HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-00 AGENDA BACKUPCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 3.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT OFFERS OF DEDICATION Subject: APPROVE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM MARDEL, L.L.C., JOHN V. HOOK, STEVEN PUCELL, NANCY ELLICOCK, ANTHONY PUCELL, DEBRA HOOK, KAREN HEREDIA, JOHN V. HOOK AND KAREN HEREDIA, TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL OF ROBERTA HOOK, JOHN V. HOOK AND STEVEN PUCELL, TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL OF MILDRED HOOK AND NANCY ELLICOCK, TRUSTEE UNDER THE WILL OF CORADELE HOOK Submitted By: Initiating Dept ✓Div.: John J. Mercurio Engineering /Environmental Services Management Analyst REVIEWED AND RECOMMEN D FOR BOARD ACTION: J. Mercurio C. Swanson A. F II General ISSUE: Board approval is required to accept offers of dedication. RECOMMENDATION: Accept work and offer of dedication, approve the resolution accepting an offer of dedication at no cost to the District, and authorize recording. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The District routinely accepts easements and public sewer improvements through Board approval of resolutions to that effect. The resolution presented here is for the purpose of accepting an easement that is required as a result of recent developer construction on Hookston Road at Vincent Roard in Pleasant Hill. The easement and public sewer improvements have been reviewed by District staff and deemed in compliance with District standards. The offer of dedication requiring a resolution is listed in Attachment 1. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept work and offer of dedication from Mardel, L.L.C., John V. Hook, Steven Pucell, Nancy Ellicock, Anthony Pucell, Debra Hook, Karen Heredia, John V. Hook and Karen Heredia, Trustees under the will of Roberta Hook, John V. Hook and Steven Pucell, Trustees under the will of Mildred Hook and Nancy Ellicock, Trustee under the will of Coradele Hook at no cost to the District, and authorize recording. 8/8/00 U: \PPR \SMC \OFFDEDPPR.WPD Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Job No. Parcel No. Owner Name Area 5378 2 Mardel, L.L.C. Pleasant Hill John V. Hook Steven Pucell Nancy Ellicock Anthony Pucell Debra Hook Trust u/w Roberta Hook by John V. Hook and Karen Heredia, Trustees Trust u/w Mildred Hook, by John V. Hook and Steven Pucell, Trustees Trust u/w Coradele Hook, by Nancy Ellicock, Trustee 8/8/00 U: \PPR \SMC \OFFDEDPPR.WPD Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 3.b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT Subject: ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE COLIN J. AND NANCY S. MARKLEY FAMILY TRUST FOR AN EASEMENT AT 402 HORSETRAIL COURT, ALAMO Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Engineering /Environmental Services Division Assistant REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ R. Hernandez J. iyamoto -Mills C. Swanson A. rell Charles atts, / General Manag ISSUE: Board approval is required for the District to accept Grants of Easements. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The easement is being granted at no charge to the District. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: The owners of the subject property applied for a building permit to construct a non - conforming wall (the wall was a foot taller than zoning standards allowed) along the rear property line of their lot. The proposed wall would have impaired access to an existing sewer built just inside the same property line. As a condition of the District approving the building permit, the owners were required to grant an additional two feet of easement width along with access rights to ensure future District access to the sewer (map attached). Construction of the wall will not impact operation of the sewer. Staff concluded that this transaction is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. Acceptance of this Grant of Easement will establish the Board of Director's independent finding that this action is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the Grant of Easement from the Colin J. and Nancy S. Markley Family Trust and authorize staff to record the Grant of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 8isioo U: \PPr \Raposa \markley.ppr Page 1 of 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RIGHT of WAY MAP for SEWER EXHIBIT B 3 PARCEL D (161 PM 37) N z 0 co J W C-3 U � � Q cn �i NORniWESTERLY N o Q cn = LINE OF PARCEL B LO d cV cn In m v N 174.86' N 6532'32" E W� > �M PARCEL B m ca (161 PM 37) 3 I m N LO EX. 10' PSDE,] N (161 Pik 37) z I ' bi ! N 6532'32' E COURT 174.86' z HORSETRAIL Q -- 0 W N � N o PARCEL A W ° (161 PM 37) DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: THOMAS BRO I JOB NO. AD JE 632D1/75C6 1583 SCALE: DATE: CO. ASSMT NO. PARCEL 1 " = 40' 5 -11 -00 188 -252 -028 6 -D Page Z of Central Contra Costa &.Atary District /46�k ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 3-c- CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING Subject: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 00 -20 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -21 (MORAGA), P.A. 00 -22 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -23 (ALAMO), AND P.A. 00 -24 (LAFAYETTE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: John J. Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTT -hl/ �6 (T eger J. Mercurio J. ya oto -Mills C. Swanson A. arrell Charl s General ISSUE: Board action is required on the following listed properties to initiate the annexation process. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Proposed Annexations 00 -20 through 00 -24 to be included in future formal annexations. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: The owners of the properties listed below have petitioned for their properties to be annexed to the District: Parcel No. Area Owners /Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 00 -20 Danville Thomas P. Ricketts Existing house with a CCCSD (98D3) 190 Willow Drive failing septic system; Danville, CA 94526 must connect to the 216- 171 -008 (0.40 Ac.) public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEQA. 00 -21 Moraga James 0. Collins, Trustee New house to be CCCSD (96134) 426 Springfield Place constructed and Moraga, CA 94556 connected to public 257 - 240 -013 (3.07 Ac.) sewer system. Project is exempt from CEQA. 8/8/00 U : \PPr \Raposa \Annex.00- 20- 24.wpd Page 1 of 9 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 00 -20 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -21 (MORAGA), P.A. 00- 22 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -23 (ALAMO), AND P.A. 00 -24 (LAFAYETTE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. Parcel No. Area Owners /Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 00 -22 Danville Nita E. Ferree Existing house; owner CCCSD (98C3) 134 El Dorado Avenue requested by staff to Danville, CA 94526 sign and submit 208 - 041 -005 (0.34 Ac.) petition to eliminate island. Project is exempt from CEQA. 00 -23 Alamo Roy S. and Roberta M. Bloss The eleven petitioned CCCSD (77D2) 1490 Laurenita Way properties have septic Alamo, CA 94507 systems and want to 192 - 011 -009 (0.51 Ac.) connect to the public sewer system. The Margaret L. Rice District is forming the 1470 Laurenita Way Laurenita W a y Alamo, CA 94507 C o n t r a c t u a l 192-011-011 (0.50 Ac.) Assessment District (CAD 2000 -1) to Arthur J. and M. M. Ferreira finance the required 1460 Laurenita Way p u b l i c s e w e r Alamo, CA 94507 improvements. The 192 - 011 -012 (0.50 Ac.) Board authorized formation of the CAD Joseph E. and Margaret H. on March 16, 2000. Kehrig 1450 Laurenita Way This project is exempt Alamo, CA 94507 from CEQA. 192 - 011 -013 (0.50 Ac.) Mitchell and Jeannene Hertz 1471 Laurenita Way Alamo, CA 94507 192 - 012 -003 (0.50 Ac.) 8/8/00 U : \PPr \Raposa \Annex.00- 20- 24.wpd Page 2 of 9 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 00 -20 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -21 (MORAGA), P.A. 00- 22 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -23 (ALAMO), AND P.A. 00 -24 (LAFAYETTE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. Parcel No. Area Owners /Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 00 -23 Alamo Thomas M. and Gail L. Chin Cont'd (77D2) 1461 Laurenita Way Alamo, CA 94507 192 - 012 -004 (0.50 Ac.) Kenneth and Joan Dulany 1451 Laurenita Way Alamo, CA 94507 192 - 012 -005 (0.50 Ac.) Lorraine Christophe 1441 Laurenita Way Alamo, CA 94507 192 - 012 -006 (0.50 Ac.) Phil J. and Elaine R. Baffert 1431 Laurenita Way Alamo, CA 94507 192 - 012 -007 (0.50 Ac.) Jeffrey M. Deuel 1421 Laurenita Way Alamo, CA 94507 192 - 012 -008 (0.51 Ac.) Victoria Figone Pope for the Estate of Robert S. Figone, Sr. 1061 Homestead Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94598 192 - 020 -045 (0.42 Ac.) 8/8/00 U : \PPr \Raposa \Annex.00- 20- 24.wpd Page 3 of 9 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 00 -20 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -21 (MORAGA), P.A. 00- 22 (DANVILLE), P.A. 00 -23 (ALAMO), AND P.A. 00 -24 (LAFAYETTE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. Parcel No. Area Owners /Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 00 -24 Lafayette Sharon L. Castro Existing house with a CCCSD (46C2) 1729 Toyon Road failing septic system; Lafayette, CA 94549 must connect to the 167- 090 -009 (1.78 Ac.) public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEQA RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize P.A.s 00 -20 through 00 -24 to be included in future formal annexations. 8/8/00 U : \PPr \Raposa \Annex.00- 20- 24.wpd Page 4 of 9 uI E U O I i I I I i I I I i I I I i I I I i I I l i i Q l i I I Z l I i�l I o IQ I lei I I I I I I I i I I Ill I i 57 -50 I I 1977 j I I j I I j I I I i I I I I I I I I I Central Contra Cost-* Sanitary District Prepared by Engineering Support Secti� PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 00-20 0 60 120 FEET LEGEND: ���■ ANNEXATION BOUNDARY NO. PREVIOUS nnTr I ANNEXATION Page 5 of 9 Attachment E s n Ceatral Contra Costa ,nitary District _= S Prepared by Engineering Support Sectir PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 00-21 Page 6 of 9 zoo iii FEET Attachment E O x Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District PROPOSED ANNEXATION ' P.A. 00 -22 V Page 7 of 9 n I _r.80 0 300 A MO LEGEND: ANNEXATION BOUNDARY NO. PREVIOUS DAT ANNEXATION x Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District PROPOSED ANNEXATION ONE a. P.A. 00 -23 — Page 8 of 9 E u d V 0 N 6 N AYETTEl� LOCATION MAP N.T.S. CASTRO \ 64-07 167 -090-009 1979 ANNEX .E d ". P.A. 00 -15 $ APPROVED 1 -20-00 106-2 1989 Ch / 1978� - 17 145-4 LEGEND: 1999 11' RELI N VALLEY No RD DATE = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ���■ = PROPOSED ANNEXATION 0 160 FEET Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 00-24 Page 9 of 9 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /Ja i BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 3.d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: INITIATE ANNEXATION D.A. 154 Subject: INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX FIFTEEN SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 154 Submitted By: Initiating Dept ✓Div.: John Mercurio, Management Analyst Engineering /Environmental Services Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT N; a.- J. Mercurio R. Schmidt C. Swanson A. rrell harles W Batts General Mana 9er ISSUE: The District has received petitions for annexation for the parcels as shown on the attached tabulation and maps. It is appropriate to initiate formal annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 154. BACKGROUND: The owners of the properties listed in Attachment 1 have petitioned the District for their properties to be annexed to the District. These properties are located in Martinez, Alamo, Danville, Lafayette, Orinda, Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek. LAFCO has indicated that it may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas the District submits to eliminate islands or straighten boundary lines. The District will hold a public hearing to consider annexation of any parcel added by LAFCO. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a Resolution of Application for District Annexation 154. 8/1/00 U: \PPr \Raposa \Annex DA 154.jjm.wpd Page 1 of 5 ATTACHMENT I DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 154 TABULATION OF PARCELS 8/1/00 U: \PPr \Raposa \Annex DA 154.jjm.wpd Page 2 of 5 DATE BOARD AUTHORIZED PARCEL P.A. No. & OWNER ADDRESS FOR ANNEXATION NO. AREA PARCEL NO. & ACREAGE AND REMARKS 1 98 -13 Richard and Kristine Carlson November 19, 1998 Martinez 824 Carter Acres Lane Septic System Conversion. (4464) Martinez, CA 94553 CCCSD is lead agency. 365- 150 -052 (2.03 Ac.) Categorically exempt. 2 00 -16 Maxine E. Hagar and Stanley D. July 20, 2000 Pleasant Hill Roche Septic System Conversion. (47A5) 373 Clyde Drive CCCSD is lead agency. Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Categorically exempt. 153 - 060 -010 (3.80 Ac.) 3 99 -3 Howard & Virginia Johnston February 4, 1999 Walnut 430 Las Lomas Way Existing home is being Creek Walnut Creek, CA 94596 remodeled. (49E7) 140 - 160 -010 (1.61. Ac.) CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. 4 00 -15 Elaine B. Voeks July 20, 2000 Lafayette 1739 Toyon Road Addition to existing home. (46133) Lafayette, CA 94549 Septic System Conversion. 167 - 090 -006 (1.46 Ac.) CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. 5 00 -14 John & Judith Ann Burns July 20, 2000 Lafayette 3554 Springhill Road Septic System Conversion. (46136) Lafayette, CA 94549 CCCSD is lead agency. 231 - 070 -027 (0.70 Ac.) Categorically exempt. Deanna Vanderkous 3550 Springhill Road Lafayette, CA 94549 231 - 070 -028 (0.77 Ac.) Clifford and Bonnie Okamoto 3546 Springhill Road Lafayette, CA 94549 231 - 070 -029 (0.64 Ac.) 8/1/00 U: \PPr \Raposa \Annex DA 154.jjm.wpd Page 2 of 5 8/1/00 U: \PPr \Raposa \Annex DA 154.jjm.wpd Page 3 of 5 DATE BOARD AUTHORIZED PARCEL P.A. No. & OWNER ADDRESS FOR ANNEXATION NO. AREA PARCEL NO. & ACREAGE AND REMARKS 6 98 -14 Peter and Sharon Won December 17, 1998 Orinda 331 El Toyonal Septic System Conversion. (69C4) Orinda, CA 94563 CCCSD is lead agency. 265- 090 -006 (0.23 Ac.) Categorically exempt. 7 00 -12 Betty A. Mead July 20, 2000 Orinda 370 El Toyonal Septic System Conversion. (69C4) Orinda, CA 94563 CCCSD is lead agency. 264- 092 -004 (0.27 Ac.) Categorically exempt. 00 -13 Joseph D. Ryan Orinda 1 Vista Del Orinda (69C4) Orinda, CA 94563 265- 152 -001 (1.07 Ac.) 8 99 -2 L. H. Tscharner February 4, 1999 Alamo 1241 Laverock Lane New home construction. (77E11) Alamo, CA 94507 CCCSD is lead agency. 192 - 250 -002 (2.56 Ac.) Categorically exempt. 9 00 -8 Catherine and Timothy Santich May 18, 2000 Alamo 103 Alvern Court Septic System Conversion. (77E4) Alamo, CA 94507 CCCSD is lead agency. 198 - 020 -021 (0.48 Ac.) Categorically exempt. 10 00 -6 James and Geraldine Kobayashi May 18, 2000 Alamo 156 Via Serena Septic System Conversion. (77E5) Alamo, CA 94507 CCCSD is lead agency. 198 - 062 -007 (0.47 Ac.) Categorically exempt. Robert and Terry Dean 165 Via Serena Alamo, CA 94507 198 - 063 -003 (0.48 Ac.) 11 98 -9 Mitchell and Anne Struthers July 16, 1998 Alamo 130 South Avenue Septic System Conversion. (77E5) Alamo, CA 94507 CCCSD is lead agency. 198 - 063 -014 (0.44 Ac.) Categorically exempt. 8/1/00 U: \PPr \Raposa \Annex DA 154.jjm.wpd Page 3 of 5 PARCEL NO. 12 13 14 15 P.A. No. & AREA 00 -5 Alamo (77E6) IOWNER ADDRESS PARCEL NO. & ACREAGE Philip and Leslie Johnston 200 La Serena Avenue Alamo, CA 94507 198 - 093 -004 (0.50 Ac.) 99 -14 Beverly Sheperd Danville 489 Harper Lane (98A1) Danville, CA 94526 201 - 240 -004 (0.38 Ac.) 99-11 Jill and Thor Crockett Danville 172 Sonora Avenue (98C3) Danville, CA 94526 208 - 033 -016 (0.34 Ac.) 99 -12 Joseph M. Castro III Danville 162 Sonora Avenue (98C3) Danville, CA 94526 208 - 033 -015 (0.34 Ac.) 99 -8 Randal P. Kesler Danville 8 Sky Terrace (98133) Danville, CA 94526 208 - 110 -007 (1.55 Ac.) DATE BOARD AUTHORIZED FOR ANNEXATION AND REMARKS May 18, 2000. Septic System Conversion. CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. September 2, 1999. Septic System Conversion. CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. May 20, 1999 Septic System Conversion. CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. September 2, 1999. Septic System Conversion. CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. April 1, 1999. Septic System Conversion. CCCSD is lead agency. Categorically exempt. 8/1/00 U: \PPr \Raposa \Annex DA 154.jjm.wpd Page 4 of 5 8 E WNE 6 CARTER ACRES LN STARM0 DR LUCIU.E TA YL 0R YD [N PLEASANT HILL TOYON RD sz r:y "C MOUNTAIN ) 4 ,r BO YD RD CONCORD\ IP ROD LAFAYETTE 680 vAUEr LOMA 10 CSO VISTA 24 YARD Z 4 AL MWT D 0 giyVD ORINDA LAS LO 000 Z:� NUT WAY 680 C K Page 5 of 5 Ao RD MORAGA ALAMO LAS TRWAS RD SERE NA AVE RD SOUTH AVE FOREST UN HfEk IV N MRCREST R D DANVILLE QUINTERIA RAILROAD LN AVE o LEGEND: EL 0 8000 CCCSD ANNEXATION NO. & LOCATION DORADO PROSPECT FEET TERM RACE Central Contra Costa Attachment Sanitary District C.C.C.S.D. ANNEXATION NO. 154 MAP . . ..... . ....... Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No-: 3.e. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT /AUTHORIZE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Subject: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE FURNACE AIR INLET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7193, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ron Klimczak, Senior Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: R. Klimczak W. Brennan A. arr Charles W. Batts, General Manager ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Furnace Air Inlet Improvements Project, District Project 7193, and the work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept contract work. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is required under California Civil Code, Section 3093. BACKGROUND: The District is committed to the long -term use of incineration as its solids disposal process. As part of the District's Work Redesign effort, an employee team developed several recommendations for improving the operation of the District's two Multiple Hearth Furnaces (MHFs). One of the highest priority items involved improving the furnace air inlet system. The improvements to the furnace air inlet system were intended to have' two major benefits: (a) stabilizing operation and further reducing opacity excursion and (b) reducing the formation of cyanide during the combustion process, which in turn will reduce the level of cyanide found in the scrubber water. The cyanide reduction benefit is especially important, since reduced levels of cyanide are expected to be incorporated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board as part of the District's next National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. The recently completed project improvements to the two MHFs included the installation of three new air inlet dampers to hearth No. 10, replacing existing damper control valves on hearths Nos. 5, 7, and 9, and automating the operation of all furnace damper control 8/7/00 L: \Position Papers \KLIMCZAK \7193Accept.