HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/6/2006 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 3.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS; QUITCLAIM EASEMENT subject: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF QUITCLAM DEEDS FOR SEWER EASEMENTS (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1560, PARCELS 78 AND 102) Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Michael Penny, Associate Engineer Engineering / Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTT N: y J. yamoto -Mills . Swanson A. Farrell arles i#e A- .13 General ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization by resolution is required to quitclaim easements. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolutions authorizing execution of Quitclaim Deeds to Eva Amy Ryland, Trustee of the Eva Amy Ryland Trust Established September 1, 1987 (DP 1560 Parcel 78), and Barat Bisabri - Ershadi and Mino Shirinazd (DP 1560 Parcel 102) and authorize recording of the documents. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The easement on Parcel 78 is not being utilized because sewer service is being provided through another easement. The easement on Parcel 102 is not being utilized because sewer service is now being provided directly to the street. Staff has determined that the District no longer needs the easements. See Attachment 1 for a map showing the easements to be quitclaimed. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt resolutions authorizing the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute Quitclaim Deeds to Eva Amy Ryland, Trustee of the Eva Amy Ryland Trust Established September 1, 1987 (Parcel 78), and Barat Bisabri - Ershadi and Mino Shirinazd (Parcel 102) on behalf of the District, and authorize staff to record the documents. Page 1 of 2 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Penny\2006 \1560 Quitclaim to Ryland and Ershadi & Shirinazd 4- 6- 06.doc Bisabri - Ershadi/ Shirinazd J Easemelgt to be quitclaim R4 m r ORINDA SITE LOCATION MAP N. T. S. 11 1 ment to be quitclai <o 9 Ryland LEGEND: N v� - EXISTING SEWER -QUITCLAIMED AREA Central Sanitary District strictrita BISABRI - ERSHADI /SHIRINAZD, RYLAND Attachment QUITCLAIMS 1 ' DP 1560 PARCELS 102 AND 78 Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 3.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject ADOPT A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DISTRICT AGENTS TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN STATE AND FEDERAL DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Curtis W. Swanson Engineering /Environmental Services Environmental Services Division Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: o,& [4p�r I Swanson A. Farrell Charles . Ba s General Mana er ISSUE: The District needs to authorize staff as agents to apply for and obtain state and federal disaster relief funds. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution designating certain staff as agents to apply for and obtain state and federal disaster relief funds. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Staff anticipates being able to obtain $30- 50,000 in disaster relief funds. There will be minor administrative costs. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: If official agents are not designated, the District cannot apply for or receive disaster relief funds. The Board may designate other agents in addition to those listed in the attached resolution. BACKGROUND: From time to time, California and the federal government declare official disasters, which make disaster relief funds available to public agencies such as the District. State and federal rules require that a public agency designate certain staff as official agents to apply for and to provide necessary documentation to obtain disaster relief funds. On February 3, 2006, the President of the United States signed a federal major disaster declaration (FEMA- 1628 -DR) authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide federal financial assistance for damages sustained by public agencies during the 2005 -06 winter storms that occurred daring late December and early January. The Governor of California proclaimed a state of emergency (CDAA 2006 -01) exists in Contra Costa County and many other counties as a result of the 2005 -06 winter storms. Page 1 of 4 N:\ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Swanson\2006 \State and Federal Disaster Relief Funds 4- 6- 06.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject ADOPT A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DISTRICT AGENTS TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN STATE AND FEDERAL DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS The District suffered damages to sewer facilities at 13 locations in the service area. The District has incurred costs to protect these facilities from further damage, and will incur additional costs to make permanent repairs to these facilities. Some of these costs are eligible for disaster relief funding. Staff proposes to apply for state and federal funds that have been made available through the state and federal governments. The proposed resolution (attached) designates the General Manager, Director of Engineering, and Environmental Services Division Manager as official agents to apply for and obtain state and federal disaster relief funds under the current and future disaster declarations. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution designating certain staff as agents to apply for and obtain state and federal disaster relief funds. Page 2 of 4 NAENVRSEC \Position Papers \Swanson\2006 \State and Federal Disaster Relief Funds 4- 6- 06.doc RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DISTRICT AGENTS TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN STATE AND FEDERAL DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS WHEREAS severe winter storms during the 2006 New Year's weekend caused damage to the District collection system that will require interim and long -term repairs; and WHEREAS Contra Costa County has been included in Federal Disaster Declaration FEMA- 1628 -DR and California Emergency Declaration CDAA 2006 -01 making federal and state disaster relief funds available to public agencies for repairing storm - related damage; and WHEREAS there may be future disasters or emergencies when federal and state disaster relief funds are made available to public agencies; THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. THAT the following District employees: General Manager, Director of Engineering, and Environmental Services Division Manager are hereby authorized to execute for, and on behalf of, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, an application and to file it in the Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under P.L. 93 -288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and /or state financial assistance under the Natural Disaster Assistance Act for storm - related damage, which occurred in December of 2005 and January of 2006. NAENVRSEMPosition Papers \Swanson\2006 \Resolution for Emergency Relief 4- 6- 06.doc Page 1 of 2 2. THAT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes the previously named agents to provide to the State Office of Emergency Services the assurances and agreements required for all matters pertaining to such state disaster assistance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of April 2006 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Mario M. Menesini President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel Page 4 of 4 WENVRSEMPosition Papers \Swanson\2006 \Resolution for Emergency Relief 4- 6- 06.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 3.c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE TRAINING ATTENDANCE Subject: AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF HARRY WYLES, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS SUPERVISOR, AT AN INTRODUCTION TO SUPERVISION TRAINING IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, FROM APRIL 17 - 21, 2006, AT A COST OF $1,500 Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: David Robbins Operations /Plant Operations Plant Maintenance Superintendent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Z) " v 41 � 0 &Y-1, - D. Robbins D Craig J. Kell ha4sB. General Man, ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for training if the cost exceeds $1,000 and is not previously approved in the budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Harry Wyles, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, at an Introduction to Supervision training course. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated total cost for Mr. Wyles' attendance is $1,500. There are adequate funds remaining in the Operations Department training budget to cover the cost of his attendance. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not attend this training course at this time. BACKGROUND: Mr. Harry Wyles was recently promoted to the position of Buildings and Ground Supervisor. Prior to joining the District, Mr. Wyles had some supervisory experience in the private sector, and he served as provisional supervisor for the Buildings and Grounds work group for several months. The proposed training is provided by Graduate School, USDA (which provides contract training to the federal government), in San Francisco, California, from April 17 - 21, 2006, at a cost of $1,500. It covers a wide range of supervisory topics pertinent to today's public sector supervisors. Many new District supervisors have attended this course, and have found it to be comprehensive and beneficial to their jobs. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the attendance of Harry Wyles, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, at an Introduction to Supervision training course in San Francisco, California, from April 17 - 21, 2006, at a cost of $1,500. N: \POSUP \Correspondence \Position Papers\2006 \HWyles USDA Course.doc Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 3,d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: CONSIDER EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL subject: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS FROM THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Initiating Dept /Div.: Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 4D. ��"" Ratcli R. Mus aves General ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for emergency withdrawal of funds from the Deferred Compensation Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request by Paul Crouch for an emergency withdrawal of $15,642, after taxes, from the Deferred Compensation Plan, as recommended by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: This request could be denied, however, this is not recommended as the request meets the requirements for emergency withdrawals as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. BACKGROUND: Paul Crouch, Maintenance Crew Leader, has requested an emergency withdrawal from the Deferred Compensation Plan based on extreme financial hardship caused by an extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstance arising from a property casualty loss. The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has reviewed the request and determined that it meets the requirements for emergency withdrawal in the amount of $15,642, after taxes. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the request by Paul Crouch for an emergency withdrawal of $15,642, after taxes, from the Deferred Compensation Plan, as recommended by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN \POSPAPER \Crouch - Emergency Withdrawal.doc Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 5.a. Bids and Awards Type of Action: AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT /AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT/ AUTHORIZE FUNDS subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO D. W. NICHOLSON CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MWH FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EXPANSION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7240. APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $4,184,000 FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2005 -06 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Ba T. Than, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: .9-rr - of'�- B. Than A. Farr he Iles . Batts. General Manager ISSUE: On March 22, 2006, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Ultraviolet Disinfection Expansion Project, District Project 7240. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager to execute professional service agreements in an amount greater than $50,000. Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the addition of funds to Capital Improvement Program Budgets from the Sewer Construction Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Award a construction contract and authorize a professional service agreement. Authorize $4,184,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the Treatment Plant Program of the 2005 -06 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $4,184,000 including bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Award of Contract - The alternative would be to reject all bids. 2. Professional Services - The professional services agreement with MWH is for construction support services (shop drawing review and responding to design clarifications). The District does not have the staff available to provide these services. In addition, the construction support services are normally provided by the design firm to maintain consistency and ensure that the design intent is met. N: \TREATPLANT\7240 - UV Disinfection Expansion \Meetings - Board \7240 Award- FINALBTT.DOC Page 1 of 6 3/31/2006 10:20 AM POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO D. W. NICHOLSON CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MWH FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EXPANSION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7240. APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $4,184,000 FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2005 -06 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 3. Budget Allocation - Reject supplemental authorization request for $4,184,000 in unallocated funds, and delay the funding allocation for this project. BACKGROUND: District staff evaluated treatment plant wet weather capacities and recommended an increase in ultraviolet disinfection (UV) treatment capacity from 105 to 135 mgd (See Attachment 1 for Project Location). By increasing UV capacity, the District will significantly reduce the need to bypass partially treated wastewater to the holding basins and to potentially to Walnut Creek. Pursuant to the Board's previous authorization and direction, Staff negotiated a license agreement with Trojan Technologies for $160,000. This license agreement permits any third party manufacturer named by the District to produce UV disinfection equipment to match the existing components of the District's disinfection system. Staff then negotiated a fixed price, sole source purchase order with IronBrook Partners for the purchase and delivery of said ultraviolet disinfection equipment by the District's chosen general contractor (to be determined by competitive bid). The pre- negotiated, fixed price under the purchase order is $1,710,000. Staff put the UV equipment installation contract out to competitive bid. Plans and specifications for this project were produced by MWH and District staff. The Engineer's estimate of construction costs was $3,550,000. The project was advertised on February 25 and March 2, 2006. Six (6) bids, ranging from $2,923,350 to $3,520,500, were received and publicly opened on March 22, 2006. The bidders included the pre - negotiated equipment purchase price of $1,710,000 in their bids. A summary of these bids is shown on Attachment 2. Staff conducted a commercial and technical evaluation of these bids and has determined that D. W. Nicholson Corp. is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid amount of $2,923,350. District staff will perform construction management, contract administration, and construction inspection. Staff recommends retaining MWH to provide support services during construction for this project because MWH helped prepare the plans and specifications and, therefore, has a solid understanding of the project design. The construction support services include reviewing shop drawings and submittals, responding to design questions, evaluating change order requests, and performing site visits to verify compliance with the design intent. A construction support services contract with a cost ceiling of $100,000 has been negotiated with MWH. N: \TREATPLANT\7240 - UV Disinfection Expansion \Meetings - Board \7240 Award- FINALBTT.DOC Page 2 of 6 3/31/2006 10:20 AM POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO D. W. NICHOLSON CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MWH FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EXPANSION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7240. APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $4,184,000 FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM OF THE 2005 -06 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET When the capital budget is prepared, estimates are made for funding authorizations needed in the next fiscal year. These estimates include projecting in what fiscal year construction projects will actually be awarded. It was expected that the UV project would not be awarded until FY 2006 -07 and therefore the authorization included in the FY 2005 -06 CIB is not adequate to fund the award of the project this year. Staff requests that the Board of Directors approve a supplemental authorization from the Sewer Construction Fund of $4,184,000 for the Treatment Plant Program in order to proceed with award and initiating construction of the UV Disinfection Project in FY 2005 -06 (See Attachment 3 for cost breakdown). The majority of the expenditures on this project will occur in FY 2006 -07. The Ultraviolet Disinfection Expansion Project is included in the Fiscal Year 2005 -06 Capital Improvement Budget, pages TP -116 through TP -118. At its October 11, 1993 meeting, the District Board of Directors found the Ultraviolet Disinfection Project to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: Award a construction contract in the amount of $2,923,350 for construction of the Ultraviolet Disinfection Expansion Project, District Project 7240, to D.W. Nicholson Corp., the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, and; 2. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional service agreement not to exceed $100,000 with MWH to review shop drawings and submittals, respond to design questions, evaluate change order requests, and perform site visits to verify compliance with the design intent, and; 3. Authorize Supplemental Authorization of $4,184,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the Treatment Plant Program of the 2005 -06 Capital Improvement Budget, N: \TREATPLAN'R7240 - UV Disinfection Expansion \Meetings - Board \7240 Award- FINALBTT.DOC Page 3 of 6 3/31/2006 10:20 AM 0 i o 150 300 FEET 0 _ Pe�tk to PROJECT i SITE i r% Warehouse o I QpV � ��aN • on Central Contra Costa ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION Attachment Sanitary District EXPANSION District Project 7240 Project Location Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7240 /1.11traviolet Disinfection Expansion DATE: March 22, 2006 LOCATION: Martinez, California ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $3,550.000 NUMBER BIDDER Name, Address, Telephone No. BID PRICE D. W. Nicholson Corporation $2,923,350 1 24747 Clawiter Road Hayward, CA 94540 Kaweah Construction Company $3,270,100 2 3960 Industrial Blvd, Suite 300 W. Sacramento, CA 95691 Valentine Corporation $3,308,000 3 PO Box 9337 San Rafael, CA 94912 G. S. E. Construction Company, Inc. $3,348,000 4 1020 Shannon Court Livermore, CA 94550 Pacific Mechanical Corporation $3,428,100 5 2501 Annalisa Drive Concord, CA 94520 C. W. Roen Construction Company $3,520,500 6 40 Oak Court Danville, CA 94526 BIDS OPENED BY: /s/ Elaine Boehme DATE: March 22, 2006 N:\PESUP \Position Papers \Than \7240 Award -AEF FINAL.DOC Page 5 of 6 3/29/2006 1:37 PM mve ATTACHMENT 3 ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EXPANSION PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7240 POST - BID / PRE - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Item Description 1 CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract b. Instrumentation and Programming (District Staff) c. Contingency at 20% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BY DISTRICT STAFF a. District Forces - Construction Management and Inspection - Project Engineering /Operations Department SUBTOTAL b. Consultants -MWH - Legal SUBTOTAL TOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Prebid Expenditures b. License Fee to Trojan Technologies, Inc. SUBTOTAL 5 TOTAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COST 6 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 7 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE 8 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT Page 6 of 6 Amount $2,923,350 $120,000 $610,650 $3,654,000 $345,000 $50,000 $395,000 $100,000 $35,000 $135,000 $530,000 $4,184,000 $240,000 $160,000 $400,000 $930,000 $4,584,000 $400,000 $4,184,000 % of Estimated Construction Cost 100% 11% 4% 15% 115% 25% 125% Item 5.a ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EXPANSION PROJECT DP 7240 April 6, 2006 r S P-q Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Agenda ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EXPANSION PROJECT • Scope of Project • Commercial Terms • Summary of Bids. • Cost and Schedule • Recommendations /Actions Scope of Project • Increase UV Disinfection Capacity to 135 mgd • Add 6 Banks of UV in Two Reserved Channels • Match Existing Technology • Allow Greater Final Effluent Flows .. i� .::: i ,;., §�� Commercial Terms • Board Authorized A License Fee of $160,000 To Trojan Technologies • Board Authorized Negotiation with IronBrook Partners On Sole Source UV Equipment • Staff Negotiated A $1,710,000 Fixed Price For UV Equipment Summary of Bids • Six Bids Ranged From - $2,932,350 To $3,520,500 • Engineering Cost Estimate - $3,550,000 • Low Bid Submitted By DW Nicholson Corp. - Own Electrical Contractor • Experience With DW Nicholson Corp. Cost and Schedule • DW Nicholson Corp. • Contingency /Programming • Design /CM is Total Project Cost $2,932,350 730,650 930,000 $4,584,000 Cost and Schedule • Issue Notice Of Award: April 7, 06 • Issue Notice To Proceed: May 1, 06 • Project Completion: July 2007 Recommendations • Award A Construction Contract to DW Nicholson Corp. • Authorize A Professional Engineering Contract To MWH for Construction Support Services • Approve Supplemental Authorization to Capital Improvement Budget Questions? 0 �r =S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 7.a. ADM I N I STRAT I V E Type of Action: AUTHORIZE CONTRACT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A REPROGRAPHICS SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH XEROX CORPORATION Submitted By: initiating Dept /Div.: Admin /Communication Svcs. Harriette Heibel, Communication Services Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMM_ _DED FOR BOARD ACTION: l" H.Helbel General ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional service agreements over $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Reprographics Services contract with Xerox Corporation for five years. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated cost of this 5 -year contract is $1,475,400 (excluding tax), which includes monthly management fees, approximate variable usage fees (number of copies made and supplies used). Not included are paper and binding supplies or one -time equipment installation costs. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives to executing this contract with Xerox include 1) Awarding the contract to one of the other vendors who submitted a proposal; and 2) Leasing the equipment for the copy center and the copier stations through the District and hire employees to operate and maintain the copy center, process mail, and service individual copier machines BACKGROUND: Since 1996 the District has been contracting the Reprographic Services Center (RSC) with outside vendors. Facilities management services include the operation of a high - volume copy center; processing and delivering District mail to both the Martinez and Walnut Creek facilities; and providing and maintaining copiers in 14 locations throughout the District. From 1996 -2001 the District contracted with IKON Management Services. In 2001, the District awarded a 5 -year contract to operate the RSC to Xerox Corporation. The existing contract with Xerox ends on June 30, 2006. Page 1 of 3 H: AdminStuff\AdminDept \RSC Pos Paper.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A REPROGRAPHICS SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH XEROX CORPORATION A formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process was begun in February 2006, inviting vendors to bid on the next 5 -year contract period. Prior to beginning the process, an extensive District wide survey was conducted to assess future copier and document handling needs for the various departments. Information gathered through the survey was used to prepare the bidding documents. During the proposal process, interested vendors were invited to tour the current copy center, inspect the equipment, and ask questions related to the District's service needs. Four vendors responded to the RFP. An in -depth internal evaluation was conducted based on several criteria, including merit of the proposal, knowledge /expertise of the service provider, overall service strategy, reference checks, pricing, and the financial stability of the vendor. Based on this first level of evaluation, staff concluded that two of the vendors best met our requirements — Pinnacle Document Solutions and Xerox Corporation. The estimated monthly management fee including copies for each of these vendors was: Pinnacle Document Solutions $23,493 Xerox Corporation $24,590 Equipment demonstrations and vendor interviews were then conducted with the two finalists. Through the interview process and further reference checking, it became obvious that Pinnacle's specialty is as a copier dealer and providing customized