HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/20/2003 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL POSITION PAPER No.: 4.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5383 Submitted By: Initiating Dept ✓Div.: Alex Rozul, Associate Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTIOON. �& . rw� w i� P k� — A ozul ecki W. Brennan ^ A. Farrell JGeneraltanager harles . Batts, ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Concord Industrial Force Main Project, District Project (DP) 5383, and this project can now be closed out. RECOMMENDATION: Close out the project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This close out will result in $192,139 being returned to the Collection System Program. Attachment 1 shows the project expenditures by category. BACKGROUND: The Concord Industrial Pumping Station (CIPS) serves a portion of the City of Concord and an area of unincorporated Contra Costa County, including the town of Clyde. The station receives flow from the local collection system as well as from the Clyde Pumping Station and the Concord Naval Weapons Station. In the dry - weather season, Bates Avenue Pumping Station is shut down, and its flow is diverted to CIPS. Before this project, the CIPS was served by one 10 -inch plastic force main, and no back -up capacity was available in the event that this force main was damaged. Concord Industrial Force Main Project installed approximately 4,300 feet of 14 -inch force main. This new force main provides increased capacity as well as redundancy in the Concord Industrial force main system. The new force main crosses over three (3) aqueducts on Bates Avenue owned and operated by East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). The contractor, McGuire and Hester, commenced work on June 18, 2002. All contract work was completed and accepted by the Board on October 3, 2002. The original construction contract amount was $715,515. There were three (3) construction change orders issued in the total amount of $72,642. Two of the three 2/11/03 I: \Construction \Position Papers \2003 \DP5383CIoseoutPPfinal.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5383 change orders (totaling $56,671) involved repairs to a critical line segment in Martinez, where 320 feet of pipe and two manholes were installed. This resulted in a total amount of $788,157 paid to McGuire and Hester. The total authorized budget for the project was $1,275,000, which included a contingency of $107,485. The total project cost was $1,082,861, which is approximately 15 percent less than the budgeted amount. The project close out will result in $192,139 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. 2/11/03 I: \Construction \Position Papers \2003 \DP5383CIoseoutPPfinal.wpd Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN PROJECT (DP 5383) ACTIVITY COST Total Budget $ 1,275,000 Construction Contracts (includes pavement restoration agreements) $ 715,515 Change Orders $ 72,642 Change Orders % of Construction 10% Total Construction Amount $ 788,157 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin $ 294,704 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin - % of Construction 37% TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $ 1,082,861 TOTAL RETURN TO COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM $ 192,139 Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District I'Awl BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL POSITION PAPER No.: 4.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATIONS PROJECT, PHASE 2 (D.P. 5536) Submitted By: initiating Dept. /Div.: Alex Rozul, Associate Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT /ON: , na VT A. zul i W. Brennan Q�A. Farrell Charles W. atts, YGeneral Manager ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 2, (D.P. 5536) and this project can now be closed out. RECOMMENDATION: Close out the project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This close out will result in $116,291 being returned to the Collection System Program. Attachment 1 shows the project expenditures by category. BACKGROUND: The Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project Phase 2, DP 5536, consisted of replacing approximately 7,700 feet of deteriorating sewers within residential streets and easements. The sewer construction was coordinated with a City of Lafayette street renovation project within the same area and staff negotiated with the City a cost - sharing agreement for pavement restoration. A similar cost - sharing agreement was negotiated with the Soares Lane Homeowners' Association. The coordination of work and cost - sharing agreements minimized the overall construction impacts to residents and reduced the total pavement restoration costs for both agencies. The contractor, Wayne G. Schlosser, Inc., commenced work on May 9, 2001. All contract work was completed and accepted by the Board of Directors on November 1, 2001. The original construction contract amount was $917,779. There were six (6) construction change orders issued in the total amount of $97,300. In addition, actual bid item quantities constructed exceeded estimated bid item quantities primarily due to an additional sewer replacement on Glen Road. Payment for actual quantities constructed increased the original contract value by $51,938, resulting in a total 2/11/03 hConstruction \Position Papers \2003 \DP5536CIoseoutPPfinal.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATIONS PROJECT, PHASE 2 (D.P. 5536) amount paid to Wayne G. Schlosser, Inc., of $1,067,017. Under the two pavement restoration cost - sharing agreements, the District compensated the City of Lafayette $90,000 and the Soares Lane Homeowners' Association $10,000. The total authorized budget for the project was $1,398,000, which included a contingency of $183,221. The total project cost was $1,281,709, which is approximately 8 percent less than the budgeted amount. The project close out will result in $116,291 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. 2/11/03 I: \Construction \Position Papers \2003 \DP5536CIoseoutPPfinal.wpd Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT PHASE 2 (DP 5536) ACTIVITY COST Total Budget $ 1,398,000 Construction Contracts (includes pavement restoration agreements) $ 1,017,779 Change Orders (includes adjustments to bid item quantities) $ 149,238 Change Orders % of Construction 15% Total Construction Amount $ 1,167,017 Engineering, CM, Admin (Design completed under D.P. 5611) $ 114,692 Engineering, CM, Admin - % of Construction 10% TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $ 1,281,709 TOTAL RETURN TO COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM $ 116,291 2/11/03 hConstruction \Position Papers \2003 \DP5536CIoseoutPPfinal.wpd Page 3 of 3 � c Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No.: 4.c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 20 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John J. Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Planning REVIEWED AND RECOMME ED FOR BOARD CT /O .: I W J. I ercurio .Schmidt Swanson 6 A. Farrell C. W. Bdtts eneral Manager ISSUE: Work has been completed on 20 capital improvement projects. The financial results are reported to the Board prior to closing the projects' accounts. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As a result of the close out of these 20 projects, $258,968 is being reallocated to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements and Recycled Water Programs. ALTERNATIVE /CONSIDERATIONS: No alternatives have been prepared. This is an informational position paper. BACKGROUND: These 20 capital improvement projects have been completed and staff is closing out the project accounts. Below is a summary of the authorized budgets and expenditures for the 20 projects by program. Attachment 1 summarizes the authorized budgets and expenditures for each individual project. Attachment 2 contains a brief project summary for each project. Pro ram Authorized Budget Expenditures Underrun (Overruns) Treatment Plant $713,000 $637,961 $75,039 Collection System 2,407,000 2,224,143 182,857 General Improvements 179,000 181,045 (2,045) Recycled Water 25,000 21,883 3,1 17 Totals $3,324,000 $3,065,032 $258,968 U: \Position PapersWercurio\CloseOut 20 CIP2- 1- 03.wpd Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 20 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The total authorized budget for the 20 projects is $3,324,000. Total project expenditures are $3,065,032. A net underrun of $258,968 (8% of the total authorized budgets) will result in $75,039 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program, $182,857 being returned to the Collection System Program, an overrun of $2,045 in the General Improvements Program, and $3,117 being returned to the Recycled Water Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: No action is necessary. WPosition Papers \Mercurio \Closeout 20 CIP2- 1- 03.wpd Page 2 of 6 ATTACHMENT 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM DISTRICT Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Main Modifications 100,000 94,315 5,685 PROJECT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN NO. Haven Lane CAD 98 -3 BUDGET 0 (OVERRUNS) 6130 Modifications to Accommodate 488,000 441,998 46,002 5434 UV 172,000 176,610 (4,610) 6160 Deaerator Storage Tank 225,000 195,963 29,037 5444 Replacement 137,000 132,229 4,771 Program Totals 1 713,000 1 637,961 1 75,039 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM 4995 Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Main Modifications 100,000 94,315 5,685 4980 2001 -02 Development Projects Sewerage 659,000 637,166 21,834 5355 Haven Lane CAD 98 -3 9,000 0 9,000 5426 Grothman /Alhambra CAD 98 -4 182,000 151,890 30,110 5434 Manzanita Creek Crossing 172,000 176,610 (4,610) 5442 Muir Lane CAD 99 -2 153,000 151,588 1,412 5444 Regent Place CAD 2000 -2 137,000 132,229 4,771 5477 Barbee Lane CAD 98 -5 139,000 106,271 32,729 5522 17 Camino Encinas Main Replacement 15,000 15,073 (73) 5528 Corwin Drive CAD 2000 -4 402,000 341,999 60,001 5548 Angelo /Sombro CAD 2000 -3 231,000 234,133 (3,133) 5618 1029 Willow Dr. Main Replacement 15,000 15,014 (14) 5910 San Ramon Pumping Station Improvements 100,000 74,806 25,194 6156 West Branch Pumping Station Improvements 93,000 93,049 (49) Program Totals 1 2,407,000 1 2,224,143 1 182,857 Page 3 of 6 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED BUDGET EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN (OVERRUNS) 8190 Treatment Plant Tour Interpretive Signage 15,000 6,168 8,832 8191 Multipurpose Facility 154,000 165,611 (1 1,61 1) 8197 HHWCF Office Furniture 10,000 9,266 734 Program Totals 179,000 181,045 (2,045) RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM 6159 1 Pump Shelter 25,000 21,883 31117 Program Totals 25,000 21,883 3,117 Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM • Modifications to Accommodate UV, DP 6130, allowed transition from using chlorine to UV disinfection by converting Number 3 high - pressure water to Number 2 water, moving the final effluent sampler, and relocating the bioassay trailer. • Deaerator Storage Tank Replacement, DP 6160, replaced the lower storage tank portion of the steam system deaerator, which had failed due to corrosion and thermal cycling. The replacement unit has a corrosion allowance and interior lining that were not found on the original. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM • The following seven projects were created to finance Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs). Their purpose was to assist property owners in extending public sewers into an area serviced by septic tanks. There were 105 participants in these seven CADS: • Haven Lane CAD 98 -3, DP 5355 • Grothman /Alhambra CAD 98 -4, DP 5426 • Muir Lane CAD 99 -2, DP 5442 • Regent Place CAD 2000 -2, DP 5444 • Barbee Lane CAD 98 -5, DP 5477 • Corwin Drive CAD 2000 -4, DP 5528 • Angelo /Sombro CAD 2000 -3, DP 5548 • Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Main Modifications, DP 4995, provided for the design of sewer main modifications required by the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor project including the installation of 4,000 feet of 8 -inch to 30 -inch sewer and the abandonment of 7 siphons and 3,000 feet of sewer. The main modifications were constructed as part of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor project. • Manzanita Creek Crossing, DP 5434, involved design and construction to alleviate damage to the Manzanita Creek pipe crossing in Orinda. Construction consisted of underpinning the existing foundations, re- plumbing the pipe supports, restoring exterior pipe coating, and modifying pipe elevation. • 17 Camino Encinas Main Replacement, DP 5522, replaced deteriorated 6 -inch clay main sewer in a backyard easement in Orinda by pipe bursting. • 1029 Willow Drive Main Replacement, DP 5618, replaced a deteriorated 6 -inch main sewer in Lafayette by pipe bursting. Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 (cont.) • 2001 -02 Development Projects Sewerage, DP 4980, provided for appropriate capitalization of District force account labor expended in the planning, design and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities in Fiscal Year 2001 -02. • West Branch Pumping Station Improvements, DP 6156, installed a 60KW emergency generator and automatic transfer switch at the pumping station. The work included extending the concrete slab, revising the electrical power distribution, installing the generator and transfer switch, replacing the fence fabric and making minor revision to the irrigation system. • The San Ramon Pumping Station Improvements project, DP 5910, consisted of planning of improvements necessary at the San Ramon Pumping Station in connection with Dougherty Valley development. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM • Treatment Plant Tour Interpretive Signage, DP 8190, designed, produced and installed five metal weatherproof signs and housings to serve as tour stop locations. The signs located at the Headworks Facility, primary tanks, secondary aeration tanks, UV disinfection facility, and Solids Conditioning Building provide graphical representation and both general and technical information to explain the processes of the treatment plant. • Multipurpose Facility, DP 8191, converted the old laboratory into the current multi- purpose room used for Board workshops, staff training and other events. The scope of the project included interior improvements, heating and air conditioning, carpeting, and furniture. • HHWCF Office Furniture, DP 8197, provided for the installation of workstations for HHWCF staff. This allows staff members dedicated work areas for doing paperwork to meet regulatory requirements. RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM • Pump Shelter, DP 6159, installed a shade shelter over the recycled water pumps to alleviate overheating during warm weather. The shelter is removable to allow pump maintenance. Page 6 of 6 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No' 4.d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: SET HEARING DATE subject: ESTABLISH MARCH 20, 2003, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ARBOR LANE CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -4 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Russell B. Leavitt, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMEN D FOR BOARD ACTION. R. Leavitt Swanson A. Farrell harles W. Batts, General Manager ISSUE: A public hearing is required to establish the Arbor Lane Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2002 -4. A public hearing is also required to create an assessment district pursuant to the procedure adopted under Proposition 218, which amended the California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4. RECOMMENDATION: Establish March 20, 2003, as the date for a public hearing regarding Arbor Lane CAD No. 2002 -4 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are minor costs for publishing a legal notice advertising the public hearing and for staff preparation and attendance. These costs eventually will be paid by the CAD participants. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Select a later date for the public meeting - This would delay the CAD proceedings since the holding of a public hearing is required by law. 2. No action by the Board - No action will delay the CAD proceedings indefinitely. BACKGROUND: On July 11, 2002, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution of intention to create Arbor Lane CAD No. 2002 -4 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Arbor Lane and Bernie Lane in Alamo (see Attachment 1). The proposed Arbor Lane CAD No. 2002 -4 complies with the revised CAD policy approved at the February 1, 2001 Board of Directors meeting. Ten properties could be served by the Arbor Lane and Bernie Lane public sewers. As required by Proposition 218, an Engineer's Report estimating assessments for properties within the CAD is being prepared. It is now appropriate to schedule a public hearing to offer interested parties the opportunity to 2/7/03 T: \Planning \Leavitt \CADS \Arbor Lane \Set Hearing Date - Contract PP.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Subject: ESTABLISH MARCH 20, 2003, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ARBOR LANE CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -4 comment on the proposed assessments and related issues. A resolution has been prepared and is attached, which, if adopted, will set the date of the public hearing on March 20, 2003. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Establish March 20, 2003, as the date for a public hearing regarding Arbor Lane CAD No. 2002 -4 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. 2/7/03 T: \Planning \Leavitt \CADS \Arbor Lane \Set Hearing Date - Contract PP.wpd Page 2 of 5 LOCATION MAP N.T.S. o eo iw FEET I POTENTIAL POTENTIAL PLANNED EXISTING 9E PROPERTIES CAD AREA BOUNDARY CAD SEWER SERVABLE a EXPANSION SEWER BY CAD SEWER N x Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District PROPOSED BOUNDARY D ARBOR LANE 1: V o CAD N0.2002 -04 Page 3 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2003- RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING OF PROTESTS ON ARBOR LANE CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (CAD NO. 2002 -4) WHEREAS, on July 11, 2002, this Board of Directors adopted Resolution 2002- 050 expressing the intent of the District to proceed with Arbor Lane Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2002 -4 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Entrada Verde in Alamo; and WHEREAS, at the direction of this Board of Directors, Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, as Engineer of Work for improvement proceedings for Arbor Lane CAD No. 2002 -4, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California, has prepared a report described in Section 5898.22 of the Streets and Highways Code (Municipal Improvement Act of 1911); and WHEREAS owners of each affected parcel will be provided written notice of the proposed assessment and ballot to indicate approval or opposition of the assessment pursuant to the procedures required by California Constitution Article XIII D, Section 4, as amended by Proposition 218; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: This Board sets 2 p.m. on March 20, 2003, at the Meeting Room of the Board of Directors, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, as the time and place for hearing protests to the proposed improvements and the creation of the proposed Contractual Assessment District and assessment. 2/7/03 T: \Planning \Leavitt \CADS \Arbor Lane \Set Hearing Date - Contract PP.wpd Page 4 of 5 2. The Secretary of the District is directed to publish, post, and mail the notices of improvement required by the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, and to file an affidavit of compliance. The notice shall be published in the CONTRA COSTA TIMES not later than twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 2003, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 2/7/03 T: \Planning \Leavitt \CADS \Arbor Lane \Set Hearing Date - Contract PP.wpd Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No.: 4.e. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: APPROVAL Subject: APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF EQUIPMENT BUDGET CONTINGENCY FUNDS OF $6,000 TO PURCHASE NEW PARTS WASHER FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT SHOP. Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Donald R. Rhoads, Field Operations Operations /Collection System Operations Superintendent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION.• f D. Rhoads J. Pearl J. Ke Charles W. tts, General Manager ISSUE: Board approval is required for expenditures in excess of $5,000 from the Equipment Budget Contingency Account. RECOMMENDATION: Approve expenditure of Equipment Budget Contingency funds of $6,000 to purchase a new parts washer for the Vehicle and Equipment Shop. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approval of this action will result in $6,000 of the $60,000 annual Equipment Budget Contingency fund being expended. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Do not approve; repair existing unit. BACKGROUND: The Vehicle and Equipment Shop historically has used two parts washers, a solvent -based unit for small parts and a water -based (aqueous) machine for large parts. Recently the large parts washer failed and the cost to repair would exceed $2,000. The District also must comply by June 2003 with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) requirements to discontinue all solvent -based washing of parts. The purchase of a new parts washer will allow for cleaning both large and small parts with one machine while meeting our Green Business commitment and complying with new BAAQMD requirements. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve expenditure of Equipment Budget Contingency funds of $6,000 to purchase a new parts washer for the Vehicle and Equipment Shop. 2/13/03 CSO /S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2003 \partwash.wpd Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No.: 5.a. HEARINGS Type of Action: CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING Subject. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS; ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XIIID, SECTION 4; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT; AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CAMILLE COURT PARCEL OWNERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -1. Submitted By Initiating Dept. /Div.: Curtis Swanson, Division Manager Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMEND FOR BOARD ACTION: (�4 <XA C. Swanson �A'A. Farrell K. Alm arles W. 1V`' eneral Me ISSUE: A public hearing must be conducted to consider objections and inquiries regarding the proposed assessment, the Resolution of Intention, the Engineer's Report, annexation, and any other comments regarding Camille Court Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -1 (CAD No. 2002 -1). RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing and consider approval of Camille Court CAD 2002 -1. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated total project cost is $161,570. The District has authorized up to $1,000,000 for CADs in 2002 -03. To date, the Board has not approved any CAD projects this fiscal year. If approved, there will be $838,430 available for other CADs. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Continue the public hearing to receive additional public comment or allow additional deliberation. 2. Withhold or delay approval of the project. BACKGROUND: A group of 14 parcel owners on Camille Court in Alamo have requested that the District form a contractual assessment district for the purpose of financing and constructing a public sewer system that will benefit their properties. The Camille Court CAD meets all of the criteria for formation of a contractual assessment district. There are 19 properties that could benefit from this CAD project. The Board of Directors adopted a Resolution of Intention to form a contractual assessment district on March 7, 2002. The proposed sewer includes approximately 980 linear feet of 8 -inch sewer main, four standard manholes that will serve the proponents' 14 existing properties, all of which have existing homes presently relying on septic tanks. A map showing the proposed boundary and the proposed sewer location is presented as Attachment A. 2/11/03 Page 1 of 11 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt\PubHear.PP.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 subject. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS; ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XIIID, SECTION 4; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT; AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CAMILLE COURT PARCEL OWNERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -1. On March 7, 2002, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution directing the preparation of a report for a Contractual Assessment District known as Camille Court CAD No. 2002 -1. A report has been prepared, and assessments have been estimated. (The Engineer's Report is being provided to the Board under separate cover.) On January 23, 2003, the Board of Directors set a public hearing for February 20, 2003. Since assessments are proposed to be levied on properties, the procedural requirements of Proposition 218 do apply. Compliance with these requirements has been included in the documents and actions proposed for Board consideration. In order to continue the process for Camille Court CAD No. 2002 -1, the following actions are necessary: Conduct a public hearing to: a. announce the tabulation of ballots submitted by owners of each affected parcel indicating approval or opposition to the proposed assessment; b. consider public testimony on the Resolution of Intention and the Engineer's Report; and C. consider public testimony related to annexation of the affected parcels to the District. 2. If, at the close of the hearing, the Board finds that protests and ballot opposition are insufficient, the following resolutions may be considered and adopted: a. Resolution overruling protests of improvement (Exhibit B). b. Resolution confirming compliance with California Constitution, Article XIIID, Section 4 (Exhibit C). C. Resolution approving the Engineer's Report, assessments, and ordering improvement (Exhibit D). The hearing also serves as a public hearing for annexation purposes as required by LAFCO. An agreement between the owners and the District is needed to establish the rights and obligations of both parties. District Counsel has prepared such an agreement in which the owners agree to: assessments being placed on their property tax bills; 2/11/03 Page 2 of 11 U:\CAD\CamilleCouft\PubHear.PP.