HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/23/2002 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa S— itary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No•' 4.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENTS Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS FOR TWO EASEMENTS IN THE ORINDA AREA, DISTRICT JOB NO. 360 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant Engineering /Environmental Services REV6F,ffD AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION; id k--- — � Y v� R. Hernandez J. Miyamoto -Mills tswanson A. Nrell General ISSUE: The Board of Directors must authorize execution and recording of quitclaim deeds. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing execution and recording of two quitclaim deeds for easements no longer needed in the Orinda area. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors could elect not to quitclaim these easements. This would result in continuing District liability associated with the ownership of the easements. BACKGROUND: The owner of 204 Hall Drive, Arthur A. Amos, has requested that the District quitclaim an existing easement on his property. The easement was dedicated to the District in 1955 and was used to accommodate a sewer until 1989 when the District built the Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Project, District Job No. 4331, and eliminated the need for the subject easement and sewer (see attached map). Mr. and Mrs. Lei own the lot adjacent to 204 Hall Drive and their property is also encumbered by a 2.5 foot wide easement dedicated for the same sewer pipeline. Staff recommends that this easement be quitclaimed at this time. Staff has concluded that these transactions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15305, since they involve minor alterations in land use limitations. Approval of these quitclaims will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that these actions are exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of Quitclaim Deeds to Arthur A. Amos (APN 270 - 250 -050), and Jonathan K. Lei and Diann L. Lei (APN 270 - 310 -010), and authorize staff to record the Quitclaim Deeds with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 5/16/02 U:\ PPr\ Bertera \quitclaim.Hernandez.wpd Page 1 of 2 r N i LOCATION MAP N.T.S. O� SITE o 0 SUNSET 'ERR i i , LE/ 270 -310 -010 QUITCLAIM EXISTING 2.5 FEET WIDE EASEMENTS /1 AMOS 370 - 250-005 / / /Al iQ 'O N EE 300 n E FEET / n Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District QUITCLAIM EASEMENT O ' ORINDA AREA MAP Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 POSITION PAPER No.: 4.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT /AUTHORIZE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Subject: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE AERATION AIR LEAKS DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6157A, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer Operations Department /Plant Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: l J. Belcher J. Kelly harles . Batts, General Manager ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Aeration Air Leaks Damage Assessment Project, District Project 6157A, and the work is now ready for acceptance. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is required under the California Civil Code Section 3093. BACKGROUND: The Aeration Air Leaks Damage Assessment Project exposed buried piping adjacent to the aeration and nitrification (A &N) tanks in four areas. This project was the initial phase of a multi -phase effort to identify and repair the source of large amounts of aeration air leaking from near and under the A &N tanks. The project was successful in determining that the piping adjacent to the tanks was overall in good condition. The project clearly identified the source of air leakage to be coming from underneath the tank bottom. Further assessments will be made to determine the exact source of the leaking air. This will lead to additional contract repair work. The Board of Directors authorized the award of a construction contract for this work in the amount of $94,000 to D &D Construction Company on November 16, 2001. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed, which was effective January 14, 2002, with a required contract completion date of May 14, 2002. All work was completed on April 23, 2002. The District took beneficial use at that time. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for this project is $600,000. An accounting of this project will be provided to the Board of Directors at close out. S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \Not of Compl PP AALDA R1.wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE AERATION AIR LEAKS DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6157A, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION RECOMMENDATION: Accept contract work for the Aeration Air Leaks Damage Assessment Project, DP 6157A, to D &D Construction Company, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \Not of Compl PP AALDA R1.wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No.: 4.c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT /AUTHORIZE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Subject: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE FILTER PLANT ROTARY WASH AND DRAIN -BACK CHANNEL PIPING UPGRADES PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7183C, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer Operations /Plant Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. 5 �) 6 her J. Kell Charles VAN )§atts, General Manager ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Filter Plant Rotary Wash and Drain Back Channel Piping Upgrades Project, District Project 7183C, and the work is now ready for acceptance. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is required under the California Civil Code Section 3093. BACKGROUND: This project upgraded the rotary wash piping at the Filter Plant and the wash -down piping at the drain -back channel. The rotary wash piping had failed in numerous locations and was difficult to maintain. New piping improved the ease with which the wash system could be maintained, as well as the safety of maintenance activities associated with the strainers, butterfly valve actuators, and wash -down. The drain -back channel was originally installed without a means of cleaning. The drain -back channel wash -down was accomplished with above - ground hoses that were difficult to maneuver and had degraded in the sun light. The new wash -down piping will facilitate the wash -down process, thereby reducing odors and minimizing maintenance time. The Board of Directors authorized the award of a construction contract for this work in the amount of $ 181,400 to Kaweah Construction Company on January 10, 2002. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed, which was effective February 6, 2002, with a required contract completion date of May 6, 2002. All contract work was completed on May 6, 2002, and the District took beneficial use at that time. 5/15/02 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \Not of Compl PP Rot Wash R1.wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE FILTER PLANT ROTARY WASH AND DRAIN -BACK CHANNEL PIPING UPGRADES PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7183C, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for this project is $ 258,000 . An accounting of this project will be provided to the Board of Directors at close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept contract work for the Filter Plant Rotary Wash and Drain - Back Channel Piping Upgrades Project, DP 7183C, by Kaweah Construction Company, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 5/15/02 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \Not of Compl PP Rot Wash R1.wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 N" 4. d . CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE CAD Subject: CONSIDER THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (CAD) FOR PROPERTIES IN THE EL ALAMO AREA OF DANVILLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; ADOPT RESOLUTIONS OF INTENTION TO CREATE EL ALAMO CAD NO. 2002 -2, FOR APPROVAL OF THE BOUNDARY, AND REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR CCCSD TO CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CAD Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Russell B. Leavitt, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMEND FOR BOARD ACTION. 4=--- � qe R. Leavitt - C. Swanson ' - A. Farrell . Alm General ISSUE: Owners of properties on El Alamo, Nathan Place, Shelby Hill Lane, and El Pintado Road in Danville are interested in connecting their homes to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) sewer system and have requested formation of a Contractual Assessment District to finance an extension of the public sewer system. Board approval is required for a Contractual Assessment District (CAD). RECOMMENDATION: Approve initiating the formation of El Alamo CAD No. 2002 -2. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are minor administrative costs for initiating the formation of a CAD. These costs eventually will be paid by the CAD participants if a CAD is actually formed. If the CAD receives final approval from the Board in the future, the estimated CAD costs are $225,000. Neighborhood representatives have been informed that the District is concurrently processing other CAD requests and the final funding decision is subject to budgetary constraints. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject or defer initiating formation of the CAD - these actions would halt or delay the CAD proceedings. BACKGROUND: Owners of properties located in the El Alamo area of Danville have contacted District staff to obtain information regarding connecting their homes to CCCSD's public sewer system. Signed forms expressing interest in investigating and forming a CAD are on file from eight of the twelve property owners that could be served by an El Alamo area public sewer. The area where the CAD would be formed is shown on Attachment 1. 5/7/02 T:\TP Planning \Leavitt \CADS \EI Alamo \Authorize El Alamo CAD- PP.wpd Page 1 of 10 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: CONSIDER THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (CAD) FOR PROPERTIES IN THE EL ALAMO AREA OF DANVILLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; ADOPT RESOLUTIONS OF INTENTION TO CREATE EL ALAMO CAD NO. 2002 -2, FOR APPROVAL OF THE BOUNDARY, AND REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR CCCSD TO CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CAD The initial steps toward creation of El Alamo CAD No. 2002 -2 are for the Board of Directors to adopt a resolution indicating CCCSD's intention to designate an area within which contractual assessments are appropriate; briefly describing the proposed financing for the project; establishing the boundaries of the CAD; setting the time, date, and place for a public hearing at which interested persons may inquire about or object to the proposed program; and directing staff to prepare an Engineer's Report describing the project and financing arrangements. Additional resolutions are required to approve the boundary of the assessment district and to request the consent of the Town of Danville for CCCSD to conduct proceedings for El Alamo CAD No. 2002 -2. The proposed El Alamo CAD No. 2002 -2 complies with the revised CAD policy approved at the February 1, 2001 Board of Directors meeting. The CAD formation criteria are listed below. PROPOSED EL ALAMO CAD FORMATION CRITERION CAD NO. 2002 -2 1. A minimum of five properties must be directly tributary to the proposed CAD facilities. 