HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 03-13-06District BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair Lucey Member Boneysteele Monday, March 13, 2006 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Hiring/Contracting with Retired Employees. 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT A i, Recycled Paper Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 10, 2006 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: RANDALL MUSGRAVES~Q/~IM DEBBIE RATCLIFF .42 SUBJECT: February 27, 2006 Finance Committee Meeting There were two outstanding questions from the last Board Budget and Finance Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and answers are provided below: 1. Page 18, 159485 Enterprise Rent-A- Car -What was the length of time the truck was rented? The truck was rented for one month while the District vehicle was being repaired. 2. Page 5, 159580 Lenscrafters - Do we supply safety glasses to inspectors or just field workers? Inspectors use safety glasses while inspecting the plant and at construction site inspections. Both the District's safety directives and the Employee Handbook indicate that safety equipment will be provided for the employee's protection. Safety goggles are specifically listed. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 9, 2004 TO: BUDGET AND FINANCE CO~vIMITTEE VIA: CHARLES W. BATTS, ~ L MANAGER p FROM: RANDALL M. MUSGRAV ,DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION /~~~ SUBJECT: HIRING/CONTRACTING WITH RETIRED EMPLOYEES At the March 2, 2006 Board meeting we submitted to you a memo discussing the review for the use of hiring or contracting with employees who retired from the District. In the material was a listing of retired employees. Staff had not had time to conclude obtaining the cost information. This task took considerable effort due to our desire to provide complete and accurate information to you. Attached is a Summary of Payments provided to all retired employees who were either hired as a temporary employee or through a consulting contract. In addition, I researched what our sister Agencies do regarding this matter, also attached. I focused on East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), Union Sanitary District (Union San) and Delta Diablo Sanitary District (DDSD). Unfortunately, we did not receive a response from DDSD. The following summarizes the other agencies policy or practice. East Bav Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) District staff is authorized to hire or contract with retire employees, after one year of separation, except for pending litigation. It does not require Board approval. Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) No written policy. They do not contract with retire employees by practice. The District and the retired employee are held to a maximum of 960 hours by PERS (they are a PERS agency). Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) District staff can hire or contract with retire employees with Board approval. Union Sanitary District (Union San) District staff can hire or contract with retire employees. Individual pay is comparable to District employees performing same or similar task. The District and the retired employee are held to a maximum of 960 hours by PERS (they are a PERS agency). It does not require Board approval. H:\BUdget\Hiring Retired Employees 3 10 06.DOC • SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS RETIRED EMPLOYEES HIRED AS DISTRICT TEMPS Retiree Termination $ paid Service Dates Work Product Date Ken Laverty 2-2000 $4,229 3-00 to 9-00 Temporary purchasing work until Manager position filled Pedro Mendoza 7-2002 $27,096 8-02 to 2-03 General lab work until position was filled Tom Trice 4-1999 $11,780 6-99 to 4-00 Inspector on several major projects Jan Frost 3-2000 $456 3-00 to 5-00 Secretarial work in personnel Carolyn Gregg 11-1999 $23,017 11-99 to 6-00 Wdrked as buyer 2 days in 12-02 RETIRED EMPLOYEES PAID THROUGH CONTRACTED WORK Retiree Termination $ paid Service Dates Work Product Date Jim Belcher 6-2002 $49,995 8-02 to 11-02 Project management on several projects Bart Brandenburg 3-2001 $1,780 8-01 to 4-02 Coordination of Master Gardener Program Jade Sullivan 1-2002 $1,500 12-02 to 12-02 Recycled Water Program Steve Colberg 3-2005 $25,000 Current Work Furnace Operations Manual Jay McCoy 10-1999 $32,327 4-00 to 1-01 Easement work $34,630 12-00 to 8-02 $14,075 1-03 to 6-04 Ken Clark 8-2005 $33,230 8-05 to 11-OS Inspector for Vessing Sewer Renovation Project Tom Trice 4-1999 $11,145 7-05 to 9-05 Inspector on several major projects Bob Mowers 8-2000 $22,841 9-00 to 6-01 Finished incomplete projects on his desk and trained new Field Operations Superintendent Clarence Covey 7-1998 $2,100 5-01 Operation & Maintenance Manual for 2 pumping stations N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\RATCLIFFlRetirees -Summary of Payments.doc ~~ EBMUD Policy 2.04 EFFECTIVE 11 AUG 92 CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS suPEnsEDes NEw WITH FORMER EMPLOYEES IT IS THE POLICY OF THE EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT TO: Allow for contractual agreements wtth former employees separated from the District by retirement, resignation or termination. Conditions The formeremployee offers unique knowledge and skills for spedalized professional services. Payment of compensation for such services shall not prejudice the retirement rights or benefits of the person. At least one year has elapsed since separation from the District. At least one year has elapsed since separation from the District when accepting former employees in prindpal roles on professional services contrails with outside firms. Exception The one-year waiting period may be waived when, in the opinion of the General Counsel, tt is in the best interest of the District to retain the services of a former employee to serve as a perdpient witness, consultant or expert witness for or on behatt of the District in any pending litigation. The term "pending Iftgalion" shall be defned to indude any adjudicetory proceeding before a court, administrative body, hearing offcer or arbdrator to which the District is a party and/or those matters where there is a signfiicent exposure to litigation against the District. Authority Motion No. 92-130, August 11, 1992 ~' . COhRAA COSTA WATER D15rRICT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE SUBJECT: Number Effective Date: Page 1 of 2 HIRING RETIREES AND II-8 Issued: 8/20/90 FORMER BOARD MEMBERS Revised: 6/9/99 AS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES OR CONSULTANTS PURPOSE: To ensure compliance with the CCWD Code of Regulations, Chapter 3.05, by providing procedures for hiring District retirees or former Board members as temporary employees or consultants. POLICY: A District retiree or former Board member may be hired as a temporary employee, or as a consultant on Contractual Services Agreements, when he/she possesses unique knowledge, skills or abilities that provide continuity, training, or services that cannot be provided by any other persons, and subject to compliance with Chapter 3.05 of the CCWD Code of Regulations. Contracting with, or employing a former Board member or CCWD retiree requires Board approval based on its finding that the proposed arrangement is in the best interest of the District. PROCEDURE: Requests: Requests to hire District retirees or former Board Members as temporary employees or consultants are considered non-routine, and subject to the review and endorsement of the General Manager. Requests to enter in a Contractual Services Agreement, or to hire a former BOD Member or CCWD retiree on a temporary basis must be submitted in writing through the department/division head, to the General Manager and contain the following information: a. description of the Scope of Work to be performed for the temporary assignment or contact; b. detailed explanation of why the retiree possesses unique knowledge, skills, or abilities that cannot be provided by another person, including existing District staff; c. identification of the classification for the temporary assignment, if applicable; and, ~~ Administrative Procedure II-8 HIRING RETIREES/FORMER BOARD MEMBERS AS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES OR CONSULTANTS Effective: June 9, 1999 Page 2 of 2 d. length of the assignment or Contractual Services Agreement (not to exceed twelve months). 2. Approval: Approval of Contractual Services Agreements or employment action shall be made by the Board of Directors based on the review and recommendation of the General Manager. 3. Length of Assignment: A retiree may work up to 120 workdays or 960 hours (if paid hourly) in a calendar year. 4. Compensation and Benefits: If the CCWD retiree is being hired back directly as a consultant in the classification he/she held as a permanent employee, the rate of pay shall beat the same step he/she held as a permanent employee. For all other classifications, the rate of pay shall be the first step in the range, unless otherwise approved by the General Manager or his designee. No benefits, other than those mandated by law, shall be provided these temporary appointments. 