HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/20/2002 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 20, 2002 No,: 3.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMEND AD FOR BOARD ACT ON: J. Mercurio V. Schmidt C. Swanson A. Farrell Charles Bat , General Man er ISSUE: Work has been completed on 12 capital improvement projects. The financial results are reported to the Board prior to closing the projects' accounts. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As a result of the close out of these 12 projects, $199,522 is being reallocated to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements and Recycled Water Programs. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: No alternatives have been prepared. This is an informational position paper. BACKGROUND: These 12 capital improvement projects have been completed and staff is closing out the project accounts. Below is a summary of the authorized budgets and expenditures for the 12 projects by program. Attachment 1 summarizes the authorized budgets and expenditures for each individual project. Attachment 2 contains a brief project summary for each project. Program Authorized Budget Expenditures Underrun (Overruns) Treatment Plant $150,000 $144,250 $5,750 Collection System $1,336,500 $1,227,510 $108,990 General Improvements $89,000 $78,099 $10,901 Recycled Water $224,300 $150,419 $73,881 Totals $1,799,800 $1,600,278 $199,522 6/13/02 U:\ PPR\ Bertera \JJMCLOSEOUTOF12CIPSREV2.WPD Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: J U N E 20, 2002 subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The total authorized budget for the 12 projects is $1,799,800. Total project expenditures are $1,600,278. A net underrun of $199,522 (1 1 % of the total authorized budgets) will result in $5,750 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program, $108,990 being returned to the Collection System Program, $10,901 being returned to the General Improvements Program, and $73,881 being returned to the Recycled Water Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: No action is necessary. 6/12/02 U:\ PPR\ Bertera \JJMCLOSEOUTOF12CIPSREV2.WPD Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED BUDGET EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN (OVERRUNS) PROJECT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN NO. 11 Lost Valley Drive Slide BUDGET $300,913 (OVERRUNS) 6115 Instrumentation and Control $150,000 $144,250 $5,750 5479 Master Plan $154,000 $117,175 $36,825 Program Totals $150,000 $144,250 $5,750 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED BUDGET EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN (OVERRUNS) 5406 Haven Lane CAD 98 -3 $86,500 $77,972 $8,528 5453 11 Lost Valley Drive Slide $320,000 $300,913 $19,087 5472 Wilkinson Lane Sewer Relocation $89,000 $97,385 ($8,385) 5479 Laurenita Way CAD 2000 -1 $154,000 $117,175 $36,825 5486 Via Cerrada CAD 2000 -6 $69,000 $67,332 $1,668 5513 Vine Hill CAD 99 -3 $110,000 $84,916 $25,084 5534 Entrada Verde CAD 2000 -4 $232,000 $205,782 $26,218 5911 1999 Collection System Planning $206,000 $205,288 $712 5913 2001 Collection System Planning $70,000 $70,747 ($747) Program Totals $1,336,500 $1,227,510 1 $108,990 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM DISTRICT PROJECT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN NO. BUDGET (OVERRUNS) 8187 Telephone Reliability $89,000 $78,099 $10,901 Improvements Program Totals $89,000 $78,099 $10,901 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM DISTRICT PROJECT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN NO. BUDGET (OVERRUNS) 7202 Recycled Water Emergency $224,000 $150,419 $73,581 Repair Program Totals $224,000 $150,419 $73,581 6/12/02 U:\ PPR\ Bertera \JJMCLOSEOUTOFI2CIPSREV2.WPD Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM • Instrumentation and Control Master Plan, DP 6115, had, as its primary objective, the development of options for control system improvements and replacements. This project also purchased spare operator interface CRT terminal hardware and the ModCOMP CPU to keep the 25 -year old system in operation. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM • The following five projects were created to finance Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs). Their purpose was to assist property owners in extending public sewers into an area serviced by septic tanks. There were 52 participants in these five CADs: • Haven Lane CAD 98 -3, DP 5406 • Laurenita Way CAD 2000 -1, DP 5470 • Via Cerrada CAD 2000 -6, DP 5513 • Vine Hill CAD 99 -3, DP 5513 • Entrada Verde CAD 200004, DP 5534 • Lost Valley Slide Repair, DP 5453, constructed a reinforced soil buttress to stabilize a hillside sewer easement and protect the sewer main at 11 Lost Valley Drive, Orinda. • Wilkinson Lane Sewer Relocation, DP 5472, was initiated in 1999 in response to a creek crossing pipe that was damaged and losing support. This project relocated one sewer lateral, abandoned one creek crossing, and constructed one rodding inlet. • 1999 Collection System Planning, DP 5911 and 2001 Collection System Planning, DP 5913 were established for facility planning that provides the basis for improvements to the District's 1500 miles of sewer system. This planning work included studies to identify and define sewer system deficiencies, to work with the land use database and sewer system model, flow rates for facility plans, and special studies. DP 5911, while mostly 1999 planning, included project needs for both 1999 and 2000. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM • Telephone Reliability Improvements, DP 8187, upgraded the District's HOB and CSO telephone switches. The project involved the upgrade of both of the telephone switch operating systems to the most recent software release, installation of two DS1 trunk lines to expand incoming and outgoing voice traffic, along with the installation of several digital and analog cards to provide additional extensions, fax and modem lines. RECYCLED WATER • Recycled Water Emergency Repair, DP 7202, completed emergency repairs to the 18- inch recycled water line within a steel casing under Interstate 680 and adjacent to Buchanan Fields Golf Course. 6/12/02 U:\ PPR\ Bertera \JJMCLOSEOUTOFI2CIPSREV2.WPD Page 4 of 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 No.: 3.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type ofAction: SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING Subject: ESTABLISH JULY 11, 2002, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED REVISION TO TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.08 AND RELATED REFERENCES OF THE DISTRICT CODE PERTAINING TO THE POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER Submitted By: initiating Dept. /Div.: Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the Administrative District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FFO-R BOARD ACT /ON. < " / /I &Mv_� tN r J. Mu hy 0 K. Alm General ISSUE: A public hearing is required when revisions to the District Code are considered. RECOMMENDATION: Establish July 11, 2002, as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed revision to Title 2, Chapter 2.08 and related references of the District Code pertaining to the position of General Manager, revising the appointment, qualifications and duties to reflect previous actions taken by the Board, incorporating delegation of authority to the General Manager or his designee, and replacing the title General Manager -Chief Engineer throughout the District Code with the title General Manager. 