HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/16/2006 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 4.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM ROBERT D. JOHNSON AND PETER KNOEDLER FOR AN EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE RECORDED FINAL MAP OF SUBDIVISION NO. MS 860 -90 IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE, DP 5417, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE RESOLUTION WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER. Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: John Mercurio, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: J. Mercurio M. y . Swanson A. Farrell CAh General ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept public sewer improvements and offers of dedication, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and offer of dedication, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision No. MS 860 -90 that is required for a recent public sewer extension off Camino Tassajara in the Town of Danville (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the final subdivision map, inspected the public sewer improvements and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication from Robert D. Johnson and Peter Knoedler for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision No. MS 860 -90 in the Town of Danville, and accepting DP 5417 public sewer improvements, and authorize staff to record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Page 1 of 2 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Mercurio\2006 \5417 Pos Paper Adopt Res Johnson - Knoedler 3- 16- 06.doc 2 V Z 9 P, a a C0 CAMINO - _'-`-''-- T'ASSAIARA New Manhole ZENITH I RIDGE DANVILLE LAWRENCE RD I-, SAN RAMON LOCATION MAP N. T. S. --- LEGEND: e EXISTING SEWER I) N SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY EASEMENT AREA Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEDICATION 1 [-.Am SUBDIVISION MS 860 -90 DP 5417 rage c OT e Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 4.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE LOWER ORINDA PUMPING STATION RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5448, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Andrew Antkowiak, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. l�t rvt- A"Wkowiak ecki Division Manager A. Far I General ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Lower Orinda Pumping Station Renovation Project, District Project 5448, and work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Lower Orinda Pumping Station Renovation Project, District Project 5448, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is advisable under the California Civil Code, Section 3090. BACKGROUND: The District's 1989 Pump Station Master Plan identified the need to renovate the Lower Orinda Pumping Station to meet long -range operating goals. The renovation of the Lower Orinda Pumping Station was done in several phases. The current project was the last phase of the renovation and consisted of complete renovation in the existing location. The project expanded the existing building and replaced the mechanical and electrical equipment, and added extensive instrumentation, control, and monitoring systems. On December 4, 2003, the Board of Directors (Board) authorized the award of a contract for the construction of the project to Pacific Mechanical Corporation. The Notice to Proceed was issued on January 20, 2004. The work was substantially completed in January 2006. There are several outstanding financial issues pertaining to the standby generator and the pumping station control panels that still need to be resolved. Staff will brief the Board on these issues as they develop. The Contract work is now complete and the project is ready for acceptance. NAPESUMCbradley \Position Papers\2006\March \DP5448 AcceptContractWork.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE LOWER ORINDA PUMPING STATION RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5448, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION The total authorized budget for the project is $8,941,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, District forces, testing services, contract services, etc. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the Lower Orinda Pumping Station Renovation Project, District Project 5448, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. NAPESUP\Cbradley \Position Papers\2006 \March \DP5448 AcceptContractWork.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 4.c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE Subject: ESTABLISH APRIL 20, 2006 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.30 "SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED RATES AND CHARGES" Submitted By: Kurt Darner Supervising Engineering Assistant REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: P& [karner . Swanson A. Farr II Initiating Dept/Div.: Engineering / Environmental Services General ISSUE: The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors consideration of amendments to the District Code. RECOMMENDATION: Establish April 20, 2006 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend District Code Chapter 6.30 "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges ". FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None by this action. If the staff recommendation to increase Capacity Fees is adopted by the Board of Directors following the public hearing, it is projected that approximately $50,000 to $100,000 in additional annual revenue for the O & M Fund and the Capital Improvements Fund will be generated beginning in fiscal year 2006 -2007. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may decline to establish the recommended public hearing date or may elect to choose a different date. However, a public hearing must be held if Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges are to be revised. If the hearing were held on April 20, 2006 as recommended, the fees would be effective on July 1, 2006. BACKGROUND: Staff has completed its annual review of the District's Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges and has concluded that it would be appropriate to revise rates and charges to account for: 1) increases in general salaries, benefits, and overhead; and 2) re- evaluation of the actual level of effort for some of the tasks as currently performed. Staff also proposes to conduct a public hearing on a related recommendation to revise Capacity Fees at the same Board meeting (April 20, 2006). Page 1 of 2 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\Set PH Date Re Rates and Charges 3- 16- 06.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 subject. ESTABLISH APRIL 20, 2006 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.30 "SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT - RELATED RATES AND CHARGES" A coordinated outreach program to inform and solicit input from interested customers regarding both the proposed Capacity Fees and the proposed Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges will be conducted by staff before the public hearing date. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Establish April 20, 2006 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend District Code Chapter 6.30 "Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges ". Page 2 of 2 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Darner\Set PH Date Re Rates and Charges 3- 16- 06.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 4.d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE subject: ESTABLISH APRIL 20, 2006 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.12 "CAPACITY FEE PROGRAM" Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.: Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Principal Engineer Engineering / Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 1fV11***' D &--- �w J. Miyamoto -Mills . SwIsfison A. Farrel General ISSUE: The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors consideration of amendments to the District Code. RECOMMENDATION: Establish April 20, 2006 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend District Code Chapter 6.12 "Capacity Fee Program" to include a revised Schedule of Capacity Fees. