HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS ACTION SUMMARY 08-11-10Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT. CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair McGill Member Hockett (Alternate) Wednesday, August 11, 201 3:00 p.m. Second Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff P I a Martinez, California Bar RD OF DIRECTORS AI[('HAl:L R, Al (.GJLL Presider BARBARA 1), 11OCKE7 1 }resrdew Pro 7i.m GERA 1, 1) R. L U( ' 'EY A f. -I WO Al. AII,�AlE'SI V1 J. 4 A f ES A. NEIADL Y PHONE' (925) 225 -9500 AX: (925) 6 76- 7211 PRESENT: T: Mike McGill, Barbara Hockett, James Kelly, Ann Farrell, randy Mus rages, Tad Pile ki, Ba Than, Alec Rozul, Dana Lawson, Gail Ch sler, Date Hodges, Michael Roiansky (left after item . 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. *3. Preview of End of Fis ai boar 2009 -10 Capital Program Financial Report Director of Engineering Ann Farrell presented a preview of the end-of-year financials for the 2009-10 Capital Program (attached). She also included a listing of project bids and cumulative savings, as well as a look ahead to the 2010-11 Capi al Program with projected performance. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received eived the report and recommended pre emir the full report at the September 2, 2010 Board meeting. Recycled Paper Capital Projects Committee August 11, 2010 Page *4. Review Fiscal bear 2010 -'11 authorization based on final FY Z009-10 Capital Program Allocations, and recommend Board revision if necessary. Ms. Farrell discussed the reed to increase the fiscal year 2010-11 Board authorization because the amount of money carried over from F Y 2009- 10 is greater than estimated. Associate Engineer Gail Chesler noted that the projected annual expenditures have not changed, as illustrated in the draft position paper (attached). COMMITTEE ACTION:, Recommended l increasing the Capital Program authorization and taking the position paper to the Board at the September 2, 2010 meeting as part of the Capital Program financial presentation. *5. Update on selected current Capital Projects under construction and challenges • Hall Drive a Server Renovations, Phase 2B • Collection System operations Administration/Crew Building • Solids Handling Improvements ents 14 • Standby Power Facility Improvement • DryANet Weather Bypass Improvements Treatment Plant Piping Renovations Phase A -line Buchanan Fields Golf Course Compensation Senior hgl*neer Ba Than reviewed the projects under construction in the treatment plant program and illustrated construction challenges in his presentation (attached). senior Engineer Alec Bowl reviewed the projects under construction in the collection system program and illustrated construction challenges in his presentation (attached). Mr. foul also reviewed the status of the negotiations with the Buchanan Fields Golf Course regarding lost revenue during the construction of the A -line project. The golf course has completed its estimate of lost revenuel and it is significantly greater than the one that staff and the District's specialty consultant prepared. Neg tiations are continuing and staff will continue to brief the Committee and Beard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Deceived the report. 6. Discussion of possible changes to Board /staff authorities to facilitate unexpected construction challenge Ms. Farrell noted that the memo attached to the Committee's agenda packet presented some altematives for delegating authority on subcontractor substitutions and charge orders to a v oid the creed for a special Board meeting when situations arise that cannot wail until the next Board meeting. This is of greatest concem when there is a longer time bet ween Board meetings as there is Capital Projects Committee August 11, 201 Page inAugust2010. She further noted that the Board had discussed this item at its August 5, 20 10 meeting, where there eras a consensus that it preferred to call a special meeting if needed and not delegate authority. Chair McGill and Member Hocketl both indicated that there was no need to revisit this issue prior to next construction season. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report and agreed to table the item until January 201'1, in preparation for the 2011 construction season. *7. [discussion of seismic projects and draft Position Papers This item was taken out of order-. Assistant Engineer Nate lodges prodded a presentation (attached) on the progress of the District's seismic program.' He stated that staff is recommending moving forward with the.preliminary design of seismic improvements to the Headquarters Office Building H and the Pump and Blower Building. After the current uncertainty with regard to air emissions for the furnace has been clarified, staff will present recommendations regarding seismic retrofits to the Solids Conditioning Building. Staff will also be working with the Real Estate Committee to look at alternatives for the retrofit of the 4737 Office Building. The Capital Projects Committee stated that they would also like to be kept informed on this item. Michael Rojansky, the structural engineer who completed the analysis of District facilities, noted that there are two reasons to seismically upgrade a facility.. risk to human life and avoidance of large financial costs should an event occur: He analyzed the District "s structures using the new 2007 California Building Code, ASCE 41 and FEMA 351, and found the Headquarters Office Building H and the Pump and Blower Building to be deficient from a life safety criteria under all three methods. He strongly recommended that the District more forward with retrofitting the 1 SOB and the Pump and Blower Building. Member Dockett stated that she understands the need and believes that proceeding with retrofitting the recommended buildings is the right and prudent thing to do. Chair McGill commented that it is difficult to understand the true risk and probability of a large event, but he, too, believes retrofitting to be the correct option acid that the two projects need to move for ward as proposed by staff COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended mmended proceeding with the preliminary design of seismic retrofits to the I1013 and the Pump and Blower Building. The item will be reviewed by the Board at its September 2, 2010 meeting. 8. Adjournment — at 5:00 p.m. Attachment r FY 2009 -10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET YEAR END STATUS REPORT Draft for review of Capital Projects Committee for presentation at September 2, 2010 Board Meeting Actual. FY 2009 -10 Capital Program Activity *Impact of no adopted sewer service charge increase. ** Reduction due to significant bid savings, scope reductions and schedule slippages, 3. Budgeted 2009-10 Actual 2009 -1 Total expenditures $40.1 ** $28.7 M ** Total revenue $21.1 M ($23.6 M* Reduction in Sewer -$14.9 Construction Fund -$16.5 M* - $7.6 M Balance *Impact of no adopted sewer service charge increase. ** Reduction due to significant bid savings, scope reductions and schedule slippages, 3. FY 2009 -10 Capital Revenue bv Cateaory Revenue Category Budgeted Actual 2009-10 Revenues 2009 -10 Revenues Sever Service Charge 1337693000 $3,100,000 Collection System ($3118MOV) $12P1 1000 Property Takes $3,300,000 $6,847,000 ** Facility Capacity �i rY1 Pumped �e Fees .