HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS AGENDA 08-11-10~~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA LpCfl.,ELR ,i1CG1LL SANITARY DISTRICT Pr"''°`"` BARBARA D. NOCKE77 CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE PresiAcnl Pro Pun GER.,LD R. LUCEY MdRlO M ,N£NES/N/ Chair McGill JAMES A. NE/EDLY Member Menesini PeoNE: fvzs~2za-9soo FAX. (925) 676-7211 Wednesday, August 11, 2010 ~'"~"~~ ~an1r"1~~" ~~~ 3:00 p.m. Second Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on [he agenda will be heard when [he Committee Chair calls For comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted [o speak based on [he number of persons wishing [o speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items no[ listed on the agenda, and which are within [heir jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendazed on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for pubic review at the Reception, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting [o a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and California Law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations [o participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229-7303. Recycle0 Paper Capital Projects Committee August 11, 2010 Page 2 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Public Comments 3. Preview of End of Fiscal Year 2009 -10 Capital Program Financial Report (Farrell) 4. Review Fiscal Year 2010 -11 authorization based on final FY 2009-10 Capital Program Allocations, and recommend Board revision if necessary, (Farrell/Chester) 5. Update on selected current Capital Projects under construction and challenges (Rozul, Than, Staff) • Hall Drive Sewer Renovations, Phase 2B • Collection System Operations Administration/Crew Building • Solids Handling Improvements • Standby Power Facility Improvements • Dry/Wet Weather Bypass Improvements • Treatment Plant Piping Renovations Phase 5 • A-line Buchanan Fields Golf Course Compensation *ti. Discussion of possible changes to Board/staff authorities to facilitate unexpected construction challenges (Farrell) '7. Discussion of seismic Projects and draft position papers (Than/Hodges) 8. Adjournment * Attachment `fem. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 5, 2010 TO: BOARD CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGERS FROM: ANN E. FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING//uj SUBJECT: POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CHALLENGES MAY WARRANT CHANGES TO BOARD /STAFF AUTHORITY BACKGROUND Typical contract documents for bidding a construction project include many requirements, including schedule milestones and other contracting requirements related to procurement details.. Many of these requirements cannot be relaxed without Board approval, either because of District rules or because of State or Federal statutes. When a project enters construction, the selected contractor is required to submit a detailed schedule. Once this schedule is approved by the District, the contractor proceeds accordingly. At this point, any issues that occur that result in a delay to the schedule can cost the contractor significant amounts of money and should be minimized if at all possible. Recently, there have been two situations on construction projects that could have resulted in significant delays to the contractor. Both situations could potentially have required Board action to resolve. In both situations, the item of work being conducted was on the critical path for the construction schedule. The situations were discussed at the August 5, 2010 Board meeting and are reviewed below: COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION CREW AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING PROJECT SUBCONTRACTOR SUBSTITUTION REQUEST In the midst of pouring concrete, the concrete subcontractor went out of business and pulled off the job. The contractor, Bobo Construction, needed to continue with the concrete pouring in order not to delay the project. The contractor began investigating alternatives for substituting a subcontractor while he self-performed the ongoing work. District staff prepared a position paper for the August 5, 2010 Board meeting specific to this project to delegate authority to the General Manager to allow a substitution when the contractor identifies a suitable company. Because Bobo was able to self perform some of the concrete work prior to the August 5th meeting, there was no actual delay in this case. However, it would be advantageous in the future if this authority could be Potential Construction Challenges May Warrant Changes To Board /Staff Authority Page 2 of 2 August 5, 2010 permanently delegated to the General Manager such that a substitution could be made expeditiously if such a situation