document management solutions. Pinnacle's facilities management experience is not of the same size and scope as that required by the District. Pinnacle has no existing accounts or trained staff that use either the high -speed copiers or software they proposed. Additionally, their current financial stability is much weaker than their competition. Xerox has demonstrated experience with facility management at the District and numerous other sites. The Xerox facilities management and support staffs are familiar with the software and equipment proposed; they also have a proven backup plan for both service and equipment. Additionally, their proposal does not rely on third party vendors for the equipment and software they are proposing as Pinnacle's does. The equipment and software being proposed includes digital features that will enable the District to streamline their document sharing through the use of multifunction devices. These devices not only make copies and serve as network printers, they also enable Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A REPROGRAPHICS SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH XEROX CORPORATION scanned documents to be faxed and emailed directly from the copy machine or a desktop computer. As a result of the evaluation, equipment demonstrations and interviews, it is staffs recommendation to retain the Xerox Corporation for the next five years at an estimated cost of $1,475,400. Although more service and better equipment will be provided under this proposed contract than the current one, the cost estimate is nearly the same as the previous Xerox proposal made five years ago. Should early termination of this contract be required, contractual terms exist to allowing that action as well as an option to purchase the equipment, should the District desire to do so. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Reprographics Services Agreement with Xerox Corporation for five years. Page 3 of 3 IA. Acdm it1 i S+Y -af` v 2 Reprographic Services Request for Proposal Process ■ Overview of RFP Process ■ Evaluation Process • Comparison between Proposals • Staff Recommendation 7.A Admi ismtive Overview of RFP Process ■ Used information gathered from Districtwide survey to prepare bidding documents ■ 8 interested vendors toured copy center ■ 3 responsive vendors to RFP ____"niti_aljnnde_ ion _identified 2 finalists ■ Conducted site visits with equipment/software demonstrations ■ Held vendor interviews with 2 finalists 7A Adminittntive 1 Evaluation Process ■ Merit of Proposal ■ Knowledge /expertise of vendor ■ Overall service strategy ■ Pricing ■ Financial stability ■ Reference checks ■ Equipment demonstrations ■ Vendor interview 7.A Admins=tiw J Comparison between Proposals Vendor Est. Mo. Mgmt. Fee' Comments Pinnacle Doc. $23,493 ■Minimal facilities mgmt. experience Solutions ■Use of third party equipment /software ■ No existing staff trained on proposed equipment or software ■ Weaker financial stability than competitors Xerox Corp. $24,590 ■Demonstrated experience in equipment and service ■All equipment Is Xerox made ■ Strong financial stability Oce" $25,068 ■Highest fees ■Copiers did not meet requirements ■Mathematical mistakes in pricing 7.A Admkivadw 'not induding tax J J Recommendation: Retain Xerox • Best overall strategy for providing service • Competitive pricing • Best document handling solutions • No third -party equipment • Extensive facilities management experience • Track record of exemplary customer service • Estimated 5 -year cost is nearly the same as previous contract 7 ,A tratin 11 Year RSC & Paper Expenses $400,000.00 $350,000.00 $300,000.00 $250,000.00 $200,000.00 $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 1996 - 2001 annual budget 2001 - current annual budget 5303.000 (Ind. Tax) $358,000 (Ind. Tax) oe a Jc oc Jc o� Jc o� Jc oc J� oc o� env IKON M RSC d Paper Xerox Paper Projected Q M RSC Paw 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 8.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: CONTINUE HEARING subject. CONTINUE THE APRIL 6, 2006 HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE EASEMENTS THROUGH 190 AND 194 STRENTZEL LANE, MARTINEZ, FOR THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5919, TO MAY 18, 2006 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ricardo Hernandez Engineering /Environmental Services Senior Engineering Assistant REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTT N: R. Hernan anny Swanson A. Farrell arles . Ba General Mana er ISSUE: A hearing to consider initiation of eminent domain (condemnation) proceedings is scheduled for April 6, 2006, however, the hearing should be continued to allow reconsideration of the original District - preferred sewer alignment. RECOMMENDATION: Continue the April 6, 2006 hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution of Necessity (RON) to acquire easements through condemnation for the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project, DP 5919, to May 18, 2006. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None regarding this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Staff believes that consideration of a RON is premature at this time given the recently renewed negotiations with the National Park Service (NPS) for the District - preferred alignment through the John Muir gravesite property. If negotiations with the NPS fail or do not provide a right -of -way in time for this project, condemnation of easements across adjacent private property may be required for construction of the segment of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project between Strentzel Lane and Wanda Way. Other alternate alignments for this segment would also require the acquisition of easements. The Board could also schedule the hearing for a different date provided there is at least 15 days to notify the affected property owners. BACKGROUND: The subject easements are along an alternate route through private property located at 190 and 194 Strentzel Lane in Martinez (map attached). The private properties are adjacent to the NPS property where the District had originally proposed to install the trunk sewer. During initial contacts with the NPS, NPS staff first indicated that it was likely that the District would be granted a right -of -way permit across the John Muir gravesite property; however, the NPS position was later reversed in subsequent discussions where it was indicated that the right -of -way would not be granted. Based on this information, the District started the process to acquire easements along an alternate N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2006 \5919 Continue Hearing Alhambra Valley 4- 6- 06.doc page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject: CONTINUE THE APRIL 6, 2006 HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE EASEMENTS THROUGH 190 AND 194 STRENTZEL LANE, MARTINEZ, FOR THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5919, TO MAY 18, 2006 alignment across private properties. In a letter dated March 7, 2006, however, NPS staff stated that a right -of -way permit might be issued to the District, subject to completion of NPS application procedures and favorable compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Staff is preparing the necessary documents and reports to comply with NEPA provisions. - The alignment through the NPS property is the District's preferred alternative. Since the NPS is now considering issuance of a right -of -way permit, staff believes that it is premature to initiate condemnation for easements along the alternate alignment across 190 and 194 Strentzel Lane while negotiating with the NPS. Therefore, staff recommends that the hearing originally scheduled for April 6, 2006 be continued to May 18, 2006 since by that date the schedule to complete the NPS permit process will be more clearly defined. Staff will also continue to negotiate with the owners of 190 and 194 Strentzel Lane in an attempt to reach a mutual agreement to acquire easements across the two private properties in the event that the NPS ultimately declines to grant a right -of -way permit. It is possible that staff will recommend further continuance of the hearing, depending on the progress of negotiations with NPS and the property owners along the alternate alignment. The property owners will be notified of the continued hearing date no less than 16 days prior to the hearing, as required. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Continue the April 6, 2006 hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to acquire easements through 190 and 194 Strentzel Lane, Martinez for the Alhambra Valley Sewer Project, District Project 5919, to May 18, 2006. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Hernandez R\2006 \5919 Continue Hearing Alhambra Valley 4- 6- 06.doc Page 2 of 2 • Page 3 of 3 7 w E G! ro b C GJ rn Q o ° cu cn E cn 4-0 M MMMM' C: a) L O � Q U o a) Q. 4-4 U � C cu ai � U) U a z O Cl) cm 4--1 c O E N C.0 Me cu W Z - cn cn U U � O .0 _ Q � o w U z 0 • CD /W♦ V -6-00 O W O tf O 4.