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None by this action. If the staff recommendation to increase Capacity Fees is adopted by the Board of Directors following the public hearing, it is projected that approximately $300,000 in additional annual revenue will be generated beginning in fiscal year 2006 -2007. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may decline to establish the recommended public hearing date or may elect to choose a different date. However, a public hearing must be held if Capacity Fees are to be increased. If the hearing is held on April 20, 2006, the increased fees could take effect on July 1, 2006. BACKGROUND: Staff has completed its annual review of the District's Capacity Fee Program, and has concluded that it would be appropriate to revise the fees to account for changes in the valuation of District assets and the number of current customers. The effect of implementing the staff recommendation would be to increase the Capacity Fee as follows: Fee Cate-gory Current (2001) Proposed % Change Gravity Zone Fee $4,150 per RUE $4,263 per RUE 2.7% Pumping Zone Fee $5,481 per RUE $5,667 per RUE 3.3% N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \Capacity Fees, Rates \Set PH Date Re Capacity Fees 3- 16- 06.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 Subject: ESTABLISH APRIL 20, 2006 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.12. "CAPACITY FEE PROGRAM" Staff also proposes to conduct a public hearing on a related recommendation to revise the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges at the same Board meeting (April 20, 2006). A coordinated outreach program to inform and solicit input from interested customers regarding both the proposed Capacity Fees and the proposed Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges will be conducted by staff before the public hearing date. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Establish April 20, 2006 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend District Code Chapter 6.12 "Capacity Fee Program ". N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \Capacity Fees, Rates \Set PH Date Re Capacity Fees 3- 16- 06.doc Page 2 of 2 Item 6.a.1) Metropolitan Treatment Plant Minneapolis -St. Paul, MN March 1 Randy CCCSD MercOyBackground • Final Effluent Mercury - NPDES Permit Limit . 87 ppt Hg, monthly max \ . 1000 ppt Hg, daily max - Average of 30 ppt, Peaks > 50 ppt Hg - 2nd Highest Hg Concentration in Bay Area • Potential NPDES Permit limit in 2010 - 25 ppt Hg, 4 -day average 1 Item 6.a.1) Options for fury Control • Pretreatment Program \ • HHW Collection Facility • Pollution Prevention Program • Amalgam Separators for Dental Facilities Removal Treatment Plant • Treat entire Effluent Flow • Control Mercury from Incinerators Why Minnesota.yn February? • Meeting Strict Final Effluent ury Limits - 14 ppt Hg, daily max - 9 ppt Hg, monthly average • New $200 Million Solids Handling Faci • Extensive air pollution controls • Unique vapor phase carbon injection for 1 control N Item 6.a.1) MERCURY MASS BALANCE — ANNUAL BASIS AIR CCCSD 29 lbs Hg Metro 11lb Hg I INFLUENT PLANT EFFLUENT CCCSD 35 lbs Hg ---► CCCSD — 45 MGD CCCSD 4 lbs Hg Metro 32 lbs Hg Metro —180 MGD Metro 4 lbs Hg CCCSD 2 lbs Hg Metro 27 lbs Hg ASH, GRIT, CARBON Item 6.a.1) Summa oints • Influent Mercury Controls • Effluent Mercury Control -Vapor Phase Carbon Injection is 1 option -Only increases ash by 1 -2% - Non - Hazardous - Dispose at Sanitary Landfill -Treat scrubber water -Treat entire Effluent stream 4 O Z E ca c CD m Q O a- W 0 • L VJ A c co D W% C/) c� 0 AMMO ca O c a) N C/) (6 L O N Cfl 2 U Q �J W v, U C .� O U O L. _ � O L CL (Dl 3 C/) O ol co 4-a j O > Cn Z U O Ca o LLI co O - O � Cu O -T C: E O U O 0 � C- a) U 4) 4- � U CU O O cn c ,� O O m O -- CU 4- �- cu cn E M ow 0 -fc-n-j . IS -a C D =3 Jc: Co cn o .c = CD m 1 / ri M tt �mlf W o E = t� �) to W ;T La 3 ao M i� U co (1) LM W U C O H 7 C (0 D () O U ,O ti 0 CL a) CU a) a) O CL c O �U c O AW c W O — C: L .� CU a) cn a) 0 E cn .0 L. E a) O 00 .Ci > C� Ov cn .cn 0 L. 0 .— O �,r 0.0 to C +� cn O E O� O O cn a) O a) CD a) � a) E� O a) 73 a) co -0 O :t'cnO 0 � 0 � C: CU a) � � O CL 0 0 0 A a� U CD CO O O O O N N .. ., 00 C qr� (6 N 0 m t0 2 L cu Q A.-A U CL C� u L O U Al O c O U u V O �O L 0 0 0 L W E 0 -6--+ U) cn 2 Q V O cn O L (0. 1�4. 5� � ) - S� EAST BAY c MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT MICHAEL J. WALLIS DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE (5 7 0) 287-7615 wellis@ebmud.com RICHARD G. SYKES MANAGER OF WATER SYSTEM (5 7 0) 287 -1629 rsykes @ebmud.com March 2, 2006 Mr. Charles Batts General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Batts: Over the past four months, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has played a vital role in developing a first -of -its -kind coalition of utilities from across this country to provide mutual aid assistance to the residents of New Orleans, and the management team and employees of the Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO). On behalf of the Board of Directors of the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for your organizational support for this cause. As you are aware, Hurricane Katrina caused immeasurable damage and suffering to those in the Gulf Coast States in late August of 2005. The SWBNO sustained significant damage to its water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure, which to this day leaves a high percentage of its employees homeless. Their need for operational support from the water and wastewater community is unparalleled. Unfortunately, a functional process for this assistance to occur does not exist. In November of 2005, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District joined a coalition of utilities seeking a process to overcome the issues preventing assistance to the SWBNO. These organizations include: • City of Portland, Oregon: Bureau of Water • San Francisco Public Utilities Commission • City of Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Water • Greater Cincinnati Water Works • Santa Clara Valley Water District, Santa Clara, California • Marin Municipal Water District, Marin, California • San Jose Water, San Jose, California • California Utilities Emergency Association • East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, California 375 ELEVENTH STREET . OAKLAND . CA 94607 -4240 . FAX (5 10) 287 -7956 P.O. BOX 24055 . OAKLAND . CA 94623 -1055 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 2, 2006 Page 2 Individuals from your organization who played a critical role in the development of this unique coalition of utilities include: Craig Mizutani, Associate Engineer This coalition of utilities collectively put forth their best efforts and assembled a volunteer team of over 200 subject matter experts. While the coalition team did not ultimately deploy to provide mutual aid to SWBNO, we all learned a great deal about mutual aid, working together in the future, and emergency procedures. Hopefully, the bureaucratic roadblocks that prevented our deployment will be removed and allow mutual aid to proceed. On behalf of EBMUD and all the utility coalition member organizations, thank you for your willingness to support this volunteer effort to assist those in New Orleans. Sincerely, Michael allis Director of Operations and Maintenance MJW:ss wAadmin\mjw\new orleans \utility coalition.doc Legal Update Central Contra Co Sanitary " Board of Direcr.