5. Contractual Services Contracts: Procedures for hiring CCWD retirees or former BOD members as consultants on service contracts shall be the same procedures for requesting any service for the District. Contracts to hire CCWD retirees or former BOD members, that are within the General Manager's financial authorization, require Board approval. RESPONSIBILITY: Each department/division head is responsible for ensuring compliance with this Administrative Procedure, subject to the review of the General Manager and approval of requested action by the Board of Directors. APPROVED: Walter J. Bishop General Manager s ~ Union Sanitary District • Policy and Procedure Manual Temporary Employment of a Retiree Effective: 01/2005 or Separated Employee Policy Number: 6010 Policy It is the policy of the Union Sanitary District that District retirees or sepazated employees may be hired for a period not to exceed 960 hours in a fiscal year, either during an emergency to prevent stoppage of District business or because the retiree or sepazated employee has skills needed in performing work of limited duration. Retirees who have reached normal retirement age will be rehired in compliance with Ca1PERS regulations (Government Code Section 21224) as described in paragraphs #1 and #4 in this policy. Retirees who have not attained normal retirement age may be rehired per Government Code sections 20121 and 21220.5 under the following conditions: l .) if they have a bona fide separation in service, which means there has been a separation in service of at least 60 calendar days, commencing on the day after retirement, between the date of the member's retirement and the first day of work for the employer as a retired person and 2.) there is no predetermined agreement between the employer and the member prior to retirement to return to work for the employer after retirement. (In the event an emergency has been declared as provided in Govermnent Code Section 8558 that requires the employment of a retired person, the 60 calendar day sepazation in service requirement shall not apply.) Consistent with Ca1PER5 regulations, the rate of pay for retirees employed may not be less than the existing minimum wage level, nor may it exceed that paid by the District to other District employees performing comparable duties. The temporary employee may receive, at the District's discretion, an additional amount up to the equivalent of medical, dental, and vision insurance premiums. Compensation for separated employees will follow these same prescriptions. Procedure Requests to hire retirees or separated employees on a temporary basis shall be made by management submittal of a memorandum to the Executive Team, following discussion of the proposed appointment with the Human Resources Administrator. This memorandum will include the following: 1. Description of the temporary assignment 2. Explanation of why the retiree or sepazated employee possesses the knowledge, skills, or abilities that cannot be provided by another person 3. Identification of the classification for the temporary assignment and compensation 4. Length of assignment Final approval will be made by the Executive Team Approved: Executive Team; January, 2005 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 10, 2006 TO: Budget and Finance Committee VIA: Chuck Batts, General Manager Randall M. M raves, Director of Administration FROM: Jim ar ' ton, Purchasing ahd Materials Manager SUBJECT: Information on Agreements (Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical Consulting Agreements, and Professional Engineering Services) As requested, I am sending portions of the Purchasing Policies and Procedures which seem pertinent to agreements (attachments #1 and #2) and agreement # 031117 with Dan Coitinovis (attachment #3) I am also including a memo regarding purchasing authorization limits and audit findings that was used to help develop the subsequent policy which has historical information regarding agreements (attachment #4). Attachments N:\PURCHASINGUMVNMemo to F&B re Agreements.doc ,:~ it J ~ Ai ~citt~a~ I 3.4 Authorized Signature List and Approval Limits Form a. Department Directors and Managers will initiate a separate Authorized Signature List and Approval Limits Form for. each employee and forward the form, bearing their approvals, to the Controller for review. b. The Controller will review the form for general consistency with maximum approval limits and forward the form to the General Manager for approval. c. Upon approval by the General Manager, the Controller will retain the original form for use in Finance and Accounting and forward a copy of the approved form to the Department Manager, the Purchasing Manager and the employee. d. When a manager or supervisor will be absent from the District for twenty- four hours or more, signature authority will be automatically transferred to another manager or supervisor, or other designated employee based on the Automatic Delegation of Authority matrix maintained by the Accounting Division. Managers or supervisors who will be absent from the District on planned leave may choose to prepare a delegation of authority memo that amends the automatic signature authority listed in the matrix. e. The Controller will initiate an annual review of the Authorized Signature List and Approval Limits to ensure accuracy.... 3.5 Approval of Agreements and Agreement Amendments 3.5.1 Types of Agreements. Generally, there are three types of agreements: Professional Consulting Services, Technical Consulting Services and Professional Engineering Services. Each is defined below. a. Professional Cohsulting Services Agreement (PCS): Used to contract for needed services of anon-engineering nature wherein the collection, analysis and/or translating of information is the consultant's primary function with the end product being a written document, training and/or recommendation. For example, auditors, trainers, professional psychologists, attorneys and financial advisors. b. Technical Consulting Services Agreement (TCS): Used to contract for needed services when physical work is being performed such as surveying and soils investigation. Note: If soils investigation data is being interpreted, a Professional Engineering Services contract is required. c. Professional Engineering Services Agreement (PES): Used to contract for needed services when professional engineering, planning, LJ • • Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distract Purchasing Policies and Pn~cedun:s Page 11 0/ 154 <. f~ design, construction management, construction inspection and/or architectural services are being performed. 3.5.2 Approval of Agreements. Approval of agreements and amendments to agreements shall conform to the following approval matrices. FIGURE 3.A StaffAuthorization Limit for the Approval of Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical Consulting Agreements and Professional Enaineerina Aareements Authorization Limits' O & M Pro'ect/CIB Professional Consultin Services $25,000 $50,000 Technical Consultin Services $50,000 $50,000 Professional En ineerin Services $50,000 $50,000 'Note: The amounts listed are the maximum amounts for which staff has been delegated authority. Individual staff members, based on their position, may have a lower authority limit. Agreements in an amount greater than the limits listed in the table above require Board approval of the agreement prior to authorization and commencement of work. 3.5.3 Amendments to Agreements. Board approval is required for amendments to Professional Consulting, Technical Consulting and Professional Engineering Agreements under the following conditions: a. The amendment is greater than 15% of the original agreement amount or $10,000, whichever is greater. Note: For agreements in an amount less than the staff authority limits listed above, staff can make amendments up to the staff authority7imits withoufapplying the 15% or $10,000 criteria. b. The amendment will cause the agreement to exceed agreement authorization limit (see table above) and the original agreement did not have prior Board approval because it fell below the listed authorization limits. 3 6 Approval of Contracts and Contract Chanpe Orders All contracts must be approved by the General Manager or the Purchasing Manager. The General Manager or his/her designee can approve individual contract change orders of up to $50,000 for District Projects. The Board of Directors must approve individual change orders where the amount is greater than $50,000. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purchasing Policies and Procedures Paoe 12 of 154 • • ~ ~C~-111~-~,5i 2 One factor -qualifications -far outweighs all other considerations in retaining consultants, including price. Once qualifications are established, work scope, price and means of compensation can be negotiated with the selected firm; these three items must be in harmony with each other because experience shows that inadequate compensation for the effort expected can lead to inadequate results. The variety, complexity, size and quantity of annual projects required of the District justify an efficient procurement effort. The District seeks broad competition and encourages extensive participation by qualified firms and in view of the fact that consultants are expected to expend costs and effort in applying for consideration of District contracts without any guarantee of success, it is incumbent upon the District to minimize the information and effort required to select a consultant. As such, it is the intent of the District to limit submittals by interested firms. It is believed that this is everyone's best interest and allows for more equal competition between small and medium size firms and large firms that have substantial overhead or public relations budgets. This would encourage greater participation, reduce cost to both the District and consultant, reduce selection time, and increase the responsiveness of the selection process. The following guidelines have been developed to establish the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's policy for selection of consultants. Separate guidelines are established based on the level of anticipated fee: a. Informal Selection Process 1. Anticipated fees less than $30,000. 2. Anticipated fees between $30,000 and $100,000. b. Formal Selection Process -Anticipated fees over $100,000. An outside service provider shall not be selected when a potential conflict of interest exists: a. Involvement in a related decision-making process as a member of a Committee/Commission/Board. b. Potential for additional personal financial gain beyond that resulting from -performing the service. c. Conflict with applicable provisions of the Fair Political Practices Commission and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. 14.4 Selection Procedures • Professional expertise and experience in the applicable field will be the major criteria for selection on any project. The Project Manager will obtain a written Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purchasing Policies and Procedures proposal from. the selected consultant. Effort must be made to distribute contracts fairly and equitably without favoritism, and new consulting firms shall be encouraged to make their capabilities known to the District. a. Informal Selection Procedure -Anticipated Fees Less than $30,000 The Project Manager in charge of the project shall select a consultant taking into account (a) the nature of the project, (b) the geographic proximity of the consultant ~to the project, (c) the capability of the consultant to produce the required service within a reasonable time, (d). past performance, and (e) ability to meet project budget requirements. b. Informal Selection Process -Anticipated Fees $30,000 - $100,000 The Project Manager shall conduct an informal solicitation of telephorie and letter proposals from a limited number of firms. The consultant will be selected based on his/her qualifications in relation to: (a) the nature of the project, (b) the geographic proximity of the consultant to the project, (c) the capability of the consultant to produce the required service. within a reasonable time, (d) past performance, and (e) ability to meet project budget requirements. Projects may not be split into small projects for the. purpose of circumventing the Informal Selection Process limit of $30,000 - $100,000. c. Formal Selection Process -Anticipated Fees Greater than $100,000 The professional community with the requisite expertise shall be notified of the proposed project and interested consultants will be invited to submit a proposal in response to the District's Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP will contain a description of the work to be done and other pertirient information regarding the project such as selection and evaluation criteria and contract terms and conditions. The consultants will be informed as to what specific information should be contained in their written response. Question responses regarding the firms'-technical perspective of the project are to be strictly limited to brief statements addressing consultants' general concepts and approach to the project. Detailed, voluminous design information is not desired and will not be considered in the selection process. A short list will be developed and these firms will be asked to attend a proposal interview. The firms will be interviewed and ranked by a formal selection committee comprised of District staff based on their proposal Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purchasing Policies and Procedures Page 98 of 154 \~ t~ f~ • responses, their qualifications and interview presentation negotiations will ensue with the top-ranked firm. Selection factors may include: a. Educational background b. Experience and expertise c. Demonstrated record of success d. Individuals who will have direct charge of the work e. Adequate staffing for the time allowance f. Proposed method of addressing the work g. Ability to make public presentations h. Adequate knowledge of local conditions i. Current workload and relationship to proposed project j. Demonstrated record of keeping costs within project budgets k. Quality control/quality assurance • 14.5 Exceptions. Exceptions to consultant selection process include: Contract a. In the case where a consulting firm has satisfactorily performed the preliminary stage of a project, for example pre-design, or has acquired extensive background and working knowledge, the firm may be selected for follow-up work without solicitations from other firms. Note: If significant follow-up work is anticipated, then the formal selection process may be required for the initial work even though the initial work falls under the $30,000 or $100,000 thresholds. b. If a firm is a highly recognized authority in a field or specialty, then the firm may be selected without other solicitations. If the cost of the follow-up work exceeds $100,000, the approval of the Department Director and the General Manager is required. Additionally, all contracts exceeding the authorized limits set forth in Chapter Three - Approvals and Authorizations, may require the approval of the Board of Directors. t~J 14.6 Debriefing Policy. The District will conduct a debriefing meeting- upon request.=with-any-interested _consultant. The-debriefing-will-focus~on the_specific items that the selection committee utilized as selection criteria, the procedures used, and an assurance that it was followed consistently with all firms. The debriefing will be limited to a general discussion of what the selection committee used as selection criteria and in which areas firms rated lower than the first- ranked firm. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purchasing Policies and Procedures Paoe 99 0l 154 ,;~ :. ;. ., ~CI~~rJ~ ~~ itary District .,, ... FAX: (925) 825-1437 , CHARLES W. RATIS General Manager KENTON L. ALM ComvefJor the DisMcl ~no~ xox-zoos ELAINE R. IfOGHME Secrclary of the Dislricl AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND DAN CORTINOVIS, CONSULTING ENGINEER AGREEMENT NO. 031117 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 2.~~day of ~1~7yI/~'F~2 2005, by and between the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, 5(}19 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, hereinafter called the "DISTRICT", and DAN CORTINOVIS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, 3183 Wayside Plaza #118, Walnut Creek, California, hereinafter called "ENGINEER". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DISTRICT desires to contract with ENGINEER to provide professional engineering services in connection with the preparation of the Furnace Operations Manual for the O 81 M Procedures Update Project (DP 6131); and WHEREAS, ENGINEER is willing and holds itself capable and qualified to contract with the DISTRICT to provide such professional engineering services; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements and the faithful performance of the terms and conditions set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: _ ARTICLE 1 ENGAGEMENT OF ENGINEER AND AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED 1.1 The DISTRICT hereby engages ENGINEER who hereby accepts the engagement to perform certain professional engineering services in connection with the preparation of the Furnace Operations Manual. Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 Page 1 of 16 ~, Rec/tled Paper ' 1.2 The date of entering the Agreement and the engagement of ENGINEER will be the date set forth on page 1 which is the date the signature of the second party to this Agreement is obtained. The engagement of ENGINEER shall continue until March 1, 2006. If the engagement of ENGINEER is not extended by mutual written consent of the DISTRICT and ENGINEER, then this Agreement shall be terminated on the date set forth above, provided that ENGINEER shall not be relieved of any of the obligations dr covenants contained in this Agreement until the tasks provided for within the scope of work have been completed. 1.3 It is further provided that the obligations or covenants contained in Articles 6.6, 6.9, 6.12, 6.15 arid 6.18 shall continue in full force and effect after termination of this Agreement due to completion or pursuant to Article 6.8. 