HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/6/2003 AGENDA11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228 -9500 • www.centralsan.org BOARD MEETING AGENDA March 6, 2003 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMSSA. NVEDLY President GERALDR. LUCEY President Pro Tem PARKEL BONEYSTEELE BARBARA D. HOC= MARIOM. AIENESIM Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podium and state their names and addresses for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. For that reason, members of the public wishing to discuss or present a matter to the Board other than a matter which is on this agenda are requested to present the matter in writing to the Secretary of the District at least one week prior to a regularly scheduled Board meeting date. If you are unable to do this, you may make an announcement to the Board of your concern under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. ROLL CALL: a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag b. Introductions • Recognize Michael Tarantino on his promotion to Plant Operator I 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: I ® Recycled Paper 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS: a. Presentation of California Water Environment Association, San Francisco Bay Section Andy Stamatelos Memorial Service Award to Paul Louis, Maintenance Supervisor 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Adopt resolutions accepting Job 5549 Public Sewer Improvements, authorizing acceptance of a grant of easement for Job 5549, Parcel 1 and execution of a quitclaim deed for portion of Job 1552, Parcel 33 to OP Walnut Creek, LLC, and authorizing recording of both documents b. Set April 3, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 9.08 of the District Code regarding requirements for Backwater Overflow Prevention Devices 5. HEARINGS: a. Conduct a public hearing: adopt a resolution overruling protests; adopt a resolution confirming compliance with California Constitution, Article XIIID, Section 4; adopt a resolution approving Engineer's Report and assessment and ordering improvement; and authorize execution of agreement with El Pintado Parcel Owners in conjunction with the El Pintado Contractual Assessment District No. 2002 -8 (5 minute staff presentation and public comments) 6. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: 7. REPORTS: a. General Manager 1) Review Draft CCCSD Pipeline articles (10 minute staff presentation) 2) Announcements a) State Budget Update b) Retirement System Update b. Counsel for the District C. Secretary of the District d. Board Members 1) Report of February 28, 2003 Board Outreach Committee Meeting — Members Menesini and Boneysteele 2) Report of March 4, 2003 Household Hazardous Waste Committee Meeting and provide direction with regard to the number of mobile collection events to be included in the 2003 -2004 0 &M Budget — Members Lucey and Hockett 3) Announcements BREAK: (Approximately 4 p.m.) 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 30, 2003 9. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated March 6, 2003 10. BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Receive January 2003 Financial Statements (5 minute staff presentation) 1) Running Expense 2) Sewer Construction Fund 3) Temporary Investments 11. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS /SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: 3 13. CLOSED SESSION: a. Instruct labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 District Negotiators: Labor Counsel Allison Woodall, Director of Administration Randall Musgraves, Human Resources Manager Cathryn Freitas, and Secretary of the District Joyce Murphy Employee Organization: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees Association Local 1, Management Support/Confidential Group, and Management Group 14. REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION: 15. ADJOURNMENT: I, JOYCE E. MURPHY, DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THIS AGENDA WAS POSTED AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICES, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA Se etaryy of tKe rict Date: 313103 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD CALENDAR DATE/T /ME LOCAT /ON MEET ING/ATTENDEES 7 TOPIC FEBRUARY 2003 February 28 Third Floor Executive Board Outreach Committee Board Outreach 2:00 p.m. Conference Room Meeting Menesini, Boneystee% MARCH 2003 March 3 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Lucey, Nejed /y March 4 Third Floor Executive Household Hazardous Waste Household Hazardous 4:30 p.m. Conference Room Committee Meeting Waste Temporary Lucey, Hockett Collection Events March 6 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors March 13 Third Floor Executive Personnel Committee /Board Staffing Plan /Personnel 2:00 p.m. Conference Room Workshop Budget Menesini, Nejed /y March 17 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Lucey, Nejed /y March 20 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 3:30 p.m. Board of Directors March 27 Second Floor Conference Capital Projects Equipment Budget 2:00 p.m. Room Committee /Board Workshop Boneystee%, Lucey March 31 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California I Lucey, Nejed /y APRIL 2003 April 3 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors April 10 Third Floor Executive Personnel Committee Meeting Personnel Issues 3:00 p.m. Conference Room Menesini, Nejed/ April 14 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:30 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Lucey, Nejed/ April 17 Board Room Board Meeting Board Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors April 24 Multi- Purpose Room Capital Projects Capital Improvement 2:00 p.m. Committee /Board Workshop Budget Bone stee%, Luce Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the District Office, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. 02/24/03 -5- S:\ADMIN\MURPHY\AGENDAS\BOARD.CAL.WPD. 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