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HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/2/2005 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 2, 2005 No.: 3.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS Subject: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND OFFERS OF DEDICATION IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE, JOB 5601 — PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT, JOB 5601 — PARCEL 8, IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE. Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: J. Mercurio M C. Swanson A. ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept public sewer improvements, offers of dedication and grants of easement, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolutions accepting public sewer improvements, offers of dedication and grant of easement, and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolutions will accept easements required for a recent public sewer extension off Reliez Valley Road in the City of Lafayette (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the easement documents, inspected the public sewer improvements and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Thomas B. and Jacqueline Girdler for the easement offered in the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (IOD) recorded December 22, 2003 (Series 2003 - 0611444). Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Richard R. Howard and Kyung Lim Yeon for the easement offered in the IOD recorded February 24, 2004 (Series 2004 - 0059855). Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Michael J. and Lucie C. Paladino for the easement offered in the IOD recorded February 24, 2004 (Series 2004 - 00589857). Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of S: \Position Papers \Mercurio \5601 \5601 Position Paper.DOC Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 2, 2005 Subject. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND OFFERS OF DEDICATION IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE, JOB 5601 — PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT, JOB 5601 — PARCEL 8 IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE. dedication and public sewer improvements from William L. Landers for the easement offered in the IOD recorded March 11, 2004 (Series 2004 - 0081842). Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Raj L. Joshi and Vijaya Joshi for the easement offered in the IOD recorded April 30, 2004 (Series 2004 - 0159825). Adopt a resolution accepting an IOD and public sewer improvements from Paul Meredith and Holly Holmes for the easement offered in the IOD recorded October 20, 2003 (Series 2003 - 0520796). Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Randy Johnson and Cynthia Johnson for the easement offered in the IOD recorded April 30, 2004 (Series 2004 - 0159824). Adopt a resolution accepting a grant of easement at no cost to the District from East Bay Regional Park District, Job 5601, Parcel 8, and authorizing staff to record the easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Page 2 of 3 SAPosition Papers \Mercurio \5601 \5601 Position Paper.DOC O�O Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1� and Holmes 17 Landers Parcel 5 EGIOALA t AR, J Ro LAFAYETTE r J LOCATION MAP i ----,/ N. T. S. I � � -dler 'arcel2 Parcel 4 1 Parcel3 /Paladino Howard and Yeon XP / ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEDICATIONS JOB 5601 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 2, 2005 No.: 3.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND AN OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM MELODY LANE, LLC FOR AN EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE RECORDED FINAL MAP OF SUBDIVISION MS 954- 02 IN THE CITY OF ORINDA (JOB 5696) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT Mercurio y Swanson A. Farrell (4& Ba , General Mana r ISSUE: A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to accept public sewer improvements and offer of dedication, and to authorize staff to record documents. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors regularly accepts easements and public sewer improvements by resolution. The recommended resolution will accept an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision MS 954 -02 that is required for a recent public sewer extension off Moraga Way in the City of Orinda (as shown on Attachment 1). Staff has reviewed the final subdivision map, inspected the public sewer improvements and determined that they are in compliance with District standards. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting Job 5696 public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Melody Lane, LLC for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision MS 954 -02 in the City of Orinda and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder. SAPosition Papers \Mercurio \5696 \Position Paper 5696.doc Page 1 of 2 LEGEND: —E) EXISTING SEWER —.e. NEW SEWER � SUB BOUNDARY GM EASEMENT AREA Central Contra Costa Sanitary District wqy ORINDA LOCATION MAP N. T. S. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEDICATION MS 954 -02 JOB 5696 Page 2 of 2 LAFAYETTE 1 SITE Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 2, 2005 No.: 3.c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION; REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT WITH JACK AND SANTINA HANDLING, JOB 731, ALAMO, AUTHORIZE EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF THE AGREEMENT Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Michael J. Penny, Associate Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: OwA- J. iyamoto -Mills C. Swanson a rell Charles atts, General Manager ISSUE: The District periodically approves real property agreements to accommodate property owners. Jack and Santina Handling, the owners of the home at 384 Castle Crest Road, Alamo, have requested that the District allow an existing concrete "Sports Court" to remain in a District easement. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution approving the real property agreement; authorizing the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute the agreement; and authorizing staff to record the agreement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives to the recommended action are Board rejection of the real property agreement, and to either 1) direct staff to seek removal of the encroachment, or 2) rely on the existing easement for future maiatenance, rehabilitation or replacement access. BACKGROUND: A portion of a concrete "Sports Court" has been constructed within a District easement at 384 Castle Crest Road, Alamo (see attached map). The encroachment was discovered when the property owners applied to Contra Costa County for a variance to allow exterior lighting and netting around the Sports Court. The property owners, Jack and Santina Handling, requested that the District allow the encroachment to remain subject to a real property agreement. Since CSO and Engineering staff determined that the existing sewer is in acceptable condition and that the encroachment will not unreasonably interfere with the District's cleaning and inspection of the sewer, an agreement was negotiated whereby the previously constructed Sports Court encroaching on the easement could remain. The property owner accepts the liability for any damage to District's facilities and for additional costs to the District for maintenance and replacement of the sewer in the SAPosition Papers \Penny\Handling - Job 731 Alamo.DOC Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: J U N E 2, 2005 subject. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT WITH JACK AND SANTINA HANDLING, JOB 731, ALAMO, AUTHORIZE EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF THE AGREEMENT area of the encroachment. The agreement limits what may be installed or planted in the easement in the future. The property owner holds the District free and harmless from all claims and liability for injury to persons or to their property within the easement area. The property owner agrees not to impede the District's access to the property. The agreement provides for the District's emergency access, and requires that the property owner remove the Sports Court upon 30 days notice, if required by the District for repair or replacement of the sewer. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution approving the real property agreement; authorizing the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute the agreement; and authorizing staff to record the agreement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Page 2 of 3 SAPosition Papers \Penny \Handling - Job 731 Alamo.DOC M 0 N a Z EX EASEMI Z 30 FEEr Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HANDLING PROPERTY 384 CASTLE CREST RD ALAMO, CA. )CATION MAP N.T.S. ECREST RD Page 3 of 3 Attachment MAP Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 3.d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: APPROVE GRANTING OF EASEMENT Subject: APPROVE GRANTING OF AN ELECTRICAL SERVICE EASEMENT TO SFPP, L.P., IN CONNECTION WITH AN EXISTING PIPELINE THROUGH THE PLANT BASINS AND THE LAGISS PROPERTY Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ricardo Hernandez Engineering /Environmental Services Senior Engineering Assistant REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: K'Aernandez enny C. Swanson A. Fa ell harles . Ba General Manaa r ISSUE: The Board of Directors must approve Grants of Easements. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Grant of Easement to SFPP, L.P. (SFPP), for the installation of an electrical service line to an existing pipeline valve. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: SFPP is paying $24,058 as compensation for the easement and a $5,000 processing fee. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The subject easement is to accommodate an electrical service line to a valve on the pipeline installed last year. Granting the easement will not affect District operations. BACKGROUND: On April 15, 2004, the Board approved granting easements to SFPP, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, for installation of a 20 -inch diameter petroleum pipeline through the basins north of the plant and through the Lagiss Property. Construction of the pipeline was completed in December 2004. Due to problems in getting PG &E to install the electrical service to the pipeline valve during construction it is being done this year. The attached maps show the proposed alignment of the easement. At present SFPP is obtaining temporary electrical service from the District. The District is being reimbursed for this power and for staff time involved in making it available. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution approving the granting of the easement to SFPP, L.P., and authorizing the President of the Board and Secretary of the District to sign the Grant of Easement, and authorizing recording of the Grant of Easement with the County Recorder. S: \Position Papers \Hernandez R\Accept SFPP PP June 2 2005.DOC Page 1 of 3 r/ p d 3 t by is � ��5�`�. � �'#'1 \ F R jp NrIk W, 4- O N N r6 a N 6" LANDFLL GAS LINE 1 A✓ �iC � � 'Ip -8" S.P. FUEL LINES \ 22" PG &E NATURAL GAS LINE \\\�� \\ 0 300 24" PG&E NATURAL GAS LINE � \\ �q/ �\ FEET 8" HOLLY OIL LINE ALIGNMENT OF PROPOSED PIPELL CENTERLINE ESTIMATED FROM 1'• -600• \ 8.5x11 POOR QUALITY PHOTOCOPIED MAP /AERIAL PHOTO FROM DRAFT E.I.R. 6" LANDFILL GAS L 2-8" S.P. FUEL LINES �\ \I-22" PG&E NATURAL GAS LINE 24" PG&E NATURAL GAS LINE e" HOLLY OIL LINE I) II 200 PSICAS I METERING YARD II 20" SFPP FUEL LINE I J 6" LANDFILL GAS LINE II C,LAA,1tw61.L II �I I� W � PROPOSED SFPP w ELECTRICAL EASEMENT I V �I PLA k,N't ri I i I II PROPOSED SFPP PIPELINE FEATURES �.! ESTMATED PIPELNE ROUTE Central Contra Costa EXHIBIT Sanitary District PROPOSED SFPP ELECTRICAL EASEMENT MAP 2 Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 3.e. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE SAN RAMON PUMPING STATION RENOVATIONS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5460 Submitted By: William E. Brennan, Capital Projects Division Manager Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 0/�r- W Brennan A. Farreff ISSUE: All work has been completed on the San Ramon Pumping Station Renovation Project, District Project 5460, and this project can now be closed out. RECOMMENDATION: Close out the project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This closeout will result in approximately $49,819 being returned to the collection system program. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. N. Batts, Manager BACKGROUND: Work completed in this project included replacing two pumps and refurbishing two existing pumps, providing new variable frequency drives, enlarging the foot print of the station to accommodate a new and larger generator, enlarging discharge and intake pipe headers, installing a new surge tank and associated piping, installing an odor control system, improving noise control, improving supervisory control and data acquisition system, and providing improvements to the architectural and landscape features of existing facilities. On April 18, 2002, the Board of Directors (Board) authorized the award of a contract for the construction of the project to GSE Construction Company. The Notice to Proceed was issued on May 13, 2002. The work was substantially completed on December 19, 2003. L: \Position Papers \Brennan \5460 Closeout.DOC Page 1 of 3 5/25/2005 11:14 AM POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject. ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE SAN RAMON PUMPING STATION RENOVATIONS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5460 The original contract amount was $5,176,000. There were 28 construction change orders issued, resulting in net costs of $205,610. This resulted in a total amount of $5,381,610. The total authorized budget for the project was $7,373,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, District forces, testing services, contractor services, etc. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. L: \Position Papers \Brennan \5460 Closeout.DOC Page 2 of 3 5/25/2005 11:14 AM ATTACHMENT 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SAN RAMON PUMPING STATION RENOVATIONS PROJECT (DP 5460) ACTIVITY COST Total Budget $7,373,000 Construction Contract $5,176,000 Change Orders $205,610 Change Order % of Construction 4.0 Total Construction Amount $5,381,610 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin. $1,941,571 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin. - % of Construction 36% TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $7,323,181 TOTAL RETURN TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM $49,819 L: \Position Papers \Brennan \5460 Closeout.DOC Page 3 of 3 5/25/2005 11:14 AM 4--ab PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER FY 2005 -2006 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND SELF INSURANCE FUND BUDGET; COLLECTION OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON COUNTY TAX ROLL; COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON COUNTY TAX ROLL SUGGESTED AGENDA JUNE 2, 2005 We will hold three public hearings to consider the: (1) Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self Insurance Fund Budget (2) Collection of Sewer Service Charges on County Tax Roll (3) Collection of Delinquent Sewer Service Charges on County Tax Roll (1) Budgets • Staff Report • Open and Close Public Hearing • Board Discussion /Motion (2) Collection of Sewer Service Charges • Staff Report • Open and Close Public Hearing • Board Discussion /Motion (3) Collection of Delinquent Sewer Service Charges • Staff Report • Continue Public Hearing to July 21, 2005 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 4.a. HEARINGS Type of Action: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING Subject: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2005 -2006 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET, AND ON PLACING CURRENT AND DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER ADMINISTRATIVE /FINANCE & ACCOUNTING REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Ratcli . M raves Charles W. General M, ISSUE: The District Code and State law require holding Public Hearings for placinO the current and delinquent Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll for collection. Although not required by law, the District will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on the FY 2005 -2006 Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and the Self- Insurance Fund Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct three separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, take the following actions, if considered appropriate: Approve the FY 2005 -2006 Operations and Maintenance Budget (O &M), Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget. Approve a resolution authorizing collection of the 2005 -2006 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll. Continue Public Hearing on delinquent Sewer Service Charges to the Board meeting of July 21, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The draft FY 2005 -2006 O &M Budget is based on no rate increase in the Sewer Service Charge. The total remains as $280 per Residential Unit Equivalent, allocating $234 to Operations and Maintenance, $45 to the Sewer Construction Fund and $1 to the Debt Service Fund. This would result in a budgeted increase to O &M reserves at fiscal year end of $628,887 for a projected O &M reserve balance at June 30, 2006, of $10,954,346. Deficit spending would continue for the capital program with further reduction of the Sewer Construction Fund balance. Page 1 of 10 S:\ADMI N \POSPAPE R \O &MSelf05- 06.