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 subject. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS; ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XIIID, SECTION 4; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT; AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CAMILLE COURT PARCEL OWNERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -1. pay the assessments; accept total responsibility for the design and construction of the sanitary sewer extension; require the contractor who is selected by the owners to maintain certain insurance coverage; accept total responsibility for the costs associated with the sanitary sewer extension, including interest for District financing; and have the sanitary sewer extension constructed in accordance with District standards. The District will: finance the costs of the sanitary sewer extension; accept the work of the contractor, provided the work is done in accordance with District standards; place assessments on owners' tax bills; record as liens on the participants' properties the obligation of each participant to pay assessments; and be reimbursed in full by receiving payments, including interest, for the total amount financed from owners over a ten -year period. The agreement has been executed by all 14 affected parcel owners. It is appropriate, therefore, to authorize the General Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the District. The estimated cost of the Camille Court CAD No. 2002 -1 is $161,570. A summary of project costs is shown in Exhibit E. Funding for the CAD Program is included in the 2001 -03 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). The District has authorized up to $1,000,000 for CAD projects during Fiscal Year 2002 -03. This is the first CAD to be considered for approval in 2002 -03. If approved, there will be $838,430 available for other CADs. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant adverse effect on the environment. This certainty is based on the District's past experience with numerous similar sewer construction projects, the developed nature of the project environment, and the limited service area of the project (no potential for growth inducement). Approval of the Engineer's Report will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. 2/11/03 Page 3 of 11 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt\PubHear.PP.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 Subject. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPT A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS; ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XIIID, SECTION 4; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT; AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CAMILLE COURT PARCEL OWNERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -1. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: If a majority protest is not filed and if less than a majority of returned ballots from affected parcel owners oppose the assessment, staff recommends that the Board of Directors take the following actions: • Conduct public hearing • Adopt a resolution overruling protests. • Adopt a resolution confirming compliance with California Constitution, Article XIIID, Section 4. • Adopt a resolution approving the Engineer's Report, assessments, and ordering improvement. • Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with the Camille Court owners. 2/11/03 Page 4 of 11 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt\PubHear.PP.doc 91 POTENTIAL EXISTING PLANNED + LIKELY NON- LIKELY PARTICIPANTS CAD AREA SEWER CAD PARTICIPANTS SEWER Central contra costa PROPOSED BOUNDARY Exhibit Sanitary District CAMILLE COURT ' CAD NO. 2002-01 A DISTRICT PROJECT NO.5640 Page 5 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -1 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: On February 20, 2003, the Board of Directors held a public hearing on the Resolution of Intention and the Engineer's Report on the proposed improvement in Camille Court Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -1. At or before the time set for hearing, certain interested persons made or may have made protests or objections to the proposed improvement, the extent of the Contractual Assessment District, or the proposed assessment. The Board hereby overrules each of these protests, written or oral. The Board finds that the protest against the proposed improvement (including all written protests not withdrawn in writing before the conclusion of the protest hearing) is made by the owners of less than one half of the area of the land to be assessed for the improvement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 2003, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel 2/13/03 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt\PubHear.PP.doc Page 6 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XIIID, SECTION 4 CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -1 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. The Board set 2 p.m. on February 20, 2003, at the Meeting Room of the Board of Directors, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, as the time and place for a public hearing pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIIID, Section 4. 2. Pursuant to Article XIIID of the California Constitution, as amended by Proposition 218, commonly known as the "Right to Vote on Taxes Act," notice of the proposed assessment was provided to all owners of affected parcels within the District, which notice contained a ballot whereby each owner could indicate support or opposition to the proposed assessment. 3. At the time and place for which notice was given, the Board of Directors conducted a public hearing, pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIIID, Section 4, and gave every person present an opportunity to comment on and object to the amount of the proposed assessment. 