-' O U 0 a �> C cb-- ME E a) MID cu O E >, ._ cl. .� o 2 0. 0 ca 00 E _4-) ro Q c� L a 0 C: 0 LUcn C: a--r 0 u 0 cn cu L VJ a� �a U O �O L. CL t� O O Cu L. O mo O c Cg CL V .i 0 ;7 L. Cu O 1E n� W O Cu E C6 .C: CCU E C6 Jr. cn Q O V O U cn O U .O I M;� ■ O cu W \cu O O U O O U O cu cn O �a O E co V • L QD 3: aD CD i cu O X O r O V cn O U O O • Agenda Item #8.a LEGEND: H TRUNK SEWER PRASE 1 TRUNK SEWER PHASE 2 0 200 F® ALHAMBRA VALLEY TRUNK SEWER CCCSD DP 5919 06 -APR- 20061139 K ; \colsys \5919 \soclmoDs \5919_sm02_88.don 00 4h E r-a M c rn LO U O 0 O O CL cu O .9 U) X Cu o .c CL CL n cu 4_ O O U) cu C/) c — E Cl) O U a) cu a c Cl) 73 cu a) CL a) .0-0 -0 0 (1) — O >—� 4..j a) a) Cl) CL 0 (D C .� c a) 0 0 4--a aD U U .U) cu O .Cl) Cl) � CV W O � �C/) cl) cu cu O L. Jc > O � O cn O 0= o a) cu 0 = = aD O _ Q � M co E N C rn Q Jc 4-a N cu .CL U � 4-0 (1) cu CU a) -0 C/) c: M O O 4-0 U cu v p ._ LO V -t n ti 4) Q O Q. O L CL O E ry -- O cn X cn O � U C .CD Q 0 0 0 O E 73 C: cu cn 4-0 U chi C. E ■_ C: O U cn C: O U O U cn VI _i-a ■C: U O E cu c C: ■ cm 4• W ) a) L. W 4D O CU U � cn c ' a) cn O � U cn C. a) .- • O cu C: a) c cn C a a) .O O Z O V O -c -� O -0 0) •� 0 O •- U Q� _ 0 0 E cu cm O 8.a. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE :i iii: i " IN REPLY REFER TO: United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Eugene O'Neill NHS John Muir NHS Port Chicago Naval Magazine NM Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front NHP P.O. Box 280 Danville, CA 94526 L76 (JOMU -PLAN) April 5, 2006 Mr. Charles W. Batts General Manager Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Fax (925) 228 -4624 RE: Receipt of Right of Way Application to Construct Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer through John Muir National Historic Site, Martinez, District Project No. 5919.7/1.4 Dear Mr. Batts: The National Park Service (NPS) received Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District's (District) Right -of -Way Application dated March 17, 2006. We are currently reviewing the application for completeness. As for environmental review, based on the preliminary analysis it appears an Environmental Assessment (EA) will be required for the project. The EA will have to meet NPS standards as identified in NPS Director's Order 12- Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision Making. It appears that the District may have already hired a consultant to work on the EA without consulting the NPS. Because of potential conflict of interest, it is not acceptable to have a consultant for an NPS NEPA action report to an applicant. The NPS is willing to review the qualifications of the District consultant and may require a different consultant for the project. If the NPS accepts the District selected consultant, she will be required to sign a waiver that identifies the NPS as the client and states that she has no financial or other interests in the project. Thank you for working with the NPS on this project and please contact Deputy Superintendent Rick Smith at (925) 943 -1531 to step up a meeting to discuss next steps. Sincerely, Martha Lee Superintendent cc: Curtis Swanson, CCCSD Suzane Boyce Carlson, Dept. of the Interior Solicitor's Office Central Contra Costa Sanitary District likk BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 9.a. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: ADD ONE SENIOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE TECHNICIAN POSITION (G -62) IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION OF THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT subject: HUMAN RESOURCES Submitted By: Curtis Swanson, Initiating DeptJDiv.: Engineering /Environmental Environmental Services Division Services Division Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 0%1 C. Swanson A. Farrell harles W atts, General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors authorization is required to add new positions. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the addition of one Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician position (G -62, $4,516- $5,464) in the Environmental Services Division of the Engineering Department. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The addition of a Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician position would increase salary and benefit costs by $98,630 annually. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could reject or modify the staffing request. BACKGROUND: The Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor and a Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician from the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF) are currently on extended medical leaves of absence. The Supervisor is seeking a disability retirement and the length of absence for the Senior Technician is uncertain. The absence of both of these experienced employees will adversely affect the operation of the HHWCF. The HHWCF is currently staffed with five authorized positions: one HHW Supervisor, two Senior HHW Technicians, and two HHW Technicians 1 /11. With the Supervisor and one of the Senior Technicians out on extended leave, the remaining Senior Technician will function as the provisional Supervisor for the foreseeable future. Staff proposes to add a Senior HHW Technician position to oversee the daily operation of the HHWCF and to back up the provisional Supervisor. The added position will be deleted when the current incumbent returns to work. Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject: ADD ONE SENIOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE TECHNICIAN POSITION (G-62) IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION OF THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the addition of one Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician (G -62, $4,516 - $5,464) in the Environmental Services Division of the Engineering Department. Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 9.b. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: RECEIVE STAFFING PLAN subject RECEIVE AND CONSIDER STAFFING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 submitted By. Cathryn Freitas, Human Initiating DeptJDiv.: Resources Manager Administration /Human Resources REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: kC.4 R. Musgrave General ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the April 6, 2006, Board Meeting. Board approval is scheduled for the May 4, 2006, Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Staffing Plan for Fiscal Year 2006- 2007. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed Staffing Plan would increase annual salary and benefit costs by $890,114, excluding any cost -of- living adjustments. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Modify or reject proposed Staffing Plan. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. The Staffing Plan includes departmental overviews, personnel actions taken during. Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 to -date, requested changes and their justifications, new job classification descriptions, and organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes. To date, there have been 40 personnel actions during Fiscal Year 2005 -2006. The attached summary sheet highlights the effect of each department's staffing requests on the number of total authorized positions in the District and the costs in salaries and benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will be six more than last year. Ten Co -op student positions are requested for both six -month terms for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007, which is the same number of positions as last year. Page 1 of 4 H: \BUDGET \Receive Staffing Plan PP 2006.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 Subject: RECEIVE AND CONSIDER STAFFING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 The salaries and wages in the 2005 -2006 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to cost -of- living salary adjustments and any merit and longevity increases scheduled in 2006 -2007. Staff is recommending the salaries for the eight Co -ops from four -year colleges remain at $18.00 an hour and the two Co -ops from Diablo Valley College at $15.50 an hour. The Staffing Plan was reviewed, discussed, and approved as delineated below by the Personnel Committee at their March 9, 2006, meeting. District staff will meet and confer with the appropriate bargaining units on those items that are applicable prior to the Board adopting the Staffing Plan. Administration None Operations Collection System Operations 1. Add two Maintenance Crew Member 1 /11 (1: G -53, $3,645 - $4,408; II: G -59, $4,203 - $5,085) positions. 