-'66rs' M' Ma By: I Dis 1C, 2006 on L. Almr y� (o. 1 • Wanda Way • Strentzel Lane • National Park Service • Dickerson Matter (2) Engineering Projects Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, Bryan Otake, Be • UV Disinfection Project;, • Plant Control Project., • Alhambra Way Proj6 (3) �A Disputes/Negotiations Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, Arne Sandberg," ■ Kaweah — Clarifier Datnager ■ PSC v. Kaweah • Arbitration • Contact with attorrie Y$ co6rdi this week ke staff Q Real Property Issues Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, Bryan Otake, Dee Bardwick . Kiewit Clean Fill Lease . ' Conco Real Estate Docu • Road Maintenance Agree • Odor Easement • Pond flooding /Channel 4 • Outfall Easements • Right of Way /Road easel • M -2 Rights • Dealing with Conco,;but Development, and BNSF (6) illm t involve U. road Real Property Issues (cont'd) • M -2 Line Relocation • Subdivision Map Act/ Easement Issues • Alhambra ROW ISSUE • Contra Costa T • Others (7) 4 5 Permitting Issues Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, Leah Goldb • NPDES Permit Renewal i.. • Mercury TMDL • BACWA /CCCSD settlement with Regii • SSMP WDR — Statewide and Regiona Section 13267 letter ON • SSO Fine (10) Alamo Risk Management Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, • Storm Damage — Slides' • Round Hill North • Risk Management meeting /End Consultants (11) rd ent of E Fees and Charges Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, Bry" • Review and support stz • Work with staff to updz needed (i.e. continued' Proposition 218) ■ Coordinate with (12) n all rate ings nethodolo as bliance w ng process Administrative Attorneys Assigned: Kent Alm, B ■ Board meetings, Agenda meetings, Workshops an ■ Purchasing • Assist as needed • Review of current standar ■ General support to Gene Ratcliff and others (13) contracts �I M6nac rsI :ings iei Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 7.a. ADMI N I STRAT I V E Type of Action: AUTHORIZE PURCHASES Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLANT CONTROL SYSTEM, DISTRICT PROJECT 7204 Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Ba T. Than, Senior Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: B. Than Acting apital Projects A. Fa ell J. arrington K. Alm 4 .13 *Mnar Division Manager Genera ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to purchase equipment in an amount greater than $5,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Directors (1) Determine that purchase of Modicon Programmable Logic Controllers and Modbus Communication Protocol is required to provide compatibility with existing equipment, and authorize the General Manager to purchase equipment from Alameda Electric in an amount not to exceed $55,000 as sole source provider in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 3400 (b); and (2) Authorize the General Manager to purchase additional equipment for the Plant Control System, DP 7204, at a price not to exceed $195,000 from State - negotiated procurement lists in accordance with Government Code Section 10298 -99, and by competitive bid. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total cost to purchase this equipment is estimated at $250,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives include; 1) not to proceed with the replacement of the plant control system, and 2) changing the entire plant control system. Staff does not recommend either of these alternatives. BACKGROUND: The secondary treatment portion of the plant was put into operation in 1976 as one of the first computer - controlled treatment plants in the country. The plant's original central computer system was installed to provide all of the automatic control for the treatment plant. For nearly 30 years, treatment plant staff have upgraded and maintained the existing control system. On September 15, 2005, the Board authorized a contract with Transdyn, Inc. to replace the existing control system. Transdyn has prepared and submitted the technical specifications for the server hardware to the District for review and acceptance. N: \PURCHASING \Position Paper - Purchase of Hardware for Plant Control System.doc Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLANT CONTROL SYSTEM, DISTRICT PROJECT 7204 The technical specifications were reviewed and accepted by Operations, Engineering, and Information Technology (IT) staff. Hardware includes high -speed computers, central processing units, power supplies, workstations, network switches, and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), which are field control units. The total cost of hardware is estimated at $250,000 (see attached Table 1 for breakdown). Several methods of procurement will be employed in this equipment acquisition. These procurement methods include competitive bid, sole source, and use of Government Code Sections 10298 -10299 procedures for purchasing from State negotiated procurement lists. Use of these Government Code provisions exempts local agencies from further public bidding for those purchases. The main components purchased via the State procurement process are the workstations manufactured by Dell Computer and the Dell Computer is currently the District's standard for PCs. Competitive bidding will be used for equipment that is generally available in the market place, but not available through the State purchasing program. The equipment in this category includes network switches, printers, cables, etc. The Purchasing Division will notice and obtain competitive bids for this equipment (see attached Table 1 for breakdown). The District has for many years standardized the instrumentation and the network communication within the treatment plant on the Modicon PLC and Modbus communication protocol. Alternative makers of similar equipment exist, however our existing Modicon /Modbus technology is not compatible with the available alternatives and a change to the current district standard would be extremely expensive. Staff has confirmed that Alameda Electric is the sole authorized distributor of Modicon /Modbus equipment for the San Francisco Bay region. Public Contract Code Section 3400(b) requires the Board to make a finding that purchase of Modicon /Modbus equipment is required to match equipment already in use and that the necessary equipment is only available from a single source. These purchases can be divided into two phases. In the first phase, the components of the main server will be purchased. The server is the central processing unit or the brain for the entire plant control system. With the new server in hand, Transdyn will start the programming and system implementation. In the second phase, other equipment components such as workstations, monitors, and printers will be purchased as needed to keep the hardware up to date with rapidly changing technologies The Plant Control System Improvements Project is included in the Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement Budget on pages TP -121 through TP -123. NAPURCHASING \Position Paper - Purchase of Hardware for Plant Control System.doc Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR THE .PLANT CONTROL SYSTEM, DISTRICT PROJECT 7204 Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, since it involves equipment replacement to an existing sewage facility with no increase in capacity. Approval of this award establishes the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends for the Board's approval the following: 1. Determine that purchase of Modicon Programmable Logic Controllers and Modbus Communication Protocol is required to provide compatibility with existing equipment, and authorize the General Manager to purchase equipment from Alameda Electric in an amount not to exceed $55,000 as sole source provider in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 3400 (b); and 2. Authorize the General Manager to; purchase additional equipment for the Plant Control System, DP 7204, at a price not to exceed $195,000 from State - negotiated procurement contract (Master Release Agreement WSCA A63307) in accordance with Government Code Section 10298 -99, and by competitive bid. NAPURCHASING \Position Paper - Purchase of Hardware for Plant Control System.doc Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLANT CONTROL SYSTEM, DISTRICT PROJECT 7204 Table 1 — Detailed Cost Breakdown NAPURCHASING \Position Paper - Purchase of Hardware for Plant Control System.doc Page 4 of 4 Method of Procurement Cost Phase 1 Competitive Bid $ 40,000 Sole Source Purchase Modicon Equipment) $ 55,000 State Procurement Program $ 40,000 Phase 2 State Procurement Program $ 90,000 Subtotal $225,000 Contingency $ 25,000 Total $250,000 NAPURCHASING \Position Paper - Purchase of Hardware for Plant Control System.doc Page 4 of 4 7.a. ADMINISTRATIVE Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLANT CONTROL SYSTEM, DISTRICT PROJECT 7204 Background: Our existing plant control system is 30 years old and obsolete. In September of last year the Board authorized a contract with Transdyne, Inc. to replace the existing system. The hardware we are seeking authorization to purchase includes: • high -speed computers, printers, cables • central processing units, • power supplies, workstations, • network switches • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), which are field control units. ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to purchase equipment in an amount greater than $5,000. In addition, as a District Project, competitive bidding is required when the cost exceeds $15,000. The table below indicates the specific costs associated with each purchasing method recommended. Table 1 - Detailed Cost Breakdown Method of Procurement Cost Phase 1 Competitive Bid $ 40,000 Sole Source Purchase Modicon Equipment) $ 55,000 State Procurement Program $ 40,000 Phase 2 State Procurement Program $ 90,000 Subtotal $225,000 Contingency $ 25,000 Total $250,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: £3.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: APPROVE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAM subject: IMPLEMENTATION OF MANDATORY MERCURY AMALGAM SEPARATOR PROGRAM FOR DENTAL FACILITIES Submitted By: Timothy Potter, Source Control Program Superintendent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: f)"- Pte, T. Potter Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering /Environmental Services J /r/ A A A. Farrell K. Alm a es alts, General Manager ISSUE: Control of mercury in the wastewater from dental facilities is an important component of the District's Pollution Prevention Program for addressing this significant pollutant of concern. Use of amalgam separators to reduce the amount of mercury discharged from dental facilities that either provide or remove amalgam fillings is recognized as the most effective means of achieving control of mercury discharges. RECOMMENDATION: Approve implementation of a Mandatory Mercury Amalgam Separator Program for dental facilities located in the District's service area that will: • Perform extensive outreach to the dental community through state and local professional associations, direct mailing, workshops to inform affected facilities of the program elements and schedules; • Require installation and maintenance of mercury amalgam separators at appropriate dental facilities using a Class III Industrial User (IU) Permit document developed specifically for this program; and • Fund the development and implementation of this program through the general Sewer Service Charge (SSC) by setting the Class III IU Permit fee (currently $351 annual fee) to $0 effective fiscal year 2006 -07. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Staff estimates that the cost to develop and implement a Mandatory Mercury Amalgam Separator Program will be $100,000 annually. The current revenue generated from all Class III IU Permits is approximately $30,000. Setting the Class III IU Permit fee to $0 beginning July 1, 2006 and using the general SSC to fund the Class III IU Permit Program, including the proposed Mandatory Mercury Amalgam Separator Program, would utilize less than $1 per year of the Sewer Service Charge assessed each residential unit equivalent. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternative program elements and funding options have been included in previous reports to the Board. In summary, alternative program elements evaluated included: N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Potter\Amalgam Separator Program Implementation 3- 16- 06.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 subject IMPLEMENTATION OF MANDATORY MERCURY AMALGAM SEPARATOR PROGRAM FOR DENTAL FACILITIES • Maintaining a voluntary program to implement dental Best Management Practices (BMPs), including use of mercury amalgam separators; • Implementing a mandatory program using the Source Control Ordinance rather than a permit program; and • Funding the program using either the Class III IU Permit fee (with possible waivers to off -set the cost of installing amalgam separators) or an addition to the current Pollution Prevention surcharge added to the SSC of all commercial accounts. Staff recommends using the Class III IU Permit program to implement the Mandatory Mercury Amalgam Separator Program because it creates the best line of communications with the affected dental facilities. Staff recommends funding the program through the SSC because the cost of this program is minor compared to the total budget and will have limited impact on the amount of the SSC. Additionally, controlling contaminants at the source benefits the entire rate base by avoiding costly capital improvements to remove contaminants from the wastewater after it enters our facility. Finally, the waiver of Class III IU Permit fees is nominal relative to the potential administrative burden of collecting the permit fee from so many small businesses. BACKGROUND: Changes in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program developed by the RWQCB indicate that a very stringent mercury effluent limit could be placed in the District's next NPDES Permit along with specific requirements to address mercury control through pollution prevention measures. RWQCB staff has indicated that mandatory mercury amalgam separator programs will be considered to be the preferred, if not required, method of achieving mercury control from dental practices. In anticipation of this requirement, staff implemented a Dental Inventory Program during 2004 and 2005 to quantify the use of BMPs to reduce mercury by the dental practices in the District's service area. As a result of this reporting program, the District determined that less than 15% of the current dental facilities either had voluntary installed or intended to install, amalgam separators on the discharge from the vacuum systems in their practices as a result of the District's Voluntary Dental BMP Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve implementation of a Mandatory Amalgam Separator Program using the Class III IU Permit program after modifying the fee resolution establishing the IU Permit fees for fiscal year 2006 -07 to set the annual Class III IU Permit fee at $0. NAENVRSEMPosition Papers \PotteMmalgam Separator Program Implementation 3- 16- 06.doc Page 2 of 2 0 4 MANDATORY AMALGAM SEPARATOR PROGRAM CCCSD Board Meeting March 16, 2006 BACKGROUND • Only 35 of 313 practices use separators • Voluntary installation typically 5 -10% • SFRWQCB plans to make mandatory • Cost $600 -700 per vacuum system for most commonly used separator • Annual maintenance & disposal $200 • Mandatory programs are working in other Bay Area communities M. • Dental Community Outreach • Early 2003 — Initiated discussions with CC Dental Society and sponsored insert in newsletter • November 2003 — Staffed booth at Dental Society Meeting to provide information • July 2004 — Mailed information on Best Management Practices and inventory program • January 2005 — Paid for add in CCDS newsletter • January 2005 — Mailed Inventory Report Packet • February 2005 — Held two workshops & mailed reminder postcard • March 2005 — Mailed certified letter to remainder • March - November 2005 — Contacted remaining dentists & achieved 100% Inventory Compliance Mandatory