1. There are more than five properties that would benefit from the proposed CAD sewer. 2. A minimum of 60 percent of the 2. All of the properties are developed properties directly tributary to the with existing homes using existing proposed CAD facilities must have septic systems. existing homes served by septic systems. 3. A Participant Parcel may not have more than two (2) dwellings to participate in a CAD. 3. None of the properties has more than two dwellings on it. 5/7/02 T:\TP_Planning \Leavitt \CADS \EI Alamo \Authorize El Alamo CAD- PP.wpd Page 2 of 10 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 subject: CONSIDER THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (CAD) FOR PROPERTIES IN THE EL ALAMO AREA OF DANVILLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; ADOPT RESOLUTIONS OF INTENTION TO CREATE EL ALAMO CAD NO. 2002 -2, FOR APPROVAL OF THE BOUNDARY, AND REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR CCCSD TO CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CAD Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from CEQA under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be "seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant adverse effect on the environment." This certainty is based on CCCSD's past experience with numerous sewer construction projects of this nature, the relatively short distance involved, and the impact - limiting nature of CCCSD's construction specifications that would be required of the project. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize formation of a CAD consisting of twelve properties in the El Alamo area of Danville by: 1. adopting a resolution of intention to create El Alamo Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -2 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements (Exhibit 1); 2. adopting a resolution approving the boundary of the assessment district (Exhibit 2); and 3. adopting a resolution requesting consent from the Town of Danville for CCCSD to conduct proceedings for El Alamo CAD No. 2002 -2 (Exhibit 3). 5/7/02 T: \TP_Planning \Leavitt \CADS \EI Alamo \Authorize El Alamo CAD- PP.wpd Page 3 of 10 - -- Nq "'V 1 = I~ I / / 9E �E CO i rn � I r D OD � ce 00 00 z N N D F] 9E N / 1\ \ ti A` \ I \ O\ �j Cp � Q � I 1 1 1 O ► \ 1 � J x`36 aZ NATHAN LN EL PINTADO h� h� � EL �Otio9 a Ni Q 0 o� wqr �v w 0 N 12 LOCATION MAP / N.T.S. 0 120 240 POTENTIAL EXISTING PLANNED * PROPERTIES CAD AREA SEWER CAD SEWER SERVABLE BY CAD SEWER E a w x Central Contra Costa Attachment r Sanitary District PROPOSED BOUNDARY EL ALAMO ' CAD NO. 2002-02 n Page 4 of 10 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2002- RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE EL ALAMO CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -2 FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS the public health and the environment will be best protected by the expansion of the public sewer system; WHEREAS the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities, in areas not presently connected to the sewer system will facilitate the elimination of potential public health problems due to failing septic systems; and WHEREAS it would be convenient and advantageous to establish a boundary around an area within which CCCSD and property owners may enter into contractual assessments and make arrangements to finance public improvements to parcels which are developed and where the costs and time delays involved in creating an assessment district pursuant to alternative provisions in the law would be prohibitively large relative to the cost of the improvement. THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. This Board intends to approve the following improvement under the authority of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, as amended, to wit: construction and installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer line, together with appurtenant work and facilities located in the El Alamo area of Danville, California. 2. This Board finds that the parcels within the Contractual Assessment District are shown within the boundaries of the map entitled, "Proposed Boundaries of El Alamo Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -2." 3. This Board intends to levy a special assessment upon participating parcels within the described district in accordance with the special benefit to be received by each parcel of land, respectively, from the improvement. The improvement proposed will not confer any special benefit upon any publicly owned land. Hence, there shall be omitted from special assessment all public streets, alleys, and places and all land belonging to the United States, the State of California, the Town of Danville, and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District now in use in the performance of a public function. 4. CCCSD intends to provide loan financing for the improvements, subject to the availability of funds and any limitation on the commitment or expenditure of funds for the Contractual Assessment District Program as may be established from time to time by CCCSD's Board of Directors. Loans shall be repaid by Page 5 of 10 assessments on the property of participating parcel owners. Assessments shall be paid over a maximum period of ten (10) years with interest at a rate to be fixed by CCCSD. 5. The procedure for the collection of assessments will be the placement of assessments on participating parcel owners' tax bills. The first assessments may be placed on owners' tax bills in fiscal year 2003 -2004. 6. This Board appoints Curtis Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, as Engineer of Work for this project to prepare the report required by Section 5898.22 of the Streets and Highways Code. 7. A public hearing shall be held on this matter at 2 p.m. on or about Thursday, July 11, 2002 at CCCSD offices, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. This date is tentative and may be modified in the future. 8. The Board independently finds that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be "seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment." This certainty is based on CCCSD's past experience with numerous sewer construction projects of this nature, the relatively short distance involved, and CCCSD's impact - limiting construction specifications that would be required of the project. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of May, 2002, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California LEGAL REVIEW: Kenton L. Alm Counsel, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 6 of 10 EXHIBIT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2002- RESOLUTION APPROVING BOUNDARY MAP EL ALAMO CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -2 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) resolves: A map entitled "Proposed Boundaries of El Alamo Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -2" has been filed with the Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. This Board approves the map and adopts the boundaries shown on the map as describing the extent of the territory included in a proposed assessment district to be known as El Alamo Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -2, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, California. This Board intends to levy a contractual assessment upon participating parcels within the described District in accordance with the benefit to be received by each parcel of land, respectively, from the improvement. There shall be omitted from assessment, all public streets, alleys, and places and all land belonging to the United States, the State of California, the Town of Danville, and CCCSD because it has been determined that no special benefit will be conferred on any such land within the District. This Board finds that the map is in the form and contains the matters prescribed by Section 3110 of the California Streets and Highways Code. This Board directs the Secretary of CCCSD to certify the adoption of this resolution on the face of the map and to file a copy of the map with the County Recorder for placement in the Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts. Page 7 of 10 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of May, 2002 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California LEGAL REVIEW: Kenton L. Alm Counsel, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 8 of 10 EXHIBIT 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT TO CONDUCT ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS EL ALAMO CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002 -2 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) resolves: On May 23, 2002, the Board adopted a Resolution of Intention, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit 1, and by reference incorporated herein as though fully set forth. All of the property proposed to be assessed lies within the County of Contra Costa. All public streets, alleys, places, and all land belonging to the United States, the State of California, the Town of Danville, and CCCSD shall be omitted from assessment because it has been determined that no special benefit will be conferred on any such land within the proposed Assessment District. The Town of Danville will, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of CCCSD, be benefitted by the improvements referred to in the Resolution of Intention, and the purposes sought to be accomplished by the work can best be accomplished by a single, comprehensive scheme of work. The consent of the Town of Danville, through its City Council, is hereby requested to the formation of the Assessment District described in said Resolution of Intention, to the improvement described, and to the assumption of jurisdiction by the CCCSD Board of Directors for all purposes in connection with the formation of this Assessment District, the Page 9 of 10 improvements to be made and the assessment of property within the boundaries of the proposed Assessment District. The Secretary of CCCSD is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution with the Resolution of Intention attached and a certified copy of the map showing the boundaries of the Assessment District to the Town of Danville. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of May, 2002, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California LEGAL REVIEW: Kenton L. Alm Counsel, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 10 of 10 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No" 4.e. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE TECHNICAL TRAINING Subject: AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF TRI NGUYEN AT AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES GAS CHROMATOGRAPH /MASS SPECTROMETER TRAINING, MAY 29 -31, 2002, IN FOSTER CITY, CALIFORNIA, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,700 submitted By: Bhupinder S. Dhaliwal, Initiating Dept. /Div.: Laboratory Superintendent Operations /Plant Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. B. Dhaliwal J&al - J. K y General Mauker ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel, if the expense will exceed $1,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize attendance of Tri Nguyen at Agilent Technologies Gas Chromatograph /Mass Spectrometer (GC -MS) Troubleshooting and Maintenance Training in Foster City, California. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Mr. Nguyen is currently budgeted to attend GC -MS training at a cost of $1,000. Agilent Technologies has offered this extended training at a cost of $1,500. There would be a net increase, which includes travel expenses, of about $700 to the budget. There are sufficient funds in the Plant Operations Division's 2001 -2002 Technical Training , Conferences, and Meetings Budget to cover the cost of Mr. Nguyen's attendance at this training. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not authorize Mr. Nguyen's attendance at this training. BACKGROUND: The District purchased the Agilent Technologies GC -MS 12- months ago. This GC -MS is required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to analyze organic pollutants to part - per - trillion level. Basic GC -MS training was provided by Agilent Technologies at the time of equipment installation. However, there was no troubleshooting and maintenance training provided at that time. Additional training from Agilent Technologies is needed for optimum operation and maintenance of this instrument. Recently, Agilent Technologies announced it would hold a three -day troubleshooting and maintenance training course in Foster City, California. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the attendance of Tri Nguyen at Agilent Technologies GC -MS Troubleshooting and Maintenance Training in Foster City, California, May 29 -31, 2002, at a cost not to exceed $1,700. S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \FosterCity - Tri.wpd Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /7mi ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No.: 5.a. HEARINGS Type of Action: APPROVE CAPITAL BUDGET ADDENDUM Subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 2002 -03 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ADDENDUM AND APPROVE THE ADDENDUM FOR INCLUSION IN THE 2002 -03 DISTRICT BUDGET Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John J. Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ J. Mercurio R. Schmidt C. Swanson A. well ha4Manag Ge ISSUE: The Board of Directors has established May 23, 2002 as the date for a public hearing on the Draft 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget Addendum. Board Approval of the Draft 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget Addendum is requested. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the Draft 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget Addendum. Approve the Draft 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget Addendum. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Total project expenditures for 2002 -03 projected in the draft Addendum are $33,711,000. The original two -year Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) projected that an additional Board authorization of $16,299,000 would be required for the 2002 -03 fiscal year. It is now recommended that $13,325,000 be authorized from the Sewer Construction Fund for the 2002 -03 fiscal year to supplement the authorized funds carried over from 2001 -02. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: If the Addendum is not approved, $13,325,000 will not be authorized from the Sewer Construction Fund to be allocated to individual projects. In addition, each of the eleven proposed new projects with projected expenditures in excess of the $25,000 staff authority limit for new capital projects would require separate board authorization to proceed. BACKGROUND: In 1999, the District implemented a two -year Capital Improvement Budget for the first time. In 2001 the second two -year CIB was adopted. The Fiscal Years 2001 -2002 and 2002 -2003 Capital Improvement Budget encompasses the first two years of the 2001 Ten -Year Improvement Plan. The intent, when the two year budget cycle was adopted, was for the Board to authorize funds one year at a time. Thus, a mid -term adjustment was anticipated where changes in projects or project budgets and schedules could be incorporated and the funds for the next year authorized. As planned, the draft CIB Addendum provides a detailed presentation of the schedules and cost estimates for 5/15/02 Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 18, 2002 Subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 2002 -03 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET ADDENDUM AND APPROVE THE ADDENDUM FOR INCLUSION IN THE 2002 -03 DISTRICT BUDGET new projects proposed to commence in 2002 -03. These projects are listed in Attachment 1. Also addressed are the largest cost or schedule changes in some previously budgeted projects. A summary of the revisions for fiscal year 2002 -03 project expenditures and schedule is presented in Attachment 2. Staff has evaluated the CIB Addendum and concluded that it is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it is a revision to a planning study. Board of Directors' approval of the CIB Addendum will establish their independent finding that this document is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the Draft 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget Addendum. Approve the Draft 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget Addendum for inclusion in the 2002 -03 District Budget. 5/15/02 Page 2 of 5 ATTACHMENT 1 NEW PROJECTS FOR FY 2002 -03 Following is a list of projects added to the total FY 2002 -03 CIB by virtue of their inclusion in the Addendum. The total project costs for each of these projects is noted in parentheses. Treatment Plant Program ♦ Aeration Air Renovations ($ 1,300,000) This project will take the findings from the Aeration Air Leaks Damage Assessment project and develop the appropriate capital projects to restore the secondary aeration process to a fully reliable system. ♦ Fire Alarm Panel Replacement ($57,000) This project will replace the sprinkler supervisory and halon system control panel with new, state of the art equipment. ♦ North Clarifiers Paving Improvements ($220,000) This project will pave the roadway north of the aeration and nitrification tanks and the area around the north clarifiers. ♦ Plant Control System Improvements ($2,724,000) This project will evaluate the best technology to replace the existing plant control system and implement a new control system. ♦ Standby Pumps Refurbishment ($825,000) The standby effluent pumps are critical in providing discharge capacity during peak wet weather flow events. This project will refurbish standby effluent pumps numbers 1 and 2 when work gets underway again in FY 2003 -04. Collection System Program ♦ Alhambra Valley Facilities Planning Study ($32,000) This project will produce a plan for sewering sections of the Alhambra Valley where there are failing septic tanks. ♦ Cement Sewer Evaluation ($64,000) This project will investigate the 300 miles of asbestos cement sewer pipe and identify where rehabilitation is needed and the priority of that rehabilitation. ♦ Concrete Corrosion Renovation ($2,065,000) This project will systematically replace and /or refurbish reinforced concrete pipe in the collection system that has experienced significant corrosion. 5/15/02 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 1 (cont.) NEW PROJECTS FOR FY 2002 -03 Genera/ Improvements Program ♦ Collection System Operations Yard Paving ($138,000) This project will include grading to the lower yard to improve drainage and insure that fill points for fuel system and access to electrical access boxes are above surrounding grades. ♦ Fuel System Modifications ($144,000) This project will upgrade the fueling system at Collection System Operations Corporation yard to meet state and federal regulations. ♦ Headquarters Office Building HVAC and Roof Renovation ($481,000) This project will rehabilitate, improve, and /or replace the roof and HVAC system on the HOB. 5/15/02 Page 4 of 5 N F U W O a D w U) W M O H Cl) N Lu CD H Z Z Q W = U 2 � U H W Q J U LL M O N O O N } LL Lr O Q G N c CO E X c .0 c y cn N N (n O E (o O E C C E C E �C LO N t U N It N N 00 t U O L O O Z + C14 + + V— + z a� U O N U CO O O.. N t O +, > o co o co -0 a� N c 0 O O N U N a a� c E 0 CD co O L O U O + O ,+ -- 0 +- O c co � O CU cn O 0 U c c O N ca LT -C N CD 4- D � U 4 * O !- * .E Z Ln .> O N O +- v a, E Q y k c 0 N rn c co t U c O E E N CL M c O O O O O O O O O O co O O O O O O O O O N E Ln L6 C C 00 r LSD N CO O cn m-0 0 00 O O 0J M M O O LIZ 0) DO m 00 r- 0J M N U D N + + } co -0 + + u cQ c (D m .- .` c Q 0) LL E co O O U LL N C O O "0 O � N c O c c 0 a_ c ,[ 0 .+, O O c m i c > U m O +, O 0 c O Q O 7 D 0 Q E � 0 U � .c N � c _ U � N O 0 CL O c C c CL 0 O 'O c O c m H O � >> c 0 O m .c ` O •+ O = >, `o E t° c 0 LL N U Q) N co Ci -0 Q m a co p) _� V O %' c O O 'a E c m m O U) U Q J OC C cn O m D N CO E X c co y L c O E X .a Ldp cn 0 m LO o_ O co t +r 0_ 0 vi O L co c "0 O c E O x O > a� E O N U CO O O.. 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V O W Cn O V O O- N O CD O n CD 0') O �- O p U) O O CD n cn n' • WA 07 3 x cn 3 CD �. 0 0 0 • C7 0 0 Oil 0 CD 3 CD N N V 0 0 0 • z 0 C7 cn' cn cQ 0 CD B CD N N 0 v 0 0 0 • CD D w 3 CAD m CD CD 3 CD cn 0 0 0 • 0 CD 0 CD D 0 0 cn RON `_-A" C.0 0 0 0 0 0 —I N CD CD 0 � N O CD CA) �CD o. CD o n 0 N O O CD oN o- O =3 w Cn z CD CD O ` CD O r4 CQ � r 120 U) • • • A D o CD O CD % o =3 CD Cr CD Cn A� 0 m 0 < o O CD CD -� m ° `< < o' -n CD — -f: o. =3 5-. O< C„ o' V p N�. C� O Cn (M C.31 � O �< O O -GO=.k W N O O O 0 N O O CD oN o- O =3 w Cn z CD CD O ` CD O r4 CQ � r 120 U) w CD CCU O C CD B CD �- O CQ --t 3 N O 0 N O w z CD O. CD Cn &--1- _ -n n Q O � W CCDD CD C rr V ^^ , 0- 0, O' O CD 0 CD Cl) {�} cn 00 O O m Coll C:> CD C7 Q O o CD a � �--1: r o cn � C � �_ D V i- O O w Q C =. CQ O O W 00 O O O w CD CCU O C CD B CD �- O CQ --t 3 N O 0 N O w z CD O. CD Cn &--1- N N F\3 PO N3 KD CD W d W CD 0 Q 3 CA) T m m ND w co f--> -Ga fo D � � w F\D N O O) rQ O (O OD OD N N F\3 PO N3 KD CD W d W CD 0 Q 3 CA) T m m ND w co f--> -Ga fo 4-- W N W W co O OD OD O O v i W v O O O O o O O O O EA b9 H9 W W N W W O v O v i W O) O O O O O O O O O v R, A v O 9 0 Z d s (D CL w 3 n o � N o O 5. p N O W O N 7 O � N O 'C O O W �y C N O O N O W 00 O D O N O DO CD rn� C V CDL W3 Central Contra Costa S tnitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 POSITION PAPER No.: 6-a- BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD /AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT/ AUTHORIZE LICENSE AGREEMENT subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER, AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON & ASSOCIATES, AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN, DISTRICT PROJECT 5383 Submitted By: Initiating Dept.Viv.: Ba T. Than, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. BTrq� aA . B. Than . B ennan A. Farrell K. Alm Charles . *er General M ISSUE: On May 8, 2002, sealed bids were received and opened for constructions of the Concord Industrial Force Main, District Project 5383. The Board of Directors (Board) must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of bid opening. Authorization of the Board is required for the General Manager to execute professional engineering services agreements in an amount greater than $50,000. Authorization of the Board is also required for the General Manager to execute agreements with other agencies. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract to McGuire and Hester. Authorize a professional engineering services agreement with G. S. Dodson & Associates. Authorize the General Manager to execute a revocable license agreement with East Bay Municipal Utility District. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Expenditure of approximately $1,100,000, including construction contract, contingency, and construction management will be required to complete the project. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Concord Industrial Pumping Station (CIPS) serves a portion of the City of Concord and an area of unincorporated Contra Costa County including the town of Clyde. The station receives flow from the local collection system as well as from the Clyde Pumping Station and the Concord Naval Weapons Station. In the dry weather season, Bates Avenue Pumping Station is shutdown and flow is also diverted to CIPS. 5/15/02 L \Position Papers \BTHAN \5383 Award.wpd Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER, AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON & ASSOCIATES, AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN, DISTRICT PROJECT 5383 The CIPS is currently served by one 10 -inch plastic force main, and no backup capacity is available in the event that this force main is damaged. This project will install one new 14 -inch force main (See Attachment 1 for project location). This new force main provides increased capacity as well as redundancy in the Concord Industrial force main system. The new force main will cross over three (3) aqueducts on Bates Avenue owned and operated by East Bay Municipal Utility District ( EBMUD). A revocable license agreement with EBMUD will be required prior to start of construction. The design of the Concord Industrial Force Main Project was a combined effort of District staff and G. S. Dodson & Associates (GSDA). The Engineer's prebid estimate for construction cost for this project was $1,000,000. The project was advertised on April 3 and 9, 2002. Eleven (11) bids ranging from $715,515 to $1,700,000 were received and publicly opened on May 8, 2002. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Capital Projects Division conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of these bids and has determined that McGuire and Hester is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $715,515. Construction management, construction contract administration, and construction inspection will be performed by District staff. Staff recommends retaining GSDA to provide support services during construction for this project because GSDA prepared the plans and specifications. Construction support services include reviewing shop drawings and submittals, responding to design questions, evaluating change order requests, and performing site visits to verify compliance with the design intent. A professional engineering services agreement with a ceiling of $30,000 has been negotiated (this will bring the total contract with GSDA to $77,000). The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $1,100,000. The Concord Industrial Force Main Project is included in the Fiscal Year 2001 -02 and 2002 -03 Capital Improvement Budget on pages CS -74 through CS -76. Staff has determined that there are adequate funds in the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan for this project. 5/15/02 L: \Position Papers \BTHAN \5383 Award.wpd Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER, AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON & ASSOCIATES, AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT FOR THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN, DISTRICT PROJECT 5383 Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Statute Section 21080.21, since it involves construction of a pipeline less than a mile in length in a public right -of -way, and District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since it involves minor alterations to an existing public facility. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: (1) Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $715,515 for construction of the Concord Industrial Force Main, District Project 5383, to McGuire and Hester, the lowest responsible bidder; (2) Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with G. S. Dodson & Associates to review shop drawings and submittals, respond to design questions, evaluate change order requests, perform site visits to verify compliance with the design intent; and, (3) Authorize the General Manager to execute a revocable license agreement with East Bay Municipal Utility District. 5/15/02 L: \Position Papers \BTHAN \5383 Award.wpd Page 3 of 6 N i 0 800 1600 ,I FEET Concord Industrial Pumping Station New 14° SSFM Dean Lesher Dr. 0 1� a� _U Q 111 d Wa 3 EBMUD Aqueducts Uj I Vr I � Qo 242 \\ t� P/b(W R4� !y TREATME V ° 24 !q (1AN t �7 Ts `a tiA �r� $ aro t� iT' 4r °® w a ar xo MMES PROJECT LOCATION W P b r Via,. YARD SSFM = Sanitary Sewer Force Main 0 24 s Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN PROJECT a ' LOCATION MAP Page 4 of 6 Reservior Mallard � � 03 bob Annalisa End of New Force Main Dr. 13E2 -M30 (Junction Structure) N U- Begin Existing Gravity Sewer C) °i 0 NO& Bates 111 3 �N^ 0 1� a� _U Q 111 d Wa 3 EBMUD Aqueducts Uj I Vr I � Qo 242 \\ t� P/b(W R4� !y TREATME V ° 24 !q (1AN t �7 Ts `a tiA �r� $ aro t� iT' 4r °® w a ar xo MMES PROJECT LOCATION W P b r Via,. YARD SSFM = Sanitary Sewer Force Main 0 24 s Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN PROJECT a ' LOCATION MAP Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 5383 DATE: MAY 8. 2002 PROJECTS NAME: CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN LOCATION: CONCORD. CALIFORNIA ENGINEER EST.: $1,000.000 No BIDDER BID PRICE (Name & address) 1 McGuire and Hester 715,515 9009 Railroad Avenue Oakland, CA 94603 2 Hess Construction Co., Inc. 789,300 4484 Hess Drive American Canyon, CA 94503 3 Bay Pacific Pipeline, Inc. 855,000 P.O. Box 1162 Novato, CA 94948 4 K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. 884,000 2625 Judah St., No.2 San Francisco, CA 94122 5 Ranger Pipeline, Inc. 912,395 1296 Armstrong Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 6 William G. McCullough Co. 977,500 2625 E. 18th Street Antioch, CA 94531 7 Schlosser Underground 979,000 P.O. Box 1087 Danville, CA 94526 8 TerraCon Pipelines, Inc. 993,000 P.O. Box 276 Healdsbur , CA 95448 9 Mountain Cascade Inc. 1,039,275 555 Exchange Ct. Livermore, CA 94550 10 Talus Construction, Inc. 1,191,569 P.O. Box 2019 Danville, CA 94526 11 M.J.B. Pipeline 1,700,000 P.O. Box 192 Mt. Eden. CA 94557 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Joyce Murphy DATE May 8. 2002 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 3 CONCORD INDUSTRIAL FORCE MAIN PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5383 POST BID /PRECONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE LADesign \District Projects \5383 \Postbid- ConstrCostEst.wpd Page 6 of 6 Percent of Estimated Cost Construction No. Item Description Estimate I$1 Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract 715,515 b. Contingency at 15 Percent 107,485 c. City of Concord and Contra Costa County Inspection and Fee 100,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 923,000 100 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management /Resident Engineering 45,000 - Construction Inspection 75,000 - Project Engineering /Public Relations 10,000 - Operations Department /Engineering Support 7,000 - Materials and Supplies /Spare Parts 7,000 SUBTOTAL 144,000 16 b. Consultants - Construction Support Services 30,000 - Legal 3,000 - Material and Construction Testing: Concrete, Compaction, etc. 15,000 SUBTOTAL 48,000 5 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 192,000 21 3. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST 1,115,000 121 4. TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES 160,000 17 5. TOTAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COST 352,000 38 6. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 1,275,000 7. FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE 175,000 8. ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT 1,100,000 LADesign \District Projects \5383 \Postbid- ConstrCostEst.wpd Page 6 of 6 " Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD POSITION PAPER No.: 6,b. BIDS AND AWARDS Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINES, INC., FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 7, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5502 Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: David Baldi, Sr. Engineering Assistant Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD (ACTION. l� D. Baldi . P' cki W. Brennan A. Far II Charles General ISSUE: On May 7, 2002, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, DP 5502. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $380,000, including bid price, contingency, and construction management. Planning staff has reviewed the expenditures and finds there are adequate funds in the Capital Improvement Budget for this contract. BACKGROUND: An agreement regarding the District taking over maintenance of private sewer mains within the Rossmoor community was approved by the Board of Directors in 1995. Under the terms of this agreement, new manholes and rodding inlets are being constructed and necessary repairs are being made to the existing sewers so they may be accepted by the District. This project is being financed by the allocation of a portion of the Capital Improvement fees paid by the Rossmoor Developer, Shea Homes, and a portion of the sewer service charges paid by the owners in Rossmoor. The first six phases of construction were completed each year from 1995 through 2001. The plans and specifications for the seventh phase of the project (see Attachment 1 for map) were prepared by District staff. The engineer's estimate for construction of Phase 7 is $359,000. This project was advertised on April 23 and 29, 2002. A total of nine (9) sealed bids ranging from $266,000 to $413,665 were received and publicly opened on May 7, 2002. A Summary of Bids received is shown in Attachment 2. 5/16/02 CPD -GL -I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \5502 \Award constr contract -Mmlod Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINES, INC., FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 7, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5502 The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids received and determined that the low bidder, Ranger Pipelines, Inc., is the lowest responsible bidder for the amount of $266,000. The funds required to complete this project as shown in Attachment 3, are $380,000, including sufficient coverage for inspection. The total Phase 7 project is anticipated to cost $405,000. Construction of the improvements to the Rossmoor sewers is included in the Fiscal Year 2001 -2002 Capital Improvement Budget on pages CS -23 through CS -24. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since it involves only minor alterations and repairs of existing facilities with no expansion of capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $266,000 for the construction of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 7, DP 5502, to Ranger Pipelines, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. 