HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-01 AGENDA - special Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imlloff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228-9500 . www.centralsan.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BOARD MEETING BARBARA D. HacKErT Pruitknt MARIO M. MENESlNI President Pro Tem AGENDA PARKE L BONEY STEELE GERALDR. LUCEY JAMES A. NElEDLY May 24, 2001 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers should step to the podiwn and state their names and addresses for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed Wlder the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items w1less requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments ITom the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment. The President may specifÿ the nwnber of minutes each person will be pennitted to speak based on the nwnber of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment pennitted ITom the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prolùbited 1T00U discussing items not calendared on the agenda. For that reason, members of the public wishing to discuss or present a matter to the Board other than a matter which is on this agenda are requested to present the matter in miting to the Secretary of the District at least one week prior to a regularly scheduled Board meeting date. If you are W1able to do this, you may make an annoWlcement to the Board of your concern Wlder PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. 1 . ROLL CALL: a. Introduce Employees . Pete Trapp, Plant Operator I Trainee . Robert Maroon, Materials Coordinator I 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: @ Recycled Paper 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS: 4. a. Receive North American Society of Trenchless Technology Tenth Anniversary Award for CCCSD's Pioneer Work in Pipe Bursting and in Microtunneling b. Receive Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AM SA) 2001 National Achievement Award in Public Information and Education for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Our Water, Our World Pesticide Reduction Program c. Adopt Resolution commending Robert D. Beebe for his service to Dublin San Ramon Services District CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 7154 from Suncrest Homes Number Four LLC, Job No. 5233, Parcel 1, Alamo area b. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 8058 from Essex San Ramon Partners, Job No. 5295, Parcel 1, Walnut Creek area c. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 8128 from Pulte Homes, Job No. 5305, Parcel 1, Danville area d. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 8141 from Davidon Homes, Job No. 5320, Parcel 1, Danville area e. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the revised map of Subdivision No. 8131 from Shapellindustries of Northern California, Job No. 5335, Parcel 1, San Ramon area f. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the revised map of Subdivision No. 8131 from Shapellindustries of Northern California, Job No. 5336, Parcel 1, San Ramon area g. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 8067 from Camino Moraga LLC, Job No. 5347, Parcel 1, Moraga area h. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 8173 from the Mark Pringle Company LLC, Job No. 5353, Parcel 2, Walnut Creek area 2 i. j. 5. 6. 7. Approve Resolution accepting offer of dedication on the map of Subdivision No. 8005 from the Laurel Drive Associates LlC, Job No. 5359, Parcel 1, Danville area Approve Resolution accepting Grant of Easement from Gerald R. Scatena, Job No. 4477, Parcel 2, Alamo area k. Authorization for P.A. 01-11 (Alamo); P.A. 01-12 (Martinez); P.A. 01-13 (Alamo); P.A. 01-14 (Alamo); P.A. 01-15 (Orinda); P.A. 01-16 (Alamo); and P.A. 01-18 (Orinda) to be included in a future formal Annexation to the District I. Accept contract work for the Outfall Improvements Project, Phase 4, District Project No. 7184, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion m. Accept contract work for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Improvements Project, District Project No. 8180, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion n. Adopt Agreement and Indemnification for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to Provide Employment Recruitment Services for Delta-Diablo Sanitation District HEARINGS: a. Conduct the Public Hearing to receive comments on a proposed Ordinance to retitle and amend Chapter 6.12 of the District Code regarding the Capacity Fee Program and consider adoption of a Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges which was continued from May 10, 2001 (10 minute staff presentation and public comments) b. Conduct a Public Hearing on the draft Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) for 2001- 02 and 2002-03 and the draft 2001 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), approve the 2001 CIP, and approve the CIB for inclusion in the 2001-02 District Budget (10 minute staff presentation and public comments) CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: REPORTS: a. General Manager 1 ) Update on Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project (5 minute staff presentation) 2) Receive update on energy issues and consider appropriate actionsconcerning natural gas, landfill gas, and electrical power (5 minute staff presentation) 3 3) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Update (5 minute staff presentation) 4) Report on National Foundation of Integrated Pest Management Education's interest in promoting the District's IPM Program to other municipalities (5 minutes staff presentation) 5) Announcements a) Advertise North Clarifier Paving Improvements Project, DP6153 b) Danville Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection Event b. Counsel for the District 1 ) Update on changes in Conflict of Interest regulations (10 minute Counsel presentation) c. Secretary of the District d. Board Members 1 ) Announcements BREAK: (Approximately 4 p.m.) 8. ADMINISTRATIVE: a. Authorize the General Manager to execute a Reprographics Services Agreement with Xerox Corporation (5 minute staff presentation) b. Authorize application for a Certificate of Consent to Self Insure Workers' Compensation Liabilities (No presentation is planned; staff will be available to answer questions) 9. ENGINEERING: a. Authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with Montgomery Watson for the design of the San Ramon Pumping Station Renovations Project, District Project No. 5460 (5 minute staff presentation) 4 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. b. Authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with RBF Consulting for the completion of the Facilities Plan for the Recycled Water Industrial Project, DP 7201 (No presentation is planned; staff will be available to answer questions) TREATMENT PLANT: a. Authorize the General Manager to transfer $600,000 from an Operations and Maintenance account to an escrow account for Landfill Gas payments (No presentation is planned; staff will be available to answer questions) CORRESPONDENCE: a. Note receipt of letter dated May 2, 2001 from Charles Beesley of Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of April 19, 2001 b. Minutes of Adjourned Regular Board Meeting of April 27, 2001 APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated May 24, 2001 BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Receive the 2001-2002 Operations and Maintenance Budget (20 minute staff presentation) EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ADJOURNMENT: 'I JOYCE E. MURPHY, DECLARE U¡~U.:¡í h:¡,j,-,LÎ{ m PERJURY THAT THIS AGENDA WAS POSTED AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICES, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE. MARTINEZ. CALIFORNIA -J:r!'~r ry of the District Date: S-2.j-O( 5 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD CALENDAR DA TEITIME LOCATION MEETINGIA TTENDEES TOPIC MAY 2001 May 21 3rd Floor Informal Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:00 p.m. Conference Room Lucey, Nejedly May 24 Board Room Board Meeting Regular Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors May 24 Holiday Inn Sanitation and Water Agencies of Wastewater & Water 6:30 p.m. 2730 North Main Street Contra Costa County Issues Walnut Creek, California Lucey May 31 2nd Floor Conference Household Hazardous Waste Household Hazardous 3:00 p.m. Room Committee Meeting Waste Issues Nejedly, Hockett JUNE 2001 , June 4 3'd Floor Informal Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:00 p.m. Conference Room Lucey, Nejedly June 7 Board Room Board Meeting Regular Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors June 18 3rd Floor Informal Budget & Finance Committee Expenditures 3:00 p.m. Conference Room Lucey, Nejedly June 21 Board Room Board Meeting Regular Meeting 2:00 p.m. Board of Directors Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the District Office, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. May 21,2001 S :\ADMIN\MURPHY\Agendas\Board .cat. wpd .cal 6