HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 04-17-06District BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair Lucey Member Boneysteele Monday, April 17, 2006 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Hiring/Contracting with retired employees. 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT ~ ~, Recycled Paper ~ ~ • Central Contra Costa Sa•tary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POS/T/ON PAPER Boaid Meeting Date: APfII Fi, 2006 No.: g,~, HUP1AN RESOURCES Type o/Action: ADOPT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY sua~ecr: ADOPT A POLICY ON HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Su6miKed By: Cathryn R. Freitas, Human Resources Manager REV/EWED AND Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration FOR BOARD ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a District policy and procedure on hiring District retirees. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There is no direct financial impact. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could (1) prohibit the hiring of District retirees, (2) require Board approval, or (3) Board notification and review before the hiring of a District retiree. In addition, the Board could also (4) delegate the approval or review to a Board Committee, or (5) delegate the ability to hire a District retiree to the General Manager. BACKGROUND: In response to the Board Budget and Finance Committee's comments on the DistricYs current practice of hiring District retirees and their concern of providing insufficient notification and review by the Board of Directors, staff has prepared two policies for consideration. The Committee believes that the DistricYs hiring of retired employees should provide a"transparenY' process to the public so that there is no perceived conflict of interest or favoritism in such decisions. Staff believes that occasionally it is in the DistricYs best interest to be able to hire retirees for legitimate business reasons. By bringing the hiring to the Board, or a Board Committee prior to a commitment, the Board could provide staff guidance, as well as to provide staff the opportunity to address any Board concerns. The DRAFT Policies outline such practices, and include the requirement for Board notification. The General Manager was requested by the Budget and Finance Committee to provide two aiternative DRAFT policies, one requiring Board approval, and one requiring Board notification and review through the General Manager. Either policy will provide the Page 1 of 6 ISSUE: Board approval is requested to adopt a District policy and procedure on hiring District retirees. ~ ~ POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: Ap~il 6, 2006 Su6jacC. ADOPT A POLICY ON HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Board with the opportunity to discuss the merits of the alternatives and direct staff before hiring of District retirees. The option the Board chooses will be included in the DistricYs Policy and Procedures manual. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a District policy and procedure for hiring District retirees. ~ Page 2 of 6 H:~Exec Asst~Director of Admin~Position Paper Hiring Distnct Retirees 4 6 O6_ doc ~ ~ Board Approval version ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Effective Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Subject: POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Established by: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration The District occasionally may hire a retired employee for legitimate business reasons. The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to complete specific shoR-term tasks or projects, or to provide a short-term service normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District retiree is to address a short-term need in a method beneficial and cost-effective to the District, and not as a means for providing on-going employment or income. The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association (CCCERA) and the State of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures: District Temporaries - The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year. It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of the step and range at which he/she was assigned upon retirement from the District. Note_that_the_base_salary excludes_loogevity_pay_or_other_contractual benefits accorded to regular, full-time employees. When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine-hundred and sixty hours per fiscal year and/or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options: Independent Contractor- The retiree may become an independent contractor under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her/his own working hours, provide his/her ~ ~ HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE sheet2ot2 own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff, contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the final work product); aiso under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s/he must have evidence of personal liability insurance,- unless waived, or Contract Employee - Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self- employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District. For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the employee to provide services to the District but not be a District employee. The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his/her income by working for himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affiliated with the CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income. ~ ~ Board Notification version ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE Effective Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Subject: POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HIRING DISTRICT RETIREES Established by: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration The District occasionally may hire a retired emp~oyee for legitimate business reasons. The District may wish to hire or contract with former District employees after retirement for the overall benefit of the organization, such as to retain special knowledge or expertise until a replacement is hired, to provide training to another employee, to complete specific short-term tasks or projects, or to provide a short-term service normally contracted for by the District. The intent of the District in hiring any District retiree is to address a short-term need in a method beneficial and cost-effective to the District, and not as a means for providing on-going employment or income. The Contra Costa County Employee Retirement Association (CCCERA) and the State of California dictate many of the rules governing the hiring of District retirees. The District