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE FURNACE AIR INLET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7193, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION valves. Additional information can be found in the Fiscal Years 1999 -2000 and 2000- 2001 Capital Improvement Budgets (CIB) beginning on page TP -107. Attachment 1 shows the project location. The Board of Directors authorized award of a construction contact in the amount of $524,500 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation of Concord, California on September 16, 1999. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed, effective October 11, 1999, with a contract completion date of October 5, 2000. The District received beneficial use of the project improvements on the first furnace on March 8, 2000. The contractor subsequently achieved substantial completion of the Furnace Air Inlet Improvements Project contract work on July 24, 2000, approximately two months prior to the required completion date. The improvements have already demonstrated the benefit of more stable furnace operations. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for the construction phase of the project is $994,000. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board of Directors at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the construction of the Furnace Air Inlet Improvements Project, District Project 7193, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 8/7/00 LAPosition Papers \KLIMCZAK \7193Accept.wpd Page 2 of 3 Central Contra Costa FURNACE AIR INLET Attachment Sanitary District IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT I District Project 7193 Project Location LAPosition Papers \MAPS \7193.wpd Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ` BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 3.f. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Subject: AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER ROBERT COLON Submitted By: John Larson, Director of Collection System Operations Initiating Dept. /Div.: Collection System Operations Department REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. W - C. Freitas Charles W. Matte, General Manager ISSUE: Board authorization is required for medical leaves of absence that exceed 30 days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize four -month medical leave of absence for Maintenance Crew Leader Robert Colon. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board has three alternatives: approve, deny or modify the medical leave of absence. BACKGROUND: Maintenance Crew Leader Robert Colon has exhausted all leave. He has a long -term illness that prevents him from completing his work as a Maintenance Crew Leader or from working in a modified duty capacity. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize four -month medical leave of absence for Maintenance Crew Leader Robert Colon. 8/2/00 Cso\ Page 1 of 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1".iddcl BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 3.g. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: APPROVE MERIT INCREASE Subject: REQUEST APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL SALARY MERIT INCREASE FOR ALEXANDR MESTETSKY Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. Pilecki W. Brennan A. Otell C. Freitas Charles W. BaitF; General Manager ISSUE: A registration differential salary merit increase requires approval by the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Alexandr Mestetsky a one step increase of his basic salary effective August 1, 2000. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: One step salary increase. F!'1111194flor-Al 00 4 E= BACKGROUND: Alexandr " Sasha" Mestetsky is an Assistant Engineer in the Design Section of the Capital Projects Division of the Engineering Department. This classification does not require registration as a Professional Engineer. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Management Support /Confidential Group and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District provides for a salary merit increase for employees who achieve registration or license as Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified Public Accountant while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration or license. Alexandr Mestetsky has provided evidence to his supervisors that he has passed all required examinations and is now licensed as a Professional Engineer in California (see Attachment 1). Sasha has consistently demonstrated his ability to assist in the accomplishment of the design activities of the District requiring the professional level of judgment and skill expected of a Professional Engineer. Alexandr Mestetsky applied for a registration differential salary merit increase in a memorandum to the Board of Directors on August 1, 2000 (see Attachment 2). RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Grant Alexandr Mestetsky a one step increase of his basic salary effective August 1, 2000, as the registration differential salary merit increase provided for in the MOU. 8/1/00 CPD -GL -I: \Design \PP \Mestetsky \PE Differential Request.wpd Page 1 of 3 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 1, 2000 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: WILLIAM E. BRENNAN, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER FROM: ALEXANDR "SASHA" MESTETSKY, ASSISTANT ENGINEER k SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL SALARY MERIT INCREASE I am pleased to inform you that I passed the Professional Engineer examination. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Management Support /Confidential Group and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District provides for a salary merit increase for employees who achieve a license as a Professional Engineer while employed in a position not requiring such license. Attached is the July 28, 2000, letter from the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors sent as evidence that I now hold a valid license as a Professional Engineer. I respectfully ask your consideration of this request. /ms Attachment cc: T. Pilecki Approved by: An Far irector 6f Engineering I: \Design \Sasha \PE Dif Req.wpd Page 2 of 3 ., Attp-hment 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA -STATE AND CONSUMER SERVICES ! :Y GRAY DAVIS, Governor n sad BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS ,.�•ww .�� affornie 2535 CAPITOL OAKS DRIVE, SUITE 300, SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 -2944 Deper"Wof MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 349002, SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 -9002 �"t�� +► TELEPHONE: (916) 263 -2222 CALNET: 8- 435 -2222 Consumer A �� FAX: (916) 263 -2246 or (916) 263 -2221 ,,,, �h•r t11.1 BOARD INTERNET ADDRESS: http: / /www.dca.ca.gov /pels 07/28/2000 ID: 9213 Branch: Civil ALEXANDR E. MESTETSKY 531 MOUNT ST RICHMOND, CA 94805 CONGRATULATIONS! We are pleased to inform you that you have successfully passed the recent Professional Engineer examination. This letter will serve as temporary evidence that you now hold a valid license as a Professional Engineer. A formal certificate, which will include your license number, will be prepared and mailed to you within four to six weeks. Please refer to the "Rules and Regulations of the Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors" for information on the following subjects for which you are responsible: Rule 407 - Renewal of License.and Related Fees Rule 411 -' Seal` Rule 412 - Address Changes Rule 415 - Practice within Area of Competence - - Of particular importance is that all licenses are subject to renewal, and payment of a renewal fee is required. A renewal notice will be mailed to you several weeks before the expiration date of your Professional Engineer license. If you do not receive a renewal notice, you are still responsible for renewing your license. If you wish to order a seal or stamp, you may purchase one from any stationary store or rubber stamp company. Please note that some Engineers are required to seal and /or stamp any plans, specifications, or reports prepared by them, or under their direction. Rule 411 provides specific criteria on seals. Notices and newsletters from the Board Office cannot reach you unless we have your current mailing address. Board Rule 412 requires you to advise us in writing of any address changes within 30 days after the effective date of the address change. EXAMINATION AND LICENSING STAFF Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No -: 5.a. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD Subiect: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO TGH PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 6, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5423 Submitted By: Initiating Dept- /Div.: David Baldi, Sr. Engineering Assistant Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. A., �ITZ- a J,- — L^'V' D. Baldi H. o B. Brennan A. arrell harles W. tts, General Manager E: On July 27, 2000, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, DP 5423. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $199,000, including bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids. BACKGROUND: An agreement regarding the District taking over maintenance of private sewer mains within the Rossmoor community was approved by the Board of Directors in 1995. Under the terms of this agreement, new manholes and rodding inlets are being constructed and necessary repairs are being made to the existing sewers so they may be accepted by the District. This project is being financed by the allocation of a portion of the Capital Improvement fees paid by the Rossmoor Developer, UDC Homes, and a portion of the sewer service charges paid by the owners in Rossmoor. The first five phases of construction were completed each year from 1995 through 1999. The plans and specifications for the sixth phase of the project (see Attachment 1 for map) were prepared by District staff. The engineer's estimate for construction of Phase 6 is $ 141,000. This project was advertised on July 12 and 18, 2000. Seven (7) sealed bids ranging from $109,150 to $219,565 were received and publicly opened on July 27, 2000. A Summary of Bids received is shown in Attachment 2. 8/7/00 CPD -GL -I: \Design \PP \5423 \Award constr contract- DB.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO TGH PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 6, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5423 The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids received and determined that the low bidder, TGH Pipelines, Inc., is the lowest responsible bidder for the amount of $109,150. The funds required to complete this project as shown in Attachment 3, are $199,000 including sufficient coverage for inspection. The total Phase 6 project is anticipated to cost $224,000. Construction of the improvements to the Rossmoor sewers is included in the Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS -80 through CS -82. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves only minor alterations and repairs of existing facilities with no expansion of capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $109,150 for the construction of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 6, DP 5423, to TGH Pipelines, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. 8/7/00 CPD -GL -I: \Design \PP \5423 \Award constr contract- DB.wpd Page 2 of 5 Ft s o, 68 0 a 4 c a c MARTI N EZ 0 Valley c' CONCORD Alhambra Rd. a�O to O �a �d LAFAYE WALNUT C,,ee 010' o,�`° CREEK ,a RI DA �a ti° 24 - c Project Area �o Stone vo/ ROSSMOOR Rd. I �Oy MORAGA O�, O �a 0 DAN Rd. 1� N of V 0 3 n n 0 I MILES VI n E .5 Y v Central Contra Costa Sanitary District S Prepared by Engineering Support Section o� a� 680 ° 0 0 3 O U v a ROSSMOOR SEWER Attachment IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 1 PHASE 6 Page 3 of 5 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS LOCATION Walnut Creek, California ENGR. EST. $ 141,000 BIDDER (Name, Telephone & Address) BID PRICE 1 TGH Pipelines, Inc. $109,150 P.O. Box 38 3 Heather Way (94939) Larkspur, CA 94977 2 Roto- Rooter Sewer Service $137,910 195 Mason Circle Concord, CA 94520 3 D & D Pipelines $152,000 PMB 408 336 Bon Air Center Greenbrae, CA 94904 4 Pacific Underground Services $174,794 3881 Martha Drive Martinez, CA 94553 5 Vanguard Construction $193,500 1010 39th Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 -4029 6 J. Howard Engineering, Inc. $194,900 724 Carolan Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 -2711 7 Hess Construction Co., Inc. $219,565 4484 Hess Drive American Canyon, CA 94589 -9715 Page 4 of ,5 BIDS OPENED BY 4Z -- � -- . - DATE July 27. 2000 SHEET NO 1 _ OF 1_ ATTACHMENT 3 ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 6 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. X5423 POST BID /PRE- CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE % OF ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction Contract $ 109,150 2. Contingency at 15% $-21 ,850 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $131,000 100.0 3. Construction Management • District Forces Construction Management $13,500 Contract Administration /Inspection 34,000 Design 1,500 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $49,000 37.4 4. Consultant /Professional Services Material Testing $ 1,000 Arborist 2,000 Televising 5,000 SUBTOTAL CONSULTANT /PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 8,000 6.1 5. Engineering and Other Services During Construction • District Forces Record Drawings $ 1,000 Community Relations 2,000 Surveying 1,000 Collection System Operations 1,000 Legal 1,000 Miscellaneous /Permits 1,000 Easement Preparation 1,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING $ 8,000 6.1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING TOTAL (ITEMS 3, 4 & 5): $ 65,000 6. Pre -Bid Expenditures (Planning and Design) $ 28,000 7. Total Project Cost $224,000 8. Funds Allocated to Date $ 25,000 9. Allocation Required to Complete Project $199,000 Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /2mi ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No-: 5.b. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO GOLDEN PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR THE ST. MARY'S ROAD LANDSLIDE REPAIR PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5450 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Alexandr Mestetsky Engineering / Capital Projects Assistant Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. A. Me s tsky ilecki W. Brennan A arrell Charles W. at , General Mana er ISSUE: On August 7, 2000, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the St. Mary's Road Landslide Repair Project, District Project No. 5450. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract. FINANCIAL IMPACTS- $207,800 including construction, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: During the past winter rains, runoff has created a landslide on the Las Trampas Creek bank (south of the intersection of St. Mary's Road and Bollinger Canyon Road in Moraga shown in Attachment 1) which has compromised the integrity of an existing Sanitary District 27 -inch trunk sewer. A geotechnical investigation by URS Greiner Woodward Clyde has indicated that any further deterioration of the bank during future wet weather events could potentially result in failure of the 27 -inch trunk sewer. This is of significant concern to the District since this line serves most of the Moraga community. Topographic constraints prevent the District from relocating this line to a new location. The project entails extending an existing retaining wall by approximately 110 feet. The new retaining wall will be supported by approximately 28 concrete encased H -piles (approximately 25 feet deep) 4 feet on center. The retaining concrete wall will consist of 8/8/00 I: \Design \PP \5450 \Award Constr Contract- AM.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO GOLDEN PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR ST. MARY'S ROAD LANDSLIDE REPAIR PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5450 concrete lagging. In addition to the retaining wall, a 2 -feet wide AC drainage ditch will be installed along the access road to divert future runoff from this area. The plans and specifications were prepared by District staff with the assistance of URS Greiner. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $150,000. This project was advertised on July 22, and 27, 2000. Three sealed bids ranging from $129,000 to $193,800 were received and publicly opened on August 7, 2000. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The Capital Projects Division staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that the bid submitted by Golden Pacific Construction, Inc., is the lowest responsible bid. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and shop drawing review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $187,800. Construction of the slide repair is included in the fiscal year 1999 -2000 and 2000 -01 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS -70 through CS -72. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Reimbursement for the costs expended in the slide repair will be sought through assertion of a cross - complaint in the existing litigation concerning this property. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt form the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves the repair of an existing facility with no expansion of capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $129,000 for construction of the St. Mary's Road Landslide Repair Project, D.P. 5450, to Golden Pacific Construction Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. 8/8/00 I: \Design \PP \5450 \Award Constr Contract- AM.wpd Page 2 of 5 IPA N.T.S. L A S T R A M P A S C R E E[ EXISTING RETAINING] _ I.. o Central Contra Costa Sanitary District N.T.S. ST. MARYS LANDSLIDE PROJECT Attachment Page 3 of 5 1 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 5450 ST. MARY'S ROAD LANDSLIDE REPAIR DATE AUGUST 7. 