4. The Board finds that less than a majority of parcel owners who returned ballots, weighted by financial obligation, opposed the proposed assessment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 2003, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel 2113/03 Page 7 of 11 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt \PubHear.PP.doc RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT CAMILLE COURT CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002-1 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: This Board has taken a series of actions preliminary to ordering the improvement in the Camille Court Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -1, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California, and now makes the following findings and orders: 1. The Board adopted a map showing the boundaries of the land benefited by the proposed improvement. A copy of the boundary map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Contra Costa in the Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts. 2. The Board adopted its Resolution of Intention to order the improvement described therein under the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, and directed Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, as the Engineer of Work for the Assessment District, to prepare the report required by Section 5989.22 of the Streets and Highways Code. The improvement is generally described as follows: Construction and installation of approximately 980 linear feet of sanitary sewer line, together with appurtenant work and facilities located at Camille Court in Alamo, California. 3. The Board called a hearing of protests on the Camille Court Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -1. Notice of the hearing was given by publication, by street posting, and by mailing to affected parcel owners, all according to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911. Affidavits of publication, posting, and mailing were filed with the Secretary of the District. 4. At the time and place for which notice was given, the Board of Directors conducted a public hearing pursuant to Section 5898.26 of the Streets and Highways Code, which included a summary of the Engineer's Report and gave every person present an opportunity to comment on and object to the proposed Contractual Assessment Program improvement and the extent of the Assessment District. 5. The Board further finds that written protests against the proposed improvement have not been made by owners representing more than one half of the area of the land to be assessed for the improvement. 6. The documents and events described in paragraphs 1 to 4, inclusive, are stated herein tabular form, with their dates and, where appropriate, their numbers. All documents are now on file with the District except as otherwise noted. 2/11/03 Page 8 of 11 U: \CAD \CamilleCourt \PubHear.PP.doc Document or Event a. Resolution of Intention b. Resolution Approving Boundary Map c. Boundary Map Filed with County Recorder d. Certificate of Mailing Notice of Improvement e. Certificate of Posting Notice of Improvement f. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Improvement Number Date or Action 3/7/02 2002 -11 4/9/02 2002 -12 3/28/02 Filed 2/3/03 Filed 2/5/03 Filed Pending 7. The Board approves the Engineer's Report and each component part of it, including each exhibit incorporated by reference in the report. 8. The Board finds that the Engineer of Work, in the Engineer's Report has fairly and properly apportioned the cost of the improvement to each parcel of land in the Assessment District in compliance with the agreement between the owners and in proportion to the special benefits derived by each parcel, in relationship to the entirety of the capital cost of the improvement. The Board hereby confirms and levies each individual assessment as stated in the Engineer's Report. 9. The Board orders the improvement described in paragraph 2 and as detailed in the's Report. 10. According to Section 10603 of the Streets and Highways Code, the Board designates the District Controller to collect and receive payment of the assessments. 11. The Board independently finds that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant adverse effect on the environment. This certainty is based on the District ❑s past experience with numerous similar sewer construction projects, the developed nature of the project environment, and the limited service area of the project (no potential for growth inducement). 2/13/03 Page 9 of 11 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt\PubHear.PP.doc PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 2003, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel 2/13/03 U:\CAD\CamilleCourt\PubHear.PP.doc Page 10 of 11 SUMMARY OF PROJECT COSTS CAMILLE COURT CAD NO. 2002 -1 Construction $144,000 Engineering 11,000 District Services 6,570 TOTAL 161 7 2/11/03 Page 11 of 11 U:\ CAD \CamilleCour \PubHear.PP.doc Camille Court CAD 2002 -1 Alamo • Meets CAD Formation Criteria 1 . Benefits at least 5 properties 2. At least 60% developed properties 3. No more than 2 dwellings / property • 14 participants; 5 non - participants • 980 feet of 8 -inch sewer; 4 manholes • Estimated cost - $ 161,570 • Participant cost - $11,541 upfront or $1,552 / year • • a■ • 0 POTENTIAL CAD AREA EXISTING PLANNED + LIKELY NON - 9E LIKELY PARTICIPANTS SEWER CAD PARTICIPANTS SEWER Central Contra Costa PROPOSED BOUNDARY Exhibit Sanitary District CAMILLE COURT CAD NO. 2002-01 A ' DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5640 Page 5 of 11 Election Results Camille Court CAD 2002 -1 Alamo Approve Assessment - 14 votes Oppose Assessment - 5 votes 2002 -2003 CAD Budget Status C.A.D. Camille Court CAD 2002 -1 (Alamo) Authorized to Date Maximum CAD Authorization Available Budget for other CADs Authorization $ 161,570 $ 161,570 $1,000,000 $ 838,430 Pending CAD Projects C. A. D. Estimated Cost El Pintado CAD 2002 -8 $ 158,965 (Danville) Arbor Lane CAD 2002 -4 125,000 (Alamo) El Alamo CAD 2002 -2 225,000 (Danville) Wayland Lane CAD 2002 -3 95,000 (Alamo) La Sonoma CAD 2002 -5 65,000 (Alamo) Paseo Nogales CAD 2002 -9 145,000 (Alamo) Via Don Jose CAD 2002 -6 190,000 (Alamo) Echo Spring CAD 2001 -2 150,000 (Lafayette) Total $ 1,153,970 O O O m c :O N N v> �, co cn 0 _L 0 CL cu n =3 y °- >` 7 CD O W N tq � Q O N U a o z 0 CL -E L N a (a m a m 3 d ~' c °- O >, co c c O 3: E N o a o co c L. Z c m O c�� U E +-� O O O O c 4-- � co N (DCDa) cn � 0 O �=•C3 CO) c m 2 Q m c m CD N W L QQ._ O — U N c 4- r.. C O O p U '5 :O N N O .0 O O C n CL >` � E O _CTJ M N C '=w ° O N O C Co � co N N O O d O N cu 3: O N ° LL a°'i > C C U d m E CU +-� U) C U 4-- � � � > O > O C. C) r.. C c 0 O p U '5 :O N N O .0 M p N m n >` � E O a cn EL C '=w moo • d V U E U CL N a°'i U d m E Q +-� U) C U 4-- � � � —O O > C. C) m 4- > azi O w—., O a 0 Q w n 0 n 0) 0 O ° L o. N U o U •� c � N E 0 Mn w __ — 0 m T- N M O U CN H m N Cl) '-zt LO r.. C N N O � c O O +r Q E U C a°'i O Q E Q +-� U) C U 4-- C w O > C. azi E m w—., O a 0 Q n 0 n 0) 0 O o. N U o N � N E 0 Mn w __ so T- N M C/) § 0) E 21' LL (D c2 E k a� ca k k O ° ® c � m M f)/ / E L) k \ \ N m o co iF= o f <$ f \ k o ¢ E ' 3$ \ k G _ -m = a ee � \ 2 = =a ) k / ) § \ mn 0 / ƒ 0 E E � E\/ o 0 .