may hire District retirees under one of the following procedures: District Temporaries -- The District policy for hiring District retirees as temporaries is based on a CCCERA policy for member agencies. The policy permits the District to hire retirees who receive pensions from the CCCERA for one hundred and twenty days or nine hundred and sixty hours in a fiscal year. It is District practice to hire retirees on a temporary basis only when a position is vacant within the hiring Department. The retiree is paid the hourly base salary of __the_step_and_range_at_which_he[she_was_assigoed_upoaretirement from the District. Note that the base salary excludes longevity pay or other contractual benefits accorded to regular, full-time employees. When employment may last more than one hundred and twenty days or nine-hundred and sixty hours per fiscal year and/or the retiree wishes to continue employment in a capacity other than as a District temporary, the retiree has the following two options: ~ ~ HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURE sheet2ot2 Independent Contractor - The retiree may become an independent contractor under the laws of the State, i.e. establish her/his own working hours, provide his/her own vehicle, equipment, and tools, not be supervised by District staff, contract for a project or number of hours, etc. (The District retains oversight of the final work product); also under the District Purchasing Policy and Procedures s/he must have evidence of personal liability insurance, unless waived, or • Contract Employee - Retirees who do not wish to meet the requirements of self- employment may work for a private firm that contracts for work with the District. For example, a retiree may be hired by a consulting firm that would assign the employee to provide services to the District but not be a District empioyee. The CCCERA only limits the amount of time a District retiree may work for any of the CCCERA member agencies. A retiree may supplement his/her income by working for himself or herself, or any private corporation or public institution not affifiated with the CCCERA without any restriction on working hours or income. ~ ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 14, 2006 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: RANDALL MUSGRAVES DEBBIE RATCLIFF D2 SUBJECT: April 3, 2006 Finance Committee Meeting There were some outstanding questions from the last Board Budget and Finance Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and answers are provided below: 1. Page 32, 160218 I.M.P.A.C. Government Services - What were the entries for "audit trail only"? The "audit trail only" entries were fraudulent transactions that an employee found on his procurement card. Once found, the District notified US Bank and credits were issued in the same amount. Accounting entered both the transactions and the credits for audit purposes. The procurement card was cancelled and a new one was issued. 2. Page 44, 28548 Valley Engineering Group - What services does Valley Engineering provide? Valley Engineering Group provides construction inspection services for the District. Attached is some information from their website. To view the website in its entirety, go to www.veqonline.com. Also a copy of the agreement for professional engineering services is attached, as requested. 3. A list was requested of employees at the District having authority to contact attorneys. A list is attached for calendar year 2004. An updated list for 2005 will be brought to the committee meeting. 4. Information was given to the Finance Committee members at the Board Meeting of April 6 regarding the safety shoe purchase for John Mercurio. All Board members received a Financial Status Report on the Suzanne Brown claim. Valley Engineering Group - E~neering Staffing Services VYORK EOR.:VfG STAFFING • lMFORMATION, Page 1 of i `~`~ ` ;_.~. ~ ~~ :; t ~,s ~ ~~~ ~ e • ~' nn ~ r~ ., . . ..,.'~_ ..:._.. . ' i r__~-. . M. 4.._,.. V~alfle,y~Eng.in~eeri~ng Grou; ' ~ p~.~._..._.___~ Who is VEG? ~ Valley Engineering Group provides contract staffing to a variety of industries. ~ What makes us different? VEG offers a solution that is truly unique compared to other staffing organizations: • We can work offsite in our own facility, using our own hardware and software. ~ We work to a defined set of standards and processes. • We can customize a set of standards to meet your needs. ~ We are owned and managed by technical people experienced in this industry. • We offer incentives and benefits to our employees that are unique to the industry giving us the ability to attract and retain the highest level of employee. Our varied background combined with years of experience in the Silicon Valley, along with an exceptional work ethic, helps make VEG a truly unique and productive organization. We,ha . ~Valley,Eng,ineering;Group; s~arr~y ~ a«~mencauo~ ~ Enginecring ~ Site Map http://www.vegonline.com/ 4/11/2006 Valley Engineering Group - Dqtumentation ~ D4CUMENTATlON • Page 1 of 1 What kind of shape is your documentation in? Is it a stack of red-lined prints sitting in a drewer? Or, worse yet, does your outsourced vendor control the documentation to manufacture YOUR product and thereby hold you hostage? We at Valley Engineering Group, Inc. see this all the time. Take control of your documentation situation. Let us clean up your documentation nightmares and give you control over your products and vendors rether than the other way around. At Valley Engineering Group, Inc., we are experts in documentation who work to processes and procedures tailored to fit your needs. Mechanical Documentation / Cable and Wire Harneas Documentation / Assembty Instructions PCB Documentation / Procedures / Presentation Material - ---___-___ . .____. __.._...__ _.___ _____.._. ._......._. XValleytEngit~eering Group srarr~y ~ a«~mancxi~o~ ~ Engirmenny ~ 5ice Map ,, http://www.vegonline.com/doahtml ° 4/11/2006 Valley Engineering Group - E~neering DQCUMENTATION • At Valley Engineering Group, our Engineering Team can support a wide variety of needs from mechanical design of components and sub-systems to facilities design and engineering efforts on small or large projects. We have an experienced team of professionals who are versed in a variety of design skill-sets as well as CAD designers and documenters that can assist your needs with support and training in the following services: Mechanical Engineerinq and Analvsis / Cable and Wire Harness Desian ShjPpinq Containers ~ Consulting Services Page 1 of 1 ~ ~ -_- -.-__-__. - ._._____.___- __...