5/16/02 CPD -GL-I: \Design \Position Papers \2002 \5502 \Award constr contract- DB.wpd Page 2 of 5 aI N N O U Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 1 r PHASE 7 b Paae 3 of 5 cf� 680 o, 0 a 4 MARTINEZ o a' CONCORD volley Alhombro Rd. ago to LAFAYE WALNUT c'Pe yapp o,�° CREEK R1 D 24 ^rh Project Area °te Ra �° Q s tOne �o //e ROSSMOOR Rd. MORAGA Bo Tos �o^ O Rd. Co DAN 0� 680 0 r- N 0 fi 0 � ° 3 v N O 0 3 N MILES aI N N O U Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 1 r PHASE 7 b Paae 3 of 5 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS LOCATION Walnut Creek, California ENGH. Lb 1. S 35y.uuu BIDDER (Name, Telephone & Address) BID PRICE 1 Ranger Pipelines, Inc. $266,000 1296 Armstrong Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 2 K. J. Woods Construction, Inc. $293,900 2625 Judah Street #2 San Francisco, CA 94122 3 McNamara & Smallman Construction, Inc. $318,900 1756 Holmes Street Livermore, CA 94550 4 D. R. Lemings Construction, Inc. $346,900 1460 Washington Street, #C3 Concord, CA 94521 5 D'arcy & Harty Construction, Inc. $363,250 1300 Carroll Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 6 Nova Engineering $372,300 5831 Huntington Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 7 D & D Pipelines $391,000 515 Balboa Street San Francisco, CA 94118 8 Wayne Schlosser Construction, Inc. $403,250 PO Box 1087 Danville, CA 94526 9 Talus Construction, Inc. $413,665 PO Box 2019 Danville, CA 94526 Page 4 of 5 BIDS OPENED BY Joyce E. Murphy DATE May 7, 2002 SHEET NO 1 OF �_ _ ATTACHMENT 3 - ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 7 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5502 POST BID /PRE- CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE % OF ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction Contract $266,000 2. Contingency at 15% $ 40,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $306,000 100.0 3. Construction Management • District Forces Construction Management $ 10,000 Contract Administration /Inspection /Easements 46,000 Easement Preparation 9,000 Design 2,500 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $ 67,500 22.0 4. Consultant /Professional Services Page 5 of 5 Material Testing $ 1,400 Arborist 1,000 SUBTOTAL CONSULTANT /PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 2,400 0.8 5. Engineering and Other Services During Construction • District Forces Record Drawings $ 1,600 Community Relations 3,300 Surveying 1,000 Collection System Operations 4,000 Legal 1,000 Miscellaneous /Permits 1,000 Easement Preparation 1,600 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING $ 13,500 4.4 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING TOTAL (ITEMS 3, 4 & 5): $ 83,400 27.2 6. Pre -Bid Expenditures (Planning and Design) $ 15,600 5.1 7. Total Project Cost $405,000 132.4 8. Funds Allocated to Date $ 25,000 9. Allocation Required to Complete Project $380,000 Page 5 of 5 SHT.2 OF 2 Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District ROSSMOOR ' SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PHASE 7 MUT 8 Qz �c OQ. BL VD MUT 18 /* GAAF9 C15 c MUT 21 9 MUT 20 �o 0 2 MUT 4 z < m 90 MUT 3 4 0 0,9 0 ono MUT 65 9 QQQ 9p 0 0 GQ� h M 10 9 °C M MUT 1 eoo 0 800 E FEET N O Lo LEGEND: a 0 E EX SEWER LINE N • EX MANHOLE o 0 NEW MANHOLE o u SHT.1 OF 2 Y Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District ROSSMOOR o SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N ' PHASE 7 0 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No.: 9.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TALAVERA AND RICHARDSON FOR THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REPLACEMENT SOFTWARE FOR COLLECTION SYSTEMS MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 5915 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Gail Chesler, Ph. D., Associate Engineer Engineering/ Environmental Serv' es REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. G ��..,� K� �h10 4�r G Chesler R Schmidt C Swanson A Farre Char es *Manage�r/ General ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional service agreements for amounts greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Talavera and Richardson in the amount of $195,000 for the design and implementation of a replacement application for Collection Systems Modeling Upgrade, District Project 5915. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total cost of the design and implementation of the modeling software for the project will be approximately $195,000. This project is described on page 32 of the current Capital Improvement Budget. Engineering staff have reviewed the impact of this expenditure and have determined there are adequate funds available. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The option of continued use of the existing system was discarded by staff due to the age and lack of support for the software. The option to design and implement a system in -house was rejected because of the challenge of programming this application would require, as well as the existing staff workload. No off - the -shelf software exists to provide the desired working model. The firm of Talavera and Richardson was selected using the District's consultant selection process. BACKGROUND: To assist in the analysis, planning, design and operation of the wastewater collection systems, the District uses a program known as Sewer Network Analysis Program (SNAP). This computer software package was developed by Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM) in the 1980s and operates using the DOS system, which is no longer supported by the Windows Operating System. SNAP is used in day -to -day analysis, planning, and verifying of the capacity of the collection system, as well as to perform broader master plan studies. The program is especially well suited for analyzing 5/16/02 Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TALAVERA AND RICHARDSON FOR THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REPLACEMENT SOFTWARE FOR COLLECTION SYSTEMS MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 5915 the impacts of future land use and for identifying and testing alternatives for relieving overloaded sewers, such as flow diversions and relief sewers. Using an old, unsupported database programming language, SNAP computes design wastewater flows based on user - supplied information on land use, unit flow, peaking factors, and infiltration /inflow allowances. Sewer pipe capacities are computed for steady uniform flow. SNAP identifies hydraulic deficiencies and computes the diameters and costs of the required replacement or relief sewers. The program also provides the option to compute the hydraulic grade line profile, account for backwater effects and surcharging, determine impacts of special discharge permits, and analyze flow routing alternatives. Model output data and results are presented primarily as tabular reports. Coordination with MIS has taken place over the past two years and this application is included in their 5 -year plan, though funded through a separate Engineering project, since the use is to support engineering calculations. The project has been included in the Capital Budget since 2000 -2001 and has been reviewed and is supported by the MIS Administrator. The consultant selection process for this project began in December 2001. Requests for statements of qualification (SOQ) were sent to eight firms known to have expertise in both sewer network analysis tools and sewer design. Three firms from this list submitted SOQ documents. Based on review of their statements, all three were invited to participate in the interview process. Two firms chose to participate in the interviews. Talavera and Richardson were selected. The key reasons included their clear understanding of the District's needs, their understanding of and ability to deal with District databases, their breadth of experience in writing user - oriented software solutions to engineering problems, their approach to the project development, and their reasonable cost. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Talavera and Richardson in the amount of $ 195,000 for the design and implementation of a replacement application for Collection Systems Modeling Upgrade, District Project 5915. 5/16/02 Page 2 of 2 Sewer Network Analysis Program Upgrade Board Presentation May 23, 2002 Agenda • SNAP is an analytical tool • SNAP's business uses • 18 years ago • Reasons for replacement • New functionality • The consultant selection process • Clarifications/ Questions? SNAP is an analytical tool • Allows staff to "model" the collection system that carries sewage to the treatment plant SNAP's business uses • Examine implications of proposed development projects • Establish constraints on design for new and renovated sewers • Plan for flow diversions and relief sewers • Accommodate special discharge permits • Affirm regulatory responsiveness 18 years ago • The 1986 Collection System Master Plan — Flow monitoring -- I &I rates — Land use — Unit flow factors — And SNAP... �entral Contra Costa Sanitary District SNAP "[Sneer Network Analysis Program) Version 1.051 1 PIPE CAPACITY ANALYSIS: 131001 1 Sceaarim Rome - YEAR 200 [01) Scenario Year 2001 S YR EVENT Watershed 131 Cost I FT Multiplier 1.001 V C SPLIT A PERCENT EXCESS PIPE INPROVEMEI DIAMETER FULL E R FLOW U PIPE FULL ARIL .................. UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM MAIN PP a, NAN SLOPE PIPE L I INFO #fi, PEAK :PEAKED 4UM �jm RESIGN L [ PIPE DESIGN REPLACE REL: MANHOLE MW PIPE 1 2 N [ftfft)' LEIIGTN CAP. T Role-Fact *g W,4 IV. WtI Ed4.IB JWI W. FLOW E CAP` gW CAP W Calc•• -Std Calc•- ..... ......... ............ .......[IN)................[FT). -[NOR) [FPS) ... ......... . PN 0) ..... .[MGD) -[NGO) ..... .INGO) -[NOR) •[MG01 -•- .[VGA) •[R) - -(S). .[WO). ...[IN)... ...[II A 13.106.025 13.108.023 8 0130 .0194 124 1.09 4.8 R • 100.0 0.00 4.0' 0.02 0.03 1.0 0.01 0.40 0.03 [1) d.84 77 3 0.8 - - - -- •• • - -•• 13.106.023 13.108.021 8 .0130 .0194 155 1.09 4.8 R - 100.0 0.00 4.a 0.02 0.01 1.0 4;03 0.00 0.03 [1) 0.84 77 3 0.8 ••• -• ••. - -••• 11.100.021 13.106.019 8 0130 .0240 509 1.21 5.4 R • 100.d 0.00 4.0 4.02 4.03 1.0 4`.01 0.00 0.03 [1) 0.93 77 3 0.9 • -• -• ... - -••• 13.100.019 11.106.017 6 .0110 .0050 530 0.26 2:0[•) 0 • 100.0 0.00 4.0 0.02 0.03 1.0 0.03 0.00 0.03 [1) 0.20 77 13 0.2 • -• -• ... ••••• A 13.106 -d17 13.106.015 8 .0130 .0474 285 0.71 5.7 0 • 100.0 0.01 4.0 4.06 0.14 1.0 0:14 0.01 0.17 [1) 0.56 77 27 6.4 • -• -• ••• -• - -- 13.106.019 13.106.013 6 .0130 .4224 SOS 0.55 4.4 R • 100.0 d.01 4.0 0.06 0.14 1:0 0.14 0.01 d.17 (1) 0:41 71 39 0.3 ••••• ... ••••• A 13.106 -013 13.1dd -011 4 :0130 .4241 534 0.56 4.4 R • Idd.d d:02 - 4.0 4.1d d.21 1.0 d.21 0.42 0.25 -(1) 0,43 77 As 0.2 - -• -• ••• ..... 13-101-all 11.106.00) 6 .0130 .0271 120 0:56 4.4 0 - 100.0 0.02 4.0 0.10 0.21 1.0 0.21 0.42 0.29 (1) 0.43 77 45 0.2 ••••• ••• ..... 11-108-409 11.1d6.001 6 .0130 .0222 370 0.54 4.3 0 - 140.0 0.02 4.0 d.10 0.21 1.0 0.21 0.02 0.25 (1) 0.42 77 47 0.2 ••• -• ... ..... 13-106-007 13•lad-Od3 4 .0130 .4222 47 0.54 4.3 0 - 100.0 0.02 4.0 0,10 0.21 1.0 0.24 O.d2 0.25'[1) 0.42 77 47 0.2 ..... ... ••• -• A 11- 106 =005 13.106.003 i2 .0190 .0040 223 1.46 2.9 0 • 100.0 0.03 4.0 d.14 4.38 1.0 `0.38 0 .03 d.44 (1) 1.44 100 33 1.0 -• -•• ••• •• - -• A 13. 105.001 13.106.001 12 .0130 .ddgd 124 1.46 2.9 0 - 100.0 0.04 4.0 0.15 a.45 1.0 4.45 0.03' 0.51 (1) 1.46 100 as 0.9 ••••• • -• ••... A 11. 106.001 13.100.023 12 .0130 ;0070 374 1.46 2.9 0 - 100.0 0.00 4.0 d.24 .0.80 1.0 0.90 0.45 0.91 [1) 1.46 100 63 0.5 -• -•• ••• ..... 13-103-023 13.100.0220 12 .0130 .0047 513 1.58 3.1 0 - 100.0 d.46 4.0 0.24 0.80 1.0 0.80 0.05 0.91 [1) 1:51 100 38 O.r •• - -• ••• • - - -- 11. 103 -0220 13.100.0228 12 .0130 .0038 38 1.42 2.8 0 - 100.0 0.08 4,0 0.24 0.80 1.0 0.80 0.06 0.91 -[1) 1.42 Ida 64 0:5 -•••- ... - - -•• 13.100.022A 12 .0130 .dOF3 lad 1.97 3.9 0 • 100.0 0.06 4.0 0.24 O.a0 1.0 dAd 0.05 0.91 [1) 1.97 100 46 1.1 -• - -• ••• ••... 11. 107.0224 13. 