# , , f�00 ��O Interest $5560000 $367,000 City of Concord % $41523,000 $4,2051000 [All Other $9593000 $219r000 $259338,000 Total ($2316561000*) $219077Y000 *Reduced due to no adapted SSC increase in 2009 -10 ** Reduced due to State borrowing of a portion of tax as well as reduced assessed values, FY 2009 -70 Capital Budget by Program Program Budgeted y tub 2000 -1 Expenditures i Expenditures Treatment Plant 1337693000 $10,2540000 Collection System 1531613000 $12P1 1000 General Improvements 10,037,000 $ 4,8151000 Recycled led Water $ 550,000 036,000 Total 40PI17,000 $28,7371000* ($36,200,000) $11.4 million reduction from original budget and $7.5 million reduction from adjusted for bid savings budget due to bid savings} scope reductions and projects delayed into FY20 1 0-11. 5 Savings from CIB (Good bids and scope reduced where noted) Project Warne Bid Date CIB Estimate Low Bid Savings from CIB Pleasant Hill 07109 $1.3 M $-3 M $1.0 M Renovations Ph 1 Project delayed into 2010 -11. Aeration Air Renovations, Ph 2 $1,950,000 (scope reduced) TV Inspection Piping Renovations, Ph 4 $1.1 1111 $3 M $.4 M Program $900,000 $195,000 Project delayed. TP Asset Management SOD Admire, 10/09 $14.8 M $. M $.-M Warehouse Bldg. Total $13,769,000 $10,264,000 H W 12/09 $1.2M $-8 M $.4 M Improvements Hall Drive 05110 $1.2 M $.5 M $. Renovations (scope reduced) DryiWet Weather 05110 $2.2 ills $1.9M $3 M Bypass Diablo 07110 $2.2 M $1. M $.9 Renovations Ph 1 (scope reduced) Martinez 07110 $1. M $1.0 M $.4 M Renovations Ph Total Savings $10.5 M 2009 -14 Treatment Plant Program Major Variances Budgeted Actual Corr menta Solids Handling Improvements $3,500,000 $3,727,000 Project delayed. Under pent in 2008-09. Standby Power Facility Improvements $3,700,000 $2,116,000 Project delayed into 2010 -11. Aeration Air Renovations, Ph 2 $1,950,000 $965,000 Good bid. Piping Renovations, Ph 4 $1 ,400,000 $925,000 Scope reduced, good bid. Piping Renovations, Ph 5 $900,000 $195,000 Project delayed. TP Asset Management $600,000 $185,000 Project delayed. Other Projects $1,719,000 $2,141,000 Total $13,769,000 $10,264,000 $3.5 million reduction 2009 -10 Collection System Program Major Variances 200940 General Improvements Program Major Variances Budgeted Actual Comments S. Orinda I enovatidn , Ph 4 $1,600,000 $1,329,000 Accelerated into 2008 -09; good bid. Lafayette Renovations, Ph 6 $1,450,000 $1,957,000 Added scope. Diablo Renovations, Ph 1 $1,200,000 $473,000 Project delayed into 2010 -11. Walnut Creek Renovations, Ph 7 $1,200,000 $1,973,000 Added scope. Pleasant Hill Renovations, Ph 1 $1,300,000 $437,000 Scope reduced; good bid. 08-09 Development Sewerage $1,180,000 $370,000 Reduced developer activity. Miner Road Trunk Sewer $987,000 $414,000 Great bid. A -line Relief of Interceptor, Ph 2 $10,000 $1,133,000 Project delayed into 2009 -10. Other Projects $6,234,000 $4,531,000 Total $15,161,000 $121731,000 $2.4 million reduction 200940 General Improvements Program Major Variances 2009,110 Recycled Water Program Major Variances Budgeted Actual Comment CS00 Facilities Improvement $7,500,000 $2,473,000 Good bid; weather delays. HHWCF Improvements $500,000 $799,000 Increased scope. Other Projects $2,637,000 $1,543,000 .4 million increase Total $109637,000 $49815,000 $6.8 million reduction 2009,110 Recycled Water Program Major Variances Budgeted Actual Comment Grayson Creek ReW Repair $0 $480,000 Unbudgeted emergency repair. Other Projects $550,000, $525,000 Total $55090001 $1,0052000 .4 million increase FY 201 0=1 'I Projected. nit l Rudnaf her Prnnr m Program Budgeted Projected Total expenditures 2010-11 Expenditures 2010 -11 Expenditures Total revenue 7,437,000 $9,225,000 Treatment Plant ($19.7 III Increased due to Sludge deduction in Sever --.1 Loading & Piping Renovations Construction Fund (-$8.8 M* Phase 5 delayed from 2009 -10. Balance $10,508,000 8,432,000 Collection Sy stern Reduced due to good bids and reduced scopes. $.9,969,000 $1,135,000 General Improvements Increased due to CSO Building delayed from 2009 -10. Recycled Water $ 550,000 $550,000 Total $ 28,4649000 $28,342,000 Projected FY 2010 -11 Capital Program Activity *F eduction due to no adopted sewer service charge increase. 