were to occur again and not risk delaying the project. State law does permit such a delegation. RECOMMENDATION Delegate to the General Manager the authority to allow substitutions and simply advise the Board at a future Board meeting. HALL DRIVE SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 2B PROJECT RE-DRILLING OF MAIN LINE On July 19th a discrepancy was discovered between a main line elevation and a sewer lateral elevation such that the lateral could not drain by gravity to the main line. To correct the situation, a re-drilling of the main line to lower it was required. The elevation correction was necessitated by an error during the design phase of the project. As such, it was not the contractors fault. The contractor was fully mobilized at the time the error was discovered and waiting until the next Board meeting to resolve the situation would have resulted in significant costs to the contractor which he would have likely tried to pass on to the District. Fortunately, because the project had a unit cost for drilling and because a credit was due the District, the re-drilling work was able to be authorized as a change order to the contract of less than $50,000, which is within staff authority. The General Manager did inform the Capital Projects Committee of his intent to approve the change order. The situation brought up a concern that, if a similar situation were to occur in the future that was not within staff authority, the District's only recourse under current rules would be to call a special Board meeting or to wait until the next Board meeting, neither of which may be desirable. Calling a special Board meeting would require 24 hours' notice and it could be difficult to assemble a quorum of the Board on such short notice. Although these types of situations do not occur frequently, staff feels it would be prudent for the Board to adopt a procedure to avoid potential consequential financial damages in such situations. Since the $50,000 change order threshold is set by the Board and not mandated by any statute or law, staff has developed some alternatives for Board consideration: 1. Delegate to the Board President and/or the Board President Pro Tem the ability to authorize staff to proceed with a change order in excess of $50,000, should such authorization be needed between Board meetings. 2. Delegate to the Capital Projects Committee, upon convening a special Committee meeting which requires 24 hours' notice, the ability to authorize staff to proceed with a change order in excess of $50,000, should such authorization be needed between Board meetings. Potential Construction Challenges May Warrant Changes To Board /Staff Authority Page 2 of 2_ August 5, 2010 3. Delegate to the Geheral Manager the ability to authorize staff to proceed with a change order in excess of $50,000 if he/she believes project constraints dictate that it is in the District's best interest to do so. RECOMMENDATION Delegate to the Board President and/or the Board President Pro Tem the ability to authorize staff to proceed with a change order in excess of $50,000, should such authorization be needed between Board meetings In all cases where a higher authority level is exercised, the Board will be informed at the next Board meeting of the background information and justification for the special authorization. Staff is seeking Committee input on how to proceed with addressing these two issues. Any proposed solution will be brought back to the full Board for consideration. Cc: Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District _ ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 Type of action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH COMPLETE PROJECT SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN UPGRADES FOR THE PUMP AND BLOWER BUILDING,; E SEISMIC .T PROJECT 7291 Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div: ~ ~ ~, Nathan Hodges, Assistant Engineer Engineering/,Capital Projects . f~; ..,, , REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: f~/ /` ``. {' N. Hodges B. Than T. Pilecki ` ~! A. Farrell James M. Kelly, \~ General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' autl execute a professional services wired for the n amount grf oral Manager to than $50,000. services agreement for preliminary desi~ define potential costs-, Blower Building (PBB) the construction of ne' The`final design costs \~ ~~ the General~Manager to execute a professional Project S~lutions, Inc. with a cost ceiling of $60,000 1l ~,% m_ihary_desigri work is intended to more accurately In and•comstruction of retrofits to the Pump and rent seismic codes. Preliminary estimates are that s~would cost in the $1.3 million range for the PBB. on'~the type of retrofit design selected. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The District could elect not to pursue this preliminary de`sign~work. This is not recommended, because our preliminary analysis indicates that significant~damage could occur to the PBB in the event of a large earthquake (6.7 Mw), onythe Concord fault. If the project is to move forward, outside consultants must be%used because District staff does not have this specialized expertise. BACKGROUND: Design of structures to withstand forces generated by earthquakes is afield which continues to evolve each time there is a significant seismic event. After each such event, structural engineers review the forces and resultant damages and reanalyze current codes. As a result of the Northridge Earthquake in 1994, significant changes were recommended for the then current building codes. In January 2008, California adopted updated building codes: Based on the knowledge that significant changes in seismic codes had occurred, District staff determined that it would be prudent to conduct a seismic analysis of District facilities. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMINIDIST-SEC\COMMITTEES\Capital Projects Committee\2010\7291_PBPredesign_CPS.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH COMPLETE PROJECT SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR THE SEISMIC UPGRADES FOR THE PUMP AND BLOWER BUILDING, DISTRICT PROJECT 7291 This seismic analysis has been completed. The analysis identified significant deficiencies in many District facilities. Some improvements have been incorporated into current capital projects such as Standby Power Facility Improvements and HHWCF. Other facilities with deficiencies that should be addressed are the Headquarters Office Building, the Pump and Blower Building, the, Solids Conditioning Building and the Plant Operations Building. Staff recommends-proceeding with the preliminary design of the PBB due to the deficiencies found when compared to current seismic design standards and the potential for significant damage to critical equipment housed in the PBB in the event of a major quake (6.7 Mw) on the'•Concord fault. The chance of such an earthquake occurring is estimated.to be 10 p`erbent in'the next ,~ ~, 50 years. /,°' ~ ~' The PBB has deficiencies when analyzed withthe currerit,code. The building consists of two halves separated by a 1-inch expansion ~oht:,When.displacements;from a design earthquake are calculated, the expected movemerit exceeds the 1`-inch expansion joint. Earthquake loads are transferred from~the roof diaphragm through the steel moment frames. The frames deliver loads to the first'floor diaphragm, to the basement shear walls, and into the sdiL~:The calculated stresses~in the moment frames \ ~: _ ~. exceed their design capacities. The worst case°implication of this overstress would be collapse of the PBB. Amore likely scenario is,that,the~building remains standing, although severely damaged; after the initial,earthquake: Subsequent aftershocks could collapse the building.orfurther tlamage the~tuilding. This building houses critical treatment equipmentrsuch as primary and final effluent pumps, aeration air blowers, and service air compressors. Treatment plant operations would cease with the loss~of any of'this equipment. For this reason, additional engineering analysis'ofthis`structure has been given high priority. Corriplete~Project Sol tioiis, Inc`(CPS) has extensive experience in seismic analysis and design and were selected to do the initial seismic analysis of all District structures. Because of~their expertise, their familiarity with District facilities and their preliminary work on the FBB;~staff recommends CPS performs the seismic preliminary design for the PBB. A professionalrengineering services agreement with a cost ceiling of $60,000. has been negotiated with CPS. The scope of work also includes peer review of the HOB Seismic Improvements preliminary design to be performed by KPFF Consulting Engineers. because CPS did the original. seismic analysis of the HOB structure. This preliminary design is the first step in the design process. Staff will come back to the Board of Directors for approval of further design work when a retrofit concept and a detailed design scope have been developed. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\COMMITTEES\Capital Projects Committee\2010V291_PBPredesign_CPS.doc Page 2 of 3 . POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 Sub]ecr. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH COMPLETE PROJECT SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR THE SEISMIC UPGRADES FOR THE PUMP AND BLOWER BUILDING, DISTRICT PROJECT 7291 The Seismic Upgrades for the Pump and Blower Building is included in the 2010-2011 Capital Improvement Budget on pages TP-49 and TP-50. Staff has determined that there are adequate funds available and that the expenditure requirements are consistent with the Treatment Plant Program. Staff has evaluated this action and concluded it is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CCCSD CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since the agreement would be used for design studies for possible future actions which CCCSD has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval'ofithis,actiori will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the action I`s~exempffrom,CEQA. The Board of Directors further finds that CCCSD will produce,appropriate CEQA compliance documentation prior to undertaking any "project arising from these desjgn.studies. r RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the`Gener'ahManager to execute a professional services agreement with Complete Project Solutions, Inc. with a cost ceiling of $60,000 for preliminary design of the Seismic Upgrades for the Pump and Blower Building, District Project 72911 `''~ . '~ ~. ' ~. v ~ ~•~~ ~ ~ y~, -~' ,. .~. _ ~~ la lg /./ '...,~. ~ /, / „ s...`~ ~'6µ~ J~ ~~~..~ ~\.~\,`z ~ ~ '~ \~ ~ l `~ ~~ \~ ((7 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~V {f 1 ~/~ \ i ~_? ~~ ~/ %, N:\ADMINSUPWDMIN\DIST-SEC\COMMITTEES\Capital Projects Committee\2010\7291_PBPredesign_CPS.doc Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR PROFESSIONAL.ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BUILDING, DISTRICT PROJECT 8226 Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Nathan Hodges, Assistant Engineer Engineering/.Capital ,;~_,,~ . REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: j' N. Hodges B. Than \ . T. Pilecki ~~~ %- A. Far ISSUE: Board of Directors' aut execute a professional services services agreement $115,000 for prelimi FINANCIAL IMPACTS:tThis,Pi define potential costs.for the dE Office Building (HOB) fo.meet~c construction of needed retrofits The-final design costs vvil6depe ._` , work is intended to more accurately ~tion of retrofits to the Headquarters seismic codes. Preliminary estimates are that the cost in the $2.5 million range for the HOB. he type of retrofit design selected. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The District could elect not to pursue this preliminary design work. This is not recommended because our preliminary analysis indicates that sighificant~damage could occur to the HOB in the event of a large earthquake (6.7 Mw), ori'the Concord fault. If the project is to move forward, outside consultants must be%used because District staff does not have this specialized expertise BACKGROUND: Design of structures to withstand forces generated by earthquakes is afield which continues to evolve each time there is a significant seismic event. After each such event, structural engineers review the forces and resultant damages and reanalyze current codes. As a result of the Northridge Earthquake in 1994, significant changes were recommended for the then current building codes. In January 2008, California adopted updated building codes. District staff determined that it would be prudent to conduct a seismic analysis of District facilities, based on the knowledge that significant changes in seismic codes have occurred. James M. Kelly, General Manager rizatiorr-is required for theGene`ral Manager to ~reement in-an amount greater than $50,000. the General°Manager to'execute a professional nsulting Engineers (KPFF) with a cost ceiling of a. ~`. N:WDMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\COMMITTEES\Capital Projects Committee\2010\8226_HOBPredesign_KPFF.doc 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 Sub]ect: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BUILDING, DISTRICT PROJECT 8226 This seismic analysis has been completed. The analysis identified significant deficiencies in many District facilities. Some improvements have been incorporated into current capital projects such as Standby Power Facility Improvements and HHWCF. Other facilities with deficiencies that should be addressed are the Headquarters Office Building (HOB), the Pump and Blower Building, the Solids Conditioning Building and Plant Operations Building. Staff recommends proceeding with the preliminary design of the HOB due to the deficiencies'found when compared to current seismic design standards and the potential for significant damage to the building and potential injuries to the 112 staff housed,in`the HOB:iri the event of a major quake (6.7 Mw) on the Concord fault. The chance ~of such ariearthquake occurring is estimated to be 10 percent in th ~ext~50 years. \ ' ~ \ The HOB was constructed in 1981, and its earthquake resistance system is`steel moment frames that transfer forces from the diaphragms~(floors) to the building foundation. A unique feature of the,H06 that is not typical of other steel