HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/7/2008 AGENDAL central Contra Costa District 1 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 -4392 (925) 228 -9500 www.centralsan.org BOARD MEETING AGENDA Board Room Thursday February 7, 2008 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: GERALD R. LUCEY President BARBARA D.HOCKETT President Pro Tem MICHAEL R. McGILL MARIO M. MENESINI JAMES A. NEJEDLY Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podium and state their names and address for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Board on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and California Law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229 -7303. i, Recycled Paper February 7, 2008 Board Agenda Page 2 ROLL CALL: a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. b. Introductions. • Introduce newly -hired Staff Engineer, Mark Wenslawski. Staff Recommendation: Welcome newly -hired employee. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 3. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. a. Approve expenditures dated February 7, 2008. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. b. Receive November 2007 Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. C. Approve minutes of January 17, 2008 Board Meeting. d. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication from Withers Properties, LLC for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Minor Subdivision MS 01- 0021 in the Lafayette area, accepting Job 5643 - Parcel 2, public sewer improvements, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. e. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Michael and Carol Gray, Alta Lane, Lafayette, Job 5660 - Parcel 2, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. f. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication from Centex Homes for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision 8712 in the Dougherty Valley area of Contra Costa County, accepting Job 5669 - Parcel 2, public sewer improvements, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. g. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from David and Joanne Mik, Nathan Place, Danville, Job 5675 - Parcel 2, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. February 7, 2008 Board Agenda Page 3 h. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Michael Ramussen and Denise Boucher, Nathan Place, Danville, Job 5675 - Parcel 3, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Virginia, Robert, and Cynthia Hart, Nathan Place, Danville, Job 5675 - Parcel 4, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Douglas and Kathleen Sharpe, Nathan Place, Danville, Job 5675 - Parcel 5, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. k. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Walter and Edith Lucas, Michael Lane, Danville, Job 5675 - Parcel 6, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer improvements from Sidne Long, Michael Lane, Danville, Job 5675 - Parcel 7, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. M. Adopt resolutions accepting a grant of easement (District Project 2905), and authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to Linda B. Ingham (District Job 2905 and 3411). n. Adopt resolutions accepting a grant of easement (District Project 3411), and authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to James R. Bridges, successor co- trustee of the Robert L. Bridges 2001 Family Trust dated November 26, 2001 (District Project 3411 and 2905). o. Adopt a resolution confirming publication of a summary of District Ordinance No. 247 (Uncodified) - an ordinance establishing reimbursement fees applicable to properties that connect to Job 5436 (Wendt Ranch Offsite Sewer, Danville); Job 5818 (El Toyonal, Orinda) Special Sewer Facilities; and Job 5893 (Pine Tree Drive, Alamo) Standard Sewer Facilities. p. Accept the contract work for the North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 3, District Project 5963, constructed by Pacific Trenchless, Inc., and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. February 7, 2008 Board Agenda Page 4 q. Authorize the General Manager to execute a five -year license agreement with the Department of Fish and Game for the use of District property located at the southwest corner of the Martinez Pump Station for equipment and supply storage. Recommended by Real Estate Committee. 4. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: 5. REPORTS: a. General Manager 1) Update on Plant Control System Improvements and Control Rooms Modifications. (10 minute staff presentation.) 2) Businesses in Significant Non - Compliance for 2007. (5 minute staff presentation.) 3) Update on Ayers Road Annexation. (5 minute staff presentation.) 