HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE ACTION SUMMARY 09-18-06~ • ~. d.~>b) District BUDGET 8~ FINANCE COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair Hockett Member Boneysteele ~ Monday, September 18, 2006 3:30 p.m. Collection System Operations Division Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, CA PRESENT: Member Hockett, Member Boneysteele, Jim Kelly, Randy Musgraves, Debbie Ratcliff 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. OLD BUSINESS The District's internal audits were modified at the Committee's direction and were submitted to fhe Board. The reports will be reviewed with the Board at the September 21, 2006 Board Meeting. 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT The Committee reviewed ihe District's open claims. The Board will be discussing one of the claims in Closed Session at the September 21, 2006 Board Meeting. 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Review proposed revisions to Travel Reimbursement Policy to comply with AB 1234. Committee Members reviewed the proposed changes to the District's Travel Policy due to the passage of AB 1234. In summary, AB 1234 requires governing boards and o~cia/s to ensure public know/edge of their fravel p/ans A ~, Recycletl Paper • Budge• d Finance Committee September 18, 2006 -2- and that a Travel Policy for Board Member travel reimbursement must be adopted. In addition, all reimbursement requests require receipts. The DistricYs current Travel Policy complies with AB 1234. Minor modifications are being proposed for clarity. The Committee reviewed the proposed changes and requested two additional minor changes as follows: The Committee is recommending that the General Manager make the announcement of Board travel at a Board meeting. This will allow for Board consideration and approval, or denial, as well as meet AB 1234 intent for public disclosure. 2. The Committee is recommending a change to item 2a. of PROCEDURE, Airline Travel, by removing the "... the layover does not exceed two hours" and replacing it with `tioes not place an unreasonab/e burden on the traveler." The Travel Policy with highlighted proposed changes will be presented to the Board for consideration at the October 5, 2006 Board Meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed proposed changes to District Travel Policy; proposed two additional modifications; recommended Board consideration of proposed changes at October 5, 2006 Board Meeting. b. Review Resolution 2005-006, "A Resolution Setting Forth Procedures for Appointment to and Compensation for Board Committees." Committee Members reviewed the current resolution setting forth procedures for appointment to and compensation for Board Committees and other bodies. The Budget & Finance Committee is recommending the Board's consideration of the following revisions: (1) Add paragraph allowing for compensation for each day of ineeting attendance at CSDA State conferences (2) Add paragraph allowing for compensation for each day of ineeting attendance at CASA conferences (3) Add paragraph allowing for compensation for each day of attendance at CASA Executive Board meetings if serving as a member of the Executive Board (4) Add paragraph stipulating that travel days to and from meefings or conferences are not compensable • Budge• d Finance Committee September 18, 2006 -3- (5) Add paragraph stipulating that Board approval for compensation may be requested in advance for attendance at meetings or conferences not speci~ed in the resolution, if deemed to be necessary for the efficient operation of the District. (6) Add paragraph stating that current compensation is $170 per meeting and limited to six meetings per calendar monfh in compliance with the Health and Safety Code and fhe California Water Code and as stated in Ordinance 215. The resolution with the proposed, highlighted changes will be presented to the Board for consideration at the October 5, 2006 meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed Resolution 2005-005; recommended Board consideration of proposed changes at the October 5, 2006 Board Meeting. 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES The Committee reviewed the expenditures dated September 21, 2006 in the Board packet, item 7.d.1)a). The Committee is recommending approval by the Board. COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted unanimously to recommend approval of the expenditures dated September 21, 2006. ` 7. ADJOURNMENT - at 5:00 p.m.