5 Budgeted 2010 -11 Projected 2010 -11 Total expenditures $28.5 M $28.3 M Total revenue 1 . M ($19.7 III deduction in Sever --.1 Construction Fund (-$8.8 M* - $8.6-M Balance *F eduction due to no adopted sewer service charge increase. 5 Two Year Capital Program Activity Item Budgeted Actual/Projected X1.11 F 010-11 Projected Expenditures #111 .3 X1,11 2-Yr Total Expenditures IIA .#� 111 FY 2009-10 Actual revenues '1. 1 i F 2010-11 Projected Revenues 1 1111 $19.7 2-Yr Total Revenues III $ III Tell -Year ira�rdv�rn - III -$16.2 IIA * 0 million bond issuance in 2009 to facilitate constructing needed projects over next three gears. QuestionsoMMEMENE 0 Fly 009-10 Actual Expenditures $40.1 X1.11 F 010-11 Projected Expenditures #111 .3 X1,11 2-Yr Total Expenditures IIA .#� 111 FY 2009-10 Actual revenues '1. 1 i F 2010-11 Projected Revenues 1 1111 $19.7 2-Yr Total Revenues III $ III Tell -Year ira�rdv�rn - III -$16.2 IIA QuestionsoMMEMENE 0 .r= Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS � POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2019 No.d Type of Action- APP I E REVISED TABLE 1 OF THE 2910 -11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT B DGET subject.- APPROVE REVISED ISED FUNDI G AUTHORIZATION FOR THE 2010 -11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET f Submitted By: Initiating DeptlDiv.: Calf Chester, PhD, Associate Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTI-ON: u. unesier D. Lawson J. Mi arnoto -Mills A. Farrell James M. Ke11y, General Manager ISSUE: The Board is required to approve the total authorizations for the 2010-11 Capital Irnprverrent Budget. RECOMMENDATION:. Approve the revised Table 1 of the 2919 -11 Capital Improvement ent Budget, which states total approved Board authorizations. I FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approval of the revised Table 1 showing actual carryover data will allow allocations to occur as needed and as described in the Capital Improvement Budget for FY 2919 -11. Planned expenditures have not changed. ALTERNATI IEWC N IDERATI NS: The Board could direct staff to modify the CIB to reduce planned capital expenditures, and thus eliminate the need for an additional authorization. The Board could also defer approval t "a later date. These alternatives are not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Board approved the CIB for inclusion in the FY 2010-11 District Budget and adopted the budget on June 3, 2010. Final expenditures for the 2999 -1 fiscal year were not known at that time, and therefore, Table 1 of the CIB included estimated amounts for previously allocated: but unspent funds, referred to as carryover.. Nov that ar to a 12009-10 expenditure a mo u nts for capital projects are kn own, Tab le. 1 has been revised to reflect the actual carryover amounts. Table 1 is attached to this position paper. The revised table was reviewed with the Board Capital Projects C omm ittee o n August 11, 2019. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the reprised Table 1 of the 2010-11 Capital Improvement Budget, which states total approved -Board authorizations. Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2010-11 (revised September 2010) Total Estimated Actual Proposed Estimated Allocations Carryover Authorization FY 2010 -11 Program for FY 2011 from FY 2009 for FY 2011 Expenditures Treatment Plant $3,374,000 $11,059POOO $14,4331000 $71437,000 Collection System $0920,000 $5,254,000 $15J74,000 $10x503,000 General Improvements $4,319,000 $112999,000 $16,318,000 $91969,000 Recycled Water $755,000 $245,000 $1009000 $550,000 Total this Fiscal Year $10,3682000 $23,5571000 $46,9259000 $20,4649000 1 Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2010-11 (adopted June 2010) Program Estimated Allocation this FY Estimated Carry -over from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2010-11 Expenditures Treatment Plant $3,374,000 $7t388,000 $1 OP7621000 $71437,000 Collection system $92920,000 $ , , 0 $'14,478,000 $10,6081000 General Improvements $4,319,000 $7,071,090 $11139 t0 0 $9,969,000 Recycled Water $755,000 $81,000 $8301000 $5501000 Total this Fiscal Year $189368,000 $19,098,000 $379466,000 $269464,00 FY 2010-11 CI I20 10 C/P 5. TREATMENT PLANT ENGINEERING UPDATE AUGUST 11, 2010 .... ........ . .. ... Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Projects in Construction • Standby Power Facilities Improvements • Solids Handling Improvements • Piping Renovations, Phase 5 • Wet Weather Bypass Improvements • SCB Mechanical Room • TP Cathodic Protection CtMnrIlhW DrUAFOr 9:00%ilitiac Imnrnwomonfc • C. Overaa and Company • Contract Amount: $3,693,000 • Target completion date: October 8, 2010 • Original Contractor proposed to finish one year early o Construction Challenges: — Temporary generators delayed /plant black starts —Tight construction window — Parallel with PG &E and Cogen Standby Power Facilities Improvements 4 Y +..�+� {•yy?�� .'}fry � ¢�k $.. �: . *' ,. M1 't }„n �'. �,`,.'. V: 2.. ..'�'.. Y. � � �. .... .. „ }�� ��.. >'S� `! � #�a :>.r'r. •^ i�.y Cap -�►r i.�"�# °6xs�'•o ` " ." - �° � i �•` -�� � �' {fx }. 'Au.�• ° :''" '�m�� ,ti. Jti- ^'1 �'}; }'�''. .'bS6"yo: ,.'. XK'. - � Ys M1r - :. Y'�; � ',kn � }{ "+�f +� -N!� :k ��,4:�V.�.'✓ }jL'.�i +x'^ i- �syq't ^•�y�' .d4�'.��F ,V, ho- .j.• -t ��� «.`.a. w ,� - '- f *fir.. }} . * goo' ro o- R U LIE Standby Power Facilities Improvements � ' <��% 1 x„ 6>�° , { ' ''SOJk < ",87x�j(ry +§k k}++.tb.0 x #k> r >rtxx "xI�'I 6y' • ,u #oS}�2ro{x`g A.` So-" , y r ia+ Standby Power Facilities Improvements wiS'��i.'M1 '�•^' .x ,.s: } � ° �: rxaN tt�'or > °o•. ';?- ''�.c;:k: $ �t�k°' � >°�z.�•� �d[ �' � ,i >`x�`„�..d:}�'kq. ��'� :tom ?C:.�,.. #dry °�, #.�t^;. . IL ' �. 4o- i �k �.r►Y -+ .# '� i f t�xoi 6 }a. ,. w 1,�.:,fy.�',r'g)^ •ix - �". x i7'• P: rt x x ' f a x y x {: � > j x ' �� '� ♦� {.} `��a � �� s� Tom, �'�,� i# Y! ' + Is Y' � ✓,r M f�r� r+ tR2h � t i +1. .9� roj. :. � 2 +."'3�w. � 'i� Vb Ax x i '�' tk # {Vtr ,r a► � pyl - I { 4 h a 1 Solids Handling Improvements • Manito Construction Company Contract Amount: $3,650,000 • Target completion date: October 29, 2010 Construction Challenges: - Coordinate testing and startup of new facility - Damage to local control panel impacted completion date -Slow responses from Custom Convey /Larson Engineering (late delivery of hoppers, conveyor, gates) -Extra weight on roof deck due to higher concrete walls Solids Handling Improvements - . 4r F Solids Handling Improvements IL Z-1 dr do 4 74� Solids Handling Improvements . Solids Handling Improvements ..................... •�x��,y% -}> o {�t. Vecho6R M1 VROCO C C h "tea v fix, „° •MIc« ¢; J. 8 i} M ".y. 1�;x .iz a n DU'c- Nu- {3 0 8�2gt yyccbbo-o- pp2x2x �"txi5y$�«Cao: :� ,� r.n° ':v �. t >.'} v,. :� ,. v ° •:�� �.u+�?•� $��¢�t�' rt x��:'-0a°o-i �.x .,x,,"':«;�.x }, �% > {. $.:Y' «x o',: W, nt ... t.�c. ,;�a. #. } ,,,#'96 �V xtA Xbr �� >UP. p,�x.o-t��.x � :s°. ryx ��y:a, °oho- i ,. ' °o :: '' ba'o :�k•x .t�-, . ¢xr� . �, �S¢t -{z t;,�?'. ' ..:c Ya i�-:. Solids Handling Improvements ' ¢env. 41 11, �C7 Zzn J, 41 11 #i5A 1 Piping Renovations,.. Phase 5 • NCCt, Inc. • Contract Amount: $2,077,440 - - • Target- completion date: August 19, 2011 • Construction Challenges: — Evaluate proposed crane setup area for lifting .24 -inch aeration air headers at Tank 1 A/1 B — Completing all work in two aeration taroks before October 31, 2010 — Schedule and construction sequencing with other plant work (e.g. primary gearbox, primary baffles /canopy) • On schedule JAr- Piping Renovations Phase, 5 Ve �x t RM ei t.:.r, o- , I MI& Swing Radius Crane Here ILE { Now�ww � }'V n . ' t 4 Ira y, y.y,{���.