4) Update on Headquarters Office Building and Plant Operations Department Improvements Update. (5 minute staff presentation.) 5) CCCSD staff attendance at Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Meetings. (5 minute staff presentation.) Staff Recommendation: Receive the reports. 6) Announcements Staff Recommendation: Hear the announcements. b. Counsel for the District C. Secretary of the District d. Board Members 1) Report on February 4, 2008 Budget and Finance Committee Meeting - Members McGill and Nejedly. 2) Report on January 22, 2008 Ad Hoc Code Review Committee Meeting - Members McGill and Hockett. 3) Report on January 30, 2008 Real Estate Committee Meeting - Member Nejedly and President Lucey. February 7, 2008 Board Agenda Page 5 4) Report on February 5, 2008 Capital Projects Committee Meeting — Members Menesini and Hockett. 5) Report on January 28, 2008 Contra Costa Special Districts Association Meeting — Member Menesini. 6) Report on January CASA Conference — Members Hockett and McGill. 7) Report on January CASA Executive Board Meetings — Member Hockett. 8) Reports on miscellaneous business meetings attended by Board Members. Staff Recommendation: Receive the reports. 9) Announcements Staff Recommendation: Hear the announcements. BREAK: (Approximately 4 p.m.) 6. ENGINEERING: a. Adopt a resolution amending Resolution No. 77 -15 regarding rights to maintain and operate the six -inch main sewer system within Las Lomitas Substation Unit No. 1 in the Danville area, Job No. 690. (5 minute staff presentation.) STAFF RECOMMENDATION (Motion Required): Adopt a resolution amending Resolution No. 77 -15 regarding rights to maintain and operate the six -inch main sewer system within Las Lomitas Substation Unit No. 1 in the Danville area, Job No. 690. 7. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS /SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: 9. CLOSED SESSION: a. Conference with Legal Counsel regarding existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a): CCCSD, Plaintiff; vs. Gus Kramer, et al., Defendants; Case No. C07 -02402 10. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION: i ELAINE k. BOEHME, DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THIS AGENDA WAS POSTED AT LEAST 72 11. ADJOURNMENT: HOURS IN ADVANCE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICES, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA , 41//D8 February 7, 2008 Board Agenda Page 6 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD CALENDAR DATE/TIME MEETING /ATTENDEES I LOCATION TOPIC FEBRUARY 2008 Monday Budget and Finance Committee Third Floor Executive Conference Budget and February 4 Meeting Room Finance Issues 3:00 p.m. McGill, Ne'edl Tuesday Capital Projects Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Capital Projects February 5 Menesini, Hockett Room 3:00 p.m. Thursday Board Meeting Board Room Board Meeting February 7 Board of Directors 3:00 p.m. Thursday Outreach Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Public Outreach February 14 Lucey, Menesini Room 3:00 p.m. Thursday Ad Hoc Code Review Committee Third Floor Executive Conference District Code February 14 Meeting Room Review 4:00 p.m. McGill, Hockett Friday Human Resources Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Personnel Issues February 15 Lucey, Menesini Room 3:00 p.m. Tuesday Budget and Finance Committee Third Floor Executive Conference Budget and February 19 Meeting Room Finance Issues 3:00 p.m. McGill, Ne'edl Thursday Board Meeting Board Room Board Meeting February 21 Board of Directors 3:00 p.m. Wednesday Household Hazardous Waste Third Floor Executive Conference Household February 27 Committee Meeting Room Hazardous 3:00 p.m. Hockett, Lucey Waste Issues MARCH 2008 Monday Budget and Finance Committee Third Floor Executive Conference Budget and March 3 Meeting Room Finance Issues 3:00 p.m. McGill, Ne'edl Thursday Board Meeting Board Room Board Meeting March 6 Board of Directors 2:00 p.m. Thursday Human Resources Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Personnel Issues March 13 Lucey, Menesini Room 3:00 p.m. Monday Budget and Finance Committee Third Floor Executive Conference Budget and March 17 Meeting Room Finance Issues 3:00 p.m. McGill, Ne'edl Tuesday Capital Projects Committee Meeting Third Floor Executive Conference Capital Projects March 18 Menesini, Hockett Room 3:00 p.m. Thursday Board Meeting Board Room Board Meeting March 20 Board of Directors 2:00 p.m. Monday Budget and Finance Committee Third Floor Executive Conference Budget and March 31 Meeting Room Finance Issues 3:00 p.m. I McGill, Ne'edl Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the District Office, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. 1/23/07