__ valfey, EI1~IIICQCIO~;GCOUp, Si~(fing ~ bocumcntaiion ~ Engintering ~ Site Map http://www.vegonline.com/eng.html 4/11/2006 Vd!ORK FOR V£G, lNFORMAT1pNf Valley Engineering Group - Fa~ities and Construction Staffing STAFFI NG ``'~., 4 ! Staffing . Page 1 of 1 . ~ ~ ~ - ~ Valley Engineering Group is an outstanding resource to staff your Facility and Construction project needs; including Construction Inspection, Project Management, Facility Design, and CAD layout. We are a staff of professional recruiters with engineering backgrounds, so we have a better understanding of our client requirements, which makes it easier to effectively match job candidates with clients. Our mission is to find the right person the first time based on the information provided by you because we realize finding the right person from the beginning establishes a strong team for your project and eliminates the need for future rework. Cons[ruction Staffino / Construction Documentation / Construction Engineering -- ------- ~ ----- ~ ------- - - - .....---- ......------ ---...._-_.. ~Vd~~e~yE~t~}It32@fiflg {'iCOU~: 5taffing ~ Dotumanlxtion ~ Enginecring ~ 5ite Map http://www.vegonline.com/const_staf£hrinl 4/11/2006 Map of 1729 Rutan Dr Livermo~e, CA by MapQuest . Page 1 of 1 • -~.. ' ' ' _~..N"'~..t~~~~' .:.^'` 4 _~,,,a '.~^."` ~ ~@~?':. "'~*.. All rights reserved. Use Subject to License/Copyright This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as [o its con[ent. User assumes all risk of us its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?address=1729%20Rutan%20Dr&city=Livermor... 4/11 /2006 * 1729 Rutan Dr Livermore, CA 94551- ~~~ta i ic ., ~ ~ ~ District ~ununuAaa w r. i ~r. u ~tma ~a FAX: (925) 825-1437 CHARLESW. BATTS GeneralManager KENTONL.ALN Counsel for ~he Uisnia (SIOJ 808-d000 F.lA/NE R. BOFHME Secreiary oJthe Uisvin AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP ' AGREEMENT NO. 030570 THIS AGREEMENT is made this ~ day of V~/(XJ , 2005, by and between the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, hereinafter called the "DISTRICT", and VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP, INC., 4435 North First, #163, Livermore, California 94551 hereinafter called "ENGINEER". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DISTRICT desires to contract with ENGINEER to provide professional construction inspection services on an as-needed, on-call basis for the Engineering Department Capital Projects Division; and WHEREAS, ENGINEER is willing and holds itself capable and qualified to contract with the DISTRICT to provide such professional inspection services; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements and the faithful perFormance of the terms and conditions set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: • ARTICLE 1 ENGAGEMENT OF ENGINEER AND AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED 1.1 The DISTRICT hereby engages ENGINEER who hereby accepts the engagement to perform certain professional construction inspection services on an as-needed, on-call basis for the Engineering Department Capital Projects Division. H:\Contrads and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construdion Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc Page 1 of 16 ~ ~, RecytleE Paper ~ ~ 1.2 The date of entering the Agreement and the engagement of ENGINEER will be the date set forth on page 1 which is the date the signature of the second party to this Agreement is obtained. The engagement of ENGINEER shall continue until June 30, 2006. If the engagement of ENGINEER is not extended by mutual written consent of the DISTRICT and ENGINEER, then this Agreement shall be terminated on the date set forth above, provided that ENGINEER shall not be relieved of any of the obligations or covenants contained in this Agreement until the tasks provided for within the scope of work have been completed. 1.3 It is further provided that the obligations or covenants contained in Articles 6.6, 6.9, 6.12, 6.15 and 6.18 shall continue in full force and effect after termination of this Agreement due to completion or pursuant to Article 6.8. 1.4 Authorization for ENGINEER to proceed will be granted in writing by the DISTRICT as soon as both parties sign the Agreement and applicable insurance documents are received and are accepted by the DISTRICT. Under no circumstances is ENGINEER authorized to begin work unless and until ENGINEER has complied with the insurance provisions of Article 6.3. 1.5 It is expressly understood between the parties hereto that no employee/employer or agency relationship is intended, the relationship of ENGINEER to the DISTRICT being that of an independent contractor. The DISTRICT will not be required to make any payroll deductions or provide Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage or health benefits to ENGINEER. ARTICLE 2 SERVICES OF ENGINEER 2.1 The scope of engineering services included in this Agreement is described in the Scope of Work, Exhibit A, and shall, where not specifically addressed, include all services ordinarily provided by an engineer under same or similar circumstances. 2.2 ENGINEER hereby warrants that ENGINEER and all of said ENGINEER's employees and subcontractors hold, have obtained, and shall continue to maintain during the course of this Agreement, all professional licenses or other statutorily mandated certifications requisite to the performance of the work set forth in the scope(s) of work, as may be required in the State of California, if any. Failure of ENGINEER, its employees and subcontractors to obtain and/or maintain in good standing such licenses or certificates shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and shall provide grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DISTRICT AND OF ENGINEER 3.1 The DISTRICT, without cost to ENGINEER, will provide all pertinent information reasonably availa6le to it which is necessary for performance by ENGINEER under this Agreement, including previous reports and data relative to the work. H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc ~ . Page 2 of 16 ~ ~ The DISTRICT does not guarantee or ensure the accuracy of any reports, information, and/or data so provided. To the extent that any reports, information, and/or other data so provided was suppiied to the DISTRICT by person or persons not employees of the DISTRICT, any liability resulting from inaccuracies and/or omissions contained in said reports, information or data shall be limited to liability on behalf of the party who prepared the information for the DISTRICT or otherwise supplied that information, report or data to the DISTRICT. 3.2 The DISTRICT will designate Ba Than as the person to act as the DISTRICT's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define the DISTRICT's policies and decisions pertinent to the work. In the event the DISTRICT wishes to make a change in the DISTRICT's representative, the DISTRICT will notify ENGINEER of the change in writing. 