0_0 ►,'_ • ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not consider adoption of the proposed revisions. BACKGROUND: District Code Title 2, Chapter 2.08, relates to the chief executive officer of the District. The District Code has not been amended to reflect changes in title, qualifications, and duties of this position. A secondary issue is the delegation of authority from the General Manager to his assistants and /or designees. It has long been a practice at the District for the General Manager to delegate authority to act on his behalf when he is absent from the District. While the Board has adopted various resolutions delegating authority to staff, that delegation has not been specifically incorporated into the District Code. A draft ordinance is attached for the Board's review. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Establish July 11, 2002, as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed revision to Title 2, Chapter 2.08 and related references of the District Code pertaining to the position of General Manager. 6/13/02 Page 1 of 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REVISING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.08 AND RELATED REFERENCES PERTAINING TO THE POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WHEREAS, Title 2, Chapter 2.08, and relat conform to previous actions taken by the Board of WHEREAS, throughout the District Code "General Manager -Chief Engineer" with the title "Ge Central Contra Costa Sanitary District chief exec WHEREAS, the amendments and additio Secretary of the District and available for publ 2002; and Al WHEREAS, proper notice was review of the amendments and add 2002, regarding the proposed ch "M WHEREAS, proper Distri SECTION MMS.040 2.08.050 amendment to le in the office of the view since June 21, ?for public inspection and Hearing held on July 11, blic Hearing was given. of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Chief executive officer. Appointment and qualifications of General Manager- 1cornef-f11gineer. Authority and responsibility. Duties. General Manager- ehief-Enginmr may employ assistants. 08 010 Chief executive ff�. There is created the office of General Manager - £hief-Engineer. The General Manager ekief Enwimeer is the chief executive officer of the District. Page 2 of 4 08 020 Appointment and qualifications of General Manage . The Board shall appoint the General Manager -C ' er. The General Manager - Chief Engineer shall be a eivil engineer and shall have a certaficate of registration an the state Of Califoi n>a have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in business or public administration, engineering or a related field. 2 08 030 Authority and responsibility. The General Ma a P of the District has the administrative authority and respo sibility a peration of the District and the enforcement of all District rules and op, lati, h Ong authority to execute all contracts, warrants, releases, receipt ind s�mila .k for and behalf of the District in accordance with California Hrth and y r1On.. 2.08.040 Duties. The General Manager - A. Establish departments and organize B. Recommend rules and regulations for requirements controlling the construction, repair,A, and- sewage systems, recycled water systems an . Facility; C. `.,. I the District; l} Collect fees and cha.: -s, iss, µ ' I transactions. , of the Board of Directors Each appoAm- ent shall in Title -4 . code. SECTION Costa t in ws: GE r shall: W, of the District; luding specifications and 1Ls eration of garbage Waste Collection maintain records of all employ assistants. Upon approval 4.0, E,ngpneer may appoint assistants. the employment procedures specified delegate authority to said assistants. ED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Vntra Costa Sanitary District Code, references to the title Engineer" are hereby replaced with the title "General Manager." ` 6ption, this Ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Central Contra Cos `lry District, shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation within the District, and shall take effect on the eighth calendar day following such publication. Page 3 of 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED this vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Sanitary District, County of Coi State of California day of July 2002, on the following roll call President Central C County o sta, Kenton L. Alm .sel for the District I of Dire Sanitary DR ta, State of ornia Page 4 of 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 No.: 5.a. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINES, INC., FOR THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 313, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5611 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Wesley Adams, Senior Engineering Engineering Department / Capital Projects Assistant Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION., W. Adams ecki W. Brennan A. Farrell Charles (4 e)Bal General Mana4 ISSUE: On June 11, 2002, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 36, District Project No. 5611. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $1,368,000, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. e BACKGROUND: The District's 1,500 miles of collection sewers has pipe segments that range in age from new to over 100 years old. Some of these pipe segments are at the end of their useful life. This is evidenced by high maintenance costs and increases in call - outs by Collection System Operations Division (CSOD). Over 300 miles of small diameter sewers were constructed more than 40 years ago throughout the District, and the majority of sewers within the City of Lafayette fall into this category. The District implemented the sewer renovation program in 1991. Since that time an annual allowance for this program has been included in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. This program is an ongoing series of projects. Candidate sewer line segments are identified, evaluated, and placed on a priority list for replacement and /or renovation. The Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project will renovate or replace the most critical line segments identified in the City of Lafayette. 6/12/02 I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \5611Awardcurrent.wpd Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINES, INC., FOR THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 313, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5611 The District's Phase 3B project will reconstruct the sewers in sixteen (16) sites, of which, there are eight (8) easement sites. The total footage of 8 -inch, 10 -inch and 15 -inch sewers to be replaced /rehabilitated in streets and easement are 5,600 LF and 3,600 LF respectively (see Attachment 1 for map). This project differs significantly from previous Lafayette Sewer Renovation Projects Phases 1, 2 and 3A in that there is a high percentage of sewer easement work that will involve close cooperation with customers for site access and restoration. The plans and specifications for this project were prepared by District staff. The engineer's estimate for construction of Phase 3B is $1,500,000. This project was advertised on May 17 and 23, 2002. Six sealed bids ranging from $951,370 to $1,602,825 were received and publicly opened on June 11, 2002. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The Capital Projects Division staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that the bid submitted by Ranger Pipelines, Inc., is the lowest responsible bid. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and shop drawing review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $1,368,000. The total cost of the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 3B, is anticipated to be $1,368,000. Construction of the improvements to the Lafayette sewers is included in the fiscal year 2001 -2002 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS -12 through CS -15. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves only alterations of existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $951,370 for construction of the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 313, D.P. 5611, to Ranger Pipelines, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. 6/11/02 (:\Design \Position Papers \2002 \5611 Awardcurrent.wpd Page 2 of 6 x I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District LAFAYETTE SEWER PHASE CCCSD JOB RENOVATION 3B NO. 5611 IV. I.J. Attachment Page 3 of 6 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. Lafayette Sewer Renovation Phase 313 DATE June 1 1 , 2002 LOCATION CCCSD Board Room Martinez,CA ENGR. EST. $ 1,500,000 BIDDER (Name, Telephone & Address) BID PRICE 1 Ranger Pipelines, Inc., P.O. Box 24109, 1296 Armstrong Ave. San Francisco, CA 94124 $951,370 2 McNamara & Smallman Construction, Inc., 1756 Holmes Street Livermore, CA 94550 $ 1,092,815 D'arcy & Harty Construction, Inc., 1300 Carroll Ave. San Francisco, CA 94124 $1,116,247 4 K.J. Woods Construction, Inc., 2625 Judah St., No. 2 San Francisco, CA 94122 $1,144,000 5 Schlosser Construction, P.O. Box 1087, Danville, CA 94526 $1,494,924 6 Talus Construction, P.O. Box 2019 Danville, CA 94526 $1,602,825.60 7 8 8 L Page 4 of 6 BIDS OPENED BY DATE June 11, 2002 SHEET NO 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 3 LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 3B DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5611 POST - BID /PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENT OF ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction Contract $ 951,370 2. Contingency at 15.0 percent $ 148,630 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: $ 1,100,000 100.0 3. Construction Management • District Forces Construction Management $ 65,000 Contract Administration /Inspection $ 115,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: $ 180,000 16.4 4. Consultant /Professional Services • Material Testing $ 10,000 • Arborist $ 7,500 • Geotech $ 2,000 SUBTOTAL CONSULTANT /PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: $ 19,500 5. Engineering and Other Services During Construction • District Forces Office Engineering Services $ 12,000 Record Drawings $ 5,000 Community Relations $ 20,000 Surveying $ 20,000 Collection System Operations $ 2,000 Public Agencies Coordination $ 2,000 Field Office $ 2,500 Permit Inspection Fees $ 5,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING: $ 68,500 6/11/02 I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \561 1 Awardcurrent.wpd Page 5 of 6 1.8 6.2 6. 7. 8. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING TOTAL (ITEMS 3, 4 & 5): Total Project Cost Funds Allocated to Date for This Portion of Work Allocation Required to Complete Project 6/12/02 I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \561 1 Awardcurrent.wpd PERCENT OF ESTIMATED TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 268,000 $1,368,000 0 $1,368,000 24.4 124.4 Page 6 of 6 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District r BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 No.: 7.a. ADMINISTRATIVE Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS /APPROVE REGULATIONS Susblect: ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 5, 2002, AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Submitted By: initiating Dept. /Div.: Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the Administrative Department District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT /ON. 1 Charles W. 6atts, General Manage/ ISSUE: A request for consolidation of the election of District Board Members must be filed with the Board of Supervisors and County Elections Department, and the District regulations relating to candidate statements must be modified or reaffirmed. RECOMMENDATION: Request consolidation of District election with Statewide General Election, and reaffirm or modify District regulations for candidate statements. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If the Board reaffirms the current District regulations for candidate statements, the District would be responsible for paying the balance of the cost of printing each candidate's statement over the initial $500 paid by each candidate. In the last District Board election in 2000, that cost was $2,154.72 per candidate less $500, and there were four candidates with candidate statements for a total of $6,618.88. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Statutory provisions effectively require the District to consolidate its election when it is held on a statewide election date. District regulations for candidate statements may be modified in accordance with California Elections Code Section 13307, which is attached. BACKGROUND: The California Elections Code provides that Special Districts may require that elections of their Board Members be held on the same day as the Statewide General Election. When an election called by a District is consolidated with a Statewide General Election, the District must file a resolution with the Board of Supervisors and County Elections Department requesting such consolidation. A proposed resolution has been prepared and is attached for consideration. 5/22/02 Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 5, 2002, AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATE STATEMENTS The Board of Directors must also reaffirm or modify the District regulations with regard to word limit, payment of costs, and payment of a deposit for candidate statements for the November 5, 2002 District election. A copy of California Elections Code Section 13307, Preparation and Form of Candidate Statement, is attached. Prior to 1996 the District had required that candidates pay all pro rata costs concerning publication of their respective candidate statements. In 1996 because of the prohibitive cost of candidate statements for this District as compared to other agencies and the need for informing citizens of qualifications of candidates for the District Board of Directors, the Board voted to have the District share in the cost of publication of candidate statements to provide the benefits of informing citizens of the qualifications of candidates, to minimize the issue of campaign contributions from special interests, and to remove financial obstacles for interested candidates to run for election. Currently, the District regulations require that candidates seeking election to the District Board of Directors be responsible for paying $500 towards the cost of publication of his /her respective candidate statement at the time of filing nomination papers; that the balance be paid by the District after the election costs have been determined; and that the statements be limited to 400 words. Following approval by the Board of Directors, copies of the resolution requesting consolidation of the election and the resolution determining District regulations for candidate statements will be provided to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and Elections Department. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt the attached resolution requesting consolidation of the election of District Board Members with the Statewide General Election to be held on November 5, 2002; and adopt a resolution setting forth District regulations relating to candidate statements. 