HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/5/2002 AGENDA' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228 -9500 • www.centralsan.org BOARD MEETING AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: MARIO M MENESIM President JAMESA. NEIEDLY President Pro Tent PARKE L BONEYSTEELE BARBARA D. HOC= December 5, 2002 GERALDRLUCEY 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podium and state their names and addresses for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. For that reason, members of the public wishing to discuss or present a matter to the Board other than a matter which is on this agenda are requested to present the matter in writing to the Secretary of the District at least one week prior to a regularly scheduled Board meeting date. If you are unable to do this, you may make an announcement to the Board of your concern under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag b. Administer Oath of Office to Newly Re- elected Board Members Parke L. Boneysteele and Gerald R. Lucey C. Reception Honoring Newly Re- elected Board Members in POD Pool Area d. Introductions • Recognize Don Bartlett on his promotion to Maintenance Crew Leader • Recognize Paul Crouch on his promotion to Maintenance Crew Leader • Recognize Jennifer Muir on her promotion to Maintenance Crew Leader • Introduce Ed Silva, newly hired Maintenance Crew Member 1 (9 Recycled Paper 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS: a. Water Environment Federation 2002 Public Education Award for the District's Sewer Science Wastewater Laboratory Program 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Accept the contract work for the San Ramon Schedule "C" Force Main Project, District Project No. 5554, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion b. Accept the contract work for the Dougherty Valley Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project, District Project No. 5902, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion C. Establish January 9, 2003, at 2 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a resolution of necessity for acquisition of easements for the Wendt Ranch Offsite Sewer Project, District Project No. 5436 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: 6. REPORTS: a. General Manager 1) San Ramon Projects Update (10 minute staff presentation) 2) Collection System Operations Security (5 minute staff presentation) 3) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Studies Update (10 minute staff presentation) 4) District Annual Report (5 minute staff presentation) 5) Announcements b. Counsel for the District C. Secretary of the District K d. Board Members 1) Announcements BREAK: (Approximately 4 p.m.) 7. ADMINISTRATIVE: a. Authorize the attendance of two management personnel at the Water and Wastewater Leadership Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, March 30 - April 11, 2003 (2 minute staff presentation) 8. ENGINEERING: a. Authorize the General Manager to execute a purchase of two pumps and motors for the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pumping Stations for an amount not to exceed $150,000 for the purpose of a field test (10 minute staff presentation) 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of November 7, 2002 10. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated December 5, 2002 1 1 . BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Authorize supplemental authorization of $1,000,000 to the General Improvements Program of the 2001 -2003 Capital Improvement Budget (No presentation is planned; staff will be available to answer questions) b. Receive October 2002 Financial Statements (5 minute staff presentation) 1) Running Expense Fund 2) Sewer Construction Fund Temporary - EMERGENCY ' O► REQUIRING BOARD ACTIONm ANNOUNCEIVIENTSISUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: M 14. CLOSED SESSION: a. Conference with Legal Counsel on anticipated litigation - Initiation of litigation pursuant to Subdivision (c) Section 54956.9 of the Government Code • One potential matter 15. REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION: 16. ADJOURNMENT: :, JOYCE E. MIURPHY, DLCLAI,E 1'LiL',LiY Gi" PERJURY THAT THIS AGENDA WAS POSTED AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICES, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, ALIFORNIIA CA- C� See of the District Dat . I; - -,Z- oL 0 CFNTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD CALENDAR DATE/T /ME LOCAT /ON MEET ING/ATTENDEES TOPIC DECEMBER 2002 December 2 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 4:15 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Boneysteeie, Hockett December 5 Board Room Board Meeting Regular Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors December 16 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 4:15 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Boneysteeie, Hockett December 19 Board Room Board Meeting Regular Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors JANUARY 2003 January 6 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 4:15 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Boneystee%, Hockett January 9 Board Room Board Meeting Adjourned Regular 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting January 15 - 18 Palm Springs, California California Association of CASA Meeting Sanitation Agencies (CASA► Conference Board of Directors January 21 CSOD Conference Room Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 4:15 p.m. 1250 Springbrook Road Meeting Walnut Creek, California Boneysteeie, Hockett January 22 Third Floor Executive Board Outreach Committee Board Outreach 2:00 p.m. Conference Room Meeting Menesini, Nelediy January 23 Board Room Board Meeting Adjourned Regular 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting January 23 Holiday Inn Sanitation and Water Agencies Wastewater and Water 6:30 p.m. 2730 Springbrook Road of Contra Costa County Issues Walnut Creek, California Hockett January 27 Pleasant Hill Community Contra Costa Special Districts Special Districts Issues 10:00 P.M. Center Association 320 Civic Drive Menesini Pleasant Hill, California January 30 Multi- Purpose Room Financial Planning and Policy - Financial Planning 2:00 p.m. 0 &M and Capital Board Workshop Board of Directors Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the District Office, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. 11/22/02 5 S: \ADMIN\ MURPHY \Agendas \Board.cal.wpd.cal