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 Subject: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2005 -2006 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET, AND ON PLACING CURRENT AND DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Sewer Service Charge could be collected through direct billings by the District. However, this would require additional labor and benefit costs. The Sewer Service Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since the inception of the service charge in 1976. Staff believes that collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and efficient means for the District to collect these charges. BACKGROUND: The FY 2005 -2006 Operations and Maintenance Budget was submitted for review at the May 19, 2005, Board Meeting. A detailed presentation was made to the Board at that meeting and a copy of the overheads used is attached (see Attachment 1). A legal notice was published in the Contra Costa Times for the June 2, 2005, Public Hearing to receive public comment on the FY 2005 -2006 Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and the Self- Insurance Fund Budget, for collection of the 2005 -2006 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll, and to receive and consider protests to having delinquent Sewer Service Charges collected on the FY 2005 -2006 tax roll. It is recommended that three separate hearings be held to consider the matters described. Hearing to receive public comment on the FY 2005 -2006 Operations and Maintenance (O &M) Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget: The FY 2005 -2006 O &M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget were submitted to the Board of Directors for initial review at the May 19, 2005, Board Meeting and the Self- Insurance Fund Budget was presented at the May 5, 2005, Board Meeting. All three are scheduled for approval at the June 2, 2005, Board Meeting. Hearing to consider collection of the FY 2005 -2006 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll: The law requires that a Public Hearing be held each year before the Sewer Service Charge can be placed on the County tax roll. The Sewer Service S:\ ADMIN \POSPAPER \O &MSelf05- 06.doc Page .2 of 10 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE FY 2005 -2006 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET, DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET AND THE SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGET, AND ON PLACING CURRENT AND DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the service charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and efficient means for the District to collect the charges for approximately 105,000 accounts. Effective with the 1982 -1983 fiscal year, Contra Costa County imposed a fee for collecting the Sewer Service Charge on the tax roll. The County fee, which approximates $87,000 annually, is still more economical than the alternative of direct billing by the District. Hearing to consider collection of delinquent Sewer Service Charge account: In March, staff discovered the existence of a home located at 161 Twin Peaks Drive, Walnut Creek, which was occupied and had an illegal connection to the public sewer. A series of letters, beginning March 3, 2005, were sent to the current property owners as well as the property owners at the time of connection, notifying them of their responsibility for payment. In addition to unpaid connection fees, the current occupants were not billed for prior years' sewer service charges. The current occupants have been invoiced for all charges, and if not paid, these fees will become delinquent on June 28, 2005. This hearing will be continued to the Board meeting of July 21, 2005 to ascertain if payment of prior years' connection fees and Sewer Service Charges will be made. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct three separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, take the following actions, if considered appropriate: Approve the FY 2005 -2006 Operations and Maintenance Budget, Debt Service Fund Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget. • Approve a resolution authorizing collection of the FY 2005 -2006 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll. • Continue Public Hearing on delinquent Sewer Service Charges to the Board meeting of July 21, 2005. Page 3 of 10 S:\ADMI N \POSPAPER \O &MSelf05- 06.doc Attachment 1 2005 -2006 O &M BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS: Sewer Service Charge - $280 $234 Allocated to O &M $45 Allocated to Sewer Construction $1 Allocated to Debt Service Fund $3.7 Million in Budgeted Property Tax Revenue Shifted to Debt Service Fund EXPENSE ASSUMPTIONS: Retirement Expense - 5.87o increase in rate (confirmed) Increases to Healthcare costs (3.4 %- 7.5 %) S:\ADMIN\RATCLIFF\Budget.Overheads.2005.doc Page 4 of 10 O &M REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND RESERVES FISCAL YEAR 2003 -2004 THROUGH 2005 -2006 (000 Omitted) Revenues: Sewer Service Charge City of Concord Other Total Revenues Expenses: Total Net Expenses Fund Balance - Beginning Of Year Revenues Over Expenses Fund Balance - End Of Year Sewer Service Charge Rate (O &M Portion Only) Total Sewer Service Charge Sewer Service Equivalent S:\ ADMIMRATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc 2003 -2004 Current 2005 -2006 Actual Projected Budget 2004 -2005 $33,936 $32,298 $36,965 6,610 7,045 7,913 3,812 2,931 2,94 44,358 42,274 47,818 42,427 42,880 47,189 9,000 10,931 10,325 1,931 (606) 629 10,931 10,325 10,954 $218 $204 $234 $272 $280 $280 157,968 Page 5 of 10 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 2004 -2005 BUDGET COMPARED TO 2005 -2006 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Revenues Expenses Revenues Over Expenses Fund Balance 06/30/06 S:\ ADMIMRATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 Budget Budget $42,140 $47,818 43,891 47,189 1 751 629 $10,954 Increase (Decrease) 13.5% 7.5c7o Page 6 of 10 KEY LABOR COSTS (000 Omitted) S:\ ADMIMRATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc Page 7 of 10 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 Increase Budget Budget (Decrease) Salaries & Wages $19,426 $20,087 $661 Retirement 5,535 6,723 1,188 Medical Insurance 3,725 4,073 348 Dental Insurance 624 653 29 Workers' Compensation 525 607 82 Vacancy Factor (218) (425) (207) Capitalized Adm. (2,295) (2,256) 39 Overhead All Other 2,036 2,105 69 Total Labor Costs 29 358 31 567 2 209 S:\ ADMIMRATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc Page 7 of 10 KEY INCREASES 2004 -2005 BUDGET TO 2005 -2006 BUDGET S:\ ADMIN\ RATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc page 8 of 10 Dollar Increase (Decrease) % Increase 2004 -2005 Budget $43,890,914 Salaries 660,852 3.4 Benefits 1,548,298 15.6 Chemicals (51,000) (4.5) Utilities 873,830 21.8 Repairs & Maintenance 165,603 6.0 Hauling & Disposal 2,500 .3 Professional & Legal 110,655 29.4 Outside Services 37,320 1.8 Self Insurance 0 - Materials & Supplies 100,955 6.8 All Other (151,314) (10.4) 2005 -2006 Budget $47,188,613 7.50 S:\ ADMIN\ RATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc page 8 of 10 DEBT SERVICE FUND 2005 -2006 BUDGET Revenue $3,888,334 Debt Service Interest Expense 1,694,304 Principal Payments 2,194,030 TOTAL $3,888,334 S:\ ADMIN\ RATCLIFF \Budget.Overheads.2005.doc Page 9 of 10 I:I * *Q 1011IQ2aZ, [0a A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT THE FY 2005 -2006 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES BE COLLECTED ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL WHEREAS, the District has previously developed and instituted a Sewer Service Charge Program for services and facilities furnished by the District to finance yearly Operation and Maintenance of the District; and WHEREAS, the Sewer Service Charge is collected through a direct charge to the users: and WHEREAS, the District Code provides that the District may elect to collect current and delinquent charges on the tax rolls as provided by Sections 5470 and following of the Health & Safety Code; and WHEREAS, it is considered to be economically and efficient to continue the existing practice and collect the Sewer Service Charges for the 2005 -2006 fiscal year on the county tax roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the FY 2005 -2006 Sewer Service Charges are to be collected on the County of Contra Costa tax roll. PASS AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NAYS: Members ABSENT: Members President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Countersigned: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel SAADMIMRATCLIFF\RESOLUTION 2005- 2006sewerservicecharges.doc Page 10 of 10 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 2004 -2005 BUDGET COMPARED TO 2005 -2006 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Revenues Expenses Revenues Over Expenses Fund Balance 06/30/06 5: \ADMIN\RAT4C LIFF\Budget.Overheads.2005.doc 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 Budget Budget $42,140 $47,818 43,891 47,189 1 751 629 $10,954 4. ot. � Increase (Decrease) 13.5% 7.5% KEY LABOR COSTS (000 Omitted) S:\ADMIN\RATCLIFF\Budget.Overheods.2005.doc 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 Increase Budget Budget (Decrease) Salaries & Wages $19,426 $20,087 $661 Retirement 5,535 6,723 1,188 Medical Insurance 3,725 4,073 348 Dental Insurance 624 653 29 Workers' Compensation 525 607 82 Vacancy Factor (218) (425) (207) Capitalized Adm. (2,295) (2,256) 39 Overhead All Other 2,036 2,105 69 29 358 31 567 2 2 9 Total Labor Costs S:\ADMIN\RATCLIFF\Budget.Overheods.2005.doc KEY INCREASES 2004 -2005 BUDGET TO 2005 -2006 BUDGET S: \A DMIN\RATC LIFF\Budget.Overheads.2005.doc Dollar Increase (Decrease) % Increase 2004 -2005 Budget $43,890,914 Salaries 660,852 3.4 Benefits 1,548,298 15.6 Chemicals (51,000) (4.5) Utilities 873,830 21.8 Repairs & Maintenance 165,603 6.0 Hauling & Disposal 2,500 .3 Professional & legal 110,655 29.4 Outside Services 37,320 1.8 Self Insurance 0 - Materials & Supplies 100,955 6.8 All Other (151,314) (10.4) 2005 -2006 Budget $47,188,613 7.5% S: \A DMIN\RATC LIFF\Budget.Overheads.2005.doc DEBT SERVICE FUND 2005 -2006 BUDGET Revenue Debt Service Interest Expense Principal Payments TOTAL S:\ADMIN\RATCLIFF\Budgei.Overheods.2005.4doc $3,888,334 1,694,304 2,194,030 $3,888,334 CCCSD SELF - INSURANCE FUND 2004 -2005 PROJECTED COMPARED TO 2005 -2006 BUDGET Revenue SIF Allocation from O &M Fund All Other Total Revenue Expenses Loss Payments Technical Services Insurance Premiums All Other Total Expenses Revenue Over Expense Reserves — End of Year SAADMIN\RATCLIFROverheads.SIF 05- 06.doc Projected Budget 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 250,000 250,000 178,000 145,000 $428,000 $395,000 251,000 270,000 65,000 115,000 495,000 510,000 96,000 78,000 $907,000 $973,000 ($479,000) ($578,000) $3,443,388 $2,865,388 L�-b. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER DECLARING CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASES FOR CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROPERTY SUGGESTED AGENDA JUNE 2, 2005 Request Staff Report from Director of Administration Randy Musgraves 2. Hearing a. Open Public Hearing b. Receive Public Comments C. Close Public Hearing 3. Board Deliberation 4. Recommended Action (Motion Required): a. Adopt resolutions declaring: 4737 Imhoff Place (APN # 159 - 150 -033 and 159 - 150 -037), Animal Shelter (4849 Imhoff Place, APN # 159 - 150 -046 and 159 - 150 -050), Lagiss Property (APN # 159 - 140 -042), and Kiewit Property (APN # 159- 140 -051) as surplus property and authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute and administer lease agreements, for periods not to exceed ten years, now and in the future, consistent with Board direction, on said surplus properties; and b. Adopt the resolution declaring the surface of the District property adjacent to the Willows Shopping Center property (APN # 126- 440 -003) as surplus property and authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute a lease agreement for the surface rights to the property, consistent with Board direction. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: ,June 2, 2005 No.: 4.b. HEARINGS Type of Action: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING; ADOPT RESOLUTIONS subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENTS Submitted ay: Randall M. Musgraves Initiating Dept /Div.: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. usgraves �J K. Alm d- I _; l ISSUE: The Board must conduct a public hearing to declare District land surplus and authorize staff to execute lease agreements. RECOMMENDATION: (1) Adopt the resolutions declaring: 4737 Imhoff Place (APN # 159 - 150 -033 and 159 - 150 -037) and Animal Shelter (4849 Imhoff Place, APN # 159- 150 -046 and 159 - 150 -050), Lagiss Property (APN # 159 - 140 -042), and the Kiewit Property (APN # 159- 140 -051) as surplus property and authorize the General Manger, or his designee, to execute and administer lease agreements, for periods not to exceed ten years, now and in the future, consistent with Board direction, on said surplus properties; and (2) adopt the resolution declaring the surface of the District property adjacent to the Willows Shopping Center (APN # 126 - 440 -003) as surplus property and authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute a lease agreement for the surface rights to the property, consistent with Board direction. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District will receive additional rental income. Various leases would provide income to the District based on actual areas leased and agreement terms. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The alternative to this action is to abandon lease income. BACKGROUND: The District has purchased property in the past for the possible use and benefit of the District to conduct its business in the interest of the public. Not all of the land is needed for physical use by the District at this time. It is beneficial to the public and the District to pursue lease income to assist in District financing. The Sanitary District Act requires a public hearing in order to execute leases on District land. Staff requests that the Board conduct a public hearing for each of the five parcels or sites under consideration for leasing. Staff also requests that the Board authorize POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENTS staff to enter into short term, routine, market competitive leases for certain of these District properties and the facilities and structures thereon, including the warehouse bays at 4737 Imhoff Place. In addition, staff is requesting the authority to administer and manage the leases to protect the District's interests. This would allow staff to meet time sensitive proposals or administrative actions. However, leases of long durations and /or significant financial or public impact would still be submitted to the Real Estate Committee and then to the Board for approval. All leases are compatible with District uses. Attached are Resolutions authorizing staff to negotiate, execute and administer lease agreements at each of the properties. Below is a summary of the condition of each of the various properties and the requested approvals: 1. 