2. Add one Pumping Stations Operator 1 /11 (1: G -59, $4,203 - $5,085; II: G -62, $4,516 - $5,463) position. Plant Operations 3. Add one Plant Operator 1 /II (I: G -59, $4,203 - $5,085; 11: G -62, $4,516 - $5,463) position. Engineering 4. Add one Senior Engineering Assistant (G -72, $5,729 - $6,935) position and adopt the revised job classification description. 5. Add one Senior Source Control Inspector (G -69, $5,333 - $6,449) position. Page 2 of 4 H: \BUDGET \Receive Staffing Plan PP 2006.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 Subject: RECEIVE AND CONSIDER STAFFING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 Secretary of the District Co-op None 6. Authorize the hiring of students to fill ten Co -op positions in 2006 -2007. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive and consider the Staffing Plan for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 herein identified by items 1 — 6. The Staffing Plan will be submitted for final approval at the May 4, 2006, Board meeting. Page 3 of 4 HABUDGET \Receive Staffing Plan PP 2006.doc w LLI } a O O N N I Z O co ao J N a Z LL LL a H N a o S. 3y Q y Q O O 0 06 d '� O N In � � N OD (D to r L d M N (O O on (fl (O oo �► r !Q d M N M 14- O r � _ p O _ Ffi 63 (fl Eh? ti? 69 m LO z co O y 'r O N N Q O W o o o co N p N N i0 O O iu O C C N O M I� N C r M CD N N O O V O V d v LO L6 LO L6 Lr). M O) V LL CM (L M 67 6ck Ir 0 (0 N N M M � � � 1� M U? L i L N cr LZ — _ — _ — U•- O p _ _ O a Z V c L a rn L a° w e (D (D (La (D (D O cc L m L— E c E v�Q v��j ap (V r r r d la C I — IM 0 CL c o rn E o CL C N N m ° 2 E a �, o a o w Page 4 of 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ` BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 9.c. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES subject: AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES Submitted By: Cathryn Freitas, Initiating Dept. /Div.: Human Resources Manager Administration /Human Resources REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: wr Awl" C. F eitas sgrave arles alts, General Manager ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal employees in 2006. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the hiring of twenty -six students for seasonal employment. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed seasonal staffing will cost approximately $209,603. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Authorize hiring fewer students for seasonal employment. BACKGROUND: Each year, the District hires students during the summer months for seasonal maintenance, vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for twenty -four student positions last year. Authorization is requested for twenty -six seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. It is recommended that the hourly rates for seasonal employees remain the same as last year: Student Positions Proposed Salary* Clerical, Laborer (No experience necessary) $12.00 Technical (Drafting, Graphic Design) $13.50 Professional (Chemist, Engineering) $15.50 *For every year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers. For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $14.00 per hour this summer. The extra dollar an hour recognizes the experience and serves as an incentive for returning students. H: \BUDGET \SEASONAL HELP 2006 PP.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 Subject: AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES The Staffing Plan was reviewed and recommended by the Personnel Committee at their March 9, 2006, meeting. Department Directors will be prepared to answer any questions regarding the following requests: Administration The Administration Department is requesting two summer students position in 2006- 2007. This is one more than last year. One position is located in Communication Services for technical support and the other will work for Safety and Risk Management locating and organizing District keys. Operations The Operations Department is requesting twenty students, which is one more than last year. Seven of the summer student laborer positions will provide vacation coverage in Buildings and Grounds and do seasonal maintenance. The Plant is also requesting two relief positions in the Laboratory, one Electrical Shop assistant, two clerical, one laborer to assist the Mechanical Maintenance staff, one laborer to assist the Machine Shop staff, and one Web information assistant to help build the Operations Department's information site on the District's Intranet. In addition, the Collection System Operations Division is requesting one clerical position to provide vacation coverage, two laborers at the pumping stations, one laborer to assist the construction and locating section, and one laborer to perform buildings and grounds maintenance. Engineering The Engineering Department requests authorization to hire three engineering assistant summer student positions. This is one more than last year's request. Two positions will be assigned to the District's Planning Section assisting in collection system piping inventory and database work and the other position will be assigned to the Capital Projects Division working on design projects for the collection system. The Secretary of the District The Secretary of the District is requesting one student to assist with records management, large projects, switchboard backup, and vacation relief. This is one less position than last year's request. Page 2 of 3 HABUDGET \SEASONAL HELP 2006 PP.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject: AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the hiring of twenty -six students for seasonal employment. Page 3 of 3 H: \BUDGET \SEASONAL HELP 2006 PP.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 9.d. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: ADOPT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY subject: ADOPT A POLICY ON HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Cathryn R. Freitas, Human Administration Resources Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. ISSUE: Board approval is requested to adopt a District policy and procedure on hiring District retirees. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a District policy and procedure on hiring District retirees. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There is no direct financial impact. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could (1) prohibit the hiring of District retirees, (2) require Board approval, or (3) Board notification and review before the hiring of a District retiree. In addition, the Board could also (4) delegate the approval or review to a Board Committee, or (5) delegate the ability to hire a District retiree to the General Manager. BACKGROUND: In response to the Board Budget and Finance Committee's comments on the District's current practice of hiring District retirees and their concern of providing insufficient notification and review by the Board of Directors, staff has prepared two policies for consideration. The Committee believes that the District's hiring of retired employees should provide a "transparent" process to the public so that there is no perceived conflict of interest or favoritism in such decisions. Staff believes that occasionally it is in the District's best interest to be able to hire retirees for legitimate business reasons. By bringing the hiring to the Board, or a Board Committee prior to a commitment, the Board could provide staff guidance, as well as to provide staff the opportunity to address any Board concerns. The DRAFT Policies outline such practices, and include the requirement for Board notification. The General Manager was requested by the Budget and Finance Committee to provide two alternative DRAFT policies, one requiring Board approval, and one requiring Board notification and review through the General Manager. Either policy will provide the Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject. ADOPT A POLICY ON HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Board with the opportunity to discuss the merits of the alternatives and direct staff before hiring of District retirees. The option the Board chooses will be included in the District's Policy and Procedures manual. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a District policy and procedure for hiring District retirees. Page 2 of 6 HAExec AsshDirector of AdminTosition Paper Hiring District Retirees 4 6 06 .doc Board Approval version ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Effective Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Subject: POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Established by: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration The District occasionally may hire a retired employee for legitimate business reasons. The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to complete specific short -term tasks or projects, or to provide a short-term service normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District retiree is to address a short-term need in a method beneficial and cost - effective to the District, and not as a means for providing on -going employment or income. The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association ( CCCERA) and the State of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures: • District Temporaries -- The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year. It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of the step and range at which he /she was assigned upon retirement from the District. Note that the base salary excludes longevity pay or other contractual benefits accorded to regular, full -time employees. When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine - hundred and sixty hours per fiscal year and /or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options: • Independent Contractor — The retiree may become an independent contractor under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her /his own working hours, provide his /her HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE sheet 2 of 2 own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff, contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the final work product); also under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s /he must have evidence of personal liability insurance, unless waived, or Contract Employee — Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self - employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District. For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the employee to provide services to the District but not be a District employee. The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his /her income by working for himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affiliated with the CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income. Board Notification version ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Effective Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Subject: POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Established by: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration The District occasionally may hire a retired employee for legitimate business reasons. The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to complete specific short -term tasks or projects, or to provide a short-term service normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District retiree is to address a short-term need in a method beneficial and cost - effective to the District, and not as a means for providing on -going employment or income. The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association ( CCCERA) and the State of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures: • District Temporaries — The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year. It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of the step and range at which he /she was assigned upon retirement from the District. Note that the base salary excludes longevity pay or other contractual benefits accorded to regular, full -time employees. When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine - hundred and sixty hours per fiscal year and /or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options: HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Sheet 2 of 2 Independent Contractor — The retiree may become an independent contractor under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her /his own working hours, provide his /her own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff, contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the final work product); also under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s /he must have evidence of personal liability insurance, unless waived, or Contract Employee — Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self - employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District. For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the employee to provide services to the District but not be a District employee. The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his /her income by working for himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affiliated with the CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 9.e. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: Human Resources subject: RECEIVE REPORT ON RETIREMENT SURVEY Submitted By: Cathryn Freitas, Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administration/ Human Resources Manager Human Resources REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: C tMuUgres- C (4*General Ma ISSUE: The Memoranda of Understanding between the District and its bargaining units, MS /CG and the Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local One, require that a retirement survey of Bay Area wastewater agencies be conducted by staff in the third year of the contracts. The results of the survey will be presented at this meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. The report reflects the current contractual obligations of the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: If the Board wishes to provide direction to its negotiators for action to be taken beyond receiving the report, a Closed Session has been scheduled for this purpose. BACKGROUND: Staff conducted a survey of retirement compensation and benefits at the East Bay public water and wastewater agencies traditionally used by the District for labor relations survey purposes. The Board Personnel Committee received the report (copies were distributed to the Board) and heard a staff presentation at its meeting of March 9, 2006. The Committee found that the District ranks in the middle of the survey agencies in total compensation. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the report and provide direction, if any, to staff in Closed Session. Page 1 of 1 H:\ Backup\ FILES \PERSMISC \RetireSurvey.pp.doc RETIREMENT SURVEY Three Types of Retirement Plans "CCCSD'1037Ac "CCVVD&EBMUD'Se|f-funded Four Retirement Rates ^CCCGD8EBMUD—Z�,br,55 °CCVVD-2 � 7 5]���5 °Union San —2s�l,�S5 "DDSD&DSRSD—%^ZV,Qj,55 Three Bases for Salary F CCCSD, CCWD, DSRSD, Union San — twelve highest months * EBMUD — twenty -four highest months c DDSD — thirty-six highest months Employer Contribution By Percent Of Salary CCCSD — 36.06% CCWD — 20.43 — 22.43% DDSD — 34% DSRSD — 16.25% EBMUD — 25.08% Union San — 17.45% Employee Contribution By Percent Of Salary CCCSD — 4% avg. CCWD — 6.28 — 8 %, 3 -1% for mgt. DDSD — 0% DSRSD — 8% reimbursed (2% ee.) EBMUD — 6.83% (4/06) Union San — 2% Sick Leave Credit: Hour for Hour CCCSD — 65% for Tier I 40% for Tier II incentive CCWD — 35 -55% incentive /no credit EBMUD — Double credit Vacation Buy -out CCCSD — Up to two years of vacation accruals can be cashed out and applied to retirement. Social Security CCCSD & Union San are not in Social Security (6.25 %) DSRSD reimburses for Social Security Retiree Benefits CCCSD — Medical, dental, reduced life Tier I (100 %) Tier II (50% at age 65) r CCWD — Medical, reduced life DDSD — Medical DSRSD — Medical, dental (100% at 20 yrs.) EBMUD - $550 /mo., medical, dental Union San - $300 /mo. (10 yrs.) Retiree Cost of Living CCCSD & DDSD — 3% max. E CCWD — 2.5% this year DSRSD & Union San — 2% max. EBMUD — 3 -5% depending on 85% funding Longevity CCCSD — 2_5 %x`_3,4 years DDSD — 2.5`<'b dj Q years, ?_a xo;a_15 years EBMUD — 2.75 %Ce) ?O years Shift Differential — Varying Amounts CCCSD — 5% swing, 7.5% grave CCWD — 2% day, 4% swing, 6% 24 hr. DDSD — 5% swing, 7% grave DSRSD - $32 /shift (in mediation) EBMUD — 10% day /swing, 150/o grave i Union San — 5% swing, 7% grave, If alone, 7.5% swing, 10% grave Deferred Compensation CCCSD - 6.20/c in lieu of Social Security CCWD — Avg. of 3 %. None to clerical DDSD — 10% match to professional /mgt DSRSD — 50% match to mid -r Sgt, 25% to general, $7000 to mgt s EBMUD — None Union San- $92.32/mo. for 457 or $54 /mo to unclassified Cafeteria Plan CCCSD - $100 general, $220 MS /CG, $425 mgt CCWD - $50 /mo. for def. comp. or med. EBMUD - $750 /yr. for IRS 125 plan Comparison of 20 Years of Service at Age 55 Agency ,' Basic Rank Enhanced Rank CCCSD $2400, 5 $3165 3 CCWD 1$2700 4 $2700 5 DDSD 1$3013 3 $3059 4 DSRSD $3355 1 ! $3405 1 EBMUD 1$2365 6 $2365 6 Union San $3180 2 $3226 2 Staff Recommendation Receive Retirement Survey report - Take no further action at this time Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 No.: 1O.a. REAL PROPERTY Type of Action: AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A FIVE YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY QUARRY PRODUCTS, LLC, FOR A CLEAN FILL OPERATION ON PROPERTY LOCATED OFF IMHOFF DRIVE Submitted By: James M. Warrington, Materials Manager Initiating Dept. /Div.: Purchasing & Administration REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ISSUE: Board approval is required to enter into long -term property leases. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a five -year lease agreement with County Quarry Products, LLC for a clean fill operation on the property located off Imhoff Drive known as the Kiewit property. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The lease agreement is anticipated to net the District approximately $1,000,000 over a five year period. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could direct staff to reject the lease agreement and not pursue the clean fill operation, continue to negotiate with County Quarry Products for changes to the lease agreement, or negotiate with the other proposers. BACKGROUND: On June 2, 2005, the Board adopted Resolution 2005 -055, determining that the Kiewit property is currently unnecessary for the performance of the District's purpose and function, and that short-term leasing of the site for compatible uses would be of benefit to the District. Staff presented the Board with three proposals for a clean fill operation on the Kiewit property at the September 1, 2005 Board meeting. Staff was directed to negotiate with County Quarry Products, who had submitted the proposal most favorable to the District. Due to the fact the District has never undertaken a clean fill operation and the agreement is somewhat complex, it has taken a substantial amount of time to draft, negotiate and finalize the agreement. However, negotiations were conducted in good faith and in a professional manner, which resulted in an agreement consistent with the District's Request For Proposal and County Quarry Products' proposal. Authorized representatives of County Quarry Products signed the lease agreement and returned it to the District on March 29, 2006. Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A FIVE YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY QUARRY PRODUCTS, LLC, FOR A CLEAN FILL OPERATION ON PROPERTY LOCATED OFF IMHOFF DRIVE In summary the terms of the lease are as follows. 1. County Quarry will be responsible to obtain all necessary permits and comply with all laws, codes and ordinances. They will front all costs associated with preparing the property to receive clean fill. 2. The term of the lease agreement is five years with a 60 day written notice by either party to terminate the lease. 3. County Quarry Products will run the daily operations and ensure compliance with all permits and legal requirements for the clean fill operation. 4. Soil testing protocol provisions are included to protect the District from receipt of hazardous material on the property during clean fill operations. 5. The District will receive monthly documentation of clean fill delivery, revenue and costs. 6. The District has the right to enter the premise at any time as well as audit any and all documentation pertaining to this operation. 7. The District anticipates approximately $1,000,000 in revenue for the leasing of the clean fill operation representing a sixty -five percent (65 %) share to the District and a thirty -five percent share to County Quarry Products split. 8. The District and County Quarry Products will split (50% for each) the costs associated with preparing the property to receive clean fill if the project cannot move forward due to unanticipated permitting or regulatory agency denial. 9. A Performance and Premise Clean -Up Bond of $500,000 for the first year is required. The amount of the Bond will be adjusted annually reflecting the percentage of the clean fill operation, which has been successfully completed. County Quarry Products is required to have $5 million for both general and automobile liability and $1 million in worker's compensation. The District will purchase an additional $4 million pollution liability insurance policy, approximately $60,000 premium, for the term of the lease. Two issues of concern previously expressed deal with potential contamination of the property and traffic congestion. County Quarry Products' experience running a similar operation and a soil testing protocol designed to identify hazardous materials give the District reasonable protection from receipt and disposal of hazardous material. In Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 6, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A FIVE YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY QUARRY PRODUCTS, LLC, FOR A CLEAN FILL OPERATION ON PROPERTY LOCATED OFF IMHOFF DRIVE addition, District staff has reviewed the testing protocol and find it is adequate to identify hazardous materials. The Lease requires all queuing of trucks to be off Imhoff Way and on the clean fill site. Separately, staff has been working with County Quarry to provide for off street queuing for existing truck traffic. Separate lease arrangements based on market rates will be submitted to the Board at a later date to address creation of a truck staging area on the Kiewit property. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a five - year lease agreement with County Quarry Products, LLC for a clean fill operation on the property located off Imhoff Drive known as the Kiewit property. Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item # 10a KIEWIT CLEAN FILL LEASE AGREEMENT • On June 2, 2005, the Board adopted Resolution 2005 -055, determining that the Kiewit property is currently unnecessary for the performance of the District's purpose and function • Staff presented the Board with three proposals for a clean fill operation on the Kiewit property at the September 1, 2005 Board meeting was directed to negotiate with County Quarry Products, who had submitted the proposal most favorable to the District. 1. Evans Brothers 2. Ghilotti Brothers 3. County Quarry • County Quarry is uniquely qualified to perform the requested services due to: 1. They are finishing up a similar operation off Evora Road 2. Their company operation is located across the street from the Kiewit property 3. They have leased they 7 acre property strengthening the District's influence over them A summary the terms of the lease is presented in the Position Paper. KIEWIT CLEAN FILL LEASE AGREEMENT 1. County Quarry will be responsible to obtain all necessary permits and comply with all laws, codes and ordinances. They will pay all costs associated with preparing the property to receive clean fill. . 2. The District and County Quarry Products will split (50% for each) the costs associated with preparing the property to receive clean fill if the project cannot move forward due to permitting or regulatory agency denial. 3. The term of the lease agreement is five years with a 60 day written notice by either party to terminate the lease. 4. County Quarry Products will run the daily operations and ensure compliance with all permits and legal requirements for the operation. 5. The District is reasonably protected from receipt and disposal of hazardous material through County Quarry Products' experience running a similar operation and by County Health Department approved testing protocol and plan. District staff have reviewed the testing protocol and find it is adequate to protect the District against the receipt of hazardous materials. 6. The District will receive monthly documentation of clean fill delivery, revenue and costs. (Managed by Jim Warrington) 7. The District has the right to enter the premise at any time as well as audit any and all documentation pertaining to this operation. 8. The District anticipates receiving approximately $1,000,000 in revenue for the leasing of the clean fill operation representing a sixty -five percent (65 %) to the District and a thirty -five percent (35 %) to County Quarry Products split. 9. A Performance and Premises Clean -Up Bond of $500,000 for the first year is required. The amount of the Bond will be adjusted annually reflecting the percentage of land available for clean fill material. 10. County Quarry Products is required to have $5 million for both general liability and automobile and $1 million in worker's compensation. The District will purchase an additional $4 million pollution liability insurance policy, approximately $60,000 premium, for the term of the lease. KIEWIT CLEAN FILL LEASE AGREEMENT • The lease agreement is only for the clean fill operation. As the Board knows, staff has been working with County Quarry Products' to address truck traffic. A separate lease agreement at market rate will be submitted to the Board at a later date addressing a truck staging area on the Kiewit property. This will provide additional lease revenue to the District. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a five -year clean fill operation lease agreement with County Quarry Products, LLC for the property located off of Imhoff Drive known as the Kiewit property.