Amalgam Separator Program Suggested Timeline • Early Calendar Year 2006 — Develop Program • Remainder Calendar Year 2006 - Outreach — Articles in Dental Society Newsletter — Appearance at Dental Society Meetings — Informational Mailing • Calendar Year 2007 — Implementation — Mail Permit Materials — Sponsor Informational Workshops — Work w/ Dental Community to Encourage Compliance • Calendar Year 2008 — Follow -up Inspections 5 Implement Mandatory Amalgam Separator Program Using Class III Industrial User Permits • Clearly communicate requirements • Set specific compliance timeline • Dentists to self certify • Conduct follow -up inspections Mandatory Amalgam Program Permit/Fee Options • Existing Class III IU Permit for Dentists — $351 fee consistent with other Class III permits • New Class III BMP Permit for Dentists — No fee, fund by pollution prevention surcharge or — No fee, fund by sewer service charge • Existing Class III IU Permit for Dentists — Eliminate fees for all Class III IU Permits Permit Fee Considerations • Assessing $351 per dentist raises $110,000 and covers estimated dental program cost • Existing Class III permitted industries include 70 small businesses assessed $351 annual permit fee for total annual revenue of $25,000 • Exempting dentists from fee may be seen as unfair by other small businesses • Eliminating Class III annual fee of $351 for all is most equitable solution Benefits to Rate Payers of Eliminating Class III Permit Fees • Controlling pollutants at the source through Class III permits is most cost effective way to meet effluent discharge requirements • Treatment at the plant to remove pollutants is considerably more expensive and the treatment costs are born by all rate payers • Cost of current and proposed Class III permit program represents less than $1 on the sewer service charge per RUE and benefits all Recommended Fee Scenario • Set Class III Industrial User fees to zero effective July 1, 2006 • Continue to issue Class III permits to dentists and other business sectors as needed to meet effluent requirements, but recover costs through sewer service charge Next Steps • Develop program specifics in collaboration with California Dental Association (CDA) and Contra Costa Dental Society (CCDS) • Develop and implement outreach program in collaboration with CDA & CCDS • Target January 2007 for implementation and January 2008 for full compliance Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16,'2006 No.: 8.b.1) ENGINEERING Type of Action: APPROVE PROJECT Subject: APPROVE THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION (CSOD) CALTRANS LEASE AREA AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 8215, FOR CEQA/PERMITTING PURPOSES Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Don Berger, Associate Engineer Engineering / Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTIO 1 !'r D. Berge R. midt C. Swanson A. Farrell Charles General ISSUE: The Board of Directors' approval of the CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project, DP 8215, is required prior to filing a Notice of Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project, DP 8215. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project cost is estimated to be $800,000; however, this position paper only approves the project for CEQA/Permitting and does not approve a lease of property or an award of a construction contract. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decline to approve the project. However, Board approval of the project and direction to file a Notice of Exemption is needed so that staff can submit the project to the City of Walnut Creek for approval. Caltrans requires that the City of Walnut Creek approve the project before a lease can be issued. A separate position paper for a lease will be prepared after the District obtains approval from the City (anticipated in June 2006). This project also includes replacement of the large retaining wall next to the freeway that is failing, and demolition of the Ducca House, which has exceeded its useful lifespan. BACKGROUND: The CSOD Alternatives Analysis (November 2004) identified the desirability of leasing and developing the adjacent Caltrans parcel located underneath the freeway overpass to increase yard space and improve vehicle circulation. The CSOD Existing Structures Assessment (August 2004) found that the Ducca House was in need of extensive repairs and should be demolished. A geotechnical engineering investigation completed in February 2006 following observations of settlement after the December 2005 /January 2006 storms, determined that the large retaining wall next to the freeway is failing and must be replaced. There are several options for the retaining wall being examined, including construction of a N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Berger\8215 CSOD Caltrans Lease Area CEQA & Consult Agreement.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 suviect: APPROVE THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION (CSOD) CALTRANS LEASE AREA AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 8215, FOR CEQA/PERMITTING PURPOSES new wall and possibly eliminating the retaining wall if suitable bedrock can be located in the hillside behind the existing wall. Board approval of a project and direction to file a Notice of Exemption for CEQA is often considered at the time of award of a construction contract, unless requirements by permitting agencies require an earlier CEQA determination. In this case, Board approval of the project and direction to file a Notice of Exemption is needed so that staff can obtain approval from the City of Walnut Creek. Caltrans requires that the City of Walnut Creek approve the project before a lease can be issued. The CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project is a spin -off project from the CSOD Facility Improvements Project, DP 8208, included in the fiscal year 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) beginning on page GI -20. Attachment 1 shows the location of the Caltrans parcel, retaining wall, and Ducca House in relation to the other CSOD facilities. Staff has concluded that the Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project is exempt from CEQA under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, since it involves minor alterations of existing public facilities with negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at this time and the demolition of a single - family residential unit. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project, DP 8215, and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption with the Contra Costa County Clerk. WENVRSEC \Position Papers \Berger\8215 CSOD Caltrans Lease Area CEQA & Consult Agreement.doc Page 2 of 3 DUCCA - HOUSE — — (DEMOLISH) ,,/' `" DUCCA BLDQ r r. RETAINING �'� " °°a ..� WALL (REPLACE) / -' • /- � MIDDLE YARD � 1 EXISTING 0 AREHOUS = i C /.: j LOWER YARD a . i SMSTINO X •�� CALTRANS o CREW BUILDING LEASE PARCEL CZD � � ��f rte* .� AFIKINO ,�� 0� �� _ R _ PROPETY LINE CCCSD D • '��o� sNG` ■umuum■ CALTRANS L BOUNDARY CAMINO DIABLO CSOD CALTRANS LEASE AREA AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP8215 ATTACHMENT 1 page 3 of 3 �1 N s •t 0 i Q J h i w ca V O O y V -0 OA O i 010 Q) 400 a c �a olwok I.S W) N CO a 0 v a� �o a to o N tm to � m m c i O m 0 .� O - 'a _ .� m F U) V C •viva �� O� x O L a± ■ ca 0 O V ° � LM O � L i O O � LL v O V Cl) L �1 CL Q Law to i V i c� O co 04C 0 CL V00 D.V> �0 Qi= cl LO w w °o °o 0 CD r N N N N cl DUCCA HOUSE (DEMOLISH) sic RETAINING °" ° r WALL /'• %%� %' (REPLACE) MIDDLE YARD J. AREHOuS � ► / / . /PARKING � • � ,t a - E cw FFS ;• • ♦ +QF �� CALTRANS 0 °t► � _ -- � � •♦ suaolN� '' r LEASE PARCEL � 0 :.. QP ♦o6 o ol CcCSO PARKING G ♦ PROPERTY LINE ,'I� `�� %�♦ f ♦•f ♦f�f� ° "ice' - - uu♦�fu■ CBO TRANSS LEASE " r C A M I N O D I A s LO CSOD CALTRANS LEASE AREA AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP8215 0 ATTACHMENT 1 h* a 4 9 14 I .", 'Y IP t! i I '.a ! r k ,r Ea ..a +V Nkm r l� f ' h e E' _ E t { Nkm r l� w 0 i Q a� ca a� J V O O O V c� c ,o i v a� v a� 0 C. V E .