4737 IMHOFF PLACE (WAREHOUSE) The District currently issues various short-term leases, not exceeding ten years, on warehouse spaces (bays) located on the property at 4737 Imhoff Place, Martinez. This property is located directly west of the District Headquarters Office Building located at 5019 Imhoff Place. The 4737 Imhoff Place building is a warehouse structure consisting of eleven bays. The terms of the leases and the turnover of tenants in these bays requires the constant attention of staff and the District Property Manager. In order to allow the District to lease this property, for a period not exceeding ten years, the Board is required to conduct a public hearing and find that the properties will be used for compatible uses and that it will be of public benefit. 2. 4849 IMHOFF PLACE (ANIMAL SERVICES SHELTER AND RELATED STRUCTURES) The Animal Services Shelter (4849 Imhoff Place) property is approximately 1.85 acres. This property is located directly west of the District Headquarters Office Building located at 5019 Imhoff Place in Martinez. Staff is currently working with the County to demolish much of the Animal Shelter, leaving the Administration building for office lease along with the yard space. The yard will be cleaned up, mobile trailers moved, the barn demolished and interior fencing removed. The facility's surrounding yard will likely require paving, at District expense. The County will provide $25,000 for landscaping. The District's Property Manager is currently exploring the market for the lease of the Animal Shelter property and the Administration building. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENTS In order to allow the District to lease this property, for a period not exceeding ten years, the Board is required to conduct a public hearing and find that the properties will be used for compatible uses and that it will be of public benefit. The formal lease, once negotiated, will be brought back to the Board for input and approval. 3. LAGISS PROPERTY This property (approximately 48 acres) is located northeast of Blum Road, at the end of the road, and the Treatment Plant in Martinez. The District currently leases the property for livestock grazing which provides a beneficial use to the District and community (the grazing reduces the fire hazard to the property). In addition, the tenant repairs all District fencing on the property. In order to allow the District to lease the Lagiss property, for a period not exceeding ten years, for agricultural uses, a public hearing is scheduled and a proposed finding that the property lease is compatible and that it will be of public benefit has been provided. 4. KIEWIT PROPERTY This property (approximately 33 acres) is located northeast of the District's Treatment Plant at 5019 Imhoff Place in Martinez. Separately, the District is considering the feasibility of filling and grading the Kiewit property to obtain increased revenue. If this proves feasible, the Board will be asked to approve a proposal to fill the Kiewit property at a future Board meeting. In the meantime, Bay Cities Grading and Paving Company has proposed to lease approximately two to four acres of land on the Kiewit property to temporarily store ground rock and gravel for approximately six months. The Board authorized staff to prepare a lease agreement ensuring Bay Cities paid all preparatory and clean up costs, ensured no dumping of hazardous material and obtained necessary County permits. The District has also received a request from Robert Chapman, C & R Ranch, to lease the Kiewit property to temporarily graze livestock for approximately one month, at $50 per month, on a short term basis. This would eliminate the cost to disk the property and reduce the fire hazard to the District. In addition, Mr. Chapman has agreed to repair the perimeter fencing for the District at no additional charge. A water trough is the only item that will be temporarily located POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENTS on the property. Mr. Chapman meets the District's insurance requirements. This lease will be secondary and will not impact the Bay Cities lease. Staff desires to have the livestock graze the Kiewit property while Bay Cities Grading and Paving Company obtains their use permit from the County. Mr. Chapman has assured the District that the livestock can be moved within one day of notice and understands the District's intent to lease to Bay Cities Grading and Paving Company. Bay Cities has no objections to Mr. Chapman's lease. The two proposed leases, therefore, seem to be complementary. In order to allow the District to lease the Kiewit Property for short term uses, for a period not exceeding one year, the Board is required to conduct a public hearing and find that the property will be used for compatible uses and that it will be of public benefit. 5. WILLOWS CENTER CONCORD, LLC. The land subject to the proposed surface rights lease is a strip of land the District owns in fee and serves as a right of way corridor for the existing 72 -inch diameter A -Line Interceptor. The strip of land is between the Willows Shopping Center in Concord and Interstate 680. The District has been leasing the surface of the right of way to the Willows Center for parking since 1983. Under the existing lease, the District receives $4000 per year. Renewal of the existing lease with the Willows was delayed by a proposal from the shopping center to construct a portion of a drive thru for Krispy Kreme Donuts restaurant on the District's right of way. This proposal was eventually rejected by staff due to access restrictions imposed by the building design. Another factor delaying the lease renewal was the simultaneous negotiations for easements needed by the District to construct the future A -Line Relief Interceptor. These easements were submitted to the Board for acceptance on May 19, 2005. Staff is requesting authority for the President of the Board to execute a lease agreement for surface rights and approval for staff to administer the lease with Willows Center. Concord, LLC (Willows). The annual rent of the 10 -year term lease is $11,900, with yearly increases at the lesser of 4% or CPI (San Francisco Bay Area Urban Consumer Price Index). POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENTS The proposed lease will not adversely impact operation or maintenance of the facilities within the subject right of way. Additionally, Legal Counsel has reviewed the lease document and incorporated liability conditions to protect the District. Furthermore, in order to allow the District to lease the surface rights, for a period not exceeding ten years, the Board is required to conduct a public hearing and find that the property will be used for compatible uses and that it will be of public benefit. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: (1) Adopt the resolutions declaring: 4737 Imhoff Place (APN # 159 - 150 -033 and 159 - 150 -037), Animal Shelter (4849 Imhoff Place, APN # 159 - 150 -046 and 159 - 150 -050), Lagiss Property (APN # 159 - 140 -042), and the Kiewit Property (APN # 159- 140 -051) as surplus property and authorize the General Manger, or his designee, to execute and administer lease agreements, for periods not to exceed ten years, now and in the future, consistent with Board direction, on said surplus properties; and (2) adopt the resolution declaring the surface of the District property adjacent to the Willows Shopping Center property (APN # 126- 440 -003) as surplus property and authorize the General Manger, or his designee, to execute a lease agreement for the surface rights to the property, consistent with Board direction. } A e- r Legend f Nt 4 �t Y (t h m � S � er i 4 � . } ,� jX \ 3 J T fttw .c E .F ' � � 'r �' iw-:� ,' $ g._ , ` ' _ 6 � . . t � Ya �s� ��s s .!. S � ' TMK� iF t"y r � � Y y ° ` '�<'i i k , i S W M � r� . a h� r1t ` • _ ✓tr � .a i( a s l b -, '�`E - .- fi .. . � g k e ab P ,l - � 3 •C�'y yt - S s� �°a w' ` � v V Lease Parcel Boundary 2 County Quarry _ hP �1 ' f ,, � T ! l A4-� ft• °1,=�:jm ,s '$ ° , . � D a� r g'x f ,k§ a =� . Animal Control Facility FEET st 4737 Imhalf Place �rF ".y £ � ._ »+ � s� "� x •v�S x;�!-' SM /� w t�� r�ta � � ry - R��.£�� 4e P �- 'e A L * a -1 +C M*, NI Y ti W.14 { r;k , G� y • a a a / A .. ! . e y l A \_: - "' €€€ � � c tc�l N 1100 OR 7 W7 ' S ' e 3 QD N., y @• ` e AIN } •i' L r r, , r� ✓, .� "gyfi;. : � y� ��g4� ;.-s, �,a �'� sy1'`yy ��'�" '� sQ:. ���j�`'1✓� ;�� "� ;'�, j,� Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P L1£ /f'G 1 .: - �4���,+'� f 1llElltl t.t�"ztt`�,$�$_:� ��Is+l l: _ sir s R .✓''s` >%;� ''� � '`k _ _ .�` k ,gip £ F� _ RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A PARCEL OF DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO NEGOTIATE, EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER LEASES FOR WAREHOUSE SPACES LOCATED AT 4737 IMHOFF PLACE WHEREAS, the District owns approximately one and a half (1.5) acres at 4737 Imhoff Place, just west of the Martinez Treatment Plant, as shown in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, said parcel is identified more specifically as APN # 159 - 150 -033 and 159 - 150 -037; and WHEREAS, this parcel features a preexisting, permitted warehouse structure with eleven loading bays that has been used for many years for commercial and light industrial uses, storage and loading and unloading uses, in conformity with the local zoning code and land use regulations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors held a noticed public hearing on June 2, 2005, to determine whether the proposed lease of this parcel and the warehouse structure thereon for light industrial and warehousing uses would be compatible with surrounding uses and zoning and land use regulations and provide a public benefit; and WHEREAS, the District seeks to continue to allow the use of the warehouse facility by outside parties, which could be done without modification or with only minor alterations to the land; and WHEREAS, there is typically high tenant turnover in the warehouse leasing market, thereby requiring prompt and immediate action by warehouse administrators to fill vacancies and, when necessary, to bring eviction proceedings against delinquent or defaulting tenants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: 1. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the 4737 Imhoff Place property is surplus and unnecessary to the District's current needs. Furthermore, the Board of Directors finds that the proposed lease and use of the subject property are compatible with the District's activities and functions. 2. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the continued operation and lease of the loading and unloading bays within the warehouse structure at 4737 Imhoff Place would provide a public benefit by generating funds for the District's important duties and functions, and maintaining the availability of assets for the District's current and future use. 3. That the General Manager or his designee are authorized to negotiate, execute, and administer lease agreements for each of the eleven bays at the warehouse and appurtenant structures and access ways located at 4737 Imhoff Place, for a term not to exceed ten years. Such leases shall be made at competitive market rates to private parties which have uses compatible with the activities, duties and functions of the District. 4. That the General Manager or his designee are authorized to fill vacancies, evict delinquent or defaulting tenants, and conduct other day -to -day warehouse leasing activities as they might arise, without seeking further authorization or permission from the Board of Directors, so long as the proposed uses of such lessees are consistent with the warehousing activities considered herein. This delegation of authority shall be subject to review every five years, starting from the date of the adoption of this resolution. 5. That, notwithstanding the above authorizations and delegation, the General Manager shall still present any proposed lease of the abovementioned property or facility that exceeds ten years in length, or might significantly impact District business or the community, pose a financial or physical risk to the District, or be incompatible with District activities, functions or duties, to the Board of Directors for full consideration, review and approval prior to execution. 6. That the proposed lease and operation of the warehouse facility located at 4737 Imhoff Place are exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15301 (existing facilities); 15304 (minor alterations to land). 7. That each portion of this resolution is severable. Should any portion of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining resolution portions shall be and continue in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel Doc. 758438.4 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A PORTION OF DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO MAKE MINOR ALTERATIONS TO PROPERTY AND TO NEGOTIATE POSSIBLE LEASES FOR THE PROPERTY AND FACILITIES LOCATED AT 4849 IMHOFF PLACE AND TO EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER SUCH LEASES IN THE EVENT OF FURTHER APPROVAL FROM THE BOARD WHEREAS, the District owns approximately two acres (1.85 acres) at 4849 Imhoff Place, just west of the Martinez Treatment Plant, as shown in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, said parcel is identified more specifically as APN # 159 - 150 -046 and 159 - 150 -050; and WHEREAS, the parcel at 4849 Imhoff Place features preexisting animal kennels, an administrative office building, mobile trailers, interior fencing, a barn and an area for on -site vehicle parking; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors held a noticed public hearing on June 2, 2005, to determine whether the possible lease of the parcel and the administrative office building thereon for light industrial, administrative, office and commercial uses would be compatible with surrounding uses and zoning and land use regulations and provide a public benefit; and WHEREAS, the District's Property Manager has opined that this property and the administrative office building might be used by outside parties without modification or with only minor alterations or removals of existing facilities and structures for light industrial, administrative, office and commercial uses, such as administrative or office services, on -site parking of vehicles, and the storage of limited amounts of construction equipment or supplies; and WHEREAS, there is typically high tenant turnover in the light industrial, office and commercial lease markets, thereby requiring prompt and immediate action by property administrators to fill vacancies and, when necessary, to bring eviction proceedings against delinquent or defaulting tenants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: 1. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the 4849 Imhoff Place property is surplus and unnecessary to the District's current needs. Furthermore, the Board of Directors finds that the possible lease and use of the subject property are compatible with the District's activities and functions and the uses of surrounding properties, and would fully comply with local land use requirements and zoning. 2. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, that the continued operation and minor upgrade, alteration and lease of the parcel at 4849 Imhoff Place and the administrative office building thereon would provide a public benefit by generating funds for the District's important duties and functions, improving the property and increasing the assets available to the District for current and future use. 3. That the General Manager or his designee are authorized to make minor alterations, such as the removal of interior fencing, the kennels and the barn, the relocation of the mobile trailers, the cleaning of yard space, and the installation of landscaping and paving, to the property and structures at 4849 Imhoff Place, and to negotiate or explore the possibilities of leasing the property at the direction of the Real Estate Committee. Any specific proposed lease and lessee would be brought back to the full Board of Directors for consideration, review and approval. 4. That the General Manager or his designee, after the approval of a specific initial lessee and lease use by the Board of Directors, is authorized to fill vacancies, evict delinquent or defaulting tenants, and conduct other day -to -day property leasing activities as they might arise, without seeking further authorization or permission from the Board of Directors, so long as the proposed uses of such lessees are consistent with the light industrial, administrative, office and commercial uses considered herein. This delegation of authority shall be subject to review every five years, starting from the date of the adoption of this resolution. 5. That, notwithstanding the above authorizations and delegation, the General Manager shall present any proposed lease of the abovementioned property or facility that exceeds ten years in length, or might significantly impact District business or the community, pose a financial or physical risk to the District, or be incompatible with District activities, functions or duties, to the Board of Directors for full consideration, review and approval prior to execution. 6. That the preparation and minor alterations described herein to the structures at 4849 Imhoff Place are exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15301 (existing facilities); 15304 (minor alterations to land). Further CEQA compliance issues shall be addressed when a specific use of the property and /or an initial lease agreement are authorized by the Board of Directors. 7. That each portion of this resolution is severable. Should any portion of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining resolution portions shall be and continue in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel Doc. 758490.2 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A PORTION OF DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO NEGOTIATE, EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER LEASES FOR THE LAGISS PROPERTY WHEREAS, the District owns approximately forty -eight (48) acres of land north west of the Martinez Treatment Plant, as shown in Exhibit A, and sometimes called the Lagiss Property; and WHEREAS, the Lagiss Property is more specifically described as APN # 159- 140 -042; and WHEREAS, the Lagiss Property is currently being leased for livestock grazing and has fencing maintained by the tenant; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors held a noticed public hearing on June 2, 2005, to determine whether the proposed lease of the parcel for the continued exercise of livestock grazing or agrarian uses would be compatible with surrounding uses and zoning and land use regulations and provide a public benefit; and WHEREAS, the livestock and agricultural lease market is subject to seasonal conditions and tenant turnover, thereby requiring prompt and immediate action by property administrators to fill vacancies and, when necessary, to bring eviction proceedings against delinquent or defaulting tenants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: 1. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the Lagiss Property is surplus and unnecessary to the District's current needs. Furthermore, the Board finds that the proposed lease and use of the subject property are compatible with the District's activities and functions and the uses of surrounding properties, and would fully comply with local land use requirements and zoning. 2. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the continued operation and lease of the Lagiss Property for livestock and agrarian purposes would provide a public benefit by generating funds for the District's important duties and functions, reducing potential fire hazards to the property through the clearing or trimming of vegetation, and possible tenant maintenance of fencing and other improvements; and 3. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to negotiate, execute and administer lease agreements for the property for livestock or agrarian purposes for a term not in excess of ten years. Such leases shall be made at competitive market rates to private parties which have uses compatible with the activities, duties and functions of the District. 4. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to conduct general property management and lease administration activities as they might arise, such as the execution of subordination agreements and other documents, without seeking further authorization or permission from the Board of Directors, so long as the proposed uses of such lessees are consistent with the livestock grazing and agrarian uses considered herein. This delegation of authority shall be subject to review every five years, starting from the date of the adoption of this resolution. 5. That, notwithstanding the above authorizations and delegation, the General Manager shall present any proposed lease of either of the abovementioned properties or facilities that exceeds ten years in length, or might significantly impact District business or the community, pose a financial or physical risk to the District, or be incompatible with District activities, functions or duties, to the Board of Directors for full consideration, review and approval prior to execution. 6. That the proposed lease, operation, and minor alteration described herein of existing structures and facilities at the Lagiss Property are exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15301 (existing facilities); 15302 (replacement or reconstruction of existing structures or facilities); 15303 (new construction or conversion of small structures); 15304 (minor alterations to land). 7. That each portion of this resolution is severable. Should any portion of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining resolution portions shall be and continue in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 758564:802 -001 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A PORTION OF DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO NEGOTIATE, EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER SHORT TERM LEASES FOR THE KIEWIT PROPERTY WHEREAS, the District owns approximately thirty -three (33) acres of land east of the Martinez Treatment Plant, as shown in Exhibit A, and commonly called the Kiewit Property; and WHEREAS, the Kiewit Property is more specifically identified as APN # 159 -140- 051; and WHEREAS, the Kiewit Property has historically been used, in part, for agricultural and livestock uses; and WHEREAS, the District has put out a request for proposals (RFP No. 04- 05 -22; D.P. No. 8172) for the possible conduct of a fill project on the site at some point in the future, which would be subject to separate review and consideration by the Board of Directors and separate compliance procedures under the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, before the possible conduct of the abovementioned fill project, the District has received requests and expressions of interest regarding the short term lease of the Kiewit property for such uses as livestock grazing, the storage of construction equipment and supplies, off - street vehicle parking, the storage of trees and plants for landscaping purposes, and use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors held a noticed public hearing on June 2, 2005, to determine whether the proposed short term lease of the Kiewit Property for livestock grazing, storage, vehicle parking or construction staging uses would be compatible with surrounding uses and zoning and land use regulations and provide a public benefit; and WHEREAS, the short term lease market for the aforementioned uses is subject to changing weather and economic conditions and tenant turnover, thereby requiring prompt and immediate action by property administrators to fill vacancies and, when necessary, to bring eviction proceedings against delinquent or defaulting tenants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: 1. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the Kiewit Property is surplus and unnecessary to the District's current needs. Furthermore, the Board of Directors finds that the proposed leases for short term use of the subject property, such as for livestock grazing, construction equipment and supply storage, off - street vehicle parking, storage of landscaping supplies and equipment, or use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles purposes, are compatible with the District's activities and functions and the uses of surrounding properties, and would fully comply with local land use requirements and zoning. 2. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the short term operation and lease of the Kiewit Property for livestock grazing, construction equipment and supply storage, off - street vehicle parking, storage of landscaping supplies and equipment, or use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles purposes would provide a public benefit by generating funds for the District's important duties and functions, reducing potential fire hazards to the property through the clearing or trimming of vegetation, and possible creation of minor improvements by tenants; and 3. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to negotiate, execute and administer short term lease agreements for the property for livestock grazing, construction equipment and supply storage, off - street vehicle parking, storage of landscaping supplies and equipment, or use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles, for a term not in excess of one year. Such short term leases shall be made at competitive market rates to private parties which have uses compatible with the activities, duties and functions of the District. 4. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to fill vacancies, evict delinquent or defaulting tenants, and conduct other day -to -day property leasing activities as they might arise, without seeking further authorization or permission from the Board of Directors, so long as the proposed uses of such short term lessees are consistent with the uses considered herein and the leases do not exceed one year in length. This delegation of authority shall be subject to review every five years, starting from the date of the adoption of this resolution. 5. That, notwithstanding the above authorizations and delegation, the General Manager shall present any proposed lease of the Kiewit Property that exceeds one year in length, or might significantly impact District business or the community, pose a financial or physical risk to the District, or be incompatible with District activities, functions or duties, to the Board of Directors for full consideration, review and approval prior to execution. 6. That the proposed lease, operation, and minor alteration described herein of existing structures and facilities at the Kiewit Property are exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15301 (existing facilities); 15303 (new construction or conversion of small structures); 15304 (minor alterations to land). 7. That each portion of this resolution is severable. Should any portion of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining resolution portions shall be and continue in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 758615.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A PORTION OF DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO NEGOTIATE, EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER LEASES FOR THE SURFACE RIGHTS TO DISTRICT PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN THE WILLOWS SHOPPING CENTER AND HIGHWAY 680 IN CONCORD WHEREAS, the District owns a strip of land in fee as shown in Exhibit A, and which serves as a right -of -way corridor for the underground 72 -inch diameter A -Line Interceptor, located between the Willows Shopping Center in Concord and Interstate 680; and WHEREAS, said parcel is more specifically described as APN # 126- 440 -003; and WHEREAS, the District is currently renting the surface rights of said property for landscaping and parking uses to Willows Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, the District has recently received an offer to renew the lease of the surface rights of said property for a 10 -year term with an annual rent of $11,900, increased at the lesser of 4% or CPI (San Francisco Bay Area Urban Consumer Price Index); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors held a noticed public hearing on June 2, 2005, to determine whether the proposed renewal of the surface rights lease would be compatible with surrounding uses and zoning and land use regulations and provide a public benefit. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: 1. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the surface rights to the Willows property is surplus and unnecessary to the District's current needs. Furthermore, the Board of Directors finds that the proposed lease and use of the subject property are compatible with the District's activities and functions and the uses of surrounding properties, and would fully comply with local land use requirements and zoning. 2. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the continued operation and lease of the surface rights to the abovementioned property would provide a public benefit by generating funds for the District's important duties and functions and making aesthetic and utilitarian improvements to the surface of the property; and 3. That the Board President shall execute and that staff is authorized to administer the renewal of the lease agreement with Willows Shopping Center. This renewal does not exceed ten years in length and is made at competitive market rates to a private party which has uses that are compatible with the activities, duties and functions of the District. 4. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to conduct general property management and lease administration activities as they might arise, such as the execution of subordination agreements and other documents, without seeking further authorization or permission from the Board of Directors, so long as the proposed uses of the lessees are consistent with the parking and landscaping uses considered herein. This delegation of authority shall be subject to review every five years, starting from the date of the adoption of this resolution. 5. That, notwithstanding the above authorizations and delegation, the General Manager shall present any proposed lease of the abovementioned property that exceeds ten years in length, or might significantly impact District business or the community, pose a financial or physical risk to the District, or be incompatible with District activities, functions or duties, to the Board of Directors for full consideration, review and approval prior to execution. 6. That the proposed lease and operation described herein of the abovementioned parcel is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15301 (existing facilities); 15304 (minor alterations to land). 