1.4 Authorization for ENGINEER to proceed will be granted in writing by the DISTRICT as soon as both parties sign the Agreement and applicable insurance ,documents are received- and are accepted by the DISTRICT. Under no circumstances is ENGINEER authorized to begin work unless and until ENGINEER has complied with the insurance provisions of Article 6.3. 1.5 It is expressly understood between the parties hereto that no employee/employer or agency relationship is intended, the relationship of ENGINEER to the DISTRICT being that of an independent contractor. The DISTRICT will not be required to make any payroll deductions or provide Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage or health benefits to ENGINEER. ARTICLE 2 SERVICES OF ENGINEER 2.1 The scope of engineering services included in this Agreement is described in the Scope of Work, Exhibit A, and shall, where not specifically addressed, include all services ordinarily provided by an engineer under same or similar circumstances. 2.2 ENGINEER hereby warrants that ENGINEER and all of said ENGINEER's employees and subcontractors hold, have obtained, and shall continue to maintain during the course of this Agreement, all professional licenses or other statutorily mandated certifications requisite to the performance of the work set -forth-in the scope(s) of work,,-as maybe required in the State of California, if any. Failure of ENGINEER, its employees and subcontractors to obtain and/or maintain in good standing such licenses or certificates shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and shall provide grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DISTRICT AND OF ENGINEER 3.1 The DISTRICT, without cost to ENGINEER, will provide all pertinent information reasonably available to it which is necessary for performance by'ENGINEER Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 613'1, 0311'17 Page 2 of 16 a ,' • ~ under this Agreement, including previous reports and data relative to the work. . The DISTRICT does not guarantee or ensure the accuracy of any reports, information, and/or data so provided. To the extent that any reports, information, and/or other data so provided was supplied to the DISTRICT by person or persons.not employees of the DISTRICT, any.liability resulting from inaccuracies and/or omissions contained in said reports, information or data shall be limited to liability on behalf of the party who prepared the information for~the DISTRICT or otherwise supplied that information, report or data to the DISTRICT. 3.2 The DISTRICT will designate Randy Grieb as the person to act as the DISTRICT's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, -and interpret -and define the DISTRICT's policies and decisions pertinent to the work. In the event the DISTRICT wishes to make a change in the DISTRICT'S representative, the DISTRICT will notify ENGINEER of the change in writing. 3.3 ENGINEER shall perform the project work in such a manner as to fully comply with all applicable professional standards of care, including professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other services furnished and/or work undertaken by ENGINEER pursuant to this Agreement. 3.4 The DISTRICT's review of drawings, designs, specifications, reports, and incidental engineering work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve ENGINEER of responsibility for the technical adequacy of its work. Neither the DISTRICT'S review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services will be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action. arising out of the performance of this Agreement. 3.5 During the period of this Agreement, upon request by the DISTRICT, ENGINEER shall provide information related to the work that is reasonably necessary to assist the DISTRICT in its coordination of the efforts of others performing services related to the work. ARTICLE A PAY_MENIS-T_O_ENGINEER _ - 4.1 .The DISTRICT will pay ENGINEER for work performed under this Agreement, which work can be verified by the DISTRICT, on the basis of the following: 4.1.1. Compensation .for engineering services performed under this Agreement shall be determined on the basis of ENGINEER'S regular hourly rates per ENGINEER'S Fee Schedule, attached as Exhibit B. The regular hourly rates shall compensate ENGINEER for the costs of all direct labor, fringe benefits, indirect labor costs, Dan Cortinovis, Fomace Operation Manual,.Randy Grieb, DP 6'131, 031117 Page 3 of 16 " overhead, and ENGINEER's profit. ENGINEER's compensation also may include other non-labor direct charges borne by ENGINEER. Allowable non-labor direct charges shall be billed at cost; however; outside consultant charges and charges for subcontracts may be billed at cost plus a markup for administrative costs if such markup is specifically provided for elsewhere herein. For the purpose of determining payments to ENGINEER allowable non-labor direct charges shall be defined as follows: (a) Allowable non-labor direct charges which may be billed at cost include such typical expenses as cost of transportation and subsistence, printing and reproduction, computer time and .programming costs, identifiable supplies, and charges by reviewing authorities. A firm cost ceiling has been established in ARTICLE 4.3 for the work and such ceiling shall constitute the maximum payment for the scope(s) of work and shall not be exceeded without prior written authorization of the DISTRICT. In the event the scope of work is expanded or reduced by the DISTRICT, the cost ceiling shall be subject to renegotiation, upward and downward, to reflect the changes in services and their .costs. The adjustment to cost and time shall be .done in accordance with the terms of ARTICLE 6.4. In no event shall ENGINEER be entitled to compensation over and above the original amount where changes in the scope of work or the time for performance are necessitated by the negligence of ENGINEER, or any subcontractor performing under it. ENGINEER shall notify the DISTRICT when the costs incurred for the total work approximate seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost ceiling. With the notification, ENGINEER shall indicate whether the sum of the current costs incurred plus the estimated total cost to be complete the task or tasks set forth in the scope(s) of work will be .greater or less than the cost ceiling. Receipt by the DISTRICT of said notification that the cost for completion of all tasks shall exceed the established cost ceiling will not constitute an approval or authorization to increase the established cost ceiling or a waiver of any rights that the DISTRICT may have under this Agreement. 4.2 Payment will be made by the DISTRICT within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an invoice from ENGINEER setting forth the Agreement Number and the District's Project Manager, provided that all invoices are accompanied by cost documentation determined to be sufficient by the DISTRICT to allow the determination of the reasonableness or accuracy of said invoice. In the event that a payment dispute arises between the parties, ENGINEER shall provide to Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 ~ Page 4 of 16 ~ ~ the DISTRICT full and complete access to ENGINEER's labor cost records and other direct cost data, and copies thereof if requested by the DISTRICT. Charges are to be invoiced based on the agreed upon hourly rates invoiced on a monthly basis. Other direct charges as provided for in ARTICLE 4.1.1 shall be invoiced on a monthly basis. 4.3 The total estimated charges for all work under this Agreement is $25,000 and such amount is the cost ceiling as described herein. 4.4 ENGINEER shall, at no cost to the DISTRICT, prepare any necessary rework occasioned by ENGINEER'S failure to provide the services specified in Article 2 herein, in a satisfactory manner, due to any act or omission attributable to ENGINEER, or its agents, including subcontractors. ARTICLE 5 COMPLETION SCHEDULE 5.1 -The completion schedule for the work is as follows with all times identified from the date that the DISTRICT gives written authorization to ENGINEER to begin work or that this Agreement was entered, whichever is later and with all number of days referring to calendar days unless otherwise noted: TASK 1: Prepare color coded schematics of furnace systems and subsystems - January 30, 2006 TASK 2: Review Furnace Operations Manual - February 6, 2006 TASK 3: Incorporate Furnace Operations Manual into the Plant Information System (PIS) - February 28, 2006 5.2 It is expected that work shall begin on or about November 1, 2005, and shall be completed in accordance with the above schedule. Time is of the essence for - this Agreement. - - - - - - 5.3 The parties hereto agree to immediately and diligently proceed with their respective duties as set forth herein so that .the work will be completed satisfactorily-within-the-shortest-reasonable-lime- - - ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS- 6.1 , .SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This writing constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties relative to professional engineering services to be provided hereunder and no modification hereof shall be effective unless and until such modification is evidenced by a writing signed by both parties to this Agreement. Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP6'131, 031117 Page 5 of 16 6.2 SUBCONTRACTORS AND OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS No subcontract shall be awarded or an outside consultant engaged by ENGINEER unless prior written approval is obtained from the DISTRICT. No additional approval shall be required for subcontracting with or engagement of an outside consultant set forth in an exhibit to this Agreement (Exhibit A). 6.3 INSURANCE ENGINEER shall secure and maintain in full force and effect at its own cost and expense until the completion of all services such insurance as shall protect it and DISTRICT in such a manner and at such amounts as set forth below. The premiums for said insurance coverage shall be paid by ENGINEER. Said policies of insurance shall stipulate that this insurance shall operate as primary insurance, and that no other insurance effected by the DISTRICT or other named insured will be called on to cover a loss covered thereunder. 6.3.1 The DISTRICT shall be furnished with certificates of insurance and original endorsements effecting coverage, signed by a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf, verifying the insurance coverage as required by this Agreement. These. certificates of insurance and. original endorsements shall state the Agreement number and shall be delivered to the DISTRICT within fifteen (15) calendar days of execution of this Agreement. All insurance certificates and original endorsements must be received and approved by the DISTRICT prior to the commencement of any work under this Agreement. The DISTRICT reserves the right to require and have delivered complete and accurate copies of all insurance policies required under this Agreement. 6.3.2 The insurance policies certified for compliance with this Agreement shall include the following provisions or have them incorporated by endorsements: ' Coverage provided by ENGINEER's policies shall be primary coverage. _The--DISTRICT shall receive--thirty (30) days prior written notice of a policy cancellation or reduction in coverage. 6.3.3 Except for professional liability, ENGINEER shall provide insurance coverage through insurers which have at least an "A" policyholder's rating and "VII" financial rating in accordance with the current Best's Key Rating Guide. Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6'131, 031'117 Page 6 of 16 6.3.4 In the event any change is made in the insurance carrier, policies, or nature of coverage required under this Agreement ENGINEER shall be required 'to notify the DISTRICT prior to making such changes. 6.3.5 The insurance provided under this Agreement shall include policies providing coverage to include each of the requirements set forth below in amounts which meet or exceed the minimums set forth herein: General Liability ENGINEER shall maintain and keep in full force and effect general liability insurance including provisions for contractual liability, personal injury, independent contractors, and broad form property damage coverages. This insurance shall have an endorsement or policy language naming the DISTRICT as an additional insured and with standard cross liability clause or endorsement. The .limit for this insurance shall be not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. Automobile .Liability ENGINEER shall maintain automobile liability insurance with coverage for any vehicle including those owned, leased, rented or borrowed. This insurance shall have an endorsement or policy language naming the DISTRICT• as an additional insured and with a standard cross liability clause or endorsement. The limit for this insurance shall be not less than $500,000 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. 6.4 CHANGES-IN-SCOP-E-OR TIME-- - -- - . If the DISTRICT requests a change in the scope of work or time of completion by either adding to or deleting from the original scope or time of completion, an equitable adjustment will be made and this Agreement will be modified in writing accordingly. ENGINEER must assert any claim for adjustment under this clause in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt from the DISTRICT of the notification of change unless the DISTRICT grants a further period of time for assertion of claim before the date of final payment under this Agreement. Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 Page 7 of 16 6.5 NOTICES 6.6 All notices to either party by the other shall be made in writing and delivered or mailed to such party at their respective addresses as follows or to other such address as either party may designate and said notices shall be deemed to have been made when delivered or five (5) days after mailing. To the DISTRICT: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Agreement No: Telephone: Randy Grieb 031117 (925) 229-7267 Note: The District's Project Manager for this work is Doug Craig To ENGINEER: DAN CORTINOVIS, CONSULTING ENGINEER 3183 Wayside Plaza #118 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Attention: Dan Cortinovis Telephone: (925) 932-3218 POSSESSION AND OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND NOTES 6.6.1 All rights, title, royalties, and interest in all work product of ENGINEER resulting from its performance under this Agreement, including drawings and specifications, data, reports, estimates, software, summaries, and any other such information and materials as may be accumulated by ENGINEER in performing work under this Agreement, whether complete or in progress, shall be vested in the DISTRICT and none shall be revealed, disseminated, or made available by ENGINEER to others without prior written consent of the DISTRICT. If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 ~ Page 8 of 16 s t Article 6.8 ENGINEER shall deliver such documents within two weeks of termination. 6.6.2 It is understood that ENGINEER's work product is prepared for the specific project at hand. Any reuse of said work products by the DISTRICT for subsequent projects will be at the DISTRICT's own risk. Any use by the DISTRICT of incomplete drawings, specifications, or other related materials without the express written authorization of ENGINEER will also be at the DISTRICT's own risk. 6.7 ENGINEER'S ASSIGNED PERSONNEL ENGINEER designates Steve Colberg to have immediate responsibility for the performance of the work and for all matters relating to performance under this Agreement. Substitution of any of these assigned personnel shall require the prior written approval of the DISTRICT. If the DISTRICT determines that a proposed substitution is not acceptable, then, at the request of the DISTRICT, ENGINEER shall substitute with a person acceptable to the DISTRICT. 6.8 TERMINATION 6.8.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause, in whole or in part, if the other party fails to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party. However, no such termination for cause may be affected unless the other party is given: (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) of the intent to terminate, and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party before termination. 6.8.2 If the DISTRICT terminates this Agreement pursuant to Article 6.8.1, above, nothing set forth in this Article is intended to require the DISTRICT to compensate ENGINEER for any services which may be claimed to have been provided or be in progress, if the DISTRICT reasonably concludes that further compensation is -- -unwarranted. 6.8.3 The DISTRICT may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, whether or ndt ENGINEER has. failed to fulfill its obligations, if the DISTRICT has.a reasonable basis for termination (such as major changes in the work or project requirements, cancellation of the project, loss of outside funding, or failure of the Board'of'Directors to authorize funding in subsequent fiscal years). ENGINEER will be . given: (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) of intent to Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 Page 9 of 16 terminate, and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party before termination. 6.8.4 Upon receipt of a termination notice, ENGINEER shall: (1) promptly discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make- available to the DISTRICT all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as ENGINEER may have accumulated in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 6.8.5 Upon termination under~ARTICLE 6.8.3, the sole right and remedy of ENGINEER shall be to receive payment for all amounts due and not previously paid to ENGINEER for services completed or in progress in accordance with the Agreement prior to such date of termination and for services thereafter completed at the request of the DISTRICT and any other reasonable cost incidental to such termination of services. Such payments available to ENGINEER under this paragraph shall not include costs related to lost. profit associated with the expected completion of the work or other such payments relating to the benefit of the bargain. 