moment frame buildings is that the second and thlydfloors are constrticted~of wood. The first floor is constructed in a more standard fashion,out`of,concrete fillednetal deck which creates a rigid floor diaphragm. The wood floors,omthe'second and`thi~d floors result in flexible diaphragms that may not adequately transfer the-forces.of:a~major earthquake and create a very flexible structure that is a primary reasdh,for the seismic vulnerability of the HOB. ~ ~ v , ~- /, ~ -- j ~. ~ ~1 A number of columns in~the HOB structure do;not~have the capacity to the meet current, minimum seismic performance standards. The columns are especially problematic-on~the-third floor:4,Because of'the flexible nature of the second and third floors of, tlie~HOB;:relatively large„displac ments are expected. The steel moment frames`are severely'under-capactty„for,these expected displacements. While the analysis calculations indicate a likely?`potential for collapse, no such building of this construt;tion,type has collapsed due to failure of the steel moment frames. However, steel momenf frame buildings are typically constructed using rigid floor diaphragms and ,are not subjectetl;to the large displacements the HOB would experience due to the unique wood diaphragm,design. District staff requested proposals from five firms. Five proposals were received and of these, four were short-listed for interview. After reviewing the detailed proposals and holding interviews with the four remaining project teams, the team proposed by KPFF was considered the best fit for the HOB based on their experience with projects of a similar nature and their staff's project experience. Therefore, staff recommends selecting KPFF for this work. Staff has negotiated an agreement with KPFF for N:VIDMINSUPWDMIMDIST-SEC\COMMITTEES\Capital Projects Committee\2010\8226_HOBPredesign_KPFF,doc 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER eoard Meeting vate: September 2, 2010 Subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR SEISMIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BUILDING, DISTRICT PROJECT 8226 preliminary design in an amount not to exceed $115,000. The pre-design effort will select a retrofit concept and develop a detailed scope of work for the final design. Staff will return to the Board of Directors with a request for approval of the design concept and a consulting agreement for the-final design. The Seismic Improvements for the HOB project is included in the,2010-2011 Capital Improvement Budget on pages GI-39 and GI-40. Staff has determined that there are adequate funds available and that the expenditure requirements are consistent with the budgeted General Improvements Program. ~fl,'~ 'l Staff has evaluated this action and concluded it is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CCCSD~CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since the agreement would be used for design studies fo"r,,possible future actiohs which CCCSD has not approved, adopted, or funded; and~the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval,df this action will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the actions'exempt from CEQA. The Board of Directors further finds that CCCSD will produce appropriate CEQA compliance documentation prior to uridertakng any "project" arising from these preliminary design studies ~;'~, `~::;,~ "~-.~,^ z'et', RECOMMENDED BOARD-ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with KPFF~Consulting%Engineers with a cost ceiling of $115,000 for preliminary desigri,of the Seismic Improvements for the Headquarters Office Building, Disf'rict Project 8226. ~,``~~' ._. , , ~ ,<~_~~ - ~ , _ ' k _ ~.1 ~s ~ e 1~ \ ` ~ may/ .~.ti ~ `\L ~ ,~~ ~ .,\ 1 \ `\ i / /+ \~ N:WDMINSUPWDMIN\DIST-SECICOMMITTEES\Capital Projects Committee\2010\8226_HOBPredesign_KPFF.doc 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A DELINQUENT CHARGES For collection on the 2010-11 Contra Costa County Property Tax Roll: CUSTOMER NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS DELINQUENT CHARGES $7,620.02 delinquent Application, 1615 Lawrence Road, Inspection, Capacity and Reimbursement Rick and Carina Danville Fees, Annexation, Delinquency and DeHerrera APN 206-170-009 Sewer Service Charges, penalties and interest. TOTAL DELINQUENT CHARGES: $7,620.02 For collection on the 2011-12 Contra Costa County Property Tax Roll: CUSTOMER NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS DELINQUENT CHARGES $7,620.02 delinquent Application, Rick and Carina 1615 Lawrence Road, Inspection, Capacity and Reimbursement DeHerrera Danville Fees, Annexation, Delinquency and APN 206-170-009 Sewer Service Charges, penalties and interest. TOTAL DELINQUENT CHARGES: $7,620.02 C:\DOCUME-1\eboehme\LOCALS-1\Temp\2010-11 Exhibit A Delinquent DeHerrera Cont to 8-5-10.doc