HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/12/2004 AGENDA - specialLCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BOARD MEETING GERALDR.LUCEY President BARBARA D. HOC= AGENDA President Pro Tem PARKE L BONEYSTEELE August 12, 2004 A"R10 MXMVESIM JAMSSA. NFJEDLY 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the :Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podium and state their names and addresses for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. For that reason, members of the public wishing to discuss or present a matter to the Board other than a matter which is on this agenda are requested to present the matter in writing to the Secretary of the District at least one week prior to a regularly scheduled Board meeting date. If you are unable to do this, you may make an announcement to the Board of your concern under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. ROLL CALL: a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag b. Introductions • Recognize Judy Freier on her promotion to Secretary III • Recognize Ken Hobbs on his promotion to Plant Operator I • Recognize Nancy Kelly on her promotion to Assistant Engineer ® Recycled Paper • Recognize Melody LaBella on her promotion to Assistant Engineer • Recognize Dana Lawson on her promotion to Assistant Engineer 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 3. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Edwin R. Parks and Doris A. Parks, in the Walnut Creek area, Job 5183, Parcel 3, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder b. Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Robert C. Adelson and Constance C. Adelson, in the Alamo area, Job 5189, Parcel 1, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder C. Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Moraga 76.15, a California Limited Partnership, in the Town of Moraga, Job 5390, Parcel 1, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder d. Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from James 0. Collins and Lynne Collins, in the Town of Moraga, Job 5390, Parcel 2, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder e. Adopt a resolution accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Joseph R. Rosenbaum and Kirstin K. Rosenbaum, in the Town of Moraga, Job 5390, Parcel 3, and authorizing staff to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder Authorize a public notice to indicate availability of documentation in support of the District's Appropriations Limit g. Approve continuance of Employee Computer Hardware Purchase Assistance Program h. Adopt a resolution confirming publication of District Ordinance No. 231 — an Ordinance to Amend District Code Section 6.20.300 Schedule of Reimbursement Fees to Establish Reimbursement Fees Applicable to Properties that are Tributary to Project 5503 (Crestview Court, Orinda) Special Sewer Facilities -2- i. Adopt a resolution confirming publication of District Ordinance No. 232 — an Ordinance Establishing the Sewer Service Charges for Fiscal Years 2004 -2005, 2005 -2006, 2006 -2007 4. MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: a. Pigeon Control (10 minute staff presentation) 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: 6. REPORTS: a. General Manager 1) State Budget Update (5 minute staff presentation) 2) Sewer Service Alternatives to the Alhambra Valley (15 minute staff presentation) 3) Kick off of Solids Handling Facilities Plan (10 minute staff presentation) 4) Report on Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor /Happy Valley Road Projects DP 5659 and DP 5692 (10 minute staff presentation) 5) Announcements a) Request for Proposals for Treatment Plant Control System b) Emergency Response Plans for various pumping stations C) Environmental Advocates withdrew Public Records Act Request b. Counsel for the District C. Secretary of the District 1) Consider proposed change to Training and Conference Summary format (5 minute staff presentation) d. Board Members 1) Board Budget and Finance Committee Report — Members Boneysteele and Menesini a) Approval of Expenditures dated August 12, 2004 WE 2) Report of July 19, 2004 Contra Costa Special District Association Meeting — Member Menesini 3) Report of July 29, 2004 Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County Meeting — Member Hockett 4) Report of August 4 — 7 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Meeting — Members Hockett and Menesini 5) Report of August 10, 2004 Real Estate Committee Meeting — President Lucey and Member Nejedly 6) Announcements BREAK: (Approximately 4 p.m.) 7. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Receive letter dated July 23, 2004, from Paul C. Tiedeman, Lafayette resident, thanking and commending Maintenance Crew Leader Paul Crouch and his crew for their efforts in handling the sewage back up on his property b. Receive letter dated July 29, 2004, from Millie Greenberg, District III Supervisor, thanking the District for its thoughtful and encouraging response to her and San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson's letter regarding the Larwin Pumping Station sewage overflow on May 22, 2004 and asking additional questions 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of July 1, 2004 b. Minutes of July 15, 2004 9. BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Receive June 2004 Financial Statements (5 minute staff presentation) 1) Running Expense Fund 2) Sewer Construction Fund 3) Temporary Investments -4- 10. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS /SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: i, JOYCE E. MURPHY, DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THIS AGENDA WAS POSTED AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICES, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINS h CALIFORNIA tS cr to i of the Di trict D -5- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD CALENDAR DATFJTIME LOCATION I MEETING /ATTENDEES TOPIC AUGUST 2004 August 4 -7 Monterey, California California Association of Sanitation CASA Meeting Agencies (CASA Conference) Board of Directors August 9 CSO Conference Room Budget and Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Bone steele, Menesini August 10 Third Floor Executive Conference Real Estate Committee Meeting Property 2:00 p.m. Room Lucey, Nejedly Management Issues August 12 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors August 26 Third Floor Executive Conference Outreach Committee Meeting Public Outreach 3:00 p.m. Room Menesini, Ne'edl August 30 CSO Conference Room Budget and Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California I Bone stee /e, Menesini SEPTEMBER 2004 September 2 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors September CSO Conference Room Personnel Committee Meeting Personnel Issues (Date to be 1250 Springbrook Road Nejed/y, Lucey determined ) Walnut Creek, California September 13 CSO Conference Room Budget and Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Bone stee /e, Menesini September 16 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. I Board of Directors Unless otherwise noted, all meeting are held at the District Office, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. 8/4/04 ISM