3.3. ENGINEER shall perform the project work in such a manner as to fully comply with all applicable professional standards of care, including professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other services furnished and/or work undertaken by ENGINEER pursuant to this Agreement. 3.4 The DISTRICT's review of drawings, designs, specifications, reports, and incidental engineering work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve ENGINEER of responsibility for the technical adequacy of its work. Neither the DISTRICT's review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services will be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the pertormance of this Agreement. 3.5 During the period of this Agreement, upon request by the DISTRICT, ENGINEER shall provide information related to the work that is reasonably necessary to assist the DISTRICT in its coordination of the efforts of others pertorming services related to the work. ARTICLE 4 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER -4-1 The-DISTRIC-T-wili-pay-ENGINEER-for-work-performed under this Agreement, which work can be verified by the DISTRICT, on the basis of the following: 4.1.1 Compensation for engineering services performed under this Agreement shall 6e determined on the basis of ENGINEER's regular hourly rates per ENGINEER's Fee Schedule, attached as Exhibit B. The regular hourly rates shall compensate ENGINEER for the costs of all direct labor, fringe benefits, indirect labor costs, overhead, and ENGINEER's profit. ENGINEER's compensation also may include other non-labor direct H:\Coniracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc Page 3 of 16 ~ ~ charges borne by ENGINEER. Allowable non-labor direct charges shall be billed at cost; however, outside consultant charges and charges for subcontracts may be bilted at cost plus a markup for administrative costs if such markup is specifically provided for elsewhere herein. For the purpose of determining payments to ENGINEER allowable non-labor direct charges shall be defined as follows: (a) Allowable non-labor direct charges which may be billed at cost include such typical expenses as cost of transportation and subsistence, printing and reproduction, computer time and programming costs, identifiable supplies, and charges by reviewing authorities. (b) Other allowable non-labor direct charges may include outside consultant charges and subcontractor's charges which have been authorized by the DISTRICT under ARTICLE 6.2 of this Agreement. Such consultant charges and subcontractor charges may include a zero percent (0°/a) markup for administrative costs associated with the engagement of the outside consultant and/o~ subcontractor. A firm cost ceiling has been establislied in ARTICLE 4.3 for 4he work and such ceiling shall constitute the maximum payment for the scope(s) of work and shail not be exceeded without prior written authorization of the DISTRICT. In the event the scope of work is expanded or reduced by the DISTRICT, the cost ceiling shall be subject to renegotiation, upward and downward, to reflect the changes in services and their costs. The adjustment to cost and time shall be done in accordance with the terms of ARTICLE 6.4. In no event shall ENGINEER be entitled to compensation over and above the original amount where changes in the scope of work or the time for performance are necessitated by the negligence of ENGINEER, or any subcontractor pertorming under it. ENGINEER shall notify the DISTRICT when the costs incurred for the total work approximate seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost ceiling. With the notification, ENGINEER shall indicate whether the sum of-the-current-eosts-incurred-plus-the estimated total cost to be complete the task or tasks set forth in the scope(s) of work will be greater or less than the cost ceiling. Receipt by the DISTRICT of said notification that the cost for completion of all tasks shall exceed the established cost ceiling will not constitute an approval or authorization to increase the established cost ceiling or a waiver of any rights that the DISTRICT may have under this Agreement. H:\Contrects and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Constmction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc . . Page 4 of 16 ~ ~ 4.2 Payment will be made by the DISTRICT within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an invoice from ENGINEER setting forth the Agreement Number and the DistricYs Project Manager, provided that all invoices are accompanied by cost documentation determined to be sufficient by the DISTRICT to allow the determination of the reasonableness or accuracy of said invoice. In the event that a payment dispute arises between the parties, ENGINEER shall provide to the DISTRICT full and complete access to ENGINEER's labor cost records and other direct cost data, and copies thereof if requested by the DISTRICT. Charges are to be invoiced based on the agreed upon hourly rates invoiced on a monthly basis. Other direct charges as provided for in ARTICLE 4.1.1 shall be invoiced on a monthly basis. 4.3 The total estimated charges for all work under this Agreement is $210,000 and such amount is the cost ceiling as described herein. 4.4 ENGINEER shall, at no cost to the DISTRICT, prepare any necessary rework occasioned by ENGINEER's failure to provide the services specified in Article 2 herein, in a satisfactory manner, due to any act or omission attributable to ENGINEER, or its agents, including subcontractors. ARTICLE 5 COMPLETION SCHEDULE 5.1 The completion schedule for the work is as follows with all times identified from the date that the DISTRICT gives written authorization to ENGINEER to begin work or that this Agreement was entered, whichever is later and with all number of days referring to calendar days unless otherwise noted: All Tasks: June 30,2006 5.2 It is expected that work shall begin on or about June 13, 2005, and shall be completed in accordance with the above schedule. Time is of the essence for this Agreement. 5.3 The parties hereto agree to immediately and diligently proceed with their respective duties as set forth herein so that the work will be completed satisfactorily within the shortest reasonable time. ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This writing constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties relative to professional engineering services to be provided hereunder and no modification hereof shall be effective unless and until such modification is evidenced by a writing signed by both parties to this Agreement. H:\Coniracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc . , Page 5 of 16 ~ ~ 6.2 SUBCONTRACTORS AND OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS No subcontract shall be awarded or an outside consultant engaged by ENGINEER unless prior written approval is obtained from the DISTRICT: 6.3 INSURANCE ENGINEER shall secure and maintain in fuil force and effect at its own cost and expense until the completion of all services such insurance as shall protect it and DISTRICT in such a manner and at such amounts as set forth below. The premiums for said insurance coverage shall be paid by ENGINEER. Said policies of insurance shall stipulate that this insurance shall operate as primary insurance, and that no other insurance effected by the DISTRICT. or other named insured will be called on to cover a loss covered thereunder. 