board could also (4) delegate the approval or review to a Board Committee, or (5) delegate the ability to hire a District retiree to the General Manager. BACKGROUND: In response to the Board Budget and Finance Committee's comments on the District's current practice of hiring District retirees and their concern of providing insufficient notification and review by the Board of Directors, staff has prepared two policies for consideration. The Committee believes that the District's hiring of retired employees should provide a "transparent" process to the public so that there is no perceived conflict of interest or favoritism in such decisions. Staff believes that occasionally it is in the District's best interest to be able to hire retirees for legitimate business reasons. By bringing the hiring to the Board, or a Board Committee prior to a commitment, the Board could provide staff guidance, as well as to provide staff the opportunity to address any Board concerns. The DRAFT Policies outline such practices, and include the requirement for Board notification. The General Manager was requested by the Budget and Finance Committee to provide two alternative DRAFT policies, one requiring Board approval, and one requiring Board notification and review through the General Manager. Either policy will provide the Page I of 6 Board Approval version ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Effective Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Subject: POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Established by: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration The District occasionally may hire a retired employee for legitimate business reasons. The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to complete specific short -term tasks or projects, or to provide a short-term service normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District retiree is to address a short-term need in a method beneficial and cost - effective to the District, and not as a means for providing on -going employment or income. The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association ( CCCERA) and the State of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures: • District Temporaries — The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year. It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of the step and range at which he /she was assigned upon retirement from the District. Note that the base salary excludes longevity pay or other contractual benefits accorded to regular, full -time employees. When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine - hundred and sixty hours per fiscal year and /or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options: Independent Contractor — The retiree may become an independent contractor under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her /his own working hours, provide his /her HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE sheet 2 of 2 own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff, contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the final work product); also under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s /he must have evidence of personal liability insurance, unless waived, or Contract Employee — Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self - employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District. For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the employee to provide services to the District but not be a District employee. The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his /her income by working for himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affiliated with the CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income. Board Notification version - ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Effective Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Subject: POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Established by: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration The District occasionally may hire a retired employee for legitimate business reasons. The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to complete specific short-term tasks or projects, or to provide a short-term service normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District retiree is to address a short-term need in a method beneficial and cost - effective to the District, and not as a means for providing on -going employment or income. The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association ( CCCERA) and the State of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures: • District Temporaries — The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year. It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of the step and range at which he /she was assigned upon retirement from the District. Note that the base salary excludes longevity pay or other contractual benefits accorded to regular, full -time employees. When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine - hundred and sixty hours per fiscal year and /or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options: HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Sheet 2 of 2 Independent Contractor — The retiree may become an independent contractor under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her /his own working hours, provide his /her own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff, contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the