6.9 REMEDIES In the event that either the DISTRICT or ENGINEER brings an action or proceedings for damages for an alleged breach of any .provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover as part of such action or proceeding, all litigation and collection expenses, including witness fees, court costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees. Arbitration shall be attempted if both parties mutually agree before, during, or after litigation has begun. 6.10 INDEMNITY 6.10.1 ENGINEER shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of, in any actions at law or in equity, the DISTRICT, its officers, employees, agents, and elective and appointive boards, from all claims, losses, damage, including property damage, personal injury;-including death; and liability of every kind, nature and description, arising out of or in any way connected with the negligent acts, errors or omissions, or the willful misconduct of ENGINEER or any person directly or indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for ENGINEER, directly or indirectly related to the provision of any professional services provided hereunder, but not including the sole or active negligence, or the willful misconduct of the DISTRICT. This indemnification shall extend to claims, losses, damage, injury and liability for injuries occurring after the Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 Page 10 of 16 ~ d completion of the aforesaid operations, arising from ENGINEER's services. Submission of insurance certificates or submission of other proof of compliance with the insurance requirements does not relieve ENGINEER from liability under this indemnification and hold harmless clause. The obligations of this indemnity article shall apply whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 6.10.2 The DISTRICT does not authorize the impermissible use of any patent or the reproduction of. any copyrighted material by ENGINEER which exceeds "fair use" in the performance of this Agreement. ENGINEER is solely responsible for any such infringement. ' ENGINEER shall indemnify the DISTRICT against and save it harmless from any and all losses, damage, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees suffered or incurred as a result of or in connection with any claims or actions based upon infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, or trade secret, and arising out of the use of the equipment or materials utilized to perform under this Agreement or specified by or procured by ENGINEER, or out of the processes or actions employed by, or on behalf of, ENGINEER in connection with the performance of this Agreement. 6.10.3 ENGINEER shall also indemnify the DISTRICT against and save it harmless from any and all loss, damage, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees suffered or incurred on account of any breach by ENGINEER, or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, of the aforesaid obligations and covenants, and any other provisions or covenant of this Agreement. 6.11 SAFETY __ _ENGINEER_shall_perform the work in full compliance with applicable state and federal safety requirements including but not limited to Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements, and shall assume sole and complete responsibility, during the course of completion of the assigriment for job site safety of ENGINEER's employees and subcontractors' employees and their property, applicable at all times, and not limited to normal working hours. Nothing in this Article requires ENGINEER to be responsible for job site safety of the DISTRICT's property or the DISTRICT'S personnel or the property or personnel of any third parties over which ENGINEER has no authority or control. Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031 ~ 17 ~ Page 11 of 16 6.12 EXAMINATION OF RECORDS ENGINEER agrees that the DISTRICT will have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of any and all transactions relating to this Agreement at any time during and after the inception of the Agreement upon reasonable notice. 6.13 TERMS No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties heretd. 6.14 ASSIGNMENT ENGINEER shall not assigh any rights or duties or transfer its interest in this Agreement to a third party without prior written consent of the DISTRICT. 6.15 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 6.16 COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAW ENGINEER shall at all times observe all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law and regulations including, but not limited to, those related to equal opportunity employment. 6.17 HEADINGS Article headings in this Agreement are for convenience only acid are not intended to be used in interpreting or construing the terms; covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. 6.18 PARTIAL INVALIDITY If -any term,-covenant,-condition,-or provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction ~ to: be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. 6.19 AUTHORIZATION Both the DISTRICT and ENGINEER do covenant that each individual executing. this document by and on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized to execute contracts for that party. Dan Cortinovis. Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 Page 12 of 16 s 6.20 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a If ENGINEER is an individual or sole proprietor ENGINEER must furnish its Social Security Number (SSN). If ENGINEER is a corporation or partnership, ENGINEER must furnish its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). ENGINEER shall complete the Taxpayer I.D. Number section below. Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, DP 6131, 031117 Page 13 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the Agreement in the day and year first above written. DAN CORTINOVIS, CONSULTING ENGINEER Name Printed: ~`~ ~ G`'2~ ~~~~~/~~ Title: ~a,JfL~` j~/~'G En-'Gin~~Ec~ Date: O~ T °~G-2 3d~ zoci gy: ~~ (Q~~~~-''"1 Name Printed: S"T~~+! ~ ~ ~ ~ Title: Dui NG,~L - {~ ~ X~L-JI 5 i U ~ Date: (~I U yJ ~~`-~ ~ F~ I~ Z U y S Taxoaverl.D: SSN ~~ b' _ 5 2. 3 9 9 3 FEIN - CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Date: ~iren~- ? Za~~ S" Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb,~ DP 6131, 031117 ~ Page 14 of 16. Director of Administration t • EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK Work to be performed by Pixelvision, a subcontractor to Dan Cortinovis. TASK 1: Prepare and submit five (5) copies of color coded schematics of Multiple Hearth Furnace systems and subsystems as described below for review by District staff..Receive and incorporate comments from District staff and provide ten (10) copies of the final schematics. 1. Schematics shall be color coded using lines and symbols that coincide with the Districts existing schematics. 2. Schematics shall be provided for the following furnace systems and subsystems: a. Furnace Ash Collection(Bottom; Dry Scrubber & Soot) b. Emissions Control System c. Dry Scrubber System d. Wet Scrubber System e. Burner Piping f. furnace Cooling Air g. Furnace Draft h. Furnace Drive i. Furnace Natural and Landfill Gas j. Furnace Compliance Schematic 3. Schematics shall call out District assigned equipment numbers next to equipment shown on the schematic. Equipment numbers shall be clearly visible and easily readable and shall be arranged in such a manner that they are not easily confused with numbers for adjacent equipment. 4. The above schematics may be combined to include more than one system or subsystem with the approval of the District representative. 5. All-schematics-shall-be-made_available_to_District_personal_for review, edits, and comments before schematics should be considered final draft. TASK 2: Following Task 1, as time and budget permit, review District's work on Furnace Operations Manual for accuracy and completeness and provide written comments to the District. TASK 3: Following Task, 2, as time and budget permit, incorporate the completed Furnace Operations Manual into the Plant Information System (PIS). Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Grieb, f)P 6131, 031117 - Page 15 of 16 . ~.. s s EXHIBIT B FEE SCHEDULE Steve Colberg $125 per Hour Estimated Hours 180 Hours Copies of Draft Schematics 5 sets (included) Copies of Final Schematics 10 sets (included) Electronic Copies of all Schematics on CD 2 CDs (included) Copy/Publication Costs $25 per each. additional set Total Cost of Project Not to Exceed $25,000 Dan Cortinovis, Furnace Operation Manual, Randy Gdeb, DP 6131, 031117 ~~ ~ Page 16 of 16 ~, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 29, 2002 TO: Chuck Batts, General Manager FROM: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration ~~'~r, SUBJECT: Purchasing Authorization Limits and Audit Report SUMMARY The Board of Directors recently requested staff to review the current contract and purchasing authorization limits of the General Manager and management staff in general. The Board expressed concern about the interpretation of incremental authority limits, the possible practice of contract splitting, and possible bias toward a consultant or contractor. The current practice of a matrix of authorization limits based on the level of approval and the type of contract or purchase involved, is difficult to manage by District staff, confusing to those involved in oversight of contracts, and disconcerting to the Board. In examining this practice staff believes a simpler method of establishing authorization limits would serve the District better. Staff recommends replacing the incremental authority limits practice with a 15% contingency limit. In addition to purchasing authorization limits, the District's Internal Auditor was asked to review the entire purchasing function and in the course of that investigation found no violation of the District's purchasing procedures. Staff will be addressing other concerns and/or issues raised by the outside audit through an internal work plan. A copy of the audit by the outside auditor is attached to this report. BACKGROUND At the February 18, 2002 Board Finance Committee meeting, staff was asked to evaluate the current purch8"sing authorization limits-forcontracts-and-agreements.