211111) LOCATION MORAGA, CALIFORNIA ENGR. EST. $ 150,000 BIDDER (Name, Telephone & Address) BID PRICE 1 Golden Pacific Construction, Inc. 415 - 822 -3290 $129,000 945 Taraval Street, #104 San Francisco, CA 94116 2 Ned Clyde Construction, Inc. 925 - 689 -5411 $135,935 159 Mason Circle Concord, CA 94520 3 McGuire and Hester 510 - 632 -7676 $193,800 9009 Railroad Avenue Oakland, CA 94603 4 5 6 7 8 9 Is Page 4 of 5 BIDS OPENED BY Joyce E. Murphy. Secretary of the District DATE SHEET NO 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 3 ST. MARY'S ROAD LANDSLIDE REPAIR PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5450 POST - BID /PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1. Construction Contract $ 129,000 2. Contingency at 20.0 percent $ 25,800 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: $ 154,800 PERCENT OF ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION 100.0 3. Construction Management • District Forces Construction Management $ 4,000 Contract Administration /Inspection $ 25,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: $ 29,000 18.7 4. Consultant /Professional Services Page 5 of 5 • Arborist $ 4,000 • Geotech /Materials Testing (WCC) $ 10,000 SUBTOTAL CONSULTANT /PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: $ 14,000 9.0 5. Engineering and Other Services During Construction • District Forces Office Engineering Services $ 2,000 Record Drawings $ 1,000 Community Relations $ 500 Surveying $ 5,000 Collection System Operations $ 500 • Other Services Legal $ 1,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING: $ 10,000 6.5 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING TOTAL (ITEMS 3, 4, & 5): $ 53,000 34.2 6. Prebid Expenditures (Design) $ 65,000 42.0 7. Total Project Cost $ 272,800 176.2 8. Funds Allocated to Date $ 85,000 9. Allocation Required to Complete Project $ 187,800 Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Na: 5.c. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD; AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE STEAM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP 6144, AND AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT WITH WRMS ENGINEERING FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Submitted By: David J. Reindl, Associate Engineer initiating Dept. /Div.: Plant Operations Department /Maintenance Engineering REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT /ON. CYIS �V 91 LDR,,indl . Be'fbher J. Kelly General Mi ISSUE: On August 2, 2000, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Steam System Improvements Project, District Project (DP) 6144. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject all bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of construction contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $1,155,000, including bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids. BACKGROUND: The treatment plant steam system was originally installed during the 5A treatment plant expansion in the late 1970's. The steam system piping was upgraded in 1981 to provide for thermal expansion and piping movement. In 1984 the furnace waste -heat boilers came on -line. The cogeneration heat - recovery boiler added an additional source of steam in 1995. The steam system, as designed, is an integral part of plant operations, and is an economical source of energy for aerating the secondary process. Over 85 percent of the steam generated is a result of the heat - recovery operation in the furnace waste -heat boilers and cogeneration systems. This "recovered" energy in the form of steam provides a net savings to the District of over 51,000,000 per year, versus using electrical power. This project will replace numerous valves, inspect and correct leaks in the existing deaerator, replace the boiler makeup water softener, and replace the turbine - driven boiler 8/7ioo S: \Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \DP6144.DJR.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE STEAM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP 6144, AND AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT WITH WRMS ENGINEERING FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES feed -water pumps, which are both 25 years old and at the end of their useful life. The boiler chemical feed system will be upgraded to accept delivery of bulk chemicals. Controls for the waste -heat exchanger and aeration blowers and auxiliary boilers will be upgraded to provide effective system operation. (See Attachment 1.) The project was advertised on June 16 and 26, 2000. Bids were received and publicly opened on August 2, 2000, ranging from $817,000 to $ 1,025,000. The engineer's construction cost estimate for this project is $1,050,000. A summary of these bids is attached (Attachment 2). Plant Operations Department staff conducted a commercial and technical evaluation of the bids and has determined that Pacific Mechanical Corporation is the lowest, responsible bidder, with a bid amount of $817,000. Construction management services will be provided by District staff in conjunction with WRMS Engineering (formerly NPG Engineering). NPG Engineering has previously provided successful inspection and construction management services on recent projects. The additional allocation of funds required to complete this project is $1,155,000, as shown in Attachment 3. The current total estimated project cost is $1,555,000. This project is included in the Fiscal Years 1999 -2000 and 2000 -01 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP -90 through TP -93. Staff has conducted a cash -flow evaluation of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing facilities with no increase in capacity. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $817,000 for the construction of the Steam System Improvements Project, DP 6144, to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, the lowest, responsible bidder. 8/7/00 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \DP6144.DJR.wpd Page 2 of 5 E Y V 0 160 300 FEET / ECT 'ES l j lj Central Contra Costa Attachment o- sanitary District STEAM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 0 V / District Project 6144 1 Project Location Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS Project: DP 6144 - Steam System Date: August 2. 2000 Improvements Location: Treatment Plant Engr. Est. $ 1.050.000 WI - -� ., L. .. :. ..•.•. •.: �'i i ': ..Q.v.....).� : . - I - Monterey Mechanical $ 1,025,000 1 2 Kaweah Construction 837,066 3 Pacific Mechanical 817,000 4 j Alan A. Bradford 945,000 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bids Opened by: Joyce Murphy Date: August 2, 2000 Sheet No. 1 of 1 S: \Contracts \6144 \BidSum.lst.wpd 2/6/97 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 3 STEAM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP 6144 POST -BID PRECONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1 • Construction Contract $817,000 • Contingency (15 percent) 120,000 Construction Subtotal $937,000 2 Construction Management • WRMS Engineering $100,000 • District Force Account 40,000 • Weld Inspection and Testing 20,000 Construction Management Subtotal $160,000 3 Other Costs • Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade (This portion of the project previously completed. 4 Pre -Bid Expenditures PROJECT TOTAL ALLOCATIONS TO DATE ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT $180,000 $278,000 $1,555,000 400,000 $1,155,000 PERCENT 100 17.0 30.0 SAContracts \6144 \Post- Bid. lst.wpd Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 5.d. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE MIXED LIQUOR AERATION AIR PIPING REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 7183A Submitted By: initiating Dept./Div.: James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer Plant Operations / Maintenance ISSUE: On August 4, 2000, sealed bids were received and opened for the Mixed Liquor Aeration Air Piping Replacement Project, District Project No. 7183A. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of construction contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $586,000, including bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids. BACKGROUND: This project will replace over 1,000 feet of 4 -, 6 -, and 8 -inch aeration air piping in the mixed liquor channels (see attachment 1). The mixed liquor channels convey biological solids from the aeration tanks to the final clarifiers. The air piping supplies air to the channels, which is necessary to prevent odors and maintain the solids in suspension. The aeration air piping, which is approximately 22 years old, has corroded to the extent that holes have developed in the pipe. The piping has been repaired with pipe clamps, but the pipe is so thin now that it is beyond repair in many areas and must be replaced. This project will provide new piping, and a high quality coating will be applied to the piping to minimize future corrosion. The project was advertised on July 17 and July 24, 2000. Four bids, ranging from a low of $204,500 to a high of $250,000, were received and publicly opened on August 4, 8/7/00 S: \Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \DP7183A.pp.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE MIXED LIQUOR AERATION AIR PIPING REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 7183A 2000. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. Plant Operations Department staff conducted a commercial and technical evaluation of these bids and has determined that Pacific Mechanical Corporation is the lowest, responsible bidder with a bid amount of $204,500. The engineer's construction cost estimate for this project is $200,000. No additional allocation of funds is required to complete this portion of the Piping Renovation Projects, as shown in Attachment 3. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP -1 13 through TP -1 15. Staff has also concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.3, since it involves replacement of existing sewage facilities with no increase in capacity. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $204,500 for the replacement of the Mixed Liquor Aeration Air Piping Replacement Project, DP 7183A, to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, the lowest, responsible contractor. 8/8/00 S: \Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \DP7183A.pp.wpd Page 2 of 5 .o Y C Central contra costa MIXED LIQUOR AERATION AIR Attachment Sanitary District PIPING REPLACEMENT 1 District Project 7183A Project Location J Page 3 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ATTACHMENT 2 MIXED LIQUOR CHANNEL AERATION AIR PIPING REPLACEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7183A Location: Martinez, California SUMMARY OF BIDS Date: August 4, 2000 Engineer's Est: $200,000 BIDDER (Name & Address) BID PRICE Pacific Mechanical Corporation 1 P.O. Box 4041 $204,500 Concord, CA 94524 Kaweah Construction Company 2 1911 North Fine $213,432 Fresno, CA 93727 D.W. Nicholson Corp. 3 24747 Clawiter Rd $237,000 Hayward, CA 94540 Monterey Mechanical Company 4 8275 San Leandro Street $250,000 Oakland, CA 94621 Bids Opened By: Joyce Murphy Date: August 4, 2000 Sheet: 1 of 1 SWonhwts\71s3A\B&s=.vvpa Page 4 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ATTACHMENT 3 MIXED LIQUOR CHANNEL AERATION AIR PIPING REPLACEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 7183A POST -BID / PRE- CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Item Description 1 CONSTRUCTION Construction Contract Contingency at 15% Total Construction 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST 4 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES TO DATE* 5 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 6 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE Amount $ 204,500 $ 30,500 $ 235,000 $ 35,000 $ 270,000 $316,000 $ 586,000 $ 684,000 Percent of Estimated Construction Cost 100% 14.89% 114.89% 134.46% 249.35 % 7 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO $ 0 I COMPLETE PROJECT * Previous project work includes aeration air system leak testing, 72 -inch aeration air valve repair, miscellaneous valve replacement, and pipeline inspection. S: \Conftwts\7163A\Post -B a W.%Vd Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /Ja i BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 7.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTRY CLUB FOR RETROFITTING THEIR IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO ALLOW MAXIMUM USE OF RECYCLED WATER Submitted By: Initiating Dept.Viv.: Curtis W. Swanson, Division Manager Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEW AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ad, ho;� Swanson . Farrell K. Alm General Ma ISSUE: Board authorization is required for agreements costing the District more than $50,000. On October 21, 1999, the Board gave staff such authorization with certain conditions. At the request of Contra Costa Country Club (Club), staff is requesting that these conditions be revisited. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with the Contra Costa Country Club at a cost of $200,000 for retrofitting their irrigation system to provide for maximum use of recycled water. Staff shall be authorized to modify the previously approved agreement to allow a minimum of 150 acre feet per year with a mandatory 20 -year term. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District will pay $200,000 to the Club and will receive reimbursement for that amount through payments for recycled water over the 20 -year term. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Continue to attempt to negotiate the agreement previously authorized by the Board requiring a minimum use of 173 acre -feet of recycled water per year, and a 20 year term that could be reduced to 10 years based on use. BACKGROUND: On October 21, 1999, the Board authorized staff to enter into an agreement with Contra Costa Country Club for retrofitting the Club's irrigation system to allow for increased use of recycled water. The major terms of this agreement are described in Attachment A. Two of the terms of the agreement authorized by the Board are 1) that the Club use a minimum of 173 acre -feet of recycled water per year, and 2) that the term of the agreement of 20 years could be decreased to as little as 10 years if the Club uses 273 acre -feet of water per year during each of the first 10 years. 8/9/00 U:\ PPr\ Raposa \CCCountryClub.RecyAmend.wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTRY CLUB FOR RETROFITTING THEIR IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO ALLOW MAXIMUM USE OF RECYCLED WATER Subsequent to the Board's authorization, and due in part to personnel charges at the Club, Club representatives requested that the agreement be revised to reduce the minimum recycled water usage from 173 acre -feet per year to 150 acre -feet per year. The Club's request was based on a concern that possible future improvements to sprinkler and irrigation control technology coupled with a possible scenario of a long wet winter followed by a mild summer could reduce their annual minimum need for recycled water by 10 to 15 percent. After consideration, staff feels that this reduction is acceptable provided that the Club agree to a fixed term of 20 years that could not be decreased by a higher rate of recycled water usage by the Club. The Club has agreed to this change in the term of the agreement. Except for these two changes, the agreement will remain as described in Attachment A. Under the current rate model, the District investment of $200,000 to retrofit the Club's irrigation system will be recovered within the 20 -year term even based on the minimum usage of 150 acre -feet per year. The Club recently completed the irrigation system improvements. The use of recycled water is projected to be 290 acre -feet this year. Last year the Club used 240 acre -feet. This use rate suggests the District will recover its investment much sooner than 20 years and further suggests that the reduced 150 acre feet per year figure will not be a material factor in normal years. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with the Contra Costa Country Club at a cost of $200,000 for retrofitting their irrigation system to provide for maximum use of recycled water. Staff shall be authorized to utilize the modified terms providing for a minimum of 150 acre -feet per year with a mandatory 20 -year term. 8/9/00 U:\ PPr\ Raposa \CCCountryClub.RecyAmend.wpd Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT A HIGHLIGHTS OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR DELIVERY AND USE OF RECYCLED WATER WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTRY CLUB (Authorized by the Board on October 21, 1999) • the District will pay the Club $200,000 toward the cost of separating the greens when the project is completed and operational, • the Club will finance the remainder of the greens separation project without the need for a loan from the District, • the Club will design and manage the construction of the greens irrigation system, • the Club will agree to use a minimum of 173 acre feet per year of recycled water, • the existing Delivery Agreement will be extended an additional 10 years for a total of 20 years, • the Club will have the option to shorten the term of the Retrofit Agreement to 10 years by using a minimum of 273 acre feet per year, • the Club may not arbitrarily stop using recycled water at any time during the term of the Retrofit Agreement, • the cost of the recycled water will be based on the District's standard rate structure and will always be at least 20% lower cost than canal water. 8/9/00 U:\ PPr\ Raposa \CCCountryClub.RecyAmend.wpd Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 8.a. TREATMENT PLANT Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION; AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TWO GAS CHROMATOGRAPH / MASS SPECTROMETERS; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES Submitted By: initiating Dept. /Div.: Bhupinder S. Dhaliwal Plant Operations / Operations Laboratory Superintendent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT /ON. r B. Dhaliwal . Craig Kelly L mica Charles a s, General Man ger ISSUE: The Board of Directors must approve the findings that exempt projects frock public bidding, and authorize the General Manager to execute contracts over $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution approving the purchase of two GC /MS systems from Agilent Technologies, and authorize the General Manager to execute a sole- source contract with Agilent Technologies. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of this project is approximately $172,558. Below are three alternatives: 1. Repair the existing gas chromatograph /mass spectrometer (GC /MS) system. The laboratory currently has two Fisons Instruments, which were purchased in 1994. Both of these units have had poor maintenance records, and Fisons is no longer in business, so the parts and the repair are no longer supported by the manufacturer. 