5/22/02 Page 2 of 5 13307. Preparation and k a of candidate statement. (a) (1) Each candidate for nonpartisan elective office in any local agency, including any city, county, city and county, or district, may prepare a candidate's statement on an appropriate form provided by the elections official. The statement may include the name, age and occupation of the candidate and a 0Yjef description, of no more than 200 words, of the candidate's education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself of herself. However, the governing body of the local agency may authorize an increase in the limitations on words for the statement from 200 to 400 words. The statement shall not include the party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. (2) The statement authorized by this subdivision shall be filed in the office of the elections official when the candidate's nominations papers are returned for filing, if it is for a primary elections, or for an election for offices for which there is no primary. The statement shall be filed in the office of the elections official no later than the 881h day before the election, if it is for an election for which nomination papers are not required to be filed. If a runoff election or general election occurs within 88 days of the primary or first election, the statement shall be filed with the elections official by the third day following the governing body's declaration of the results from the primary or first election. (3) Except as provided in Section 13309, the statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nominations papers and until 5 p.m. of the next working day after the close of the nomination period. (b) The elections official shall send to each voter, together with the sample ballot, a voter's pamphlet which contains the written statements of each candidate that is prepared pursuant to this section. The statement of each candidate shall be printed in type of uniform size and darkness, and with uniform spacing. The elections official shall provide a Spanish translation to those candidates who wish to have one, and shall select a person to provide that translation from the list of approved Spanish language translators and interpreters of the superior court of the county or from an institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. (c) The local agency may estimate the total cost of printing, handling, translating, and mailing the candidate's statements filed pursuant to this section, including costs incurred as a result of complying with the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended. The local agency may require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance to the local agency his or her estimated pro rata share as a condition of having his or her statement included in the voter's pamphlet. In the event the estimated payment is required, the receipt for the payment shall include a written notice that the estimate is just an approximation of the actual cost that varies from one election to another election and may be significantly more or less that the estimate, depending on the actual number of candidates filing statements. Accordingly, the elections official is not bound by the estimate and may, on a pro rata basis, bill the candidate for additional actual expense or refund any excess paid depending on the final actual cost. In the event of underpayment, the elections official may require the candidate to pay the balance of the cost incurred. In the event of overpayment, the elections official shall prorate the excess amount among the candidates and refund the excess amount paid within 30 days of the election. (d) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to make any statement or the authors thereof free or exempt from any civil or criminal action or penalty because of any false, slanderous, or libelous statements offered for printing or contained in the voter's pamphlet. (e) Before the nominating period opens, the local agency for that election shall determine whether a charge shall be levied against that candidate for the candidate's statement sent to each voter. This decision shall not be revoked or modified after the seventh day prior to the opening of the nominating period. A written statement of the regulations with respect to charges for handling, packaging, and mailing shall be provided to each candidate or his or her representative at the time he or she picks up the nominations papers. (f) For purposes of this section and Section 13310, the board of supervisors shall be deemed the governing body of judicial elections. (Added by Stats. 1994, c. 920, §2.) Page 3 of 5 F:% ELECTIOMCodes \CandidateStatemeMe# 13307.wpd RESOLUTION NO. 2002- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF ITS DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, Elections Code Section 10402.5 provides that any district election held on an established statewide election date shall be consolidated with the statewide election; and WHEREAS, Elections Code Section 10403 provides that whenever an election called by the governing body of a special district, such as the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, for an office to be filled which is to appear on the same ballot as the statewide election, the District shall, by resolution, request consolidation of elections for its members to be held on the same day as the Statewide General Election; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2002, at a regularly scheduled meeting at which members of the public were given an opportunity to address the issue, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District determined that it would be in the best interest of the District and its citizens to hold its election on a statewide election date, and thereby consolidate elections with the Statewide General Election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that the Board does hereby call for the election of District Board Members; and Page 4 of 5 Resolution No. 2002 - Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board does hereby request that the election of District Board Members be consolidated with the Statewide General Election to be held on November 5, 2002; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the District is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and to the Elections Department of said County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 20th day of June, 2002 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Kenton L. Alm District Counsel Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 POSITION PAPER No.: 7.b. ADMINISTRATIVE Type of Action: PURCHASE OF EXCESS GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 -2003 Subject: REVIEW THE PROPOSALS FOR EXCESS GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 -2003 FROM INSURANCE CARRIERS AND CALIFORNIA SANITATION RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administrative /Safety & Risk Management Administration REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. Charles W. General Me ISSUE: The Board of Directors' approval for excess general liability insurance is requested by staff. The District's coverage expires June 30, 2002. Insurance coverage quotes from insurance carriers and the California Sanitation Risk Management Authority (CSRMA) are being finalized and will be presented to the Board at the June 20, 2002 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Accept staff's review of the proposals and provide direction for the purchase of $10,000,000 excess general liability insurance. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The insurance premium, estimated at $229,000, has already been budgeted in the Self Insurance Fund (SIF) for the 2002 -2003 fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The alternatives that will be discussed with the Board at the June 20, 2002 meeting are to either purchase excess liability insurance from a financially solvent insurance carrier or to direct staff to submit an application to CSRMA Joint Powers Authority for acceptance into the general liability pool program. BACKGROUND: The District has self- insured most of its liability and some of its property risks since July 1, 1986, when the Board approved the establishment of the Self - Insurance Fund (SIF). The SIF has effectively funded District losses over its sixteen year history and it remains financially sound, although reserves have decreased annually. In 1999, the District joined the CSRMA property program for insurance coverage of the District plant and equipment. In 2001, the District joined the CSRMA Workers' Compensation program. When the Household Hazardous Waste Facility became 6/13/02 S: \ADMIN \MURPHY\ Agendas \SIFLiabilitylnsurance.BKI.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 su*ct. REVIEW THE PROPOSALS FOR EXCESS GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 -2003 FROM INSURANCE CARRIERS AND CALIFORNIA SANITATION RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY operational, the District purchased pollution liability insurance. That separate policy expires October 17, 2002. The District currently self insures the first $500,000 of a general liability claim and has purchased excess coverage from Specialty National for up to $10,000,000. This insurance coverage expires June 30, 2002. The District has used Driver Alliant Insurance Services, an insurance broker, to assist in obtaining the needed insurance coverage. They have been working diligently since mid -March to secure an offer. There has been significant difficulty obtaining a firm quote for the $10,000,000. As previously discussed with the Board, ten years of losses coupled with the catastrophic loss on September 11, 2001 for the insurance industry has significantly hardened the market. Some insurance companies have denied coverage to the public sector, Specialty National (Kemper) being one of them. The District had originally received a proposal from Kemper providing a quote for $6,500,000 of excess coverage. However, the company then decided to pull out of the public sector market and issued the District a Notice of Cancellation May 15, 2002. Driver Alliant has informed staff that they are pursuing three insurance carriers to provide a proposal for the $10,000,000 excess coverage. A final response from all three may not be received prior to the Board meeting. All known information will be submitted to the Board at the meeting. Staff requested CSRMA to consider acceptance of the District to join the General Liability pool program. This was done because there may be no other good alternative to the District for general liability coverage at this time. The District will receive a formal acceptance offer after June 19, 2002 from CSRMA. Staff felt that it was prudent to pursue both avenues in a parallel manner to ensure the District would receive adequate general liability insurance coverage. In addition, CSRMA performed a free safety audit for the District as part of the application process. Staff is expecting that the premium will be approximately $140,000 for CSRMA at $500,000 Self Insured Retention (SIR) for $15,000,000 excess coverage. The policy also includes Employment Practice Liability with a $25,000 deductible. The Board has felt strongly about using the District Counsel's services in claim settlement. CSRMA requires the option to use their counsel for claims exceeding $2,500. As a practical matter, the District would continue to conduct business in our current manner using District Counsel for guidance of claims under the District's SIR of $500,000. If a claim appears likely to reach or exceed the SIR amount, CSRMA may direct use of a mutually acceptable attorney, other than District Counsel. This is similar to the terms and conditions of the District's current insurance policy. However, there is no notification 6/13/02 S: \ADMIN\ MURPHY\ Agendas \SIFLiabilitylnsurance.BKI.wpd Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 su*ct: REVIEW THE PROPOSALS FOR EXCESS GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 -2003 FROM INSURANCE CARRIERS AND CALIFORNIA SANITATION RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY requirement to the carrier if a claim is greater than $2,500 but less than the SIR. The insurance company, Specialty National, will use their own attorney if the claim exceeds the $500,000 SIR. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept staff's review and presentation of the insurance carriers proposals and CSRMA's proposal to provide excess general liability insurance and direct staff to purchase the coverage from one of the entities. 6/13/02 SAA DMI N\MUR PHY\Agendas\S I FLiabilitylnsurance.M.wpd Page 3 of 3 0 Z � C 0 MN IL Z 00 m N C1 Cl) O M G) v m rt 0 0 o- 0 N c c 0 0 CD CD CD CD RC ic 0) W CD co 0 0 U) x CD CD Cc CD CD CL A co CD CID a 0 F U) c n (D ch 0 a CD 0 0 CD x 0 CD CD CL .r, ii 0 rn c� 0 CD 0 CD m CD - o tw o o' to o o o O O n C:) *-< o o °o _n N O. O O O O O CD 3 CD Cm- cn °m O n N (n Q CD N n C:) N N �- 2-. cn CD o =3 =3 C.0 oC CD Cr E3 3CD CD O 3 c- O 00 3 O D cn cr x �-- C + cn N m v 0 -CD 0 Cn cn �O o �< o 0 0 CD o o CD 3 _0 m v CD CD CD o r cV'n cam- m CD cr CD N = CD CJ� 3 =�= C) �- CD cn C rn m x 0 G) m Z m r r D 00 r Z Cl) C Z 0 m 0 CD 0 0 0 2) 2. v �. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 No.: 8.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: INFORMATIONAL Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATIONS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 5536 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Alex Rozul, Associate Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: r A. Rozul ecki W. Brennan A. Farrell Charles W. Batt General Mane r ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 2, District Project 5536, and this project can now be closed out. RECOMMENDATION- out the project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This close out will result in $120,436 being returned to the Collection System Program. Attachment 1 shows the project expenditures by category. ;0 •0 11191 :101-Al I •� • .•• .• - BACKGROUND: The Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project Phase 2, District Project 5536, consisted of replacing approximately 7,700 feet of deteriorating sewers within residential streets and easements. The sewer construction was coordinated with a City of Lafayette street renovation project within the same area, and staff negotiated with the City of Lafayette a cost - sharing agreement for pavement restoration. A similar cost - sharing agreement was negotiated with the Soares Lane Homeowners Association. The coordination of work and cost sharing agreements minimized the overall construction impacts to residents and reduced the total pavement restoration costs for both agencies. The contractor, Wayne G. Schlosser, Inc., commenced work on May 9, 2001. All contract work was completed and accepted by the Board on November 1, 2001. The original construction contract amount was $917,779. There were four (4) construction change orders issued in the total amount of $67,300. Final adjustments in the quantities of unit price items increased the total contract value by $81,938 resulting in a total amount paid to Wayne G. Schlosser, Inc., of $1,067,017. Under the two pavement restoration cost - sharing agreements the District compensated the City of Lafayette $90,000 and the Soares Lane Homeowners Association $10,000. 6/12/02 lADesign \Position Papers \2002 \DP5536PPCIoseout.