-The specific concern stated by the Committee was the ability for staff to approve an agreement or contract under the 550,000 amount requiring Board approval, and then process an additional modification to the same contract of up to 550,000 on the same contract, again without action of the Board. This concern was then discussed at the February 21, 2002 Board meeting. Again, staff was asked to investigate this practice and report back to the Board. Page 1 Staff had discussed with the Board Finance Committee at the time of the request that the District's Internal Auditor, Rosemary Selland, an outside CPA, was scheduled to audit the District's contract/agreement process and compliance. The purpose of this report is to clarify the District's agreement and contract procedures and authorization limits, to inform the Board of the Internal Auditor's findings, and to provide recommendations to the Board for alignment with the Board on future transactions by staff. CURRENT PRACTICE Agreements and Contracts In order to address the issue of authorization limits, a discussion of the various procedures must first be provided. Currently, there are several forms of agreements and contracts in District procedures for staff to use. These procedures were developed to protect the District from risk as well as to reduce preparation time. Unfortunately, these many options have created a complex and confusing process for staff to administer. Basically, the District has three types of agreements and two types of contracts. They are as follows: Professional Consulting Services (PCS) -These agreements are used for services such as the collecting of information, analyzing information and translating information with the end product being a written document or report, training and/or recommendation as opposed to project design. Technical Consulting Services ITCS) -These agreements are used when physical work is being performed, such as surveying and soils investigation. Professional Engineering Services (PES) -These agreements are used for professional engineering design, construction management, and architectural services. Maintenance Service Contracts -These contracts are used for equipment and building maintenance, landscaping and security services, collection services, and duplicating and mail services. Construction Contracts- These contracts are used for construction projects and public works projects. These agreements are less complex than construction contracts. They usually constitute a single focus service to be provided to the District. In addition, there is a short form and a long form of each type of instrument listed above. The differences between the two forms are usually based on dollar value, complexity and/or insurance requirements. The short form, as opposed to the long form, is usually used for agreements and contracts under 55,000, and is simple and relates to a single purpose. Different authorization limits for such agreements and contracts apply to Operations and Maintenance (0&M) and Capital Project agreements and contracts. Page 2 ~~ ~ ! • Authorization Limits O&M Professional Consulting Services agreements have an authorization limit of 525,000 for the General Manager, less for other staff, while all other agreements have an authorization limit of 550,000 at the General Manager level. Maintenance Service Contracts and Construction Contracts are approved in the budgeting process and therefore do not require any additional approval by the Board once the Board approves the 0&M Budget and the Capital Improvement Budget; these expenses are controlled by the budgeted amounts. The authorization limits for these agreements were established to recognize the need for flexibility and timely response or action. If the original agreement or contract, or any modification, exceeds the authorizatiori limit of staff or the General Manager, then staff seeks Board authorization. This process usually requires a Position Paper providing the Board with the information and amount requiring additional funds. An example would be as follows: The General Manager or authorized designee approves a TCS agreement for 535,000. Staff later requests an additional 510,000, totaling 545,000. The General Manager can approve this addition. In such a case, neither the original agreement nor the modification would be submitted to the Board for approval. If another 520,000 is requested, bringing the agreement total to 565,000, Board approval would be required. Because the total agreement amount now exceeds 550,000, staff would submit the entire agreement to the Board, requesting the 520,000 in addition for approval. Upon approval by the Board, staff has authority for an additional 550,000 of modifications which could bring an amended agreement to 5115,000. This is the issue that appears to alter the Board approval process requiring Board approval for contracts over 550,000. It may appear from this process that staff could approve up to 5100,000 for an agreement and then a modification, but this is not the case. Staff is limited to 550,000 increments and must have Board approval to exceed that amount. It is this practice or understanding of incremental authority that is at the crux of the Board's stated concerns. The Professional Consulting Services agreement authorization limit of 525,000 was established by the Board at the December 16, 1993 meeting. The 550,000 authorization limit for the other agreements was also presented at the same meeting grid referenced in the Authorization (PCS) Agreements O&M Budget Procedure (P-01 5), which was attached to the Board Position Paper. The following chart shows the Board approved limits for District staff. Type of Agreement or Contract Professional Consulting Setiices 0&M 525,000 ProjecticlP 550,000 Technical Consulting Services 550,000 550,000 Professional Engineering Services 550,000 550,000 Maintenance Service Contracts Pre-approved via budget process Construction Contracts Pre-approved via budget process Page 3 The internal auditor has recently identified that there is a lack of a formal tracking system for modifications to ensure staff authorization limits are met. There were two agreements last year in which staff exceeded the 550,000 limit which triggers the need for Board approval. Upon realizing the situation, staff brought both items forward to the Board in Position Papers for review and approval. PROJECTS/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) AUTHORIZATION LIMITS The Engineering Department has developed additional authorization limits shown on the attached table (Table A-5), previously discussed with the Board at the February 21, 2002 Board Meeting. This table shows that the Capital Improvement Budget or maintenance construction contracts greater than S1 5,000 (legal bid limit) must have Board approval for awarding the bid. Staff may authorize amendments to these contract in an aggregate amount not to exceed 550,000. Project managers are to track the individual amendments to gain Board approval if the 550,000 limit is exceeded. Again, the current practice allows for such incremental approval after initial Board approval. Thus, the Board would be presented with the contract or agreement once the additional modificationls) exceed the 550,000 limit. INTERNAL AUDITOR REVIEW A meeting was conducted with the Internal Auditor, the District's Controller and project manager for the audit, and the Director of Administration soon after the Finance Committee's request to discuss all of the various aspects, issues and concerns raised by the Board over contract and purchasing issues. The Internal Auditor was then instructed to review and investigate these procedures, her review is attached. Staff has also included the report to provide the Board with a comprehensive evaluation of District purchasing processes and procedures, which included the issue of staff authorization limits. In summary, the Internal Auditor conducted a detailed review of over half of the District's contracts and agreements issued over the past eighteen months. Where areas of question or concern were found, she reviewed the backup material and support documents until she was satisfied that the issues and/or concerns were addressed or identified by staff. The conclusion of the audit was that staff had continually complied with the authorization limits, as understood by