° v ca �a s� 0 E .i a CD a� V O a� a� i a LM 6%, • 0 0 f+ i a� 0 a ■ ■ F_ 0 c� F1 0 cn • a� E Cr L V CY 0 .O 0 3 o ■ 0 ca MOVES > �- . ca � 3s .10000 0 _ a) 4a a' as o MEMOM ca ,� L .. L .__ • a� L a� 0 0 Low �a s 'IMMEN o E a- 0 m -0 05 m L 0 c ._ 0 s V V 0 • °o co0 °o ■ ■ 0 0 AMEN 'o CL m E a O • V V 4� �o a r w LM O N V • 0 � O O O 3 O N O � N 0 E 0 1.� E � 0. V x "- Q •- L W E %I- V � O 0 vMa — > ov 'W -W 0 0 o L c� o E � � o �E 0. O m vvQ �v w LM O N V • v a 0 o. CL m it ,. a 'o L m r. � O O O 3 O N O � N E 1.� O � � V Cl. vMa � o o E o �E 0. O CL vvQ v a 0 o. CL m it ,. a 'o L m ,O V i O 0 0 ca 3 Q c� O N O • CL E O ,O 0 W, 0 O N L O .O E O Z • � O O O O N O N O N O � � ,O V i O 0 0 ca 3 Q c� O N O • CL E O ,O 0 W, 0 O N L O .O E O Z • yr � Q � O y ELI 0 � O = V V �► O � (� a a� � > O Cc CL Q V L •O 4. O P1 LL ca M O crft � 3 � O � � y OO O � a� •i o O Q 4) 609� • • 14" 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 8.b.2) ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING FOR DESIGN OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION (CSOD) CALTRANS LEASE AREA AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 8215 Submitted By: Initiating Dept✓Div.: Don Berger, Associate Engineer Engineering / Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. D. Berger R. Schmidt C. Swanson A. 04ell Charles General ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager to execute professional service agreements for amounts greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with RBF Consulting in the amount of $60,000 for design of the CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project, DP 8215. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost for RBF Consulting to complete the design is $60,000. The total project cost including construction is $800,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decline to authorize the engineering services agreement. However, these services are needed in order to design the improvements for the Caltrans lease area; evaluate and design improvements for the retaining wall that is failing; and prepare plans for demolition of the Ducca House, which has exceeded its useful lifespan. Design work needs to proceed now in order to be able to bid the project and complete construction during the upcoming construction season. BACKGROUND: In February 2006, RBF Consulting completed a pre- design study for the Caltrans lease area improvements including preparation of conceptual landscape drawings to meet City of Walnut Creek requirements. Staff authorized an agreement of $32,100 to complete this work. An agreement for $60,000 has been negotiated with RBF to design the Caltrans lease area improvements; evaluate and design improvements to the retaining wall; and prepare plans for demolition of the Ducca House. RBF Consulting was selected for this project because of their experience working on similar projects that interface with the City of Walnut Creek and Caltrans and because of their experience completing the initial work on this project. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Berger\8215 RBF Agreement 3- 16- 06.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 suvlect: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING FOR DESIGN OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION (CSOD) CALTRANS LEASE AREA AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 8215 The CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project is a spin -off project from the CSOD Facility Improvements Project, DP 8208, included in the fiscal year 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) beginning on page GI -20. In a separate position paper for this Board meeting, staff explained that this project is exempt from CEQA under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301. Board approval of that position paper establishes this exemption. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with RBF Consulting in the amount of $60,000 for design of the CSOD Caltrans Lease Area and Site Improvements Project, DP 8215. WENVRSEMPosition Papers \Berger\8215 RBF Agreement 3- 16- 06.doc Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2006 No.: 10.a. BUDGET AND FINANCE Type of Action: RECEIVE ANNUAL REPORT subject: RECEIVE THE 2005 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Initiating Dept /Div.: Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Rat V. IV graves Charles . en General M ISSUE: The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (Committee) respectfully submits its 2005 Annual Report. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Annual Report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee for 2005 and provide any comments to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes: • Establishing internal administrative procedures • Educating participants regarding the Plan • Reviewing emergency withdrawal requests • Reviewing investment performance of the Plan • Submission of an annual report to the Board of Directors and Plan participants The Committee is made up of the following Departmental representatives: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller — Chairperson David Rolley, Accounting Technician III —Administrative Michael Penny, Associate Engineer — Engineering Roseanna Barrett, Administrative Secretary — Collection System Operations Matthew Mahoney, Maintenance Planner — Plant Operations RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the Annual Report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee for 2005 and provide any comments to staff. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\POSPAPER\Annual.Report.2005.Def.Comp.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 2005 — DECEMBER 2005 The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (the Committee) was established by the Board of Directors to facilitate the internal administration of the District's Deferred Compensation Plan. The scope of the Committee's activities encompass the following: • Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. • Educate participants regarding the plan provisions by issuing a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan and responding to questions from participants. • Review accountability by the Program Administrators, Hartford Life Insurance Company (Hartford), Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and ICMA Retirement Corporation (ICMA) and respond to participants' queries regarding accuracy or propriety of account balances. • Review participants' requests for emergency withdrawal of funds and make recommendations for acceptance or denial to the Board of Directors. • Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Plan on an annual basis. During the period of January 2005 through December 2005, the Committee addressed all of the activities included in its scope of responsibilities through the conscientious efforts of all of the Committee members. The performance of Hartford, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and ICMA in administering the Deferred Compensation Plan during the 2005 report is considered to be satisfactory. The performance results of the Hartford, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and IMCA stock and bond investments for the calendar year 2005 follow. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\POSPAPER\Annual.Report.2005.Def.Comp.doc Please note the following when reviewing Plan results: ■ Market index benchmarks have been provided for comparative purposes only. These indexes reflect broad based changes in the market conditions based on average performance. Indices are unmanaged and reflect no fees or expenses and are not available for direct investment. ■ Rate of returns quoted by providers and fund managers include reinvestment of capital appreciation (depreciation), plus realized gain (losses), dividends and interest income. ■ All rate of return performance results are net of annual asset -based fees, which include fund manager fees and expenses, marketing fees and plan administrative fees. ■ In general, plan administrative fees are charged by the carriers and differ between the carriers. The basic plan administrative fees are as follows: Nationwide An annual plan administrative fee of .29 percent is deducted from the participants account and is based on the participant's account balance. ICMA There is no plan administrative fee. Hartford The plan administrative fee is .25 percent for all funds with the exception of the General Account. For additional information on fee charges consult with your plan provider. The above information is general information. Additional fees may be incurred for other items such as transfers and withdrawals. See Attachment 1 to this report. ■ Results shown represent past performance and are not a guarantee of future performance. Ask your Plan Representative for a current prospectus for each fund in which you are interested. The current prospectus presents more complete information about the fund including fund charges and expenses. Read it carefully before investing in that option under the Plan. Helpful Definitions ■ Balanced Fund is a mutual fund that invests in a combination of common stock, preferred stock, bonds and short term bonds, to provide both income and capital appreciation, while managing volatility and avoiding excessive risk. ■ Blue Chip Company is used in the context of general stock market investments. Large and creditworthy company. Company renowed for the quality and wide acceptance of its products or services, and for its ability to make money and pay dividends. ■ Dollar Cost Averaging or Constant Dollar Plan is a method of purchasing securities by investing a fixed amount of money at set intervals. The investor buys more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high, thus reducing the average cost. ■ Dow Jones Industrial Average or DJIA is the best known U.S. index of stocks. It is comprised of 30 actively traded blue -chip stocks, primarily industrials, including stocks that trade on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow, as it is called, is an indicator of how the largest U.S. companies are performing. Measuring the Down Jones Industrial Average is used to gauge the direction of the stock market. ■ Indexing is a passive instrument strategy consisting of the construction of a portfolio of stocks designed to track the total return performance of an index of stocks. ■ Lehman Brothers Bond Index is an unmanaged list of U.S. Treasury/Agency and investment grade corporate debt securities. It is used as a general measure of performance of fixed income securities. ■ MSCI Europe, Australia /Asia, and far East or EAFE index is the European, Australian, and Far East stock index, computed by Morgan Stanley Capital International. This index is used to measure the general performance of the international market. ■ Model Portfolio fund is a fund that consists of a combination of stocks, bonds and cash equivalents in a preset or predetermined ratio based on market risk tolerance. Model Portfolios are rebalanced, typically every quarter, to maintain adherence to the preset ratio. ■ Mutual Funds are pools of money that are managed by an investment company and regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940. The investment company purchases securities which become jointly owned by its shareholders. The fund's portfolio is managed by a professional money manager. They offer investors a variety of goals depending on the fund and can invest in equity, debt, cash, real estate, options and futures. ■ NASDAQ (once an acronym for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System) is a computerized system that provides price quotations to market participants about the more actively traded common stock issues in the over the counter market. This market is comprised of securities not listed on a stock or bond exchange. Large technology stocks have a major effect on this index value. The NASDAQ stock market is comprised of two separate markets, namely the NASDAQ National Market, which trades large, active securities and the NASDAQ Smallcap Market that trades emerging growth companies. The NASDAQ market includes approximately 5,000 common stocks in the system. ■ Standard & Poor's 500 or S &P 500 is an index of blue chip stocks, which measures changes in stock market conditions based on the average performance of 500 widely held common stocks. The S &P 500 is one of the most widely used benchmarks of U.S. equity performance. This index tracks industrial, transportation, financial and utility stocks with heavy emphasis on industrial companies. ■ Treasury Bill or T Bill is a discounted government security that matures in one year or less. It is a negotiable debt obligation issued by the U.S. government. CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution BY ADMINISTRATOR AND INVESTMENT TYPE CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution BY ADMINISTRATOR December 31, 2005 HARTFORD $8,339,864 NATIONWIDE 13.7% $10,523,181 17.3% ICMA 401(a) $12,722,163 21.0% ICMA 457 $29,124,984 48.0% ■NATIONWIDE ■ ICMA 457 ❑ ICMA 401 (a) ❑HARTFORD CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution BY INVESTMENT TYPE December 31, 2005 SAVINGS $20,044,983 33.0% STOCK $31,930,799 52.6% BALANCED FUNDS BONDS CALENDAR R ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2 1.5% NATIONWIDE INVESTMENT TYPE % RETIREMENT ICMA 457 ICMA 401(a) HARTFORD TOTAL STOCK 52.6% $7,247,803 $13,634,974 $7,300,005 $3,748,017 $31,930,799 BONDS 1.5% 382,693 206,033 94,924 245,544 929,194 BALANCED FUNDS 12.9% 227,135 4,699,236 2,767,542 111,303 7,805,216 SAVINGS 33.0% 2,665,550 10,584,741 2,559,692 4,235,000 20,044,983 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $10,523,181 $29,124,984 $12,722,163 $8,339,864 $60,710,192 CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution BY ADMINISTRATOR December 31, 2005 HARTFORD $8,339,864 NATIONWIDE 13.7% $10,523,181 17.3% ICMA 401(a) $12,722,163 21.0% ICMA 457 $29,124,984 48.0% ■NATIONWIDE ■ ICMA 457 ❑ ICMA 401 (a) ❑HARTFORD CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution BY INVESTMENT TYPE December 31, 2005 SAVINGS $20,044,983 33.0% STOCK $31,930,799 52.6% BALANCED FUNDS BONDS $7,805,216 $929,194 12.9% 1.5% 0 STOCK ■BONDS I-] BALANCED FUNDS ❑SAVINGS CCCSD Deferred Comp Stocks and Mutual Funds Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmarks MSCI Europe, Australia /Asia, and Far East (EAFE) 14.01% Dow Jones Industrial Average 7.13% Standard & Poor's 500 4.91% Nationwide - Source: Available Investment Options Without Plan Charges, less .29% Nationwide plan administration fee as of 12/31/05. EuroPacific Growth Fund 20.83% Fidelity Contrafund 15.94% Janus Adviser Forty S* 14.31% Growth Fund of America 13.94% Oppenheimer Global Fund A* 13.54% Vanguard US Growth 10.86% Federated Kaufmann Fund K 10.55% Templeton Foreign Fund 10.34% JP Morgan Mid Cap Value A* 8.58% Vanguard Primecap 8.20% Scudder Dreman High Return Equity A 7.43% Neuberger & Berman Socially Responsive 7.29% AIM Mid Cap Core Equity A 7.14% Gartmore Total Return Fund A 6.79% Vanguard Windsor II 6.72% Investment Company of America 6.58% Fidelity Magellan Fund 6.13% Fidelity Equity Income Fund 5.45% DFA U.S. Micro Cap Portfolio 5.40% Vanguard Institutional Index 4.61% Brown Capital Management, Inc., Small Company 4.54% Janus Fund 3.69% Washington Mutual Investors 3.26% Dreyfus Premier Small Cap Value R* 3.04% Fidelity Growth & Income Fund 2.42% American Century Ultra Fund 1.83% Franklin Balance Sheet Investment N/A Janus Adviser Capital Appreciation Fund N/A Mutual Beacon Fund N/A AIM Dynamics Fund N/A Janus Worldwide Fund N/A New fund effective 1/28/05. N/A Fund closed effective 1/28/05. CCCSD Deferred Comp Stocks and Mutual Funds Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmarks MSCI Europe, Australia /Asia, and Far East (EAFE) 14.01% Dow Jones