104.021 12 :0130 .0199 310 3.25 8.4 0 • 140.0 0.06 4.0 0.24 d.AO 1.0 0.80 0.45 0.91 [1) 3.25 t00 26 2.3 ..... ... ••••. A 43.100.021 13.100.015 t6 .0130 .0080 324 3.84 4.3 0 • 100.4 d.08 4.0 0.31 0.83 1.0 '4.83 0.46 0.98 (1) 3.84 100 25 2.9 ••••• ... • - -•• A 11.100.Ots 13.104.414 16 .013d .4045 641 1.31 1.7 0 • 100.4 4.09 4.0 4.35 1.02 1.d 1.02 0.07 1.18[1] 3.33 100 as 2.1 ..... ••. - -••• 13. 109 -014 13.100.013 16 .0130 .0045 339 3.33 3.7 R • 1d0.0 d.09 4.0 0.35 1.02 1.0 1.02 0.07 1.18 [1) 3.31 100 as 2.1 ••••• ••• • - -•• A 11. 107.013 13.104 -012F 16 .013d .0043 488 3;25 3.6 0 • 140.0 d.09 4;0 0:36 1.05 1.d 1.05 0.07 1.21 (1) 3.25 100 37 2.0 • -• -• ... ••••• 11.107.012F 13.100.012E 16 .0130 .4043 376` 3.25 3.6 0 • 100.0 0.09 4.0 0.36 1.05 1.0 1 a 0.07 1.21 [1) 1.25 100 37 2.0 ••••• ... ••••- 11- 103.012E 13.100.0120 16 :0130 .4047 41 3.40 3.8 0 • 100.0 d.09 4,0 4.30 1.03 1.0 1.09 0.47 1.21 (1) 3.40 100 36 2.2 - - - -- - -- ••••• 11.100 -0120 13.100.0120 16 .0130 .0049 43 3.33 3.7 O - 100.0 0.09 4.0 0.30 1.03 1.0 1.05 0.07 1.21 (1) 3.33 100 16 2.1 ••••• ... •.... 13. 100 -d12C 13. 104.0128 1O .0130 .0004 17 1.30 3.7 0 - 1dd.0 0.09 4.0 4.36 1.05 1.0 1.05 0.07 1.21 (1) 1.44 77 93 -0.2 10.7 12 s,6 13.103.0121 13•iO4.012A 8 g .0130 .4269 93 2.56 5.7 0 • 100.0 d.09, 4.0 0.36 1.05 1.0 1.05 0.07 1.21 [1) 1;97 77 AT 0.8 ••••• ••• • -• -• 13.103.0124 13.100.011 10 ;0130 .0057 30 1.07 3.0 0 • 10d.0 0.09 4.0 4.36 1.05 1.0 1.05 0.07 1.21 (t) 0:82 77 113 -0.4 11.6 12 7.5 A 13-IM-011 13.100.04 12 .0130 .0028 2a0 1.22 2.4 0 • 100.0 0.14 3.9 0.55 1.18 100 1.18 0.48 1.40 11) 1.22 100 115 •0.2 12.6 15 6.5 13. 103.409 13.100.009 12 .0130 .0028 426 1.22 2.4 0 - 100.0 d.14 3.9 0:55 1.18 1.0 1:18 0.48 1.40 (1) 1.22 100 115 -0.2 12.6 is 6.5 13.100.408 13.100.007 12 .0130 :0028 104 1.22 2.4 0 - ld0.d 0.14. 3.9 0.55 1.18 1.0 1.18 0.08 1.40 [1) 1;22 100 115 •0.2 12.6 15 6.5 13.100 -007 13-W-005 12 :0130 .0028 419 1.22 2.4 0 • 140.0 0.14 3:9 0.55 1.18 1.0 1.18 0.08 1.4d [1) 1.22 100 115 -0.2 12.6 1s 6.5 11.103.005 13.100.003 12 .0130 .4028 426 1.22 2.4 0 • 100.0 0.14 3.9' d.55 1.18 100 1.18 0.08 1.40 [1) 1.22 100 115 -0.2 12.6 15 6.9 11.109.003 13.10d -dd1 12 :0130 ad28 131 1.22 2.4 0 • 100.4 0.14 3.9 4.55 1.18 1.0 1.18 0.08 1 .40 (1) 1.22 100 115 -0.2 12.6 15 65 A • Cat or more areas laid to the upstream manhole Design Capacity criteriot Pipes 't 1211 774ifull V41: 3.0 min 15.0 max Velocity Criteria: [ -) Indicates full pipe flowing P • Two or norm pipes laid to the upstream manhole Pipes s• 12IN i 100: Idat full va: 2.O min 15.0 nag [4) Indicates full pipe flowia( Pipes s• 10011 laftfull K: 2.0 min 154 maxi Total .Flaw is calculated as the .greater of twoflows:l [1) -IM11) + [A11J[�fI'1) 11011 1') Split Flow Rules [ D- Default,4-PereeM,t•5•Pricrity) Note: Pipe improvements are based [2) Im 1 1) + [ 1) Split Flora Factor (If Code-0 or w then .Factor- is a a,, otherwise Factor shows flow.limit)l .......................................... ............................... Page 6- mt .............................................. _ .................... ...... ......................................................................... .......................... ............. ................... .............................. Reasons for replacement • We are using a computer application that was written 18 years ago • The operating system is obsolete • We have continuing on -going routine need for this analytical tool • GDI/ HTE/ GUI O. 61 O 'O v o a Q x. N O H 7! a1 L) a� v LL 0 U m ie y. O PI CJ Cl Li o r. % a Vi aO , Ficl �a aY H 0 T1 a1 u W dco com NN ❑ �L I � i CA V m a1 U m co N CD O ti � C6 U c0] y � O N a) y to , 0 Ir 41 o a` a1 v < 0 z 'D N y 41 UC,yyl 41 �0 Cf1 N U d 2 O �D D a1 U A O U - `1 3 Z3 EL 3 LD U E E a1 0 m 0 O 0 0 [3 r o z v O LL yx a) � Cr a1 LL tt y to 0 41 a` n O G o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O 6 O 6 6 O O O d 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 om 0 0 o r o CO O r O V O CO �t co Lo Lo r— loo cn cn m 07 n - I- _ -- 4 n L v. n n CL n L k4 !0 f O 2 o 0 Y J O r v c o ki 47 Y O Q O a `. C r o t- o� r o a N N m M M M C �^ Lu It C O 1 m CC 0 4J L!3 aS m 6 N U N U C i0 u Q 4 O' U V CL A y u c E 0 U Vi min Cr IL V O Lo M z lr LL- U � 41 Ln it d) CD CD m LC1 i i 40 -i OOMN1 l l 4M-i N N N N N m M M M ti N Or N N N 40'7 CD O O I. C U 1 LO LO Ln r n N N N O O O O O N N CV CV CV O O O O O 00 O O O O CL c °d Oo CD °o do I CD U °o o Od Od Oo Od do dd °o Od CD CD m LC1 m 40'1 40 -i �L N N N N N O'1 Oj cn 00'1 8 cli O O M O O �L s I. C U 1 .. d E E U- 2 M CL c °o I CD U CL LO L rn ` 00 o CT) Cf+ CO f!i N N O O O] ? LO O O O m c v v Y O O C z z r N m Lo Lo E E m � c0_7 Some New Functionality • Network will allow use by all stakeholders — designers will be able to run "what -if' scenarios — cost savings, best design • GUI will make additions of new sewers or changes to old ones easier •Display on District's network • Land use codes and water consumption data will be available for entire District The Consultant Selection Process —Eight businesses with appropriate expertise received request for SOQ —Three submitted an SOQ —Three invited to present —Two did present —One was selected Reasons for selection — Clear understanding of needs — Proposed approach to the project — Reasonable cost — Ability to work with multiple District databases — Breadth of current experience writing user - oriented computer solutions to engineering problems Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No.: 10 . a . HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: APPROVE STAFFING INCREASE Subject: AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS FIELD STAFF TO REDUCE OVERFLOWS AND CONSTRUCTION BACKLOG IN THE COLLECTION SYSTEM Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John C. Pearl, Operations/ Collection System Operations Division Manager Collections System Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. �Am (�. AZ - " J. eaP rl J. Kelly C. Freitas Charles General ISSUE: Reduce overflows and construction backlog in the Collection System Operations Division (CSOD) by increased staffing in critical areas. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the addition of four field positions in the Collection System Operations Division: two Maintenance Crew Members 1 /11 (I, G -53, $3,369.10 to $4,074.39, and II, G -59, $3,884.50 to $4,699.64) and two Maintenance Crew Leaders (G -65, $4,474.90 to $5,423.12), increasing the CSOD field staff by four employees. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $400,000 per year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not increase staffing, and explore alternatives to increasing sewer cleaning and construction activities. BACKGROUND: On March 9, 2002, a presentation was made to the Board of Directors describing the state of the District's collection system. At that time, staff was asked to recommend how to reduce sewer overflows and the construction backlog. In response to this request, a workshop was held with the Board of Directors on April 29, 2002. At this workshop staff proposed a strategy of increased "routine" cleaning and increased repairs of sewer lines for long -term control of overflows. In reviewing the location, cause, and cleaning frequency of sewer lines related to historical overflows, the first response was to increase the cleaning of routine lines where overflows could be expected, such as the "overflow crescent" that encompasses Lamorinda, and parts of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek. To accomplish this, two new staff members would be assigned to the Cleaning Section with the objective of lowering the maximum interval between "routine" cleanings system -wide from 10 years to 5/16/02 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \CSOStaffing.pp.wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS FIELD STAFF TO REDUCE OVERFLOWS AND CONSTRUCTION BACKLOG IN THE COLLECTION SYSTEM 7'/2 years, and within the most troublesome area to 5 years. In addition technology, such as chemical root control, improved cleaning techniques, and closed- circuit television inspection (CCTV) would be used to improve the sewer cleaning efficiency and effectiveness. The second proposed response was the continued focus of District resources on the repair of damaged or problem sewer lines. The remaining two staff positions would be assigned to the Construction Section to increase the number of daily construction crews in the field. The Construction Section also proposes to make use of technology, such as "pipe bursting" and other "no -dig" tools, to increase productivity. These measures should drastically reduce the backlog of "priority one" construction jobs by next summer, based on the existing backlog and normal addition of construction repair jobs. The proposed staffing increase would result in over 500,000 more feet of sewer cleaned per year and would reduce the priority jobs in the existing construction backlog. These efforts may not initially result in fewer overflows because it will take several years to get the routine cleaning to the proposed frequency, and the sewers will continue to deteriorate. Staff will update the Board throughout the year on the progress of the sewer cleaning and construction efforts, as well as the status of the proposed regulations. Based on the progress of the proposed strategy, the findings of the CCTV inspection program of the sewer system (which will locate additional projects), and proposed regulations, staff will make additional recommendations to improve CSOD operations in the future. As a result of the workshop recommendations, staff proposes increasing the existing field staff from 30 to 34 people. This staffing increase would allow CSOD to perform more cleaning, a key to reducing overflows, and the ability to mobilize additional construction personnel to further reduce the existing construction backlog. Staff also proposes contracting out many of the line repairs, currently in the backlog and located in public streets, through the Engineering Department's capital projects. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the addition of four field positions in the Collection System Operations Division: two Maintenance Crew Members 1 /II (1, G -53, $3,369.10 to $4,074.39, and II, G -59, $3,884.50 to $4,699.64) and two Maintenance Crew Leaders (G -65, $4,474.90 to $5,423.12), increasing the CSOD field staff by four employees. 5/16/02 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2002 \CSOStaffing.pp.wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 No.: 13.a. BUDGET AND FINANCE Type of Action: BUDGET REVIEW Subject: RECEIVE THE 2002 -2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Submitted By: Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Initiating Dept✓Div.: Administrative /Finance and Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. D. Rat P/MV6raves General ISSUE: The 2002 -2003 Operations and Maintenance (O &M) Budget is being submitted for review at the May 23, 2002 Board Meeting, and is scheduled for approval at the June 6, 2002 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Review the 2002 -2003 O &M Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to the approval of the Budget at the June 6, 2002 Board Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Numbers in this document are projections, but are not rounded in order to tie to the attachments. The 2002 -2003 O &M Budget is based on a $24 rate increase in the Sewer Service Charge allocating $3 to Operations and Maintenance and $21 to the Sewer Construction Fund. This increase in the Sewer Service Charge (SSC) of $24 results in increased revenues of approximately $3,600,000; of which $469,000 is allocated to O &M revenue. Total projected O &M revenues are $41,760,887. Total projected O &M expenses are budgeted to be $41,421,566 which may result in a budgeted increase to O &M reserves at fiscal year end of $339,321, for a projected total O &M reserve of $5,522,148. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: On June 7, 2001, the Board of Directors adopted an Ordinance implementing a $24 rate increase to the Sewer Service Charge for fiscal years 2001/2002, 2002/2003, and 2003/2004. At that time the Board directed staff to evaluate the need for the rate increase and review staff's findings prior to implementation in each subsequent fiscal year. Staff has developed a ten year financial plan for forecasting revenues, expenses and fund balance. The model assists the Board and staff in addressing the required Sewer Service Charge for future fiscal years. Staff made a presentation of findings at the January 24, 2002 Board Workshop recommending the $24 rate increase along with debt financing. Other staff presentations or discussions utilizing the $24 rate increase were made to the Board on November 15, 2001, December 20, 2001, and April 23, 2001. At the May 9, 2002 meeting the Board of Directors confirmed the 2002 -2003 Sewer Service Charge rate increase of $24. 5/16/02 GAFINANCE \Receive O &M Budget 02- 03.wpd Page 1 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: RECEIVE THE 2002 -2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET BACKGROUND: Staff compared current budget projections to the Ten Year Plan presented to the Board in January, 2002. Current projections are consistent with the plan; there is an approximate favorable variance of 1 %. The presentation to the Board will focus on changes from last year's budget to this year's proposed budget. A discussion of cost saving /revenue enhancement efforts will be made. This position paper focuses on variances between projected 2001 -2002 and the proposed 2002 -2003 budget. Significant variances based on the 2001 -2002 budget compared to the 2002 -2003 budget are noted in the position paper. Attachment I summarizes the O &M revenues, expenses, and reserve balances for the seven fiscal years 1996 -1997 through the 2002 -2003 budget year, and the related SSC rate and SSC equivalent units for each fiscal year (five years of actual plus 2001 -2002 projected and 2002 -2003 proposed numbers). Attachment II presents Revenue Enhancements & Cost Savings. Variance explanations between projected 2001 -2002 and the proposed 2002 -2003 budget are provided below. Any significant variances from the 2001 -2002 budget compared to the 2002 -2003 budget are also explained below. Revenue: The Public Hearing to receive public comment on the O &M Budget is scheduled for June 6, 2002. The attached draft budget includes a budget assumption which increases the SSC from $224 to $248, allocating a $3 increase to O &M and a $21 increase to the Sewer Construction Fund. Therefore, the draft O &M Budget for Fiscal Year 2002 -2003 was calculated using the SSC rate of $248 allocated as follows: $207 to O &M and $41 to Capital. Total District O &M revenue for fiscal year 2001 -2002 is projected to be $40,439,230 compared to 2002 -2003 budgeted revenue of $41,760,887, resulting in an increase of $1,321,657, or 3.3 %. This positive variance is mainly due to an increase in Sewer Service Charge revenues from the proposed $24 rate increase amounting to an additional $469,000 to O &M and an increase of $750,000 in projected revenue from the City of Concord based on shared treatment expenses. Other revenues also increase slightly, with a 3% increase assumption included for other revenue categories. Budgeted O &M revenue for fiscal year 2001 -2002 is $40,991,600 compared to budgeted O &M revenue for fiscal year 2002 -2003 of $41,760,887 or a 1.9% increase. This positive variance is due to the $3 allocation of the Sewer Service Charge revenue to O &M. District Expense: Total District expenses are projected to be $38,628,795 in fiscal year 2001 -2002 as compared to a budget of $41,421,566 in 2002 -2003. This reflects a $2,792,771 or 7.23% increase in expenses. The total of all expense categories projecting increases is $4,304,414. The Salary & Benefit expense projections reflect the majority of the increase with a $3,441,135 increase based on increased wages, benefit costs and staffing. Savings in Utility expense of $1,341,750 and Outside Services of $169,893 reduce the total increase to $2,792,771. 5/16/02 G: \FINANCE \Receive O &M Budget 02- 03.wpd Page 2 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: RECEIVE THE 2002 -2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Budgeted O &M expense for fiscal year 2001 -2002 is $40,209,305 compared to budgeted O &M expense for 2002 -2003 of $41,421,566 for an increase of $ 1,212,261 or 3.01 %. This variance is mainly due to salary and benefit increases offset by savings in Utility and Outside Service expense as discussed above. Salaries: District O &M salaries are projected to be $16,220,302 in 2001 -2002 as compared to a budget of $18,049,589 in 2002 -2003 resulting in an increase of $1,829,287 or 11.28 %. This increase is mainly due to the negotiated general salary increase of 3.0% District -wide, step increases for newer District employees within their salary ranges (in excess of 30% of the workforce), filling of vacant budgeted positions and the addition of four staff at CSO. Benefits: District O &M benefits for fiscal year 2001 -2002 are projected to be $7,840,643 in 2001 -2002 as compared to a budget of $9,520,659 in 2002 -2003 resulting in an increase of $1,680,016 or 21.43 %. The major factors contributing to this increase are: • Projected retirement contribution rate increases of 3.1 % on an increased salary base which equates to an increase of $847,717. • Projected medical & health insurance increases of $736,820. This includes a retiree coverage increase of $420,000 or 53.8% which is in addition to medical coverage for new employees. A Kaiser rate increase of 18 %, HealthNet HMO rate increase of 15 %, and HealthNet PPO rate increase of 30% increased the cost of coverage for existing employees by $316,820. • Dental coverage had a 6% rate increase or $84,282. The retiree portion of this increase was $32,000. • A 30% increase in cost is anticipated for Workers' Compensation Insurance for an increase of $59,227. • All other benefits increased by $134,970. Many of these benefits are salary driven; that is, the cost of the benefit will increase as salary expense increases. • A vacancy factor was used in the amount of $183,000 which reduced total benefit costs. Capitalized Administrative Overhead: Capitalized Administrative Overhead, which is charged to Capital Projects and credited to O &M expense, is projected to be < $1,305,275 > in 2001 -2002 as compared to a 2002 -2003 budget of < $1,373,443 > for an additional savings of $68,168 to O &M. Chemicals: Chemical expenses are projected to be $964,000 in fiscal year 2001 -2002 compared to a budget of $1,118,000 for an increase of $154,000 or 15.98 %. This increase is mainly due to increased polymer usage to achieve better sludge de- watering and increased use of hydrogen peroxide for odor control. 5/16/02 GAFINANCE \Receive O &M Budget 02- 03.wpd Page 3 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: RECEIVE THE 2002 -2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Repairs & Maintenance: Repairs & Maintenance expenses are projected to be $2,507,298 compared to a 2002 -2003 budget of $2,690,787 for an increase of $183,489 or 7.32 %. This increase is due to increased MIS enhancements, process control maintenance, projected increases in contractor costs for final paving on construction sites and manhole raising, planned expansion of the root control and crown spraying program, and increased maintenance in the Treatment Plant for items such as UV ballast, electrical components, motors, pumps and compressors, and A &N Tank Repair. Hauling & Disposal: Hauling & Disposal expenses are projected to be $1,039,085 compared to a 2002 -2003 budget of $1,190,460 for an increase of $151,375 or 14.57 %. This increase is due to spoils removal at CSO which occurs every other year, increased HHW activity, and increased cost of ash and sludge hauling. Hauling & Disposal expenses are budgeted at $952,785 for fiscal year 2001 -2002 compared to a 2002 -2003 budget of $1,190,460 for an increase of $237,675 or 24.95 %. This increase is for the above mentioned reasons. Please note that janitorial expense included last year in the Administrative Department for the H.O.B. is being transferred to the Plant. Utilities: Utility expenses are projected to be $5,154,546 in 2001 -2002 compared to a budget of $3,812,796 in 2002 -2003 resulting in a decrease of $1,341,750 or 26.03 %. This is principally due to the end of the "Energy Crisis" and favorable long term gas contracts for Natural Gas, along with a decreased purchase of electricity due to higher co- generation production and reduced Plant power costs. Utility expenses are budgeted at $6,478,500 for fiscal year 2001 -2002 compared to a budget of $3,812,796 in 2002 -2003 resulting in a decrease of $2,665,704 or 41.15 %. This decrease is for the reasons stated above. Outside Services: Outside Services are projected to be $2,195,025 in 2001 -2002 compared to a 2002 -2003 budget of $2,025,132 for an additional savings of $169,893. As vacant budget positions are filled, the need for outside temporary staffing is eliminated. All Other: All other expenses combined increased by $374,415 from projected 2001- 2002 to budget 2002 -2003. Some major variances are: • Outside Organization Fees increased by $132,250, $125,000 of which is for Total Mass Discharge Limit (TMDL) participation through BACWA. • $100,000 was budgeted in 2002 -2003 for Board election expense which occurs every other year. • Technical Training, Conferences & Meetings increased by $61,515. The increase is spread District -wide and reflects training of new employees as well as general 5/16/02 G: \FINANCE \Receive O &M Budget 02- 03.wpd Page 4 of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 23, 2002 Subject: RECEIVE THE 2002 -2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET cost increases associated with travel and lodging. Employee training is one of the corner stones of the District's Continuous Improvement Program. • Materials & Supplies increased by $39,978. This increase is mainly due to increased HHW activity, operating supplies for more crew work at CSO, and general cost increases. Materials & Supplies are budgeted in 2002 -2003 to increase by $165,495 over the budget for fiscal year 2001 -2002 for the reasons stated above and purchasing new ballasts for the UV Disinfection System. • Legal services increased by $35,800, mainly due to anticipated expense for M.O.U. negotiations. • $25,000 more was allocated to fund Self- Insurance as recommended in the Self - Insurance Budget. • Public Information is budgeted at $170,000, which is the same amount budgeted in 2001 -2002. • Interest Expense on current Revenue Bonds and the Recycled Water Loan decreased by $49,433 as more principal is paid each year. Principal and interest on new bond financing will be a capital expense in 2002 -2003. Any revisions to the 2002 -2003 O &M Budget determined at the May 23, 2002 Board Meeting will be incorporated in the Budget submitted for approval at the June 6, 2002 Board Meeting, at which the following actions are scheduled: • Conduct a public hearing to receive comment on the 2002 -2003 O &M Budget and Self- Insurance Fund Budget. • Conduct a public hearing for the collection of the 2002 -2003 Sewer Service Charges on the County Tax Rolls. • Approve the 2002 -2003 O &M Budget, incorporating the established Sewer Service Charge rate. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Review the 2002 -2003 O &M Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to the approval of the Budget at the June 6, 2002 Board Meeting. 5/16/02 G: \FINANCE \Receive O &M Budget 02- 03.wpd Page 5 of 7 X N 'b co m w m v cc CD 0) O -h V C.4 .1 tin N v 00 co N ° O O b. N O -4 C71 Cn C71 Cn X X m < m CD cn m CD on O CO CL cc O -+ _. --h �. m = cc CD o, x CD m on m on m C m CA O CD C a CD m x CD N CD 0 �. .. O V CD C 3 Cl) 0 7 `° c. - 0 � O m r 4. CAD �. Z cc 'a O ..« y. O X. �' s< 0 < M N j N m m -ax N `� m O N ...� .-.. -. O cn C W Cn 4 W N -� m D m ... ... ... ... .. w 2 z 2 v CD p n Z ° N CD N 0 a2 sw m .c � c m CD N x N cn c M m cc 0 cc n m m O1 O° N cci� CD C 0 w r+ C CD -I. N m CD O o m 0. r.; N c � = c v n O 3 m co °c a y ID go CL cc m 3 R 0 m C N'D s_ m O S N 0 .O. N O ca ^' 0 O CV "C m CL .0 0) .s rn O 0' n CL on 3 <' 3 °° N CT `C -CD CD iV � m � O ti n CD -0 0 c w -1. m c=D W. CL N N N 0 N 01) W CD (D' 0 ;A _ X `G N W C71 m 3 CL CD c CDr :3 a " 0 CO) CD U) c. O O N CD' 1 — :3 n A m p can cc m a m 00 Mm = ° -'�_4 "D Q = O .. O N y S -ti cm/1 m =r N ym CL cf) R � N 2' n v -4 00 0 M N N cn � Vi a; m 0 N w y CCDD. C) a .COO p O m CD 'DfD N O .m-�i. W 0 N O N •�• � co O o. CNi A O co co 0) C71 C71 v cc CD 0) O -h V C.4 .1 tin N v 00 co N ° O O b. N O -4 C71 Cn C71 Cn X X m < m CD cn m CD on O CO CL cc O -+ _. --h �. m = cc CD o, x CD m on m on m C m CA O CD C a CD m x CD N CD 0 .691 40% 69 .69 �. .. N V o C 3 0 0 7 `° c. - 0 � O m r 4. �. m �. Z cc 'a O Cn y. O X. �' s< 0 < M aa) o j - � m -ax N `� m N 3 on coo O O W V V O 'a .-. m � @ 0 .691 40% 69 .69 VI - 00 N co C71 U7 N N 00 �. .. N V N m 0o V W r. o - 0 0 N Con 0 CWn 0 00 N Cn N O 00 O co 0 N_ 0011 CA 0 N � .VA 4 N P CO VI - 00 N co C71 U7 N N 00 �. .. N Cn N V 0o N W r. o - 0 0 N coo W co 4 W C71 00 U1 V co CIO co 0 W 0011 CA 0 N � .VA 0 A N CA VI - 00 N co C71 U7 N N 00 �. .. W Cn N V 0o N W r. o W 0 0) N O W O 4 A 00 w 00 O co CIO co 0 V N CA N N � .VA 0 A 0 M VI - 00 N co C71 U7 N N 00 �. .. W CA) N C7, 0o w W r. o W 0 0) V co N 011 co 00 CM W A W co co CIO co 0 V N CA N N � N W 1-1 A W `. Can VI - 00 N co C71 U7 N N 00 W N W 0o CO W r. o W 0 0) V Cn N 011 O 00 N W Cn W 00 co CIO co 0 V CA CA N N � N CO CO O CA VI - 00 N co C71 U7 N N 00 V 00 N IV O C11 O N O co GJ O Cn Cn N CO 0o w W rn W V 4 N O N O 00 rCw N V 4 N co CIO co 0 V CA CA V 00 N IV O C11 O N O co GJ O Cn m Cn N 4 W C71 N A W 07 4 N-� O N co V - rCw N V 4 N N N 0 O V N m m J -� N 4 W C71 N A W 07 4 4 Q) 4 V N W N V 4 -- 00 O W O A N CA W .A• � V V CO O CA J -� W � 4 C 77 W N Cn 00 Oo 00 N 0 O W N 0) 00 V -- N Oo -4 CO CO N 0 A O O Cn CA A 00 W J -� 4 .A CA CA IV O •A CA IV N O CO .A V O CO 0) A 4 00 Cn 00 00 W 00 O O V CO CO V CO O N J -� A � rn rn Iv p co O O A 0) A 0 0 - W - W O co 00 Cn 01 W OD co O co N W O C71 N O J -� V .A CA CO Iv p co O O -� W W N Cn O O co O N A6 CA In - CO OD co p w N -4 0 v C71 N O J O O CD CD O m 0 cn CD O m 0 ? am 3 0 co m N Cb O O W W W N co p N O0 N w W V 00 co C71 W 00 O O O N W V V cn CA N O W O N CA) O .A O to O Cn O O 69 N .1� N co a - V 4P cz � V N co W N .06 N w w 4 -4 4 N CA) 4 w 00 00 0) CO M -& N a 0 W C71 W ilO -w N N 0071 4 O Cn -4 N Cn W O -4 � 0) CY) CO " -L A O O b. CD w CD W O V N O O O 0 0 w W V O 4 —01 Cn O Cn O In O O O O O O n r. t0 CD V ato c lu 0 O nto 0 r•r C -& w 0 CO nto to C N O O N n O C N 0 O N O 1 0 .O• CD CL N N 0D 0 c o fl. j o AL O N -� V Cn Cn W ,A 0) N .p. W 0 w N -4 0o 00 0 O V 0 ,A 0 O -I CO OD co p w w 00 0o C71 (D 0 O O CD CD O m 0 cn CD O m 0 ? am 3 0 co m N Cb O O W W W N co p N O0 N w W V 00 co C71 W 00 O O O N W V V cn CA N O W O N CA) O .A O to O Cn O O 69 N .1� N co a - V 4P cz � V N co W N .06 N w w 4 -4 4 N CA) 4 w 00 00 0) CO M -& N a 0 W C71 W ilO -w N N 0071 4 O Cn -4 N Cn W O -4 � 0) CY) CO " -L A O O b. CD w CD W O V N O O O 0 0 w W V O 4 —01 Cn O Cn O In O O O O O O n r. t0 CD V ato c lu 0 O nto 0 r•r C -& w 0 CO nto to C N O O N n O C N 0 O N O 1 0 .O• CD CL N N 0D 0 c o fl. j o AL O N — 00 cn rn 00 ,A 0) N .p. W 0 w N -4 0o co Cn Cn V CO N--4 V N-44,O) OD N .0, C71 O .0, 00 O co - N O O CD CD O m 0 cn CD O m 0 ? am 3 0 co m N Cb O O W W W N co p N O0 N w W V 00 co C71 W 00 O O O N W V V cn CA N O W O N CA) O .A O to O Cn O O 69 N .1� N co a - V 4P cz � V N co W N .06 N w w 4 -4 4 N CA) 4 w 00 00 0) CO M -& N a 0 W C71 W ilO -w N N 0071 4 O Cn -4 N Cn W O -4 � 0) CY) CO " -L A O O b. CD w CD W O V N O O O 0 0 w W V O 4 —01 Cn O Cn O In O O O O O O n r. t0 CD V ato c lu 0 O nto 0 r•r C -& w 0 CO nto to C N O O N n O C N 0 O N O 1 0 .O• CD CL N N 0D 0 c o fl. j o AL O N -� V Cn V CO 00 O :.-. N 0 w N N 0o W Cn Cn V CO W V W OD N O N O V 00 .06 W 00 W O O CD CD O m 0 cn CD O m 0 ? am 3 0 co m N Cb O O W W W N co p N O0 N w W V 00 co C71 W 00 O O O N W V V cn CA N O W O N CA) O .A O to O Cn O O 69 N .1� N co a - V 4P cz � V N co W N .06 N w w 4 -4 4 N CA) 4 w 00 00 0) CO M -& N a 0 W C71 W ilO -w N N 0071 4 O Cn -4 N Cn W O -4 � 0) CY) CO " -L A O O b. CD w CD W O V N O O O 0 0 w W V O 4 —01 Cn O Cn O In O O O O O O n r. t0 CD V ato c lu 0 O nto 0 r•r C -& w 0 CO nto to C N O O N n O C N 0 O N O 1 0 .O• CD CL N N 0D 0 c o fl. j o AL O N �1 -n m ca 0 90 � r X M r D m O N C � m m N to CD m n .o O m 4Za N N Z O D G v > C) Cl) —0 N < X o m °w N 0 n CD N - O W O o V N 00 Cn C CL CA V Cn ,A O O O O cn 000 coo O O W V V O O �1 -n m ca 0 90 � r X M r D m O N C � m m N to CD m n .o O m 4Za N N Z O D G v > C) Cl) —0 N < X o m °w N 0 n CD Attachment II REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS AND COST SAVINGS Revenue Enhancements: • Revenue Enhancement Task Force • Sewer Service Charge database improvements which increased current and future billings • Connection Fee modified to increase revenue • Partnering Revenue (Delta Diablo, HHW Partners, Laboratory Services, Storm Water Program, etc.) • Grants (IPM, Recycled Water Loan) Cost Savings: • Cogeneration of Electricity • Reduction of chemical use • Revised Ash Hauling Contract • Reduction in natural and landfill gas usage • Improvements in HHWCF • Refinancing Revenue Bonds • Outsourcing reprographics • Alternative disinfection standard that utilizes fewer UV lamps to be used • Continuous improvement "way of doing business" to focus on work group efficiencies Planned Revenue Enhancements: • Continual review of services to ensure full cost recovery • Real Property Utilization Plan to evaluate possible revenue increases from District property • Pro - active approach to obtaining grant funding • Continuous Improvement Program throughout the organization Planned Cost Reductions /Savings: • District staffing goal is to improve the level of service while maintaining census. Each position is evaluated when vacant to reduce staff wherever practical. Cross- training and broadening of duties to improve efficiencies. • Reduction of support personnel, engineers and administrators where practical • Assignment of relief operators to reduce overtime • Reduce vehicle inventory by improving vehicle assignments and utilization • Evaluate the use of chemical foam to reduce heavy root overflows • Work to further optimize cleaning and construction techniques • Reduce the number of hand -rod jobs • Increase use of crown spraying to prolong useful pipe life • Continued partnering - Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) • Reduce the use of outside services by doing additional work in -house • Continuous Improvement Program Page 7 of 7 d V m L L v .a C d �N �o a� L 'o � L 0. r M� W C N E O u M O I O O N H m El co O 1 N O Z g O 0 1 r O O N -I/ of CL ■ N O r Z g O Ir- ■ 04 ce) CIO p N p N Z Z N g C) O �- O a O M ■ ■ ❑ ■ O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O o0 ao ao ai O N O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O o to Iq M M N N �-- � EA Ef> Q). fA Q) 09, tf3 EA 04 ce) CIO p N p N Z Z N g C) O �- O a O M ■ ■ ❑ ■ O O O 1l- C O M O 00 0 O N O o0 ao ao ai O N N W r CNO N 0 0 0 O 04 ce) CIO p N p N Z Z N g C) O �- O a O M ■ ■ ❑ ■ O O O 1l- C O M O 00 O N O o0 M O V O N 0 0 0 O 04 ce) CIO p N p N Z Z N g C) O �- O a O M ■ ■ ❑ ■ O &M REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND RESERVES FISCAL YEAR 2000 -2001 THROUGH 2002 -2003 (000 Omitted) Current 2000 -2001 Projected 2002 -2003 Actual 2001 -2002 Budget Revenues: Sewer Service Charge City of Concord Other Total Revenues Expenses: Total Net Expenses Fund Balance - Beginning Of Year Revenues Over Expenses Fund Balance - End Of Year Sewer Service Charge Rate (0 &M Portion Only) Total Sewer Service Charge Sewer Service Equivalent SAADMURATCLIMBoard Mtg 05 -23 -02 Overheads.wpd $27,610 $31,171 $31,640 6,611 6,100 6,850 3,494 3"168 3,271 37,715 40,439 41,761 38,269 38,629 41,422 3,926 3,372 5,183 (554) 1,810 339 3,372 5,182 5,522 $185 $204 $207 $200 $224 $248 152,851 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 2001 -2002 BUDGET COMPARED TO 2002 -2003 BUDGET (000 Omitted) Revenues Expenses Revenues Over Expenses Fund Balance 06/30/02 2001 -2002 Budget $40,992 40,209 $783 SAADMIMRATCLIMBoard Mtg 05 -23 -02 Overheads.wpd 2002 -2003 % Budget Increase $41,761 1.9% 41,422 3.0% $339 $5,522 Salaries & Wages Retirement Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Workers Compensation Vacancy Factor Capitalized Adm. Overhead All Other Total Labor Costs KEY LABOR COSTS (000 Omitted) 2001 -2002 Budget $16,484 3,298 2,182 537 234 (230) (1,287) 1.822 $23,04Q SAADMIMRATCUMBoard Mtg 05 -23 -02 Overheads.wpd 2002 -2003 Budget $18,050 3,999 2,832 598 319 (183) (1,373) 1,955 Increase (Decrease) $1,566 701 650 61 85 47 (86) 1 7 KEY INCREASES 2001 -2002 BUDGET TO 2002 -2003 BUDGET Dollar Increase % Increase 2001 -2002 Budget $40,209,305 Salaries 1,565,667 9.5 Benefits 1,590,717 24.3 Chemicals 180,000 19.2 Utilities (Savings) (2,665,704) (41.2) Repairs & Maintenance 160,194 6.3 Hauling & Disposal 237,675 25.0 Outside Services (Savings) (265,626) 11.6 Self Insurance 25,000 12.5 Materials & Supplies 165,495 12.8 All Other 218,843 9.0 2002 -2003 Budget $41,421,566 3.0 SAADMIMRATCLIMBoard Mtg 05 -23 -02 Overheads.wpd 7O m O Z a Z v 20 v m O m Z O n -1 as %0 %0 N a+ W ON O N S N T C O� Z Z> dm V TT M N Z8 r pN O N • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'V M rD rD eD (M rD rD rD cQ rD v, rD °�• --�a = *°°�� nV =nh °.M 0 0 cn (A Q, ru o 0 0 � eD �3FELw� � � N3��� o rD V n EL n tv SU LA fl+ CL eD ¢� Di N < LA gu cn r=r' rD to n rD N Q -0 rD p, =• O CL CL ¢'�• �rn 0 �`A r+ (D o' ¢► rD eD eD m N w n `^• n� F 3 n -• ro 0 C N 0 �• rD n O O �o rD La CA (D rD � � �v n -1 — eD LA tA un CL m n `^ A' <• n. rD CL �• N � rD v+ rD r- __a rD ° 0 O lfl rD (D < N o a� = o' LA eD 3 m vu (D CL fD vu CL z (D O La IN sw 3 • • • • • • • • • 70�► zo7070X70 "70` ^n (D (D = (D (D (D (D LO =r (D O O O O C (D (D 0 n O P1 Q O (D O lfl M O• O. 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VU O v FD (D = p '-I Q O N N n O A, ? �U3 CD- cr rD n_ �N a- ' sv Q v+ m rD _ rn e••F N ^ < Q �• O > � u¢' rDOrr�D n � O .0 _ •= =• D fD �► n X, rD '� O =r 0 -% rD O_ rt rD LA O O CL 0 a coo O a Z Rb LA O fD c i fD !, rD ¢' n�.� < e O cn•3��aCL'n rD W N r —Lti n ''* .0 -. n X- rD n _. rD v' CL O rD O �. co 0 O < � =* r•r N rD rD � O �n O rD 'O O O to n N. O < rD O 10 rt 3 O fV r-r W', O _* n r-r rD rip `• w _3 t N' O Lei 0 70 CL ru n• cr 3 n r — 3 co 0 CL S sv -a z rD o t. ca 3 0 _. �.o°�°�-c o �•o �"•o�o tA Q cow �•� n �- 0 Cl. < rD N rD 0 n n n ? � sv =r rD rD n _ �. L tA � �• C C n n rD rD sv 0- sL �•-� w u — - •-r LA o sL sv in ILA 30 0 f�' A) :3 S. 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