2. Do not purchase or repair instruments; instead, out - source organic analyses, which would cost approximately $75,000 per year with a turnaround time for analytical results that does not respond quickly enough to potential National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) violations or allow repeating questionable analytical results. Further, this alternative will not provide for toxicity identification /evaluation research capabilities if needed. 8/8/00 S: \Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \GC- MSBSD.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TWO GAS CHROMATOGRAPH / MASS SPECTROMETERS; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE - SOURCE CONTRACT WITH AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES 3. Purchase Agilent Technologies GC /MS systems. Agilent Technologies offers state - of- the -art technology in its GC /MS bench -top instruments that will provide analytical capabilities at ultra -low levels. BACKGROUND: In 1994, the District purchased two GC /MS systems from Fisons Instruments, Incorporated (a European manufacturer). One of the two systems was dedicated to volatile organics analyses (United States Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] Method 624), and the other was dedicated to semi - volatile organics (USEPA Method 625). The instruments were dedicated to these two different groups of priority pollutants to avoid cross contamination and to improve efficiency by reducing downtime due to switch -over involving the change of operating parameters. The Fisons GC /MS systems have served the District's analytical needs well, except for being maintenance intensive. The downtime of the instruments has been unacceptably high. Currently, one instrument is beyond economical repair. The other instrument is operable, but is frequently out of service for repair. Fisons Instruments has been acquired by another company, and this company has discontinued manufacturing the District's GC /MS model. It appears that the District model will become obsolete and appropriate service and parts will become increasingly difficult to obtain. There are four major bench -top GC /MS manufacturers in the world today. District staff conducted a technical review of these manufacturers, and they identified Agilent Technologies as the only manufacturer that can achieve the ultra -low detection levels (parts per quadrillion), which are being required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for certain compliance analyses. For example, the RWQCB is starting a USEPA- mandated total maximum daily load (TMDL) process for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) for the San Francisco Bay Area. Recently, the RWQCB has required the major POTWs to lower the PCB detection levels to less than 4 picograms per liter (parts per quadrillion) for each of 40 PCB congeners. These detection levels are about 250 times lower than the District's current GC /MS system capability. Other instances are becoming evident of the advantage of using ultra -low detection levels in order to meet the mass limit requirements being placed into new NPDES permits. The regulatory trend is clearly to require use of ever -more sensitive analyses; hence, in the near future, the District will be required to obtain ultra -low detection level technology or engage outside laboratories to provide same. The Agilent GC /MS is the only bench -top system that provides this technology. The Agilent system is at least ten times 8/8/00 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \GC- MSBSD.wpd Page 2 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TWO GAS CHROMATOGRAPH / MASS SPECTROMETERS; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SOLE- SOURCE CONTRACT WITH AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES more sensitive (detection levels) than any of the other manufacturers. District staff has visited the local POTW laboratories that possess Agilent Technologies GC /MS systems. These POTWs are Dublin -San Ramon Services District, East Bay Municipal Utility District, and the City of San Josh. Staffs at these POTWs have given outstanding recommendations for Agilent Technologies GC /MS systems, especially its ability to detect very low concentrations of organic chemicals. The negotiated purchase price from Agilent Technologies includes a $50,788 discount for the two GC /MS systems, including a $30,000 trade -in for the Fisons systems. The net cost to the District is $172,558, including sales tax. This price is very competitive, based upon a comparison of prices paid by the above - listed POTWs. Adequate funds are budgeted in the Laboratory Improvement Project for the replacement of the District's current GC /MS systems. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution (attached) approving the purchase of two GC /MS systems from Agilent Technologies, and authorize the General Manager to execute a sole- source contract with Agilent Technologies, at a negotiated price of $172,558. 8/8/00 S:\ Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \GC- MSBSD.wpd Page 3 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TWO GAS CHROMATOGRAPH /MASS SPECTROMETER SYSTEMS WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (District) Purchasing Standard, S -013, Bids, provides that in those cases involving a unique or novel product application required to be used in the public interest, a governmental entity may specify such unique or novel product as an appropriate sole source; and WHEREAS, the District has two Fisons Instruments, Incorporated, gas chromatograph /mass spectrometer (GC /MS) systems, one of which cannot be economically repaired, and the other has reached the end of its useful life; and WHEREAS, Section 3400(b) of the California Public Contract Code provides that a particular material, product, name brand, item, or service may be purchased without the necessity of competitive bidding when the governmental body of the public entity makes a finding by resolution that the designated material, product, thing, or service being purchased utilizes proprietary technology, and is only available through a single or sole source; and WHEREAS, the proprietary technology incorporated in the Agilent Technologies GC /MS systems will provide the District with the most sensitive (ultra -low detection level) and reliable bench -top GC /MS available, allowing the District to perform the laboratory analyses required to meet current and future regulatory requirements. At this time, no other bench -top equipment supplier can meet these ultra -low detection requirements; and WHEREAS, staff analysis concludes that the District can significantly benefit from entering into an agreement with Agilent Technologies to provide two GC /MS systems; and WHEREAS, staff analysis further concludes that the public interest in achieving the most cost - effective, practical, ultra -low level laboratory analysis capability requires using the unique and proprietary technology offered by Agilent Technologies as a sole- source supplier. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. THAT, the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District finds that use of the proprietary technology offered by Agilent Technologies is required to enable the District to meet current and future state and federal analytical requirements. 8/8/00 S: \Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \GC- MSBSD.wpd Page 4 of 5 2. THAT, the General Manager be authorized to execute an agreement with Agilent Technologies, as an appropriate sole- source provider of GC /MS systems. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17" day of August 2000, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNTERSIGNED: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton A. Alm District Counsel 8/8/00 S: \Correspondence \POSPAPR \2000 \GC- MSBSD.wpd Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 9.a. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES Subject: AMEND THE ENGINEERING ASSISTANT II AND III JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: " Charles W. B�(tfs, General Ma ager ISSUE: Board approval is required to amend job classification descriptions. RECOMMENDATION: descriptions. Amend the Engineering Assistant II and III job classification FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not amend the job classification descriptions. BACKGROUND: The Engineering II and III job classification descriptions were amended on May 2, 2000. Through an oversight, the Union did not review the descriptions prior to adoption by the Board. The Union brought this to our attention and asked to meet and confer on this matter. Staff has met and conferred with the Union and made some additional changes to the job classification descriptions based on their input. Staff concurs with the Union that these changes are constructive in clarifying these class descriptions. The job classification descriptions incorporating these additional amendments are attached. This recommendation was presented to the Board Personnel Committee on July 13, 2000 and they concurred with bringing it forward to the whole Board for further consideration. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: classification descriptions. 8/8/00 U: \PPR \SMC \PPRENG 1 23. W PD Amend the Engineering Assistant II and III job Page 1 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: 8/18/00 X69 Range: G -65 Respirator Class: 3 Perform a variety of complex technical field, and /or office engineering work which involves dealing with the public, servicing customer accounts, resolving customer inquiries, problems, and complaints regarding regulations, rates, charges, and overdue payments; perform specialized work related to providing technical assistance at a public information counter and implementing District procedures for development review and permit issuance; perform work related to the appraisal, acquisition, transfer, sale and disposal of publicly owned real property and property rights; perform work related to the calculation and assessment of sewer service charges; process annexations; and as assigned, perform inspections and enforce District regulations relating to construction of public and private sewage facilities. \ This is the journey level class in a technical engineering series. An Engineering Assistant II works under general supervision and is expected to perform moderately complex procedures in carrying out a variety of office and field engineering work. Work in this class is distinguished from that of the Engineering Assistant I class by the greater independence with which an incumbent is expected to operate. Receive general supervision from the Supervising Engineering Assistant. May receive technical direction from other higher level engineering personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform a variety of moderately complex mathematical calculations and associated duties to service customer accounts for sewer service; deal with the public by telephone or in person across the counter. Handle customer inquiries or complaints requiring the use of judgement, tact, and the interpretation of policies and procedures, or refer them to the appropriate personnel if necessary. Page 2 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant II (Continued) Handle service inquiries or initial complaints from customers, some of whom may be irate or difficult. Perform clerical support functions by operating a personal computer or main frame terminal. Write clear, concise and tactful letters to members of the public. Respond to a wide variety of technical and standard questions and inquiries from District staff, contractors, builders, realtors, engineers, and the general public regarding construction plans, specifications, District regulations, and permit requirements. Calculate adjusted rates for sewer service charges on existing accounts; determine appropriate charges for new connections as assigned; update existing accounts based on information from permit counter transactions or other sources. Review plans, calculate, and collect permit fees at a public counter; perform and review mathematical calculations requiring algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Issue a variety of permits subsequent to a detailed review of proposed plans. Maintain permit, sewer service charge and project records through computerized databases and hard copy files. Provide clear, concise, and accurate information to the public; explain District policies and procedures related to connections, permits and sewer services charges. Review properties regarding ownership, restrictions, zoning, easements, etc. Gather data and make recommendations regarding easements and rights of way. Prepare complete and accurate technical reports, memoranda, and correspondence. Maintain complete and accurate records. Conduct inspections of new private sewer lateral construction and repairs made by contractors or other agencies. Verify air tests and the proper cleaning of sewer lines. Make detailed drawings of sewer lines and connections upon construction completion. Page 3 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant II (Continued) Detect errors in databases or calculations using audit tests. Analyze rates and charges and prepare reports thereon. Assist in the preparation of the sewer service charge annual billing and all related activities. Perform related duties as required. u ► u IIJIM • • Mathematics as it applies to assigned area of work. Financial analysis and report preparation practices. Basic electronic data processing applications. The use and operation of personal computers in business applications. Principles and practices of engineering and surveying as they apply to area of assignment. Basic programming, accounting and customer billing procedures to detect and correct errors. Practices, methods, materials, and equipment used in the construction of sewer collection facilities. Policies, regulations, specifications, and requirements governing the construction, extension, and maintenance of sewer system and facilities. Principles and methods of easement acquisition and preparation. The form, purposes, and uses of land descriptions. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Page 4 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant II (Continued) On a continuous basis observe customers' needs, remember rules, rates, customers, and location of information. Intermittently analyze building plans and reports, identify parcels on maps and from descriptions, interpret District code to fees and construction work, problem solve the application of rules to new situations, explain fees and regulations to customers and keep co- workers informed. Intermittently sit at desk or computer terminal; have mobility between records storage, copier, maps, permit counter; stand or work at permit counter looking at maps and while waiting on the public; twist to reach equipment surrounding desk, and perform simple grasping; use telephone, and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; and lift or carry weight of 25 pounds or less. Depending on assignment, intermittently sit to drive or ride in a vehicle for long periods of time; walk over a variety of terrain; and stand, bend, squat, climb, kneel, and twist at job sites. Organize and prioritize work and meet deadlines. Express self clearly and concisely. Deal tactfully and effectively with the public and District personnel. Read and interpret rules, policies, and procedures. Gather data, prepare reports, and maintain accurate records. Maintain attention to detail with frequent interruptions. Perform complex and routine clerical work. Function in an electronic data processing environment. Work under limited supervision. Read and interpret engineering plans, specifications, survey notes, and related materials. Conduct detailed and accurate inspections of sewer system construction projects. Page 5 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant II (Continued) Analyze, interpret, apply, and explain complex and technical policies, procedures, codes, statutes, descriptions, and documents; make recommendations. Resolve problems and implement policies and procedures. Accurately perform computations including those involving algebra, geometry, and trigonometry as related to permit matters, Analyze rates and charges and prepare reports thereon. Understand and analyze software programs related to database functions and structure. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Four years of experience in technical engineering work, two of which involving work comparable to that of an Engineering Assistant I at the District. I:.IRT •. Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, supplemented by courses in mathematics, trigonometry, accounting, surveying, right-of-way - acquisition and drafting. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES May need to possess a valid California Driver's License as required by the position. Page 6 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III Effective: 8/18/005f3f 0 Range: G -69 Respirator Class: 3 Perform specialized, technical field, and /or office engineering work which may, as assigned, involve subordinate surveying tasks, reviewing plans using established review criteria, performing moderately complex design work, identifying and obtaining real property rights, monitoring and administering outside engineering or construction contracts, and conducting a variety of special engineering and /or planning studies; perform inspections and enforce District regulations relating to construction of public and private sewers; inspect construction work performed on District structures, materials, instruments, and appurtenances as assigned; manage maintain complex databases and administer programs activities including, but not limited to, sewer service charges, land use and sewer system capacity. This is a specialized, advanced engineering class which recognizes work requiring significant technical skills and knowledge. Positions assigned to the class of Engineering Assistant III work with a minimum degree of supervision, using established procedures, guidelines, and District policies. Depending on assignment, work may involve moderately complex design work, research on a variety of District projects, right -of -way identification and acquisition, contract administration, construction inspection and /or development plan review and comment, using established review criteria, operation of various survey instruments, use of computers with Coordinate Geometry (C.O.G.O.) and Computer Aided Design Drafting (C.A.D.D.), analyzing field information developed by a survey crew, understanding database structure and functionality. and ability to analyze and tioubles systems and cornputer prograins. [Q ilk - DWA11002 Receive direction from higher level professional or management personnel. May exercise technical or functional supervision over less experienced engineering personnel as assigned. Page 7 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Act as an instrument person on a field survey crew operating electronic theodolite, E.D.M., data collector, and engineers' level. Act as Survey Party Chief in his /her absence. Perform a variety of subordinate survey office work, for example: Prepare easement drawings and descriptions, perform C.O.G.O., and traverse calculations using office computer and /or programmable calculator, prepare boundary and topographic maps using C.A.D.D. software and plotter. Perform a variety of data collection and research requiring office and field investigations. Maintain databases and perform calculations, analyses and audits related to sewer service charges, land use and sewer system capacity. May provide lead guidance to less experienced technical engineering personnel as assigned. Review plans and specifications submitted by engineers for construction or modification of facilities; determine if plans and specifications are in compliance with District requirements and policies. Conduct inspections of new public sewer mains and private sewer lateral construction and repairs made by contractors or other agencies. Assess the safety precautions taken on sewer construction sites and enforce District specifications. Make detailed drawings of sewer lines and connections upon construction completion. Verify that proper permits and approved plans have been acquired to perform specified work. Inspect concrete, structural steel, process piping, shoring, storm drains, and work performed by trades personnel on behalf of the District in the construction, modification, or repair of District facilities. Answer questions and respond to complaints from public or private agencies concerning sewer problems, location of laterals, and repairs. Page 8 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) Conduct watershed capacity studies and local capacity studies. Retrieve and collate data, back up materials, and engineering files in conjunction with grant requirements, sewer service charges, land use and sewer system capacity. Develop planning alternatives on collection system projects. Assist project engineer in the areas of cost tracking and control, preparation of correspondence, monitoring schedules, project status, and completion of as -built drawings. Evaluate software functionality and work with programmers to troubleshoot software problems, vvvk with prograrnmem to make necessary corrections and improvements. May serve in a contract review and monitoring capacity as assigned. Provide attorneys and department heads with pertinent contract documents. May assist in project engineering and /or contract administration. Maintain records of contract work performed on behalf of the District as assigned; ensure that progress payments are made and that work percentages are in accordance with contracts. Perform civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical inspections on a variety of facilities and construction projects. Assist in short and long range facilities and financial planning. Prepare, assemble, and correlate plans and specifications for District projects with project engineering staff; prepare sketches and diagrams; design sewer collection system pipelines and other types of projects and construction; prepare cost estimates and schedules. Prepare clear and concise data summaries and written reports. Contact other agencies, developers, and contractors regarding construction in the service area. Act as, or assist the project engineer in the areas of cost tracking and control, preparation of correspondence, monitoring schedules, project status, and completion of as -built drawings; negotiate contract changes with outside contractors; may serve in contract review and monitoring capacity as assigned. Page 9 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) Catalog, review, and route contract proposals, submittals, drawings, and plans for review, changes, and subsequent approval. Review and identify defects in sewer construction; assist in the determination of District course of action. Respond to inquiries, requests and complaints, requiring the use of tact, judgment and the interpretation of standards, policies and procedures; prepare letters and other forms of correspondence. Process and route plans submitted by engineers for the construction and modification of facilities. Research, compile, and relay information regarding inspection activities to outside contractors and other District staff. Perform a variety of special projects as assigned; collect and organize data and back -up materials in conjunction with inspection studies and reports. Respond to a variety of technical and routine inquiries and requests from the general public including outside contractors regarding construction plans, specifications, and inspection requirements. Contact other agencies, developers, and contractors regarding construction in the service area. Schedule and coordinate inspection of private sewer projects. Administer the District sewer service charge program ensuring accurate and timely calculations and collection. Participate in coordinating inspection activities with other District staff. Maintain and process records of contract work on behalf of the District as assigned. Investigate properties regarding ownership, restrictions, zoning, easements, etc. Order and review title reports. Page 10 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) Prepare and handle execution of instruments pertaining to property rights. Gather and analyze data, prepare reports, legal descriptions, and documents relating to and negotiating for easements, rights -of -way, licenses, permits, leases and other property rights. As assigned, perform a variety of materials tests and take soils samples. Perform related duties as required. 1L \ ll "T • • • -00 • Construction practices, procedures, methods, materials, tools, equipment, and supplies, as applicable to the area of assignment. Codes, regulations, specifications, ordinances, and enforcement procedures applicable to the area of assignment. Principles and practices of engineering. Mathematics as it applies to assigned responsibilities. Materials, methods, and operations of sewage collection, treatment, and facilities construction. Construction practices, procedures, methods, materials, tools, equipment, and supplies as applicable to the area of assignment. Contract purposes and terminology as they apply to assigned administrative responsibilities. Policies and regulations governing the construction, extensions, easement requirements, and maintenance of District sewer systems and facilities. Page 11 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) Surveying methods, practices, techniques, equipment, and instruments and their proper use, maintenance, and application. Use of computers for survey applications, database management and data analysis, C.O.G.O. and C.A.D.D. software. Property deeds and legal descriptions of property. Methods and techniques of engineering, drafting, and estimating. Research and data collection methods and applications to assigned duties. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Continuously analyze plans; interpret project proposals, plans, and specifications; design engineering solutions; understand and explain engineering procedures and terminology, and perform mathematical calculations. Intermittently analyze job site conditions for survey layout, identify survey monumentation, and identify, interpret, explain, and enforce construction standards, contract provisions, and specifications. Sit at a desk for long periods of time, write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means, occasionally walk through and inspect construction sites, perform simple grasping, pushing and pulling, fine manipulation, and lift or carry weight of 50 pounds or less. When assigned to Survey or Inspection, sit to drive or ride in a vehicle for long periods of time on a continuous basis; intermittently sit at a desk; continuously walk over a variety of terrain; intermittently stand, bend, squat, climb, kneel, and twist at job sites; write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; perform simple and power grasping, pushing, pulling, fine manipulation; lift or carry weight of 50 pounds or less; and hear traffic noise and observe oncoming traffic for safety. When assigned to Inspection, intermittently lift manhole covers weighing 50 to 80 pounds. May be required to communicate via radio and hear radio dispatch. Conduct detailed and accurate inspections of District construction projects. Page 12 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) Perform technical research and provide reliable advice on engineering problems. Read and interpret engineering and construction plans, blueprints, and drawings. Prepare detailed drawings of sewer locations and facilities. Perform a variety of contract monitoring and administration functions, as assigned. Enforce District policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Use a variety of graphics tools and materials. Perform engineering and mathematical calculations with speed and accuracy. Use standard computer programs to design and create databases and perform data management and analysis activities. Maintain a variety of reports, files, and engineering records. Perform difficult survey related office work using a computer with C.O.G.O. and C.A.D.D. software and difficult calculations, computations related to survey work and the preparation of plats and plans, and a variety of property related research and analysis including writing and checking of legal descriptions. Operate electronic survey instruments with data collectors and engineers' level. Serve as Survey Party Chief in his /her absence. Use and care for engineering and drafting instruments and equipment. Perform assigned duties with a significant degree of independence. Respond effectively to engineering questions and inquiries. Deal firmly and tactfully with contractors, business operators and property owners. Provide training and lead guidance to less experienced technical engineering staff as assigned. Page 13 of 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant III (Continued) Keep accurate field observations and records. Use computers to compile and retrieve data. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District including, but not limited to, Cal /OSHA General Industry Safety Orders, the District's Respiratory Protection Program, and District Safety Directives. Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years of increasingly responsible experience in technical engineering work, one year of which involving work comparable to that of an Engineering Assistant II, including two years of experience in inspection of sewage treatment, industrial or public works facilities or comparable complexity when assigned to Inspection. 1*61"WIR Me Equivalent to an Associate of Science degree in engineering or closely related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES May need to possess a valid California Driver's License as required by the position. When assigned to Inspection, must possess a valid California Driver's License. A Land Surveyor in Training (L.S.I.T.) certificate is desirable for those working principally in the area of survey services. Page 14 of 14 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 9.b. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES sub /ect: ADD TWO ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III (G -69, $4580 - $5538) POSITIONS TO CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION STAFF Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. J/ — — a�� — A. -\- rell C. Freitas ISSUE: Board approval is required to add new positions. LM1arTes W. Batts, General Manager RECOMMENDATION: After studying the current and future construction inspection needs of the District, we recommend that two individuals be hired as Engineering Assistant III's with an emphasis on inspection of construction projects and with a preference given to those individuals whose qualifications indicate an ability and interest in being flexible to perform multiple types of inspections as well as other duties. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There will be an added cost for two Engineering Assistant III, at a monthly salary cost of $9,158 for both positions for the first six months after appointment in this fiscal year. Part of this cost will be offset by a reduction in contract inspectors and part will be reimbursed by developers. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Continue significant reliance on contract inspection for both capital projects and developer sewers. BACKGROUND: Our inspection staff currently reside in three areas. First, our developer collection system inspection team consists of three inspectors and a supervisor, reporting to an Associate Engineer in the Environmental Services Division. This staff has been supplemented by one full -time contract employee for more than a year. The cost of this staff is partially reimbursed by the developers. Second and third, our capital projects staff includes one inspector for collection system projects and one inspector for treatment plant projects, each reporting to a Senior Engineer. At any given time, based on capital project scheduling, we typically have two or more contract inspectors to supplement inspection on capital projects. Currently, we have a contract inspector on the Laboratory project, a second finishing the Furnace Air Inlet project, and a third on the Treatment Plant Seismic Upgrade and Outfall Phase IV projects. We are anticipating having at least one contract inspector, and possibly two on the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer project, when it occurs. In addition, the plant customarily uses contract inspectors for many of their 8/8/00 C: \DOC \PPRS \PPRENGASST.WPD Page 1 of 3 r POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subiect: ADD TWO ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III (G -69, $4580 - $5538) POSITIONS TO CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION STAFF construction projects. Therefore, our total inspection staff includes one inspector supervisor and five inspectors supplemented with two -to -six contract inspectors. Some of these contract inspectors are required due to the need for specialized expertise, for example, on the Laboratory project and potentially on the Dougherty project for the tunnel portion. However, many of the duties being performed by contract inspectors could be performed by our own staff, if available. A further concern is that our current construction inspection staff is somewhat one dimensional due to the division of work load and past practices. With additional flexibility, staff would be available to cross train developer inspectors with capital projects inspectors and to provide all inspectors with both pipeline and plant experience. In addition, the developer inspectors could potentially benefit from being cross - trained in plan review and permit counter functions, but this has also not traditionally been done. Our long -term goal is to meet the intent of the Engineering Assistant III classification and cross -train all these individuals. A longer term goal would be to replace some of the persons retiring with an Engineering Assistant I or II position instead of a III so we can bring in more flexible staff and continue to build on the cross - training concept. Another factor that must be considered is that, of the five inspectors and one inspector supervisor currently on staff, at least two and possibly three are expected to retire in the next year. Two of the remaining three inspectors are expected to retire in the next five years. Bringing two additional inspectors on staff now will allow us to train these individuals and retain them to meet our long -term needs instead of training contract employees who may or may not be available when these retirements occur. Finally, we currently have an active Engineering Assistant III list which was developed with construction inspection as a requirement. This recommendation was presented to the Board Personnel Committee on July 13, 2000 and they concurred with bringing it to the full Board for their consideration. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the following: • Add one Engineering Assistant III (G -69, $4580 - $5538) to the Engineering Department Environmental Services Division. 8/8/00 C: \DOC \PPRS \PPRENGASST.WPD Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: ADD TWO ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III (G -69, $4580 - $5538) POSITIONS TO CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION STAFF • Add one Engineering Assistant III (G -69, $4580 - $5538) to the Engineering Department Capital Projects Division. • Reduce the use of contract inspectors as soon as added staff is trained and assimilated. 8/8/00 C: \DOC \PPRS \PPRENGASST.WPD Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /J a i ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 9-c. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES Subject: APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF ONE ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR (G -71, $4798 - 55810) POSITION FOR A PERIOD OF UP TO THREE MONTHS PRIOR TO RETIREMENT OF ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR JAMES RUETENIK; AUTHORIZE FILLING THE POSITION Submitted By: Initiating DeptJDiv.: Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION. C. Freitas ISSUE: Board approval is required to overfill a position. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the successor to Assistant Land Surveyor James Ruetenik be hired at least three months prior to his retirement. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There will be an added salary cost of $4,798 per month for three months. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Assistant Land Surveyor field position could be filled after the incumbent retires, providing no opportunity for transfer of knowledge. BACKGROUND: James Ruetenik, a 28 -year District employee, has informed us that he will be retiring from the District next year. It is expected that he will leave in the spring of 2001. Mr. Ruetenik is the reservoir of much critical information about past and ongoing survey projects. Knowledge of the location and condition of the physical monuments used for horizontal and vertical orientation of District surveys resides with him. The new Assistant Land Surveyor needs to be able to recover these monuments in order to locate our facilities and our easements. He or she will also need to be acquainted with each of our facilities and the associated surveys that have been made and their relative accuracies. There are ongoing settlement surveys that will need explanation and demonstration. The new Assistant Land Surveyor will need to be trained on both the District computer systems and survey software and on the databases that Mr. Ruetenik has developed for Survey. His replacement may need to be instructed in the use of our particular surveying instruments, especially the new Global Positioning System equipment. In addition, the additional person will allow us the flexibility to begin cross - training our other Assistant Land Surveyor to do field work and to train the new individual to do the office functions so that our survey staff is more flexible going forward. The recommended overlap will greatly increase the new employee's immediate and long -term productivity as well as increase the utility of the other Assistant Land Surveyor currently on staff. 8/8/00 U: \PPR \SMC \PPROFLNDSUR.WPD Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF ONE ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR (G -71, $4798 - 55810) POSITION FOR A PERIOD OF UP TO THREE MONTHS PRIOR TO RETIREMENT OF ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR JAMES RUETENIK; AUTHORIZE FILLING THE POSITION This recommendation was presented to the Board Personnel Committee on July 13, 2000 and they concurred with bringing it to the full Board for their consideration. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve adding one Assistant Land Surveyor (G -71 $4798 - 55810) to the Engineering Department's Capital Project Division for a period not to exceed three months prior to the retirement of Assistant Land Surveyor James Ruetenik. 8/8/00 U:\PPR \SMC \PPROFLNDSUR.WPD Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 9.d. HUMAN RESOURCES Type ofAction: HUMAN RESOURCES subject CREATE AND ADD ONE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR (S -77, $5562- $6740); ADOPT THE JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; ADOPT RESOLUTION PLACING THE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR CLASSIFICATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - CONFIDENTIAL GROUP; DELETE ONE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT (S -77, $5562- $6740) POSITION; RECLASSIFY BART BRANDENBURG TO POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR; AMEND THE SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION. Submitted By. Initiating Dept /Div.: Harriette Heibel, Community Affairs Manager/ Administrative /Communication Services Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: nov go J-lk\ i14� Q H.Heibel IJAY 11 C.Freitas .Morsen harles General Ma ISSUE: Board approval is required to create and add positions, adopt and amend job classification descriptions, place positions into bargaining units, and reclassify employees. RECOMMENDATION: Consolidate pollution prevention activities related to community education into one division by transferring Bart Brandenburg, Pollution Prevention Program Superintendent, to the Communication Services Division; and consolidate source control and stormwater inspections into one division by consolidating stormwater and source control inspections under Source Control Program Superintendent Tim Potter. Amend the job classification description for the Source Control Program Superintendent. Delete one Pollution Prevention Program Superintendent position (S -77, $5562- $6740); create and add one Pollution Prevention Program Administrator position (S -77, $5562- $6740); adopt resolution placing the Pollution Prevention Program Administrator classification in the MS /CG bargaining unit; reclassify Bart Brandenburg to Pollution Prevention Program Administrator; FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There would be no financial impacts related to the recommendation. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The organization could be left unchanged and the expected benefits of consolidation would not be realized. BACKGROUND: Pollution prevention activities relating to residential, business, and student education are performed in both the Administrative Department's Communication Services Division and Engineering's Capital Projects Division. Harriette Heibel, Community Affairs Manager, and her staff provide communication support related to pollution prevention and are specifically responsible for the student education component. Bart Brandenburg, Pollution s /s /oo H:\ Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \pppadmin.pp Page 1 Of 15 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: CREATE AND ADD ONE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR (S -77, $5562- $6740); ADOPT THE JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; ADOPT RESOLUTION PLACING THE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR CLASSIFICATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - CONFIDENTIAL GROUP; DELETE ONE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT (S -77, $5562 - $6740) POSITION; RECLASSIFY BART BRANDENBURG TO POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR; AMEND THE SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION. Prevention Program Superintendent in the Capital Projects Division, is responsible for the District's overall pollution prevention program as well as for the County Illicit Discharge Elimination (Stormwater Inspection) Program. Mr. Brandenburg and other members of the Engineering Department staff work closely with Ms. Heibel and her staff to put together some of the District's outreach programs, most notably the Integrated Pest Management Program. In reviewing how these services are delivered and what the resource needs are, it became clear that consolidating this function would provide some efficiencies and greater focus to the pollution prevention program. Placing the pollution prevention function in the Communication Services Division recognizes that this function is primarily a community outreach function, not an engineering function. Tim Potter, Source Control Program Superintendent in the Environmental Services Division, is responsible for the District's pre- treatment program and the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. While Messrs. Brandenburg and Potter each have dedicated inspectors to handle stormwater and source control inspections respectively, they both share the use of the Source Control Inspectors for some stormwater and pollution prevention - related inspections. In addition, they also share the staff support of the Source Control Coordinator who is located within Mr. Potter's section. Having dedicated inspectors do two different programs has sometimes made the issue of setting priorities as well as equalizing workload difficult. By combining inspection functions under one supervisor, the workload can be better managed and distributed among the District resources. The County Illicit Discharge Elimination (Stormwater Inspection) Program, along with its two inspectors, will be consolidated with Source Control. This will also allow us to better meet one of the objectives of the stormwater inspections, which is to combine them with our pretreatment inspections whenever possible in order to take advantage of the efficiencies of visiting sites only once and to minimize the inconvenience to the customers who are able to address a number of inspection issues with one inspector interaction. The County's Clean Water Program is an important client of the District. We have discussed this potential change with them and will work with them to ensure that such a change in reporting is seamless. This recommendation was presented to the Board Personnel Committee on July 13, 2000, and they concurred with bringing it to the full Board for their consideration. 8/8/00 H:\ Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \pppadmin.pp Page 2 of 15 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 Subject: CREATE AND ADD ONE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR (S -77, $5562- $6740); ADOPT THE JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; ADOPT RESOLUTION PLACING THE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR CLASSIFICATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - CONFIDENTIAL GROUP; DELETE ONE POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT (S -77, $5562- $6740) POSITION; RECLASSIFY BART BRANDENBURG TO POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR; AMEND THE SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: a. Delete one Pollution Prevention Program Superintendent (S -77, $5562- $6740) from the Engineering Department's Capital Project Division b. Create and add one Pollution Prevention Program Administrator (S -77, $5562- $6740) to the Administrative Department's Communication Services Division (see organizational charts attached) C. Adopt the job classification description for Pollution Prevention Program Administrator (attached) d. Adopt resolution placing the Pollution Prevention Administrator classification in the Management Support- Confidential Group (attached) e. Reclassify Bart Brandenburg to Pollution Prevention Program Administrator f. Amend the job classification description for Source Control Program Superintendent 8/8/00 H:\ Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \pppadmin.pp Page 3 of 15 c CO) d V U •� C } O Q C5 H co O � L 0 L � W O Q 1 U z V o as c� z CL U O CD C SALA,, AW W B U °•0c m �� a oc O `o ^ ° 0 N `a m a C m n Z i.ia� LL Eo Ucu a L a Wo oW - �nt0 o am TO L ° Lam LL jai °w V o w � rn O N 3 S S 3 `a m d u « a a UO om F u C U) N 4 t l7 2 ui 2 c Um 00 i W =3 S .S? - 0. MCI CC o 3rn U N go ° U ° O 0 3 d $ ° a C) w O t mi a 0.' O a 1 (n S N N �- 1 �c g0 1 a Ad. 1 2 m �c mY c� nC7 mYUi> c - F- IL lL O ND OR R 0$ - m Uu ° 1 E� eE e�^ � 1 0' $ ui mg 0.' O a 1 (n S N N �- 1 �c g0 1 a 1 2 m �c mY - 1 1 N 0$ - m 1 eE 1 0' $ ui 1 tnU 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I Q I O 16 --- a----------------------- - - - 0 mE I I o� Page 4 of 15 �7 _� b O �> cB � � ƒ ._ m i � m cn O r U « O z U 0 .� « E � E w w O ZKO � of ■ }& ! CL O a- o _ I \\ f in )� 2 ! � A [R L CD)� / - /! )\ a � � � )) \ � #,- ` , @2 ! aka ( CZ U) tO ®/ _ #``_ J k)S| `) \\ k a )� /!� §. #.� �. | /) G R . 2ƒ °�__� ------ ---- --- ---- -§ , -a Page 5 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: 8/18/00 8/16/96 Range: S -77 Respirator Class: 3 POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM SUPER! ITENDE T ADMINISTRATOR 1�7��1►1��NL1 Perform responsible, professional program work in the planning, design, organizing, monitoring, and coordinating of pollution prevention activities and supervise the activities of subordinate inspection and support staff. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is an experienced, senior level class capable of applying policies and procedures independently in a variety of situations. Successful performance of the work also requires the ability to exercise sound judgement, particularly in dealing with employees, supervisors, the public and fuFFRS whieh have businesses within the County. Work in this class requires coordination with all District departments, as well as with Geunty other public and regulatory agencies. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from higher level professional or management personnel. Exercise direct supervision over assigned staff. May exercise technical supervision and /or project management oversight to assigned staff. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Negotiate and administer contracts for a variety of routine and complex consulting projects; schedule and approve progress payments; monitor and review progress. Provide instruction and training to inspectors in the techniques of pollution prevention. as#;v+t+es Page 6 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Pollution Prevention Program S p Fi^tendent Administrator (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Develop best management practices for pollution prevention for targeted industries and commercial establishments. Initiate, develop and maintain positive contacts with local and regional governments, industry associations, committees, community organizations, schools, and media representatives in support of the District's existing and future pollution prevention programs and activities. Provide technical assistance to other public agencies, engineering consultants and individuals to resolve District issues. Design and manage technical studies in the area of pollution prevention. Prepare plans and reports including but not limited to the Annual Pollution Prevention Plan and the Annual Pollution Prevention Report; maintain accurate records and files. Represent pollution prevention activities for the District on a regional and /or higher level as required. Review and comment on legislation pertaining to pollution prevention. Coordinate with and assist District Community Edueation Communication Services Division staff to develop, implement pollution prevention public information strategies, including residential, business and school education. Explain complex governmental mandates, regulations and ordinances related to pollution prevention to public agencies, business and property owners, and the public. Prepare grant applications and administer specified grant- funded projects; ensure program meets eligibility requirements; provide input into budget related to outreach materials. Page 7 of 15 , e reg latiens etn Fdonaneee. Develop best management practices for pollution prevention for targeted industries and commercial establishments. Initiate, develop and maintain positive contacts with local and regional governments, industry associations, committees, community organizations, schools, and media representatives in support of the District's existing and future pollution prevention programs and activities. Provide technical assistance to other public agencies, engineering consultants and individuals to resolve District issues. Design and manage technical studies in the area of pollution prevention. Prepare plans and reports including but not limited to the Annual Pollution Prevention Plan and the Annual Pollution Prevention Report; maintain accurate records and files. Represent pollution prevention activities for the District on a regional and /or higher level as required. Review and comment on legislation pertaining to pollution prevention. Coordinate with and assist District Community Edueation Communication Services Division staff to develop, implement pollution prevention public information strategies, including residential, business and school education. Explain complex governmental mandates, regulations and ordinances related to pollution prevention to public agencies, business and property owners, and the public. Prepare grant applications and administer specified grant- funded projects; ensure program meets eligibility requirements; provide input into budget related to outreach materials. Page 7 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Pollution Prevention Program SupeFintendent Administrator (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Prepare and deliver lectures, audio - visual presentations and other interpretive sessions to various groups. Organize, plan, direct review and evaluate the activities and work of support staff. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Pretreatment processes and methods employed by dischargers. Modern developments, current literature, and sources of information regarding pretreatment, pollution prevention and stormwater pollution prevention. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Pretreatment and stormwater pollution control regulations, technical guidance documents, and the District Code. Supervision principles and techniques. Project administration principles and techniques. Practices and procedures used in budget preparation and administration. Ability to: Intermittently analyze and interpret data and reports; observe inspections; remember and understand assigned tasks and priorities. Intermittently sit at desk, walk, stand, bend, squat, kneel, and twist during inspections; perform simple and power grasping, pushing, pulling and fine manipulation; lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less; and occasionally lift or carry weight of 80 pounds or less. Enforce District procedures, requirements, and policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Page 8 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Pollution Prevention Program SUPeFintendent Administrator (Continued) Ability to: Perform project management responsibilities on routine and complex projects. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Perform complex work with a minimum of supervision. Make complex computations and to check, design, and supervise the preparation of plans and studies. Prepare and make presentations to management, the Board, other agencies and the public. Train and supervise assigned personnel. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District, including, but not limited to, Cal /OSHA General Industry Safety Orders, the District's Respiratory Protection Program, and District Safety Directives. May be required to work evenings or weekends to make presentations or during special events as required. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five f n f si nals in the area of r'rc�Te2i s— vr— ei(peH eRS�apv -r-v I�HI � —�f vre$� �9 rrar.�ir�crr�arca --vr Five years of progressively responsible experience in pretreatment or pollution prevention, including two years of program management. Friucatinn- Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in chemistry, engineering or a closely - related field. Page 9 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Pollution Prevention Program S pwintendent Administrator (Continued) LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Page 10 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT nFFINITION Effective: 8 /18/00 7/1/98 Range: S -77 Respirator Class: 2 SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT Plan, organize, direct, and review the operation of the District's Source Control and Household Hazardous Waste Sections; perform responsible professional work supervising all functions of the Source Control Section including line supervision of Source Control and Household Hazardous Waste staff and project management. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Source Control Program Superintendent ManageF -and is expected to complete complex assignments requiring the use of judgement and initiative in developing solutions to problems, interpreting general policies, and determining work assignments. Work in this class is distinguished from that of subordinate Source Control staff by the greater complexity of the assignments received, responsibility for Source Control programs, and by the greater independence with which an incumbent is expected to operate. In addition, the Source Control Program Superintendent is responsible for project management during the course of a project. Work in this class requires coordination with all District departments, as well as other public and regulatory agencies. The use of respiratory equipment (including self- contained breathing apparatus (S.C.B.A.)) may be required for this position. Therefore, the Source Control Program Superintendent will be required to be free of facial hair that would interfere with the use of a respirator for annual fit tests and any occasion which requires the use of respiratory equipment to comply with the District's respiratory program and Cal /OSHA standards. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from higher level professional or management personnel. Exercise direct supervision over assigned professional and technical personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Organize, plan, direct, review, and evaluate the activities and work of subordinate staff. Page 11 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Source Control Program Superintendent (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Develop and negotiate complex industrial discharge permits and contracts. Serve as administrator of the illicit discharge elimination program for the sanitary /sanitation agencies contracted with the Contra Costa Clean Water Program to perform this function. Work with individuals, agencies, businesses and industries to identify and resolve illicit discharge and /or urban run off problems or serious violations of applicable laws, permits, ordinances, regulations, etc. Negotiate and administer contracts for a variety of routine and complex consulting projects; schedule and approve progress payments; monitor and review progress. Supervise investigation of reports of permit violations and illicit discharges to the stormwater system. Prepare reports for presentation to District Board; make recommendations for Board action. Assist other public agencies, engineering consultants, and individuals to resolve District issues. Prepare and administer the Source Control Program budget; coordinate the illicit discharge elimination program budget preparation with other agencies involved in the multi - jurisdictional program. Enforce District Code dealing with Source Control and applicable state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Review and comment on legislation pertaining to source control. Prepare special engineering studies and reports. Develop revised design and construction standards dealing with pretreatment facilities. Perform related duties as required. Page 12 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Source Control Program Superintendent (Continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Pretreatment processes and methods employed by dischargers. Modern developments, current literature, and sources of information regarding pretreatment. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Pretreatment regulations, technical guidance documents, and the District Code. Policies, procedures, and requirements governing the functions of the Source Control Section. The scientific base of Source Control regulation. Ability to: On a continuous basis know safety procedures, observe inspections, remember and understand assigned tasks /priorities. Intermittently analyze and interpret data and reports, and explain job assignments. Intermittently sit at desk, walk, stand, bend, squat, kneel, and twist during inspections; perform simple and power grasping, pushing, pulling and fine manipulation; lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less; and occasionally lift or carry weight of 80 pounds or less. Enforce District procedures, requirements, and policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Perform project management responsibilities on routine and complex projects. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Perform complex work with a minimum of supervision. Supervise all activities in the Source Control Section. Make complex computations and to check, design, and supervise the preparation of plans and studies. Page 13 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Source Control Program Superintendent (Continued) Ability to: Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District, including, but not limited to, Cal /OSHA General Industry Safety Orders, the District's Respiratory Protection Program, and District Safety Directives. Special Physical Requirements: Must be able to wear respiratory protection equipment for chemical exposure protection. May be required to enter confined space. Must be able to wear S.C.B.A. and perform job duties in protective clothing and equipment including S.C.B.A. weighing 32 pounds. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years of experience supervising pretreatment professionals. Education: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in chemistry, engineering, or a closely - related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES California Water Pollution Control Association Grade IV Industrial Waste Supervisor Certificate and the Sacramento State Pretreatment Inspector Certificate shall be obtained within two years of appointment. Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Page 14 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL POSITION TO BE A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT /CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT WHEREAS, in accordance with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code, those staff positions to be included in the Management Support /Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District shall so designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that in addition to those employees holding positions currently designated as members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit, the employee holding the position under the following listed "Additional Member Position Classification ", should also be a member of the Management Support /Confidential Group Representation Unit: Additional Member Position Classification: Pollution Prevention Program Administrator NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does, by this resolution, establish that the employee holding the position under the hereinabove listed Additional Member Position Classification shall from August 17, 2000 become a member of the Management Support /Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED the 17`h day of August, 2000 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Counsel for the District Page 15 of 15 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 9.e. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES subject. DELETE ONE PUBLIC INFORMATION & PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 1 /II (G-52,$3056- $3692; G -60, $3692- $4469) POSITION AND ONE MANAGEMENT ANALYST (G -68, $4469- $5409) POSITION. CREATE AND ADD TWO COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE (S- 68,$4488-$5433) POSITIONS AND ADOPT JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; ADOPT RESOLUTION PLACING THE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE CLASSIFICATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - CONFIDENTIAL GROUP; RECLASSIFY MANAGEMENT ANALYST JACQUELINE ZAYAC TO COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE AND AUTHORIZE THE FILLING OF THE VACANT POSITION Submitted By. Harriette Heibel, Community Affairs Manager/ Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering Initiating Dept /Div.: Administrative /Communication Services Engineering 1-1� REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: C:Mr H.Heibel A.F ell LIkk C.Freitas lfqo�� -1 LW General ISSUE: Board approval is required to create and add positions, adopt job classification descriptions, place positions into bargaining units, and reclassify employees. RECOMMENDATION: Delete the vacant Public Information & Production Assistant 1 /II position (G -52, $3056- $3692; G -60, $3692- $4469) in the Communication Services Division of the Administrative Department. Create and add one Community Affairs Representative position (S -68, $4488 - $5433), adopt the job classification description and adopt a resolution placing the new classification in the Management Support/Confidential Group. Reclassify Management Analyst Jackie Zayac in the Capital Projects Division of the Engineering Department to Community Affairs Representative. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Reclassification of the Public Information & Production Assistant 1 /11 and Management Analyst positions into Community Affairs Representatives would result in a monthly salary increase of $820 in the first six months of appointment in this fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Alternatively, the positions, salaries and bargaining units could be left unchanged. BACKGROUND: Community outreach is handled by both a Public Information & Production Assistant 1 /11 position in the Administrative Department's Communication Services Division and a Management Analyst position in the Engineering Department's Capital Projects Division. The Public Information & Production Assistant 1 /11 position, vacant since March 2000, has historically handled pollution prevention and community education activities. Jackie Zayac, as a Management Analyst, is the key person responsible for handling community outreach for construction projects. s /s /oo H: \Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \carep.pp Page 1 of 12 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subject: DELETE ONE PUBLIC INFORMATION & PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 1 /II (G-52,$3056- $3692; G -60, $3692- $4469) POSITION AND ONE MANAGEMENT ANALYST (G -68, $4469- $5409) POSITION. CREATE AND ADD TWO COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE (S- 68, $4488- $5433) POSITIONS AND ADOPT JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; ADOPT RESOLUTION PLACING THE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE CLASSIFICATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - CONFIDENTIAL GROUP; RECLASSIFY MANAGEMENT ANALYST JACQUELINE ZAYAC TO COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE AND AUTHORIZE THE FILLING OF THE VACANT POSITION With the Public Information & Production Assistant II position now vacant, a review of salaries and duties has been completed (see Table 1 below). This review indicates that in order to fill the position, a change in job title, job classification description and salary is warranted. Additionally, it was indicated that this Community Affairs Representative position should be placed in the Management Support - Confidential Group since the position represents the District in public settings and has ability to make minor policy decisions on behalf of the District. Table 1: Comparison of Community Outreach Positions Agency I Comparable Job Class I Salary Range CCCSD Public Information & Production Assistant II $3692 -$4469 CCCSD Management Analyst (Community Liaison) $4469 -$5409 E.B.M.U.D. Public Information Representative II $5426 -$6281 CCWD Public Information Specialist $4629 -$5626 DSRSD Public Relations Specialist $4453 -$5414 To increase the District's customer service and communication efforts in the community, in both the pollution prevention and construction project arenas, and to more closely link Communication Services and Engineering in these areas, the new Community Affairs Representative position would be cross - trained in construction project outreach. In addition, Ms. Zayac would be reclassified to a Community Affairs Representative position to more closely match her job classification with her actual duties. Ms. Zayac's position would be cross - trained in the area of pollution prevention although the major emphasis on her position would continue to be construction project outreach. This cross - training is an important part of succession planning at the District. This reclassification would provide for two Community Affairs Representatives; one in the Administrative Department and the other in the Engineering Department. This recommendation was presented to the Board Personnel Committee on July 13, 2000, and they concurred with bringing it forward to the whole Board for further consideration. 8/8/00 HABackup \FILESTERSMISC \carep.pp Page 2 of 12 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 subJect: DELETE ONE PUBLIC INFORMATION & PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 1 /II (G-52,$3056- $3692; G -60, $3692- $4469) POSITION AND ONE MANAGEMENT ANALYST (G -68, $4469- $5409) POSITION. CREATE AND ADD TWO COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE (S- 68,$4488-$5433) POSITIONS AND ADOPT JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; ADOPT RESOLUTION PLACING THE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE CLASSIFICATION INTO THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - CONFIDENTIAL GROUP; RECLASSIFY MANAGEMENT ANALYST JACQUELINE ZAYAC TO COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE AND AUTHORIZE THE FILLING OF THE VACANT POSITION Staff contacted the MS /CG bargaining group and invited them to meet and confer regarding the addition of these two new positions to the group. The MS /CG President responded stating that they have no objection. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: a. Delete one Public Information and Production Assistant 1 /11 (G -52, $3056- $3692; G -60, $3692- $4469) position b. Delete one Management Analyst (G -68, $4469- $5409) position C. Create and add two Community Affairs Representatives (S -68, $4488 - $5433), one to replace the Public Information and Production Assistant 1 /II position in the Communication Services Division, the other to replace the Management Analyst position in the Capital Projects Division (see organizational chart attached) d. Adopt the job classification description (attached) for Community Affairs Representative, and adopt a resolution (attached) placing it in the Management Support- Confidential Group bargaining group e. Reclassify Jackie Zayac to the position of Community Affairs Representative f. Authorize the recruitment to fill the Community Affairs Representative in the Communication Services Division. 8/8/00 H: \Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \carep.pp Page 3 of 12 i— C U O ir •N •> Q N Z•� L U) '^ V J v, O _ U 0 Cc Z (� O •_ J � mQm E w 00 L CL a O a L- IL 88 WD M CLpr �C Y a as e CL in m gym; :ohm: =�o �9 c m� a U =Cp a C g as U ai > G N N (1 U : Q oa - da0 �S C o `ate 5 L oe 0 $fig 1 U 1 1 cp 5 0 1 Egg r 1 o'h Y 1 a�c� 1 °a IME of 1 Ism I a .�6 �IQ U1 I cH I ai Page 4 of 12 U H U) 0 z Q U) 0 a z O U J Q F- z W U (D La� 0 6 E Y� w c o) o '�� /� o C � li 1 • w y F ii- �= m Q °w vo 3 N fax I- 0 .N 0 V O L CL ca ca V c a� E r- ca C. . 03 ;ooLO,rn 4 rn Uv m • • � inn � ------ � c � C7: a Env ' a1 w> C B C a a m Dm C e � 0 U W 00 -- L m$ U! a O m cm Q c Q dN 3 w U ° m o E Elk co w N m UtO �� N Page 5 of 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEFINITION Effective: 8/18/00 Range: S -68 Respirator Class: 3 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE Represent the District in a variety of community outreach activities and public information /education programs; plan, develop, coordinate and implement a variety of public information and community education programs; and perform a variety of administrative and operational functions in support of assigned projects /programs. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Position(s) assigned to this job class perform responsible professional and specialized functions in the development and support of the District's community outreach, public education, and customer relations programs. Employees in this classification are responsible for initiating, coordinating, and implementing a variety of programs and projects. Employees in this classification represent the District and its programs in a variety of community and media forums. This job class requires excellent organizational and communications skills as well as initiative and independence. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general direction and supervision from higher level professional or management personnel. May exercise technical supervision and /or project management oversight to assigned technical and clerical staff. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Plan, develop and implement a variety of public information and community outreach /education activities and projects in support of the District's programs and services. Initiate, develop and maintain positive contacts with local and regional governments, industry associations /committees, community organizations, and media representatives in support of the District's capital projects and /or existing and future programs and services. Page 6 of 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Community Affairs Representative (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Represent the District in a variety of community outreach activities and public education programs; speak to groups and individuals regarding District programs and efforts and participate as an active and contributing member of designated community organizations, industry specific committees /project teams, and special interest work groups as a representative of the District as assigned. Provide responsible customer services functions to include developing appropriate communications methods and techniques for a variety of on -going and special projects including the implementation of capital projects; act a District representative and liaison to customers, potential customers, special interest groups, and the general public; and respond to a variety of the more routine to the most sensitive and complex questions, concerns, and complaints in a timely, tactful, and effective manner. Create, coordinate, edit and contribute to a variety of written publications such as the employee newsletter, customer communications, annual reports, fact sheets, brochures, feature articles, media releases, and other materials for newspapers, magazines, public service announcements, Internet communications, and internal dissemination as assigned. Prepare difficult to complex reports, manuals, memoranda, correspondence, and other documents of materials based on data collection and analyses for presentation to management, outside agencies, customers or the general public as assigned. Plan, initiate, coordinate and implement outreach projects and activities with schools; assist and participate in the design of age appropriate curricula to educate students regarding a variety of pollution prevention and environmentally supportive programs and services; make presentations and lead participatory discussions with teachers, students and parents as a representative of the District as assigned. Participate in the development and implementation of the District's short and long range communication approaches to issues; plan strategies to disseminate information to customers and the public in an effective and positive manner; design programs and materials to enhance the District's image and maximize public awareness of programs and services available. Initiate, develop and maintain collaborative "partnerships" with local, regional and statewide organizations, agencies, and businesses to develop, implement, and promote a variety of programs and projects consistent with the District's goals and services; represent the District's needs and priorities within these "partnerships ". Page 7 of 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Community Affairs Representative (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Plan, initiate, coordinate and participate in the development and production of a variety of publications, slide shows, videos, exhibits, websites, photographs, and /or marketing materials; participate in the selection of consultants /outside resources; schedule and coordinate production tasks; provide oversight and direction to assigned project team; monitor contract performance. Develop and write grants for public education /information and community outreach programs /projects; research potential funding agencies and /or "partnering" organizations; administer grant activities and monitor budgeted revenues and expenditures. Act as a resource to other departments, District management, customers, organizations, and /or the general public regarding designated District projects and /or services; plan, schedule, make arrangements for, and participate in tours, and conferences as assigned; organize, coordinate, and promote public hearings, meetings, and other community /public oriented events as assigned. Research and maintain awareness of current and proposed state and local regulations, ordinances, and legislation as it relates to District programs, services and customer /community relations. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Standard and accepted principles, techniques and methods of preparing and disseminating public information and community relations materials. Standard and accepted English composition, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation for both written and oral communication. Standard and accepted methods and practices related to the preparation, publication and distribution of press releases, media and marketing materials and public service announcement. Standard and accepted principles and practices of journalism and effective media relations. Page 8 of 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Community Affairs Representative (Continued) Knowledqe of: Standard and accepted public /community relations, communications, customer service, and information presentation methods and procedures. Depending on assignment, standard and accepted methods and technology utilized in graphic arts, layout and photography. Standard and accepted principles and practices of leadership, project management, team building and conflict resolution. Ability to: On a continuous basis analyze impact of activities on proposed projects; identify potential problem areas; understand and interpret maps, plans, laws, regulations and /or technical information; problem solve difficult to complex situations; remember details and communicate to others effectively. Sit at desk for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk and perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; use telephone and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; lift or carry weight of 25 pounds or less. Learn the District's organization, programs, policies and procedures as they relate to public information and community relations affairs. Learn and apply the polices, procedures, and systems utilized in the District's Community Affairs /Public Information work unit. Understand, interpret, and carry out a variety of both instruction in an independent manner. Identify problems /issues, collect relevant data, analyze options according to established criteria, recommend appropriate course of action, and initiate action per directives. Successfully communicate and interact with individuals and groups at all organizational and social levels; instruct, persuade, negotiate, and motivate individuals with diverse backgrounds and business /personal interests. Page 9 of 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Community Affairs Representative (Continued) Ability to: Communicate clearly, concisely, persuasively, and tactfully in both oral and written forms to include conducting public presentations and preparing clear and concise reports. Speak publicly before large and small groups of individuals in a positive, inclusive, and motivational manner. Coordinate, prioritize, and integrate multiple projects in a timely, cohesive, and effective manner; secure cooperation and teamwork among contractors, consultants, and District staff members. Interpret, analyze, and administer contracts and grants according to designated guidelines and regulations. Operate designated software programs to include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and specialized publication applications at a level sufficient for successful job performance; prepare and present multi -media presentations. Establish and maintain designated documentation and records in an accurate and timely manner. Schedule, coordinate, and prioritize the work of self and others for successful job performance. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the performance of required duties. Meet the physical requirements necessary to perform required duties in a safe and effective manner for self and others. May be required to work evenings or weekends to make presentations or during special events. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Page 10 of 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Community Affairs Representative (Continued) Experience: Four years of increasingly responsible experience performing public relations and /or community outreach functions in public or private organizations. Education: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in public relations, journalism, English, communications or a closely related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Page 11 of 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL POSITION TO BE A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT /CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT WHEREAS, in accordance with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code, those staff positions to be included in the Management Support /Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District shall so designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that in addition to those employees holding positions currently designated as members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit, the employee holding the position under the following listed "Additional Member Position Classification ", should also be a member of the Management Support /Confidential Group Representation Unit: Additional Member Position Classification: Community Affairs Representative NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does, by this resolution, establish that the employee holding the position under the hereinabove listed Additional Member Position Classification shall from August 17, 2000 become a member of the Management Support /Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED the 17 " day of August, 2000 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Counsel for the District Page 12 of 12 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 No.: 9.f. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: HUMAN RESOURCES subject: ADD ONE REGULAR FU. L77IME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (S -56, $3373- $4080) POSITION; AMEND THE JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; AND AUTHORIZE FILLING THE VACANT POSITION Submitted By. Initiating Dept /Div.: Harriette Heibel, Community Affairs Manager/ Administrative /Communication Services Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: H.Heibel A. rrell C.Freitas orsen ares . atts, General Manage ISSUE: Board approval is required to add positions and change job classification descriptions. RECOMMENDATION: Consolidate the administrative workload of two temporary positions, one in the Administrative Department and the other in the Engineering Department into a new regular full -time Administrative Assistant position (S -56, $3373 - $4080) in the Communication Services Division. Eliminate the use of Co -op students or temporary employees for this workload. Amend the existing Administrative Assistant job classification description to encompass the new assignments. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $52,116 is currently expended annually on these two temporary positions. Adding a regular full -time Administrative Assistant position would have a monthly salary cost of $3373 for the first six months after appointment in this fiscal year and $3541 per month for the balance of the 2000 -2001 fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The organization could continue with its current practice of using temporary or Co -op employees for this workload. BACKGROUND: The Source Control Section has used a temporary secretarial support position for several years. Most recently they have used a temporary to assist in certain pollution prevention related activities, primarily in the area of database management, stormwater program billings, and pollution prevention reports. This position has been part-time ranging from 10 to 30 hours per week, depending on the data management and billing needs. Over the past seven years, the District has actively engaged in a Work Redesign (now called Continuous Improvement) program. Employees at all levels of the organization have participated in a number of work - related continuous improvement activities such as Process Redesign Teams, Continuous Improvement Teams, Task Forces, and most recently in work group activities. The net result has been improved work and system processes in every area of the District. s /s /oo H:\ Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \admin -as.pp Page 1 Of 7 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 17, 2000 suviect: ADD ONE REGULAR'_FULLTIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (S -56, $3373- $4080) POSITION; AMEND THE JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION; AND AUTHORIZE FILLING THE VACANT POSITION The administrative support required to handle these efforts has been provided in a number of ways. For several years District personnel were supplemented by one or two full -time college co -op positions that were refilled every six months. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to find college students to fill this position; this past year it was filled by a temporary employee. During this time, the overall continuous improvement workload has been streamlined; at the same time additional duties have been identified in the area of training program support. Over the last year, the District has embarked on providing a customized in -house training program to ensure that employees are trained in the core competencies required of an organization committed to continuous improvement. Although the training is provided by a regional partnership, coordination and administrative support is required. Staff believes that due to workload efficiencies, these two positions can be adequately performed in 40 hours per week by one administrative support person. The District currently has a job classification of Administrative Assistant (S -56, $3373- $4080) within the Administrative Support Section. Duties described in this job description include agenda and meeting preparation, recording of minutes, analysis of data, and report preparation. Based on the versatility provided in this job description as well as the requirements expressed by both the Administrative and Engineering Departments for this proposed position, it appears that the Administrative Assistant classification would be the appropriate level for this job assignment. To maximize the efficiency of two part-time positions and to provide support for the continuous improvement, training, and pollution prevention functions of the District, it is proposed to consolidate the workload from the temporary Continuous Improvement Assistant position and the temporary Source Control data management position into a full -time regular Administrative Assistant position within the Communications Services Division . This recommendation was presented to the Board Personnel Committee on July 13, 2000, and they concurred with bringing it to the full Board for their consideration RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Add one regular full -time Administrative Assistant (S -56; $3373- $4080) position and authorize the recruitment to fill the vacancy (see organizational chart attached). Amend the job classification description for Administrative Assistant (attached) to encompass the new assignments. 8/8/00 H:\ Backup \FILES \PERSMISC \admin -as.pp Page 2 of 7 C) O U �> o 23 � N F<- K � U) « O U r « O z 0 0 .� « E � E w (.) U � g L _E f` CL )) § EM 3� O < a � $2 ; in ? !2 § »� e kg�! ¥1k k [3 cc ka . 0 �Z 2 Cd Oz EV; /$ & ■ ELI_� I ° 2) S § k� / � - \ \/ cr )§ \2 CLI � E` -- ~2 = }�� 3! � < & , � ° | • «) °� -- ' \. . ,!£ col . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -a Page S of 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT nFFINIT10N Effective: 8/18/00:7/1 /98 Range: S -56 Respirator Class: 3 Assist with general administrative details of the District's operations Offiee of Se,,.etaFy of the D;s +.;„ +, performing a wide variety of complex and confidential clerical and technical duties; make limited analytical studies; prepare technical reports; perform research and investigative work. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This class is distinguished by the confidential work that is performed as defined by the Meyers- Milias -Brown Act. This is an advanced level clerical /technical class in various areas of the District the Off Ge of the Se6Fetwy of the D *64*6t. It is distinguished from other advanced level clerical positions by its access to confidential information, public contact, and interface with the Board of Directors depending on assignment. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general supervision from the SeBFetaFy of the DiStFiet higher level management personnel. May receive direction from higher level professional personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform a wide variety of complex and confidential secretarial and administrative duties Utilize a computer terminal to input, prepare, and maintain a wide variety of confidential and non - confidential information and records. Type correspondence, memos, and reports from written or oral instructions or transcription equipment; operate word processing equipment and computer indexing systems. Proofread typed or printed work, checking for accuracy, grammatical construction, completeness, and compliance with established standards and special instructions. Page 4 of 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Assistant (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Coordinate, assemble, and distribute agenda packages for various meetings, including of the Board of Directors and other groups as assigned. Maintain logs, filing, archives, official records library, and other record - keeping systems used by the SeGFetaFy of the IliStFi .+ Compose routing correspondence on own initiative or from brief notes or instructions. Assist in assembling a variety of information and statistical data for the preparation of reports and studies; draft reports, correspondence, and questionnaires. Assist in scheduling, organizing, and coordinating special meetings, events, and training. Attend informal or public meetings of various groups, take and transcribe minutes, and provide staff assistance doing research. Provide administrative support services for internal and external groups as required. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and modern English usage. Modern office practices, procedures, methods and equipment, including word processing equipment. Research, statistics, filing, indexing, and cross - referencing methods. Public contact and public relations skills. Ability to: Continuously know and remember policies, and procedures, and direction from the Board and management staff; understand instructions, directions, policies, and procedures; and epeFat^ ^ - . - -t. Intermittently analyze information, identify records, interpret minutes taken, and explain policies and procedures. Page 5 of 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Assistant (Continued) Ability to: Sit at desk for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk, and perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; take minutes at public meetings; proofread documents regularly and accurately; use telephone; lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less, and occasionally lift or carry weight of 40 pounds or less as assigned. Understand the organization and operation of the District and of outside agencies as necessary to assume assigned duties. Understand and carry out oral and written instructions. Gather and interpret data. Interpret, edit, and proofread written materials. Understand, interpret, and apply rules, guidelines, and regulations. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Prepare and maintain complete and accurate records, files, and reports. Type and /or transcribe from handwritten copy and /or dictaphone at a speed necessary for job performance. Take minutes of meetings in shorthand or speedwriting. Perform administrative and clerical detail. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with other departments and agencies. Deal courteously and effectively with the public. Plan, coordinate, and organize work to meet deadlines. Work effectively under pressure with frequent interruptions. Page 6 of 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Assistant (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years of directly related and increasingly responsible clerical and /or technical experience. Education: Equivalent to the completion of two years of business college or community college courses in a related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES May need to possess a valid California Driver's License as required by the position. Page 7 of 7