staff. There 'were other issues raised during the audit that are addressed later in this report. A concern was also raised by the Board Finance Committee that staff could split agreements/contracts in amounts less the 550,000 Board approval limit in order to avoid submitting them for Board approval. The audit and subsequent staff work validated that this practice did not occur. The two instances that were cited earlier were for specific contracts where project managers exceeded the 550,000 limit and were single contracts let for a specific purpose. At question in this instance is the understanding of staff's authority as given by the Board. Page 4 STAFF'S REVIEW The District's Controller, with the assistance of the Principal Buyer, evaluated the past eighteen months of District agreements and contracts. Lists of all contract and agreement instruments were developed for evaluation. Those greater than 525,000 for 0&M Professional Consulting Services IPCSI, and 550,000 for all other agreements, and contracts greater than 515,000 (legal bid limit) were targeted for review. After a thorough review staff found that all transactions complied with the Board's direction and authorization limits (see attached report). None exceeded the 525,000 and 550,000 limits, with the exception of those two previously discussed. It does appear that a simplified procedure could improve the understanding of the procedures and authorization limits for both staff and the Board. For the past several years, it has been staff's understanding and practice that, based on the approved procedures for non-0&M PCS agreements, the General Manager is authorized to approve up to 550,000, incrementally. The purpose for Board approval for all contracts and agreements, as understood by staff, is to provide fiscal oversight, to assure that fair treatment is afforded all service providers, and to ensure that the contracted work is consistent with the Board's philosophies, directions, and expectations. It appears that the current practices of the District are intended to meet those needs. The following chart displays the number of agreements and O&M contracts by dollar value over the last eighteen month period. Clearly, the majority of agreements are under the current authorization limits. Therefore, the current process appears to meet the basic business need for flexibility and timely action by staff. 5 PER THOUSAND PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING AGREEMENTS TECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 0&M CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0- 25 30 1 1 24 68 25-50 7 1 8 ~ 8 50-75 5 1 4 1 75-100 3 1 1 100-150 -T50=200 1-- -- 1 200-300 300-400 400-500 1 2 500-600 600-700 1 Page 5 .... AUTHORIZATION LIMITS COMPARISON Staff contacted a number of Bay Area wastewater agencies to compare staff authorization limits. It appears from that information that the District's authorization limits are lower than those same limits at comparable sized agencies. However, at those comparable agencies it appears that Board approval is required for all changes above the initial authorization limit. The following table displays the results of that survey. Professional Services' Construction Contracts2 Delta Diablo Sanitation District 535,000 535,000 Dublin-San Ramon Services District 525,000 S100,000 East Bay Municipal Utility District 520,000 5100,000 Oro Loma Sanitary District 550,000 550,000 Union Sanitary District 550,000 $100,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District -increments of: 525,000 550,000• ' Excludes maintenance service contracts 'Professional Services: Infrequent, technical and/or unique functions performed by independent consultants or contractors whose occupation is the rendering of such services. Examples include architectural, engineering, technical, management and systems consultation and research. ZConstruction Contracts: A contract that calls for a contractor's time and effort fdr services performed for a capital construction project. STAFF CONSIDERED OPTIONS There are various options developed by staff for the Board's consideration. The following are four basic options that were examined. Current Practice-The Board could decide to continue the current practice of the 525,000/550,000 incremental limits for staff authority. As previously discussed in this report, this option would appear to meet the requirements of fairness, appropriateness, flexibility, and timely response. The current practice is difficult Page 6 ' to monitor, and twice over the last eighteen months, staff has had to come to the Board and request approval of contracts where authority limits have been exceeded. Remove the Incremental Authorization Limit -The Board may wish to withhold the General Manager's currerit authority to exercise approval of $25,000 and $50,000 incremental approval limits. This would require that the Board approve any contract or agreement modification over the initial approval amount. This option would simplify and clarify the process, but such a option would inhibit flexibility and response time, and require specific Board approval. The number of contracts may be limited in number but would result in increased costs, staff time, contract delay. Increased Limits -The Board could increase the existing staff authorization limits to the amount used by comparable agencies, and require Board approval for any additional contract or agreement modification. The limits could be increased from 525,000 to 550,000 for PCS, and from 550,000 to 5100,000 for all other agreements and contracts. This would be similar to the authorization limits used by Union Sanitary District, a well run agency similar in size to the District. It would also help address the staff concern for flexibility and timely action. Establish a Percentage Scale -The Board could decide to establish staff authority limits based on a percentage basis for any additional contract or agreement modifications. Staff believes that a percentage limit up to 1 5% for all agreements and contracts may meet the requirements of both the Board and staff. As an example fora 550,000 contract, staff authority limits for an increase or contract modification would be $7,500. This would remove the incremental authority procedure which has a fixed dollar amount regardless of the value of the contract. It does, however, decrease staff's ability to quickly process a change or modification of a major contract, and could bring a string of small contract increases before the Board. AUTOMATED AUTHORIZATION LIMITS District staff has also evaluated the ability of the contract software to automate the various authorization limits to assist with successful compliance. It appears that significant improvements can be made in this area that would allow staff to follow contract billings verse authorized amounts and anticipate when Board approval would be required. Staff. will continue to pursue automating the authorization limits if practical and cost-effective. Page 7 .. .. AUTHORIZATION LIMIT RECOMMENDATION I would recommend that the current authorization limits remain in place for the reasons previously stated in the report. However, if the Board wishes to end the incremental authorization practice I would recommend a 510,000 or 15% contingency amount, which ever is greater, for all agreements and contracts. This procedure would provide some flexibility for staff, and provide the Board with greater control over amendments to contracts or changes in agreements. As stated previously, staff feel that some flexibility is needed to modify agreements or contracts in order to respond to unanticipated tasks or changes that were unknown at the time of agreement/contract execution. There was also some staff concern expressed over the increase in Board Position Papers, possible presentations, and the associated delay by requiring a authorization limit of 15% to small contracts. While this concern may be addressed by placing minor agreement or contract modifications on the consent calendar, staff believes that a fixed 510,000 baseline amount before the 15% formula would be applied may solve this issue. This would provide the Board with the needed information on major contract amendments or changes while not creating a busy agenda and numerous staff presentations. As always, the Board could pull any consent item Position Paper for discussion if there were concerns. INTERNAL AUDITOR'S FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In summary, the audit findings concluded that improvements in the filing, documentation, processing and agreement/contract preparation are needed. There is confusion among staff regarding the appropriate instrument to procure services. Purchasing and Material Services reports should be re-evaluated to ensure process efficiency and effectiveness. Staff is currently developing atwo-year Master Project Plan to address the concerns and recommendations of the District's Internal Auditor. There were eighteen recommendations, which will be prioritized and for which an implementation schedule will be submitted to District management for concurrence and support (see attached Master Project Plan). 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