Industrial Average 7.13% Standard & Poor's 500 4.91% Nationwide (cont'd)- Source: Available Investment Options Without Plan Charges, less .29% Nationwide plan administration fee as of 12/31/05. Asset Allocation Funds 10.26% Gartmore Investor Destinations Funds 4.55% Aggressive 7.56% Moderately Aggressive 6.75% Moderate 5.11% Moderately Conservative 4.11% Conservative 2.91% The Gartmore Investor Destinations Funds are designed to provide diversification and asset allocation across several types of investments and asset classes. Balanced Funds Income Fund of America 3.12% Vanguard Wellington Fund 6.53% Fidelity Puritan Fund 4.38% Info only: (Existing balances will remain in the phased -out funds until moved by the participant.) Fidelity Independence Fund* 10.26% American Century Growth Fund* 4.55% American Century Select Fund* 0.57% Rate of return was obtained from the fund manager, less .29% National Deferred plan administration fee. CCCSD Deferred Comp Stocks and Mutual Funds Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmarks MSCI Europe, Australia /Asia, and Far East (EAFE) 14.01% Dow Jones Industrial Average 7.13% Standard & Poor's 500 4.91% ICMA - Source: ICMA Retirement Corporation Fund Performance Report as of 12/31/2005. Vantaoeooint Funds VP International 16.88% VP Aggressive Opportunities 13.21% VP Overseas Equity Index Class II 13.03% VP Mid /Small Company Index Class II 9.87% VP Broad Market Index Class II 6.27% VP Growth & Income 6.02% VP Equity Income 5.76% VP Growth 4.86% VP 500 Stock Index Class II 4.57% Balanced Funds Vantagepoint Model Portfolio Funds VP All Equity Growth 8.49% VP Long Term Growth 7.24% VP Traditional Growth 5.79% VP Conservative Growth 4.31% VP Savings Oriented 3.06% Vantagepoint Milestone Portfolio Funds* VP Milestone 2035 8.13% VP Milestone 2040 8.04% VP Milestone 2030 7.68% VP Milestone 2025 7.18% VP Milestone 2020 6.48% VP Milestone 2015 5.93% VP Milestone 2010 4.65% VP Milestone Retirement 3.39% Other Balanced Funds VT Fidelity Puritan 4.67% VP Asset Allocation 4.54% Milestone funds, which became effective 2/5/05, automatically become more conservative as the account ages. Vantagepoint Funds (VP) are certain funds available through ICMA. These funds are sponsored by the ICMA Retirement Corporation and registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. CCCSD Deferred Comp Stocks and Mutual Funds Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmarks MSCI Europe, Australia /Asia, and Far East (EAFE) 14.01% Dow Jones Industrial Average 7.13% Standard & Poor's 500 4.91% ICMA (cont'd) - Source: ICMA Retirement Corporation Fund Performance Report as of 12/31/2005. VantaaeTrust Mutual Fund Series VT Rainier Small /Mid Cap Equity 17.53% VT Fidelity Diversified International 17.23% VT Fidelity Contrafund 16.23% VT American Century Real Estate 15.99% VT Fidelity Small Cap Retirement 9.17% VT T. Rowe Price Small Cap Value 8.56% VT T. Rowe Price Small Cap Stock 8.23% VT Templeton Growth A 8.15% VT Fidelity Magellan 6.42% VT Hotchkis & Wiley Large Cap Value 6.41% VT T. Rowe Price Growth Stock 6.33% VT American Century Value 5.03% VT Calvert Social Investment 4.16% VT Lord Abbett Large Company Value 3.33% VT American Century Ultra 2.12% VT Gabelli Value 0.02% VantageTrust Mutual Fund Series (VT) invests in a third -party mutual fund which is not affiliated with the ICMA Retirement Corporation. CCCSD Deferred Comp Stocks and Mutual Funds Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmarks MSCI Europe, Australia/Asia, and Far East (EAFE) 14.01% Dow Jones Industrial Average 7.13% Standard & Poor's 500 4.91% Hartford - Source: Investment Choices Performance Plan Summary Statement as of 12/31/2005. Janus Advisor International Growth 31.40% Hartford Small Company 20.71% Putnam International Opportunities 18.00% MFS Utilities 16.53% Hartford MidCap 16.49% Hartford Capital Appreciation 15.26% Hartford International Opportunities 14.33% American Century International Growth 13.05% Hartford Global Health 12.15% Putnam Vista 11.93% Janus Enterprise 11.13% Hartford Global Technology 10.88% Skyline Special Equities 10.61% Franklin Small -Mid Cap Growth 10.27% Hartford Stock 9.35% Janus Twenty 9.15% Putnam Global Equity 8.42% Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities 8.17% Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income 6.76% Hartford Dividend and Growth 5.70% Scudder Growth & Income 5.66% Janus Worldwide 5.58% AIM Small Company Growth 5.23% AIM Financial Services 5.01% American Century Value 4.77% American Century Income & Growth 4.53% Hartford Index 4.24% MFS Massachusetts Investors Growth 3.62% Dreyfus Premier Third Century 3.00% American Century Equity Income 2.20% American Century Ultra Fund 1.86% AIM Technology 1.55% MFS Capital Opportunities 1.10% AIM Leisure -1.48% Balanced Funds Janus Balanced 7.48% Dreyfus Life Time Growth 7.35% Hartford Advisers 6.97% Calvert Social Balanced 5.39% Fidelity Advisor Balanced 4.71% Dreyfus Life Time Growth & Income 4.38% Dreyfus Life Time Income 1.16% CCCSD Deferred Comp Bond Performance Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmark Lehman Aggregate Bond Index 2.43% Nationwide - Source: Available Investment Options Without Plan Charges, less .29% Nationwide plan administration fee as of 12/31/05. Scudder High Income Fund A 3.71% Vanguard Total Bond Index Adm 2.20% Bond Fund of America 1.65% ICMA - Source: ICMA Retirement Corporation Fund Performance Report as of 12/31/2005. Vantagepoint Fund VT PIMCO High Yield 4.36% VT PIMCO Total Return 2.63% VP Core Bond Index Class II 2.17% VP U.S. Government Securities 1.05% VantageTrust Mutual Fund Series (VT) invests in a third -party mutual fund which is not affiliated with the ICMA Retirement Corporation. Vantagepoint Funds (VP) are certain funds available through ICMA. These funds are sponsored by the ICMA Retirement Corporation and registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Hartford - Source: Investment Choices Performance Plan Summary Statement as of 12/31/2005. Putnam High Yield Advantage 2.99% Hartford Total Return Bond 2.19% Hartford Mortgage Securities 2.11% MFS High Income 2.09% Dreyfus Premier Core Bond 1.41% CCCSD Deferred Comp Saving Performance Calendar Year Ended December 31, 2005 Rate of Return ( %) Market Index Benchmark 90 Day T -Bill 3.06% Nationwide - Average annual yield rate. Stable Value Fund 3.66% 5 YR CDs 3.38% 3 YR CDs 3.18% Liquid Savings 2.13% ICMA - Source: ICMA Retirement Corporation Fund Performance Report as of 12/31/2005. Vantagepoint Funds VP Money Market 2.70% Plus Funds Plus Fund (401a) 4.43% Plus Fund (457) 4.43% Vantagepoint Funds (VP) are certain funds available through ICMA. These funds are sponsored by the ICMA Retirement Corporation and registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Hartford - Source: Investment Choices Performance Plan Summary Statement as of 12131/2005. General Account 4.08% Money Market 2.59% CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FEES — ATTACHMENT 1 AS OF MARCH 2006 FEES CHARGED BY PROVIDERS (Based on account balance) Plan Fees Annual Plan Administrative Fee Fund Expenses Stable Value Fund 3 &5 YR CD's, and Liquid Savings Plus Fund Management General Account (Savings)* Model Portfolio Fund Fee (Total Fee Charged) FEES CHARGED BY THE FUND MANAGERS Fund Fee PROVIDERS NATIONWIDE ICMA HARTFORD 0.29% NONE 0.25 %* 0.20% N/A N/A 0.00% N/A N/A N/A 0.47% N/A N/A N/A 0.00% N/A 0.99 -1.20% N/A 0.05-1.95% 0.23-1.44% 0.43-1.68% These expenses are charged by the fund managers which include Advisory Fees, 12b -1 Fees, Operating Expenses and Other Fees charged by the individual funds. These fees and expenses differ for each fund invested. As a general rule, the higher the potential reward, the higher the risk, the higher the fee. The reverse is also generally true, the lower the potential reward, the lower the risk, the lower the fee. * Hartford's General Account (Savings) is not subject to plan fees. NAADMIMFlNANCE \Deferred Comp 2005 Summary.doc Page 13 of 13