final work product); also under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s /he must have evidence of personal liability insurance, unless waived, or Contract Employee — Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self - employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District. For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the employee to provide services to the District but not be a District employee. The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his /her income by working for himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affiliated with the CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income. Item 7 a. HIRING /CONTRACTING WITH RETIRED DISTRICT EMPLOYEES FACTS • In January the Budget and Finance Committee requested details of a $10,000 payment to a District consultant, Mr. Dan Cortinovis, for preparing schematics for the Furnace Operations and Maintenance Manual (for training and compliance with the District's NPDES Permit that requires an O &M Manual for the entire treatment plant process. • The work was performed by a recently retired employee who had extensive knowledge of the furnace operation and who had sub- contracted with Dan Cortinovis for $25,000. • In December 2002 the Budget and Finance Committee had discussed hiring or contracting with District retired employees, including a DRAFT policy. The policy was never brought to the full Board for discussion and/or direction. • Staff has been following the DRAFT policy that reads very similar to the ones attached to the Position Paper but delegates the authority to the General Manager. • The Committee members discussed the matter and concluded that the full Board should discuss the appropriate process. • The attached policy may not reflect the Board's direction from today's discussion. If not, staff will modify the policy reflecting Board direction and submit it at the next Board meeting under Consent Calendar items. SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS RETIRED EMPLOYEES HIRED AS DISTRICT TEMPS Retiree Termination $ Paid Service Dates Work Product Date Ken Laverty 2 -2000 $4,229 3 -00 to 9 -00 Temporary purchasing work until Manager Bart Brandenburg 3 -2001 $1,780 8 -01 to 4 -02 position filled Pedro Mendoza 7 -2002 $27,096 8 -02 to 2 -03 General lab work until Jade Sullivan 1 -2002 $1,500 12 -02 to 12 -02 position was filled Tom Trice 4 -1999 $11,780 6 -99 to 4 -00 Inspector on several major projects Jan Frost 3 -2000 $456 3 -00 to 5 -00 Secretarial work in $34,630 12 -00 to 8 -02 personnel Carolyn Gregg 11 -1999 $23,017 11 -99 to 6 -00 Worked as buyer Ken Clark 8 -2005 $33,230 2 days in 12 -02 Inspector for Vessing RETIRED EMPLOYEES PAID THROUGH CONTRACTED WORK Retiree Termination $ Paid Service Dates Work Product Date Jim Belcher 6 -2002 $49,995 8 -02 to 11 -02 Project management on several projects Bart Brandenburg 3 -2001 $1,780 8 -01 to 4 -02 Coordination of Master Gardener Program Jade Sullivan 1 -2002 $1,500 12 -02 to 12 -02 Recycled Water Program Steve Colberg 3 -2005 $25,000 Current Work Furnace Operations Manual Jay McCoy 10 -1999 $32,327 4 -00 to 1 -01 Easement work $34,630 12 -00 to 8 -02 $14,075 1 -03 to 6 -04 Ken Clark 8 -2005 $33,230 8 -05 to 11 -05 Inspector for Vessing Sewer Renovation Project Tom Trice 4 -1999 $11,145 7 -05 to 9 -05 Inspector on several major projects Bob Mowers 8 -2000 $22,841 9 -00 to 6 -01 Finished incomplete projects on his desk and trained new Field Operations Superintendent Clarence Covey 7 -1998 $2,100 5 -01 Operation & Maintenance Manual for 2 pumping stations N:\ ADMINSUP \ADMIN \RATCLIFF\Retirees - Summary of Payments.doc Hiring / Contracting with District Retirees Board Board Approval Review By By Board Full Board Committee Board Notification 'by GM General Manager Item 8.A.1 UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS BY CONCO CEMENT AND U.S. DEVELOPMENT GROUP ON IT BAKER SITE Curtis Swanson May 4, 2006 STATUS OF CONCO AND US DEVELOPMENT CONCO HAVE GRADING PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT IS IN PROCESS WANT TO START GRADING ON JUNE 1 U.S. DEVELOPMENT CONCRETE BATCH PLANT PROJECT IS STALLED NO SCHEDULE FOR DEVELOPMENT 1 EASEMENTS NEEDED BY CONCO 1. "Overburden" of existing road easement 2. Additional road easement (extend width from 24 feet to 30 or 34 feet) 3. Underground easements for water and sewer pipelines 4. Quitclaim specific access easements on CONCO property Other Issues Related to CONCO 1. Relocation of materials by Contra Costa Topsoil 2. Business disruption to Contra Costa Topsoil during road construction Possible Property Rights Exchanges • Upgrade outfall easement to fee title • Increase outfall easement width from 80 to 100 feet • Add protective restrictions to M -2 forcemain easement • Obtain effluent discharge easements across CONCO property • Obtain broader access easement to CONCO property Q N Q o6 D Q Z O FM Q O am O (0) tn O Cl) (0) Cl) FM Z LU LU O a z w W W _ o a o m W0 N o a z W 5 W O w a 2 Q Z O H O a O v 0 O U) U O :F U W O w a. y... _0 p cn N O , O N C > to O O U O tll U ° QC C °� > U± -� >° •0 p cu U tv•° U C � 'in ca _0° ° = ° a� O p > cn C -0 cu N C _ (1 U CU N -= O � c O 4-j U N -- ca N C O cn C •cn C Q U U -� p �+ O — (� C6 L- Q C n (— C N . 