- e4 !rte v S$Si Rev rob'k *" f Piping Renovations Phase 5 ------ - ---- k, a M1iti � M1 :�M1,,,o-:: '•v .:'� §�i.�vv¢'�x''os�;.:,.n:' .{> KM1,� . i ■ i �' V y ¢i ��` u r Piping Renovations Phase 5 r Wet Weather Bypass Improvements • Siteworks Construction, Inc. • Contract Amount: $x,856,203 • Target completion date: February 18, 2011 • Construction Challenges: - Oversee the construction work for the wetland mitigation required by regulatory agencies - Provide guidance to the contractor to help sequence the construction activities to maintain availability of emergency bypass system - Complete by wet weather -extra crews • On schedule Wet Weather Bypass Improvements yk . 41 41 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements k} r'a,r> VP AIX { 70 is Zak k.{ R!. Y FA s } • qn, . � \ \ }��_ { COLLECTION SYSTEM � AND CSOD UPDATE AUGUST 11, 2010 Aga �k Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Projects Updates • Hall Drive Sewer Renovations, Phase 213 •Projects Awarded Aug 5t" • Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 • Diablo Sewer Renovations, Phase 1 • Collection System Operations Administration/Crew Building • Prior Project Outstanding Issue • A -dine Buchanan Fields Golf Course lost profit 5. f Hall Drive Sewer Renovations, Phase 2B • McNamara and Smallman, Inc. • Contract Amount: $741,870 • Target completion date: October 26, 2010 Construction Challenges: — Locating laterals — Topography and tight tolerance for directional driller — Greater than normal construction on private property • Schedule Update r :� ] '* � ,� ''r � ��`r .sou• �� 3 �.l d ri 0 s' ��` � - #• - 1 '� �`�� �3f ice"+ k4. Tw +r jr IL � yr _ �`- ♦ _ �. � � f. 1L, ' � .F. III Drive Sewer Renovations. Phase 28 44 1L ,+� V i , � i � .� a Y. `' any �� + �.''i. � � �• Y r Ap An Is. 16 zqm ti •ice r r"y,;rti ; ; y %� +.� * � �S r die• � � X 1h y r CSOD Administration /Crew Bldg •Bobo Construction Inc. • Contract Amount: $8,455,000 • Target completion date: July 2011 • Construction Challenges: — Weather /Water Seepage -- Tie -Back Wall —Level of Inspection Services — Sub - contractor non - performance • Schedule Update j I- kl d G 14 40 I— p 4w rp AIL dab Awl 4L 0 11 IwAre Jop Th %L,p Arr. Tom= T dI6 :11141INAW16W :1 re re wrdld �'' T� ti - aft-� Allp tj, �1 i� x � . � } � • � �+ � -- ± •K ram -'•' �,. kw�rt r� y s 1 ► #. .y ± � �'�� _may + + a �"� �,�. °° - + C ,,:� - :'c,c, �� ��.'S x � `t X.,� �►' f �� 'ice "y f•�•F4 r A-Line Buchanan Fields Golf Course Lost Profit C • InitialF estimated lost profit $70,000 . e Received eived draft report after Board Meeting from BFC estimating lost profit $1609000 Consultant's comprehensive evaluation and r port estimates lost profit $96,000 9 Difference due to - Impact of economic tires -- Merchandising sales - Lessons * Additional issue for BFGC — Compensation for abandoned wells Awaiting golf course final report r kp ,_. ... ....... ....................wwwx rowws....... .. ......,.,.______ ...x : .... _�,.,.,..»... » v- �v.'F.:_ ___ .�•• -: ..... nwwv,. ,.,. �,�3x' ,.vo,.,.ww., v�.X ? � .,.», ro vv ...- ..____ ................ i�v+L�.;. r v xxxoq .,.:.xgyog:xax:::: ..... . .................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: __ . ........ :::::::::::::::::::::::_....... ............yyyy.. ........ .........: ................. �5xxx - ___ - ___ :::�5: x- x..:..:.v__J._.+6�XYfiodlk ............................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ............................................................................................................................... ........ .. .. y .. ........... .... ............. ............................... .. y.... .... y..yyy.. r:'::::.___ __M.'.,., :' _' ....:...' `.':::...: ..................ra............ 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