-r C/) m co e S ea 7 §/ k) 0 k/ 5c -2� ac 7 = =I k % -1--i �k k7§� 'Em / m 5 d m @ / o \ ± $ - 3 \ / S J ƒ 2 ƒ s 2 / E > § $ _ £ k § ƒI ƒ k Q / -0 / f 2L) 'Fa &ua pf .E f CL U) k § = $ ƒ��J)0 L) � @ c CO) C/) § 0) E 21' LL (D c2 E k a� � 0 k ® 2 LL V) CL ° ® c � M f)/ �E �< E U % ) 2 \ c / \ Q N / CL / q k 2 % <$ NR6 \ ± "I % �� « O � \ k G k = a c � \ 2 = =a ) k / ) co �2 mn 0 @ E E � E\/ o 0 .-r C/) m co e S ea \ 2 §/ �7fq f 5 002 5c -2� ac k k = =I k % 6 _ �o CU / \75Ok,Sui 'Em / } { \ ƒ ( / [ [ \ k f £ ® $ \ ± $ - 3 \ / S J ƒ 2 ƒ q § § LL c2 k k � 0 k k -r 0 M ( o E co C) k § \ > N %mac E 3�C:�7 a 0 <$ U \ $ G a t O � #I§ / \ O� = =a ) c -i co �2 mn 0 , 0 U) C � §f 2 [ \ §/ O f : \ \ o k k \0) k % 6 _ �o CU e 'Em �/4 c E E§ o k 5 ® $ / k .. \E§/E co / \0( > : �= §� £ .2 -� t $ /\k /f -0 / f 2L) 'Fa &ua / \Jo .E f q LL E k � 0 k -r 0 M ( o E O @ \U 7E > N 5 E 3�C:�7 a 0 <$ U 3$a2§ � k °k §f k . co -0 mn 0 -0 CU C � f ƒ m % L) C % O (n CD cu o \ k 0 k k t ® $ co t > = 2 a) § -0 / f k � n .E q �- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No.: 8.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ATS ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE TREATMENT PLANT ELECTRICAL CABLE REPLACEMENT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7214 Submitted By. Initiating Dept./Div.: Ba T. Than, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. Sift W V$ . Than W. Brennan A. Farrell Charles AW Batts, General Manager ISSUE: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with ATS Engineering Services for $90,000 for the design of the Treatment Plant Electrical Cable Replacement, District Project No. 7214. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of design (staff and consultant) of the project will be approximately $110,000. The estimated project construction cost is $1,000,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The project could be deferred with the risk of a cable failure. BACKGROUND: The lifeline of the plant electrical system are the feeders from the main substations to the local area substations. The electrical system throughout the plant was installed in the mid -1970s and has had substantial upgrades from several major projects. The existing feeders are aluminum or copper with insulation that is not rated for wet locations. This insulation is not recommended for installations where there might be water in the conduits, as is found throughout the plant. In submersed locations, the insulation has been found to crack and fail catastrophically. Maintenance inspections have uncovered areas that are candidates for premature failures which could seriously cripple the plant electrical system. Seventy percent (70 %) of the cable has been replaced in previous capital improvement projects. There have been two failures of the electrical cable. Page 1 of 2 LAPosition Papers \Than \7214 ATS Agreement.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ATS ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE TREATMENT PLANT ELECTRICAL CABLE REPLACEMENT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7214 On November 14, 2002, Requests for Proposals (RFP) for the design of the Treatment Plant Electrical Cable Replacement project were sent to four qualified electrical engineering consultant firms: Carollo Engineers, DTN Engineers, Montgomery Watson Harza, and ATS Engineering Services. The purpose of the RFP is to attain a qualified consulting team to evaluate and design the replacement for the electrical cable system. On January 3, 2003, these four firms responded to the RFP. After reviewing proposals and conducting interview on January 24, 2003, ATS Engineering Services was selected. This selection was based on their experience with electrical work and their qualified project personnel. A professional engineering services agreement, with a cost ceiling of $90,000, has been negotiated with ATS Engineering Services. The Treatment Plant Electrical Cable Replacement Project is included in the Fiscal Year 2001 -2002 and 2002 -2003 Capital Improvement Budget on pages TP -112 through TP -113. The design phase is scheduled for completion in late Spring 2003. Construction is anticipated to begin in July 2003 and be completed by December 2003. However, during the course of the design, opportunity for staging over a number of fiscal years will be explored, if necessary, due to budgetary constraints. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since it involves a minor alteration to an existing sewage facility with no increase in capacity. Approval of this project establishes the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize professional engineering services agreement, wit h Engineering Services for the design of the Replacement, District Project No. 7214. L: \Position Papers \Than \7214 ATS Agreement.doc the General Manager to execute a a cost ceiling of $90,000, with ATS Treatment Plant Electrical Cable Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No.: 8.b. ENGINEERING Type of Action: APPROVE PROJECT subject. APPROVE PHASE 4 OF THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5166 FOR CEQA/PERMITTING PURPOSES Submitted By: Initiating Dept✓Div.: Tom Godsey, Associate Engineer Engineering, Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. !9= t'l A4) �Ajz Mir T. Godsey . Pilecki W. Brennan (► A. Farrell Charles . Batts, ►lhl�, Genera tanager ISSUE: Board approval of the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 4, District Project 5166, is required prior to the filing of a Notice of Exception under the District's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 4, District Project 5166. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project cost is anticipated to be $1,500,000; however, this position paper only approves the project for CEQA/Permitting and does not award a construction contract. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may delay or decline to approve the project. If these renovations are not constructed, the condition of these sewers will continue to decline and may result in multiple maintenance issues. BACKGROUND: The District's 1,500 miles of collection sewers has pipe segments that range in age from new to over 100 years old. Some of these pipe segments are at the end of their useful life. This is evidenced by high maintenance costs and increases in call -outs by Collection System Operations Division (CSOD). Over 300 miles of small diameter sewers were constructed more than 40 years ago throughout the District, and the majority of sewers within the City of Lafayette fall into this category. The District implemented the sewer renovation program in 1991. Since that time an annual allowance for this program has been included in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. This program is an ongoing series of projects. Candidate sewer line segments are identified, evaluated, and placed on a priority list for replacement and /or renovation. The Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project will renovate or replace the most critical line segments identified in the City of Lafayette. k Design \Position Papers\2003 \DP5166.