6.3.1 The DISTRICT shall be furnished with certificates of insurance and original endorsements effecting coverage, signed by a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf, verifying the insurance coverage as required by this Agreement. These certificates of insurance and original endorsements shall state the Agreement number and shall be delivered to the DISTRICT within fifteen (15) calendar days of execution of this Agreement. All insurance certificates and original endorsements must be received and approved by the DISTRICT prior to the commencement of any work under this Agreement. The DISTRICT reserves the right to require and have delivered complete and accurate copies of all insurance policies required under this Agreement. . 6.3.2 The insurance policies certified for compliance with this Agreement shall include the following provisions or have them incorporated by endorsements: Coverage provided by ENGINEER's policies shall be primary coverage. The DISTRICT shall receive thirty (30) days prior written notice of a policy cancellation or reduction in - --coverage.- ~ ~ - - -- - 6.3.3 Except for professional liability, ENGINEER shall provide insurance coverage through insurers which have at least an "A" policyholder's rating and "VII" financial rating in accordance with the current BesYs Kev Ratinq Guide. 6.3.4 In the event any change is made in the insurance carrier, policies, or nature of coverage required under this Agreement ENGINEER H:\Conlracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc ~ Page 6 of 16 ~ ~ shall be required to notify the DISTRICT prior to making such changes. 6.3.5 The insurance provided under this Agreement shall include policies providing coverage to include each of the requirements set forth below in amounts which meet or exceed the minimums set forth herein: Workers' Compensation ENGINEER shall maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by law in the State of California and Employers' Liability Insurance (including disease coverage) in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. This insurance shall also waive all rights of subrogation against the DISTRICT, its employees, representatives and agents. General Liabilitv ENGINEER shall maintain and keep in full force and effect generai liability insurance including provisions for contractual liability, personal injury, independent contractors, and broad form property damage coverages. This insurance shall have an endorsement or policy language naming the DISTRICT as an additional insured and with standard cross liability clause or endorsement. The limit for this insurance shall be not Iess than $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. Automobile Liabilitv ENGINEER shall maintain automobile liability insurance with coverage for any vehicle including those owned, leased, rented or borrowed. This insurance shall have an endorsement or policy language naming the DISTRICT as an additional insured and with a standard cross liability clause or endorsement. The limit for this insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc - Page 7 of 16 ~ ~ 6.4 CHANGES IN SCOPE OR TIME If the DISTRICT requests a change in the scope of work or time.of completion by either adding to or deleting from the original scope or time of completion, an equitable adjustment will be made and this Agreement will be modified in writing accordingly. ENGINEER must assert any claim for adjustment under this clause in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt from the DISTRICT of the notification of change unless the DISTRICT grants a further period of time for assertion of claim before the date of final payment under this Agreement. 6.5 NOTICES All notices to either party by the other shall be made~in writing and delivered or mailed to such party at their respective addresses as follows or to other such address as either party may designate and said notices shall be deemed to have been made when delivered or five (5) days after mailing. To the DISTRICT: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Ba Than Agreement No: 030570 Te le pho ne: 925-229-7388 To ENGINEER: VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. 4435 North First, #163 Livermore, California 94551 Attention: David Sanchez Te le pho ne: 925-525-4525 6.6 POSSESSION AND OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND NOTES 6.6.1 All rights, title, royalties, and interest in all work product of ENGINEER resulting from its performance under this Agreement, including drawings and specifications, data, reports, estimates, software, summaries, and any other such information and materials as may be accumulated by ENGINEER in performing work under H:\Contracts and AgreementsNalley Engineering Group, ConsWCtion Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc Page 8 ot 16 ~ ~ this Agreement, whether complete or in progress, shall be vested in the DISTRICT and none shall be revealed, disseminated, or made available by ENGINEER to others without prior written consent of the DISTRICT. If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with , Article 6.8 ENGINEER shall deliver such documents within two weeks of termination. 6.6.2 It is understood that ENGINEER's work product is prepared for the specific project at hand. Any reuse of said work products by the DISTRICT for subsequent projects will be at the DISTRICT's own risk. Any use by the DISTRICT of incomplete drawings, specifications, or other related materials without the express written authorization of ENGINEER will also be at the DISTRICT's own risk. 6.7 ENGINEER'S ASSIGNED PERSONNEL ENGINEER designates David Sanchez to have immediate responsibility for the performance of the work and for all matters relating to performance under this Agreement. ENGINEER designates the following persons for the indicated functions: Substitution of .any of these assigned personnel shall require the prior written approval of the DISTRICT. If the DISTRICT determines that a proposed substitution is not acceptable, then, at the request of the DISTRICT, ENGINEER shall substitute with a person acceptable to the DISTRICT. . 6.8 TERMINATION 6.8.