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C� � cn I CD v, m cn � r- r,. o Cn -� p m < °o �Jm °o vMM0 °o -n� CL C) > a) C) I O- � -p -n CD OECD -D o � � CD 0 < � cn O >< o D < O O — _ CD CD FD cn 0 ��. m -� �i cn CD O 0 cn v 0 0 X M O M M O C- m CA O O c v V Z W mm W o > O OT 0. o T _o D w Qa i- wz LU Z J o Q O NQ w LL Oo CL - WU) Oa P in O V z CL 2 V LLQ Q _J V a m: d'` . - O', C X X X X X X X X X CO X C'7 L1) (W O Q; m; o' LL LL LL (n LL (n LL (n LL Cn U- (n LL (n LL Z> �.. O U) O LO LO 0 0 c/) fn U) LO O O M CO qt co O O N O M CO M O O CM O O C O 69- a+ M q* N — N •L Q Q U- U u u r n n v C6 U) U) 04 O +�+ O ti LO co O O O w 0 O 0 m 0 O O r` �— � N co O 0) ~ ao N N t O N T- LO (.0 N a 0 u u u u U) U) � co�� U- LL U) LL U) a c� o coo ti co m 0 M N M 0 0 M O O 4) N r N 000 It N � � r � O ( 6F} r N Q LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL L •— O O O O O O O O O O O O o Ri (I'LL O �' 0 N LO O m N O O O M 0 O 0 N r- C0 , CN r- O Co 0 0 S U C O C L O (D oQ U =3 O }' :3 o L c 0- ++ c J= c 0 a0i �j.m 0 a ''D O _ cu .0 U co N 0 C N O C E 0 cc CU i �Q p •E � U .O O _ N O O O N 'O d <n O � N o ��,, � � a� C Q L U 2 U) U-1 ) U WO U (D O ) w Q LL w F- �- 8.a.2) CSO Facility Update Bill Brennan Collection Systems Operations Division Manager May 4, 2006 Priority Issues • Locker rooms • Crew room • Warehouse • Dedicated areas for charging gas meters, phones and laptop computers (and for downloading information), plus whatever new equipment the future brings i Locker Room: Alternate 004B • Men's locker room suitable for 60 • Women's locker room suitable for 10 • Vehicle Shop employees in separate building • Pumping Stations staff working at other sites • Adequate for the future Crew Room: Alternate 004B • The center of workflow at beginning and end of each day • Surrounded by supervision, support for activities of the Cleaning, Construction, CCTV (closed circuit television inspection) and Locating sections • Shown with partitions to divide room for training or meetings K Crew Room: Alternate 004B • Since the bulk of the work is cleaning, placing the crew room close to middle yard elevation allows Cleaning crews to walk out directly to their trucks • Construction crews, CCTV and Locating will keep their vehicles in the lower yard • Location is good may need to be expanded to accommodate multiple uses Warehouse: Alternate 004B • An inventory has been made of materials that the Walnut Creek warehouse must stock • Warehouse area sufficient 3 Electronics Area: Alternate 004B • Space has been provided in the current layout for the gas detectors, phones and laptop computers • Layout must be kept flexible so it can be easily changed with changing technology Alternate 004B • Currently has offices for Pumping Stations staff • Separate work -group areas (combining with crew room could satisfy both needs • Conceptual only: Needs further development to optimize construction methods and materials, as well as use of space 4 Comparison: Current Facility vs. Alternate 004B • Men's locker room: 920 vs. 3,000 sq. ft. • Women's locker room: 160 vs. 835 sq. ft. • One 187 sq. ft. mud room now vs. a 460 sq. ft. men's mud room and a 150 sq. ft. women's mud room • Warehouse: 2,300 sq. ft. vs. 4,365 sq. ft. Comparison: Current Facility vs. Alternate 004B • One combined 1,250 sq. ft. crew /training /lunch room vs. a 1,200 sq. ft. crew room and two work group areas totaling 1,050 sq. ft. • Modifications to combine spaces may be desirable 5 Comparison: Current Facility vs. Alternate 0046 (continued) • Maintenance coordinators, electronics area, computer servers, telecom: 640 sq. ft. now vs. 600 sq. ft. • Providing flexibility to add future space is desirable Summary • Alternate 004B can address key issues: • Locker room • Warehouse • Crew room *-Separate electronics area • Alternate 004B must be more flexible to meet future needs Z Summary (continued) • Alternate 004B must be optimized to improve space use • Alternate 004B must be further developed to ensure the most cost- effective construction methods and materials What are we asking for? • Conceptual agreement to further develop Alternate 004B • Will come back to the Board with a position paper for implementation WAIS Document Retrieval Page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA CODES GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53620 -53622 53620. Notwithstanding Section 53601 or 53635, the governing body of a local agency may invest funds designated for the payment of employee retiree health benefits in any form or type of investment deemed prudent by the governing body pursuant to Section 53622. 53621. The authority of the governing body to invest or to reinvest funds intended for the payment of employee retiree health benefits, or to sell or exchange securities purchased for that purpose, may be delegated by the governing body to designated officers. 53622. (a) Funds intended for the payment of employee retiree health benefits shall only be held for the purpose of providing benefits to participants in the retiree health benefit plan and defraying reasonable expenses of administering that plan. (b) The governing body or designated officer, when making investments of the funds, shall discharge its duties with respect to the investment of the funds. (1) Solely in the interest of, and for the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to, participants in the retiree health benefit plan, minimizing employer contributions thereto, and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the plan. (2) With the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with these matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims. (3) Shall diversify the investments of the funds so as to minimize the risk of loss and to maximize the rate of return, unless under the circumstances it is clearly prudent not to do so. http: / /www.leginfo. ca. gov /cgi- binlwaisgate ?WAISdocID= 7973143452 +1 +0 +0 &WAISacti... 