7. That each portion of this resolution is severable. Should any portion of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining resolution portions shall be and continue in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 758582.1 4 b. 4737 IMHOFF PLACE WAREHOUSE • 4737 Imhoff Place is a large warehouse comprised of 11 bays. • District can expect approximately $140,000 annual lease income. • Approximately half the leases are annual and half are 3 -5 year leases. • Leases are market competitive. • Staff is requesting Board authority to execute and administer leases. • Delegation of authority will be reviewed by the Board every 5 years. 4849 IMHOFF PLACE ANIMAL SHELTER • The County Animal Services has moved. • Staff has met with the County to identify unneeded facilities and structures. • The County has processed payment for May and June rent along with $25,000 for landscaping. • An estimate to demolish unwanted structures is being prepared by the County. • The District's Property Manager will market the lease of the property. • The lease will be brought to the Board through the Real Estate Committee. • Significant changes to lease would come back to the Board through the Real Estate Committee. • Leases are NOT to exceed 10 years. • Staff is requesting Board authority to administer a lease once approved by the Board. • Delegation of authority will be reviewed by the Board every 5 years. LAGISS PROPERTY • Currently the District is leasing the property for livestock grazing • The lease will be brought to the Board through the Real Estate Committee. • Significant changes to lease would come back to the Board through the Real Estate Committee. • Leases are NOT to exceed 10 years. • Staff is requesting Board authority to execute and administer leases for livestock or agrarian uses. • Delegation of authority will be reviewed by the Board every 5 years. KIEWIT PROPERTY • The District is currently seeking proposals to fill the property with clean soil. • Requests have been received to graze livestock and temporarily store reprocessed rock and gravel on the property. • Livestock grazing will reduce the fire hazard of the property and repair perimeter fencing. • Temporary rock storage will increase District lease revenues. • Consideration to County Quarry for truck staging on the property has been granted by the Board. • Consideration to Contra Costa Topsoil for relocation to the property has been granted by the Board. • The fill project will be brought to the Board through the Real Estate Committee. • Significant changes to lease would come back to the Board through the Real Estate Committee. • Leases are NOT to exceed 10 years. • Staff is requesting Board authority to execute and administer leases for livestock or agrarian uses. • Delegation of authority will be reviewed by the Board every 5 years. Legend 55 11 ^41 Lease Parcel Boundary V.] '77 r n uj N -N- 1 Viewitt Parcel 2 County Quarry 4, 11' 3 Lagiss Parcel 4 Contra Costa Topsoil 'x 4� 5 Animal Control Facility FEU _gO 410 6 4737 Imhoff Place /hAW, �K 44 MI S 4.— A 31- jet A x, V TN� M 4%0 X Treatment Plant 7 _4 _2 Ni &4 k V-7 3�- TN� M 4%0 X Treatment Plant 7 _4 _2 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A PORTION OF DISTRICT LAND SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO NEGOTIATE, EXECUTE AND ADMINISTER SHORT TERM LEASES FOR THE KIEWIT PROPERTY WHEREAS, the District owns approximately thirty -three (33) acres of land east of the Martinez Treatment Plant, as shown in Exhibit A, and commonly called the Kiewit Property; and WHEREAS, the Kiewit Property is more specifically identified as APN # 159 -140- 051; and WHEREAS, the Kiewit Property has historically been used, in part, for agricultural and livestock uses; and WHEREAS, the District has put out a request for proposals (RFP No. 04- 05 -22; D.P. No. 8172) for the possible conduct of a fill project on the site at some point in the future, which would be subject to separate review and consideration by the Board of Directors and separate compliance procedures under the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, before the possible conduct of the abovementioned fill project, the District has received requests and expressions of interest regarding the short term lease of the Kiewit property for such uses as livestock grazing, the storage of construction equipment and supplies, off - street vehicle parking, the storage of trees and plants for landscaping purposes, and use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors held a noticed public hearing on June 2, 2005, to determine whether the proposed short term lease of the Kiewit Property for livestock grazing, storage, vehicle parking or construction staging uses would be compatible with surrounding uses and zoning and land use regulations and provide a public benefit; and WHEREAS, the short term lease market for the aforementioned uses is subject to changing weather and economic conditions and tenant turnover, thereby requiring prompt and immediate action by property administrators to fill vacancies and, when necessary, to bring eviction proceedings against delinquent or defaulting tenants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: 1. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the Kiewit Property is currently unnecessary for the performance of the District's purposes, functions, and duties, although this assessment may change at some point in the future as conditions and factors evolve. swFpIws and URReGessaFy to the Dio +rin+'s Furthermore, the Board of Directors finds that the proposed leases for short term use of the subject property, such as for livestock grazing, construction equipment and supply storage, off - street vehicle parking, storage of landscaping supplies and equipment, or use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles purposes, are compatible with the District's activities and functions and the uses of surrounding properties, and would fully comply with local land use requirements and zoning. 2. That, after holding a noticed public hearing, the Board of Directors finds that the short term operation and lease of the Kiewit Property for livestock grazing, construction equipment and supply storage, off - street vehicle parking, storage of landscaping supplies and equipment, or use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles purposes would provide a public benefit by generating funds for the District's important duties and functions, reducing potential fire hazards to the property through the clearing or trimming of vegetation, and possible creation of minor improvements by tenants; and 3. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to negotiate, execute and administer short term lease agreements for the property for livestock grazing, construction equipment and supply storage, off - street vehicle parking, storage of landscaping supplies and equipment, or use as a staging area for construction equipment and vehicles, for a term not in excess of one year. Such short term leases shall be made at competitive market rates to private parties which have uses compatible with the activities, duties and functions of the District. 4. That the General Manager or his designee is authorized to fill vacancies, evict delinquent or defaulting tenants, and conduct other day -to -day property leasing activities as they might arise, without seeking further authorization or permission from the Board of Directors, so long as the proposed uses of such short term lessees are consistent with the uses considered herein and the leases do not exceed one year in length. This delegation of authority shall be subject to review every five years, starting from the date of the adoption of this resolution. 5. That, notwithstanding the above authorizations and delegation, the General Manager shall present any proposed lease of the Kiewit Property that exceeds one year in length, or might significantly impact District business or the community, pose a financial or physical risk to the District, or be incompatible with District activities, functions or duties, to the Board of Directors for full consideration, review and approval prior to execution. 6. That the proposed lease, operation, and minor alteration described herein of existing structures and facilities at the Kiewit Property are exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§ 15301 (existing facilities); 15303 (new construction or conversion of small structures); 15304 (minor alterations to land). 7. That each portion of this resolution is severable. Should any portion of this resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable by a body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining resolution portions shall be and continue in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 758615.24 4 W CL O L QL (1) o U U) C) U c .o 4- o o O qzt L. (D 4- CL .� U 0) O O O M C: '� -- N 4 CL � C C M O �, L U) M V 0 Cl) cn c: U) m CD 0— m O UO 06 06 O L. > O L a O m O O Q .� O O* O E O O O •� CU O C: co CL Q — Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD No.: 6.a. BIDS AND AWARDS Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS TO ROTO- ROOTER FOR THE TV INSPECTION PROGRAM PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5547, PHASE 4 Submitted By: Initiating Dept✓Div.: Tom Godsey, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: o y cki W. Brennan A. Farrell Charle Batts, General Manager ISSUE: On May 20, 2005, sealed bids were received and opened for a contract for the Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers Project, District Project No. 5547, Phase 4. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a Television Inspection contract in the amount of $796,454 for the Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers Project, District Project No. 5547, Phase 4, to Roto- Rooter for one year, with an optional extension to a second year. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $836,454 for the first year and $850,000 for the optional second year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The purpose of the District -wide TV Inspection Program is to inspect all existing sewers and develop a comprehensive assessment of the District's collection system. This information is being used to identify and prioritize sewer rehabilitation and replacement projects. The District -wide TV Inspection Program is a large- scale, multi -year effort to CCTV inspect the entire District collection system. To date, three phases of the TV Inspection Program have been completed in Orinda and Walnut Creek, representing 1,400,000 feet out of a total of 7,500,000 feet in the District. This fourth year of the program will inspect 950,000 feet of sewers in the first year in Lafayette and a portion of Pleasant Hill. Three sealed bids were received and publicly opened on May 20, 2005. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. Capital Projects Division staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that the bid submitted by Roto- Rooter is the lowest responsible bid. This is the fourth time that Roto- Rooter has Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS TO ROTO -ROOTER FOR THE TV INSPECTION PROGRAM PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5547, PHASE 4 been the successful bidder. Roto- Rooter has performed well on the previous three contracts. The District will administer the television inspection contract and provide inspection and CCTV inspection data review. This contract is a price agreement contract that allows for increasing or decreasing the quantities actually completed. District staff may exercise an option for an additional year of work at the bid prices, provided the initial work is successful and the prices favorable to the District. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). The funds required to complete both the first year and the optional additional year of this project, as shown in Attachment 2, are $1,686,454. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it will provide information for design of sewer improvements and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Authorization of the award of the contract will establish the Board of Director's independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a television inspection contract in the amount of $796,454 for the Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers Project, District Project No. 5547, Phase 4, to Roto- Rooter for one year, with an optional extension to a second year. hPosition Papers\2005Wune \5547 Award N Insp Contract.DOC Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS Project No.: 5547, Phase 4 Date: May 20, 2005 Project Name: Television Inspection Program Project Location: District Service Area - Lafayette Engineer's Est.: $1,000,000 No BIDDER BID PRICE Name & address Roto- Rooter 1 195 Mason Circle $796,454.45 Concord, CA 94520 Downstream Services 2 2855 Progress Place $894,772.31 Escondido, CA 92029 Gelco Services, Inc. 3 1705 Salem Industrial Drive, NE $1,319,074.50 Salem, OR 97303 4 5 6 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme DATE May 20, 2005 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT 2 TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. X5547 - Phase 4 ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL PERCENT OF ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 1 Contract Cost $796,454 Contract Subtotal $796,454 2 Contract Administration/inspection $50,000 6.2% 3 Pre -bid Expenditures $15,000 1.9% 4 Total Project Cost $861,454 3.1% 5 Funds Allocated to Date $25,000 6 Allocation Required to Complete Project for First Year $836,454 Additional Year /Footage 7 Adding 950,000 feet to contract $800,000 8 Additional contract administration $50,000 Total additional cost $850,000 Additional Allocation Required to Complete Total Footage $1,686,454 hPosition Papers\2005\June \5547 - Attachment 2.doc Page 4 of 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 6.b. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD / AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO DARCY & HARTY CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5646, AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PLEASANT HILL FOR THE VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Alexander Mestetsky, Engineering / Capital Projects Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. 1A A4 A. Mestetsky ecki W. Bre an A. Farrell 4Generalan ISSUE: On May 24, 2005, sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Vessing Sewer Renovation Project, District Project No. 5646. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. The Board of Directors' authorization is required for agreements with other public agencies. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract. Authorize staff to negotiate a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of Pleasant Hill (City) for the Hoover Court Slide Repair as part of the Vessing Sewer Renovation Project, DP 5646. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $4,892,500, including design, bid price, contingency, City's work, and construction management. Approximately $121,000 will be reimbursed by the City of Pleasant Hill if they decide to proceed with their project. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The District's 1,500 miles of collection sewers have pipe segments that range in age from new to over 100 -years old. Some of these pipe segments are at the end of their useful life. This is evidenced by high maintenance costs and increases in call -outs by Collection System Operations Division (CSOD). In 1991, the District implemented a sewer renovation program. Since that time, an annual allowance for this program has been included in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. This program is an ongoing series of projects. Candidate sewer line segments are identified, evaluated, and placed on a priority list for replacement and /or renovation. The Vessing Sewer Renovation Project will renovate or replace several hPosition Papers\2005 \June \5646 - Vessing PP Award.doc Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO DARCY & HARTY CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5646, AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PLEASANT HILL FOR THE VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT critical line segments identified in the City of Pleasant Hill and unincorporated Contra Costa County area. The Vessing Sewer Renovation Project will reconstruct approximately 14,000 linear feet of 8 -, 10 -, 12 -, and 15 -inch sewer lines (see Attachment 1 for map). Approximately 6,600 feet of sewer is located in the public right of way and about 7,000 feet in easements and private streets. Construction of the sewers in easements will involve close cooperation with customers for site access and restoration. The City of Pleasant Hill has requested the District to include in its Vessing Sewer Renovation Project the repair of the Hoover Court Slide. The slide repair project is immediately adjacent to the District's pipeline alignment. This will require a JPA. It is proposed that the City pay 100 percent of the slide repair costs plus a markup to compensate the District for its staff time. The construction contract gives the District the ability to delete the City's portion of the work from the project without any financial impacts. It is anticipated that the City will make a decision as to the extent of its participation no later than June 30, 2005. If the City decides to participate, the JPA will be brought to the Board for consideration at a future Board meeting. District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $3,300,000. This project was advertised on May 2 and 9, 2005. Two sealed bids ranging from $3,398,225 to $4,075,080 were received and publicly opened on May 24, 2005. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Darcy & Harty Construction, Inc. is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $3,398,225. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. District staff will administer the construction contract and will provide construction inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. The budget provides for a temporary inspector, which is the subject of a separate Position Paper before the Board today for consideration. The construction of the Vessing sewers is included in the Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on page CS - 18. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $4,346,500. The total cost of the Vessing Sewer Renovation Project is anticipated to be $4,892,500. The City of Pleasant Hill will reimburse the District approximately $121,000 if they choose to participate. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. hPosition Papers\2005\June \5646 - Vessing PP Award.doc Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO DARCY & HARTY CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5646, AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PLEASANT HILL FOR THE VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302, since it involves the replacement or reconstruction of existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of dry- weather capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Director's independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $3,398,225 for the construction of the Vessing Sewer Renovation Project, District Project No. 5646, to Darcy & Harty Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder. Authorize staff to negotiate a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Pleasant Hill. hPosition Papers\2005\June \5646 - Vessing PP Award.doc Page 3 of 6 � SITE LOCATION Central Contra Costa Drawing No. Sanitary District VESSING SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT CCCSD PROJECT NO. 5646 Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 VESSING SEWER RENOVATION DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5646 SUMMARY OF BIDS Project No.: 5646 Date: May 24, 2005 Project Name: Vessing Sewer Renovation Project Location: Multiple sites in Pleasant Hill, California Engineer's Est.: $3,300,000 No BIDDER BID PRICE Name & address California Trenchless, Inc. 1 2283 Dunn Road $4,075,080 Hayward, CA 94545 Darcy & Harty Construction, Inc. 2 1300 Carroll Avenue $3,398,225 San Francisco, CA 94124 3 4 5 6 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Diane Wagner DATE May 24, 2005 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 hPosition Papers\2005 \June \5646 - Vessing PP Award.doc Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 3 VESSING SEWER RENOVATION DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5646 POST -BID / PRE - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 3. Consultant Services Materials Testing $ 50,000 Percent ITEM DESCRIPTION 8,000 TOTAL of Construction 7,500 Subtotal $ Contract Cost 1. Construction Construction Contract — Sewer $ 3,277,425 Contact — Hoover Court Slide Repair $ 120,800 15,000 Contingency at 15% $ 509,775 Record Drawings $ Subtotal $3,908,000 100% 2. Construction Management Operations Department $ 2,000 Contract Administration $ 90,000 City and County Permit Inspection Contract Inspection $ 160,000 $ Temporary Construction Inspection $ 70,000 500,000 12.8% 6. Total Project Cost Subtotal $ 320,000 8.2% 3. Consultant Services Materials Testing $ 50,000 Geotechnical Consultant $ 8,000 Arborist. $ 7,500 Subtotal $ 65,500 1.7% 4. Engineering and Other Services During Construction District Forces Community Relations $ 15,000 Office Engineering Services $ 7,000 Record Drawings $ 5,000 Survey $ 45,000 Operations Department $ 2,000 Other Services City and County Permit Inspection $ 25,000 Subtotal $ 99,000 2.5% 5. Prebid Expenditures (Planning and Design) $ 500,000 12.8% 6. Total Project Cost $ 4,892,500 125% 7. Funds Allocated to Date $ 546,000 8. Allocation Required to Complete Project $ 4,346,500 hPosition Papers\2005\June \5646 - Vessing PP Award.doc Page 6 of 6 VESSING SEWER RENOVATION A � WoJ D.P. NO. 5646 JUNE 29 2005 BACKGROUND • WHY WE NEED TO RENOVATE o DETERIORATED PIPE o HYDRAULIC CAPACITY/ CREEK PROXIMITY o MAINTENANCE EFFORT REQUIREMENTS • SCOPE OF WORK o 14,000 FEET OF PIPE o 6,000 FEET OF PIPE IN PRIVATE EASEMENTS o SIX (6) CREEK CROSSINGS o HOOVER COURT SLIDE REPAIR 2 At -V- O;w ItZ Li ir JAL. fi, V1, pL 'zc ♦ 4 1 — a ' — P, 7 AW % Irv%, ` ;f^; 40 01- - d � ..+`; r �i6' jr t ` ,. ..i.1 ;b• �. � alt ;. • � � �: �,� � ,� �;.- � `.,fir _ ��,. � � ..,� t+ .::,� �t � T�Jy.A�r+y �► � � � �r t r � 1� y 4 {tYg, �{j� � { � v� �.�i � ! .y •v•� ��ij i� �x ' YY• ..� t r Ir �si�Y ? .,>y tl��'r��) &f es�►`s J R I � :.Y�+�y :e r1�, d�!;''r•.. e�.� d� . aY):,•p7'1�� ���:7 . � i:. �� %_� ,fs `�i�. j�►'+�`� ` � I !. � � is �va � a (� `:iii. � '' 4+1 � k .�� , T R(...�,�! .. % ♦ � , � �' art '�• ba'.' ..t I ';r ,�` r �' -'a I• a: ;{ ;r l � srr�SS Yt,'a"O�,�r• ' `�• t J �siY • f �;I J� J .3r s�/?��j�t�`�•r•t�, rl�J�t�7�J' "_' NOW PRIVATE EASEMENT/ LIMITED ACCESS 61 r µ- r �� : *:` • low, T'7 ',l { {{ � ._ ..� . _lit �:- .;i�` ' •• Ilk � � •,.• •' "? • ,� ,_ ry �i r 1 •' .. jo yo- ,✓ 1 � / , •� H, / f� .�• {' I "` ! _ ''"awl /•� a 4�` r� ��.r-� � - .H �+ / k i I/ ri-'` ;.ice i K.,• � .1'�`r• . 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Td. .a.. �r3% J.'L +4 .. `'1.M+- t�• � �.,�.� +I w- R., PUBLIC OUTREACH • 33 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS WITH HOME OWNERS • HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION MEETINGS o FOOTHILL PARK TERRACE o OAK PARK LANE • PUBLIC WORKSHOP AT CITY HALL • CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION • PLEASANT HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROJECT ISSUES • WORKING ALONG MURDERERS CREEK o WET WEATHER CONSTRAINTS o PERMITS o NATIVE HABITAT o PUBLIC CONCERNS . PRIVATE PROPERTIES o NOISE o DUST o ACCESS/ CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS • TREES *SCHOOL s BID RESULTS • ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $3,300,000 • ADVERTISED: • BID OPENED: • 2 BIDS RECEIVED: MAY 2 AND 99 2005 MAY 249 2005 o DARCY AND HARTY CONST. INC: $393989225 o CALIFORNIA TRENCHLESS, INC: $490759080 01 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE START: COMPLETE: OAK PARK LANE CREEK/ SCHOOL AREA CREEK CROSSING ALL OTHER 10 JUNE 2005 AUGUST 31, 2005 SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 OCTOBER 15, 2005 MARCH 31, 2006 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 6.c. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO CALIFORNIA TRENCHLESS, INC. FOR THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 3, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5929 Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Andrew Antkowiak, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: i l ntkowiak T. P' ki W. Brennan A. Farrell harles . BatiT General Manag r ISSUE: On May 24, 2005, sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 3, District Project No. 5929. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: An allocation of $1,898,000, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management, is required to complete the project. The final project budget is $2,083,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The District's 1,400 miles of collection sewers have pipe segments that range in age from new to over 100 -years old. Some of these pipe segments are at the end of their useful life. This is evidenced by high maintenance costs and increases in Collection System Operations Division (CSOD) call -outs. In 1991, the District initiated a sewer renovation program. Since that time, an annual allowance for this program has been included in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. This program is an ongoing series of projects. Candidate sewer line segments are identified, evaluated, and placed on a priority list for replacement and /or renovation. The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation Phase 3 will renovate or replace 7,100 linear feet of 6- and 8 -inch sewer lines in thirteen (13) locations within the City of Walnut Creek and unincorporated Contra Costa County area (see Attachment 1 for map). Construction of sewers in easements will involve close cooperation with customers for site access and restoration. I: \Position Papers\2005\June \5929 WC Sewer Reno Ph IDOC Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 Subject AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO CALIFORNIA TRENCHLESS, INC. FOR THE WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 3, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5929 District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for the Phase 3 construction contract is $1,400,000. This project was advertised on April 28 and May 4, 2005. Two (2) sealed bids ranging from $1,387,055 to $1,536,100 were received and publicly opened on May 24, 2005. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that California Trenchless, Inc. is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $1,387,055. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $1,898,000. The total cost of Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation Phase 3 is anticipated to be $2,083,000. The improvements to the Walnut Creek sewers are included in the Fiscal Year 2004 -05 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS -9 through CS -16. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302, since it involves replacement of existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of dry- weather capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $1,387,055 for the construction of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 3, District Project No. 5929, to California Trenchless, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder. I: \Position Papers\2005\June \5929 WC Sewer Reno Ph IDOC Page 2 of 5 �I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek Renovations Phase 3 CCCSD 5929 Attachment Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 3 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5929 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 5929, Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Ph. 3 DATE: May 24, 2005 PROJECT LOCATION: Walnut Creek, California ENGINEER EST.: $1,400,000 ORDER OPENED BIDDER (Name & Address) BID PRICE 1 California Trenchless, Inc. 2283 Dunn Road Hayward, CA 94545 $1,387,055 2 McNamara & Smallman Construction, Inc. 1756 Holmes Street Livermore, CA 94550 $1,536,100 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BIDS OPENED BY: /s/ Diane Wagner DATE: May 24, 2005 I: \Position Papers\2005 \June \5929 WC Sewer Reno Ph IDOC Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 3 WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 3 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5929 POST -BID / PRE - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE a. Construction Contract b. Contingency at 15% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 2A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces - Construction Management - Contract Administration - Construction Inspection Consultant Services - Materials Testing - Geotechnical Consultant - Arborist $1,387,055 $207,945 $1,595,000 $15,000 $40,000 $125,000 Subtotal $180,000 Subtotal 26 ENGINEERING AND OTHER SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION Other Services $10,000 $2,000 $5,000 $17,000 -City & County Permit Inspection $30,000 - Community Relations $20,000 - Office Engineering Services $9,000 - Record Drawings $5,000 - Survey $15,000 - Operations Department $2,000 - Easement Purchases $25,000 Subtotal $106,000 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $1,898,000 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $185,000 5 TOTAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COST $488,000 6 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $2,083,000 7 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $185,000 8 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT $1,898,000 I: \Position Papers\2005\June \5929 WC Sewer Reno Ph IDOC Page 5 of 5 100% 11.3% 1.1% 6.6% 119:0% 11.6% 30.6% 130.6% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 2, 2005 No -: 6.d. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE CONTINGENCY ALLOCATION; AWARD CONTRACT subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $15,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT, AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO DUNN LANDSCAPE COMPANY FOR DEMOLITION OF LAWRENCE ROAD PUMPING STATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5824 Subnritted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Jarred Miyamoto -Mills Engineering / Environmental Services Principal Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: )q� OA 1_�L , �4 J. Miyamoto -Mills C. Swanson A. Farrell D. W er 4Genoerall ISSUE: On May 17, 2005, sealed bids were received and opened for Demolition of the Lawrence Road Pumping Stations, District Project No. 5824. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Since the project is not included in the District's Capital Improvement Budget, and the total cost of the project will be more than $25,000, Board of Directors' authorization for an allocation from the Collection System Program Contingency Account is needed to fund completion of the work. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to allocate $15,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account and award a contract for Demolition of the Lawrence Road Pumping Stations, District Project 5824. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed final project budget is $40,000 including design, contract work, contingency, contract administration, and inspection (see Attachment 1 — Post -bid / Preconstruction Estimate). The General Manager allocated $25,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account to initiate the project. An additional allocation of $15,000 is needed to complete the project. Funding for this project comes from a special sewer service charge paid by property owners who are tributary to the pumping stations. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors could reject all bids if they deemed that action to be in the best interests of the District. BACKGROUND: In 1992, the Town of Danville approved the Lawrence /Leema Road Specific Plan that called for extension of public sewer service to the Specific Plan area. In 1996, the District's Planning staff developed a "Staged Facilities Development Plan" that allowed two temporary pumping stations to be built for interim sewer service to the Page 1 of 4 S: \Positeon Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \Project 5824 Demolition Lawrence Rd Pumping Stations.DOC POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 2, 2005 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $15,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT, AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO DUNN LANDSCAPE COMPANY FOR DEMOLITION OF LAWRENCE ROAD PUMPING STATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5824 area, but called for removal of the stations once gravity service via a trunk sewer to the Dougherty Valley was available. Shapell Industries completed the Lawrence Road Trunk Extension Project to link the south end of Lawrence Road to the Dougherty Valley sewer system and the pumping stations were decommissioned on February 27, 2005. District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the pumping stations demolition proje:,t. The Engineer's pre -bid estimate for the demolition contract was $35,000. This project was advertised on April 14 and 19, 2005. Three (3) sealed bids ranging from $31,765 to $48,895 were received and publicly opened on May 17, 2005. The Environmental Services and Purchasing Divisions conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and concluded that the Dunn Landscape Company is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $31,765. Dunn Landscaping Company has sufficient experience and a specialty license as a demolition contractor. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. The Environmental Services Division will administer the demolition contract and will provide project management and inspection. An additional allocation of $15,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account is required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 2. The final project budget for demolition of the Lawrence Road Pumping Stations is $40,000. Funding for the project comes from the proceeds of a special Sewer Service Charge paid over the past ten years by owners of properties tributary to the pumping stations. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, since it involves only alterations of existing facilities with no expansion of capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to allocate $15,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account, and award of a contract in the amount of $31,765.00 for Demolition of the Lawrence Road Pumping Stations, District Project No. 5824, to Dunn Landscape Company, the lowest responsive bidder. Page 2 of 4 SAPosition Papers\Miyamoto -Mills \Project 5824 Demolition Lawrence Rd Pumping Stations.DOC ATTACHMENT 1 DEMOLITION OF THE LAWRENCE ROAD PUMPING STATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5824 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT LOCATION: Danville, California ENGINEER EST.: $35,000 ORDER BIDDER BID PRICE OPENED (Name & Address) Dunn Landscape Company 1 4425 Treat Blvd. - #235 $31,765 Concord, CA 94521 Evans Brothers 2 7589 National Drive $46,450 Livermore, CA 94550 ICONCO 3 4700 Coliseum Way $$48,895 Oakland, CA 94601 BIDS OPENED BY: Diane Wagner /Jarred Miyamoto -Mills DATE: May 17, 2005 Page 3 of 4 SAPosition Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \Project 5824 Demolition Lawrence Rd Pumping Stations.DOC ATTACHMENT 2 DEMOLITION OF THE LAWRENCE ROAD PUMPING STATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5824 POST -BID / PRE - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 1 CONSTRUCTION Contract $31,765 Contingency at 10% $3,235 Subtotal: $35,000 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces - Contact Administration $2,400 - Inspection $1,600 Subtotal: $4,000 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $39,000 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $1,000 5 TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET $40,000 6 FUNDS ALLOCATED TO DATE $25,000 7 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED $15,000 SAPosition Papers \Miyamoto -Mills \Project 5824 Demolition Lawrence Rd Pumping Stations.DOC 100% 11% 111% 3% 114% Page 4 of 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 6.e. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: GRANT BID RELIEF /AUTHORIZE AWARD/ AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE REQUEST OF BID RELIEF TO BLOCKA CONSTRUCTION INC., AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 7227 Submitted By. Initiating Dept/Div.: Gary E. Rathunde, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: i 7T W-0b ok G. Rathunde B. Than B. Brennan A. Farrell General ISSUE: On May 17, 2005, sealed bids were received and opened for the SCB Ventilation Improvements Project, Phase 2, District Project No. 7227. On May 18, 2005, Blocka Construction, Inc. asked for bid relief. The Board of Directors must determine whether to grant relief of bid, and make a determination whether to award the contract to the second lowest bidder within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager to execute professional engineering service agreements in an amount greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Grant bid relief to Blocka Construction, Inc. and authorize award of a construction contract to the second lowest bidder, Monterey Mechanical Company, and authorize an amendment to professional engineering service agreement with Engineering Services, Inc. (ESI). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $1,500,000 including bid price, contingency and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatives include (1) reject the request for relief of bid and award a construction contract to Blocka Construction, Inc., (2) grant relief of bid request from Blocka Construction, Inc. and award a construction contract to Monterey Mechanical Company, or (3) reject all bids. Staff does not recommend that the Board reject all bids. The professional engineering service agreement is for construction support services (shop drawing review and responding to design clarifications). The District does not have the staff available to provide these services and construction support services are normally provided by the design firm to maintain consistency and ensure the design intent is met. L: \Position Papers \Rathunde \7227Bid Relief.DOC 5/25/2005 11:29 AM Page 1 of 12 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject AUTHORIZE REQUEST OF BID RELIEF TO BLOCKA CONSTRUCTION INC., AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 7227 BACKGROUND: In 1997, a study was conducted on the ventilation flow patterns in the Solids Conditioning Building, and indicated there were several areas in the building that had little or no ventilation airflow. This loss of air circulation could cause build -up of odors, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide. ESI was hired to evaluate the existing airflow from the supply and exhaust fans, which are located in the building air plenum; and evaluate the heat buildup within the building from the furnaces and numerous other heat sources and design improvements. ESI prepared the final plans and specifications that incorporate the installation of new air handlers to supply tempered air to the centrifuge and cake pump areas; the installation of five new supply air fans in the existing plenum; the installation of a new exhaust air fan system to ventilate the centrifuge and cake pump areas; and the replacement of two auxiliary air fans associated with the furnaces with units having greater air flow to act as backups to the two existing shaft cooling air fans. Attachment 1 shows the location of this project work. The design of the SCB Ventilation Improvements Project, Phase 2, was a combined effort of District staff and ESI. The engineer's pre -bid estimate for the construction cost was $840,000. The project was advertised on April 15 and 20, 2005. Three (3) bids ranging from $897,648 to $1,363,665 were received and publicly opened on May 17, 2005. A summary of these bids is shown on Attachment 2. The apparent low bid is from Blocka Construction, Inc., in the amount of $897,648. On the morning of May 18, 2005, a representative of Blocka Construction, Inc. telephoned District staff to advise that Blocka Construction, Inc. had made a clerical error in preparing its bid. On May 19, 2005, within five (5) days of the bid opening, District staff received a letter from Blocka Construction, Inc. providing an explanation regarding the inadvertent clerical error with respect to its bid and requested that it be withdrawn (Attachment 3). The letter explained that Blocka Construction, Inc. inadvertently made a computational error that lead to the exclusion of $109,356 for the mechanical piping work. This error, plus the contractor's markup of 10 percent, resulted in a total error of approximately $120,300 or (13 percent) on an $897,648 project. Blocka Construction, Inc. submitted with their cover letter a. copy of the spreadsheet prepared at bid time that included a line item amount for the mechanical piping work. However, this line item amount was not added into the subtotals shown on the spreadsheet. A revised spreadsheet was submitted to show how the inclusion of the cost of this work would affect the total bid price. In addition, Blocka Construction, Inc. had shown a value of $110,000 on their bid forms under Part III, Section 4, Bidder's L: \Position Papers \Rathunde \7227Bid Relief.DOC 5/25/2005 11:29 AM Page 2 of 12 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 Subject. AUTHORIZE REQUEST OF BID RELIEF TO BLOCKA CONSTRUCTION INC., AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 7227 Statement of Subcontractors, for work to be performed by a mechanical subcontractor further substantiating their claim that this work was to be included in their bid (Attachment 4). Under California Public Contract Code Section 5103, a bidder may request relief of bid within five (5) calendar days of bid opening in the event of a clerical or arithmetical error in preparing the bid proposal. The law is stringent with regard to relief from bids and allows relief to be granted by the awarding authority only under specific circumstances. Specifically, the law states that: "The bidder shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that: a. A mistake was made. b. He or she gave the public entity written notice within five (5) days after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. C. The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. d. The mistake was made in filling out the bid, and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications." The documents submitted by Blocka Construction, Inc. tend to substantiate its explanation of the computational error. Although Blocka Construction, Inc. would still be the apparent low bidder, the law does not allow acceptance of the higher price, and the only allowable alternative is to withdraw Blocka Construction, Inc.'s original bid. Under the above Public Contract Code, it appears to staff that the error, as explained by Blocka Construction, Inc., is a clerical error, and that relief may be granted to Blocka Construction, Inc. The Board must evaluate the facts submitted and determine whether there is an adequate basis to grant Blocka Construction, Inc. relief from its bid due to a clerical error. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that, in the event that Blocka Construction, Inc. is granted relief from its bid, the second low bidder, Monterey Mechanical Company, is the lowest responsible bidder for the bid amount of $1,044,000. L: \Position Papers \Rathunde \7227Bid Relief.DOC 5/25/2005 11:29 AM Page 3 of 12 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 Subject AUTHORIZE REQUEST OF BID RELIEF TO BLOCKA CONSTRUCTION INC., AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 7227 The higher than expected bid prices for the project are primarily due to: 1) an under estimate of the cost to perform the electrical work on the project, and 2) an under estimate for the structural steel and sheet metal materials and their installation. District staff will perform construction management, inspection, and construction contract administration. Staff recommends retaining ESI to provide support services during construction for this project because ESI prepared the plans and specifications and, therefore, has a solid understanding of the project design. The construction support services include reviewing shop drawings and submittals, responding to design questions, evaluating change order requests, and performing site visits to verify compliance with the design intent. Staff has negotiated a professional engineering service agreement with ESI with a cost ceiling of $35,000. This will bring a total contract cost with ESI to $85,000. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 5, is $1,500,000. The SCB Ventilation Improvements Project, Phase 2, is included in the 2004 -2005 Capital Improvement Budget on pages TP =76 through TP -78. Staff has determined that there are adequate funds in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, since it involves repairs to an existing sewage facility with no increase in capacity. Approval of this award establishes the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommend for the Board's approval the following: Consider and accept the request for relief of bid from Blocka Construction, Inc. and direct staff to return Blocka Construction, Inc.'s bid bond; 2. Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $1,044,000 for construction of the SCB Ventilation Improvements Project, Phase 2, District Project 7227, to Monterey Mechanical Company, second lowest responsive and responsible bidder; and 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to an existing professional services agreement with Engineering Services, Inc. in the amount of $35,000 to review shop drawings and submittals, respond to design questions, L: \Position Papers \Rathunde \7227Bid Relief.DOC 5/25/2005 11:29 AM Page 4 of 12 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject AUTHORIZE REQUEST OF BID RELIEF TO BLOCKA CONSTRUCTION INC., AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 7227 evaluate change order requests, and perform site visits to verify compliance with the design intent. UPosition Papers \Rathunde \7227Bid Relief.DOC Page 5 of 12 5/25/2005 11:29 AM ATTACHMENT 1 SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7227 SITE MAP Page 6 of 12 ATTACHMENT 2 SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7227 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7227 DATE: MAY 17, 2005 PROJECT NAME: SCB Ventilation Improvements Proiect, Phase 2 LOCATION: Martinez, California ENGINEER EST.: $840,000 No BIDDER Name & address BID PRICE 1 Blocka Construction, Inc. 4455 Enterprise Street Fremont, CA 94538 $897,648 2 Monterey Mechanical 8275 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA 94621 " $1,044,000 3 ACCO Engineered Systems 1133 Aladdin Avenue San Leandro, CA 94577 $1,363,665 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme Page 7 of 12 DATE May 17, 2005 MR-0103iffil Blocka Construction Inc. General Engineering Contractors I�ECEIi/ED MAY 2 4 2005 _________.__ Industrial Mechanical &Electrical Construction SECRETARY cF THE DISTRICT 4455 Enterprise Street Fremont, CA 94538 Tel: (510) 657 -3686 ATTACHMENT 3 Fax: (510) 657 -3688 E -mail: Info CA License No. 679326 May 18, 2005 Elaine Bochme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: District Project No. 7227 Request for Bid Relief Dear Madam, I regret having to request withdrawal of our bid for the SCB Ventilation Improvements Project, Phase 2. A computational error was made on our Bid recap sheet that did not add in our piping subcontractor price of $ 109,356. Bill Hitchings our estimator created additional rows in the sub contractor section and thought that all items had subtotaled. When he reviewed the Bid after the bid opening the mistake was discovered. Please see the attached bid recap sheets No. 1 (as bid) and No. 2 (corrected bid). If you have any questions please call me. Sincerely, Jean :. Page 8 of 12 Received: 5/20/05 7:58AM; 15106573688 -> CCCSD; Page 3 05/20/2005 08:49 15106573688 BLOCKA Quote 6512 - CCCSD - SCB Ventllatlon Project ELECTR9CAl MATEItlAIf l2 10% QT MA 71r 92596 Sf.C.L75 10% SUPPLIERS: fTAUKO GS 7 F moo 51n�eM/el SNd 00000 ow 00 ma Jdre1et11 rIr e25% :, 109. SWUM tUeCONTRACTORS: T11kA9LE Nb toe a99.00 era panm hsukwNm PC ;Ar a Www 8Nhmw@ + + 000.00 Msee s - 1329000 ReKeble Crwa 500.00 pq*VT $1000.001 Pmcik PDWW T ' 3rr65oee1. 