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause, in whole or in part, if the other party fails to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party. However, no such termination for cause may be affected unless the othe~ party is given: (1)-not-less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) of the intent to terminate, and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party before termination. 6.8.2 If the DISTRICT terminates this Agreement pursuant to Article 6.8.1, above, nothing set forth in this Article is intended to require the.DISTRICT to compensate ENGINEER for any services which may be claimed to have been provided or be in progress, if the H1Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Consiruction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc ~ Page 9 of 16 ~ ~ DISTRICT reasonably concludes that further compensation is unwarranted. 6.8.3 The DISTRICT may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, whether or not ENGINEER has failed to fulfill its obligations, if the DISTRICT has a reasonable basis for termination (such as major changes in the work or project requirements, cancellation of the project, loss of outside funding, or failure of the Board of Directors to authorize funding in subsequent fiscal years). ENGINEER will be given: (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate, and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party before termination. 6.8.4 Upon receipt of a termination notice, ENGINEER shall: (1) promptly discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the DISTRICT ail data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as ENGINEER may have accumulated in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 6.8.5 Upon termination under ARTICLE 6.8.3, the sole right and remedy of ENGINEER shall be to receive payment for all amounts due and not previously paid to ENGINEER for services completed or in progress in accordance with the Agreement prior to such date of termination and for services thereafter completed at the request of the DISTRICT and any other reasonable cost incidental to such termination of services. Such payments available to ENGINEER under this paragraph shall not include costs related to lost profit associated with the expected completion of the work or other such payments relating to the benefit of the bargain. 6.9 REMEDIES In the event that either the DISTRICT or ENGINEER brings an action or proceedings for damages for an alleged breach of any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover as part of such action or proceeding, all litigation and collection expenses, including witness fees, court costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees. Arbitration shall be attempted if both parties mutually agree before, during, or after litigation has begun. 6.10 INDEMNITY 6..10.1 ENGINEER shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of, in any actions at law or in equity, the DISTRICT, its H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc . Page ~0 of 16 ~ ~ officers, employees, agents, and elective and appointive boards, from all claims, losses, damage, including property damage, personal injury, including death, and liability of every kind, nature and description, arising out of or in any way connected with the negligent acts, errors or omissions, or the willful misconduct of ENGINEER or any person directly or indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for ENGINEER, directly or indirectly related to the provision of any professional services provided hereunder, but not including the sole or active negligence, or the wiliful misconduct of the DISTRICT. This indemnification shall extend to claims, losses, damage, injury and liability for injuries occurring after the completion of the aforesaid operations, arising from ENGINEER's services. Submission of insurance certificates or submission of other proof of compliance with the insurance requirements does not relieve ENGINEER from liability under this indemnification and hold harmless clause. The obligations of this indemnity article shall apply whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 6.10.2 The DISTRICT does not authorize the impermissible use of any patent or the reproduction of any copyrighted material by ENGINEER which exceeds "fair use" in the performance of this Agreement. ENGINEER is solely responsible for any such infringement. ENGINEER shall indemnify the DISTRICT against and save it harmless from any and all losses, damage, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees suffered or incurred as a result of or in connection with any claims or actions based upon infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, or trade secret, and arising out of the use. of the equipment or materials utilized to perform under this Agreement or specified by or procured by ENGINEER, or out of the processes or actions employed by, or on behalf of, ENGINEER in connection with the pertormance of this Agreement. 6.10.3 ENGINEER shall also indemnify the DISTRICT against and save it harmless from any and all loss, damage; costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees suffered or incurred on account of any breach by ENGINEER, or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, of the aforesaid obligations and covenants, and any other provisions or covenant of this Agreement. H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Gmup, ConsWCtion Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc - ~ Page 11 ot 16 ~ ~ 6.11 SAFETY ENGINEER shall perform the work in full compliance with applicable state and federal safety requirements including but not limited to Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements, and shall assume sole and complete responsibility, during the course of completion of the assignment for job site safety of ENGINEER's employees and subcontractors' employees and their property, applicable at all times, and not limited to normal working hours. Nothing in this Article requires ENGINEER to be responsible for job site safety of the DISTRICT's property or the DISTRICT's personnel or the property or personnel of any third parties over which ENGINEER has no authority or control. 6.12 EXAMINATION OF RECORDS ENGINEER agrees that the DISTRICT will have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of any and all transactions relating to this Agreement at any time during and after the inception of the Agreement upon reasonable notice. 6.13 TERMS No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. 6.14 ASSIGNMENT ENGINEER shall not assign any rights or duties or transfer its interest in this Agreement to a third party without prior written consent of the DISTRICT. 6.15 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 6.16 COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAW ENGINEER shall at all times observe all applicable provisions of federal, state, ~-and-local-law-and~regulations including,-but-not limited to, those related to equal opportunity employment. 