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATIONS PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 5536 The total authorized budget for the project was $1,398,000, which included a contingency of $183,221. The total project cost was $1,277,563, which is approximately 9 percent less than the budgeted amount. The project close out will result in $120,437 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. 6/12/02 I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \DP5536PPCIoseout.wpd Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT PHASE 3A (DP 5536) ACTIVITY COST Total Budget $ 1,398,000 Construction Contracts (includes pavement restoration agreements) $ 1,017,779 Change Orders $ 149,238 Change Orders % of Construction 15% Total Construction Amount $ 1,167,017 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin $ 110,547 Engineering, Design, CM, Admin - % of Construction 9% TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $ 1,277,564 TOTAL RETURN TO COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM $ 120,436 6/12/02 I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \DP5536PPCIoseout.wpd Page 3 of 3 LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 2 CUSTOMER SURVEY RESULTS PRESENTATION TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE 20, 2002 LEGEND: --- -b - - CCCSD SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE II AND CITY \ ' =_- PAVING PROJECT ^)Central Contra Costa n Sanitary District LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION D.P. X51666 Attachment L 0 V M N N O LO N M M co N C N i W N a) M CO r- y y M d LO cc LA It CL w in L) o n Ca M cc W II ag o Cl) O 00 F- F- r- W Cl) 0 LL O � V W Z 00 ('j w pw a U p = O � cc Z °C Q z w Lu Z W o= CC W i%i 4- o � U � w U_ z Q w z W C W F- p � D Z co J 4- co 0 oQ J F- wa CL zz W N W a N 0� >�O >- w V (n Lij Z U- w w O W J � � W ±� U >, LL Q Lu O Q (n� , OF- } L V W i= (n W W } Q p a W O W Q J U J �_ W O co c O F- cC W F- V p p d cn m E a�i Cl) w 0 ~ _� F- Q -� z p w U w O m W LLU p (n Z cr 2 Q � pc O cNo Q wo 0 02 z �} m cn p U Q H oaC H U w p Q J coo L c (n Ir F- (n LL. LL J cc d w Q L }, a� c Z w = O O Z O Z O Q O F- O o M O CL Q O F- L c > O > C cc cn > O O A Q O U) QC W cn E c ��-- �o (� cOn v O c ' o � L W a I 'O .- O O > o O, cu Ne C *5 E a C cc N a) m = c� LU C7 cn c x ~ C O O cn a) . O o cn 0 c E 3: _0 0 c cv a� (� O — O m E o O_ c U cn a) OC m °>. L CD H � � cn > -0 E .E Z a0Q Q) a� c� c c c O 3: V c C cn 0 co -C -C � 0 a co > c (i U c co c CD 0 > E _O .5 cn 0 a cn cu cm co O E O U U cn m c m cn O a) O U cn m a� L a� cn a) a� 0 o. E a� co L- a) > O • a) O c6 cu N N C - cv O a.. ' a) � a) 00 +-+ = 0 cn a) O (n a) L U a ' 0 — c o -C a +, E CD 0 c O L o 0 a� a + 0 cc O U L C cn p O C �+= O =3 '� U co c C� L- CL) C/) cn a) Co -C O N U +' co m 7 U i L U c c U c co a) ) O ' L- O C7 in C 0 CO L0 ±r c a� CL � O O to O 0 O N a 0 = L fn a O co U a) L U c .0 Co co o c c 0 0 � (n O c E -a o 0 -0 Co w (n � 0 cn 0 0 -J m '� — 0 t CO L- a) c � = C C N L CD a) a) CO O co v '>L) C- -itral Contra Costa Sanitary District- User Feedback Survey The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a publicly owned utility, is responsible for operating and maintaining public sewer mains. These responsibilities require the rehabilitation and replacement of sewer pipes. The District recently completed a sewer construction project in the City of Lafayette, which impacted your neighborhood (see attached map). Please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will be used to improve the quality of service in the future. Check your rating in each area using the rating system below. Ratin s: S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory Individual Areas of Service: S U District representative responded ❑ 32 ❑ 2 within the same day to any telephone calls Courtesy of District staff ❑ 49 ❑ 0 Contractor's timeliness of notice ❑ 53 ❑ 5 regarding construction activities Traffic control delays - ❑ 61 ❑ 2 less than 15 minutes Problems with noise, dust, etc., were ❑ 56 ❑ 3 resolved adequately and promptly Overall Service ❑ 47 ❑ 3 If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, please state them here. If you would like to mention any employee(s) who exceeded or failed to meet your expectations and remember their name(s), please let us know. (Use reverse if needed) Do you wish to be contacted? Yes No Your name: Telephone: Contact time(s): a.m. /p.m. Return your completed form in the enclosed, addressed, stamped envelope. If you prefer, you may telephone or Fax your comments or questions to: Jackie Zayac Office: (925) 229 -7200 Fax: (925) 906 -9286 AAL2 + FeedbackSurvey Form. wpd LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE 2 SURVEY COMMENTS • They did a wonderful job. • The Roto- Rooter crew that did Glen Road was fast, friendly, and unobtrusive. The work on North Thompson (different contractor) was noisy and endless because the road had to be torn up. We survived it thought:) • A report has been filed (verbally) with City of Lafayette regarding damage to hedge on my property by Bay Cities (not sure of co.). Glad the long process is over. • Only partial replacement of line on Glen Road. • Various stages of project were left undone or in dangerous status for too long, particularly over weekends. Overall, project was too strung out over a long period of time with long breaks in the action. • The repair was most difficult for residents. But, under the circumstances, I feel the job was well handled, and the result is wonderful. • Longer time to complete than initially planned. • The North Thompson /Glen Road intersection was closed before the posted time on several occasions. • Why would you pave a new road and them put in sewer covers at a later date? You have taken our new road and made it look like hell. (Corner of Oakhill and Thompson) • Everything seemed to go okay and I like the final road, but why did the street need to be dug up twice causing more expense and hassle for residents? Today, they were out again fixing something -- better to do it right the first time. • After our street is newly paved, the District comes back to dig up all the manholes (person holes ?) And then reasphalts around the covers dug up. Why couldn't the job have been entirely completed before the street was paved? • You did not do Nordstrom Lane so I was not impacted in any way except for traffic delays -- minimal for me. • Contact limited as we live on Monticello Road. • Our location (at the end of the road) we had very little contact with the work. • 1 think it was generally well done. • The employees were helpful when I had to get out of my driveway. • We live where Happy Valley Glen Road meets Glen Road. We saw nearly all your work. It was a hard job, and you did it well. I was especially impressed with the Supervisor in charge, an African American gentlemen whose name I don't recall (Wesley Adams). Well Done! • The team did a good job. • Frankly, I'm confused between sewer, water mains, drainage, repaving, etc. Between the various projects, the span was six months. The first group was great. The group in October had TERRIBLE and dangerous traffic control (lack of control) and rather rude employees. We are happy it is complete. • We had a wedding at our home on Sat. June 23, just at the time our end of the street (Glen Road) was being dug up. The crews did a great job of cleaning up the materials and the street swept, so we could park our cars there. We appreciate their cooperation and cheerful attitude! The final look of Glen Road is terrific! Thanks. • Project went very well. • Under the circumstances, I think a great job was done! • We have had wonderful response and courtesy shown by your employees through the years whether a blockage problem or, in this case, construction. • My driveway is in bad shape. • Overall -- employees were as courteous and as accommodating as possible. • There were periods of time where there was no work being done, with no notice of what stage the project was at. Some kind of information contact with updates would be useful. • The CCCSD engineer (Wesley Adams) did an excellent job working with me in coordinating my new lateral line installed by Roto Rooter. Thank you - Good job! Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 No-: 8.b. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE DISTRICT COUNSEL TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH PRETECH INCORPORATED FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WITH RESOLUTION OF PUMP VIBRATION PROBLEM AT THE MORAGA AND ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMPING STATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 5237 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Andrew J. Antkowiak Engineering / Capital Projects Associate Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. 1 i A. owiak WW. Brennan A. Farrell 0A K. Alm Charles W. General K ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is requested for the District Counsel to execute a professional services agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize District Counsel to execute a cost reimbursement agreement amendment with Pretech, Inc., bringing the total cost ceiling amount to $90,000 for technical assistance with resolution of pump vibration problems at the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pumping Stations. Pretech's technical assistance will include vibration testing, analysis, review and evaluation of pump modification proposals. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total cost of the technical assistance associated with resolution of pump vibration problems will be approximately $90,000. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Require GSE Construction, Inc. (general contractor for Moraga / Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station Renovation Project) and Morris Pumps (sub- contractor) to perform vibration testing of pump modifications and rely solely on pump manufacturer's analysis to determine if modifications are acceptable. BACKGROUND: Both Orinda Crossroads and Moraga Pumping Stations are located in the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) watershed area. Because any spill will flow into EBMUD's potable water reservoirs, it is critical that all pumps in these stations be operational. To prevent such a disaster and increase reliability, both pumping stations underwent complete renovation in recent years. As part of the renovation, extensive instrumentation, control and monitoring systems were installed. In October 2001, all existing electric pumps were replaced with new units. After the new pumps were installed, the District performed vibration testing and discovered that all six pumps at both pumping stations exceeded vibration limits specified in the Contract Documents. 6/12/02 L: \Position Papers \Antkowiak \5237Pretech.wpd Page 1 of 2 I POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 Subject: AUTHORIZE DISTRICT COUNSEL TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH PRETECH INCORPORATED FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WITH RESOLUTION OF PUMP VIBRATION PROBLEM AT THE MORAGA AND ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMPING STATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 5237 During the last six months GSE and Morris Pumps representatives made several modifications of the pumps in an attempt to bring the vibration levels down to specified limits. None of these modifications resulted in significant reduction of the vibration levels. On April 30, 2002, District staff met a second time with GSE and Morris Pumps. During the meeting Morris Pumps agreed to completely modify the pump base and motor support structure as required to correct pump vibration. To properly evaluate the proposed modifications, staff recommends that Pretech, Inc. be retained to perform review and evaluation of the proposal. Pretech has successfully resolved similar vibration problems at other pumping stations including Delta Diablo Sanitation District in Antioch, California. Pretech, Inc. is a recognized expert in vibration field. They perform vibration testing, analysis and work on resolution of vibration problems in the U.S. and abroad. A revision is proposed to the original professional services agreement, bringing the total cost ceiling amount to $90,000. Pretech, Inc. was hired by District Legal Counsel due to the potential for litigation. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize District Counsel to execute an amendment to cost reimbursement agreement with Pretech, Inc., bringing the total cost ceiling amount to $90,000 for technical assistance with resolution of pump vibration problem at the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pumping Stations. U Position Papers \Antkowiak \5237Pretech.wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sa. Atary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 20, 2002 No.: 8,c. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE CONTINUATION OF EXPERT TECHNICAL AND DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION PROJECT DP 7113 Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Randy Schmidt, Senior Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEW D AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. R. Schmidt Z. Swanson A. Farrell Charles W. Batts, General Manage ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager to execute revisions to professional services agreements for more than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute Revision 2 to Agreement No. 022475AC with GeoSyntec Consultants for $85,000 for additional work under this agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Agreement No. 022475AC for expert technical and design services with GeoSyntec Consultants will be increased by $85,000 bringing the total agreement amount to $150,000. Staff have reviewed the impact of this expenditure on the Capital Improvement Budget and have determined there are adequate funds available for this agreement revision. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The cost estimate to excavate, transfer off -site, and treat all of the contaminated soil in Basin A South and the Surcharge Fill Pile is $90,000,000. Since field studies showed that the underground contamination did not migrate into the groundwater, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) decided a complete site excavation and treatment was not warranted. However, DTSC did require some mitigation work be completed to prevent human and rainwater contact with material which is exposed on the surface of Basin A South. The District entered into a Voluntary Agreement with DTSC to install an engineered soil cap over the contaminated areas at an estimated construction cost of $1,000,000. To pursue this required soil cap, DTSC has required additional engineering be performed. BACKGROUND: Petroleum by- product sludge from Shell Oil was disposed at the District treatment plant site approximately 35 years ago. Much of the material has been mixed with soil in earth work projects over the years and is present in Basin A South and the Surcharge Fill Pile east of the secondary clarifiers. The contaminated soil must be managed in a manner approved by the DTSC. 6/13/02 U:\ PPr\ Bertera \Rev2Contract022475AC.wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: JUNE 20, 2001 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE CONTINUATION OF EXPERT TECHNICAL AND DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION PROJECT DP 7113 To quantify the extent of contamination and to characterize the contaminants, the District hired GeoSyntec Consultants and other consultants to conduct studies and prepare reports. The first study completed was the Site Investigation Workplan in June 1992. The District and our consultants negotiated with the DTSC for the next three years on how to best manage the site. Finally, in July 1995, the District entered into a Voluntary Agreement with the DTSC to develop a management plan for the contaminated soil in Basin A South and the Surcharge Fill Pile using a simplified process. In April 1996, the District's consultant completed the Preliminary Endangerment Assessment which showed contaminant migration to the groundwater is very unlikely. In November 1997, the District's consultant completed the Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment which showed little or no risk from short term contaminant exposure via inhalation or ingestion. In April 2000, the District's consultant completed the first draft of the Removal Action Workplan which indicated an engineered soil cap was the most cost effective method to minimize the health risk from long -term contaminant exposure. The District, with the assistance of GeoSyntec, has been working with the DTSC over the past several months to develop a final Draft Removal Action Workplan for public comment. The final Draft Removal Action Workplan was put out for a 30 -day public review period in February of 2002. No comments were received from the Public. The Removal Action Workplan was finalized on March 25, 2002. The preliminary design review meeting for the soil cap cover was held in May 2002. Construction is expected to begin in April 2003 and be completed by September 2003. About 25,000 cubic yards of clean cover material from other District projects has been stockpiled on -site. GeoSyntec Consultants has been the District consultant through this entire process. The Position Paper for Agreement No. 022475AC with GeoSyntec Consultants for $65,000 to do the above work was approved by the Board on January 11, 2001. The additional funds requested for this project will be used to complete the Final Design documents and to test the additional 25,000 cubic yards of soil needed to construct the soil cap. GeoSyntec Consultants will provide engineering services during construction of the Basin A South closure. Cost for these additional services will be presented to the Board at the time of award of the construction contract for the soil cap. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute Revision 2 to Agreement No. 022475AC with GeoSyntec Consultants by $85,000 from $65,000 to $150,000 to allow completion of the soil cap design documents and to test the suitability of additional cover material which is needed to construct the soil cap. 6/13/02 U:\ PPr\ Bertera \Rev2Contract022475AC.wpd Page 2 of 2 c Z m N O V N O 0 N t'! W O f�A C Z �a RI y '� O C Z Z C v a m • • • • p m < p Sy .--� 0 O con roll. �' o, cm) 0 < 0(D • rt. =rM O � � n U) N) 0 — '(* 00% K) a to m m N Sv cr p < O — F'mm% N FD Np n tr �, (D 3 O O < to O O pp sy O, � n Op D o n < n m O m OA O 77 n C m z H a c y v� cn oo 4o - Q rot. _ 0 ors O —1 O —• CD 0 Sv p N CD CD ; O { << CD o v to -� 3 � c� o p cn, < O N '0 O O c ° o �. � n ■q o o ,+ ° m *4 o !0 %- N � � O O O ° O O 44b 77 O o - o o � � O N 3 rr A 0 n e Et CL a CIE P+ 0 0 _ c CD v 0 CD CIE 0 WN WE 40 00 V O O 0 70A IMEN 0 �J1 O O O • 0 0 0 CA 0 0 0 so 0 0 CD v CD B 0 1 N V O O O • 0 ift N cr 0 0 0 r 1 L O O 0 n 0 CD v M ors N O O O • 0 MON a -v 00 0 40 tD V O O O C-A 0 0 CI. CD EEN ic 0 _. 0 BE OrQ I 40 N V O O O n O rr NOR y O 3 I� r•� O MN !"F O • mumi m • m CD :5. T. O I LT P"f O 0 O C m mot m m U) C L�J P'F 0 O I"F A r+ 0 CD N NNIMNO so 1 LA LV r. cr f'f' O INEENE CD O 1 • L L c cr rf O INUMEN m CD C O O 77 1 rr S 70 (0) O 0 F+ a1 3 CIE =4 O rr S1 n O rr 0 n r�-I 0 !11F N �r CYJ 00 O CA 0 O .. O � O O O O O rr S 70 (0) O 0 F+ a1 3 CIE =4 O rr S1 n O rr 0 n r�-I 0 !11F N �r CD n 0 0 0 C!) m WO (D 3 c' m MN N O O W • =v 0cn 0 �° a �. cn cD � -p D _00 � O CD � O n N O r+ O° W -% • 0 v° cD n CD �� c o CD N �p O � O m N CD cD cn • X Ma CD m v_o O 0 0 cr (D N O O N C7 cn ov, U) CD D o% N O O N y e s CL E Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 No" 11.a. BUDGET AND FINANCE Type of Action: BUDGET ADOPTION Subject: APPROVE A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2002 -2003 STAFFING PLAN, AND THE EQUIPMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, AND SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGETS AS COMPRISING THE 2002 -2003 DISTRICT BUDGET Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff Initiating Dept. /Div.: Administrative /Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. D. Ratcliff V graves Charles W. Batts, General Manager ISSUE: The 2002 -2003 Staffing Plan, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets are submitted for adoption by the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a resolution to adopt the 2002 -2003 Staffing Plan, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets, as comprising the 2002 -2003 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Sewer Service Charge will be increased by $24 for the 2002- 2003 Fiscal Year, of which $3 will be allocated to Operations and Maintenance and $21 will be allocated to the Sewer Construction Fund. The $24 increase in the Sewer Service Charge will generate approximately $3,600,00 in additional revenue. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Various considerations were discussed with the Board at both the January 2002 Financial Planning workshop and at the Budget workshop on May 23, 2002. BACKGROUND: The 2002 -2003 Operations and Maintenance, and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets were approved by the Board of Directors on June 6, 2002. The addendum to the Capital Improvement Budget and the 2002 -2003 Equipment Budget were approved at the May 23, 2002 and April 18, 2002 Board Meetings respectively. The Staffing Plan was approved at the May 9, 2002 Board Meeting. A copy of the resolution adopting the 2002 -2003 Staffing Plan, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets is attached. 6/7/02 S:\ ADMIN \RATCLIFF \POSPAP.06.20.02.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 20, 2002 Subject: APPROVE A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 2002 -2003 STAFFING PLAN, AND THE EQUIPMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, AND SELF - INSURANCE FUND BUDGETS AS COMPRISING THE 2002 -2003 DISTRICT BUDGET RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve a resolution to adopt the 2002 -2003 Staffing Plan, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self- Insurance Fund Budgets, as comprising the 2002 -2003 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget. 6/7/02 S:\ ADMIN \RATCLIFF \POSPAP.06.20.02.wpd Page 2 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2002 -2002 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: THAT, the 2002 -2003 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget, consisting of the Staffing Plan, Equipment Budget, Capital Improvement Budget, Operations and Maintenance Budget, and Self- Insurance Fund Budget, be adopted; and THAT, payment from the Running Expense Fund to provide funding for the District's Self- Insurance Fund for 2002 -2003 would be required in the amount of $225,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20 day of June 2002 by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Alm Counsel for the District Page 3 of 3