1Jt 0/100 10% fi Amde TOOLS a RENTALS: Conmes 24400.001 • 50IP11 a Dd TUTMMV MOM 11T /r+aek Dome 3.300-001 76Ano F" POW 1.^00.00 1 1 T Cawn+abn Power Vwi own FMC LR 67 900.00 SO + 1 Crv�s • a gy4/ 21 700. rr &25% S1.707.75 nmeael wsc: R. SUANIMANIM 96000.001 JAMMIOMMMIM M001 &SLOM001 woo seesC AMW Sile IF NEEDED sensate sa,.ate ' Reard �. AWIMM TMWQ AM*" TfQk*lg 00 iubeoM SLECTMAL L WK; TOWL 6wmmrs 45" 96m...00, GfVM -W31M 100% as" 5e5 ST sett Rr n4.M25 837.5 175% 565 For men ST 56.96 er 212.5 25% Trsvd 9r1EETMFTAL LABOR: r09W Lddwr NOmr 224" S-1-a - "I-" 100% 220A 104 Jaumomm ST "is IIr 151 .00 1792,0 e0% 104 FOrwnM+ST $13 Ar 111356.40 41&0 2096 Trsvm S4 000.00 N0.11 DEDUCT FARGETM MW NONE Sup Tebl lie? 620.91 TOW MstwW S/S 90 in 1><17 Teal ontieaOrs 31 0"-D TOW RNMY6 70801 TOW Moe e1 00 'tow Labw 52713 Told Ta 625% S21057.71 TOW hufte 7I/J0 Teal Oedue/ Sub Tout tell /20 91 Id0 COST 1.13% &24L74 GRAND IOTA! $897,606.67 5612 aid R ..V SW l- SWWW Page 9 of 12 PAGE 03 0 I �, it i7iT � dsa/ l Received: 5/20/05 7:58AM; 15106573688 -> CCCSD; Page 4 05/20/2005 08:49 15106573688 BLOCKA Quote 6512 - CCCSD - SCS Ventilation Project u.. ELECTRICAL MATERIAU $2%200.00 - T % 10% 520.00 SM - MMETAL MATt LS 20 00 far 0 6 07176 aim" SUPPLIERS: 9=99 FWV 327-30.65 Ural 000. Ouc 538.000.00 sublosol 7 00 Taw 0 25% $30.4mzl SUBCONTRACTORS: MIABLE $51,100, p RedeooO P ' ' . klaulaion 929.35000 PC4 S1305400 Mesa 3 C011nie 10 500.00 Meee 3 Air leek tam $3 000.00 Mesa 3 R e R Power r 2 TOOLS i RENTALS: AXABLE cannws 51400 00 JIMPU 00 00 5 / 12' secs. /week Fkk 93,300. 00 T • 7 S Pone P 1 000.00 ee Twommy ConeWCllon Paw / Venl0e0on SO.00 Truck L Took / Gas 6 8ndw ' Fork Lift 1000RM - 100PU & OBI Crorm 50.00 16011r 60.00 6 Dal 100.00 Tar 8.26% $1,707.75 err 10% *70.00 MSC: Site 525 000.00 SOWN$ / OM Memel 0.00 Pemiu sruchral C1I0u0Bl 0 $5000.00 AddhWW kMl x*V& Opmer erla Steel F 0.00 IF NEEDED) 1 $2.000.00 ShcedOe Ma1r11enanoe $0.00 A&aL ik Reoord Docume ssian 310 Addifiorvl T SOOO Addik ad T ' Partnerkm Meewas so 09 subammar .00 ELECTRICAL LABOR: Toed Labor Norws 850.0 WWO - 0171!00 100% 000.0 698 J ST x6.22 RO S51 005.25 837.5 75 Fororrlerl S 00.55 Or 520.3005 212.5 25% Travel 51700.00 Subeow 3HEETMETAL LABOR: ToW LaborNaurs 2210.0 0-1-6- 6410 100% 2740.0 104 J ST 06.25 11r 5151580.00 1792.0 80% 104 Foronrn ST 92.3 0r $1135040 448.0 20% Tr S1. MM 00 41OAO PCOWTFOR TARG oe Sub Tetal !1,007,612.54 TOM Met@" 510 00 Total suppams S247SM.00 Told 9ubeenbvdors $7117 20.00 Tour RenbNO 82OL740.00 Tool Mlsc 507 000.00 Taut Leber SM13110AS Total Tax 0.25% $75007.71 Tommmut Ofcb Total tledlyd 00 Sub Total r St 007012.61 POND COST 1.13% 1 $et A1l.02 GRAND TOTAL $1,019,.251,55 0612 Ba R"W BMW .Orr-I Page 10 of 12 PAGE 04 #- z fii /r �/N %�� ✓ C ' � v r . 2 a •1 1 z m c� rCO" ccia� . oI" r o o�� o� m �a CO r zoc 0 r $ D q f� a' a. v n 1 1il D m ID C, Page 11 of 12 m c 65 CL N r- 0 ATTACHMENT 4 SUBMITTED WITH BID AT BID TIME p v j qO LP a' a. v n 1 1il D m ID C, Page 11 of 12 m c 65 CL N r- 0 ATTACHMENT 5 SCB VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7227 POST - BID / PRE - CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Page 12 of 12 % of No. Item Description Amount Estimated Construction Cost 1 CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $1,044,000 b. Contingency at 20% $209,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $1,253,000 100% 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management and Inspection $164,000 - Project Engineering /Operations Department $30,000 SUBTOTAL $194,000 15% b. Consultants - ESI Engineering Services $35,000 SUBTOTAL $35,000 3% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $229,000 18% 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $1,482,000 118% 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $83,000 7% 5 TOTAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COST $312,000 25% 6 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $1,565,000 125% 7 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $65,000 8 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT $1,500,000 Page 12 of 12 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No. (Held Over from 05/05/05) Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION 7.a. ITEMS HELD OVER FROM PREVIOUS BOARD MEETINGS Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS WITH CITIES, COUNTIES, SPECIAL DISTRICTS, AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITIES NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 Submitted By: Initiating DeptdDiv.: William E. Brennan, Division Manager Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Yg Qjl�, � I /L f4 W. Brennan A. FarrelO K. Alm Charles W. General Ma ISSUE: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager to execute Joint Powers Agreements (JPAs) not to exceed $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute Joint Powers Agreements (JPAs) with cities, counties, special districts, and other government entities, not to exceed $50,000. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Delegation of authority to the General Manager for small JPAs could reduce project delays, staff time, and cost associated with preparing such agreements. The total financial impact would be dependent on the type and number of limited JPAs associated with annual construction projects. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could choose a different amount, or not to delegate this authorization, in which case all JPAs would continue to come before the Board. BACKGROUND: The Board must now authorize all JPAs, no matter what the dollar value. Staff believes it is appropriate to delegate limited authority to the General Manager as has been done for other delegated actions such as agreements with engineering firms, and construction contract change orders. Staff believes that an appropriate dollar value is $50,000, the same as the authority of the General Manager for the aforementioned agreements and change orders. The intent of such delegation is to solely expedite construction project issues, mainly utility interferences and paving. Delegation of this authority will allow staff to act proactively to insure that JPAs less than $50,000 can be handled expeditiously and would not negatively impact design, construction, or completion schedules. Staff is currently aware of eight JPAs anticipated for the next year, of which four are estimated to be less than $50,000. The actual amount of reimbursement for JPAs would be based on the engineer's estimate, or actual bid cost of the activity covered by the agreement. The other four JPAs are L: \Position Papers\Brennan\J PA. DOC Page 1 of 3 Revised: 5/25/2005 1:03 PM POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 (Held Over from 05/05/05) subject ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS WITH CITIES, COUNTIES, SPECIAL DISTRICTS, AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITIES NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 expected to be greater than $50,000 and would still require Board authorization. JPAs can become necessary during construction projects as a result of unforeseen field issues. Such JPAs are frequently of limited scope and can be negotiated promptly. These JPAs, if less than $50,000, could be handled by field staff as they occur, and approved by the General Manager if such delegation is approved. This would be beneficial in expediting construction projects, creating cooperation between agencies, and reducing community impacts. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute Joint Powers Agreements (JPAs) with cities, counties, special districts, and other government entities, not to exceed $50,000. LAPosition Papers \Brennan\JPA.DOC Page 2 of 3 Revised: 5/25/2005 1:03 PM RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISTRICT STAFF TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS WITH CITIES, COUNTIES, SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITIES BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, it is an appropriate staff function to negotiate and execute Joint Powers Agreements with cities, counties, special districts and other government entities in order to expedite construction projects. THAT, the General Manager is hereby authorized to execute Joint Powers Agreements with cities, counties, special districts and other government entities relating to Board - approved construction projects, such as paving or landscaping, where the funds exchanged in the agreement do not exceed $50,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel Page 3of3 1l. 0 a �U) U) C) a) U) U N .E � J Q � cn L a) C- O 0 n < 4--a C: •O V! CD L M0 W C) N N a) c O U_ O C`. mo '� O U) '—' N L.. W L O '> -0 O C }+ � � Q a) (U U 0 Cu C/) 0 .O a) (D O 'Cif U IE ' _ Q O N co v • cm a) to to . Q N 70 ' :� C: _0 ' �_ � CO C: � M � •L O N ca. C: 4 co E •� CU a) ~ Q i L c Q C6 N N cm � C: N N . _ L O O L A ^, O L- W E O O O O Z z 0� cu I I L I I ,0 Q _W O L � 4.4 co L 0) cu MO O W _0 �I-- O cu O +w-+ O U / w (N ' U) O 6q. O -C CL � O CU Lr) O � 6 0 O O O Co -) to O co a 0 L N CD cn cn E,--a (D o a) 4) 0 0- v cn a) cu a) Q o L ^ ♦.r 4-a C > ,n cn O -C i 'L V O Q CD W LL U I- U) N � U L co cu C c .: Q v 0 O O .— O E "0 :3 O v v 4 `}- i ca � O O c ov C) � p O U � O c Jc C O O .D) C6 O O Lo 4= O O O O 649- O O O O -�-+�- 01 O O = 4) c -11--j }' -6-1 cn O Q E 0 L- O I... O L- 0. cu V 40- . O L L /) C.0 O 40— "0 ��' O +. C O c� ca c� _ O � Cj) co cu CU ca U c 0 Uj � co co , to to O C) � U) C U) O � � U) L O cu � v O O 4-0 O . Cn U CL �' V / O �♦�^ ^V 1♦ W FY 2004 -2005 INTERNAL AUDIT RESULTS ■ Procurement Cards ■ Sewer Service Charges and Recycled Water Billings SAADMIN RATCLIFROverheads Board Mtg. 06- 02.doc 3. ct - 1) PROCUREMENT CARDS ■ Flowcharts Were Updated, Where Needed ■ All Card Transactions Tested Were In Compliance ■ No Recommendations For Improvements S:WDMIMRATCLIFROverheads Board Mtg. 06- 02.doc SEWER SERVICE CHARGES AND RECYCLED WATER BILLINGS ■ Focused On: ➢ Direct Bills ➢ Multi -Users (Mixed Use) ➢ Recycled Water Billings ■ Reviewed and Updated Flowcharts ■ Several Recommendations SAADMURATCLIFROverheads Board Mtg. 06- 02.doc Cl) Z O a 0 w O W Z Q V� 0 Z 0 Z LL Q Z O Q N O U a, � N a) O U c a) O .� W •� cn cn _ 70 c o E o� U O Z LU p cn (n O O -0 � CD CD N O U -0 •p v 3 -� o CD W M O cn 4? LU _0 E > '0 �--, U c p a) N Z _ m U) ca 0) �_ m U C cm cn C E f1) a) a) = U Z"0 A\ ( V J ^ 4-1 // S� G V! U A\ //`VV��y ^�` W O V O C U O 0- O y-- � U U) Q c . C 0 a) cn U � N X W O a. EL- U 0- n Lf ( c U O v N O (D O �f f0 O CO N fC rL J 0 I Z� OLLI Q 0 Z� W W � V O v W Ii Q Z ZQ Q W U) Z � ZU) LL LLJ = LJJ aU) m W a m cn f0 t LL J U 'z 0 I N — � N c cu E cu cu O a N � > O O) c U Z 0 p 70 j , cn W Q �z� CD += cu E 0)�N cn >> + — a� N >, o a� O � _>1 cu = C C ip � > N C E L a) cn N n C O i L O � U O U E 70 F— Z p -O -0 O a) cu I— N L O '> N O V N C (6 N U 0 N 0 m N O V V Z _0 5 Cn � CU N �- � L WC C p cn O •ice p 2) - cu -0 N �� N N C p x E O W U O �oU�a CCU �0ui W c E N E +-� 7 N ca O .V _ cn N� U N Q Q L O 0 _— N Q U C: N_0 N O N O U= N Q p U U) ca C cu >% cn Q LL Q ch 3 N O N -0 to �+ C cn U 'V N U) c6 CU — -0 N L Z U � O W N � N =p -0 N �? O L c N V v � L cn U c� vi U_ � Co _ N V O i L O O N O O ,L N V U N O U (a U x +) c6 0-0U)< C W 3: m W a m cn f0 t LL J U 'z 0 I C6 .O a) U U a) 4—O E a) cn cn -0 L U U CD Cf) L- a) 3 Cn a) C cOn a) c� cn U Q U 4- N ■ a) i U a) U a) L CD W � /1 z � O L C CD 0 > m O z v, = o� U W •0- Lu a) v W •� > 06 02 cn Cn = U) U z O � •> Q U � C: � U� � U z W a) ±� m .+0 O a) E a) a) L _O E Q cn U :E U c� cn • > O 0 ) C > � a) O C C•U N n � p O a) �° a) � Q to a) a) cn ■ Cn ■ ■ C6 .O a) U U a) 4—O E a) cn cn -0 L U U CD Cf) L- a) 3 Cn a) C cOn a) c� cn U Q U 4- N ■ M a J Q Z W F— Z 0 W 0 Z W O 0 W w cn E o N cu CD Q Q Q c C- Q a CU N O cn � LL U ca _0 cn U- c cn CD ca U CU C -� U p L cu N C 4-a O U o a) C- U N cu A U) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 No.: 9.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY ENGINEEERING GROUP TO PROVIDE RELIEF INSPECTORS FOR THE 2005 SUMMER CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Ba T. Than, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 1� B. Th n V!Arnnan A. F a rirt4 I General Man ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional engineering services contracts for amounts greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Valley Engineering Group to provide relief inspectors on an as- needed basis for the construction of the District's summer 2005 capital improvement projects. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated cost for this task is $210,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: There are no open positions available to fill with construction inspectors. BACKGROUND: Summer is the start of the construction season. Several construction projects have recently been awarded by the Board or will shortly be presented to the Board for award in both the collection system and the treatment plant. Engineering Department staff normally provides construction management and inspection duties on District projects. The practice for the last five years has been to have the design staff follow a project into the construction phase and act as the inspector and /or resident engineer depending on the size of the project and the experience of the individual. The consequence of this is to postpone the design of the following year's construction work until staff returns from construction work in the winter. This has compressed the design schedule and made it difficult to bid projects as early in the year as desired. An evaluation of the future work for the 2006 construction season and the work currently L: \Position Papers \Than \Hire Cls.doc Page 1 of 2 5/25/2005 10:53 AM POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 2, 2005 subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY ENGINEEERING GROUP TO PROVIDE RELIEF INSPECTORS FOR THE 2005 SUMMER CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS being awarded for the 2005 construction season has led to this proposed solution. Retaining these inspectors will allow at least two engineers to continue to prepare designs during the 2005 construction season. By continuing design of critical projects this summer, the District will be able to bid projects earlier next year in what we hope will be a more favorable bidding climate. On April 14, 2005, Request for Proposals were sent to twelve (12) professional engineering service and personnel firms, which included: Adecco Technical, Bellecci & Associates, Berryman and Henigar, Inc., BFK, Harris and Associates, Inspection Consultants, Inc., Leptien, Cronin, Cooper, Morris & Poore, McGill Martin Self, Inc., Nolte Associates, Inc., RBF Consulting, Valley Engineering Group, and Zumwalt Engineering Group. Only one firm, Valley Engineering Group (VEG), submitted a timely proposal. VEG has successfully provided past construction inspection and drafting services for the District. Staff has negotiated an hourly rate from $63 to $70 for the relief construction inspectors based on qualifications. The cost for the relief inspection will be paid directly by the capital improvement projects and no separate budget allocation is requested at this time. Staff has estimated up to 3,000 hours of time plus miscellaneous charges (travel, reproduction, etc.) for the relief construction inspectors on an as- needed basis. The total cost for a professional services contract with VEG is not to exceed $210,000. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Valley Engineering Group in the amount of $210,000, to provide relief construction inspection services for the construction of the District's summer 2005 capital improvement projects. L: \Position Papers \Than \Hire Cls.doc Page 2 of 2 5/25/2005 10:53 AM