4/12/2004 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 No.: 9.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DODSON ENGINEERS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7241 Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Gary E. Rathunde, Engineering / Capital Projects Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ET J�le,., G. Rathunde B. Than A. Farrell CharlvC W. Batts, General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional engineering services contracts for amounts greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Dodson Engineers to provide design services for the Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project, District Project 7241, in the amount of $90,000. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated design cost for this project, including District staff, is $140,000. A detailed estimate of the construction cost will be completed after the project design; the total project cost is expected to be approximately $1,400,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be to design the project in- house. However, this project requires specialized expertise. BACKGROUND: In the early 1990s, the District conducted evaluations and planning for the relocation of the Basin C discharge point as part of the Wet Weather Overflow Project and the Basin Discharge Hydraulics Project in an effort to decrease the risk of overflows from the basins during the wet weather season. Improvements specifically recommended from those previous investigations included a new headworks and expanded disinfection facilities. These improvements have already been or are being implemented. An area of focus that has not been addressed is the wet weather bypass system. WPESUP \Position Papers \Rathunde \7241 Execute Agreement.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DODSON ENGINEERS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE WET WEATHER BYPASS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7241 Recent computer modeling has found that storms with 25 -year return periods would produce a peak flow of 310 mgd. With the upcoming expansion of the UV Disinfection Facilities, the peak wet weather flow capacity will be approximately 135 mgd. Therefore, the emergency wet weather bypass system needs to have sufficient capacity to convey the remaining 175 mgd during these storm events. The present hydraulic capacity of the District's bypass facilities to Pacheco Creek is limited to approximately 50 mgd during 20 -25 year storm events. District staff requested proposals from four (4) consulting firms for the design of the Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project. After reviewing the qualifications of the proposed project teams and evaluating each firm's specialized experience in similar projects, the proposal from Dodson Engineers was considered the best fit for this project based on their expertise in hydraulic analysis and design of overflow structures. Therefore, staff recommends selecting Dodson Engineers for this work. Staff has negotiated a contract with Dodson Engineers in an amount not to exceed $90,000 for the design only. Dodson Engineers will also be needed to provide support during the construction. The amount of this contract will be negotiated at that time. The Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project is included in the Fiscal Year 2005 -06 Capital Improvement Budget, pages TP -92 through TP -95. The design for the project will start this summer and will be completed by Spring 2007. Following the bidding and awarding processes, construction will commence in Summer 2007. Staff has concluded that the design agreement with Dodson Engineers is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it involves design tasks for possible future actions which the District has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of this agreement will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this design project is exempt from CEQA. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of these studies to determine the appropriate CEQA compliance documentation. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Dodson Engineers in the amount of $90,000, for the design of the Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project, District Project 7241. NAPESUP \Position Papers \Rathunde \7241 Execute Agreement.doc Page 2 of 2 ca ai E CD co cm Cl) Lu H Z Z FM LLJ a2 LLI LLI �o ui � � am 2 U) 0 O V c� L f+ O Al LM 0 N A ca .; H cn W a O ma Cl) Lu H Z Z FM LLJ a2 LLI LLI �o ui � � am 2 U) 0 O V c� L f+ O Al LM 0 N A ca .; (� V Q N0 4) L V L A+ A, 3 0 m O s 0 as 7F) _ _ r� C �L 3 0 FL N N m c 0 ._ a) •r+ i as c� as L 0 V x W O LL. N N A m C 'i 0 v CL m ri1 i .y m MO 0 oc L s c� as �E i .N as D a) L V L 4a Cl) %M 0 4) N N tQ O N CO L Z 0 000%% x 0 m 0 0 CL ._ a V O 0 CL N CL CL lot O CL lot a� 0 b 4 0 0 c� L O O V V El i 0 0 V d Q • • No o ca = t� v s cy o w um � 0 0 V U E � >% '0 Q s v Cl) V �O L am 00 00 N N LM V O � O � � o MM) s H 'L � O a L I.f um Q a% CY W ti O O N s v L 0 N 0 li O C V � N C = O CL �V O L ma ti O O N A C O V L 0 V m ti O O N V 0 C O L AW N C O V as O V N N 0 U i 0 v L AMA rm a O N N W q c� L a i as a� Fle O N N W 0 c� .N CNAM C O N d u