6.17 HEADINGS Article headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not intended to be used in interpreting or construing the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.tloc . ~ Page 12 of 16 ~ ~ 6.18 PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. . 6.19 AUTHORIZATION Both the DISTRICT and ENGINEER do covenant that each individual executing this document by and on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized to execute contracts for that party. 6.20 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS If ENGINEER is an individual or sole proprietor ENGINEER must furnish its Social Security Number (SSN). If ENGINEER is a corporation or partnership,. ENGINEER must furnish its Federal Employer ldentification Number (FEIN). ENGINEER shall complete the Taxpayer I.D. Number section below. H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc . Page 13 of ~6 ~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the Agreement in the day and year first above written. VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP By: 11~u k 1-i `~" `^-~- Name Printed: ~Co'1'~' g~V\1 W~A~~ Title: ~~OP,1r'0'GC10V15 pl~eC-~~ By: Name Printed: Title: Date: Taxpaverl.D: SSN - - FEIN q 4- 3 2~ 8 4 2 c~ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT By: Diane Wagner, ~R , C.P.M. Purchasing and aterials Manager Date: " ~ ~ ~~ s H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineering Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc ~ Page 14 of 16 ~ ~ EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES ENGINEER wili provide temporary construction inspectors on an as-needed basis. The DISTRICT representatives shall be Ba Than, Tad Pilecki or Andrew Antkowiak. H:\Contrects and Agreements\Valley Engineenng Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc . . Page 15 of ~6 ~ ~ EXHIBIT B FEE SCHEDULES The hourly rate for construction inspector services ranges from $63 to $70 depending on the qualifications of the inspector: The DISTRICT representative shall negotiate with the ENGINEER on an hourly rate and other charges prior to start the services. H:\Contracts and Agreements\Valley Engineerinq Group, Construction Inspection Services, Ba Than, 030570.doc Page 16 of 16 ~ BYEMPLOYEE COST HOURS Ann Farrell 18,715.20 95.80 AS ' 163.00 0.80 Bill Brennan 17,142.70 88.50 BR (Ben Reyes) 434.40 1.80 Ba Than 7,184.40 42.80 Chuck Batts 2269.90 9.80 CM 245.00 1.00 CS 1,314.90 5.40 Don Berger 2,605.80 14.00 Doug Craig 1,838.60 10.20 Diane Wagner 7,042.40 38.00 Henry Thom 4,243.60 22.70 Jim Kelty 6,472.70 33.30 JM 1,082.80 5.30 JP 203.50 1..10 KA(KentAlm) 1,105.00 5.90 Kim Greer 48.40 0.20 Michael Penny 4,440.50 24.30 PS 166.50 0.90 Rick Hemandez 19,516.20 106.60 Russ Leavitt 1,260.00 7.00 Randall Musgreves 13,431.60 65.80 RandySchmidt 1,881.80 10.00 Tom Godsey 1,141.00 6.20 Tad Pilecki 21,593.90 718.10 135,543.80 715.50 GosT 13.81% 0.12% 12.65°k 0.32°k 5.30% 1.67°k 0.18% 0.97°k 1.92% 1.36°k rJ.2~°~a 3.13% 4.76% 0.80% 0.15% 0.82% 0.04°k 3.28% 0.12% 14.40°/a 0.93°~ 9.91 °k 1.39% 0.84°k 15.93% ~ N~+/~ 13.39% 0.11 % 12.37°h 025°,G 5.98% 1.37% 0.14°h 0.75°/a 1.96°k 1.43°k 5.31 % 3. ~ 7~~0 4.65% 0.74°k 0.15% 0.82% 0.03% 3.40% 0.13°k 14.90% 0.98% 9.20°k Claims 1.40°~ 0.87% 16.51% BYATTORNEY Kent Alm (KLA) Barbara Brenner (BAB) Steve Beminger (SEB) Julia Bond (JDB) Kit Fabian (KTF) Leah Goldberg (LSG) Bryan Otake (BMO) Benjamin Reyes (BTR) Ame Sandberg (ABS) Andria Salhman (AJS) David Wamer (DSV1~ Patrick Whifnell (PCV1~ Peter Spoerl (PMS) Tricia Stuart (TLS) Sky Woodruff (SZV~ BMG DIV EWD HHE JHD 54,145.76 3,246.00 94.00 57.00 94.40 73.50 60,419.00 36,448.50 57.00 268.30 2,016.50 57.00 5,985.00 2,030.00 38.00 7,837.50 90.00 57.00 10.00 7,110.80 205.60 19.30 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.30 329.50 196.10 0.30 1.10 10.90 0.30 34.20 11.60 0.20 10.50 0.90 0.30 0.10 38.80 KZK 291.00 2.40 MKE 122.50 0.50 MKF 122.50 0.50 RCC 1,486.00 8.00 176,15726 872.50 30.74% 1.&4% 0.05% 0.03°k 0.05°k 0.04°/a 34.30% 20.69% 0.03°h 0.15°~ 1.14°~ 0.03% 3.40°~ 1.15% 0.02% 1.04% 0.05°~ 0.03°~ 0.01 °~ 4.04°k 0.17% 0.07% 0.07°k 0.84°k 23.56% 221% 0.06% 0.03°r6 0.03% 0.03°k 37.77°h 22.48% 0.03°k 0.13% 1.25% 0.03% 3.92°h 9.33°~ 0.02°/a 120% 0.10% 0.03% 0.01 % 4.45% 0.28% 0.06% 0.06% 0.92% ~ ~ ~ ca ~ ~ ~ N d L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q x w ~ a~ a~ J 0 Z ~ LL W U Z ~ ~ N Z LL J lJA N N ~ ~ m a U E ~. ~ ~ N z ~ E N o~ .~ m E J J U 'c6 E `°~U ~m c ~ ~ U °~ o ~ ' ~ a ¢ J J ~ (~ U U a Q E uUp~ Eya m°e eos' "6@ CC~ Z ~ V -"eE a~F i m~a ° ~cC G Eu~ v .°iE~ ~ o>E °a m`~b p a `~° - S .h~ o maoiE E E2~2 ELL. _ E U000 Z) N y U E S » ., F U Z W ~ W ~ ~ u° u u° c ~ da o ~Qfl Q~ m v v v ~ ~ c c c c ~ W af ana C~ ~I C C E ~ o Z° x •_ fDdrcrcurcz¢" ~ ~~3m~R8= aooAM"'°" o s»s:» » za a; 3 oz J v LL u ~ ~ W O m~6~0 n ~ an E ~EmE ~ q°~4 ~ Ud~i(') 2 e ~003 3 e o mp oqE u° wvoLL 3 ~u~ ~ 9~a~ 6~~~ n Joa~ ~ olooo a~n~, . ~ ( E E ~. ~ a ~° _ i _ I~ - !~i . e ~ ~~ ~ s ~' ~ °' T' 2 a 2 o = ^ m iE` ~~ q ~ ~ 9 y ~ £ n E ~ o a Qv o j911.:~ _ EO~ c 3 E ' - Cca 8~ ; : E 3 j~ ° _ ° E-° ~ pE ° f £c° A o U' ~rt ¢x ~ ~ C~ ~`w S' . ~ Ejo E ° 1~ . ~ E ~ m O Y~ O I ° ~ 'E E E Y c ~ c 3 9 e E~ ~c - ? 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'E ~2~ v E~$ 3 0y0 c ~3V oa v~v c~ m~m `mE _'E°= E~$ojc° FCi~iE ~ W S F O N ~ 5 a U~EE EN~ ~QaU J cyp m W ao J,°~ J ~ ~ «« W Z W f7 70 o°o ~ jmm o manp U' ~'EE S E~n~ ~ m V a5c °c ~ WYO i0 ~00 O Q00 Z ~u 3 ~EE e 3aa ~ ~~~ ~ e_~ e ~cc g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ € $ ~ 8 V b ~ N E O c N -~ ~ og W o°co ~ ~rc~ a 8aS 8$~ ~ ~ s ~ E E E a ~ - : W$ °cE :t 25 €i 2 53 a0 o~mF F_v S, n 'f° $ s~p'2oN E~t°2~x ~E33a~`z ~pv ~ E:S-" N~°~ Uinw>°¢u'°;w Q ~ c~ t~ °y-c c° ~°p j EFa=_tt.` ' " V V a ~ n @ ~ 0 9`u"oii '~ 93aEuyo3 Q e-.°„~e n ° ` N fu w frc¢a O O -° ~ n =. =. n o aa~n8=.