HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/17/2008 AGENDACentral Contra Costa Sanitary District INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podium and state their names and address for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Board on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on agenda items are available for public review at the Reception, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports of information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Board are also available for public inspection at the Reception. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Board Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BOARD MEETING GERALD R. LUCEY President BARBARA D. HOCKETT AGENDA President Pro Tem MICHAEL R. McGILL MARIO M. MENESINI Board Room JAMES A. NEJEDLY Thursday July 17, 2008 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podium and state their names and address for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Board on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on agenda items are available for public review at the Reception, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports of information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Board are also available for public inspection at the Reception. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Board Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT July 17, 2008 Board Agenda Page 2 ROLL CALL- a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 3. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. a. Approve expenditures dated July 17, 2008. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. b. Approve minutes of June 5, 2008 and June 19, 2008 Board Meeting. C. Accept the contract work for Service Air System Improvements, District Project 7210, completed by Monterey Mechanical Company, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. d. Advise the Board of the closeout of Lower Orinda Pumping Station Renovation, Phase 2, District Project 5944. e. Establish August 7, 2008 at 2 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on proposed reimbursement fees for the properties which could connect to Job 5177 (Danville Boulevard, Alamo), Job 6421 (Amberwood Lane, Walnut Creek), and Job 6435 (Ramon Court, Danville). Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Instrument Technician Kevin Kendall through December 31, 2008. g. Approve conference attendance for Board Members McGill and Hockett to attend the 53rd Annual California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conference in Monterey, California from August 20, 2008 through August 23, 2008. h. Approve conference attendance for Board Members McGill and Hockett to attend the 81St Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in Chicago, Illinois from October 18, 2008 through October 22, 2008. 4. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: July 17, 2008 Board Agenda Page 3 5. REPORTS: a. General Manager 1) Report on Aeration Renovation Grouting Issue. (10 minute staff presentation.) 2) Report on Congressional Testimony on State and Local Regulations to Reduce Dental Mercury Emissions in Washington, D.C. (5 minute staff presentation.) 3) Update on Natural Gas. (5 minute staff presentation.) 4) Update on Collection System Operations (CSO) Improvements Permit. (5 minute staff presentation.) Staff Recommendation: Receive the reports. 5) Announcements Staff Recommendation: Receive the announcements. b. Counsel for the District 1) Present and discuss draft language for District Code Provisions on Overflow Protection Devices and Charity Car Washes. (10 minute Counsel presentation.) Staff Recommendation: Receive report and provide direction. C. Secretary of the District d. Board Members 1) Report on July 14, 2008 Budget and Finance Committee Meeting - Members McGill and Nejedly. 2) Report on July 14, 2008 Recycled Water Committee Meeting - Members McGill and Hockett. 3) Report on July 15, 2008 Real Estate Committee Meeting - Member Nejedly and President Lucey. 4) Reports on miscellaneous business meetings attended by Board Members. Staff Recommendation: Receive the reports. July 17, 2008 Board Agenda Page 4 5) Announcements Staff Recommendation: Receive the announcements. BREAK: (Approximately 4 p.m.) 6. ENGINEERING: a. Authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) with Contra Costa County and the Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency in connection with pipe modification to accommodate the Treat Bridge pedestrian overpass. (5 minute staff presentation.) Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) with Contra Costa County and the Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency in connection with pipe modification to accommodate the Treat Bridge pedestrian overpass. b. Approve Chapter 7 - Design and Construction Standards, Chapter 8 - Capacity Management, Chapter 9 - Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modification, and Chapter 10 - SSMP Audits (final four chapters) of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). (5 minute staff presentation.) Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Approve Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the SSMP Audits (final four chapters) of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). C. Adopt a resolution of application requesting that the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) initiate proceedings an for Out of Agency Service Agreement for five properties in Alhambra Valley (DA 168D) including the finding that Out of Agency Service Agreements for these properties are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (5 minute staff presentation.) Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Adopt a resolution of application requesting that the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) initiate proceedings an for Out of Agency Service Agreement for five properties in Alhambra Valley (DA 168D) including the finding that Out of Agency Service Agreements for these properties are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). July 17, 2008 Board Agenda Page 5 7. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS /SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: 9. CLOSED SESSION: a. Conference with labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 District Negotiators: Human Resources Manager Cathryn Freitas and Director of Administration Randy Musgraves; Employee Organization: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local One. 10. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION: 11. ADJOURNMENT: i, Ebb NE A. 80EHME DECLARE: UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THIS AGENDA WAS POSTED AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICES, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA aPkn, I JA- ti the D eb ? %/N job July 17, 2008 Board Agenda Page 6 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD CALENDAR DATE /TIME MEETING /ATTENDEES LOCATION JULY 2008 Monday Recycled Water Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room July 14 McGill, Hockett 8:00 a.m. Monday Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room July 14 McGill, Nejedly 3:00 p.m. Tuesday Real Estate Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room July 15 Nejedly, Lucey 3:00 p.m. Thursday Board Meeting Board Room July 17 Board of Directors 2:00 p.m. Monday California Special Districts Association Contra Pleasant Hill Community Center July 21 Costa Chapter 320 Civic Drive 10:00 a.m. Menesini Pleasant Hill, California Thursday Human Resources Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room July 24 Lucey, Menesini 3:00 p.m. Tuesday Household Hazardous Waste Committee Third Floor Executive Conference Room July 29 Meeting 3:00 p.m. Hockett, Lucey AUGUST 2008 Monday Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room August 4 McGill, Nejedly 3:00 p.m. Tuesday Outreach Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room August 5 Lucey, Menesini 3:00 p.m. Thursday Board Meeting Board Room August 7 Board of Directors 2:00 p.m. August 20 -23 California Association of Sanitation Agencies Monterey, California (CASA) Conference Board of Directors Thursday Recycled Water Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Room August 28 McGill, Hockett 3:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the District Office, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. July 3, 2008