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 sub /ect: APPROVE PHASE 4 OF THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 5166 FOR CEQA/PERMITTING PURPOSES The Lafayette Sewer Renovation, Phase 4, project will reconstruct the sewers in seventeen (17) sites, of which, there are nine (9) easement sites. A total of 11,800 linear feet of 6- to 10 -inch sewers are to be replaced /rehabilitated with 6,300 LF in streets and 4,800 LF in easements (see Attachment 1 for map). This project is similar to the previous Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project Phases 3 in that there is a high percentage of sewer easement work that will involve close cooperation with customers for site access and restoration. The plans and specifications for this project will be prepared by District staff. Approval of a project and direction to file a Notice of Exemption is normally considered by the Board at the time of award of a Construction Contract. New permitting requirements from agencies such as Fish and Game, BART, and Caltrans require that completed CEQA documentation be submitted with the permit application. Since this permit application process can be time consuming, Board approval of the project and direction to file a Notice of Exemption is needed at this time. The improvements to the Lafayette sewers are included in the fiscal year 2002 -2003 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS -12 through CS -15. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, since it involves only alterations of existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of capacity. Authorization of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, District Project 5661, and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption with the Contra Costa County Clerk. Page 2 of 3 I: \Design \Position Papers\2003 \DP5166.doc Y Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PHASE 4 a 1 ' CCCSD JOB NO. 5661 Page 3 of 3 A ct pm� R W • cn 4J cn 4� 4� 4� 4� ■ 4� O ct U O d a w v ct U .rib] 1 J y ^ 7s UO .r—i rd al N i� C� •O U Ail 4� C V I . rw� O U .0 O ct O N cn C� 4� O U O U U O •O N 4� O U 4� ct N CIO O O � 4� U U � .� •IF.. o � �a 4� � O O U N O 4� 0 U O O ■ � U O � O 0 U 4� t�A � c� O � cc3 � O v� ct N ct � � U Sao O O � 4� U U � .� •IF.. o � �a 4� � O O U N O 4� 0 U O O ■ � U O � O 0 U 4� t�A � c� � U O v� U N ct O O � 4� U U � .� •IF.. o � �a 4� � O O U N O 4� 0 U O O ■ � U O � O 0 U 4� t�A � c� O � U ct Sao ;:t rz� w o ■ O O � 4� U U � .� •IF.. o � �a 4� � O O U N O 4� 0 U O O ■ � U O � O 0 U 4� t�A � c� u � O ct ct ct o O CIO v1 � O C.F.. N CA C o U � V a� w� o � O � � U � O N ct O WS1, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 No.: 11.a. BUDGET AND FINANCE Type of Action: Appoint District Auditor subject APPOINT THE DISTRICT'S INDEPENDENT AUDITOR TO PERFORM THE EXAMINATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2002 -03 THROUGH 2005 -06 WITH THE OPTION OF A ONE YEAR EXTENSION. Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION., D. Ratcliff R. us aves /_ harles Batts, f'� General Manager ISSUE: It would be appropriate for the Board of Directors to appoint the District's independent auditor to perform the examination of the financial statements for fiscal years 2002 -03 through 2005 -06 with the option of a one year extension. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., Certified Public Accountants, as the District's independent auditor for fiscal years 2002 -03 through 2005 -06 with the option of a one year extension, as recommended by the selection committee. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The audit fee for Hood and Strong for fiscal year 2001 -02 was $37,500. Additional fees were charged for work requested by the District which was outside the scope of the audit. Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. has proposed a fee of $25,000 for fiscal year 2002 -03. This is a $12,500 savings for auditing services the first year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The firm of Hood & Strong could be extended another year, although this is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors has followed the practice of rotating the District's auditor after four or five successive annual audits. Hood & Strong however, served as the District's auditor for the last seven fiscal years, 1995 -96 through 2001 -02, due to their excellent performance. The selection of a successor auditing firm was &\ADMIMRATCLIFRAppoint Auditor Position Paper.doc Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: February 20, 2003 subiect: APPOINT THE DISTRICT'S INDEPENDENT AUDITOR TO PERFORM THE EXAMINATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2002 -03 THROUGH 2005 -06 WITH THE OPTION OF A ONE YEAR EXTENSION. enhanced by the involvement of the Board Budget and Finance Committee, with the selected firm being recommended to the Board of Directors for appointment. Requests for proposals were sent to seventeen public accounting firms. The following four firms submitted proposals: Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. -- Pleasanton, CA Odenberg, Ullakko, Muranishi & Co. -- San Francisco, CA Charles Z. Fedak & Co. -- Cypress, CA Macias, Gini & Co. -- Walnut Creek, CA The four proposals were reviewed by a selection committee composed of Board Budget and Finance Committee Members Gerald Lucey and Jim Nejedly, assisted by Randall Musgraves and Debbie Ratcliff. Client references were contacted by District staff. Representatives of the four firms were interviewed by the selection committee on February 4, 2003. After considering the results of the interview, the written proposals, and client references, the firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. was selected for recommendation to the full Board of Directors. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Appoint Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., Certified Public Accountants, as the District's independent auditor for fiscal years 2002 -03 through 2005 -06, with the option of a one year extension. Page 2 of 2 &\ADMIN RATCLIFRAppoint Auditor Position Paper.doc