~~ b ~ ~ www r n » o < ~ t j : z rc 8 e rc _ ~ a E ~LL U ~ ~ r Q ql3 ~ c U ~ e ZppW V N d~R ~ O u L7~77~ 7 >osooo 0 ~o rc V s;i = e =i~ " e q 8 ~ • ~ i u J ~ jNUJU O ~$ ' OI~ '-~€~ ~ R~'rvman m ~ ~ ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitarv District ~ April 4, 2006 TO: ~udget and Finance Committee~ FROM: Randall M. Musgraves Dir rc oe t of Administration R~~ SUBJECT: Safety Boots Purchased by John Mercurio At the Committee's direction I requested additional information, attached, regarding the purchase of John Mercurids safety boots in relation to his retirement. In addition, I have attached a copy of the invoice. The invoice is for five pairs of boots. One pair was for Engineering (John Mercurio) and was authorized by Don Berger and Randy Schmidt, three pairs for CSO and was authorized by Bill Brennan and Jim Kelly and one pair for Plant Operations and was authorized by Doug Craig and Jim Kelly. Please note that according to Engineering staff the boots were purchased on 2/6/06 and John notified them of his retirement in March 2006. Please let me know if any further information is needed. From: Ann Farrell To: Musgraves, Randy Date: 4/4/2006 8:43:55 AM Subject: Fwd: John Mercurio's Safety Boots »> Don Berger 4/3/2006 5:32 PM »> Ann, Attached is the email I sent to Don Rhoads after the incident in which the meter vault lid at the Contra Costa Country Club fell on John's foot and ruined his boot. Fortunately he was not injured because he was wearing his safety shoes. Since this vault lid is large and heavy and was not installed with a spring assist, I asked Don Rhoads to replace the meter with a meter that could be read electronically from the surtace without having to open the vault each time and climb down inside. John Mercurio purchased his boots in early February after the incident which occurred on February 1. He needed the boots to read the meters March 1 and was also in the field again at the end of March training Steve Sauter. We could not deny John safety shoes just like we could not deny them to summer students or co-op students. Lastly, John did not announce his retirement until March, so how were we to know that he wouldn't be using the boots for long? Let me know if you need any more information on this issue Don CC: Batts, Chuck; Farrell, Ann; Ratcliff, Debbie itivu~i DATE )<2%l:.'.~;ii 0<5 );:;/~p/OF, ,:.'./<?Ci/C:6 NO. i Ft~GUi)C~C, . ~ S.oU: ~ 1.ri,~t~iiV,?! tU0:1. i.:-~:~Gii:-100q~ i ti<~.c i DESCRIPTION ~' F~I~iOL~ ;i MLRf;LHi i Cl , J ?;I if:1F.~;/P;RE P%i4F?h~ , li (J::i~ .[ I< , :.:1.-1l~:iJ `.31 d0li:ai ~.::li 1 F::: F:t i i i '1) W}''•~i: ^I'li.i(_ `_.1..~121: 1~,..rA~ ' CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARV DISTRICT ~ , ~:ac~ PLEASE DETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORD PAVMENTORDER ~ENTR~AL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT IIS REOUISITION ON THE FUNO SHOWN OPPOSITE ORr1WN IN PAYMENT FOR THE PUHCHASE OF , IOPERTY,OOODS,RIGNTSORSEFVICESASITEM- SO~9IMHOFF PLACE 'DINPUBLICVOUCNERONFILEINTHEDISTRICT'S ' FUND3406 °FICE ANO APPROVEO BV T1E BOARD OF DIREP ~MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA 94553 ~ )RS. ~ DATE CHECK NO. 7.:??1 o3iS.E~c~l~ SF.OnSi. PAY TO THE ORDER OF : r.:e..n t:!:i:r~t~:: :>i-~~:~c: r..c~r~i.c~r:.~; 'ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. ~~ <.3,`b'r l~ Ui J.I...i...I7W I'~~_ ] l:b NARTINEZ,CALIFORNIA f"'(jr~l(;(j;~=Jj !;;'(~ <~'Q~.j~'~ ~~' 3406 ~600 5 l~+° ~: k 2 b000 24$~:4 2 2 5 0 c r6 b',~~° AMOUNT 1...~ ~'e::';~ ,.{... S. `S:S . ,3 _9 , ',~5'~d ,. ^; .~i. ,,.s<,~ ,2,~ (B) No. ~ 60051 AMOUNT ~;:,.a, ~~~~-~::,Ra.<-~ ~J~JOLIV~U~.Il5lw1O ll ~G~~.1 ° 1~~ DEPUTV COONTV AUDITOR THIS CHECK VOI~ 6 MONTHS AFfER DATE OF ISSUE ~~ ~~ ' OriginalInvoice BILL TO - REM[T TO - ATTN: ACCO[JNTS PAYABLE Red Wing Shce Srore CCC SANITARY DISTRIC 1847-C Willow Pass 5019 [MHOFF PLACE Conwrd, CA 94520-2573 MARTINEZ, CA 94553 (925) 689-0482 Invoice Number Invoice Date Terms Descri tion 166000000I002 02/20/2006 ~ Net 30 Ticket # Date Purchased By Other Information Item Amount .OOI66014073 02/06/2006 MERCURIO,JOFIN PO#:008943 6.s 06791D 100 161.64 ~ ~ Maj. Acet. Taac 1333 ~ Total $174.97 Net Total $174.97 - es,~n ~ 06681 D 090 I43.99 Maj. Acet Tax 1 1.88 Total 5155.87 . NetTotal $155.87 00166014110 02/OS/2006 GRIEB. RANDY POIt:008943 IaaT 06682D 110 143.99 ~ Maj. Acet. Tae 11.88 Total S155.87 Net Total $155.87 00166014118 02/09/2006 RRF~vr.~AN a~ir POH:008943J'.KW...4uaovcu.U?~: 05371M110 t03.49 . Maj. Aca. Tax 5.54 Total SI12.03 ~ NetTotal SI12.03 OO166014271 02/18/2006 CORUM, THOMAS PON:00008943 C sU - 06682D 120 143.99 . ~ . . Maj. Acct. Ta~c 11.88 ~ ' Totai $155.87 Net Total $155.87 . Total Merch 5697.1C . - Customer Tan $O.OC Maj. Acct. Tax $57.51 ~ CE~lTRAL CONTRA Cp$T/~ ~ Tota1 Charges 5754.61 Message: SANITARY DISTR-CT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ I(0~lfpy~ Customer Payment 50.00 + ' ~U ~ '~ Maj. Acct Payment SO.OC ~~r•~.~j ~ a 5 g, ~ Total Due S754.61 ~;;~~ ~ (d :~~3,77_ : DateDue 03/22/2006 L ~- ~ iOiAL ~ ~ ' ~ ` AP ~ BY ~ OIC ACCURACY OM DAiE ~'G ~~~ ~~~ I~~~ A P OVED B ~ 2006 ' °at~ JJ~f~ ca 2 `~ ~Eg ~ ~ ~' ,~-. ' SAFETY SHOES PURCHASE AUTHORIZATION FORM To be completed by Supervisor: DATE: Feb 6, 2006 EMPLOYEE: John Mercurio Request Authorized Supplier: ~- Quenvolds (P.O. #008880), 4868 Sunrise Drive, M2 ~R Red Wing (P.O. #008943), 1847 - C Willow Pass R R~d ~ ~ n~ ShO@ StO re 1847- Willow Pass Corn~ord, CA 945202573 ---__----__-------__---- (925)689-4482 The above employee is authorized to purchase safet; 02/06/06 16:13 00166014073 to exceed: MAJOR ACCOUNT r$175.00 each pair (MS/CG) CCC SANITARY DISTRIC x$175.00 each pair (Local 1) , 5019 IMHOFF PLACE MARTINEZ, CA 94553 r$75.00 each pair (Co-op/Summer Student Program (925)228-9500 Total: 3174.97 Authorized by: ~ v ~ I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS SALE COMPLIES (Supe isor's Si ature) PlITH THE CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT MADE WITH THE MAJOR ACCOUNT NOTES: 1. Employee is required to take complete making purchase and to return receipt K_ ~'.,~L~ =_.____ ME URIO, JOHN 2. If approved cost of safety shoe is exce pay the difference in cost to supplier a(925)228-9500 3. This form is only to be used for the pw I I III IIIII I I III II IIIII II I IIIII I) IIII IIIIII 0001660140730 Cc: Purchasing Revised Per MOU - July 8, 2003 c •~' ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 6, 2006 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: CHARLES W. BATTS, GENERAL MANAGER KENTON ALM, DISTRICT COUNSEL ~ FROM: RANDALL M. MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION ~~~ SUBJECT: FINANCIAL UPDATE ON THE SUZANNE BROWN CLAIM On Monday, April 3, 2006 the Budget and Finance Committee requested an update of charges and costs for the Suzanne Brown claim, attached. It is provided for your information. H:\INSURANCE\MEMO TO BD RE BROWN CLAIM 1 6 05.DOC '1 _ . • • Suzanne Brown 1535 Homestead, W.C. Date of Loss: 3123/04 As of March 15, 2006 Suzanne Brown PG&E Bay Area General Contractors Mattress Pads (JC Penney Catalog) Industrial Hvqienists: Benchmark Environmental Engineering Plumbinq Expert: Mark Hunter Clean-uo: Restoration Consultants Restoration Management Co Dutch Girl Cleaners Housinq: Marriott Hotels Oakwood Corp Housing 6307 Oakwood Corp Housing B302 Enqineerinq Expert: SOHA Engineers Reconstruction Expert: Madsen, Kneppers & Associates, Inc. Leqal Services: Meyers, Nave (YTD) Other. Travel for Deposition Amount $1,565.11 $1, 705.00 $100.75 $7,145.00 $2.100.29 $624.37 $22,715.46 $8,805.58 $6,456.28 $19, 744.24 $21,646.67 $540.00 $3,437.50 $1,678.40 $181,293.96 Total $3, 370.86 $7,145.00 $2,100.29 $32,145.41 $47,847.19 $540.00 $5,115.90 $181, 293.96 $46.84 Grand Total: $279,605.45